Islam and humanity Allah sent his messenger Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) to all people to elevate them from being human beings to virtuous humaneness which sprang from Islam. Mohamed (PBUH) told about the reason of his mission, saying: “I was sent to perfect good manners.” [Malik].
The message Mohamed (PBUH) has brought is likely to seek supporting people’s virtues and lighting the perfection horizons in front of their eyes, so that they me seek them with insight and wisdom.
The religious duties imposed by Islam on those who embrace it are repeated practices that aim to accustom one to live with correct ethics and to hold to these ethics regardless of the changing circumstances.
If we look at the worships legislated in Islam, we find that they aim at making the Muslim person reach the virtuous ethics.
-When Allah ordered to perform the obligatory prayer, He clarified the reasons of their performance. Allah the Highest says: “and establish regular prayer: for prayer restrains from