H Magazine May 2013

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Putting Yourself & Your Biz ‘Out There’

g n i e B ppy a H Video:

When To DIY When To Go Pro

All New Christian Column! Kate Spencer

12 Lessons Inspiring Women to Succeed

Volume 2 Issue 5  May 2013

~Äçìí Hat Trick (noun): 1. A sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. 2. A magic trick. We like to think that we are a bit of a combination of the two.

Hat Trick Strategies Ltd cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited coverage made by our contributors including articles, manuscripts or Hat Trick Strategies is a Management Consultancy firm, which reviews, photographs of products, offers Business Change and Strategic Marketing Services. Our services. While every care is consultants have played a role in the delivery of some of the taken, prices, details or availability of items are subject largest transformation programs within the UK and USA and been on the inside of major corporations in numerous industries to change and we cannot accept responsibility for helping to package everything from software to product lines, omissions or errors.

and marketing online, direct and through social media. They have first-hand experience of the inner workings and best practice required for successful projects, for clients of all sizes. Founded by a Director with a core background in complex Business Change, Project Management and Planning principles are at the forefront of all our services, which means we take the time to fully understand and assess your requirements and professionally manage to time and cost. Big 5 success rates at boutique prices.

Hat Trick Magazine is a project made possible by Hat Trick Strategies, and an extension to our dedication to philanthropy and knowledge-sharing for women. Our President joined a rewarding venture partnership in 2011, and although meaningful, we felt too little was being done to share essential information, inspiration and education with women which would help them leave their circumstances and obtain independence. We love events, but knowledge is power. With complicated and seemingly endless routes into employment, many of which offer no guarantee to an actual paid position, throw into the mix a challenging economic situation, children (or simply, life!) and it can be difficult to know what skills are valued in the workplace. For those who finally get there, how does one progress up the ladder or perhaps start a business? This magazine is our way of filling that gap, attempting to share what we know, friendly advice, inspiration for taking charge of your life and humor to help you get through.

We reserve the right to publish and edit any letters or correspondence received via email, social media or other communication. Unless specifically indicated, all rights are reserved on copyright for photography, by the artist, with non-exclusive license granted to us, for which express permission has been obtained by the contributor, directly. All advice is given in general terms or as a matter of opinion, for entertainment purposes only, and may not be exhaustive nor suitable for all situations. Always seek specialized professional advice, specifically suited to your needs. Absolutely no part of this magazine should be taken as medical, professional or other advice always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner. DISTRIBUTION This publication is electronically distributed globally thanks to a partnership with Issuu.com and is available in print, in select UK locations.

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In sharing our skills and expertise, we help those ‘learning to fish’, while recognizing those who have achieved their dreams. Our writers are internationally based and you will notice that each will write in the English diction and spelling of their region.

Team Michelle Fitz Lindsay Pullen Sarah Alt Joseph D. Phillips Charlene SanJenko Karen Salmansohn Amber Hamilton Henson Brittany Harper-De Staedtler Tanya Jackson Mina Muirhead Patricia Bayne Shalanda Turner Lisa Wynter Ann Pissard Michael Hartley Marina BerBeryan Cherie Brooks DeBurger Gina Caruso Hussar Katie Clifton Sorelle Amore Kate Spencer Rosie Mazumder Manuela Wahnon Dara Avenius Christine Ritter Nina Nuru Lorraine Hill Suzanne Perry Patrick Dati

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Our team consists of professionals at the top of their field, many of whom can be found elsewhere online! Please be sure to explore the hyperlinks associated with their names, for great blogs, businesses and more, from this elite and talented group!



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We believe that to be successful in life or in business without, it must start from within. Kate Spencer, this month’s cover girl and author of 12 Lessons, has helped us do exactly that - taking a step back from life to look at what really is going on inside to attract our best life possible.

CONTENTS From The Editor ............................................... 6 Inspiration Corner ........................................... 8 Putting Yourself & Your Biz Out There ...........10 3 Top Tips To Supercharge Your Videos .........14 Presentations on Change ..............................20 Happiness After Domestic Violence .............22 Gina Living Well: Resident Life Coach ..........26 Christian Columnist Katie Clifton ...................30 Manuela’s Attitude of Gratitude .....................34 12 Lessons Review & Kate Spencer Interview....36 7 Ways To Instantly Raise Your Vibration .......52 Southern American Recipes .........................54 Spotlight Women In Leadership .....................60 The Link Between Happiness and Health .....64 Charlene SanJenko’s PowHERhouse ..........66 . Posh Brats: Happiness Is Contagious .......... 72 Oprah Columnist Karen Salmansohn Art ....... 79 Lil Nipper Snappers Cartoon ........................ 80

CONTENTS Perfectionism Graphic Art by Ann Pissard ....81 Ask Laura, Advice Column ............................82 The Law of Paradoxical Intent .......................86 The Rolling Year, Clairvoyant Columnist Lucy 90 Life, Without Map Or Parachute .....................94 What Amber Loves, Home and Garden .........98 Pin Up On A Budget by Pin Up Passion .....105 Shasie’s Picks: Fashion Brights! ..................106 Dime Piece On A Dime, Budget Fashionista 1 08 Confessions of A Hollywood Stylist .............110 A Bit Quackers: Joke Book .........................116 Cake Masters Magazine (Special Insert) . .....119

We Love Hearing From YOU: content@HatTrickMagazine.com

She decided to change her life, so she did just that.


The Truth Is, If you’ve lived even a moment of your life, you will experience regret and hopefully, the desire to grow. I fully understand both. I went through a heartbreaking divorce which left my whole family in pieces so, for a long time, I lived with those two things every single day. I also understand what it means when someone says they’re devastated and I know too well what “hopeless” feels like. If you asked me four years ago “who did what to whom”, I would have a long list of grievances and things I’d suffered. I saw myself as a victim and although I knew I had made mistakes, I am not sure I actually felt the gravity of them and I definitely did not take full responsibility for navigating my own life. Those things just happened, so I thought. You can only try and refuse to accept accountability for so long.

Change is hard; I am supposed to know this because that’s what I do for a living. Whether you’re talking about transforming a company or a person, this why you need to bring a professional in who can help you in a structured way, force you to look inside yourself (or your objectives), see the good and the bad, and priorities your focus on the areas which need work to serve you well. Confident on the outside, the person inside for a very long time was, as our cover girl, Kate Spencer, herself called me, not much more than a turtle - coming out when I needed to and doing well at those things but going back into my shell to protect myself from harm. When I first landed on my therapist’s doorstep, I was a ball of anger and in a real pity party. So, I’ve been on a very intensive journey for the last few years but especially the last 9 months (and definitely for the next three therapy-wise), and I know I cannot be the only lost soul out there in need of hard-core self discovery. I started my road spiritual journey four years ago, when I began working with Mike Fisher, author of the UK best seller, Beating Anger. Let me reiterate, I was hardly spiritual then. I was, by all accounts, extremely angry, toxic and unwilling to see my own shortcomings. That five day retreat forced me to intensively look myself in the mirror and kicked off a long path to reclaiming my life and emotions. The truth is, you can’t journey forward if you don’t remove the anchor holding you back.

I’m a Turtle


Moveover, if you don’t have the strength to move the anchor yourself, you must be brave and ask for help. And again, this goes for all things in life and business, too. One of the things that Mike pointed out to me back in ‘09, was that I was very consumed with disproving my fear that others would come to the conclusion that I was a “bad mom” - but I had gone about it all wrong! The message should have been that I am a good mom and also, the first person I should have made aware of that fact was actually myself. Deep down, my fear was really that I’d failed my kids. In my dispair, I nose-dived. Negative thoughts kept me in a very self-centred place for a long time. Perhaps you experience this self-limiting cycle and perhaps instead of a Mike Fisher, you might need a business coach or even a close friend who knows your worth to remind you. People discuss finding happiness these days like it’s the holy grail, but the truth is, we are often unhappy because we focus on the past or the future more than the life we have blooming right before our eyes, day-by-day. We gauge our happiness against outside factors, such as other people, or against a set of key criteria which, once theoretically achieved, will mean we will then “qualify” as “happy”. All of these things are self-defeating. Too often, we simply never get there. To achieve happiness, I must bask in moments in my present which are good, like having these amazing kids in the first place. Happiness has shifted from a set of “must-haves” to that of a healthy dose of the present and of appreciation for life, in general. Through therapy I am finding hope. Through spirituality, I am finally steering my life rather than simply finding it “happening to me”. In Kate Spencer’s book 12 Lessons, we see that Positive Psychology, intent, energy and karma can be the difference between our mind creating bliss or a toxic poision. It tells a story of a lost soul, just like me, who finds her way, but only after she We Love Hearing From YOU: puts the work in, to change her life. Also, content@HatTrickMagazine.com Suzanne Perry (who knows first hand about that journey) writes about happiness after She knew it would trauma and we’re very lucky to have be a challenge, such a strong issue this month, and so showcasing great business advice and life experiences too. I hope that if there is one gift we give you this issue, it is the knowledge that you are steering this ship, your life, your business, your circumstances, and only you can change its course. Michelle Fitz Editor-In-Chief

Inspiration Corner Share Yours Here

You Are Worthy Of Happiness

by Michelle Fitz

píê~íÉÖáÉë Faith, Hope & Skill Now I Just Need


Putting Yourself And Your Business “Out There” I read an article in the Huffington Post which talked about the link between weight, confidence and financial success. Now, I’m not sure if the link between weight and making more money is necessarily true; I spent a good half of my career on the yoyo, at one point tipping the scales at 200 pounds (two kids and every justification in the world for that one last (insert sweet or savory treat here) and negotiating with myself as to exactly which Monday I was referring to when I promised myself this would be the week I got my diet on board. Financially, I always did alright but there were points where I must admit that I observed link when it comes to confidence and success. I guess that you could say I was one of these girls who, when fat, has always been fat and happy to some extent. Plus, I can be a cocky, selfdepreciating little minx, so perhaps I just had faith in myself which my weight could not break. Weight isn’t the only thing that can break your confidence. Somehow, there is always that natural human quality of feeling nervous about putting yourself out there for the world to critique. I hear you. It’s scary stuff! These days, to work your marketing strategy effectively, both your persona and your business increasingly warrant an online presence. Moreover, it’s becoming a dizzying task to draw the line between the advice you are prepared to give for free on, for example, a blog or newsletter and what you actually keep for paying clients.

First of all, let me remind you that my career is about as specialist and dry as it comes. Target Operating Models, documentation on options for projects, flow charts and demonstrations of the best efficiency savings and mechanisms for achieving them ... you’re already fading on me aren’t you? Enter: the world of video. You see, the video realm is 2013’s game changer. Video can hold your audience’s attention span (which these days, is getting shorter and shorter) where text simply cannot. As a business consultant, I help our clients map out their strategic vision, comms and marketing plans and segue a presence which serves them both in online and digital markets. Believe it or not, the one area even I felt exposed about was actually putting my name out there on the world wide web, proclaiming myself to be some big shot consultant, when in my heart, I was still just a small town girl who had a dream, a clue and a passport, and somehow made it all work. Let me also say that many peers do not understand why I would want to bother with any of this, considering this whole “internet persona thing” can hover on the side of cheesy if you’re not careful. Image suicide time bomb for a consultant in a field where professional image is everything. Point taken. Sorry gents, but I did take the plunge and the reason for that was quite simple: sure, I can work a day job doing freelance work but I can also serve so many more clients who need my skills in a scalable way and my revenue stream from that, in theory, is only limited to a) the quality of content and materials I can produce and b) the availability of my own time in which to serve them. I’m telling you this because this theory applies to your business just as much as it does mine, or anyone else’s for that matter. What’s more, if you get it right, you could find yourself in a million dollar business which serves you while you sleep. Nice image, that one! There is self-belief and then, there is that little tipping point that pushes you over into making it all happen, and for me, that tipping point is the confidence barrier.

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Breaking the confidence barrier This

is something that only you can do,

and in your own time. Rushing things won’t help, trust me, but sometimes just sitting down and having a first run at whatever you are experimenting with (blogs, newsletter or video) can really help you identify key areas of interest, strength, opportunity and weakness.

Some of you may simply be trying to strike the courage to incorporate or set up as a sole trader. Some will have set up their website and just dipping a toe in the world of blogs and vlogs. Others will consider that “old hat” and spend their days fighting their legions of fans who follow their blogs intently off their Bentley as they deliver conferences and training courses, across the country and make their website sell for them while they sleep. We all will enter this space at varied points and at each step of the journey, we each feel a certain degree of anxiety over taking that next step forward. No matter what the next step is in your situation, we’ve come up with a cloud list to help you keep the drama to a minimum and ensure that the ‘you’ put out there to the world is the right one for you and your business. Also, we are so fortunate to be a part of the Marie Forleo B School network! Recently, I met a professional in the realm of video, Michelle Lange, who gives us some top tips for Video later in this issue on how to master killer video and also when to DIY and When To Go Pro. For more training on On-Camera Presence, Masterful Messaging, and a Professional Video Shoot, Michelle Lange is offering a Spring Special of 30% off of her video packages through June 1. You can learn more here: www.oncamerasizzle.com

Online Presence Tip Cloud

Decide who you want to be “out there”.

OK this sounds like a nobrainer but the version of yourself “at work” is probably a little more (and quite intentionally) colourful than your normal, lovable self. You might find yourself annunciating a bit more purposefully and in general, you will find that you will be a different version of you. Perhaps it’s “you in the flow”... whatever you want to call it, you need to decide what your online/ conference/blogging persona/tone of voice will be and practice that. Feel Free To Inject A Little Attitude Or Colour But Carefully Consider Your Audience. More people than ever are showing just a little bit of courage and colour in their media persona, incorporating everything from jokes to outtakes. Personally, I love this approach - it shows you’re human and helps you build a rapport with your audience. But while we’re

discussing your audience, bear in mind that many people will find that approach grating. I grew up in the US, but living in

Europe for nearly a decade has taught me (the hard way) that one person’s comedy can be another person’s insult. People in England can only bear so much of that special “in your face” approach that most Americans do so well. You know what I’m talking about! Toss out “awesome”, “great” and “amazing” sparingly. While Brits may find it grating, Germans will find the familiar tone and unprofessional manner of addressing the audience quite insulting, so know your audience and if you’re attempting broad brush marketing, be mindful of the softer, cultural aspects which can trip you up, fast. This is a key concern for my firm, as we are based in Europe generally speaking, they ain’t ready baby! Don’t Just Wing It. It is tempting to sit down and attempt to record a video from start to finish in one take. If you are able to do this, more power to you honey because in my case, I will ramble all around the world and back and still not get my points across! Use your iPhone or iPad, note cards or simply write it out by hand but definitely plan at least the points. Plan Everything You Do Whether it’s coming up with a communications plan, marketing strategy, social media plan, etc, if you do this bit well, your blog/videos/content will read far better from a customer experience perspective. Use technology to your advantage but don’t get overloaded. You decided to start blogging to boost your SEO, but noticed that there are multiple people in your area who are doing everything from video blogging (vlogs) to podcasts ... wait a minute, they’re writing ebooks and wait a minute, they have a webinar too! We all keep up with the Joneses to a certain extent but if you allow yourself to divert off in too many directions at once, you will find yourself in information overload. That’s when you get fed up. So stick to the task at hand, keep an idea book for the future and don’t allow yourself to get side tracked. When It All Gets Overwhelming, Remember You Are A Pro. Unless you are one of the mutant internet poseurs I despise, you are in business because you have actual experience in the subject matter you are discussing. You know this stuff. Lean on that one happy point and know that just because you are new doesn’t mean you won’t find a market. We all identify with different types of people

and there is room for all of us, no matter the specialism.

Michelle Lange Video Marketing Strategist, Producer, On-Camera Coach

Video as the Game Changer in 2013 3 Top Tips to Supercharge Your Video Success You may have heard that video for business is catching on in a big way because it generates interest and buzz; builds the know, like, and trust factor; and even converts sales while you’re off running your business. In fact. •

• •

Prospects are 72% likelier to buy your products and services when video is used 59% of business decision makers prefer watching a video Videos are 53 times more likely than text to get a first page Google ranking Video decreases the time it takes a viewer to reach a buying decision by 70% Video used in email marketing increases click-through rates by over 96%

When you consider all this, video might be one of the most important marketing assets you can invest in this year. So if you are going to put your marketing dollars and valuable time into video, here are 3 key tips to consider when creating your videos to ensure that your investment pays off.

Tip #1: Master Your On-Camera Presence On-Camera Presence can be easily learned. In fact, when I work with private clients, I often see dramatic improvements in as little as 2-3 hours. There are simple steps you can take to ensure that you convey confidence and charisma on camera, which helps engage your audience and positions you as a go-to expert. I share some tips for mastering on-camera presence in my video below

Click Here To Watch “How to Have Magnetic On-Camera Presence”

Tip #2: Kick Your On-Camera Nerves to the Curb It’s normal to be nervous before going on camera. Even seasoned actors get nervous before a big scene in a play or movie. The key is to not let yourself get so overwhelmed with fear that you freeze up on camera. We want to see you fully present and engaged. The key to kicking your oncamera nerves to the curb is bringing a sense of fun and play to your videos. This is where all the magic, inspiration and creativity happen. If you focus on the fun and enjoyment, the fear will soon dissipate – where fun is, fear does not exist. In this video, I share some tips on How to Kick Your On-Camera Nerves to the Curb once and for all:

Click Here To Watch “How to Kick Your On-Camera Nerves to the Curb” Tip #3: Know When to Do It Yourself and When to Go Pro One of the most common questions I get asked is when to make your own videos and when to go with a professional team. In the video below, I share which videos I recommend you get professionally done and which videos to do yourself. Knowing these distinctions will ensure that you represent your brand and business in an optimal way.

Click Here To Watch “When to Do It Yourself and When to Go Pro”

As you can see, there are several components that come into play when making great videos. I hope these tips will give you a jumpstart on your journey to video visibility that gets results.

For more training on On-Camera Presence, Masterful Messaging, and a Professional Video Shoot, Michelle is offering a Spring Special of 30% off of her video packages through June 1. You can learn more here: www.oncamerasizzle.com

Michelle Lange is a Video Marketing Strategist and Producer. Her company M Lange Media helps entrepreneurs and companies use video to engage their audience, create celebrity brand status and skyrocket their profits. Michelle has twenty years of entertainment industry experience as a producer and development associate at The Gersh Talent & Literary Agency, at production companies for Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, and MGM, and as an Off Broadway actress. You can learn more about Michelle’s work at www.mlangemedia.com

The EXPOSURE Concert June 28-30

Buffalo New York’s Annual Concert Raising Awareness For Domestic Violence.



Presentations on Change by Sukh Pabial Careers Editor

In a series of interesting posts this week, Neil Morrison has been talking on the XpertHR blog about Commercial HR. It’s been a fascinating series and links in with thoughts I had from last week’s #HRD11 conference organised by the CIPD. Change seems to be the hot topic of the day and I’m keen to learn more about what this looks like. So I sat through 3 different presentations, all discussing change. In this post, I’ll share the learnings from them, and in a later post this week I’ll share my thoughts on what I think is happening. The first was a talk by Mike Clayton about how to handle resistance to change. He’s written a book on it for the Management Pocketbook series. He described how he helps groups to understand how to deal with change by using an Onion analogy. If you peel one layer at a time you can start to understand what level of resistance you are facing: - I don’t understand why we need to change - I don’t understand why this change - I don’t like this change - I don’t like you - I like to resist Each of these needs to be dealt with specifically. If one layer doesn’t resolve the resistance, then you need to move on to the next. He had a nice opening to the session – Respect your resisters. I then attended a session with Irving Allen who talked about Change Agents. I honestly found this a difficult session as the exercises they were asking the group to take part in were not suited to the environment we were in. Also the pair of presenters were not practiced enough with each other to deliver the material side by side. As a result I honestly took little away from this session. Except that they said you had to identify in the organisation who were: - The targets for change - The Change Agents - The sponsors of the change - The Change advocates Page 20

The last session was with Naomi Standford. She wasn’t the greatest facilitator I’ve had in a session, but she did help to deliver some very good models (Ha! Refer to earlier post about models) on how to manage change and how to communicate change.

- Set Direction - Design and Plan - Mobilise - Deliver - Transition - Consolidate - Improve

She started by getting the group to discuss our understanding of what is the rate and scope of the change happening. I hadn’t considered this before and it’s a good reflection piece as as a change practitioner you often need to develop this understanding before you can launch into action.

This process helps to realise that even though change may have been delivered, there are several important subsequent steps that need to be followed up.

The Change Management model she presented doesn’t seem to have a reference, so I’ll attribute it to Naomi, unless otherwise informed. She described a seven step process we should go through. This is:

She also presented this Communicating Change model. Again there seem to be no reference so I will attribute to Naomi. I found this particularly useful as a way to help understand what I need to do to communicate change effectively.

Suzanne Perry On Being Buffalo’s Happy Pill Suzanne Perry Columnist My story is one of dirt, shame, guilt, greediness, lust, vulgarity and control. It is one of being worn down and beaten, and not having the strength to get up. It’s the conflict of love and hate; and of being protection yet needing it more than ever. I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t get the chance to jump out of the way. Being a battered wife was not something I wanted to be when I grew up. It subtly happened upon me, starting as a thin, misty cloud of brainwashing descending over me and as it enveloped me, it grew thicker, denser, clouding my head, fogging my decisions, darkening my inner light and dousing my freedom.

I was bludgeoned by words of disgust while hours earlier was told how needed I was. My paycheck taken, I was lucky to be sent to work with $2.00, my minutes and pennies needed to be accounted for or I’d be beaten. My marriage was confectionary. Lit cigarettes were put out on my hands, my eyeballs poked, my voicebox punched where I lost my voice for 5 days, I was pounded in the head until I lost consciousness, went into a convulsion and pissed myself.

How could I be so happy?

After 3 failed attempts to leave and not look back, I finally broke the cycle, by allowing my daughter to call 911 and having my husband arrested. I stayed out, as a promise to my kids. A painful journey of beginning a new life after 22 years of being a servant, a slave, a sex toy, a target of hatred and rage had to begin. I had to go down into the deep, dark, creepy caves of my soul with a candle and search for myself. I was terrified. One gray Saturday afternoon, I sat alone at my kitchen table, questioning my purpose, wondering what direction to focus on, a yearning for some magic voice to tell me what to do next. It was then I made a tremendous realization and just like flicking a light switch on, my thoughts connected. It was his family - his parents more specifically, that I was protecting. I didn’t want to upset them by talking to anybody about what their son did to me and our children. That means I was protecting my husband’s actions, too! I thought, ‘Wait a minute. Why am I protecting them, when I was the one needing protection? That’s IT…” and I got up and marched out the door, knowing that I would tell my story, and break my silence, releasing the pain and relieving feelings of shame, guilt and fear of being mislabeled , misjudged and misunderstood. I was ready to not only step up and stand out, but to march, boldly, with purpose. A full night’s sleep without being awoken to the familiar white flash of a slap or punch, or to be sexually rummaged was a blessing. An hour of silence, without insults bellowing throughout the house, was now a beautiful symphony to my ears. The freedom to sleep in, to wake up early, or even step outside without being monitored or harassed was now blissful. I was given a golden ticket, a renewal, a second chance to live, life as me: an individual, with full capacity to make a difference in this world and leave behind a legacy. My purpose, mission and vision were crystal clear. As my new life and new career took form, my footing was admittedly shaky, as I had no idea how to stake an invisible ground. The sharks smelled blood in the water, and moved in. The accusations as to my credibility were hurtful to say the least, some stemming from “double-agent friends.” The hard part was to choose which people to attempt correcting, and which to just let go.

The answer is not to give either: the sweat of brow or time of day to any party who tries discredit you. The truth cannot escape you or any other party. Trust your gut, determine and stay faithful to your goal, then work backwards. Take baby steps, and every now and then, turn around and look behind you, so you can be proud of the ground you covered on your special, personalized journey. You have more experience today then you had yesterday, last month, last year, etc. How can I be so happy? Two wrongs don’t make a right. Don’t wish bad things on anybody, not even the ones who hurt you the most. Karma seems to have a sure-fire way with delivering just desserts to all. In my instance I like to compare it to taking mounds of poop (22 years of abusive marriage) under pressure, I will continuously come out with a pearl. Good and intelligence trumps evil and ignorance every time. There is no room for hate, greed or envy in my world, only a warm greeting and a well-wish. Sometimes, we need to remember how grand life is. A version of this story applies.. a donkey fell into a well. The farmer didn’t see how he could help the donkey out of the well. As the donkey squealed for help, the farmer started shoveling dirt into the well to shut him up and not having to hear him, wouldn’t feel as guilty. Eventually, the donkey stepped up with each shovel of dirt thrown, and stepped right out of that well! For every shovel of dirt thrown at you by peers, competition or people trying to explain why you can’t, shouldn’t or won’t… take one step up. I use the 22 years of torture I endured, and use it as a torch, lighting the way to safety for many others. Given another chance to live, my senses are heightened, my colors have returned. I am Mom AND Dad. Life without abuse rocks. That is how I can be so happy!

Take baby steps, and every now and then, turn around and look behind you, so you can be proud of the ground you covered on your special, personalized journey.

By Gina Hussar Resident Life Coach

Gina Living Well

I always wanted to be a protégé. A protégé in what, I didn’t really know, but I always envied those people who knew at a very young age exactly what they would devote their life to. I, on the other hand, changed college majors more often than the Kardashians change their minds about each other and each time, was sure I had made the wrong decision. I remember visiting a recruiting firm as a young 20-something fresh out of college and a grandfatherly man sitting across from me and saying quite condescendingly, “You’re a pretty girl. Why not just get a job at a front desk? Your job is just a means to an end. You don’t have to be in love with it for crying out loud!” I realized at that moment that his statement would never be true for me. I would of course take any job I could get if circumstances required such a thing, but I couldn’t imagine why anyone would choose to just go through the motions, every day, 9-5, year after year, in quiet desperation. Isn’t this what the whole “taking a year off to back pack through Europe” thing is about? Everyone at some point wonders what their true calling might be. Some people make it their mission in life to find out, others give up, opting instead to mull through the job listings, citing practicality and electric bills as their reason for settling. And that’s ok. Some people find a great deal of contentment in routine and consistency and they keep their passions for Sunday afternoons. Me on the other hand? I’m not sure I’ve ever met a routine that I liked! If you’re living in North America like I am, you spend more time at your job than you do at home with your family. And given the dismal economic outlook, people are putting off retirement. If you do the math, (and please don’t ask me to), you spend a good bit of your life focused on your work. Why then would you settle for work that doesn’t inspire you?

There are of course those lucky individuals who love what they do. They are passionate. They wake up every day excited to get started. You don’t have to hate them. You can be right there with them. Now before you start rattling off the excuses (things like mortgages and children needing to be fed), let me clarify that I am not suggesting you finally call your boss a waz-bag and hand in your resignation. (Unless you just scratched off a million dollar ticket in which case, call me! I’d love to help you spend it.) Change can be made little by little. Every day, a step can be taken to propel you closer to your dream life.

Grab a journal and answer the following questions. Don’t over-think it. Write the first thing that comes to the mind, from the heart.

• What did you love to play as a child? • What is one task that while you are doing it, causes you to completely lose track of time? • What abilities or qualities do you have that people often praise you for? • If money were no object, what would you spend your time doing? • What does your most fulfilling day, hour by hour, look • • • • • • •

like? (Remember this doesn’t have to be a realistic fit into your current reality. We are day dreaming here.) When you are gone from this earth, what would you want people to remember about you? Get over the creepiness of it and write your own eulogy. What issues do you feel passionately about? What angers you? What excites you? What values are most important to you that you are currently lacking? Time with family? Financial freedom? A worthy cause? What does your ideal work environment look like? High rise? Beach? Home library? Whose life do you admire? Is there someone right now whose life looks exactly like you wish yours did? What are they doing? Where are they doing it?

Take time to re-read your answers. They are guideposts to your most fulfilling life yet. It’s true that for some folks there is a difference between a hobby and passion. For others they are one in the same and a brilliant business plan as well! This is one time that you can day dream to your heart’s content without getting a slap on the wrist. I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating: Our day dreams are blueprints. Pay attention to where your mind wanders. What are you wearing? What are you doing? Who are you with? Most of the mid-afternoon fantasies you create in your mind can in fact become a reality. (This of course excludes that one in which Bradley Cooper cleans your house wearing nothing but a g-string. That one’s staying in your head!) You have one life darlin’. And we never know when our time is up. When you look back on your life, will you do so with regret, or with a peaceful sense of satisfaction knowing that you followed your passion? Better to live a life of “oh wells” than a life of “what ifs.” Yes it’s great to be alive, but are you LIVING? =)

Mire and Manna by Katie Clifton Christian Columnist

Beautifully Broken: Learning to live As I write this article I am sitting on a roof top patio in Nairobi, Kenya at the home of our missionary family. I close my eyes and smell the savory meat grilling nearby as the warm African wind is blowing my hair and I can hear banana tree leaves clapping in the wind. I opened my eyes to watch the sun set on Western Kenya. I am in awe of the tranquility and peace my heart feels in this beautiful country. As fulfilled as my soul is here, I am unable to escape Jesus’ call to follow Him. This country is beautifully broken and in this moment, so is my heart. Easter is approaching which is always a time of reflection in our Christian culture. This is a time celebrate our risen Savior conquering the grave. The King of Kings being broken, beaten and poured out for me, for you, for all of humanity, the Lord of our salvation, living to die so that we may die to live. This truth is, my heart is captivated and yet, still unable to comprehend the magnitude of what Jesus has done. Jesus calls us to abundant life in Him but assures us that we will be persecuted, hated and possibly killed as we obediently live out this abundant life in Christ. In Matthew 10:16 Jesus said, “Look I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and as harmless as doves.” Jesus goes on to tell us, “all nations will hate you because you are my followers, but everyone who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22) This enduring to the end is not the way to salvation, but a by-product of a person fully committed to Jesus Christ.

In verses 38-39 Jesus goes on to say, “If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” This is the Easter story, yet often I live as if this story ends in Christ’s death. Often I am merely a wolf among wolves, living as if Jesus never defeated death, conquered the grave, ascended into Heaven and graciously sent The Helper to come and be an all consuming fire burning my soul to follow Him. I live as if the same power that raised Christ is not alive in me and able to do greater than He. How foolish I am and would be so bold as to say: How foolish we all are. What could Christ do in us and through us if we lived out this Easter story? Today our family followed Jesus and was led by the missionaries to the slums of Nakuru, Kenya. Behind a large blue metal gate and tall concrete walls is the Virginia House. This refuge is for children tucked away from the world in the pit of some of the world’s poorest of poor. My family has now spent several days with the children here. 150 students are educated on the Virginia grounds. 78 of these students call the Virginia House their home and 26 of these 78 are here because they have been completely orphaned: orphaned from the election violence of 2007, orphaned to HIV, and orphaned to poverty at its pinnacle. I had the privilege to be taken by nine students to the roof of the orphanage. I pray that it is moments such as this that the Lord uses to teach me to be a sheep. Jeremiah, a handsome 15-year-old boy led the way to the roof followed by Marion, Vivian, six other children and myself. Jeremiah stood next to me as we looked out above the make shift homes that lined the filthy streets of the poverty stricken slum of Nakuru. We peered out over the courtyard covered in cow manure, their water source filthy and trash filled, and looked face to face with poverty as far as our eyes could see. Jeremiah turned to me, looked me in the eye and asked, “What do you think about this place, our home?” How do you begin to answer this question when you know that poverty, hunger, loss, filth and need are all that these children have ever known? “I think Kenya is absolutely beautiful,” I said, trying to avoid his true question. “Do you want to live here when you grow up?” I asked. His response, “NO. This will not be my home.” I nodded in silence, tried to swallow the lump blocking my throat and attempted to blink away the dusty tears filling my eyes. I turned and sat next to Jeremiah and faced the other beautiful brown faces staring at me on the metal rooftop. “May I ask which of you children have parents and which of you live here?” I asked this question not knowing if they would open up to me or if this would push them to build emotional barriers with me. No one answered. Then the silence was broken by Marion, a slender, tall, very dark skinned, 14 year old

girl. “I have lived here at this place for 7 years. I have no mother. I have no father,” she said. I tried to absorb her honest words and somehow comprehend them, and then asked Marion how she felt about being an orphan. I do not want you or I to ever forget her response: “I still cry almost every day.” I looked into her eyes and tears involuntarily fell down my face as I leaned over to wrap her in the arms of a momma who would love to shelter her from this world she knows. I held her tightly against me for several minutes as I thought: Who hugs these children and picks them up when they fall down? Who teaches them compassion and demonstrates grace to these babies? I realize the world has not forgotten these children. It is simply that the world has never even known they existed. 52 of the residents of the Virgina House are “almost orphans”. They are either missing a parent or their families are unable to pay for their education because a yearly education (not including food, shelter, clothing, books, clean water and all the necessities) exceeds their $250 annual income. Let that soak in for a minute. $250 is an annual income. Jeremiah is one of these 52. His mother died and his father is many villages away and is either unable or unwilling to care for him. These children have the opposite of my American definition of abundant life, but they are able to experience Christ’s definition of abundant life. The last words Jesus spoke are found in Matthew 28:18-20 “I have been given all authority in Heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the ends of age.” As I read that last passage I feel a massive pull on my heart. These children my family has fallen in love with have only learned about our Savior because of missionaries who are graciously and obediently living out the Great Commission. These missionaries have taken up their crosses, they have embraced biblical Christianity and their lives reflect the grace and redemption of the Easter Story. They die to themselves to live for Him. This story, in all of its magnitude, is available for us all. This Easter season I pray we are changed and challenged by the truth, power and authority of Christ Jesus or Lord. I pray for hope of salvation. I pray for those who die daily to their flesh. I pray for the orphaned and for the many around the world who Christ is pursuing for adoption into His family. The resurrection story is intended to be shared with the nations. “Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom He promised those who love Him?” (James 2:5) How skewed my perception of is of being poor.

I want to leave you encouraged in your faith so that we may begin to walk boldly together in the security of our Savior. “But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die but we will all be transformed! It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies. Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this scripture will be fulfilled: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your victory? O Death, where is your sting?’” (1 Corinthians 15:51-55) Death cannot stop us. The world cannot defeat us. This is the Easter story. This is our story. Katie Clifton is the owner of East of Eden Salon and mother of three children. She currently resides with her husband and family in Benton, Arkansas, where she serves as a youth leader at her church and an advocate for Adoption in her community.

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Attitude of Gratitude By Manuela Wahnon Columnist

Words Can Hurt Or Heal What did yours do today? Our words have lasting effects, years after they are spoken. I can speak from personal experience on how a casual “off the wall” remark, can resonate with someone, years after they have been spoken.

Words are like incidents that happen to us throughout our lives, and our lives are like computers: they retain everything. Some people are blessed to have never had hurtful things happen to them. While others are even more blessed, in that they most certainly have had the most awful things happen. They endured. They overcame. They are stronger because of it, and they have become the world’s empathetic teachers, feeling everyone's pain as though it were their own. They spend their waking lives trying to show others that this is no way to live and that kindness, love, caring and sweetness is the way forward. That there isn't a pain to be endured that is not lessened somewhat by a sincerely given, hug ..that no pain is so big that a sympathetic ear cannot help with...that a smile that starts in the soul, spreads to the heart, and shows through your eyes, and a touch on the arm, cannot help to heal.

All Pain is equal in measure to the love that you have felt for someone. Trust me I know. You cannot be hurt by someone that you didn't love or respect or admire or thought highly of. If some one says something to you that is negative or not nice or hurtful or just plain rude, then that sits on the surface and can make you cross and angry or irritable. To be hurt by anyone that you feel or have felt something for is to feel that inside and it goes to the very core of you. Page 34

It's at times like this, when I feel like I have lost all sense of things, that it sometimes helps to put things into perspective - just one of several strategies I use to cope. Another strategy, and the easiest, is to look around at all my close friends, family, neighbours and those that I come into contact with and see how they are coping with all that has befallen them and to observe the courageous way they handle their illnesses and personal tragedies. Another way of handling something really bad is to remember something like my father dying or my mother dying and recalling how I felt then. Comparing my feelings against that backdrop and knowing I am still alive helps to put things into perspective. And, of course, closing my eyes and imagining nails being driven into my hands while strung up on the cross Like our Lord Jesus did for us ... just closing my eyes and trying to imagine what that must feel like because a baying crowd wanted it to be so. That, too, helps put things into perspective. On a good day, let’s face it - we all have good days, I feel so blessed that I want to shout from the rooftops “Please stop all this moaning and backstabbing and negativity! Stop poisoning our air that we breathe with all these negative vibes!” On days like this, I can take on everyone's pain like a sponge and help all I come into contact with; on a bad day, when I haven't protected myself from negativity or the cold winds of indifference, then I, like everyone else, can feel the wounds of words, intended to hurt and scar me. It is precisely because of this that I am honored to be able to go to Winton School on Thursday morning and talk about the damage that we all do to each other with unkind words spoken, or written on Facebook, or any of the internet social sites. If we fall over and graze our knees, we clean it up and a plaster does the rest. Sadly, you cannot put a plaster onto hurtful words, as they are heard by the ear, stored in the mind, and go forever more into the “delete bin”. As we all know, just like a computer, you can press delete and it goes off the screen but nothing is ever totally erased. That is because humans are like computers. It will be stored somewhere. Like on the computers hard drive, unkind thoughts translate to unkind words and words can hurt or soothe. Today, if for no other reason than the fact that you have read this, ensure your words heal. Be the sticking plaster for someone's pain today.

12 Lessons By Michelle Fitz Editor

Create the Life You Want

Kate Spencer

Starting From Inside, out

12 Lessons: Editor’s Review 12 Lessons by Kate Spencer was a truly eye opening book for me on a personal level. The novel takes readers through 12 Lessons assigned to the main character by her spirit guides, after an adulthood fraught with relationship discord and a focus on bleak materialism and shallow relationships. There is also a workbook, or Journal, which compliments the main novel and accents the application of the material in your own life. The novel is written from a fictional standpoint, which drives home the 12 Lessons that Kate Spencer most commonly uses in her practice as a Lightworker and Law of Attraction Coach, although I do note that Kate is, by far, more talented than a simple one-liner could articulate. Kate’s experience in Chakra and energy work came to me at a point in my life where I was actually doing very well, emotionally, financially and otherwise. After 30 years of turmoil and steap lessons learnt in my own life, often through hard knocks and serious lows, I found myself completely shut down from a Chakra perspective and struggling with ridding myself from some memories and experiences which came part and parcel with my life experiences. I was functionally traumatized. I was also a bit negative and quite a bit nervous to truly connect with new people for fear that, yet again, I would be hurt. When I read 12 Lessons, I was suprised at the humour and the journey of raw, descriptive anguish that the main character faced - both from the past and that which manifested in her life on a daily basis. I found it refreshing to read what was at times quite gritty accounts of heartache, note this book does contain some adult moments and subject matter, and I certainly identified with this character on a deep, personal level. For I, too, have lived a life which was often based on shallow relationships and a lack of connectedness to my own day-to-day life. Life simply happened to me, as it does in Steph’s life. I also identified with some of her personality, character traits and coping mechanisms for getting through life and its knocks Career and status obsessed - check! Never quite connecting emotionally - check! Series of struggle balanced off with willful participation in abusive (verbal, financial and otherwise) relationships - check! Denial over the true state of my life and the need to do something about it - CHECK! Steph’s life is completely turned upsidedown in the space of one year and in that year, she finds that she truly has everything she needs, despite it all. She changes her patterns and manifests deep change which heals herself, her finances and even her friendships and priorities.

12 Lessons, for many, is a lot like being given a mirror which reflects back upon many women who read the book as though it were their lives on paper. If you think for one moment that this is yet another Law of Attraction book, think again. This book highlights that repeating mantras, prayers and even classic therapy simply will not change your life. Actions change your life. Actions which focus on changing your life, your attitude and your soul - aligning with your higher self - are the key to manifesting the change you crave. Whether you’ve been praying like Sun Stand Still or practicing an attitude of gratitude, mantras and positivity as you navigate the principles you learned in The Secret, you don’t have the fuller picture until you read 12 Lessons. I hope you enjoy the following interview with Kate Spencer and that you will explore her craft further, elsewhere online here and here. You see, Kate is not your usual author - she is a Lightworker in the truest sense of the word and spends much of her time in a state of gratitude, peace and working to further the graces afforded to humanity, especially those who come into her life seeking her unique help. In the interview, we learn a bit more about Kate’s experience as a writer and how she found the experience of telling this magical story and helping people around the world to change their lives,

from the inside, out. Enjoy the interview

Buy Kate’s Life Changing Book and Workbook On Amazon

Kate Spencer

Author Speaker Lightworker

Give us the title and genre of your book and a 30-word or less tagline. 12 Lessons is chick lit for the intelligent woman, hilarious and heartbreaking, with a couple of fifty shades moments and 12 life and soul lessons that we all need to know. Its a crossover between women's literature and spiritual / personal development - "Bridget Jones meets The Secret." Who is your intended audience and why should they read your book? Women of all ages that want a really good story that they can relate to, a heroine that they can identify with and some insightful observations and learning points as well. People will love this book that still believe in the possibility of a happy ending, and also readers that want to learn about The Law of Attraction through a fictional story and not a text book. How did you come up with the title of your book or series? I wanted to reach as many women as possible with my writing and my message, and I knew that in order to do this I had to repackage what I wanted to say in order to make it appeal to as many people as possible. And we all love a good contemporary, gritty love story don't we? Who is your favorite character from your book and why? It has to be the lead character Stephanie Slater, who has fallen into living quite a shallow life where she is so worried about what people think of her she has to be seen to have the very best of everything. Underneath this facade she is struggling to hold it together and I just love the contrast that she has to portray to people, I think it is so realistic and that many of us have to put a front on at some point in our life. I also love her transformation throughout the book, and that as she goes through each lesson she journals the key things that she has learned so that the reader can empathise more with her and learn as well. Everyone that has read 12 Lessons says that there is a bit of Stephanie in us all, and I totally agree. How about your least favorite character?  What makes them less appealing to you? Jay is Stephanie's husband and he is forever eroding her self worth and making her feel that she is not good enough. The more she spirals the more he does it, and the more desperate she becomes to try and please him. Its a combination of the way that he treats her and the way that she falls further and further into self reproach that creates a sickening feeling in the reader towards Jay.

You're a lightworker. Can you tell me what that means and how you came to realise you were gifted with some unusual abilities? To me being a lightworker isn't about having special abilities, but many of us do have. It’s about having a different understanding of humanity and working on your inner self with a desire to help heal yourself and help others. Its about cultivating qualities that are going to lead you towards the light in enlightenment, learning and living principles such as forgiveness, compassion, self love and love for others. Its about wanting to make a contribution to other people and to the earth and living your life in a conscious way. Its about knowing that we are all connected and that we are all doing our best, its about being on your own spiritual journey and embracing in personal growth. Its common to feel like you want to create positive change for yourself and others and also many of us are pulled in some way towards the healing arts. Many people describe a lightworker as an Earth Angel and for many reading this, this will be the scary part of the interview! HA! I have to admit that it never occurred to me that Earth Angels were anything more than a 1950s song, let alone the fact that there were other spiritual entities (apart from what I knew of from my Christian upbringing). Can you just explain a bit about the universe from your perspective, which perhaps others with backgrounds like mine may not understand? I have a belief in reincarnation as I trained with Michael Newton and his team to learn about spiritual regression and Life Between Lives. This type of work involves hypnosis and exploring past lives and more during a session. During this work I have met people that  talk about coming to help other people through their life purpose, and some of these have been very high vibrational and advanced souls. Some people would describe these people as Earth Angels because they live their lives with the intention that they are helping and supporting humanity in their awakening. You could see this as a metaphor of any one of us that is wanting to do good turns whenever they can, or you can take it literally. I have had people tell me when in a deep hypnotic trance that they are from different planets and star systems and they have spoken vividly about their experiences. I do believe that there are really special souls here to guide us towards our own enlightenment and healing and in my experience they are generally non assuming and quite humble about this, ego is a lesson that many of us have been through! One key thing I really enjoyed about your philosophy, which really set you apart from so many other Law of Attraction coaches and speakers, was the way you stress the need for true change "within" in order to manifest the life, journey and expectations you're seeking "without". Much of the Law of Attraction has been misinterpreted to be almost like Google, attracting the words you blindly say or think to manifest certain events or circumstances. Was this something you recognised in your field and did this influence the way you chose to set your 12 Lessons out for the reader, to truly "bring home" the steps required to truly change and align to your higher self? Yes indeed I wanted people to start to be able to take responsibility for what they were sending out there to the universe in their energy field, as this is the truth of Law of Attraction. As in my book 12 Lessons - You Attract What You Are and therefore to create change you must start within and change your energy field to experience without, As Within So Without is one of the universal laws.

When did you actually know in your heart of hearts that you were different? I have always felt that I have a different perspective on life to a lot of people, but I knew for sure about 9 years ago when I awakened to all things to do with energy. I could see energy and feel it and my intuition was suddenly switched on. I know your wider back story and I was hoping you might share a bit about what life once was like for you, if you can, just to show that even Earth Angels follow a journey of learning. Â My life so far has included many blessings and many lessons! I had a great childhood and never doubted that I was so loved and I am fortunate to have a wonderful sister who is also my best friend. In early adulthood I had mixed up values and thought that status and money were important above all else and I was defensive with people at times due to not feeling good enough. I struggled with this and it led me towards having quite a lot of ego and into some relationships and situations that did not serve me at the time, but boy did they deliver some amazing lessons! The universe knocked me down a peg or two and I suffered from debilitating chronic fatigue for 4 years and also an emotionally and financially draining divorce. There is far more to me that the version that you see today and this means that I can not only write with experience but also have compassion and understanding for people that I connect with that are going through a tough time. Yes I have been through some big stuff.

Why a book? What was it that really made you think THIS is the best delivery mechanism for what I have to say? What was your "ah ha" moment which made you finally put these lessons down on paper? Â I knew that i wanted to connect with as many people as possible and I also knew that I could probably write. I had never written anything much before even though I have an A level in English Literature, but I knew that I had it in me and my sister caught me at just the right time and told me to get on with it! As a person that believes in signs from the universe I tool this as a big one and started to type..... What many people may not realise is that you actually were a corporate ladder climbing gal and a rather high flyer at once time - not that you aren't now, but in the very structured, corporate sense. How did you find the reactions of your family and friends when you "came out", as it were, about your gifts and about the concept of being a lightworker? How did you handle some of their reactions and have you been able to help anyone close to you thus far as a result of embracing your gifts? People found it very strange to say the least and I had to endure a great deal of mockery initially! Now any fun that is made of me by family and friends is done with love and feel blessed to have people around me that may not believe the same things as me, but they respect my point of view and want me to be myself. As you look back over your life, then and now, and compare corporate girl who perhaps was not in her best possible place in this life, in a life which perhaps did not serve her highest good, to the very grounded, tolerant person you've embraced today - what would that contrast look like? Explain the differences between your life's journey and circumstances, then and now. You honestly would not recognise my life then and now! When I look back at what an awful place I was in personally there is no wonder that I attracted in all of the negative experiences that I went through, and now I firmly believe that due to all of the inner work and healing, that I am attracting in a totally different experience. Of course things still go wrong for me and stuff happens, but I do all that I can to step back and look at what I am sending out there in terms of my intention and energy and when I get something I am not happy with I try to start by changing me and not what is going on. What has this life taught you, Kate? What do you think that you are meant to learn or achieve here? The main lessons that I have had are forgiveness, healing the past and not letting negative experiences become part of who you are today, and of course that you attract what you are through law of attraction so there is no point being a victim in your life, you need to step up and be the hero and take responsibility in order to create positive change.

I want to ask you one very devilish question that I know our readers will definitely wonder and complain, should I NOT ask you! Do Earth Angels swear and get angry and eat and drink just a bit too much when stress presents itself, or do you find that you hold yourself to a higher standard? And whether you do or your don't, I'm just wondering what your sense of self-awareness to that end is like, on a day-by-day basis. What is this like for you? We are all a brilliant work in progress and we are all living here on earth in human form and doing our best. Yes I love to drink wine! And I watch East Enders on the television! Â And off course I experience a whole range of human emotions including resentment, jealousy, anger and more. These are built in as part of the human condition, but I guess the difference is that I try to be conscious of what is coming up in my emotions and look at the situation from a different perspective in order to try and help myself to release negativity and resistance. Negative emotions can usually be traced back to a fear of some sort so I look for what I am afraid of and start working on that. Of course I swear, as Neil Donald Walsch said in Conversations With God, God invented swear words so its totally fine to use them. I am a work in progress and I know that I have some patterns that would serve me better if I could release them, but i forgive myself and love myself through it as best I can. Its all good being human, most of the time that is!Â

If you could change ONE thing about your novel, what would it be? Why? I don't know that I would change anything much, I think its honest and I know that there may be parts that are not perfect, but I like that. Its in the spirit of the book and being true to who you are, and I want to retain that. Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series: That there is also a companion guide called 12 Lessons The Journal that goes through each lesson in more depth if the reader wants to go further into the life and soul lessons that the novel touches on. What other books are similar to your own? What makes them alike? Bridget Jones in that the main character is relate-able, likeable and funny, and books like The Secret and The Law of Attraction. My novel 12 Lessons is a combination of these two types of book. Do you have any unique talents or hobbies? I am a Law of Attraction Coach, Energy Healer and an Intuitive / Psychic Reader. That's pretty unique! How can we contact you or find out more about your books? www.thelightworkersacademy.com Facebook The Lightworkers Academy and also Twelve Lessons. What can we expect from you in the future? There is lots more to come from me! I want to be able to create a 12 Lessons Oracle Card deck that uses the same cards that Sue the psychic uses in the novel when she gives Stephanie her psychic reading, and then work with people to help them to read them. I also want to create an online 12 Lessons program for people to join that will include one to one coaching calls with me, webinars and also some energy re-patterning work. I have just dipped my toe into the water when it comes to online training and have recently launched a 30 day program called Light Up Your Life, details are on my website. I am also writing another book at the moment called Walk In, which is totally different from 12 Lessons, and I also have started planning 12 Lessons Later. In addition to all of this I have just written a radio play that will soon be aired on a UK station called Spark FM and possibly radio 4. What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful? Tell their friends, review on Amazon and Facebook, please.

Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published? Someone told me a long time ago that there was a really big secret to writing.....just do it! Its hard to begin with to allow yourself to just flow, you naturally censor your writing because you are thinking about other people reading it and will it be any good. Try to get these ideas out of your head and write as if no one is ever going to read your work, this opens you up to write honestly and to flow better. What inspired you to write your first book? My sister Emma, she had a belief that I could write something amazing, and she kept telling me so. Do you have a specific writing style? I had so very much going on in my life when I wrote 12 Lessons its unbelievable that I finished it. I was working part time in a regular job, running my own business and raising a family and I still managed to get it written in about 3 months. My style was to make a few notes, and then get up very early and allow the words to flow on my laptop. I would read what I had written every once in a while and edit / change bits but generally I just grabbed time where I could and did a bit more. A lot of the people that know me personally that have read 12 Lessons say that it is written in a similar way to the way that I speak! They say that they could almost hear me reading it out to them and that there are lots of Kate-isms in there, probably the observational humour that makes people laugh out loud, I come from a funny family. How did you come up with the title? Its based on the 12 Lessons that the psychic tells Stephanie that she has to go through in order to rebuild her life.

Buy Kate’s Life Changing 19. Is there a message in Book your novel that you want Workbook readers and to grasp? Yes, 12 actually! On Amazon

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Yes, 12 actually! The main one being that you can have the life that you want to live once you start to look at things differently and work on your own stuff. In the novel, you take your readers through lessons learned by the main character. Why 12 Lessons and was it hard to keep the Lessons defined in terms of what you wanted the reader to really grasp from the storyline? I wanted to run the book through a whole calender year. I love movies like Love Actually and the obvious seasonal cues, and I had a vision at the outset that I wanted 12 Lessons to become a movie that took the reader through a year in the life of Stephanie Slater. If Hollywood is listening I am available! I used a journal entry at the end of each month, and therefore each lesson to help the reader to follow Stephanie's progress and track the lessons one by one. I want people to feel that they relate to the character and her life and then feel inspired to draw in positive change for themselves using the same lessons. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? I couldn't possibly comment! All I will say is that there is a bit of Stephanie in us all.....but I am not telling which bit is mine! What books have most influenced your life most? I love non fiction books like Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch and The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? Wayne Dyer, I am a self confessed Wayniac.

24. What book are you reading now? Buy Kate’s I have recently been reading Changing Amanda Life Hocking's books from a fiction perspective, her Book rapid rise to success intrigued and Workbook me and is something that I would like On to emulate. The Amazon

What book are you reading now? I have recently been reading Amanda Hocking's books from a fiction perspective, her rapid rise to success intrigued me and is something that I would like to emulate. The book that I am writing at the moment Walk In is in some ways going to belong to a similar genre, fiction with a metaphysical twist. What are your current projects? My book Walk In, I am loving writing it and have asked a couple of friends to read it so far and I am getting good feedback. It is totally different to 12 Lessons, its about a girl that finds herself in the pits of desperation and despair and is sitting in her room in the dark crying with her legs hugged up to her chest about to take an overdose. It is in that moment that a being comes to her and starts to speak to her across the veil and asks her to exchange souls and lives, and allow the new soul to Walk In to her body. The story then unfolds in lots of directions including how Millie now adapts to life in a physical body on earth, how she meets others like her and starts to complete the mission they came to earth to face. Its a love story and a battle of light and dark with some unexpected twists. I am about one third of the way there with it, and hope to have it finished as soon as possible. Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members. The universe! As someone who teaches Law of Attraction I know that the universe is helping me to create what I want in my life. Do you see writing as a career? Yes indeed and a way to reach so many people and help them. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? Getting time and a clear space and being creative at the same time. Sometimes you have the time and you can't get down to it, and other times you have ideas spilling out of your head but no time! Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? Not yet but I am currently asking the universe for an agent in the United States so watch this space! What was the hardest part of writing your book? Sharing it with others once it was finished. I told very few people that I was writing it and when it was completed I was really nervous about people that I knew reading it. I have written about this in 12 Lessons The Journal.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? I learned to keep going and get something done. Once I was over about 20,000 words there was no way I was going to give up. I also learned that if you want something really badly you just have to quit making excuses and find the time to make it happen. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? Thank you to all of the people that have already read 12 Lessons and the 12 Lessons Journal and for the lovely comments that you have emailed me. I am humbled to think that these books have been described as 'life changing' by so many people all over the world and I hope that they impact many more lives in positive ways. What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing it to life? For me it was a matter of finding the time to write.

And now, before you go, how about a snippet from your book that is meant to intrigue and tantalize us: She looked up at me for a moment and I blinked back tears. “Your real self is desperate to get out, but your own fear is keeping you trapped in the illusion and you are the only one that can save yourself. But this will be shattered any day now, and you are going to have to pick up the pieces.” Sue stopped talking and had a sip of water from a glass that I hadn't noticed when I came in. She realised that I was shell shocked and, as she made to turn over the next card, I heard myself saying “No! I can’t take any more of this rubbish it’s not true.” Tears pricked my eyes again and one spilt onto my fiery cheeks as I choked on my words. “You can’t know all of this, how do you know, you don’t know anything about me!” I had to make a conscious effort to keep my voice low so that they didn't hear me downstairs. “I don’t know how I know, sweetheart, it just comes through.” Sue replied, looking calm and sympathetic. I guessed that she had probably had several meltdowns to deal with in her time. She gestured to me to sit back down again and continue, but the moment was lost for me now. I felt that my life was being stripped completely naked in public and I couldn’t take any more for one night. There were many other skeletons that were hidden so deeply, and I did not want them dragged out of the cupboard by her. I only came to make up the numbers because Sylvia Ashton couldn’t get here and Lizzie said she wouldn’t come if less than five punters turned up. It was lucky that I had called Lizzie then, I was nothing more than a token last resorter and I could do without being scared shitless. “Thanks, but I don’t want to go on.” I said as I sniffed and thought about my mascara. “The next twelve months will either make or break you.” She tried to reach out and touch my hand but I pulled it back. “And you will come and see me again, soon.” As Sue spoke, every fibre in my body resisted telling her to piss off. She handed me the Psychic Sue card and, just to pacify her and get out of there, I shoved it in my jacket pocket. There was no way on earth I wanted to see her again, ever. “Fine. Whatever you say.” my sarcastic-self started to kick in again as I regained some composure and turned towards the door. “One more thing,” Sue’s voice rang out and cut through my irritation as my hand was on the handle of the door. “Your guides say that this unravelling of your life has already started.”

7 Ways to Instantly Raise Your Vibration & Enjoy Your Life More! I’m sure you are well aware of the fact that when you feel good or have a higher vibration, you have more success with your endeavors and generally love your life more. You’re also probably aware that the opposite of this is true, too. And certainly forcing yourself to do things from a lower vibration is counter-productive, meaning you cannot get the results you want and doing the action at all is pretty much pointless. It is only when we take action, make a decision, or even go about our daily life from a higher vibration that we begin to see the results we are looking for. But sometimes we just have those days where it seems like even though you really want to be in that place of vibrating higher and having good energy, you just can’t seem to get there.

Worry not, my friend! Raising your vibration is much easier than it sounds, and really doesn’t take much more than a small turning of your attention and making a choice to do it. Below is a list of some of the more effective ways of raising your vibration and thus your energy level to a place where you operate and experience life at your best. As you read the list, pay attention to the ones that jump out at you and resonate with you the most, and start there.

Doing any of these to raise your vibration can be downright magical in getting you to a better place (i.e. higher vibration), but like with anything else, it is you who has to give yourself the proper kick in the butt to do them. Try any or all of these out and pay attention to the ones that really get you going; knowing how you work and what you best respond to can make all the difference in giving yourself that kick in the butt.

1. Biologically raise those vibes! Closing your eyes and taking 5-10 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth is incredibly helpful in getting you unstuck and releasing any feelings of fatigue, stress, worry or anxiety. We typically breathe very shallowly throughout the day, and our brains & bodies do not get the proper amount of oxygen necessary to operate at our maximum potential. Drinking plenty of water and replacing your normal diet coke or coffee can work wonders, too. Dehydration can be sneaky, and often causes the symptoms listed above, which can in turn cause a bad mood. And smile! When you smile, you are actually causing a chemical reaction in your body that releases dopamine (happy hormones) and makes you feel good. Do all three of these things and you can pretty much watch yourself transform into a happier person! 2. Spend time in gratitude. Take a few moments to write down or think of at least 10 things you are currently grateful for, anything from the wonderful people in your life to your comfy slippers. The energy of gratitude is one of the highest, and when you choose to participate in it, miracles can happen. 3. Affirmations galore! Our bodies respond to the thoughts that we have, so if you intentionally have an empowering and positive thought, phrased in the present tense, your body can’t help but respond accordingly. Start simple, with something like, “I am better and better every day and in every way”, or “I am loved”. The two words “I am” are the two most powerful words in the English language. (Read my most recent post on how positive/ negative thoughts impact your energy field.) 4. Move your body! Put on music that lights you up and inspires you to sing and/or dance, you know the kind, those songs that it seems like you have no choice but to sing or dance along. For me, that song is “Dog Days Are Over” by Florence and the Machine. But don’t stop there, run, skip, jump, twirl, kick, spin, exercise, etc. Get those endorphins flowing! 5. Release the negative by clearing space. I mean this physically, mentally and emotionally. Make that bed, delete those unwanted emails, pay those stack of bills that you keep avoiding, say no to things you don’t want to do, write out all of your frustrations and emotions in your journal or vent to a friend. It may not exactly feel good while you’re actually doing these things, but afterwards you will feel much lighter, and in turn have a higher vibration. 6. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful or sexy. Even if you have nowhere special to go, dressing in a way that makes you feel good does just that: it makes you feel good. This can be a complete outfit, wearing your makeup or hair in a way that compliments you, or perhaps wearing a piece of jewelry you save for special occasions. 7. Reach out and connect to the world around you! This is so important, and can look many different ways. Hug a child, play with your cat or dog, call an old friend, tell a loved one how much you care about them, make eye contact with and smile at a perfect stranger, open an inspirational book to a random page and read it.

Like Magnolias Classic Southern American Recipes by Tanya Jackson Food Editor

Waffles & Not Just For Breakfast The earliest waffle irons originated in the Low Countries around the 14th century. These waffle irons were constructed of two hinged iron plates connected to two long, wooden handles. The plates were often made to imprint elaborate patterns on the waffle, including coat of arms, landscapes, or religious symbols. The waffles would be baked over the hearth fire. In my house waffles are the breakfast treat. I am not against pancakes but waffles are just more fun. They have little pools all over them. This can hold the butter & syrup so much better. I mean, you gotta love waffles. I use the recipe from The Progressive Farmer, SOUTHERN COUNTRY COOKBOOK. Sweet Milk Waffles (Sweet milk in contrast to buttermilk, which is just yogurt with out the sugar in a liquid form) My dad always asks for sweet milk when eating out. Kind of a game to watch the waitress scurrying to the kitchen to ask what is “sweet milk.” Page 54

Ingredients 2 cups all-purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 ½ cups milk 3 tablespoons melted shortening

Combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Now here is where you might mess up. Sift these three together. You don’t have to have a fancy sifter, just a little mesh strainer or a slotted spoon will do. Beat eggs into milk. Stir liquid into dry mixture. Add melted shortening, and beat until smooth. (don’t skip on the shortening; unlike pancakes waffles have to have oil or they WILL stick on the irons. ) Pour a dollop on the irons & add, if you want, chopped pecans, coconut, chocolate chips or hard peppermint candy ground up into slivers. You can put almost anything in a waffle and it will taste great. (I personally would not add cheese. The irons will stick to it and it will be gummy.) But the really great thing about Waffles is when you make a too many, you can put them in the refrigerator and use them for all kinds of treats. Waffles for snacks: Waffles with peanut butter; Waffles with icing; Waffles with ice cream; Waffles with jelly; See they are the best to have around. Cut them up in the little squares and you can build a snack all the way ”to the ceiling!” Great fun with kids who want to try new & fun ways to eat you out of house and home. Waffles for dinner. You may not think of it this way, but they make great “gravey scooper uppers. “ So if you have cooked a roast or chicken with gravy, but don’t have rools, don’t panic, you’ve got waffles in the fridge. Tip: use paper towel, wet it to damp, wrap around waffle and cook at 30 seconds in microwave for warm but not tough bread. Have fun.

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Working with Sukh I’m available for consultancy and associate work in the field of learning and development and positive psychology. Read on for more details… Learning and Development. My chosen career path for the last ten years, and I’m not stopping yet. Designing and developing solutions to make workplaces successful through the skills and abilities of their people is the core role of any L&Der. I take this seriously and am actively involved in being a key part of the continuing thoughts and developments in this field. I’ve done everything from interpersonal skills training to management training to leadership development to basic behavioural skills like time management. It’s all interesting, but importantly it’s about getting it right for the business. I’ve developed L&D strategies, been involved in culture change initiatives, delivered whole programmes, and more. Raising self awareness. This is what I live and breathe. We can all learn about ways to influence and encourage others to do things, but until you learn about your own style and what this means for you, how can you expect to do the former? In learning about your strengths, and your weaknesses, you gain strength of mind and conviction that you have a clear path ahead of you. This is what I will help with, and I’m qualified in the MBTI and 16PF to help you. Conversation. That’s what I help to enable. I’m a collaborator, facilitator, and interested in the challenges you’re facing. Through bringing people together, ensuring the right conversation is taking place, and bringing to front of mind better ways of working with others, I want to be part of making it happen. Making things happen. That’s what I enjoy too. People can achieve great things, either on their own or with the collaboration of people around them. I will use what I know to help you make things happen. There are good ways of achieving your goals and ambitions, and there are bad ways. The good ways mean you enjoy the work you do, you have a reason to be motivated, and the output you produce will be better. The bad ways mean none of that happens, and generally things are very selfish. I’m in the camp for doing things the right way. I can be contacted for consultancy and associate work on any of the above. Have a look at the About Sukh page for contact details.

Sukh Pabial is a learning and development professional and if you like what he says, he writes a regular blog. Page 56


Have Your Say!

We love hearing from our readers! If you have a question or comment for one of our writers, please feel free to write to them content@HatTrickMagazine.com

Q. We want to hear your stories of triumph and achievement! Whether it’s school, work or balancing school lunches, bedtime stories and little league games, your life is fully of wins and scheduling tricks and we want to know how you do it! Write in and be sure to sign your message in the way you would like to be credited in the magazine, including your location. Page 57

by: Joseph D. Phillips Business Editor

Have you considered a career in project management? It's one of the most stable careers out there with fantastic opportunities for advancement and a market both in permanent and freelance markets. The Project Management Professional exam is your ticket and it’s a lot more achievable than you may think! Hat Trick readers get an AMAZING $49 off the PMP Boot Camp by Joseph D. Phillips. Check it out and get your career on track in 2013! Don’t forget to enter the code hattrick at the checkout!

Click Here to Access One Of The BEST PMP Prep Courses In America! Page 58

Bio Joseph Phillips is a leader in the project management and adult education community. He is a PMI-certified Project Management Professional, a Project+ Professional, and a Certified Technical Trainer. Phillips has consulted on project management, business analysis, and adult education for hospitals, architectural firms, manufacturers, and information technology consultancies. He’s consulted organizations on project management framework, process engineering, change management, and the principles of project management. As a leader in adult education, Phillips has taught organizations how to successfully implement project management methodologies, information technology project management, risk management, and other courses. He has taught more than 10,000 professionals through seminars, conferences, and presentations in the United States, Belgium, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. He is a member and of the Project Management Institute and speaks often for chapter meetings throughout the world. He has taught for Columbia College Chicago, Vincennes University, and Ball State University. Phillips is the author of several top-selling books, including IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide, CAPM/PMP Project Management Certification Allin-One Exam Guide, Project Management for Small Business, Vampire Management, The Lifelong Project, and others. Contact Joseph Phillips

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Page 59

Spotlight: Women Priscilla Mutembwa Priscilla Mutembwa has been managing director of Cargill Cotton Zimbabwe since 2007. Her role involves control of the company’s commercial operation in Zimbabwe; co-ordination and management of the senior team; and liaison with local organisations including farmers, buyers and growers. She previously worked as the company’s finance director and regional origination and procurement manager. She holds a BSc degree in computer systems engineering, a CIMA qualification, an investment management certificate and an MBA. During her varied and highly successful career, which she talks about below, she has also worked for Coopers & Lybrand, British Railways, UNICEF, British American Tobacco and Zimbabwe Allied Banking Group in a variety of finance roles. Prior to training as an accountant, she worked in computing. The challenge of switching careers I studied computer systems engineering at university and worked as a computer programmer and then as a systems analyst before I decided to study to become a management accountant. It was a big challenge to start almost at the bottom and work my way up when I had already reached management level in the IT world. I decided to just work as hard as I could and use my previous experience to be a better accountant. Fighting to be taken seriously Another major challenge was being taken seriously as a professional woman, especially once I started having children. I remember an occasion when I attended an interview for a job just after I had found out that I was pregnant with my second child. I was quite excited and at the same time I did not think it should stop me advancing my career and seeking new opportunities. At the end of the interview I made the mistake of sharing my good news with the interview panel members, whom all happened to be male. Needless to say I did not get the job. Page 60

In Leadership

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Cargill Cotton Zimbabwe

‘I’ve not faced direct discrimination but I have encountered prejudices and stereotyping’ I don’t believe I’ve faced direct discrimination but I have encountered prejudices and stereotyping that were sometimes quite discouraging, and I have probably had to be more resilient than my male colleagues. However, I rely on something my dad taught me when I was young: not to be deterred or affected by what someone thought of me, especially when it’s not based on knowing me or my capabilities. Getting on the board My entry to the board was through being an executive board member due to my role and position as a finance director. Through my work with some of the nonexecutive board members, I started getting invitations to sit on the boards that they sat on. ‘There should be more women on the boards of organisations’ I believe there should be more women on the boards of organisations as they bring a different perspective to the running of businesses. Learning from a male mentor I have benefited tremendously from having a mentor and I would recommend it to any woman who is serious about rising to the top. Role models and mentors allow you to learn from another person’s experience so that the same mistakes are not repeated. With the help of my mentor, I have learned to be more structured in my career planning and to focus on what I need to learn. There is a shortage of female role models in my business environment – the cotton industry in my country is very male dominated and I often find myself being the only female present amongst men. ‘I have greatly benefited from having a male mentor’

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However, I don’t think women always need female mentors; what is important is to feel comfortable with your mentor. In fact, I believe I have greatly benefited from having a male mentor: he has helped me to view a lot of things from a male perspective which can be quite different from my own. Examine your skills If you want to progress in your career, perform an objective self-assessment of your capabilities – be very honest with yourself or ask people who know you very well and will be honest with you. The next step is to find out what skills are required at senior executive or board level and then start to fill any gaps in your skill set. To succeed you need discipline and resilience. If you are to grow you will make mistakes: what’s important is to be able to recover and be better as a result of the lessons you learn. Finally, it’s important to work very hard but also enjoy what you do.

Page 62

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The Link Between Happiness and Health Happiness and Health Go Together

By Elizabeth Scott, M.S. Originally Featured On About.com Guide

Health Matters

Updated October 23, 2012 About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

by Mina Muirhead, R.N. Health Editor

Hat Trick Editor’s Note: Mina is off for the next two months, preparing for the Mrs. Colorado pageant in 5 weeks! We wish her the best of luck and in the meantime have obtained permission from our friends over about About.com to help fill the gaps on Health! Happiness and health have been anecdotally linked for quite a while now--'laughter is the best medicine' has become a cliche' for a reason--but relatively new research has been backing up what many people have instinctively assumed all along: that happiness and health really are connected, and that one's level of happiness really can impact the level of one's health. The relatively new field of Positive Psychology is exploring the factors that contribute to emotional resilience, happiness and health, among other lifeaffirming topics, and what we now know for certain about these topics can help us all life healthier, more meaningful lives--and reduce stress. “Experiences that induce positive emotion cause negative emotion to dissipate rapidly. The strengths and virtues…function to buffer against misfortune and against the psychological disorders, and they may be the key to building resilience. The best therapists do not merely heal damage; they help people identify and build their strengths and their virtues,” wrote Martin Seligman, the father of the field of Positive Psychology, in his book Authentic Happiness. And solid research continues to culminate, supporting this view. Here are a few studies on happiness and health:

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Happiness and Longevity: A landmark study involving nuns was able to pinpoint health benefits that come with positive emotion. (Nun studies work well because so many other lifestyle variables are uniform, so reported differences can often be narrowed down to a handful of factors, like personality and outlook.) In studying the lives and deaths of the nuns, given clues to their emotional state, researchers were able to make an important discovery about happiness and health--positive emotion is correlated with longevity! 90% of the most cheerful quarter of nuns was alive at the age of eighty-five, whereas only 34% of the least cheerful quarter lived to that age. Similarly, 54% of the most cheerful fourth was alive at age ninety-four, versus 11% of the least cheerful. Happiness and Marriage: As if that’s not enough, positive emotion is also linked by research to marital satisfaction. In another astonishing study, researchers were able to examine the cheerfulness of smiles in women’s yearbook photos and predict which ones, on average, would be more likely married, stay married and experience more personal wellbeing over the next thirty years. (Hint: it was, again, the most cheerful group.) What’s striking about this is that healthy relationships are linked to strong immunity and, thus, overall health and so the ‘upward spiral’ continues. Happiness and Optimism: Researchers have also found optimists to have longer lives. Optimism is distinct from positive emotion, though the two are related. Rather than just being cheerful, however, optimists tend to see the world in a distinct way: when positive events occur in their lives, they give themselves personal credit, attribute the cause to lasting traits under their control, and see each good event as a sign that more positive events are to come. (See this article for more on traits of optimists.) This specific lens through which they see the world allows them to maintain more of an internal locus of control (a sense of personal control over things), as well as resulting health-promoting behaviors and is associated with many benefits, including longevity: one study found that optimists had a 19% loner life span on average. Clearly, happiness and health can be linked by optimism. Happiness and 'Mature Defenses': Another factor that’s closely related to positive emotion and optimism is a set of strengths known as ‘mature defenses’. These traits, which are not displayed by everyone, and vary over a lifespan, include altruism, the ability to delay gratification, future-mindedness and humor. According to a Harvard study that followed a cohort of men through their lives, the mature defenses are closely linked with joy in living, high income and a vigorous old age in men from varied backgrounds. Happiness and Health: Happiness researcher Robert Holden conducted a survey and found that 65 out of 100 people would choose happiness over health, but that both were highly valued. Fortunately, we don’t have to choose: happiness and health go hand-in-hand. As Holden stated, “[T]here is no true health without happiness”.

There is also ample evidence that unhappiness—depression, anxiety, and stress, for example—are also linked to poorer health outcomes. These negative states, if chronic, can dampen immunity and increase inflammation in the body leading to a multitude of diseases and conditions. The principles of Positive Psychology can combat these negative states, further increasing the likelihood of health. Read more about Positive Psychology for tips on maintaining an attitude and lifestyle that's conducive to greater happiness and health. Also, you can subscribe to my free weekly newsletter to receive regular tips on stress relief, happiness and health. Scroll down for more resources regarding happiness and health. Page 65

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“Western women can come to the rescue of the world.” ~ the Dalai Lama That’s a pretty strong statement, don’t you think? This quote is from the Dalai Lama’s speech delivered at the Vancouver Peace Summit in September 2009 not far from my hometown. Note he used the word ‘can’ and not the word ‘will’. Western women can come to the rescue of the world. It’s an invitation not a prediction. Page 66

Charlene SanJenko Lifestyle & Wellness Editor

Are you ready to accept your invitation? The world is craving positive feminine energy. We yearn for more feminine leadership. We think differently. From a place of compassion and a path of collaboration, women tend to solve challenges and create solutions from a different perspective then most men. In a recent study, “66% of adults agreed that ‘the world would be a better place if men thought more like women’ – including 63% of men worldwide and an astounding 79% of Japanese males… “Gerzema and D’Antonio’s [authors] study showed a strong public preference for selflessness, empathy, and loyalty in their leaders – traits that respondents identified as feminine. Meanwhile, aggression and independence (which respondents coded as masculine) were leadership turn-offs. ‘People want leaders that care more about others than themselves,” says Gerzema. “Having leaders who have a lack of capacity to relate to others is such a dangerous thing in today’s social world. You want people who are leading because they want to change something, rather than because they want to ‘be somebody.’ Embracing feminine values in leadership doesn’t mean being weak, Gerzema notes. He and D’Antonio did in-depth interviews with 80 successful leaders, both male and female, who exhibited a balance of masculine and feminine styles. ‘They were tough and fierce,’ he says. ‘They don’t say, ‘I’m a feminine leader,’ but their actions showed respect [for others], collaboration, and compromise, and they did it with vision and drive.’ Do Male Leaders Need to Think More Like Women? Forbes 04/15/2013 Stepping into greatness is the GAME-CHANGER. It requires courage, confidence and capacity. That’s where PowHERhouse comes in. PowHERhouse exists to build HIP women - High Impact Performance. PowHERhouse.com is a collective, a sisterhood, a meeting place for likeminded women ready to soar. She’s a believer of strong women and exists to make them believers as well. PowHERhouse preaches the importance of three primary pillars Learning, Lifestyle & Leadership. At the center of it all is Lifestyle happy, healthy and grounded women who understand the importance of taking care of themselves in order to sustain their exceptional lives and make this Lifestyle a commitment to themselves and their greatness.

Pillars Learning: To be a stronger woman. In terms of building your capacity and preparing you for a leadership role whether in business, your career, family or community, what do you feel you most need to learn to be a successful leader? Lifestyle: Being a stronger woman in my daily life. What excellence habits do you need to engrain in your daily life to ensure you are as healthy, happy and grounded as possible in order to sustain the exceptional life you are here to live? Leadership: Empowering others to be stronger women. And when you are ready, what does being a strong positive leader look like? And how does giving back and empowering others actually help you to grow even stronger both in your impact and your life.

My question to you is simple: Are you up for the invitation? Join us at PowHERhouse.com and find out more.

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Launch Party!

Join us on October 3rd, 2013 for the PowHERhouse Launch Party from 7-10 pm at The Edge Social Grille & Lounge, 1100 Granville Street, Vancouver. Featuring amazing PowHERhouse presenters, an exceptional PowHERpanel of experts and lively PowHERpods, unique networking at its finest! Clean eats ~ Great music ~ Drink specials ~ and SWAG. What more does a girl need? But wait, there is more. We're having a virtual party too! Friends, colleagues and PowHERhouses around the globe will join the party online. Visit PowHERhouse.com to join our guest list. Learning. Lifestyle. Leadership. The stronger we are, the stronger we are.

At this time, interviews are being conducted with 50+ PowHERhouse women. The results are fascinating. What can we learn about their excellence habits, how they stay in the flow, and the tools they utilize to keep consistently accountable, focused and motivated? Join us at PowHERhouse.com to find out more.

“I do an attitude tune up daily - I talk with myself. Somewhere quiet, in nature - rain or shine (I live on the west coast in British Columbia), and I give thanks for everything, absolutely everything in my life.” “I need to exercise in some shape or form. Without exercising I find I am not as creative, have less energy and am not able to complete everything I need to complete.” “I like to do the same things every day that make me strong in my mind, spirit and body. I have to schedule in time for exercise, meal planning, connecting with positive people, reading books that educate me. Putting it in my calendar gets me there... meeting someone helps with exercise. staying focused on my vision for my healthy lifestyle helps me a lot too. Respecting that good health does not come just because I wish it to.” “Positive affirmations are the most powerful thing I consistently do to maintain my positive lifestyle.” “Meditation is the latest thing I have added and can really feel the results - only 15 minutes a day has made a difference, way less anxiety and able to be present more.” Page 69

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Brittany Harper-De Staedtler Beauty Editor

Happiness Contagious

You know that old saying 'Misery loves company'? Sadly that is very true. Think about it, when you're miserable there are always people out there that will join right in on the pity party and "happily" lay down their own line of funk. Then it becomes like two old people comparing illnesses and becomes a virtual pissing contest of who has been more badly done to by the Universe. Ya know what? I was right there, front and centre, joining in on these pity parties. Hell, truth be told, I was the last person leaving the party long after everyone else had found their happy place again. Something happened to me several weeks ago..... I woke up and DID something about my constant state of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was FED UP of my own bellyaching and griping about how awful my life was.

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Becaus e of t hi s , I h ave change d

Because I have changed, my life has changed.

Then, one night, I was sitting by myself and just contemplating the state of my life. WHY was I so miserable when every day so many people were writing me beautiful letters, sending me anonymous gifts, and telling me how much they wish they were me.....merely because of what I do for a living. I closed my eyes and began a quiet conversation with the Universe and begged for guidance on getting my life back on track. For years my Momma had been telling me she missed who I used to be. I cynically thought that person was dead....too many things had happened, too many scars were on my heart and my soul....that girl was long gone. I asked the Universe to guide my steps, guide my heart, guide my hands. That night, I decided to wind down from my day by loading up Netflix and watching a movie. The husband was upstairs having a soak (his own method for dealing with his miseries). On my suggested movies list was a film called 'The Secret'. It sounded interesting so I waited for it to load and about 5 minutes into this film a deep shudder ran through my body. Page 74

It was like an electricity and goosebumps came up on my arms. I paused the film and yelled up to my husband. He came down a few minutes later and I asked him to watch this film with me. He looked at me strangely because for years our nights have consisted of both of us on our respective laptops barely exchanging 10 words.......once our son went to bed we just did NOT communicate unless it was to sling negativity in one another's direction. To his credit he quietly just sat beside me on the sofa and I restarted the film. As we watched this it was like all time had stopped around us. Tears were flowing freely down my face and I peeked over at him and he looked quite emotional as well. When it ended we excitedly discussed it and decided right then and there we would BOTH put this into action in our lives that very night! What was this magic secret you ask? Quite simple: We create our own reality! Everything in the Universe is made up of energy and the Universe does not differentiate between bad energy and good energy...it's all energy...however.... Whatever we put into the Universe, we get back. The Law of Attraction! We talked for hours about what we could change, and the plans we had for setting our minds and live straight. We talked for longer than we'd talked for years and it wasn't in anger....THAT alone was the first miracle. The changes we put into place started the very NEXT DAY! I tell you with all honesty, every single day has shown us another blessing, another positivity, another healing. I've encouraged so many people to watch that film or read the book 'The Secret'. There's a lot of positive and negative information out there about it. Many people will tell you it's all hooey.....but if you sit down with an open mind and just sincerely apply that simple law to your own life..... WOW!!! Page 75

The crazy thing about it all that it is Magic 101. As many of you know, I'm a witch by religion.....a Pagan if you prefer. This is all stuff I already knew but I was only embracing the negative side of things because that's all I was putting out there. The one positive thing I had going in all this was my craft....my business...my work. It's where I was happy, where I felt alive and at peace. That has changed! EVERY aspect of my life makes me happy now because I have learnt to be thankful and grateful for ALL the blessings I was ignoring. Because of this, *I* have changed. Because I have changed my life has changed. People are now asking me what my secret is to all this new found happiness, positivity and peace I have. The old miserable me would have kept it in like a miser. The new me shares it profusely because I know that sharing happiness and positivity breeds happiness and positivity. It's Contagious!!! I love my new life and I am so thankful for everything and every one in it!! If you do nothing else for yourself this year...... Please do this one thing. Embrace it with all your heart and watch the dreams in your own life come glaringly into reality!! All My Love,

Brittany xx PS: This is NOT a paid endorsement, nor did I even get a free copy of this book/film. It's just my own personal experience.

Page 76 Page 76

You know her from her inspirational books and posters Karen Salmansohn, Oprah columnist and happiness guru, has launched a brand new shop and now YOU can get her best loved posters, and slogans featured on handy notebooks, mugs, tank tops and more!

Believe/Materialize Keepsake Box

Jr. Ringer Tee “More love in the world please”

Mug “The cure for procrastination is caffeination!”

Visit Karen's fabulous new shop! Here's your chance to get some of Karen's awesome posters and slogans on everything from notebooks, to mugs to tank-tops! Treat yourself today, or share the love with somebody who deserves it! Don't forget to check out Karen's main website NotSalmon.com for more wisdom, humor and fantastic freebies!

by Karen Salmansohn Self Help Editor

Check out Karen’s latest books for inspiration on being happy and insights and tools to break bad relationship patterns PRINCE HARMING SYNDROME & INSTANT HAPPY Page 79

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Joey Phelps & Michael Phelps Cartoonists Hat Trick Magazine

By Ann Pissard Graphic Artist

Page 81


AskLaura by Laura Briola Opinion Editor

Editor’s Note: Ask Patti is on hiatus but she remains a valued part of our publication. As many of you will know, Patti has been battling some health issues while looking after a growing brood of boys! Thankfully, our girl Laura Bariola has agreed to step in and take over the advice column for the foreseeable, but we wanted you to know that Patti is still with us and still a part of the team. Laura is a Southern girl who has made a name for herself keeping it real with friends, family and innocent bystanders for decades. She’s a true Southern belle with a lot of tough love and a feisty passion for helping others. Welcome Laura! She welcomes questions from readers for her column, though we note that she does receive quite a few each week! Your question will be selected and answered by Patti personally via the magazine. We request that you sign your question in the manner you wish it to be credited in the magazine. We are happy to accept signatures using a pen name, first name only or moniker like “confused in New York” in support of your privacy. content@HatTrickMagazine.com

Page 82

I'm in 'moving in with my boyfriend' hell. We have been together through college plus all the drama of being in your 20s. We finally took that big step and nothing is going well. We fight over the stupidest things. The main thing causing the issues is trying to combine our stuff and our interior preferences. This seems so stupid! We are so great together and I feel truly that we probably should have just married a few years back but for whatever reason, this is the pace we've gone and it has worked for us. To fight over such stupid stuff is unreal to me and also I feel as the woman, I should have at least a good amount of say as to how our home should look. The issue is as simple as I like comfy classic throw pillows and he likes modern, loud Ikea crap and NONE of it will go together and I do not want to live in a plastic space shuttle! I'm reading this and thinking this is the most immature thing I've ever heard of but to my horror, this is real. Seriously, should I dump him over this because we have been going round and round on this for two years now. That's right, Laura: my house is not even decorated because we keep fighting like cats and dogs over stupid furniture! I even suggested we sell off both our things and find things together but when we go shopping he gets so angry and storms off it just feels like an impossible situation. My concern is that if he can't compromise on furniture then what the hell else is in store? Ikea Makes Me Itch, Boston

Dear Ikea Makes Me Itch, Girl, I would head for the hills. You can't have a successful relationship if their is NO compromise. PERIOD. That is what a relationship is built on, well, other than trust. You make a home TOGETHER! Trust me, my husband and I bicker about what I like in a home and what he likes in a home, but in the end, he lets that be my department. We compromise on it for sure though. I hope you two can figure this out, but I would be out the door! Much love and luck to you!


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AL I don't know if you are used to guy questions but I got one for you, Laura. My best friends and I have been going out to our cabin every year since finals our freshman year. We are all 32+ now. This is the first year that some of the guys are starting to flake and I can't tell you how much this trip means to me every year. Are we starting to drift apart? I tried to talk about this to some guys from work and got laughed out the building so I thought I'd try my luck writing in to Ask Laura. I follow Joseph's column on Project Management and Michelle's Hat Trick column so I figure anybody working with them are probably going to take it better and more professionally than a group of office clowns aka my friends from work. Help me save my cabin trip, Laura!Â

Hi Kev! Welcome to what I like to call life! I know this is important to you as it would be me as well, but as the years go by, people become so involved with day to day life as an adult, things just aren't the way they were. The responsibilities are bigger and commitments to work, family, etc are also bigger. Time becomes valuable and so maybe its not that you are "drifting" apart, you are all just growing into adulthood! Let them know again how important this is to you, but also let them know that you understand and that you have some awesome memories to hold onto! Good Luck!

Laura Page 84

Do you have any budget setting tips? I have had to cut back hours at work and my paycheck has suffered in a big way. Because I'm in school now, if I don't get this corrected, I am going to be in trouble and my deck of cards will start falling down around me. I am going to have to drop my budget by $1,000 a month with about $2,000 a month coming in, in income between my husband and I. We have no kids but we do have $800 in travel costs and other auto related sundries. I'm having a hard time getting inspired. Where would you start? Cindy, Memphis Hi Cindy! This is a great question! I am a married mom with 3 kids ranging in age from 12 to 2. My husband and I both work full time and it is still hard to make ends meet. My husband is big on the whole "budget" thing, but I, myself have a hard time with that! I am, however, an avid couponer! The amount of money you save can be unbelievable. You can cut the cost of nearly everything out there in half. From groceries, toiletries, to even gas and airfare! All it takes is a few hours a week on the internet and you will be amazed at the amount of things you can get for little or even nothing! Hope this helps!


Laura, welcome to the magazine! We enjoyed your write up this past time. I have a simple but loaded question for you: at what point in a 13 year marriage, after too many fights, is it right to throw in the towel and file for divorce? We keep reconciling and it is just hateful to live this way but I value marriage and want to do the right things by my two boys. Laurie, Alabama Hi Laurie! Thanks for such a warm welcome! My husband and I have been together since 1995, and got married in 2005. Marriage is one of the hardest and trying things ever. You just have to do what is best in your heart of hearts. If you can ask yourself if this is how you still wanting to be living in 10 years and it is not, its time to go. There are lots of days I want to throw in the towel, but we just go back to what made us happy when we first met and realize that the stresses of everyday life are not going to ruin us! Good Luck!

LauraPage 85

The Lightworkers Academy

by Kate Spencer Opinion Columnist & Life Guru

The Law of Paradoxical Intent

Have you got The Law of Attraction backside forwards? In the wake of The Secret phenomenon I think many of us might have The Law of Attraction ‘backside forwards’! Let me explain…..If you are wanting to attract things that make you feel good in your life such as a lovely home and nice things, you have to start with the feeling good part first. Now this is where people get tripped up and they do all of the visualisations, meditations and affirmations until they are blue in the face because they want all of the nice stuff to come their way…….and why do they want all of the nice stuff to come their way? Because they feel dissatisfied and fed up with the experience that they do have in their life. Therefore at the moment they are NOT feeling good. The basis of The Law of Attraction is that energy (and this includes emotions, thoughts and feelings) is magnetic and you will draw in experiences based on what you are resonating to in your own energy.

Get it? You Attract What You Are - and if the main frequency that you are carrying around is NOT good then how can you ever hope to bring in feeling good? Does this sound like you at times or people that you know? Listen carefully because this is going to be the key that helps you. The person that I am taking about is sending out an energy vibration based on their feelings that they do not have what they want in their life. They may be spending time ‘manifesting’ what they want (or so they think) but their core signature vibration is snitching on them every time as they move straight back into the energy of I haven’t got what I desperately want to experience. The feeling of not having what they want is the main energy that is sent out there to the universe during their day to day life. This creates something of a cosmic irony as the universe picks up this signal and sends you a whole lot more of this feeling and circumstance. You start to gather evidence that you don’t have what you want and things start to happen in your life to align you even more with that feeling. In terms of psychology your brain is solidifying a belief that this is your reality and the more evidence that you get the more embedded this becomes, and this will drive your thoughts which in turn will drive your feelings and therefore your vibration to resonate to exactly the same thing. This is called The Law of Paradoxical Intent, it’s where you feel that you are using in law of attraction to draw in what you want, but that you are accidently coming from a place of lacking it so badly that this is the main frequency you are sending out there. This is what I mean by ‘backside forwards’!

Buy Kate’s Life Changing Book and Workbook On Amazon

If you could feel happy, abundant, blessed and rich without all of the material things anyway, this feeling would open up the flow and they would come into your life far more easily. You need to work on feeling these feelings first as YOU, and once you have been able to do that you will be connecting with the frequency that you need to draw in what you want. This is covered more in 12 Lessons and the 12 Lessons Journal, unless you can start to feel happy, abundant, complete and blessed with all that you need in your life, the universe cannot match up to the vibration and send it your way. There is an element of fake it until you make it here of course (or indeed Faith it until you make it!), but this is why it’s so important to become conscious of what you are thinking and feeling in a given moment. You can then observe your mind, emotional feeling state and vibration and then make useful changes whilst realigning yourself with what you want to create.

As Within

So Without

Lambing Season. Growing up on a farm this was a special, stressful, hope filled, sadness filled time. I will never forget the twin lambs soaked through from freezing rain that it's mother had left. Their limp grey bodies looking dead and the sound of them waking up inside our oven as they finally got warm enough and dry enough. They both lived. It was magic. The first few days they needed feeding constantly and in spite of school, I did it. Soon they were too big and naughty for the kitchen, so into the stable they went. I feed them until they weened and they went back into the field. People talk of "traditional food". We drank alot of milk as the goats were giving milk again, and eggs too, also lots of tea, sometimes with some whiskey in it to keep out the bitter cold. You can't wear gloves to help a ewe birth. We would have potato's with peas and bacon, maybe Welsh rarebit. The colours were always grey and vivid green, it was always sleeting. You couldn't feel your face. You would lift up your face and pray to no-one in particular, let this one live, this one live. Then there would be a rush of blood and a small slimy wobbly creature would enter the world. They would ask me, always me, "will it live?" and I would know and either nod or shrug. Nature is the best teacher of all and any book I have read never expresses what I feel about this season. It is about hope. About the fragile cold tipping point and warm flooding relief. It is the sound of lambs crying and sleet against the window. This is the time of year to try new things, start new projects and give help and support to those creatures in your life that a little wobbly. This time of year is hard and not everything started will be finished. Not every grand idea will pan out. That is the way of all things. Some live, some die. Morn what you must. Light a simple candle in remembrance of lost and dying dreams. Grieve them so that new dreams, new hopes can enter your life and with the warmth of your candles fading light can revive or mark it's gentle passing. It is a time to let go of "if only's" they clutter up the space inside you to create. I asked someone yesterday, what would you do today, if you knew you were going to die tomorrow? How would it change your behaviour? Who would you want to be near? We spend a great deal of time in life doing things that are not important. Some of them (like dishes) need to be done as part of life. However sometime we cling to things and people to "tide us over" and we do less and less of what makes us happy, because being comfortable seems less scary than actually living. These questions (if a touch morbid) bring into focus what we really want, what and who we really hold dear. Part of my work, my life as a witch is to ask those questions, to bring new space and light to people's lives and try and get them to see the world with hope and wonder and possibilities.

The Rolling Year

by Lucy Drake Clairvoyant Columnist

Still Adjusting to My New Attitude I had a couple of challenges but dealt with them quickly, effortlessly and calmly. Then my mother called. I was all of a wobble, I tried to stay focused, think happy thoughts, she wounded me, as usual and I carried the call to bed with me, long after it was over. I didn't do the big sobbing and all that but the whole call bugged me and I couldn't quite explain why. So my loving and awesome husband talks me round and I manage a good nights sleep. I went out for the day primed to relax in some wild space. It didn't all work out the way I wanted but I had a great day with my favourate people. It was really only just now that some of what my issues with my mother (that is a whole other blog, maybe a book) are that everything she said was in the negative, even her "Get well soon" was "Everyone dies". While it hurts because you don't want anyone to say that to you when you have been really sickthe fact it was the person who is supposed to be the font of support and love in your life could make it depressing. She is depressing. She says hurtful, cruel and ugly things because that is all she expects from others, even me. She shows no sympathy because she feels it makes her weak, or vulnerable. Imagine being so scared of an open heart you can't even show your own child love? All of my hurt and resentment and disappointment faded away. I felt a genuine heartfelt sympathy for her. I felt pity. I don't have to see the world her way. I don't have to see all this anxiety, fear and pain in everyone and everything and call it into my life at every oppertunity. I can say I am at peace with my relationship with my mother and mean it. She is just as unique and talented, smart and driven as anyone. She deserves happiness and I wish it for her. Though I don't think she will find it easily. I am filled with hope and lightness again. I thought I was facing down my

here will be other challenges to my positivity, but I will over come with grace and ease. I will learn and love and grow. I have learnt something my mother doesn't yet know. There is a difference between living and not being dead. Living is joyful and sincere and there is meaning in everything. IÂ feel blessed and full of gratitude. I open my arms to embrace this new world of hope andhappiness. It isn't that she didn't hurt me. It is that I don't have to carry on hurting me because I can embrace the joy in my own self, my own beingness and let it go. Blessing and all that. xx


Page 92


Be the Angel You are Looking For. Bring kindness Goodness To yourself And More. Be generous In love In warmth In time. Be a magnet Of light Then shine. Remember to praise Look for the good. Be your best What if you could?

We all deserve some time to play. To indulge our imaginings. Give yourself permission to be creative, and also to not "do". As the saying goes, we are not human doings, we are human beings.

Lucy is a professional psychic and clairvoyant. She welcomes questions from readers for her column, though we note that she may not answer reader questions in every column. We request that you sign your question in the manner you wish it to be credited in the magazine, should Lucy wish to include it in a future issue. We are happy to accept signatures using a pen name, first name only or moniker like “confused in New York� in support of your privacy. content@HatTrickMagazine.com

Page 93

Life, Without Map Or Parachute by Cherie Brooks DeBurger Opinion Columnist

You know you’re getting old when‌. I don't understand how it seems that the younger you are the slower the years go by? Kids can't wait to turn ten years old so they are "double digits". Then they want to be thirteen thinking that will automatically be entitled to things "non-teenagers" aren't able to do. When that day comes and goes it doesn't take long for them to wish for their sixteenth birthday because they can start driving and in their minds they can feel the freedom. a teenager. only to find that what they really want is to turn sixteen. Sixteen comes but now it is going to take forever to be eighteen and this will be when the magical metamorphosis takes place and they become an adult and get the respect that they think they deserve. Once that bridge is crossed they can't wait to be old enough to drink and gamble legally. All their lives they have been told "wait till you grow up" or "when you are older...", "don't wish your life away", "these are the best years of your life", are all things we heard growing up and we hated it. Now I find myself Page 94

A Life Lived Well

saying the exact same things to my children

At some point in life the years stopped dragging by and instead turn by Cherie Brooks into a speeding bullet headed straight for my sanity and DeBurger I was Opinion Columnist without any bulletproof protection. I don't remember the exact moment but at one point I realized I was getting old.

The Pros Of Cancer

Now if you talk to my mother or any of her friends they will say I am still a spring chicken (those being their words and not mine) but I have come to the conclusion that there are certain facts that can no Life doesn't come with instructio longer be ignored. both good and bad. What makes all t

in the road. I have discovered that a I remember when I used to go out at nightphysically and get and home the next This maga emotionally. aid each morning just in time to take a shower and strengthen, head off toinform work.and Now if I one w attempt at helping those who am up to long passed midnight I wake in the morning feeling likewomen I against breast cancer. Sometimes lau am two hundred years old. Keeping my eyes open is an In January of 2009 I hit a bump i accomplishment let alone having coherentbump connecting and one sentences. that, until later, I would diagnosed with a very aggressive brea I used to be able to eat anything I wantedcancer and aswas much not contained as I wanted and had sp known I found the lump in my ar and my body would just burn it off. My four foodwhen groups were runs through my family chocolate, ice cream, potato chips and fast food. Since I havethat even our d We aren't bias; we have "enterta turned forty my metabolism has turned onfather's me and for the first time in family and my mother's family my life I have love handles. It seems ironic that I and am even now tongue gettingcancer. ovarian more exercise on a daily basis running after five and atwas thenot same Mykids prognosis good and intense and even then no one was time I seem to be able to gain weight just and by smelling something. After wrapping my head around howfarther many women were struggling I find myself holding that medicine bottle aout little away while had a story of a sister, best friend, mo trying to read the dosage directions for thebattling kids. the It'ssame bad life enough threatening disea that it's usually in the middle of the night and I can't see because I figured with so manyI of us hav am half asleep and it's dark but to make matters worse I think the and some at the pros of breast cancer journey. manufacturers are sitting somewhere laughing as they determine When I on wasthe toldbottles. that the biopsy exactly how small they can legally make the printing was only a mental vacation but it was wore off I realized that the first laugh w Being the mother of teenagers I am thrilled when they want to my hair cut an diagnoses I had gotten actually have a conversation with me. Problem understand my hairisgoI don't down the drain along with half of the things they're saying. I knew the English That got language me thinking wasabout all th I hadit long thick forty hair down to one of the hardest to learn but I have beenchemo. speaking for over and train conditioner, haircuts an years and I am still lost at times when theyshampoo finish their of take a real vacation instead of just a m Fighting cancer gives you Page 95a type One thing you have in abundance is m

A Life Lived Well

thought or question and look at me for my reply. To even out the playing field and to maintain my "cool" mom image (in my mind not theirs) I will use very long and intellectual words, ones that I Cherie Brooks DeBurger know they don't know the definition of,byso I'm not the only one Opinion Columnist confused.

The Pros Of Cancer

Some of the music my kids listen to doesn’t sound like music to me. That was even painful to say and it is the nail in the coffin of my youth because if that doesn’t signify getting old I don’t know what does. Every generation has a new style Life of music thewith instructio doesn'tthat come grown ups don’t get and I am now in thatboth good and bad. What makes all t category. in the road. I have discovered that a

physically and emotionally. This maga strengthen, inform and each one w I was out shopping with my oldest daughter a few weeks agoaid and at helping those women who saw a really cute shirt. I held it up to get attempt my daughters opinion against breast cancer. Sometimes lau and reality smacked me across the face whenInshe told me it was January of 2009 I hit a bump i to young for me. Ouch! bump and one that, until later, I would diagnosed with a very aggressive brea cancer was not contained Even if we can convince ourselves that we are only as old as weand had sp known when I found the lump in my ar feel we are reminded by the yearly mammograms that become runs through my family that even our d part of our life's once we get older, as if the dreaded pap smear We aren't bias; we have "enterta wasn't bad enough. I no longer have to wonder what and a nut a father's family myinmother's family nutcracker feels like. Maybe it’s just me but I think ovarian and the eventechnician tongue cancer. My prognosis wasme notagood and should have bought me dinner first or, at the very least, gave and intense and even then no one was stiff drink. After wrapping my head around out how many women were struggling So in the style of Jeff Foxworthy I will leave withofaa few hadyou a story sister, best friend, mo statements regarding getting old. battling the same life threatening disea I figured with so many of us hav at thewax prosfor of hair breast cancer and some You know you’re getting old when – you buy removal, journey. not for your legs but for your chin. When I was told that the biopsy was only a mental vacation but it was You know you’re getting old when – you look it’s just wore tan off I but realized that all the first laugh w your age spots connecting. diagnoses I had gotten my hair cut an my hair go down the drain along with Thatthe gotpeace me thinking about all th You know you’re getting old when – a disturbing I had long complaint is made against you but it’s thechemo. only sound levelthick at hair down to shampoo and conditioner, haircuts an which you can hear the TV. take a real vacation instead of just a m Fighting cancer gives you a type Page 96 One thing you have in abundance is m


What Amber Loves By: Amber Hamilton Henson Home & Garden Editor We’ve sure had a slow, colder than usual start, but alas, it finally FEELS like Springtime! Having so much rain in the last two weeks has rapidly turned the landscape green, again! YaY! My kitchen herb collection is enjoying a great start this season! Yours? There are few interesting plants in my pots, I think! My chives are huge, because they are usually good year ’round in this pot. They went dormant after our heavy Dec25 snow, but came back strong. I lift and divide them every 3 years or so, but I’ll also have plenty of seeds to share in a couple of months after they bloom. The sage is about 3 years old now; it started as a teeny, tiny little sprout, purchased in a 2 or 3″ pot. It is quite a beauty, now at over 18″ in all directions! (For reference, these pots have about an 18″ diameter. They all receive morning to early afternoon sun, and are shaded by the house during late afternoon.) Not having a greenhouse and adequate lighting indoors, I’ve grown my basil using Bonnie brand starter plants the last few years and have been really pleased with the results every year! Somehow,around here,each basil plant costs less than a package of fresh herbs at the grocery store. One “Sweet Basil” plant will yield the equivalent of a dozen+ grocery store purchases of packaged fresh basil for me. Furthermore, with things like basil and mint, you’ll find that in Arkansas, you have the option to grow many more varieties than you’re likely to find in grocery stores! Cooking for a family of 5, budget matters. Having been lucky enough to dine in a few fine places along life’s journey, quality and flavor matter, too. When I grow Bonnie herbs, my

family gets to eat spectacular, fresh herbs while I save on my grocery expenses! There isn’t a downside for us. Our kids take turns watering them in the mornings, as needed, and we have a system where they take turns for who “gets to” pick basil, snip chives, etc. They LOVE being involved caring for our edible plants. New, (well, new to me) this year, I’m growing Bonnie’s CULANTRO. Interesting, yes? I didn’t misspell it. Its spelling is similar to cilantro, as is it’s flavor, but it sure doesn’t look anything like cilantro! You’re going to want to read what Bonnie says about this plant! I’m fascinated! In Page 99

this house, we LOVE using cilantro in the summer, so having the option to grow a plant with a similar, but stronger, flavor sounds GREAT to us! Bonnie provides QR codes on a plant marker with some of the plants they sell. I just use my free QR reading app on my smartphone, and then I’m instantly linked to Bonnie’s website! Bonnie’s QR links each deliver a wealth of information about the plant’s characteristics, how to care for the plant, and recipes using the plant! Even if you don’t find a QR code on your Bonnie plant, I suggest going to their site. I find that the range of information they share for the plants they sell is currently unparalleled. For example, check out CULANTRO: OVERVIEW of Culantro: bonnieplants.com~herbs~culantro GROWING Culantro: bonnieplants.com~growing~culantro COOKING with Culantro: bonnieplants.com~cooking~recaito Awesome, right? Bonnie plants and the Bonnie website are AMAZING. If you skipped to this sentence without clicking on their links, you might want to re-think that decision. Go back. Click one or all three of those links. You won’t be disappointed! (But, please come back here to visit me again, sometime, too! Really!) In this photo, you can see my Rosemary filled a bed quite nicely. They are planted in front of the house, beside a path leading to the front door. With even the slightest breeze, it is so refreshing to experience the Rosemary! Further up the pathway, you’ll see some of the Wooley Lambs’ Ear that I propagated out of the pot last year. Let’s talk about it, shall we? We shall. Woolly Lambs’ Ear is one of my absolute favorite plants that I’ve been dividing and sharing for over a decade. There is quite a bit of it spread around downtown, at Our Old Historic House Downtown, and neighboring homes. One of the neatest things about visiting historic areas, is admiring historic gardens. When we moved to our new house in 2010, of course we brought these pots, and since I’d already been keeping some of the Wooley Lambs’ Ear in a pot, I’ve just kept propagating and planting!

What is so special about this plant? I like this plant so much that I don’t hardly know where to start talking about it! First, it is amazing in children’s gardens. The soft, fuzzy texture is fun to explore. It stands up to and rebounds from a reasonable amount of steppage. It grows into nice, tight border plantings that resist weeds. It attracts bumblebees and butterflies while in bloom. It is low maintenance, and as I’ve mentioned, it is really easy to lift, divide and multiply.

Guess what else?! Historically, the local folklore is that Wooley Lambs’ Ear have been used medicinally and for personal hygiene due to its antiseptic, soothing, and absorbent properties. I can totally imagine that laying their big, cool damp leaves across sunburned shoulders would potentially relieve some discomfort in the summer! Can it get any better? Other Sources say it can. “Yes, Wooley Lambs’ Ear is edible!” other sources claim. Apparently, according to other sources, some people enjoy Lamb’s Ear fresh in salads, gently steamed as greens, and steeped into tea! Their advice says to pick fresh, young leaves for best flavor! Here is what they what they say about Wooley Lambs’ Ear: “The whole plant (Stachys) is medicinal as an alterative, antibacterial, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, stomachic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary. A cold water infusion of the freshly chopped or dried and powdered leaves makes a refreshing beverage, while a weak infusion of the plant can be used as a medicinal eye wash for sties and pinkeye. It is taken internally as a medicinal tea in the treatment of fevers, diarrhea, sore mouth and throat, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart.” Source: Wikipedia “Lamb’s ear is loosely related to Betony (both are Stachys), and is sometimes called woolly betony. Besides the sopping up of blood and use as a [wound] dressing, lamb’s ear has also been used as a poultice and has analgesic properties. It was used either alone, or to help hold in other herbs like comfrey. It was often used in the aftermath of bee or wasp stings, and reduces the swelling from both. It was used for centuries as a “women’s comfort” for hemorrhoids, menstrual flow, birthing, for nervous tension, and as a skin aid. It’s easy to see that with the invention of Tylenol, gauze, feminine hygiene products, cotton packing, and make up removal pads, the knowledge and use of lamb’s ear for this purpose kind of went out the window. However, now you know you have a natural substitute if everything goes wrong and supplies are not available. Lamb’s ear has been used as a natural dye for wool. Boiling the leaves in hot water and then adding a mordant, brings out a fabulous, creamy, yellowish beige. Using the bracts (flower spike) instead of the leaves, a light mauve can be attained. The leaves traditionally have been used in cooking from the West Indies. A lovely tea can be made from the leaves as well, tasting a bit like chamomile. I also have a mole verde recipe that calls for small lamb’s ear leaves. When harvesting for food, only choose small, healthy leaves.” -Source: The Chippewa Herald Lol. It is not a “baaa’ad” plant. Interesting. Personally, I’m optimistic that we will all be able to continue a path of following MODERN medicine and modern science instead of ever having to treat myself or my children with homemade plant remedies based solely on Wikipedia and blog references, but I hope I also do my part to maintain and pass along the little known, Folklore trivia about this native plant for the

sake of conversational interest and the possibility of cultivating, potential future opportunities for a neat plant, too! NOTE: Please, do not use me (Amber) or this blog post as reference claiming Woolly Lambs’ Ear is edible or medicinal; I’m merely relaying that other online sources make such claims! I have not attempted to look for historical botanical information for this plant in actual textbooks, if it even exists, nor have I seen a detailed recipe posted by a recognized, reputable chef or commercial kitchen. You may, however, quote me saying that I think it is a pretty interesting plant to handle and have in the landscape! So, there it is. Wooley Lambs’ Ear grows in a pot beside all of my edible herbs, even though personally, my family and I don’t eat the Wooley Lambs’ Ear! I’ve never felt compelled to try it, primarily because the texture and scent haven’t struck me as being particularly appetizing. Our Woolly Lambs’ Ear uses one of the pots just because it always has; perhaps it always will? It was one of the first things I put into the pots 10+ years ago, and I enjoy it. It attracts A LOT of wild bees in the summer, which I think is pretty awesome, too. I have a few other herbs started, more herbs planted in less photogenic pots, and am always looking for new, interesting (tried and true) edible additions that I haven’t added to my repertoire of care, yet. What are YOUR favorite kitchen herbs to grow and serve at home? Do you have suggestions for me to add to my garden? Drop me a note in my comments section or join our WhatAmberLoves Facebook page! We may actually start using the page this Spring! Transformation is in the air!


Your Friend, ~Amber Hamilton

by Sorelle Amore Columnist

Click Here & Follow MY Website!

Pin Up On A Budget I couldn't help notice how many requests I've been getting lately on providing some quality info on how to do the pin up look on a budget. Click here to discover how to do the pin up look on a budget A lot of women are under the impression you have to spend a truckload of cash to look the part. Well you can...if you really want to buy the most expensive original vintage pieces or keep updating your wardrobe with hundred dollar dresses! But...I'd rather be smart with money about getting the look. And I'm sure you're in the same position too. Click here to discover how to do the pin up look on a budget Stay beautiful... Sorelle Page 105

Shasie’s Picks

Follow Me: Twitter Facebook

I don’t know about you, but I’m happy that April is over! Hopefully the rainstorms will go away and we’ll be left with beautiful sunshine. In honor of the “hopeful” return of the sun, this month’s picks are themed for bright colors.


by Shalanda Turner Fashion Editor

2. Handbags

1. Michael Kors 2. Kate Spade

Page 106

2. 3.




1. Nail Polish, Neon by Essie 2. Nail Polish, Make Mine Lime by Nicole by OPI 3. Kate Spade Patent Heel 4. Michael Kors Neon Snake Skin Sneaker Page 107

With Lisa Wynter

Spring Preggo Swag I've only about 10 more weeks to go, and while I CANNOT WAIT to be out of my pregnant body, I'm on a mission to stay cute while I am in this new skin. Well, cute on the cheap, of course! Top/Leggings: Forever 21 Shoes: Steve Madden (purchased at Marshall's)

Click Here To Watch Page 108

Page 109


Confessions of A Hollywood


By: Marina BerBeryan

Page 110 MarinaBerBeryan.com


a mommy,

wife and daughter first and fashionista second. I’ve been getting compliments on my performance in both departments (which is so flattering) and I cannot tell you how excited and thankful I am to have such a beautiful family and career at the same time. It’s not every day, however, that a major designer ‘Likes’ your fashion picks (I may work with some big names, but yes, even I get star struck). I can only say that having Roberto Cavalli like several of our fashion photos on Instagram was definitely a highlight for this month. Another highlight for me was styling the always stunning Carissa Rosario, who is wearing @GaroHzor for NFL Draft Week in New York!

Celebrity best kept skin

Page 111

For those who may not know, my family is Armenian and we proudly commemorated the Armenian Genocide with our children in tow. This was a proud day for us as a family because of the deep history and wealth of learning we have to pass onto future generations, and hopefully prevent tragedies like this in the future. Remember, those who fail to know their history are surely doomed to repeat it.

Page 112

I am also thrilled for my beautiful mother and her amazing spa. Valentina MedSpa is a cutting edge, private spa in Hollywood and proudly boasts a number of celebrity clients. Whether you’re prepping for a big event or simply taking a vested interest in improving your complexion, Valentina MedSpa is the place for you. We would highly encourage anyone who is coming to Hollywood this year on vacation to book in early to avoid disappointment, as we reveal an exciting new treatment that has kept our appointment list busier than ever! One of the latest skin care secrets comes from Japan and is one of the most exclusive treatments available in only a handful of exclusive spas around the world. I am so proud to say that Valentina MedSpa is one of them! Many celebrities come to Valentina MedSpa for this special treatment. Click on the link below to watch Michelle Karam & Michelle Ebbinfrom Moms Gone Zen reveal this shocking celebrity beauty secret! You'll be amazed!

Click Here to Watch!


Page 115

A Bit Quackers

Q: How do you organize a space party? A: You planet.

Submit your jokes to Content@HatTrickMagazine.com

Page 116

To Do Book T ra Tickets in Pen re fill Cat Fo s od



Have Your Say! Write to the Editor or any of our writers on content@HatTrickMagazine.com We are also seeking writers on the subject on books for Kindle and additional writers who can provide business, marketing and technical tips. Email us for more information.

Page 117

Bespoke Jewellery

Fully hand-crafted jewelry, custom made according to your specification in Great Britain. Beautiful custom metalwork with a focus on metal patterns combined with beads, pearls or gemstones. Completely unique Visit the website for more details on creating your Inner Fyre experience.


ISSUE 8 MARCH 2013 - £3


SAMPLE MAGAZINE Full 80 page magazine can be bought from www.cakemasters.co.uk


Look beautiful while you bake SPECIAL: MY MACARON

Love Affair


Inside the edible hotel



New Range of Sugars! 1

Introducing our rich Golden Syrup cane sugar. This beautifully distinctive, British inspired sugar has a luscious lingering sweetness. Splendid for moist cakes, fruity desserts or a super shimmering glaze.

ired, buttery nean inspan ra er it ed inspired M From own to Mayster light soft br ca en ld fine go


OF TAST ing /welovebak

105008 T&L Golden Syrup Sugar Master A4.indd 1


.co.uk tasteandsmile

21/03/2013 13:32

From the Editor



Cake Masters Magazine March Issue Welcome to the March issue of our magazine, where we have lots of exciting features and great articles. Firstly a massive thanks to Jen, from Jen’s Just Desserts for including a macaron recipe in the issue. Macarons have been a big fail for me until I started using Jen’s recipe. You must try it out and tell me what you think, it has to be the easiest macaron recipe around with no need for any hot sugar syrup bother. Secondly, thanks again to Jen for coming with me to the Tate & Lyle Tasting House in London and taking some awesome photos of the eight rooms we got eat our way through. This leads me quite nicely onto our special feature of the Tasting House. Tate and Lyle have come out with a new range of sugars which were launched at the Tasting House last week. Thanks to Emma (also known as) Miss Cakehead; Lorna Wing, Mischief PR and Tate and Lyle for the warm invitation and unique experience. Another key feature of this issue is the very special coverage of Cake International. We have Ceri Roberts a competitor at the show reviewing the day, Jessica Rabicano Sweet telling us about her VIP experience at the show - an experience that you too can by entering our Fairytale Competition. Top prizes for the competition are a pair of VIP passes to the London Cake International Show in April. The best thing that I like about the shows are the competition cakes. The level of detail on some of the cakes can be so easily missed when viewed which is why we have tried to feature focused shots of detail so that you can enjoy the cakes all over again. There is so much more packed in this issue that we had to leave out Mother’s Day featured cakes as well as the News section. Fear not though, we still have a great tutorial from Lou at Cake-ylicious and two fantastic interviews from Paul’s Creative Cakes and That Little Cake Boutique to mention a few! I really hope you enjoy our second officially printed edition; as always I would love to hear any feedback from you.

Rosie x

SAMPLE MAGAZINE Full 80 page magazine can be bought from www.cakemasters.co.uk

Front cover credit: Jen’s Just Desserts Themes to come in other issues later this year: Chocolate, Fashion, Man cakes, Kids Cakes, Cupcake editions, Wedding Cake edition, Cookies, Handbags and shoes, Flowers edition, Halloween, Christmas and much more! If you have content, or would like to get involved please email editor@cakemasters.co.uk 3




B AKING ~ DECORATING ~ S H A R I N G 3 From the Editor 6 Discover a new range of sugars from Tate & Lyle 9 Sweet Dreams - Tasting House SPECIAL 18 Feature - The Alternative Afternoon Tea 20 My Macaron Love Affair 23 Recipe: Perfect Macarons 29 Profile: The Little Macaron Shop 33 Exclusive: The Apron Boutique 36 Interview: Paul’s Creative Cakes 40 Tutorial: Floating Beer Can 45 Shopping: Baking Wish List 49 Interview: That Little Cake Boutique 55 Review: Manchester Cake International - Ceri Roberts 57 Exclusive: The VIP Experience at Cake International 59 Competition: Win VIP Passes to London Cake International 60 Exclusive: Cake International Special

Pictures from the tasting house



Feature DISCOVER A NEW RANGE OF SUGARS Tate & Lyle Sugars is introducing a major innova7on in the world of sugar with the new ‘Taste Experience’ range -­‐ their first complete range of golden and brown sugar.

dis7nct and lingering sweetness to any dessert -­‐ to the large amber crystals of Guyanese-­‐inspired Demerara, which add crunch and texture, each new sugar has a unique flavour profile and texture developed to enhance the flavour of your baking.

Inspired by regions from around the world, the eight new and dis7nctly different Fairtrade sugars showcase the diversity of flavour and texture available exclusively from cane sugar. Only cane sugar can produce the brown and golden sugars needed to enhance the flavour of your baking.

Part of the Taste Experience innova7on includes crea7ng a new sugar crystal size which enables more flavour to be carried per grain. This improves baking performance by crea7ng more air bubbles for beRer ‘creaming’ as well as increasing the ability to hold moisture, preven7ng baked goods from drying out quickly.

The Taste Experience range is about more than just adding the sweetness of white sugar; it’s about flavour, texture and appearance. From the rich and bold Bri7sh-­‐ inspired Golden Syrup sugar -­‐ perfect for adding a

“Sugar should not be just about adding sweetness to your culinary creations, but about adding subtle flavour differences; the tasting notes included on pack really help to highlight these. Whether you’re looking for a light, subtle sugary note or a fruity, sweet-spiced kick, the new range will help to bring out the flavour of all your kitchen creations.” Lorna Wing Food Consultant and Chef

Available from Waitrose, Ocado and Tesco 6





British Inspired Golden Syrup Medium Bodied Rich, Flavour Strength 3 The Bri7sh journey is inspired by Abram Lyle, who in 1883 began refining on the banks of the river Thames. The unique flavour of golden syrup has been enjoyed around the world ever since, and remains to this day a Bri7sh treat. The Golden Syrup sugar is rich, bold and beau7fully dis7nc7ve with a luscious, lingering sweetness. Splendid for: adding to fruit desserts, marvellously moist cakes and to make a shimmering glazes for sweet and savoury dishes. A Bri7sh-­‐inspired Golden Syrup sugar room, with a giant two metre long golden-­‐syrup lion, patrio7c treacle tarts in the shape of the Bri7sh Isles and a giant tower of donuts.

Cake ar7sts -­‐ Kate Shirazi, (Cakeadoodledo), Rosalind Miller, All Mine Pa7sserie, Eat My Flowers, Sarah King and Carina’s Cupcakes



Barbados Inspired Dark Muscovado Full Bodied Rich, Flavour Strength 5 The Barbadian journey celebrates the s7cky intense dark sugars tradi7onally know as ‘Barbados’ or ‘Moist’ sugars that characterise this rich territory’s contribu7on to cane sugar in the sunshine. Dark Muscovado sugar has an intensively rich and aroma7c molasses flavour with a moist, fudgy texture. Great for: adding extra depth and strong treacle-­‐toffee notes to savoury barbecue marinades and classic fruit cakes. A Barbados-­‐inspired library, with edible shells, and beau7ful hand-­‐painted cookies, fruit cakes and floren7nes showcased as museum features inside vintage glass jars, all made from Barbados inspired Dark Muscovado sugar.

Cake ar'sts -­‐ Sarah Hardy Cakes and Nevie Pie Cakes




Travel ~ Taste ~ Try

by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts www.jensjustdesserts.co.uk


A"ernoon Tea wi# Jen

Sometimes I really do have to pinch myself! Actually, it happens quite often...like the first time I went for afternoon tea at the Ritz in London, and like the last time (last month) I went for afternoon tea at the Ritz in Muscat. Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, I just never thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever be in the Middle East, let alone indulging in afternoon tea, celebrating Valentine’s Day in Muscat, Oman away from the freezing cold and snow of England. But that’s exactly what happened…

Oh-­‐emm-­‐gee!!! Just have a gander at the stunning and opulent lobby, where our semi-­‐formal aaernoon tea (AT) was served. Although we had visited the Al Bustan Palace a few years ago, it s7ll never fails to wow me. So yeah, I couldn’t stop looking around (and couldn’t stop snapping pictures) of the gorgeousness surrounding us. So there we were, in and amongst the bling, a flowing fountain, cool marble… when to my surprise a very tradi7onal English-­‐style AT arrived (delivered by very aRen7ve staff, I must add): complete silver-­‐service poured breakfast tea, with finger sandwiches, scones with cloRed cream and jam, mini-­‐cakes and tartlets. Everything was beau7fully presented and tasted scrump7ous, especially the warm scones, which were like a liRle taste of Britain, in the middle of the Middle East! Any 7me I am fortunate enough to travel, to do/see/ experience new things, I am reminded of one of my favourite travel quotes ever: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain … and then I pinch myself! 10


SAMPLE MAGAZINE Full 80 page magazine can be bought from www.cakemasters.co.uk

My Macaron

Love Affair Courtesy of Ladurée OK, so I blame my Mum and Dad-­‐in-­‐Law for my macaron madness! It really is all their fault, because ever since they brought me back a box of Ladurée macarons from the Côte d'Azur about a decade ago, I have been obsessed. I mean C’MON! they really are bite-­‐sized bits of sweet/ crunchy/chewy heaven, available in almost every colour/ flavour combina7on you desire. What’s not to love?

my friends who was also in town at the same 7me men7oned she couldn’t get in due to the excessive queue!) But I visited at just the right 7me for a spot of tea. You will be wowed by the selec7on of macarons and pa7sserie op7ons; perhaps you will have some 7me to dine in the lovely silver parlour. Hopefully it’s not too busy/crowded so you can spend some 7me ogling their gold-­‐gilded macaron display towers, rows and rows of colourful and beau7ful macs, tartlets, religieuse and many other baked goods . Whether you stay for a lovely and rela7vely inexpensive tea and cake break, or you just pop in for some ‘macarons to go,’ it is a worthwhile experience and one you won’t soon forget… it may even turn you into a macaron-­‐stalker!

Here comes a liRle confession from me: Ladurée macarons are actually not my favourite macarons in the whole wide world. Once I started tas7ng different macs here, there and everywhere, and also once I started making them myself, I realised that there are beRer versions out there. But that aside…when I visited Paris last month, a trip to the Ladurée mothership on the Champs-­‐Élysées was a must-­‐do (and a challenge, as one of

Travel ~ Taste ~ Try 11


Recipe Step 10

SAMPLE MAGAZINE Full 80 page magazine can be bought from www.cakemasters.co.uk

Once piped, tap your baking sheet on your workspace a few times to get the air bubbles out, then allow to rest at room temperature for about 30 minutes, or until the tops of your macarons are dry to the touch. After the macarons have dried, reduce your oven temperature to 165 degrees Celsius, and put your baking sheet in for the first 5 minutes. You should see the “feet” of the macarons formed after these first five minutes. Then, turn the baking sheets a half turn to ensure even baking for a further five minutes.

Step 8 Use any batter leftover on your spatula to paste down the corners of your parchment paper onto your baking trays.

Step 11 After the full 10 minutes of baking time, remove from the oven and let the macarons cool on the tray with parchment paper for about 10 minutes. Then gently peel the macs off the parchment paper and allow to cool further and dry out on a cooling rack for at least 30 minutes before filling. You can fill with ganache, or any other fillings of your choice, but here’s an easy one that I often use because you can add any flavours/ colourings you wish! 12


Serve and enjoy! Note: If you are not serving immediately, be sure you store them in a solid container in the fridge, but allow your macs to come back to room temperature before eating.

Travel ~ Taste ~ Try 13


Profile Cake Masters was excited to catch up with Stephen Maddock who has a real passion for macarons.

“ My name is Stephen

Maddock and I am a 41 year old chef. AGer leaving school I trained as a professional baker for 2 years, but then moved away from cooking soon aGer. I’ve always had a crea've nature and struggled to s'ck to any one thing. More than 20 years later and aGer the birth of our beau'ful daughter, once again, I found myself working with food. I’d made the decision to start my own business some 'me ago, but the details of what exactly hadn’t come together yet. I visited a few countries (Spain, Holland, Russia, Czech Republic) to get inspira'on and made the

decision to create an ‘eat in bakery’. I’d visited a couple on my travels, but had never seen one in Liverpool. All I needed was a signature item. I enrolled onto a course at Liverpool community college and qualified at NVQ level 3 in professional cookery. It was during this training that I made my first ever macaron. My lecturer had just won ‘Masterchef the Professionals’ and had returned to give a special dinner to a group of select guests. I was assigned to the pastry sec'on and macarons were on the menu. Continued >>



The Apron Boutique HELPING YOU Stay stylish while you bake Beautifully made vintage style aprons in a range of different designs from Anthropologie

SAMPLE MAGAZINE Full 80 page magazine can be bought from www.cakemasters.co.uk 15


Aprons handmade from Mrs Madden

Glamorous aprons from Apron Couture

WIN These gorgeous aprons are handmade by Apron Couture. These lovely aprons come in black, blue, red and purple. To win one of these lovely aprons all you have to do is decide what colour apron you would like to win, and post a black, blue, purple or red coloured cake on Apron Couture’s facebook wall. If you fancy winning the purple apron shown, all you have to do is post a purple coloured cake on their wall! Simple as that. Winners will be judged by Cake Masters and Apron Couture and will be announced on Saturday 6th April 2013. Good Luck!



Beautifully hand painted and custom made by Callicious Cakes

A range of gorgeous aprons from Iced Gems Shop

Bold print designs from Cherry Pie Couture

A range of designs from Albeys that come with matching kitchen accessories

A range of stylish but fashionable aprons from John Lewis

Very cool aprons from Captain Leisure Tees that are available with a range of awesome designs!



Interview Paul is a talented baker and artist. His cakes have a style and design which are instantly recognisable, and are finished to an extremely high standard. Q: Tell us about you and your family I`m 40 years old (just) and I live on my own on the outskirts of Colchester, Essex. I have an older sister who lives on the other side of Colchester and my Mum and Dad live in the town centre. We have all lived in the Colchester area for all of our lives. I know a lot of people moan about where they live, but I love Colchester, mainly because of its history and I can`t see myself moving any7me soon. I lea school at 16 and became a Y.T.S chef and I worked 5-­‐6 days a week in a restaurant kitchen and then one day a week at collage gesng qualified. I worked my way up the kitchen business in restaurants and bistros in the Colchester and Ipswich area for the next 22 years. The final 4-­‐5 years of my “chef life” was as a pastry chef at a bistro in Ipswich which was where work colleagues and friends started asking me to make birthday cakes. When cake requests started to increase, I decided to start making cakes full 7me, which was just over 2 ½ years ago.


Paul from Paul’s Creative Cakes Cake Masters is a total fan of Paul’ Pauls work and has stalked the galleries on Pauls facebook page ever Paul’ since locking eyes on his awesome ice-cream sundae cake!



Floating Beer Can


SAMPLE MAGAZINE Full 80 page magazine can be bought from www.cakemasters.co.uk

By Lou at Cake-y-licious 19


Step 7 The mouth of the can is really important. Don’t fill the whole thing with a huge blob of sugarpaste but make sure the dowel can’t be seen. Try to create some movement and clear some space in the mouth of the can. This can be a bit tricky around the sharp can opening so use the end of a teaspoon or a sugarcraa tool to help you shape the sugarpaste in this area.

Step 8

Tutorial from Louise Chamberlain at Cake-y-licious

Insert your suspended can into your beer mug cake and spend the next hour gazing at your crea7on in amazement -­‐ it doesn’t maRer how many 7mes I make this I s7ll stare at it when it’s finished ;o)

If you would like to submit a tutorial for the magazine, please email editor@cakemasters.co.uk




Wish List

Decorated with a delighwul pink toile paRern with a delicate black scallop edge, finished with a sa7n bow Sugarcra= Bou>que £1.49

Unique cupcake gia box to hold 1 cupcake in a preRy bird house design Li4le Cupcake Boxes £1.75

Pack of three gorgeous vintage doily boxes The Cupcake Co £3.95


A stylish cupcake box for 4 cupcakes with bright flower decora7ons and a gingham roof with deckle edge Carina’s Cupcakes £2.70


Must have oven thermometer, perfect for measuring actual temperature while baking Lakeland £3.99

Beau7fully designers upper cake mould leRers designed by Martha Stewart Cakey Bake £9.95

16 piece decora7ng piece set for all your piping needs The Cake Decora>ng Company £11.99


Set of three beau7ful blossom plungers. Largest size 5cm, smallest size 3cm. Use to make beau7ful veined blossoms in different sizes. Le Beau Cake £8.99

Springerle house on the hill bouquet ribbon border mould Babycakes & Roses Cakecra= £35

Gorgeous jewel mould from First Impressional. This mould will make any cake the centre of aRrac7on. The Cake Decora>ng Company £16.99

30 duo piping bags perfect for two tone buRercream swirls Lakeland £3.99


Delicious blue shimmer edible pearls made from pure belgian white chocolate with a crispy centre The Cupcake Co £2.35

Set of 4 stainless steel ball tool set perfect for shaping, frilling petals and leaves Carina’s Cupcakes £10


FEATURED PRODUCT: ORNATE FRAME MOULD A great mould for crea'ng a elegant picture frames on your cupcakes and cakes. Three different designs in one mould -­‐ use alone to create quirky cupcakes or with edible prints for that perfect personalised look. Cakey Bake £9.25

Love Laura Lane

Gills Cupcake Corner

GET INSPIRED: The following cakes have been decorated with frame moulds

Mon Cottage Cupcakes



Ar7san Stand Cake Mixer -­‐ Pink 4.8L By Kitchen Aid The Cake Decora>ng Company £429.99

A beau7ful white birdcage style cake stand Party Parade £9.99

Vintage Style Glass Cake Stand John Lewis £20

Hope and Greenwood Cupcake Cases -­‐ Pack of 90 John Lewis £6


Wish List 24


Interview Jerri's passion for cake decorating began in 2005 when she designed and decorated her daughter's christening cake. We have seen her business grow from strength to strength and Jerri is one of the most hardworking and determined people we know! Cake Masters caught up with her to find out more.


Jerri from That Little Cake Boutique

Q: Tell us about you and your family I live with my two children Teagan (aged 8) and Taylor-­‐James (TJ) (aged 2). I have just recently started da7ng someone new, so am lucky to be in the new and exci7ng stage of a rela7onship! I only have a small house which we rent from my father. Aside from being busy with the business I also aRend a lot of appointments every week because of my children. Teagan has ADHD/ODD and was diagnosed nearly two years ago. We have family history of the condi7on, but unfortunately it does not make it any easier to deal with! I find it very difficult as people are very quick to judge and label her as a ‘naughty child’ and that I must be a bad parent. What they do not realise is that the condi7on affects the brain and she cannot help it.



Review Manchester Cake International 8-10 March 2013 EventCity My name is Ceri Roberts and I am a working mother of two with a chao7c schedule. I took up cake decora7ng as a hobby 3 years ago, making themed cakes for enthusias7c 4 year olds and my family for my own pleasure. I am a natural learner and have been able to develop some moderate skills on my own; enough to consider entering Cake Interna7onal 2012 at the NEC last year in the sculpted novelty cake category. I came away with a cherished bronze medal, lots of new and exci7ng cakey friends and a strong sense of purpose….suffice to say from that point on I had the bug. So I decided to enter at the new Manchester show, this 7me in the decora7ve exhibit category. I wasn’t disappointed. Although the show

Ceri Roberts

(in its first year) is clearly not the throbbing mass that Birmingham has become; the atmosphere was decidedly more open and friendly. Instead of using your elbows to get near the stalls, there was a far more leisurely pace to everything. It was busy, but just less of “survival of the fiRest” experience that the other shows can be. Having learned a big lesson from transpor7ng our entries to Birmingham at ridiculous o’clock, my friend (and fellow compe7tor) Debbie PoRs and I decided to stay in the Trafford Centre, near the venue. That couldn’t have been easier to do; Event City is ideally located for access from the motorways and there are more than a few decent budget hotels virtually on the doorstep.

Frankly this was the best decision we made all weekend….as when the alarm failed to go off and we woke up screaming at 7.30am, it only took us 30mins to get up, out and into the venue to unload (apologies to anyone who had to witness my haggard and dishevelled appearance that morning!). The way they managed the compe7tors in and out was very orderly and calm, lesng us drive into the back of the venue and travel hardly any distance with our precious entries. I am sure as the show grows year on year this will have to change; but for us, the ease of the process was a welcome start. I “set up” next to the lovely Gaynor Hart with her gorgeous vintage Continued >>

Debbie Potts 26



TheVIP Experience at Cake International By Jessica Rabicano Sweet

Jessica Rabicano Sweet was our Professional Valentines Competition winner who won VIP passes to Machester Cake International. You could also win a pair of VIP passes for Cake International – The Sugarcraft, Cake Decorating & Baking Show at the ExCeL, London by entering our fairytale competition. Jessica tells us about her amazing VIP day which she shared with her mum. From the moment we stepped inside the Event Centre we were made to feel special, we then collected our free show guide and were directed to an entrance without a queue. Once inside we were welcomed by the usual hustle bustle of a cake show but this 7me for me it felt completely different… My mum and I found our way to the VIP sec7on to check out what it was like and arrived at a cordoned off area to the lea of the bakery theatre. We were greeted by a lovely warm smile and in we went -­‐ I recall having buRerflies in my tummy at this point. We both sat down at a table and ordered two coffees, they were brought promptly to us by a smartly dressed young man. Just as we were chasng and looking at the order of when Mary Berry would be around, another smartly dressed member of staff walked past us carrying a tray of hot freshly baked pastries, the smell was just so invi7ng! 27


WIN VIP PASSES to Cake International - The Sugarcraft, Cake Decorating & Baking Show

Prizes: Two VIP passes for the winner and a friend to Cake International London – Saturday 13th April 2013 - Fast Track Entry so you will be first through the door and avoid the queues - Free Show Guide - The chance of a front row seat at The Bakery Theatre - VIP Lounge Access which includes light refreshments - The opportunity to mingle with the celebrities of the cake world in the VIP Lounge, including Marry Berry and Paul Hollywood!! There will be two categories in which you can enter a cake Hobby Baker and Professional Baker. You can enter a cake of any size including a maximum of 12 decorated cupcakes or 12 cake pops or 12 iced biscuits. - There is only one entry per person and judging will be done by a panel of judges. To enter please email us a good quality photo to bookings@cakemasters.co.uk with: - Your full name and business name - Your category Hobby or Professional - Your facebook page name and website - Contact number

Closing date: 6th April ~ Please visit our blog for more information


Pictures displayed have been into the professional category by Brennies Cake House (top), Sheeks Cakes, Heavens Cakes, Creative Cakes by Stacey, Grace’s party Cakes (left to right)



Event Cake International


We had a fantastic time at Manchester Cake International and have dedicated the next few pages to some of the cakes exhibited at the show. When viewing cakes it is so easy to miss the intricate levels of detail, so we have included some focused shots too.

Michelle O’Brien - Silver

Jayne Stallood - Bronze



From Tracey’s Cakes Tracey Mann




Vicki Smith - Gold and Best in Show 31


Congratulations to Vicki Smith for winning Gold and Best in Show for the amazing Bella the turtle cake. Below are behind the scenes shots that show the making of the cake.



Amanda Mumbray - Bronze 33


Rose Dummer - Gold 34


Robert Daine - Silver

Rachel Trenchard - Silver 35


Gaynor Hart - Bronze 36


SAMPLE MAGAZINE Full 80 page magazine can be bought from www.cakemasters.co.uk Christna Bray - Certificate of Merit 37


Dawn Kinder - Gold

Lynee Salisbury - Silver

Molly Robbins - Gold



Lisa Wheatcroft - Gold

Rose Macefield - Gold



Hazel Jenkins - Silver 40


Janet Dobie - Gold 41


Amanda Mumbray - Bronze 42


Geraldine Chiu - Silver 43


Hannah Rostern - Silver 44


Tracey Louise Rothwell - Gold



Leanne Bayes - Gold

Claire Jackson - Gold

Nicola Tomlinson - Gold



Michelle O’Brien - Silver 47


Rosalind Daine - Gold 48


Anna Oats - Silver 49


Emma Ball- Gold 50


Emma Ball - Gold 51







Sign up for the 2013 London Cake Crawl REGISTER INTEREST

WIN VIP TICKETS TO CAKE INTERNATIONAL Visit our blog for more details

www.cakecrawl.com 52

Introducing our new fully flavoured Light Soft Brown cane sugar. Inspired by the Mediterranean, it brings a delicious, sweet and buttery caramel flavour to your creations, whatever you’re baking.

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21/03/2013 13:32

Copyright Hat Trick Strategies, 2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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