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From the Selman Family

From Alison Selman

My family tradition is that every year at the beginning of December we go to an Amish town to cut down our Christmas tree. We pass the same simple houses and barns and we are usually lucky enough to see an old fashion horse pulled buggy. We go with the Butler family and our family. Our families have been doing it since before I was born. We always go out and get the same kind of tree. We look out at the familiar landscape, rows upon rows of snow covered evergreens. We take a wagon pulled by 2 horses to and from the trees. After we have finished cutting down our perfectly full green beautiful tree we get them packaged and we bungee cord them to the top of the car. We all go in one car so it’s difficult trying to cram 2, 3, or 4 trees on one roof. We are all cold by that point so we go to a little cabin and have hot chocolate, s’mores, hotdogs and gingerbread houses by the fire. My dad’s favorites are the maple cinnamon rolls baked by the Amish. It is very special because we never stopped going and it helps start off the holiday season. We love going and look forward to it all year.

From Caroline and David Selman Alison’s whole life our family has shared the tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree with our closest friends. We drive 45 minutes east of home to the same tree farm each December. Fgter identifying the lucky evergreen we cut it doun and headon horse drawn hay wagon to the barn for amish baked goods, hotdogs, hot coco, and s’mores. This is the favorite family tradition for our whole family- Daisy, our

dog, included.

From the Frodyma Family My family doesn’t really have traditions, but I always anticipate Christmas. My family likes to just enjoy Christmas however it goes. The holidays make me feel so warm inside. The best thing about Christmas is getting to be with my family and getting to see their face light up when I give them their presents. I also can’t deny that I love getting presents myself.

One Christmas I remember well was last year and when I came down to get my presents my dad had on a red shirt and green pants. He looked like and elf! He was acting like an elf too. He was jumping around. I will always remember that Christmas!

Tradition Passed through generations, Customs and beliefs are carried. At specials times families celebrate Themselves by following



My mom remembers a tradition she had in her family.

My mom and my Aunt Carolyn decided one day that they would make a tradition of making a parade every Christmas. Over years my mom and Aunt Carolyn got a lot of little wooden people, trees, houses, and animals. They decided that they wanted to make a parade out of the wooden figures. The set the people, most of which had instruments and my mom and aunt imagined them playing, and animals, including bunnies, tigers, cats and dogs, for the parade, and on the edges they put the houses and trees.

Traditions From the Copeland Family

Ornaments are a big part of Christmastime at my house. Every memory we have ends up on our tree. We have ornaments from the Netherlands, Hawaii, Mexico, etc. Some of them were my great-grandmother’s.

One of them my mother made. No matter how old the ornaments are, it’s the memory that

Traditions Remembrance of others, Family and Friends, Gather ‘round the fire. Sharing memories, Of time long ago. When life was simple, And filled with joy. Generations ago.


Traditions are a large part of our Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. For example, we always venture into the woods the day after Thanksgiving to cut down our Christmas tree. Traditionally the weather is unusually cold (or so it might seem) but this helps us make our decision quicker. We also attend The Nutcracker Ballet in Akron the Sunday of that weekend. This has been part of our holidays since Caroline was two. There are many foods and their preparation that are part of our traditions. My Mother would prepare at least 10 types of cookies to give out as gifts and I remember the many tasks I was assigned. To this day we still bake what was always my favorite "the butter ball". Caroline has inherited my job of chopping the necessary pecans or I might say smashing them with a hammer and then rolling them in powder sugar. Traditions can be a wonderful reminder of years past but I also look forward to creating many new ones.


From the



Christina Lutton A tradition in the Lutton family is that every year when we bring in the Christmas tree we play the Trans Siberia Orchestra (TSO). We listen to it because it is Christmas music and it is classical music that makes my family feel a little jollier! Whenever my dad hears it, he says that it makes him smile a lot bigger. Then we wait until Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we put out cookies and coke. We sometimes put out diet coke because my mom says that Santa needs to go on a diet, but I do not agree. The next morning when we wake up, we try not to kill ourselves because we always want to open the presents but we have to wait until my dad gets up at noon. Another tradition in the Lutton family is that we open our stockings first. Also a tradition is that my mom gets some type of jewelry, even if she specifically says that she does not want any. She always knows what to expect. Poem We are family, We are friends, Celebrating heritage, Thinking about the generations, Creating memories, Altogether, All in different ways,

Mom/Dad A tradition on my mom’s side and dad’s side of my family is that they eat sour kraut and kielbasa on New Year’s Eve. Now that tradition has been passed down to us so we do it too! My aunts and uncles also do that. We start the day off with a small breakfast and eat less at lunch. Then at dinner with the sour kraut and kielbasa we pig out and stuff our faces. (Except for me because I don’t like sour kraut and kielbasa) We all gather together and talk about anything that happened in the last year. Then we get ready to count! Then soon we look at the TV and see the ball dropping we all start to get exited! All of us, all together gathered around in my grandma’s little house. It gets kind of loud in there. Then every year my brother and I forget to get out a piece of paper to write down the year as many times as we can. I can’t wait until next year!


5 Grade

Holiday Traditions 2010-2011 Page 1: Page 2: Page 3: Page 4: Page 5: Page 6:

Alison Archer caroline Lauren Joyce Sydni


From the Passarelli Family Family

From Ela Passarelli A family tradition that my family has is that every time we visit our condo in Florida, we jump in the pool with our clothes on. Every year we add one more person. I did it alone the first year. My sister joined me the second time we went. We are going to keep going on. My mom will do it next with us, then my dad, then my baby sister, Karina. Sometimes we even do our tradition late at night! This tradition is special because it is celebrating us being at our condo. We always video tape it, so we can look at it later. It is something we do as a family, which brings us all together.

From Tonya Passarelli (Mother) Every year during the holidays, our family goes to see the gingerbread houses displayed at the botanical gardens. We love to see the delicious, beautiful houses. We get ideas for our family gingerbread house that we make every year. It is wonderful

tradition that brings us together to feel the warmth and magic of the holidays.

Traditions From the Fuente Family

It all starts when each of my family members wake up very excited for the Christmas holiday tradition. We all run downstairs and anticipate the arrival of my grandparents. Finally, they arrive, happy and cheerful. We walk to our small library to dig out small toys in our stockings. We laugh and take pictures and then we meet in the living room to open presents. My brother and I brother hand presents to my mom or dad or whomever the present we are holding in our hands. Then my brother grabs a large box and tares it open. Of course, the new video game he hoped for. I run over to the tree and grab the one gift for our dogs, Allie and Winnie I tear it open and I rip the ball out of the launcher and give it to Winnie.

Traditions A tradition is a custom,

After all the presents are open each of us puts our gifts in separate pile and walk to the kitchen for breakfast. When breakfast is ready we eat, talk, laugh, and bring back memories to the family. This Tradition is special to me because I love spending time with my family and I love seeing people get so happy about Christmas!

a memory that brings family and friends together as one. Laughter, joy, cheer, and happiness, Keep them coming, don’t ever let them go.

After church, we all go back to our house for a special dinner of roast tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and ‐ the most important part – grasshopper pie for dessert. Jamie and Elise each get to pick one present from under the tree to open. This year, Elise started what I hope will be a new tradition when she read aloud “The Night Before Christmas” after dinner was over. After everyone is stuffed full of food, we all go to sleep to wait for Santa, anticipating the excitement of the present opening the next morning. This is how we have spent our Christmas Eve for at least the past 10 years. It makes Christmas Eve very special at our house!

My favorite holiday traditions take place on Christmas Eve. The whole family goes to church together to see Jamie and Elise perform in the Christmas pageant. Elise did a great job this year as a shepherd! She kept good track of her sheep (a two year old little girl) and delivered her monologue in a loud, clear voice.


From the Jones Family Ellie Jones

Tradition Handing down,

One tradition we do every year is get our Christmas tree as a family. We get our tree at upper school US. They don’t sell just Christmas trees and wreaths but they sell Christmas joy (and cookies). We usaly get a pretty big tree. My dad and my brother pick out the tree while my sister, my mom, and I stand by the fire. When my dad and brother pick out the tree we approve of it. After we get our tree we get about 3 High School boys to tie the tree to our car. After we get home my brother, sister, my sisters friend, my sisters friends little brother, and me go to the golf course we live on. The 2nd whole has a huge hill that we go sledding on. IT also has two bunkers on either side that are really deep so we can go sledding in them too.

Beliefs and customs, Can’t break it, Not written, Do not take for granted.

Elyse T. A Family Memory My favorite holiday tradition is the Christmas party my family held every year on December 23 while I was growing up. My mother’s family was very large. She was the eldest of eight sisters. Each one of my aunts had at least three children and so there were plenty of cousins to share in the fun. For weeks before the party we cleaned and decorated our house from top to bottom. My mother, father, brother and two sisters and I helped with every detail. We made dozens and dozens of cut out cookies dressed in beautiful colored sugar. We shopped for tiny bottles of multi‐flavored soda pops called 050’s and stacked them in coolers. We made hundreds of Swedish meatballs and pounds of mashed potatoes to be placed in giant roasters. The menu was always the same‐peas and carrots, Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, and those carefully crafted sugar cookies. The meal had to be simple because there were always so many of us. We had about thirty‐five first cousins and of course their parents. We played classic Christmas tunes and sang along, danced and waited to hear the jingle bells announcing Santa’s arrival. I always knew that this jolly, round Santa with his sparkling green eyes was the “real Santa” because he, unlike the mall Santas, knew each of our names, our parent’s names, where we lived, and our pets. He was warm and sweet and jolly. The only gifts exchanged that night were candy canes given to us from Santa’s bag. We never missed having a present to open. The evening was the gift itself. The joy of a few precious hours spent with all my cousins and the anticipation that this party meant the beginning of the holiday season was enough for me.

Traditions From the Borrow Family


One tradition that we have in my family is that on

Christmas day we always wait to open our presents after everyone is awake. When we open our presents it is already pretty late because my grandma likes to sleep in. But, when we do it is a very special time for my family.

Tradition To always pass down Repetition Always alive Dedicated to you Is meaningful Tons of fun! Interesting Occurs many times Never dies

Another tradition my family has is that before

winter break we always make some sort of cookies. My whole family makes them together. Out of all the cookies,

my favorite kind is sugar cookie cutouts. Finally, we

ALWAYS leave out some of the cookies with milk for Santa Claus.

Tradition: Just prior to birthdays or other holidays, we receive cards in the mail from relatives and friends. We don’t open them until the actual day of the celebration. We save the cards and when it is time to gather in the dining room for dinner and cake, we open the cards one by one, pass them around, then open the presents, then have cake. We always turn off all the lights, light the candles on the cake and then sing!


From the



A tradition my family has is that we always decorate a Christmas tree. We always put a lot of ornaments on our Christmas tree. Some of the ornaments we put on are ones that I have made. My Dad does the lights first and then my mom puts on the garland and then I help her put the ornaments on the tree. We have many different ornaments some of my favorites are: a hedgehog, three cats, and I snow globe with my name on it .We put the fragile ornaments closer to the top so they don’t fall and break. Then I put the star on the top after all the ornaments and lights are on.

Tradition Traditions are customs or beliefs Ritual Always the same

Does not change Is special Traditions can be passed down Is fun Occurs at the same time every year Never a surprise

One of my favorite traditions is the family Christmas. Each year our extended family gets together the Sunday before Christmas. We all bring some type of food to share and have a nice meal. Afterwards, Santa Claus comes and gives presents to all of the children. Then comes my favorite part, the white elephant gift exchange where some of the most creative gifts have ever been given. Some of my favorites include: a bowling ball with a large chip out it, a broken night light and a talking bunny.


From the Kennedy Family

One tradition that I share is that every year

on Halloween is we have a hayride, with all the kids on the street riding it, and drop them off at

each house to get the candy they would like. The hayride is connected to our friends, The Rehak’s car, and drive at about 14 mph. All the kids and


adults have fun! After all the kids get the candy that they wanted, everyone gets dropped off at

Tradition is not for everyone,

The Forbes’s barn to have a party with food,

But these habits can be very

around 11:00pm, but we all know it was worth

fun! A tradition is handed down, This fun custom should not give you a frown. A tradition can happen every day, If it does, say “Hooray!”!

drinks and apple bobbing! The party ends at it!!Everyone being together, and adding 1 more year of having those fun, exciting, friendly times to share! Every year on Christmas morning at 975 Andrews Lane, we celebrate with several family traditions. First, the kids always wake up and make them wait at the top of the steps until I get my camera and my mom comes over. We them snap a few “Christmas morning” pics and they rush downstairs to open their stockings. While this is going on, I put the traditional Christmas morning egg pies in the oven. We continue by opening the presents that Santa left under the tree. After we open all of the gifts, we all sit down for my favorite meal and tradition. It is our Christmas morning breakfast which consists of egg pies, monkey bread, fresh fruit, and fresh squeezed orange juice. We have done this for as long as I can remember. We have a meal, we reflect on the year, and we appreciate all that we have and our families. We will this year for the first time, know how it feels to break tradition. We will be leaving early Christmas morning for vacation. Although we will not have Christmas breakfast this year, the tradition will continue in 2011.


From the Li Family Student

One Example of a Tradition

Poems Celebration Holiday

I have lots of fun at Christmas Time. I get about 4‐5 Christmas gifts. Each year, my family will decorate the Christmas Tree. We put these things on our tree: candy canes, ornaments, bell ornaments, fake candy, ect. I bake cookies with my family and put them near the Christmas tree. I usually go to the mall at Christmas time or play outside with the snow. I make lot and lots of snow angels. Then, it is time to eat. I usually eat Chinese food like rice, noodles, dumplings, ect. Then, I go to sleep. At 12:00, I would wake my sister up and we would eat the cookies that we made. Then, we would just play and talk. Finally, it’s time to go to sleep again. After that, it is the next day. I love Christmas!

Religion Ice and snow Santa Tradition Making cookies


A good or bad list

My family is from China. There are lots of Chinese traditional holidays. Chinese New Year is one of the most celebrated holiday. People long for the New Year and its holiday atmosphere each year. The holiday starts from the New Year’s Eve, and lasts for 5 days. On the eve, family usually sit together in front of TV, enjoying family reunion feast and watching Chinese New Year’s evening of entertainment, which is broadcasted from China Central TV. After midnight, each family starts fire crackers, and the sound is so loud that people can’t hear each other when they talk, and the fire cracker lasts till daybreak. On the New Year’s days, people wear brand new clothes, friends and relatives visit each other, and eat traditional food. I can’t wait till this Chinese New Year.

Surprising gifts Time with friends and family Rejoicing A celebration Doesn’t surprise you I love traditions! T It is yearly O Never ends


From the





One of the special holidays to my family is Christmas .The special moment this year on Christmas is our Christmas tree. It has our ornaments my family and I made in the past. When the company comes to celebrate Christmas Eve. When my family comes my cousins usually come upstairs and play in my room. Then dinner comes and we eat a big feast. Next, we all relax and the adults have a glass of wine. The part I love is dessert. Then the presents we all get presents from our family and trade gifts. Last, everybody leaves to go home for Christmas. The worst part of the night.

Traditions Traditions

A night with family and friends Traditions Traditions Brings your family and friend together again Traditions Traditions Perhaps not always a happy time Traditions Traditions


Brings back memories

On Christmas Day our family enjoys many traditions. The day usually starts very early when one of our three children wakes up. They will quickly wake up the whole household to let everyone know it is time to head to the living room to open gifts. We usually spend about 2 hours opening gifts before its time to get ready to go to church. We are members of the Russian Orthodox Church where attending a Christmas Mass is very traditional and important to our faith. After services, the kids are quickly home to begin playing with Santa’s presents. In the afternoon we get ready to have Christmas dinner with our extended family. This includes Lauren’s grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Dinner is usually held at my brothers (Lauren’s uncle) because Christmas Eve is always at our house. Dinner usually includes a large Turkey and lots of great side dishes. By the end of the evening everyone is tired and full.

Traditions Traditions Never stops Traditions Traditions Sighing when it ends

Traditions Picture

From the Owens Family



Don’t take it for granted. It’s time to spend with the ones within. Tradition is everlasting and never ends. When I see my family I smile because I will know they’re going to be here for a little while.


In my family this is important because we can see how our family has grown and to see how many people we have lost. My family is excited to take a new picture this year and get the family together.

One tradition is to update the family portrait. We fly everyone out to Cleveland and go to the best photographer in town to take the picture. This picture above was taken in 2006. This tradition is special because when we look back at the pictures we can how we have grown and how much the family has grown. The couple in the top left has had to children. The lady that is right next to the couple is engaged and is soon to be married in July. The man next to the lady that’s engaged is my dad sadly he passed away when I was 8. The couple, in the middle is the oldest of the family and has been married for 50 years. These pictures are not easy to get many people live out of town. The hardest picture to get was the year after my dad died .There were many tears but we got the picture taken and it was beautiful. Two couples live in North Carolina. Many people aren’t in the picture but are still close and dear to the family. Next year, we are planning on taking and updating the family portrait. This portrait is very important to me because I love when my family comes down especially when my cousin Tammy comes. She is hilarious. She makes the funniest jokes and does the craziest things. I love my family so much.


From the Jhirad Family

My favorite tradition happens in winter. On Chanukah we light the menorah then we each give each other presents. When we all open our presents, we play with them (if I have enough time before I go to bed.) This is my favorite time because we get presents and we can put up all the Chanukah decorations in the window. Any time during Chanukah we always make latkes


( potato pancakes) and we buy jelly donuts. Yummy! I like this tradition because we spend the most time with our


family and get gifts (other than your birthday).

passed down from generation to generation. TRADITON. TRADITION, Let’s all be together.

A Childhood Memory By Susan Jhirad When I was a kid we went to New York, we would always go to a place called Moyshe’s. Moyshe was an expensive


place so we always had to drive home late at night. But every time at that restaurant when anyone from our family


took a sip of water a waiter would wait there and pour a

our tradition is done.

drinking the water so he would stop re-filling our glasses.

full a glass again. My mom would usually tell me to stop


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From the Seger Family

Our Holiday Tradition By Amelia

A special custom,

My family had a tradition where we went to my aunt and uncle’s house for Christmas. That was really fun and I would get way more presents than I would through the mail. This year my grandparents moved to Ohio so now it’s going to be different and my aunt and uncle are coming up here. I don’t know how it will go but I hope I still get lots of presents and it stays fun.

usually handed down,

☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

What is Tradition? Tradition

can be unique or regular and typical.

Tradition Is never only once, can be for a birthday, Christmas, New Year’s Day, New Year’s Eve, or even a family tradition, tradition is always special

A Childhood Memory When I was a small boy, my father was a police officer. That meant that Christmas was never a holiday for him. Police and firemen work every day! But dad would always be certain to trade work days with a fellow officer so that he could have Christmas Eve off and spend it with his family. So at our house we opened gifts on Christmas Eve. Then we would get dressed about 11:00pm and walk through the snow to midnight mass. The church was full, and it was always so cold outside. The music was wonderful! Traditional Christmas carols sung in English and sometimes Latin (Adeste Fideles). Each year I seek beautiful Christmas music to reclaim wonderful feeling of the season that I knew when I was a boy. But it is never so good as I remember from my childhood.


From the Fiscarelli‐Mintz Family A Tradition By Anna In my family, Shabbat begins right before dinner with the candles glistening and my father’s voice ringing out the familiar words of the prayer. Every Friday when we are at home, we light our shining Sabbath candles and say the special blessing and prayer first in Hebrew, then in English. We also set out the Kiddush cup and eat Challah bread with our main meal. Our meal though usually happens to be something that is completely not Jewish; like frozen

lasagna and Italian green beans. This tradition is special to me because we have always done it (or tried to do it) every week. In Judaism, Friday starts the holy day, or Sabbath, at sundown so Shabbat is kind of like a small celebration to start the Sabbath, which ends on Saturday at sundown. The Shabbat seems to have extra value when it comes at the end of a hectic and exhausting week.


It is important to me to take time at

the end of a busy week to remember to be thankful for the blessings we have.

Our Family Tradition Passed down through the ages, Tradition has no changing stages, A custom that brings back memories of a special celebration, But never a written creation.

A tradition that is important in our family is to set out our Creches during the Christmas season. My Italian grandfather had a special set of figurines; he used to take me by the hand and explain in broken English who each of the figurines represented. He has been gone for many years now, but it is still our family custom to put out his crèche every Christmas. When I was Anna’s age, my parents used to give my brother, sister, and me each a cardboard box, some scissors, paper, glue, and scraps of paper and cloth. With those supplies, we would each fashion our own crèches and display them under the Christmas tree. We spent many delighted hours crafting our stables and mangers filled with paper straw, figures with flowing robes, and the Baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling cloths. Now that I have my own family, we have started our own variation of the family crèche: when Sarah and Anna were very little, I acquired a basic set of figurines and a stable by a well‐known Italian manufacturer. Since then, every year we add new figurines to our set so now it is quite extensive. We have many wonderful Christmas traditions in our family, but none is as special, meaningful or as full of memories as our crèches.


From the



Christmas From my point of view, tradition means

togetherness, family, and friends. My favorite tradition is Christmas. I enjoy this tradition because it’s nice to show people that you really care about them. I like to

Tradition Tradition…

spend time with my family and I am always excited to open presents! ☺ I don’t always sleep well on Christmas Eve. I think it’s because I'm excited.

It brings us together every year, with lots of love and holiday cheer.

Traditions and customs don’t always last; trust me I know they go very fast. Though tradition is something for families to keep, Traditions never, ever, ever sleep.

A Family Tradition In the Mixon house, we have a special birthday tradition. On the morning of a family member’s birthday, there is always a rope or ribbon fastened to the doorway of the kitchen. When the birthday person runs through the doorway breaking the ribbon, that person has officially turned one year older. Tasha Mixon

Traditions From the Lutton family

A Thanksgiving Tradition By Caitlin What kind of traditions do you do in your family? In my family we have many traditions. One

is just around Thanksgiving time, when we always go down to my grandma’s house to have Thanksgiving and to visit my great-grandparents.

Tradition Tradition is usually fun, but it’s not for everyone, it’s something that happens Once…….. Twice…….. Three times a year! It brings friends and family together, Tradition means we are one.

We always have Thanksgiving at their house. When we are there, we always have a contest to see if my dad or grandma can make the best wedding soup. Of course my sister and I are the judges and my grandma always wins.

A Vacation Memory Have you ever asked your mom or dad about a tradition they had when they were little? Well I did. When my mom was a little girl, every year she and her family would rent a boat and go down to northern Michigan for two weeks. She told me about how much fun she had and how she would always love going on boat rides. Her brothers, Steve and Rick, would also come. She told me that every time they went they would save up their money to go to this shop and buy Christmas, Easter, and birthday presents for the whole family. Every year she always wanted to do it again with our family to bring back fun memories.


From the Cohen Family

Our Family Christmas By Colby


One tradition that my family and I have is to always go to our grandmother’s house for Christmas. But before we go to my grandmother’s house, my family always opens the presents from our uncle and aunt at our house. Then we usually open the presents from my sister or parents next. Everyone likes the presents and everyone thanks each other. I love doing this and I like all of the presents I get from my parents and sometimes my sister. I love being with my family and I especially love being with them on Christmas.

Repeats A time to be together Doesn’t change that much Is passed down Through family and friends Is any custom Only happens at a certain time Not something that always happens

A Family Tradition When I was young a family tradition I had was to gather at my great aunt’s home on Christmas night. All relatives and friends were invited to carol, play bingo, and have a Christmas play consisting only of children. It was truly magical and Santa would always make a special visit.

Traditions From the Felderman Family

This is me!:)!

One tradition in the Felderman family that I really love is going to Hardwood Island, Maine, every summer. On Hardwood, there is no electricity except for a generator for things like our refrigerators, and the two light bulbs on the whole island (we use them for the pantry and the attic occasionally). There are forests with rich green pine trees and pale tan birches. The ocean is as blue as the sky and it whispers up onto the sand, rolling and sometimes crashing in madness. When we are there, our grandparents, our second cousins, our really good grown-up friend, and our best friend family, are all there! We have so much fun and a lot of cookouts and marshmallow toastings. We sit on the beach and my sister and I play on the see-saw (which we made out of a short log and a long skinny board) and we have so much fun. Sometimes one of our parents joins too. We also have a dock going off Hardwood. The dock is This is my !☺sister☺! covered in old lichen creeping around the old wooden planks. The dock creaks in oldness when you walk across it. We see porpoises and sometimes fish jumping in the water. My mom even saw a Mola Mola once! This tradition is really special to me because I have so much time with my family, friends, and nature. I also get to read a lot!

Tradition is… Repetitive A pattern Doesn’t change Is passed down Through family and friends

Emily Felderman On the first day of every December, my dad would surprise my brother, sister, and me with an Advent Calendar. As if the month of December wasn’t exciting enough with snow, vacation, and Christmas, each morning a small box waited to be opened. I loved finding the number and opening the flap to reveal what was waiting inside for us to see. When we had children, my dad extended the tradition to our girls. We loved helping them find the numbers when they were very little and seeing their expressions when the secret was discovered.

Is a custom

One year, to their great delight, we gave the girls a chocolate

Only happens at its time

calendars at our favorite wooden toyshop in North East Harbor,

Not something that happens every day

wooden Advent Calendar. I have been making miniature-felted

Advent Calendar. Now, every summer the girls select their own Maine. We began another new tradition this year. We now have a ornaments for each girl for every day in December. Ellie hangs her ornaments on her miniature Jade Tree and Julia places hers on a Rosemary topiary


From the Kennedy Family

Halloween By Emma

One tradition that I share is that every year

on Halloween we have a hayride. All the kids on the street ride and we drop them off at each house to get the candy they would like. The

Tradition Tradition is not for everyone, But these habits can be very fun! A tradition is handed down, This fun custom should not give you a frown.

hayride is connected to our friend’s, The Rehak’s, car and we drive at about 14 mph. All the kids and adults have fun! After all the kids get the candy that they want, everyone gets dropped off at The Forbes’s barn to have a party with food, drinks, and apple bobbing! The party ends at around 11:00pm, but we all know it was worth it!! Everyone is together and we add 1 more year f h i g th

A Family Memory


iti g f i dl ti


Every year on Christmas morning at 975 Andrews Lane, we celebrate

A tradition can happen every

with several family traditions. First, the kids always wake up and make them wait


them snap a few “Christmas morning” pics and they rush downstairs to open

If it does, say “Hooray!”!

at the top of the steps until I get my camera and my mom comes over. We their stockings. While this is going on, I put the traditional Christmas morning egg pies in the oven. We continue by opening the presents that Santa left under the tree. After we open all of the gifts, we all sit down for my favorite meal and tradition. It is our Christmas morning breakfast which consists of egg pies, monkey bread, fresh fruit, and fresh squeezed orange juice. We have done this for as long as I can remember. We have a meal, we reflect on the year, and we appreciate all that we have and our families. We will this year for the first time, know how it feels to break tradition. We will be leaving early Christmas morning for vacation. Although we will not have Christmas breakfast this year, the tradition will continue in 2011.


From The Garson Family

Tradition Connecting us one to another, With family and friends, Taking time for others, Doing good deeds, For people in need, One shared moment.

A Family Memory The celebration of Thanksgiving has always been very special to me. When I was a young girl growing up in St. Louis, we always celebrated the holiday with many family members and friends. As my sisters and I grew older and began our own journeys, the Thanksgiving festivities became even more special. It was understood that everyone was expected to return to my parent’s home to share this time together. As our family grew in size, my father designed and built a table that would cover our dining room table in order to seat at least twenty‐four people. It was important that everyone be seated together to share my mother’s delicious meal. We would go around the table and share why we were especially “thankful” on that given year. My father passed away in 2007, but we continue to bring out “his table” and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. He is missed, but I know he is with us in spirit!

A Hanukah Memory By Julia My special tradition in my family is the celebration of Hanukah. During this holiday my family begins each of the eight nights by lighting the menorah. We sing a prayer and sometimes play the dreidel game. Then we open a special wrapped gift that we have gotten for each other. The reason this holiday is important to me is because it is a time when our whole family gets together. I really like when my family can all be together to celebrate. Also, I love this holiday because it is fun to sing the prayers and watch the candles melt into the menorah. When I am celebrating it I think togetherness and I feel happiness. One time we lit the menorah and one of the candles fell and almost started a fire. We were thankful that we caught it in time! I do like receiving gifts, but enjoy giving special small gifts for my sister and brothers. I try to make them something because I think it is more meaningful than going to a store. I look forward to Hanukah every year!

Traditions From the Calhoun Family

A Christmas Memory By LaNia

Traditions are to make people happy. Traditions go around every year. A lot of people have traditions. You can have them with or without your family. Its lots of different kinds of them for lots of different people You don’t have to a special age to have a tradition. You can be 1 month old!!! Traditions are special to people. Traditions can make people happy or sad. But my traditions are great!!!

My favorite tradition is Christmas. It is my favorite because I spend time with my family who I have not seen in a long time. I can get the presents that I really wanted. Every year me and my family put up the Christmas tree together. The older kids put up the actual tree. I put the ornaments on! We all put the lights on. I mostly see my mom’s side of the family so it’s fun to see my dad’s side every once in a while. The all love me. It makes me happy!

A Family Thanksgiving

One of our special family traditions is at Thanksgiving we all gather at our cousin's home (Sydni Owens) and have a large family dinner and talk about our past. The kids laugh and play games and we all have a great time!

A Christmas Tradition

Traditions from the Zalud family


Traditions can be done

By Macy

My family has many traditions. But the one I would like to tell you about is when we decorate our Christmas tree on Christmas. Every single year about ten days before Christmas we decorate our tree with all kinds of lights and ornaments. First, we bring down all the boxes of decorations from the attic. Then, we get the boxes unpacked. My dad always turns on Christmas music really, really loud. We have two trees, one for our lights and one for our From the Zalud Family ornaments. With the bright colors of our ornaments and lights turned off, it looks AWESOME!! We have a lot of crazy lights like these ones that are lobsters and lighthouses which represent how we go to Kennebunkport, Maine almost every summer. We also have some lights that have all kinds of food on them; they represent how much food we get and how we should be thankful for what food we have. We put these on the tree for lights and when that’s finished it looks like a bright party of lights. We also have a lot of cool ornaments including a lobster lifeguard, a lot of home made ornaments, some very pretty glass ornaments, and many funny ornaments. We put these on the tree for lights, and when that’s finished it looks like a land of ornaments.

On a holiday Like Decorating a tree For Christmas Or Lighting a candle on the menorah On each night of Hanukah They stay With you on every holiday Bringing and keeping Memories

A Family Memory One of my favorite Holiday traditions occurs very, very early every Christmas morning. When it is still very dark out, at about 5:00 a.m., on that Christmas morning, we get up, get dressed and ready for church, and get in our car and head off to our church in Cleveland Heights. (The streets are quite empty at that hour, particularly since it’s Christmas, so, for a little holiday thrill, we roll right through a few red lights!). Anyway, the church that we attend is called Bethlehem Lutheran Church, and it was founded over 100 years ago by Immigrants from the country of Sweden. Two of those immigrants were my grandmother and my grandfather. When we arrive at the church, there is a Christmas service that starts at 6:00 a.m. The words of the songs are all in Swedish, and so are most of the readings at the service. The church is full, and there are a lot of old Swedes there! Macy and her brother Jake usually light all the candles, as acolytes at the service, and they even stay awake! Near the end of the service, they dim all the lights in the church. Of course, it is also still dark outside. Then, the ushers hand out candles to everyone, one to each person, and the last two songs, both in Swedish, are sung in the darkness, but lit by a hundred candles as the service ends. After the service, we all go down to the church basement. It too, is lit only by candles, and there is Swedish Christmas music playing. There is also a buffet of traditional Swedish Christmas food: cheeses, rice pudding with lingo berry sauce, summer sausage, and of course, pickled herring and hardtack bread (Macy doesn’t really like that herring, but I do!). To drink there is orange juice and coffee, and also for the grown ups, there is an old , strong Swedish libation: Glug‐served warm, and strong. And then, we’re done, and we’re back opening presents from under the tree by 8:00 a.m. This morning service is called “Julotta”, and I’ve gone every Christmas th since I was in 5 grade, first with only my Swedish grandfather, then with more and more of my family each year. Macy and her brother Jake have been going since they were toddlers, and I hope they keep going as long as I have, or until Macy eats some herring!


From the Fawcett-Dubow Family

A Christmas Memory By Maddie Does your family have a special tradition? Well, my family does! Our tradition is to get our Christmas tree really early. We get it the weekend after Thanksgiving. I love this tradition because I love the holidays so it’s almost like Christmas everyday (even though you don’t get presents). We go to Patterson’s tree farm. My dad always cuts the Christmas tree down. We put it on top of our car and drive home listening to Christmas music on our favorite radio station. When we get home, we put the tree up in the living room. Then we decorate the tree and sit by the warm and cozy fire. Sometimes, after the tree is decorated, my two best friends come over to see it. We usually drink hot cocoa with big, fat marshmallows. If there is any snow, we play outside and make snowmen and snow angels. This tradition is probably my favorite and it’s really fun!

Tradition Traditions are fun. They can be parties, Celebrations, Ordinary everyday things. They are exciting, and fulfilling but, Traditions won’t always be with you, They don’t last very long, so traditions are a good thing to have, for your life will always have something coming.

A Family Memory We didn’t know it when we bought our home, but each year our street throws a 4th of July parade, which begins right in front of our house. The first year we lived here, Maddie was just two years old. She rode a tricycle that her mother and I pushed from behind. Over the years, her mode of transportation has changed, but the tradition’s meaning hasn’t. We love this parade because it brings our community out. It also helps us measure time. It helps us watch the kids on our street grow up. And it also reminds us why our country is so special. It gives us tranquility and peace and opportunities to say thank you.

Traditions From the Gleydura Family A Christmas Memory By Molly We come running down with smiling faces hoping to see what’s going to happen. One tradition that I remember is on Christmas. Every year we get up and open presents at my house while eating cold (cooked) kielbasa. We also eat cheese and

Tradition Tradition again and

crackers and sometimes hard boiled eggs. The day before “we” (mostly my mom) makes cookies and a green bean dish to take to my grandma’s house. My brother Patrick, my sister Annie, and I pick out our favorite gift that isn’t too breakable to also take to her house. When we get there we are always the first ones. After everyone else is there we eat a good dinner where everyone eats till they can’t eat any more. Next we open presents brought by other family members. The men of the family usually


are asleep most of the time. The rest of us (the people who are

It never

up) stay up very late talking and playing games supplied by my


aunts, grandma, and grandpa. It is hard not remember a Christmas spent with the Gleydura family.

Generation to generation. It will not STOP. Happened many times before. It will be here waiting for MORE.

A Family Memory Every other Christmas Eve, our entire family attends the Gleyduras’ traditional Slovak vilija (vehLA-yah) supper, a 12-dish meatless feast. We usually only have 7 dishes though. The number of dishes represents the apostles and begins with oplatky, a Communion-like wafer stamped with a nativity scene. Some families include fish as a part of the celebration, our usual menu includes barley soup cabbage and noodles, pierogi two kinds of bakes dough balls called opacanci (though many Slovaks know these as babalki), and a selection of cold pears, peaches, and peas.


From the Crane Family A Thanksgiving Memory



Traditions are anything You want it to be It can be a birthday party

Or a parade.

A tradition is annual! There can be lights, Balloons, dancers, Anything you want there to be! A tradition brings family and friends Together. A tradition is anything but BOREING! I love traditions!

I personally love traditions, traditions are the only way I can really see some of my cousins and aunts in Michigan. I go to their house on Thanksgiving every year. Last year when I went there were more people than this year. Last year my aunt got a new dog that tried biting our ankles and wanted to jump on us. My cousins and I would hide behind this big pile of clothes and put gates on the openings and run in there when the dog would try to bite us. This year only two of my cousins came and we went in the basement again and did the same thing but this year the dog is a lot bigger. Whenever we made our pile of clothes and gates the dog kept jumping over everything and was getting to us. After played with the dog, we went upstairs to eat Thanksgiving dinner. About an hour later we decided to make a ginger bread house. It was not the best ginger bread house in the world because we did not follow directions very well it was a mess. Then we asked if we could eat it and the parents said yes! When we finished eating it I don’t know how but the ginger bread materials ended up everywhere especially all over our faces and clothes. It was a little late and my cousin had to go to bed! In the morning, my cousin came back and we ate breakfast and went back downstairs to play with the dog. It was about noon and I had to go back home. I got in the car and left.

A Christmas Memory For the past 25 years my family and I gather at my mother and step‐father’s house on Christmas Eve. There are about 18 of us that sit down to a Christmas Eve feast, and my mother and step‐father give a speech about the past year. Then one of my brothers hires a Santa every year to entertain us, one year he hired an Elvis impersonator and he sang Christmas songs to us. Last we open up all the presents.


From the Watterson Family

Christmas Memories By Olivia

Tradition Bring back laughs and memories. Passed down and Never can be broken. A tradition won’t disappear, For it brings family together.

During Christmas time my parents and I go out to buy a Christmas tree. My mother is very picky about the tree so sometimes it can take a long time. After that we always get hot chocolate and that is always fun. When we bring the tree home we set it up in the living room either in the corner or next to the window. Then we immediately get down the ornaments from the attic. We put on Santa hats and we start to decorate the tree. I really love to decorate the tree. My cat, Shanky, likes to bat the Christmas tree lights and it is very fun to watch. On Christmas day I can only open one present and then we have coffee cake. At nine o’clock my uncle comes over and we open the rest of the presents. This tradition is very fun and I can hardly wait to do it each year. A Christmas Tradition

A New Year’s Eve Tradition One of our favorite traditions is watching “The Court Jester” on DVD every New Year’s Eve. This is a classic Danny Kaye musical comedy from the mid‐1950’s that is very funny (voted one of Top 10 American film comedies by The American Film Institute). There are many hilarious scenes with touchstone phrases such as the “vessel with the pestle” scene, and the “if you like him so much, YOU marry him” scene. It is something we look forward to every year.

We have many traditions in our family, some are very simple and some more involved. I inherited a Watterson family tradition – making the Buche de Noel each Christmas. The Buche is a yellow cake that is rolled up and frosted with chocolate to look like a log. Everything must be made from scratch. I have had fun making this tradition my own by decorating the Buche with topical figurines from the past year. For example, in 2008, instead of a Buche de Noel, I made an Obama de Noel(!) The family looks forward with eager anticipation each year (I think) to see what I’ve done with the Buche.


From the Lowrie family

A Christmas Memory Traditions

By Ryann

On Christmas Eve each year, my family and I go to my grandpa’s house. We all eat dinner and dessert at one really big table because I have a big family. We watch Christmas movies together, we sing Christmas carols and we do much more. What we do after all of us eat is we open presents from our family members. We get a lot of presents, and for all of the kids, we do a “Secret Santa” thing. It’s where we all pick out presents to buy (when were not together) and we don’t put who it’s from, and then we put it all in one big pile, then everyone grabs two presents from the pile, then we open them. If one of the boys gets a girl present, then they could trade with people! Then after we do “Secret Santa” we open all of the presents under the tree from all of the adults and other family members. I remember one time, after we ate, the power went out and the Christmas tree was out, and we didn’t get to open our presents till really late!

Handing down, Carrying on, Bringing family and friends together.

Never ending, Never dying, Never breaking the chain.

A Family Memory Every Christmas, the very first thing we do is put on a Christmas CD and put up the Christmas tree. We usually play “Wonderful Christmastime” by Paul McCartney and “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” by John Lennon & Yoko Ono on a loop since those are our favorites – with a little Charlie Brown Christmas sprinkled in as we hang our ornaments. Of course we sing along and dance a bit. It’s a lot of fun and we look forward to it every year! We usually put a train around the tree that our Chihuahua, Jazmine, likes to chase and bark at. It’s really loud! I think she believes the “voice” is an actual engineer. I also put my nutcracker collection out around the house – that’s my theme. I was excited this year because Ryann and I found nutcrackers that are 3’ tall! They’re awesome and a perfect addition to my collection. We love Christmas!

From the Grube family

A Christmas Memory

Tradition, Tradition Spin the dreidel round and round, Light the Christmas tree,

In my family we always put up the tree together on Christmas. It is really fun and we work together. I think the tree is more beautiful when we put it up together. We always make sure that the fragile ornaments are put up high on the tree so my little brother cannot break them accidentally. My favorite ornament is either a merry –go‐round zebra or an angel that is made of glass‐like plastic. Some of our ornaments come in big boxes but some others are individual, precious ones. Some of our ornaments are ones that my brothers and I made at school. One of our ornaments is a reindeer that I made when I was five. Its nose has been re‐glued several times, but we still keep it. Many of our ornaments have been lost, but we still remember them. Our Christmas tree is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen because every part of it has meaning and every ornament a story. That is one of my favorite traditions.

Eat turkey on Thanksgiving. . Tradition, Tradition,

A custom or belief, Handed down from generations, A Family Memory Yours to always keep.

My mom had a memory of a tradition that on Christmas Eve, she and her family would drive around and look at all the Christmas lights and decorations that people in her town put up.


From the Sacks Family

A Christmas Tradition

Tradition Tradition. Be with all your family. You’ll sing and dance happily. Tradition.

My family hops in the car with the gifts, all excited about the night. Every year, I have my own special tradition. My family goes to my Aunt Vicki’s house for Christmas. We have a whole big celebration with food and games and lots and lots of presents! We always buy each other presents; from godfather or godmother to godchild. I always got something I wanted; one year I got bendaroos (and my cousin Dana got the same thing), another year I got a polar bear webkinz. I think that traditions are the best way to connect with family, and that’s what I do every year! ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

It won’t always help you, Family Memory But it’s not all about you. Tradition. It’s about bringing people together, So you can learn about each other. IT’S TIME FOR YOUR SPECIAL TRADITION!!! ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

One of the most important traditions in our family is Thanksgiving. We treasure this holiday as it is an opportunity for our family to come together, be thankful for all we have and eat together as a family. We love preparing the many special dishes, including the big turkey, every year. We have a set menu that varies little from year to year and everyone looks forward to the terrific food. It is always at our home and we enjoy the special time with our family and friends. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺


From the Voinovich Family

I have one tradition in my family that we do before Christmas. The tradition we have is making tons of cookies for our family. We make peanut butter cookies with a chocolate chip in the middle. They are so good! My grandma is Greek so we make these really good Greek cookies. There my favorite! We also make frosted cookies (sometimes).


Tradition, tradition get the family together. Make wishes and dreams come true. Light menorahs and Christmas trees too. Decorate everywhere. Do what your family does best. Tradition, tradition you finish the rest.

Every Christmas my mom remembers looking down stairs with her brother trying to see the presents under the tree. She remembers the smell of cookies that my grandma made.

Traditions From the



Celebrating Rakhi In the Lele family being Indians means a whole lot. We celebrate many Indian holidays like Rakhi. Rakhi is meant to celebrate brothers and how they will always take care of us sisters. My sister, my brother, and I are doing the work and the adults just take pictures. First my sister Ketki feeds my brother Indian sweets called ladus. Then, she puts on a red powder called kum kum on his forehead and then yellow called huldi. This is put on in every Indian ceremony. After she ties a thread around his wrist. In return my brother has to give her money. Then I do the same thing. After we are done with my brother we do my dad because his sister lives in India. Then we have many tasty foods in our family dinner. Celebrating for my brother is always so much fun!



Bringing families and friends together, Being any color black or white, Reminding us of others, And to celebrate another year of Traditions.

Celebrating Diwali One tradition I always love to celebrate is Diwali. Diwali is the festival of light and I like lighting all the candles and going around the house and putting one candle in each room. Even though the praying part puts me to sleep it is great that the whole family sits in one room singing with each other. When my mom tells the story of why we celebrate Diwali it reminds me of how you have to be brave and courageous. My favorite part is eating dinner with all types of Indian foods and sweets that either my mom makes or my grandma. That’s why my favorite tradition is Diwali!

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