Hat Trick Magazine August 2012

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August 2012


What’s This About ?

PM Alert: Pass Your PMP Exam! Ask Patti: Freshen Up Your Make Up

Like Magnolias: Southern American Cooking Brings You Home

Suzanne Perry Wants You To Know: Love Shouldn’t Hurt

Volume 1

Hat Trick Magazine

August 2012



+44 (0)131 667 7915



INJECTING TRUE CHARACTER INTO YOUR SPACE THE 4TH MONKEY - Mind Your Own Business Stunning laser-cut Perspex wall luminarie with handcrafted tassels The three wise monkeys are a pictorial maxim. Some simply take the proverb as a reminder not to be snoopy, nosy and gossipy. “See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil” perfectly encapsulates the mantra “Mind Your Own Business” and is also used to describe someone who does not want to be involved in a situation. Historically, and found today in every Japanese temple, there was a fourth monkey, covering his crotch, who symbolises the principle of “Do no Evil” which was banned from Europe in the Middle Ages. Kandabi wanted to pay homage to it, so it has been abstractly depicted in this piece by a deliberate placement of the light source in the middle monkey’s abdomen.

+44 (0) 131 667 7915 IN INJECTINGinfo@kandabi.com TRUE CHARACTER


~Äçìí Hat Trick: It’s a sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. It can also refer to a magic trick, seemingly producing something impressive from nowhere. We like to think that we came about, as a result of a combination of the two. Hat Trick Strategies is a firm based in the UK and a presence within the US and parts of the EU. We aren’t about gimmicks, but about quality for our customers and sharing what we know with others in the industry, especially within the realm of strategic services, project and portfolio management and corporate change. We also offer those services to registered charities and non-profit events, free of charge, to help them maximize every penny they raise. Having worked in some of the biggest transformation programs within the UK and US, seen what works, what doesn’t; what sells and what didn’t quite get the job done - and we’re still learning. Moreover, throughout our careers, we’ve benefitted from a strong network of professionals on the journey to becoming competent change professionals and business women. This is just our way of giving back what we took, coming up in the game. Since the late 90s, too many were left behind by a technology-driven age, where less was made with hands and ‘lingo’ prevailed. On the other polarity, we have told young people to ‘degree-up’ now, while the job market is poor, producing more graduates and post-graduates than ever who fall into the “overqualified, under-skilled” trap. With complicated and seemingly endless routes into employment, many of which offer no guarantee to an actual paid position, throw into the mix a challenging economic situation, children (or simply, life!) and it can be difficult for many to know what skills are valued in the workplace. For those who finally get there, how does one progress up the ladder? In sharing our skills and expertise, we help close that gap for those ‘learning to fish’, while recognizing those who have achieved their dreams. It is with the spirit of knowledge sharing that this monthly e-zine is produced, in hopes to create a network dedicated to professional development, best practice and knowledge sharing, across business industries. We welcome your involvement; consider yourself cordially invited.

éìÄäáëÜÉÇ=Äó Hat Trick Strategies Ltd cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited submissions, articles, manuscripts or photographs. While every care is taken, prices details and availability are subject to change and Hat Trick Strategy Ltd cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit any letters or correspondence received. All rights reserved.

DISTRIBUTION This publication is electronically distributed, with coverage in England, Wales, Scotland and North America. © Hat Trick Strategies, 2012 All Rights Reserved Special thanks to CIPD, CIMA, BPP Professional Education, London Fashion Week, OP Music House, PMI, Joseph D. Phillips and Sukh Pabial content@HatTrickMagazine.com

cêçã=íÜÉ=ÉÇáíçê Team Michelle Fitz


Sarah Alt

Copy Editor

Jill Warren

Photography Editor

Semant Jain

Photo Journalist

Michael Hartley

Graphic Designer

Shalanda Turner

Fashion Editor

Amber Hamilton Henson Home & Garden Editor Tanya Jackson

Food Editor

Patricia Bayne

Opinion Editor

Joseph D. Phillips

Business Editor

Charlene SanJenko

Wellness Editor

Christine Ritter

Social Media

Nina Nuru

Social Media

Lorraine Hill

Global Planning

Suzanne Perry

Broadcast Media

Patrick Dati

Special Advisor

Sorelle Amore


Rosie Mazumder


Our team consists of professionals at the top of their field, many of whom can be found elsewhere online! Please be sure to explore the hyperlinks associated with their names, for great blogs, businesses and more, from this elite and talented group!

Cover Model: Nikki Thornton enjoying the dog days of summer, Florida beach vacations

What’s This About


When I was young, college/university was hot topic in my house. I grew up in a rural Southern state in the US, where the biggest job opportunity was Wal-Mart (even that was by far, much smaller, then) and an acceptable objective for getting a degree was “to at least get your MRS (misses) degree”. Shocking advice, which, by the way, you still hear now and then; but as a kid coming up in the 80s and 90s, my step-father, particularly, made sure I knew the importance of independence and having a career of my own. Where I come from, a degree also comes with a large price tag. My parents were of little means, so it was not only of importance to do well, academically, in high school, but to figure out how to look the part, to achieve a scholarship. I’m kind of a poster child for those who walk this life in the dark; I found my way, on my own (the hard way). Top grades weren’t enough. One also had to be well-rounded and socially involved. 1998 came and there I was, scholarship(s) in hand and off to school and three years in, I met a VP at a major consultancy firm who offered me the opportunity of a lifetime: to go through a training program offered to analyst candidates from around the world. I took it. Packed up my stuff on a Wednesday and moved 1100 miles north to Chicago that Friday. Someone helped me a long time ago. Through hard work, I was able to work for some of the best, most innovative companies in the world. I believe in giving back, and goodness knows I’ve had tips along the way from other professionals. Why don’t we do that more? I also believe in helping charities. People need help now, more than ever. Even for those who are well-established on the career ladder. Life isn’t easy; but just with the saying ‘many hands make light work’, I believe that many voices make a loud noise. This publication belongs to you; I just edit it, monthly, so please get involved!


Lil Nipper Snappers ........................................ 9 Pass Your PMP Exam ....................................10 Positive Language In Interviews . ....................14 Love Shouldn’t Hurt ...................................... 20 Did You Go To The Olympic Games? ............29 Spotlight: Women in Leadership ...................30 . Ask Patti .........................................................36 CIPD Reports: Lack of Interest in Workplace 42 Shasie’s Picks ................................................47 Cake Masters: Special Insert ....................... . 52 Sundresses & Kaftans ................................... 66 Bullying In the Workplace ..............................72 Confidence from Pin Up Passion ..................74 . Charlene SanJenko Builds Strong Women ....76 Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist ...............79 Like Magnolias: Southern Cooking ................81 A Mantra, Learned from the Olympics ...........84 A Bit Quackers ...............................................85 Interview With NYC Designer, Laura Flook .....86


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Page 9

10 Tips to Pass the PMP Exam “someday” it’ll happen the same day you hike Mount Kilimanjaro. Set a date a work towards it. 3. Create a clutter-free area reserved for studying.

by Joseph Phillips, PMP, Project+, Certified Technical Trainer+ 1. Prepare to pass the exam, not take the exam. There is a distinct difference in just studying for an exam and studying to pass an exam. I strongly believe that when you choose the PMP designation you must go with the mindset of passing the test rather than just studying for this test. This mindset means that you’re dedicated, committed, and willing to do whatever it takes to pass the exam. Use the mindset by changing your verbiage; always refer to your efforts as preparation to pass the exam. 2. Schedule your exam now to create an exam deadline. Treat your upcoming exam as a project. Projects require a deadline so your exam should too. When you work towards a specific date in the future you’re more focused on passing the exam, more focused on how you spend your time, and more aware of that looming date. If you’re treating your exam as a Page 10

I believe that you need a clutter-free mind when you’re studying for the PMP certification. A clutter-free mind needs a clutter-free studying environment. When you’re studying at your desk that’s buried in assignment-related papers, email chimes, pictures, and tchotchkes you’re giving your mind all sorts of opportunities for distraction. Clean your desk of everything or, more likely, find a nook where you can create a study command center. Keep it void of everything that’s not supporting your PMP goal. 4. Repetition is the mother of learning. Study your materials over and over and over until you know you have all the facts – and then repeat the process. Take practice exams and repeat them until you can answer and explain every question. Create flashcards and drill through them daily. Carry those flashcards around with you and whip through the terms at every opportunity. Knowing what the terms mean will give you confidence to answer exam questions correctly. 5. Answer the questions according to PMI, not “the real world.” You may be a project manager with twenty years of experience or a new project manager with just enough experience to qualify for the PMP. In either case you’ll be

taking the same test. Guess what this means? The PMP exam isn’t based on your experience, but on The PMBOK Guide. Sure, your experience will definitely help on the exam, but how you do project management in your company is likely different than how the PMP exam will test you. Answer the questions according to the PMBOK first, your experience second. 6. Practice creating your notes that you’ll create in the exam testing center. If you were allowed to take a one page full of exam notes what would you include on this document? Formulas? Theories? Facts? While you can’t take anything into the exam center with you, you can write down as many notes as you want once you’re in the testing room. I recommend that candidates practice creating a “cheat sheet” that has all their favorite (or least favorite) facts and then create this document once you’re seated in the exam room.

Now all of your facts are right in front of you – and you’ll likely learn them anyway by practicing the creation of your “cheat sheet.” 7. Study Beyond The PMBOK Guide Yes, you do need The PMBOK Guide for your studying efforts. And yes, I know it’s really boring – but it’s a great tool to help you pass the PMP. Look for materials beyond The PMBOK Guide. I am the author of two leading books on the PMP, The CAPM/PMP All-in-One Certification Guide and The PMP Study Guide. There are also lots of other good books out there to choose from. I also have an online PMP Boot Camp at www.instructing.com that’s affordable and satisfies the PMI contact hours for the exam – again, there are lots of choices. My point is find additional materials that work for you and then embrace them.

Hat Trick Endorsed. Click Here to Find Out More about the PMP Boot Camp

Compare that to the Planning domain with 40 questions across 20 processes. While you should know everything, really, really know Initiating and Closing and you’ve just aced 35 questions with less effort. 10. Reward Yourself.

8. Complete the PMI Application Now Many PMP candidates make the mistake of waiting until late in their exam efforts to complete the PMI exam application. The application is a chore to complete – and even more of a chore and time-suck if you get audited. Don’t wait – start your application now. You’ll have to document your work experience, create a narrative on your project management efforts, and provide managers’ names and details. If you get audited it takes a more time to complete the process. Start soon, get approved, and then set your exam pass date.

Strike a deal with yourself that you’ll have a reward waiting for you once you pass the exam. Make the reward something good: a fancy dinner, a vacation, a wristwatch, or some other thing that you really want. Budget for the reward and promise yourself you can only have this thing when you pass the exam. It’s hard work to become a PMP and you’ll deserve more than those initials behind your name for your effort!

9. Study Smart. PMI tells you what you’ll be tested on – so study accordingly. In the Initiating domain of the test there are 19 questions, but in the PMBOK there are just two initiating processes. In the Closing domain there are 16 questions and just two processes. That’s a total of 35 questions on four processes. Page 12

Click Here To Preview PMP Boot Camp Before You Buy!

Author Bio Joseph Phillips is a leader in the project management and adult education community. He is a PMI-certified Project Management Professional, a Project+ Professional, and a Certified Technical Trainer. Phillips has consulted on project management, business analysis, and adult education for hospitals, architectural firms, manufacturers, and information technology consultancies. He’s consulted organizations on project management framework, process engineering, change management, and the principles of project management. As a leader in adult education, Phillips has taught organizations how to successfully implement project management methodologies, information technology project management, risk management, and other courses. He has taught more than 10,000 professionals through seminars, conferences, and presentations in the United States, Belgium, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. He is a member and of the Project Management Institute and speaks often for chapter meetings throughout the world. He has taught for Columbia College Chicago, Vincennes University, and Ball State University. Phillips is the author of several top-selling books, including IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide, CAPM/PMP Project Management Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Project Management for Small Business, Vampire Management, The Lifelong Project, and others. Contact Joseph Phillips

The Importance of Using Positive Language in Interviews A lot of interview advice focuses on how to answer specific Positive? I questions, or ways in can do that! which you should prepare. It’s not always easy to find advice on the general tone of an interview and how to present yourself positively… and the key part of that presentation will be the language you use. We asked learning and development professional Sukh Pabial, a keen practitioner of Positive Psychology, to explain some of the best ways to use positive language at interview… “One of the things that fields such as psychology help us to understand is about human interactions and behaviours, and how these affect those around us. Many people have taken these insights and adapted them for business purposes. In the field of Positive Psychology we are starting to see a shift in helping people to focus on strengths and creating lasting feelings of happiness which are fulfilling. In therapy there are some very clear techniques used to help people achieve this. At work, we can also learn a lot from these activities. In particular when attending interviews, there are some key things to do with the language you are using which will help you deliver a positive experience. Page 14

So you’ve done all the right stuff leading up to the interview. You’ve read about the company beforehand. You’ve learned some key things that are relevant to the role you’re applying for. You’ve looked through the job description and developed answers for likely questions that may arise. You’ve arrived in time for the interview. You’re suitably dressed and feel good about the interview. Then start the questions… Before we think about the language you’re actually using to provide an answer, ensure you’re using models like the ‘STAR’ model to help give you structure to what you’re about to say – what’s the Situation? What Task did you have to do? What Actions did you take? What were the Results? And finally what did you learn from all of that? This model will help give you confidence that you are providing a considered response which will give a full answer.

So let’s then consider the language… Phrases to Avoid Try not to use phrases like “I don’t think I’ve ever had a failure”, or “I never make mistakes”, or “I always give 110% in the job”. Phrases like those are disingenuous and the hiring manager will see right through them. You need the hiring manager to see that you’re capable of dealing with situations where you are challenged. Saying you always overcome challenges is just asking for trouble. Instead use phrases like “Where I have had a failure, it’s always been important for me to learn what happened so I could make it right the next time”, or “I will try and put the right practise in place so that I don’t make mistakes. If they do happen, it gives me the chance to think about what I might need to change to not let it happen again”, or “I stay focused on the job at hand and try not to let myself be distracted by nonimportant stuff”. Page 15

Always talk about what you have learned In a rapidly evolving world, there are new things being developed and created all the time. It’s important to talk about what you’ve learned from different settings and how these have helped you to develop. Talk about what helps you to learn, and different ways you engage in learning in your own time. You may not think you do, but the papers you read, the books you read, the TV programmes you watch, all give you content and information you do something with. Beyond those, the blogs you read, the seminars, workshops and webinars you attend will give you knowledge in different ways. Hiring managers want to know that in a world of uncertain formal learning and development activities through the company, you are able to seek out information on your own and do something useful with it. Build conversations Page 16

Don’t get sucked into ranting about previous events or people you’ve worked with. If you had a difficult team member and they’re the reason you’re leaving, the hiring

manager doesn’t need to know that. They want to know what you’re going to help his team achieve. To that end, listen to the question being asked, and respond with phrases like “that sounds like a really interesting challenge you’re facing”, or “I’ve been in similar situations and the experience has helped me to see how I can deal with that differently”, or “I’m glad you asked that because it’s something which I enjoy doing”.

Don’t shy away from your weaknesses We’ve all got a set of activities we’re just not good at doing. Be it using MS Excel, writing reports or delivering presentations, each of us will have something we just don’t do well. When you’re asked about things like this, don’t focus on how bad you are at doing that task, talk about how you’ve found ways to make sure it doesn’t stop you from doing a good job. For example, “I do use MS Excel, and find that I’m not always getting formulas right. When that happens I just ask for help and give myself the time to make sure I’m getting it right.

When I do that I know I’m reinforcing the learning I’ve had and giving myself more opportunity to keep getting it right.” Or, “I find that presentations can make me nervous, so when I’m asked to do them it’s important for me to get feedback from my manager to ensure I’m giving the right message and practise a few times so that I’m confident about the content ahead of the presentation”. What you’re helping the hiring manager to see here is that you’re self-aware and aren’t afraid to be a useful member of the team. Leave a lasting impression Ensure you’ve introduced yourself well, and when you’re leaving, that you leave the hiring manager with a lasting positive impression. This means, shake hands when meeting and when leaving. When meeting say something like “Thanks for inviting me to the interview, it sounds like a role which I’m going to enjoy finding out more about, and how I might fit in with the team Page 17

and the company”, and “When I was researching the company, I was impressed with how big it is and the opportunities this presents itself”. When you’re getting ready to leave say something like “Thanks for meeting with me, it’ll be good to get the feedback from the interview. Hopefully we’ll be able to talk again soon.” I hope this has been useful to you and that you have success in your interviews.”

Sukh Pabial is a learning and development professional and if you like what he says, he writes a regular blog… and if you’re interested in finding out more about Positive Psychology, he’s holding an event on Friday 17th August

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Suzanne Perry Head of OP Music House

Suzanne Perry Love Shouldn’t Hurt Page 21

Suzanne Perry, Loving Life!

I have always been a serious music lover. The energy of live music is what I chose as my medium and I hold live music events all over Western New York as a means to promote some fantastic talent while using my own story to raise awareness about the realities of domestic violence.

also give physical product to people coming out of an

abusive relationship called "take your reins" care packs.. it's custom to each person's needs from food to diaper coupons to toiletries to household items or clothing. (No cash is dispersed.) Aside from that, we offer a I saturate the media focusing between network of support and referral music and domestic violence and the services custom to each individual's do-gooders in the community that needs. mainstream hasn't caught wind of yet. Our big event of the year is We provide moral support for men the "EXPOSURE Concert: Because and women impacted by domestic love shouldn't hurt" which is a 3-day abuse and violence: parents, siblings, live show with over 40 bands, uniting coworkers against domestic violence and abuse. in all kinds of scenarios. We It streams live around the world to Page 22

expose the issue. It's been watched from 8 countries and 34 states and continues to grow in popularity.

on the couch with a can of beer in the dark, the long living room only being illuminated by the blue of the TV. They asked about a disturbance. He very I was with my abuser from the time I calmly and smoothly said to the officer was 17. At 20 we had our first child that nothing was wrong, and that he and 6 months later I fled. He cajoled was, "Only having a beer with my wife, me into taking him back and I tell him, Honey..." The officer shined returned. This happened twice more his light into my husband's face as he and then I married him. The final time spoke, then on the can of beer. He I was feeling pretty trapped and the moved the light to me standing back beatings got more intense and to the wall at the far end of the room, frequent. Our daughter, then 16, said noticing the blood dripping down my to me "It's him or me, I can't take jaw, blood on my clothing, and the living like this anymore." I couldn't let bright red hand print on my throat. my girl run away! We made a pact They said, "Come on, asshole, you're right then and there that she could call coming with us." Our daughter and I 911 but ONLY when I told her it was went down and filed immediately for okay. It happened about a week orders of protection and because I later. It was the last time I would ever promised the kids this time, I never be beat up by him again. The fighting looked back. was well underway when she came I am a generally optimistic person and home from a friend's and she was in a good mood. But it was usually ordered into her room. My husband fear driving home worrying about what continued to throw me around, level of drunkenness I would find him shouting and swearing, kicking and in, if we got "bad mail," who he spitting, slapping and throwing me encountered, how he was feeling or if into walls and smothering me in our he would be in some ridiculous bed. After passing each other and she pleaded for me to give the OK to tangent for no good reason at all. Nothing I did was good enough for call, on the 3rd time I finally said OK, him, and he was only happy when he call now. felt completely in power and nobody was "talking back." Everything had to A short while later, the Buffalo police be just so. The feeling that he was the came and scary enough it was all calm when they arrived. It was about only person in the world I could really 11pm on a Thursday night and he sat trust; I was supposed to confide in

him only - it was a slow brainwashing. I needed to ramp up for a month just to go to Kmart. He would constantly tell me how fat and ugly I was, how stupid and disgusting I was and how nobody would ever want me. He would rape me and insist that that's all I was good for. He peeled every layer of my being away, leaving me isolated from family; my own mother wasn't even invited to our wedding.. friends were non-existent. He would accuse me of cheating on him, lying to him and when I would numb myself to his insults, he would verbally attack the kids. He would tell our daughter that he would make sure she would never get her driver's license or a good job, that she was fat and moved like a slug, he told our son he "sucked for a son." When I stepped up in their defense, I was kicked, spat on and literally thrown to the floor. Scared to leave and scared to stay - It was pure hell. Domestic violence is grossly misunderstood. Victims need to be identified and supported, not treated like second-class citizens or hushed up. For a person to finally get the Page 24

strength to go for a protection order and the courts closing earlier, is unacceptable. For a person who did make it and has to go to court against the abuser, so sitting in the same waiting room especially unsupervised, is a recipe for disaster. It's not rocket science, protect those who need it, we do not ask for anything unreasonable - only for the law to enforce and protect the rights we are born with - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.. not to be insulted, beaten, and held prisoner in our own homes, our paychecks taken, our fingers broken and our compassion mutilated. Shelters promising confidentiality being constantly found online or otherwise, resources who

outlived the nonprofit life-cycle, it seems more and more the protections are less and less and that we are a neglected population.

write, draw, paint or other means of expressing our feelings and situations is how we can cope and identify our innermost emotions. Usually in an abusive situation, the perpetrator I hope my story will inspire people to discovers and destroys the "proof" of recognize behavior markers that can the feelings and experiences. This spark danger. Extreme jealousy, barring underlines their power and control over you from doing things you love - these their victims. To be liberated and allow are huge warning signs. A healthy to express freely, without reticule, relationship is one in which each partner chastising or violent outbursts is nirvana supports the other. Not putting the for a survivor. Then to meet other artists other down to feel better about their and musicians who have shared similar self. If you suspect something isn't horror paths helps us to realize we right, go with your gut. Our intuition is aren't alone, and can relate. It's very almost always the voice of reason and therapeutic to let those emotions flow sometimes what appears to be love through their chosen medium. masks out some real red flags. Don't Creativity rocks. To share even walk, RUN from the relationship - collective creativity with people who are and they will try to do things like cry, scared and may feel unattractive, threaten suicide, some very irrational confused, numb and helpless - this is things to get you to return... don't take perfect. It shows love, caring and the call, don't allow any explanations. beauty, because they are receiving Get out and stay out, it very well could items crafted with people's very hands. save your life. Hand-made items spell LOVE. Someone We need to be able to express ourselves took their time just for you. It shows - vent. It's healthy. To keep a journal/ compassion. Page 25

People who reach the shelter are still "in shock" and they often feel like nobody cares, while waiting for scary court dates and learning how to cope; receiving warm items from the heart to make them look better, feel better and start anew is priceless. Often people at a shelter only have the clothes on their back... to receive a nice robe, purse or something personal to call their own is very important at this stage. I am so happy to have found your project online and that you have found me, and I look forward to a collaborative effort in the near future. I have a few monthly radio programs, "Suzapalooza's Spotlight" is a 90 minute show that I invite original bands on to be interviewed and we promote their music and upcoming shows which is on WBNY out of Buffalo ( http:// www.wbnylocalshow.com/ schedule.html) , and "Pied Piper of Positive" on Think Twice Radio ( http:// www.thinktwiceradio.com/suzanneperry/suzanne-perry.html ) as well as Suzanne Perry: Victim to Victor on Blogtalkradio (www.blogtalkradio.com/ suzanneperry). Also I love to get email... I actually got a piece of fan mail in the US Mail... and I framed it after wiping the tears from my eyes. Our website is www.opmusichouse.org Page 26

Please write to me personally at enoughofit7@gmail.com or fill out the contact form on the OP Music House page. I personally read and respond to every single message, it means so much to get feedback and continue to support each other! I reach as far and wide as possible and am trying very hard to raise money to support a 32 town tour next summer. I feel like I'm running in a vat of molasses trying to reach people with the voice of hope, and optimism that all CAN live a productive life outside of control and violence. We need to expose the abusers and stand up to bullyish behaviors!

Click Here!

Page 27

Page 27

Click Here!

Also I love to get email... I actually got a piece of fan mail in the US Mail... and I framed it after wiping the tears from my eyes. Our website is www.opmusichouse.org Please write to me personally at enoughofit7@gmail.com or fill out the contact form on the OP Music House page. I personally read and respond to every single message, it means so much to get feedback and continue to support each other! I reach as far and wide as possible and am trying very hard to raise money to support a 32 town tour next summer. I feel like I'm running in a vat of molasses trying to reach people with the voice of hope, and optimism that all CAN live a productive life outside of control and violence. We need to expose the abusers and stand up to bullyish behaviors!

Page 28

These glow in the dark! Text reads 'EXPOSE IT- Love shouldn't hurt' on one side, and 'OP Music House' on the other.

Black/purple segmented Text reads, "EXPOSE it." on one side and 'love shouldn't hurt' on the other. One size.

Were you a spectator at London Olympics 2012? (lucky devil!) Or perhaps you enjoyed supporting your country and would like to share your experience. Please write to us at content@HatTrickMagazine.com and tell us what you thought!

Page 29

Spotlight: Women Helen Weir Helen Weir’s phenomenally successfully career has led her to become the group executive director of retail banking for Lloyd’s Banking Group. Her rise to the top of a leading organisation in the UK’s financial services sector is preceded by a career that encompasses successful stints at some of the country’s bestknown companies. Weir began her career at Unilever, then moved to a senior management position at consultancy firm McKinsey & Co before joining B&Q (part of FTSE 100 company Kingfisher plc). Having served as finance director for B&Q, she later became group finance director for Kingfisher, and then moved to Lloyd’s TSB, now Lloyd’s Banking Group, as group finance director. She is currently a member of the financial services practitioner panel and the Said business school advisory board, as well as chair of the British bankers' association retail committee. A former member of the accounting standards board, Weir is also a fellow of CIMA. Page 30

In Leadership Lloyd’s Banking Group Brought to You By cimaglobal.com/women

Weir’s rise to a senior position in the banking industry seems to contradict the perception that it is an industry dominated by men. Yet in parts of the industry – particularly on the trading desks of big banks – there are still relatively few women, and there are signs that banking does not appeal to the most able female candidates.

‘The glass ceiling is a rapidly diminishing issue’ Earlier this year a survey of 450 female students at Oxford University suggested that 85% felt they would face discrimination in the financial services industry on the basis of gender. This was a higher proportion than any other industry covered in the survey. But Weir is adamant that such perceptions can be successfully challenged and that in reality there are many opportunities for women to take on senior roles in the banking sector.

‘The glass ceiling is a rapidly diminishing issue. I’ve never experienced it and there are fewer organisations where being a woman holds you back; in fact, quite the reverse: organisations want more diversity. I’m in a retail business and around the table I want people who represent my customers,’ she states. ‘But a minority of organisations may have resistance to it.’ ‘Companies have recognised the need for diversity of views within a business. That is a commercial realisation. Also, more women have had time to work their way through to senior level. Our board is nearly 50% [composed of] women. Women can thrive here, and they act as role models when they are in senior positions. ‘Some cultures, however, are less accommodating and welcoming of diversity, like the trading rooms of investment banks.’ Page 31

Held in check by children?

One reason often cited for the relative lack of women in senior executive roles in large companies is their potential absence from work in order to have children. Research from the Cranfield school of management in 2008 suggested that there are not only fewer women in senior roles in financial services compared to other parts of the industry, but those women that did rise to high positions were also less likely to have children. Does this mean that in order to rise to the top in banking as a woman it is necessary to put a family on hold or forgo it altogether? For Weir, the answer is a definite ‘no’. She has children herself, and believes that maternity leave can be managed successfully with the right planning, although she understands that having a key decision-maker absent from a business for an extended period does bring challenges. ‘Having children needs better planning and compromise. When I had my last child I was on the board of Kingfisher, a FTSE 100 company, and I was off for only four months. Any longer might have been problematic,’ she observes. ‘It requires give and take. It is harder to take maternity leave at middle management level, before you get to the board, as you may come back to the company in a different role. ‘Life is about compromises and tradeoffs. In middle management now more men take time off to have kids, so increasingly it is a non-gender issue. It is more about work-life balance, which is Page 32

an issue for any executive. 20 years ago it might have been acceptable for male executives to see their family very little, but that is not so now. ‘To be a senior executive you have to make trade-offs. You can’t have everything. You may not be able to get home to pick up your kids from school, especially if you manage a large number of people.’

Work-life balance: a challenge for men too It is sometimes said that women have to become more like men to succeed in many industries and get the recognition they deserve. Whether or not this is true – and opinion is divided on this matter – it is certainly true that male executives are now also expected to be more involved on the home front, no matter how senior they are. Balancing work and home life is a challenge for any executive, regardless of gender.

‘Boards are interested in what an individual can do for the business’ ‘Senior roles require commitment, so you can’t have an expansive work and personal life, but it is a choice. In my view, it is misleading to think that you can have it all. Do women have to give more at work than men? Perhaps, but it may be intrinsic to them rather than because there is pressure from their organisation. I work long hours, but so do my male colleagues, so

increasingly it is not a gender issue,’ says Weir. ‘There must be give and take. You can’t miss meetings because the nanny hasn’t turned up. Boards are interested in what an individual can do for the business. If you bring a lot to the business then it can be more flexible.’ Overall, she notes, ‘In my experience, employer policies should support all executives to have a better work-life balance. Valuing what an individual can bring to the organisation is the yardstick a business needs to use.’

Can the law push gender equality? Legislation has played a major role in putting more women in the boardroom in countries such as Norway, where a 40% quota has been in force for decades. Now, women make up 44% of boards in Norwegian public companies. Weir, however, does not necessarily believe other countries should adopt similar measures. ‘Legislation has no impact at the most senior level, though it has improved factors such as wage equality. There is stronger legislation in Scandinavia and southern Europe regarding the percentage of women on boards, but there are questions about it,’ she remarks. ‘In Norway it has helped to push women forward, but I prefer to look at individuals, not males or females, so I prefer not to have positive discrimination.

Role: executive director of retail banking Location: United Kingdom Career highlights: becoming an executive director Helen Weir is one of the few senior female executives in the FTSE100 group of companies. As Helen points out, “most of the women at the top are in non executive roles.” However - Helen believes the gender imbalance will be corrected gradually. 'Ten years ago, the percentage would have been much smaller. It’s not going to be a revolution, but an evolution. Nowadays, it’s a matter of choice and talent rather than prejudice.' Helen says she has never encountered sexism. 'I’ve never felt that I’ve been treated as anything other than an equal.' She says that one of the great advantages has been her qualification as chartered management accountant. 'One of the benefits of a professional qualification like CIMA is that it provides a genuinely objective benchmark. It demonstrates that I have the core skills and abilities as a management accountant and it makes me equal to other people with the same qualification. It's a great foundation to build on.' When it comes to her personal outlook, Helen says she’s ‘gender blind’. 'It’s not something that I think about it terms of myself or my team. My focus is on looking for the very best talent.' She is confident that there is an encouraging amount of female talent in the pipeline. 'I’ve just put together a new leadership team and out of the 13 members, five are women - which is pretty unusual in banking.'

Page 33

Held in check by children?

One reason often cited for the relative lack of women in senior executive roles in large companies is their potential absence from work in order to have children. Research from the Cranfield school of management in 2008 suggested that there are not only fewer women in senior roles in financial services compared to other parts of the industry, but those women that did rise to high positions were also less likely to have children. Does this mean that in order to rise to the top in banking as a woman it is necessary to put a family on hold or forgo it altogether? For Weir, the answer is a definite ‘no’. She has children herself, and believes that maternity leave can be managed successfully with the right planning, although she understands that having a key decision-maker absent from a business for an extended period does bring challenges. ‘Having children needs better planning and compromise. When I had my last child I was on the board of Kingfisher, a FTSE 100 company, and I was off for only four months. Any longer might have been problematic,’ she observes. ‘It requires give and take. It is harder to take maternity leave at middle management level, before you get to the board, as you may come back to the company in a different role. ‘Life is about compromises and tradeoffs. In middle management now more men take time off to have kids, so increasingly it is a non-gender issue. It is more about work-life balance, which is an issue for any executive. 20 years ago it might have been acceptable for male Page 34

executives to see their family very little, but that is not so now. ‘To be a senior executive you have to make trade-offs. You can’t have everything. You may not be able to get home to pick up your kids from school, especially if you manage a large number of people.’

Work-life balance: a challenge for men too

It is sometimes said that women have to become more like men to succeed in many industries and get the recognition they deserve. Whether or not this is true – and opinion is divided on this matter – it is certainly true that male executives are now also expected to be more involved on the home front, no matter how senior they are. Balancing work and home life is a challenge for any executive, regardless of gender.

‘Boards are interested in what an individual can do for the business’ ‘Senior roles require commitment, so you can’t have an expansive work and personal life, but it is a choice. In my view, it is misleading to think that you can have it all. Do women have to give more at work than men? Perhaps, but it may be intrinsic to them rather than because there is pressure from their organisation. I work long hours, but so do my male colleagues, so increasingly it is not a gender issue,’ says Weir. ‘There must be give and take. You can’t miss meetings because the nanny hasn’t turned up. Boards are interested in what an individual can do for the business. If you bring a lot to the business then it can be more flexible.’ Overall, she notes, ‘In my experience, employer policies should support all executives to have a better work-life balance. Valuing what an

Bespoke Jewellery

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AskPatti by Patricia Bayne

Patti, I was wondering... since you worked in fashion as a model, you must know about makeup and which is the best makeup (since you probably had makeup artists). Do you use the same line of makeup? Amanda

Page 36

Amanda, Good question! I just grabbed my makeup bag….but I have so much makeup, it's crazy. I could be called a makeup hoarder, but it's important not to keep makeup to long because of bacteria. This is just what I have right now in my bag. I switch out colors all the time. o begin with, I have worn Mac Studio Fix for years color NW20-NW25 depending if I go in the sun. And if I do, I use so much sunscreen. I really haven't been in the sun much since I was 18. Many makeup artists use Studio Fix, so I stuck with it. There are many days I go without base. I always use a concealer. I'm obsessed with finding the best one because I have circles under my eyes. Right now I have Clinique's airbrush 01 fair in my bag and it comes in a stick form that you twist and the concealer comes up to the brush at the end of the stick.

I love moisturizing lipsticks and I love Mac….right now I have 3 shades by Mac in my bag. But I like Loreal lipsticks too, I don't just shop in department stores. My favorite lipstick color by Mac is "Politely Pink". I play up my eyes, so I need a pretty light shade of pink, and it's very moisturizing. Dior makes great lip gloss. It's called "Ultra Gloss" and the color I always seem to get is # 151. I have gotten so many compliments on it. I also have Mac "Dazzelglass" called "Baby Sparks". It's pink and is a bit sparkly. Right now, the lipliner in my bag is called "Cherub" by Lancome. It seems to go with many of my lipsticks. Mac makes eyeshadow that just goes on so smoothly. Since it's summer, just the last few weeks I've been using the color "swish" which is pink and a little sparkly. Just like the name, I swish it across my eyelid. And I use all Mac brushes. They just work really well. I'm also obsessed with mascara. I think I obsess on areas I really need help with. (My lashes, too). But I have used Latisse and it's amazing. Just using it for 6 weeks, my lashes got so long, dark, and had a slight curl. But, don't go too long without keeping it up. I like Definicils by Lancome, I used it for 20 years. But I saw what this mascara on HSN can do and it was amazing. It's called "They're Real". So, now I've been using that. For eyeliner I like black most of the time and I line the inner eye and was told this is what this liner is for. It's Le Crayon Khol color "Noir" by Chanel. I love it! The blush I'm using right now is "Dame" by Mac. It's always good set your makeup with loose powder. I admit I don't always do this, but will use my compact and dab my forehead and make sure my blush is not too heavy. So, there you go. I don't use the same makeup line, there is so much out there that is great, and you don't have to shop for expensive brands.


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Dear Patti, I'm 33 years old and just got married a little over a year ago. It seems as soon as we got married, my husband began to call me names like "fat" and "ugly." He has also told me that my cooking is awful and he said that he doesn't know why he married me, he can do so much better. He practically has stopped touching me, and we talked about having children before the wedding. Patti, I'm writing to you because I really don't know what to do. I don't feel like I can talk to my parents or friends. I feel so depressed. Depressed in Delaware

Dear Depressed, It sounds like you are in a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship. This type of relationship can be just as harmful as a physically abusive relationship. Emotional abuse is the act of isolating, ignoring, belittling, acting cruel, rejecting, and scarring another person, which can lead to ultimately controlling them. It can come from a spouse, parent, boyfriend or girlfriend, sibling, relative, employer or classmate. Verbal and emotional abuse is a form of brainwashing. In fact, it's been used as a torture tactic in interrogation of prisoners of war. So, it can be just as serious as physical abuse.get worse if it doesn't stop. Page 38

I suggest you get into counseling right away and also try to find a counseling group for abused women. In the meantime, talk to your partner and tell him you aren't going to stand for his name calling and put downs anymore. Tell him you want him to go to counseling and in time the two of you can go for marriage counseling. But, if he scoffs at this, be prepared to make a decision. You may have to leave. Many people are not willing to change. They don't take emotional abuse seriously. But it's a very serious matter. It's your life and it affects how you feel about yourself. If you continue to listen to the name calling and his putdowns, you'll begin to feel badly about yourself. You already feel depressed about the situation. It will only get worse if it doesn’t stop.


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89 Causewayside, Edinburgh (Scotland) EH9 1QJ Eva Hammerson is a Spanish professional interior designer based in Edinburgh, with a passion for lighting, vintage finds, and mid-century-modern iconic design. After the successful launch of Kandabi, her quirky brand of statement lighting wall luminaries, Eva was itching for the right space to branch out onto every aspect of home interiors including lighting, furniture, accessories and wall art. Destiny, for the shop ‘found’ her, not the other way round, put the most perfect environment and opportunity in her hands to painstakingly and lovingly restore a jaw dropping Georgian space into a dream retail space in a sought-after and ‘left-bank’ area known as Causewayside in the South side of Edinburgh, Scotland. “After pealing 7 layers of vintage wall paper, I came across the original wall plaster and found the most incredible luminescent turquoise swirls of colour ever imaginable. I nearly cried with joy for it is precisely what gives my shop a highly distinctive and unique signature look. Next, I found an antique original stone fireplace in the back room no-one knew existed, which will provide a warm live fire in the winter, adding extra cosiness and much needed warmth in this northern climate”. Eva Hammerson’s shop is not really a shop, it’s a ‘private world’ where everything on display is up for sale, including its owner whose services as a professional interior designer can be put to the very best use. “Being Spanish, I wanted to create a true ‘Mi casa es su Casa’ (My home is your Home) welcoming feel-good factor. I think I have succeeded judging by the number of clients who sit comfortable in the sofa playing the guitar, taking inspiration from artfully displayed objects or having fun with my Spanish maracas”. Eva’s goal is to encourage people to be far more adventurous and have fun when decorating their homes, with a ‘no rules’ instinctive approach to putting interior schemes together. “I believe that if you only buy what you absolutely love, your home will somehow come together, pulled by the invisible but powerful thread of your personal taste. My mantra is follow your instinct and be brave for your house is an extension of your persona, and thus a blank canvas waiting for you to put your own unique stamp on it. The most successful interiors are always those with an eclectic mix of vintage and contemporary furnishings, which results in a more relaxed and authentic aesthetic, and avoids that ‘too studied’ and contrived show-home look”.


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Quarterly Employee Outlook survey reveals nation of employees who are simply ‘not bothered’ about their work Only 36% of workers trust their senior leaders and more than half (58%) of workers display signs of having adopted a ‘not bothered’ attitude to their work. That’s according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s latest quarterly Employee Outlook survey of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development more than 2,000 employees across the UK, which asks employees a number of so such a prominent display of ‘neutral questions to gauge their level of engagement’ in the workplace should act engagement in the work place and as a real wake up call for employers. attitudes to working life. “Now more than ever, organisations need The survey found that employees who to pay close attention to the impact the display ‘neutral’ engagement are about half behaviours of senior leaders is having on as likely to go the extra mile with regard to the rest of the workforce and consider workload and hours than those who are how they can improve corporate culture engaged* and nearly three times more likely from the top down. The HR profession is to be looking for a new job**. It also found a uniquely positioned to help organisations strong correlation between employee properly understand existing cultures and engagement and knowledge of the behaviours, to re-examine and re-define organisation’s core purpose***. These corporate values and to revisit the way in findings align strongly with the significant which those values are reinforced, body of evidence cited in the MacLeod incentivised and rewarded through the Review regarding the impact of employee day-to-day behaviours by managers engagement on performance. from the very top down to the front line. Peter Cheese, Chief Executive at the CIPD, comments: “Given the number of examples reported in the media in recent months of unethical behaviours and corrosive cultures overseen by senior leaders, it is perhaps unsurprising to see trust in the workplace eroding. What’s worrying is the impact this will have on engagement. We know that strong employee engagement drives higher productivity and better business outcomes, Page 42

“Employees also need to believe their views are respected and that they have a voice in the organisation, otherwise there is a risk that when things go wrong, noone tells the executive team until it is too late. Just as importantly, empowered and engaged employees are able to provide customer inspired innovation and ensure organisations’ products and services adapt quickly to take advantage of fast changing markets.

“Building trust in senior leaders and employee engagement requires a shift away from traditional command and control styles of leadership to a distributed leadership model where managers at all levels have the ability to win hearts and minds, and get the best out of their people in the service of the organisation.” Other key findings from the report include: • Just 36% of employees say that they trust senior leaders in their organisation • Just 24% of employees agree they are consulted by senior managers about key issues that affect the business • Only 40% of respondents are satisfied with the opportunities that exist to feed their views and ideas upwards to senior managers • Employees who trust their senior managers are more likely to express

satisfaction with their wellbeing and are less likely to report being under stress. * Those who are engaged scored on average +69 in terms of their likelihood to go the extra mile, compared to an average score of +37 for those who are neutrally engaged and -18 for those who are disengaged. **Of those who are neutrally engaged, 26% reported they are looking for a new job, compared to 9% of engaged employees and 66% of disengaged employees. ***Those who are engaged scored on average +98 in terms of their likelihood to know the core purpose of the organisation, compared with an average score of +69 for neutrally engaged and -23 for those who are disengaged.

Click To View the Employee Outlook survey report

Page 43

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Study locations We now offer study venues right across the UK. Locations include: Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Bromley, Cambridge, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Maidstone, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Nottingham, Reading and Southampton.

In this short video, alumni student Simon Gosney, shares his reasons for choosing to study the CIPD Advanced Level qualification with CIPD Flexible Learning+.

Multiple start dates throughout the year There are multiple start dates around Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, for all qualifications at each study venue throughout the year. With CIPD Flexible Learning+, you don't need to put off your studies until traditional, academic start dates.

Watch This Video, CLICK HERE!

CIPD Certificate in HR Practice (CHRP) • 26 July 2012 - Bristol • 22 August 2012 - Edinburgh CIPD Certificate in L&D Practice (CLDP) • 23 August 2012 - Edinburgh CIPD Advanced Level Certificate/Diploma • Please call for start dates

Find out more about fees and how to apply Join us at a free open evening

What if I move house or change jobs during the programme? It’s possible to transfer to a different study group in a different location. Our customer advisers will be happy to talk this through with you. CIPD Flexible Learning+ for organisations We can hold workshops for corporate groups in-house or in any location, according to demand. Just ask one of our customer advisers. Note: In order to ensure a valid learner experience for our delegates all of our courses will only run subject to minimum numbers. Page 44

Shasie’s Picks Shasie Travels; Shasie Shops! (And Shares The Good Stuff With The Rest of Us!)

Shalanda Turner Fashion Editor Page 47


2. 3.

4. Page 48



8. 7. 1.

Jetsetter Packable Tote


Stripe Bag Tag


Coconut Flower Travel Candle


To Go Tech


Centennial Stripe Passport


Hanging Weekender Bag

Cover Roll



Shoe Bag Set 7. Jewelry Page 49







Bendel Girl Mini Umbrella

Ray Ban Foldable Wayfarer

Sunglasses 4.

Page 50


NY Girls Compact

Brown and White Large Cosmetics Bag

www.HenriBendel.com The Henri Bendel brand, still vibrant more than a century after its inception, continues to champion the spirit of the stores visionary founder. It strives to always delight and serve fashionable women, to seek out the best of the New & the Next™ and to always experiment and innovate.

Let us tell y" how it allPage began. 51

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C AKE MASTERS NEWSLETTER B AKING ~ DECORATING ~ S H A R I N G What a busy month this has been! Highlight of June had to be the London Cake Crawl on the 16th June. Fantastic day spent with 24 lovely ladies! There have been some fantastic cakes posted on our walls which we will feature and share in our newsletters going

forwards, we have also put together some beautiful collages of cakes based on various themes we talked about over the month too. I am simply amazed at the level of cakey talent out there and that most of you are self taught! I hope you enjoy the new format of the newsletter and

all the new sections. We would love to hear your feedback or ideas of other things we can include. Happy caking!

Rosie x

In this issue: -London Cake Crawl Awards -50 Shades of Grey Mania -Olympic cakes DONEC ARCU RISUS DIAM AMET -Competition SIT. CONGUE TORTORwinners CURSUS RISUS -The NISL, best LUCTUS sugarpaste AUGUE

-Your awesome cakes -Tutorials -Va va vroom! -Special offer discount

L O N D O N C A K E C R AW L AWA R D S The Cake Crawl was really was a fantastic day out in London. The stops we went to were the; Hummingbird Bakery; Jane Asher Party Cakes, Crumbs and Doilies Rumanco, Peggy Porschen, Choccywoccydoodah and Beas of Bloomsbury.

Best stop of the day

Best presentation

Page 54

Best stop of the day: Beas of Bloomsbury The hospitality of the team at Beas was just amazing! The presentation was great and the huge selection of cakes for us to sample were just delicious!

Best presentation: Jane Asher The best presentation of the day has to go to David Trumper from Jane Asher. Such great enthusiasm for what he does, a lovely lovely guy!

SIGN UP! Christmas Cake Crawl 2012 We will be running the next cake crawl in December 2012 when London is looking really festive! To register your interest please visit www.cakecrawl.com



Best dressed

Best dressed on the day: Sue from Bakes-a-lot

Firstly a huge thank you to Party Animal Online for donating luster and decorating dusts for all our crawlers.

Loving the cupcake head gear- perfect attire for a Cake Crawl :) Secondly a huge thank you to Alphabet Moulds for donating gorgeous little heart moulds for all our crawlers.




Thirdly a huge thank you to Falcon products forRISUS their Bake-O-Glide DONEC ARCU DIAM AMET paper and cupcake cases for all our SIT. CONGUE TORTOR CURSUS crawlers. RISUS NISL, LUCTUS AUGUE

WIN Win a London 2012 Cotton Cake Crawl Bag! Question 1: What is the name of the Jamaican stall that we visited at Partridges food market? Question 2: What colour were the London Cake Crawl balloons? Question 3: When will the next Cake Crawl take place? Email your answers to: bookings@cakemasters.co.uk GOOD LUCK!

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50 Shades of Grey Mania... So this cake from Richard’s Cakes is the most shared cake photo in the world at the moment! It really does encapsulate everything that Christian Grey is... now to find an actor that looks like Mr. Sugar for the films!

So who isn’t reading 50 Shades of Grey? I think most of the world is at the moment so we HAD to dedicate a little section of this newsletter to 50 Shades, as there have been some great cakes floating about online and we wanted


Fantastic 50 Shades of Grey Cupcakes from Gill’s Cupcake Corner

BUY YOUR 50 SHADES MOULDS! An awesome set of 9 moulds for 50 Shades of Grey cakes and cupcakes from That Little Cake Boutique. Priced at only £22.50!

Are you taking your book on holiday? Relaxing on holiday cupcake from Mon Cottage Cupcakes

Loving this tie and book cake from Cool Cakes and

Page 56

GENIUS :Absolutely love these cheeky moulds from That Little Cake Boutique, especially made so that you can make your own 50 Shades of Grey cupcakes! Rosie x


YOUR OLYM P I C S C AK ES Gymnastics from Occasion Cake Yve

Sports cakes from Let’s eat cupcakes Cupcakes from Ashlie Woodward’s 7 year old!

Awesome Olympics, gold, silver bronze cake from Cakes by Nina

Olympic rings from Emma Rfc Godfrey

Cricket cake from Iced4u

Olympics cupcakes from Nicole Gill

Football shirt from My Cake Away

Boxing glove from Bake Me a Cake



Cake International - Quiz Winner of a pair of tickets to Cake International later this year is Correna Taylor

DOVE CUTTER GIVEAWAY! Jennie Barham is the lucky winner of a set of dover cutters! Jennie would like them as they would look amazing on her wedding cupcakes- she is also going to be releasing doves too! Congrats!

Are you looking for a logo to make your business stands out and look professional? Purple Scrunch do lovely work! ~ Rosie x Pop on over to Purple Scrunch where designer Laura specialises in creating bespoke logos for Cake Businesses no matter how big or small. The prices are affordable starting from ÂŁ13 for pre-made logos, or just ÂŁ30 for a bespoke logo. Laura also designs stationery, cake order forms, cupcake toppers, as well as other pretty things. Go and have a peek in her photo albums or contact Laura at purplescrunch@gmail.com

Page 58

Cake International comes to MANCHESTER!!!


Best sugarpaste as voted for by you!



3% 1%








In my opinion..... “I use Covapaste for covering cakes and Renshaws for modelling I get both from Cake Stuff who are incredibly reliable and you also get free delivery on orders over £75! Very good prices I wouldn't buy from anywhere else!” Nina from Mon Cottage Cakes

“I have recently started using Asda’s and find it is brilliant. I use an airbrush a lot to colour my cakes and it takes the colour in perfectly!” Marsha from Butterfly Cakes “I personally don’t care for supermarket ones, I don’t like the texture or flavour. I previously used M&B, liked it, but found very soft and had problems with it tearing. At the moment I seem to love Covapaste, to me it tastes the best out of all I’ve tried.” Lynn from LyndieLou’s Cakes

“It sounds mad but I really believe the air temperature/ moisture effects the different brands. Tesco's works better in the summer and Asda's in the winter. For the record I love Asda’s as a general one, as it colours really well and tastes nice - also takes CMC well and M&B for wedding/christening cakes. I've tried a fair few over 12 months: - Covapaste - I don’t like the artificial taste or consistency -­‐ Morrisons - too sticky - Tesco - Good in the summer (mixes well with Asda half and half too) - Asda - my favourite general one (works better in the winter but still good in the summer) - Renshaw - Great colours - but terrible for stretching - M&B - silky smooth and great colours but expensive - Regal Ice - Awful” Lou from Cake-y-licious

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S O M E O F YO U R AW E S O M E C A K E S Beautiful work from Fat Cakes Design

Fantastic Alice and Wonderland Cupcakes from Bees Knees Cakes

Mr Men and Little Miss cupcakes from Off the Cuff Cakes

Page 60

Superb Breitling watch cake from Flourpower by Nina & Pisha


T U TO R I A L S So there have been lots of awesome tutorials around on facebook- here are some that we loved! ENOJY!

Stripy icing tutorial from the Chocolate Strawberry can be found here!

Giant chocolate cupcake case from Sweet Expressions by Donna

Sugar teacup and saucer tutorial £6.50 Clare at Darcy’s Cupcake Creations has created a detailed16 page tutorial with clear easy instruction and over 60 photos showing how to create this beautiful teacup and saucer. Order yours today: Darcy’s Cupcake Creations Tutorials

Page 61


C AKES WITH VA VA VOOM! Superb car cake from Darcy’s Cupcake Creations! See the making of this cake here!

Racing car from Tanya Mcclengahan Love this guy’s work! Paul’s Creative Cakes

Page 62

Awesome bike cake from Tasty Cakes.Click here to see the making of this cake!

Mini from Class Cakes


Special OFFER The Cupcake Courier is a rectangular, translucent plastic container that holds three stackable cupcake trays. Each tray has 12 deep cups to hold each cupcake secure. It has a comfortable handle and 4 bottom latches that hold the base secure. The Cupcake Courier is able to transport and/ DONEC RISUS DIAM AMET or store up to ARCU 36 cupcakes or SIT. CONGUE TORTOR CURSUS muffins allRISUS in one easyAUGUE great NISL, LUCTUS looking container! The trays can be removed and the unit can double as a cake courier. Normally £29.99 Special price to all Cake Masters fans of only £24.99 CLICK HERE TO BUY

I N O UR N EXT ISSUE: - Kenwood Vs. KitchenAid the ultimate analysis - Facebook pages and etiquette - Stenciling masterclass - Your cakes - Market place for old baking equipment - Painted cakes

Would you like to advertise in our next newsletter? SPECIAL OFFER- All adverts are only £20 for the next issue only. Get in touch with Page 63



Ca#ans By Semant Jain, PhD Photo Journalist

Cool, Colorful Caftans For Summer With 2012 being one of the hottest summers on record, there is nothing better to keep cool than the Marrakesh-chic caftans. Colorful, yet oh so breezy and light, the caftan is beloved by fashion IT girls all over the world, including Nicole Richie and Rachel Zoe, and popularized by the iconic Talitha Getty. Celebrity designer and Australian-native Camila (fans include Oprah, Gwen Stefani and Beyonce, amongst others) was inspired by the soft palette of Spring time for these dresses and caftans. Perfect for the woman who wants to look effortlessly chic, just simply throw on some metal bracelets and you'll be the hostess that everyone wants to emulate! Page 66

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When bullying goes out of the classroom It was my second week in a new job. My new team was split across two locations, and I was meeting the other half of the team. A colleague from my office who had also just started her job.

didn’t have a mobile ‘phone. I had visited Kelly’s office again during the past month, and had seen her use a mobile ‘phone on a regular basis. ‘She’s got a mobile, why don’t you ring that?’ I replied. ‘She’s not answering that either’ said my colleague. My colleague needed data from Kelly in order to produce financial data. She was one month into a new job, the same as I was, and so looking efficient was paramount.

I was learning about the roles each member of the team performed, so that I understood how my role interacted with them.

Seven months later, my colleague was asked to leave the company. Kelly was still employed.

‘Just call me if you have any questions’ said the girl. I glanced at the landline ‘phone on her desk. ‘What’s your number?’ I asked? She didn’t seem to know her number, which I thought was a bit odd. ‘Do you have a mobile number?’ I asked. ‘No. I don’t have a mobile’ she said.

Two years passed. My role had now largely moved to the other location, and my boss was based there too, so I decided to work there in future. I was now in the same office as Kelly. My boss and I had discussed the Kelly situation, and he had told me that she had been given a verbal warning. I had been worried that she might start being difficult with me, and that I too might lose my job.

She doesn’t know her landline number, and she doesn’t have a mobile ‘phone. Hmmm. I marked this in the back of my mind as a potential issue. Little did I know at the time, how prophetic that thought was going to be. About month later, I was speaking to the colleague who had started her job on the same day as me. ‘Kelly isn’t answering her ‘phone or her emails, and I need information from her’ she said. Kelly was the girl who didn’t know her landline number and said she

A new girl started in the team. She was replacing Kelly. After a few weeks, Kelly started saying to people around the office ‘She arrives late, cancels meetings without telling me, and it is going to look like it is my fault, as I have a deadline to hand everything over to her’. It was clear that Kelly was not happy about being replaced, despite the fact that she was a contractor. ‘The new girl has got it all wrong’ she said to us before the meeting started. ‘I’ve been handing over to her but I can see this is not right’.

and into the workplace One day, I was coming back from lunch and I saw Kelly talking to the new girl in the atrium. Kelly leaned forward so that her mouth was inches away from the new girl, and the new girl backed away. I knew that they were not close friends, so they could not be sharing secrets. It looked like intimidation, but if it was, Kelly was taking a risk as there were 10 or so people milling around. I could see something was not right, and decided to break it up with a light hearted comment. A month later, the new girl was sitting at her desk looking dejected. I suggested that we went to the restaurant for a coffee. ‘I’m beginning to think this team is crazy’ she said. I asked her what she meant. ‘I’m supposed to have finished the handover from Kelly, but what she is telling me is not making sense. She doesn’t have a mobile ‘phone, so I can’t contact her. I don’t know what to do’. My brain cells started to make connections. The picture fell into place. This was exactly what had happened to myself and the colleague who had been asked to leave. Kelly was deliberately ignoring all calls and emails, and in addition, was giving misinformation during handovers, to make the girl look incompetent. This was corporate bullying. But now there was another side to it I hadn’t been aware of before – Kelly was badmouthing the new girl, to colleagues the girl had not yet met. This is what must have been happening to myself and my other colleague. This is why my other colleague had been asked to leave. Who knows what had been said about me. My whole reputation could have been dragged through

By: Lorraine Hill

the mud within weeks of starting my role 2 years ago, and I hadn’t known anything about it until now. The same was happening to the new girl, right before my eyes – Kelly had even tried to engage me in the badmouthing! The nerve of the woman! But what to do? Kelly had been very clever to not leave a paper trail documenting her bullying. It was her word against ours. If you think this story is fiction, you can imagine the problem a victim of corporate bullying faces. The bullying in its totality is only really visible to the victim. Others have no concept of what is happening, even if it is happening only feet away. If you think you are being bullied, start documenting dates, times, places and witnesses. Recording the incidents gives weight to your plea. If the bully has been clever, they will not have left any tangible evidence of their actions. Ask witnesses if they remember incidents – this will be vital for your case. Don’t let anyone convince you that you are being over sensitive or are making an unnecessary fuss about nothing. You will know in your gut if something does not feel right. The new girl raised a grievance, but few people stepped forward as witnesses. Only I could see the pattern of behaviour, because I had been through it myself. In addition, it was clear from previous victims that those that complained were going to be treated as trouble-makers, so witnesses did not want to step forward knowing they risked dismissal. I am happy to report that Kelly was subsequently asked to leave the company.

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Confidence How to get it, how to keep it

By Click Here & Follow MY Website!

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Confidence is a huge part of feeling good about yourself, loving life and attracting great opportunities - either business related, personal or relationship wise.

Ok...lets face it...All people have gone through bad things. A confident person decided to move on. A non confident person dwells on that situation.

Self-confidence Myths Busted 1. You're Either Born With It or You Are Not...

How about a lady who went through a terrible childhood - poverty, rape, racism...to become one of the most powerful people on earth - Oprah.

Sure there a lot of kids you meet that are very outspoken and some who are very shy.

3. If You're Confident - You Are in All Areas Of Life...

It does not mean however that if you're shy when you are young, you can't gain selfconfidence.

Overall self-confidence is your belief in what you can do. If you're a rocket scientist you're certain in your knowledge about spacecrafts. If you're a make up artist you're certain in your knowledge about make up.

This is one I can speak of personally. Being an extremely shy and quite child, I have grown to be one of the most outspoken and outgoing person I know. So don't give up. Your chance can still come. If you want it to. 2. I had an extremely bad past - I can't possibly Page 74 be confident.

One way to create self-confidence is to find an area of life you feel you have mastered and duplicate the feelings for an area of life you want to improve in.

7 Confidence Tips You Can Instantly Use 1. Walk 25% Faster

5. Speak Up!

People with self-confidence walk quicker as they have important things to do and they don't have all day to do it.

It takes true courage to speak up. And you surely get more confidence by standing up for what you believe in.

Try it yourself...you will feel and look more confident.

Try to speak up at least once in a social situation.

2. Stand Up Straight

This does not mean that you have to fight with everyone, but just by putting in a sentence into a conversation will make a world of difference.

Taller people are proven to be naturally more confident. By standing up straight, it gives the illusion you are taller and people that slouch always seem like they are doubting themselves. Confident people don't doubt themselves. 3. Challenge Yourself How can you feel better about yourself when you don't know what you are capable of? By pushing your boundaries and succeeding you prove to yourself you are capable of achieving a lot - giving you more selfconfidence. In the instances you 'fail', by getting back up and trying again, you prove to yourself that you are stronger then you think. Either way...it's a win win situation! 4. Compliment Others Break the cycle of negativity and praise others. Gossip is dreadful. So do yourself a favour and stay clear of it. By looking for the best in others you can also find the best in you. What you put out, you get back in. The more real compliments you give out, the more you will get.

6. Exercise... Oh come on...you didn't really think I wouldn't state the obvious did you? Yes...look after yourself. It makes you look better, feel better and gives you more energy. By shedding a few kilos, or getting through a big workout, it helps you feel like you're able to achieve more increasing your selfconfidence. 7. Watch What You Wear Wear the right colours for you - if in doubt chose one of these 'universal' colours from below. Universal colours usually suit most people. To make sure you get the extra *oomph* from those colours - wear either gold or silver jewellery, whichever suits you most. You can determine this by putting the jewellery up to your face. If you looked tired when you have it near your face, the colour isn't right for you. If you're still not sure…ask a friend. They will tell you the truth.

Fake It Till You Make It! Yes...people don't really know the difference and by faking it for a while, soon it will come to you naturally. Just like when you first started driving a car...it was tough. After a while, it all came naturally. Page 75

Strengthen Your Reasons to Strengthen Your Opportunity for Optimal Success Fitness. Really? What’s in it for ME? A long time ago, I learned just how important having a solid reason to take care of yourself by eating well, exercising regularly and embodying a positive attitude truly is. The stronger the reason(s), the more likelihood for carrythrough to actually do what you said you would do. Implementation is the key. I’ve watched hundreds of hopeful clients embark on a fitness and health journey wanting to better their lives. Those who successfully reach their destination do so because they are firmly and solidly anchored in their reasons for doing so. From my observations, I’ve also come to realize that it’s a diversified, multi-faceted approach to goal-setting that works best. I’d like to introduce to you my concept of “Ballsy Goal-Setting“. BGS is when you set three types of goals: • In your face, close enough to feel the fire under your butt – constant urgency; • Mid-range, a couple months out but significant enough that it matters; and, • Down the road, long-range forecast bettering your life. It’s really important that you always have smaller goals in the near future that give your efforts a sense of urgency. That’s how we all stay on the straight and narrow. It’s also important to have a larger more significant goal just far enough in the distance that you can use it as a reference point. And of course, it’s crucial to have an over-arching goal to

Page 76

better your life with a reason SO substantial that it’s more of a value or mission than a goal. My over-arching goals or reasons for doing what I do are simple. I TRAIN because the stronger I am in my body… the stronger I am in my life. I TRAIN because energy attracts energy. I TRAIN because lifting lifts my spirit. I TRAIN because training keeps me young. I TRAIN because I want to move through life gracefully, effortlessly and energetically. I TRAIN because I want to preserve my joints and keep my bones strong. I TRAIN to inspire other females in my family. I TRAIN to set an example to other 40+ women of what is possible—that the best is yet to come! I TRAIN because training keeps me grounded—a happier, more content and fulfilled me. I TRAIN because training helps me enjoy other activities injury-free ~ hiking, biking, running. I TRAIN because I want to learn how to kite-surf. I TRAIN because a heart healthy and positive, focused attitude are important to me. I TRAIN because muscle maximizes my metabolism and magnetism. I TRAIN because training is MY time to focus on myself—visualizing what I want to create in my life. It’s so not ab"t $ weight. I TRAIN for me.

My question is, what are your reasons?

Watch This Video CLICK HERE

Watch Charlene’s video on Secrets Revealed to Effective Fitness Training to learn more about next steps!

Charlene Answers Y"r Questions!

I have had 3 C-sections and have ended up with what I can only describe as a weird pooch in my lower tummy that will not go away. Everyone tells me that a tummy tuck is my only option. I am 5'4 and weigh 125. Please help. Emily

Hi Emily,

Thanks for the question. First of all, I’ve never had children or a C-section so please know that. I have, however, worked with many clients who have. I have a saying when it comes to considering any type of enhancement surgery or procedure… “Do everything you can possibly do naturally, and then decide.” My suggestion to you would be this: Go on a kick-butt fitness program for 6 months – full-on – with very clean and healthy eating, very limited alcohol, and super-consistent exercise. Be true to yourself and work hard. See where you get to. Make some substantial lifestyle changes. And then decide. If you need further help with this plan, please let me know. If you are interested to try my online program and share you progress, it may be a great option for you! Best wishes, Charlene Page 77

Marina Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist

Style Watch

By: Marina Berberyan

Cute Summer Gucci Jellies Remember the good old days when those plastic jellies were the ultimate signal that summer was here? Well, you can still have it all with these yummy shoes by Gucci! These bright colors are on trend and oh-so indulgent! MarinaBerBeryan.com Page 79

Like Magnolias Classic Southern American Recipes by Tanya Jackson

Chicken Gumbo With Okra


✓ Rotisserie chicken. Usually it

doesn’t all get eaten up and the leftovers make a great tasting broth. ✓ 2-3 cups of Okra cut into pieces. Not too small, but like a stew vegetable. ✓ 2 Onions cut up ✓ 2 cloves garlic or 2 tsp garlic powder. Page 81

✓ 2 large cans diced tomatoes-

drained but save juice. ✓ 2- 3 tbls. Worcestershire sauce ✓ Salt & Pepper ✓ Rice-White or Brown. I like gooey rice which is short grain, but my family likes long grain. I have used brown when I felt I needed to make everything “healthy.”

Fir&, Let’s Talk Okra

contains a usable form of soluble fiber.” Wikipedia To fry it cut it into ¼ inch slices. Salt and pepper it, roll it in some cornmeal or dry cornbread mix. Get a skillet hot with bacon grease (don’t give me no guff about bacon grease) or vegetable oil about 3 tbls and put your okra in it to fry it up good. Basically you are stir frying it until it is lightly browned. You will want to cook it up at the end of preparing the rest of your meal because it is best eaten freshly cooked. I find it easier to cook small amounts at a time, because a large amount will cool the pan and it will be hard to crisp the okra evenly.

Some people use Gumbo and Okra interchangeably. I have made Gumbo This month, we are going to talk about without okra and it was still good. The Okra does thicken up the liquid, (see Okra. previous Wiki explanation) but you can do that with four and oil, (roux) or cornstarch Okra is a hot weather plant. This means it and a liquid, or the spice, File. has to be grown in hot nights, not just hot I make a Chicken Gumbo with days so the bloom will set. That is why leftover rotisserie chicken. Okra is so popular here in the south. Hot days don’t usually cool off too much. I can get up at 2 in the morning and go on my back porch and still sweat like it was midday. We just stay hot, and we love our Okra. Some say it comes from Africa and some say it comes from Asia. Either way it is here to stay. Cooking Okra is pretty easy. To eat it plain just boil it whole until it feels tender to the fork. You may have to work at liking its slimy and gooey consistency, but this is one of my family’s favorite ways to eat it. “The products of the plant are mucilaginous, resulting in the characteristic "goo" or slime when the seed pods are cooked; the mucilage Page 82

(Above) Cornmeal okra

Chicken Gumbo With Okra Method:

1. Dump all the leftovers of the rotisserie chicken, including the gelatin and string into a large pot of water. Stew the leftover chicken until it falls apart; a couple of hours to half a day. (This depends on what you are doing that day.) 2. Strain the liquid and put the pieces of chicken etc. to the side. 3. Pick out the chicken pieces and throw away the rest unless you have a blender in which you can blend it while it is soft to make dog food. You gotta be frugal folks. Get with it. 4. In the broth put the chicken pies cut up, the okra cut up, the onion cut up, the garlic, (I don’t usually cut up the garlic, but you can if you like it.), the tomatoes drained (remember to save the juice), 2 tbls of the Worcestershire sauce, (hold on to the other 1

tbls), 1 tsp salt and pepper to taste, (this means if you are like me, I like to taste my food, but some like their food to whoop ‘em in the mouth with pepper. You should know which you are and which your family is by now.) 5. Cook over low heat for an hour stirring constantly (tomatoes are nasty about sticking to bottom of pan.) 6. It should be the consistency of a stew/soup: not too thick and not too runny. This is where you can leave off the tomato juice and extra Worcestershire sauce or add it for the correct flavor you like. 7. In the meantime about 20 minutes before you want to serve it, cook your long grain rice according to package. ps: Remember brown rice will take 45 minutes and you should have a rice cooker to Page 83

The Olympics Are a Reminder That To Achieve Our Goals, It’s EVERYTHING to do with training, stamina, drive, and most of all, the belief that it is possible.

A Bit Quackers by Andrea Valentine

A snooty rich lady happened to see some clerks sitting around gossiping instead of straightening the store shelves and stock. She chided them for not working harder and decided to place a bet among three of them as to who was the laziest. She said, "Here's a $100 bill. I'll give each of you one hour to come over to me and claim this money. After you three have had your chance, I'll award it to whoever does it in the laziest way." They all agreed it was a fair bet. The first one stood up and started walking to the lady extremely slowly so that she took all the hour to come grab the bill from her hand. "That was extremely lazy alright," the lady said. Then the second clerk just sat there for 59 minutes and then casually walked over to retrieve the $100 in the last minute. "Well, that was even lazier as you didn't even move from your resting spot for nearly the entire hour." The third employee just looked off in the distance for 60 minutes, chewing gum, yawning, stretching, and fiddled with her nails. When the hour had elapsed, the lady was shocked at her inactivity and said disdainfully, "Why, you're so lazy, you didn't even bother to come get it!" "Yeah, really observant of you. Just put it in my pocket, would ya?!"

A Pearl of An Oddity By: Michelle Fitz

Back in January, I rang in the New Year with a cracking interview with New York City-based designer, Laura Flook. For those who may not be familiar, Laura has been featured fairly regularly as she peruses her favourite shop on the Discovery Channel hit “Oddities,” a reality TV show centered around the NYC shop “Obscura Antiques and Oddities” and its interesting stream of clientele, items, and commissioned pieces. A simple web crawl quickly yielded enough research to know that Ms. Flook was an established “mortician turned model/designer,” but we wanted to take a closer look at what makes up such a lovable series favourite and the method behind her designs. It is prudent to note that Ms. Flook, who rarely does interviews or appearances, agreed to chat with

For extensive catalog information, see www.lauraflook.net and www.lauraflook.com

our team for a three hour chat about her life, her designs, and her successful fanbase. We also gave her a few marketing and fashion consultancy tips, and we were pleasantly honored to be allowed in her world, even if but for a moment.

The Laura Flook line is inspired by Victorian and Edwardian mourning wear. Moreover, this self-taught seamstress has incorporated classic mortuary stitching as can be seen in several of her current dress designs. Laura follows an atypical design approach, much as a musician who plays and composes by ear.

“I see my clothes come to life much as a sculpture would in its raw materials. I know many begin their designs with a sketch, but I work best when I free myself and get into cutting and stitching fabric.” Page 86

Each piece is fully-lined, and made with only the best fabrics and materials, reflects the price range of this solely designer-backed collection. Although initial designs can be mass-produced, each piece is individually finished, with quality craftsmanship and as true to the time period from which they are inspired as possible. While Laura receives regular orders, her t-shirt line alone, bearing her logo, sold out via her website within a month of her appearances on Oddities. She also works with commissioned clients, typically through word-of-mouth referrals. The Laura Flook line started with just one dress, and has now expanded to a full collection. It has a mix of daring hemlines, antique design, and an earthy, velvet touch bridging Victorian fashion

with that of the modern era. In addition to her dresses, bowties, collars, outerwear, T-shirts and tops are also included. Many people seem to draw a conclusion about Laura based on her presentation, particularly defining her by her past profession as a mortician. Additionally, there’s her propensity to withdraw from society’s norms in terms of social behaviour. Nevertheless, I felt in speaking with her that there is this beautiful contrast about her, a softness which comes from a place of empathy. It’s really quite easy to see why viewers of her line sometimes lose focus. Clearly, the designer’s soul is behind these creations and it is difficult to separate one, without discussing the intrigue of the other.

“I have had a few people call me saying they had seen something I wore on Oddities, and they think it’s perfect, but they would like something only they would have. Usually these clients are really open-minded and I like the creative process. Sometimes, people on the street will pass me and comment on what I’m wearing, because what I wear is so individual; I pretty much design for myself and anyone out there who happens to like it, too, that is just a bonus.” Page 87

Through her designs, one can ponder the stark contrast of her intrigue with death and her preferences which lean toward compassion more so for the dead she has assisted in their final moments, than with that of the living. Coinciding with that is her striking beauty, all of which, really, is juxtaposition defined. In chatting with Laura, we were left with so much more than that of our web crawl: her love for her Labrador, Trocar (named for her favourite embalming instrument), her devotion and gratitude for the companionship Trocar gives her unconditionally, the tremendous sense of solitude, beauty and reverence that she exudes in her designs and in her daily life. There is something very vulnerable about Laura Flook; something very passionate and beautiful. We are fortunate that she allows the world to see it blossom via her eclectic collection. As with so many other creative fashionistas, her world is one which incorporates sadness, beauty, quality, and moreover, art, as a mechanism for emotive inspiration.

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Proudly Serving Scotland & The United States by Appointment For rates, bookings and enquiries, please contact us.

BREAKING: The Rock Vault Dozen will see twelve jewellers invited to design a ring created from up to an ounce of the precious metal, Palladium. These rings will be showcased, as well as their full collections, in a dedicated exhibit as part of the BFC’s Rock Vault, sponsored by the International Palladium Board and curated by Stephen Webster, during London Fashion Week this September. Read full press release. Spring/Summer 2013 Dates | Shows & Exhibition Friday 14th September - Tuesday 18th September

SHOW TICKET REQUESTS Tickets to catwalk shows and presentations are issued at the discretion of each designer. Please contact the designer's press or sales contact directly for tickets. Contact information can be reached in the links below. DOWNLOAD: Show contacts | Mail merge for buyers | Mail merge for press www.londonfashionweek.co.uk | www.britishfashioncouncil.com

Copyright Š British Fashion Council, All rights reserved.

Situated over two floors of Somerset House, the London Fashion Week Exhibition takes a curated style, with a focus on creating a tailored and visually merchandised feel to the showcase. See the list of designers confirmed so far, including 20 new designers. Exhibition Opening Times 10.00 - 19.00 (early closing at 18.00 on Tuesday) Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA The provisional show schedule for SS13 is live. Philip Treacy will be joining Preen by Thornton Bregazzi and rag & bone as new designers on the schedule. Anya Hindmarch, Moschino Cheap and Chic and Richard Nicoll will now all be showing in a full catwalk slot. New presentations on the schedule include Lucas Nascimento and Marques'Almeida (as part of NEWGEN), Huishan Zhang and Willow. See the schedule | Print the schedule Copyright Š British Fashion Council, All rights reserved.

Copyright Hat Trick Strategies, 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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