Hat Trick Magazine October 2015

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ISSN 2058-198X

Volume 4 • Issue 10 • October 2015 £3.00 GBP | $4.50 USD | €4




about Hat Trick (noun): 1. A sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. 2. A magic trick. We happily accept both definitions. Hat Trick Magazine is a special project targeted at sharing spiritual and professional growth with like-minded people from around the world. We share strategies that truly will change your life, business and career (with a little help from some pro friends). We’ve all been there: under/un/employed, in a bad situation, in transition, wondering what the options are and not knowing the skills we would need to get us there. We won’t lie to you. Coming out the other side isn’t easy, but we can show you what we learned along to way and help you get the confidence to turn that leaf over and pursue that which is your destiny. Knowledge is power. Not everyone fancies themselves to be an entrepreneur but the truth is, even when seeking employment these days, pulling together your resume requires some sly articulation to showcase your skills, be keyword-optimised and with a strong, personable presentation to get noticed. We feature inspirational people who have great careers, amazing businesses, tips and a host of amazing stories will inspire and amaze you. Our editors and contributors are some of the most connected in their industries and specialisms.

Hat Trick Strategies cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited coverage made by our contributors including reviews, articles, manuscripts or photographs of products, services. While every care is taken, prices, details or availability of items are subject to change and we cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit letters or correspondence received via email, social media or other communication. All advice is given in general terms or as a matter of opinion, for entertainment purposes only, and may not be exhaustive nor suitable for all situations. Always seek specialized professional advice, specifically suited to you or your business needs. Absolutely no part of this magazine should be taken as medical, professional or other advice - always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.

Hat Trick Your Life! Take control of your lifestyle, your career, your dreams and your journey. We’ll share what we know and we invite you to join us. If you or your business would like to be featured or simply would like to contribute a feature in an upcoming issue, please email us on: content@hattrickmagazine.com

© Hat Trick Strategies, 2013 All Rights Reserved

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Hat Trick Strategies

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Editor-In-Chief Michelle Fitz

Design & Illustration

Michelle Fitz Michael Thomas Hartley Eleni Sofroniou

Business & Tech Andrea Sullenger Michelle Holmes Michelle Fitz

Career & Learning Sandra Cunningham Sukh Pabial

Faith & Self Help

Karen Salmansohn Katie Clifton Joey & Michael Phelps

Style & Beauty

Michelle Fitz Rachael Pontillo Marina BerBeryan

Lifestyle & Wellness Charlene SanJenko Manish Kumar Arora Kate Spencer Michelle Fitz

Food, Home & Family Tanya Jackson Cherie DeBurger

We love hearing from you‌ content@hattrickmagazine.com

From the Editor The Politics of Leadership....................................................................................8

Cover Story Madeline Stuart: I Can I Will..............................................................................12

Business & Tech Build Your Own Personal Tribe..........................................................................24 10 Social Media Hacks......................................................................................28

Career & Learning Stay or Go?.........................................................................................................36 Adult Based Learning........................................................................................44

Faith & Self Help Karen Salmansohn.............................................................................................44 Entitle...................................................................................................................52 Lil Nipper Snapper Cartoon..............................................................................60

Style & Beauty Things We Love..................................................................................................62 Spending Time in Nature...................................................................................64 Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist...................................................................70

Lifestyle & Wellness Vicki Saunders of SheEO...................................................................................78 Your Zodiac Predictions For November 2015.................................................88 Gay or Straight: My Kid's Take On It.................................................................94 What We’re Reading........................................................................................99

Food, Home & Family Strawberry Shortcakes.....................................................................................102 Ready or Not....................................................................................................104

From the Editor



• Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Every now and then, I work with an outwardly professional and educationally qualified leader who is somehow paralysed in the face of office politics. It’s a personal bug-bear of mine and one that I find difficult to navigate.

It’s one of the biggest forms of corporate wastage and it breeds contempt for the business teams you serve in a project environment. If you are lucky enough to work for a very large company, this is easily handled through the creation of layered governance, through steering groups and project boards. No one person is responsible for any decision, in these instances. Sometimes managers need decisive action from someone bigger in the food chain in order to progress. If you aren’t lucky enough to operate in a large organization where a layering of this accountability can be created, you can be left in a lurch, watching things drift on and create quite a lot of bad blood and ill-feeling in the process with the people you are serving. And with the leader you report to, as well. That is a tricky space to be in, for any manager. You are literally damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t. Politics should be a class but it’s one that can only be learned as a skill through experience. It’s why so many good projects fail, both to deliver and to even mobilise. In these instances you need a strong leader who is long enough in the tooth to navigate these rougher waters. So what makes a strong leader? Does it involve a falsetto smile, a front of physical prowess, or perhaps eagerness to engage Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz •


after-hours to be “seen” to be effective? Is it drinking with the team after hours, even if it is at the expense of a young family? Sure, those things can help with establishing the outward appearance of leadership. Too often, particularly in the face of internal politics or fears of it, this style simply breeds impotence. It breeds failures to be assertive and take decisions where they should rightly be taken. And also, even team building after hours and being seen to always be “on” can create a team environment of pressure to live outside of balance. I am sure that you can relate in some way to a person whose style is like this, even if projects are not your specialism. I’m wondering if possibly you know someone who lives their entire life in such a passive way that they do themselves and others a disservice through their indecision. In the case of a project, it creates insane costs that could have been prevented. It creates animosity and feelings of frustration as things drift. It also creates resentment as everyone naturally wants to push forward but is powerless to do so. In the case of your personal life, it creates the feeling that your life simply happens to you. It can make you feel not in control of your own destiny and that your self-worth and abilities will be questioned if you are not always in favour with other people. If you’re not moving forward, you’re simply stuck. No matter which way you slice it. And stuck is not a very good feeling. I am sure you either know someone who, or perhaps have a tendency to shy away yourself, from having eyes and fingers pointing at you. I am not saying set the world on fire with your unilateral decision making. But I am saying that it is OK to present facts and to make a decision based on the full view presented and record why. The most important quality of a strong leader, is the ability to 10 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

make confident decisions based on facts presented by the people appointed to look after the detail. The best leaders have a certain personal charisma, an innate ability to get along but also bring others along to the right line of thinking. Sure, no one wants to ruffle feathers, but there is a fine line between wanting to get along and just letting things coast along in the wrong direction. What makes for intriguing viewing is the dishonesty and power struggle in these scenarios where weak decision-making is involved. If you are in the empowered position to make decisions, whether it is in your own life or in the direction of key work for your business, do not allow yourself to fall into the trap of politics. The most respected leaders, including those in government, are the ones who make their stance known and convey their reasons why in an up-front manner.

They don’t play all sides and deliver nothing. Believe me, by having a conviction of any sort, you are half way there.

By Michelle Fitz, Editor-In-Chief

Michelle Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz •


Cover Story

I Can I Will

Maddy is changing society’s perceptions of beauty – one photo shoot at a time Editor’s Note: We have been planning this feature on Maddy for months, chasing her story as it evolves. Hers is one that is growing every day, so keep your eye on her in the media. Here’s her story, on her life, her career and her tenacity – so far. I have a feeling the end is nowhere in sight for this shining star. Chances are, you’ve already encountered the story of Madeline Stuart. She’s a Brisbane, Australian beauty who happens to also have Down Syndrome. Last year, at a fashion parade, Maddy said, “Mum, Me Model” and the rest, as they say, was history. People with Down Syndrome often struggle with their weight, and although Maddy had already begun to address this, with her newly found goal and her mother’s support, she conquered it with a healthy eating schedule and her love of dance … to the tune of a whopping 14 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


44 pound weight loss. Within 9 months, she was in front of her first photographer and making headlines around Australia, then America, and the world. Maddy’s story is one of the underdog winning in an industry, which historically isolates even the so-called “every woman”.

And she’s taken it by storm, and with purpose. The decision to go with it, to enter and play within the industry rules while also rewriting some of her own, was one her mother did not take lightly. Her mother, Roseanne Stuart, writes, “Maddy was super excited to do her first photo shoot. As for me, I was doing it to see if she would actually like doing a photo shoot; it is one thing to say you want to do something but another is to experience how it is done and decide you actually love it. Well she loved it, and when I previewed the photos the following week, I nearly fell out of my chair. I had always known my baby girl was cute, but in these photos she was stunning.

“within a week her photos were going viral. So many people said she was an inspiration" 16 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

consulted with parents with children living with Down Syndrome before doing anything. I wanted to know what people thought about what we were doing and if the photos were too controversial; however, the feedback was phenomenal. People said the photos were in great taste and I should post them all over the world. So that is what I did. I created a public profile called Madeline Stuart on Facebook, and within a week her photos were viral. So many people said she was an inspiration. She gave people hope that their children living with Down Syndrome would achieve anything they set their mind to.�

And re-write the rules she certainly did! Madeline Stuart: I Can I Will •


Since then, Maddy has walked the catwalk in New York for auto immune awareness, and completely slayed the catwalk at New York Fashion Week this September. Maddy is only the second person with Down’s to walk at NYFW. The accolades, the awards and the deals just kept coming.

“All of us at EverMaya feel very strongly about creating a brand that is rooted in a spirit of inclusion and providing opportunities for those who begin life with barriers to success.” She secured a major deal as the face of a cosmetic company called Glossigirl, and became the first model with a disability to do so. She is now known as the first professional adult model with Down Syndrome in the world and is actually supporting herself financially. She has also successfully partnered with handbag company EverMaya, collaborating with them to design a range of fun, colourful handbags that bear her name—The Madeline—and which donates 5% of its sales to National Down Syndrome Society. Damian Graybelle, founder of EverMaya, reached out to Stuart because he believes in her mission and admires Madeline Stuart: I Can I Will •


the effect she has on others. “I think she encourages others — lets people know they aren’t alone, particularly the parents. They now have different levels of expectations for their children, whereas before there was a definite sense of "we have to limit what they can do" and now it is more about "wow, if Madeline has Down Syndrome and heart trouble and is able to be a professional model and be globally recognised, what can my son or daughter do?” “We are absolutely thrilled to work with a talent like Madeline on our newest national ad campaign,” Damian Graybelle, EverMaya’s president, said in a statement at the time. “All of us at EverMaya feel very strongly about creating a brand that is rooted in a spirit of inclusion and providing opportunities for those who begin life with barriers to success.” It doesn’t stop there – her plans for the rest of 2015 include visits to the USA, Sweden and even Russia pursuing her career. She has been nominated for Pride of Australia and the Young Australian of the Year Award. She will be receiving Model of the Year Award at Melange 2015 in San Francisco.

or her family, they believe this is just the beginning of a dream that far surpasses modelling. For the Stuarts, this is about changing the world, creating inclusion, stopping discrimination and breaking down walls of confinement. For Maddy, modelling is just the vehicle. "Someone on Madeline's Facebook said they were sick of people calling her a model with Down Syndrome. I am not tired of it. I am glad they say she is a model with Down Syndrome because it is making people aware that if you have Down Syndrome, you can still be a model or do whatever you want to do," stated Roseanne 20 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Stuart. "Madeline's mission is all about depth and heart and helping others. Modelling is all about how you look, but what we are all about is touching people lives and making that connection." addy recently become an ambassador for nonprofit, I Can I Will, which is an organization aimed at making charity cool and fun to encourage senior students in school to bridge the social gap. She also has launched Inside Outside Dance Ensemble, a free dance class aimed at making classes more accessible for those with disability, and has been nominated for Australian of The Year, 2016. Keep watching and we hope you’ll take a leaf from Maddy’s inspiring message. As Ms Stuart reminds us, “Just because you have a disability doesn’t mean you don’t offer society something. Madeline is a good example that you can get to the top, disability or not.”

And with that, we declare Madeline Stuart an official Hat Trick Cover Girl – reminding all of us you really can. . .

Support Maddy's mission & help spread the word by checking out her social media pages below!

“this is not just about modelling, this is about changing the world"

Business & Tech

Build Your Own Personal



By Andrea Sullenger 24 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

I’m betting you’ve been hearing about ‘list building’ at conferences, networking events and webinars? If you are running an online business, you need to build your list and you will create a personal tribe of members who are interested in what you do. Even brick and mortar businesses realise they can get more clients by building a list. I used to think that building my list was a painful, tough chore I had to do. I could not possibly see how there could be any element of fun to it. Now I look at it in a totally different way. List-building is fun! I get excited when new people sign up for my list, and that happens constantly because of the listbuilding tools I’m going to share with you. First of all, let me set the record straight. I have learned a lot from high-level experts and experienced entrepreneurs who happen to have massive lists. Of course they don’t just happen to have massive lists, in many cases their large list is why they are successful, so it is definitely no coincidence. Build Your Own Personal Tribe •


Now I look at it in a totally different way. List-building is fun! If you’re reading this, you likely have an auto-responder setup for your business. If not, search online, read some articles and make the move to subscribe to an auto-responder. This is how you’re going to collect the names and email addresses of your tribe and start communicating with them on a regular basis. This is not optional. It is the first step to your list-building success. Most auto-responders require you to pay a monthly fee. By using your auto-responder the right way, this can be the best-spent money you put out for your business. You will now be able to automatically collect names and email addresses of great potential clients any time of the day or night. Sounds great, right? It is!

Now that you have an auto-responder; what next? Like most entrepreneurs, you’re likely writing articles, blogs, speaking to groups, spending time on social media, doing webinars, teleseminars and sending emails. Even if you’re only doing one or two things on this list, you’ve got the right idea. Give yourself a pat on the back and jump into the next phase. Every one of the 26 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

activities on the above list is an opportunity to build your list. Your auto-responder will allow you to create opt-in forms to include in your articles, blogs, emails, webinars and social media. Even when you speak to a crowd at a live event, make sure you give them a solid reason and an easy way to join your list. Your auto-responder will have how-to videos and articles about how to create opt-in forms and get people signing up to be part of your tribe. The time you spend learning these techniques is time well spent. Don’t put this off another minute. Make the decision to jump on board and make your auto-responder work for you and your business.

You’ll feel a sense of pride knowing you’re generating business every day by building your own personal tribe!

Build Your Own Personal Tribe •




By Michelle Fitz 28 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


got a Facebook page and you’re posting like a demon. You are writing clever content and trying your best to reach the masses. You manage comments and engage with people who interact with your posts. Maybe you could go viral. That’s a word, right? Right, that’s what you want. That’s what we all want. A viral page that reaches people effortlessly, communicates our purpose and our witty, captivating content (and why you should follow our cause, buy our product, or simply care). However, your 'Likes' haven’t increased and your post views are disturbingly low.

What Gives?

There are some things you can do, however, and it’s in that spirit that I wanted to share my top ten social media hacks to boost your efforts.

1 2 3

Link it all together - from the big picture to your content and your strategy. Find synergies between what you post on your blog, Facebook page and other social media accounts including LinkedIn and Twitter. Use tools like Hootsuit to save you about 100 years of your life posting across digital forums. Decide which platform will act as the starting point for driving social media traffic and originate your content there, and sync your other accounts around the web so that you only have to post content once and the rest automatically populates. Give Pinterest a sincere chance as a contender in your regime. If you post lots of photos and back stories, final outcomes and graphics, Pinterest is a great tool to get people noticing your content who will 10 Social Media Hacks •


more than likely end up clicking through to its original source (which can be your blog or your Facebook page).


Post at least twice a day. Pages with excellent fan reach and engagement post as often as four to six times per day. However, last year saw the rise of the 'hide' function – hides and reports of spam are not your friends. If you have a lot of Likes and decent post views, then it is safe to post more frequently. But if your post views are low, remember only around 6-10% of your Likes may actually be seeing the content at a time and if you annoy them by posting too frequently, you could see your Like count decrease by 6-10% quite steadily.


Cool photo, plus text, equals recipe for a win! Caution: there is a penalty, it seems, on posts that include a link which takes a user off-site. This change came into play as of late 2013, although personally I would still include it. An image plus words and perhaps a shortened link to content on your website will attract interest from the newsfeed and the fan’s friends more effectively, than text or a simple link with 'auto thumbnail' alone will. Fact.


Don’t just paste a link and make a run for it. Be engaging! Call them to action and make it urgent. Phrases such as 'Click here for more info!' or 'Just 24 hours left in the sale, act now!' are far more effective than a simple copy-paste job. Instead of just seeing a photo, they’ll be more inclined to click the link. If your goal is to increase post engagement and drive up Likes, rather than driving people away Facebook and onto your website, use calls to action like “Show your support with a Like” or “Share this with a friend”. 10 Social Media Hacks •



It’s ok to drive traffic to a Facebook page if Likes are your objective, but do try to consider driving it toward a website to remind traffic that you’re a business (or a cause) with more to offer than witty thoughts and amusing images. It’s about awareness of your message. Doing so can increase your traffic substantially.

If you notice a particular post has performed well and people are liking, sharing and commenting like crazy, it’s worth investing a bit of money to promote it. If your fans are finding you rather clever today, there’s an excellent chance that others will see it and like your page.



Similarly, you should check your statistics and if you notice you that a post you’ve paid to promote is getting negative feedback, immediately stop the ad or promotion. All you’re doing is spending money to hurt your EdgeRank, and remember, that means that fewer existing fans will see your posts in the feed without having to pay for them.


Another brand new, amazing, promising gadget to hit our pages is Graph Search. Google has always indexed pages but it does so on the basis of page name, keywords in your about section, your custom URL and of course the name of your page. Graph Search is a game changer because it takes all of the above and syncs it with connections to your page, to calculate suggestions to how searches are actually conducted. You must optimise your page to take full advantage of this juicy feature. Edit your basic information to include category, choose concise key words which are on-point, and start tagging photos with your page name.

32 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Click ch t a to W ine! Onl


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LINDSAY MARINO Medium, Author, Speaker

Email Lindsay@LindsayMarino.com

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Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com •


Career & Learning



By Sandra Cunningham 36 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

The decision about whether it’s time to call it quits from a frustrating job or career situation is often a difficult one to fathom out If you’re like many mid-career professionals who have hit that hard place (and you may have been here before), the answer is not always clear-cut.

is an amazing little trickster – it can convince us that just about any course of action is viable. It’s mental torture. And not at all helpful.

Some days you’re ready to storm out of the office soap opera-style. Other days, things seem largely more tolerable, at least for the time being. And meanwhile the quiet, nagging questions remain: Is it time to call it quits, or should you stay and make it work?

So to help you with your choice, I invite you to take a deeper look into your situation. It might just help you find some new answers.

Well, my dear, keep on asking these questions, rack your brain, weigh up the pro's and cons, and I guarantee you’ll continue flipping and flopping until you’re driven virtually insane. The brain

Here are three great questions to help you self-coach your way out of the gridlock and get you to the truth about what’s right for you.

Stay or Go? •


1. Are you heading for long term, future fulfilment? When reinventing my career as a coach, I paid the bills by doing some lowish level, uninspiring, interim marketing roles. Despite the passion I felt for my new venture, it really pained me at times to see my former career path taking such a nose dive. All too often I’d find myself frustrated and overly pre-occupied with those soulsucking assignments, even though I had taken them for merely tactical reasons. Eventually I realised I was experiencing what every person going through a career change will know to be true: I hadn’t fully let go of my previous career identity. Furthermore the pain and discomfort of transition was blinding me from having a more healthy, balanced and realistic view of my situation. What about you? Take a look back at the reasons why you originally chose your current job. Are they still valid? What is this job giving you, that is worth the investment of your time, energy and talent? In what ways is it helping you move forward? Are the frustrations that significant, when weighed against your longer term aspirations? What do you need to let go of in order to create space for the next phase of your career to materialise? Getting things into perspective helps a lot sometimes. But let’s be honest, if your current situation serves no real purpose and it’s eating you up, then it might be a good time to re-think your direction of travel. 38 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

2. What is your body telling you? Physical reactions – migraines, insomnia, repeated colds, even shingles – are among the best indicators that an unhappy job is taking its toll and we’re out of control. If you’re feeling anxious about your career, then your body can help you figure things out. Start by taking an inventory of your general physical state. Where do you hold your tension? Be it a stiff neck, rounded shoulders, or a sunken, withdrawn chest, most of us have an habitual holding pattern designed to protect us from harm, but which also consumes a lot of our energy

and flow. Sadly, when allowed to continue, this ends up robbing us of our life-force and can prevent us from experiencing real joy and satisfaction in almost every aspect of our lives. Now this may be nothing that a good walk, a chat with a friend, or an hour of massage can’t sort out, but wouldn’t prevention be a far better option?

Next time you tense up, take note. Do you feel nervous when walking into your office building? How’s your concentration; are you productive? Are you like a bear with a sore head when your over-talkative, elderly mother is just being herself? Consider what triggers the reaction each time you spot it happening. Then dig deeper to try and identify its root cause: what is the thought or belief you hold that is being challenged – or highlighted – here? Stay or Go? •


Take time to reflect on this thought or belief. How does it affect the way you experience your situation? Is there anything you can do to change either your belief or the situation? If the answer is ‘yes’, then you have something to work with. And it may not be time to bail. But if not, and deep down you know you’re a heart-attack-waiting-to-happen, then quitting your job is possibly the healthiest thing you can do.

3. What kind of work would make your heart sing? Many people stay a very long time in a bad situation because they haven’t yet figured out what else they can, or want to do with their lives. They often feel trapped, but the longer they stay put without the situation improving, the harder it is for them to remain positive or move on. It always helps to have an idea about what you want next in your career and to feel good about it – genuinely. Nobody wants a disappointed and resentful employee working in their organisation. If you do tip 40 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

over the edge and start a new job search, believe me, your true emotions will be very hard to disguise. If only from a very practical point of view, you want to be seen to be moving toward a new opportunity rather than away from a negative experience. And isn’t that a lot more motivating and worthwhile than feeling frustrated and stuck?

So, before you make any hard and fast decisions, and before you feel pushed to call it quits, invest some time and effort into you. What really makes you tick? Take the lessons you’ve learned at your current job about what does and doesn’t work for you, and turn them into a set of positive preferences. What are you really good at? What do you like to do outside of work? What did you dream about doing as a child, but had all that ‘nonsense’ knocked out of you in later years?

Once you have some ideas, don’t delay in taking action. From action, more ideas and solutions are guaranteed to emerge. Try to make a little progress each day – calling someone who works for a company you’re interested in, reading about a new field or joining a professional association. Do it gradually. And stick with it. Don’t imagine that you have to decide now and make an immediate, gigantic leap into your next job – this is one of the biggest causes of inertia and seldom works, especially if the

…quitting your job is possibly the healthiest thing you can do. Stay or Go? •


desired change is significant, yet still unclear. You may even find that your next job is sitting right under your nose and you don’t need to go anywhere. By giving yourself permission to start exploring the different options available to you, you’re likely to discover that the question is no longer about whether to stay or leave; it’s really a question of ‘what you will do’ and ‘when’.

Make resigning a smart choice, not a desperate one. Finally, for most of us, there comes a time when we’re forced to face what we’ve really known for some time – that we’ve been flogging a dead horse for far too long and it’s time to take more positive steps. Remember, you don’t have to move on straight away – you can make up your mind that whether you stay or leave, you’re in control.

Set a goal or deadline that takes into account your short term needs, savings, level of dissatisfaction and any other relevant factors. But whatever you do, make up your mind that resigning will be the smart choice…

42 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Adult Based



By Sukh Pabial 44 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Andragogy: the method and practice of teaching adult learners; adult education. Noun "much has been written about andragogy in general education circles over the past fifty years"


L&D practitioners there is probably a reasonable assumption that we understand what it means to design learning solutions which are suited for adults. After all, we’re working in organisations full of adults (mostly), and our role is to help them develop required skills or learn knowledge which will help them be more effective at work. The typical approach to going through learning tends to be the method we all know and are familiar with. Turn up to a session, be told what the objectives are, be taken through content, be given a model to work with, do some activities and complete some actions. Hey presto, you’ve learned said skill/knowledge and you’re now going to be more effective. My problem with this, and actually the problem for the profession, is that this approach assumes much on the part of the L&Der, and takes little account of the adults you’re working with. For certain topics, such as health and safety or learning any range of technical skills, this approach can work because there will tend to be high applicability to the day to day functioning. For most other topics, though, this pedagogical approach just isn’t appropriate for adults. Adult Based Learning •


Consider this

when you have needed to attend a course or a programme, what was useful about the learning you received? Some part of it would have been about the content, but the most part of your learning would have probably come from the discussions had about the content, your experience of the content and your insights you derived from the content. Was that driven by the facilitator, by yourself, or through discussion with others on the course? Quite likely a mix of that, but most courses aren’t designed to facilitate adult learning, they’re designed to facilitate classroom based learning.

Consider also

e-learning that has been poorly designed and is simply about 'click next with screen after screen of text and forced choice questioning'. Aside from the UX and Instructional Design of the e-learning, what most likely hasn’t been considered is how do adults learn using a digital tool like this? The best design of e-learning I’ve seen for adults is when the content is engaging, you can develop insights from it, and you’re presented with a range of content including pictures, audio, video, case studies and text (obviously not altogether).

46 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

"[Androgogy] assumes at its core that adults are capable of selfdirected learning and that given the right environment, they can enter into their own learning" Andragogy, the practise of adult based learning, is a concept I was introduced to a while ago by Conor Moss (the legendary academic practitioner from Sheffield). It assumes at its core that adults are capable of self-directed learning and that given the right environment, they can enter into their own learning, at their pace, with a desire to learn and know what to do next. For any of you who have attended unconferences, you will be familiar with this style of approach. In the formal learning context, I think we can do more of this, and less of the pedagogical approach.

Putting this into practise means doing things like‌ Adult Based Learning •


Asking a group to carry out an activity with a clear brief. Once they’re done, explain the purpose of what the activity was for, and ask the group to discuss their insights as they completed it. Once they’ve discussed it, to share with others in the room about their experience of the activity and what they learned.

Posing a question to the group, letting them discuss it and allowing them to direct the conversation as they see fit.

With clear guidance on how to use digital tools, asking them to research a topic or read an online article on a topic and then openly discussing and sharing their insights with one another.

Carrying out reflective practise in relation to their experience of the topic at hand. When have they had to apply this topic before? What did they do? How did they feel? What was their experience of it? What did they learn? What did they feel challenged by? Reflective practise is a highly useful tool to be able to encourage adults to think about their own experience, derive their own insights and learn something about the topic they may not have considered before. 48 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


I’ve applied an andragogical approach to learning design and facilitation, I have faced some challenges I hadn’t expected. People still need clear guidance on what you want them to achieve. They can’t just be left to their own devices with a topic. That’s mostly because they’re in unfamiliar territory. But, they have enough wherewithal to complete an activity, so just be clear on why they’re doing something, and what you’re asking them to do, and they’ll be off. People still need a set time and place to be, in order to complete their learning. Ask them to self select and self motivate, and they’ll get caught up in the day to day operations. Give them a clear date and time to be somewhere to do something, and they’ll make it happen. You have to help them develop their applicability of the content. They’re quite happy having great discussions, but not all are good at understanding how to apply the content. I find this approach to learning design and facilitation to be far more challenging as a facilitator and practitioner as it means I need to do more than just know content, deliver content and evaluate content. It means I’m actively working with the content and the adults I’m with to create a rich learning environment.

And I don’t always provide the right clarity or guidance I should, but it’s been a really valuable learning journey in understanding how to deliver adult based learning. Adult Based Learning •


Faith & Self Help


By Karen Salmansohn



ear Friends, I have missed you. I have missed sharing the truths God reminds me of and how He whips me into shape. I have missed emailing with you and praying for you over the past few months and I want to ask you to pray for me to remain committed to sharing my journey.


By Katie Clifton, Christian Columnist 52 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

"God loaned me four little people and I am supposed to not screw them up!" Writing is something I know God has asked me to do for Him and It has been too long since I sat down with this computer. I like to call it writers block, because it sounds nicer than disobedience. But here I am. Again. Sharing the mire I get stuck in and ever so thankful for the manna He reigns down on me.


warning for you, dear friends: Please do not encourage me to cut my kids some slack. Please do not remind me that they are normal. I am not trying to raise 'normal' kids (witty and full of clever sarcasm, yes. But not normal). My calling is to raise godly people, who care for others, who embrace humility, who love radically, clothed in the love of Jesus.

Now, we may proceed.

A few months ago, one of my children and I had come to a Jesus meeting after she was repeatedly caught not taking care of her clothes. Her closet was basically declared a natural disaster. During our encounter in the closet, I may or may not have completely lost my cool. I ended our little meeting with, “You will not be ungrateful. You will be a good steward. And you will learn Entitle •


this by purchasing all of your own clothes until this lesson has been learned!” (Yes, I know. Worst mum ever.) I walked away from tear filled blue eyes that screamed the anger I know she must have been feeling inside. I am certain I felt the same emotions when my own mum was angry over the very same things with me 20 years ago. This conversation took place just as the summer was about to begin and this particular child was in need of summer attire. And do you know what? She bought them. All of them. Her swim suit, shirts, shorts, a dress, flip flops, everything – I am just that mean. It is a good thing this particular child is a hoarder of money. Let’s just all agree I am a tough mum, shake hands and move on. OK? Thank you.


fast forward into the summer. Another child approached me with a great argument in favour of an allowance. “I mean, mum, we do a lot. The dishes, the trash, we keep our rooms clean, we help with laundry, I am learning to mow … I just think, you know, that maybe we could get paid for our work.” I stared at him for a good minute without talking. Just blinking. No talking. This is a scare tactic I prefer to use to allow our kids to rethink something they just said to me. He nervously smiled and then said, “OK, I will just keep doing all of that stuff and be glad I get to eat. OK?” Now if you knew this kid, you would know he was actually pretty serious. He got shot down but he took a minute to realise he is thankful for what he has. He quickly walked away and as I am writing this, I am now fairly certain he was hiding the same angry blue eyes his sister had flashed me months before. You may be reading this thinking, "Katie is strict. Katie is unfair. I

54 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

God loaned me four little people and I am supposed to not screw them up. I want to teach them to be thankful for the good gifts we have. give my kid an allowance, so what?” And you would be right. If you give your kids an allowance, that is awesome. My intentions are not to criticise you – at all. I had one. I turned out pretty good. And if our son presents the same argument in a few more years, I just might cave in. So, I am not saying never – just not now.


wrestle with motherhood far more frequently than I admit. My mum tells me to cut myself some slack (mums always know best) and maybe I should. But God loaned me four little people and I am supposed to not screw them up. I want to teach them to be thankful for the good gifts we have, since all good gifts come from above. I want to teach them to appreciate the little things and all things. I want to teach them to work hard, to not hold their hands out for more, to give to those who ask, to love and serve with generosity and gentleness.

Being a mum is so hard sometimes. My flesh wants to spoil them rotten, yet I get angry when they sound entitled. My flesh wants to offer them the world, yet I don’t want them to expect the world to be handed to them on a silver platter. Our 'bigs' are getting bigger by the minute and I am realising the years I have left to lead them will Entitle •


pass so very quickly. It makes my stomach feel sick thinking about it. I sat down today and prayed for them, for an uninterrupted hour. I told the Lord my fears. I asked Him to show me how to teach all four of our children how to be thankful in all circumstances, to be content and joyful. I told the Lord that I was not sure how to raise kids in a consumer culture where materialism is our way of life. I know the Lord has asked me to cultivate characteristics in them that are counter-cultural. I desperately want to not raise normal kids – I want to raise kids with an eternal perspective. And just like Jesus, He heard my prayer and then He spoke words I needed to hear: “Katie are you modelling gratitude in your own life? They are watching you. Katie, are you giving thanks to Me in all circumstances? When you have little? When you have plenty? Katie, have your eyes been open lately to the people I have placed in front of you to love? Are you joyful or just happy?”


occurred to me that I am the issue and not my kids, not society, and not even my disciplinary techniques. The model before them is a broken one. My husband and I use to serve the homeless weekly, with our oldest kids beside us. We ate with homeless friends, we gave out hygiene kits and meals, I provided haircuts and we grew to love the least. Our kids knew them all by name. Our kids would ask their homeless friends how they were feeling and they would hug them and engage them in conversation. We took them to Kenya. We loved on orphans. We hugged and played and laughed and cried with children who have nothing. We all fell in love with the least. And the last big mission for our family was 17 months ago. Seventeen months. 517 days. That breaks my heart.

56 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


can I just expect children to live out actions their mum is not living? Going on a few mission trips will not permanently fix their minds and hearts for others. Adopting a few babies does not show them how to daily, live missionally. Sponsoring kids through Holt will not just automatically encourage them to be thankful for what they have. I am called to be a living example, daily. And I have been slacking. I get busy living life, working, shopping, doing laundry, consuming – existing.

I get very busy making excuses. Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica and urged them to not “live idle lives.” Oh how I have been idle. In Luke Chapter 12 Jesus tells us a parable of the rich fool. Someone yelled out to Jesus from a crowd and Jesus is quick to remind the man that life is far more than a collection of material possessions. Jesus said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.” (Luke 12:15). Paul writes again, this time to the church in Colosse, and these words are the words I need to read each day when my feet hit the floor. Applying these words to my life, daily, will teach my children more than any fit I could throw about ungratefulness and entitlement:

hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, (Katie, be patient with your kids) and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him “Since God chose you to be the to God the Father.” holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tender(Colossians 3:12-17) Entitle •


Paul wrote this while in prison for radically living out the Gospel of Jesus. I have been in chains to my excuses, my very own entitlement, chasing desires, building treasures. I have confessed it before the Lord and now I am sharing it will you. Being a mum is tough. Living a life for Jesus is tougher, but how great it is that the two go hand in hand. I think you and I have been given a wonderful gift to equip us to raise amazing people who make a Kingdom difference. The gift was Jesus. And with that knowledge, action is required.


am taking my kids to serve. I will serve along side them. I will express my thanks to God for all things and not allow my kids to hear me fuss and complain. I will be generous and joyful in my generosity. I will be intentional about living out the character traits of Christ that I am praying my children clothe themselves with. Will you join me? Can we hold one another accountable?

Do you have ideas on how to model generosity and thanksgiving with your own littles? I would love for us to share ideas, share struggles, connect and encourage one another on this journey so that we could all stand and humbly say:

G think you and I have been given a wonderful gift to equip us to raise amazing people who make a Kingdom difference. 58 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:11-13)

I love you friends. Thank you for the grace and mercy you always show me as I share my heart. I am so thankful you journey with me. Entitle •


By Joey Phelps & Michael Phelps Lil Nipper Snappers Cartoon •


Style & Beauty



By Michelle Fitz

















In Nature


By Rachael Pontillo 64 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

feel really lucky to live where I live. I’m just outside of Philadelphia, a city I fall more in love with every day, and the reason for that is because it’s not just a concrete jungle. Philadelphia has a ton of green space, and in fact, its Fairmount Park is one of the largest city park systems in the world—not the United States— the world! So I get to enjoy the benefits of the city—the arts, restaurants, science museums, historic landmarks, shopping etc, but I also get to go into the woods whenever I want to. I can hike or bike trails of varying levels of difficulty, go on herb discovery walks, or just skip stones in the creek with my kids. I have to admit that I haven’t always taken advantage of living so close to Fairmount Park, but now that I live such an electronically connected life (running online businesses and courses will do that to you), the more I feel drawn back into nature. In fact, a friend and I have buddied up to go together as often as possible before the weather gets too cold. Why is it so important to spend time in the woods?

There are probably hundreds of reasons, but here are my top four to spend more time in nature. Spending Time In Nature •


Breathe fresh air. It’s no secret that urban air is

extremely polluted, but did you know that even air in more rural areas is also polluted, due to agricultural pesticides and other airborne pollutants? The leaves of the trees, and other greenery in the forest filter the air–so the air you breathe and come into contact with in the woods is cleaner even than the air you’d breathe standing in the middle of a field.

Experience aromatherapy naturally (and safely!). Multiple

studies show that essential oils improve various areas of overall health and wellbeing–and that’s not just limited to those in the little amber bottles! When you spend time in nature–especially in wooded areas–you breathe in phytoncides (wood essential oils), which are antimicrobial volatile organic compounds derived from trees–this helps to boost the body’s immune system. Phytoncides have shown dramatic health and wellness benefits in studies.

Less brain fog. Spending time in nature has been

linked in numerous studies to higher levels of mental focus, clarity, and performance in both children and adults.

Stress management. We can’t make

all everyday stressors go away, but we can add more stress relieving activities into our lives to counteract negative effects of stress. Research shows that spending more time in nature can improve our bodies’ abilities to minimise the effects of stress, and improve mental and emotional health. 66 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Wherever you live, I encourage you to find time as often as you can to be outside in nature. Whether you live near a forest, ocean, desert, or anything in between you’ll find wonder, beauty, healing energy, and peace. Remember that we don’t live in nature–we are part of nature, and the further technology brings us away from its energies, the more we must consciously connect, often.

Bring the kids, bring a friend, or just bring yourself and see how much better you’ll feel! (By the way–the pictures on the right were taken on my last visit to Fairmount Park earlier this week. So many treasures!) Spending Time In Nature •



health & beauty.

Find simple tips & recipes at VintageAmanda.com


By Marina BerBeryan

70 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Red Carpet



I guess you can call me a red carpet veteran because I’ve been styling celebrities for Hollywood’s most coveted red carpet events, including the Academy Awards, Oscars, Golden Globes, Emmys for the past decade now. Here are some of my easy to follow styling secrets that I use for my celebrity clients through the awards season. The best part about these tips and tricks is that whether you are a celebrity or not, you can still incorporate them into your next event!


for a bolder and more saturated


of my ultimate secrets when

colour to complement your skin tone when on the red carpet, and if you are not on the red carpet this still applies to you if you’re taking photos when at a event.

trying on a dress is to ask someone to photograph you. Simply because the gown looks so much different on camera than

72 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

off camera. When you are on the red carpet with dozens of photographers it’s essential to know how to pose in a dress and show your best angle to your audience.


advice that I’d like to share with you is when finally deciding on a dress, stand in front of a tall mirror while you have the dress on and practice your pose. I say this because each gown has a different cut and shape, I usually call it personality. Mastering your poses in that particular gown is crucial in order to achieve the inspiring and radiant look you’re aiming for. It’s the finishing touch of any look. You can wear an amazing gown and look beautiful, however if you are in an awkward pose it’ll completely confuse your look. Remember, the photos taken of you at the event will result in either one of the W’s – Wow, Win or WTF!


carry your emergency kit with you whenever attending an event. This will prevent you from embarrassing moments. The emergency kit includes fashion tape, a pin, static guard, top stick and a lint roller. Additionally—and this is my fave—Shibue no-line strapless panties is a must-have in to ensure unwanted lines under your outfit.


it’s all about confidence! It’s the best accessory to carry, therefore, it’s essential that you like what you wear and that you’re comfortable. Nothing looks worse than someone who looks uncomfortable in their look!

Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


Lifestyle & Wellness




By Charlene SanJenko Photo Credit: Maggi Woo photography

78 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“Women are playing a different game, proving the old models don’t have to be our reality.”


Vicki Saunders. Over the past 25 years, Vicki has launched many models, companies, programs and initiatives all with the goal of finding a pathway to a better world. An amazing journey has lead her creating SheEO, an organization dedicated to advancing female entrepreneurs. Her history as a serial entrepreneur and funder has allowed her to make some insightful observations. Often being the only woman on panels at tech conferences and one of the few women seeking venture funding, she noticed that women are always in the minority. When she launched a venture fund only 3 of the first 400 applications came from women, and in the industry only 4% of funding goes to women. Clearly this number needs to change, but the vast majority of women don’t need this sort of venture financing … what they do need is a different model of support and finance. Earlier this year, Vicki and her team launched SheEO with a goal of answering this question:

Where are the women? Vicki Saunders: SheEO •


“A popular myth about why there aren’t more women in the game is that we’re not confident enough. Not bold enough. Risk averse. But maybe it’s because we’re refusing to play this game because we know it’s broken. One of the biggest challenges for women at work is childcare. Instead of fixing childcare, the major tech companies decided that they would pay for you to freeze your eggs so that you could stay at your desk longer and be more productive. Women are playing a different game, proving the old models don’t have to be our reality. Last year two-thirds of the businesses started in Canada were by women. Sixty-eight percent of those businesses did not need outside capital, and 73% are already profitable. We run our businesses sustainably – on our own terms. There’s a new dawn emerging. We are sure you can feel it. The largest wealth transfer in history is happening in the next ten years, and women will have control of 75% of that wealth. We’re starting businesses at twice the pace of men, and we make 80% of purchasing decisions. We are able to make decisions about what kind of world we want, how we buy, and where we want to put our money. And this wealth transfer is happening at a time when a whole new financing regime is emerging – crowdfunding. Women are four times as likely to be funded in a crowdfunding campaign than through traditional means.” 80 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

SheEO’s Act of Radical Generosity is an initiative designed to dramatically transform how we support, finance and celebrate female entrepreneurs.

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In major cities across Canada, 1,000 women will contribute $1,000 each to create a pool of $1,000,000. The radically generous women will select 10 female-led ventures who will then collectively decide how to divide the million dollars.

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The loan is zero percent interest for a five-year term for each venture. The money will be repaid by the ventures to SheEO Fund Inc. over the next five years and then be loaned out again to the next 10 female-led companies.


The selected women-led ventures will also receive access to advice and guidance from 1,000 activators and one year of support that includes worldclass coaching, retreats and workshops. Vicki Saunders: SheEO •



icky, your mission is amazing – almost daunting – it is so amazing. As you know, PowHERhouse exists to celebrate Canadian women who are making an impact in sport, business, the arts and community leadership. We celebrate you! And we’re interested in the story of you. We also realise that one of the best ways that women learn is by the simple strategies and tangible tools and solutions presented by positive role models. We always seem to be looking for evidence of ‘what works’.

How do you keep yourself grounded, focused and strong during crazy- busy life situations? Staying grounded is my number one challenge with all the travel and excitement around launching a new initiative. My husband and I start our days with a conversation about what’s on tap and intentions for the day. Just speaking my day through with someone else helps me get clarity on what’s important, which reduces my stress. Before I met my husband I used to journal all the time, but now I do the thinking and questioning I would have put in a journal out loud with him. At the end of each day we debrief on all that went on; what worked,

82 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

what didn’t, and what we want to change. We consider ourselves to be master-designers of our life. I also do gratitude practice before bed most nights. Staying present to what’s going on in my life, knowing ‘what’s not working’ and ‘what is working’ is critical to my growth mindset. I am totally committed to having the most positive impact I can have in this life, so I put a lot of attention and intention towards my dreams.

I walk on the weekends with my neighbour, and we debrief our weeks, share our challenges and help each other design better solutions or just vent. Whatever we need, we focus on. I get regular body work (massage, acupuncture, energy work), and I pay attention to almost anything that resonates with respect to my spiritual growth. I have a coach who I talk to regularly, and I pay attention to the energy around me.

Do you have a favourite app or time-management device? Meet from Sunrise.am is saving my life for meeting scheduling. It’s incredibly efficient.

Do you have a favourite healthy, energising snack? Kombucha! I’m a huge fan of the brand Tonica run by Zoey Shamai, a Canadian based female entrepreneur – a SheEO!


icki, this fall we are launching PowHERtalks, a Tedtalks style event that provides women with a platform to clearly express who they are, the impact they are looking to make and what they need at this time to move their mission forward. Audience members will actively listen with an intention of ‘How can I help?’. What are your top 3 tips to clearly express your mission with passion? Vicki Saunders: SheEO •


Be Yourself. Be Yourself. Be Yourself. You cannot fake passion. The power of a person who shows up in their own truth is mesmerizing. When you show up as yourself it’s easy for people to join you or move on. You want to get to that point of gathering your tribe as soon as possible and ‘being yourself’ brings your tribe to you. As Ursula Burns, CEO of Xerox says, “You can be someone else and follow, but you can’t be someone else and lead”.

1 P I T

Speak from Your Heart. Speak from the heart. No need to say anything more here. If you aren’t speaking from a place of heart it doesn’t hit people’s need for meaning. And, meaning is the new money.

TI P 2

Lead on your own terms. People are obsessed today with growth and scale. If that’s what you want, fine. If not, own your own dreams. Drop the ‘shoulds’ (I should scale my idea, I should be moving faster, etc.), and find out what you really want and what works for you. Be sure to ask yourself what scale do I want to reach? What kind of company do I want? What values do I have? What vision is right for me?

3 P I T

Don’t follow the herd. Find your own path that fits best with your life goals and rock it!

84 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

SheEO is sill accepting commitment from Activators. To commit $1,000, your network, and support click here!

SheEO: Rethinking the way we fund female entrepreneurs, as reported by CTV News. Click to watch in your browser now! Editor's Note: SheEO is starting their impact in Canada which will grow to 10 cities by 2016, with a goal of a global impact by 2020.

Vicki Saunders: SheEO •


Charlene SanJenko is the Founder and CEO of PowHERhouse, a digital platform that provides solutions for women to keep them strong and powerful, evolves the role that we allow to fitness to play and our lives and celebrates positive, natural female role models in fitness, sport, business and community.



By Manish Kumar Arora


21 March – 19 April This period will bring enthusiasm, attainment, happiness, wealth and success. You will let your light shine and will remain the centre of attention. You will feel empowered as your goals are clearer than they have ever been. There would be clarity of purpose, representing the mind awakening from sleep. You have survived the darkness and stepped into the light of who you truly are. You would be appreciated for your productivity and creativity and recognized as a valuable member of the company. If you are single, someone new sails into your life. If you are already involved, you and your significant other will resurrect your early passions. Your vitality is renewed and you will feel contended.

Favourable Dates Nov 2, 9, 11, 18, 20 & 29 Favourable Colours White &Yellow


20 April – 20 May The period is fantastic and good news will arrive.. Through hard work and

efforts, success and public acclaim will be gained. You will surmount obstacles through diplomacy and tact rather than force. You will pierce the veil of deception by shedding light on hidden truths. You may uncover someone’s hidden agenda or secrets that are being kept from you. However you will have to be of firm mind. Cease all action until you have identified any misconceptions that may be clouding your judgment. You are approaching a period in which you will be very moody and uncertain which will hinder your ability from making clear decisions. Your judgment may be clouded causing confusion and indecisiveness. Something deep from your past that you thought was buried may rise up again for one last and final confrontation.

Favourable Dates Nov 2, 6, 11, 15, 20 & 24 Favourable Colours Blue & Red

Gemini 21 May – 20 June

This period can indicate changes and important decisions to be made and can relate to legal matters or other disputes. It can herald intellectual or mental changes, action and decisive, analytical thinking. Your talent or Zodiac Predictions For November 2015 •


gift, developed in the right way will bring many rewards – financially and emotionally. There would be need for meticulous attention to detail. It can mean that a hobby or interest you have can be turned into a successful career. This period can indicate friendships, celebrations and the strong bond attachment to like-minded people. It is not a time for solitude but for partying and celebrating. If you can get past any trust issues, there are people who will truly warm up to you and include you in their way of life.

sort in your life, possibly on several fronts. Do not be afraid to make a leap if it's in your best interests. You have a good idea already of what must be done. You soon will try a different tactic or may even choose to leave the job that you're currently in. You are ready to start something new. If you're currently in a committed relationship, it can indicate that there's something about this relationship that you will choose to put a stop to.

Favourable Dates Nov 2, 6, 11, 15, 20 & 24

Favourable Colours Yellow & Purple

Favourable Colours Blue & Red


Favourable Dates Nov 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27 & 28

23 July – 22 August

Cancer 21 June – 22 July

The circumstances surrounding you are about to change in visible and dramatic ways. Get ready. You can ride the wave or stand fast, hoping to hold off change, but it’s coming, whether you’re ready, or not. There would be a new beginning of some 90 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

It is time to make a plan. Believe in yourself and learn from your experiences. Make no assumptions and look far below the surface before you make a decision. Things are never exactly what they seem, so think carefully before making big leaps. Drop the close-minded attitude or limiting image of yourself, and move forward. You take a chance on a new relationship. You are not really ready for a commitment, and you may be pressured to do so. You may discover more natural alternative treatment for a lingering problem that gives you

new awareness and energy. You discover that a positive attitude can directly affect your health and energy. Use the power of your mind to heal.

Favourable Dates Nov 8, 9, 17, 18, 26 & 27 Favourable Colours Yellow & Blue


23 August – 22 September This is a time to rely on your intuition and your inner knowledge, rather than your conscious mind or intellect. A pleasant surprise will be coming your way soon in regard to work. This could even be a new job opportunity. You may come up with some new systems or processes that make your work life simpler and less stressful. If you are single you should "get out and mingle," as a new, very positive, romance may be on the horizon. You are going to be much more physically attractive to others. This can be a magical, mystical time for love. If you are a woman, you may well find people basically literally throwing themselves at you.


23 September – 22 October You have triumphed over personal demons: addiction, loss, depression, diseases, and major injuries in the past. There’s a challenge ahead, and you may need to draw on reserves of inner and outer strength to overcome it, whether you think you have the power to do so, or not. Pace yourself and maintain your resolve. You are in a strong position at work because you remain independent and at the same time very useful to your company. If you are already involved with someone the relationship heats up. You need to have endurance and determination. Your confidence serves to excite your significant other and your love and energy is the real thing and this can be felt.

Favourable Dates Nov 4, 8, 13, 17, 22 & 26. Favourable Colours Blue & Yellow

Favourable Dates Nov 2, 3, 11, 12, 20 & 21 Favourable Colours Blue & Red Zodiac Predictions For November 2015 •



23 October – 21 November You seem to have learned all aspects of career and are now putting all that knowledge to use in the real world. If you have found success recently then build upon it and make your future all the brighter. Enjoy the assertiveness and confidence this period brings. You must stick to schedules, follow procedures, and do everything by the book. If you have matured in age, pass on your wealth - both spiritual and material - to the next generation, so they might gain as much success as you have. If you are single and casually dating someone and wondering whether he /she will ask you out again the period signals a big yes.

creative way of making money should happen soon In existing business and profession there is need to change something about the way it was being operated till now. There would be the need for freedom, spontaneity, or a fresh start and taking a risk with your creativity may turn out successful in the end. Life will lead you in right direction and everything will turn out splendidly. A romance is in the offing for singles looking for love. Take a leap of faith! Focus on the NOW and don’t worry so much about HOW to get to where you want to be.

Favourable Dates Nov 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21& 28 Favourable Colours Red & Yellow


Favourable Dates Nov 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22 & 28

22 December – 19 January

Favourable Colours Red & Yellow

You will exhibit practicality and sensibility. It is a period of success of a business venture and financial and material abundance. There would be stability in profession, job as well as relationship. Multi-tasking is your greatest skill, and you can manage all these things with utmost ease, especially because you know what work to delegate to whom. When embarking on any new venture, you need to show even-handed


22 November – 21 December You are about to begin a new life phase, project, job, adventure. A new 92 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

and realistic approach utilising organisational skills and to be patient. In relationships or romance, you’ve reached about the relationship that is true and will nurture it with great care and will make it nourish happily. It is ideal time for speculation and investing in blue chip shares.

Favourable Dates Nov 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22 & 28 Favourable Colours Green & Blue


20 January – 18 February You may have been setting unrealistic goals in a certain area, or expecting much more to come from something and you should learn to come to terms with disappointment. Try to think with a level head and see where your good work will get you in the future. Keep things in perspective. This is leaving you in an unprotected mental state and you should seriously consider trying to seek help over it. Money is not everything and you may have to start back from the beginning and sacrifice a lot, but it will not destroy you. You will make it through. Right now you do not need to aspire for the best job in the world. In committed relationships, you have put some kind of unfair expectation on your lover.

Favourable Dates Nov 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20 & 28 Favourable Colours Blue & White


19 February – 20 March You will be happiest with a change in routine. You are probably feeling gloomy and bored. You are weighing two career choices or perhaps you control a business and are deciding whether or not to hire a certain employee, but are dealing with several qualified choices. Do not give up on your career just yet though You need a new source of action to stimulate yourself. You are getting new offers and finding new opportunities to increase your wealth. You should take advantage of this fortune while it is still relevant and see what kind of things you can find out about your job opportunities This may entail that you look and see if there are other duties you can possibly take over. You are looking for fun and excitement in love as relationship has come to impasse.

Favourable Dates Nov 2, 8, 11, 17, 20 & 26 Favourable Colours Purple & Red Zodiac Predictions For November 2015 •




By Kate Spencer

ou have to be so careful as a parent. What you say and how you behave is absorbed by your child and they consider this to be 'the way things are done'. It’s typical that they are within earshot when you stub your toe and swear. For at least a week you are waiting for that word to come out when they are in the proximity of a grandparent, their nursery teacher or a well to do neighbour, knowing they will think “They could have only heard that at home.” You can censor a lot of adult themed information when they are small and it’s all nursery rhymes and cartoons. It’s when they get older and have a greater understanding of the world that they start to join up the dots on more adult themes and the

conversations can get quite squirmy. A great example is when they have the talk at school about reproduction. They come home either full of questions, or quiet at first then blurt them out when you are least expecting them.

A good friend of my daughters got her 'testicles' and 'tentacles' mixed up in conversation … luckily this was around the dinner table and not in public! The point is that my child is at an age now where she thinks she knows everything, as they all do and as I did as well. But the framework that she is using – like all children, is the framework that I have helped to create based on what I have said and done over these last eleven years. What she has heard me and seen me demonstrate becomes her 'norm' and she uses this like a map to guide her through life. She will notice more that other people

Gay or Straight: My Kid's Take on It •


"I asked my child if she would be worried about telling me if she was ever attracted to girls instead of boys, if that situation arose in the future. Her reaction really took me by surprise…" have different ways, beliefs and opinions and she is encouraged to respect this but also be in her own power. This was never more obvious than when we had a recent conversation about a television program she has started to watch. There is a theme in there about two girls being in love and how their relationship develops. I asked my child if she would be worried about telling me that she was ever attracted to girls instead of boys, if that situation arose in the future. Her reaction really took me by surprise, instead of continuing the deep and meaningful connection that I thought I’d started, an adult conversation at her young age – 96 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

she burst out laughing. Not just giggling, proper belly laughing at me and the ridiculous nature of my questions. “Of course not!” she said when she had composed herself. “Why would that bother me?” and off she went to her room as if nothing had happened.

I am pleased that I have helped her to understand that you can live your truth in your life, in terms of your sexuality and otherwise and not feel judged. I hope she feels safe to tell me about her life, her feelings and her choices as she grows, and I hope the connection stays as strong.

All of this was created by me being a bit more mindful and knowing that everything I said and did was integrated into her map of the world. You may have some programming from your parents that was not so conscious, like all of us they were doing the best they could and when we know better we do better. Perhaps their money fears or prejudice was integrated into your reality and does not serve you now. As an adult you can work on that once you are aware of it, but it’s far easier to raise a kid consciously than to help heal a grown up. Something to think about as we try to help raise the consciousness of the world we live in. Stay conscious with little people.


Gay or Straight: My Kid's Take on It •


THE CHAMPAGNE DIET CARA ALWILL LEYBA PAPERBACK £8.45 This book will change the way you view your weight and yourself forever. You will walk away feeling empowered, inspired, and downright sexy (and probably craving a glass of bubbly). You will learn how to celebrate yourself and your body. You will learn to make your health a priority, always. And most importantly – you will learn to love yourself, exactly as you are.





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About a Homemade Year

Food, Home & Family

y r r e b w a r t S Shortcakes

By Tanya Jackson 102 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

INGREDIENTS 2 cups sifted all purpose flour ½ cup butter 2 tbsp sugar

1 egg, beaten ²⁄₄ cup light cream Strawberries

3 tsp baking powder


½ teaspoon salt

Whipped cream



ww ww ww w w ww ww

Mix dry ingredients; cut in butter. Combine egg and cream; mix with dry ingredients. Spread resulting dough in a greased pan. Cook at 459° for 15 mins. Use rim of glass as cookie cutter for round cakes. Stack one round of shortcake with strawberries (sliced). Pour on strawberry juice (see 2nd para).

ww ww

Stack second round of shortcakes on top. Load it up with whipped cream top it with a whole strawberry.


ww ww

Put 6 strawberries, ¹⁄₃ cup or more (to taste) of sugar, 1 tbsp of water in blender. Mix until strawberries turn into juice. Strawberry Shortcakes •


Ready or Not By Cherie DeBurger 104 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

I am a firm believer in the saying that you are only as old as you feel or that age is only a number. All you have to do is look around you at all the people accomplishing things and breaking records at astounding ages. A Japanese mountaineer climbed Mt. Everest at the ripe old age of eighty. A former navigator for the US Armed Forces was the oldest man on record to receive a pilots license, he was eighty-seven. There is a woman in Britain who is on record there as being the oldest woman to give birth to a happy and healthy baby when she was sixty-six! Most women her age are enjoying the benefits and bliss of being a grandmother or great grandmother! One person in particular comes to mind when I think of age only being a number and that is my Grandma Lil. Her whole life she has done amazing things and accomplished whatever she put her mind to. Gran is nothing if not determined and after becoming a widow she met a special someone and moved to Florida when she was fifty-seven. He was a runner and so she started to run as well. She became a long distance runner in her Ready or Not •


sixties and regularly won the fastest times for her age group. She was definitely not acting like a grandmother. I hang on to this thought even tighter as I come closer and closer to the big five zero! To be honest it is a bitter sweet experience. I am thrilled with where I am and what I have accomplished up to this point in my life, but on the other hand I am saddened by the fact it has gone by faster than a tornado in a trailer park. I don’t feel my age, in my mind I still think of myself as a teenager. I still enjoy turning the radio up and dancing around the house, I love getting together with friends and having a couple drinks. I still giggle with girlfriends about nonsense and my feelings still get hurt if I find that someone doesn't like me. Of course I know I don't look like a teenager anymore, I would even say that I don't look in my twenties either, but that is where reality and my mind claim irreconcilable differences and part ways. In my mind I will always look a certain way and I will continue to blame the dryer as the reason my pants and shorts are a smidge to tight. The other morning I was getting out of the shower and I caught a quick glimpse of a strange flabby older woman who had somehow gotten into my bathroom. I screamed and quickly covered myself

The face that was looking back at me couldn’t be mine … it was old! Quickly I stepped away and decided that diamonds were no longer a girls best friend 106 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

with a towel, but with my lack of grace and poise I slipped on the wet floor in my effort to turn around to confront her. I have decided that I no longer want a full length mirror on my shower door and have since put in an order for a new one. After collecting myself and informing my children that everything was okay when they came running to see why I had screamed, I proceeded with getting myself ready for the day. When we redecorated the bathroom I had a little round two-sided mirror installed on the wall. One side of the mirror is magnified to help eyes that do not have twenty-twenty vision anymore find any stray hair that needs to be plucked. On this morning it seemed the universe was trying to tell me something because when I grabbed the mirror I accidentally looked in the magnified side and gasped! The face that was looking back at me couldn’t be mine … it was old! Quickly I stepped away and decided that diamonds were no longer a girls best friend … make up was! Reality sucks first thing in the morning. Of course lifestyles have a lot to do with how we age. I quit smoking and drinking when I was in my early twenties. Everyone said that was such a good thing and how I would look younger for longer because smoking and drinking adds lines and makes you age prematurely. Well someone should have told me what having five children will do to your body! I think I might have been better off with the cigarettes and alcohol. I was lucky enough not to have any caesareans so I made it through without looking like a patchwork quilt, but you can map out a trip anywhere in Canada using my stretch marks as the highways and byways. Ready or Not •


Up until a couple years ago people were always asking me how I stayed so thin after so many pregnancies, but what they were missing was the fact that those pregnancies produced children who I, in turn, am constantly running after. Babies only stay in one place until they are about six months old, once they begin crawling the race is on for the next eighteen years. The only time I get to sit down is when I go into the bathroom and even then at least one of the kids is at the door knocking and yelling “Mom are you in there? Mom? Mom?”

So I guess I have to accept these changes to my body and look at them as badges of motherhood and signs of survival. It doesn't matter how well you take care of yourself, you will grow older and there will be consequences for how you live your life and take care of yourself. How blessed I consider myself because for me the things that have aged me are also responsible for keeping me young, even if it is only at heart. Besides, my daughters would never let me get rid of all the mirrors.

If you have any comments then please feel free to email me at lifes.moments@live.ca 108 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

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