What’s Mr. Morse Got to Do With It? By Perin Romano ’22
icture sun streaming through glass panes, pollen fluttering through the slightly humid September air, and a small radio in the corner of room 261 in the Adelaide Cobb Ward ’51 Classic Building. The creative spirit of Mr. Morse’s class radiates through the room the same way the notes of Tina Turner’s “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” does. In a rigorous environment like Hathaway Brown, the art studio at the end of the infamous second floor hallway is almost like the light at the end of a tunnel, but that doesn’t mean that it boasts no challenges. For literally decades, Jamie Morse has strived to cultivate a haven for the next generation’s brightest thinkers, makers, and dreamers. An environment where they challenge themselves to discover new possibilities, establish their voice, and finally recognize that there is not always a right or wrong. What’s fascinating is Mr. Morse’s reluctance to ever begin teaching in the first place. Describing himself as a lacking student, “JMo” geared his efforts towards the skills that he did hone, drawing and painting. From the time he was in middle school, Mr. Morse can remember his own teachers pushing him to consider a career behind the easel. After attending Cleveland Institute of Art for a year, Mr. Morse transferred to Philadelphia College of Art now known as the University of the Arts. It was there that he discovered the same love of painting he is known for now. In fact, he decided to major in painting at the last minute and graduated at the top of his class. Crediting hard work as the factor that pushed him to excel, Mr. Morse took that dedication with him when graduating from college Self-portrait by Jamie Morse