Hat Trick Magazine February 2016

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ISSN 2058-198X

Volume 5 • Issue 2 • February 2016 £3.00 GBP | $4.50 USD | €4





BAD why you need a

Hat Trick (noun): 1. A sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. 2. A magic trick. We happily accept both definitions. Hat Trick Magazine is a special project targeted at sharing spiritual and professional growth with like-minded people from around the world. We share strategies that truly will change your life, business and career (with a little help from some pro friends). We’ve all been there: under/un/employed, in a bad situation, in transition, wondering what the options are and not knowing the skills we would need to get us there. We won’t lie to you. Coming out the other side isn’t easy, but we can show you what we learned along to way and help you get the confidence to turn that leaf over and pursue that which is your destiny. Knowledge is power. Not everyone fancies themselves to be an entrepreneur but the truth is, even when seeking employment these days, pulling together your resume requires some sly articulation to showcase your skills, be keyword-optimised and with a strong, personable presentation to get noticed. We feature inspirational people who have great careers, amazing businesses, tips and a host of amazing stories will inspire and amaze you. Our editors and contributors are some of the most connected in their industries and specialisms. Hat Trick Your Life! Take control of your lifestyle, your career, your dreams and your journey. We’ll share what we know and we invite you to join us. If you or your business would like to be featured or simply would like to contribute a feature in an upcoming issue, please email us on: content@hattrickmagazine.com

Hat Trick Strategies cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited coverage made by our contributors including reviews, articles, manuscripts or photographs of products, services. While every care is taken, prices, details or availability of items are subject to change and we cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit letters or correspondence received via email, social media or other communication. All advice is given in general terms or as a matter of opinion, for entertainment purposes only, and may not be exhaustive nor suitable for all situations. Always seek specialized professional advice, specifically suited to you or your business needs. Absolutely no part of this magazine should be taken as medical, professional or other advice - always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.

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Editor-In-Chief Michelle Fitz

Design & Illustration Michelle Fitz Michael Thomas Hartley Eleni Sofroniou

Your Life

Your Skills

Charlene SanJenko Cherie DeBurger Tanya Jackson Joey & Michael Phelps

Andrea Sullenger Sukh Pabial Uchechi Ezurike-Bosse Michelle Holmes

Your Look

Your Spirit

Michelle Fitz Rachael Pontillo Marina BerBeryan Sandra Cunningham

Karen Salmansohn Kate Spencer Manish Kumar Arora Katie Clifton

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We love hearing from you! Contact us at content@hattrickmagazine.com

From the Editor Managing to Outcomes..................................................................................................................8

Cover Story Lindsay Pullen: Good Girl Gone Bad........................................................................................ 12

Your Life PowHERhouse Portrait: Tina Overbury................................................................................... 32 What We’re Reading..................................................................................................................... 40 Lil Nipper Snappers Cartoon.......................................................................................................41 Reality of Romance........................................................................................................................ 42 Chicken Gumbo............................................................................................................................. 48

Your Look Things We Love.............................................................................................................................. 52 Hot or Cold?.................................................................................................................................... 54 Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist.......................................................................................... 60

Your Skills Get Yourself a Virtual Assistant................................................................................................. 68 Pride & Prejudice............................................................................................................................72 Step Into Yourself............................................................................................................................78

Your Spirit Karen Salmansohn......................................................................................................................... 82 Don’t be a Tit!.................................................................................................................................. 84 Your Zodiac Predictions For March 2016............................................................................... 88 In Honour of Dr. King.................................................................................................................... 94

Click an article to jump straight to the corresponding page

From the Editor



Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Do you set resolutions for each New Year? I find it difficult to understand why people bother to assess their lives but fail to break the items on their list into meaningful steps that could help them actually achieve those as targets. Tweetable: Resolutions without an action plan are simply self-criticisms. You heard right. You are simply engaging in your own set of critical selftalk. You might want to pause and let that one marinate on your brain a little while! Hey, it’s healthy to acknowledge what needs work but if it’s that important to you, treat your life like a project! I can speak to this as, after 15 years in IT projects, I know that the best possible way to achieve key outcomes is to come up with a strategy that helps you actually hit them. So what does this magical unicorn consist of, then? It’s simple and it can be applied to any aspect of your life, business or even your own special project like writing a book, building a course, growing your network, etc. I once represented a client who was largest retailer and in fact company in the world. As part of their normal management of each financial year and also in developing their five and ten year strategic roadmaps, executives would cast their eyes along the consumer trends and weigh this against real data for historical purchase, logistics, and even weather patterns. That’s right – a drought will impact everything from cost of water, truck availability, etc and when this happens you can bank on a direct impact to a retailer. That can come in a lot of forms by the way, from cost to product availability to the softer side like reputational damage. Anyway, so one year, this client decided that they wanted to become number one in frozen food. That was just one of their strategic outcomes Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz


chosen against both customer-driven behaviours and in the analysis of competitors with market edge were doing. Let’s pause here – when we choose strategic outcomes for our lives or our business, much of the decision-making is and should be very heart-driven. However, we need to always choose these outcomes for a reason. We need to understand our why. In business or in life, it is easy to invest time and money in things which do not serve us – but if you are practicing mindfulness, you should really take time to understand why you are choosing certain patterns and what return or value they bring to us. So how do you do that, and I’ll give you one hint: it isn’t through simply trying really hard! We start with requirements – and these may be the basic ‘exam questions’ or unknown variables we need some answers or assumptions to build a bigger picture. These may be things like: where are our customers buying their frozen food currently? Why do they shop there but not with us? Why are the prices with this competitor lower than ours and what can we do to match or beat those prices? What can we do to make the customer aware of these prices, attract them in-store and ensure the purchase of these items? Sometimes we have to go on the basis of assumptions. Here I am showing you how I broke a programme of work into distinct projects (market analysis, an IT driven brand match service, annual marketing campaign development, media strategic project, and finally foot traffic reinvigoration project). That’s right! You thought we simply wanted to be number one in frozen food, but when you actually look at what it takes to even have a shot at achieving that outcome, there are a number of projects that must be shaped, with tasks and driven to a timeline. The last thing is to create the plan of tasks with timescales, and understanding what is critical versus what can be done in the background. Some tasks must be done first before you can go onto


Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

the next key item. You get the picture! Your life and your goals are no different. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by change and believe it or not, even large organisations must control the pace of change or quite simply they will deliver nothing. We must be ready and be equipped with the right resources, direction, and mindset to achieve the things on our lists. Choosing which projects to do first is one of the most important keys to your success. Sometimes you’re just not ready! Pick things that are either foundations to other projects or are quick wins. Sometimes it’s easier to pick off five simple things in rapid succession than to focus on one huge beast for which you aren’t clear on scope, don’t have the resources to complete, or perhaps even face barriers like cost. Your life is no different than any strategy I have delivered for any corporation but you know what, unlike a company, what you do this year and next becomes your future. To an extent, a company is in the same boat but with enough money many things are recoverable that to an individual are simply lost opportunities for advancement.

Just because it’s no longer January, doesn’t mean that this year or your life is a write-off.

By Michelle Fitz, Editor-In-Chief

Michelle Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz


Cover Story

Lindsay Pullen


I feel like all artists have a special connection with nature, it inspires us, clears our minds to allow for new ideas.


Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

grew up in Florida in a small town south west of Jacksonville. It was a great place to grow up—we had a big yard with lots of trees to climb and wooded trails to wander, and the yard backed up to a large creek where my family and I would spend every summer fishing and water skiing. I feel like all artists have a special connection with nature, it inspires us, clears our minds to allow for new ideas. So I truly value growing up in this environment, not knowing then how this could possibly influence my passion for natural beauty in art.

My background is actually in Fine Art, I grew up taking lessons in small private classes from Artist Jeanne Pellegrino. Throughout my youth, I took over a decade’s worth of one-on-one fine art study with Ms. P. It was a huge part of my life and I loved it. I knew I wanted to be an artist, but I knew I needed to find something I could do with it as a career to make money. I loved art, and I kind of enjoyed playing on computers too—so I went to college. College was actually where I fell in love with photography. My major, graphic design, required me to take a black-and-white film photography class. I loved it, I loved everything about the process—it was a whole new outlet of art that I

Lindsay Pullen: Bad Girl Boudoir


had never really experimented with growing up. At the time I still didn’t know that my career path would take a turn to photography, but taking that class was definitely an influence on things to come. College played a big role on teaching me about meeting deadlines, organising my time and spending just the right amount of thousands of hours on projects before going crazy. It also gave me the tools needed for using the professional software for design and art, the digital-age’s paintbrush. Hello Photoshop, nice to meet you. ast forward a handful of years, working in the real world with graphic design jobs, getting laid off from the effects of the 2008 market crash, and punching the clock in a corporate marketing department. The big shift that made me quit my day job wasn’t really one specific thing, everything kind of fell into place like it was supposed to be that way. I had been shooting photography on the side for friends and family and some small weddings but I still had my 9-to-5 day job during the week. Working every day in an office cubicle, staring out the big window at the beautiful sunshine outside and knowing that the beach was only 20 minutes away, really made me realise that I couldn’t do this for thirty-plus years. I needed to be out and about, I needed something more challenging, something more inspiring, something that I could use my talents that make me feel happy and fulfilled. I knew I was good enough and smart enough to eventually do something I loved, and make enough money to be comfortable. It wasn’t until I had a friend of mind ask me out of the blue to take sexy photos of her to give to her new boyfriend. Something as silly as that completely changed my life. Her new boyfriend loved the photos, she also showed all her girlfriends and then they immediately wanted to do a shoot with me too. At first I didn’t even know what this type of photography was called at the time—sexy photography? Lingerie glamour shots? Playboy-esque pics? Boudoir, ah ha. And I started photographing friends of her friends and friends of their friends, and I suddenly realised, ‘Wow, I could be making money doing this’. So I created


Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

my own website (thanks graphic design major) and launched my brand, Bad Girl Boudoir, out into the world. I got so busy that I was literally doing shoots all weekend long and editing at night when I got off from my day job—every single week, it was so exhausting. I finally got to breaking point where I realised I either needed to stop shooting boudoir OR maybe, just maybe, I need to quit my job and go for it full-time. So after much thought, I made plans to leave my job. I gave myself six months to pay down more of my debt to put myself in a position that if things did get slow I would have very few bills. I even had a backup plan of getting a part-time job at a retail store if needed. But that day never came; fortunately I never had to resort to that. I remember sitting in my cubicle, I had just typed up my resignation letter, and I waited for everyone in my office to leave except my boss. I sat there taking in the moment in the silence, only the sound of my boss typing on his keyboard in the cubicle next to me. I’m thinking, ‘Oh my god what am I doing, I’m about to be self-employed, this is crazy! Walking out of the doors on my last day was a feeling that is so indescribable, with so many different emotions: excitement, nervousness, anxiety, anticipation; so many unbelievable feelings. The next morning, I let myself sleep in as long as I wanted to because, well, I’m my own boss now, so I could. Then I knew it was time to get to work. My work. My first studio started in my apartment in 2010, and as every year went by and I had to move, I found myself growing out of this small space. By 2013 I knew I was ready to step up my game by getting a commercial studio space. It was so awesome; everything was kicked up a notch: the professionalism, my studio sets got bigger, and I was even able to hire another photographer to work under me.

Lindsay Pullen: Bad Girl Boudoir


Over the years I have worked really hard with my branding, poses and styling to attract a certain type of client: the working mum, the recently engaged, the everyday, down-to-earth cool chick. Most so busy with work and life to appreciate themselves and their beauty every day—too busy to take a moment to themselves to feel sexy. This is where we come in.

She gives us creative control in this vulnerable, yet empowering situation, she allows us to show her herself, what she looks like now and how beautiful she actually is. It’s another perspective, not what she sees in the mirror every day, but how she envisions herself when she feels beautiful and sexy. Even if she’s doing these photos to give as a gift, this shoot is for her. I want her to remember Little did I know how powerful this what a surprisingly great time she had genre of photography can be. It is more during her session and how the photos than just pretty photos and flattering reflected that. The look on her face portraits, it creates emotions. We are when she first sees the photos on the women, it is in our nature to want to back of the camera is so rewarding—it’s feel beautiful, sexy and feminine. Our the reason why I continue to do what client will come in and get all dolled up I do. It makes me so happy that I can with professional make up and then give someone something so unique given the ‘celebrity treatment’ with and personal that makes them feel so beautiful studio lighting and stunning good about themselves. They can’t just poses. go anywhere else and buy something identical to what I just showed them, and the feeling they got from it.

She gives us creative control in this vulnerable, yet empowering situation, she allows us to show her herself, what she looks like now and how beautiful she actually is. 22

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am proud to say that I’ve even inspired a few of my clients to pick up a camera, and some even pursued their own career in boudoir photography. This is what it’s all about; it’s more than just sexy photos, lingerie and perfect makeup. It is about inspiration, empowerment and confidence. I want to share all of these great feelings with my clients through my photography. And I will be continuing to offer this very unique service to women as long as they will allow me, and to also continue growing and learning as an artist and business woman—constantly perfecting my craft.

So you may be wondering whatever happened to my friend and her new boyfriend, my ‘first boudoir shoot’? Well, I’m delighted to say it’s a happy ending; they are happily married with a little boy. And still to this day, she is one of my biggest fans and I am so thankful that, out of everyone else she knew or could have hired, I was the one she asked to take her photos.

Bad Girl Boudoir

Lindsay Pullen: Bad Girl Boudoir


Bad Girl Boudoir Bad Girl Boudoir is a 756 square foot, boutique boudoir and pinup photography studio located in beautiful St. Augustine, Florida. Their all-female staff consists of owner and photographer, Lindsay Pullen, as well as photographer Sarah Williamson and North Florida’s most sought after professional, licensed makeup artists Amanda Hopcraft and Erin Foster. The BGB studio offers a variety of sets and backdrops available in the main studio room, as well as a private dressing room and makeup room for the client to get ready. Photoshoots include a licensed, professional makeup artist for each session to give clients that cinematic, photoshoot-ready glow. The BGB team’s photography production is designed to provide a super glam, confidence-boosting experience.


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LINDSAY MARINO Medium, Author, Speaker

Email Lindsay@LindsayMarino.com

Sign up for my free newsletter at WWW.LINDSAYMARINO.COM

YOUR AD HERE w w .e m





Your Life

Photo Credit: Maggi Woo photography

Find me online here

By Charlene SanJenko


Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“I think as human beings we’ve become masterful escape artists, and it is costing us our connection to each other.”


Tina O from TinaOLife, a new online hub launching in February 2016 (though you can sneak peek us now) designed to ignite your fire for life. I’m an inspired entrepreneur, an authentic marketer, an artful speaker, and a soulful writer. Oh yes, and I’m a full-time mum to three hockey-loving Canadian boys too. My thrill is your (and my) Living Story. It’s not just about identifying and marketing your core story, it’s about experiencing the heat and freedom of living it.

Describe your Mission. What’s it all about for you? I see (as do you) enough dead eyes, exhausted souls, and guarded hearts in the world as the old operating system of how we’ve been living collapses. It

Powerhouse Portrait: Tina Overbury


can be terrifying to recognise that what used to work: mega-systems, huge business, control, adrenalin, raising the bar all in the name of more, more and still more, simply doesn’t compute today. Our efforts often don’t land anymore. It’s a scary time for people who can feel the writing on the walls even if they can’t see it yet. My mission is to awaken contentment on the planet by reacquainting people with their innate wisdom, and walking beside them as they re-integrate their self using what I call their four engines of alignment: Soulset, Skillset, Mindset and Body. It’s very freeing to recognise that we needn’t escape to the soul (or energy) world, nor must we hide in the practicals (or realities) of life. We can live in this physical world while connected to our soulful self. It’s not only possible, it’s how we’re designed to be. I image a world of tall poppies, each of us living to the heights and depths of all that we are, peaceful and content as the wind of life blows around us.

What is your ultimate dream for your business – your Mission – and where would you like to take it? Crazy as this sounds…I will not stop until TinaO (yup that’s me) and TinaOLife becomes a replacement for our addiction to Netflix, video games, the news, adrenalin and all other stuff we get up to in order to hide from

really living. I aim to provide a place for people to go and trade their ‘hardness’, or ‘exhaustion’, or ‘despair’ for energy. Just call TinaO, and TinaOLife your neighbourhood gas station for lifeforce energy.

Describe what success looks like. TinaOLife will be launching using somewhat of a financial co-operative model in that all of our contributors will be paid from the profits generated by the work 34

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of the site. Success looks like a living wage for TinaOLife’s contributors, all parties feel respected and their work honoured, and an audience who feels empowered to be the difference in their own life. Imagine how different our lives would be if we didn’t rely on the expert industry to tell us who we are. Imagine if we didn’t live our life by the next best ‘ten steps to whatever’ list out there. Success looks like a business that knows what is enough is with a message that inspires the same in others too. Success is a perpetual motion machine because we’re not looking for more, we’re being who we are and what is needed instead.

Describe your success strategy in one sentence. My strategy: Dear Tina, always, always, always move in the direction that is peaceful. My explanation: There are many forks in the road, lots of cross-roads in our future and many decisions to be made. That’s life. That said, confusion and indecision is completely self-made. When we listen to our innate wisdom by leaning into what is peaceful, decisions make us and not the other way around. There is no personal conflict in the truth, and that’s peace.

Biggest highlight in your career/journey thus far? Launching the Live Your Best Story workshop on a gut-knowing that it was right and then seeing afterwards that I was right. It was the first time since I was a

Powerhouse Portrait: Tina Overbury


child that I simply leapt without shame or fear about it. Making the decision to launch LYBS was my first conscious experience of ‘listening so as to lead’, and it started a ball rolling in my life that has changed everything: my marriage, my business, my parenting and my health.

How would you describe what brings you the greatest joy in your current role? Home, and I’m not talking about my house although that’s certainly part of it. I’m talking about ‘feeling’ at home, ‘being’ at home, and ‘knowing’ my home and ‘resting’ at home. That brings me my greatest joy. It’s the well-spring that fuels all that I am and reminds me that I belong.

What would you like women to most understand or consider – on a higher level – with regards to your role and your mission. Given I just asked What is My Mission? as my birthday question to the powers that be, this comes at the ripest of times for me! I always ask a question on my birthday because my belief is 36

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that we are the most connected to ‘the Source’ of where we come from on our birth-day. It’s the day to ask the big questions, and so I do. This is the answer that came: I’m here to show,

teach, help, and lift by example – what it means to LIVE in the physical realm. While we are souls who live in a body, vibrations that connect only because we say so, and have spiritual paths and gifts and genius and passions and, and, and…while all of the above may be true (and I’m not saying it’s not), it is the physical realm of living that allows our spirit to be here.

I’m here to help people find their peace with living in this physical world. It’s the one place where we all connect.

I am here to connect people’s feet to the earth, our hands to the soil, our soul to a path, and our passions to a purpose. We’d rather live in the concepts of being alive rather than actually being here. So we end up choosing to either live by the tangible via: Seeing is Believing, or the opposite, the intangible via: Believing is Seeing, and I’m here to say that both are true.

Click here to continue reading about Tina Overbury and her Mission over at www.poweHERhouse.com

Powerhouse Portrait: Tina Overbury



Kris Carr, author of the best-selling Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor, takes on the crazy sexy subject of what and how we eat, drink, and think. Infused with Carr’s signature sass, wit and advice-from-the-trenches style, Crazy Sexy Diet is a beautifully illustrated resource that puts you on the fast track to vibrant health, happiness and a great ass!


THE BODY BOOK CAMERON DIAZ PAPERBACK / £8.00 Click images for synopsis and purchase information.

By Joey Phelps & Michael Phelps Lil Nipper Snappers Cartoon


Reality of

Romance By Cherie DeBurger 42

Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“If your sweetheart is lactose intolerant don't show up with a big smile and a heart shaped cherry cheesecake.� When you think of February what is the first thought that comes to mind? For most people February is all about Valentine's Day and is supposed to be filled with never ending true love and 'weak at the knees' romance. There are beautiful red roses, bubbly champagne, chocolate and an ambiance filled candlelight dinner for two. I said 'supposed to be' because the reality is that more times than not this is the opposite of what happens. It's no news for anyone to know that guys and girls think differently about mostly every topic known to mankind, and Valentines Day is no exception. For years women around the world have been attempting to subtly spell out what they would enjoy doing on the one day a year that society celebrates love but these ideas seem to fall on deaf ears. Why do the romantics in us keep expecting Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman when most of the time we get Tom Arnold and Roseanne Barr. Still with every year that passes we continue to hope against our better judgment that it's going to be different this time. I think sometimes when we dream about the perfect Valentines Day we set the bar so high that even if the love of our life does do something sweet we are still disappointed.

Reality of Romance


On the other hand a lot of men have a totally different idea of what a romantic evening consists of. Taking us onto the patio while you barbecue hot dogs can not be defined as taking us out for dinner. Whether you have been with the same person for years or on your first date when Valentines Day rolled around, everyone seems to have a story about the one they wished had gotten away. For those guys who are uncertain about what constitutes romance on Valentine's Day here are a few hints…


When you see your date and she is dressed in an outfit that makes your eyes bulge out, heels so high they could be used as a weapon and her hair in a style you have only seen in magazines, do not take her to Taco Bell for dinner.


A wonderful evening out shouldn't include needing ear plugs to keep from damaging your hearing from the roar of monster truck engines or a headache from inhaling the fumes.

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If your sweetheart is lactose intolerant don't show up with a big smile and a heart shaped cherry cheesecake.

I can almost guarantee that she will not think the play on words is funny if you show up with assorted 'flours' instead of flowers.

No matter how much she loves crime shows or murder mysteries I am almost positive that she would not want to be whisked away for a fun filled night to a motel that still has a taped outline of the last guest.

Now don't get me wrong I know there are women that would enjoy some of the afore mentioned options, each woman is different. That known fact is what makes the world a more interesting and better place. I can say without doubt that any man is up for an all time Valentines FAIL and maybe even bodily harm if he finds, buys, wraps, and presents his love with the gift of…cellulite cream. Of course we have to look at the other side of the coin. Let's face it, some women are just as clueless as the men when it comes to planning a night out their guy would enjoy. Just like the men, they are planning the occasion with the best of intentions in mind, though with invariable success. 44

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Ladies here are a few ideas that you should avoid if you want him to enjoy his evening…

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A shopping spree is not the ideal way to celebrate Valentines Day unless it is in a lingerie shop, then it may be you dragging him out instead of the other way around. He is not going to think a couples' manicure and pedicure is the perfect way to spend time together even though his hands and feet, in your opinion, are a mess. For some men having bamboo slivers shoved under their nails would be more enjoyable.

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Giving your guy a back hair groomer really is more a gift for you then for him, but just don't tell him that.

Most guys don't like the serious heart to heart talks so a hand written five page love letter explaining your feelings would be pretty bad but asking him to read it right then and there and tell you his feelings would be much worse.


Although very cute, matching onesies do not a happy couple make.

“Giving your guy a back hair groomer really is more a gift for you then for him, but just don't tell him that.” Reality of Romance


Some think that Valentines Day along with many other holidays, has become too commercialised. The price of roses sky rockets when February 14th rolls around as well as other things associated with this day.

Some men will say that people want to feel special and loved and even appreciated because they are genuinely valued, not because it is the status quo. This could be a true and heart felt reasoning, but I think in my husband’s case…

…he says this to get out of having to buy me anything for Valentines Day. If you have any comments then please feel free to email me at lifes.moments@live.ca


Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

Chicken Gumbo With Okra

Some people use Gumbo and Okra interchangeably. I’ve made plenty aGumbo before without okra and it tasted just as good. The okra helps to thicken up the brothy liquid (but you can do that with flour, oil, cornstarch, or a file spice powder. This month I make Chicken Gumbo with leftover rotisserie chicken.

By Tanya Jackson 48

Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

INGREDIENTS Rotisserie chicken 2-3 cups of Okra cut into pieces 2 Onions, chopped 2 cloves garlic or 2 tsp garlic powder

2 large cans diced tomatoes – drained but save juice 2-3 tbls Worcestershire sauce Salt & Pepper Rice – white or brown

Method ww

Dump the leftovers of the rotisserie chicken (inc. gelatin/ string etc.) into a large pot of water. Stew the chicken until it begins to fall apart (this could take a couple of hours up to half a day).


Strain the liquid into a pan and remove the chicken pieces (you can throw the rest of the leftovers away now).


In the broth put the chopped chicken pieces, chopped okra, chopped onions & garlic, tomatoes (drained, remember

to save the juice), 2 tbls of Worcestershire sauce (hold on to the other 1 tbls), and 1 tsp salt & pepper to taste.

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Cook over low heat for an hour stirring constantly. It should be the consistency of a soup/stew – not too thick and not too runny. In the meantime (about 20 mins before serving) cook your long grain rice according to the packet (remember brown rice will take about 45 mins and you should use a rice cooker).

Chicken Gumbo With Okra


About a Homemade Year

Your Look




By Michelle Fitz

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1 2





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HOT COLD? Find me online here

By Rachael Pontillo 54

Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

You know how some people are always hot, even in the middle of winter? And then there are people who are always cold, even in the summer? It’s so rare to find someone who is comfortable all year-round.

Why are some people always hot or always cold? There are several reasons: Your constitution. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and even more contemporary dietary theories such as the Blood Type Diet teach the concept of bioindividuality. What this means is that different people have different constitutions, or characteristics (including hot, cold, damp, dry, oily, etc), which are categorized into different types. Different constitutions have different needs in terms of diet, physical activity, and lifestyle and different constitutions are prone to certain ailments. Certain health conditions. Hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s, iron deficiency anaemia, Raynaud’s syndrome, candidiasis, and chronic stress are linked to cold (sometimes extreme) intolerance. On the other hand, diabetes, Graves disease/hyperthyroidism, Lyme disease, hormone imbalances, and heart disease can produce the symptom of always being hot. Certain foods. Just like people have different constitutions and characteristics, so do foods. Some foods have naturally cooling properties (think ‘cool as a cucumber’, while others are naturally warming (ginger, cayenne). Eating too many cooling foods, if you have a cooler composition–especially during a cool season–can cause you to be cold, and the same applies to warming foods, warmer constitutions, and warm seasons. Hot or Cold?


Lack of physical activity. It might seem that people more prone to excessive heat might not want to exercise rigorously, but it’s important to understand that sweating releases excessive heat from the body, along with toxins. On the flip side, many people with a propensity to extreme cold also have poor circulation. Increasing circulation also increases body heat, so regular movement is very important for chronically cold people. Shallow breathing. Breathing deeply on a regular basis is one of the easiest ways to improve your overall health and wellness–plus anyone can do it at any time! Adequate breathing does so much for the mind and body, but people who are always hot or always cold especially benefit from a deep breathing practice for reasons similar to those given for regular physical activity. It helps increase the body’s circulation, and also helps regulate body temperature by releasing excessive heat and raising the temperature if necessary. Improper or inadequate skin moisturisation. One of the skin’s many functions is to help regulate body temperature. In order for it to do so, its barrier must be intact, unbroken, able to breathe, with adequate moisture levels. Using too much moisturiser or moisturisers containing occlusive ingredients like mineral oil or petrolatum can suffocate the skin, trap excessive heat in the body, and also interfere with circulation. On the other hand, using plant oils and butters which nourish the skin and seal in moisture while still allowing the skin to breathe is a great way to help keep body temperatures regular.

What can you do if you’re always hot or always cold? Try changing up your foods. If you’re always hot, try eating more cooling foods and if you’re always cold, focus more on warming foods. Take note of how you feel. 56

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Start a deep breathing practice. This is a great way to start your day, end your day, or give yourself a mid-day boost. Learn more here.

Try to incorporate some kind of physical activity into your day. Some people love exercise, others loathe it. Whatever the case, sometimes our busy schedules interfere with our best intentions, and exercise doesn’t happen. Remember that some exercise is better than none, done is better than perfect, and it doesn’t have to be a conventional form of exercise. I truly believe there’s a form of movement for everyone–sometimes we have to look a bit outside the norm to find it. Moisturise with a natural plant oil like coconut, olive, or jojoba daily. In addition to helping to seal in moisture, this helps insulate and regulate the body temperature. Apply enough that the skin absorbs it, but not so much that you feel a greasy residue on the skin–this means the skin has absorbed all it can handle, and any excess on the surface could have an occlusive action, which we don’t want.

Consult with an integrative healthcare professional. If you’ve tried all of the above and are still always hot or always cold, then you might have a health condition that needs attention. Integrative and functional healthcare professionals like integrative or functional MDs, naturopathic physicians (NDs), and homeopathic doctors have had education on the topics mentioned above, and might be able to provide you with information a regular allopathic doctor can’t.

Hot or Cold?



health & beauty.

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Trends to try: Knee High Socks & Boots Find me online here

By Marina BerBeryan 60

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Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist


Socks are not only for keeping our feet warm but they’re also a major fashion statement. I’ve noticed models wearing kneehigh socks with boots at the Miu Miu’s Pre-Fall collection. Additionally, how can anyone miss this trend on Sarah Jessica Parker in “Sex and The City”.

We have been seeing models on the runway, celebrities and fashion bloggers on the streets expressing their personal style with this très chic and flirty socks and boots” look. Showing a peek of the sock above the boots creates a playful, chic and rebellious look. Currently, I have been obsessing over a short dress or bulky sweater-dress with knee-high socks and boots.

Not sure how to style kneehigh socks with boots? Read my tips below:

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Show just a sliver of your socks in order to add a tad bit of a fun and intriguing look to your ensemble. A safe colour combination to make a statement would be brown boots with either black or white socks or black boots with either grey or white socks. (My favourite colour combination is black and grey as you can see in the picture across.)

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Wear it with skinny jeans during rainy days or colder seasons, and for the fall season pair it with either a dress, short skirt or short-shorts. Opt for knee high socks with ankle boots for a flirtatious and adorable fall look. Try wearing thinner socks with either a skirt or dress. Wear thicker cable socks over legging for an alternative look.


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Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist


Your Skills

Get Yourself A Virtual Assistant

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By Andrea Sullenger 68

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You’re frantically trying to get through your to-do list everyday. You’ve been using some great apps to help you stay organised and you’ve started to get some traction in your online biz. A frantic text alert from your girlfriend says you’re overdue for coffee and she’s not putting it off any longer. Smack. It hits you right between the eyes. The stark, shocking realization that the freedom you were after when you decided to take that courageous step to become an entrepreneur, is literally nowhere to be found. You jump up from your desk and scream, “Where’s my freedom? That’s why I quit my nine to five.” Okay, so that was Tuesday and now it’s Thursday afternoon. Your sanity’s back but you’ve had time to think your little tantrum through and realise what your business coach is saying is true.

You need a virtual assistant, or a VA as she says. If you’re making progress with your business but still feel swamped, you need a VA. Here are 5 ways to know for sure. Get Yourself a Virtual Assistant


1 You’re tearing your hair out by 4:30 every afternoon ‘cause you can’t possibly get everything done on your to-do list for the day. 2 You think you have to do everything yourself, because no one else will do it quite as well as you. 3 Jobs you hate doing are taking a lot of your time. 4 You don’t seem to have time to do the work you truly love. 5 You’ve calculated the value of your time and you know for a fact it’s worth way more than $25.00 an hour. Here’s a little more detail on my last point. Divide your net income over six months by 40 hours per week to get your hourly valued rate. For example, in six months you cleared $35,000. 40 hours per week times 26 weeks equals 1,040 hours. 35 grand divided by 1,040 hours is $33.65 an hour. Hire someone to do the jobs you don’t enjoy for less than $33 bucks an hour and you’ll be ahead. Make sure you use your new-found time to do work that will increase your bottom line. I’ll go into more detail on the second point as well. Get over yourself! I can be a perfectionist too. Put up a sign in your office – “Is What I’m Doing Right Now

Divide your net income over six months by 40 hours per week to get your hourly valued rate! 70

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Making Me Money?” If the answer at any given time is no, reassess what you’re doing and why. That perfectionist trait is a good thing sometimes, but other times it can hold you back. I can spend more time than I want to admit, doing things that have absolutely nothing to do with my business profits. I have to discipline myself, and as a business coach who is blatantly upfront with my clients, you do too.

You’ll enjoy your entrepreneurship a lot more and as a result be tons more productive. Ask me. I no longer feel stressed out at 4:30 in the afternoon.

PRIDE PREJUDICE Find me online here

By Sukh Pabial 72

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“The way we use language to be inclusive has always been known, and it takes effort to be inclusive.” I’ve always been a fan of the English language and the capacity of the language to allow us to describe many things we come across in our lives. I love that we can find many subtle nuances to describe minor differences between thoughts, feelings, intentions and so much more. Our ability to articulate because of the words available to us is something I constantly marvel at. It’s not just that we can articulate ourselves so well, though, it’s that through the power of words we can move hearts and minds. We allow people into our very beings when we use English and use it so well. That’s why many corporates and PR and comms types are constantly battling with using language that people can understand as opposed to business speak. People can’t be affected by corporate and business speak, they can be affected by words of meaning.

The Language of Bias and Prejudice


as the “old lady who joined” and was rightly challenged by using such a judgemental phrase. And further, it’s the ability of the English language to have the capacity for such articulation that we can be far more inclusive in how we are with other people. We can be inclusive in our thinking, our acceptance of others and in our actions. The way we use language to be inclusive has always been known, and it takes effort to be inclusive. You see, it’s not about political correctness or about simply accepting difference in people when it comes to the language of inclusivity. It’s about the purposeful use of words to be inclusive. Recent examples have highlighted for me how I still have much to learn on moving beyond accepting difference to actively using language which is inclusive. In a regular Twitter chat on Friday mornings (8am UK) using the hashtag #ldinsight, the topic of how to deliver better L&D to over 50 workforce was being discussed. I found myself regularly falling foul of saying things that were unintentionally offensive. I was saying that people over 50 “are still capable”. I was rightly challenged, by being asked to clarify what that meant. At a recent work meeting, I described a new team member in another team 74

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I’ve been reading more and more about transgendered people and the very real challenges of how best to describe someone once they have completed transition. Not only that, but I’m discovering a whole new language related to gender based conversations and in defining gender that I never knew existed. My learning curve is steep on this, and at the same time I’m not sure what I’m meant to do with the knowledge I’m gaining as it’s not often I’m writing to raise awareness of issues related to transgendered people. For people who suffer mental health issues, I’m learning that there is a wide range of support available to help their care and support, and at the same time there is still a lot of lost patience with how we actively seek to help those with such care and support needs. Thinking and acting inclusively here, I’m learning, required better understanding of the person, their context and how to help them in the best way for them. Again, I’m not often writing about raising awareness of such issues, so how do I best share what I know to build that language?

What I’m learning is that it’s not enough to accept that we should base our judgements on the merits of the people we meet. Yes, intellectually we will all understand that. It’s the purposeful use of our language which shows whether or not we seek to understand, seek to be inclusive, or seek to be exclusive. Ultimately, my personal belief is that we have to be inclusive. Acting exclusively in any form is, in my opinion, an outdated and non-useful way to operate in the world today. There are a good many who won’t agree, can’t agree, and will argue about the virtue of exclusive practice. I’ll not be convinced easily on this. And this is not about writing better policies or about well written e-learning or courses. Nor is it about work practice where everything and anything goes. Clearly boundaries need to be respected. This is about the active measures we take to help people know they have a place. We often say that feedback should be about the behaviour we observe and not the person. The same is true of inclusive language. It should be about the language we use not the person we’re trying to include.

It should be about the language we use not the person we’re trying to include. The Language of Bias and Prejudice


Clickatch ! e n i to OW l n


“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Napoleon Hill

STEP INTO Yourself

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By Uchechi Ezurike-Bosse 78

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With all the negative energy that seems to be running rampant in our world, it seems more important now than ever for people to start harnessing the power of love and peace. One of my biggest beliefs is that the more we are truly living our truth and calling, the more love and peace we will exude, which will impact our world as a whole. I want to share with you a personal reflection I had earlier this week. It was prompted by a question posed by one of my mentors Siobhan McAuley of Stirring the Soul. She asked in her Facebook group:

As I went into meditation during one of my practices, this question came to my mind. I let this question drift into meditation with me. Upon finishing my meditation, I was led to my journal, which was right beside my table, and the following words came pouring out‌ “My dreams are urging me to show up and stand up for it. To proclaim my brilliance and value. To bring people in and stop censoring my thoughts in fear of judgement and criticism. My dreams need me to be brave and boldly

Step Into Yourself


declare my worth and ability to serve. To have confidence in my gifts and turn to God if and when that confidence wavers. My dreams need me to stop looking to others for approval and to trust my own instincts, because it knows the truth. My dreams need me to believe in them as much as they believe in me.”

This is what I dare to allow myself to be. I know most time people who follow me (which I’m so grateful for), may have the misconception that I ‘have everything figured out’ and that I’m super positive all the time. Trust me, this is not the case. I share the same struggles as you and face moments of doubt. I am blessed to have learnt tools and strategies that help me overcome them quickly. As I go into ‘reflection’ mode over the next few weeks, I now have a clear

image of what I need to step into. The version of me that allows my dreams to feel welcomed into my life. So, I want to ask you the same question. What is your dream calling you to become? Because in order to achieve your greatest desires, you have to step into the person that will make it happen. Remember, it’s not about looking outside yourself, but rather the opposite. It requires you to check in and start being the person who’s already accomplished your goals.

Truly, that person already

resides inside of you, waiting for you to recognise it and step into it. 80

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Your Spirit

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By Karen Salmansohn



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By Kate Spencer 84

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right folks! If you’d known me about ten years ago you would have wanted to slap me into next week. I was full of myself, and full of BS and I thought I was better than a whole load of others. I was opinionated, materialistic and vocal, it was quite a combination. So why am I telling you this? Why don’t I just forget about it and move on, sweep it under the carpet and be the vision of awesome that I am today? Because there are some lessons here that I need to be brave enough to share with you. This is partly selfish, writing an article is like free therapy, but it’s also useful for others to see how people evolve and grow, and I hope that there is some stuff in here that will help you.

FIRSTLY I WANT TO SAY THAT I WAS AN OUT AND OUT IDIOT BECAUSE I WAS DAMAGED. I was hurt and mangled and feeling like a wreck, but even though I have bags of emotional intelligence, I couldn’t step out of myself and see this. I don’t know why. Maybe it was because I didn’t want to admit it, maybe I was getting too much of a payoff for feeling superior, or maybe I was just too broken to be self-aware. Regardless, I now know when I look back that this behaviour was playing out because I was in a very dark place in my life, and at the core of it I felt pretty worthless – a toxic and unconscious relationship will do that to you. So I pulled myself up and I defended myself with the armour of ego.

Don’t be a Tit!


SECONDLY, I AM NOT LIKE THAT NOW. I evolved, changed, grew up emotionally, spiritually and got my shiz together. I healed, and I saw what was true and what was not. I worked on forgiving myself (AND him, AND her) and I started to break down the walls of bullshit bravado that were built up high around me. I grew self-aware, and I started to nurture the fact that I was worthy of goodness, no matter what had been said to me by other people that had scarred me deeply. I looked back and saw more clearly, that we were all doing our best at the time. I dropped the act and the attitude.

So what’s the point here? Well two, really – or three if you count the general point, “Don’t be a tit!” The first point is that my behaviour was driven by the way that I was feeling. Now bear with me, I’m observing and not making excuses. People behave in ways that are driven by past experiences and their current emotions and beliefs. When you feel like you are not good enough because the world (and his girlfriend in my case) shat on you from a great height, you’re going to feel not so great. If this is maintained for a long time then you may as well flush your mojo down the toilet, because it’s going that way any time soon.


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CONSIDER THIS POINT AND THINK ABOUT BOTH YOURSELF AND OTHER PEOPLE. We act out our pain and trauma and distress in different ways, and usually this results in some kind of tittery on our part. That’s OK, just try to step out of it and observe, then know that you need to heal the wounds that are driving this. Also try to have some compassion for others when they display something similar, you don’t have to get involved with them or point it out for goodness sake (unless you are their therapist) but look past the behaviour and know why it’s occurring. Don’t take their BS personally, it’s a side effect of them being hurt.

you hear someone say that a person will never be anything other than what they are, reflect on that. Kate Spencer used to be a tit and now she’s not (not SO much, anyway). And you can change too, if you want to. When we know better we can do better, and I do know better now. My former self didn’t, God Bless her! I still have “human” moments, but the more awake and conscious I become, the less titting around there is, and I am sure that’s true for you too.

The next point is that I changed. People CAN evolve, heal and become a better version of themselves. So next time


KATE Don’t be a Tit!



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By Manish Kumar Arora

Aries 21 March-19 April

You are likely to experience a variety of activities and interests with great enthusiasm. The success will usually concern a material conquest, a venture, a renovation project or a creative setup. It may also signify an abundance of skills, courage and drive – all waiting to be channelised well. In a way, it may also indicate at delegating or seeking other experts’ help and guidance to move ahead. Feedback and effective management are other areas that will come to the fore. You will be keen to enhance the quality of your life, and will not hesitate to seek support. There may be new beginnings, some of them that you have been waiting for.

Favourable Dates Mar 7, 9, 16, 18, 25, 27 Favourable Colours Yellow & Blue

Taurus 20 April-20 May

You will feel overwhelmed by how quickly things are changing in your surroundings and your imagination works overtime as you get lost day

dreaming about the many things you could or should be doing. There is also tendency to live in illusion as you find yourself spoilt for choice. It is also the kind of time where you are quite easily convinced to let go of all logic and make decisions on an impulse and whim. There’s a perfect sense of balance in all your relationships this month and it’s just the way you like it. You’re in a mood to celebrate your life and are at the receiving end of many a compliment.

Favourable Dates Mar 5, 7, 14, 16, 23, 25 Favourable Colours Yellow & Red

Gemini 21 May-20 June

Something new happens at the work front this month and you feel a connection of purpose in the services you perform in your day to day life. There’s a new beginning in terms of harmony and fulfilment – and your job brings you satisfaction in ways you didn’t think were possible, thus reinforcing your decisions and choices in life. You will receive a great deal of encouragement from your peers, and are also likely to feel the need to put in a lot more hard work to keep up your pace and deliverance. There may be the usual hurdles of disillusionment and confusion, but you ought to tread Zodiac Predictions for March 2016


ahead with a calculated confidence and an enlightened prudence.

Favourable Dates Mar 2, 9, 11, 18, 20, 27 Favourable Colours White & Red

Cancer 21 June-22 July

This period indicates accomplishment and triumph, despite fatigue, strain, setbacks and opposition. You shall be determined and protected now. You may have faced struggle in the recent past, even when you were near the finishing line in a recent project or area of life. But, with your faith and conviction, you either managed to get what you aspired to or acquired another milestone on your way to success. Although there may still be some pangs of anxiety, you shall soon meet success. Things will pick up pace and you will be looking at ways to improve your surroundings either through renovation, fittings or relocation. You may spend on items that bring luxury, comfort and beauty to your home.


Leo 23 July-22 August

This is the time to trust your gut feeling, intuition and heart. The period symbolises the awakening of the human spirit and opening up of new possibilities. It indicates a beginning – a new chapter in your emotional or spiritual life, a new relationship and the advent of good, sublime stuff in your life – happiness, goodness, creativity, luxuries, comforts, arts, good health and more closeness of bonds and ties with those you care about and you are eager to maintain them. Communications move to a more personal and intimate level and you value the exchange of ideas, beliefs and innermost thoughts. It’s easier than usual for you to communicate with others directly and effectively.

Favourable Dates Mar 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22 Favourable Colours White & Red


Favourable Dates Mar 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26

23 August-22 September

Favourable Colours Purple & Red

You will feel the urge to take a course or get a new degree to advance your

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career prospects – but you wish to achieve these to better your own skills more than any other reason. ‘Work hard, study hard, concentrate more’ are key motivators you are likely to be saying to yourself. You will experience an upsurge in your positive emotions and will feel ready for a mutually gratifying and uplifting give and take of love (not essentially romantic, amorous love) and compassion. You shall also be particularly attractive to other people around this time. This is a fertile time – in almost all aspects, and if bearing a child has been on your mind, this is a perfect time

allow yourself to see them for who they really are - that you find yourself completely falling for them. A time to observe, feel, and process.

Favourable Dates Mar 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20

You need to strike a balance between the emotional turmoil, commitments and the material world. It signifies optimism, conviction and encouragement. You may need to bring in more structure to your routine, so as to deal with the pinch and pressure that you may be feeling now. You are able to stand your ground and assert yourself more than usual this month. And that works in your favour as this is a time when you need to stand by your beliefs and convictions. If you feel stressed about something, get to the root cause to avoid further damage. A little foresight always helps and strategy and planning will get you desired results.

Favourable Colours White & Purple

Libra 23 September-22 October

You’ve reached a place of comfort in terms of your work-life and it looks like you don’t want things to change for a while - but your focus will shift to balancing your work and personal life. Your approach shifts to having a more rounded life and this may result in you not being as hungry for career results. You have a yearning to connect with your loved ones on a deeper, more passionate and intuitive level. A love may enter your life - and it is when you

Favourable Dates Mar 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20 Favourable Colours White & Purple

Scorpio 23 October-21 November

Favourable Dates Mar 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22 Favourable Colours White & Red Zodiac Predictions for March 2016


Sagittarius 22 November-21 December

This period signifies happy memories, pleasures, relaxation, comforts and security, and above all, a need to give release to your inner child. You may be looking back at the past with a happy, overpowering nostalgia. You need to reflect and look for the causes that would, most likely, lie in your past. You may feel extra benevolent, may spend time with younger people, or may yourself be expecting a child. Even if there is currently some turmoil, you can be assured of a happy, enlightened future. This period represents the past reverberating with memories, the present bubbling with gifts, and the future pregnant with wonderful opportunities. Stay positive, as you draw inspiration from your past.

Favourable Dates Mar 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22 Favourable Colours Yellow & Red

Capricorn 22 December-19 January

This period requires calm control and modesty, a meeting of conscious with the unconscious and a gentle power that is not being abused. You may


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have allowed your emotions to rule your head in the past, making yourself vulnerable and deluded. Learn to use your power more gently, objectively and maturely. Look around and let go of the controlling forces. Do not emotionally blackmail others, or get blackmailed by someone else. Take control of your emotions, rather than blaming others. There would be happy memories, pleasures, relaxation, comforts and security, and above all, a need to give release to your inner child.

Favourable Dates Mar 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21 Favourable Colours Blue & Red

Aquarius 20 January-18 February

You have all sorts of ideas about what you want to do. You are able to organise projects and get things in shape. It’s easier than usual for you to make quick decisions, communicate with others directly and effectively, and to make serious progress in any projects or mental work. Your ambitions come to the fore along with a desire to be noticed and acknowledged for your achievements. This can be a good time to start a business venture if other factors are favourable. Events taking place now will have a great bearing on your future. Group activities and joint

efforts are the best way to accomplish your goals right now. It is a time when great progress can be made and personal recognition achieved.

Favourable Dates Mar 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 Favourable Colours Yellow & Red

Pisces 19 February-20 March

Productivity may be slow, but it’s steady. The go-getting side of your persona comes to the fore. You may find yourself in a position of responsibility. There is also a focus on money matters this month. To avoid debt don’t be careless, make sure you do your homework. You tend to work hard and your day-today responsibilities will demand more attention. Perhaps you have a larger workload than usual. You may become irritable as a result of your increased responsibilities. Working with others in a pleasant manner could become difficult and disputes with co-workers are possible. It’s easy to get lost in the flight of the imagination at this time, as you feel rather aimless and less able to face everyday realities.

Favourable Dates Mar 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22 Favourable Colours Yellow & Blue 93

In Honour Dr. King Friday morning I had the honour of speaking at a breakfast to kick off the weekend of celebrating the legacy and greatness Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. brought into this world. I had decided not to publicly share my speech. I’m not quite sure why I felt the need to keep it private, possibly because it is so dear to my heart and the reality is, many don’t care or are indifferent. But, today…

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By Katie Clifton, Christian Columnist 94

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“We come together today to celebrate the legacy and life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr”


oday, I loaded up my four kids and my nephew and we drove to our county’s MLK parade. We parked and walked to the nearest block and stood, shivering, in the 25 degree weather. Our hands were red from the stinging cold, our toes numb and our noses running. But, I took my family to the parade because celebrating us living out Dr. King’s famous “dream” is very important to me, and this parade is merely one of the many ways we embrace unity and diversity.

The parade was an entire city block long. Where are all the people, the parade watchers? There were maybe 25 of us in total, and that’s including the 6 that arrived with me.

Where are all the people? We need to stop living in the shadow of his dream and you and I need to begin living out this dream. The Lord told me to share my speech. I couldn’t even get through speaking it without lots of tears, and I am praying that it encourages you and challenges you: We come together this morning to pray for our community, our nation, for justice and for unity. We come together today to celebrate the legacy and life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As a 15-year-old young man, Martin Luther King Jr. left the South for the very first time to work on a tobacco farm in Connecticut. This experience proved to be trajectory changing for his life.

In Honour of Dr King


While in Connecticut he wrote to his parents that he never knew that “…a person of my race could eat anywhere.” By being exposed to different ways of living, his perspective began to change and this was just one of many experiences that led him to join the struggle for civil rights.


Dr. King began to use his passion and voice, he kept the perspective that community and unity were two things that mattered the most; he harnessed student organisations, churches, and a network of politicians and celebrities sympathetic to the need of racial equality.

Dr. King was able to transform a sense The Lord’s works and the wonders He had shown them. of injustice into an actual movement. Today we come together to march on, in this same movement. Some of us are here because like Dr. King, the Lord has changed our perspective. Others of us are here because as we seek unity, we know our perspectives must change. So, What is Your perspective? As I prayed and prepared to speak today, the Lord led me to 2 Kings. The Israelites were corrupt, their lives were filled with idolatry, they refused to walk in the Lord’s law. The Israelites forgot

I 96

Only 20 percent of Israel and Judah’s kings followed the Lord during this time and the other 80 percent was living much like the world you and I currently walk in. The writer of 2 Kings speaks of a remnant of the Lord’s people: the faithful remainder who will obediently share the Lord’s truth to the nation. According to 2 Kings 19:30, This remnant will take root downward and bear fruit upward.

believe those of us gathered in this room today are here with the desire to be among a remnant; You and I can take root downward and bear fruit upward. We gather today to celebrate the life and legacy of a man who brought hope and healing to America. We gather to celebrate the timeless values he taught us through his example — the values of

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INot all of my children are white; the Lord used adoption to be trajectory changing for our lives faithful obedience to Christ in the midst of opposition, courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility and service. As we celebrate Dr. King’s birthday and life, we commemorate the love, forgiveness, peace and unity that empowered his spirit. My prayer is that we would be a sold out, bold, believing people who walk in the footsteps of Dr. King. That you and I would be people who speak out and speak up about racial injustice. My prayer is for God to stir our hearts for love, unity and equality. I pray we would be His church, His remnant, who loves like Him and speaks against every kind of evil in this world. I pray we would pursue freedom and justice and become men and women of action.

I am a mother. I am the proud mother of four of the most beautifully amazing children. Not all of my children are white; the Lord used adoption to be trajectory changing for our lives. The Lord used adoption to change my perspective. I did not adopt children of colour to prove that I am not a racist. My husband and I desired

In Honour of Dr King


to be parents to whomever the Lord was preparing. Adoption was never about us rescuing anyone. It was always about love. And now, it’s also about perspective.

I have a whole new line of sight now. I have learned that adopting a black child means I have to be willing and prepared to battle stereotypes. For my family, adoption means we need to understand and care about Black History. It means that I buy dolls with hair and skin like theirs, so that my daughters learn to embrace their own beauty. It means I am willing to call out or even place distance between us and anyone who refuses to do the work to confront their own racist beliefs. It means our family watches Dr. King documentaries and participates in celebrations of his life and in African American history. Being my daughters’ mother means not only will I stand up for my child when she’s called a racial slur or harassed by those unlike her, but that I will ensure my daughters see me actively striving to place myself at the centre of racial unity at every opportunity. Striving for unity means changing our perspective. Striving for unity means that my white fragility must be abandoned. Striving for unity means we take root downward and bear fruit upward.


oday, am praying that The Church, God’s precious bride, would join hands and link arms: That we would ask and allow Him to transform our perspective. I am praying that we would honour the Lord and celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by living out the words of the Apostle Paul:

“Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.”


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