Hat Trick Magazine April 2016

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ISSN 2058-198X

Volume 5 • Issue 4 • April 2016




Why It’s Okay to Make Mistakes

Hat Trick (noun): 1. A sports metaphor for three achievements by a single player in a game. 2. A magic trick. We happily accept both definitions. Hat Trick Magazine is a special project targeted at sharing spiritual and professional growth with like-minded people from around the world. We share strategies that truly will change your life, business and career (with a little help from some pro friends). We’ve all been there: under/un/employed, in a bad situation, in transition, wondering what the options are and not knowing the skills we would need to get us there. We won’t lie to you. Coming out the other side isn’t easy, but we can show you what we learned along to way and help you get the confidence to turn that leaf over and pursue that which is your destiny. Knowledge is power. Not everyone fancies themselves to be an entrepreneur but the truth is, even when seeking employment these days, pulling together your resume requires some sly articulation to showcase your skills, be keyword-optimised and with a strong, personable presentation to get noticed. We feature inspirational people who have great careers, amazing businesses, tips and a host of amazing stories will inspire and amaze you. Our editors and contributors are some of the most connected in their industries and specialisms. Hat Trick Your Life! Take control of your lifestyle, your career, your dreams and your journey. We’ll share what we know and we invite you to join us. If you or your business would like to be featured or simply would like to contribute a feature in an upcoming issue, please email us on: content@hattrickmagazine.com

Hat Trick Strategies cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited coverage made by our contributors including reviews, articles, manuscripts or photographs of products, services. While every care is taken, prices, details or availability of items are subject to change and we cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit letters or correspondence received via email, social media or other communication. All advice is given in general terms or as a matter of opinion, for entertainment purposes only, and may not be exhaustive nor suitable for all situations. Always seek specialized professional advice, specifically suited to you or your business needs. Absolutely no part of this magazine should be taken as medical, professional or other advice - always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.

© Hat Trick Strategies, 2013 All Rights Reserved

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Editor-In-Chief Michelle Fitz

Design & Illustration Michelle Fitz Michael Thomas Hartley Eleni Sofroniou

Your Life

Your Skills

Charlene SanJenko Cherie DeBurger Tanya Jackson Joey & Michael Phelps Jane Lindsey

Andrea Sullenger Sukh Pabial Uchechi Ezurike-Bosse Michelle Holmes

Your Look Michelle Fitz Rachael Pontillo Marina BerBeryan

Your Spirit Karen Salmansohn Kate Spencer Manish Kumar Arora Katie Clifton

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We love hearing from you! Contact us at content@hattrickmagazine.com

From the Editor Coping With Anxiety........................................................................................................................8

Cover Story Gary Coxe: Meet the Life Strategist.......................................................................................... 12

Your Life PowHERhouse Portrait: Barbara Mowat................................................................................. 20 What We’re Reading..................................................................................................................... 30 Lil Nipper Snappers Cartoon.......................................................................................................31 Childhood, That Beautiful Mud.................................................................................................. 32 Sweet Potatoes.............................................................................................................................. 38 Why it’s Okay to Make Mistakes............................................................................................... 40

Your Look Things We Love.............................................................................................................................. 46 Spiritual Skincare Sundays......................................................................................................... 48 Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist: Sue Wong S/S 2016................................................. 54

Your Skills 5 Pro Sexy Biz Tips........................................................................................................................74 Learning to Learn............................................................................................................................78 The Secret........................................................................................................................................ 86

Your Spirit Karen Salmansohn......................................................................................................................... 90 Open to Possibility......................................................................................................................... 92 Your Zodiac Predictions For May 2016................................................................................... 96

Click an article to jump straight to the corresponding page

From the Editor

You need to know that at no moment in your life is everything 100% in the shitter. Now, I might be splitting some hairs here, but your eyes are working if you are reading this. I know someone whose eyes, sadly, no longer work. Do you feel what I am saying to you? As overwhelming as life may be, there are small things you can find to be grateful for – even if you have to get out the magnifying glass to see them. See, I have been there. I have had to deal with the repercussions of stupid decisions and idiot behaviour. I have paid the price, I have been the victim of my own mental prison, and I have a very sparkly t-shirt from that insane trip which, by the way, I managed to survive. I am going to appeal to your rational, thinking side as I write this. I am pretty sure that if you are as much of a mess as I’ve been in these moments that the rational, thinking side of you is the right one to address for maximum impact. 8

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Anxiety is fear on steroids. Anxiety, for me, comes when I don’t know where I stand or perhaps I don’t feel in control of my life. It comes when I have sources of upset, overwhelm and problems that not only overwhelm but also totally redirect the course of my life and circumstances. When you leave your home for the day, you take what you need. You take what you want. You sometimes take what you’ve accidentally left in pockets and bags. What you don’t do is try to carry every single possession you own. Think about it - you have garbage at home, you have crap you don’t use in your home, car, desk and bag, and throughout the day you will produce waste, trash, bacteria and general muck that nobody wants. You try to limit carrying the garbage you accumulate as you go, and when you discover accidental items left in pockets and bags (trash or otherwise) you throw it out, put it in its rightful place, and basically clear out your bag. But in general, you do your best to make the road as easy as you can for the day by taking only what you need, removing the gum wrappers and the banana peel from yesterday, and making sure you have stuff that will make your day smoother. Things like fragrances, lip balm, money, a bit of gum, maybe another banana … you do these things to give yourself little bits of reprieve. When we are anxious or depressed, we carry all of our possessions. We are carrying the full emotional load – all the burdens of discord, uncertainty and lack (of love, money and all the things we need, but never seem to have). We are carrying other people’s shit in the form of concern for their actions and how this will impact certain outcomes. We are also carrying a lot of really rotten lies, told to us by loved ones and strangers, which wrongly shaped our identities and should have been released a long time ago. What if you put some of this down? Do you need all those things? Like seriously, in this moment, do you need every single possession/emotion/issue that you can possibly deal with to be in your ‘hands’ or in your thoughts, all at the same time? Can you see that you are holding everything, needlessly? Can you find what you actually need in that disarray of stuff you’ve got there? Is it even physically manageable to hold all this? Are you coping or are you spending all your energy simply carrying this burden?

Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz


Can you put some things down? What do you need today? See that’s the frame of mind I want you to focus on to get past this. What do you need today? I want you to choose to see in your mind’s eye all the other shit being set aside for another time. You can set that load down, comfortably. Not all of it is even yours – let alone requires action or is relevant to today. In coping with anxiety, loss or distress, perhaps even a feeling of being lost in your life, the most effective approach is to be in the moment and make the best possible use of the gift you have, which is time. Time is another column, but by focusing on the moment, the urge, the task, the breath, at hand (as and when it presents itself) will help you achieve mini-goals throughout the day. How is a breath a goal, Michelle? I was once chronically depressed and found it hard to get out of bed to enjoy a day. In fact, there were many days where ‘the day’ was simply a unit of time where I had a list of ‘must-do items’ and pretty much any other time (which actually was quite a lot) was spent either asleep or wistfully spoiled in daydreams, lamenting events and mistakes from my past. This is what A Course In Miracles refers to as the nightmare. Breathing in, feeling the swell of air in your lungs to capacity, appreciating the moment for what it is and nothing more is an achievement of a goal. You are in the moment, resetting your biology, chemistry and your mind.

Tweetable: Your breathing will save you during anxiety attacks or when the events of your life are simply inundating you. 10

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That’s real. Your breathing will save you. It will calm the nerves, it will focus the mindset, and it will lower your cortisol levels. Whether you are suffering from addiction, and mind you most of us are, or are simply trying to get past the ‘overwhelm’ of life in this moment, you can and will survive through a moment or task based approach of living and doing. Moments become minutes, and hours and days, and months and years. This is mindfulness. Lastly, find positive ways to distract yourself from the things that bother you and provide you some form of solace, reprieve and enjoyment. Make use of the time you have – hey, if you need to veg out in front of the TV or even simply relax then this is perfectly valid use of time. The key is to look at the things you can do, the resources you have available that will help you take even tiny steps towards something more positive in your life. Try and accept things for what they are. If you are waiting or dependent upon another person’s actions, perhaps seeking forgiveness or an answer, try to get things off your chest aloud alone. Working through these challenges alone may sound silly but it actually allows you to vent the anger and frustration without saying things you don’t actually mean. If you have a physical outlet, by all means use this outlet to relieve yourself of these feelings but for many people, whose composition dictates a propensity to withdraw (in my case, all I want to be is still, quiet and warm), expressing the feeling this way can be a private victory in gaining control of your life and your emotions back. This was written as a survival guide in the moment. There are lots of steps you have to take thereafter. They’re steps that will lead you out of a place of being stuck, falling victim to circumstances that rob your peace and stability and into a place of thriving and of joy. If I can be of help to you in taking these next steps, please don’t hesitate to reach out – Subject line: To The Editor content@hattrickmagazine.com

By Michelle Fitz, Editor-In-Chief

Michelle Letter From the Editor, Michelle Fitz


Cover Story


Gary Coxe

a child, Gary Coxe was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica. He grew up on a beautiful, tropical island, learning to swim in rivers, playing in the waterfalls that come rushing out of the mountains, fishing, and spending weekends on a coffee farm that his father had bought. It was an upbringing that seemed almost magical.

Gary started making strides to turn his mess into a powerful message. He said, “If I could be successful once, I could be successful again.” nfortunately, his parents were divorced, and he went to live with his mother and sister in the United States, while his two brothers stayed with his father in Jamaica. His mother remarried, and his life began to change dramatically. His mother’s new husband was very jealous of Gary’s and her relationship and the mental abuse that began was almost unbearable. This was the first experience that Gary had dealing with someone who played mind games with others. With his ‘new life’ he saw the usual struggle to work for a living and most people living from paycheck to paycheck. His mother’s husband was in his late fifties and worked as hard at that age as he did as when he was a teenager. When he died of cancer, he was penniless which left his mother in not only an emotional, but also a financial, mess. 14

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During Gary’s early upbringing, he at times drinking very heavily. He had learned a few very valuable lessons hit rock bottom. about business. Most of the men on his father’s side of his family were very financially successful. Their thinking was different and so were their attitudes. Gary started his first business when he was only 11 years old, and his second when he was 15 years old. His second business was in the jewellery trade, and by age 17 he was making over $100,000 a year. At a very young age Gary discovered that he had a passion to teach. He loved to teach and transfer his knowledge or skills to others. He Gary chose to become his own ‘doctor loved what he was doing so much that and patient’. He wanted to learn to he nearly dropped out of high school. play games with his mind instead His success was short lived though. of it playing games with him (if he After he got married (for the first time), could only get a grip on his thought his wife told him that their baby really process). One thing he knew, the wasn’t his. Not long after, his father was negative feelings and emotions he murdered. He also lost his $100,000 a was having were different from those year business. He was understandably feelings and emotions he had before overwhelmed by all of the tragedies, experiencing all of the tragedies. Why? and was unable to cope. This is only There was one reason and one reason half of his story, as the blows just kept only. He had been a product of his coming. Gary was in a plane crash past experiences, which he allowed where he suffered serious burns and to affect his emotions, thinking, and mindset. He had experienced in three was hospitalized for weeks. years what most will never experience Years later, he made the choice to in a lifetime. With his faith, and a desire leave the religious sect he was raised to move ahead, Gary started making in, and lost everyone that had been strides to turn his mess into a powerful his support system including all of his message. He said, “If I could be friends and even family. He was an successful once, I could be successful emotional wreck, on medication, and again”.

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ary had fears of being around people and of falling in love. He was scared to consider being successful again for fear that he would just lose everything anyway. Step by step, he made changes and ‘opened his curtains to let the light in’. He changed his ‘friends’ and threw the medication away. It’s a mindset that has stayed with him until this day. He’ll be the first to admit that moving forward is still often easier said than done.

He serves as a resource in showing others how to live an extraordinary life with lasting results by demonstrating how to change negative cycles of thinking… He began consulting with people who asked for his advice. From this point, he worked on getting his message and information out to people through his CD’s and seminars. Gary soon received attention from national television producers of one-show-after-another, and things started taking off. His work was getting in front of millions of people and lives were being changed. For some, it may be a strategy or technique that he had shared with them that has improved their lives, for others, just knowing that he had been through so much serves as an inspiration for them to keep reaching toward their goals. He’s served as an advisor to CEO’s and millionaires alike in his quest to teach and share with others how to make dramatic, consistent changes

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in their lives and organisations, whether it is to increase sales, potential, or selfesteem. He serves as a resource in showing others how to live an extraordinary life with lasting results by demonstrating how to change negative cycles of thinking into positive, programmed conditioning. Gary is the best-selling author of books such as, “Don’t Let Other’s Rent Space in Your Head”, and “You Can’t Fillet A Nibble; It’s the Catch that Counts”. He and his work have appeared on television shows such as The View, The Nate Berkus Show, and The Big Idea with Donnie Deutsch. NBC alone has spent over $1million producing his segments on mindset and behaviour, and he’s recently become a regular on the TV show, The Doctors.

To get Gary’s FREE Daily Success Videos and your FREE copy of Gary’s latest book, go to: GaryCoxe.com

If you’re serious about creating the life you and your loved ones deserve, Gary’s holding a two-day LIVE event in Florida on April 16-17. Get your discounted tickets NOW by going to:


Stay connected over Facebook & Twitter

Your Life

Photo Credit: Maggi Woo photography

Find me online here

By Charlene SanJenko


Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“People talk about core values all the time but they don’t realise how important core values are in shaping your vision and your culture. ”


arbara Mowat is the President and Founder of GroYourBiz™ and Impact Communications Ltd. GroYourBiz™ brings a tactical and proven approach to meeting the needs of women business owners, by providing monthly MyBusinessMyBoard™ Advisory Boards, who want to take their business to the next level. Like-minded entrepreneurs, along with the involvement of top private sector organisations (BMO Bank of Montreal, KPMG, TELUS, Fasken Martineau, Imprint Plus, Ondine BioMedical, Libra National, Concept Mechanical, etc.), benefit from the skills, expertise, inspiration and energy brought together each month.

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Barbara for a PowHERhouse Portrait feature interview. PowHERhouse Portrait: Barbara Mowat


1. Barbara, what fuels you? I’ll ask you back, ‘What do you stand for?’ People talk about core values all the time but they don’t realise how important core values are in shaping your vision and your culture. Everything that you do reflects what your company values. That helps you with decision-making, educating clients and potential customers. It really speaks to who you are. Your core values take a long time to develop, and then put into daily practice. It is my core values that fuels me. GroYourBiz™ core values: We Champion and Connect; We Art with Generosity of Spirit; We Initiate Opportunity and Collaboration; We Cultivate Environments for Sharing and Learning; We Leverage Collective Wisdom to Help Ourselves and Others; We Inspire Wealth Creation for Families, for Communities and round the World; We Have a Passion for Growth – IT’S WHAT WE DO!

2. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give other entrepreneurs in terms of things you might do differently? Prior to GroYourBiz, I had four other companies. Looking back, one learning is the importance of an advisory board which I didn’t have in my other companies. What I realise now is that advisory boards aren’t just for big, big companies (which I think many of us believe). In fact, I truly believe feel that 22

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I’m never, ever going to stop learning. I always seek advice. I want to seek advice from different people, and I want to share what I learn with others. all new businesses should have advisory boards at the very beginning of starting their business. An advisory board helps you to make those critical early decisions. I now have my own Executive Advisory Board, and the impact it has had on my business growth is invaluable. Another area is succession planning. I’m now growing my business with an exit strategy in mind. Whether it’s 5, 15 or 20 years, it’s being able to answer the question, ‘What do I want to do at the end of all this?’ That is so crucial because you actually set things up differently; you actually think differently. Don’t be afraid to ask those with wisdom and experience to sit on your advisory board to help you strengthen your weak areas and critique you. Advisors help you to think strategically about your business.

3. I thoroughly enjoyed the EXCELerate 2015 conference! Can you share how it was born and what you were trying to achieve through EXCELerate? PowHERhouse Portrait: Barbara Mowat


I really wanted to help people think differently and not get the same business information from other conferences they might attend. I wanted all of us to experience some of the “bold” changes CEOs are implementing and how they could change the way we think about our own business. Business is changing. The world is changing. I wanted people to consider different ways to set up business, to be in business and to make a difference with their business.

4. What it’s all about for me is connecting with people and helping each other grow. Collaboration fuels me! Where are you going in the future with your business? I’m never, ever going to stop learning. I always seek advice. I want to seek advice from different people, and I want to share what I learn with others. I want to create models, conferences, events that are practical and effective but are also transportable to other countries, including developing countries. Right now we’ve been asked to set up GYB Advisory Boards in both Geneva and the UK.

5. What is your ASK of other women? My ask is to never stop seeking advice, and when you get advice, take action and pass it on! [Editor’s note, yes we have a PowHERhouse saying, “We grow stronger, together.”]


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Barbara with Cherie Blair, (at this time she was First Lady of Britain) and women in Tanzania, leading a project on “Accessing Global Markets”.

Click here to continue reading Charlene’s interview with Barbara Mowat at www.poweHERhouse.com


LINDSAY MARINO Medium, Author, Speaker

Email Lindsay@LindsayMarino.com

Sign up for my free newsletter at WWW.LINDSAYMARINO.COM

YOUR AD HERE w w .e m





OVERSUBSCRIBED DANIEL PRIESTLEY PAPERBACK / £9.09 Oversubscribed shows leaders, marketers, and entrepreneurs how they can get customers queuing up to use their services and products while competitors are forced to fight for business; it explains how to become oversubscribed, even in a crowded marketplace; it is full of practical tips alongside inspiring examples to alter our mind-sets and get us bursting with ideas.


THE E MYTH REVISITED MICHAEL E. GERBER PAPERBACK / £8.39 Click images for synopsis and purchase information.

By Joey Phelps & Michael Phelps Lil Nipper Snappers Cartoon


Your Life

By Cherie DeBurger 32

Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“ I love waking up on a snowy morning, checking the school bus website and seeing that the buses are cancelled!” My entire family is thrilled that spring is here. It has been a mild winter but it has still been winter. The problem isn’t that there’s nothing to do, there’s skating, snow skiing, tobogganing, snowmobiling, ice fishing and even snowball fights. The one big problem that I run into for each and every one of them is that you have to go outside to do them. I find there is a lot more work when it’s cold. Laundry triples and in a family of seven that is a mountain of clothing. In the summer I can do everyone’s laundry in approximately three loads because all anybody is wearing are a pair of shorts, a short sleeve shirt and hopefully a clean pair of underwear. In the winter there are long johns, one (sometimes two) pairs of socks, jeans, undershirts, long sleeve shirts, sweaters and whatever else we can use for warmth. I think the only thing that is going to be missed regarding winter is the possibility of the snow days. I love waking up on a snowy morning, checking the school bus website and seeing that the buses are cancelled! I can just roll over and snuggle back into the nice warm fluffy blankets and let the kids sleep. Then it gets even better when my husband gets up and I get the whole bed to myself. Yes, snow days are lovely.



One of my boys who is always thinking, asked if it was possible for the buses to stop running if it rained too hard or if it got too windy. If he only worked as hard at school as he does trying to stay at home from school he would be doing a lot better! He is learning at a young age to find the positive perspectives in every season. In spring the only downside I find myself dealing with is the mud. We must have the lowest ground level in our backyard because if there is any rain it all seems to drain into our yard. Even if someone waters their flowers too much we will end up with a small pond. So when the spring showers show up our back yard turns into a swamp. You might think I am exaggerating but we have had sightings of Shrek who we think is looking for a spring swamp to vacation in. I don’t think my children or even our dog look at the mud as a bad thing due to the unending attraction and persistent pull it has on them. Somehow when I say “Stay out of the mud!” it magically translates into “Get as muddy as you can, as fast as you can”. A few years ago when winter had made way for spring my son came to me and asked if he could go out and swing. It was a beautiful spring day, a little cool but the sun was shining and the smell of blossoms was in the air. Feeling the excitement of the warm weather and the freedom of only wearing a light jacket he started to put on his running shoes. “Oh no, no, no, absolutely no running shoes in the back yard until the mud clears up,” I said for the tenth time that day. With a little bit of help he got his boots on and with the excitement only a child can impart he tripped over the dog and exploded out the back door. I heard him yell back “Sorry!” as the screen door slammed against the door frame hard enough to rattle the dishes that were on the kitchen table. Roughly five minutes later I looked outside to check on him and he had made a detour towards the swings were the mud was the thickest. As I opened the back door I could hear him crying. I realised he was stuck and I told him it was OK and I would be right there as I ran to the closet to get a pair of boots for myself. I took off running towards him and as I got closer I realised just 34

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“…between her bursts of laughter she managed to ask us if we needed any help. Yeah that’s what we need, all three of us in the mud.” how strong the mud was as I struggled to keep my own boots on. I got behind him and attempted to pull him up but instead I pulled him right out of his boots. I figured I would just come back and get the boots once I had him on solid ground but as I tried to take a step I found that my boot had been sucked into to mud pit as well. I already had the momentum going for the step ahead and with my son still in my arms we began to lean precariously forward, teetering dangerously towards the point of no return. In my mind’s eye I watched us fall full-faced into the mud (I could have had my own spa day) but somehow I managed to regain my balance and I carefully placed him back into his boots. While I assured him we wouldn’t have to stay there until dad got home I tried to think of a way to get out of our sticky situation without deserting our boots and walking back in our socks. We ended up having to move one foot at a time like some sort of human train chugging along. I would pull one of his boots out and place it forward, and then I would move one of my own boots as we continued on slowly and methodically, but most importantly vertically, until we reached solid ground! The entire time he was crying and I was laughing harder with each step. My oldest daughter was standing at the patio doors laughing just as hard as I was as she watched our



efforts, between her bursts of laughter she managed to ask us if we needed any help. Yeah that’s what we need, all three of us in the mud. I didn’t have to tell my son to stay out of the mud for the rest of the year even when it became fall. He now skirts that area of the yard as though it’s inhabited by some dreaded monster.

The funny thing is I had a similar experience with mud when I was his age and I thought, with a smile, kids will never change.

If you have any comments then please feel free to email me at lifes.moments@live.ca 36

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One of the greatest foods of the South is sweet potatoes (not to be confused with yams). We get sweet potatoes from the farmers living around our town; a little town plopped down in the middle of a bean field. Our produce, if sold by the road, is truly fresh! Sweet potatoes in the south have become the vegetable de jour. Restaurants are now offering French fried sweet potatoes. Yep, we will fry anything, and much to my chagrin they are actually good. I still like baked sweet potatoes best, but I am willing to try new ideas.

By Tanya Jackson 38

Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

INGREDIENTS 1/2 sweet potato, peeled and julienned


(I used a hot Creole seasoning but you can use a flavoured seasoning or just salt & pepper if preferred)

For our lupper (that’s after lunch, but before supper) I made a salad on which I sprinkled julienned sweet potatoes – very tasty and so nutritious! Uncooked sweet potatoes are off the charts with nutrients, but unfortunately you can’t get the flavour of the sweet potato in its raw form.

Method ww ww ww ww ww

Dip the sweet potatoes in water. Grab them in your hands and shake water off thoroughly. Sprinkle with lots of seasoning. Put on a microwaveable plate and heat for 30 seconds on high (this retains as many nutrients as possible, but lets the delicious flavour of the sweet potato through).

! ’ n i t a e d o o g s ’ t a h Now t

Toss on a salad and enjoy!

Sweet Potatoes


Mess Mistakes Find me online here

By Jane Lindsey

“It’s all right for you, you are creative.” That gets said to me a lot when I talk about the importance of creativity and how I worry that schools value it less and less. When I reply that “Everyone is creative!” the phrase is then followed by serious eye rolling. But it is true, everyone is creative, or at least they started out that way. Every single pre-school child that I have met revels in their creativity – every day, every minute they are experimenting, trying new things, creating stuff. And I don’t just mean the fine art/drama/music type of creative—though they are great, important and essential to a civilised life—I simply mean a particular approach to doing things. New things, new ways of doing things, any kind of progress in life needs creativity – whether it is a new way to purify water, to treat cancer or the writing of a new musical, it is all the same basic process.

Magic only comes from Mess and Mistakes. Without the space and permission to make a mess, without the time and permission to make mistakes, all you get is a copying of whatever has gone before. Creation takes courage and hard work – it takes a lot of work, a lot of starting over, a lot of thinking and leaping and having a go. It takes courage to not worry about the mistakes and the mess. It takes courage to resist comparing something mid-creation—all glitches and gaps—to someone else’s perfect Pinterest project. And this is what I fear that we are losing. Mess & Mistakes


When I was at school I was actively discouraged from doing anything creative. I was academic and good at passing exams, so I was steered towards subjects that rewarded my ability to memorise facts and corral them into properly spelled, grammatically accurate, standardised essays. I was not allowed to study art (because I cannot draw anything lifelike), or to use the school sewing machines (a health and safety issue due to my technique). Thankfully my parents provided the space and lack of supervision to encourage creativity at home – I was able to spend my downtime creating things, writing, making believe, all without fear of the finished product. Now of course, my job is extreme creation – I making a living by dreaming up new designs, new products, I make them, I think of ways to let people know about them, I take photographs, I write things like this. Every day is magicking up new stuff, new ways of making that stuff and new ways of telling people about the stuff. Creativity is a way of thinking – it is what is going to drive the future, make great things happen, give us music and books and drama, take us places, cure diseases, attack poverty and keep us connected.

But to do that we need to give our young people space to make mistakes, space to make a creative mess, space to make magic happen. 42

Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

“Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.� Democritus

About a Homemade Year

Your Look




By Michelle Fitz




1 2 3









Spiritual SKINCARE Sundays Find me online here

By Rachael Pontillo 48

Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

From Blodeuwedd to Elsa– the Objectification of Women Through Myth and Society Today’s musing came to me as I was doing work editing an anthology about the Welsh goddess, Blodeuwedd, for one of my spiritual communities. Blodeuwedd is also known as Flower Face, and was created by the magician Gwydion and his Uncle Math (who was the king, Math ap Mathonwy) out of sacred flowers and herbs, to be the wife of their nephew Lleu Llaw Gyffes (son of the goddess Arianrhod).

Long story short…

Blodeuwedd is happy enough with Lleu who treats her well but only considers her a beautiful thing, until she meets the dark and dashing Gronw during one of Lleu’s many absences, and they fall in love. He loves her for who she is as a person. They find Lleu’s weakness and trick him into vulnerability, at which point they kill him. Lleu is transformed into an eagle that soars off into the light, but Blodeuwedd is transformed by Arianrhod into an owl–condemned to darkness and night–as her punishment. In the Mabinogion–the main text of Welsh mythology– Blodeuwedd is portrayed as a scheming, adulterous, ungrateful woman who kills her husband. Part of the work that this spiritual community of mine does is to identify times through history and legend where stories

Spiritual Skincare Sundays


…I decided to take what I’m learning about natural perfumery and apply it to my daily skincare rituals. written by men portray women negatively, and retell their stories from the woman’s perspective. In this upcoming anthology, the stories do just that, and the perspective is quite compelling. My work on this anthology led me to examine other examples in legend, literature, and the media where women were created for men–either for their pleasure or to do their will–and then are portrayed as ungrateful, evil, or selfish when they opt to make their own decisions and live their own lives. Some examples that came to mind are Eve–created as a companion to Adam destined to live in ignorant bliss, until she decides she wants to know more, and then is exiled and punished for eternity. Then we have the story of Pygmalion and Galatea, later adapted as Shaw’s Pygmalion and the film My Fair Lady, where a woman is “molded” to be what the man wants her to be, for his status and amusement–but when she wants to be true to herself and finds a suitor who loves her for who she is, she is shunned and seen as selfish and ungrateful. 50

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Then of course we have the 80s classic, Weird Science, in which two teenage boys create a woman to their physical specifications and program her to not only please them but also to raise their social status publicly. In the end she’s shunned the least of the examples thus far, she leaves and the social statuses and confidence of the two teenage boys are forever changed (this leads to another common theme throughout legend of the older woman teaching the young boy, ultimately leading to his sovereignty).

Another example is in Phantom of the Opera, where ingenue Christine Daae is forced to be the face and voice of the Phantom’s genius. He is in love with her voice and what she can do for him, but not for her as a woman, and when she falls in love with Raoul who loves her for herself, despite the Phantoms efforts to kidnap, guilt, and intimidate her into marriage, all hell breaks loose, the opera is destroyed, and it’s all Christine’s fault.

It makes me wonder–this pattern of women being shaped and molded into whatever a man considers to be ideal, and being equated to nothing in her own right without the man’s will or permission–how has this affected the lives of women today? The way women see themselves and think of themselves? The decisions they make, how they relate to others, how they teach their daughters to see themselves? Why do we allow this?

We can blame society all we want, but in truth, we must be in charge of our own destinies. We must step into our own sovereignty and claim ourselves and our purposes in life FOR ourselves. We need to stop doing things to ourselves to be pleasing for others, and to first please ourselves. Women today have gotten used to being objectified, and to being placed in roles of subservience. Women have gotten used to having a pretty outward appearance, even if they feel empty and unfulfilled inside. Women with any ounce of power, confidence, or authority are considered dangerous, bossy, or evil, and are guilted into downplaying their dominant personalities due to the fear of others. We can

Spiritual Skincare Sundays


even see remnants of this in Disney’s Frozen: “Conceal, don’t feel,” though that has a happier, more empowering ending.

I encourage you, next time you find yourself feeling objectified or stifled; or pressured to look, be, or act a certain way, ask yourself who is this for? The truth is that our souls are free. They are equal, and they exist to please no one or serve anyone but the greatest good. Any message otherwise is the result of societal conditioning and a dominant ego. It isn’t what’s real or true, and it is but a temporary chain that only binds as long as we let it.


I am One with the Divine–the great Mother who began all life, and I am an individualised version of Her, here to bring life, wisdom, and transformation to anything needing it for the greatest good. I am that spark, that breath, that catalyst, and all that I create is for the greatest good of all, including myself. For this, I am grateful, I let it be so, and so it is.

Did this post resonate with you? Can you think of any other examples in myth, society, or even in your own life where this pattern exists? Share your thoughts over at the private Spiritual Skincare Sundays group on Facebook and join the conversation there!


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By Marina BerBeryan


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LA Fashion Week kicked off on Monday, October 5th, as the rain invaded Hollywood after days of sizzling heat. A semi-annual event, Art Hearts Fashion featured Spring/ Summer 2016 Collections from fashion designers including Sue Wong, Betsey Johnson, Nicolle Miller, Isabella Couture, Mister Triple X and Amato Haute Couture by Furne One amongst many others. Official shows were produced by founder of Art Hearts Fashion and Mister Triple X designer, Erik Rosete, in collaboration with Sarah and Erin Whitaker of ParkerWhitaker Productions. It took place at the same location as the previous season – the Taglyan Complex banquet hall.

throughout the show and wows of the audience, it was obvious to say most people thought it was worth the longline-wait in the rain.

The crowd at the Art Hearts Fashion seemed endless with guests of industry insiders, leading fashionistas, celebrities, editors, socialites and others who waited in long lines to view the debut of Sue Wong’s Alchemy & Masquerade Spring/Summer 2016 Collection. The line commenced all the way from the valet’s parking lot, right through to the red carpet area and ending at the Taglyan Complex’s hallway to catch the opening show. However, judging by the applause

Many celebrities made extravagant red carpet appearances in Sue Wong gowns to show their continued support for Wong, including myself. The LA Fashion Judge has been covering Sue Wong’s fashion shows for over 5 years now, and one thing I know for a fact is that Sue Wong never ceases to amaze us with the runway drama, spectacular spectacle and her timeless collections. The Alchemy & Masquerade Spring Summer 2016 Collection commenced with a presentation from actor Max Ryan known for his role in Sex & The City 2. Sue Wong was honoured by a plaque and proclamation from the California State Assembly member Miguel Santiago.

Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist


“I have met many queens in Denmark and Europe,” his highness said to Wong, “because I am related to them. But you are a fashion queen!” Another honourable award was given to an iconic LA-based designer for displayed excellence for her compelling designs and congratulating her latest collection from His Royal Highness Prince Waldemar Schaumburg-Lippe (great-grandson of Denmark’s King Frederick VIII), his wife Princess Antonia Schaumburg-Lippe and their son Prince Mario-Max SchaumburgLippe, who were among the 1,200 guests at the show. What a pleasant surprise to have the royalty attend LA Fashion week! Waldemar’s son, actor and TV Presenter Prince Mario-Max Schaumberg-Lippe, presented a dance performance of Phantom of the Opera by Harajuku,

wearing a mask and a cape to correlate with the Alchemy and Masquerade theme. Sue Wong’s Alchemy and Masquerade Collection included a 79 piece show adorned with her design mantra – beauty, magic and transformation. The lineup of the collection was divided into 9 different categories including Alchemy, Etherea, Arcana, Chrysalis, Duality, Metamorphosis, Kaleidoscope, Faustus and Transformation. The pieces were teamed up with Vilaiwan Fine Jewellery by Joe Polthakorn, Rocky Gathercole, Atzi Designs, Betty Long’s spectacularly flamboyant and show-stopping head pieces and Mary Frances Accessories handbags.

Sue Wong’s designs are undeniably romantic, alluring, timeless and nostalgic. Dramatic runway looks included long column gowns, glittery sheaths and embellished cocktail dresses with beaded collars, chiffon and lace fabric, engineered with floral embroidery along with the designer’s signature 58

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embellished evening wear. It wasn’t until the end when the audience gasped and were mesmerised by the ‘Modern Day Xenomorph Queen’ styled from the ‘Faustus’ and strolling down Sue Wong’s runway dressed in black organza ruffled skirt and topped off with an alien-like space vest accessorised with a silver spiky helmet. This was followed by another model dressed in red abstract construction paired with red lace skirt and long train.

Some of the celebrity models walking the catwalk were Eugenia Kuzmina, former international model and now an actress known for her role in The Family Fang; actress Blanca Blanco, longtime Sue Wong Red Carpet Ambassador; and actress and model Katie Clearly known for participating in the America’s Next Top Model.

The magical evening concluded with a special live performance by accomplished Popera star Michael Peer who sang beautifully the Phantom Of The Opera. The guests, press and celebrities enjoyed the art exhibits presented by talented Eugene Huffman, Sham Ibrahim, Molly Gruninger, Lisa Whitmore, Connie Kurtew, Sequoia Emmanuelle. Photo credit: Rhyan Reyes Photography.

Confessions of a Hollywood Stylist


Marina BerBeryan & actress Josie Davis Photo credit: Rhyan Reyes Photography

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Your Skills

Sexy Pro Biz Tips Find me online here

By Andrea Sullenger 74

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coaching clients are all rockin’ entrepreneurs who are doing most things right, but just need some straight-up guidance in a few critical areas. I mean, who doesn’t? You might be like them; wondering if there are ways to improve your selling skills? Well I guarantee there are always ways to pump up your sales efforts. And think about it – aren’t we all in the business of selling? Today I’m bringing you my Five Top Sexy Selling Tips for Entrepreneurs. That’s you. Pay attention, these tips really work. And they’re sexy. Make up your mind hat you’ll implement these ideas because they’ve made my clients wealthy. You’re next. Create content. I mean sexy content. I mean every day come up with something people will truly want and appreciate. You’re an expert at what you do, right? And if you think you’re not, get with the program. There are literally thousands of people out there who know less than you about your topic. Having lots of sexy, juicy, interesting content will help your future clients see you as a credible person in your niche and they will eat up the content you’ve created. Let’s say you’re into insurance sales, just for a random example. Teach and share through the content you’re creating and people will be drawn to you and your products like a moth to flame. Isn’t it easier to sell to people who come to you, rather than you finding people and trying to sell to them? (I hope you said ‘Yes’ to that question). Be Grateful. Start taking note of people’s attitudes. Right off you’ll notice that people who are grateful are happier, more content and even more successful than people who are on the other side of the fence. It is definitely sexy to be successful. Look around you. Are you seeing things to be grateful for every hour of the day? Notice the people who are honestly positive, grateful and appreciate their lives. Hang with them. Ever hear the phrase, you’ll become like the top five people you surround yourself with? It’s true, so check if a tune-up is due in your life. Believe me, sexy people are grateful people. Be Helpful. I hope you’re already thinking of your product or service as something that helps people. If not, change that now. You exist as an entrepreneur to help dissolve someone’s pain point. The better you are at doing that, the more successful you’ll be in sales. In my opinion, from the second you wake up in the morning to the moment your eyes close at night, you need to be thinking about how you can help people. That’s an entrepreneur’s life. And helping people is totally sexy.

5 Sexy Pro Biz Tips


Grow Your List. Doesn’t matter what business you’re in – brick and mortar, online or whatever, you need to be constantly building a list of your best customers. After all, it’s way easier to sell something else to an existing, happy customer, than to find new ones. Therefore, work on finding them and keeping them. That’s your list. Figure out how to do it in your niche and I guarantee it will pay off for you. Take good care of your fantastic, happy customers and let others know how to join your list so they can be satisfied, sexy customers too. Be Friendly. This works together with your first four tips. Frankly, I can’t believe how many entrepreneurs I meet who basically have the first four points down pat, but they just don’t exude a genuine friendliness. Don’t you want people to be friendly to you? Well, get out there and make a true effort to be friendly wherever you are. People tell me I’m funny and a little silly, and I know that’s my personality. But I honestly think it’s part of being friendly and the fact that I truly care about people. And being friendly is sexy. Make sure you sound friendly on the phone (or Skype or webinars or whatever). Record yourself to make sure. Be friendly in your messaging and in person no matter where you are.

There you go, my sexy top five tips for every entrepreneur who sells. They’ve worked for me big-time, and they’ll work for you. Be a sexy seller!


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Learning How to

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By Sukh Pabial 78

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“Your job is not to show off how much you know. It is to make the ideas simple, clear and memorable.” I recently chaired a talk at Learning Technologies conference with Barbara Oakley on the topic of ‘Learning How to Learn’. Barbara runs one of the most popular MOOCs around on the same topic. Never done a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) before? Then this one is probably the one to get you started. The first thing that is immediately apparent about this talk was how endearing Barbara is. Her story of her personal journey of learning through both formal means, work means and ultimately in her role as a professor of engineering is insightful and encouraging. Hers is the story that helps us to realise that we can use learning principles to learn anything we set our mind to. She first of all helped us to understand that when it comes to the process of learning, we have a ‘focused’ mode and a ‘diffuse’ mode. In the focused mode, we try to apply tried and tested methods of application to help us achieve a goal. However, the reality is that our brains tend to operate in a much more erratic fashion when working on a problem or task and it fires in all sorts of directions before settling on an answer. She used the example of a pinball machine to illustrate how the diffuse mode of thinking works.

Learning How to Learn


What this helps us to realise is that our brains don’t operate in the logical and structured fashion we think they work in. Instead, our brains are full of activity, and when given a problem to work on, will expend energy to focus on that task, but is quite likely to draw on lots information to help us reach there. This doesn’t mean we get distracted, it just means that most of our problems and tasks we need to do will require us to draw on previous experience. When we have experienced a situation over and again, that pathway becomes easier to navigate until it is more logical and straightforward than initially encountered. Barbara usefully shared a technique for time management called the Pomodoro technique. This technique essentially says focus intently for 25 mins, and then allow yourself about 5 mins of

‘play’ time where you purposefully shift your focus away from the task at hand. What this does is to allow the brain to enter both focused and diffuse modes of thinking in a balanced sustainable fashion. It is also supportive of ensuring we don’t cause ourselves burnout and encourages more effective working patterns. In the delivery of formal learning solutions I think this insight is highly relevant. You can engage a group with high level activity for up to a period of 25 mins, and then need to schedule in some alternative activity which purposefully involves them doing a different task. By doing this we can design sessions to be highly engaging, relevant and content rich, with a healthy mix of activity, ‘play’ and fun.

It was fascinating to learn the way the brain needs sleep in order to grow and learn new things. When we learn something new, our brain starts to create new synapses to do something with the information we’re taking in. When we go to sleep, our brain keeps on doing something with that information, and we know 80

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this happens because the next day, after sleep, the neuron has grown. The more we continue to revisit the content we were learning about, and having normal sleep patterns means we have better chance of holding that information in our long term memory and make it more accessible. This accessibility is also linked to the application of that knowledge. By trying to apply the knowledge to a variety of situations, we allow those connections to broaden and branch to other connections making that content stronger and our experience of it stronger too. Again, when thinking about learning solution design, what this starts to tell us is that a one day / five day training course / e-learning just isn’t enough to impart knowledge. It’s a start, and that’s all it can be. Instead we need to design in to the learning process multiple ways in which the knowledge can not only be accessed but also how it can be applied. Currently, we don’t tend to design learning solutions in such ways – although arguably this is part of the thinking involved with solutions such as social and peer based learning solution design and implementation. One unexpectedly useful insight was about the use of analogies and stories. When we use a well thought out analogy or story to help illustrate a point, it’s not ‘dumbing down’ the content. In fact, we’re using the same part of the brain to understand the content that the analogy is attempting to explain. The use of the analogy/story is fundamental in demonstrating that we are capable of understanding complex topics with relative ease. I loved this for it’s ease of access to learning solution design.

The last main piece that Barbara covered was about ‘chunking’ of information. We have a pretty sophisticated capability to hold information, and one technique which is supportive of this is to ‘chunk’ information together. It used to be taught that we could hold approximately 7 pieces of information in short term memory with quick recall, but that’s been updated to about 5 pieces. What this means is that when we are trying to learn new information, we need to access it in ways which we can chunk it into meaningful pieces that allow for

Learning How to Learn


quick and easy recall. What we also need to be mindful of is that to transfer this learning to working memory, we need to keep re-visiting it. In the design of learning solutions, this also presents some great insights for us to act on. Information should be no more than 5 pieces chunked together. That doesn’t mean heavy pieces of text either, as it needs to be accessible to the brain. If it’s a heavy piece, then it needs to be broken down. This isn’t because some adults are less smart than others, this is because it’s a better way to support the natural learning process of the brain. Barbara ended the session with two key pieces of insight for educators / trainers / L&D:

Your job is NOT to show off how much you know. It is to make the ideas simple, clear and memorable. If all this tickled your fancy, watch Barbara talk about the above in her TedX talk here:


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By Uchechi Ezurike-Bosse

Like many people, I fell in love with the Law of Attraction when I first came across the movie, The Secret. I remember hearing about it from The Oprah Show, and I quickly rushed out to the nearest bookstore and bought the DVD. As soon as I watched it I remember thinking it was everything that I always believed and hoped for, all packaged in this little gift called The Secret and The Law of Attraction. I immediately started to put to practice all that I had learned. Ask, Believe, Receive. Sounded easy enough. I had some initial successes, however, I struggled to manifest the bigger things. Although, I believed in the power of this law, I couldn’t help feeling discouraged and felt like I was failing at it. However, the truth is, no one fails at the law of attraction, just like you cannot fail the law of gravity. If you walk off a building, you cannot ‘fail’ to fall down and hurt yourself.

influences your emotions, which in turn controls the frequency you vibrate. So it’s not your thoughts that draw things into your life, but actually your feelings and emotions. However, your thoughts play a critical role in the manifestation process because it is the influencer of your feelings. So if you’re saying hundreds of affirmations a day, yet focused and thinking about what’s wrong in your life and feeling fearful that your desires and goals will not manifest, then truly you won’t see the manifestation of your desires.

Most people forget that the Law of Attraction is based on the Law of Vibration, which basically states that everything in the Universe (including you) ‘vibrates at a different rate of frequency.’ Your habitual thoughts

The Secret


Another big reason why you may feel that the Law of Attraction is not working for you is that you’re trying to manifest from a place of lack. If you feel you do not have it, then you’ll continue to not have it. Again, no amount of affirmations will help. You need to come from a place of abundance knowing that you have everything you need to make it happen. If you have a desire for something, then you MUST have the resources and abilities to manifest it. If you did not, then you would not have had the desire in the first place. Feeling like something is missing only continues to perpetrate the conditions of something is missing and the very thing that you want will continue to elude you.

Another big obstacle is your subconscious beliefs and program conflicting with what you want. This comes up a lot for people especially when it comes to manifesting more money. If you’re not seeing the physical manifestation of your desires, then subconsciously, you’re resisting it. Yes, even money! How many times have you heard ‘money is the root of all evil’, or ‘making money is hard’, and ‘people like you can’t get rich’, to even one that came up for me around how ‘being rich is unsafe’. All of these programs are outside of your conscious awareness, but undermines your efforts to have more money or anything else that you desire. So you try to use the Law of Attraction to manifest, however you’re subconscious mind is in opposition, and you’re core beliefs go against what you want. As a result, you don’t get the physical manifestation of it. You need to ensure that your conscious desires (thoughts) are in alignment with your subconscious beliefs and the actions that you take. Once you have alignment, then you’ll begin to manifest what you want quickly and with ease. Yes, it takes work to re-program your mind and there’s so many great resources out there including my own self-study program Mind Money Miracles that helps you program your mind for wealth and success. Another area where people feel that the Law of Attraction is not working for them is in the time it takes for them to see their manifestation. The biggest


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mistake in this is that the Law of Attraction is indeed working. The manifestation of your desire is manifesting, but yet to be seen in the physical. Instead of focusing on your desires and having faith and trusting the process, you begin to get frustrated and feel disappointed. Frustration and disappointment are low-level frequencies and so you must be in the same vibrational frequency as your desires in order to receive it. Your goals and dreams were indeed coming to you, but because you are no longer where in the same vibrational frequency (remember the law of vibration), you were unable to receive what you wanted. Consequently you conclude that the Law of Attraction is not working for you, when in reality it was! Lastly, there is also the focus on the how instead of the what. Here’s the thing to remember, your job in the creation process is to focus on what you want to manifest. Have faith and believe that you will receive what you want. Do not focus on how this will come about. The how is up to God or the Universe. When you focus on the how, you then bring your limited consciousness into the equation. I love what Mike Dooley says in The Secret when he states:

“The ‘hows’ are the domain of the Universe. It always knows the shortest, quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dream.” Remember this the next time you begin to worry and start focusing on how your goals will manifest. Remain focused on the ‘what’, have faith and the ‘how’ will be shown to you!

The Secret


Your Spirit

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By Karen Salmansohn



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By Kate Spencer 92

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ften it takes a crisis or transition in life for us to open to the possibility that there could be more than our physical reality. There is an old adage that we don’t know what we have until it’s gone, and it is usually at a time of great loss or challenge that we become open to considering the existence of a higher power, or even a miracle. In these moments lessons can come thick and fast. They may be linked to unexpected change, relationships breaking down, illness, loss of a loved one or other circumstances that change your life significantly. They bring with them a type of re-evaluation and emotional stress.

I believe that for many of us, these moments can mark our Awakening to another way of living. A feeling of no longer worrying about ‘the small stuff’ can arise, as we shift our perception to things that are more valuable and important than possessions and work. Typically family becomes the main priority. Expressing how we feel, forgiving people, loving each other and fostering a faith that things will get better become important too. It’s the combination of the challenge and the pain, the struggle if you will, that I believe acts as the catalyst to bring up all of the universal questions that lie dormant within us as humans, waking up our consciousness. Why me? Why now? What did I do to deserve this? Is there a bigger plan? How will I get through it? Where is my life going? Is there a God?

Why am I here? These questions and many more like them, come through as a prompt from our higher self, to start opening us up to the possibility that there is more to life as we know it. If you are a person who has previously only been able to

Be Open to Posibility


believe what they can see, feel, hear, taste or touch then this could come as a massive revelation. Your human self may feel overwhelmed with the thought of these concepts initially, but herein lies the first lesson:

Be open to possibility. This lesson is about having a more evolved perspective on life and events, suspending a critical and disbelieving nature and asking your ego to sidestep. There are concepts within this text that may push your buttons or make you scoff at times. Remember lesson one if this should happen and try to stay open. At the outset of my book, Twelve Lessons, the main character Stephanie has to start looking at her life via her higher self, rather than the ego and the human personality. Without lesson one Stephanie would not have been open to the journey ahead of her, and it is my greatest hope that if you are reading this book that you will be open to yours. Stephanie’s low self-worth had driven her to believe that she needed to buy friends and impress people in order to be liked. She bolstered her low self-esteem with expensive possessions in order for other people to deem her as ‘worthy’, trying to make people warm to her for what she had, rather than who she was. This is a trap that many of us find ourselves falling into in modern day living. Materialism and low self-esteem can combine to create a destructive and vicious circle. This lesson asks you to look beyond the trappings of life as we know it, and strip back your beliefs about what you are worth as a person. Embrace the possibility that there is more than what you can see around you, know that you cannot measure your worth based on what you have, rather base it on who you are. Start to open to the thought that you are a soul that 94

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has chosen to come to earth at this time in order to grow, learn, experience and create. Just as Stephanie’s first lesson was to keep an open mind, I ask you to do the same. Please take a moment to set your intention that you are ready to receive new information and consider looking at your life in new ways. Work with your higher self and your intuition as you read this book and you will feel ‘resonance’ with certain chapters, phrases and lessons. This means they are striking a chord with you and that they mean something in your life at the moment. Your own personal guidance system is at work when you feel this, so take note. You may also find that different lessons and observations resonate differently at different times in your life. This is to be expected as we are all a work in progress.

The book you are reading was written with the love and intention to bring you the wisdom and insights that you can use to touch your life in enriching and nurturing ways. It’s a reference and manifesto that will help you to work towards becoming the best version of yourself, and in turn create the best life that you can. All I ask of you now is that you allow yourself to Be Open to Possibility, and read on. How could you open your mind and heart more to the possibility there is more? Is there a part of you that is closed to things they can’t see, touch or feel? Are you ready to entertain the thought that new experiences and perspectives could be beneficial? “I am open to new possibilities; I look at my world with an open mind and create miracles in every moment.”

P. S The above is taken from the Twelve Lessons Journal. If you loved this, then you might want to take a look

Be Open to Posibility



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By Manish Kumar Arora

Aries 21 March-19 April

You’ll enjoy a burst of energy and will probably take on more responsibility at work or school This month will see a boost of supreme inner confidence rise to the surface that will encourage you to take on many new things, although your quick thinking won’t allow you to make too many mistakes. It is likely that you will experience some major personal changes which will benefit your way of life. Your energy levels will remain high. Channel your imagination into something creative. Something in the field of music will appeal. In terms of romance you are likely to be a little flighty and reluctant to be tied down, but there’s nothing wrong with just enjoying yourself.

chance to boost your finances, but only if you’re prepared to put the hard work in. A couple of friendships look set to go from strength to strength. Be open to all the new experiences that this month will bring. There is a strong likelihood of a passionate romance that will enable you to discover your wilder side and have a great deal of fun in the process. Towards the latter half of the month there will be a major change in your life style, this could be a change in career or studies or even an entire relocation.

Favourable Dates May 1, 5, 10, 14, 19, 23 Favourable Colours White & Green

Favourable Dates May 1, 7, 10, 16, 19, 25 Favourable Colours White & Yellow

Taurus 20 April-20 May

There would be a burst of fiery energy, which will give rise to some fantastic opportunities. This will provide a

Gemini 21 May-20 June

This month will bring with it some significant emotional realisations that could have a lasting impact on your life for months to come. The first two weeks may not be easy as you will be grappling with a number of doubts.

Zodiac Predictions for May 2016


You might find that you are feeling in the mood for excitement and are likely to dig your heels in if you’re forced to go along with everyone else. The latter part of the month looks altogether more positive in terms of romance as well as finances. An important relationship will go from strength to strength and there is a good chance that a major mutual commitment is on the cards.

Favourable Dates May 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20 Favourable Colours Blue & Red

Cancer 21 June-22 July

This month is likely to be a challenging time in terms of work or studies and also likely to see you embarking on a new adventure. In terms of finance it would be strong, but in terms of romance you’re likely to hit a very fickle mood, especially if someone is asking for commitment around this time. Don’t worry though; romance will drastically improve around what will be a busy and rewarding month. Financially, things look quite stable, but you will need to budget very carefully around the last two weeks to help fund a long awaited purchase. Your romantic personality will come to the 98

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fore and if you make the most of these opportunities you should find your emotional life is blissful and content.

Favourable Dates May 7, 8, 16, 17, 25, 26 Favourable Colours Yellow & Blue

Leo 23 July-22 August

You’ll need to get your priorities straight and you might be required to make a tricky choice between doing what you want, and doing what you feel you should do. There would be a need for some tact and diplomacy, You might find that a family member is being difficult, but they just want the best for you. In the second half of the month the mood will lighten considerably, as there could be the chance to take up a last- minute offer of a trip or vacation away, but you’ll need to act quickly. A spring romance could provide some wonderful bitter-sweet moments, or it will provide the moment for singles to meet someone new.

Favourable Dates May 2, 4, 11, 13, 20, 22 Favourable Colours Yellow & Red

Virgo 23 August-22 September

If you can maintain your effort levels there is every chance of a welcome reward. There may occur a financial dispute of some kind that is likely to take a lot of your energy. This will be resolved in your favour, just in time for you to shift your focus to the romantic opportunities presenting themselves over in second and third week. This will be an exciting time, although if you are already in a relationship this will be a period when you will have to fend off the attentions of others. The period after 21st will be a period of relaxation, which will be needed as the end of the month will see your work levels increasing significantly.

Favourable Dates May 2, 9, 11, 18, 20, 27 Favourable Colours Blue & Red

Libra 23 September-22 October

You will need plenty of energy as this is going to be an exceptionally busy month. It will have you broadening your horizons. This could be a literal

shift that sees you visiting different foreign places, or this could apply to things closer to home as you take on new responsibilities in an effort to learn more because you will be on a quest for understanding the world around you. If you are already in a relationship it is likely that some chance events will lead to a much deeper level of mutual understanding. There may be some difficulties early on in this relationship, but it will be worth persevering. If you are single then this will be a real roller coaster month emotionally.

Favourable Dates May 2, 5, 11, 14, 20, 23 Favourable Colours Blue & White

Scorpio 23 October-21 November

This period will encourage you to focus on achieving your long-term financial and professional goals. It will also be a good month for romance as it is likely that you will meet someone with whom you share a common interest. Just make sure that in all the excitement you balance the different key areas of your life. Family members will also play an important part in some major events this month that will be probably related to travel or career decisions. The period will also help you boost your self-confidence by getting

Zodiac Predictions for May 2016


yourself into shape physically; maybe a doctor approved exercise program is just the thing to get you feeling more sure of yourself.

Favourable Dates May 2, 4, 11, 13, 20, 22 Favourable Colours Red & Purple

a romantic relationship, this is not a good time for that.

Favourable Dates May 3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 27 Favourable Colours Red & Blue

Capricorn 22 December-19 January

Sagittarius 22 November-21 December

This is a good time for social, commercial, automotive, and community outreach projects involving your friends and colleagues. It has been a tough time for you emotionally and spiritually. You could be dealing with a self-worth issue involving a lover, your parenting, or a hobby you are involved in. You are more likely to break up with someone over infidelity or financial trust issues. This is a tough time to collect money owed to you. You could see lies, secrets, deception, gullibility, or hidden forces are at work here. You will need to be especially careful when conducting financial transactions online. If you are thinking about turning a friendship into 100 Hat Trick Magazine • hattrickstrategies.com

You can brainstorm clever new ways to achieve your financial goals. Teamwork, technology, social networking, and inspiration help you get more accomplished when working with government agencies, institutions, large corporations, and other bureaucracies. This is also a second wave of that lovely romantic energy promoting soul-mate style love making as opposed to light playful romance. This is also a great energy for long-distance love affairs or for the two of you to travel together. It is also a good time for legal contracts between you and your business contacts. If you are looking for a new romantic, social, or business partner, you might want to look into political, religious, academic, and cultural activities as a way of meeting interesting new people.

Favourable Dates May 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23 Favourable Colours Yellow & Red



20 January-18 February

19 February-20 March

This could be a good time for some creative and intuitive brainstorming about how to achieve your financial and professional goals. This is an excellent time for new romantic commitments, fresh starts within your relationship, and for new lovers. It is also a good time for new financial activities involving various forms of profit sharing, investments, and joint assets. Business partnerships could use this for some intuitive business networking and social partnerships could use this for bonding with loving friends, but this is mostly an ideal energy for mixing friends and lovers in a romantic and sexy setting. An existing business agreement may be ending. This could change your daily routines or how you perform your duties at work.

It is especially good for creating new beginnings involving you and your outer presentation. Get new clothes, try new hairstyles, fix your posture or any negative behavioural traits that might make you come across in a negative light. This is a lovely time for introducing the “new and improved� you, especially if you have been working on self-improvement, selfempowerment, etc. You could also find that you are enjoying spending time with your relatives, neighbours, or people within your local community. You are funny, clever, entertaining, and smart. People like doing business with you and they like hearing what you have to say. If you are job searching, this could be an excellent time to schedule interviews or for re-writing your resume.

Favourable Dates May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26

Favourable Dates May 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22

Favourable Colours Yellow & Green

Favourable Colours Red & White


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