Hat Trick Magazine Jan 2013

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Women’s Support Network

t n a i d Ra r a e Y w Ne

Volume 2

Issue 1

January 2013

~Äçìí Hat Trick: It’s a sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. It can also refer to a magic trick, seemingly producing something impressive from nowhere. We like to think that we came about, as a result of a combination of the two. Hat Trick Strategies is a trans-Atlantic consultancy firm. Our consultants have worked in some of the biggest transformation programs within the UK and US and been on the inside of major corporations in numerous industries. We are specialists in project, programme and portfolio management, strategic services and business services such as web development, retail and copy writing, marketing and branding. We’ve seen what works and what doesn’t, what sells and what doesn’t quite get the job done. Throughout our careers, we’ve benefitted from a strong network of professionals on the journey to becoming competent change professionals and business women. This magazine is our way of giving back what we took, coming up in the game. Our writers are internationally based and you will notice that each will write in the English diction and spelling of their region. Thanks to our partnership with Issuu, achieved in 2012, we have achieved a consistent following of half a million reader impressions a month across platforms. Hat Trick Magazine is a project made possible by Hat Trick Strategies, and an extension to our dedication to philanthropy and knowledge sharing for women. Since the late 90s, too many were left behind by a technologydriven age, where less was made with hands and ‘lingo’ prevailed. On the other polarity, we have told young people to ‘degree-up’ now, while the job market is poor, producing more graduates and post-graduates than ever who fall into the “over-qualified, underskilled” trap. With complicated and seemingly endless routes into employment, many of which offer no guarantee to an actual paid position, throw into the mix a challenging economic situation, children (or simply, life!) and it can be difficult for many to know what skills are valued in the workplace. For those who finally get there, how does one progress up the ladder? In sharing our skills and expertise, we help close that gap for those ‘learning to fish’, while recognizing those who have achieved their dreams. It is with the spirit of knowledge sharing that this monthly e-zine is produced, in hopes to create a network dedicated to professional development, best practice and knowledge sharing, across business industries. We welcome your involvement; consider yourself cordially invited.

Hat Trick Strategies Ltd cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited submissions or coverage made by our contributors including reviews, articles, manuscripts or photographs. While every care is taken, prices, details or availability of covered items are subject to change and Hat Trick Strategies Ltd cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit any letters or correspondence received via email, social networking or other communication. Unless specifically indicated, all rights are reserved on copyright for photography, held by the artist, with nonexclusive license granted to our firm, for which express permission has been obtained by the contributor, directly. All advice is given in general terms or as a matter of opinion, and may not be exhaustive nor suitable for all situations. Always seek specialized professional advice, specifically suited to your needs. DISTRIBUTION This publication is electronically distributed, with coverage in England, Wales, Scotland and North America and is available in print in select UK locations. REPRODUCTION This publication must only be digitally referenced via link or code to the original source, for non-commercial, educational purposes. We welcome contact requests for custom HTML code or links. © Hat Trick Strategies, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Team Michelle Fitz


Sarah Alt

Copy Editor

Ann Pissard

Graphic Designer

Michael Hartley

Graphic Designer

Lindsay Pullen

Photography Editor

Semant Jain

Photo Journalist

Shalanda Turner

Fashion Editor

Marina BerBeryan

Celebrity Stye Expert

Karen Salmansohn

Self-Help Editor

Amber Hamilton Henson

Home & Garden Editor

Brittany Harper-De Staedtler Tanya Jackson

Beauty Editor

Mina Muirhead

Health Editor

Patricia Bayne Cherie Brooks DeBurger Joseph D. Phillips Charlene SanJenko Christine Ritter

Hat Trick Strategies, Ltd Unit 4, Vista Place, Coy Pond Ingworth Road Poole, Dorset, BH12 1JY content@HatTrickMagazine.com

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Food Editor Opinion Editor Opinion Columnist Business Editor Wellness & Lifestyle Editor Social Media

Nina Nuru

Social Media

Lorraine Hill

Global Planning

Suzanne Perry

Broadcast Media

Patrick Dati

Special Advisor

Sorelle Amore


Rosie Mazumder Manuela Wahnon Zoha Memari Dara Avenius


Columnist Columnist Fashion Writer Fashion Writer

Our team consists of professionals at the top of their field, many of whom can be found elsewhere online! Please be sure to explore the hyperlinks associated with their names, for great blogs, businesses and more, from this elite and talented group!


Cover Art by energy artist Julia Watkins.

www.twitter.c om/

CONTENTS From The Editor ............................................... 6 About The Cover: Julia Watkins ...................... 8 Readers Write In ............................................14 Writing A Business Plan .................................16 Manuela’s Attitude of Gratitude .....................25 Meeting Quality Expectations ........................27 Spotlight: Women In Leadership ....................32 The Nonsense of Not Hiring Over-Qualified ..38 Write In And Have Your Say! . ........................ 41 The Buzz: Gossip & News Recap ..................45 Health Matters: Mina Talks Mental Illness ......46 Charlene SanJenko Builds Strong Women ....48 Like Magnolias: Southern Macaroon Recipe .52 Not Salmon: Oprah Columnist Inspires Us ...61 Little Nipper Snappers Cartoon .....................63

CONTENTS Inspiring Spiritual Photography ....................63 Ask Patti: Life Coaching Advice .................... 64 Life, Without Map Or Parachute: Cancer .......70 What Amber Loves: Black Eyed Peas ...........74 Posh Brats: Beauty Resolutions for 2013 ......76 Pin Up Passion: Clean, Flawless Skin ...........80 Shasie’s Picks, Fashion Frugal-ista! ..............84 Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist ...............86 A Bit Quackers ...............................................92 Cake Masters Magazine (special insert) ........95

We Love Hearing From YOU: content@HatTrickMagazine.com

She decided to change her life, so she did just that.


Positive I’ve had a great three weeks totally off and unplugged! For several months, I’ve rediscovered the joy of reading and delved into some great books. Many of which talk about The Law of Attraction, energy, asking and believing for the prayers you have, and the power of your thoughts over the events in your daily life. Whatever your beliefs, the principle is worth exploration. Can our thoughts draw into fruition the very things we fear? Can they influence or hinder our efforts? OK, this is very Oprah 2002, or something, but I believe the answer to that is “yes”.

2012 was both good and at times, a downer for me. I gained some weight, lost some weight, found (and then cut ties again with) a long, lost friend and of course I was busy as usual serving several clients - some easier than others (but each valuable and worthwhile, just the same). My business sprouted in new directions and there were emails abound from fans, clients, readers and colleagues, but at the same time, I was still doing the work of about three people. It became overcomplicated and at times, unmanageable. So, there were ups and there were slight dips too - just like my emotions and my thoughts throughout the various points of the year. Some of the things that manifested, honestly threw me for a loop. Even the ones that I chose myself. Rewind by 6 months, and that Michelle would have said no way I’d make such decisions and no way could anything so great happen either! So, one example of a good and a bad which was a fear manifested was a major decision concerning our company and partnership. Another was to rebrand, streamline and bring it back into a manageable and logical position. A huge example of something I desperately wished for but took me ages to believed was possible, was progress in the relationship I had with my ex, and the way in which we engaged with our children and the way I am treated in that regard. In July, I fired myself up, and took my light back from those who frankly used or hurt me or more to the point, liked to ride off my coattails. I got some counseling, took on mentors, wrote down my goals, re-evaluated relationships and sought something higher than myself. Most importantly, I forced myself to really take accountability for the good and the bad and to map the path I wanted to lay for my future. This took seven months, intensively, on top of three years of false/halfstarts and it’s an effort to be considered “ongoing” at least for the first quarter of this New Year.



The stability and peace of mind I’ve obtained has been a godsend. There’s nothing that controls my world. Not money, not a contract and I do what feels good and right for me and my loved ones. I am able to connect both the good and the bad events to distinct fears of something specific occurring, or that of a strong belief that it would come right in the end. Is it the Law of Attraction? Maybe; but it also begs to be argued that my attitude shifted. I dropped the baggage. Of course, I wasn’t sitting about wishing all day; hardly! I put the effort in and worked very hard on myself and on specific goals. I worked and traveled and multi-tasked and networked ... and I also learned to listen.

Make no mistake: positive strides aren’t won merely in wishes. I’m not the girl who had everything handed to her; no, no. I’ve worked hard all my life. I come from a poor, salt of the Earth Southern family, survived abuse and escaped a controlling husband who has made life hell at times even since our divorce. These things held me back for a long time and affected my emotional health - from bouts of depression, relationships I sought, and repeated denials of my wants and needs. I’d given away my light. So, I took it back. The recipe? 1% of what happens and 99% of how you handle it. That’s my mantra these days. That first step, was to realize that my thoughts and behavior from years of heartache and trauma were now merely habits which were ruining my chances of achieving my best life. The second was to seek advice from professionals who could help me let go of the baggage (and my friends and family too). Your past choices do not define you, but they can haunt you if you fail to learn from them and let them go. The truth is, no one cares as much about your life and the things you need more than you. YOU can do this! Take charge and get honest with yourself about your journey, past and We Love Hearing From YOU: present. Seek help from those who love and content@HatTrickMagazine.com support you. Most of all, believe in She knew it would yourself and take control of your be a challenge, thoughts - before they rule your and so life. Let go of that baggage! And you know what? Life won’t be perfect. Neither will you. But if you’re honest with yourself, no matter how hard, you can make the life you want for yourself. I’ll be there right with you. Enjoy the issue,

Michelle Fitz Editor-In-Chief

About the Cover

Dragon Fairy - Projecting Stunning Elemental Energies


I paint the natural flow of spiritual energy that exists all around us, helping you to more easily connect to its healing powers.


Julia Watkins Energy Artist

Julia Watkins Page 10

In 2003 I had a "waking dream" where I saw a world interconnecting ours made of pure energy. I awoke and created the painting "First Dream" . From that point forward I could sense energy and paint it on canvas. In my work, I strive to go beyond simply creating paintings that represent energy. I use a number of techniques that draw you, the viewer into the image and allow you to experience the energy on a personal level. I use my art to help people achieve a higher level of spiritual awareness. Please become a fan and receive invitations to my upcoming art shows in your area plus information on the latest energy paintings coming out. I do support myself solely through the sale of prints, gift items and paintings. If you feel this art is both a worthy cause and something beautiful you would like in your home (and you have the financial means to do so) please consider acquiring one or more of these items. I try to have something to fit every budget. You can get any of my images as a painting, an artist enhanced giclee print on canvas, a museum grade print on paper or in a number of gift items. For more information see: www.energyartistjulia.bigcartel.com I also am always looking for good gift shops and galleries to carry my work. If you know any, please send along their names.

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Platris Fine Art 303-­229-­1792 Vail, CO

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Julia’s collection is available for purchase, in both print and jewelry formats, here. EnergyArtistJulia. bigcartel.com

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What You Said

content@hattrickmagazine.com Page 14

To be more social- Gillian Matheson

To share with more people about the benefits of having/ starting a monthly spiritual women's group in there local community. What a wonderful growing and support group! There are eight in our group. We also started a weekly Intention group! - Ann Pissard

We stuck to our budget and didn’t use credit cards. That’s a huge change. - Donna Kay Stephens

I don’t spoil our kids but I couldn’t do the three gift rule. Childhood is short and they grow up faster every generation. The faces around Christmas wonderland are enough for me to want to keep Christmas in check but still have a full and magical experience for them. - David Marshall (Arkansas)

Loving the magazine and the Facebook page! I read the magazine inside cover and you’re right. The world changed and where were we? And it all keeps changing! Thank you for sharing. - Valerie C. Page 15

píê~íÉÖáÉë by Michelle Fitz

The Business Plan Certainly, if you want to get any form of funding from a third party, you are going to eventually find yourself in the position where a business plan will be requested. A lot of us start businesses without a plan; I’ll put my hands up and say that I’m one of them, but trust me, further down the line, if you don’t have one in place, you will find yourself without a guiding light to refer back to when decisions get tough or when the scope in which you’re operating creeps to the point of exhaustion. When I got involved with Compassion Fashion Project, it certainly had no business plan. It was a straight start-up with a funding source in the form of my freelance business only. In contrast, when I started my greeting card line back in 2001, it was something I sat down and completed right from the start. You’d be surprised just how many reasonably-sized, small firms don’t have a business plan, and then some big opportunity arises but they miss the boat because they don't have anything written down 5 years into operation for review. A lot of my business has consisted of writing and refreshing business plans. I don’t think this is a reflection of a good or bad approach - in my case, both of those ventures were start ups and both were carving out a niche in a relatively inundated market with lots of available research. But eventually, entity hit the stage where a business plan was not only crucial but also evident that without one in place, the business was at risk for becoming a jumbled, confusing mess of conflicting of priorities, competing for finite resources. When you think about it, everything from materials, money and even your time is a resource and each of these things are finite. You will run out.

So what is a business plan?

In short, it’s a document that outlines the scope of a business and its inner workings and assumption. It includes information on finances, analysis of your market, your core products, strategy and it even includes a high-level executive summary which acts as a thesis for outlining the objectives and scope of your business. It can be intimidating to write but in actual fact, it just requires some critical thinking, decision making and time on your part.

What it isn’t, however, is a restrictive vision to which you’re tied to or obliged to adhere to strictly. A common fear especially for female entrepreneurs or what I call kitchen table entrepreneurs, is that planning will somehow stifle the creative vision of their business, but that's not the kind of document we're writing. Think of it as a summary laying out of the things you know, the things you wish to sign your firm up to achieving and the ways in which you will see it through, manage it, fund it and spread the word.

Yes, Michelle, but don’t you simply have a template? Of course! If you’re interested, please contact me and I’ll share one I’ve written with great formatting and some guidance notes, which you can tailor to suit your needs. I ask you to contact me because I don’t want 100 companies stealing my work but it’s a great little guide I’m happy to share. If you flip over to page 20, I go into detail on some common sections we include for clients at Hat Trick and guidance. A simple Google search will turn up some decent starting points for you as well. I had a peek myself to see if there was anything particularly snazzy and free I could recommend, but the truth is, you don’t really need a template. It’s nothing fancy and it can be as involved or inclusive as you see fit. The key is, to reflect upon each section and where you have missing content or simply aren’t quite sure what your answer may be, to critically think and challenge yourself to answer those key areas.

Key Planning Points - Research means you’ll know your game and your place in it. It is a non-negotiable MUST DO. - Decide what your objectives will be and ensure you have MEASURABLE milestones in place so you can gauge your progress - MONITOR your budget, PREPARE a CONTINGENCY PLAN for assumptions you’ve made in your business plan which may not be reliable

I talked a little bit about this in my December 2012 article about Branding, but it’s invaluable to seek feedback on whether your plan and approach makes sense and is clear. This will help you refine it into something achievable and articulate it to others. Page Page 17 17

Feeling Dizzy Just At The Thought of Starting Your Business Plan? No

matter how overwhelming it feels, remember you’re not the first person in this position. Keep faith in your idea, remember why you are passionate about what you do in your business, and remind yourself that you’re darn good at it too! If you get stuck, email me directly for some free tips! We don’t try to sell our readers things they don’t need and please know we take pride in helping you succeed. Whether you’re a law or accounting firm or a kitchen table company getting reading to kick off in a big way, you CAN do this if you put your mind to it and we are happy to help in any way we can. Turn the page for a free guide.

We are rebuilding our websites to include some free tools for you so forgive us while they’re down. Watch this space and don’t be shy about giving me a call in the meantime if you need some help!

But if you feel you need a pro, we’re here to help with that too. We will conduct a full review of your business, pull out the key points and pull together a bound executive presentation and PowerPoint, with FREE coaching so that you’re ready for the big day! If you’re a small business, we can usually get you bank or grant ready for $500-$1000, depending upon the complexities of the research involved. Arrange an appointment for a free consultation so that we can get you on the right path to success. We can take on your full project, or get you a quote on a smaller scope of work at a lower price - let us know how we can help you.



Simple Tips We Use In Writing These sections, are characteristic of a good plan but are not exhaustive. So let’s dive in and take a look at what you can do, right there in your home office! We will focus on the key points applicable to all busineses.

Executive Summary A business plan is written with a reader in mind who may or may not be familiar or part of the inner workings of a business. As such, the Executive Summary needs to be a high-level outline of the key players and particulars, as well as any pointed information which lays out any requirements or requests of the reader. The Executive Summary certainly should be a bird’s-eye view of the business, as at that point in time with a forecast for where you are headed, who your key customers/market may be, and how you plan to achieve defined goals. This is a key part of your presentation and should be tailored for the reader. In my opinion, a page at most will suffice but if your business is complex or you have a great deal of research and pictorial representations, it is not uncommon that this may stretch to a couple of pages. If you are writing a business plan for presentation to a loan officer, it should be clear to the reader how much you currently have invested, your plan to bring the business into profit, how you will make money and moreover, how much money you are requesting in lending. This is a sales pitch, but beware of any tendencies to lean toward cheesy and grandiose ascertains. It is important to be enthusiastic but ensure that your points align to truths which are measurable or you will lose them, right there, in your first section.

High-Level Company Description This section is not a straight repeat of the Executive Summary, but some information may be overlapping. This is correct, as the Executive Summary is a birds-eye view of the paper/plan itself, whereas in the Company Description and subsequent topic headers you will go into a greater degree of detail. Remember, keep each of these sections only as detailed as is actually required to illustrate your point. Failure to be concise means that key points are more likely to be missed or worse, the detail is so overwhelming that you lose your reader’s confidence in your ability to manage such a complex entity and meet its objectives. It is possible that the detail is overwhelming and in that case, my friend, it is time to pause, rethink and streamline. You’ll thank me later. Page 20

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Business Plans For Our Clients Now for the nitty gritty. This section will include the key “stuff” investors, financial assessors, bank managers, potential business partners (full-on business partners and also those who may partner with you for specific projects and contracts) and other glorious purse-string and audit “suits” need to know about your company. The is the section that must make absolute sense to an external to retain interest. Your company description is really just a very high-level summary about what your company is about, its legal entity status, why you chose this particular entity, what your company does and what you envision your longer term objectives and goals to include.

I reiterate that each company will choose to do a business plan in the way that suits them and their bespoke intentions, but, in general terms, (and this applies to all major sections in this business plan guide) the following non-exhaustive points are worth consideration. - Vision or Mission Statement - if you don’t already have a mission statement, or vision, it’s worth a think, but not essential. However, it is always good to document your vision and there’s no better or more concise way than this. It should be no more than a paragraph, in my opinion. It’s different to a strap line or motto. For the sake of print space, if you need info on this just email me and I’ll explain what these are, or see our December 2012 issue for my article on Branding 101, which touched briefly on this. It should be memorable and a guiding light. - Goals and Objectives - the difference between the two is simply that a goal is the destination and the objectives are the milestones required to reach each goal. It will help you to keep these two straight if you remember that typically, you would give your employees annual objectives which are agreed up front and then at annual reviews, you will assess honestly how they performed against these objectives, which should align to the goals of the company or the department. - Who is your target market? What are your plans for reaching that market? - What is your company ethos or philosophy? What sets you apart, or what do you believe or want in the culture of your company or the way you go about doing business? - Show you know about the industry in which you operate and how you see it changing and shaping. Own up to challenges and demonstrate your awareness and capability for navigating those waters. Page 2121 Page

Products and Services Again, be careful of repeating yourself. This is a place for specifications, specific products, services or offerings, differentiating notations contrasting these with competitors or similar makes, and distinctive competitive advantages within your market. It can be helpful for some people to include a SWOT Analysis and it is not unusual for complex businesses to warrant its inclusion in a business plan, particularly if it is seeking funding or partnerships for new technologies, or new takes on offerings to a currently saturated market serviced by a more conventional or time-tested set of products/services.

Management and Organization We are often trained to include a few areas that in my opinion, are not commonly required by most businesses to elaborate in great detail. I always combine Management and Organization into one category. There are a number of businesses which warrant combining this area further with the Operational Plan but in my opinion, the Operational Plan should be separated. Equally, complex businesses will break Management and Organization out. Management and Organization is about how the entity (company) is organized, meaning the hierarchical structure of roles and responsibilities which are contained in the business and how the organization is managed. Of course it’s not a full org chart but rather, the board members, directors, close advisors, service providers which aid its operational strategy and those who provide its core services like insurances, accountants, solicitors (attorneys), banks and investment managers, etc. An external to the organization aand business stakeholders will have an active interest in understanding what roles comprise the team running business as usual (BAU), operations. They will also be keen to know that safeguards and strategic plans have been thought out, to protect BAU should some unforeseen event or incapacity occur.

Operational Plan Operational Planning and Management sound similar, but they’re two different beasts. Management infers the day-to-day decision making, direction and assurances afforded to ensuring organizational goals and objectives are met, that issues are kept well in-hand and that risks which arise are mitigated. The Operational Plan lays out the BAU in terms of the quality expectations, regulatory environment, production times, SLAs, location (premises), raw materials used and maintained, warehoused product and inventory, details and names of key suppliers, payment terms available to end-clients, and acceptable debt levels for payment owed to suppliers. This section will take a good deal of time and effort, as much of this will summarize the policies your company’s HR department (or you if it’s a one woman-show) will need to expand upon in the future. Page 22

Financial Management Strategy I’ve seen this section called expense and capitalization plan, finance plan, and financial summary. My explanation won’t do it justice - you need to do your homework to complete this section properly or contact a professional. Remember, this section is about the business at start up, the assumptions you’re making to form an opinion on the financial viability of the project/business and the articulation of this to people outside the organization and its stakeholders. Contingency is important. There is no amount of planning at this stage of a business that can account for all assumptions, which may materialize so pad your summary and document this as your risk line. A good estimate is 20%. If this is a project, funded by an existing firm, Rough Order of Magnitude could be used if the stakes are high and too many unknowns are present. In a ROM, it’s not unusual to see contingency of +/- 50% within a business case or business plan. I’ve been the Financial Controller for huge programmes of work, provided business case assurance and sat on governance boards and project committees. The best possible modus operandi for this segment of your business plan is to do your homework, explain clearly what research you undertook, and the assumptions, risks and decisions made. Call out unknowns and plan for financial risk/contingency to cover those unknowns. That’s all we really want to know! Demonstrate that the business/project is realistic, gives payback and aids the strategy outlined for achieving the organization’s wider goals. We’ll also want to know what start up expenses you’ve incurred and the funding you have in place (or need). If you’re asking for funding, banks and grant administrators will want to know how the money will be spent, the mechanisms for which spend will be incurred and how the lending or grant will enable your strategic achievement. Be sure to include a break-even analysis. Organize this section to optimize your reader’s experience. This can be heavy reading. The key areas you should expand upon, are your P&L (profit and loss) projection and your projected cash flow. Careful. Check your assumptions, keep it high-level, and link the assumptions you have made to the P&L forecast to ensure what you are demonstrating in profit stacks up. This is often aspirational but should be build upon some degree of fact and a great deal of researched and educated assumption. Include a 12 month projection and a 4 year projection (also called forecasts). Cash flow isn’t profit. Cash flow is about how you plan to manage the monies in and out, capitalize assets and maximize the financial viability of your company in order to manage it into profit. I’ve hit my word count now. There are sections you could include thereafter, depending on the intricacies of your firm. I’d recommend at least Appendices which include any documentation which demonstrate the viability of the business to an outsider. These might include brochures, inventory/cash flow plans, contracts, sales figures, photos of premises, and research materials.

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Bespoke Jewellery

Fully hand-crafted jewelry, custom made according to your specification in Great Britain. Beautiful custom metalwork with a focus on metal patterns combined with beads, pearls or gemstones. Completely unique Visit the website for more details on creating your Inner Fyre experience.


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Attitude of Gratitude

By Manuela Wahnon Columnist

How I relate to Water When you feel immediate, genuine joy in your heart for another’s happiness, then there is no room for bitterness or sour feelings of resentment. Joy erupts like a fountain of water; it gushes and is projectile. On the other end of the spectrum, are Envy and Jealousy Envy and jealousy are emotions so corrosive, that they seep out in the most conspicuous way. People who are feeling this toward you, will probably try to disguise it, but their attempts to mask their feelings make it all the more obvious. Resentful people, will mask their already limited goodwill and recognition and celebration of your good fortune, like a mean-spirited, drip, drip, of water trickling… when a torrent of gushing water would be more appropriate. An example would include the negative vibe one gets ~ when you have lost a vast amount of weight, and you walk down the road knowing that the looks of admiration, that you appear to be receiving, are for your new found confidence. A mean-spirited and envious person, will make calculated strides to prove they simply did not notice. Should you fall into the trap of mentioning it, yourself, don’t be surprised if their response is something like:

“Oh have you lost weight? I am so sorry I hadn’t realised” These responses can leave you feeling bad for mentioning it, in the first place. Joy cannot be contained. It is evident in all people with an abundance of gratitude. It is displayed in smiles that light up their eyes, in the warmth of their body hugs, and their lingering looks backwards in their goodbyes. Page 25

Meeting Quality Expectations by: Joseph D. Phillips Business Editor


Quality, according to the Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge, is the “totality of an entity that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.” Phew! Did some attorneys write that line? Let’s break it down into some practical, accessible language. As a project management trainer I fly around the country quite a bit. When I’m scheduled to fly there are some definite stated needs. I want to fly from Chicago and land in San Francisco. That’s the stated needs – I won’t be happy if my flights touches down in Sheboygan rather than San Francisco. There are some obvious implied needs as well: comfortable (for the most part) flight, safety, security, and expectations that my luggage will make the flight with me. Implied needs can be dangerous for the stakeholder if the implied needs are assumptions. If I’m expecting a meal on the flight, assuming there’s a meal on the flight, and there isn’t one, well, I’m not happy when I’m hungry. A common misunderstanding when it comes to quality: quality and grade are not the same thing. Quality is about a fitness for use and conformance to project requirements. Grade is a ranking or measurement of a product or service. Perfect example is my flight: when I’m taking a long flight I typically opt for first class. If the flight is less than three hours I’m in coach. Grade is the difference between first and coach. With each level of grade there are different expectations. I can have a quality flight in coach or first class – one isn’t of more quality than the other, it’s just their grade and purpose. Grade is centered on expectations while quality is centered on stated and implied needs. Now let’s put stated and implied needs into project management. If you’re managing a project for stakeholder to create a new piece of software the customer has some stated needs. The software has to accomplish certain goals, behave in a certain method, and be stable to work in their environment. The customer may also some expectations that are implied – such as training, documentation, or that the software will follow standard operating procedures. They gap between stated needs and implied needs can be a dangerous spot if the project manager doesn’t work to bridge it. So now that we’re clear on quality, how does a project team work to ensure that will quality will exist within the project’s product. In order to satisfy quality within the project the project manager needs to look, seriously look, at the Iron Triangle of Project Management: can the project satisfy the project scope with the defined budget and the expected schedule. Page 27

Quality is ascertained by delivering the expected project scope on time and on budget. The concept of quality assurance (QA) enters the project management stage. QA is a management-driven process to ensure that the project work is done right the first time. QA is a prevention-driven process. What’s it preventing? Mistakes, rework, corrective actions, and a breakdown of quality within the project deliverables. Quality assurance is comprised of four key points: • Customer satisfaction. Knowing what the customer is expecting is so crucial to project management. How can you manage a project with quality if you do not know what the customer is expecting? The only way to achieve customer satisfaction is to understand what the project requirements are then to meet them. • Prevention. QA detests the idea of corrective action. Whenever there is corrective action it means that there’s been waste somewhere within the project. In the previous example with the 1,000 doors there was waste. If a project team member is doing work that’s outside of the project scope – that’s waste. If the project team is allowing little changes to enter the project without following a prescribed change control system – that’s waste. Nonvalue add activities do not contribute to the project’s quality.

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Real World Note: Here’s something that might make you angry – over delivering on the project’s promises is actually not good. Anything that you over deliver on is waste. Often I hear clients object on this point. They’ll say, “But Joe – we’re surprising the customer, we’re giving them more than they asked for, we’re making the deliverable even better than they’re expecting.” I believe them, but all those extras, if they’re really needed, are supposed to, must be, documented as part of the project scope. Extras are waste. I make no apologies in saying that quality is ascertained by delivering exactly what the customer has asked for – nothing more, nothing less.

• Management provisions. If an organization has set goals for quality, such as less than 2% defects, or budget variances, or schedule expectations, or other lofty visions that’s all fine – assuming that management gives the project manager and the project team the resources to achieve those goals. Quality cannot be met when the resources aren’t available to reach the quality expectations. A common management goal is the budget and a tight range of variance. However there aren’t enough project team resources to complete the work so overtime ensues which in turn drives the labor cost and wrecks management’s unrealistic budget goal. • Plan-Do-Check-Act. This is Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s Quality Circle. The premise is simple. First you plan, then you do your plan, then you check the results of your work, and then you act by either fixing problems or moving on with your project. Technically, the checking and acting portion of Deming’s circle is part of quality control – which I’ll discuss later in my column. Your organization may already have a quality assurance program – such as Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, an ISO 9000 or 10,000 program, or even just a quality policy that all projects adhere. The point of any quality assurance program is to prevent mistakes from entering the project. QA is all about doing the project right the first time and it does this by planning, following repeatable processes, and looking to rid the project of unneeded processes and non-value add activities.

Quality is delivering to the customer exactly what the customer has asked for. If you’re over- or under- delivering you’re not giving the customer quality. I can say this with confidence because quality is giving the customer exactly what was documented and agreed upon in the project scope. Some project managers want to argue that they under promise and over deliver. Nope. When you promise, even an under promise, you’ve set expectations and commitments for the customer. When you over deliver you’ve not kept your promises. The customer might see that as deceptive and wasteful, after all they’ve already agreed to what you’ve promised. Page 29

Have you considered a career in project management? It's one of the most stable careers out there with fantastic opportunities for advancement and a market both in permanent and freelance markets. The Project Management Professional exam is your ticket and it’s a lot more achievable than you may think! Hat Trick readers get an AMAZING $49 off the PMP Boot Camp by Joseph D. Phillips. Check it out and get your career on track in 2013! Don’t forget to enter the code hattrick at the checkout!

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Author Bio Joseph Phillips is a leader in the project management and adult education community. He is a PMI-certified Project Management Professional, a Project+ Professional, and a Certified Technical Trainer. Phillips has consulted on project management, business analysis, and adult education for hospitals, architectural firms, manufacturers, and information technology consultancies. He’s consulted organizations on project management framework, process engineering, change management, and the principles of project management. As a leader in adult education, Phillips has taught organizations how to successfully implement project management methodologies, information technology project management, risk management, and other courses. He has taught more than 10,000 professionals through seminars, conferences, and presentations in the United States, Belgium, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. He is a member and of the Project Management Institute and speaks often for chapter meetings throughout the world. He has taught for Columbia College Chicago, Vincennes University, and Ball State University. Phillips is the author of several top-selling books, including IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide, CAPM/PMP Project Management Certification Allin-One Exam Guide, Project Management for Small Business, Vampire Management, The Lifelong Project, and others. Contact Joseph Phillips

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Page 32

Spotlight: Women Bernie Cullinan Bernie Cullinan ACMA, CGMA is the CEO of human resources management company Clarigen, headquartered in Dublin, which is known for its comprehensive and innovative solutions covering every aspect of corporate HR needs. Renowned as a creative and energetic leader, she has an impressive track record of executive and non-executive roles in the software sector. Among her previous roles are a five-year stint as COO of procurement and supplier management solutions company Performix Technologies, and a period as CEO of Irish company SteelTrace, which specialises in collaborative requirements for software application development, and which was sold to US company Compuware

Corporation. She is also past president of the Irish Software Association, which represents members of the country’s software and computer industry, and of CIMA’s Irish office. At Clarigen, Cullinan sits on a board with five members, among which she is one of two women.

The slow pace of change for female executives

By the broadest measures, much has changed in the gender mix in Ireland’s labour market. Women make up a much larger section of the workforce compared to 30 years ago, but at the senior level the rate of change is far slower than in the rest of the job market. Before 1973, when Ireland joined the EEC (now the European Union), gender differences in the workplace were markedly different compared to now. For instance, Irish women had to give up employment if they married, and when in employment they would be paid far less than their male counterparts.

‘There's not a huge difference to 20 years ago regarding women in Irish senior roles’ Page 32

In Leadership Clarigen

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There is still a difference between rates of pay for women and men in Ireland, as there is in many parts of the EU, but that gap is steadily closing. Since EU membership, the percentage of women in the workforce in Ireland has grown dramatically, from 27% to 42%. When it comes to senior positions, however, there has been much less change. ‘There is not a huge difference to 20 years ago as regards women in senior roles. The percentage of women and men in senior positions has not changed much, at least not in Ireland,’ Cullinan remarks. The persistence of the glass ceiling Although Cullinan has risen to the level of CEO, and her company’s board is 40% female, she perceives that there are still barriers preventing the rise of women to senior executive roles. One might suspect that this would be due to the prejudice of male executives, but this suspicion would be inaccurate. For Cullinan, the reason is more biological than sociological.

‘It is not sexism: business priorities have to prevail’ ‘The glass ceiling is still an issue. A lot of the issue is that women take time out to have children. It is hard to build a business and keep continuity, especially in a small business, if people have long periods of time out. If it is a senior woman who is a key decision-maker then time out could be very difficult,’ says Cullinan. ‘It is not necessarily about women not getting opportunities, but rather about the time out to have children. It is not sexism. At the end of the day, business priorities have to prevail,’ she adds. Equality measures cannot legislate for biology The growing equality of women in the workplace in Ireland can be clearly traced back to its entrance into what is now the EU, not least because of the European legislation that has been transposed into national laws. Directives demanding action on equality and anti-discrimination measures, including the EU equal pay directive that became the country’s anti-discrimination (pay) act of 1974, have brought greater parity between genders. Page 33

Page 34

Similarly, there have been EU directives that look specifically at equal opportunities in the workplace, access to vocational training and employment, and working conditions, as well as addressing pay inequality. One area in which such legislation has made a significant difference is in regard to the rights of working mothers. Women can now claim a minimum of 14 weeks maternity leave, although Ireland’s current proposition of 26 weeks paid and up to 16 weeks unpaid leave go way beyond the period stipulated by the EU.

‘Women should have dialogue about their plans and the company plan for their absence’ Nevertheless, while women may have some protection when they already occupy a senior role and wish to have children, the prospect of extended leave could be a factor in preventing them achieving that status in the first place, according to Cullinan. ‘CEOs have told me that they don’t want women in senior positions because in the past maternity leave has cost the business. I understand their concern. The best situation is for a talented woman to have an open dialogue about her plans and for the company to work with her to plan for her absence so that everyone has a clear understanding of her plans,’ she observes. The precarious work-life balance Balancing the demands of a senior executive role with family life is hard for anyone, regardless of their gender, but Cullinan feels the pressure on women is far greater and is compounded by issues of cost. ‘The work-life balance is a huge challenge for women. It is their predisposition to feel the strong pull of family, but it is extremely different to manage in full-time work, and women have to put much more into their work than men,’ she remarks. ‘The work-life balance is a huge challenge for women’ ‘If you are a very senior woman and you can afford full-time childcare then the situation is much better. If not, then it is very difficult. You need excellent childcare arrangements, but that costs money, which comes from after-tax income. In Ireland, it costs €2,000 a month to have full-time childcare, which means you have to earn €4,500 a month to make it worthwhile.’ What can be done to redress the balance? EU regulation has made a difference in Ireland over the years, and further action by government could open more opportunities for women to take on senior roles. Page 35

‘There could be policy-led changes, such as making childcare costs come out of pre-tax income, or at least having some kind of financial relief. Or, it could be possible to swap partner roles in the family. Policy changes were talked about in Ireland a few years ago and there were indications from the government that some change would be made, but it didn’t happen. Now, the government needs every penny of income tax that it can get, so change is very unlikely,’ says Cullinan. For Cullinan, legislation could help shape the future of women in leadership roles, but more important is the approach of employers and their ability to communicate effectively with women in senior roles to cope with issues such as maternity leave through preparation and planning. I have found having multiple mentors of most value – male and female mentors, both internal and external to my organisation. Internally, a senior mentor can act as a talent broker and help you progress to the next level, while externally a senior mentor can ensure you’re focused on the bigger picture and on your long-term aspirations. Seize opportunities The only way you will develop and progress is to continually stretch yourself. Never say no to an opportunity, especially if it is outside of your comfort zone. Being a good leader A good leader needs to inspire and engage those around them. They also need to lead by example and this includes upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity. While a strategic vision is required, it’s the softer skills such as influencing and empathy that have a significant impact on successfully leading a team.

‘Never say no to an opportunity’ I think in general women possess some different qualities compared with men, including being more compassionate, better listeners, and more intuitive around how others are feeling, for example through reading body language. These skills can help them be better leaders. The role of employers Women are at a short-term disadvantage when commencing and returning from maternity leave as they have to naturally take a career break. The role of the employer is critical in ensuring that this does not impact their long-term career opportunities and development.

Page 36

Study for a degree through CIMA CIMA has partnered with three UK universities to offer students the opportunity to get a degree while also studying towards their CIMA qualification.

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Page 37

e Of s n e s n o N e Th he Not Hiring T ied” f i l a u Q r e v “O

abial by Sukh P ditor Careers E

Page 38

In a recent edition of the Harvard Business Review, there was an article that caught my eye. The age old myth of – Bob would have been great for the role, but he’s just too qualified – was given a good run for its money. They made the case, and presented evidence of companies that do it, that this is a falsehood we shouldn’t be blind-sided by. The case goes something like this. We assume that someone with a high qualification will be get bored or won’t feel utilised because they’re so highly qualified/skilled. They could do well in the post, it’s just more likely that they’ll still be searching for a new job as soon as they’ve started. Accepted wisdom, right? Here’s what HBR goes on to say. In fact, these overqualified individuals are exactly the kind of person you should be looking to hire, and there are some compelling reasons to do this. Research has found that they won’t be quickly seeking to move on, they’re just keen to get on and do a good job. Importantly though, they have every incentive to do a good job. Why? Because they’re already motivated to do a good job. With their qualifications, their big brains are simply bursting with information they are waiting to use. They’ve sat through all the lectures and high level thinking they need to make you proud. They’re waiting to produce insights and improve working practices, because they’ve been taught how to! And you don’t want to hire them? Let’s think about the other benefits then. They won’t be leaving to do their further studies, because they’ve already had the motivation to get off their backsides and do it themselves. With their own cash. And most likely when they were working part time. So what do we understand from this? That they are highly motivated individuals who are more than worth their salt. That means you’re likely to get 4-5 years out of them until they start to

get itchy feet. Treat them well during this time, and they’ll likely stay longer. Treat them mean, and you’re probably experiencing other problems aren’t you? The cost saving you will make on hiring someone already qualified is significant. Supporting someone to go through a post grad degree can cost a business anywhere between £4000-£20000. If your incumbent leaves to join Company Y because they’re after career progression, you then have a hiring cost you have to factor in. Anywhere between 12%-20% of the salary? If we assume a salary of £27k that’s somewhere between £3240-£5400. And atop these there will be lost days to studies, exams, and if you’re a kind employer, resources for studying too. Right, so you don’t want to hire someone who is over-qualified because your team members are doing a good job of things, and they won’t leave or ask to study further? So, if you’re thinking at the end of this ‘Oh, but everyone knows this is true’, then challenge that line of thinking. I dare you. If you don’t want to challenge the way you think about hiring those who are over-qualified, it’s cos you are lazy and you don’t want to consider what rich resources are ready made waiting to help your business succeed. As an aside, have you heard of Peter Hros? He has a BSc and MSc in Human Resource Management, is an Associate of the CIPD and is working towards a Chartered Masters upgrade. This post is in honour of Peter. Everything I’ve written above captures (I hope) why he should be hired. He’s immensely keen to get into HR, but is constantly faced with the ‘sorry, you’re too qualified’ answer, which is just crap. If you are looking for someone to work in HR, then please give him due consideration. Page 39

Working with Sukh I’m available for consultancy and associate work in the field of learning and development and positive psychology. Read on for more details… Learning and Development. My chosen career path for the last ten years, and I’m not stopping yet. Designing and developing solutions to make workplaces successful through the skills and abilities of their people is the core role of any L&Der. I take this seriously and am actively involved in being a key part of the continuing thoughts and developments in this field. I’ve done everything from interpersonal skills training to management training to leadership development to basic behavioural skills like time management. It’s all interesting, but importantly it’s about getting it right for the business. I’ve developed L&D strategies, been involved in culture change initiatives, delivered whole programmes, and more. Raising self awareness. This is what I live and breathe. We can all learn about ways to influence and encourage others to do things, but until you learn about your own style and what this means for you, how can you expect to do the former? In learning about your strengths, and your weaknesses, you gain strength of mind and conviction that you have a clear path ahead of you. This is what I will help with, and I’m qualified in the MBTI and 16PF to help you. Conversation. That’s what I help to enable. I’m a collaborator, facilitator, and interested in the challenges you’re facing. Through bringing people together, ensuring the right conversation is taking place, and bringing to front of mind better ways of working with others, I want to be part of making it happen. Making things happen. That’s what I enjoy too. People can achieve great things, either on their own or with the collaboration of people around them. I will use what I know to help you make things happen. There are good ways of achieving your goals and ambitions, and there are bad ways. The good ways mean you enjoy the work you do, you have a reason to be motivated, and the output you produce will be better. The bad ways mean none of that happens, and generally things are very selfish. I’m in the camp for doing things the right way. I can be contacted for consultancy and associate work on any of the above. Have a look at the About Sukh page for contact details.

Sukh Pabial is a learning and development professional and if you like what he says, he writes a regular blog. Page 40


Have Your Say!

We love hearing from our readers! If you have a question or comment for one of our writers, please feel free to write to them content@HatTrickMagazine.com

Q. We want to hear your stories of triumph and achievement! Whether it’s school, work or balancing school lunches, bedtime stories and little league games, your life is fully of wins and scheduling tricks and we want to know how you do it! Write in and be sure to sign your message in the way you would like to be credited in the magazine, including your location. Page 41

Study for a degree through CIMA CIMA has partnered with three UK universities to offer students the opportunity to get a degree while also studying towards their CIMA qualification.

Manchester Metropolitan University

Nottingham Trent University

Robert Gordon University

Hat Trick Endorsed. CIMA is a global qualification, respected in a variety of industries and an excellent investment if you’re looking for a leadership-driven, strategic qualification.

Register As A CIMA Student!

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Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy was revealed to the world by her beaux, Kanye West, at his concert in Atlantic City. This will be the first child for both Kardashian and West, although there is the added complication of an ongoing divorce battle with estranged husband, Kris Humphries. The couple’s divorce is at a stalemate due to differing views on the precise legal grounds to be used; Humphries has sought an annulment.

Ashton Kutcher filed for divorce from Demi Moore after over a year of separation in December. The actor is believed to be romantically involved with actress Mila Kunis.

Snowstorms hit Northeastern parts of the US after leaving many areas in the mid-west covered in winter white! Midwestern states were disrupted after blizzard-like conditions were forecast.

Chinese Couples have flocked to their registry offices, seeking to wed on January 4; the date is worded in Mandarin is very close to “eternal love”.

Skinny Girl, Bethany Frankle separated from her husband last month. The couple have one small child from the relationship and divorce papers were filed in early January this year.

While most people rang in the New Year with fireworks and parties, a Pensioner in France spent the night locked in a supermarket! The 73 year old felt faint and went to the bathroom, but when she returned, she found the lights out and the store locked.

There has been wide reporting on the tragic school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. According to the New York Daily News, disturbing detail has emerged suggesting that Adam Lambert, the shooter, may have been influenced by first-person shooter games.

Page 46

Health Matters by Mina Muirhead, R.N. Health Editor

varying opinions. At least we are talking.

I hear more and more about the Mayan calendar not marking the end of the world, but possibly the closing of a chapter and the start of a new beginning. This new beginning will be a period of enlightenment and spiritual growth. I don’t know if this is just wishful thinking, but if so, I share the same wish. I hope that the tragedies of Connecticut are a rock bottom for us, all of us. However, I fear that would be quite naïve. Whether at our kitchen table or in a government building, discussions are happening and hopefully changes will take place. I don’t know exactly what those changes should be and I know there are a lot of

On December 21st, 2012 approx 1/3 of the kids in our area did not go to school. Why? Surely, we did not really take the end of the world gossip as fact. No, it was because several random bomb threats were called in for the 21st. Did they just mean to create chaos? Maybe. Did they plan to follow through with it? Probably not, but sadly you can’t be entirely sure these days, can you? Some of my friends kept their kids out of school. The principal at one of the local elementary schools in my area even decided to keep his kids out of school that day just to be safe. Others decided that it was better to continue on with their daily routines and trust the local police force to stop any potential threats. There was no right answer. As parents you simply had to do what you thought was best for your child. The talks are more intensified considering gun control, violence in the media and mental illness. Most people have a strong opinion on these topics. In regard to gun control, what makes these discussions so difficult is that most American’s that own guns are law abiding citizens. I grew up in the south where the right to bear arms holds the same importance as the right to vote. For a gun owner it’s a cornerstone of democracy. But, is an assault rifle necessary, even for the most avid gun collector? Long-term effects of violent video games are still uncertain and are fiercely debated. To date there are no long term studies, only hypotheses. Researchers Anderson and Bushman, who developed the General Aggression Model (GAM) Page 46

in 2002, took some but not all the heat off the video games by acknowledging that a gamer’s personality plays into how he is affected by violence. Again, we all know kids that tend to play violent video games that don’t have any more inclination towards violence than someone that does not. It is well known that the two major demographic predictors of violent behavior are male sex and younger age. This is definitely what we have seen in the last decade with school shootings. Violence is also more common with people that have a severe mental illness. But mental illness contributes very little to the overall rate of violence in the community. The most important fact that became evident while reading up on this topic is that studies have established, when NOT taking medication while suffering from severe mental illness, there is a major clinical predictor of violent behavior. It is important to note the severely mentally ill individuals who ARE taking their medication are not more dangerous than the general population. 1 in 17 American’s live with a serious mental illness. This comes in the form of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and borderline personality disorder. Unfortunately, stigma erodes confidence that mental disorders are real and treatable health conditions. How to overcome this stigma and give patient’s the support and treatment they need and deserve is complex. The discussions regarding these topics need to be continuous, not just in the time surrounding a violent catastrophe. We do need to make immediate, but thoughtful, decisions regarding gun laws and the care and diagnosis of mental health patients. When the safety and security of our children is at risk, it should convince all of us to bring our best ideas with open minds to the table.


Mina graduated with honors with her BSN from the University of Northern Colorado in 1997. She is a member of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery. Have a question for Mina? Please write to content@HatTrickMagazine.com and include “Mina” in the subject field. Page 47

Page 48

iBuildStrongWomen Underutilizing Fitness? The Missing Link Between the Life You Have and the Life You Crave “The missing link between the life you have and the life you crave is your energy. You need to take your energy level ~ quick literally the vibration at which you operate ~ back to a maximally magnetic state every single day.” Charlene SanJenko, Fitness Expert, Lifestyle Management and Performance Coach What if I told you there was a way for you to proactively bridge between the life you have and the life you crave? What if I told you that the ritual of fitness holds the key to unlocking everything you want in your life. Bold statement? Maybe. We’ve been told our entire lives that ‘we’ve got have faith’ and ‘trust the process’. Easier said then done. We’re humans. We’re doers. What if I told you there was something you could do on a daily basis that would literally build your faith and strengthen your trust in the process? What if I told you that working out – committing to regular exercise on a daily basis – could not only positively change your body but could also absolutely change your life! I’m not talking about the typical changes like losing weight, toning up, having more energy, increasing selfconfidence or feeling younger. I’m talking about the power to change your life for the better utilizing focused training to achieve so much more than just the body you want – that’s merely scratching the surface.

We’re equally composed of body, mind and spirit. The ritual of fitness is taking time out of your busy day to connect and unify those three parts ~ your complete self. Let’s take it one step further. The ritual of fitness is your opportunity to focus on a daily basis on what you most want in your life, to re-commit daily to your desires and call them into reality. Have I lost you? Okay, let me break it down into steps. Have you read the book or watched the movie called, The Secret? ’The Secret reveals amazing real life stories and testimonials of regular people who have changed their lives in profound ways. By applying the Secret they present instances of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles and achieving what many would regard as impossible. The Secret shows how to apply this powerful knowledge to your life in every area from health to wealth, to success and relationships.’ In a nutshell, The Secret IS that you get what you most focus on. Now, I’m going to give you the missing step. I’m going to teach you HOW to achieve and apply that focus in your everyday life utilizing the simplicity of exercise. For the past twelve years I have been writing, presenting and teaching about the connection between creating the body you want and creating the life you desire AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. Let’s get our biggest bang for our buck! Below is a process I have developed called CSJ 4a Change (the 4A’s are listed below): ASK: ASK for what you want. Be clear. Be specific. Acknowledge it. Own it. ALIGN: There’s a certain amount of work you are required to do to be ready for opportunities as they arise. It’s not a ‘gimme’. If you want something, demonstrate that you are ready for it by aligning your ACTIONS, your relationships and your attitude. ALLOW: This is the step where trust comes in. TRUST that the opportunities will show up that will move you towards your desires. ACTIVATE: The final and most important step. This is the step not found in The Secret, and the one I feel perhaps most important. On a daily basis (because let’s face it, we have a short attention span), we need to re-focus, re-commit, re-position, and re-activate to a state where we are most receptive for what we want. I almost think of it as re-magnetizing a magnet or cleaning the posts on a battery to ensure it is super easy to charge. You need to take your energy level ~ quick literally the vibration at which you operate ~ back to a maximally magnetic state every single day. Page 49

There are aspects of our lives that drag us down every single day – stress, negative people, inadequate sleep, poor eating habits, lack of water and exercise, feelings of overwhelm etc. so we need to counter those things – every single day – with things that fuel us back up such as eating well, exercise, drinking enough water, rest and positive thoughts. It doesn’t just happen. It is a daily practice. Stay in the practice. Stay in the flow. Create your body, Create your life! Most people don’t get what they want in life because they lose sight of it. They get distracted by the busy (non-important) stuff. That’s why a daily ritual that connects your mind, body and spirit, the COMPLETE you to what you most desire is so important. Whether it’s training with weights, running, hiking, yoga, dance or whatever you prefer… I encourage you to allow fitness to be all that it can be – and I believe meant to be – in your life. Change your body in 2013. Change your life in 2013. Watch for my e-book later this year on this exciting topic to help you transition how you are utilizing fitness now to utilizing it at its fullest potential to unlock everything you want in your life. Always remember, I’m here to help. Wishing you all the very best in 2013. Make it happen!

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Page 51

Like Magnolias Classic Southern American Recipes by Tanya Jackson Food Editor

Coconut Macaroons When you get in a hectic mood and all is closing in on you; you need a good easy thing to bake. I love baking. It is fun, and somewhat nutritious and just plain good for your soul. Sharing baked goods is such a great experience. I guess that is why there are bakeries. Who doesn’t love to go into a bakery and get yummy items? You may be celebrating the New Year with friends or at home with the fam or at the office. When the sky is still bleak and no warm sky’s are around that is the time to get yourself baking. You will love the togetherness it creates. One of my favorites is Coconut Macaroons. Just the mention of coconuts and you are already transported into the lazy days of island vacations. Or as we say in the south, “summer.” I could eat coconuts all day long and my fridge was just about to explode with bags of coconut shavings. As a holiday is around the corner every month I thought, “What a great way to use my coconut, (cause family is coming and they will insist that I throw it away) and have something yummy as well. I found this recipe online at AllRecipes.com It is easy to make and very delicious. You won’t be able to stop. I found a few tips that I will pass along. Cause that is just what I do. I know the cook books don’t give you those extra tips so if I try out a recipe I let you know what really works.

Ever fixed a recipe from Pinterest? Yea; me too.

Ingredients 1 (14oz –by measure not weight) can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk. (I am sure that Eagle Brand was the author and will gladly give them the credit.) Condensed Milk is very thick-hence the word condensed- sweet, and I mean extra extra sweet Milk in a can. Not evaporated milk, don’t confuse them). • 1 egg white I used two (2) egg whites because the milk is very heavy and can make a mess during cooking if the mixture doesn’t have enough to hold it together. But hey, they still tasted really yummy, but not nearly as pretty. • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, and 1 ½ teaspoons almond extract. I used two (2) teaspoons of each. The condensed milk has a strong flavor of its own and needs the extra flavoring to counter balance it. I have all kinds of flavorings in my cabinet and I can’t wait to try them all. Fun city! • 1 (14 oz- by weight not measure) package of flaked coconut. Flip flop on the milk and coconut measurements. •

Method •

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Line baking sheets with foil: grease & flour foil set aside. I used Bakers Joy on my baking sheet and the macaroons did fine. It has the oil & flour in the can. Love it. Also use a really flat spatula to lift them off sheet. But you will probably need to scrape off some of the macaroon goop as it does stick on the spatula. In large bowl, combine sweetened condensed milk, egg white, extracts and coconut; mix well. I found combining the milk, extracts then coconut then the egg whites worked better for me in that order. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto prepared baking sheets; slightly flatten each mound with a spoon. I used two teaspoons one to scoop and one to empty the scoop. I also left them spiked up like little mountains. Somehow it just looked better when the coconut browned. Bake 15-17 minutes or until lightly browned around the edges. I put my macaroons on some waxed paper to dry- not dry paper or they will stick. Seemed easier to pick up later. Store loosely covered at room temperature. If you put them in the fridge they will absorb all kinds of flavors you don’t want and moisture which you don’t want either. Take them to the office or serve at a party; they will definitely be a hit.

Ha!y New Year to all.

Page 53

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Believe/Materialize Keepsake Box

Jr. Ringer Tee “More love in the world please”

Mug “The cure for procrastination is caffeination!”

Visit Karen's fabulous new shop! Here's your chance to get some of Karen's awesome posters and slogans on everything from notebooks, to mugs to tank-tops! Treat yourself today, or share the love with somebody who deserves it! Don't forget to check out Karen's main website NotSalmon.com for more wisdom, humor and fantastic freebies!

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by Karen Salmansohn Self Help Editor

Check out Karen’s latest books for inspiration on being happy and insights and tools to break bad relationship patterns PRINCE HARMING SYNDROME & INSTANT HAPPY Page 62

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Joey Phelps & Michael Phelps Cartoonists Hat Trick Magazine

copyright Ann Pissard

“for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also� Luke 12:34 By: Ann Pissard Graphic Artist

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by Patricia Bayne Opinion Editor

AskPatti Dear Patti, I have a hard time getting along with people generally. It interferes with my work and I don’t have close relationships. I've been a victim of domestic violence and child abuse. What can I do to get along with other people and to stop being over bearing, negative and snappy with people? Tracey, Connecticut


I think that by writing to me you have made a huge step. It shows you acknowledge a problem and that you want to get help. That is super important. Living through traumas such as these is not easy and should not be taken lightly nor brushed aside.

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Our environment has much to with how we are shaped. Child abuse is insidious and can damage a person in ways they cannot understand. Domestic violence creates gaping holes in one’s personality. Overcoming the cruelty of others is not an easy task. But you can do it. You just may not be able to do it alone. The first thing to do is to get help. There are plenty of groups and organizations out there that can offer assistance. The Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA,www.ascasupport.org) is one of many web-based support groups available to offer assistance to people who have been emotionally disabled by others. They have a network of outreach programs available in many areas and ways to begin programs in your own area to help adult survivors of child abuse. Many of your difficulties developing close relationships may be traced back to traumas you experienced during your childhood. According to a scientific paper published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior in 2001, researchers Horwitz, Widom, McLaughlin and White concluded that psychopathy such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders, drug and alcohol disorders and generalized distress in their subjects could be statistically linked to experiences of abuse and neglect as children. They reported that both men and women who were victimized as children report more stressful life events over their lifetimes suggesting that early child abuse and neglect is part of a broader constellation of life stressors. Domestic violence is much more common than most people realize. How common? You may be surprised to know that 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence at some point in their lives. Often, a woman may experience domestic violence for years before telling anyone about it. This is an extremely dangerous and vicious social problem. Don’t ever forget all women have the right to live without the fear of violence and abuse. In many situations, the abuser manipulates the relationship in a way that makes the abused feel as if they are part of the problem. This could not be further from the truth. The abuser is solely responsible for his behavior. He is the one who makes the choice to abuse, not the other way around. The fear is overwhelming for someone who is abused. It controls every decision they make. The threat of violence against her, her children, or her family is disabling. It makes someone who is abused distrustful, ashamed, embarrassed, withdrawn or even overly controlling of other areas of her life. Sometimes, an abuse victim projects anger and rage onto others and that creates problems with relationships. Page 65

This is why group therapy and a good program of psychotherapy can be helpful in enabling you to improve the quality of your life. Being able to encounter and engage with others who have lived through similar experiences can relieve anxiety and fear. Some may be able to offer concrete tips of how to take the necessary steps to recovery and how to process emotions in a more productive manner. Others who are survivors can help empower you. While taking steps to heal, a few tips on how to improve relationships may be helpful to keep in mind. Here are five of my favorites from a list prepared by longtime syndicated advice columnist Ann Landers’ “Ten Commandments of How to Get Along with Others.” 1. Always say less than you think. Cultivate a low persuasive voice. How you say it often counts more than what you say. 2. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. Praise good work, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, offer it gently, not harshly. 3. Be interested in others – their pursuits, their work, their homes and families. Make merry with those that rejoice and weep with those that mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him or her as a person of importance. 4. Keep an open mind. Discuss, but don’t argue. It is the mark of superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. 5. Don’t be too eager to get the credit due you. Do your best and be patient. Forget about yourself, and let others “remember.” Success is much sweeter that way. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you get in contact with groups in your area. You will meet others who have been through some of the same things you have been through. In short order, you will start to see a change, and you won’t feel so alone in this world.

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Dear Patti, I have a hard time getting the discipline I need to focus on a task and complete it. I am doing a degree and I'm so bad about going online and goofing off instead of working on what I know I should do. I don’t want to flunk out. How can I get a routine and stick to it?

Jamie Caldwell, Louisiana Dear Jamie,

You have a common struggle on your hands. Hours of distraction lie in our always present electronic devices. From the endless connectivity of social networking sites to the 24 hour news cycle, we almost can’t escape timewasting technology. Developing a routine seems easy, but it isn’t. Self-discipline is constantly being eroded by rationalization and promise-making. Here are some suggestions on how to develop a routine: - Care about what you are doing. Spend the first few minutes each day in reflection. Consider why you are doing what you do. Your purpose is a powerful motivating tool, and if you feel like what you are doing matters, there is a much greater likelihood you will stick to it and accomplish your goal. - Be accountable to yourself. Owning your actions and the consequences of your actions is huge. Do not be in the business of excuse making. Sometimes fear of those consequences is enough to maintain task-oriented behavior. - List it. Take a moment the night before to list your things to do the next day. Make copies of your weekly routine on paper. Post it in areas around your space where you can be easily reminded of what the routine is and how and when to stay on task. The bathroom mirror, refrigerator, inside the front door or bedroom door are all spots that may look corny to tape a list to, but get the job done. - Get a win. When planning the day, have an early task that can be completed or done well. Succeeding at something early – getting a win – can set the tone for a day of accomplishments. Page 67

- Use a planner. Seriously, it sounds cliché, but the more planning you can do ahead of time, the less chaos and potential for unproductive time there is. The little things are what typically mess up one’s routine. Meals, needs of pets, appointments and household duties can all be managed with a little planning. Account for them and perhaps you will have an easier time keeping focused. - Build in time off. Fun time is important. You have to goof off now and then. Whether it’s coffee with a friend, Skypeing with an old roommate or playing with an app on Facebook, getting away from the grindstone keeps a person sane. - Work Out. Incorporate exercise into your routine. Exercise helps release endorphins which lead to positive feelings that help you stick to your routine. Plus, often while working out, it creates time for more reflection, concentration, creative energy or review. - Birds of a feather. Hang around those whose organizational skills and habits are admirable. Perhaps there are study groups in your classes. Find one with students who are serious about their goals and performing well in class. You may be able to pick up helpful tips from someone and develop friends in the process. - Keep it neat. Clutter or disorganization around you can be distracting for some people. Get rid of excess stuff you do not need. Make your surroundings simple, neat, clean, organized and staying on task is easier. - Be results oriented. Never concentrate on how difficult something can be. Don’t dwell on how daunting a project is. Doing so can truly bog down a person. Keep eyes on the end of the road. Know that the end is much better than the means. - Reward at the end, not sooner. Resist the temptation to reward steps or stages. The main focus needs to be on the final result. Get the job done, do it right and then pat yourself on the back for it. Jamie, I hope some of the tips I’ve provided will help you in developing a routine and sticking with it. Just remember, you are not alone, but I think you’ll find once you stick to the routine 10 times or so, it will become a habit, a good habit Page 68


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Patti is a model and experienced counsellor with a Masters degree from the University of Pittsburg. She welcomes questions from readers for her column, though we note that she does receive quite a few each week! Your question will be selected and answered by Patti personally via the magazine. We request that you sign your question in the manner you wish it to be credited in the magazine. We are happy to accept signatures using a pen name, first name only or moniker like “confused in New York� in support of your privacy. content@HatTrickMagazine.com

Life, Without Map Or Parachute

Life doesn't come with instructions or directions and is filled with surprises both good and bad. What makes all the difference is how you handle each bump in the road. I have discovered that attitude has a tremendous effect on a body physically and emotionally. This magazine is meant to help all types of women, to strengthen, inform and aid each one who flips through the pages. This is my attempt at helping those women who have faced or are currently in a battle against breast cancer. Sometimes laughter can be the best medicine. In January of 2009, I hit a bump in the road of life. It was an unexpected bump and one that, until later, I would have given anything to avoid. I was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer. I was stage 3, which means the cancer was not contained and had spread to my lymph nodes. I should have known when I found the lump in my armpit that I was in trouble. So much cancer runs through my family that even our dogs die of cancer. We aren't bias; we have "entertained" many types of cancer between my father's family and my mother's family. There has been colon, prostate, breast, ovarian and even tongue cancer. My prognosis was not good and I was told treatment would have to be quick and intense and even then no one was promising me anything. After wrapping my head around the news I was absolutely astonished to find out how many women were struggling through similar situations. Everyone I told had a story of a sister, best friend, mother, or relative who had battled or was battling the same life threatening disease.

The Pros Of Cancer by Cherie Brooks DeBurger Opinion Columnist Page 70

I figured with so many of us having to deal with it, it was time to take a look at the pros of breast cancer and some of the lighted hearted moments of my journey.

A Life Lived Well

When I was told that the biopsy was positive I got to take a mini vacation, it was only a mental vacation but it was a vacation non-the less. After the shock wore off I realized that the first laugh was on me because one week before my diagnoses I had gotten my hair cut and colored. Now I was going to get to watch my hair go down the drain along with the $100 I had just spent at the hair salon.

out in a cold sweat and told us to have a good time. Another big bonus was eating whatever I wanted as much as by Cherie Brooksand DeBurger I wanted beforeColumnist starting chemo Opinion and, if I felt like it, during chemo. Of course I tried to eat as healthy as I could to help my body fight and recover from the beating it was taking but I could splurge. There would be no guilt ordering that Life doesn't come with instructio second dessert or eating an entire both good and bad. What makes all t bag of peanut knowing thatthat a in the road.M&M’s I have discovered the chemo willand be sure to take This maga physically emotionally. awaystrengthen, my unwanted pounds. inform and aid each one w

The Pros Of Cancer

That got me thinking about all the money we would be saving while I was in chemo. I had long thick hair down to my waist so the money we saved on shampoo and conditioner, haircuts and dye jobs would probably be enough to take a real vacation instead of just a mental one. Fighting cancer gives you a type of freedom from the everyday rules of life. One thing you have in abundance is medical appointments. There are blood tests, bone scans, CT scans, MRI's, EKG's, so you get to know you way around the hospital very well. One day I had some free time in between appointments at the hospital so my teenage daughter went with me so we could do some shopping. When I told my husband our plans he never asked me what I was going to buy or how much money I was planning on spending or, his favorite way to tell me to take it easy discreetly, letting me know what bills are due. He just smiled as he broke

attempt at helping those women who

I am against a huge breast believer in selfSometimes exams cancer. lau because ifInI January hadn't found myI hit lump of 2009 a bump i whenbump I did and it most wouldn't one likely that, until later, I would with a very brea havediagnosed been discovered untilaggressive I was cancer was not contained and had sp considered terminal. I was forty whenI was I found the lump in my ar yearsknown old when diagnosed runs used through my considered family that even our d and that to be aren't bias; we have "enterta young for We breast cancer although I father's family and my mother's family think those stats are changing. andof even Due ovarian to the size thetongue tumor cancer. I was My prognosis was not good and advised to have a radical and intense and even then no one was mastectomy which meant removing After wrapping my head around the entire breast as well as all the out how many women were struggling lymph nodes. facelifts, I had a storyForget of a sister, best friend, mo was battling amazedthe and surprised at the same life threatening disea fact that my mastectomy I figured with so worked many of us hav better at making me look younger at the pros of breast cancer and some than journey. any plastic surgery I could have had.When AfterI my wasmastectomy told that the biopsy bandages came off I was amazed was only a mental vacation but it was wore off I Irealized first laugh w at how much looked that like the I was diagnoses I had gotten my hair cut an twelve years old again.

my hair go down the drain along with me thinking about all th There are That manygot things that I went chemo. I had long thick through on my journey and hair down to shampoo andwould conditioner, although I never have haircuts an takethat a real vacation instead chosen path I wouldn't be of thejust a m Fighting gives you a type person I am todaycancer if I hadn't One thing you have in abundance Page 71is m

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A Life Lived Well by Cherie Brooks DeBurger Opinion Columnist

The Pros Of Cancer

travelled it. I learned so many different things and met so many wonderful people who, among other things, have restored my faith in humanity.

come with instructio So please know that if you are on Life this doesn't road now it's both good and bad. What makes all t not all bad, there are peaks and valleys as with in the road. I have discovered that a everything in life and how willphysically you knowand you're on a emotionally. This maga peak if you never experiencestrengthen, a valley. If inform you know and aid each one w someone who is battling cancer, an ear, a smile or women who attempt at helping those just being there to hold can make more of an impact against breast cancer. Sometimes lau than you can ever know. In January of 2009 I hit a bump i

bump and one that, until later, I would diagnosed with a very aggressive brea cancer was not contained and had sp known when I found the lump in my ar runs through my family that even our d We aren't bias; we have "enterta father's family and my mother's family ovarian and even tongue cancer. My prognosis was not good and and intense and even then no one was After wrapping my head around out how many women were struggling had a story of a sister, best friend, mo battling the same life threatening disea I figured with so many of us hav at the pros of breast cancer and some journey. When I was told that the biopsy was only a mental vacation but it was wore off I realized that the first laugh w diagnoses I had gotten my hair cut an my hair go down the drain along with That got me thinking about all th chemo. I had long thick hair down to shampoo and conditioner, haircuts an take a real vacation instead of just a m Fighting cancer gives you 73 a type Page One thing you have in abundance is m

Amber What


By: Amber Hamilton Henson Home & Garden Editor

Do you eat Black Eyed Peas on New Year’s Day? Is it for good luck, tradition, both! I eat them on New Year’s Day, every year. My mom always made them. My mother in law made them. My grandmothers both still make them. I’m sure they’re fine from a can, but I wouldn’t know. I’m from the school of “Dried Beans Get Soaked Overnight!” Whether you call it “comfort food” or “soul food,” it is definitely a Southern tradition. Most people I know are eating them, today, and all the local restaurants are serving them, if they aren’t usually on the menu. It’s New Year’s Day. The Day of the Black Eyed Pea.

I like flavorful beans. ( Despite their name, Black Eyed Peas are a bean.) I like to infuse as much flavor as possible into beans. This dish is a meal in itself. Featuring Chunks of Petit Jean Peppered Ham, Onions, Celery, Rotel, and creole seasoning, it pairs well with sweet yellow cornbread.

Here is How I make my New Year’s Black Eyed Peas: *I start with a pound of dryed blackeyedpeas, pick out all of the “stones” and broken beans, then soak them overnight in the refrigerator in 8 cups of water. *Next morning, I drain and rinse them a few times, being careful not to remove their paper-like shell. *I put them in a large pot with a chopped yellow onion, chopped purple onion, can of “hot” Rotel, a few stalks of chopped celery, and a pound of chopped black pepper ham. I add just enough water to barely cover them. *I bring it to a rolling boil, then reduce heat to a simmer for 2-3 hours! I season with Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning as I serve! Mmmmm… Spicy!! Perfect with sweet cornbread! Page 75

Posh Brats Brittany Harper-De Staedtler Beauty Editor

Happy New You! Beauty Resolutions for 2013 There is something exciting to me about starting a new calendar on January 1st....the New Year is always so full of promise. New Adventures, Potential New Friends, New Goals and Yes, the same old resolutions too. I don’t know about you but my resolutions are usually swept under the rug by about April. I blame my ADD but the truth of it is, most of us make really unrealistic resolutions and try to change too many things all at once. They say it takes months to break a bad habit but only two weeks to begin another habit. Well that’s not so bad is it? Imagine how easy it would be to say....build up the habit of doing something you LIKE? One of the easiest, most effective things you can do is to build the habit of being kind to your skin. Not only will you feel and look better; you’ll end up spending less time stressing over poor skin, fine lines, dark circles and all manner of issues that can plague us when we ignore our skin.

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Real Healthy Skin Tips That Require Little To NO Money!! •

• • • • • • • •

Use less make-up for a while. Don't clog your skin with layers of concealer, foundation and blusher etc. Try to switch to a more healthy mineral make-up.Flush out toxins from your system with a lot of water, fresh fruit juices Get adequate sleep Meditating and de-stressing is important Regular exercise is very important - because it helps fresh blood and oxygen to reach the skin and that helps to take away toxins. Use sunscreen. Moisturise your skin and use night creams. Use exfoliating agents on your knees, elbows etc. An oil massage is great for your body. Get your mate to give you a nice, relaxing massage if you are too tired to go to the spa or can’t spare the cash. Take nutritional supplements to tackle free radicals that cause premature ageing. Vitamin A, E and B’s are great for your skin. Your kitchen is a great place to look for your beauty treatments. Take any acidic fruit pulp like an orange, apple or strawberry and apply to your face. These delicately exfoliate. A mashed banana and/or avocado with fresh milk (or milk powder) is a very nourishing face pack.

Are you looking for a great new facial soap that won’t dry your skin out or break the bank? Check out this brand new offering from my company Posh Brats. English Rosewater & Cold Cream Complexion Soap £3.00 This rich, creamy soap, formulated with refreshing rosewater and a generous amount of moisturizing cold cream, is ideal for dry or sensitive skin. Triple-Milled Soap, This gently cleansing soap features moisturizing and soothing Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin E oil, along with conditioning Rosewater, Olive Oil and Goats Milk for silky smooth and fragrant skin. The scent is very light as we've not added any fragrance to this other than what is naturally there from the Rosewater and Rose Attar. Page 77

Love reading the Posh Brats column? Find them on the web! From amazing tips and tips on the blog, to offers and announcements you don’t want to miss a beat! See the links below. www.herbratness.com

blog Page 78


https://www.facebook.com/ poshbrats

My beauty recipe this month comes with a bit of homework.....Get your partner involved and enjoy the...fruits of your labor. *grin*



This body scrub/polish has been lovingly created from organic and natural ingredients to keep you both soft and smooth through the winter months, a perfect accoutrement to cold dreary days. Simply rub into each other's skin... and then rinse one another off in the shower, keeping in mind this stuff is edible and quite delicious in tiny licks. The rest is up to you...


As always, my deepest thanks and sincerest good wishes for you all! May you rise to the new heights of success May the dreams of your eyes come alive And may each step in this New Year Bring smiles to you.

Love and Light,



Sexy Brown Sugar & Honey Natural Body Scrub • • • •

1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1 Tbsp. Honey 1 Tbsp. Jojoba, Coconut or Olive Oil 1/4 tsp. Fresh Lemon Juice

Instructions: Begin by lightly stirring your sugar and oil together, just until combined. Next, add the honey and lightly stir again. Lastly, pour your lemon juice in and mix it all up until you're happy with the consistency. And that's it!

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by Sorelle Amore Columnist

Click Here & Follow MY Website!

Clean Flawless Skin

Goodbye Cellulite, Scars, Dry Skin, Pigmentation & Wrinkles! Miracle creams? We all know these ads: “If you want to have beautiful skin, try this $3,000 cream!” Let me just fill you in on how the skin works. Microdermabrasion and laser procedures are excellent examples of techniques that actually work! And why? They’re harsh! Do you really think that a gentle cream massaged gently into a thick layer of DEAD skin is going to work? Let’s face it paying $75 a week to get those results with microdermabrasion is expensive! So my mommy came to my rescue! Hello Baiden Mitten!! I only recommend things I’ve tried myself. Check out my videos for more info on how it works, tips and how to purchase.

Lover of all pin ups,

Sorelle Amore Page 80

Ever wonder why your gentle facial creams haven’t delivered the results?

Click Here!

Check out these videos on how I keep my skin photoready and said GOODBYE to skin problems like acne scarring, pigmentation and dryness.

Click Here! Page 80


Shasie’s Picks by Shalanda Turner Fashion Editor

Hi Everyone! Wow, 2012 came and went didn't it? I still remember partying at the end of 2011 going into 2012 and here we are in January of 2013. If you are an avid gift-giver than your wallets may be a bit thin this time of year. Here are some budget-friendly alternatives to looking stylish at the onset of this new year without breaking the bank.




1. Target Stores: Eco Friendly Day Planner 2. Targe Stores: Robert Rodriguez Top Page 84



Money diet


1. Forever 21 Sequined Sweetheart Dress 2. Payless Shoes: Christian Siriano Women's Yvonne Platform Wedge 3. Sears: La Regale Sequined Clutch

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Confessions of A Hollywood


Page 86 MarinaBerBeryan.com

Celebrity Round By: Marina BerBeryan

Copyright Jessica Simpson All Rights Reserved


Pregnancy in Hollywood is one of the most exciting times for a stylist. This is a time where we are pushed to our limit but allowed to be as girly and whimsical as our clients can possibly want!

We LOVE the confidence Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson exude in this wonderful, happy time in their lives. Jessica recently tweeted this photo, documenting both the confirmation of her second pregnancy and also the fact that not only is she a yummy mommy but she’s keeping the weight gain in check this time around. I couldn’t be happier for her and for everyone celebrating a new chapter in motherhood. I think Jessica’s photo shows us that there is no reason you have to feel anything less than sexy and radiant during pregnancy. There are so many great lines out geared for maternity these days (no more frumpy bow ties thank you!) I recommend investing in a few pairs of maternity jeans just because you’ll get the fit and the comfort you need as your tummy grows but it’s not unusual for ladies to reject other maternity wear altogether in favor of their current trendy clothes just a size up or using special extenders to get the most use of their current wardrobe as possible.


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89 Causewayside, Edinburgh (Scotland) EH9 1QJ Eva Hammerson is a Spanish professional interior designer based in Edinburgh, with a passion for lighting, vintage finds, and mid-century-modern iconic design. After the successful launch of Kandabi, her quirky brand of statement lighting wall luminaries, Eva was itching for the right space to branch out onto every aspect of home interiors including lighting, furniture, accessories and wall art. Destiny, for the shop ‘found’ her, not the other way round, put the most perfect environment and opportunity in her hands to painstakingly and lovingly restore a jaw dropping Georgian space into a dream retail space in a sought-after and ‘left-bank’ area known as Causewayside in the South side of Edinburgh, Scotland. “After pealing 7 layers of vintage wall paper, I came across the original wall plaster and found the most incredible luminescent turquoise swirls of colour ever imaginable. I nearly cried with joy for it is precisely what gives my shop a highly distinctive and unique signature look. Next, I found an antique original stone fireplace in the back room no-one knew existed, which will provide a warm live fire in the winter, adding extra cosiness and much needed warmth in this northern climate”. Eva Hammerson’s shop is not really a shop, it’s a ‘private world’ where everything on display is up for sale, including its owner whose services as a professional interior designer can be put to the very best use. “Being Spanish, I wanted to create a true ‘Mi casa es su Casa’ (My home is your Home) welcoming feel-good factor. I think I have succeeded judging by the number of clients who sit comfortable in the sofa playing the guitar, taking inspiration from artfully displayed objects or having fun with my Spanish maracas”. Eva’s goal is to encourage people to be far more adventurous and have fun when decorating their homes, with a ‘no rules’ instinctive approach to putting interior schemes together. “I believe that if you only buy what you absolutely love, your home will somehow come together, pulled by the invisible but powerful thread of your personal taste. My mantra is follow your instinct and be brave for your house is an extension of your persona, and thus a blank canvas waiting for you to put your own unique stamp on it. The most successful interiors are always those with an eclectic mix of vintage and contemporary furnishings, which results in a more relaxed and authentic aesthetic, and avoids that ‘too studied’ and contrived show-home look”.


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A Bit Quackers Ways to keep healthy level of insanity in the workplace:

1. Page yourself over the intercom. (Don't disguise your voice.) 2. Find out where your boss shops and buy exactly the same outfits. Always wear them one day after your boss does. (This is especially effective if your boss is a different gender than you are.) 3. While sitting at your desk, soak your fingers in "Palmolive." 4. Put up mosquito netting around your cubicle. 5. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask them if they want fries with that. 6. Put your garbage can on your desk. Label it "IN." 7. Determine how many cups of coffee are "too many." 8. Put decaf in the coffeemaker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso. 9. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors." 10. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others. 11. When driving colleagues around insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep 'em tuned up." 12. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think?" 13. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a Parakeet. 14. Sit in the parking lot at lunchtime pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down. 15. Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles". Page 92

Proudly Serving Scotland & The United States by Appointment For rates, bookings and enquiries, please contact us. Page 93

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Cake International Special

Christmas Bauble Tutorial

Christmas Cake Feature

Cake Masters AWARDS 2012 1

From the Editor



Cake Masters Christmas Issue 2012 has been a great year filled with some amazing cakey stories, competitions and events. This issue is jam packed with the usual articles and tutorials to inspire you over the festive season. I love pulling together the magazine every issue and especially love interacting with the online cake community. There are so many of you lovely people out there, it has been an honor to meet and talk to so many of you over this past year. Highlights for me have been the London Cake Crawl, Cake and Bake Show, filming at Cake International and our amazing entries into the vintage cupcake competition earlier this year. The biggest achievement for us at Cake Masters was the launch of this online magazine. The magazine was really supposed to be a quick newsletter each month, showcasing awesome cakes posted on our wall, but it has evolved into an amazing rather glamorous magazine, which we want to keep free and online so that it is accessible to all. This issue is packed with great articles, photos of your cakes, tutorials and special features. We have a feature on Cake International, where we have included some of the cakes on display and with profiles of the people who made the cakes. Not only can you marvel at amazing cakes entered, but also find out a little more about the person behind the cake. As an additional special feature, we have an exclusive short video of the highlights at Cake International too - see if you can spot yourself Jď Š Another special in this issue is the Christmas Cake feature, where we have displayed some of the best designed cakes, sugar figures, cookies and cupcakes. Thank you to everyone who emailed in with their designs, we did our best to showcase as many as possible. Another exciting feature are the Awards for 2012, I hope you join me in congratulating our winners. Before I go, I just wanted to say a few thank yous. Thanks to Michelle from Hat Trick Strategies, without your help we wouldn’t have this magazine! Cake by Chantelle for being our fabulous cover for this issue hanks to Posey Furnish, who has for the second time now written us a great article A special thanks to Kathy Boynton who shared her gingerbread story with us Charmaine for the excellent tutorial and business article Zach, our new guy for helping out with our magazine Kamran for great video production services And LASTLY To ALL our contributors who make the magazine simply awesome! Merry Christmas and nest wishes for 2013

Rosie x




From the Editor ~ Page 2 Cake International Feature ~ Page 4 Christmas Wish List ~ Page 12 Gingerbread Snow Globe ~ Page 14 Christmas Bauble Tutorial ~ Page 18 Christmas Cookie Tutorials ~ 23 Cake News ~ Page 24 Guest Columnist - Michaela Saunders ~ Page 25 Spotted ~ Page 26 Finishing Touches ~ Page 28 Cake Masters Awards 2012 ~ Page 30 Christmas Caking Around the World ~ Page 40 Beaconsfield High School Christmas Bake Off ~ Page 42 Business By Charmaine ~ Page 45 Christmas Cake Special ~ 47

The Making of the Gingerbread Snow Globe


Cake International Feature 4

Christmas Cake Special 47 Cake Masters AWARDS 2012




Feature @CAKE INTERNATIONAL We had an great time at Cake International this November at the Birmingham NEC. Cake International is the show of the year that people look forward to - it is a sugarcraft extravaganza all under one roof. The cakes entered this year were fantastic and we loved taking in all the detail. We have managed to pull together a feature on Cake International including interviews from competitors, as we always see the cake, but have no idea who the face behind the cake is. I hope you enjoy this feature as much as we loved putting it together! Additionally on the day, we were running around with a camera crew and microphone interviewing you and the exhibitors as well as speaking to some competitors that entered cakes into various competitions. Thanks to Kamran Yasin for producing an excellent video!

Watch NOW!




The Pukka Cake Parlour Nick Smith *BEST IN SHOW* I really got into cake decorating by accident and should I say it found me. I began my career as a Chef working through various establishments. As I progressed through the levels I always had a soft spot for the pastry side of the kitchen without ever giving cake decorating a thought. Obviously as a Chef I was asked at times from family and friends if I could make a cake and of course I obliged but on a very simple scale. It wasn't until I landed a job in the west end of London that it was here it slowly began to become a passion and a labour of love. I was asked here to make a birthday cake for the owner of the company and this is where I immersed myself fully into the sugar world! I started to teach myself making my fair share of mistakes and I plucked up the courage one day to enter the novelty class at Hotel Olympia London 2010. After a stressful and challenging few weeks I delivered my entry and came back the following day to see what I had been awarded. Upon walking to my exhibit I thought I was awarded a bronze and I was already buzzing with excitement that I had achieved this, but on getting closer I saw those magical letters GOLD, I reckon I must have jumped ten foot in the air with the biggest shout and this lit the fire in me! From then I knew I wanted to be a cake designer so "The Pukka Cake Parlour" was born.

The Pukka Cake Parlour

I'm 41 years old and have 2 daughters aged 17 and 7. I started making cakes in May 2010 - the first one was for my nan’s 97th birthday - she'd always made mine growing up. I'd been telling her about how I'd been making fairy cakes with my youngest who was then 4, when she requested that I make her a birthday cake.It was the only cake of mine that she ever saw as she sadly passed away a month later. I will always be so happy that I made that cake for her! In November 2011 I gave up my full time job as an account manager for a hospital linen services company and opened my own cake shop and cupcake cafe in January 2012.

Designa Cake Karen Bill *GOLD*

Designa Cake 5



Vicki Louise Smith *SILVER* I’m an artist and have always been creative by exploring new medias to express art. Two years ago my partner’s birthday cake made by somebody else was a disaster, so I decided to have a go myself. It turned out that good that I carried on making cakes. I love the challenge of making something different, unique and realistic in an edible form. It was difficult to get the cake to say as a whole cake without internal supports. I spoke to the judge afterwards and he said that if the cake wasn’t damaged I could have got higher. This was my first time entering the show and I am excited to enter next year at Manchester and Birmingham

Vix Art The cake before the damage

Melys Cake Design Wayne Price *GOLD* I am 42 and from North Wales, Dad of 2 girls and married for 22 years. Melys Cake Design is my trading name and the word 'Melys' is the Welsh word for 'Sweet'. I currently work full time for a Structural Engineering Company and make the cakes evenings and weekends as a 'hobby' so lots of very late nights and NO spare time.

Melys Cake Design

I entered my Liverpool FC royal iced cake and it won a Gold which I was head over heels with on my first NEC competition entry! 6


Feature Deborah Harwood *GOLD* I'm Deborah Harwood and I have been making cakes for about ten years. I don't currently have a business and a Facebook Page is coming after much pressure from my cake fans! Most of my work comes from word of mouth and I do many charity cakes to raise money. It's difficult to commit full time with cakes as my other passion is silversmithing. I don't make your everyday cake and always like to create a story within my work therefore Handbag and Shoes were totally out of the question for my competition piece and a shop was a perfect choice. This cake took me around 5 weeks, 3 of those making the handbags and shoes. In fact I got too carried away and had to stop! I had a few challenges, hoping that the window aperture wouldn't collapse as internal supports were not allowed. But the biggest challenge was the 3 hour journey to Birmingham praying it wouldn't collapse on the way! The relief was immense! This was my first entry into Cake International and I'm so pleased with my achievements as it got me a Gold and 2nd in category. What on earth will I come up with for next year?!

Vix Art The cake before the damage



Feature My Little Shop of Cakes Vanessa Mahy *GOLD* I have been baking and designing cakes for over 20 years. Completely self-taught, I initially specialised in Royal iced paintings, then over time I have expanded my knowledge and now I can put my hand to most styles, most recently making shoes and handbags! I love new challenges and that’s why I have started entering competitions, I always want to improve my skills and seeing other people’s fantastic cakes always sets me new goals. All my cakes are bespoke, and I spend a lot of time working on each design before I even think about getting the icing out. I hope this is why people keep coming back to me, it’s that extra personal detail I give to each design to create a WOW cake! It’s also the taste, fluffy vanilla sponges, and rich chocolate cakes what more do you want in life. It took most evenings and weekends over a 3 week period, it takes time as you have to do it stage by stage and let things dry fully – I had to be patient! I have always been a bit of a tomboy and love the outdoor life, so a ‘his and hers’ boots seemed a good choice, and they are very ‘now’ at the moment. My boots are more likely to look like the guys than the floral pair!!

My Little Shop of Cakes




The Clever Little Cupcake Company Amanda Mumbray *GOLD & SILVER*

I have been making cakes since my kids were very small, but only very amateur cakes for their birthdays, as most Mums do. I started seriously just over two years ago when I made cupcakes for my husband’s birthday and got a quip from him “they’re good, but not as good as a lady at work”. I was quite cross, but when I saw hers, I was amazed at the endless possibilities that cupcakes could offer, and how detailed I was prepared to go with them. A few months later, I started on the cake side and it has blossomed from there. I have had no formal training, apart from a modeling course at Slattery’s, making human figures. The design inspiration for my entry at CI was a pair of rockabilly shoes I saw on line. I wanted to make something less traditional and more youthful. I based the handbag cake on a bag by Irregular Choice, but changed bits on it to match the shoes. I had a big gap on the board, so decided to make a set of sugar keys modelled on my own. The cake took about 6 hours to make, including the decorations. The shoes also took about 6 hours. It was my first carved cake, and I had a few sleepless nights about how I was going to do it, but it was pretty easy once I had made the templates. The biggest challenge was lifting the decorated cake on to the cake board!

The Clever Little Cupcake Company

It was first time visiting and entering Cake International, and I was absolutely delighted to have won Gold. My daughter also entered. She was 9 at the time of the show (she has just turned 10 – yesterday!). Her cake was a dummy, which she iced herself and made all the decorations for. She has been making a few bits and pieces from sugar for about a year, and is very creative. Her cake took about 4 hours. She won a silver medal.




Nuthouse Bakery Laura Nolan *BRONZE & SILVER* Two years ago I walked away from my international career and spent the following 6 months prepping to set up my own cake business. In October 2011 I started making cakes and taught my first class and from there my business has grown. I entered my first competition in May this year, Telford British Sugar Craft Show and got a Bronze. This year I decided to enter Cake International and came home with 2 bronzes and a silver, I could not have been happier!

Nuthouse Bakery

Miss Abes e’Cakes Abigail Webb *SILVER*

I was born in Temple Cloud on the outskirts of Bristol, where I lived with my parents up to the age of 18. From there I moved to Doncaster to pursue my career in the Health & Safety environment, over the next 10 years I worked for 2 companies as their H&S and Environmental Officers. Baking has always been a strong passion of mine, whether it was helping alongside my mother or in my spare time to provide an arrangement of food for friends and family for special occasions. During my tenure as an H&S Officer I enrolled onto a course at Doncaster College during the summer of 2011, successfully completing with a distinction in Sugar Craft in my first year. I am now well into my second year and continually improving my skills each step of the way. I was recently made redundant unexpectedly from my employer; this has amplified my drive and determination to start my own business. The business is now in the early stages of development, with the ever-increasing demand for ‘Miss Abe’s Cakes’ customers keep coming back. Miss Abe’s Cakes 10



Lady B’ Bs Cupcakery June Brett *GOLD* I started my cake journey in May 2011 when I made my first cake for my daughter’s birthday. It went down really well and soon people at work started to ask me to make cupcakes. This is where my desire and passion for all things cake grew. Very quickly I reached a point where I had to choose between work and my passion. I took the plunge and Lady B’s Cupcakery was born in December 1st 2011.

Lady B’s Cupcakery

I have had an incredible year and I cant wait to see what the next 12 months brings.

Cakes by Heather Heather Bicknell *BRONZE* I'm a mum of two, wife, part time accountant and cake artist. I started playing in the world of sugar after my son was born last year, just for my sisters wedding and then a few friends birthday cakes and then the obsession took over. I'm dizzy, full of crazy ideas, very forgetful, but a really good friend :-) Cakes by Heather Jane

Kathryns n’Homemade Cakes Kathryn Matthews *SILVER* I was persuaded to enter by a fellow tweeter Julie Gibson (@icemaidencakes) and didn't really know what to expect. I have never entered a competition with my cakes before and am completely self taught, so had serious doubts about my abilities and if it would be worthy of a merit certificate. As the results took so long to come out on the saturday, I initially thought I hadn't received anything for it and was a bit down in the dumps. My friend Julie texted me a picture and it was the longest few seconds ever as I waited for it to download!!! I won a silver!!!!!! I have never been so shocked! Kathryn’s Homemade Cakes 11



W!h L!t

From left to right: Prestige sharp top edger £7.99, Non Pareils - Christmas Assortment £1.50, The FULL Sugarflair gel food colouring set of 36 £52.75, Reindeer and Christmas pudding transfer sheet £2.99, Patterned Hearts Mould £6.95 High strength natural flavours - Citrus collection £24.00



From left to right: Earlene Ruth by Silicone Plastique £13.99, Patchwork Robbin cutter £2.75 Cupcake Lace Mats £17.50, Springerle Cookie Mould £24.95, 32 piece flower making set with book £12.99, Batifolage Print Chocolate Transfer Sheet £2.99 13


Feature Gingerbread Sn w Globe When we first saw this excellent gingerbread creation, we thought that it was a neon edible image of a church that had been stuck on the front of the snow globe. Upon closer examination, we were astounded to find that inside the hollow gingerbread snow globe was a gingerbread house! Exclusive to Cake Masters readers, we caught up with Kathy Boynton the architect of this amazing gingerbread creation.

Q:Tell us a little bit about you I married my Junior High School sweetheart 40 years ago today, December 8th. We had two beautiful children, Sandy who is married to Bobby with two children of her own - Taylor 15, and Austin age 11. Our late son Gary Joseph gave us a wonderful grandson Gary Tyler who is 13. My family is my life and grandchildren are the icing on the cake. My family and I moved to Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania from Baltimore, Maryland in 1990. Along with the move came a new job for me. After answering an ad in the newspaper for a cake decorating position at Klein's Family Market I got an interview with Mrs. Klein. I took pictures of my work to the interview and was hired on the spot. Kathy with her husband Gary who is her biggest fan!

I was an electrical drafts person prior to our move to Pennsylvania. The only cake decorating experience I had was making cakes for my family and friends. I'm still at that job and still love what I do. I am truly blessed to work for the Klein's. They allow me to be creative and in turn I have very loyal customers. In fact I'm now making their grandchildren's specialty cakes. It is very rewarding to know your hard work is giving people joy. Time just flies when you're having fun. My sister Bette and I took a 6 week cake decorating course together at The Cake Cottage in Fulerton, Maryland back in 1986. My initial intent behind taking that six week cake decorating course was to get good enough to make my own daughters wedding cake. That dream >>



>> came true in 1994. It turned out to be an ten tier cake with a fountain that took eleven hours to construct. Every tier was a different variety of cake.

Chelli was the only one who wasn't a cake decorator by trade. They all turned out gorgeous. We wowed this quaint little town with our talent that year. Great times and great memories. Q: Where does your inspiration come from? Pinterest is my new addiction. I can surf till my hearts content and my eyes start burning. That is where I'm always looking for inspiration and that is where I found a similar gingerbread globe that started my imagination running for my own version of a Christmas globe. Follow Kathy on Pinterest

The wedding cake!

Q: Tell us about your relationship with Gingerbread Now gingerbread is a different story. As much as I love cake decorating and its diversity, I love the challenge gingerbread gives me. Everything is from scratch and from my own imagination, which can be dangerous a times! Gingerbread to me denotes fond memories of when my Mom would take me to our local bakery as a child. I can still remember oogling over the decorated gingerbread people she would buy me one every once in awhile and would just admire them for hours. It was in 1987 that a friend of mine invited me to a free gingerbread house demonstration at our local library. All I can say to that is that there have been gingerbread houses every year since! I've been in a few contests and won a few ribbons. I even badgered a few cake decorating co-workers of mine into joining me in a contest at the Fawn Grove Fire Station's Annual Craft Show one year. We all chose different themes on purpose to reduce the competitive edge and to make it more fun. Let me see now, we had a church, a barn, a bakery, a Hansel and Gretel house and the Little Old Lady that lived in a shoe house. The shoe house was my son's girlfriend, Chelli's ingenious idea.

Q: Tell us about the globe and how you made it My search started for 3-D round baking pans for the globe. The only thing my search came up with was Wilton's 3-D Sports Ball Pan Set. It was only 6" in diameter and I really wanted an 8" round globe but had to settle for the 6"pans. I greased the outside of the pans and draped my cookie dough over the top gingerly (no pun intended!). I then trimmed the dough a little above the bottom of the pans to leave room for it to spread while it baked. I then used a circle cookie cutter and cut a 1/2 circle from what would be the front of the globe. Once I determined how much height I had to work with inside I designed my miniature church.

fondant with a flower cutter I have from a Wilton flower making set I purchased years ago. I trimmed them down to size and after they were dry I drew on the colors of the stained glass with Wilton edible markers. The tiny trees around the church were made from green fondant stuffed up inside a #4 pastry tip. They turned out to be the perfect size that I needed. After they dried I wet them down and rolled them in Christmas colored nonpareils. The tiny stars atop the trees are also quins. I always wanted to make a mini at gingerbread house village but could never come up with the perfect >>

I started with a small match box and built around it. It worked perfectly. My personal preference for shingles on a gingerbread house has always been Neco wafers. To emulate those wafers for my miniature church I found that some egg shaped pastel quins, used as sprinkles on cupcakes, fit for the exact ratio for what I wanted for my church roof. The stained glass windows were cut from white 15


>> format to display it. I think I achieved that with the globe this year. Q: How did you assemble the snowglobe? So at this point I had 2 half spheres with a circle cut out of the front. I iced the inside of both spheres with royal icing to preserve their roundness from the humidity factor and to make the globe sturdier. The 4" round flat interior base got iced underneath too for stability and to keep it from warping. Now the tricky part. How to cover the inside seam of the ball so it's not so evident there is it two half sphere when people pier in at the church. I wanted a finished looking background for the church. I learned a new trick this year from a webinar class I watched online. Sheila Miller uses a Dremel tool to sand down the edges of her gingerbread to make them fit perfectly. So I decided to try it and I loved the results! Even dried royal icing can be safely sanded with the Dremel tool. It is now my new favorite tool for gingerbread. The spheres fit together well but not perfect enough for me. I decided to add some snowflake wafers to the bottom half of the globe on the seam edge but I attached them higher than the sides so that when the top part of the globe was attached the seam

wouldn't be obvious to the naked eye. I then finished decorating the 4" inner base with the completed church and trees. I sanded off two openings on the base to allow the LED lights to shine through to illuminate the inside of the globe and make the church scene glow. Next, I decorated the outside of the bottom sphere with the scroll work before I finished off the inside only because it was just easier to work with that way. After that all dried I glued the top sphere to the bottom with royal icing, the outer seam was then covered using a #16 star tip in a zig zag design and poinsettias and holly leaves made from gumpaste were used to adorn the globe. The outside platform the globe is resting on was made from gingerbread cookie dough draped over a small Corelle bowl and baked. It required support putting the completed globe on it so I filled the inner gap with stacked cookies iced with royal icing for stability. Ask me how I know to do this?...Yup, I had to make two.

“My first attempt caved it. The only good thing about that is you get to eat your mistakes!�

I like the look of scroll work on gingerbread. The final touch was my favorite candy, a Reesey cup on top with a stringed piece of gumpaste stuck in the top to make the globe resemble a Christmas ball. Q: How long did it take? A common question that is hard to determine. I did try to log my time spent this year but it's still only an estimate. Approximately 40hrs was spent from the designing, the mixing, the rolling, the assembling and the decorating. All a labor of love, sponsored by my employer Klein's ShopRite and donated to The Chesapeake Cancer Alliance for their annual fund raiser. Q: Did you win a prize for your creation? The globe didn't win any ribbons this year. I'm not sure why. But I got my thanks when the person who won the silent auction for my church globe came specifically to my store to tell me how much she and her grandaughter absolutely loved the house. It made my day and reminded me of what it is truly all about.



Click here for info




Star Guests



Christmas Bauble Tuto"al

Tutorial from Charmaine from By Charmaine



Christmas Bauble Tutorial You will need: 2 mini ball halves (I use the Wilton Mini Ball pan and a Madeira cake recipe) 50g buttercream Sharp knife Pastry cutter 400g blue coloured fondant Spacers 2 smoothers Pearl and Ice Blue Luster Dust Small bowl and large brush for dusting

Step 1 Trim the ball halves using the top of the baking pan as a leveller. Stick the two halves together using some of your buttercream, use the remainder to crumb coat the entire ball and place in the fridge overnight. Colour your fondant and wrap in cling-­‐ film, place in an airtight container or bag to stop it drying out.

Step 2 Once your crumb coating is hard use your spacers to roll out a circle of fondant 5mm thick, lay over the top of your ball. Tutorial from Charmaine from By Charmaine



Christmas Bauble Tutorial Step 3 Use the palms of your hands to smooth the fondant around the ball, use upward strokes to prevent gathering creases at the base. If you do get creases then gently lift the fondant *do not pull* and level out before smoothing back onto the cake.

Step 4 Gather the fondant at the base of your ball and use your pastry cutter to cut away the excess.

Step 5 Use the palms of your hands and then the 2 smoothers to remove any lumps, bumps and creases. The weight of the cake will create a flat bottom; help to prevent this by placing the ball on a soft, foam drying pad and moulding the very bottom edge under the ball with your fingertips.

Tutorial from Charmaine from By Charmaine



Christmas Bauble Tutorial Step 6 Mix up some pearl and ice blue luster dust in a small bowl and use a large brush applicator (I use a clean make-­‐up brush) to apply all over the ball in circular movements.

To make the bauble cap you will need: Large marble size piece of white fondant. Gold Luster dust Rejuvenator spirit Paint brush Large ball tool Edible glue and brush Palette knife (optional)

Step 7 Take a small piece of the fondant and roll into a sausage 1.5cm long, bend in the middle, level off the bottom ends and set aside to dry. Roll the remaining fondant into a short, fat sausage and flatten both ends. Use the other end of your paintbrush or a palette knife to score lines around the outside of the sausage then press your ball tool into the top to make an indent. Glue the smaller bent piece into the indent to make the hanging piece. Mix a small amount of gold luster dust and rejuvenator spirit to make paint and use the brush to colour it all gold – leave to dry.

Tutorial from Charmaine from By Charmaine



Christmas Bauble Tutorial Step 8 Roll out the florist paste on your board and cut 4 icicles, use the glue and brush to stick these into position on your bauble before they harden. Using a touch of glue position your white non-­‐ pareils around the icicles. Mix up a pearl luster paint using the rejuvenator spirit and paint the icicles to give them a shine. Attached your dry bauble cap to the top of the cake.

Step 8 Step back and admire your finished creation!

Tutorial from Charmaine from By Charmaine



Cookie Tutorials Tutorial from Glorious Treats

Tutorial from Bubble and Sweet

Tutorial from Sweetopia



Cake News Request for help!

The Robbie Boyd Band on This Morning

I don't have a cake business as such, but have always been interested in making cake and eating them of course! My son Liam, has Cystic Fibrosis. Although Liam has this disease, it has never stopped him doing anything. He is married to Nicola and they have a lovely little boy William who will be 3 in January. Liam lives life to the full, he works full time, plays snooker every week, goes to football matches and in his spare time has done all the work in his own home mainly on his own, this includes, plumbing a new bathroom in, fitting a kitchen, tiling, laying floors and decorating. Liam always gives more than 100% in everything he does. He has now decided it is his turn to raise much needed funds for Cystic Fibrosis. Along with a friend with CF, Liam is arranging a Charity Valentine's Ball on 9th Feb 2013 for Cystic Fibrosis. He is aiming to raise several thousands of pounds during this evening from sponsorships, auction prizes and raffle prizes. My part - I have volunteered to make approximately 350 cupcakes as a thank you gift for everyone on the night. In order for me to do this, and in order that we spend as little as possible and raise as much money as possible, I am asking if there are any kind people out there that may be able to help with the donation of a few things. I need large cupcake cases (red/pink/silver - to keep in with valentine/CF colours), clear individual cupcake pods to present the cakes in and to enable people to take them home undamaged and also thin red ribbon to attach the gift tags to the pods, also any ingredients to make the vanilla/choc cupcakes. If anyone has any oddments or spare items they are willing to donate, that would be fantastic, it doesn't matter how many, any amount would be very much appreciated.

Deborah and her daughter Danielle

Some words from Robbie “We made our television debut playing 'I Won't Let You Go' live on ITV's This Morning just before we went on tour to Argentina, so that was an amazing week for us. It was really great to meet Holly and Phil, and we met Michael Parkinson too, which was awesome! Apparently 1.3 million people were watching us perform, so for an unsigned band that was pretty incredible exposure! We

Gino with Clare’s cupcake!

My name is Deborah Harris from Lincoln, aged 49. Married with 2 children, Liam aged 26 and Danielle aged 23. Grandma to 2 wonderful children - William and George.

Our lovely helper Clare from Miss Fitz Cakery has a brother in the awesome band “The Robbie Boyd Band”. She got to make some cupcakes with the band’s logo on it and naturally they were taken with the band onto the set of This Morning! The fabulous Gino D’Acampo and Phillip Schofield ate her cakes and said how delicious the cakes were! Way to go Clare!

Liam is also looking for sponsorship for the evening, in the form of event sponsorship, individual table sponsorship, wine and photographer sponsorship. He is also looking for auction prizes and raffle prizes for the evening. If anyone can help with any of the above requests, or requires any further info please contact me on 07904 868974 or email me at deborahharris100@hotmail.com Thanks!

Liam, wife Nicola, son William

Liam with his nephew George

Share your news with us! magazine@cakemasters.co.uk




This was the chain of events whilst making cupcake toppers for my mum’s 80th. 7 year old Child: “Mummy, can I help?” Me: (in my head) “You have GOT to be kidding” (out loud) “No that’s alright darling, I’m just about finished anyway…” (in my head) “Now s** off and leave me alone I’m probably going to be here all night”. The first child leaves and the next arrives. 4 year old Child: “Playdoh! I want to do it” …(jumps up on a step stool and grabs the nearest cutter) Me: (in my head) “No No NO! Get out of it! …” (out loud) “Here you have this bit – over there” (in my head) “and don’t you DARE come near mine!”

The Exple)ves Of A Stressed Out Mum ~ Michaela Saunders Ok, I do cakes for people now and then, and I’ve got 4 kids, yes it’s my own fault, I know. On both counts! Perhaps this piece should be called, “Just Say No!” And we tend to put kids and cakes together in the same head space automatically, mainly I guess because we’re usually making a cake for a kid. But in reality, they just don’t go together at all…well not in my house. Let me explain. Despite my best efforts to get cake work done during school hours, somehow time always beats me. “Get ahead” I always say. Get all the flowers, figures and other paraphernalia that goes on top, done and dusted in advance so it has time to dry out…right? Yeah. Right. But something always crops up and that usually means that they’re still “in progress”, and worst of all, on display, when the kids come in. Not good news. At the crack of 4pm, they’re stampeding through the kitchen like migrating wildebeest, the fridge is opening and closing like the dunnie door in a high wind, there are drinks on the go, they’re stealing biscuits, the dinner’s cooking, the littlest is charging round on his car and in the midst of all this, I can’t help myself! The sane person would give up and pack up. But no, I have to try to get the decorations finished! Lunacy! So you know what’s coming, my patience is tested to breaking point and what goes on in my head, most definitely cannot come out of my mouth. It’s a struggle sometimes!

(Five minutes of tense peace til littl’un gets bored and trots off.) 7 year old Child (back again): “Oooh that looks lovely”… (fingers go straight into what was perfect icing.) Me: (in my head) “The next time you touch that I’m taking your finger off with my craft knife”… (out loud and through gritted teeth) “Please-­‐Don’t-­‐Touch!” (child leaves room on verge of tears at this point) (Distant snivelling….then the arrival of the next visitor). 11 year old Child (boy): “Mum, what are you doing?” There are about 40 moulded flowers drying on the foam mat. Me: (in my head) “I’m painting a bl***dy wall, what does it look like?” (out loud) “Flowers!?” He sneezes over the whole lot, three times. Me: (in my head) “F*** a doodle do! They’re going in the bin then, make that another 3 am finish” …(out loud) “OMG….GET OUUUUT!” (Yet again child runs from the room crying…oooh nasty mummy!) I love my children more than anything in the world, but kids and cakes?….hmm! It’s taken a bit of work to train them, but they know better now. Shame one of them is missing a finger on the right hand, but hey he didn’t want to play piano anyway. (Joking!) Michaela Harris (Saunders) is a 40 something mother of 4, freelance broadcaster and cake maker. She’s spent the last 20+ years working as an announcer/presenter on BBC TV and Radio, as well as voicing trails, advertisements and corporate videos. Originally trained as a musician she plays piano and sings, currently appearing in a local choir, The College Singers. She launched her new venture Michaela’s Cakes at the beginning of the year. In her spare time(!) she loves to garden and has recently been dragged into a punishing fitness regime by her neighbour. Favourite things: Thai food, fast cars and beautiful shoes, but she never has enough money for any of these anymore! NB. Michaela’s children do still have all their fingers. Connect on Facebook Website




I noticed the other day, that the baking ingredient isle in my Tesco Extra is starting to look like something out of a sugarcraft shop! My local Tesco now stocks gel colours, lustre dusts, edible pens, and a fantastic new range of sprinkles - my favourite has to be the popping candy, you must check it out!



www.sugaricing.com sales@sugaricing.com



www.centreattraction.co.uk centreattraction@hotmail.co.uk

www.patchworkcutters.co.uk www.foodieflavours.com 27


g n i h es s i Finouch T East of India Christmas Ribbon 3m x 1.5cm £2.99 per reel From Mollie and Fred

Merry Christmas Ribbon 4m x 2cm £2.79 From Lakeland


Purple and Silvers Glitzy Ribbon Pack of 6 4m assorted widths £6.99 per reel From Lakeland Gold Ribbon 39 different Christmas designs, each reel at a bargain price! 3m x 6cm Prices vary £1.35-£1.89 From Country Baskets

Vintage Bauble Ribbon 3m x 6cm £2.99 per reel From Floristry Warehouse












We at Cake Masters have been amazed by some of baking and caking talent out there and thought that we would end the year in style by awarding several people with awards for their awesomeness. When deciding who was going to win an award, sometimes we found it difficult as there were a few cakes that came to mind, other categories it was easy to decide a clear winner. The awards are our way of recognising great talent and we hope that you join us in congratulating the winners.



Awards Cake Pop Award There was only one person that stands out from the crowd when it comes to cake pops...our winner is

Lou Lou P’s Delights Lou Lou P’s Delights



Awards Novelty Cake Award A stand out cake of the year for me in terms of how realistic this cake is. This is one cake that went viral across the internet getting exposure and recognition from some key players in the cake industry.

North Star Cakes

North Star Cakes



Awards Wedding Cake Award This was a really difficult category to choose a winner for. We wrestled between two other cakes before coming to our decision. After much thought, we had to give the award to Rosie Cake-Diva.

Rosie Cake-Diva

Her cake is simply stunning!

Rosie Cake-Diva



Awards Best Retailer Award There has been one leader out there in getting new and exciting products into the cake decorating market. The Cake Decorating Company were the first to bring us the fantastic Mat, Cake Play Isomalt and stock great products like sugarveil, beautiful designer moulds and stencils too.

The Cake Decorating Company

The CakeDecorating Company



Awards Cupcake Award A true master of vintage chic designs, the winner continues to WOW with beautiful cupcake collections fit for a King!

Carina’s Cupcakes

Carina’s Cupcakes



Awards Creative Award There are some bonkers people out there that really test the boundaries of sugar. However, we were blown away by the creative cakes made by our winner - not necessary on the outside...but on the inside! One word - FANTASTIC!

Cakes and Cookies Cupcake Wrappers

Cakes and Cookies Cupcake Wrappers



Awards Special Mention Award We wanted to give a special mention award to Niki Tompkinson from Sweet Creations. Her generosity and pure selfless qualities really stood out earlier this year. Niki helped several brides by making wedding cakes for them with no payment after a company went bankrupt, and all was lost.

Sweet Creations

It is great to know there are some lovely people like you still about!

Sweet Creations



Awards Personality Award Through Facebook and various blog providers we have been able to not only marvel at your cakes but to also get to know a fair few of you online. Facebook has become a daily part of life and if feels like we meet many of you every day! We felt that 4 people especially have made themselves known, not only for their cakes, but for their personalities too. Here are our nominations:

Allison from Let’s Eat Cupcakes is lovely. We have had the opportunity to meet her several times and she is a bold, passionate, fiery character who is always smiling. Her style is vintage shabby chic with twists that keep her designs current and fresh. Allison is a lovely individual who is selfless in helping others and does a lot of things without commercial gain.

Lesley from the Royal Bakery is an online celebrity in my eyes. She has such a great sense of humor and not only does she create fantastic cakes, she also seems to be super at interacting with every single one of her fans. Lesley has a thriving Facebook page which continues to grow from strength to strength.

Carina from Carina’s Cupcakes has had a phenomenal year. She is a strong woman who drives forward with determination to achieve what is important to her.

Julie from Kiss Me Cake helps others with her YouTube tutorials for free. Julie interacts with all her fans and is on hand to help fellow cakers when in need.

Carina has expanded her business and stocks a variety of goodies for cake decorating.

Julie has a great YouTube personality and has posted 46 tutorials in the past 9 months.

Carina wows with her designs and naturally won gold at Cake International at the Birmingham NEC this year.

Julie’s youtube channel has had over 125,000 views!



Awards Personality Award Our four nominations are winners in their own right, but we had to pick one. This lady has an infectious personality and great sense of humour. It is a joy to follow her online and we hope to get to meet you one day, even though we think we already know you...that isn’t supposed to sound creepy!

The Royal Bakery

The personality award goes to Lesley Wright from the Royal Bakery - Congratulations!



Feature Christmas Caking Around the World By Posey Furnish ~ Cake Tails

Christmas cake; like the well-known brand of yeast spread says, you either love it or you hate it. And by Christmas cake, let's just be clear what we are talking about - this isn't the spongy, delicate confection that I bake most days for my CakeTails. This isn't something remotely light, that you could happily eat 2 or 3 slices of and then go hit the gym. I mean PROPER Christmas Cake in the truest, British sense - that dense, dark bake, studded with a variety of dried fruits and nuts, layered up with marzipan and an unflavoured classic icing (either rolled or Royal), which if consumed too quickly or in too great a quantity leaves you feeling like you've consumed a year's worth of calories in 3 bites. But whether you love it (I do though I didn't always) or hate it (like my friend who actually pales at the thought of having to eat it - "it's just so...full of...stuff"), one thing we British bakers, agree on - and celebrate - is the incredible history that is packed into making a Christmas cake. The current version emerged - like so many of our current Christmas traditions - in the Victorian era, but the tradition of a dark, fruity cake stretches back so much farther, to...the original Christmas treat: porridge.

ORIGINS OF CHRISTMAS CAKE Porridge? Yes, porridge. In the 13th and 14th century (and forgive me for eternally feeling excited about being part of a written history that spans more than a thousands of years. It comes from growing up in a country that has less than 500 years of its own cultural history!), folks treated themselves to plum porridge on Christmas Eve. Gradually, various spices, dried fruits and honey were added to make it a treat instead of a dietary staple. In the 1500’s, the traditional recipe evolved further, replacing the oatmeal with cake-type ingredients, which was then boiled up into a pudding. However as leavening was introduced and families acquired wealth – as well as access to spices - through trade and travel, these cakes became a tasty way to showcase a family’s riches. There was also a practical element to the construction of these cakes, in that they needed to last without drying out or spoiling. And of course, many sources point to the addition of spices symbolising the spices in the Nativity story from the Bible.

But a minor point was that the cake was actually eaten on Epiphany, 6 January, for Twelfth Night, instead of Christmas day – that is, until the 1830s when the Victorians began to emphasise and celebrate Christmas more than Epiphany. Bakers quickly shifted their baking to produce the same Twelfth Night cakes earlier in the month, which they rebranded as Christmas cakes, decorated with sugar figures and intricate lattice work And nearly 200 years later, we still eat the same kind of cake, even though there is no “definitive” recipe. There are the standard ingredients – dried fruit (or “dried flies” as someone posted in a baking forum), nuts, booze, treacle, marzipan, and icing – but even within Great Britain and the Commonwealth, countries have their own tweaks to the “traditional” English version. For example, Scottish folks’ Christmas cake is a lighter but boozier version known as the Whisky Dundee. Ditto Wales. And ditto Northern Ireland. Ireland – yes, I know my geography – they’re not part of Great Britain but they ARE our closest neighbours – does the same but with a distinctive >>



Feature >> decorative style involving green and red citron/glace cherries to look like a holly wreath. South Africa, Sri Lanka, India – anywhere the British Empire was, a traditional Christmas cake still remains. Even Scandinavian countries enjoy similar versions of the English Christmas cake, with slight tweaks like dates added to the mix. However – going back to what I said at the start – I came late to liking Christmas cake, and for that, I blame the scariest and ickiest cake of them all – American fruitcake. If you have never faced the horror of having to eat it (or even be in its presence), let me be honest. You ain’t missing anything. Imagine a Christmas cake reinterpreted as an alcoholic chewing gum. No, that’s still not conveying the true tasteless horror. Imagine a Christmas cake dehydrated and then rehydrated with whiskey. Lots of whiskey. And frozen and thawed a few times. And sat on. By an elephant. My grandmother, rest her soul, was fiercely proud of her Scottish roots and dutifully made a fruitcake every year which nobody, not even my adoring grandfather, could bring himself to eat. In fact, for many years, my father and aunt passed one back and forth as a joke gift. An unfunny joke gift, that is. So imagine my surprise when I moved here 15 years ago and discovered that Christmas cake was actually a) edible and b) delicious! Marzipan? Royal icing? What’s not to like? However, it got me thinking, is this what all of us who celebrate Christmas eat in December? Are we collectively munching our way through dried fruits and almonds around the globe? Or – simply put –

if you don’t like Christmas cakes, are there any options? The good news for those of you anti-Christmas-Cakers is, yes. In the Philippines Christmas cake can be a yellow pound soaked in brandy or rum, a palm sugar syrup and rosewater or orange flower water. In Poland they eat piernik, a chocolate-coated gingerbread loaf, or makowiec, a poppyseed-stuffed leavened bread. Poppyseeds feature heavily across Russia, the Ukraine and environs as filling for an Eccles cake-like treat. Chocolate features elsewhere, too, in Sachertorte (Vienna) or Buche de Noel (France), which provide further opportunities for keen cake decorators to flex their creative muscle. But for me, the biggest surprise was discovering Japanese Christmas cake. I have a strong affinity for Japanese culture; I adore the quirkier aspects of their art, fashion and entertainment in general. I was therefore delighted to find out that once again, yes, the Japanese have cornered the market in subverting the Western norm in terms of Christmas cake by serving a delicate layered sponge cake packed with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. So whilst the rest of the world is working to its way through the solid goodness of Ye Olde Christmas Cake, leave it to Japan to be carefully nibbling something light and frothy! (Some folks also apparently pre-order KFC up to two months ahead for their main meal, but let’s not get into that here.) The bottom line is this – Christmas cake is an important part of British heritage. So many traditional cakes and baked treats are gradually

being lost as our culture evolves and homogenises other countries’ ways of eating. Whether or not you personally like to indulge in a thick slice, even if only to eat the marzipan or icing (like my stepdaughter does), it is an important part of our British cakemaking heritage, and one that deserves to be passed on to future generations. Unlike my grandmother’s fruitcake (sorry, Grammie King)!

Piernik from Poland

Japanese Christmas Cake



Your Local events Be ac Hi g h ons Sc fiel ho d ol

Thought the Great British Bake Off was over? Not for students at this school! The ‘Great Beaconsfield High School Christmas Bake-­‐Off’ is a hugely popular annual event where students from the school parCcipate in entering their cakes to raise funds for the school. The compeCCon was organised by local chef and mum of a student at the school Jo Ollis, where there were over 137 cakes entered this year raising over £4,000 for the school. The icing on the cake was having Mary Berry at the event to award the prizes to the students that won. The next few pages will showcase some of the winning designs and also includes some words from the winners.

If you have a local event that you want to be shared in this magazine, we would love to hear from you! Email us at magazine@cakemasters.co.uk



“I couldn’t decide what to do, so I looked for ideas on the Internet. I decided to do something with snowmen and the idea evolved along the way. I really enjoyed making all the different facial expressions on the snowmen, making each one special.”

Gracie Overall winner Year 7-9

Mya & Priya Overall winner Year 10-13

“This summer we were hooked by the Olympics and were thinking about how Christmas would be celebrated around the World hence we created little scenes around the cake from various countries, with Santa delivering present.”

Holly & Megan Overall winner Year 9 “We wanted something different and so we created Santa’s Workshop. The idea just came together as we went along, making all the different parts using sweets and biscuits allowed us to get really creative.”

Angelica Overall winner Sixth Form “I wanted to do something original and that wouldn’t take to long to make. The Advent calendar was a challenge but it was great working on it.”

“We wanted to be inventive and creative and have some lighthearted fun so together we came up with idea of cute mice nibbling away at our delicious cake.”

Annabelle, Caitlin, Mackenzie and Alia Overall winner Year 10-13

“I love the idea of making snowmen and wanted to make the cake colourful so decided to add the roses.”


Overall winner Year 11 43


Other cakes entered into the competition

Winners with their prizes! Below is Priya and Maya’s cake on display; Mary Berry and Gracie with her prize and competition organiser Jo Ollis



Business We love to know about you and your business,and to hear how and where you have got to and how you did. It is amazing how far people have got with their cake journeys in business and in this issue, Charmaine from By Charmaine tells us her story. In 2010 I returned to work after the birth of my fourth child to find my job role changed from deputy manager to book-keeper and my hours reduced from 30 to 4. Desperate to help my husband financially support our large family I took my interest in baking and started Charmaine’s Cupcakes in October 2010. No formal training or qualifications and very little experience apart from baking for family and friends meant I spent literally 100’s of hours trawling the internet and watching YouTube videos to learn the art of baking and decorating cupcakes whilst still undertaking the roles of Mum and wife! In January 2011 I added Giant Cupcakes to our range and taught myself some sugar crafting skills, by now I had started to increase my client base and was getting more and more orders. I began attending local events and plucked up the courage to start taking wedding orders. By June 2011 my confidence in my products had strengthened and I felt the need to increase my client base by finding a suitable method of shipping cupcakes by post – whilst contemplating this task I came up with the idea of deconstructing a cupcake and reconstructing it in a portable cup with an attached spoon – 2

days later the Cup-O-Cake was born! After a month of trials we trademarked it then showcased the unique product at a street festival where it was very well received, immediately afterwards I entered a competition with Virgin Media to take the Cup-O-Cake to their VIP Louder Lounge at the V Festival. I overcome my fear of public speaking and travelling on the underground and successfully pitched to a room full of executives winning the opportunity to be part of the festival. Well the rest is history – since that amazing day in July I have re-branded our business to By Charmaine, been a finalist at the National Cupcake Championships in 2011 and 2012, had a full page article in the daily Mirror, met dozens of celebrities, journalists and VIP’s and even had a photograph with Rupert Grint in OK! Magazine. We have provided our products and been guests for the Virgin Media Short Film Award ceremony, business festivals across the country, the press event for 2012 Britain’s Got Talent (Simon Cowell is much shorter in real life!) and a launch party for The Only Way Is Essex cast members Sam & Billie Faiers online boutique ‘Minnies’. I’ve personally handed over a box of my cupcakes to the >>

Charmaine with Alexandra Burke

Sam Faiers with Cup-O-Cake

Charmaine with Rupert Grint



Business >> inspirational Sir Richard Branson and received a kiss from the man himself! I’ve had my products in every major newspaper and magazine office in London due to a 5th Birthday press gift organised with Virgin Media, became a preferred supplier for them and was invited back to the VIP Louder Lounge this year to run a tea room for the guests which included Emma ‘Baby Spice’ Bunton, magician Dynamo and Kelly Brook, we even got to ‘party’ with members of One Direction on a tour bus and have a drink with Alexandra Burke in a ‘secret’ bar…….not a typical weekend!

The last major event we attended was in September where we once again met Richard Branson whilst serving up cakes and sweets at an event at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. I’ve had an amazing journey and learnt a great many things about cake making and decorating as well as working with corporate business and growing my own business by watching for new trends emerging and making my own mark in the cupcake market.

Harry Derbarge with Cup-O-Cake



Ch"#mas Cake SPECIAL Showcasing your Christmas Cakes...

Beautifully finished Christmas Cupcakes. There is a delicate nature to designs which portray true craftsmanship. Carina’s Cupcakes 47


Shereen’s Cakes & Bakes Fun Christmas designs and loads of tutorials on her facebook page!



Favourite design has to be the snowman, although the sleeping baby is just too cute! Mon Cottage Cupcakes 49


Love the foot prints in the snow! Love is Cake

Cupcake designed by Ella Willow

Our front cover stars! Snowmen cupcakes Cake by Chantelle 50


Mulled wine collection Another appearance from Shereen’s Cakes and Bakes

Penguin and Mr & Mrs Claus from Shereen’s Cakes and Bakes



Christmas cupcake collection from Vicki’s Cuppa Cakes



Beautiful traditional Christmas designs Flutter of Fondant

This design is so cute! Love the sugar ice pieced designed by Sarah Harris

Fun Rudolph design cupcake from Sift + Stir



Gorgeous decorated cookies from Sweet Ambs

Royal iced snow globes Sugar Rush Cookies Flickr

Winter scenes from Small Things Iced Detailed royal iced embroidery cookies Julia M Usher Julia M. Usher, Author of Cookie Swap and Ul:mate Cookies 54


Christmas figures Fancy Cakes by Linda

Christmas fun from Adore Cake

Christmas sugar fairy VP Cakes

We’re walking in the air! Fifi’s Cakes Christmas figures Sweet from Zwolle



Three tiered Christmas Awesomeness! Let’s Eat Cupcakes



Carol singing snowmen from Vanniny (Spain)

Toys at Christmas Caroline’s Cakes Middlesex


Macaroons !


We were fooled by these ones- fake macaroons for decorations! Pei Li Miniatures

Christmas macaroons Bento Bakery

This business has awesome designs for macaroons - love their Christmas offerings! Crumbs


Bauble Collection


White on white classic bauble cake Bebalicious Cakes



Christmas Baubles The Sweetest Tiers

Christmas Bauble Collection from hobby baker Brenda Brummitt-Bourne



One of my favourites! Elegant design in bold colours Couture Cakes by Rose



Red green and gold Christmas bauble Bliss Pastry



Beautiful colour combinations finished with snowflake stenciling From hobby baker Sue Wall (McIntyre)



are you following our boards?

Cake Masters Boards 64

To Do Book T ra Tickets in Pen re fill Cat Fo s od



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