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Events/Ad Index
American Loggers Council 40 409.625.0206 American Truck Parts 38 888.383.8884 Around The World Salvage 50 936.634.7210 Bandit Industries 17 800.952.0178 Big John Trailers 5 800.771.4140 BITCO Insurance 41 800.475.4477 Caterpillar Dealer Promotion 13 919.550.1201 Cleanfix North America 36 855.738.3267 John Deere Forestry 10-11 800.503.3373 Eastern Surplus 36 855.332.0500 Firestone Agricultural Tire 16 515.242.2300 Flint Equipment 39 229.888.1212 FMI Trailers 22 601.508.3333 Forest Chain 38 800.288.0887 Forestry First 49 803.708.0624 Forestry Mutual Insurance 55 800.849.7788 G & W Equipment 38 800.284.9032 G&R Manufactured Solutions 40 870.510.6580 Hawkins & Rawlinson 46 888.822.1173 Hitachi America 15 914.332.1031 Interstate Tire Service 50 864.947.9208 John Woodie Enterprises 28-29 704.878.2941 K&R Weigh Systems 20 800.910.2885 Kaufman Trailers 3 336.790.6800 Kentucky Wood Expo 42 502.695.3979 Mike Ledkins Insurance Agency 39 800.766.8349 LMI-Tennessee 37 800.467.0944 Loadrite East Texas 20 800.528.5623 Loadrite Southern Star 20 256.270.8775 Magnolia Trailers 43 800.738.2123 Maxi-Load Scale Systems 34 877.265.1486 McComb Diesel 32 601.783.5700 Mid-Atlantic Loadrite 20 540.416.4062 Mid-South Forestry Equipment Show 45 662.325.2191 Midsouth Forestry Equipment 44 870.226.0000 Moore Logging Supply 40 888.754.5613 Morbark 31 800.831.0042 Olofsfors 23 519.754.2190 Pitts Trailers 56 800.321.8073 Ponsse North America 33 715.369.4833 Puckett Machinery 48 601.969.6000 Purcell Tire & Service Centers 12 501.262.9018 Quality Equipment & Parts 52 386.487.3896 Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers 14 855.918.2208 Satterwhite Log Homes 35 800.777.7288 Southwest Forest Products Expo 41 501.224.2232 Southern Loggers Cooperative 36 318.445.0750 Stribling Equipment 51 855.781.9408 Tidewater Equipment 49,51 912.638.7726 Tigercat Industries 1,7 519.753.2000 TRACT 21 478.447.2893 TraxPlus 25 601.635.5543 W & W Truck & Tractor 47 843.761.8220 Wallingford’s 35 800.323.3708 Waratah Forestry Attachments 2 770.692.0380 Waters International Trucks 50 601.693.4807 Yancey Brothers 35 800.282.1562
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16-17—West Virginia Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Cannan Valley Resort & Conference Center, Davis, W.Va. Call 681-265-5019; visit wvfa.org.
16-18—Georgia Forestry Assn. Annual Conference, Hilton Head Island, SC. Call 478-992-8110; visit gfagrow.org.
1-4—Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers Summer Conference, The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, WV. Call 336-885-8315; visit appalachianhardwood.org.
5-8—Virginia Loggers Assn. annual meeting, Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Va. Call 804-677-4290; visit valoggers.org.
11-13—Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Expo, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga. Call 504-443-4464; visit sfpaexpo.com.
13-14—Southwest Forest Products Expo, Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, Ark. Call 501-2242232; visit arkloggers.com.
24-26—Louisiana Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino Resort, Lake Charles, La. Call 318-443-2558; visit laforestry.com. 31-September 2—Florida Forestry Assn. Annual Meeting & Trade Show, Sheraton Golf & Spa Resort, Panama City Beach, Fla. Call 850222-5646; visit floridaforest.org.
8-10—Tennessee Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Westin Hotel, Chattanooga, Tenn. Call 615-883-3832; visit tnforestry.com.
9-11—Great Lakes Logging & Heavy Equipment Expo, UP State Fairgrounds, Escanaba, Mich. Call 715-282-5828; visit gltpa.org.
12-14—Alabama Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Perdido Beach Resort, Orange Beach, Ala. Call 334-265-8733; visit alaforestry.org.
17-18—Mid-South Forestry Equipment Show, Starkville, Miss. Call 800-669-5613; visit midsouth forestry.org.
17-18—Kentucky Wood Expo, Masterson Station Park, Lexington, Ky. Call 502-695-3979; visit kfia.org.
22-24—National Hardwood Lumber Assn. Convention & Exhibit Showcase, Palm Beach County Convention Center, West Palm Beach, Fla. Call 901-377-1818; visit nhla.com.
28-Oct. 1—Virginia Forestry Summit, Hotel Madison, Harrisonburg, Va. Call 804-278-8733; visit vaforestry.org.
29-October 1, 2021—North Carolina Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Grandover Resort & Conference Center, Greensboro, NC. Call 800231-7723; visit ncforestry.org.
5-7—Arkansas Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Embassy Suites, Rogers, Ark. Call 501-374-2441; visit arkforests.org.
6—TEAM Safe Trucking annual meeting, The Coeur d' Alene Resort, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Call 207-8410250; visit teamsafetrucking.com.
Listings are submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with contacts prior to making plans to attend.