Hat Trick Magazine February 2015

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ISSN 2058-198X

Volume 4 • Issue 2 • February 2015 £3.00 GBP | $4.50 USD | €4

Love In Business, In Life




Y E S What We’re D N I L JANE


about Hat Trick (noun): 1. A sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. 2. A magic trick. We happily accept both definitions. Hat Trick Magazine is a special project targeted at sharing spiritual and professional growth with like-minded people from around the world. We share strategies that truly will change your life, business and career (with a little help from some pro friends). We’ve all been there: under/un/employed, in a bad situation, in transition, wondering what the options are and not knowing the skills we would need to get us there. We won’t lie to you. Coming out the other side isn’t easy, but we can show you what we learned along to way and help you get the confidence to turn that leaf over and pursue that which is your destiny. Knowledge is power. Not everyone fancies themselves to be an entrepreneur but the truth is, even when seeking employment these days, pulling together your resume requires some sly articulation to showcase your skills, be keyword-optimised and with a strong, personable presentation to get noticed. We feature inspirational people who have great careers, amazing businesses, tips and a host of amazing stories will inspire and amaze you. Our editors and contributors are some of the most connected in their industries and specialisms.

Hat Trick Strategies cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited coverage made by our contributors including reviews, articles, manuscripts or photographs of products, services. While every care is taken, prices, details or availability of items are subject to change and we cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit letters or correspondence received via email, social media or other communication. All advice is given in general terms or as a matter of opinion, for entertainment purposes only, and may not be exhaustive nor suitable for all situations. Always seek specialized professional advice, specifically suited to you or your business needs. Absolutely no part of this magazine should be taken as medical, professional or other advice - always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.

Hat Trick Your Life! Take control of your lifestyle, your career, your dreams and your journey. We’ll share what we know and we invite you to join us. If you or your business would like to be featured or simply would like to contribute a feature in an upcoming issue, please email us on: content@hattrickmagazine.com

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Editor-In-Chief Michelle Fitz

Design & Illustration

Michelle Fitz Michael Thomas Hartley Eleni Sofroniou

Business & Tech

Style & Beauty

Andrea Sullenger Michelle Holmes Katie Geddes Ucheki Ezurike-Bosse

Shalanda Turner Rachael Pontillo Marina BerBeryan

Career & Learning

Lifestyle & Wellness

Sandra Cunningham Sukh Pabial

Faith & Self Help

Karen Salmansohn Katie Clifton Gina Hussar Joey & Michael Phelps

Charlene SanJenko Nathalie de Ahna Kate Spencer

Food, Home & Family Tanya Jackson Cherie DeBurger

We love hearing from you‌ content@hattrickmagazine.com

From the Editor Love In Business, In Life........................................................................................8

Cover Story Jane Lindsey: The Accidental Entrepreneur...................................................10

Business & Tech Small Biz Apps & Tools!.......................................................................................26 Improve Your Financial Prosperity by Throwing Down the F-Word!.............38

Career & Learning Technology Enabled Learning.........................................................................46

Faith & Self Help Karen Salmansohn.............................................................................................50 One Little Word for 2015....................................................................................52 Fall in Love With Change..................................................................................60 Lil Nipper Snapper Cartoon..............................................................................65

Style & Beauty Shasie’s Picks......................................................................................................66 Do You Really Need All Those Products in Your Skincare Regimin?............68 Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist...................................................................76

Lifestyle & Wellness Tiffany Baker: Natural Figure Champion.........................................................96 Rebranding 101: Look & Feel.........................................................................108 What We’re Reading......................................................................................113 Don’t Be An Ask-Hole!.....................................................................................114

Food, Home & Family Braised Brussells Sprouts...................................................................................120 Is That the Best You Got?................................................................................122

From the Editor

LOVE IN BUSINESS, IN LIFE Whether we believe it, realise it, or want to embrace it, love is a driving force for every positive step we take in most aspects of our lives. It’s the reason we fear, dream, agonize and serve. It’s the reason we stay later, choose a path, cook a meal, and add ribbon. It’s the reason we cry, for joy or in pain, and it’s the least common denominator, really, for the basis of our reactions. Take something away or hand us a loss or blow of any kind, and those feelings (regardless of whether the symptoms are anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, resentment or remorse), always boil down to the loss or human need for love. The older I get, I realise that most of us but especially myself begin our big, grown up worlds practicing a superficial form of love which does not scratch the surface of the depth on offer, when it comes to the real thing. See, love is being able to see what is before us, just as they or it may be, and feel no need to mould, shape or control. Love is admiring the uniqueness of the individual and feeling totally secure as you observe and interact with their unique, joyful energy. Love is deep gratitude for the exchange shared and the fragrance left on our hearts, long after physical presence may be gone from the room. 8

• Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

I think the bravest decision you can make whether it be in your life, relationships, career, work, specialisms or choices, is to choose these things on the basis of what feels aligned to love. Not loved by others, but by you. It’s like when you’re trying to decorate but haven’t a clue about how to combine colour and texture, let alone selecting items that coordinate. In these situations, you can only choose exactly, and only, things you truly love and an invisible line is drawn around the rest which ties it all together. See, whether you realise it or not, you are curating your life, your home, your career and even your business as you go about your day-to-day decisions. Think you’re coasting by? Nah, not fully. I mean, eventually, you are going to have to make some decisions and the only mis-steps you risk taking as you navigate are when you lose focus on what feels good, what feels right. If you’re a young person thinking that I’m this middle aged woman with my shit together, somebody ought to tell you that actually, there are lots of us who seemingly soar but have been exactly where you are now. In fact, there are plenty of middle-aged people reading this and nodding their heads as they recount their own tribulations, reflecting on what went wrong. See, that’s the thing about love. We all need it, and we never grow out of it; and while romantic love may not be for all of us, love in its purest form shows up in places every single day. Don’t dwell emotionally in the places or choices you were in before you realised love was the guiding option. Focus instead on what tastes, feels, and looks good. When you get into the rhythm of that, get really selective and only choose what excites, relaxes, invigorates or seems magical. Watch your life transform. Linger in gratitude for the things around you which bring you true moments of fulfilment, joy, satisfaction, comfort, peace, and happiness and you’ll never find yourself in a place without love, again.

By Michelle Fitz, Editor-In-Chief

Michelle Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz •


Cover Story

Jane Lindsey THE ACCIDENTAL ENTREPRENEUR Editor’s Foreword Michelle Fitz Story Jane Lindsey 10 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Editor’s Foreword Jane Lindsey is the owner of Snapdragon, an online retailer with an annual turnover at more than half a million UK British Pounds Stirling (over a million US dollars), is an inspirational sort who keeps sight of the creative sparkle but also ensures she shines the light for those who serve her. Attracting celebrity clientele (and their wives) is just a side giggle for her, an amusing detail that she is mindful to be grateful for, what matters most to her are the lives of people she touches through her unique and personal gifts business. When I cover these features, I find it intriguing how so many will withhold the deeper details of their lives, the ones that show the struggle going on in the background of an otherwise easily dismissed success story. With Jane’s permission, I’d like to share with you that Jane has been living with Addison’s disease for quite a long time. Fortunately, though a progressive illness, it is controlled and really only impacts her energy levels. In February 2015, I had the pleasure of taking a lunch meeting with Jane and although I had interacted with her quite extensively online, I was blown away by her smile, her magical but ever so subtle Scottish “girls school” accent and the tender way her eyes would twinkle, glancing upwards as she chose exactly what she wanted to say. To me, that is Jane. It’s a characteristic that I find quite common in those who have self-created worlds which reflect their exact

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wishes and goals. Living in a state of grace, though certainly not of the “woo woo” disposition, people like Jane have a way of keeping their minds focused on what they want, rather than what they don’t. She is an example of an entrepreneur who has thrived by keeping all else compartmentalised, in healthy ways, so that the things they have are never overshadowed by things like risk, adversity or even information that perhaps could be upsetting. Before you go thinking she’s another natural “zen master”, Jane certainly faced attitudes and opinions, even her own emotions, in the same way that anyone else would in a medical conversation. But what she didn’t do, was choose to stay in that place of lack, of risk, or of fear as to how long, how rich her life might be. A key technique that helped Jane through this is one called MindStore. Anyway, certainly her health has not been her main focus in life. No – Jane has been pretty busy living and creating a business and life she has truly adored. I hope you will enjoy reading her advice and I also hope that you will take special inspiration from her story. Jane’s story is one of evolution as her needs and market base evolved - from an unhappy office worker to an outside the box flower cultivator and florist, taking her business from market stall, and the big leap to gifts in a hugely competitive industry. Please check Snapdragon online or on www.notonthehighstreet.com


The Accidental Entrepreneur Starting a business, the road to self discovery. I am an Accidental Entrepreneur. Before I founded Snapdragon Online starting a business was not something I had thought about. At all. Nothing in my education had prepared me for the roller coasting experiment that is starting a new business from scratch. I have learned a lot in the last 10 years - lots about marketing, spreadsheets, team building and customer care, I have learned about photography, website building and packaging specs, most of all I have learned about myself - for me starting a business has been a wonderful journey of self discovery. Here are some of the things I learned along the way.

Recognise when it is chafing. I was a “good girl” of a student, a “ head down and chase the grades” kind of student. I studied hard through school and University, I got my 1st class MA, I won a scholarship to do a post graduate on Museum curatorship and landed my “OMG” dream of a job in 1993 - Curator of British Art at the University of Glasgow. 14 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

An amazing job looking after works by J M Whistler and Charles Rennie Mackintosh. It was exactly the job I had dreamed on when I was 18. But it didn’t feel like a dream job, if felt really restrictive. Every day I felt constrained by other people’s decisions, by University conventions, by layers of administrators. Not being in charge of my own work made me unhappy. For 6 years I felt constricted - I should have left much earlier.

Follow the Call. There isn’t much point of recognising that working for someone else isn’t suiting you if you don’t actually do something about it. My University office was in a basement with no natural light - which in Scotland means that for 6 months of the year you can go by without ever seeing daylight during the working week. Once I had handed in my notice I literally ran towards the light - I decided that I needed to work outside, I went to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh to train in Horticulture, we bought a smallholding in the beautiful Loch Lomond National Park and I started a flower farm, growing and selling cut flowers. That decision to follow the light, to trust my calling, and not to take the easy route and work as a freelance exhibition organiser or an

“I loved selling flowers - there is something about flowers that makes everyone happy, everyone feels special when they buy flowers.” Jane Lindsey: The Accidental Entrepreneur •


arts consultant was the single most important decision I have ever made.

Your business might not be what you think it is. My flower business, Snapdragon, was a micro business - I grew flowers in a field behind our home and sold them at farmers markets and at the farm gate on Fridays. I had an Edwardian greenhouse decked out as a shop, a cute, vintage French van as a mobile market stand and I was surrounded by beauty. It was idyllic. I loved selling flowers - there is something about flowers that makes everyone happy, everyone feels special when they buy flowers. They either feel special because they are buying them as a gift, or they feel special because they are treating themselves to something beautiful. No-one ever buys flowers grudgingly. When Snapdragon failed as a business and

“I had wanted a happy, cosy, friendly business where customers felt like friends but in reality I had created a space that they couldn’t visit if they didn’t want to buy” 16 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

I had to quickly remake it in a different form it was this “making people feel special” which I kept as the kernel at the heart of my new personalised gift business Snapdragon Online. Two radically different businesses in every way but at their heart.

Down doesn’t mean out. For five years Snapdragon ticked along nicely as a flower business, I had 30 regular customers every Friday, I sold at three farmers markets and I was beginning to arrange flowers for magazines - we had a lot of coverage in glossy magazines. Then, overnight, the business failed. Mortgage rates in the UK were raised by 1%. The next Friday I had no customers. The following Friday exactly the same thing happened - not a single customer. With a hefty increase in their monthly outgoings people had looked at their budgets and decided that cut flowers were just no longer affordable. By the end of the season I had to accept that I no longer had a cut flower business. However, it never occurred to me that I didn’t have a business…I was just looking around for what kind of business it was…

Learn to pivot. The end of the season 2008, glumly packing away all my flower vases and fancy wrapping papers was a time of soul searching. I had wanted a happy, cosy, friendly business where customers felt like friends but in reality I had created a space that they couldn’t visit if they didn’t want to buy - who visits a flower shop when they

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don’t want to buy flowers? I hadn’t just lost my business, I had lost my customer-friends. At the same time I was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease, an auto immune disease which attacks the adrenal glands and I was finding that stress rendered me so tired that all I could do was slump on a sofa. I needed to create a new business with as little fuss as possible. I looked to the heart of my flower business - the making people feel special, the informality, the beauty, the customer care - and I pivoted it into a different direction. All these familiar things were to be at the heart of my new business - all I had to do was to find something I could do. That was quite easy, I can sew, I have always sewn, I had fabrics, I had a machine. In the end the pivot from flower farm to embroiderer was effortless.

Leave space for your team. No-one can make a business on their own, but too many people try to. I tried to be a one woman brand for a while, working from my dining room, selling on a website I coded myself. Then my husband, who I have known since I was 15, complained that, as I am the messiest person alive, I had turned our home into a horrific jumble of half sewn bags, packaging materials and toppling piles of paperwork. It was clear that the business would have to move out before things got tricky. We shared a bottle of wine and then, for the price of a standard garden shed, bought a beautiful, if rather dented, aluminium airstream caravan from eBay. Jane Lindsey: The Accidental Entrepreneur •


This was to be Snapdragon’s first official business premises - 23 feet of shiny aluminium, driven up to Scotland illegally and parked in the field behind my house. As soon as there was space to put people, and as soon as I had made a list of all the things I didn’t enjoy doing, my team began to materialise. People who were naturally organised, who could understand spreadsheets, who loved packing up orders in brown paper and string approached me to see if they could help out. By creating space, both physical and in the business I attracted in the perfect people - almost all of whom are still working at Snapdragon Online today.

Live a life Snapdragon Online rocketed into life, shops were interested so we began a wholesale division - selling to 300 shops all over the world - we did white label ranges for chains of shops, we started supplying to wedding organisers - like a snowball it picked up speed, we more than doubled our sales each year. I was working 18 hour days, the family I had intended to work around didn’t see me and when I wasn’t working I was exhausted. 2012 was particularly horrible - I seemed to spend the entire year hunched over a sewing machine and then a number of our wholesale customers went bankrupt owing us thousands of pounds. All that dragging work, all that time away from my family, all the aching tiredness - and there wasn’t even any cash to show for it at the end of the year. I realised that I needed to do something - that I needed to start 20 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

taking the management of my business seriously, that I needed to stop winging it. I came across Marie Forleo’s B School, an online business course, and it seemed to tick all the right boxes for me - it promised a chance to completely rethink how the business was constructed and get it working properly. I took a deep breath and put the enrollment fee on my credit card.

“I made a pledge to cut my hours and to bring in staff who could run the production side of the business, leaving me free to do the bits that I am best at - design, strategy, building a brand” Over the next 3 months I obsessively picked apart the business, taking a hard look at all its elements and killing off many products that I loved but which were too time consuming to make and therefore made no profit. Along the way I discovered that I needed to take better care of myself, that much of my stress was self imposed, that I needed to live more of a life. I made a pledge to cut my hours and to bring in staff who could run the production side of the business, leaving me free to do the bits that I am best at - design, strategy, building a brand. Today there is a great committed team behind Snapdragon, people who really care about our customers and the way we make things. I would be more than happy leaving anyone in the team to run the workshop when I am away. We also run a profit sharing scheme to reflect the fact that everyone is intent on making Snapdragon Online the best business it can be. Jane Lindsey: The Accidental Entrepreneur •


Now, for most of the year, I average a 32 hour working week - I take long holidays and naps when I am tired; I can run my teenage daughters to after school classes and rehearsals without getting stressed, I can meet with friends for coffee and go for long walks with my dogs. I am designing a beautiful garden. I am no longer convinced that I should always be pushing, pushing, pushing and because of that I seem to get more easily into the flow and get more things done. Snapdragon Online is back to being the business I dreamed of, working round my family, nurturing a great team and having a joyous workspace. We continue to double our turnover each year, reaching into new markets and creating new products for our customers. At the moment my great project is outside the business - setting up a grant giving foundation, The Snapdragon Foundation, which will funnel a percentage of profits into projects working with young people aged 14-24. The charity is currently in the process of being approved by Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator; I hope that it will be giving grants from April 2015.

Click the links below to follow Snapdragon on Facebook and Twitter, and don’t forgot to check the website for personalised gift ideas that will turn you into a giftgiving superstar!

Website 22 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Snapdragon Online is back to being the business I dreamed of, working round my family, nurturing a great team and having a joyous workspace.

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Business & Tech

Small Biz Apps



By Andrea Sullenger 26 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Check out a few small biz apps and tools that are sure to make your life a little simpler, allow for better use of your time and keep your business growing. In 2014 MDX compiles a list of their top 20. I will share some of their top 20 as well as a few of my favourites. I can bet that these apps along with a ton more will stay at the top of the list for 2015.

Paperwork How do you handle all the paperwork? It would be incredible to live in a world where we never had to deal with the piles of paperwork but the reality is that we all have to deal with it. Here are a few apps that can make it easier and save you time.


is a quick and incredibly useful app which allows you to create instant expense reports while out and about. All you need to do is snap a photo of your receipt, and the app will transfer it to an expense form which can be shared, emailed or printed to be filed away.


is a fantastic cloud accounting service that offers both phone and online support – so if you’re totally new to technology, it’s a great place to start. You can use it to create invoices, expense reports and estimates, as well as segmenting your files by project to make Small Biz Apps & Tools •


it easier to manage – and it’s all stored online, so you can access it from anywhere.


accounting software is, as might imagine, focused around making accounting a quick, painless process. If comes with a number of add-ons available, and even allows you to share your work with your accountant – as well as connecting directly to your online bank when you need it to.


This piece of accounting software is tailored to small business owners and offers a 14-day trial, giving you plenty of time to get used to it. The app can even be set to automatically email suppliers when you can pay them, saving you even more time when you’re out and about.

One Receipt

This handy little app helps you keep track of all your receipts, both paper and digital, and stores them in the cloud so that you can access them from any device once you’re logged in. It can even track the dates of purchase and tell you when your warranties are about to expire!


If you do most if your business through your phone or tablet, you’ll love SignEasy, an app that allows you to sign in your name on all of your communications without even printing the document off. Simply import the document.

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Sharing and Communications Keeping customers and colleagues up to date can be a challenge for a start-up company – however, these apps will ensure you can maintain communications even when you’re not in the office!


works as a shared office space, making it ideal for collaboration projects and web conferencing when you’re away from your desk. The app allows you to read and add to these projects, and can be set to stay synchronized throughout the day – so you don’t have to miss anything.


is an excellent secure service with a long history on the web, offering a simple way of sharing and emailing large files. It’s a great way to share documents with people outside the company, and the app means you can access your presentations and videos while on the road.


For an easy way to communicate with your customers, an email marketing service like Mailchimp is the perfect choice. The program will keep your customers email addressed secure, and you’ll be able to fire off emails from the app, ensuring you can stay in touch at all times.


is another email marketing service, offering its own take on the package with personalized email marketing campaign. It’s always worth checking out both, as each come with an excellent app to keep you connected.

Air Sharing

This app allows you to transfer files between devices using WiFi – so if you want to share something from the Small Biz Apps & Tools •


cloud in a hurry, you can just connect, click and send in seconds. You can even send it directly to a printer on the network if you need to.

Security Keep your data and your contacts safe from intrusion and system failures with these excellent apps designed to keep your company’s day-to-day operations secure.


is a network scanner for mobile devices which allows you to see who else is connected to the same network as you at a quick glance. This is ideal if you often find yourself transforming important or secure information over WiFi!

KoolSpan TrustCall

Another fantastic security option if you’re calling employees or clients throughout the day – KoolSpan TrustCall seamlessly encrypts your calling data and history so that your voice transmissions stay secure.


Keep your documents safe from power outages and storage failures by having a back-up in the cloud with a service like Mozy, which allows you to access your files from your phone even when the office computers go down!

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Software There’s a wealth of management software available online – so to make sure you’re really getting your money’s worth, make sure you’re choosing providers which allow you to keep using their services on the move.

Tribe HR

This employee directory acts as a human resources hub for your company, making it ideal for small and medium-sized businesses looking for an effective staff management system. From the app you’ll be able to track hours worked, assign time off, coordinate payroll, give employee feedback and even advertise for new openings.


incredible customer service software is so simple to use that all sorts of companies use it every day to manage customer communications, from small start-ups to corporations like Disney and Vodafone. If you’re finding yourself taking a lot of queries from customers, the ticketing system offered by Zendesk is the ideal solution.


specializes in staff hiring, giving you an

...to make sure you’re really getting your money’s worth, make sure you’re choosing providers which allow you to keep using their services on the move. Small Biz Apps & Tools •


effective page to advertise new positions within your company and track applications. You can also hook it up to your social networks to encourage friends in the industry to help you with your search.

The clever apps You’ll amazed at what else you can do for your business through your phone – take a look at some of the top and best apps for an idea of how much your small business can benefit from just a few simple apps!


allows you to set up an online store for your website quickly and easily – and through the app you can do everything from checking daily revenue to answering customer queries and viewing order updates.


This is a simple but incredibly useful app designed to help you create forms and sketches from your mobile device before saving them in the cloud, sending them as a standard document or saving them for reference. This is ideal for making organised notes from the road.

Win8 Metro Testbed

If you’ve reached the stage where you’re creating your own app for your business’s service, it’s useful to know that it will run on every platform. Splashtop’s Win8 Metro Testbed emulates the Windows 8 mobile operating system on your device so that you can test the app you’ve created, without having to shell out on a new mobile or tablet.

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...every situation and opportunity is high stakes and you can’t afford to allow a poor Internet connection to get in the way of your company’s success.

My Personal Favourites

Free WiFi Finder

A definite game-changing app for the entrepreneur and tech guru who needs to be plugged in 24/7. In the early stages of a startup, every situation and opportunity is high stakes and you can’t afford to allow a poor Internet connection to get in the way of your company’s success.


As entrepreneurs, we’re full of great ideas, so much so that they hit us when we least expect them. Enter Pocket, a phone-based bookmarking app which can save all types of content – anything from a lengthy article to a work report — to all your electronic devices.


There is nothing I hate more than a crowded email inbox. Thankfully, Unroll.me was created to fix that exact problem. Simply sign up with your email address and let Unroll.me find all of your subscriptions for you. Then easily scroll through and Small Biz Apps & Tools •


unsubscribe from the ones you’d rather never hear from again. You can also make sure the right emails break through all the noise.


There’s no longer an excuse to delay the closing of a deal! This Adobe app allows you to electronically sign documents easily and securely. It also records and stores each document’s history, so you have automatic audit trails — saving you the time and trouble of backtracking in case the need arises.

Just For Fun


A great and convenient alternative to shopping and to keep yourself in style. Weather you hate to shop or just have too much to get done as a busy entrepreneur to go shopping StitchFix can help. Sign up for free, set your style profile and wait for the delivery. You can even schedule your deliveries to come frequently or less often. When they arrive it is almost like having a personal stylist pop out of your mailbox with fabulous finds. Keep what you love and send back for free what doesn’t work for you.

Andrea x 34 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Click ch t a to W ine! Onl


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Try Throwing Down the F-Word! FIND ME ONLINE HERE

By Uchechi Ezurike-Bosse 38 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


you’re like many people, there are times you’ve found yourself stuck financially. No matter how much you worked and took all the right steps, you just are unable to break through your ‘financial glass ceiling’.

Many people are becoming more aware that wealth is predominately a mindset thing. There’s been many books and articles written on wealth consciousness and improving your relationship with money. But an area that often gets neglected is how the F-Word is crucial to improving your financial prosperity.

No! No! No! Not that F-word. I mean forgiveness! I’ve written before about the importance of creating space in your life in order to make room to receive the good you want to come in. Forgiveness is the ultimate way to clear space in your life. Holding onto resentment and anger will block good from coming into your life. When you feel that you’re doing the work to attract and create financial abundance in your life and you’re coming up against resistance and not seeing the changes that you want. Consider all the areas where you’re holding resentment and grudges towards others and yourself. Want to Improve Your Financial Prosperity? Try Throwing Down the F-Word! •


Financial struggle is linked to resentments and grievances. You need to forgive anyone who you feel has contributed to your pain and struggles. Remember, you can only feel one emotion at any one time and when you’re consumed with anger and resentment, there’s no room for abundance. I want to share with you two simple but powerful forgiveness exercises that you can do. These exercises will help you remove the negative hold that comes with holding grievances. Once you are able to clear them from your system, you create a vacuum to allow God/Universe to fill it with more good, including increased financial prosperity.

Ho’oponopono Technique, is a gentle Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. The process is as follows:


Go through each person, situation, thing that felt has hurt you (don’t forget to include yourself).


Let any residual emotions associated with each to come up.


Then say: “I forgive you. I’m sorry. Thank you. And I love you.


When saying the mantras, you may feel that you are lying to yourself. That’s okay, just continue to repeat it, and become willing to forgive!

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“Forgiveness is not about the other person, but rather about cleansing and releasing the hold all the pain has in your life”

Another technique that I share with my clients is Forgiveness Release Technique and it’s very similar to Ho’oponopono Technique. This is directed to people in your life that you felt caused you pain. The aim is to release the pain and blocks that the grievance has on you. The process for this technique is: Go through each person. Picture the person and visualize sitting with them (if this is too painful, just write the name of the person). Then say the following forgiveness mantra: I forgive and release (enter name here). I know you did the best you knew how to do at the time. I release and let go of all the Want to Improve Your Financial Prosperity? Try Throwing Down the F-Word! •


blocks this grievance has on me. I now welcome in love, peace and freedom in its place. Now take a long bdeep breath. Forgiveness is not about the other person, but rather about cleansing and releasing the hold all the pain has in your life. For you to experience prosperity in your life you need to cultivate the right conditions internally, before you can experience it externally. If you’re blocked and haven’t been able to manifest the amount of financial prosperity that you want, consider what you’re holding onto. Isn’t it time you let go and start practicing forgiveness?


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LINDSAY MARINO Medium, Author, Speaker

Email Lindsay@LindsayMarino.com

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Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com •






By Sukh Pabial

THIS ARTICLE IS A GOOD EXAMPLE OF HOW I MAKE SENSE OF THE WORLD OUTSIDE OF MY BRAIN. I’VE GOT A STARTING POINT, WHERE IT ENDS I HAVE NO CLUE. I get caught up in rhetoric all the time. I’m easily led by the force of someone’s argument when it chimes with my own line of thinking. If someone has something to say, and I like it, and I like how they say it, that’s it, I’m there. I’ll defend them and their point of view because I agree with it. And so I find it easy to get caught up in the rhetoric of the use of technology to enable learning and act as a performance support. I’m all over that shizzle. Online collaboration tools to allow groups to develop ideas and projects? Perfect. Give people free licence to create their own courseware and open up e-learning at work? Wicked. Actively use smartphones in a learning session to develop the technical capability of learners? Awesome. Sending PDFs of documents after the fact, with links and with further learning options? Excellent. And then I read about mindfulness, and the benefit of having time to think. And I think about the role technology plays in that. Technology Enabled Learning •


If we design learning well, and design thinking time and dialogue into the session, is that the art of good learning design? If technology allows us to always be on the go, and in today’s age the concept of being switched on is almost a fundamental right, what happens to this time to think? More, I start to think about the hard topics that happen in face to face learning sessions. Things like assertiveness training, having difficult conversations, coaching, and presentation skills. Those topics are hard enough to make meaningful in a 6 hour time frame. Does the inclusion of technology in those learning sessions make them better? I wonder if this is just about good learning design. If we design learning well, and design thinking time and dialogue into the session, is that the art of good learning design? Does it matter then if technology is used or not? I’m not bemoaning the use of tech. If anything, I’m an absolute advocate of using technology for learning. I’m just cautious that in doing so, are we actually helping the learner be their best, and learn in the best way? 48 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Dialogic practise remains the single best way a person learns. When you hear a concept/an argument/an idea, this causes you to engage. No level of complexity in learning design will change that. All good exercises and practise involves providing vehicles for thinking to happen and for development of thought to take place. Technology can support that, but does it become a hindrance? When we go for a walk, and the fresh cold crisp air hits you, what does that do for you? When you’re in the sun and the warm rays are filling you with life, what does that do for you? When you’ve spent quality time with your partner and you’re joyed with one another, what does that do for you? There’s a pressure to capture those moments with tweets and facebook and the likes. There’s a pressure to let others know about those fulfilling moments. In the learning environments, there’s a pressure to move towards technology enabled learning. In performance support, there’s a pressure to moving towards online forms of support (internal and external).

Technology Enabled Learning •


Faith & Self Help


By Karen Salmansohn

50 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


Contentment Friends, we want it. We long for it. We search for it. We try to buy it. We try to uncover it. We grasp for it, with desperation. In 2008, Americans spent $11 billion on self improvement books, CDs, seminars, coaching and stress-management programs according to Forbes. Forbes also reported that the main group of people buying into the search for contentment and happiness is, “mainly middle


By Katie Clifton, Christian Columnist 52 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

aged affluent females living on either of the two coasts. What are they getting for their money? In a word: hope”.

Hope Women are hungry for it. We crave it. We cling tightly to hope. I often catch myself hoping for things that are good: I hope for clarity and discernment to follow the Lord as He leads me. I hope I am raising our children to love the Lord with all their hearts. I hope I am faithfully loving my husband as the Lord intends for me to. I hope I am obedient. I hope I will be confident in who I am and how the Lord created me. I hope I am full of love. I hope I am brave and willing to obey. We are surrounded by our hopes, desires and expectations. And our hopes are leaving many of us broken and desperate. Somewhere in the middle of all my own “good” hoping and my “righteous” (self-righteous) attempts for contentment I am finding a thread of comparison. This thread is attached to the anchor of coveting, and it is dragging us all down deeper. It is pulling us further away from Christ and from happiness than we ever imagined. Our inner grasping for the things of this world controls us and takes our affections away from Jesus. This pattern actually leads us away from the contentment we are desperate for. The Lord designed us to only find true contentment through Him and in Him. In Exodus 20, God lovingly gives us His commands so that we can see the nature of God and how we should live. The 10th Commandment is a command of contentment. It means that we must love God enough to be content in all circumstances. Contentment •


Contentment: The Lord commanded it? “Do not covet” (Exodus 20:17) is not a suggestion or an offer. If it was an offer, it would expire. Offers run out. Offers have exceptions and limitations, terms and conditions. A command means it is available to everyone. The 10th Commandment is a command of complete peace. The Lord is saying, “Don’t worry about what everyone else has and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.” If you and I got real with ourselves, we’d see that our discontentment is bound to the anchor of coveting. Maybe we don’t want our friend’s husband, but we would like a marriage that looks like theirs. We aren’t actually wanting to steal our friend’s success, but we would love to have our own spot light or platform. We are excited for people whose lives seem to have such amazing purpose and meaning, but we are tearfully searching for our own direction and worth in this life. We wouldn’t trade children with anyone, but we long for “kids like theirs”: happy, healthy, obedient. I have found myself tangled in the net of wanting, recently. The trap is set for all of us and it’s a steep slope down and we can grow weary trying to crawl out from the pit of comparison and discontentment.

We desire. We long for. We search for. We hope for. We covet. There is a secret we are searching out the answer to. The secret seems priceless. In America, it is an $11 billion dollar secret. We all want to know how to find contentment. Paul said, “Not that I was 54 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:11-13, emphasis mine). Some of us have great needs. Many of us are dissatisfied because we don’t have what we are wanting and hoping for. Paul is saying that he learned contentment. He didn’t just automatically know how to be content, but the Lord taught Him and Paul paid attention. Paul learned the secret we are all searching for. Paul knew the difference between his wants and needs. Paul trusted in Christ and his attitude and desires changed from wanting more - or even wanting different circumstances - to being able to accept the Lord’s provision and the Lord’s power over his life. Jesus Christ will strengthen us, as we learn the secret of living in any and every situation.

Christianity: being a follower, lover, disciple of Jesus, offers us complete peace. Religion will leave us empty, anchored to comparison, discontentment and coveting. I am so guilty of being religious, rather than reliant. I am guilty of being a fan instead of a follower. And I am not the only fan in the stadium. We deceive ourselves when we measure our happiness or contentment in life by the things of this world. We miss out on learning the secret when we reject the offer.

(Philippians 4:11-13) 56 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

The secret has been uncovered. Contentment is found through the gift of God’s love and in doing His will. It is that simple. Apart from that truth, we will scrape and claw, dig and climb searching for contentment. And we will always be left empty.

Are you burnt out and worn out from searching for happiness? Are you aching for the things you are chasing and never reaching? Are you acquiring the things you chase, yet still filled with an emptiness you can’t understand? Are you putting the things of this world before following Jesus? Sweet sisters, you are not alone. We need to get real and honest before the Lord. Pray for the Holy Spirit to allow you to see your life from God’s point of view. Ask the Lord to focus your perspective on Him and the eternal. Contentment is a lesson we are all learning the secret (answer) to, together. The answer is found in our perspective, our priorities and our source of power.

The answer is found in Him. Contentment •


Mindfulness Retreat MINDFULNESS AND THE ART OF MANAGING ANGER & STRESS WITH MIKE FISHER, THE UK’S LEADING ANGER MANAGEMENT & STRESS GURU WHAT IS MINDFULNESS MEDITATION? We spend most of our waking hours in distraction and random, discursive thinking. Because we have never cultivated this ability of mind to simply be present, our ‘mindfulness muscle’ is weak, and we find we have little control over our thinking process. For thousands of years meditators from various traditions have known that by working with the simple technique of repeatedly bringing our attention back to the present moment, our ability to be fully present with our experience, both during formal meditation practice and in our everyday life, steadily increases. In recent decades extensive studies have confirmed this claim through the lens of scientific inquiry. You can read more about the scientific research on mindfulness and anger here via www.mindyouranger.com

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN • Mindfulness – medicine of the future • The Breath – a pathway to tranquillity • Letting go of attachments – Zero Duality Training • Reducing emotional obstacles one by one • Welcoming stillness into your life • Facing your fear and doing it anyway • Making space for solitude • Tuning in – a guide to different meditations • Encouraging a daily practice



Starts 28 June 2015 th Ends 4 July 2015 th

Click Here to download the full 7 day itinerary!

SOME KEY BENEFITS • Lowers blood pressure • Improves concentration and creativity • Helps decrease anxiety and depression • Improves self-esteem • Reduces pain levels • Improves immune system functioning • Results in a greater sense of well-being and satisfaction with life

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO BOOK YOUR PLACE CLICK HERE! You can also view more photos of the stunning retreat resort, read past attendee testimonials and view related articles about last year’s once in a lifetime retreat to Sierra de las Nieves nature reserve!

...Clearing the Red Mists




By Gina Hussar 60 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


do you feel about change? Scared, uncertain, annoyed? Poor “change.” It’s gotten a bad rep over the years. Typically we associate that word “change” with negative, unexpected things that were thrust upon us against our wishes. Think…getting your period four days early while you are at the beach; a lover leaving; a dinner cancelled; a shocking tragedy. It doesn’t matter what level of gravity the change carries with it, we almost always have an adverse reaction. But it’s February. The Month of love. Falling in love with change can change your life. Have you ever heard yourself say:

“When does it get easy?” “Why does it feel like I take two steps forward and five back?” “When will life just ease up!?” I have felt this way SO many times over the last ten years. When my first business took off overnight, and then failed; when my marriage felt nearly over every other day; when I finally figured out what to do with my life and then found myself unexpectedly pregnant with my third child. But these years of studying have shown me the answer, and once you hear it, your relationship to change will be forever altered, and as a result, your “OMG, when does it get easier?” days will be drastically reduced. I have had a lot of major shifts but this was a biggie. Fall in Love With Change •



a surprise baby to small changes like a cancelled dinner date that used to send me into a “Why ME!?” anxiety.

But here’s what I learned. Change is a privilege. Because it means you’re alive. Just like the clock is always ticking and the weather is always moving and your heart is always beating…Life is always flowing. When you can learn to accept change, big or small, as a rhythm of life that is as natural and inevitable as the earth’s rotation, you stop being crippled by it. You embrace it. You yell “plot twist” and adjust your sails and move forward. Because the alternative to change is death.

Change is a blessing. It challenges

us to use our minds and our capacity for critical thinking and our ability to maintain our peace and composure. We were given survival instincts for a reason. We are built to respond, accept and conquer change. Step to the challenge like a warrior! 62 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

The next time life throws you a curve ball, just say a quiet, “Thanks. Thanks for the reminder that I’m still breathing; that I’m still very much alive, and that I’m bold, resilient and powerful.” There is always a miracle underneath a change. It requires some blind faith. Sometimes we don’t find out what the miracle is until years later. Sometimes we don’t find out at all. But change isn’t an exercise in knowing. It’s an exercise in growth and acceptance.

ARE YOU READY? THE BEST CHANGES ARE THE ONES THAT YOU PUT INTO MOTION YOURSELF. Take stock of what’s not working and make a plan to

change it. Trust that unexpected plot twists are in your best interest and challenge yourself to rise to them. Because at the end of the day, we want to keep expanding. We want to keep experiencing, loving, feeling, dreaming and growing. And the only way to do that is to start majorly crushing on the beautiful mysteries that are unlocked by change.

Change…It does a body (and a life) of good!

Fall in Love With Change •



health & beauty.

Find simple tips & recipes at VintageAmanda.com

By Joey Phelps & Michael Phelps Lil Nipper Snappers Cartoon •


Style & Beauty





By Shalanda Turner


4 5



2 3




4 5




Do You Really Need All Those Products In Your

Skin Care Regimin?


By Rachael Pontillo 68 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

You’re at a drug store, department store, or spa (maybe even a doctor’s office) looking for new skincare products. Maybe you’re looking for a new brand, maybe you’re replenishing a product you ran out of. You find a product you want to purchase (probably based on your “skin type”)–let’s say it’s a moisturiser.

But then you notice there’s also a lotion

in the same range. And a day cream. And an eye cream. And an eye gel. And a lip scrub. And a lip cream. And a neck cream. And a serum. And a lotion cleanser. And a foaming cleanser. And a toner. And a makeup remover. And a scrub. And a masque. But wait, there’s also a sunscreen. And a primer. And a BB cream. And a CC cream. And a DD cream.

At this point your head is about to explode.

I mean, you just came for a cream–but all the packages match–and you’ve heard that it’s best to use products all in the same brand since the ingredients in each product were specifically chosen to work with the ingredients in all the other products, and synergistically all the ingredients working together make them stronger and more potent than if you were to just use them in one measly product. So maybe you need a serum too? And I’m sure you’ve heard (possibly from me) that you need a specially formulated product for around the eye area. And we mustn’t ignore the neck–after all what good is smooth, youthful skin on the face if you’ve got a wattle? So by now, it’s time to grab a basket. Whether you’re shopping at a drug store or a dermatologists’ office, you’ve likely spent three Do You Really Need All Those Products in Your Skincare Regimen? •


to four times more money than you’d intended and are leaving with six different products instead of one–but you’re confident, right? Because all these products just for your skin type and have ingredients that magically come to life when used altogether in multiple products, so it will all be worth it to get superhumanly gorgeous skin.

DOES A SKINCARE REGIMEN WITH A LOT OF PRODUCTS ACTUALLY WORK BETTER THAN ONE WITH ONLY A FEW? That’s really the question, isn’t it? If you put aside all the matching packages, display advertising, online product reviews, and even recommendations from skincare professionals, will having a full arsenal of skincare products make your skin look better than if you only use a few?

It’s unlikely. And I’ll tell you why. First of all, products off store shelves were designed for certain skin “types” that might seem to work well on paper and in a lab, but really have nothing to do with you. They are generic, and your skin is not. So they may work, sure–but it’s also possible that they won’t–no matter how diligently you use them. Second. It’s all about the QUALITY of ingredients–not the quantity. Not all ingredients are sourced from high quality places. There’s 70 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

The least effective and most expensive skincare product ever is the one that’s not used. food grade, cosmetic grade, and pharmaceutical grade. Most performance ingredients–even natural ones–have been formulated in a lab to make them appropriate for use in skincare products. Whether the ingredient will actually penetrate the skin, whether it will remain intact within the product, and other factors all depend on how they’re formulated, which is a very scientific process. Higher quality ingredients are more expensive for the formulator– but they’re also more effective. A product containing 10 different botanical extracts also likely contains teeny tiny percentages of them which means they’re not likely to be concentrated enough to be effective. So a product containing fewer higher quality ingredients will always be more effective than a product containing higher amounts of lower quality ingredients. There is some level of truth to the idea of certain ingredients becoming more effective in synergistic blends (this happens with nutrients in food too!), but unfortunately, many companies use that in marketing, rather than in practice.

Third. When you have a medicine cabinet full or products, it’s

quite possible that your collection of products will end up being just that–a collection. That’s observed but not touched. Like your own little personal skincare product museum. The least effective and most expensive skincare product ever is the one that’s not used. Do You Really Need All Those Products in Your Skincare Regimen? •


While having a lot of products might be fun for a little while, you might realize after a couple of weeks that you just don’t want to spend 30 minutes every morning and night on your skin. So then the products (and your money)–while they might look pretty–go to waste.

IT’S TIME TO STOP THE MADNESS! You only need a few key products in your skincare regimen. I promise you. And as a natural skincare formulator and a licensed aesthetician, you can be confident that I’m telling you the truth. I custom blend products for my one-onone clients, and they’ll all vouch for the fact that they only get (and only need) two or three products from me for their daily regimens. A cleanser (which also effectively removes makeup, serves as a hydrating masque, and in some cases doubles as a moisturiser), a toner, and a moisturiser (appropriate for the eye area, lips, and neck). Sometimes people like a separate eye cream, sometimes they like a cleansing/moisturising oil for the morning and a cleansing lotion for night, but those are the main products that make up their core regimens.

You might wonder: what about exfoliants, serums, masques, etc? I consider those “icing” products. They’re fine for weekly or monthly skincare rituals but aren’t necessary for every day (I know there are some aestheticians and skincare manufacturers reading this who are cringing). I don’t agree with regular exfoliation and I very rarely exfoliate my skin at all (read this to learn why).

72 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

If you focus on a few simple, properly-formulated, multitasking products made with top quality ingredients that are right for your skin–and you follow a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle regimen–you’ll have gorgeous skin. Period.

Do you want to learn how to create and customize professional quality, all natural products for your skin? I teach a 6-week online course called Create Your Skincare. In this course you’ll learn everything you need to know to create and develop your core regimen (in modules 2, 3, and 4) and your icing products (in module 5 and the bonus module); using the right ingredients for your skin (in the prerequisite module and module 1). Even though the course runs live for 6 weeks, you have lifetime access to all downloads and videos, plus you’ll be part of our Create Your Skincare students’ private Facebook community where you can ask questions and get answers from me and your fellow students. Sound good?

What’s even better is that you can get started for just $97.

Click HereFor More Info

Do You Really Need All Those Products in Your Skincare Regimen? •


If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way. Napoleon Hill

74 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


Week 2014



By Marina BerBeryan 76 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com



Internationally renowned designer Sue Wong wowed Angelinos and her overseas guests with her seductive and sensual rock opera fashion show –Fairies & Sirens – featuring her Spring and Summer 2015 Collection, opening Style Fashion Week during LA Fashion Week at The Reef in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, October 16, 2014. Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


78 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

I’m excited that we are opening Style Fashion Week with Sue’s beautiful designs. It’s been such an adventure and truly a journey to get to this point. Veronica Kerzner The legendary fashion designer, Sue Wong, for the very first time joined Style Fashion Week’s 9th season to showcase her Fairies and Sirens Spring / Summer collection. She usually exhibits her own fashion shows during LA Fashion Week, like her previous collections which I had the pleasure of attending and viewing; Edwardian Romance, Jazz Babies, Spring Transcendent and Autumn Sonata. This season Sue Wong has mesmerized her audience with her unforgettable magical creations in the heart of downtown, the fashion district. “I’m excited that we are opening Style Fashion Week with Sue’s beautiful designs. It’s been such an adventure and truly a journey to get to this point. We have been wanting to work with her for the past four years,” remarked Veronica Kerzner, the founder and president of Style Fashion Week. Although the last minute venue change from LA. Live’s event deck to The Reef raised many questions, the results couldn’t have been any better. The visionary award winner from Asia Society, fashion designer Sue Wong, has impeccably styled countless talented women for the past two decades from all over the world and Hollywood celebrities including Taylor Swift, Jessica Biel, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Kelly Osbourne, Anne Hathaway,Minnie Driver and Megan Hilty. Sue Wong is best known for her dress designs with a contemporary twist based on the old Hollywood glam Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


style, with her interpretations from the romantic eras such as Weimar Berlin, 1930’s Shanghai and Hollywood Golden Era. Her collection is available in some 27 countries including major department stores like Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom.

The invitation-only event (900 capacity) rolled out the red carpet to welcome the arrival of fashion stylists, fashion editors, celebrities, ambassadorial delegates and even royal family members. Some of Sue’s guest attendees in Music and Entertainment included Miss J. Alexander and Katie Cleary (America’s Next Top Model), Sadie Robertson (Dancing With The Stars), Maitland Ward (Boy Meets World), Aria Johnson (Beverly Hills Pawn), and as for the royal family members, Countess Michelle Czernin von

Chudenitzand and her royal highness, Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark. The spectacular, high-energy, high-profile and much anticipated fashion show commenced with a warm welcome from Veronica Kerzener. Thereupon, the Chinese-born American fashion designer, Sue Wong, was honoured with the prestigious Tiffany Lifetime Achievement Award for enduring excellence in fashion design, presented to her by rocker Dave Navarro and charming actor Vincent De Paul.

Sue Wong’s Fairies and Sirens Spring / Summer Collection included eight themed groupings and a 76 look show where Fairies and Sirens came out to play in full force and transformed Sue Wong’s magical designs to a reality on the runway of Style Fashion Week. The 30-minute Spring/Summer Collection not only highlights the contrast between light and dark but is also inspired by the dual archetypes of the poetic, ethereal, and magical fairy and the vampish siren. According to the Greek Mythology, Sirens are fallen fairies who bewitch those who encounter their beauty, seducing them back to the depths from which they have been damned. Most of the pieces that came down the catwalk were an extension of Sue’s signature style 80 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


82 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

– strapless Art Deco couture gowns with impeccable workmanship. The exquisite collection ranged from silky sheaths and lace to multitiered organza capes.

Sue Wong is definitely a risk-taking designer who is not afraid to use colours. The colour palette from the collection included soft hues of pinks, creams and whites to vibrant greens, blues, lavender and tangerines resembling the mythical and angelic creatures, Fairies, while the darker pieces were also combined to represent the mysterious Sirens from the Underworld. Many looks in the show were accessorised by equally exquisite headdresses and crowns, ranging in size from low-profile tiaras to feather fascinators to extravagant horns with a final touch of flowers. The headpieces during the show were designed by Sue Wong, Miss G Designs, Fiori Couture and Kicka Custom Design, and the elegantly beckoned jewellery was from Vilaiwan designed by talented second generation Joe Polthakorn.

The alchemy of beauty is magical and the magic has the ability to transform. I would like to think that when a woman puts on a Sue Wong, she is magically transformed and connected to her ultimate divine goddess. Sue Wong Lastly, I would like to highlight and give a round of applause to amazing Josh Homann (Sue Wong’s son) for his delightful traditional gesture where he always congratulates his lovely mother with a spectacular bouquet of flowers and an encouraging smile at each of her grand finale shows – Bravo! Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


The Queen of details creates limitless beauty. “The alchemy of beauty is magical and the magic has the ability to transform. I would like to think that when a woman puts on a Sue Wong, she is magically transformed and connected to her ultimate divine goddess,” remarks Sue Wong. As a celebrity fashion stylist, I would absolutely love to see Hollywood beauties like Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron and Sharon Stone channel their inner Goddess and grace their next red carpet event in Sue Wong gowns. Numerous celebrities and royals including myself showed their support by wearing a Sue Wong gown. As for me, I showed off my style credentials in a romantic red-blue dress portraying Sue Wong’s eminent ‘Glamour Goddess’ whilst streamlining the retro-meetsmodern ‘Hollywood Glam’ look which undeniably fit my traditional nature; bequeathing in a style that not only made me feel utterly feminine, glamorous, confident but also a ‘Hollywood Goddess’. Styling hair with wavy curls and matching red lips was uniquely elegant yet subtle statement of glamour for a hair style appropriate for attendance at one of the most prestigious fashion shows Los Angeles has ever seen!

Y “Beauty is what I create and it’s a visceral experience, it becomes an alchemist that procures magic and in so doing, it guarantees transformation,” added Sue Wong. She finished with, “Every woman is both a fairy and a siren.” Which one are you?

To learn more about me visit Marina BerBeryan and LA Fashion Judge. To sign up for my fun daily posts visit my social sites listed below.

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Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


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Lifestyle & Wellness

Tiffany Baker Natural Figure Champion FIND ME ONLINE HERE

By Charlene SanJenko 96 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com



recently had an opportunity to sit down with Tiffany Baker. What a pleasure it was to chat with this lovely lady about her recent rise to the top of natural figure competition, her mission to help others and how she maintains balance of it all out along with her first and foremost priority, her gorgeous son.

Tiffany, we understand that 2014 was your first year of figure competitions, and that is was a very successful year. Can you tell us more? Yes, I began competing in 2014 and was fortunate to win 1st place in my figure class at my very first show in May at the Western Canadians. That win qualified me to compete in August at the Nationals against women from all across Canada where I placed in the top 10 of my division. I also competed in Mixed Pairs with my partner Ali Najafian, winning 1st place in Canada. Together, Tiffany Baker: Natural Figure Champion •


we travelled to Montreal in October to compete at the World’s and placed 4th in Mixed Pairs. It has been quite a year! I’ve always been athletic with soccer, kickboxing and snowboarding but I decided to take it to the next level.

Describe your Mission. I want to help people to bring out the very best in themselves. I’m just a ‘regular girl’ who was motivated to change my lifestyle and realize my fullest potential (I’m still on my way!), and I’d like to help others to do the same.

Describe how you stay PowHERful and on the top of your game. For me it boils down to making a plan and being organized. I hit the gym to stay positive and regularly pause to enjoy the simple beauty of life that is all around us. We just need to stop, breathe, centre, and enjoy!

“I want to take what I’ve learned from my own personal experience – on all levels – and share it with others…I can’t wait!” 98 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

What is your ultimate dream for your business and Mission and where would you like to take it. I am in the process of establishing my own personal training and lifestyle coaching business. I want to take what I’ve learned from my own personal experience – on all levels – and share it with others. 2015 will be a year of professional development, certification and establishing my business. I can’t wait!

Describe what success looks like. Being happy with yourself – fulfilled at a soul-level, and quality time with family and friends.

Describe your success strategy in one sentence. Being prepared sets you up for success.

What would you say your Top 3 Excellence Habits are (i.e. habits that ensure your success). Keep motivated. I use my competition photos and trophies as a reminder of what is possible. Tiffany Baker: Natural Figure Champion •


100 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Have a plan. Keep your goals in front of you – daily, weekly, monthly. Schedule regular me time. You need to restore to be able to produce and share more positive energy to yourself and others

Describe your Top 3 Time Management Tips as they relate to your Mission. Prioritize. We can’t do it all at once! Roll with it when you have to. Plans change, and we have to be flexible. Breathe and keep focusing on the Bigger Picture!

Describe your Top 3 Consistency Tips as they relate to your Mission. Use positive self-talk. It’s powerful! Create a positive mantra – one or two positive phrases that resonate for you. Understand that each day is different and unique – a new set of 24 hours. Appreciate each one and use it wisely.

Describe collaboration and what it looks like/ feels like on the ground – how does it show up in your life? Tiffany Baker: Natural Figure Champion •


These days I am collaborating with my coach and partner Ali Najafian. We have similar aspirations, and it is fun to brainstorm, fuel each other’s fires and keep each other motivated and accountable. Collaboration is the connection of energy. Two sources flowing and working together is much stronger than one.

Describe a favourite hobby or adventure. I love, love, love to cook! I used to live in Chicago for a few years where I was inspired to create beautiful dishes which led me to cater for high-end clients. It is my art and allows me to unleash my creativity!

Favourite energy meal or snack (healthy). Greek yogurt with blueberries,cinnamon and almonds Pita bread – I make chips in the oven or the microwave for quick convenience accompanied by homemade salsa (finely chopped tomatoes, onions, jalapeño, cilantro, lime juice, salt & pepper) I use a lot of cinnamon on my food for flavour Hot sauce is my friend – it speeds up your metabolism

Favourite recipe to share? Easy Grilled Cinnamon – Spiced Chicken Breast with Shirazi Salad.


Rinse 4 chicken breasts and pat dry. In a small bowl mix: 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, pinch of salt.

102 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


Sprinkle the rub over all chicken breasts and cook on a medium heat grill for 6-8 minutes a side, until the juices run clear.

Shirazi Salad –This is a Persian salad and is simple and healthy. Ingredients: 2 large tomatoes, 1 medium red onion, 2 medium cucumbers, juice of 2 limes, 1/4 cup mint, 1/4 parsley, salt & pepper.


Chop all ingredients into small pieces and mix together with lime juice salt and pepper. Put in fridge set the flavours for 30 minutes.

What’s your favourite protein shake? Peanut Butter Chocolate Shake Ingredients: 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder, 1/2 teaspoon peanut butter, 1 cup non-fat milk, handful of ice.

Favourite indulgence or treat. I’d have to say chocolate, a good burger or a great bowl of pasta

Top 3 things on your Bucket List. Go travelling to Mexico & Spain. Swim with the dolphins. Attend a Super Bowl game – I love football! Tiffany Baker: Natural Figure Champion •


Helping people to realize what they are truly capable of.

I never leave home without my… Tupperware (grin!), and water.

Current favourite running song… Take Over Control by Afrojack. I listened to this song back stage before my first competition and it pumped me up so much!

What’s not being said? I’ve always been athletic training in the gym, and competitive in soccer, kickboxing and snowboarding. If you had asked me one year ago what my year would be like…I couldn’t have even dreamed of achieving such amazing goals all in the 104 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

same year. Thank you 2014! The previous year I was faced with a few struggles which allowed me rise up and spread my wings and show the world what I’m made of! I had overcome quite a few obstacles while prepping for my year of success, and along the way I found out just how STRONG I really am. I was working full-time as a high performing executive assistant for four advisors while training twice a day. I also had to manage the care for my 3 year old son after school. I really wanted to compete, and I was driven to do my best. Where there is a will…There is a way! I made a plan to help me succeed and recruited my sister, my son’s teachers and other resources to allow me to manage my time. On my third competition – last year training for the Worlds – I lost most of my childcare options, so I bought a treadmill for my house. It was a great idea as it created a positive, healthy and active environment for both my son and I.

Pg 111, 113 Photo credit: BAKEPHOTOGRAPHY

What does giving back (fulfilment) look like to you?

My whole mantra last year was just be open and let the great things happen. Once you remove your own obstacles…anything is possible! I am honoured to have inspired many women over the past year to make changes in their lives and to spread their own wings.


Charlene SanJenko is the Founder and CEO of PowHERhouse, a digital platform that provides solutions for women to keep them strong and powerful, evolves the role that we allow to fitness to play and our lives and celebrates positive, natural female role models in fitness, sport, business and community.

106 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com




By Nathalie de Ahna 108 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


be honest: unless you invest a whole lot of hard(ly) earned cash into your website, your very first online presence is likely to look pretty “bleehhh”. Maybe not when you’re still seeing it through your pink “Oh my God, I’m an online entrepreneur now!” glasses, but definitely once you start wondering why your great “mobile desk biz plan” isn’t making you the money you’ve already planned for your early retirement on a Spanish island (hot male Spaniards licking your not so nice-smelling feet included).

WHAT THE MUCK IS WRONG? You’re doing all the stuff your favourite uber-entrepreneurs recommend: You guest blog as if you were suffering from an incurable case of verbal diarrhoea. You’ve bought at least 23 biz life-changing 6-weeks with forever access online classes which you are determined to start soon and maybe finish by the end of 2030. You’re throwing every nasty “like salt in an open wound” pain point you can think of from your website’s left, right, top and bottom into your visitors’ face. You’re also constantly creating new fantastic offers, skipping your yoga classes, totally neglecting your social life and letting your dogs poop in the garden because you don’t have the time to walk them properly. In short, you’re hassling harder than ever before in your life! Every single day, during the weekends, whenever you can’t sleep, and

Rebranding 101: Look & Feel •


most certainly every time your non-understanding husband is trying to have sex with you. Also, you’ve never before invested so much money with such poor results.

MUCK, MUCK, MUUUCK! Have all these months without a decent orgasm really been in vain?! No, of course not. Because you have still learnt a ton:


2 3 4

Don’t ever invest like a champ into your first website, unless you really know what you want to do with it because: You are most likely to change your mind an estimated 325 times before you finally meet your true brand personality. Rebranding is not a bad thing / a sign of weakness / a one-way trip to online hell, or gonna cost you another year without dirty love-making. You don’t need to sell your only child for it because:

110 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


You can do almost anything on your own (and outsource only the really techy stuff).

I know this because I spent months researching double-blind, placebo-driven, multi-gazillion Harvard-sponsored studies, and because my own first online website sucked (poor ROI included).

NOW LET ME TELL YOU The first thing you’re looking for when re-branding is not persuasive copy or meticulously defined pain points you’re serving suffering online visitors on a platter that looks like silver but actually is not. The first thing you’re looking for is: A visual impression that will knock the people landing on your website off their stinky socks, aka as:

Your irresistible signature design! And I’m not just saying that because I happen to be a visual messaging messiah. Psychologist Albert Mehrabian showed that 93% of communication is non-verbal. Researchers from 3M Corporation demonstrated that we process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. According to the Web Marketing Group, 40% of people respond better to visual information than plain text, and Rebranding 101: Look & Feel •


while we can only decipher text one line at a time, we decipher images simultaneously.

Images are powerful! Because they trigger certain emotions which can bust the door to your clients’ inbox wide open… or close it before you can even say “muck!” Ready to rebrand? Thinking about it? Burning to read my lips and get into my pants? Click below to download part one of my Rebranding 101 to close in on the look and feel of your new, awesome and irresistible brand that’s finally showing your true colours, and yours alone! It’s free, it’s fillable and it’s very shareable!

112 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

The Alchemist 10th Anniversary Edition Kindle Edition £2.99 The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho continues to change the lives of its readers forever. With more than two million copies sold around the world, The Alchemist has established itself as a modern classic, universally admired. Paulo Coelho’s masterpiece tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found.

Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life Kindle Edition £7.46

Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and Invention PAPERBACK £11.02 Click images for synopsis and purchase information.



the thing. You Can’t fix other people, and by definition of this statement (which is lesson 9 of my Twelve Lessons series by the way) no one can fix you! FIND ME ONLINE HERE

By Kate Spencer 114 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com



are our own best chance and until we start to get our act together, clean out our shit cart,T and start aligning with what we want instead of what we don’t…you get the picture right? Herein lies the story of the Askhole. This is the person that comes to you time and time again for advice, and a good moan, and it’s either exactly the same stuff as last time or at least a version of it. This is the person who is stuck in their stuff and will not do anything different to bring in positive change. They are happy to moan about how awful things are, and it leaves you worn out. Let’s not be mean here, sometimes people need help, and I am all for signposting, cheer leading and supporting people in times of challenge and adversity. I think I am a good friend, but I wouldn’t be a good friend if I wasn’t honest, and there have been times in my life as both a friend and as a coach that I have called people on their victim mentality (in a ‘pixies and fairy dust’ nice sort of a way).

And guess what? Don’t be an Ask-Hole! •


They don’t like it. That’s because they are usually so stuck that they can’t see the proverbial wood for the trees, and although they say they want change – they are actually gaining a great deal of time, energy and significance from others by constantly going over old ground and being unwilling to change. That’s what I am talking about here, the third, fourth or fifth time someone starts on the same “poor me” track and they haven’t done a thing to help themselves is the time that you need to help yourself. You need to step back from their energy and send them love from the side lines.

If you can support them by making suggestions that are not going to suck you in to the vortex of negativity then do so, but know this. It’s their stuff. And we all bring in our own lessons to learn, maybe yours is about being supportive to someone else whilst empowering yourself at the same time?

LOVE KATE 116 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Click below to find out more about my Law of Attraction programme online

Would you love to experience more Flow in your Stream of Abundance? Want to get rid of the drama and experiences that weigh you down? Do you want more income? Do you want more moments of synchronicity and universal sign posting? Do you want to move your life from ordinary to extraordinary? Are you sick of settling for a substandard life? Do you want an awesome relationship? Would you love to have more joy and happiness? Can you imagine being able to draw in energetically experiences that match your desires? Would you love to have more of what you want and less of what you don’t?

About a Homemade Year

Food, Home & Family


Brussels Sprouts In my life I have had Brussels sprouts as often as... Well, to be honest I never liked Brussels sprouts! I love cabbage, but for some reason Brussels sprouts just never did anything for me. My husband loves them though. Every time he is offered them he seizes upon them instantly. Maybe because they are frozen they just don’t seem very good. Well, low and behold my big-box store had fresh Brussels sprouts. I thought, ‘OK I’m going in!’ I am going to master this food stuff once and for all, and because I live in the South and we eat bacon like... Well, like it’s bacon, I decided to start there. Now I love Brussels sprouts. I will have to find a vendor who sells them fresh or grow my own... and I thought foodies were crazy!

By Tanya Jackson 120 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

INGREDIENTS 1-2 pounds of bacon

(I use Bits & Pieces because I love how the bacon tastes and it is so much cheaper)


1 pound of fresh Brussels sprouts 1 onion, chopped Paprika

to the pan, letting the cut exposed surface of sprouts lay on the skillet.

1 Cut the Brussels sprouts into 5 Brown the cut sides but halves (or quarters for larger sized sprouts).

2 Fry the bacon, making sure

to save the grease. If I have a large chunk of bacon, I cut into small bits and then fry it. Put the bacon to the side.

3 Use the bacon grease to cook the onion until translucent.

4 Add the Brussels sprouts

make sure not to burn them! You can cover the pan for a mushier texture, but I personally like the crispiness of the braising. Cook until bright green.

6 Add the bacon and sprinkle paprika over the entire dis (this gives a pop to the flavour.)

7 Cover for 1 minute and serve.

Braised Brussels Sprouts •


Is That the Best

You Got?

By Cherie DeBurger 122 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

February is the month of love, roses and poems but do you know why? Yes we all know it’s because February 14th is Valentine’s Day, but do you know why? Why was that day given the honour of being the one day out of the entire year that is recognized by all lovers around the world? According to legend back in the third century A.D. the Roman Emperor Claudius II wanted to strengthen his army to help protect Rome. One way he believed he could accomplish this was by forbidding the young men to marry because he believed that married men didn’t make good soldiers. If the men were busy thinking about their wives then there was more of a chance for them to make a mistake, fighting for Rome was the only thing the Emperor wanted on his soldiers minds. A Christian priest named Valentine ignored the ban and continued to perform marriages for the young couples so deeply in love that they chose to pay no heed to the new law.

There are people who don’t want to buy flowers or candy just because it’s what you’re supposed to do, and instead like to do sweet things for their special someone all year long. Is That the Best You Got? •


When Claudius discovered what the priest was doing he ordered that Priest Valentine be thrown into prison. Later when he was brought before the Emperor he not only disagreed with Claudius but tried to convert him to Christianity. The Emperor was furious and ordered the priest be put to death. The legend states that in 270 A.D. on February 14th Priest Valentine was martyred. After he was declared a Saint the day he was martyred became known as St. Valentine’s Day. Not everyone celebrates this day. Some believe, along with many other things, that it has become too commercialized. There are people who don’t want to buy flowers or candy just because it’s what you’re supposed to do, and instead like to do sweet things for their special someone all year long. Some couples that have been married for what seems like forever might think seeing their other half in some sexy lingerie would induce more pain then pleasure. Some husbands and wives would think the best gift would be an evening away not only from the house and kids, but from each other as well. The ones who seem to expect the most out of Valentine’s Day and spend the most are either the hormonal teenagers wearing rose coloured glasses of love, or the young lovers and newly married couples who think all you need is love. Hell hath seen no fury equal to that of a new girlfriend or wife who gets nothing for Valentine’s Day and you can be sure her significant other won’t be getting anything either. But you don’t just wake up in a relationship – it has to start somehow, somewhere. Mostly everyone has either given or received The Pick Up Line. Some are funny, some are strange and some are down right ridiculous. 124 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

I talked to some ladies to find out what they considered to be some of the worst pick up lines they had ever been the recipient of. “Is your dad a baker, because he sure does make good buns?”

“Are you a postal worker because I see you checking out my package?” “Are you a light switch, ‘cause you turn me on?”

“Do you know what would look great on you? Me.” “On a scale of one to ten how married are you?” “Did you just fart, because you blew me away?” “If you were a booger, I would pick you first.”

“OK I’m here, you have two wishes left.” Is That the Best You Got? •


“Don’t worry baby, I’m not looking for a one night stand. Two hours should be plenty.”

“Let’s go to my place and do things I’ll tell everyone we did anyway.” “I’ve got Skittles in my mouth, wanna taste the rainbow?” “That dress would look even better crumbled up on my bedroom floor.”

“Want to make a porno, we don’t have to tape it?” Then there are ones that aren’t quite so obnoxious but still would never win over a stable person. “Are you a parking ticket because you have FINE written all over you?”

“Hey baby I’m not usually this tall, I’m just sitting on my wallet.” 126 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“Great choice in clothes, they match the trim in my jag.”

“Are you from Tennessee because you are the only Ten I see?” “My name isn’t Elmo but you can tickle me anytime.”

“If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put “U” and “I” together.” “ Is your name WiFi cause I’m feeling the connection?” Man: “Hey baby what are you doing tonight?” Lady: “I have a boyfriend.” Man: “I like porcupines.” Lady: “What?!” Man “I thought we were talking about stuff that doesn’t matter.”

“Is your body from McDonald’s because I’m loving it?” Is That the Best You Got? •


“Holy cow is your name Google because you have everything I am looking for?”

“Did you get hurt? When you fell from heaven?” All pick up lines aren’t obnoxious and rude some are even a little cute.

“Do you know what is making me smile? It’s you.” “I don’t know you and you don’t know me. We really have a lot in common.”

“You look so familiar, oh that’s right I saw you in my dreams.” “Are you from Jamaica because Jamaica me crazy!”

“Something’s wrong with my cell phone, your number isn’t in it.” 128 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“I’m not a photographer but I can picture you and me together.”

“Excuse me could you empty your pockets please, I think you stole my heart.” “I was blinded by your beauty so I need your name and number for insurance purposes.”

“Could you please step away from the bar, you’re melting all the ice.” “I hope you know CPR because you take my breath away.” These last two have to be my favourite...

“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?” And finally... “Here’s $30. Drink until I look good.” Is That the Best You Got? •


So if you’ve made it past the pick up lines and the bar lines and have found someone that you connect with, Valentine’s Day should be a day for feeling special. A day when your significant other makes you feel like there is nothing in the world that is more important than making you happy. When he is willing to spend $100 on flowers that will be dead before the bill can be paid. This is one of the few times that the guy with the smallest package gets the girl.

Sometimes it’s best to be proactive if you have something specific in mind that you would like. Let’s face it, more times than not it’s advantageous to leave hints or clues as to what you would like to be ‘surprised’ with. One bright young lady got the idea to leave magazines laying around open to pages with some beautiful pieces of jewellery in plain view. Unfortunately her husband didn’t totally understand her helpfulness and instead of receiving a beautiful bauble she unwrapped a brand new dazzling and shimmering magazine rack. Thank goodness for this man that his wife remembered that ultimately it’s the thought that counts.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! If you have any comments then please feel free to email me at lifes.moments@live.ca 130 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

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