5 minute read
Fight For... Your Right?
While our beloved Dan Shell is my go-to guy when it comes to Right-to-Repair, recently he was travelling and asked that I pull an article he had seen online on the topic. Previously, I had been unwilling to delve into the topic because to be honest, it intimidated me. It just seemed so sizable, and, if I am being honest, a little ridiculous. So people want to be able to screw up their machines of all different types (everything from smart phones to string trimmers) and then go to authorized repair centers and complain about how they can’t fix it properly. Huh, what? And let’s not forget, there is definitely going to be voided warranties and issues with purchasing used equipment for resale now because who the hell knows what Jimmy Bob might have done to his machine that will later possibly cause it to literally explode.
Like I said, for me, it just all seemed to be too much. Perfect for a 30-year industry veteran like Shell who loves to deep dive on the internet and find little nuggets of insight and information. He’s my own personal version of Alexa—and he’s going to be sharing that this fall in Louisville. We are still nailing down details and getting our participants together, but Dealers Driving For Excellence is back!
We will once again present two sessions of free dealer-focused education at Equip. Our first session will be Dan Shell, joined by Tim Wentz of the Northeast Equipment Dealers Assn., another industry titan and Right-to-Repair knowledge source, covering updates on legislation, ideas on how dealers can make Right-to-Repair laws actually work for them instead of against them, and more.
In light of the decision to move forward with this session, I decided it was time to start learning and stop being intimidated. I didn’t just save that article for Shell, I read it. I learned a few things. For example, am I the last to learn that one of the first cases related to Right-to-Repair was actually in 1939? A company was sued by Champion Spark Plug for copyright infringement/violation of patent rights when Champion discovered their spark plugs were being refurbished and sold by this other company. Not exactly the same as today’s Right-to-Repair legalese, but the U.S. Supreme Court did actually rule that Champion’s trademark was violated and this other company would only be allowed to resell refurbished spark plugs if “used” or “repaired” was stamped on them.
The author notes that this first case was surprising and that in more modern era, the courts have often sided with the end user in Right-to-Repair cases—that large companies have vast lobbying resources and legal teams to argue for stricter patent protections, while “the little guy” is simply a consumer who wants to repair or modify a product they rightfully purchased. It is worthy to note here that the author is clearly on the side of consumers and very much anti-corporation.
While that “side” is not exactly popular among the independent dealer base, Smith’s opinion is interesting to me, and something I hadn’t thought of before. Because, he argues, that really the justification for the protection of patents is that they incentivize companies to invest time and money in research and development. Then those developments can be sold, once patented, with the inventing company having exclusive rights to those sales.
The same goes for dealers, who have invested time and money in representing a brand and training service technicians and buying specialized tools. The “small guy” may make a compelling case in wanting to fix his own stuff on his own time, but the well trained lawn and garden dealership remains by far the better consumer option. Join us at Equip Expo to see how Right-to-Repair can work for dealers. I’ll be the one in the audience taking notes.
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In some of the country, spring has definitely sprung, grass is growing, rain is falling and soon (if not already) inventory is flying off the shelves. Need some words of wisdom for the beginning of busy season? Find them, starting on Page 12. (Cover photo by Jessica Johnson, design by Shelley Smith)
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Echo Announces New President & CEO
Echo Inc. has announced the appointment of Harold Redman as its new president and CEO effective April 3. He brings more than 30 years of power equipment experience and a proven track record of executive and organizational leadership, strategic green industry vision and product innovation to Echo.
Redman began his career with General Power Equipment, a division of True Value Hardware. He then joined Simplicity Manufacturing for nine years before his tenure at Briggs & Stratton, where he served as President of the Home Power Products business for four years and President of the Turf & Consumer Products business from 2010 to 2022.
“Echo is a well-respected company with a reputation of offering great products and customer care, and I’m hon- ored to lead a company rich in innovation and legacy. As our industry continues to change with new technologies, I look forward to working with this exceptional team of talented and passionate Echo employees to bring new products and services to the green industry,” comments Redman.
Redman succeeds Tim Dorsey, who is retiring after 27 years from Echo serving in various roles, most recently as president for the last nine years. Dorsey will continue to serve as a Global Operating Officer of Yamabiko and a board member for Echo and Yamabiko Europe.
Altoz Hires New District Sales Manager
Altoz has expanded its sales force with the addition of Ryan Garrelts as District Sales Manager for Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, south - ern Mississippi and Alabama. Garrelts says he’s honored to join the Altoz team. “I look forward to working with the dealers to promote and sell Altoz products. It is exciting to represent such a diverse and unique product line. The opportunities that innovative products like Altoz’s track equipment provide dealerships and end users to increase their revenue is astounding,” he adds.
Garrelts brings several years of territory management experience and proven sales growth in the power equipment sector. “Ryan’s proven track record and growth-driven mindset are great fits for his new role at Altoz. He is eager to build dealer relationships, grow the Altoz brand and increase dealership sales and profitability,” says Karl Bjorkman, Sales and Marketing Director.
Husqvarna Launches New Warranty Program
Husqvarna Group has launched a comprehensive two-year warranty program designed to provide extended