H Magazine March 2013

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Gina Coaches Your Life Psychometric Testing’s Bad Rap Celebrating 100 Years of Progress Inspiring Women to Succeed

Volume 2 Issue 3  March 2013

~Äçìí Hat Trick (noun): 1. A sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. 2. A magic trick. We like to think that we are a bit of a combination of the two. Hat Trick Strategies is a Management Consultancy firm, which offers full-service Business Change and Strategic Marketing Services. Our consultants have played a role in the delivery of some of the largest transformation programs within the UK and USA and been on the inside of major corporations in numerous industries. They have first-hand experience of the inner workings and best practice required for a successful delivery to our clients, regardless of size. Founded by a Director with a core background in complex business change, Project Management and Planning are at the forefront of all our services, which means we take the time to fully understand and assess your requirements and professionally manage to time and cost. Big 5 success rates at boutique prices. Hat Trick Magazine is a project made possible by Hat Trick Strategies, and an extension to our dedication to philanthropy and knowledge-sharing for women. Our President joined a rewarding venture partnership in 2011, The Compassion Fashion Project (originally founded by Meredith Corning), which aided domestic violence charities with professional services and marketing. Though a meaningful project, we felt too little was being done to share essential information, inspiration and education in how to leave their circumstances and obtain independence. We love events, but knowledge is power. With complicated and seemingly endless routes into employment, many of which offer no guarantee to an actual paid position, throw into the mix a challenging economic situation, children (or simply, life!) and it can be difficult to know what skills are valued in the workplace. For those who finally get there, how does one progress up the ladder or perhaps start a business? This magazine is our way of filling that gap, attempting to share what we know, friendly advice, inspiration and humor. In sharing our skills and expertise, we help those ‘learning to fish’, while recognizing those who have achieved their dreams. Our writers are internationally based and you will notice that each will write in the English diction and spelling of their region. Thanks to our partnership with Issuu, achieved in 2012, we have grown our following, reporting 300,000 readers on average per month, spanning US, UK, France, Ireland, Netherlands and Germany, and elsewhere around the world. If you or your business would like to be featured in our magazine, or to contribute an article, please write to us via email.

Hat Trick Strategies Ltd cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited coverage made by our contributors including reviews, articles, manuscripts or photographs of products, services. While every care is taken, prices, details or availability of items are subject to change and we cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit any letters or correspondence received via email, social media or other communication. Unless specifically indicated, all rights are reserved on copyright for photography, by the artist, with non-exclusive license granted to us, for which express permission has been obtained by the contributor, directly. All advice is given in general terms or as a matter of opinion, for entertainment purposes only, and may not be exhaustive nor suitable for all situations. Always seek specialized professional advice, specifically suited to your needs. DISTRIBUTION This publication is electronically distributed, with coverage in England, Wales, Scotland and North America and is available in print in select UK locations. REPRODUCTION This publication must be digitally referenced via link or code to the original source, for non-commercial or educational purposes. We welcome contact requests for custom HTML code or links.

© Hat Trick Strategies, 2013 All Rights Reserved

Team Michelle Fitz Lindsay Pullen Sarah Alt Joseph D. Phillips Charlene SanJenko Karen Salmansohn Amber Hamilton Henson Brittany Harper-De Staedtler Tanya Jackson Mina Muirhead Patricia Bayne Shalanda Turner Lisa Wynter Ann Pissard Michael Hartley Marina BerBeryan Cherie Brooks DeBurger Gina Caruso Hussar Sorelle Amore Kate Spencer Rosie Mazumder Manuela Wahnon Dara Avenius Christine Ritter Nina Nuru Lorraine Hill Suzanne Perry Patrick Dati

Editor-In-Chief & Layout Photography Editor Copy Editor Business Editor Wellness & Lifestyle Editor Self-Help Editor Home & Garden Editor Beauty Editor Food Editor Health Editor Opinion Editor Fashion Editor Product & Style Editor Contributing Designer Contributing Designer Celebrity Stye Expert Columnist Columnist Columnist Columnist Columnist and Associate Editor Columnist Associate Editor Social Media Social Media Global Planning Broadcast Media Special Advisor

Our team consists of professionals at the top of their field, many of whom can be found elsewhere online! Please be sure to explore the hyperlinks associated with their names, for great blogs, businesses and more, from this elite and talented group!



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Our cover image is non other than our own Patti Bayne’s beautiful grandmother, Marguarite Lennon. A model in her youth, we couldn’t think of a more beautiful example of grace, devotion to family and cover girl.

CONTENTS From The Editor ............................................... 6 Readers Write In ............................................. 8 Remembering Women’s History Month .........10 The Radish: Remembering Scarlett O’hara .....26 Facebook Ads ................................................28 Psychometrics Get A Bum Rap ....................30 Gina Living Well: Resident Life Coach ..........34 Instructing.com Have You Considered PMP? 38 Spotlight: Women In Leadership ....................40 Health Matters: History Reproductive Rights..44 Charlene SanJenko Builds Strong Women ....46 Not Salmon: Oprah Columnist Inspires Us ...53 Little Nipper Snappers Cartoon .....................54 Take What You Need by Ann ........................55 Ask Laura: Answering Your Life Questions ... 56 The Lightworkers Academy .......................... 60 Clairvoyant Lucy Talks The Rolling Year ....... 62

CONTENTS Manuela’s Attitude of Gratitude .....................66 Life Without Map or Parachute ......................68 What Amber Loves: Sweet Valentines ...........72 Posh Brats: Walking Your Own Path ...............74 Pin Up Passion: Love Yourself First ................78 Shasie’s Picks: Tempermental Weather Fix ...80 Dime Piece On A Dime: Cocoa Butter DIY ...82 Confessions of A Hollywood Stylist How my daughter made a difference (at 7!) ...86 . A Bit Quackers: Joke Book ...........................92 Cake Masters Magazine (Special Insert) . ........96

We Love Hearing From YOU: content@HatTrickMagazine.com

She decided to change her life, so she did just that.


Let It Not While getting this issue together, our team demonstrated, with ease, the ways that women with determination can struggle through and triumph over stress. February and March were full of challenges and trauma for this team. From the loss of a spouse’s sight, to flu suffered by all (and we are spanned over three countries), surgeries, a tooth extraction, loss of a grandparent, a divorce, and change of job - somehow we muddled through.

Let’s just say we at Hat Trick are very pleased to see the back of February and March but it’s really fitting that with March being Women’s History Month, our writers (who are largely female) gave us a good demo on how women pull it out of the bag, every time and look good doing it! That last phrase was a Southern thang, by the way. It doesn’t mean that we are Stepford Wives… basically, it just means we rock whatever we have to do through whatever conditions, and come up winning – and that is what the team at Hat Trick did this month. So as we looked into some of the things that women have achieved over the last 100 years, we were amazed at not just the progress made but the absolutely cool things women have managed to do! Think about what kind of transformation that really was – some women went from the traditional gender role to flying planes and helping with the war relief in less than a generation. We all have different beliefs and I’m not going to dip into polarizing ideas for too long, but as I pulled this issue together, I couldn’t help but ask myself “Why did we press for equality for women? What really kicked it off?” I think it’s because as a demographic, we felt able to achieve more than what tradition dictated. We wanted passions greater than that of just children and being the dependent of our husbands or fathers. We had ideas and too often, sharing those ideas meant facing scrutiny and being subjected to eyes cast downward, should we think ourselves worthy or capable of wanting more, or simply wanting it all.

Be In Vain


Throughout history, women were punished for wanting to embrace both our femininity and our potential. We have been scorned and abused, put in our place - visionaries and scientific innovators set apart from colleagues, praised only after death for things than men in similar circumstances showboated and celebrated at the banquets held by leaders of their time. That’s powerful stuff, right there. Here we are, in 2013, still breaking boundaries, still overcoming, still facing and fighting criticism when our hearts no longer match a gender role, being told to look a certain way, act a certain way, be something we may not be inside. No. We keep breaking those boundaries. The single most impressive thing I find about women is that although we may be forced to rise up in anger to beat the oppression and to be allowed that voice, to bellow across industries and ideas, we still embody compassion, empathy and softness, which is so much of what I feel the human condition was always about in the first place. You see, the older I get, I can’t help but think that gender identity, emotions and roles aren’t really defined by nature. There is no weaker sex, just variants of capability and determination, offset by what cultures and tradition say to be the way things have been done since the dawn of time. I can’t help but think that certain qualities and emotions are part of the human condition and the rest just nurture. As we face new debates, are we not in a similar, very familiar place? Denying equal access to incentives, autonomy in decision making and upholding dignity, is wrong, no matter who you are. Or who they are. Thank you to the women who came before us to fight. Let each of us as women do our best - so that their best was worth fighting for.

Michelle Fitz Editor-In-Chief

We Love Hearing From YOU: content@HatTrickMagazine.com

She knew it would be a challenge, and so

What You Said

content@hattrickmagazine.com Page 8

Dear Brittany, I just first want to commend you on your life choices. I have been following the magazine for the last three issues now and I love the honest way you live your life. I hope it is OK that I write in for some advice but you have been generous about sharing some of your recipes and considering they have worked so well, I wanted to get some advice specific to my skin. My skin is oily and acne prone even though I’m pushing 40. I want to use natural products and I’ve been doing some research into your line (which sounds beautiful). However, before I make such a big purchase I know I need to address some other things that are causing some me issues. I am really bad about not removing my make up before I go to bed at night. I started removing it religiously but I’m not convinced it is fully removed at the end of the night. I don’t want to use a chemical toner. Please help. - Oriah Joseph, Florida

I loved the single girl’s guide to Paris but I wish it would have been longer! I know that there probably was a lot more to cover, probably too much to choose from, but I just really wished there was more detail and reviews there. I have been waiting to take a real vacation for so long and this hit a nerve for me because I have never been away not since the divorce 15 years ago! I suppose I should thank you for helping me realize that this was something I needed to correct!- Michele Sheridan, NY

Please can you ask Amber Hamilton Henson to do a garden series? I would really enjoy something like a garden checklist for beginners and I’d also love to see a special column on growing in containers or urban gardening. - Mary Louisa Parker. Page 9

Remembering Women’s History Month Bradley Scott, Ph.D. It occurred to me that a lot is being said about the need for periods of special observances for Americans of various ethnic and gendered extractions: "Why do we need a Black History Month?" "What purpose is served by acknowledging Hispanic Heritage month?" "Women already have equal rights. Can’t we let Title IX go?" It is still important to highlight the need for special focus on the conditions of minorities and women regarding social justice, jobs, equality and outcomes because we have not yet reached parity where these groups are concerned. While the issues should be addressed throughout the year, these special observances allow us time to pause, reflect, highlight and assess what has occurred from a historical perspective, what is occurring, and what might occur for the group of focus. March is National Women’s History Month. The Women’s History Project recently provided some background on the creation of the Women’s

B-17 Pilots

History Month observance. An excerpt of an online publication reads as follows (NWHP, nd). "The Beginning. As recently as the 1970s, women’s history was virtually an unknown topic in the K-12 curriculum or in general public consciousness. To address this situation, the Education Task Force of the Sonoma County (California) Commission on the Status of Women initiated a ‘Women’s History Week’ celebration for 1978. We chose the week of March 8 to make International Women’s Day the focal point of the observance. The activities that were held met with enthusiastic response, and within a few years dozens of schools planned special programs for Women’s History Week, over 100 community women participated in the Community Resource Women Project, an annual ‘Real Woman’ Essay Contest drew hundreds of entries, and we were staging a marvelous annual parade and program in downtown Santa Rosa, California. "Local Celebration. In 1979, a member of our group was invited to participate in Women’s History Institutes at Sarah Lawrence College attended by the national leaders of organizations for women and girls.

When they learned about our county-wide Women’s History Week celebration, they decided to initiate similar celebrations within their own organizations and school districts. They also agreed to support our efforts to secure a congressional resolution declaring a ‘National Women’s History Week.’ Together we succeeded! In 1981, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Rep. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) co-sponsored the first Joint Congressional Resolution. "Overwhelming Response. As word spread rapidly across the nation, state departments of education encouraged celebrations of National Women’s History Week as an effective means to achieving equity goals within classrooms. Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Oregon, Alaska and other states developed and distributed curriculum materials to all of their public schools. Organizations sponsored essay contests and other special programs in their local areas. Within a few years, thousands of schools and communities were celebrating National Women’s History Week, supported and encouraged by resolutions from governors, city councils, school boards and the U.S. Congress. "The Entire Month of March. In 1987, the National Women’s History Project petitioned Congress to expand the national celebration to the entire month of March. Since then, the National Women’s History Month Resolution has been approved with bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. Each year, programs and activities in schools, workplaces and

communities have become more extensive as information and program ideas have been developed and shared." Education Opportunities It occurs to me that March would be an excellent month to focus on what is currently happening to girls and boys in public schools. We should spend the month talking about need for greater access for girls to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or the STEM areas in curriculum. We should spend the month focusing on the condition and state of girls and boys in public school as a basis for action and accountability for their school success, graduation, college attendance and completion, and appropriate preparation for life. We should spend the month ensuring that girls and boys understand that they have a right under law (Title IX) to be free from discrimination, including sexual harassment and bullying. We should spend the month talking about women and men who are examples and role models for social and career excellence that our boys and girls can emulate. We should spend the month in our various local communities and schools highlighting local positive examples of women and men who can serve as role models for our girls and boys to

aspire to emulate so that they will understand that excellence is not some faroff notion, but is ever close at hand. Women’s History Month is an excellent time for schools and communities to stop and take stock of how far we have come and what still needs to be done in realizing equal rights for girls and boys in our schools, communities, and society.Visit the National Women’s History Project web site athttp:// www.nwhp.org/ for ideas and activities for March and throughout the year. Resources National Women’s History Project. "History of National Women’s History Month," online (no date). Bradley Scott, Ph.D., is director of IDRA South Central Collaborative for Equity. Comments and questions may be directed to him via e-mail at feedback@idra.org. [©2009, IDRA. This article originally appeared in the IDRA Newsletter by the Intercultural Development Research Association. Every effort has been made to maintain the content in its original form. However, accompanying charts and graphs may not be provided here. To receive a copy of the original article by mail or fax, please fill out our information request and feedback form. Permission to reproduce this article is granted provided the article is reprinted in its entirety and proper credit is given to IDRA and the author.]

Right: Stephanie Kwolek, inventor of Kevlar “I discovered over the years that I seem to see things that other people did not see. If things don’t work out I don’t just throw them out, I struggle over them, to try and see if there’s something there.”

Left: World War II: Women in the Fight Marie Hansen's striking 1942 striking photograph of Women's Auxiliary Army Corps members, commonly known as WAACs, donning gas masks at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, illustrates enduring themes from the war: fear, courage, and -- in an unsubtle message to the country as a whole -- the power of unity in the face of an unknown threat. The WAACs were famously praised by General Douglas MacArthur, who called them "my best soldiers."

Top: Ellen Degeneres, first openly gay woman on national TV. Bottom Left: Just two of thousands who campaigned to progress for the right to vote both in the US and UK. Bottom Right: Kalpana Chawla - first Indian American astronaut and first Indian woman in space. She was unfortunately one of the seven crew members killed in the disastrous Columbia Space Shuttle explosion.

Scottish Suffragettes Suffragette Surveillance, 1913; In 1912, Scotland Yard detectives bought their first camera, to covertly photograph suffragettes. The pictures were compiled into ID sheets for officers on the ground.’

"I am at once a physician, a citizen and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow this concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged and the planned have the right to live". - Dr. Mildred Jefferson (1926-2010) The first black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School

Ann E. Dunwoody is the first female fourstar general in U.S. history. She received her fourth star Nov. 14, 2008. She retired from the Army August 15, 2012.

Left: Emmy Noether: Born in Erlangen, Germany 130 years ago. Albert Einstein called her the most “significant” and “creative” female mathematician of all time, and others of her contemporaries were inclined to drop the modification by sex. She invented a theorem that united with magisterial concision two conceptual pillars of physics: symmetry in nature and the universal laws of conservation.

Above: Marie Curie.... She was the first woman to win a Nobel prize and the first person to win two Nobel Prizes. Nobel Prize in Physics (1903) Davy Medal (1903) Matteucci Medal (1904) Elliott Cresson Medal (1909) Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911) Franklin Medal of the American Philosophical Society (1921) Right: First Black women to vote in Ettrick, Virginia, 1920 These women, left to right, are Eva Conner, Evie Carpenter, Odelle Green, Virginia Mary Branch, Anna Lindsay, Edna Colson, Edwina Wright, Johnella Frazer, and Nannie Nichols

Below: Admiral Grace Hopper, invented the first compiled computer language, saving many humans from the horrors of machine language programming. She also popularized 'debugging' as the verb for removing flaws in software. in her case, she literally found a bug -smashed in a relay!

Madame C.J. Walker - Entrepreneur - the first Black woman millionaire in the U.S. by creating products for African America hair. Her empire started when she tried various remedies on her hair without success. She developed a treatment that worked on her hair and began selling the products door to door. She opened her own factory in Indianapolis where she offered good pay and pleasant work conditions for her employees. She linked beauty and cleanliness together rather than race. Her concept was that you don’t have to be Caucasian to be beautiful in an era where white skin and Caucasian features were the standard for beauty. She helped Black women to take pride in their appearance. Rosa Parks, Civil Rights Activist. Her refusal as a Black woman to give up her seat to a White man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, not only got her jailed but it lead to a bus boycott by the Black community and ignited the Civil Rights Movement. The bus boycott was led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The boycott challenged segregation and caused the Supreme Court to declare that bus segregation was unconstitutional. Parks lost her job because of her actions, but was hired by Congressman John Conyers of Detroit to be a staff assistant. Parks is referred to as the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.”

1917 | Margaret Sanger, birth control advocate, standing on a platform next to a train in a station in Chicago, Illinois.

Muskogee/Creek queen Ella Monohwee - her family came to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears

Artist Esther Howland (1828–1904) was the first to publish and sell Valentine cards in the United States. Before Esther, many Valentine cards were hand made with paper, lace, and ribbons and handwritten poetry. By the end of the 19th century, most Valentines were mass-produced by machine, many based off Esther’s designs.

Right: Juliet Ward Howe. Among her many contributions to American society is her famous "Battle Hymn of the Republic," which has become a national anthem of sorts. She was also co-editor and writer for The Woman's Journal, which lobbied for suffrage and human rights. She was instrumental in creating Mother's Day, which she envisioned as a day of solemn council where women from all over the world could meet to discuss the means whereby to achieve world peace. They would also convene as mothers, keeping in mind the duty of protecting their children. Left: Mother Marie Skobtzova. Russian Orthodox Nun in France who helped Jews during the Holocaust. In July 1942 the Nazis rounded up thousands of Jews for deportation. Mother Maria managed to enter the stadium where they were being held, and with the help of garbage collectors, smuggled out several children in garbage bins. Above: Sharp Mesa Vista occupational therapy volunteers The Nazis soon warned her to stop helping Jews, but she 1964 did not listen. Mother Maria was arrested in February 1943 and sent to concentration camps, where she perished.

Left: Clara Schumann was a German musician and composer, considered one of the most distinguished pianists of the Romantic era. She exerted her influence over a 61-year concert career, changing the format and repertoire of the piano recital and the tastes of the listening public. Her husband was the composer Robert Schumann. She and her husband encouraged Johannes Brahms, and she was the first pianist to give public performances of some of Brahms' works.

Above: Indra Devi, Mother of Western Yoga"Indra Devi was not only a female pioneer in the field of yoga; she helped spread the ancient discipline to Western civilization."

Above: Diana Vreeland. "You Don't Have to Be Pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your coworkers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked "female"." Left: Lucy Stone - determined that men were reading the Bible in a way to suppress women, she worked her way through school to learn Greek and Latin to prove them wrong. Kept her last name, chopped her hair off, scandalously wore precursors to pants, was kicked out of church for arguing that women had the right to own property and to be able to divorce abusive alcoholic husbands. Considered a true radical for her time, she spoke in public frequently and headed multiple prominent womens organizations.

Annie Kenney, (1879 - 1953) Suffragette who spent three days in prison for daring to ask Churchill and Sir Edward Grey if they believed women should have the right to vote. Neither man replied.

Famous women pilots preparing to take part in the 1934 Memorial Day air races at Dycer Airport. In front row kneeling is Gladys O’Donnell, who last year entered seven races and won six. Seated is Ruth Elder, famous flying beauty. Standing left to right: Kay Van Doozer, Myrtle D. Mims and Clema Granger.

Dixie Bibb Graves - Alabama's first female senator Alice Coachman, 88. High Jump. Coachman was the first black woman to win an Olympic gold medal, and the only female American athlete to win gold in track and field at the 1948 Games

Rosalind Franklin was instrumental in discovering the structure of DNA, but until recently, many knew nothing of the contribution the x-ray crystallographer made – Laboratory News investigates. She died at the age of 37 from cancer.

The woman who discovered what the universe is made of has not so much as received a memorial plaque. Every high school student knows that Isaac Newton discovered gravity Charles Darwin

Jewel S. LaFontant-MANkarious (1922-1997), A.B. Oberlin 1943, '79 hon., trustee 1981-86. She was the first African American woman to serve as assistant U.S. attorney and the first African American woman to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D., America's first female doctor

Henrietta Dugdale, Australian women’s rights and suffrage pioneer "Some there are who say 'If we permit woman to go beyond her sphere, domestic duties will be neglected.' In plainer language, 'If we acknowledge woman is human, we shall not get so much work out of her'."

Alaska Packard Davidson (1868– 1934) became the first female Special Agent in 1922, at the age of 54. She only served for two years before being asked to resign by newly-appointed Director J. Edgar Hoover. It wasn’t until 1972, shortly after Hoover’s death and the passing of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, that women once again joined the forces of the FBI.

Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova (1937 - ) became the first woman in space in 1963, she was selected from 400 applicants. She married cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev in the same year and gave birth to their daughter the following June. They divorced in 1982. Her second husband died in 1999. Valentina Tereshkova also became the first and still remains to be the only female general officer in both Soviet and Russian armed forces. She retired in 1997 and is still revered as a Russian Hero.

“To the yesterdays that are gone, to the cowboys I used to know, to the bronc busters that rode beside me, to the horses beneath me (sometimes) I take off my hat. I wouldn’t have missed one minute of it.” “I have never tired of rodeo in my life. I have never seen one show too many, be it good, bad or middlin’. I hope there’s an arena in Heaven… that’s where you’ll find me… Fannie Sperry Steele.”

Like Magnolias Classic Southern American Recipes by Tanya Jackson Food Editor

Remembering Scarlett O’Hara March is Women’s History Month. I chose to honor Katie Scarlett O’Hara from the movie Gone with the Wind. My mom and I have always had a disagreement about Scarlett O’Hara. I thought she was a user. My mom looked on her as a survivor. If you have never watched this movie please do so, it not only is a classic film, but the story is extremely important. The pivotal scene in the movie is when starving Scarlett bends down, dirty, messy, unkempt, with destruction all around her, pulls up a root vegetable, tries to scarf it down, lifts up her head & says, “As God is my witness, as God is my witness, they’re not going to lick me. I’m going to live thru this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again, nor any of my folks. If I have to lie, steal cheat or kill. As God is my witness I’ll never be hungry again.” I always thought the movie was about love, war, redemption etc. But, as I watch the movie I realized the war wasn’t just fought over slavery, but land.

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The end of the movie she is crying on the stairs after Rhett has left, her father’s words come back to her “why land is the only thing worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for because it’s the only thing that lasts”; Ashley’s word to her “something you love better than me.”; Rhett telling her the ‘red earth of Tara” make her sit up and say “Home, I’ll go home…”

count for good.

Yes we love the land where we grew up, even if we didn’t like the people, the land holds us in it’s grip forever. So here is to all the “Katie Scarlett O’Hara’s” in the world. Make land

So to honor Scarlett I have chosen radishes. Radishes are such a great food, easy to grow and high in Vit. C. Get some radishes, slice them up and enjoy. You need that vit c and something to balance all that good cooking you’re gonna do. Page 27

by Michelle Fitz



Facebook Ads

If you read my social media tips here in H Magazine, you’ll know that I am among the small business owners who have been less than pleased with Facebook’s changes to Fan Pages. It’s old hat now, but for a brief moment, it did feel as though Facebook hand’t realized that forcing businesses to pay to promote posts to reach existing fans was a little unfair, considering many of us had felt we had already paid to reach them in the first place. However, Faceboo attempted to address some of this with the new timeline. As a precursor, a few things rolled out in February (globally) which actually proved pretty helpful in maximizing the targeting and click through rate for your Facebook Ad Campaigns. Additionally, the new timeline saw a distinct change in the overall formatting of ads in the newsfeed and made the timeline cover rules a lot more compatible with what businesses actually want, like allowing contact information to be included, while still enforcing the 20% text rule. There are a few decisions you’ll need to make for your ad before we begin. First off, do you want to drive your campaign to target page likes, a recent post on your page or a link to an external webpage? From there, you can drill down further to target both the result you want (Likes or URL Hits for example) and the way you want to bid for your ad. Your Options 1) Get More Page Likes, Increase Attendance, or Get New Users: This option is targeted toward growing your Likes. You’ll write your own copy, select a photo and the default for the headline can now be customised within a 25 character length. Previously, this was simply limited to your Facebook page name so this is a huge progression toward what most businesses actually see as a value add when it comes to social media advertising - an opening line targeted to fans. If you’re looking to grow your likes, you’ll be able to upload a photo to go alongside your ad, but note that you will still be expected to adhere to the 20% text rule. Anything more will be rejected by Facebook so just bear this in mind before you activate your ad. 2) Promote Page Posts: It really is exactly as the name indicates - you’re formatting an ad based on a post your page has already posted. This option is a great performer for HTS when we find that an inspirational post or poster has performed well in Likes or Shares. The only word of caution is that you will be charged for clicks on this ad and there is a risk that even though the post Likes and Shares may increase, your page Likes most likely will not.

Page 29 3. See Advanced Options: This option will allow you to select either of the options One or Two, above, but will allow you to customise the way in which you will bid for ads. One fantastic perk of this option if you’re looking to grow Likes is that this option will allow you to change the landing page that people are directed to when they find your page. This means if you have customised a welcome tab or contest page, you can choose to send fans either directly to your wall, or to one of the customised landing tabs/pages. So the first step when choosing the Advanced Options for ads, is to choose whether this is a Get More Page Likes focused ad, or Promote Page Posts ads. Sponsored Stories - A Little Misleading The new Facebook Ads include something which can be a great tool for driving up a Like count, but perhaps slightly misleading and also slightly less effective if you’re targeting a click through for an external URL. Sponsored stories will automatically start when you are advertising a Get More Page Likes campaign. Sponsored Stories are the ads you see in the newsfeed itself and we think they’re a great addition. After placing your ad, come back and check to ensure that your CTR (Click Through Rate) is performing well for you, and drill a bit further into those numbers to identify whether classic ads or sponsored ads are performing best. The main caveat with sponsored stories is that although it clearly indicates that no increase in budget is required, your budget will be charged for every click to a sponsored story, regardless of whether it results in a Like. This means that a $20 ad budget could be charged for impressions OR clicks split between traditional ads (perhaps $10) and sponsored stories that appear in the newsfeed (perhaps $10). The key here is to monitor the performance for both ad types to understand the conversion rate - that is, resulted in the action that your ad was designed to achieve, whether that be a click through to a URL or a Like to your page. Bidding The actual Bidding options have not changed per se, but of all the areas our clients find most confusing, CPM versus CPC would definitely get the blue ribbon. If you’re advertising something on Facebook like an event, an pa or your Facebook page, and you selected Get More Likes, etc, then bidding will not be something you need to worry about. CPM (cost per mile) is a blended bid rate of cost per 1000 impressions. Advanced Pricing is a good option if you feel you’d like an added control over driving CPC (cost per click) or setting your own bid for CPM. The key difference for most customers will be whether you want to pay only when someone actually clicks on your ad, or if you want a better rate based on many more people actually seeing the ad, with the hopes of actual follow through (that all desired CLICK). Our Experience For us at HTS, Facebook advertising has been a touch and go process. We’ve found it great for growing likes but less than optimal for say growing our mailing list (we use Adsense for that with much greater success). As we have grown, so have our techniques for getting true ROI out of Facebook and social media, generally. Our number one tip? Never leave your ads unattended and hope for the best. Monitor, tweak and adjust as required to find that right mix for your unique business.

trics get e m o h c y s P a bum rap

abial by Sukh P ditor Careers E

I got stabbed in the heart the other day on Twitter. The knife was taken out and plunged once again in my gut as I re-read the tweet. It made my heart bleed. I reeled from the damage and had to take a few days thinking time off. My body needed serious recovery, and I sought some internet counselling. What was it that caused such pain and hurt to my person? “I’m about to go through some Myers Briggs training. Give me strength.” Oh my eyes! Oh my soul! Please excuse me while I go cry for a moment. I asked the question, what is it about going through the training they weren’t looking forward to. I was told it was because it’s like reading a horoscope, it could be applied to anyone. Page 30

Sadly, this is true. Except. A clinical trial takes years of development before it is passed and allowed to be used by medical professionals to treat patients. Thousands of people go through the trials, and a complete data set is produced that helps doctors to understand under what circumstances should a particular drug be used. What medical condition should the patient be presenting that suggests a drug should be administered? What population is it meant for? What age range is it most appropriate for? What are the limitations of the drug? What are the possible side effects of the drug? When will you likely see the benefits of taking the drug? Who commissioned the testing, the development and the production? Are there ulterior motives? So by the time the doctor says you should take this drug, this many times a day, for this period of time, it’s with a strong degree of confidence that the doctor thinks it will help improve your condition. And at the same time, the doctor could just as well prescribe a placebo, and there’s a fifty/fifty chance it could help improve your condition because you believe it will. That drug is meant for millions. There is no guarantee it will help, just a very educated guess. There’s a large number of people who will accept the drug because they trust the doctor, and they’ll trust it will help improve their condition. And there’s a smaller number of people who will scrutinise to the nth degree the prescribing of drugs, because they think

they know better than the doctor. Only a very small number of people actually do. Which is interesting then that there’s such reluctance to consider the usefulness of psychometric testing. In and of themselves, psychometrics are designed to provide insights on quite specific things. They’re not meant as a one size fits all. So I wonder why there is reluctance about using them. For example, the 16PF measures 16 factors of personality. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator measures 4 pairs of preferences. The Belbin Team Roles measures 9 different preferred team roles. They’ve all gone through quite rigorous testing and development which allows the facilitator a degree of confidence that they’re going to help the person understand something better about themself. The person needs to be open to this, and open to what it might raise for them. It’s that self-awareness which is important because it helps us to be able to decide how to act. It doesn’t have to come via a psychometric, and I’ve written before about the association people have with profiling. It could come via coaching, or via mentoring. I feel psychometrics get a bum rap because of bad experience with them. A facilitator didn’t help the person gain something. A facilitator fumbled their way through the tool and it wasn’t a useful exercise. A facilitator was inexperienced in the tool and created more uncertainty about the value of the tool. Or possibly the person receiving the feedback has passed on their own cynicism about the tool. Or their bad experience of it. Psychometrics get a bum rap. What do you think? Page 31

Working with Sukh I’m available for consultancy and associate work in the field of learning and development and positive psychology. Read on for more details… Learning and Development. My chosen career path for the last ten years, and I’m not stopping yet. Designing and developing solutions to make workplaces successful through the skills and abilities of their people is the core role of any L&Der. I take this seriously and am actively involved in being a key part of the continuing thoughts and developments in this field. I’ve done everything from interpersonal skills training to management training to leadership development to basic behavioural skills like time management. It’s all interesting, but importantly it’s about getting it right for the business. I’ve developed L&D strategies, been involved in culture change initiatives, delivered whole programmes, and more. Raising self awareness. This is what I live and breathe. We can all learn about ways to influence and encourage others to do things, but until you learn about your own style and what this means for you, how can you expect to do the former? In learning about your strengths, and your weaknesses, you gain strength of mind and conviction that you have a clear path ahead of you. This is what I will help with, and I’m qualified in the MBTI and 16PF to help you. Conversation. That’s what I help to enable. I’m a collaborator, facilitator, and interested in the challenges you’re facing. Through bringing people together, ensuring the right conversation is taking place, and bringing to front of mind better ways of working with others, I want to be part of making it happen. Making things happen. That’s what I enjoy too. People can achieve great things, either on their own or with the collaboration of people around them. I will use what I know to help you make things happen. There are good ways of achieving your goals and ambitions, and there are bad ways. The good ways mean you enjoy the work you do, you have a reason to be motivated, and the output you produce will be better. The bad ways mean none of that happens, and generally things are very selfish. I’m in the camp for doing things the right way. I can be contacted for consultancy and associate work on any of the above. Have a look at the About Sukh page for contact details.

Sukh Pabial is a learning and development professional and if you like what he says, he writes a regular blog. Page 32


Have Your Say!

We love hearing from our readers! If you have a question or comment for one of our writers, please feel free to write to them content@HatTrickMagazine.com

Q. We want to hear your stories of triumph and achievement! Whether it’s school, work or balancing school lunches, bedtime stories and little league games, your life is fully of wins and scheduling tricks and we want to know how you do it! Write in and be sure to sign your message in the way you would like to be credited in the magazine, including your location. Page 33

By Gina Hussar Resident Life Coach

Gina Living Well

Forget Harvard, Head to Disney Everything You Need to Know You Learned as a Three Year Old! It’s true. Well, maybe not everything, but most of what you need to know to live and full and abundant life you learned before Kindergarten. And you can thank Cinderella, and Peter Pan and Jiminy Cricket to name a few. Walt Disney knew the Secret. Yes, THAT secret. The one that became a best-selling book, a movie and a life-changing international movement. Walt Disney was one of those progressive, genius minds that believed wholeheartedly in the Law of Attraction, in the power of positive thinking, visualization and in dreaming big. Think back for a moment to some of the classic Disney stories and songs. There is a common thread in all of them; timeless, simple truths that are as relevant to a three year old as they are to a 43 year old. Yet in the hustle and bustle of life, work, children, mortgages and laundry it’s too easy to forget those beautiful lessons we held onto as children. There is a reason that all of those quirky Disney characters have turned into a gazillion dollar industry, spanning several generations and still going strong; because the stories, the singing princesses and the morals carry with them a life affirming, love affirming message of happiness. Who couldn’t use a dose of that as an adult? Let’s break it down.

Cinderella: We all know the story. And no, I’m not suggesting that you wait in an attic for a hot prince to bring you a shoe (though if any are reading, I’m a 7.5). The vital element of the story is that Cinderella never once gave up hope. She never once let those evil stepsisters dampen her sunny spirit. They made it their mission to try to bring her down, to crush her resolve, to make her feel unworthy of even a room on the main floor! Yet she kept smiling, kept singing, kept dreaming. She knew she had better hair and a nicer voice, and she also knew that if she chose love and kindness, someday her prince would come and life would change. She sings: No matter how your heart is grieving, If you keep on believing, The dream that you wish will come true. What is your challenge? What is your dream? Have you lost hope? Take a cue from Cindy. Keep your eyes on the prize. Never give any one person or circumstance the power to change your perspective from one of hope to one of despair. We all have “wicked step-sisters” in our lives. Every single day, we encounter people who are feeling miserable, and they want us to feel miserable with them. Maybe it’s a friend who is constantly dragging you down with a glass half-empty attitude. Or maybe it’s a perfect stranger who scowls back at you when you smile. Maybe it’s a family member who has never believed in your ability to succeed. Maybe it’s your own fear. Ignore those who have lost the capacity to see a bright outcome. Choose to believe the happier ending. Whatever you are hoping for, it is your dream. No one can take that from you. Believe. The step sisters ended up man-less and living with their bitchy mother. Who would you rather emulate? Me too. Take away: You always have a choice. You can choose to be happy and hopeful or you can choose fear, which will always manifest more fear and zero results. Worth repeating, you always have a choice. So choose wisely. Peter Pan: I just watched this one with my 6 year old last week, and personally, I think Peter is kind of an ass. (Very early in the movie he tells Wendy that she talks too much. Rude right?) And I had forgotten all about the mermaids trying to drown Wendy. But attempted murder aside, there is a lesson to be learned. Dream. Often and with enthusiasm. Peter urges his friends to NEVER stop playing or dreaming. Isn’t it funny? As children we are encouraged to use our imaginations, and yet how many of us as high school students were scolded for letting our minds wander? We grow up, and suddenly using our imaginations brings with it all sorts of negative connotations. So many of us are stuck, hiding behind fear, afraid of taking chances because we have lost the ability to see the possibility of our dreams coming true! Yet every amazing invention we enjoy- our iphones, our laptops, starbucks, Disney World, Spanx,- was created by someone who spent loads of time musing and imagining, and yes, even failing and starting all over again. So go ahead! Day dream!

Your day dreams are more than procrastination; they are groundwork, plans in the making, dress rehearsals for your actual life! In the movie they sing; The second star to the right Shines in the night for you To tell you that the dreams you plan Really can come true And in another song When there's a smile in your heart There's no better time to start It's a very simple plan You can do what the birdies can At least it's worth a try You can fly! You can fly! It was Albert Einstein who said, “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” I’m thinking he knows what he’s talking about! What is your go-to daydream? What brings a smile to your heart? Go for it! There is no better time to start than right now. (Or right after “The Bachelor.”) Take away: Be sure that your day dream is a focused one, aimed to enhance your life. Day dreaming that Daniel Craig will walk into the room and propose is probably not productive. Take a minute to envision a perfect day. Where are you? Who are you with? What are you wearing? How are you spending your time? How does it FEEL to have this day? Dream in focus. Jiminy Cricket- Perhaps the most famous Disney song of all encourages us once again to dream big, with faith and abandon! Fate is kind She brings to those to love the sweet fulfillment of their secret longing. Like a bolt out of the blue, Fate steps in and sees you through. When you wish upon a star, Your dreams come true.


ow let’s get real and a little less metaphorical. No. You cannot wish upon a star and then sit on your porch with a glass of merlot and wait for the big reveal. It takes action. It takes motivation. Maybe it takes research, or hours on the treadmill, or a leap of entrepreneurial faith. Whatever your goal is, it must first begin as a dream. And that is just fine. You will run into those pain in the asses I like to call “Mr. and Mrs. Yeah But.” Those are the negative voices in your friendship circle or your family, (but most often your own head) that love to point out all of the reasons you can’t possibly accomplish your goal. “Yeah but you don’t have the money to start a business.” “Yeah but you have dieted before and it didn’t work.” “Yeah but you’re 40 years old. You will never meet someone now.” Would you allow someone to speak to your child or your best friend that way? Of course not. So tell Mr. and Mrs. Yeah But where they can go and keep your focus on the end goal. Remember that it can take years of trial and error to become a success.

Take Away: Go ahead and wish on that star, but in the meantime, make a list of action steps. We call this “inspired action.” What can you do right now, today, that can gently nudge you in the direction of your dream?

If your dream or goal is a noble one, that fills you with joy, keep going. Hold onto your belief in the end result. Keep a firm faith in your own higher calling. Choose love. Feel hope. And if a fairy god-mother starts visiting you, send her my way. I could use a killer dress or two. ;)

To schedule a private coaching appointment, please contact Gina at gchussar@live.com. New website launching soon!

by: Joseph D. Phillips Business Editor

Have you considered a career in project management? It's one of the most stable careers out there with fantastic opportunities for advancement and a market both in permanent and freelance markets. The Project Management Professional exam is your ticket and it’s a lot more achievable than you may think! Hat Trick readers get an AMAZING $49 off the PMP Boot Camp by Joseph D. Phillips. Check it out and get your career on track in 2013! Don’t forget to enter the code hattrick at the checkout!

Click Here to Access One Of The BEST PMP Prep Courses In America! Page 38

Bio Joseph Phillips is a leader in the project management and adult education community. He is a PMI-certified Project Management Professional, a Project+ Professional, and a Certified Technical Trainer. Phillips has consulted on project management, business analysis, and adult education for hospitals, architectural firms, manufacturers, and information technology consultancies. He’s consulted organizations on project management framework, process engineering, change management, and the principles of project management. As a leader in adult education, Phillips has taught organizations how to successfully implement project management methodologies, information technology project management, risk management, and other courses. He has taught more than 10,000 professionals through seminars, conferences, and presentations in the United States, Belgium, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. He is a member and of the Project Management Institute and speaks often for chapter meetings throughout the world. He has taught for Columbia College Chicago, Vincennes University, and Ball State University. Phillips is the author of several top-selling books, including IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide, CAPM/PMP Project Management Certification Allin-One Exam Guide, Project Management for Small Business, Vampire Management, The Lifelong Project, and others. Contact Joseph Phillips

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See page 29 for $49 off code on the latest PMP Prep Kit exclusively for our readers!

Page 39

Spotlight: Women Priscilla Mutembwa Priscilla Mutembwa has been managing director of Cargill Cotton Zimbabwe since 2007. Her role involves control of the company’s commercial operation in Zimbabwe; co-ordination and management of the senior team; and liaison with local organisations including farmers, buyers and growers. She previously worked as the company’s finance director and regional origination and procurement manager. She holds a BSc degree in computer systems engineering, a CIMA qualification, an investment management certificate and an MBA. During her varied and highly successful career, which she talks about below, she has also worked for Coopers & Lybrand, British Railways, UNICEF, British American Tobacco and Zimbabwe Allied Banking Group in a variety of finance roles. Prior to training as an accountant, she worked in computing. The challenge of switching careers I studied computer systems engineering at university and worked as a computer programmer and then as a systems analyst before I decided to study to become a management accountant. It was a big challenge to start almost at the bottom and work my way up when I had already reached management level in the IT world. I decided to just work as hard as I could and use my previous experience to be a better accountant. Fighting to be taken seriously Another major challenge was being taken seriously as a professional woman, especially once I started having children. I remember an occasion when I attended an interview for a job just after I had found out that I was pregnant with my second child. I was quite excited and at the same time I did not think it should stop me advancing my career and seeking new opportunities. At the end of the interview I made the mistake of sharing my good news with the interview panel members, whom all happened to be male. Needless to say I did not get the job. Page 40

In Leadership

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Chartered Institute of Management Accountants cimaglobal.com/women

Cargill Cotton Zimbabwe

‘I’ve not faced direct discrimination but I have encountered prejudices and stereotyping’ I don’t believe I’ve faced direct discrimination but I have encountered prejudices and stereotyping that were sometimes quite discouraging, and I have probably had to be more resilient than my male colleagues. However, I rely on something my dad taught me when I was young: not to be deterred or affected by what someone thought of me, especially when it’s not based on knowing me or my capabilities. Getting on the board My entry to the board was through being an executive board member due to my role and position as a finance director. Through my work with some of the nonexecutive board members, I started getting invitations to sit on the boards that they sat on. ‘There should be more women on the boards of organisations’ I believe there should be more women on the boards of organisations as they bring a different perspective to the running of businesses. Learning from a male mentor I have benefited tremendously from having a mentor and I would recommend it to any woman who is serious about rising to the top. Role models and mentors allow you to learn from another person’s experience so that the same mistakes are not repeated. With the help of my mentor, I have learned to be more structured in my career planning and to focus on what I need to learn. There is a shortage of female role models in my business environment – the cotton industry in my country is very male dominated and I often find myself being the only female present amongst men. ‘I have greatly benefited from having a male mentor’

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However, I don’t think women always need female mentors; what is important is to feel comfortable with your mentor. In fact, I believe I have greatly benefited from having a male mentor: he has helped me to view a lot of things from a male perspective which can be quite different from my own. Examine your skills If you want to progress in your career, perform an objective self-assessment of your capabilities – be very honest with yourself or ask people who know you very well and will be honest with you. The next step is to find out what skills are required at senior executive or board level and then start to fill any gaps in your skill set. To succeed you need discipline and resilience. If you are to grow you will make mistakes: what’s important is to be able to recover and be better as a result of the lessons you learn. Finally, it’s important to work very hard but also enjoy what you do.

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Health Matters

History of Women’s Reproductive Rights

Over the past 100 years women have made huge leaps in regards to equality by Mina Muirhead, R.N. and our personal freedoms. Picture Health Editor the average women’s life in the year 1913. In the United States we still didn’t have the right to vote. The suffrage movement started in 1848, right after the Civil War. But the right to vote was not passed until 1920. For the most part, middle class women still did not work outside of the home. Women workers were primarily young and single, widows, divorcees and/or poor married women. It was primarily middle class women who drove reforms of the Progressive Era. Middle-class married women, who were still expected to avoid work outside the home, turned to reform efforts as an outlet for their intellect and creativity. Young professional “New Women” made careers within the reform movement, as settlement workers, social workers and public health nurses. It was during this Progressive Era in the United States that women organized to address issues of education, healthcare, and political corruption. One of the biggest issues to be addressed during the Progressive Era was the birth control movement. It was during this time that the Comstock Laws had outlawed the distribution of birth control information and devices. Margaret Sanger led the movement to reform these laws. Sanger started her campaign to educate women about sex in 1912 by writing a newspaper column called “What every Girl Should Know.” She also worked as a nurse on the Lower East Side, at the time a predominantly poor immigrant neighborhood. Through her work, Sanger treated a number of women who had undergone back-alley abortions or tried to self-terminate their pregnancies. This was mostly because they did not have the money or resources to take care of another child. Sanger objected to the unnecessary suffering endured by these women, and she fought to make birth Page 44

control information and contraceptives available. She also began dreaming of a “magic pill” to be used to control pregnancy. “No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother,” Sanger said. In 1916, Sanger opened a birth control clinic in New York. She and a few of her supporters were subsequently arrested and convicted. Throughout the 1910’s-1920’s, Sanger continued to advocate for the right of women to access birth control information and devices. In 1922, Sanger founded what later to be was named Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood continues today to operate around the world giving women and men a safe place to seek reproductive health. Even though in many 1st world countries reproductive health and women’s rights continues to be a debated, I am more concerned about the reproductive health of women in 3rd world countries. Without reproductive health and freedom, women cannot fully exercise their fundamental human rights, such as those relating to education and employment. Yet around the world, the right to health, and especially reproductive and sexual health, is far from a reality for many women. According to the World Bank, one-third of the illness among women ages 15-44 in developing countries is related to pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, reproductive tract infections and HIV/AIDS. We must continue our fight to allow all women, no matter their country or poverty level, the right to reproductive health care.

Mina Mina graduated with honors with her BSN from the University of Northern Colorado in 1997. She is a member of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery. Have a question for Mina? Please write to content@HatTrickMagazine.com and include “Mina” in the subject field. Page 45

Page 46

iBuildStrongWomen Celebrating Our Constitution as Powerful Women con·sti·tu·tion [kon-sti-too-shuh n, -tyoo-] noun 1. the way in which a thing is composed or made up; makeup; composition. 2. the physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc. 3. the aggregate of a person's physical and psychological characteristics. This month we honour International Women’s Day. We acknowledge, recognize and appreciate the amazing women who have gone before us in order to make our journey all that it can possibly be – in order to make it GREAT. My entire life I have been fascinated by greatness – greatness in athletics, greatness in acting, in humanitarianism, leadership, business, and most of all, greatness in exceptional women. As I grew older, it became evident that my life’s work would be to recognize, empower and celebrate greatness in women. Where does her inner strength originate - the instinctive constitutional power that enables a woman to work against all odds for what she believes in no matter what those odds may be - the strength of a survivor? But does she believe in herself? Does she believe in her own strength and power, in her own true greatness? And what is my role in strengthening this belief - literally, strengthening. This innate fascination lead me to choosing a career path dedicated to

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This innate fascination lead me to choosing a career path dedicated to answering that question. It began back in 2000 with the launch my company, CSJ Women’s Excellence, and lofty goals of doing everything in my power (there’s that word again) to motivate, empower and inspire women. Shortly after my business began, I embarked on intense personal and professional development coaching which undercovered various truths about my passion and purpose. These truths have become valuable cornerstones of my work: Power-Principle #1: Strengthening Acceptance, Replenishing Greatness In order to build stronger women, their acceptance of themselves must be strengthened. As acceptance is strengthened, greatness is replenished. Repeat after me, “As acceptance is strengthened, greatness is replenished.” We are born great, all of us ~ absolutely phenomenal! Yet we live in a state of starvation, starved for the opportunity to let go of whatever is holding us back, to release whatever is blocking our fullest potential and a little TLC to polish-up and sure-shine the amazing jewels that we are! Power-Principle #2: The Stronger We Are, The Stronger We Are: I believe and always have in the direct correlation between strong bodies and strong women. Our constitution is the aggregate of our physical and psychological characteristics. Wouldn’t it make sense then that in order to strengthen our very constitution – in order for us to build strong, powerful women – we would work to strengthen both our bodies and our minds? I have lived the fit and healthy lifestyle for over half my life. And over the past dozen years, I have had the incredible opportunity to prove this belief over and over and over again. Power-Principle #3: Excellence Is Not an Act but a Habit At times, my work could be described as encouraging and teasing greatness to flow. At other times, it has been focused on delicately shaping and navigating greatness, allowing it to infuse surroundings rather than bull-doze its way through. I help women to develop that habits they need to become most powerful – period. Through inspiration, motivation and information habits needed form and take your body and your life to the next level if and when you are ready for it. Utilizing Fitness at a Whole New Level My mother doesn’t have a computer, never has. I tell her about some of the things technology has made possible in my life and business, and she is in amazement. Skype, GPS, Kindle, Facebook, You Tube, Runtastic, the list goes on and on… She doesn’t fully understand the benefits because she hasn’t experienced them first-hand as I have. You think to yourself: How is this possible? How could anyone live without the benefits of technology in their life? Great question, but I have another one for you. What if I told you there was another tool available that would help you unlock huge potential in your life, create a stronger you, more confidence, selfesteem, a greater understanding of yourself and your place in the world, a more calm and grounded yet energized and focused approach in all that you do? What if I told you that treating it like most do now is comparable to restricting a computer’s ability to typing out a letter?

Underutilizing fitness: Many regard fitness as an avenue to burn calories and lose or maintain weight – period. This is merely the starting point. During 2013, my company will undergo a rebranding exercise. My articles will continue to expand on utilizing fitness at a whole new level. It may be a new way of thinking for you, but keep thinking back to our computer analogy. If you want to truly pay honour to the amazing women that have gone before us, allow yourself and your life to operate at its fullest potential. Period. Guts. Glory. Greatness. Over to you‌

Find Out More Click Here!

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by Karen Salmansohn Self Help Editor

Check out Karen’s latest books for inspiration on being happy and insights and tools to break bad relationship patterns PRINCE HARMING SYNDROME & INSTANT HAPPY Page 53

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AskLaura by Laura Briola Opinion Editor

Editor’s Note: Ask Patti is on hiatus but she remains a valued part of our publication. As many of you will know, Patti has been battling some health issues while looking after a growing brood of boys! Thankfully, our girl Laura Bariola has agreed to step in and take over the advice column for the foreseeable, but we wanted you to know that Patti is still with us, still a part of the team and you never know, you might see a tag-team advice column in the future. Laura is a Southern girl who has made a name for herself keeping it real with friends, family and innocent bystanders for decades. She’s a true Southern belle with a lot of tough love and a feisty passion for helping others. Welcome Laura! She welcomes questions from readers for her column, though we note that she does receive quite a few each week! Your question will be selected and answered by Patti personally via the magazine. We request that you sign your question in the manner you wish it to be credited in the magazine. We are happy to accept signatures using a pen name, first name only or moniker like “confused in New York” in support of your privacy.

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Laura, I have been married and divorced twice (I know!). My mom says I can't wear white for my wedding which is coming up in June. It has been 5 years since my divorce and I want this perfect day more than anything. My question is, is it disrespectful to wear white, going against her wishes? Adrienne, Missouri Adrienne, I believe that a wedding is between 2 people who love each other and this is a celebration of THEM! This is YOUR big day, not your mothers. Certain "Traditions" are slowly fading away and I feel like this is one of them. I say to you, Wear whatever makes you feel like the most beautiful and luckiest lady in the world! Good Luck and Best Wishes to you!

Laura I'm with someone who on paper is a loser. No job, no enthusiasm and lots of health problems. I'm scared to be alone and I enjoy his company. Am I doing myself a disservice keeping the relationship or is this healthy? Nadine, Baton Rouge Nadine, Misery loves company. You should be spending your time with someone who wants to enjoy life by being productive! Even if his health problems prevent him from working, there are plenty of other things he could do. I don't find this healthy and you sure don't sound like you are having the time of your life with this man. Being truly "alone" and "needing company" are 2 different things. Get out there, have fun and meet new people that can help you WITHOUT hindering you! Good Luck!

Laura My son is struggling with reading and I really want to hold him back from 1st grade. My husband and his teacher are concerned about what it would do to his psyche and it has caused a strain in our house. Do you think this is wrong? Pamela, Bentonville, AR Have you tried some other tools that are available such as tutoring, a reading program, etc? I do not believe holding him back would have any effect on his psyche, other than what your husband and teacher may have personally said to him about it. Wouldn't it be better to hold him back if that is what you choose, and see him succeed, OR go against a mothers gut feeling and see him continue on to a grade higher where he will really struggle and get left behind? Do what you feel is best as a mother! Good Luck to you!


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My daughter has been emotionally detached for a while now and treats me like I'm an ATM. I'm sick of it. She is 12. Can I call her out on this? She lives with her mom and manipulates everyone. I just want a real relationship but should I confront her? Damon, New Jersey

Damon, Being a parent of a 12 year old myself, I have come to realize that they expect us to be their private ATM because sadly, it is what they have been taught. Regardless of who she lives with, you are still her parent. I feel like you should sit down with her and her mother if the circumstances allow and let everyone get on the same page. Let her know that you have to go to work everyday to make money, so therefore the 2 of you should maybe come to an agreement where she can possibly do some "small" jobs, or chores, to earn the money that she is asking you for! Good Luck Damon!

Laura Today my boyfriend is having surgery and he told me he doesn't want me to visit him. I don't understand why. He said he would worry about me travelling there. It is an hour away. His family is not coming either. I feel left out and like he doesn't want me to be there for his life moments. Do you think this is a sign of trouble? We do argue but otherwise it is a good relationship. M, UK

If that is his wish for you not to be there, sadly, you need to respect that. I wouldn't assume this is a sign of trouble, considering that his parents will not even be there. You never specified whether this was a minor or major surgical procedure, but either way, some people don't want to add undue stress to others, even if you feel like you deserve to be there. So, that said, let him know that as soon as he is discharged, you will be willing to help in through his recovery process if he would take you up on the offer! Hang in there!

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I just moved to London from my home town in Nebraska, having married a cutie from over here! The thing is, I can't seem to make friends. Don't laugh but I only ever lived in the same town I grew up in, so making friends is hard for me (and a new skill). Can you give me some ideas? Lynn, London

Hi Lynn! I would suggest looking on the internet for fun groups to join in your area. Put yourself out there!! When you go to the local market, or shopping, be sure to ask around if anyone knows anywhere that you could possibly meet/network with any new people in your area! Luckily for me, I am a people person and have always been able to throw myself out there and make new friends. I wish I could wrap that up and mail it to you!! Good Luck Lynn, and Im sure you will have no problem making lots of friends in no time!

Laura I met this cute guy over thanksgiving break and we slept together. It was amazing. But ever since I got back to school he has avoided me. He called me and we went out for coffee after but from there he has totally blanked me. Was I used? How can I approach him? Or should I just try to find the strength to let it go and accept he just used me for sex? Tiffany, Memphis

Tiffany, Sadly, yes, it sounds like you were used. Guys think differently than us girls do when it comes to something like this. We want to feel very connected afterwards because, of course, what happened was such a personal, intimate thing. Most guys have ZERO feelings of connection/emotions after something like this. I would not even approach him honey. There is nothing in it for him. Spend your time finding someone who truly cares for you and is looking for a relationship and something meaningful with you! You deserve it!

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The Lightworkers Academy

by Kate Spencer Opinion Columnist & Life Guru

Fact or Fiction? Chick Lit meets The Law of Attraction How do you hook people into reading your message about life lessons, healing and the laws of attraction? This was a question I asked myself as I considered all of the books out there already that had experienced great success, but hadn’t this stuff been done to death by now? I needed something different, something interesting and something that hadn’t been done before to reach the masses with my message. I thought about books that appealed to women and it wasn’t long before I realised that I needed to write a fictional novel with my nonfiction message woven through it, and so 12 Lessons was born. It has been described as “Bridget Jones meets The Secret with a side order of Fifty.” I created the main character Stephanie to appeal to women all over the world, and so far the reviews confirm that. Stephanie’s life hits rock bottom after a psychic reading, and the cracks are exposed for all to see. Betrayal, money problems, toxic

relationships and bad decisions all combine to unravel her at every level, and it is through the process of reclaiming her life that she experiences the 12 Lessons that are written into the story. Readers are so engrossed in the Stephanie’s life that they subconsciously absorb the lessons along with the character, finding that when they reach the end of the book they have a different outlook and maybe don’t know exactly why! This is exactly what I wanted to happen, and once people started to tell me that my book was truly changing their lives I was spurred on to write a nonfiction companion guide called 12 Lessons - The Journal. This is doing well in a group of readers that would not usually be looking for this type of text, which makes me proud to think that I am teaching people who may have never picked up The Secret or something similar from a bookstore.

The 12 Lessons that are covered are as follows: 1) Be Open To Possibility 2) Self Sabotage 3) You Attract What You Are 4) Release What Does Not Serve You 5) You Are A Creator 6) The Law of Karma 7) The Law of Reflection 8) Compassion & Forgiveness 9) You Can’t Fix Other People 10) Serendipity 11) Love Yourself First 12) The Flow

Both 12 Lessons and 12 Lessons – The Journal are available to download on all amazon sites as ebooks right now and will be available in paperback late 2013. Facebook – The Lightworkers Academy www.thelightworkersacademy.com

Lambing Season. Growing up on a farm this was a special, stressful, hope filled, sadness filled time. I will never forget the twin lambs soaked through from freezing rain that it's mother had left. Their limp grey bodies looking dead and the sound of them waking up inside our oven as they finally got warm enough and dry enough. They both lived. It was magic. The first few days they needed feeding constantly and in spite of school, I did it. Soon they were too big and naughty for the kitchen, so into the stable they went. I feed them until they weened and they went back into the field. People talk of "traditional food". We drank alot of milk as the goats were giving milk again, and eggs too, also lots of tea, sometimes with some whiskey in it to keep out the bitter cold. You can't wear gloves to help a ewe birth. We would have potato's with peas and bacon, maybe Welsh rarebit. The colours were always grey and vivid green, it was always sleeting. You couldn't feel your face. You would lift up your face and pray to no-one in particular, let this one live, this one live. Then there would be a rush of blood and a small slimy wobbly creature would enter the world. They would ask me, always me, "will it live?" and I would know and either nod or shrug. Nature is the best teacher of all and any book I have read never expresses what I feel about this season. It is about hope. About the fragile cold tipping point and warm flooding relief. It is the sound of lambs crying and sleet against the window. This is the time of year to try new things, start new projects and give help and support to those creatures in your life that a little wobbly. This time of year is hard and not everything started will be finished. Not every grand idea will pan out. That is the way of all things. Some live, some die. Morn what you must. Light a simple candle in remembrance of lost and dying dreams. Grieve them so that new dreams, new hopes can enter your life and with the warmth of your candles fading light can revive or mark it's gentle passing. It is a time to let go of "if only's" they clutter up the space inside you to create. I asked someone yesterday, what would you do today, if you knew you were going to die tomorrow? How would it change your behaviour? Who would you want to be near? We spend a great deal of time in life doing things that are not important. Some of them (like dishes) need to be done as part of life. However sometime we cling to things and people to "tide us over" and we do less and less of what makes us happy, because being comfortable seems less scary than actually living. These questions (if a touch morbid) bring into focus what we really want, what and who we really hold dear. Part of my work, my life as a witch is to ask those questions, to bring new space and light to people's lives and try and get them to see the world with hope and wonder and possibilities.

The Rolling Year

by Lucy Drake Clairvoyant Columnist

Spring is definatley on its way.

Even the sudden snow and cold weather haven't stopped with catkins from shimmering in the pale sunshine. Birds have their beaks full of twigs and the like. This time of year in our modern world is full of red. Red chocolate boxes, red roses, red dresses, red hearts everywhere. It seems odd to me. Pale yellow catkins, the first daisies and the brilliant green of crocus and daffodil leaves spiking through the dark wet earth are the colours for me at this season. It is a time for spring cleaning. For respected our loved ones, and in Britain at least, soon our Mothers. I have often wondered if these holidays were not the separation of the pagan celebration at spring Equinox at the end of March. New love, new life and honouring our Mother with flowers. Decorating and seeking eggs, especially by children, certainly sounds like sympathetic magick to me. Still there is always a darkness withing the light. When the days and nights are of equal length, when the world was balanced on the knife edge of the darkness and about to roll into the light, the dreaming time was almost over. The dark nights and comforts of home and hearth and sharing, give way to furious activity and "doing". I can not remember where I read it, it was a very long time ago. It was talking about a childs development and the need for both "doing" play (practising being an adult) and "playing" play (or imaginative play. This is something I have always used and passionatley believe that applies to children, but maybe it goes deeper than that. Maybe we need time to be both "doing" and "playing". To me this playful qualities, this imaginitive aspect of all growth. This time of year is for playing, imagination and dreaming. It is about innocence, not as naivety, or beneath us, but as wonder, joy and the power of being alive.I come from a long line of women who move furniture. Not as a job, more as a sort restlessness. We will move everything around, throw things away (these women are ruthlessly unsentimental)and open windows during any kind of weather. Spring cleaning the house like this while growing up on a farm was odd. Farmers like to keep things (you never know when you might need...) so the freshness of a "good clean" was always an odd conflict. I watched my mother (a wonderful musician in her own right) play less and less (music and everything else) and do and do more. Never one to "make a fuss" over any holiday, real or "made up by greeting cards people" she stopped celebrating. She stopped seeing the wonder and joy, and not the warmth and light of play.

So if all this new and beautiful light makes you see the dirt on your windows, or the need for a carpet shampoo, stop, just for a minute and find something else, some playful and beautiful to notice too. The birds in the garden. The flowers by the side of the road or in the park. The silver linings on the spring clouds. Women's history month focuses our attention. I think maybe we don't appreciate the "mundane" or boring things that were amazing about most ordinary women. I never met my Great-Grandmother, yet I know she raised my mother for a time. The two stories I know of her are that my mother bit one of her fancy glasses whilst drinking and got glass in her mouth and sat there too scared to say anything, and that she could hand-wring cotton sheet until they were almost dry. She taught my mother, who passed this odd, but useful skill down (in fairness I usually use it on tea towels rather than sheets but I can do a good job). This skill requires a lot of strength, especially in the hands. This and the ability to make any man gonads shrink back into the body cavitiy with a particular look and tone of voice, are her gifts to me. Skills passed down that long line of women. The thing is these skills, this "doing", are just as valuable as the history of important people. I don't know why women "doing" is seen as less than a man's but I think it is still true. Most men I know (even the ones that do house work) see a lot more HOUSE and a lot less work . It is really weird to me that cleaning and cooking, caring for people, is still classed as not a "proper job", even by some women I know. I know women who seem to think that having a child, keeping a house, caring for a relative aren’t real jobs - that women who do this are "letting the side down". I don't think women have a "place", be it kitchen, or nursery, or biology lab. Yet until we value these skills and parts of ourselves as equal, we will be forever torn. We will only see the lists of "doing" that we have to do get bigger and bigger and our play shrink to nothing. Women now are expected to work, have a family and clean their homes. There are people, smart, talented people, who run business, create amazing things but they are always the ones who must put their imaginings on hold, when a child gets sick, when a package needs waiting for, when there is an emergency; and most of the time it is the woman who does this. How does that makes her business, career, creative process equal to her male counter part? Raising children, caring for those weaker than ourselves, keeping our homes and clothes clean are important, and they should be valued as highly as "proper" jobs. Then there may be a discussion about who goes home when the child is sick, rather than an assumption. Then maybe the wonder, and joy, the delight at being alive at the returning of the light, rather than the need to clean the window will prevail. Page 64

We all deserve some time to play. To indulge our imaginings. Give yourself permission to be creative, and also to not "do". As the saying goes, we are not human doings, we are human beings.

Lucy is a professional psychic and clairvoyant. She welcomes questions from readers for her column, though we note that she may not answer reader questions in every column. We request that you sign your question in the manner you wish it to be credited in the magazine, should Lucy wish to include it in a future issue. We are happy to accept signatures using a pen name, first name only or moniker like “confused in New York� in support of your privacy. content@HatTrickMagazine.com

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Attitude of Gratitude By Manuela Wahnon Columnist

50 Shades of Grey With Friends Let’s categories, broadly speaking, the different types of friends that I have, and in so doing you may be able to identify yours from this list. Well clearly we have best friends; the ones that by their very nature are confidantes... Even these I can further sub divide into different levels… Because some you can talk too, about intimate things. Others you can confide in, about political stuff, some are good when you want to have fun... And other confidantes are brilliant, when you are down, because their strengths lie in their ability to be superb listeners and enablers …. I have Facebook friends, that are incredibly, and deeply, close to me, and yet I have not ever met them. Some friends in the town that I reside in have known me since I was a teenager and I dare say they would probably claim to know me purely on the grounds of longevity, “the best.” But is true friendship based on that? Or is it like I tend to think, based more on, the intensity of the friendship, as opposed to length of time that you can say ‘are yes I first met her in 1960? Clearly, the very best that one could hope to have is the kind of friend who is so close to you that he would qualify as lover, life partner, and husband. I have seen a handful of those ‘types of married couples’ in my life time. These couples, united in life and love, have a close friend and confidante. You know, the kind of relationship where you can share all those little niggles which if disclosed to a spouse, or partner, could cause unnecessary hurt. Page 66

This brings me neatly to trust. Dear readers, who do you trust? I know that when I place my trust in someone, male or female, that with that trust goes a little bit of myself. Trust, to me, means you hand someone your life, your feelings, the very essence of your being, that which constitutes your very soul. This is adequately displayed in battle, when soldiers go into action and they have each other’s back. The bonds formed under these situations become lifelong. Friendships formed under these situations are never broken, not for anything and forever more they refer to themselves as ‘brothers’. So it follows that to betray someone, one must have at least at one time, taken on the role not just as friend but that of confidante at the highest level. Confidantes are special people. A betrayal goes down into the very psyche of the person that has been betrayed. You cannot betray someone whose trust you didn’t have in the first place. Without a confidante in which one can confide, life would be all black and white. As with most things, you will find that life very much has many shades of grey. Diplomacy and tact, is the sweetness that marries truth with that which is unpalatable in an acceptable way to all parties concerned, without betraying confidences shared. I am blessed that I have people in my life that are gifted to this degree. Manuela.

Life, Without Map Or Parachute by Cherie Brooks DeBurger Opinion Columnist

Motherly Instinct Women across the world have accomplished things beyond the imagination. Each one different and as much an individual as a snowflake, different backgrounds, diverse surroundings, varied obstacles and assorted goals in life. The most common denominator for women is not our strength or wisdom but the instilled ability to be a mother. Even though we all have the ability what does differ is the intensity. Some women feel the calling to mother much stronger then others as well as the noticeable difference between first time moms and those of us who are headed towards our own baseball team. New mothers spend months decorating the new nursery. Research is completed to find the most soothing color to paint the walls, fabric and patterns are agonized over in an effort to be chic but also neutral if the sex of the infant is remaining a mystery until the "big day". All the outfits, onesies and little booties are folded and in place and the change table is fully stocked including items that you are not entirely sure of their purpose but they were in the baby section at the store so you must need them. The rocking chair is set at the proper angle as well as making sure every stuffed animal is exactly the right position. Some first time mothers are positive they are going to do natural childbirth, after all women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. Some think it's better for the baby and the expectant momma wants to remember the entire birthing event and experience every sensation. When the first delivery has come and gone and the next baby is due things are done a little differently. It becomes apparent that the woman would give anything short of her soul to have an epidural or some type of pain medication. Page 68

A Life Lived Well

After three or four children the “nursery” becomes a corner in the master bedroom for a few reasons. One of the reasons is because you can't fit the Brooks crib in any of the other bedrooms now and by anyCherie extra space hasDeBurger been taken over by toys and storage boxes of clothes you are Opinion either waiting Columnist for the kids to grow into or out of. Putting the baby in with the other kids increases the chances of midnight hunger cries waking up all the kids who for some reason get a bust of energy and don't go back to sleep until an hour before it's time to get up. The most important reason at this point though is that sleep has become so precious you don’t want to trade a moment walking into another bedroom five times a night to feed the baby for precious Life doesn't come with instructio minutes you could be sleeping. both good and bad. What makes all t the road. cautious. I have discovered that a When it comes to babysitters new mothers areinextremely At first physically andthe emotionally. This maga they don’t even want to leave the baby and inevitably when time comes strengthen, and aid and they do, usually by force, go out only grandma or nanainform will qualify foreach one w attempt at helping those women who the privilege of babysitting. If she or another family member is not available breastare cancer. Sometimes lau then the hunt will begin for an unrelated sitter. against These hunts lengthy, inJanuaryaffidavits of 2009 Ifrom hit a bump i depth and could compare with an FBI interrogation In requiring bump and one check, that, until previous families they have babysat for, a police background andlater, I would diagnosed with a very aggressive brea family history of any mental illnesses or diseases. cancer was not contained and had sp known when I found the lump in my ar After three or four children if your neighbours cousins friends sister-in-laws runs through my family gardener offers to watch the children the mother has her shoes on andthat is even our d bias; wetheir have "enterta out the door before the new sitter can take off their We coataren't and remove father's family and my mother's family shoes. ovarian and even tongue cancer. My prognosis For first time moms buying clothing for the baby requires that it is was new not andgood and intense andBaby evenGap, then no one was name brand. The little closet is filled with Oshand Kosh B’Gosh, After wrapping head around Disney, or Old Navy neatly hung and spaced on those plastic baby my hangers. outa how manythough womenthe were struggling Little sneakers and sandals are carefully lined in row even a story of a sister, best friend, mo baby won’t be walking for at least another ten had months or so. battling the same life threatening disea I figured so many of us hav The third or fourth child’s’ wardrobe consists of clothing fromwith the older at the pros and some siblings even if they are not the same sex. Shopping tripsofnobreast longercancer include brand name children boutiques, they now strolljourney. the aisles of all the secondWhen I was told that hand stores. The only new clothing they receive is from grandparents andthe biopsy was only a mental vacation but it was as birthday gifts from the relatives. wore off I realized that the first laugh w diagnoses I had of gotten mythe hair cut an New moms will buy all kinds of toys for their first-born bundle joy. All drain best educational toys that are age appropriatemy as hair well go as down Fisher the Price playalong with That me thinking about all th sets, fun bathtub toys, Lego sets, toy cars and trucks or got baby dolls that cry chemo.into I had thick hair down to and pee. By the time the third or fourth child comes thelong picture they shampoo andsoconditioner, haircuts an have no idea what a full set of anything looks like because many pieces take a real vacation instead of just a m have been lost or destroyed already. Fighting cancer gives you Page 69a type One thing you have in abundance is m

The Pros Of Cancer

A Life Lived Well by Cherie Brooks DeBurger They only have a green, red, and black marker to colour with because all the other markers dried up when the lids were left Opinion off. The Columnist dolls that were once beautiful now look like riot victims with their hair chopped off or matted beyond any hope of untangling. There are no more diapers or food mix for the life like babies so the kids learn how to use paper towels or wash clothes. Doll clothes are lost or hard to catch after the older children manage to adorn Fido with the sweet little sundress.

The Pros Of Cancer

Life doesn't cometrywith So although it may be harder to relax when you have your first baby to instructio bothwill good and bad. makes all t relax first time moms, all the worrying and fussing only give youWhat wrinkles road. have discovered that a and gray hair and believe me, you get enough in ofthe those from Ithe children physically and emotionally. This maga without doing it to yourself. strengthen, inform and aid each one w attempt at helping those women who against breast cancer. Sometimes lau In January of 2009 I hit a bump i bump and one that, until later, I would diagnosed with a very aggressive brea cancer was not contained and had sp known when I found the lump in my ar runs through my family that even our d We aren't bias; we have "enterta father's family and my mother's family ovarian and even tongue cancer. My prognosis was not good and and intense and even then no one was After wrapping my head around out how many women were struggling had a story of a sister, best friend, mo battling the same life threatening disea I figured with so many of us hav at the pros of breast cancer and some journey. When I was told that the biopsy was only a mental vacation but it was wore off I realized that the first laugh w diagnoses I had gotten my hair cut an my hair go down the drain along with That got me thinking about all th chemo. I had long thick hair down to shampoo and conditioner, haircuts an take a real vacation instead of just a m Fighting cancer gives you a type Page 70 One thing you have in abundance is m


What Amber Loves By: Amber Hamilton Henson Home & Garden Editor I hope you had a good Valentines’ Day. We made little, individual heart-shaped pies. Yum. Our oldest daughter made her Valentine box to take to school. I think it turned out really cute! Love Bug, Monster, or just plain silly . . . whatever you call it, I’m proud of her and her little creation! She used a shoebox for the main body, covered it in wrapping paper. The legs are cardboard toilet paper tubes covered in aluminum foil. The eyes are ping pong balls. The feet are cut out of scraps of foam leftover from one of Mitch’s upholstery projects. Sign Vinyl teeth and pipe cleaner hair! Love it! (Abigail didn’t make a Valentine box at home this year, since her class had plans to decorate Valentine bags during their party.) This morning, the girls woke up to find balloons and candy from their Daddy before they went to school.

Mid morning, I was called to pick Abigail up from school. Coughing and fever. Boo. I took her to the doctor, and she tested negative for strep and flu. Hopefully her respiratory infection will pass quickly. After school, Cali went to a skating party with her friends. Mitch brought this to me when he came home from work. It is a new blackberry for the backyard. I hear it comes with a guy willing to plant it for me and possibly the option to buy more of them this weekDoes he know me, or what? Love! Tonight, Mitch grilled lamb (my favorite) for me. Lucky girl, I am. Tonight as I’m sitting here about to make this post, Abigail wow’d me, again. I love the world through her eyes. So, she and I are talking: She thanks me for her new heart socks that she wore today. Then she said, “Valentine socks are really the best socks. We should think about buying more while they’re available.

They are really the best value. They’re different than Halloween or Santa socks, because Valentine socks are LOVE . . . We get to wear them all year!” I agree. Wear your heart socks all year sweet Abigail! Happy Valentine’s Day! Page 73

Posh Brats Brittany Harper-De Staedtler Beauty Editor

Walking Your Own Path Several months ago I was interviewed by Hat Trick Magazine and featured on the cover of their October 2012 issue. At first I was so excited to be asked to speak about my path on the way to Posh Brats. I was honest....painfully honest.....about everything. I didn't want to be another one of those interviews that sugar coated everything like the stars had all alined and golden angels had come down in heavenly chorus and sprinkled pink glittery wishing dust over my life......because that would be a LIE! Instead, I told the truth about how I got here...how much of this was being in the right place at the right time with a nose for what people want. It's VERY long hours....most of the time around 14 to 16 per day, 7 days a week. It's about going months without taking a whole day off where you do nothing business related.....but THAT isn't what my point here is. When that issue came out I excitedly shared it with my friends and family and those closest to me applauded the honesty and thought it was fabulous.....BUT...then there were the others. I got SO many angry and upset e-mails from folks back home. They felt I showed my roots in a bad light and made them all sound like a bunch of ignorant rednecks because I did not wish to live their lives. It hurt and upset me that I was so harshly criticized for telling MY truth....not theirs....MINE! I felt like saying.... Just because you choose to marry Bubba Redneck and have a passel of kids and a big ole pickup truck doesn't mean that also has to be MY life. Page 74

Sorry.....this little Point Cadet girl from Biloxi, Mississippi has ALWAYS wanted a different path. It doesn't make your path wrong and mine right....just different. That's why we are unique individuals. The way they acted, you'd have thought I was saying they were all like this. *smirk* Nothing could be further from the truth. Most Southern folks are as sweet as their iced tea and as gracious, kind, and loving as anyone I've ever met in my world travels. You cannot find better people....even if some of them are a BIT sensitive and disapproving of those of us who choose to escape for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Needless to say I pulled my britches up and got on with my groove on down the yellow brick road of MY destiny! So, if you find yourself coming against criticism for the life you lead or choices you have or haven't made, this is for you!

Some Life Truths Unless you are going through life kicking puppies, spreading disease, starting forest fires, murdering innocents, etc. If you are walking YOUR own path and being true to YOU then guess what?? You ARE doing it right!! It doesn't matter if it's not the vision someone else has for you, no matter HOW well intentioned they are. "This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!" Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 78–82 Wm. Shakespeare The basic wisdom of life is that you can only be yourself - you cannot be someone else. Why on earth would you want to be? What you are is so unique and so fabulous and there is only one of you. You might look just like your Mum, Dad, or Great Aunt....but.....you are uniquely YOU! The only chance you have is to be the best version of yourself that is possible. Since you cannot be someone else, you need to make the best of what is possible in your life.Â

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In order to become the best version of yourself, your task is to find outwho you really are, for what unique reason you are on earth, and what you love doing. Be the very best you that you can be and see what opportunities knock at your door and what possibilities you can create. You have to choose your own way, you have to show what you do with enthusiasm and you have to mean it. It doesn't matter if this is what someone else expects or not; care about whether what you do is a good thing. Be accountable for you!! Walking your own path means showing discipline, standing up for yourself when necessary, showing self confidence while being modest, moving beyond limitations and obstacles, and supporting the good, fair and just. Learn to endure difficult circumstances, and you'll have more options in life. Be true and Authentic! If you are not true and authentic, you will never be able to find your own path, because you are walking someone else's path and vision. The world will respect you more if you are an authentic YOU instead of a copy of someone else. You have infinitely more to offer the world than you realize! There is nothing wrong with asking for advice and even following it to a degree but only YOU can truly know what is best for YOU. Don't let someone tell you that you CAN'T! As long as it's not illegal or harmful what the hell do you care what someone else thinks of what is best for you???

When someone tells you to not do what you would like to do, always ask yourself: "How would this person benefit from you not following your plan? Or " What disadvantage would this person suffer from when you followed your plan?"

If it is an unbiased person and somebody who wants your best, then you should consider listening to this person. However, keep in mind that even good friends might not be able to see the whole picture, or to understand why your chosen path is right for you. Take a deep breath and find the courage to be yourself and give your all to what you choose to do. Walk that path and rock on with your bad self!! Much Love and Light,

Brittany xx

Page 77

by Sorelle Amore Columnist

Click Here & Follow MY Website!

Are you loving yourself enough to receive the love you deserve? By Mitchell Knight Are you loving yourself enough to receive the love you deserve? As a Personal Trainer I spend a lot of time talking to people, asking questions, hearing answers and deciphering the hidden meanings behind the words. Most of the time it’s white noise but occasionally it’s more like fingernails on a chalk board! Occasionally I hear things that really weigh on my mind and really put my panties in a BIG bunch! Recently, during a group session, we got onto the topic of a husband and boyfriend being a lot less than loving and supportive and in my opinion actually just being deadest scumbags! “Thelma” a 40-something mother of two who can do more push ups than I can and plays more Netball than I thought humanly possible and “Louise” an Early 20’s dance teacher who naturally has to wear ankle weights in a strong breeze to stop herself from being knocked off her feet – Their partners...Bastards with the audacity to call them “FAT”! Page 78

Both are fit, healthy and strong (I should know, I made them that way!)...both are NOT fat but most of all both deserve to be treated a hell of a lot better! As the conversation progressed we went through a whole range of angles and a few confessions that came from some really dark places. I admit, I am a very protective person but to hear this about two women who I deeply respect and in many ways admire really got my goat up. I couldn’t question them further. It’s far too personal and was far too public to put them through the probable shame of answering any questions I had. But the questions didn’t go away! I got madder and sadder and more frustrated as the day went on...My back and arms copped the brunt of it all in the gym later that day! Let me ask you, are you in that situation? Do you know someone in that situation? Are you in that situation and you’re only just realising it? In my opinion: If your loved one makes you feel less than the sexiest women on the planet in his eyes, he isn’t doing his job! If you have to wonder if he loves anymore, he isn’t doing his job! AND...If he calls you fat, he deserves a kick in the balls! I consider myself a pretty decent guy and do my utmost to make my girlfriend feel spectacular every single day! Sure, I drop the ball sometimes. I’m the first to admit that when I get home from work at 7:00pm after getting up at 3:30am that I might not be the world’s most awesome boyfriend all the time but I give it my best crack! If I called her fat and she didn’t kick me in the baby maker I’d be pretty surprised! As people, we deserve so much more than a partner that belittles us and makes feel anything less than spectacular and I implore you to fight for that feeling. Talk to your partner and tell him or her how you feel. Don’t tolerate being put down and abused. You only have to answer to yourself at the end of the day and if you’re happy and you're loving yourself and he or she isn’t loving you as you are, let them move on so you can find someone better! If you’re not happy, identify what youre’ not happy with and fix it for yourself! Don’t settle for the second best version of you and don’t settle for the second best version of love! Life is way too short to not have real love while feeling sexy as all hell! If you enjoyed the article 'Loving Yourself', connect with PT Mitch Knight here: Join Accelerate Fitness Training on Facebook Page 79

Shasie’s Picks

Follow Me: Twitter Facebook As a Pennsylvania native transplanted to a very Southern (read: hot) Texas, I will tell you that no matter where you live, this is the time of year where we are looking for flexibility in our wardrobe to cope with weather fluctuation and temperature change. If you’ve followed my column for very long, you know I am a fan of both designer brands and bargains - I love to mix and match and really carefully select pieces to add to my collection which can serve me well and stretch my wardrobe.

by Shalanda Turner Fashion Editor

Here are a few looks to experiment with for Spring, to show you how you can get the most out of this awkward mid-temp weather. Did I mention that March ushers in the sales too?

Let’s start with denim you already have in your wardrobe. Classic, dark colors allow you to flexibly scale your wardrobe regardless of the season. Pair with a basic scoop or v-neck tee and it’s classic done classy (and inexpensively too)! Add a cardigan and fun jewelry and watch the look evolve for a fun, casual night out with the girls or simply for dress down day at the office. Throw on a pair of heels and swap jeans for pinafore for a perfect Easter or dinner date out look! Page 80


3. 4.


Winter Warmer


Page 81

With Lisa Wynter

diy: Cocoa Butter Body Butter

If you didn't already know, you should know that I don't have a domestic bone in my body. And for the most part, I like to adhere to the Shakespearean saying: to thine own self be true. However, my skin these days has taken a turn for the worst. Dry doesn't even begin to describe the ashiness my skin skin has succumbed to. Yeah, I said it, A-S-H-I-N-E-S-S. I'll spare you the photos of the backs of my feet, but trust me on this. It wasn't pretty. Feel free to judge me, I was judging myself until I decided to google recipes for cocoa butter. Why, pray tell, did I opt to make my own versus buying, for instance, tried and "true" Palmer's Cocoa Butter?? Well, if the big red X doesn't tell you how I feel about this stuff. Let me be plain: Palmer's Cocoa Butter is made up a bunch crap other than cocoa butter, and it doesn't last all day. My winter skin needs more.

Page 82

So, in an effort to save money, and to be sure of the ingredients being applied to my skin I made my own cocoa butter formula! Here's what I used: 1. Raw Cocoa Butter purchased here: RAW Cocoa Butter 1 Lb 2. Organic Coconut Oil purchased here: Nature's Way Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16 Ounce 3. Raw unrefined Shea butter purchased here: 100% Pure Unrefined Organic Raw SHEA BUTTER - (1 Pound) from the nut of the African Ghana Shea Tree The rest was pretty easy:

Melt about 2 cups of Raw cocoa butter on the stove. Bonus: Your whole place will smell like the yummiest of chocolates. Get ready.

Melt about 2-3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil (or really any oil you'd like) into the melted cocoa butter. Keep it on medium heat, you want to melt it. Not boil it.Â

Page 83

Stir in a a heaping spoon of Shea butter, if you have it. Otherwise, skip this step.

Stir it all up, pour into whatever container you have handy. Then throw it into the freezer for about 20-30 minutes.

The first two pics are actually misleading as they are images of what you DO NOT want your butter to look like when it comes out of the freezer. I left mine in too long and it was actually forming too much into a solid. I had to throw it back into the pot, melt, and then cool again before being able to whip it into a nice consistency. You really want your butter to come out of the freezer as it's just about to turn and not a moment after. Otherwise, you won't be able to whip it into the final product using a handheld mixer as featured in the third photo. Page 84

In the end, your butter will look something like so. Not bad for my first try. I really wanted a more whipped texture, so next time, I will play around with the freezer time and whip it for more than 1 minute and see if the results are more to my liking.

Final Grade? B+ It actually goes on and feels a lot like Palmer's Cocoa Butter, but I was going for a softer texture. A little goes along way, and it DEFINITELY lasts all day. It's a little greasy going on, but your skin will thank you by reverting to a soft baby-like feel you'll want to touch all day!  Give it a try and let me know how yours turns out.

xoxo, Lisa

Page 85


Confessions of A Hollywood


By: Marina BerBeryan

Page 86 MarinaBerBeryan.com

How My Daughter, Katrina, Made A Difference (At 7!) Rose & Alex Pilibos Armenian School is a small, tightknit K-12 Armenian school located in the heart ofHollywood, CA and has been an educational landmark within the Armenian community for the past 43 years! Katrina Magzanyan is a proud 3rd grade student, with a BIG heart. She approached the Counselor, Ms. Maral Tavitian at the beginning of the school year with hopes that she could find creative opportunities to encourage students to help other children in need. Her motto is “Kids Helping Kids”. She presented Ms. Tavitian with a formal proposal including a variety of ways Rose & Alex Pilibos may be able to give back to the community, raise cancer awareness and funds, and provide kids with necessities such as clothes and toys. “I was beyond impressed, and so touched by her heartfelt willingness to help those she’s never even met!” said Ms. Tavitian. In her proposal, at the time only 7 years old, Katrina describes her family’s’ personal battle with cancer. She lost her grandmother, Sima Magzanyan to cancer, and unfortunately never had a chance to meet her. Last year, Katrina, her sister Isabella and brother, John were at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angelesfor a routine surgery and Katrina and her siblings observed how there were quite a few children at the hospital. Something lit a fire in her and Katrina along with her brother and sister approached her mother,Marina BerBeryan with their ideas on how to bring some happiness and joy back to these children’s lives, even including her classmates and fellow Pilibos students to join along in her efforts. Katrina’s determination not only created the opportunity to organize Rose and Alex Pilibos' The First Annual Toy Drive “Kids Help Kids” for the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, but also facilitated in the administration’s decision to form an Elementary Student Body Government (i.e. Student Council) so that students like Katrina can actively lead, participate, organize and encourage their peers to get involved in various philanthropic opportunities. On Thursday, March 21, 2013, at 1:30 PM, Spokesperson Katrina Magzanyan and a few other members for the student body government along with Counselor Ms. Maral Tavitian and Elementary Academic Director, Souzy Ohanian visited Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles to drop off boxes of toys collected from the “Kids Help Kids” Toy Drive for the pediatric patients at the hospital. For more information on how you can help to donate toys and clothes for the upcoming Rose and Alex Pilibos’ “Kids Help Kids” Toy Drive for Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles please contact Rose and Alex Pilibos School at (323) 668-2661 or write to 1615 N. Alexandria Ave, Los Angeles CA 90027 Attention: “Kids Help Kids” Toy Drive. Page 87

Page 88

Photo Album

Spokesperson for The First Annual "Kids Help Kids" Toy Drive at Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School for the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles

John Magzanyan, Katrina Magzanyan and Isabella Magzanyan shopping for toys

Rose and Alex Pilibos Students excited to donate toys to pediatric patients at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles

From left to right: Linda Drexel, Souzy Ohanian, Maral Tavitian, Katrina Magzanyan, Marina BerBeryan

Page 89


Page 91

A Bit Quackers

My wife left me for her gynecologist. At least he knows what he's getting into. Submit your jokes to Content@HatTrickMagazine.com

Page 92

To Do Book T ra Tickets in Pen re fill Cat Fo s od



Have Your Say! Write to the Editor or any of our writers on content@HatTrickMagazine.com We are also seeking an Entertainment Editor and a Technology Editor. Email us for more information.

Page 93

Bespoke Jewellery

Fully hand-crafted jewelry, custom made according to your specification in Great Britain. Beautiful custom metalwork with a focus on metal patterns combined with beads, pearls or gemstones. Completely unique Visit the website for more details on creating your Inner Fyre experience.


Proudly Serving Scotland & The United States by Appointment For rates, bookings and enquiries, please contact us. Page 95




!e Valentines Collection

Mary Berrys y’Mini Banoffee Pies Recipe






From the Editor



Cake Masters February Issue Welcome to the February issue of Cake Masters magazine where the theme is LOVE! As February is the @me of the month where love seems to be in the air, we have a very special feature on Valen@nes cakes. This also @es in nicely with the announcement of our Valen@nes Professional and Hobby Baker compe@@on winners. It was very difficult to decide in the professional category, the standard was just so high! Thank you to everyone who entered, the designs this year were superb! An extra special highlight of this edi@on of the magazine is a full briefing on what the Cake & Bake Show in Manchester has in store for us in April. We caught up with the organisers who told us all about the special features of the show -­‐ there really are some great ones! You all must enter the Cake Catwalk Compe@@on at the show, where your cake designs will go on an actual Catwalk! The other exci@ng feature is the gingerbread village where you are given a plot to design your own gingerbread house which will make up part of a huge village. The guys at the show have been extra nice and are offering £10 @ckets to the show in Manchester as well as being entered into a draw to win an iPAD mini EXCLUSIVE to Cake Masters fans and readers only. We have tutorials, an excellent column this month, the Alterna@ve AZernoon Tea with Jen, an exclusive recipe from Mary Berry’s new book and much more. I really hope you enjoy this edi@on of Cake Masters Magazine

Rosie x


Front cover credits- February 2013: Heart Boxes - ©Julia M. Usher, author of Cookie Swap, Ul-mate Cookies, and the 16-­‐video Ul-mate Cookie Decora-ng Series Heart in a cupcake tutorial - Made with Love by me 2



From the Editor ~ Page 2 Manchester Cake & Bake Show Overview ~ Page 4 Tutorial: Heart in a Cupcake ~ Page 9 Feature: Alternative Afternoon tea with Jen ~ Page 15 Interview: The Chocolate Strawberry ~ Page 18 Feature: Little Angel’s Cakes ~ Page 22 Event: Hospice Bake Off for Young Women ~ Page 23 Spotted: Ana Parzynch Cakes ~ Page 26 Tutorial: Eiffel Tower Cupcake ~ Page 27 Interview: Fat Cakes ~ Page 30 Competition: Fairytale Cakes~ Page 36 News ~ Page 37 Guest Columnist:Hannah from Made with love by me ~ Page 38 Competition: Floral Cupcakes ~ Page 39 Feature: The Colour of Love ~ Page 40 Interview: Mary Berry ~ Page 43 Recipe: Mary Berry’s Mini Banoffee Pies ~ Page 44 Winners: Valentines Competition ~ Page 46 Feature: Valentines Special 48

Valentines Showcase


Tutorial Eiffel Tower Cupcake


Cake & Bake Show Overview

4 3


Show Feature Cake & Bake Show heads to Manchester! Following a sell out launch show in London last year, the cake and bake show is back this year for an extravagant show. We caught up with the organisers earlier this months to find out all about what to expect at the Manchester show There’s so much going on during this three day cake extravaganza, we’ve summarised a few of the highlights below: WHAT TO EXPECT AT THE SHOW • See all your favourite celebrity bakers and cake stars live on stage -­‐ from Paul Hollywood to Mich Turner and Eric Lanlard • Nowhere else can you see this many of the industry’s leading stars all in one place! • Get inspired by and involved in one of the feature stands – including Lakeland, Squires Kitchen, Dr Oetker and Bakingmad.com • Enjoy family fun for budding bakers – from gingerbread decora-ng with Billington’s to family bake offs with Paul Hollywood and interac-ve free sessions with Grainchain.com • Learn new skills from the experts in live demo classes – from macaron masterclasses to cake pain-ng demos • See all the leading sugarcraQ arRsts under one roof and book a session in the SugarcraQ Academy – learn direct from the likes of cake queen Mich Turner and royal icing expert Ceri Griffiths • Taste your way around the country’s top arRsan bakers and cake makers – from cakes and breads to brownies and pies • Source the latest tools of the trade from the country's top suppliers – from leading sugarcraO suppliers to bakeware specialists including all the latest innova-ons from Lakeland BUY TICKETS NOW: SPECIAL TICKET PRICE OFFER £10 + Entry into a prize drawn for an iPad Mini EXCLUSIVE to Cake Masters fans only

Code Cakemasters10



Show Feature KEY FEATURES AT THE SHOW ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴


The S a Watc insbury’ s h bakin stars fro Compe<< m yo g pro on Th y u o g m r e ff r d f a a s a mme with vour eatre a? Ac r c r s ite TV a s a l g l h i s u s u ost t tage dienc raQer The S e of sk c r m a h – g m e e u a s r f ir ow mem g s rom o u r o i 3 p r l l e o s u f n bak all th f Gre bers A ns for e h o T R e e a l a n i r i t v t c s k e on from onte BriRs ’t e-­‐boo r demon n p s o h I t D o T t . a B y V e nts o m ake O ’s Bri ilabl Turn f t Q Acade ession with ff a a are ava r e c i r n t r a o ’ g & Pe s Bes s the j Series u S a d w S a n t e h t ewar t e e u Rens t, fre r Sidwel Bakery M dges nce to a r, Frances a h c l e a h l s t e , test s h miss ich Turn riffiths. eries from jud plus Stac ich M f o S s e i ie G -­‐ Foo mon ging Ceri the lik d n C a d o o n . n o G well. I lorio ght us.Fo TV’s McNau VIP s eat R ckets a re d e r i u od w king req ith also available, which allows o o b -­‐ e r P visitors the chance to guarantee a seat in the first few rows of the main stage demonstraRons, as well as gebng them fast track entry into the show

BUY TICKETS NOW: SPECIAL TICKET PRICE OFFER £10 + Entry into a prize drawn for an iPad Mini EXCLUSIVE to Cake Masters fans only

Code Cakemasters10



Show Feature Baking with Paul Hollywood & Grainchain.com Join Paul Hollywood as he judges a programme of live bake offs for families and schools on the Friday of the show! Other great family-­‐focused free sessions will be hosted by Grainchain.com on Saturday & Sunday.

ature e F & ge w Sta e i v r e r nd Int iz you u Lakela q o t nce nd’s stand iss this cha s on Lakela ure live at ar m Don't e baking st will also fe test h la rit Marketplace favou stand, whic casing the g w n e i o r Taste your w featu traRons sh for the bak ay around th s s n m e The Exhibi<on country’s to demo innovaRon market fro p arRsan bak t g c ers Offering a one stop and cake ma produ e decoraRn nd! k e r s i n a T k l h e Cake & e shop for those wishing and ca Bake Show M at Lak s t a r r k e e tp p lace, where to source all the latest you will find the ex m a r k e BUY TICKETS NOW: t stalls tools of the trade from showcasing enough fres hly the country's top suppliers, with SPECIAL TICKET PRICE OFFER baked produ ce to saRsfy £10 + Entry into a prize drawn even the most ins a host of fun, free interacRve for an iPad Mini aRable food lover. EXCLUSIVE to Cake Masters fans features from leading brands in only the industry including Neff, Dr Code Oetker, Squires Kitchen. Cakemasters10 The Classrooms

owcase h S g n i d The Wed ading sugar f le A team o s will be ert craQ exp oughout the thr nning u working t s a e t crea show to edding w f o y a l d i sp ar craQ. g u s d e them

Book Signings with WHSmith Meet the star speakers and buy signed copies of all the latest baking books on the WHSmith stand.

The Classrooms offer the chance to learn direct from the experts in a more focused sebng, with 30 minute demonstraRons held in enclosed classrooms, covering a wide range of subjects from sugarcraQ skills to macaron masterclasses. Pre booking required!






with Master PaRssiere

Eric Lanlard (worth £195)

A giant, whacky wonderland inspired Gingerbread Village has to be one of our favourite features planned for the Manchester Cake & Bake Show! As well as an impressive 7 foot high gingerbread house, commissioned especially for the event, there will be a display of biscuit buildings and village features created by gingerbread fanaRcs around the country who are being invited to display their designs as part of a compeRRon sponsored by Billington’s. But this won’t be the usual fesRve themed display of gingerbread houses, as entrants are being asked to take inspiraRon from childhood memories of the edible creaRons in Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Hansel and Gretel to create unique candy clad construcRons! CompeRtors are invited to enter their plans for individual ‘plots’ in the village online, from which the organisers will select the most promising entrants to come to the show to create the ‘village’. Judges will be looking for creaRvity and design and so the only real limitaRons are the size of the plot – 12 x 12 inches, with entrants free to create any structure from gingerbread -­‐ not just houses, with landscaping and gardens etc encouraged. Categories: • Adults • Juniors Click here for full compeRRon guidelines PHOTO: Gingerbread Willy Wonker creation from Wicked Goodies


EED IN To get SPIRAT you all fired u ION? fantasR p , take a c exam l o p o le k Wicked Goodie s of gingerbre at these ad crea s, as w Shows’ ell as th Rons fr own Pin om e Cake terest & Bake board for the compe RRo n ! 7



There’s no denying cake is definitely ‘en vogue’ at the moment! So it seems fibng that the Cake & Bake Show’s official compeRRon for Manchester is themed ‘Cake on the Catwalk’ and will see compeRtor’s fashion themed creaRons given their own stage at the event in the form of a purpose built ‘cake catwalk’! Sponsored by Stork, the compeRRon is open to non professionals and juniors (under 18), while the professional category is themed ‘vintage couture’.

NEED INSPIRATION? take a look at some of the catwalk inspired creaRons by Elizabeth Solaru, or visit the Cake & Bake Shows’ own Pinterest board for the compeRRon

COMPETITION DETAILS To enter, simply submit your plans online for a fashion inspired cake, selecRng either non professional or junior (under 18). The Professional category (defined as those people engaged in the commercial sale of bakery products or a baker/cake decorator employed by such a business) is themed ‘vintage couture’ and the judges will be looking for designs inspired by vintage styles, encompassing the romanRc charm which

*PRIZES* Win up to £250 in cash and £100’s of Pyrex Bakeware, plus see your cake featured in delicious.magazine! epitomises the principles behind vintage couture design. GUIDELINES Refreshingly there are very few guidelines, as the organisers say they do not want to restrict entrant’s creaRvity…as long as it’s edible, with no dummy cakes used (but internal supports are permieed), and fits within a base area of 16 x16 inches, then your imaginaRon is the only limit!

CATEGORIES • Professional Category • Non Professional Category • Junior Category (under 18) JUDGES The judging panel will include Elizabeth Solaru of Cake Emporium, whose catwalk inspired cake creaRons are regularly featured in the press; Karen Barnes, editor of delicious. magazine, as well as experts from Stork’s baking team. CLICK HERE FOR FULL COMPETITION GUIDELINES

Runway photo from Bravoe Runway Vintage couture from Heavenly Vintage Brides Cake sketches from Ana Parzych Cakes Cakes on the Catwalk Hey there, Cupcake!, The Clever Little Cupcake Company, Consumed By Cake, Cake Land by Nivia



Heart in a Cupcake Tuto!al

By Hannah from Tuto!al Made with love by me



Heart in a Cupcake Tutorial What you will need:

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Cake Ingredients

6oz Self Raising Flour 4 oz Softened Butter 1 tsp Baking Powder 6oz Caster Sugar 2 Large Eggs (Free Range) 6 tbsp Milk Finely grated rind of a large unwaxed lemon + juice from one lemon (or to taste)


Preheat oven to 180 C/gas mark 4.

oured l o c t h g i L sponge uring o l o c k n i P wl Small bo cutter art Small he ases Muffin C ray Baking t

Step 1 Make your cupcake batter using the Easy Peasy Lemon Squuezy Cake recipe. You can use any light coloured sponge recipe, although you should make sure it is a moist recipe and not too dry!

Tip all cake ingredients into large mixing bowl and beat for 2-­‐3 minutes; mixture will drop easily off spoon.

Spoon mixture into tin and smooth with back of spoon. I use an oblong tin which measures 9″ x 8″, lined with baking parchment. You could also use a round tin.

Bake for 30-­‐40 minutes until golden & firm to the touch.

Cool in tin & slice.

Step 2 Once you have made your batter, separate a 1/3 of it into a small bowl. Cling film the remaining batter mix and leave to one side. Use food colouring or natural alternatives to dye the 1/3rd you have just separated to the colour of your choice. I’ve chosen pink for my hearts.



Step 3 Grease the base/sides of a square, (any shape will do, i just preferred square for doing this) deep baking tray and pour in the coloured mixture to a depth of a couple of centimeters. Use your judgement here, you are looking for a risen depth that will fit into your cupcake cases, whilst leaving room for the non dyed batter as well.

Step 4 Use a small heart shaped cutter to cut out shapes from the coloured cake. Pop in the fridge to cool, or even freeze for 30 minutes to help prevent overcooking when you re-­‐bake them.

Pop the baking tray into the oven at the temperature the recipe suggests. Take the cake out as soon as it is firm enough to handle being cut into. Try and avoid baking for the full suggested recipe time if you can. Keep testing it so that you can remove from the oven the second it is firm enough to cut. Once firmed take the cake out of the oven and leave to cool completely. Popping it into the fridge will speed the process up. Step 5 Place your cupcake cases into your muffin tin. Remove the clingfilm from your 2/3rd non dyed batter and spoon a dollop into the base of each case. Take each heart and stand it vertically (point to the base) into the dollop of batter. Then spoon a dollop of batter on either side of the heart. Make sure your batter reaches roughly the half way mark of the cupcake, high enough to support the heart, but remembering that the batter will rise! Remember you want the batter to rise OVER the top of your heart so add enough to achieve this. You can also add a dollop of batter over the top of the heart to help. 11


Et voilĂ ! Tuto!al

By Hannah from Made with love by me








gina.indd 1

21/02/13 17.08





Sign up for the 2013 London Cake Crawl REGISTER INTEREST

www.cakecrawl.com 14


Feature Travel ~ Taste ~ Try by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts www.jensjustdesserts.co.uk


A"ernoon Tea wi# Jen I'm sat here wriRng this aQer having enjoyed the most gorgeous aQernoon tea (AT) in a land far, far away... So HELLLLOOOO from my ValenRne's sweetheart (my lovely husband Mark -­‐ pictured on the right) and me. I really can't wait to write about my special ValenRne's Day AT, as I have so much to share with you about the fabulous "ALTERNATIVE AFTERNOON TEAS" I have recently indulged in London. I'm dubbing them 'alternaRve ATs' because these parRcular opRons are not your run-­‐of-­‐the-­‐mill finger sandwiches, scones and cakes, which are obviously wonderful in their own right, but why don’t you judge for yourself. So, my cakey pal Allison, from Lets Eat Cupcakes, recently celebrated her big 4-­‐0 and I thought that the Madhaeer's Tea at the Sanderson Hotel in Soho would be the perfect giQ for her. From the moment we were shown to our table, we just knew it would be special. The whole experience was very "wonderland-­‐y" -­‐ from the

menus provided in vintage books, to the way the tea choices were presented in preey glass jars. Ooh and the teapots, teacups and saucers were just so whimsical in keeping with the 'Madhaeer' theme. The pièce de résistance was most definitely the presentaRon of the AT cake stand filled with gorgeous and magical-­‐

looking goodies. The savoury opRons were plenRful, including a selecRon of ham and cheese scones; mini-­‐quiches and sweets were seriously UH-­‐MAZ-­‐ING! We loved the 'drink me' poRon and the totally fun meringue mushrooms and carrots. The best thing was that everything really did taste as good as it looked!



Feature Travel ~ Taste ~ Try by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts www.jensjustdesserts.co.uk

Just when we thought we couldn't eat any more... you know how some other AT places give you the opRon of selecRng from a cake trolley? Well, this 'Madhaeer' tea allowed for a selecRon from a JELLY CART! Of course, we had to sample these, so yes, we had a variety of different flavours including pineapple, banana and rhubarb -­‐ again, just so different to your usual AT!! My favourites from this alternaRve, and slightly mad AT were the green tea

mousse and the mango/white chocolate cake. I was also pleasantly surprised by the yummy mini-­‐ quiches and the really light, refreshing rhubarb and custard tea. I'm already looking forward to my return visit here, as it's definitely somewhere I'll be coming back to again and again!

If you really want an alternaRve AT in London -­‐ perhaps something for the special fella in your life -­‐ then look no further than the Sanctum Soho Hotel. I say it's an AT for 'your fella' just because what they have to offer is called the'Gentleman's AQernoon Tea,' – I'm certainly no gentleman and I totally enjoyed it! Can you believe this special AT starts off with oysters!! So, how does this menu sound to you? Poached oyster with bloody mary relish / Seared steak with peppers and mushrooms on toasted sourdough / Mini smoked salmon, caviar and watercress bagel -­‐ as

the first course. Lamb and potato hotpot / Mini Sanctum beef burger with mustard seed relish / Rabbit, panceea and leek pasty / Roast beef and horseradish stuffed Yorkshire pudding -­‐ as the second course. And you do also get something sweet, as well: Twice baked chocolate fudge cake with Jack Daniels Ice Cream. Oh, did I menRon that you also get a lil' tankard of Jack Daniels, as well as a mini-­‐cigar!? See what I mean? This AT is all served in private booths in the very cool but casual hotel restaurant. You don't

Gentleman’s Afternoon Tea ... need to be a gent to enjoy this alternaRve AT, but just in case this doesn't float your boat, you do have the opRon of ordering a 'tradiRonal aQernoon tea,' (which was also delicious...!) but don't you get ever so slightly (or very) jealous when your dinner date orders' the beeer meal'! In this case, although the tradiRonal AT was enjoyable, the Gentleman's AT was just so much BETTER!! I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to treat a special man -­‐ or yourself! -­‐ to a really unique AT experience.



by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts www.jensjustdesserts.co.uk

Travel ~ Taste ~ Try

30 17




Sarah from The Chocolate Strawberry Sarah is one of those bakers where you can instantly recognise her cakes purely through the hand cut nature and designs of her decorations. Cake Masters loves the cakes that Sarah creates and presents in a beautiful way - we are total fans of the rather amazing Chocolate Strawberry! Q: Tell us about you and your family I’m 42 (which looks quite scary when it’s wriaen down) married with five year old twins. We live very happily in a sleepy village in The Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. I’ve always loved food and food presenta@on, so discovering cake decora@ng has opened up a whole new world to me. Growing up, cooking and family meals were hugely important. Now I have my own family, we also live in the kitchen and our children love to cook and now decorate cakes too. At five years old, they think that I am capable of making any structure that they can imagine in cake and request more and more complex designs on a daily basis!

13 18


Interview Q: What is your earliest memory of baking? My earliest memory is baking with my Gran, who made everything by hand and baked on an almost con@nual basis. Her ‘signature dish’ was a cake that we called ‘Granny West’s Find The Jams’, but I think are really called ‘Maids of Honour’. Shortcrust pastry, jam in the boaom and sponge on top. Intensive training for me on this dish started at around four years old. If any of my family ever went abroad in the 1970s, they were packed off with an old Quality Street @n packed with “Find the Jams”, so that they had something to eat on the plane. They were so good that they were oZen handed out through cabin.

When she died, the whole family scaaered her ashes in Welsh waterfall and I (on my Dad's sugges@on) produced a large @n of “Find The Jams” for the occasion, which would have made her laugh a lot I think. Q: What is your baking story, how did you get into baking? Having stopped work in 2007 to bring up our long awaited twins, I had started to lose myself a bit and the thought of returning to work almost five years later was frankly terrifying. Since we’ve had the children we have moved to an area which is incredible to live in, but work is thin on the ground. I thought I might be able to do something with

my love of cooking and signed up for a course preparing people to start their own business. At the end of the 12 week course, I decided that I would set-­‐up a small outside catering business. The fashion for cupcakes started me baking and the general catering disappeared. Within a year I had discovered all the extra decora@ng space you get with celebra@on cakes and now am a complete convert. It's been a huge learning curve with long hours spent studying tutorials, experimen@ng with recipes and decora@on techniques. Talking to other cake makers had been a massive help. I have found the industry to be generally very generous with advice and encouragement.

14 19


Interview Q: When did you decide to start the Chocolate Strawberry? The business started a couple of months aZer I finished my business course start up course. I had to take my food hygiene exam first and I aaended a basic book-­‐keeping course (not that you'd know it). I actually found that I was making excuses not to start it through nerves. Eventually my course tutor gave me a talking to and pointed out that all the prepara@on was great, but eventually I did actually have to cook something for somebody....I then started almost immediately supplying a local cafe with cakes and luckily was able to work every week of the first year of business. Why is your business called The Chocolate Strawberry? I have an instantly forgeaable name myself, so I wanted an image that people could remember. The Chocolate Strawberry sounds delicious and creates an instant picture in your mind. Customers don't need to remember that my name is Sarah to recommend the business. I get a lot of compliments about the name, so I think I've made the right choice.

Q: What has been the most difficult cake you have made? I think the most difficult cake to make was my 'Funny Liale Tortoise' cake because it was unlike anything that I had done before, but I enjoyed every minute. It wasn't actually that technically difficult, but I was so nervous that I might not be able to make it work. I really didn't want to create a 'cartoon' type animal. Q: What cake has meant the most to you? The cake that meant the most was 'Our Story'. I made a wedding cake based on the story of how my husband and I met and married. We chose the colours and the wording together and the whole process was really enjoyable. What has been your best achievement to date? The 'Our Story' cake was featured by Conde Nast's Bride magazine straight away. I don't think I've ever felt so proud of anything else I've done professionally. It's s@ll featured by Brides on-­‐line now and s@ll brings in enquiries from all over the country. I have also had lots of cake makers asking for permission to reproduce the design, which is incredibly flaaering.

Sarah with her husband >>

14 20


Interview Q: Is there anyone you would like to say thanks to? There are so many people that I need to say thank you to for suppor@ng me through the first two years. Firstly my husband -­‐ it's a massive change to our lifestyle running a business from the house. At @mes it's been incredibly trying, messy and expensive, but we have now sorted out some sort of rou@ne and things run much more smoothly. Our parents have also been a huge help offering everything they can from child-­‐care to emo@onal support on the days that you find you aren't 'living the dream'. Rosie at Cake Masters, who rang me at home to discuss my work within a few months of me star@ng to make cakes and who has supported me throughout. Hundreds of other cake makers for advice and friendship, but one s@cks out more than any other for believing I could make it as a cake designer when I said I never would, is Lou at Cake-­‐y-­‐licious. Lastly, i would like to thank Miranda Jenkins and The Dean Entrepreneurs scheme, without which there would be no business at all.

14 21


Feature Little Angels’ Cakes Little Angels cakes has been set up using cake makers and bakers across the UK to help make free cakes for children with life threatening conditions.


We caught up with Lucy Kelsall Founder of Little Angels’ Cakes to find out more... Q: What inspired you to start Little Angels’ Cakes Little Angels’ Cakes started from a very simple idea. After gaining inspiration from Icing Smiles in the USA and searching for something similar in the UK. At first I didn’t think many people would be interested and thought it would take months to get people on board, but after a few messages to other cakey people, it was clear that people wanted to be involved. After the death of my brother in law, it hit me just how important a little love and care can help someone with a life threatening illness, although my brother in law wasn’t a child, it was still heart breaking when he finally passed away after his battle with cancer. He loved it when I took him a box of cupcakes or sweet treats and always asked for more! After seeing several posts about children with life threatening illnesses and the effect a cake or a gift could have on these children; I wondered if I could be able to help in some way. That’s when I read up

about Icing Smiles in the USA, I then knew I had to do this.

donated by Wendy Pitts from Angel Cakes of Warrington.

I have some very close cakey friends who were willing to help out - all had either wanted to do a similar thing or had a loved one with a life threatening illness. Q: How people can get involved To bake cakes for us you need to be registered with Environmental Health at your local Council. We still welcome hobby bakers to join in with our fund raising events, donation of ingredients and delivering of cakes. We also ask for all members of the public to help support us and spread the word. Q: Where did your first cake go? Our first cake was donated on the 2nd February 2013 for a little girl called Ava Scott. Ava Scott is a beautiful little girl who has recently been diagnosed as having a Ewing's Sarcoma, a cancerous tumor in her leg. A cake was requested for her glitter ball fund raising event and as Ava loved Katie Perry, the theme had to be around that. The cake was

Above: Ava receiving her cake Below: Ava with Gary Barlow

A special thanks to Nina Rogers, Melanie Lauven, Zoe Canies Leonard Kirstie Cracknell and all our sponsors for giving their time and resources to make this happen.



Event Hospice Bake Off for Young Women Those of us who love baking will understand the joy of having some“me time” and the sensory pleasures gained from creating something delicious. It is these things, and much more, for 5 young women who visit young adult’s hospice, Douglas House, in Oxford. On 5 February, with some assistance, they took part in the

Above: Douglas House, Oxford

‘Douglas House Bake Off’ judged by professional cake maker and decorator, Tracey Mann and Alison Gomm from the event sponsors, Oxford based interna@onal economics consultancy Oxera. The event was the inspira@on of keen baker Fleur Perry, 23, from Wiltshire, who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy and visits Douglas House for respite care. Her condi@on means that it can be very difficult geqng together with friends to share in such an ac@vity, but coming to Douglas House, a modern, hotel-­‐ style building built specifically to

cater for the social, physical, emo@onal and medical needs of young adults with life-­‐shortening condi@ons, gives her the opportunity to enjoy what a lot of us take for granted, whilst having her specialist medical needs looked aZer.

Above: Event inspiration by Fleur Perry with helper Jackie



Event Meet the Bakers Fleur, 22, is a vibrant young woman who lives in Swindon with her parents. She has been visiRng Douglas House for over 2 years and has a condiRon called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (Type 2). She has a passion for the sciences and holds 5 A-­‐levels in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Ancient

Fleur Perry Fleur made smiling cupcakes, with a homemade jam smile inside when you cut it open.

History, with AS levels in Spanish and Earth Science and GCSEs in Astronomy and LaRn -­‐ and she hasn’t stopped there! She is working towards a degree in natural sciences with the Open University.

Lizzie, 23 from Burnham, Slough, has been visiRng Douglas House since 2011. She loves baking and oQen baked with her Nanny. ‘As a liele girl I used to make cherry and coconut rock cakes with Nanny Joan. Sadly she died last September just 5

Lizzie Waddington

days before my grandpa so I am making them for the Bake Off in memory of her.’ Gemma Orton, 27, is an arRst from Aeleborough in

Lizzie made cherry and coconut Norfolk. She has been visiRng Douglas House for about rock cakes in memory of her four years and has a condiRon called Spinal Muscular Nanny Atrophy. Gemma achieved a BA (Hons) in Design CraQs at LowestoQ, an MA in TexRle Culture at Norwich University College of the Arts and is a member of Aeleborough ‘CraQers’. Gemma is interested in art, fashion, theatre, craQs and baking. ‘Baking is an opportunity to be creaRve. It's great to start with a few ingredients, and at

Gemma Orton Gemma made Eton Mess Cupcakes

the end you have a tasty treat. I loved seeing all the various bakes and creaRons, and most importantly, tasRng them!’ Gemma made her Eton Mess cupcakes for the ‘Bake Off’.



Charlie, 18 has Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 and lives with her Mum, Dad and brother Adam in Northampton. She has been coming to Helen and Douglas House since she was 5 years old, recently making the transiRon to Douglas House for young adults.

Charlie currently aeends college, studying acRng at level

Charlie Walter

2. She hopes to gain a merit at the end of the course so she can progress to study musical theatre, one of her

Charlie made Tiramisu

passions, the other being baking.

Kerri, 26, from Hungerford, in Berkshire, has been visiRng Douglas House for 4 years and has a condiRon causing mulRple brain and spinal tumours. She completed her GCSE’s in art and music and loves drawing and singing. With her art, she has specialised in making rugs and decoupage and is currently trying to start her own business selling her work.

Kerri Hunter Kerry made cupcakes decorated to look like goldfish

Kerri’s entry was quite quirky. Her recipe, “Fish Cakes”, was a rather surprising entry for the cupcake/muffin category. But they were actually sweet cakes decorated to look like goldfish!

All the girls were winners but a winner and runner up had to be chosen. Gemma won with her Eton Mess cupcakes and Kerri was runner up with her ‘fish cakes’. All the young women received a signed copy of Tracey’s latest book ‘Bake Me I’m Yours -­‐ Chocolate’, vouchers from John Lewis and a giQ box of cosmeRcs donated by our wonderful supporters. Kate Barklie from the Douglas House Care Team and organiser of the event said; ‘I really enjoy organising events that paRents can take part in with staff. The bake-­‐off was a first for us and we did it on a grand scale with special aprons made for the contestants, bunRng donated from the

Oxford BunRng company, beauRful tea-­‐sets loaned to us from our charity shops and 5 ovens sponsored by Oxera. As a team we love to make something happen that a guest has asked for and make it an amazing and special event for them.’ AQer a tour of both Helen House for children and Douglas House for young adults, Tracey Mann said; ‘I didn’t know what it would be like, but it was amazing – it really is such a posiRve environment. The guests are made to feel so welcome and all their needs are taken into account and they are treated as independent individuals. I have had a wonderful day.’

<<Tracy Mann with Kerri



Spotted Ana Parzych Cakes We love it when designers work to sketches and then create masterpieces out of sugar. Ana Parzych is a master of just that, and creates absolutely stunning cakes. Ana Parzych Cakes



Eiffel Tower Cupcake


From Bake Happy 30 27


Eiffel Tower Cupcake Tutorial eed: n l l i w u What yor Image

e Eiffel Tow Knife te Gumpas g d colorin o o f l e g h a #1 tip it w Brown g a b ing ing in pip c I l a y o R ster dust lu e z n o r B Vodka sh Paint bru decorate o t s e k a Cupc

Step 1 Roll out gumpaste and cut out the Eiffel Towers using the template. Let it dry overnight

Step 2 Thin out brown food coloring with vodka and brush onto the towers. Let it dry for about 2 hours.



Step 3 Using the Royal Icing in

Step 4 Thin out the bronze luster dust with vodka

piping bag with a #1 tip, pipe

and brush onto the details.

the outline and details on the tower. Let it dry (... again)

Step 5 Thin out the bronze luster dust with vodka and brush onto the details. Final step Place your decorated towers onto your cupcakes!



Interview Mia is an awesome baker and cake designer. Her cakes have the impact which wow people from across the globe and are designed and executed to a very high standard. We interviewed Mia to find out more about the person behind the cake.


From Fat Cakes

Q: Tell us about you and your family I am 35, I live in a small busy house in Sussex on the south coast with my three young children Harry (he hates cake), Marshall (he wants to work for me one day) and Emalyn (she eats all the offcuts) my lazy cat and three chickens. They all drive me crazy, but they are my world! I have an allotment which is my escape place but haven't had the chance to get over there much since I became Fat Cakes, I feel like I've been permanently in the kitchen for the last 18 months!



Interview Q: What is your earliest memory

where I loved thinking three

I had to leave my part @me job at

of baking

dimensionally and enjoyed playing

Sainsbury’s due to a change in

with colour. I then had various

circumstances and have been

I loved baking rock cakes and

customer service jobs for years just

making cakes full @me ever since.

scones as a child, but then didn't

to pay the bills as I didn't know

It’s as if it was meant to be. My

dabble with baking again un@l I

how to make a living from anything

sugarcraZ kit that started off just

had children of my own. Unhappy


about filling a small toolbox has

with the quality of supermarket

To be honest I s@ll don't make a

now spread into nearly every room

cakes (I am a perfec@onist!) I

living from it but at least I am

of my house and con@nues to

started making my children's



had many experimental

Q: When did you decide to start

Q: Why is your business called Fat

buaercream extravaganzas! It

Fat Cakes?


birthday in 2010 that I tried

This was in August 2011 so just 18

I spent a few days trying to think of

covering a cake with sugarpaste

months ago. It more sort of

names but found none that felt

for the first @me and I have been

happened to me rather than me

right -­‐ none that really said what I

hooked ever since.

actually making any decisions!

wanted them to. I didn't want to

birthday cakes 8 years ago. They

wasn't un@l my daughter's first

limit myself to one style of cake so Q: What is your baking story, how

needed a name that would reflect

did you get into baking?

this. Like when choosing a name for a new baby, I scanned TV

Baking for family soon turned into

credits, town names, street names,

baking for friends and when

the dic@onary even cereal packets!

friends of friends started to ask for

I was about to give up when I

cakes I thought that geqng some

finally asked my partner what he

cards made might look beaer than

thought, “Fat Cakes” he said,

scribbling my phone number on a

“because they are fat and they are

scrap of paper, so I needed a

cakes” simple -­‐ and so it came to

name...this was the start of it all.


I had some cards made, my Facebook page was born and I have just been trying to keep up with it all ever since! I have always been drawn to art and anything crea@ve and got a dis@nc@on in sculpture at art college. I then went on to do a degree in interior architecture




A selec@on of cakes made by Mia from Fat Cakes.



Interview Q: What cake has meant the most to you? I think Emalyn's first birthday cake and my Batman cake mean the most to me. The elephant made for my daughter was from one of Debbie Browns’ books, I am a big fan of her work, and this was the start of my love affair with cake decora@ng. The batman cake is the cake that made my facebook page really take off, and put me in touch with a lot of cake ar@sts. I made many online friends as my name started to get recognised by more people. Regarding my Batman cake, I am a big fan of the movies so really enjoyed making this cake-­‐ I had looked forward to it for about 6 months so am so pleased that this has been my most shared cake to date. Q: Which has been the most difficult cake you have made? All of my cakes are difficult in their own way as I always push myself out of my comfort zone, trying something new with each and every one. probably the most technically difficult for me was R2D2. It was my first cake with internal structure, I had to buy a new drill bit for my sugarcraZ kit :) As the cake was for my son I felt I could experiment a bit more and it didn't maaer too much if it didn't work out as only we would see it.

<<< Harry, Marshall and Emalyn



Interview Q: What has been your best

Q: What are your future plans?

achievement to date? I have a lot of exci@ng orders to Being asked to do this interview is

look forward to this year that I

probably my best achievement to

cannot wait to get started on.

date! I am happy that that the

I hope to also find @me to enter

business has grown so well in such

one of the categories at Cake

a short space of @me and that I

Interna@onal this year too and my

have had to teach myself how to

all @me dream has been to have a

build a website, manage accounts,

go at a thread cakes entry.

upload photos, keep up with admin (well try my best to)

I am currently in the process of

alongside managing family life.

seqng up to start doing cake

This is my biggest achievement and

decora@ng classes alongside some

something I feel proud of.

other crea@ve friends from different craZ areas so this is very

Q: Is there anyone you would like

exci@ng for me, I am really looking

to say thanks to?

forward to the sociable side of this and a liale break from the kitchen!

I would really like to say thank you to all of my online friends in the

Other than that I am just going

cake world. Some I have met in

with the flow and we'll see what

real life, some I have yet to meet.


All of whom have helped me in our virtual office to get through the long night shiZs; helped with problems and have been there to bounce ideas off of; along with chaqng about family life and the various emo@onal states that go with working crea@vely from home! I would not be where I am today without them, they have all become very important to me.



Email: littleangelscakes@yahoo.co.uk or info@littleangelscakes.co.uk 35



in association with

Cake Masters has teamed up with Cake International to run a fantastic Fairytale Competition! The prizes for winners of the competition in both categories are as follows: - Two VIP passes for the winner and a friend to Cake International LONDON – Saturday 13th April 2013 - Fast Track Entry so you will be first through the door and avoid the queues - Free Show Guide - Chance to get a front row seat at the Bakery Theatre - VIP Lounge Access which includes light refreshments - The opportunity to mingle with the celebrities of the cake world in the VIP Lounge, including Marry Berry and Paul Hollywood!! - There will be two categories in which you can enter a cake, Hobby Baker and Professional Baker. - A hobby baker is defined as someone who has never sold a cake for money. The reason why we have this category is to ensure we include all abilities and not only those people who bake and decorate regularly. - You can enter a cake of any size (including a maximum of 12 decorated cupcakes or 12 cake pops) or 12 iced biscuits. - There is only one entry per person and judging will be done by a panel of judges. The cake must have a fairytale theme. To enter please email us a good quality photo to bookings@cakemasters.co.uk with: - Your full name - Your category Hobby or Professional - Your facebook page name and website - Contact number - Optional – Tell us a bit about your entry and the inspiration behind the design

DEADLINE: 31st March 2013 36


News! MOST SHARED CAKE ON CAKE MASTERS! A cake that we posted last week has gone totally viral, with over 2,318 shares and over 100,000 people seeing the cake! Congratulations to Brownies Cakes Grimsby for creating such a great cake that so many people could relate to!


I wanted to thank you all for helping me break through the 40,000 likes barrier. Facebook advertising helped us up to the 20,000 likes mark, and then it just became too expensive. With changes to timeline and issues with reach, I decided to stop advertising with Facebook. To my absolute delight, our numbers have been growing in a strong organic manner and I want to thank you for not only helping me through the 40,000 LIKES milestone, but THANK YOU ALL for getting me through the 41,000 LIKES mark.

Claim to fame! As you know, Nina from Mon Cottage Cupcakes created a cake that was featured in the Yellow section of last month’s magazine. Her cake was made for a charity that Merrill Osmond is associated to so was pictured holding the cake that Nina made. Well, my claim to fame is the Merrill Osmond shared my magazine on his own Facebook page! Thanks Nina for sharing your cake on Yellow Monday all those weeks ago- seeing Merrill’s post really made my day! 37


Guest Columnist This is war! (Somebody put the kettle on...) It’s been dark for so long I’d swear the birds are trying to bring in the dawn, the radio is burbling away in soothing ‘mellow’ tones only suitable for night-time easy listening and midnight is some sort of fuzzy distant memory. Yet i am stood in the middle of a battle zone that 12 hours ago was my kitchen embroiled in what I can only describe as the fight for my life. Not with a intruder, a burglar, or a masked stranger...but with a cake. Yes a cake! Who knew a cake a seemingly harmless mix of simple (quality) ingredients, a double coating of buttercream and a dressing of ready to roll icing could be such a force of evil?! Evil I tell you! The race is most definitely on with this 'fondant fiend' and yet like some stubborn, belligerent teenager it is point-blank refusing to behave. Worse than simply misbehaving this 'spiteful sponge' is kicking some serious butt!. It is beating me harder than my mixer on full speed and I’m losing!! On paper this cake is going to work just fine. It makes sense, I had even checked out YouTube for the tutorial (!) so what could go wrong. It is destined to work, it is going to be brilliant. It is going to be a GREAT cake! More than that, I’ve been looking forward to making this cake for months.

So why is it at silly o'clock the night before the big family event where I am due to unveil this amazing, surprise creation, is it trying to kill me? What exactly did I do so wrong in this or a past life that the 'bake of doom' would hate me so much as to systematically take me apart like this? Everything that can go wrong is going wrong, the simple bits have become some MENSA style intellectual challenge, the difficult bits have become Mission Impossible only I am not seeing Tom Cruise hanging from my ceiling trying to help! I dig in and fight back. I am damned if I'm going to let Count Calorie win! Just as I think I have avoided everything this 'mixture of madness' has pelted me with, side-stepped the clogged airbrush, dodged the slipping tiers, battled back from the brink of cracked fondant failure a thousand times over, taken on the cake of calamity and won, it goes and throws one last, brutal thing at me. At 2am, in a final willful attempt of defiance, out of pure spite, it throws it’s head at me. It cruelly pitches forward, pulling its own head away from its body taking out the supporting board and dowels with it. I manage to catch the head as it falls by getting my hand under the board in time and set it down alongside it’s now decapitated body. Then I stare at it in disbelief and the slow realisation of

By Hannah from Made with Love by Me

resignation. I give in, this cake has beaten me. I'm done in, it’s too late, I’m too tired. I simply cannot fix it from here.

Or can I? A few hours later (after a short sleep) I wake with a gritted determination, and decide that I am in no way going to allow this evil edible to take me down. I put the kettle on and roll up my sleeves. I don my apron armour and tool up with cocktail sticks, scissors and a paintbrush. This mulit-tiered tower of terror may have won the battle, I am going to win the war though! I set to it, I re-design, re-build, re-crumbcoat, re-fondant, retexture and hand-paint feverishly for the next 3 hours then deliver on-time, unveil and present a cake that to everyone else is nothing more than the sweetest of sweet Christmas cats. I am the only one who knows that there is NOTHING sweet or innocent about this sugary charlatan! So a word of warning to my fellow cakers - not all cakes are as sweet as the ingredients would suggest, some seem almost human in their ability to bring us to our knees and yes, sometimes you have to walk away from the battle. There is no need to give in though. Just take a break, grab a cup of tea, take a deep breath and come back swinging - ready to win the war!

The headless beast >>

Share your news with us! magazine@cakemasters.co.uk




The lovely people at the award winning Katy Sue Designs are giving away a set of 3 “Victorian Garden� Cupcake topper moulds as a prize for the winner of this competition. All you need to do is send us a picture of your best floral cupcakes. One entry per person. Please send only one photo, with your full name, business name (if you have one); contact number and address to bookings@cakemasters.co.uk GOOD LUCK!



The Colour Of

Love Red is naturally the colour of love...did you notice how we missed the colour red in our of the 50 shades of cake issue in January? I would like to say that we reserved red cakes for the month of February...but no we didn’t! It is quite fitting that we will share red cakes in the month where love is in the air!

Sugar Pocket



Alison Lawson Cakes LoveZee Cakes

Cakes by No More Tiers (York)

Sugar Pie Gourmet Cakes

Prettypetal Cupcakes

Fancy Cakes by Linda Dakota’s Custom Confections

Robert Firth The Crafty Kitchen (Sarah Garland)



Deluxe Luton Cakes

Tina Scott Parashar’s Cake Design

Wedding Cakes Liverpool

PetiteSweet - Cake Boutique SweetArt Cakes Bedford

Baked In Caked Out

Couture Cakes by Rose

Melys Cake Design Emma Hall



Interview She has sold over five million cookbooks, has nearly 60 years baking experience and is known for being the queen of all things baking. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the exciting world of home baking, Mary Berry is a name that you’ll be familiar with. From the signature Lemon Drizzle Cake to the challenging Fraisier Cake, there is no doubt that Mary’s recipes are some of the best loved. Having learnt the art of baking from her mother, Mary quickly established herself as a leading cookery writer and broadcaster, specialising in Aga cookery, cakes and desserts. Q: What or who got you interested in baking? A wonderful home economics teacher called Miss Date, she was lovely and encouraged me in class Q: What is your current signature dish? Lemon Drizzle cake Q: If you weren’t a chef what would you be? A gardener Q: Sweet tooth or savoury? Savoury Q: What do you most enjoy about baking? I enjoy sharing the finished bake with family and friends

What are your top <ps for any aspiring baker? Mary’s new book, At Home is available Follow a good recipe and weigh now to buy! accurately. Use digital scales and weigh exactly as in the recipe. Use the correct sized @n and oven temperature, all these changes can affect the cake. Cake baking and decora<ng has exploded in popularity recently -­‐ what's your opinion on why this could be? The Great Bri@sh Bake Off has inspired a new genera@on of bakers

Visit Mary Berry at Cake International Event City Manchester 8-10 March 43



Mini Banoffee Pies

Recipe taken from Mary Berry At Home 10 44


Recipe 1. You will need eight 7cm (2½-­‐in) cooking rings, arranged on a baking sheet. To make the bases, mix the melted buaer with the crushed biscuits and s@r un@l combined. Spoon evenly between the rings and press down with the back of a spoon. Chill while you make the topping. 2. Melt the buaer in a saucepan then add the sugar and s@r un@l dissolved. Add the caramel and s@r un@l combined. Simmer for 1 minute then set aside to cool for a few minutes. 3. Pour the sauce into the rings on top of the biscuit base and chill for about 1 hour or un@l the toffee has just set. Slice the banana and arrange on top, then spoon or pipe over the cream. Slide a fish slice under each ring and move to serving plates. Remove the rings and finely grate chocolate on top of each pie to garnish.

SERVES 8 For the base 40g (1½oz) buaer, melted 75g (3oz) diges@ve biscuits, crushed For the topping 50g (2oz) buaer 50g (2oz) light muscovado sugar 1 × 397g @n caramel 4 small bananas 200ml (7fl oz) double cream, lightly whipped 25g (1oz) square of dark chocolate

4. Serve chilled.

Everyone’s favourite dessert – these individual pies are Lucy’s recipe and are divine. Tins of ready-­‐made caramel can be bought in any supermarket and save having to boil a can of condensed milk like we used to, to give it a caramel flavour.

Recipe taken from Mary Berry At Home 45


Feature Valentines Competition PROFESSIONAL WINNER Jessica Rabicano Mrs Sweet Treats

Congratulations! PRIZE • Two VIP passes for the winner and a friend to Cake International MANCHESTER – Saturday 9th March 2013 • Fast Track Entry so you will be first through the door and avoid the queues • Free Show Guide • The chance to get a front row seat at the Bakery Theatre

In association with

• VIP Lounge Access which includes light refreshments • The opportunity to mingle with the celebrities of the cake world in the VIP Lounge, including Marry Berry!! 46


Feature Valentines

Competition HOBBY BAKER WINNER Brandon Fuller Congratulations! PRIZE • Two VIP passes for the winner and a friend to Cake International MANCHESTER – Saturday 9th March 2013 • Fast Track Entry so you will be first through the door and avoid the queues • Free Show Guide • The chance to get a front row seat at the Bakery Theatre • VIP Lounge Access which includes light refreshments • The opportunity to mingle with the celebrities of the cake world in the VIP Lounge, including Marry Berry!!

in association with



The Valentines Special

©Julia M. Usher, author of Cookie Swap, Ul-mate Cookies, and the 16-­‐video Ul-mate Cookie Decora-ng Series



The Craft Kitchen (Sarah Garland)

Mon Cottage Cupcakes

Molly’s Creative Cakes

Neet’s Treats

Buttercup Cakes by Christine 49


CakeRox 50


Carina’s Cupcakes






Nicola Pretty Johns Heavens Cakes

Brennies Cake House

Starry Delights

The Chocolate Strawberry Katies Celebration Cakes



L'Arbre à Gâteaux



Ivy Janes’s Bakery

GQ Cakes



G Sweets

Sweetly Baked

Kara’s Couture Cakes Sweet K



The Sugar Mice

Rosie Cake Diva 57






are you following our boards?

Cake Masters Boards 59

Copyright Hat Trick Strategies, 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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