Hat Trick Magazine March 2015

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ISSN 2058-198X

Volume 4 • Issue 3 • March 2015 £3.00 GBP | $4.50 USD | €4


The Art Of



laura flook PEARL OF AN ODDITY



about Hat Trick (noun): 1. A sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. 2. A magic trick. We happily accept both definitions. Hat Trick Magazine is a special project targeted at sharing spiritual and professional growth with like-minded people from around the world. We share strategies that truly will change your life, business and career (with a little help from some pro friends). We’ve all been there: under/un/employed, in a bad situation, in transition, wondering what the options are and not knowing the skills we would need to get us there. We won’t lie to you. Coming out the other side isn’t easy, but we can show you what we learned along to way and help you get the confidence to turn that leaf over and pursue that which is your destiny. Knowledge is power. Not everyone fancies themselves to be an entrepreneur but the truth is, even when seeking employment these days, pulling together your resume requires some sly articulation to showcase your skills, be keyword-optimised and with a strong, personable presentation to get noticed. We feature inspirational people who have great careers, amazing businesses, tips and a host of amazing stories will inspire and amaze you. Our editors and contributors are some of the most connected in their industries and specialisms.

Hat Trick Strategies cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited coverage made by our contributors including reviews, articles, manuscripts or photographs of products, services. While every care is taken, prices, details or availability of items are subject to change and we cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit letters or correspondence received via email, social media or other communication. All advice is given in general terms or as a matter of opinion, for entertainment purposes only, and may not be exhaustive nor suitable for all situations. Always seek specialized professional advice, specifically suited to you or your business needs. Absolutely no part of this magazine should be taken as medical, professional or other advice - always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.

Hat Trick Your Life! Take control of your lifestyle, your career, your dreams and your journey. We’ll share what we know and we invite you to join us. If you or your business would like to be featured or simply would like to contribute a feature in an upcoming issue, please email us on: content@hattrickmagazine.com

© Hat Trick Strategies, 2013 All Rights Reserved

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Hat Trick Strategies

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Editor-In-Chief Michelle Fitz

Design & Illustration

Michelle Fitz Michael Thomas Hartley Eleni Sofroniou

Business & Tech

Andrea Sullenger Michelle Holmes Ucheki Ezurike-Bosse Nathalie de Ahna

Career & Learning Sandra Cunningham Sukh Pabial

Faith & Self Help Karen Salmansohn Mike Fisher Katie Clifton Gina Hussar

Joey & Michael Phelps

Style & Beauty

Shalanda Turner Rachael Pontillo Marina BerBeryan

Lifestyle & Wellness Charlene SanJenko Kate Spencer Ashley Jack

Food, Home & Family Tanya Jackson Cherie DeBurger

We love hearing from you‌ content@hattrickmagazine.com

From the Editor Being a Better Partner.........................................................................................8

Cover Story Laura Flook: A Pearl of an Oddity....................................................................12

Business & Tech 7 Practical Tips to get the Most out of Training..............................................24 Clarity is King......................................................................................................30 Rebranding 101: Brand Colours.......................................................................34

Career & Learning Self Care, Resilience & Indulgence.................................................................42

Faith & Self Help Karen Salmansohn.............................................................................................46 NEW Don’t Mind Mike........................................................................................48 The Price of Following Jesus..............................................................................56 My Favourite Word is ‘Miracle’.........................................................................62 Lil Nipper Snapper Cartoon..............................................................................67

Style & Beauty Live Life in Style...................................................................................................68 The Science of How Food & Sleep Affect Skin & Health...............................70 Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist...................................................................80

Lifestyle & Wellness Steely Springham: Inspirational Conversationalist.........................................92 Are You Under Attack?...................................................................................106 NEW What We’re Reading..............................................................................111

Food, Home & Family The Best Chilli Ever!...........................................................................................114 You Will Always be my Baby...........................................................................116

From the Editor

BEING A BETTER PARTNER I am in the best relationship of my life. My partner is supportive, loving, attentive and strong. It’s a safe, exciting and fulfilling place to be, for sure. Since relationships form such a cornerstone to our happiness and security right across our emotional, financial, and professional lives, I cannot help but reflect on things that I want to keep mindful in order to be a better partner for the long haul. As I cast my mind’s eye backward, it is pretty simple to pick out some classic mistakes from my own love life. Moreover, these are my top five that I never want to lose sight of, as I do my very best job of loving him in the way that he deserves. 8

• Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


1. Communication is key, but finding the softness is the real objective.

I recently read an article which quoted American News Anchor, Diane Sawyer on her advice for such a successful long-standing marriage: “A criticism is just a really bad way of making a request. So why don’t you just make the request? Why don’t you just say, Could we work out this thing that makes me feel this way?” Like Sawyer, when I heard this I just thought…that is genius.

2. You need a shared life, but also one of your own. Every couple walks a fine line between comfortable home life and lack of wider perspective outside of their relationship. The line, as it were, will be unique to each relationship and only you can decide what is healthy. I think that when one or both does not have a connection to their individual identity, the magical qualities that make you, well, yourself are rubbed away and in seeps boredom. Having a life together but also separately means that you have goals, dreams, topics and wins to discuss and look forward to, together. It helps keep some mystery and areas to explore in conversation and take interest in, as you go through this shared life.

3. You really don’t need to win. Why do we, as human beings, think that just because we feel Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz •


passionately about a topic or view that the other person must absorb it and accept it as fact before we can move on in the conversation? If you love this person, is it not far better to supportively explain yourself but concede that sometimes what makes us different is what makes us “click”? Step out of ego and be prepared to shrug off these small battles – they are truly ‘small stuff’. You don’t need to win and you know what, you just might not be right. Sometimes, there is no right.

4. Quality not quantity. Whether you are two professional people, have children or numerous obligations, quite frankly you are never going to achieve optimal time with your partner. I hear the comment “we just didn’t spend enough time together” so frequently but if you really think about the time that means most, it’s the quality of that time not the volumes. Make time for one another and focus on the dedicated moments that are for your relationship, alone. I have been in relationships where I was literally with my partner for extended periods of time every evening and weekend, yet felt utterly alone. I have also had relationships where the moments stolen were so meaningful and well presented that frankly I was left fulfilled and valued purely from a few evenings a week of real, quality, one-on-one time.

5. Make small efforts that relieve your partner in some small way, on a regular basis.

I don’t know about you, but when either of us is having a tough day, the best thing in the world is a hug and a sympathetic ear. We have a Sunday night ritual that frankly could heal the entire 10 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

world, if bottled and mass-marketed. We also try to do small things that make life just that bit easier, where we feel able. Whether it is a meal, massage, small errand, thoughtful gesture, a sincere, complimentary reaction, or completely finishing whole streams of chores and to-do lists, these small surprises and gifts of yourself encourage seeds of gratitude to grow and flourish between you. See, I think gratitude is the key to obtaining and holding onto the important things in life. We keep what we most value and by purposefully participating in an intentional and very mutual give and take, we continually tend our relationship in ways that keep the spark of love and gratitude very much alive. Too often, we rely on seeds sewn right at the beginning, only to forget to cultivate, taking for granted the richness of what we have, and then wonder why our lawn turns brown. So every once and a while, if you can, clean the whole house when you know they need a break, surprise them with an errand that is just “done” in the background, and clear some of the load from their plate. Make some small gesture or effort that takes one small bit of pressure away or makes their life easier. These are the things to value – not gifts, not commercially prescribed gestures made on specific occasions, and certainly, I believe, they are the real cultivators of life-long love.

By Michelle Fitz, Editor-In-Chief

Michelle Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz •


Cover Story

Laura Flook A PEARL OF AN


By Michelle Fitz 12 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

We’re kicking off the spring with a cracking interview with New York City designer, Laura Flook. 14 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“I see my clothes come to life much as a sculpture would in its raw materials. I know many begin their designs with a sketch, but I work best when I free myself and get into cutting and stitching fabric.”


those who may not be familiar, Laura has been featured fairly regularly as she peruses her favourite shop on the Discovery Channel hit ‘Oddities,’ a reality TV show centred around the NYC shop ‘Obscura Antiques and Oddities’ and its interesting stream of clientele, items, and commissioned pieces. A simple web crawl quickly yielded enough research to know that Ms. Flook was an established ‘mortician turned model/designer,’ but we wanted to take a closer look at what makes up such a lovable series favourite and the method behind her designs. It is prudent to note that Ms. Flook, who rarely does interviews or appearances, agreed to chat with our team for a three hour chat about her life, her designs, and her successful fan base. We also gave her a few marketing and fashion consultancy tips, and we were pleasantly honoured to be allowed into her world, even if but for a moment. Laura Flook: A Pearl of an Oddity •



Laura Flook line is inspired by Victorian and Edwardian mourning wear. Moreover, this selftaught seamstress has incorporated classic mortuary stitching as can be seen in several of her current dress designs. Laura follows an atypical design approach, much as a musician who plays and composes by ear. Each piece is fully lined, and made with only the best fabrics and materials, reflecting the price range of this solely designer-backed collection. Although initial designs can be mass-produced, each piece is individually finished, with quality craftsmanship and as true to the time period from which they are inspired as possible. While Laura receives regular orders, her t-shirt line alone, bearing her logo, sold out via her website within a month of her appearances on Oddities. She also works with commissioned clients, typically through word-of-mouth referrals. The Laura Flook line started with just one dress, and has now expanded to a full collection. It has a mix of daring hemlines,

I have had a few people call me saying they had seen something I wore on Oddities, and they think it’s perfect, but they would like something only they would have. Usually these clients are really open-minded and I like the creative process. Sometimes, people on the street will pass me and comment on what I’m wearing, because what I wear is so individual; I pretty much design for myself and anyone out there who happens to like it, too, that is just a bonus.

16 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

18 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

antique design, and an earthy, velvet touch bridging Victorian fashion with that of the modern era. In addition to her dresses, bow ties, collars and outerwear, t-shirts and tops are also included.

Many people seem to draw a conclusion about Laura based on her presentation, particularly defining her by her past profession as a mortician. Additionally, there’s her propensity to withdraw from society’s norms in terms of social behaviour. Nevertheless, I felt in speaking with her that there is this beautiful contrast about her, a softness which comes from a place of empathy. It’s really quite easy to see why viewers of her line sometimes lose focus. Clearly, the designer’s soul is behind these creations and it is difficult to separate one, without discussing the intrigue of the other.

“Through her designs, one can ponder the stark contrast of her intrigue with death and her preferences which lean toward compassion more so for the dead she has assisted in their final moments, than with that of the living. Coinciding with that is her striking beauty, all of which, really, is juxtaposition defined.” In chatting with Laura, we were left with so much more than that of our web crawl: her love for her Labrador, Trocar (named for her favourite embalming Laura Flook: A Pearl of an Oddity •


instrument), her devotion and gratitude for the companionship Trocar gives her unconditionally, the tremendous sense of solitude, beauty and reverence that she exudes in her designs and in her daily life. There is something very vulnerable about Laura Flook; something very passionate and beautiful. We are fortunate that she allows the world to see it blossom via her eclectic collection. As with so many other creative fashionistas, her world is one which incorporates sadness, beauty, quality, and moreover, art, as a mechanism for emotive inspiration.

To see Laura’s latest creations and extensive catalogue visit her website using the link below. Also be sure to follow her on Twitter and Instagram!

20 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Laura Flook: A Pearl of an Oddity •


Business & Tech

7 Practical Tips to Get the Most Out of Every Training FIND ME ONLINE HERE

By Andrea Sullenger 24 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

So you’re pumped because you’ve signed up for an exciting new training event that promises to rock your world. You might be a little like me. Do you get excited about meeting other kickass entrepreneurs when you go to seminars and workshops? I have to make a genuine effort to be prepared or I get caught up in the excitement of the event itself and overlook some basic must-dos. I have attended lots of events, both real and virtual, so I’ve created a checklist of tips you can follow whenever you sign up for a training event, whether it’s a webinar, teleseminar or even a 5-day conference requiring you to fly across the country. Let’s just back up a step. Jot down the top 5 reasons you decided to go to this event. It is important to make sure your expectations are in alignment with what is being promised. Keep a copy of the sales page, brochure or promo where you first signed up for the event. Make some quick notes as you read through the information or as you’re watching the promo video that outlines the training session.

7 Practical Tips to Get the Most Out of Every Training •


Your list might look something like this: 1) Learn how to use

sales funnel

story in my

2) Get clear on the best opt-in tools 3) How to optimize outsourcing 4) 5 time management strategies

5) How to make social media work for

my business

Writing down a list of what you hope to gain from the event will help you get crystal clear about your purpose for attending. Your mind will start to generate ideas related to the event and when the date rolls around, you’ll have intelligent questions to ask and ideas to share. I like to keep it simple; my mind that is. I’ve found if you attend an event and your brain is buzzing with thoughts about current projects, errands to do after the session, new apps you need to install, or whatever … I mean, you get the picture. When you go to an event, go with a clear, relaxed mind. 26 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Schedule time on your calendar to sort out your papers and organize your office. Believe me, I’m not always perfectly organized, but in my opinion you learn better when your mind is clear

Here are your 7 tips to maximise the value of your training experience:

1 2 3

Clear your desk. Schedule time on your calendar to sort out your papers and organize your office. Believe me, I’m not always perfectly organized, but in my opinion you learn better when your mind is clear…and your mind will be a lot less frazzled when your desk and office is in order before you head into your training experience. Have the event clearly written in your day timer, whether that’s electronic or a traditional paper calendar. Set up your phone to send you reminders leading up to the event. That way you won’t forget, or be caught off guard if it temporarily slips your mind. Inform your family or colleagues you will not be available during that time. If necessary, let them know how they can contact you in case of an emergency, but make it clear this training is important to you and you don’t expect to be interrupted except for something that absolutely can’t wait. 7 Practical Tips to Get the Most Out of Every Training •


4 5 6 7

Have a notebook or binder ready with lots of paper and a favourite pen. Label the binder or notebook so it will be easy to reference later. Have water and a nutritious snack ready. This may seem obvious, but the snack needs to be something you can eat quietly and will offer some real food value. Everybody learns better when they are not feeling hunger pangs. Think about what to wear ahead of time so it won’t be a lastminute pressure. You may want a sweater or jacket in case the room is extra cool. Being comfortable helps make sure you’re in the best mind-frame for learning.

Check you have enough business cards. Even better than that, have something you can offer to people who might be interested in your business. It can be as simple as an invitation for free admission to an upcoming webinar you’re offering or a copy of something you’ve just recently published.

If you follow these suggestions before your upcoming trainings, you will feel more relaxed, retain more of what you learned and be keen to apply your new-found skills. As an extra bonus, you may even have some new clients for your list.

Andrea x 28 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

7 Practical Tips to Get the Most Out of Every Training •


CLARITY IS KING This may be the missing piece to making more money and having more fun in your business! FIND ME ONLINE HERE

By Uchechi Ezurike-Bosse 30 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


often hear that clarity is king when it comes to growing and building your business; and I couldn’t agree more. If you want to make more money and attract ideal customers, then you need to be clear on who they are.

If you’ve taken any marketing programs, then you would’ve come across the concept of Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA). The work of getting ‘inside the skin’ of your ICA is one many business owners find difficult to do. However, getting to know them at this level allows you to really hone in on those you want to work with. Customer clarity helps you attract those who need and value your products and services the most. They are also more fun to work with. When you start to market your business without this clarity, you often attract people who are not the best fit for your business. Business is hard enough without you working with the wrong people. Another important part of knowing your ICA is that it helps you better market your business and communicate to them in a way they understand. Get to know what issues and concerns your ideal customers have, and how your business solves them. What need do they have, that you’re able to fill? Understanding your customers is key to growing them, because you are then able to tailor your products and services to solve their needs. A major mistake many business owners make is not using the same language their customers use to describe their concerns. The ‘language’ is the words your customers use to describe their wants, needs and desires? These are the same words Clarity is King •


“Build up your ‘know, like and trust factor’ and strengthen your relationship with them. It is through this connection that you are able to form lasting relationships.” you should be using in your marketing materials. Often times as business owners, we tend to speak as if we’re speaking to our colleagues, and our customers may not get it. You need to use the same words they use to describe the problems and solutions they’re looking for. This allows your ideal customers to understand the value of what you have to offer. An example I gave at a recent workshop on this topic was a personal trainer who used the word “functional exercises” in her marketing material. When I asked what this was, I was told, ‘it’s exercises that maximizes your time so your burn more calories in less time.’ I then said, use that in your copy! Instead of saying ‘functional exercise’ (which the majority of her target customers will not know the meaning of), she should have said something like; ‘burn more calories in half the time!’ 32 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

When getting clear on your ICA, you really need to dig deep and understand what is happening in their world. What are the biggest frustrations they’re looking for solutions to? Overall, it’s important to answer the following questions:


2 3

Who is my customer?

What does my customer need? How can I serve them?

You also need to find out where your ideal customers are. What websites do they frequently visit? What blogs do they read? What groups do they belong to on Facebook? When you have this information, you can then go where they are and offer valuable resources to them (i.e. guest blog, joining the Facebook group and contributing etc). Build up your ‘know, like and trust factor’ and strengthen your relationship with them’. It is through this connection that you are able to form lasting relationships. This relationship will lead them to know you’re the obvious choice for them. When you’re able to master this, you’ll be well on your way to making more money and having more fun in your business.

Clarity is King •




It’s All About Brand Colours! FIND ME ONLINE HERE

By Nathalie de Ahna 34 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


already covered the Look & Feel of your new brand and/or website in part one of our Rebranding 101 in our February issue. This saved us hundreds if not thousands of pounds, which we’re not going to invest in somebody else’s personal pension plan on that said Spanish island. That’ s ten pairs of new high heels, plus a well-deserved whole body treatment at Chip En Dale’s Massages, where an entire range of incredibly hot stones is waiting to ease, please and dissolve all of our entrepreneurial worries in a cloud of relaxing steam. Part Two of our How To Rebrand Without Having To Starve Strategy involves...

THE RIGHT BRAND COLOURS Let’s see. There are quite few conclusively contradictory and repetitively generic recommendations out there. I know I sometimes sound as if English wasn’t my native language, and that’s because, well, it isn’t, and because sometimes I simply come up with funny-sounding terms to direct your social mediainduced attention deficit back to the topic at hand.

Brand colour-related advice we can find out there:

Men like blue Women like purple (but also blue, too) Rebranding 101: It’s All About Brand Colours •


Green is great for strawberry smoothies Shades of grey have become surprisingly sexy

Red is intense! Most people like rainbows

WELL ISN’T THAT HELPFUL? The thing about your perfect combination is this: There are even more brand colour options out there than pieces of useless advice. According to the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology, there is nearly an infinite number of colours. Now, if you are looking for a brand colour scheme consisting of four colours that means…Four times infinite multiplied by infinite brand colour options? Infinite times infinite possibilities? Infinite minus pi, plus a trip around the colour wheel sitting next to a greenlooking creature visiting from outer space? Oh my, that is so exhausting. Rebranding should be fun, so how about we take the math out of this tiresome equation and simply use: 36 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

NATHALIE’S PROVEN BRANDING COLOUR SCHEME STRATEGY. With this strategy you will: Never again break down in

frustrated tears, ruining your non-waterproof makeup and hiding the dark entrepreneurial circles under your eyes because you just cannot decide which colours to combine.

Never again choose brand

colours which make a sizzling one night stand, but are completely unsuitable for a solid long-term relationship.

Make your dream client fall in love with you. Madly and unconditionally.

Rebranding 101: It’s All About Brand Colours •



1 2 3

You open the very shareable Rebranding 101 Worksheet that you downloaded and filled in last month (see February issue). You download this week’s very shareable Rebranding 101 Worksheet at the bottom of the page and fill it in. You are insanely thrilled to have found the perfect colours for your new brand, so quickly, wipe away the tears of joy pooling in your eyes from the very thought of yet another £1,000 you’ve just saved!

Next Month We’ll Talk Fonts! 38 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Click ch t a to W ine! Onl


Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com •


YOUR AD HERE 40 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

LINDSAY MARINO Medium, Author, Speaker

Email Lindsay@LindsayMarino.com

Sign up for my free newsletter at WWW.LINDSAYMARINO.COM

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Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com •


Career & Learning




By Sukh Pabial

It can seem like a real indulgence these days to talk about self-care. There’s far too much happening in global situations that are impacting us in various ways. And for many thousands of people, there are daily struggles that are being fought and battled. What place, then, does talk of self-care have amongst all this? You’re all smart people. The below is nothing revelatory. It’s a hard question in truth. But when you start to break down what we’re all up against, you start to see that a new way, or indeed an evolved way, of being is much needed. We’re all much busier these days. Gone are the days of January being a lazy start for the beginning of the year. These days, from the 2nd January, it’s all systems go. There is too much to do, too many places to see, too many things to experience. Bucket lists are a regular thing these days because of the ease of access we have to everything. The exponential growth in the development of technology over the last 100 years has seen us develop skills, thinking and businesses in ways we couldn’t have conceived. Self Care, Resilience & Indulgence •


Modern medicine means we are all living longer. The life expectancy for developing countries has improved because of modern medicine, so this isn’t a ‘first world’ fact, it’s a global fact. Education and access to education has improved dramatically. This doesn’t necessarily mean we’re all getting smarter, but it does mean we’re all developing those higher thinking capabilities on a much more even keel now. Modern science means we are developing theories and carrying out experiments that push the very limits of current human knowledge. Our cognitive thinking abilities are seriously advanced. We are able to debate and progress thinking to such levels that we’d need an interpreter into clear English (or language of choice) for the most serious of debates. Our physical bodies are capable of being developed into such physical conditions that the elite of the bunch can perform physical tasks that leave us in awe.

If we design learning well, and design thinking time and dialogue into the session, is that the art of good learning design? 44 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Modern communication methods mean people are in such ease of contact that it’s almost a human right. It’s a big old world, and we’ve got all that either going for us, or going against us. So, taking the time to genuinely care for yourself, is a necessity these days. It’s hard to do. It’s hard to build in time for yourself where you carry out activities that are generative, positive and progressive. When we don’t, though, we know that our resilience is weakened. Finding the energy and motivation to push forward when things are placed in your way isn’t easy. We don’t tend to provide this focus for the people we work with. It tends to be a ‘get on with it’ attitude. Which is fine for some, but it can’t continue that way. We’re under too much pressure, all of us, to just hope people will be ok. Building that resilience, building that tenacity, building that emotional intelligence, building that empathy, are all important things to do. When we skip over those, for the interests of the business, or for self-interests, is when we reduce our ability to be better.

There shouldn’t be anything I’ve written above that you all won’t know about. Hopefully it reinforces some things you already knew. Self Care, Resilience & Indulgence •


Faith & Self Help


By Karen Salmansohn

46 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

DON’T MIND Dear Don’t Mind Mike, I am in a job with a lot of client interaction and I’m expected to take them out for drinks regularly. Recently, a member of my team has displayed what I feel to be an issue with alcohol and I’m concerned about his well being. While I do not wish to interfere in his personal life, it is becoming an embarrassing issue in front of our clients. Should I approach him and if so, what can I possibly say to make an impact without causing a rift.

Richard By Mike Fisher 48 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


Dear Richard, Hmm this is going to be a challenge because so many people are in denial about their behaviour when under the influence of alcohol. So to approach this subject, you have to be very sensitive to how he might react. Firstly, I’m assuming that you’re colleagues rather than his boss. It would be easier if you were his boss, since you could probably tell him straight up. However, as a colleague you need to be very sensitive to his over reacting.

Suggestions are as follows: You can start by sharing how you feel about his behaviour when he drinks and the impact that it might have on you. If he is responsive to you being open and vulnerable, that might even allow him to open up and talk about it. So if that happens, allow space to just listen to him without fixing or excusing his behaviour. What is important is for him to know how his behaviour is effecting the business and your relationship with him and the concerns that you have about how customers might perceive him. It’s essential that at no point that you come across as shaming or blaming because it’s quite possible that he is already hyper-sensitive to these feelings already. This is what makes it a difficult subject to approach since he may immediately experience you as pointing the finger without you even going there. You might have to reinforce that you hold no judgement of him, and of course the tone of voice you use will have to reflect that you care. It’s also important to time the question at the right moment. Obviously you don’t want to have this conversation when he’s already had something to drink, since his judgement and perception will already be affected. Ideally you want him when he’s least stressed out (which might be never) but do your best to get him Don’t Mind Mike •


when he’s a bit more relaxed. If this is too difficult ask him for 20 minutes of his time so that you can have a chat and suggest that you are concerned about a few things that you find hard to approach, and that you have no idea how to deal with. This will get his interest up. Him getting a sense of your thoughts, feelings and vulnerability first may provide the space for him to be more honest with you about his behaviour and possible addiction to alcohol. Do the research as to where he can get help. In other words, have an action plan in place, since accountability will be hard to maintain especially if there is a strong dependency. I do not recommend becoming his therapist. Make sure you refer him for professional help and that you are willing to be as supportive as you possibly can be. This may include you having to be sensitive around your own drinking habits and attitudes.

Dear Don’t Mind Mike, We are contemplating an international move with two small children. My husband and I are interested in making our living via a laptop and choose to live a location-independent lifestyle. We have done the research and understand the laws, risk and complexity. The one part we need advice on is the impact on our two kids. Will having a lifestyle where we live, at most, 6 months to 1 year at a time in a location create negative psychological impact to our children and is there anything we can do to make this lifestyle a healthy one? I was an army brat so I believe it can be done.

Michele 50 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Dear Michele, The important thing here is to let the children know long in advance of all the variables, i.e. being away from things like other family members, friends and familiar routines. Children are incredibly emotionally resilient and even though it might be challenging in the beginning because of the adjustments, they will adapt. As long as they continue to experience your unconditional love and feel that their thoughts, feelings and needs are included as part of this adventure to which they can contribute (encourage contribution and what behaviour would really help you), it might just turn out to be what every child could only dream of! Good luck and enjoy! It doesn’t have to be stressful.

Dear Don’t Mind Mike, I am stuck in a job I hate with a lot of politics and where there are personality clashes throughout the team. Although I am currently trying to move on, I do need the job to live in the meantime. How can I keep my relationships with colleagues and avoid getting dragged into the personality clashes?

Ann-Marie Don’t Mind Mike •


An interesting dilemma to be faced with Ann-Marie, but as you might have gathered office politicking is not unusual. However, the challenge here is to stay focused on leaving and reminding yourself that if you get caught up in the office mind games you run the risk of creating more tension in the office. If you haven’t done so already, it would be useful to chat about this with good friends and seek emotional support from them. Find out what insights they might have to offer. Getting emotional support from people you trust is very useful because it helps you realise you are not the only one dealing with such dilemmas and you’re certainly not going mad. Depending on how much it means to you or how long you think you’ll remain there, it might be worth considering plucking up the courage to share with other employees how you really are feeling. Sharing vulnerability and feelings is often taboo in working environments, but eventually someone has to take the bull by the horns and find the courage. It’s often the case that you’ll discover you’re not the only one feeling the same way. You can approach this by asking for a meeting, or if it’s that kind of working environment, you could raise the conversation off-line, 52 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

either down by the pub or over dinner. (Personally I would avoid alcohol coming in to the equation.) If there is really no coherence amongst staff members, then you may have to consider discussing your thoughts and concerns with the HR department (if there is one) or your boss or manager. If you decide to go this route, be clear about what you’re going to say and stay away from shaming and blaming others. Possibly see your part in the social dynamic and own up to your own mischief. The point is you have to weigh up how long you will be there for? You are looking for another job so raising concerns now may not be entirely in your interest, if you already feel you don’t have much to lose. It might serve you more to keep your nose clean and not get involved in any of the mischief and just stay right out of it. Remember not to take it personally. It’s only business and wasting your energy on such issues takes you away from your main focus which is to find a new job.

Choose your battles.

Mike Fisher is the author of Beating Anger and Mindfulness and The Art of Managing Anger. His work can be found on the following websites: www.stressexperts.co.uk, www.mindyouranger.com www.angermanage.co.uk Don’t Mind Mike •


Mindfulness Retreat MINDFULNESS AND THE ART OF MANAGING ANGER & STRESS WITH MIKE FISHER, THE UK’S LEADING ANGER MANAGEMENT & STRESS GURU WHAT IS MINDFULNESS MEDITATION? We spend most of our waking hours in distraction and random, discursive thinking. Because we have never cultivated this ability of mind to simply be present, our ‘mindfulness muscle’ is weak, and we find we have little control over our thinking process. For thousands of years meditators from various traditions have known that by working with the simple technique of repeatedly bringing our attention back to the present moment, our ability to be fully present with our experience, both during formal meditation practice and in our everyday life, steadily increases. In recent decades extensive studies have confirmed this claim through the lens of scientific inquiry. You can read more about the scientific research on mindfulness and anger here via www.mindyouranger.com

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN • Mindfulness – medicine of the future • The Breath – a pathway to tranquillity • Letting go of attachments – Zero Duality Training • Reducing emotional obstacles one by one • Welcoming stillness into your life • Facing your fear and doing it anyway • Making space for solitude • Tuning in – a guide to different meditations • Encouraging a daily practice



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...Clearing the Red Mists

The Price of Following


My heart is just so heavy today. While Christians around the world are being killed and persecuted, I am sitting in a home filled with books about Jesus and I have never had to pay a cost for loving Him. He only had to pay a cost for loving me. Following Him has cost me absolutely nothing. God wouldn’t let me sleep any longer today. I needed time with Him. I have needed His Word and time to cry to Him and time just to be still and listen. FIND ME ONLINE HERE

By Katie Clifton, Christian Columnist 56 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

I couldn’t sleep much last night. My mind kept imagining people screaming as they were dragged away from their families. I saw blood. I saw fear and evil. My heart feels like it was flipped last night and I can’t seem to stop crying. Dreaming of evil is terrifying. I imagine starring at it face to face is an emotion I am unable to grasp. There is a price for following Jesus, but I have never had to pay it. Following Jesus clearly does not guarantee us an easy life. Believing His gospel doesn’t mean we also believe that everything in this life will be ok. But believing His gospel does mean that Jesus Christ is enough for us, even when we are scared and this world doesn’t make sense.

Jesus, won’t you come quickly? Each one of the apostles paid a price for following Jesus. At least eight of them were martyred. Some were stoned, crucified, and beheaded. The persecution happening now to the bride of Christ, has always happened. Jesus said He was “sending (us) out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.” He said, “Beware! For you will be handed over to the courts and will be flogged with whips in synagogues. You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about me. When you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the The Price of Following Jesus •


“We have brothers and sisters in corners of this world, right now, who are facing persecution. My heart is so broken for them.” right time. For it is not you who will be speaking - it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” (Matthew 1016-20) Jesus warned His disciples and He prepared them for persecution. His church is being persecuted now and I am terrified of raising a generation of believers who aren’t ready to die for their Saviour.

Are we a generation of believers who is willing to die for their Saviour? I don’t want to ever water down who Jesus is or the price it costs to follow Him. Now, it has cost me nothing. But there will be a time, where it could cost you and I everything.

Jesus, you are enough for us. 58 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Jesus goes on to warn us by saying, “But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in Hell. Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” (Matthew 10:26, 28, 32, 38)

We have brothers and sisters in corners of this world, right now, who are facing persecution. My heart is so broken for them. I admit, I am scared. I am scared of evil. I know who overcomes it, and yet it makes me ache and feel sick deep in my stomach.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 6:6-7) “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” (Ephesians 6:18) The Price of Following Jesus •


Father God, You are good. In this broken mess of humanity, I know you are on your throne and you are allowing this to happen to fulfil the plans you have for your Sons second coming. Please, Lord, send Him soon. Lord, I know you see your children persecuted, beaten, beheaded and slaughtered because they belong to you. You said, You bless those who are poor and realise their need for you. You said you bless those who mourn, and they will be comforted. You bless those who are humble and give them the whole earth as inheritance. You bless those who hunger and thirst for justice. You said they will be satisfied. God, we are hungry for Your justice. Lord, you said you bless those who are merciful and they will be shown mercy. You said those with pure hearts will see you. You bless those who work for peace and You call us your children. You bless those who are persecuted for doing right and You said the Kingdom of Heaven is ours. You said great reward awaits us in heaven who endure this. Lord, reward your children as you welcome them into heaven. I am begging You, Father, to bind up this evil. Heal this fallen world. Let your Kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. I am broken and pouring out my tears for my brothers and sisters who are pouring out their blood. Lord, please deliver them from evil. Deliver this world, quickly. And Lord, don’t let us grow weary in the waiting. You are a good Father. You are holy and divine and it is so tough for us to make sense of your plans. But we trust you. We love you.

In the Name of Jesus,

60 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


(Philippians 6:6-7)




By Gina Hussar 62 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

That wasn’t always the case. A few years ago, that word would have conjured up an immediate response of bullshit. Miracles don’t happen. That’s partly true. Miracles don’t just happen. You have to create them. You have to be an active participant in creating tangible expressions of your day dreams.

Here’s the tricky part...


ost people wait for rock bottom to hit before they choose to be miracle-minded. In April, I am opening the doors to the 6 Month Miracle Project, a fun, nurturing, soulshifting program for real women who are ready for more. It’s funny really when I think back to where I was just a few short years ago. I would have been the least likely person on God’s green Earth to lead a miracle project.

I stopped hating happy people and decided to become one! My Favourite Word is ‘Miracles’ •



ack then, I was carrying the heavy burden of a failed magazine business, a painful marriage, a plummeting selfesteem and a questioning of the only faith I’ve ever known. Rock bottom turned out to be a bonus blessing. I got serious about happiness. I committed to leaving a brighter, more empowering legacy for my kids. I stopped hating happy people and decided to become one.

I stopped playing the victim (a role I could have earned an Oscar nod for). I got responsible. I went to work on my mind, my heart and my soul. And I created my own miracle.

If you’re in any way ready to do the same, read this list. These are the top 10 things I’ve learned about miracles. Wrap your head ar d you’ll be well on your way to making the vision board come true! 1. You don’t need anyone else to be on board. It may

look like they need to be a part of it, but don’t be fooled. All you need to create a miracle is yourself.

2. Miracles don’t just happen, they are intentionally created. Stop waiting, start creating.

64 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

3. Love makes more miracles then resentment. There is

always something you can find to love, be it the other person’s inner child or your own capacity for forgiveness.

4. My polka dot snuggie, fettuccine, sex, movie

nights and extra long showers are every bit a part of my happiness tapestry as acceptance, validation and deep love. It all feels good. It all matters. And you deserve it. The big and the small are all pieces to your happiness puzzle.

5. Most of the things that scared the hell out of me

ended up being the things that changed my life and opened me up to my deeper purpose. What scares you the most is likely linked to what’s actually your destiny. Consider your dream a fully funded mission, with God as your backer and just begin.

6. All of the reasons I said I couldn’t

change were the very reasons I had to. All of the reasons you say you can’t are the very reasons you must.

7. The more authentic I

became, the faster fear and doubt vanished. “She would have thought a woman would have died of shame. Instead of which, the shame died.” – D.H.Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover. It turns out the real me is beautiful and deep and inspiring. So is the real you. Live your life, not someone’s else’s version of what “should” be.

8. Miracles ask for your commitment to self-knowledge and

require your attention to values. They honour courage and they

My Favourite Word is ‘Miracles’ •


give to action. Miracles will always meet you in the middle. But you’ve got to do your part. Do one thing every day that moves you closer to your dream reality. Recommit each morning to your own happy ending.

9. What you lack is what you haven’t fought for. Most of

the time, what we feel we are ‘owed’ is actually what we are being called to give to ourselves.

10. Miracles are addicting. Once you create one, you can’t

help but create more. Before you know it, Miracle Work is your favourite hobby, life is magical and love is your default setting.


hose are just a few of the many, many lessons I learned on my journey. Though the word ‘journey’ doesn’t feel big enough. No. ‘Pilgrimage to the centre of my soul?’ Yes. That’s much better. It’s just possible that 2015 is the year that your life changes forever. Go. Get your miracle.

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life” – Robin Sharma 66 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

By Joey Phelps & Michael Phelps Lil Nipper Snappers Cartoon •


Style & Beauty




By Shalanda Turner














THE SCIENCE OF How Food and Sleep Affect Your Skin and Health


By Rachael Pontillo 70 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Whenever I’m asked for general recommendations on how to improve one’s skin and overall health, the first two always consist of improving one’s quality of food and sleep. Sometimes that disappoints people since they’d rather have some juicy miracle skincare ingredient or fast-acting cleanse–but what I learned in my own journey back to wellness and clear skin is that if food and sleep are lacking in quantity or quality, then little else you try will work for the long run. I’ve talked about this in many of my blog posts and videos, but I haven’t really delved into the science of how food and sleep affect our bodies. I know many people love learning the science and mechanics behind this stuff–and you should! It’s fascinating, and I think it’s also a reminder of what a perfectly designed and complex system the human body is. When we appreciate that, it helps us see the miracle that is us–human beings. To help shed light on how cool this stuff is, I decided to share a two-part series written by guest writer Hayley Irvin. Today’s is about sleep, and next week’s is about food. Enjoy!

WHY DO WE NEED SLEEP? The answer to this seemingly simple question has evaded scientists for many years. We know sleep is important, but the exact reason why is unclear. Although sleep is common throughout the animal kingdom, only mammals and birds experience changes The Science of How Food & Sleep Affect Your Skin & Health •


in brain waves during REM and non-REM sleep. Mammals tend to have longer cycles of REM sleep, usually lasting multiple hours, whereas REM cycles in birds last for only a few seconds at a time. This indicates that sleep may have its origins in our evolutionary history, a biological safeguard to protect against predators while simultaneously conserving energy, regenerating cells, and encouraging brain and muscle growth.

THERE ARE THREE MAIN SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT AS TO WHY HUMANS REQUIRE SO MUCH SLEEP. These are not mutually exclusive; indeed, our need for sleep may be the result of many factors.


Energy conservation theories suggest that sleep evolved in order for predators to conserve their energy during times when it was least efficient to hunt. Physiological evidence lends some credence to this theory – humans experience a decrease in body temperature, caloric demand and metabolic rate during sleep.


Restorative theories propose that sleep developed as a way to restore and rejuvenate what our bodies lose throughout the day. Furthermore, research has shown that immune health is closely related to sleep. Lab rats that were completely deprived of sleep experienced immune system failure in a matter of weeks. More recent

72 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

...it is estimated that more than 40% of all Americans do not get enough sleep.. studies have shown that certain functions such as tissue repair, muscle growth and protein synthesis only occur during deep sleep. The next closest thing that has a similar effect is restorative yoga as studies showed it can help stress and the body and have similar healing effects like sleep – but clearly cannot replace it.


Brain plasticity theories posit that sleep is a vital component of neurological function. Recent research has indicated that sleep is crucial to brain development in infants, who often spend 7-8 hours per day in REM sleep. It is also helps maintain brain plasticity in adults as we age.

Sleep is critical to our mental and physical wellbeing. Anyone with a baby, a college degree or a full-time job can tell you that. Unfortunately, though most people know the value of a good night’s rest since sleep is often one of the first things we cut down on

The Science of How Food & Sleep Affect Your Skin & Health •


when life gets busy. Indeed, it is estimated that more than 40% of all Americans do not get enough sleep. One night of poor sleep may not have many noticeable short or long-term consequences beyond irritability and fatigue the next day, but it’s important not to let it become a habit. Studies have shown that people who receive less than 6 hours of sleep each night are at an increased risk for car accidents, on-the-job injuries, depression, and many serious medical conditions.

HERE ARE FIVE WAYS SLEEP CAN AFFECT YOUR MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH: Sleepiness impairs cognitive function. Neurological research has shown an important connection between sleep and certain cognitive processes, including memory, reaction time and awareness. Scientists have learned that sharp wave ripples occur almost exclusively during our deepest sleep and are responsible for converting shortterm memories into long-term memories.


Fatigue can also affect our awareness and ability to make good decisions, too. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, driver fatigue is a contributing factor in more than 100,000 car accidents in the U.S. every year. Tiredness also affects worker productivity and leads to on-the-job accidents and injuries. 74 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


Lack of sleep contributes to depression. Though much is still unknown about the complex relationship between sleep and mental health, research has shown that the prevalence of sleep disorders often coincides with depression. According to a recent study, people with sleep apnea are five times more likely to develop symptoms of depression than those who receive adequate sleep. Worse still, insomniacs are nearly ten times more likely to develop depression than their well-rested peers. Inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain and many more serious health problems. Studies have shown that sleep is just as important to our physical wellbeing as it is to our mental. Indeed, sleep loss has been shown to stimulate our appetite and increase hunger – especially for foods loaded with fats and carbohydrates.


Furthermore, an increase in the consumption of fatty, carb-heavy foods may explain why sleep-deprived individuals are also at an increased risk for other more serious medical conditions including stroke, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Sleep loss decreases libido. According to researchers at the Stanford University Sleep Medicine Center, the double-whammy of low energy and high tension that occurs when we’re tired often results in a reduced sex drive in both men and women. Over time, this can lead to long-term sexual dysfunction. Additionally, men with sleep apnea produce less testosterone during sleep and often experience a decrease in libido and a reduced interest in sexual activity.


The Science of How Food & Sleep Affect Your Skin & Health •



Poor sleep ages your skin. If poor physical and mental health and less sex don’t motivate you to get more sleep, perhaps vanity will. Research conducted at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, has shown a definitive connection between sleep and skin aging.

In short, because the skin of sleep-deprived individuals is less able to recover from environmental factors, people who do not receive enough sleep usually look older than people who receive plenty of rest. In addition to having more fine lines and wrinkles, sleepdeprived individuals also experience reduced skin elasticity and an uneven complexion. Without this recovery time, people with inflammatory skin conditions like acne or rosacea are also affected. Without adequate sleep, the skin’s immune function and wound healing process don’t work as efficiently.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the real world and let your sleep suffer. Many people boast about their ability to function on almost no sleep, but this pride is misguided. It’s like bragging about saving money by eating off of the McDonald’s value menu for lunch every day. It’s not impressive and ultimately, you’re really only hurting yourself. If you’ve been feeling sluggish or sad lately, try getting more sleep.

You won’t regret it! 76 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

The Science of How Food & Sleep Affect Your Skin & Health •


If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau

78 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


health & beauty.

Find simple tips & recipes at VintageAmanda.com





By Marina BerBeryan 80 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com



Ferrari celebrated it’s national 60th Anniversary on Sunday, October 12th, 2014 on Rodeo Drive in the heart of Beverly Hills, CA. The 60 Fabulous Ferraris on Rodeo Drive event was one of the world’s best car shows this year, displaying a prestigious collection of 60 most spectacular Ferraris ever assembled from around the world. Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


My children, Katrina, Isabella and John Magzanyan and I were invited to attend this spectacular show and my seven year old son, John, was excited the most since his obsession is collecting exotic car toys. It was a truly memorable day not only for my children and I but also Ferrari’s most endearing fans and to clients from North America abroad.

“It’s like Pretty Woman, but with Ferraris,” Council member Nancy Krasne remarked Tuesday just before the City Council approved the plan. The council also approved holding an exclusive Gala celebrating Ferrari’s anniversary outside City Hall on Saturday, October 11th.

About one thousand members of the Ferrari Club of America from different branches nationwide were invited to join the festivities, with the top cars joining in a Sunday ride from Beverly Hills High School to Rodeo Drive for staging. The cars were displayed, along with the hundreds of other vehicles, in designated “Ferrari Parking” spots along adjacent streets. The event prominently featured red as the signature Ferrari colour. A colour that is as synonymous with Ferrari as blue is to the sky. In addition there were at least two automobiles 82 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

It’s like Pretty Woman, but with Ferraris.

Nancy Krasne

on display that have never before been seen, one of which was auctioned off for charity. Some of the activities included an unprecedented gathering of Ferrari Club of America cars into Beverly Hills, an arrival parade of spectacular Ferraris led by their chairman Luca di Montesemolo, world première of new Ferrari vehicles, first- ever award presented by the City of Beverly Hills and unique experiences including a 360 virtual tour of Museo Ferrari,Tailor Madde village comprised of global partners, etc. John’s favourite Ferrari automobiles were Tom Selleck’s Ferrari from Magnum P.I. and Don Johnson’s car from Miami Vice. Ferrari is synonymous with competitions. As a matter of fact, the legendary Italian auto manufacturer exists because of a young Enzo Ferrari who needed to fund his Schuderia Ferrari racing team. So, by offering production cars for sale, Enzo pursued his passion and the rest is history.

To learn more about me visit Marina BerBeryan and LA Fashion Judge. To sign up for my fun daily posts visit my social sites listed below.

Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


84 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


86 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist •


Lifestyle & Wellness

Steely Springham Inspirational Conversationalist, Athlete & Accountability Coach FIND ME ONLINE HERE

By Charlene SanJenko 92 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“THE MORE POWER FEAR HAS IN YOUR LIFE, THE MORE YOU FEAR. IT IS A VICIOUS CYCLE. IT IS SO IMPORTANT FOR WOMEN TO COME TOGETHER AND START HAVING CONVERSATIONS WITH THEMSELVES AND WITH OTHER WOMEN” PowHERhouse recently had the opportunity to sit down with the bubbly and brilliant Steely Springham. Her energy is palpable, her heart is open – this lady is destined for the stars! We are so thrilled to welcome Steely to our PowHERhouse family, and will be working closely with her as she moves her mission forward.

Describe your Mission. My mission is to always strive to reach for my higher purpose and my greater good. To be true to me as I continue on my journey of empowerment. My mission is to continue to find daily inspiration, then take that which I have learned and empower others, especially women. Young women who are our future. My mission is to facilitate some kind of influence in the discovery for someone else that ‘they already are who they want to be…they simply need to make their choices match and align with their goals and dreams and settle for nothing less’. Should I choose to accept? “Er…I already did”. PoweHERhouse Interviews: Steely Springham •


94 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Describe how you stay PowHERful and on the top of your game. I utilize daily exercise as my therapy and stress release. I eat healthy, nutrient dense real food prepared ahead of time which keeps me fuelled, full of energy and at the top of my game. Organization is key to any success, but especially when it comes to your health and fitness goals. I stay hydrated and supplement with the proper vitamins, minerals and antioxidant supplements. I will not compromise when it comes to rest! Rest is when you repair, recoup, recover, recharge and grow. I float at The Floathouse

every second week for deep meditation and recovery, and I do one yoga session weekly for my mind and soul. I take deep breaths daily. I make time daily for ‘gratitude’ mediation. I make time for ‘me time’, ‘girlfriend time’, ‘family time’, ‘fun time’ and laughter. I surround myself with likeminded people and empowered women who do as I do in their own way and that is to empower and lift each other. For you are only as great as those you surround yourself with.

What is your ultimate dream for your business and Mission and where would you like to take it? I have lofty dreams, I am Gemini, it’s the only way I know how to dream. I want to continue on my road as an ‘Inspirational Conversationalist’ in several media capacities. I want to be inciting riots of conversation among women to draw them together collectively, and as a powerful, supportive community, working together to lift each other up. Women need to empower each other for these are dangerously low times in society as a whole when it comes to females and disrespect. PoweHERhouse Interviews: Steely Springham •


Describe what success looks like. Success looks like aligning with what serves your higher purpose and your greater good. Aligning with what you are most passionate about, with what brings you the greatest joy. I’m not talking ‘surface joy’. I am talking ‘soulful’ joy! The kind of joy that is infectious like the plague. The kind that no matter what it is or isn’t happening to you or in your life, you remain ‘on fire’ in your life for yourself and for others! For when you align with what serves your higher purpose and your greater good, fuelled by your passion for it and backed by your diligence to be successful in your life, you have succeeded! Then success breeds success.

Describe your success strategy in one sentence. My success strategy is to live each day focusing only on that which serves my higher purpose and my greater good. Breathe, feed, succeed = Mind, body, soul.

“Fill your conscious mind with what you want to manifest in your life. You are a product of what you ingest – mind, body and soul!” 96 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

What are 3 things women could do NOW to unleash their confidence? Begin by creating new and truthful and positive internal conversations with yourself. Then begin to repeat aloud to others with like-minded thinking and supportive, encouraging energy. Focus on what you truly DO want in your life, not on what you don’t want or don’t have, or focus on the reasons why you don’t have.

Fill your conscious mind with the manifestations you want to achieve in your life. You are a product of what you ingest – mind, body and soul! So ingest positivity and you will digest positivity…you are what you eat – mind body and soul. Start by reading the book “Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers. It’s an absolute game changer.

You can read Steely’s full confidence article here. What would you say your Top 3 Excellence Habits are i.e.. habits that ensure your success. Dream big. Set goals. Remain relentlessly positive, optimistic and grateful while striving for them.

Describe your Top 3 Time Management Tips as they relate to your Mission. To do lists. Prepare ahead of time. Prioritize. PoweHERhouse Interviews: Steely Springham •


Describe your Top 3 Consistency Tips as they relate to your Mission. Train Hard, live light and love life.

Describe a favourite hobby or adventure. Floating, yoga, reading and writing.

Favourite energy meal or snack (healthy). My own homemade Simple ‘n Easy Protein Bars, made from scratch. Another favourite is my Convenient Eggwhite Muffins.

Top 3 supplement recommendations for women. Coenzyme Q10 supports heart function; Omega 3 fatty acids for hormone health; and Glutamine is all about muscle recovery.

Read Steely’s full supplement recommendations (and why) here. Favourite indulgence or treat. Hands down my re-feed meals, which are few and far between. They usually consist of either sushi or Kobe steak burger and yam fries with the occasional glass of dry red. Always followed by 85% dark chocolate. 98 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


Top 3 things on your Bucket List.


Travel seeing the world while public speaking and doing talk radio. Win my IFBB Pro Card Shark cage diving!

What does giving back ( fulfilment) look like to you? It looks like what I am doing now and that is empowering others, both men and women, but on a grander more far-reaching scale.

I never leave home without my… Intentions set for the day woven with my sense of humour, optimism and gratitude.

What’s not being said? I’m just like every other gal. I was just a gal with big dreams riddled by bigger fears and doubts. I let those fears and doubts fuel my decisions for years and that inhibited my success. I was in my own way. Fear makes you make wrong decisions. Lack of belief and lack of self-esteem fuels fears. Women are riddled with this in silence. The more power you give to fear, the more power fear has in your life. The more power fear has in your life, the more you fear. It is a vicious cycle. It is so important for women to come together and start 100 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“I am blessed beyond word, on fire with my training and contest prep, being blessed daily professionally and personally – aligning with my higher purpose and my greater good.” having conversations with themselves and with other women. Talk about this, discover that you are not alone, and that overcoming fear is possible. The words you choose in your self-talk and outwardly with others, dictate your success. Overcoming fear is a choice…a daily choice. Yes, you can. I did!

What’s next for you as an athlete? I am currently preparing for the 2015 BCABBA Provincials to requalify for CBBF Nationals. Unfortunately, I had a tumultuous year in 2014 personally, professionally and with my health which led to a poor prep season. I went from 2nd place (losing by one point) in 2013 Nationals to barely making it on stage in 2014, where I placed 11th & 16th in my two categories. I am on a mission to regain my national status. I manifested an incredible team of women by way of my naturopath doctor, my new female coach and my new training partner (and her husband), PowHERhouse alliances and a few good men in Active Body Nutrition to add such amazing quality to my career journey PoweHERhouse Interviews: Steely Springham •


and to my personal life. I am blessed beyond word, on fire with my training and contest prep, being blessed daily professionally and personally – aligning with my higher purpose and my greater good. I am in love with life. Thanks to everyone: family, friends, my coach, my training partners, Active Body Nutrition, PowHERhouse, Yoo Fitness, Dr. Kanwal and everyone who has supported me along my journey. Lets continue to be ‘art collectors’ in the dying art of conversation.

START THEM! HAVE THEM! SHARE THEM! Watch for Steely at public speaking events sharing her “Inspirational Conversation” about her story, journey and positive thought power. PowHERhouse is honoured to be working with Steely moving forward to help her put some Muscle behind her Mission.

102 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

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Photo credit: www.venturikarpa.com

Let’s empower and continue to lift one another!

Charlene SanJenko is the Founder and CEO of PowHERhouse, a digital platform that provides solutions for women to keep them strong and powerful, evolves the role that we allow to fitness to play and our lives and celebrates positive, natural female role models in fitness, sport, business and community.

104 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com



you know that when other people wish you harm, they are actually sending negative and low vibration energy your way?


By Kate Spencer 106 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


not always intentional and you don’t have to be experienced at energy work or spell casting to do it either.

Thinking negative thoughts towards a person and wishing harm on them is enough for the universe to start two things. Firstly, to start matching your vibration with the experience that you are calling in and therefore sending this energy to someone else. Secondly, to draw in to you what you are sending out to them into your life, now or in the future.

People forget that Law of Attraction works both ways! I want to share with you a recent experience of mine with regards to this phenomenon, which energy workers call a ‘psychic Attack’.


summer through a series of random events, the universe connected me with someone that had been under my radar for a couple of years. This person actually owed me a lot of money and when asked about this they got very defensive and upset, but none the less I had a legal paper trail to show that this was the case. They reluctantly agreed to pay it back over a period of time, but did so very begrudgingly and with a really nasty attitude. They were entirely in the wrong, but were deliberately intimidating and hostile to me in written correspondence and on the phone… luckily my husband has broad shoulders and he bore the brunt of it on our behalf. Are You Under Attack? •


I picked up after a day or two and finally the money owed started to filter back into our account. I felt like pieces of me were being returned at the same time. For weeks I was all over the place, and anyone who knows me will know that this is not like me at all. Generally speaking I’m confident and strong and I’ve got my shiz together! I’d be the first person to say that it’s not at all spiritual to be treated like a doormat and it’s important to be in your power, but I was quaking! I felt so vulnerable and upset for no apparent reason. One evening when I was out with a friend, my husband called to tell me that a photograph of me had flown off the window sill and smashed to pieces at his feet. That’s when I put two-and-two together and realised I was being deliberately attacked. I got someone to check me for etheric cords and to do some protection work…I picked up after a day or two and finally the money owed started to filter back into our account. I felt like pieces of me were being returned at the same time. The final payment was made along with an arrogant letter full of nasty comments which I later burned, filled with the intention that these people eventually find peace and happiness on their path. 108 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com


I am an experienced energy worker, and yes, I could have easily decided to fight fire with fire. They probably wouldn’t have known what had hit them. But I am also smart enough to know what I give out also comes back, so it’s on with the protection and out with the hate. The main point to note here is that they were not practising any kind of magic or voodoo weirdness, they were simply livid with me and extremely hostile and wished me harm. This can manifest in the etheric as all kinds of nasty things, purely because of the strong feelings and intentions that people have towards us. Whenever we think of someone or have a connection with them a cord is formed, and depending on the amount of energy we send to this person (good or bad) the cord will strengthen. Imagine a cord that has grown over a couple of months filled with hatred and venom and general nastiness; ill will being sent your way constantly. You’re going to feel that, believe me.

Even if you don’t believe in us all being connected in an energy matrix, you’ll find that your vibration drops and things starts going awry in your life for no apparent reason. This my friends is a psychic attack, and it’s why it is super important to cut etheric cords as often as you can and to never fight fire with fire. What you focus on will multiply, so dig deep and find the strength to send them back love and light as best you can...

Especially when you think they don’t deserve it!

LOVE KATE Are You Under Attack? •


Click below to find out more about Kate’s Law of Attraction programme online

Would you love to experience more Flow in your Stream of Abundance? Want to get rid of the drama and experiences that weigh you down? Do you want more income? Do you want more moments of synchronicity and universal sign posting? Do you want to move your life from ordinary to extraordinary? Are you sick of settling for a substandard life? Do you want an awesome relationship? Would you love to have more joy and happiness? Can you imagine being able to draw in energetically experiences that match your desires? Would you love to have more of what you want and less of what you don’t? 110 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS: A STORY OF LOSS AND GAIN PAPERBACK £6.39 “I didn’t decide to become anorexic. It snuck up on me disguised as a healthy diet, a professional attitude. Although there was a certain glamour to anorexics, I didn’t want to be one. I just wanted to excel in dieting...” In this remarkable and landmark book, Portia De Rossi tells a story that inspires hope and nourishes the spirit.



By Ashley Jack

Click images for synopsis and purchase information.

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About a Homemade Year

Food, Home & Family

The Best Chilli Ever!

One of my favourite things to eat when it’s cold out is chilli. Chilli with cornbread; chilli with hot dogs; chilli with Fritos; chilli with cheese and onions ... the list is endless. It’s so easy to fix and kids just love it. Try it when you are in a hurry and don’t forget the fun Fritos. Food is not just about nourishment of the body, but meals together with family and friends are nourishment of the soul. This is my version of the best chilli ever!

By Tanya Jackson 114 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

INGREDIENTS 1 lb ground chuck 1 lb ground venison 1 pkg of McCormicks chilli mix 1-26 oz can of condensed tomato soup, undiluted

1-15 oz of drained dark red kidney beans 1-10 oz can of “Rotel” diced tomatoes & green chillies (milder than red)


1 Cook meat until done and crumply, drain.

2 Add the rest of the ingredients.

3 Heat until bubbly. 4 And that’s literally it! Get

ready to enjoy the best chilli ever made! The Best Chilli Ever! •


You Will Always Be My Baby

By Cherie DeBurger 116 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Being a mother is unlike anything else in this world. You can read all the books out there, and there are a lot, about what to expect from the moment of conception forward, and covering every minute and milestone to come for the rest of your child’s life. There is also an unending vein of information that you will hear from every woman that you talk to that has ever had a child. No one will ask you if you would like to hear how things went for them, the sharing of information is not optional. You don’t get to pass on the detailed account of how they endured fifty hours of stage three labour without pain medication all because they wanted to go natural. Even when the fear of your impending labour is so obvious that Helen Keller could sense it, these women will be nothing short of euphoric to tell you each and every agonizing moment that they endured during their epic moments leading up to delivery. Regardless of the type or amount of information you ingest during the nine months of pregnancy the moment you hold your child for the first time you experience a love that you have never felt before. It Is a love that I never understood or had any idea of its depth until I became a mother. It is something that surpasses all understanding and in my opinion is unlike any love I have ever known. I think it’s designed that way because the bond between You Will Always Be My Baby •


a mother and her child has to be strong enough that even at the most trying moments a mother will have enough strength to lock herself in the closet instead of hurting her child. That love only grows stronger, if you can make it through the teenage hormonal years when it’s questionable whether or not your offspring can be counted and classified as a human being, then you have reached nirvana and get a golden star. I have always tried to shelter my kids and let them grow up slowly and really enjoy being a child. Yes I will admit I have spoiled them but not to the point where they are disrespectful or little lazy brats, but definitely with a lot less responsibility than some of their friends. I just always felt that they are young for such a short time, the only time in their lives when they won’t have to worry about money or mortgages, truly the only time they will ever know what carefree really is.

...being a good mother is in you from the beginning, either you are or you aren’t. I don’t mean you can’t learn or improve along the way, but that basic instinct to put your child’s needs before your own should kick in without even thinking about it. I was raised the same way by my parents, who in my opinion are the best there is. My mother was a stay at home mum and my 118 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

siblings and I were her entire world. I strive to be as good of a mother to my children as she was and still is to all of us. I think being a good mother is in you from the beginning, either you are or you aren’t. I don’t mean you can’t learn or improve along the way, but that basic instinct to put your child’s needs before your own should kick in without even thinking about it. I find that there are two extremes in parenting – thinking too much, or not thinking at all.

With almost every decision made regarding your kids there will be hours, days, maybe even weeks of contemplating every possible outcome, and then second guessing yourself wondering if it was the right decision. The rest of your life will be spent feeling guilty about it no matter what happens. Regardless of how trying time may be it has a way of passing silently and unnoticed, and before you realize it your baby isn’t a baby anymore. Next thing you know they are babysitting other children, getting their drivers license and a real job. Even though the years have come and gone and your grown child is more than capable of taking care of themselves, you still see that little boy who skinned his knee or the little girl who wanted to dress up in mummy’s clothes. It doesn’t matter if my son is thirty-two years old and six feet tall with a Harvard education, he will always be my baby. You Will Always Be My Baby •


I know I’m not the only mother that feels that way because you see it time and time again everywhere. As a matter of fact my mother still does it to me. I love her beyond words but I have to say that sometimes she goes a bit overboard. I am currently forty-six years old and have given birth to five children so I have a little bit of experience when it comes to kids. I remember, not just once but a few times we had planned an outing with my mum and she called before we came over to tell me to make sure I put a jacket on the kids because it was a little chilly. Really? A friend of mine said that one time she went to her parents house for dinner with her husband. She will never forget the look or laughter from her husband when her mother placed the dish of food in front of her with the meat already cut. My older sister does a fair bit of traveling and it is a couple hours drive to the airport from where she lives. Whenever she has a plane to catch my mum makes my father drive her to the airport so she won’t be alone. My dad is in his seventies with a bad heart and bad legs. I’m really not sure what mum thinks he is going to do if my sister runs into trouble.

There is nothing like a mothers love, and sometimes, I think that’s a good thing. If you have any comments then please feel free to email me at lifes.moments@live.ca 120 • Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

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