30th October 2010 With grateful thanks to Southampton City Council And accompanied by Andy Ford and Kathy Bavister, Psychic Mediums.
Contents: Introduction Equipment used Introduction Initial Assessment The Main Event : Mediums walk round Meeting and Greeting Main walk round Experiments Other Observations Trigger Object Experiment Psychic Art Final Debriefing Acknowledgements Appendixes
Equipment Used
Night vision video camcorders Dowsing Rods EMF meters Digital thermometers Glass divination tables Digital cameras Compasses Digital voice recorders Laser grid projector Digital scales 2 way radios For the first time – our new Thermal Imaging Camera
The Fluke Thermal Imaging Camera allows us to take pictures of the ambient air temperature, as well as of specific points in a room or on an individual. And finally – and most importantly – an open mind.
Introduction God‟s House Tower is a historic, Grade One listed building at what used to be the south gate into Southampton. Being part of the ancient walls and also one of the main original routes into the city gave the building a certain amount of status, as well as being part of the defences against enemy invasion. Over the years the building has been used for many disparate purposes from gun placement to piggery, gaol house to store house, and these changes have all left their mark upon the building. Last restored and modernised in the 1960‟s, it has since then been used to house the City‟s Museum of Archaeology, containing many artefacts and giving an opportunity for the locals to learn a little more about the history of this town. However, this period in the building‟s chequered past is again going to come to an end; with the opening of Sea City, the new museum dedicated to the Titanic and the history of Southampton, the exhibits and purpose of the museum will all move there, so leaving this amazing monument to ancient life once again empty. With the window of opportunity rapidly closing to access this atmospheric building, we approached the Council to try to persuade them to let us investigate the Tower and its slowly crumbling medieval walls. To our surprise and delight, they needed very little persuading, members of staff already having been witness to some „ghostly‟ phenomena. Reports of footsteps, the sound of ancient chains being rattled, formless mists and even full bodied apparitions have all been made by staff members – none have seemed threatening but the staff have all suffered the feeling of being watched, and when they lock up at night, who knows what happens, as this amazing location has never before been investigated. Until now....
Initial Assessment A week before our event it is usual for the Haunted Southampton Team to pay the venue a visit, and so we duly trooped off to have a good poke around. Having been promised full access was an exciting prospect – as even the roof space was available. The building, in actuality an amalgamation of three buildings, the first being one of the original town gates, known as the South Gate, built in the thirteenth century. This is the building above the archway, which once had two portcullises, the original groves still observable. The town quay was based here, and access to the city was controlled from here. After the awful raid by the French in 1338, the gateway and the rooms across it were fortified and extended to include a gun battery, and in 1417 the Tower itself was added to complete the structure as it is seen today.
Old engraving of the Tower part of the building, circa 1840
Obviously the internal structure has changed, especially in the extension and the Tower itself, with several original floors being removed, and new stairs and floors being added, especially in the refurbishment of the late 1950â€&#x;s. There are visible in many areas holes in the walls where the original beams went to support the now removed floors – and window recesses that were originally open to accommodate gun ports are now glazed and, on checking with the Thermal imager, completely draft free.
A complete survey of every room was completed with an EMF meter, and it was found that most areas gave only the normal background reading of 1 to 10 milligaus (mg), which is normal to most homes. Certain fixtures gave off quite specific readings, such as spot lights (about 3mg), fire points (1 – 2 mg), and emergency lights were higher, about 7 mg. The highest readings were discovered by the alarm junction box, near the entrance, which was giving off extremely high EMF levels, over 180 mg. Also leaking high levels was the boiler in the back room where the rear entrance is, though the fuse boxes and junction boxes in this area were in fact pretty well shielded. The boiler would not be turned on upon the night of the investigation so would not cause any problems in that respect, which was probably a good thing as it was also extremely noisy. Checking EMF back ground levels are important to an investigation as high levels can actually affect people – making them feel sick, giving them headaches and generally making them uncomfortable in the local area in which levels are high. Symptoms such as these can be reported in accounts of hauntings, and we need to make sure we rule out as many alternative causes of these symptoms as possible.
Junction box in the Boiler room that turned out to be very well shielded.
Noise is something that we do tend to nag people about on our events, but we make no apologies as a noisy environment makes hearing anything occurring very difficult, as well as posing a problem when trying to record EVP or Electronic voice phenomena. How can you tell if what you recorded was in actuality of paranormal origin if you know the people in the next room were making a fuss about something that had occurred in there! There was also the added consideration that we were going to be hosting three staff from „The Breeze‟ radio station for the best part of the night also – and extra noise would be to the detriment of their recording.
Compass readings around the building were all steadily pointing to magnetic north, the only deviation being some large poles that were holding up the staircases, and the boiler itself. There was a Wi-Fi router, located in the main entrance, and phone lines appear to be brought in by an underground conduit, as are power cables, as there are none visible attached to the outside of the building. Other possible causes of fluctuations in EMF readings were the fridge and water cooler in the staff room and the wiring in the front entrance by the desk, but all the lights in the display cases were barely registering, and on the night most of them would be turned off anyway. The Thermal imager showed a hefty draught from under the doors in the back entrance, and also under the doors that led into the Bridewell. The door to the roof in the Staff area was also ill fitting at the bottom, but the front entrance doors were quite snug. The stairs to the roof were of wood, but did not creak and the staircase was narrow and winding up to the roof, which was solid and open to the breathtaking city views. Footsteps of those above on the roof however were quite audible, so care would have to be taken when attributing noises above to paranormal causes.
The stairs that lead up to the Latrine.
There was also another cause for a draught, in the form of a window that was not glazed, in an interesting little area up from the fire doors in the centre of the building. I discovered this area when checking EMF readings up the fire escape stairs; on reaching the top there was a short stone hall if you like that ran to the left, and at the back of this there was what appeared to be an ancient Privy, or Latrine, complete with stone seat and a long drop through the walls underneath. This probably led to the ancient canal which used to run under the Tower, held in check by sluice gates that were closed at high tide to allow the water to run up the
channel, where the road Canal Walk is today, to enable traders to move goods easily around the city. When I asked the one of the wardens on duty about it she told me that she was unaware of the existence of this chamber – having never been up the fire stairs! Photos were taken of the entire building, inside and out, and the old archway that the canal used to run through was easily visible, though now bricked up. Several other windows had also been bricked up, and there were signs that perhaps the floor in one area at least was lower than it is now. One interesting point – as I started taking pictures in the Boiler room my camera started to bleat that the batteries were low – interesting as before leaving home I had personally put new ones in. Having changed them (I always bring spares), I restarted but only to have it happen again! I then changed cameras, as I was unsure as to whether the camera had a fault – and it happened yet again! Now I was concerned as I was running out of batteries!! The fourth and final attempt however was successful, and the second camera then functioned perfectly. Batteries losing their power is something that many paranormal investigators have reported, from packet bought to rechargeable, and it is thought by some that „spirits‟ may draw energy from these cells in order to manifest or affect their surroundings. Whatever the reason – it happened nowhere else in the building, and both cameras have been functioning fine ever since. Steve, the warden from the council, cautioned me against aiming the camera at the exhibits as some of them were quite ancient and would be affected by the flash. From then on we made a conscious effort to take care when using the cameras. The initial survey finished, it was time to check all the equipment, change all the batteries (again!) and gather our wits for the event to come.
Very old photo of God‟s House Tower from the turn of the Century…
The Main Event Saturday 30/10/2010 Mediums Walk Round The Team arrived on site at about 21:45 – in order to set up our equipment and give the Mediums time to meander around the building, so they get a feel for the place without the hustle and bustle of others. This small period of quiet contemplation allows them, without distraction, to be able to attune themselves to the atmosphere of the building and make sense of what they are feeling. It also allows the rest of the team to set up equipment around the venue and to greet the guests as they arrive. At this point we would normally also set up the temperature monitoring around the building, but in this instance, having noted that there was a very stiff draught from under some of the doors on the initial assessment, and knowing that one of the windows was not glazed, we decided that hygrometers would not be a useful tool for the night. Temperatures that could vary because of people flitting in and out of the back door for a cigarette, or because a blast of wind from outside had whistled through because the door to the roof was open, cannot be relied upon as evidence when asking for spiritual activity to take place. Accompanied by Steve and Rob, the two council officials who had drawn the short straw to stay the night with us, we started at the top of the building, up on the roof of the Tower.
The Roof We ascended the winding wooden stairs to the roof of the tower, coming out upon a square area surrounded by stone walls – with the slightly pointed roof coming down the middle. I suddenly realised Kathy was not behind me, and turning, discovered she was about three stairs from the top holding on to the walls and handrail for dear life. Initially I thought she was nervous of heights, but when she looked up I realised there was a look of utter despair on her face, and she told us that as she had come up a feeling of hopelessness and futility had overtaken her and she had felt herself “going over the top”. When she had recovered herself she came up the last steps and went to the side that she felt the individual had fallen from, the west side. Standing there she said that the individual may have even been pushed, she was unsure.
The stairs to the roof of the Tower.
Andy instead was drawn to the side of the tower facing the water, feeling that a link to a large sailing ship with rigging was significant. He also felt he could hear the sound of men striding about in boots, possibly accompanied by the sound of pikes scraping the floor or striking the roof as being stamped down. The Tower had been used as a defensive structure, with cannon placements and gunnerâ€&#x;s access to the view across the water, and it is quite conceivable that there were guards with pikes manning the structure. Moving to the south face Kathy said that she was aware of a great hustle and bustle down below her, and on looking over she could sense many people moving to and fro through the tower, possibly merchants, with many goods in carts and even baskets on peopleâ€&#x;s heads. The South Gate was one of the main entrances to the city in days gone by and there was a significant amount of trade that came through this gate, with the docks and the Salisbury to Southampton canal passing under the tower. Andy was also sensing that the building had been used as a prison or jail at one point – that people had been incarcerated there and that there was a link with a death, that it was justice and that there was also a strong church link with the building. He then sensed the presence of a powerful man who was also linked with the church, but that he may find out more downstairs.
God‟s House Tower was the site of not one but three separate gaols, the Bridewell being a House of Correction, the Main body being a debtor‟s gaol and the Tower being a Felon‟s gaol, from as early as 1707 until 1855, so Andy was correct in his feelings. Also the presence of the French Church next door to the tower meant it was heavily involved with the running of the gaol, and inevitably the clergy there had a lot of involvement with the prisoners.
The Staff Room Directly under the roof lay the room used by staff as an administration and rest area. In this area Andy felt a sharp pain in his chest – something he has associated in the past with someone being stabbed. He also felt an individual was hung – possibly even the same person, and that they met their fate either here or very near here. Kathy on the other hand felt that people might hear a dragging noise in this area – and that this may be associated with the observation that this area may well have been used for customs and excise with lots of money being counted and the storage of wine or alcohol in general. This again was quite accurate, as the Customs House was almost opposite the Tower back in the 17th century, and the building itself has been used for storage many times over the years.
Photo of the stairs to the Staff room – showing an ‘orb’ in motion on the stairs.
Having no further significant insights, we moved down into the museum itself.
Tower Room Both Andy and Kathy felt the need to pace in this area – as if on a wooden floor that was no longer here. They both felt that they could almost hear it and that it may be heard by others in the museum – a sound as if made by somebody wearing Cavalier type boots that came up to above the knee. Both got the sense that this room had a very masculine presence – but Kathy could also sense a female – very helpless, hopeless and downtrodden – and that she was held here prior to deportation. It is a fact that quite a few of the prisoners held here were in fact deported to the Americas, both from Southampton itself and from Portsmouth. The name „Celine‟ seemed important or perhaps spelt „Selene‟, and that she may have been involved in a witch trial of some kind – the Church‟s influence was strong and the individual was mistreated and unable to fight for themselves. Andy wondered if there was a kind of „Inquisition‟ involved in this case. Again I have not yet been able to find any records of this, but again that does not mean that it did not happen, and I will follow this up in due course. In the meantime we moved on to the main room.
Main Exhibition Room Bothe Andy and Kathy had a feel of Catholicism here – that there was a link to a High Church and also curiously a feel as if influenced by a wealthy family. Andy became aware of the presence of a Tudor styled gentleman, wearing breeches – he could „see‟ the shoes the man was wearing – black with shiny buckles. He described him as middle aged, with a short grey beard. Kathy then said that she felt there might be two gentlemen – one as Andy had described and another, also with a beard that was committed to the Church. As we moved across the room both mediums suddenly stopped by the central window and seemed almost overwhelmed by the strong smell of alcohol – they also felt that this area might in the past have been not just used for storage but for meeting up and making merry – he got a feel of people enjoying themselves and if not actually partying, having a „jolly‟ time. He said that there was a completely different feel to this part of the building, compared to the rest.
As we approached the walkway to the Bridewell, Andy felt that someone would linger on this landing, looking down upon those below on the ground floor. Feelings of being watched have been reported before now.
Photo taken from the walkway to the Bridewell showing several ‘Orbs’. Orbs are as yet an unknown quantity – with some experts claiming that they are the pre-cursor to a full spiritual apparition, while others maintaining that they are nothing more than dust, pollen, water droplets, fibres, insects etc. To me they are always interesting, whatever their origin.
Bridewell The Bridewell is the oldest part of the building, and both Andy and Kathy felt that this area had connections with WWII – that it may have been used as a look-out – perhaps by a Fire Warden. This feeling extended back to much further, when it could have been used as a view point, perhaps when it was originally part of the city defences. Kathy wondered if this part of the building had originally been higher than it is now, and Andy said that he could smell smoke and wondered if there had been a fire here. He also thought that there had been stables attached to the building. After a few more minutes contemplation Andy said he felt that there had been more to the building down below – as in tunnels, and then remarked that it was very cold in the room – to which I had to point out that on the initial assessment the door was found to have a brisk draft coming from underneath it and that when it was open the room got cold quite quickly. Having said that the room did actually feel significantly colder than the rest of the museum, to me personally.
Photo of the Bridewell – an area used for interactive teaching, with a séance table and Night Vision camera set up to record any activity. Again ‘orbs’ are present in this picture – though possibly in this case they might be reflection as there is a lot of glass around in the form of exhibit cases.
Kathy said that she was also aware of the sounds of a garrison. She described a small, almost private army that a medieval land owner would have been in charge of them, though whether he actually paid them of it was part of his duty to the city to be in charge of them she was unsure. At various stages in history there have been men posted to this building, especially during the late 15th and early 16th century. We then moved down to the ground floor. As going down the stairs, Kathy felt quite dizzy, describing the feeling as „not being grounded‟. She also felt she could hear music, but was unaware of the source or why it might have been significant at this time.
Ground Floor, Lift Room. Here both Andy and Kathy felt the presence of something – maybe a tunnel, underground – the feeling they said was very strong, and maybe connected with trade. Andy again felt very cold, but Kathy conversely was feeling very hot. Apart from this they felt very little here, so we went up to the smallest room, the ancient latrine.
The Latrine. This was not an area either of them enjoyed. Both Andy and Kathy felt breathless, sick, tight chested and very oppressed. As the area is only very small we did not linger long, just enough for Andy to feel that we
were unwelcome, not aggressively so but that we just weren‟t wanted here. With that we moved on to the last area we were planning to investigate, the Boiler Room.
The Boiler Room. Kathy and Andy both immediately felt that this was a very busy area – the entrance Kathy believed was full of energy, all the people that she had seen before – the echoes of traders, complete with baskets and goods were still making an impression on her. Andy however was sensing something completely different. He felt that he was getting abdominal pain as well as feeling light headed and giddy – and believed he was receiving the impression of something like a hospital, with many people having passed through its doors, being treated as best the carers could. He was also a little unnerved – a new sensation for Andy I believe on one of these investigations, with the sensation that someone was stood behind him. He felt that this individual, whoever they were, was not only standing behind him but moving around as he moved, so always staying hidden. He was unsure who or why this was, but it was an unusual occurrence and he was unsure if we would be able to find out why. The Church next door and its associated buildings did in fact hold a hospital, as well as Alms houses, all owned by Queen‟s college in Cambridge, originally being bequeathed to the scholars by King Henry III. In fact there are some houses near here in Canal Walk today that are still owned by the college. The walk round finished, it was time go back to the main room and get the investigation underway.
Meeting and Greeting. As with every event we undertake, after we have introduced ourselves, the guests are first of all briefed as to the whereabouts of the Fire Exits and the policy of the building we are in. We then let our medium or mediums have a moment in which to talk about what they do, and then we start the tour of the building, which not only lets the guests find out for themselves what the mediums believe could be happening, but also allows themselves to become accustomed to the layout and possible hazards that they might encounter. In this case we also we pleased to be able to introduce Stewart Smith, Jo Rawlings and Ben Burrell from The Breeze radio station who were accompanying us around for the night. Their first time with us, I believe that they were as nervous as some of our investigators!
Jo Rawlings, Ben Burrell and Stewart Smith from „The Breeze‟ Radio Station
There was also the extra influence of Halloween to take into account – a time when the spirits of the departed are purportedly much closer to our physical world than any when else. To this effect, Andy Ford gave a wonderful introduction as to the significance of this night to those who are believers, if you like, in the world of Spirit. (I have included this in the Appendixes at the end of the report.) Our policy is that our guests are able, once introduced to the mediums and the area, to spend the night how they choose, using our equipment and with our guidance to undertake séances or experiments that they are interested in. No one is encouraged to take part in anything they feel
uncomfortable with, and, up until the last half hour in which we have a debriefing, it is up to them as to what they want to spend time doing. All we ask is that they make notes and record their activities so we can include them in our report, as we are firm believers in gathering as much evidence as possible, however insignificant it seems at the time. Examples of how things can seem negligible at the time can be found in this report. So without further ado we began the night‟s activities, which started off with another walk round, letting the Mediums express what they have felt about the venue and allowing our guests to see how they feel – or indeed if they feel anything at all!
Main Walk Round: The Roof. As there was a significantly larger number of people this time tramping round the Museum, we went to the Roof first and had to give about six people at a time a turn at going up to see for themselves what it was like.
A photo of the Roof, along with several ‘orbs’, which in this case may well be water droplets rather than anything paranormal.
It was interesting to discover some guests who felt quite dizzy and sick up on the roof – I understand that it is quite high up but it seemed a disproportionate number felt sick and dizzy, with two actually feeling their greatest discomfort on the third step from the top, just as Kathy had experienced. Again Kathy recounted the feelings that someone went over the edge, and Andy talked about the link with the ship with the old fashioned rigging. Kathy also had the sensation of being choked.
One of the guests had brought Dowsing rods up with them and on asking believed that the person who had fallen had the initial „G‟ and that it was no accident, that they had in fact been pushed. Though no indication of this had come up in our research, this of course does not mean it did not happen, and we will endeavour to find out if anything like this occurred.
Staff Room Once everyone had had a look on the roof we contemplated the Staff area, which was once again, according to Andy and Kathy, under the influence of memories of money handling and the sense of wine/beer storage. Again Andy recounted the sense of someone being stabbed, or hung – and that the sound of things being dragged may occur. Andy also was aware of the sense of judgement, as if the cruel treatment was for a crime. At this moment however, none of the guests could add anything, so we moved back down stairs to the tower museum room.
Tower Room. The impressions of the Mediums remained the same as before in this room – of someone in Cavalier Boots, pacing, and of the woman who was so despairing. Andy again felt the link to sailing ships, whilst Kathy was again aware of the link to money and customs, along with the storage of amongst other things – whisky. A guest said that they also felt that people had been locked up here – Andy used the word „incarcerated‟, before judgement. Apart from this nothing new made itself known, so we moved into the Exhibition Room.
Main Exhibition Room. Several guests, as well as our Mediums, could sense the smell of alcohol here – quite strongly. Also Andy again had a sense of separation - that this part of the museum had a completely different feel from the tower area – as if he was in a different building completely. Both Andy and Kathy could also sense the presence of a male figure – feeling that he was the same gentleman they had sensed previously in the Tower Room - not too tall, with a full but short beard, possibly connected
to the Church. He was just watching us – possibly wondering what was going on. Nothing more was forthcoming so we moved on to the Bridewell.
Bridewell. As before Andy and Kathy had the sense of perhaps a fire or fire damage occurring here. The room again felt exceptionally cold to everyone – perhaps because the door to the empty office building next door had quite a large gap underneath it, and it formed a direct route from the Main Entrance which though closed also had a gap under the doors, blowing quite a stiff breeze to blow through. As the mediums went over what they had felt before, one guest remarked how they also sensed the presence of smoke or fire, while another said that they were developing a sudden headache. Personally I was feeling a little dizzy, but I do not attribute this to any paranormal source – more to trying to write notes in dim lighting. After a few minutes we moved on to the Landing above the main entrance.
Main Landing.
Main landing with a view to below – the Main Entrance to the Museum.
Andy instantly felt as if someone would stand here, observing what was going down below, and said that perhaps people in the building might sense this. This was a feeling seconded by some of the guests also. Both
Mediums felt that there may also have been children and women incarcerated here, as families. They both believe that noises might be heard from down below and in fact wondered if there was a cellar or some kind of opening below the Tower that was no longer there. There had in fact been a sluice gate below the tower, which was used to let water into a canal that ran below the Tower and up where Canal Street runs now, hence the name. As far as I am aware though there is no cellar – the Tower being built on the very edge of the shore that used to come up to the shingle bank which used to exist before the land around the Tower was reclaimed.
Nineteenth Century painting of the wharf and shingle bank outside God‟s House Tower, clearly showing the Canal sluice gate.
As we were conducting the review of the landing area, two of our team came rushing up from the Staff room where they had been setting p a séance table. Whilst they had been in the room they had heard footsteps on the roof above, and asked if anyone was still up there from when we first surveyed it, to which both Rob and Steve confirmed that they had left the area locked up after the last guests had had a look. “It‟s started already!” exclaimed James – something we find we have to say a lot more often these days.
Main Entrance. As guests were arriving on our previous walk about we had not lingered in here, so this area was fresh to Andy and Kathy. Andy picked up on something that he had not done before – that he felt that the floor level was lower in the past than it was now – which was of course entirely possible. He described the possibility of Romans staying in a building here and felt as if his legs were sunk in the floor, indicating the original level of the floor. Kathy on the other hand again said that she was faintly aware of music or singing, but unsure of the source, just that it was there. Of course the establishments around the Tower were ecclesiastical in nature; a Friary, a Church next door, and monastical duties usually involve hymn singing. None of the guests sensed anything else here so we moved on.
Ground floor Lift Room. This area as before did not yield much to the mediums, and none of the guests experienced anything unusual, bar one who said their chest was a bit tight here. Both mediums referred to again the sense of something being down underneath, but apart from this nothing new presented itself. So we moved on up the stairs to the latrine.
Latrine. As this area was minimal we again entered in small numbers, taking turns. The Latrine was very simple in construction, with a stone ‘seat exactly as wide as the room it was in, with a hole in. On looking down you could see that it ran straight down directly below the seat, and then angled off the left, presumably ending up in the old Canal. It seemed to be used for storage only. The window had no glass, just metal bars.
As both Andy and Kathy had experienced before, most people felt very uncomfortable here, though of course the area is cramped, damp, and has no lighting. Quite a number however seemed unusually
uncomfortable – with sensations being described such as racing hearts, feeling quite sick, and one or two actually feeling threatened. After everyone had had a turn, we moved again into the last area – the Boiler room.
Boiler Room. Both mediums as before could again sense the busy energies of a previous gateway, and Andy was again aware of a particular individual – in an attitude as if leaning against the door. One guest – a different one than before – complained of a sudden headache. Kathy remarked that there were many different levels here – all interlaced and that it was a bit of turmoil and difficult to make sense of. Both agreed however that the sense of being watched was steady, and though not threatening, they felt that it would remain as the individual concerned was curious as to what we were going to do. There was also, Andy believed, the residual energy of illness – of sick people being treated to the best of the ability of healers at the time. He was aware of quite a number or people – all resting – being cared for by staff of a religious bent. Apart from these impressions he felt there was little more to gain by standing quietly to absorb the influences of the room – so it was decided to finish and all regroup for a break, before we began the nights endeavours and tried to delve into what, or who, might be inhabiting the Museum at night.
Experiments. Throughout the rest of the night members of our tea and the mediums worked with our guests to try and find evidence of the paranormal. The Breeze radio station team followed us about and engaged in a little investigating of their own, and spent time talking to our guests and the mediums. What follows are accounts written by myself, our team and our guests, of what they did, felt and experienced. I will try to make it chronologically correct, but sometimes there will have been different events going on at the same time. Paranormal investigation is by no means an exact science and since we are dealing with subject matter that is by some not even acknowledged as existing, anything that happened may or may not be significant. What we do try to be is truthful, and in cases where the evidence is ambiguous I will say so. There may be evidence and experiments that occurred that I have not mentioned here because no one at the time could take notes or make recordings – in which case if I have missed anything that anyone attending felt was significant, please let me know I and will correct it. Lastly this report is a collaboration of the efforts of everyone involved – both the Team from Haunted Southampton and our guests as well – and without their continued support we would not be able to produce these reports. For that I thank you!
Scrying and Séance in the Boiler Room – 00.30 At about 0030 several guests, our psychic artist Kathy and team member Pat Collins undertook an experiment called Scrying. The purpose of scrying is to allow any spirit present to manifest itself through your perception of your own reflection in a mirror. There are many arguments for and against the relevancy or even the validity of this kind of experiment, but it has been our experience that our guests enjoy trying new ideas and we strive to give a wide and balanced night of paranormal investigation. In the Boiler Room we had set up a large mirror, though scrying may be undertaken in any reflective surface, such as water or polished stone. The guests who took part sat in front of the mirror and then spent a few minutes meditating as it were, a period of quiet and calmness to enable any spirit people present to use the energy in the room and the reflection in the mirror to manifest. Those who took part felt that their reflections did appear to change: the main difference being in the shape of their foreheads. One guest felt that his eyes seemed disfigured and that his face appeared to be „drooping down one side. In other instances people have felt that their eyes have changed colour, their noses have changed – sometimes it has even been said that they have aged or changed gender. Not an experience most guests were prepared for!!
One of our guests using Dowsing Rods – a tool used for centuries in order to ascertain the presence of water or minerals, but also a useful tool to the modern investigator.
Immediately afterwards they undertook a séance, using dowsing rods as a means of communication. Dowsing rods are very popular with our guests, and though they can only give positive or negative responses in regards to questioning, sometimes they appear to give accurate answers, especially regarding to personal information that is unknown to the users in regard to others who are doing the interrogating.
Initially when asking out for activity it was asked if any spirits in the room could make themselves known, either by making a noise, touching someone etc. One guest asked if they could throw a stone back to them and threw a small stone across the room to the wall a niche where in years gone by prisoners had spent their interment. They then started to use the rods as a means of communication. The Dowsing rods indicated that a female child had died here in God‟s House Tower – a fact that is altogether possible as children were sometimes interred here with their parents. At this point one guest felt quite sick, and another felt very cold suddenly at the back of their legs. Both rods suddenly moved to point towards the wall next to the guest whose legs had felt cold. They then heard a noise of something hitting the floor – when they checked they found a small stone resting under the pipes, and on checking discovered that it was in fact the stone they had thrown before – on the opposite side of the room. Such poltergeist activity, though shown occasionally on programs on TV and noted in books and investigations worldwide, is not a common occurrence and the spirit was thanked profusely for this interaction. They then asked the question if the spirit was trapped with any others, to which the response was positive. After a small break they started again and when asked it seemed that a different presence was guiding the rods. On asking the rods to point to where the spirit was the rods span rapidly but did not settle anywhere in particular in the room. It was then asked to affect something in the room, at which on of the guests exclaimed that they had just seen a flashing light by the door underneath the pipes where the stone had been found. On questioning it was ascertained that the presence was that of a male and that he had died in a sword fight. This is extremely interesting as I had recently during research discovered a story about a sword fight, which I will add to the end of this report. At this point it was decided to terminate the vigil and have a break.
01:00 Back stairs leading to the Latrine Temp 22 degrees Two guests and a member of the Team conducted a vigil on the stairs leading up to the Latrine, using the Thermal Imager. A Vigil is a process where the individuals involved sit quietly and ask for paranormal activity to occur and observe closely around the area to see if anything untoward or out of the ordinary happens. During the course of this all three individuals felt as though the temperature was dropping, though this was not confirmed by the Imager, the temperature readings remaining steady. For twenty minutes or so in pitch blackness the group asked for interaction, but except for some tiny noises which could have originated from elsewhere in the building, there was nothing of note to report.
Digital Voice Recording Findings – 0100
Picture shows Séance in Bridewell at approx 1 am.
During this séance, contact was made with a gentleman called Tom who was one of the gaolers from God‟s House Tower. According to the information gathered Tom lived into his 70‟s until dying a sudden death. During his work at the tower as a jailor he stated through the glass that he did not hang anyone. He informed us he was of French descent but travelled to England and settled here, marrying an English woman. He was not the keeper of the jail but worked here. As the Glass started to slow down Andy placed his hand over the glass to increase the energy levels and the glass started to move again. It is only when we played the digital voice recorder back that we can clearly hear the conversation: Andy: “Come on; use our energy to move the glass”
27 David Hart (one of our guests who supplied this dialogue): “Thank You” Unknown voice very quietly “Welcome”, or perhaps “Well done.”
Séance on Roof – 01.10 Five guests and our psychic artist Kathy undertook a séance on the roof using the glass and séance table. Initially the glass seemed to make no sense – with first the letters „G E G I‟ and then „H A I‟ being spelt out. After further messages however it appears that they felt they were in contact someone who was related to a member of the group, a process we do not report on as it is intensely personal and sometimes quite emotional, except to say that the person involved felt that what occurred was accurate and true for them. There was a short break and then they started again. This time they felt that they were in contact with a male spirit who was aged about 23 years and linked to the building. One of our guests said that she had bad stomach pains and in fact had also suffered them before on the roof when we had done the walk round. It was then put to the table if the spirit had ever suffered a stomach injury, to which the answer was yes, and then if he was affecting the guest in question, to which the answer was again yes. The guest asked if he could please stop this as it was hurting an upsetting her – to which the answer was no. When asked why the spirit seemed to indicate that he had been stabbed by a friend and thrown over the wall. It was also inferred that there was a Scandinavian connection and that it was over a fight about a woman. After this nothing more was forthcoming so the séance was ended.
EVP recording in the Staff Room – 01.30 At about 01 30myself and two other guests spent about 45 minutes in the staff room conducting an EVP recording session. Electronic voice phenomena was first officially noted in the 1950‟s, when a tape recording a gentleman called Friedrich Jurgenson – a Swedish film maker, made in a field of birds song actually ended up recording what appeared to be human voices, despite the fact that no one else was there. Since then parapsychologists and „ghost hunters‟ alike have used this method of experimentation to ascertain whether these sounds, recorded
in either empty rooms or during conversation are in fact human in origin, and whether they are intelligently responding to questions asked or just random noise that sounds roughly like human speech. Using a digital voice recorder we started out by asking questions that the EVP Research Association UK recommend, and then moved on to generally „calling out‟ – a process that involves literally asking for a response of some kind from empty air. One amusing moment occurred when we were asking if there were any spirit people in the room and if there were could they make a noise of some kind – and at that moment there was a loud tapping/clattering noise from the other side of the room. After we had all sat down again and regained our breath I investigated and found that the wall behind the desk was very friable and small pieces of stone were obviously falling off intermittently – and the noise we had heard could be reconstructed by picking up one of the fragments on the floor and letting it drop down the wall from the height of the crumbling patch. On checking with Steve later he said that this process was common and bits were always falling off – especially this particular wall that had had no work performed upon it. So minor mystery solved – no paranormal cause could be found in this case. When listening back through the recording, though there were some anomalous noises they cannot be identified, so in this case the session was fruitless.
Lift room 02.15 Team member Pete Collins and one of our guests set up a „Ghost Grid‟. This is done in complete darkness and involves a laser that covers the room in a series of bright dots – green in colour – spread out in a geometric pattern. The dots are very close together – and if something moves between the light source and the wall the movement is extremely obvious, more so than in normal light because the action of the dots being obscured causes a „twinkling‟ effect, no matter how small the object. Both remained in the room during the course of the experiment, and for ten minutes of calling out there was nothing to report. Suddenly, witnessed by both Pete Collins and our guest, there was the movement of something that was about five foot in height that travelled very quickly from right to left. Both people in the room never saw anything physically move but the points of light were obscured in succession as if something had passed very quickly in front of the laser. They were the only ones in the room, both were keeping still and both were seated behind the laser
itself. Despite Pete and his guest continuing to call out for the rest of the time they were there however, there was no further activity noted.
Picture of the Laser Grid in action in the lift room.
The same experiment was carried out in the passage way connecting the Bridewell to the Main Exhibition Room at about 0240 for approximately 20 minutes, but no further activity was captured.
The Incident on the Stairs - approx 0245 At about 0245 our guests from the Breeze radio station decided to do a little investigating of their own. Since they had found the stairs leading up to the Latrine the most uncomfortable during the walk round they took their recording equipment and started slowly up, talking in low voices and listening as hard as they could. They were nearly at the top when they heard a loud thump from the latrine area, at which point their investigation abruptly ceased, and they jumped, yelled out in surprise and basically ran back down the stairs as fast as they could, as they described themselves, nearly falling over each other. The radio footage of this was mercilessly played all the next week, much to their embarrassment and they did not return up there for the rest of the night. Now it has to be said that the window in the Latrine is unglazed and there could have been people outside in the alley below. There were no other noises caught on their recording equipment however, which by its nature is extremely sensitive, and they said afterwards that they again felt extremely uncomfortable on the stairs, a feeling described by quite a few others during the course of the night.
Boiler Room – 03.10 Temp 26 degrees at the start of the Vigil. Pete Collins, Pat Collins and four guests conducted a vigil in the Boiler Room using a set of Dowsing Rods and the Thermal Imaging camera. The Thermal Imager gave temperature readings throughout this experiment, so we were able to record them knowing they were accurate. One person was holding the dowsing rods, one using the Thermal Imager and the rest of the group were asking out for responses.
Guest using the Thermal Imaging Camera in the Boiler Room. Its simple point and click technology makes this a user friendly piece of equipment, that gives accurate and instant results.
After about 15 minutes the atmosphere seemed to become much colder and the guest using the Imager was asked to check the temperature among them. To their amazement the temperature had dropped an impressive 10 degrees to 16‟ C; we acknowledge the fact that they were in a room with an outside door and it was a cold night but there were five individuals in a room that contained the boiler – admittedly off but it was really quite warm to start with. As this was done another person thought that they saw very small white flashing lights above another‟s head. It was asked again if there was anyone there and one of the guests then felt a touch on her right shoulder – where the Thermal Imager then showed a colder spot of 14‟. Encouraged by this they asked again for something else to happen and Pete then felt as if someone had touched him on his left calf. Asking for more activity initially was met with nothing and then all present distinctly heard a moaning noise, and lights were witnessed flashing again, this time in one of the recesses that used to serve as an old cell, and all present heard a shuffling noise. Personally I would have left by now. Rather quickly. These investigators however were made of sterner stuff, and continued to hold their nerve, asking for more contact to be made. The guest holding the Thermal Imager was scanning the back wall, which is situated
behind the toilet in the next room when she noticed a shape behind the filing cabinets on the screen. Stood on her own about eight feet away from the wall, she watched what appeared to be two figures appear, and then a third. The temperature, which had steadily climbed back up to 24‟ then dropped quickly away to 17‟ again. Calling Pete, she indicated the screen, on which he was incredulous to see the shapes moving on the imager from right to left as if moving towards the toilet, leaving a shape in focus that looked like a person sitting down. This wall is about two feet thick and solid stone, so no heat could be bleeding through from outside, and the image reflected was definitely not of our team members and guests of whom there were five and all clustered around the Imager to see what was happening – not sat down or going out of the room to the left which was the direction the shapes were heading in. Posted below is one of the images captured by the camera. This was our first time using this equipment on an investigation, and though it is a delicate and technologically advanced item it is fairly simple to use – pointing and clicking being about the only thing you have to do (apart from remembering to take the lens cap off). Pete was certain it was being used correctly.
Image shown by the Thermal Imager. It appears to be humanoid in shape, but with no discernable features and is not a reflection, or it would be holding a camera with its arms up.
The whole intense vigil lasted about thirty minutes, and left all concerned extremely shaken – we had certainly had high hopes for God‟s
House but this was extremely exciting and beyond anything we had experienced before, as well as not a little unnerving.
Séance in the Boiler Room – 03.30 I was involved in a séance in the boiler room with five other guests at about 03.30 – one that involved a lot of coincidences. Initially we appeared to be involved with a spirit who was unable to read or write – the glass was moving randomly but purposefully – I obviously checked to see whether anyone appeared to be pushing the glass but all those involved seemed to have their fingers placed very lightly on it – to the point where if it moved too suddenly fingers would lose contact with it. After a few minutes it was asked if there was any other spirits present who would be able to talk for this individual who seemed at a loss to explain themselves – at which point the glass seemed to move much more confidently and started to spell out things firmly. This person spelled out the name George and appeared to be related to one of the gests but at this point was happy to speak for another individual. Upon questioning it became apparent that we were talking to a little girl, of about nine years old, who had died at the Tower. When we asked if she had died naturally the answer was no – and there were some quite emotive moments as the supposed child described how her mother had had her older brother murder her – she had apparently been stabbed several times - but when we asked why there was no answer. We asked if the child was frightened and if her mother was still there and she replied yes. We asked if there was anyone else there that she has as a friend and the reply was no. One of the group then asked if she had had any friends here and the reply was yes this time, but that they had moved on. We asked why she had not gone as well and she said again that she was scared to – so it was then suggested amongst the group that we try and help her move on so she was told that if she could see a light to go towards it, and with encouragement seemed to be crossed over. This is something I had not been involved with before – and was unsure as to how to conduct myself. However, with a little gentle persuasion, the glass seemed to indicate that the child was ready to „move on‟, and the atmosphere in room seemed to „lighten‟ with her leaving us.
Séance in the Boiler room – one of the most active places in the whole Museum.
There was a moment‟s break and then we continued, with it becoming apparent that the George who had spoken for the child was in fact related to someone around the table; things then became more personal in nature and as always we respect that and do not report on it further. I am uncertain as to what actually happened in this séance – I am positive that I was doing as little as possible to influence proceedings, and that the others at the table were also as best I could make out, not pushing the glass. The circumstances of the little girl‟s passing have not as far as I can make out through research, been substantiated, and there is no record of the crime. However this is not to say it did not happen, and to suggest that everyone around the table had a good imagination is still not very satisfying as they would have all had to imagine the same thing. All I can say is that the air, or atmosphere, did seem to lighten after the child had purportedly moved on, and the next individual to come through seemed known to one of our guests, and all information regarding that interaction seemed accurate to them.
Planchette experiment back room area - 03.40 A Planchette is typically a small heart or triangular shaped piece of wood, with casters or smooth metal feet underneath and a hole in the middle for the insertion of a pen or pencil. It is placed on a large piece of paper and used much in the way a glass is used during a séance – with people
sat around a table and placing their fingers upon it and asking „spirit‟ to move it to communicate. When using the Planchette, if you are using it as a tool for direct communication, as when using a set of Dowsing rods or a Pendulum, it is important to „set‟ it in order to establish the response for positive and negative answers. (Mediums believe that „spirits‟ can work through us and communicate via these tools). You can also simply remain quiet and let the device move underneath you fingers, allowing spirit to either write or draw on the paper as it wishes. Such an experiment is called Spirit Writing and was popular in Victorian and Edwardian times when the Spiritualist movement was at its height. In this case Planchette was set by asking it to draw horizontal lines as a positive response and vertical lines as a negative response. It was felt by those doing the experiment that they were in contact with a man called William, who had also come through in a previous séance in the Bridewell. William could not read or write but had indicated through glass and letters he was a previous keeper of the jail. However as time went on it seemed that the responses were more randomised – so it was decided to finish.
04.20 - Vigil in the Bridewell Two guests and a member of the Haunted Southampton team conducted a vigil for about fifteen minutes at the Séance table in the Bridewell. For a few minutes there was no response to any of the requests made by the group for movement, noise or interaction, but and then after one person asked for movement to occur, the door to the storage area on the second floor rattled very loudly. I know that no one was near to or touching the door at that time because I was actually taking pictures on the landing where the door is situated, unaware of the vigil going on just up the stairs, and remember jumping as the door rattled quite loudly. I will mention more on this later. Baseline observations in this area in the initial assessment of the museum showed no draft coming from under the door, and there is no other entrance to this room.
04.30 Séance back room area David Hart kindly sent us a transcript of this séance, which he recorded but was not involved with. He also videoed the entire sequence, which was to prove significant when analysing the results later.
As the séance was started contact was with made with a gentleman called George, who knew God‟s House Tower well. George “said” a mother, her daughter and son were here in spirit at the museum. The next information that appeared to come through, though quite shocking, upon putting this report together was uncannily familiar - the mother had apparently told her teenage son to kill their nine year old daughter for an un-known reason. The girl was purportedly stabbed several times by the son and the mother and her wayward son were apparently hung at God‟s House Tower for the crime. No time reference could be established for the date of this atrocity, nor could none be gathered for the date of the hanging. Whilst this was taking place, the Digital voice recorder, on playback during the section in which the death of the girl was being revealed by the glass, had managed to record four quite chilling screams, definitely female, and though it cannot be confirmed, appeared to be in a child‟s voice. Now we understand that God‟s House Tower is situated in an area that has many pubs and night clubs, some having late licences so there would have been people coming and going outside, possibly inebriated, and almost certainly being very noisy, which could have accounted for the noise. But what was apparent during the recording was that none of those involved in the séance heard or reacted to the screaming. What was also quite disturbing was that on watching the video footage of the event it was clear that these screams had also not been recorded by the camera. I am not as yet able to explain these phenomena; nor am I able to explain the fact that as far as I can make out almost the exact same information came through in a séance in the Boiler room earlier on in the night. Different individuals were involved both times, and on asking the guests no one had yet told this story to anyone else. This kind of occurrence had happened at a previous investigation at the Anchor in Redbridge – two séances at the same time came up with the same information. I am still at a loss to explain that one too. Other information that came through when questioning „George‟… Q. - Do u know this building well A. - Yes Q. - Are monks present at GHT Q. - was people tortured at GHT
A. - Yes A. - Yes
Q. - Did this happen in GHT cellars A. - Yes Q. - Was the cellar entrance in this room A. - Yes
Q. - Can we get into the cellar from this room A. - NO? Q. – is there another entrance A. - Yes Q. - Is it very far away A. - No As I have said before, there is no record of a cellar ever having been part of the structure of the building, but the sluice that ran underneath had to have access at some point – perhaps this is what is being referred to.
Radio Experiment in the Staff Room – 0430 This experiment involved two groups communicating by two way radio. The group I was sat with were in the Staff room, and other group containing our medium Andy was sat in the Boiler room at the back of the museum, two floors below us. Steve and Rob also decided to join us in this instance. The purpose of this experiment was to try and persuade any spirits present to affect the other group in specific ways, which they would then report to us via radio. We asked for eight specific actions to take place: 1: To touch the hair of one of the other group. 2: To touch the head or back of the other group. 3: To whisper in the ear of a member of the other group. 4: To make a whistling noise that they could hear. 5: To show them a light or an orb. 6: To touch or grab the foot or ankle of one of them. 7: To poke Andy 8: To play with Becky‟s hair. After this we swapped round and the other group asked for similar things to happen to us. We waited…a stone fell of the wall again…another group came into the room below us to begin a vigil (Steve suggested we make a noise to make them jump but they left after a few minutes realising we were upstairs)… It was of course typical that after about twenty minutes of everyone sending their questions out into the ether with the two members of staff sat patiently waiting, that absolutely nothing happened at all. Ah well you can‟t win „em all…
Steve sat patiently waiting for something to happen during the course of the radio experiment. If you look carefully you can see the appearance of several ’Orbs’ to his left – the one near his shoulder seeming to have features.
Final Vigil in the Staff Room – 0510 At 05.10 the whole group gathered together in the staff room in what is fast becoming the way we conclude our night‟s experiments. The vigil we undertook was to ensure that there was at least one time during the night everyone was in one place at one time and all sat quietly, so that we could account for everybody‟s whereabouts and therefore attribute any unusual occurrences to origins other than that of our causing. For about 25 minutes we all sat very quietly whilst one person only asked out for something to happen – anything at all – but in the end we were met with the silence of the building (until the heating came on and scared everyone) and the lingering sense that we were being watched still. With that it was time to discuss our findings and say thank you to our hosts.
Other Observations Here is where I place the reported activity that doesn‟t fit in anywhere else – small snippets of information and feelings that the guests felt might be interesting to let us know and we duly pass them on. One guest felt that she was being followed around the museum by a gentleman called the keeper. Presumably from this she is referring to a man who was possibly a Gaoler during the years. When conducting a séance she felt that he was stood at her right, or directly behind her. In a séance in the Main Exhibition room guests had the name „Decourt‟ given to them. This person lived in „Southampton city‟ had a large family with possibly 6 children in the 18th Century, involved with making decisions about the prisoners. This particular spirit felt that we shouldn‟t be here. They then went on to be told that there were five spirits here at this time, that there was an authoritative figure here, that some prisoners had been fairly killed (the words „not unjust‟ were written), and that children of prisoners had been kept here, and that these children were allowed outside. During the night, Pete Collins not only monitored several séances but also used additional „off the table‟ experiments to try and validate spirit contact. He did not actively take part in glass moving but occasionally asked questions during the course of the proceedings. Equipment he used included digital scales, EMF meters and the thermal imager to verify temperature readings around the room as it appeared to get colder. Several times in the night he asked if the spirits present could „lean‟ on the scales to make them register the movement. The digital scales used are extremely sensitive and can measure weights in increments of 0.01 of a gram, the theory being that if spirits can move things, poke people or pull their hair then they can apply pressure to the scales. Unfortunately the scales registered no change whilst Pete was using them. K2 meters are a visual version of EMF meters and a way of registering changes in the electromagnetic field within a short area – approx one meter from the device. Since spirits are meant to use energy to manifest or affect their surroundings and as electricity is the most common form of energy around it is assumed that spirits will use this form of energy to affect their surroundings. But again
they did not react to the environment during any of the séances that Pete was observing. The Thermal Imager did occasionally reflect slight temperature variations, but rarely of more than one or two degrees – not enough to indicate anything paranormal was causing the fluctuations. One séance observed involved the main table in the Bridewell room. The glass was moving very quickly around the table and Pete wrote the letter S on a piece of paper away from the sight of those sat around the table and asked for the glass to go to that letter. The glass went to the letter T; but when asked to confirm the choice the glass then moved very slowly moved to the letter S. This was witnessed by Jo Rawlings from the Breeze and we cannot explain this as those around the table could not see what Pete and Jo wrote on the paper.
Trigger Object Experiment. At the start of the investigation we undertook a trigger object experiment. This is where a familiar object or two are placed upon a piece of paper and drawn around, so that any movement of the object is clearly defined. This is then placed under the observation of a night vision camera, the room sealed for the night and it is then recorded to see if there is any movement of the object or in the room itself. As our trigger object we use a Crucifix, some old coins and sometimes an object from the venue itself to see if the familiarity of the artefact will encourage interaction. We will also sometimes place toys or marbles in view of the camera as well in case they are more significant to any previous tenants. In this case we used just the cross and some coins, and placed them in a storage room that is in the middle of the Museum, under supervision of Rob who then locked the door. The door remained sealed until about 0545, when it was revealed that the objects had not moved. However upon viewing the footage it was apparent that the room was not completely silent and still. There was dust movement, usually towards the dehumidifier which was in the corner behind the camera, but at several points in the night there were „orbs‟, or dust particles that acted in a completely different way. One moved away from the camera instead of towards it, one travelled up towards the ceiling and one seemed to appear a few feet away and cross from right to left.
Orbs are a contentious subject in the paranormal world – they have been derided as dust, pollen fibres from clothes or dog hairs, even water droplets, insects or cobwebs. To the experienced eye most are exactly that, but sometimes some appear that do not behave as you would expect random motes of dust to, and act with almost intelligent intent. These three occurrences were just that, away or opposite the prevalent direction of air movement, and almost solid in appearance. That is not to say that they are „ghosts‟ or spiritual manifestations, just that they were abnormal. There were various bangs and taps, some obviously from outside the room – the toilet door was very loud! – but other rattling tapping noises could not be identified. The lights seemed to dim on several occasions as well, but this may not be paranormal in origin, merely fluctuations in the current. However there were several noises that were quite clear, and close, that I could not attribute to external factors. About 0200 there were two movements, like shuffling, that seemed very near the camera. And at about 0245, just before you hear the Radio people scream and run, there was a noise like a groan or hum, in what seemed like a gruff male voice. Finally there was at about 0430 a long rattling noise coming from the door, like someone was testing to see if it was still locked. This noise was reported on by a group doing a séance in the Bridewell at the time, and witnessed by myself whilst photographing the landing. I later asked Steve if the door rattled a lot when he was in the building during the day, to which he replied “Occasionally, yes.” Initially I thought that it was probably caused by the change in air pressure within the building when the back door was opened by people going outside for a cigarette, or by large Lorries passing the building on their way to the docks, or even by gusts of wind from outside. But then on consideration I realised that people had been going outside during the whole night, and that Lorries had also been passing, not continuously but enough for me to remember them. And upon checking the weather that night I discovered that the highest wind speed on gusting was about 5 to 7 miles per hour – negligible really. All things considered – what rattled the door – just once?
Psychic Art Kathy Bavister – our Psychic artist – spent the night not only helping during séances and other parts of the investigation, but also spent some quiet time on her own with a pencil and paper. Kathy‟s abilities allow her to „see‟ what she believes are some of the spirits that co-habit the Museum with the tourists and staff – and below are two pictures she produced during the event.
Kathy felt that this is an image of „Celine‟ – a woman who felt very helpless and downtrodden in the Tower room. In my research I did not come across the name Celine, or Selene, however there are a very large amount of records to plough through regarding prisoners, after all the Museum was used as a gaol for over a hundred and forty years, so it is possible that hundreds of prisoners may have passed through the cells. There are some records of women with their children being also held here, and that many prisoners were also held here before deportation. The fate of this individual, if she existed, will probably never be known. As for the possibility of the individual being a witch – I have again not
come across any references to witches being held here, though it is entirely possible. The other image Kathy drew is of a man, possibly having been alive during the Civil War Period.
This picture of a gentleman in a „skull‟ type cap and a grey beard was possibly associated with the Church here – though his station was not known by Kathy. He was she felt just observing us, curious as to our purpose, but not hostile in any way.
Final Debriefing - 05.35 We all gathered back in the conference area to discuss what the group had come up with. The significance of the two séances picking up on a little girl supposedly murdered was discussed, and at this time it was noted that the Trigger object had – once again - not moved. One fact that came up as well was that one of our guests – Merita King – her self a practising Medium, had picked up on a sword fight in which one of the antagonists was killed. She believed that it would have taken place outside the front doors to the Museum, and that it had taken place several hundred years ago. There was also some input from Pat Collins, who was using the Dowsing Rods in the séance that had identified that same fact, though not in the same place. In actual fact I had uncovered a story that was listed in the annuls of the French Church, or St Julien‟s, as is its proper name, regarding a sword fight to the death – this I will relate in the Appendixes. This story was not easily unearthed, finding it in a side enquiry about the hospital that used to stand to the southeast of the Tower. The fact that it had been mentioned twice now was remarkable. Both Mediums came up with the information that the building had been used not only as a Garrison and Gaol but also a store house and customs house. Religious overtones were discussed, as was the fact that the prisoners here had been both men and women, and that there were possible connection with the Navy. Andy had also come up with information regarding treatment of the sick when he was in the Boiler room. In actual fact there was a hospital right next door to the Tower – ran by the Brothers from the Priory up the road – and possibly the building may have been used as an overflow in times of increased pestilence or injury. Physical phenomena had been particularly prevalent in the Boiler room area, and the Bridewell – once a House of Correction. Moaning, stone throwing and physical contact can all be counted as possible poltergeist phenomena, and the pictures captured on the Thermal Imager left us shaken. Most guests felt that they had had a productive night, with many finding the séance tables particularly rewarding – both in relation to the locality and also personally. Nothing we discovered can provide conclusive proof of evidence of a haunting. However there were many things that we could not easily explain – though if you look hard enough you will always find a reason to
discount or „debunk‟ reports of paranormal activity. What we found can also be coloured by our own personal belief systems – being objective is not as easy as it sounds – especially when you want so much to be able to prove life beyond the grave exists. So in conclusion I would say that – for me – the investigation at God‟s House Tower has provided an incredibly fascinating night – one with some powerful and sometimes disturbing occurrences – especially on reviewing the material observed. I would even hazard to say that there is definitely something occurring I am unable to explain in conventional terms. Why would a Thermal Imager show a picture of what appears to be a man when there was no one stood in front of it – and it was focused on a cold stone wall? Why would two people in two different areas come up with a story concerning a long forgotten sword fight that was only listed in a minor historical annotation of the happenings of a church next door? How could two unrelated séances at different times in different parts of the building come up with two practically identical stories? And why would a video camera with a microphone not record what a Digital Voice recorder recorded only two feet away? God‟s House Tower has for me raised so many questions – but also seemed to provide impossible answers. If there is such an occurrence as a haunting, this marvellous place has given me more in the way of factual evidence than any where else I have yet investigated. I cannot say definitively that there is life beyond our earthly existence – but I can now say that I have truly been party to events that I cannot explain. Is it haunted? That I leave up to you.
Acknowledgements This investigation would not have been able to take place without the consent of Southampton City Council‟s consent, for which we are truly grateful. The opportunity to investigate God‟s House Tower was one that we all relished, and Steve and Rob‟s helpfulness and participation during the night was very kind – I don‟t know how many times they had to go up those stairs and open the roof top, but they did it without question or complaint. Thank you! Thanks also go to Paula Webb – an employee of Southampton City Council, who provided information regarding accounts of paranormal activity at the Tower. Andy Ford and Kathy Bavister not only guided us through the investigation but helped us in several uncomfortable situations, and provided support for those who felt that they had contact with their own loved ones. As always they were calm, professional and compassionate. Their input is always central to our efforts, and gives us a dimension to our investigations that we would not otherwise be able to provide. Thank you both! As always the effort and preparation done by the Team to produce a safe, entertaining and well rounded investigation is much appreciated – our events are always challenging and everyone as usual rose to that challenge. Give yourselves a pat on the back! Finally – a huge „Thank you‟ goes to our guests for sticking with us all this time – some people come back again and again – some only venture out once – but you are all the reason why we keep going. Your participation and feedback help us produce these reports and without you we could not continue. Thank you one and all.
Juliet Collins Director Haunted Southampton Ltd. julietcollins@hauntedsouthampton.com www.hauntedsouthampton.com
Appendixes Below are some more photos of the investigation and our guests using the equipment we provide for the night.
One of our guests pictured using the Thermal Imager‌the person in front of him clearly defined on the screen.
Guests pictured using Dowsing rods during a vigil, the rods being able to provide a positive/negative response to questions.
Two of our team members – Pat Collins and James Lysandrides – undergoing a séance with Merita King – here on the night as a guest, though her self a medium in her own right.
Picture of a guest using an EMF Meter – used to detect changes in the electro magnetic fields in the immediate area.
Here is the image of a possible three „individuals‟ that the Thermal Imager captured – again in the Boiler room. The edge of the filing cabinet is visible on the right of the image – and one of the „individuals‟ seems partially obscured by it.
Who goes there?! A startled looking James using a Frank‟s Box – a device that is similar to a digital radio that has the scanner disabled – the radio instead of stopping at radio stations simply continues to scan. The theory is that spirits will be able to communicate using words that are being broadcast for random radio stations – they are said to be existing at a higher frequency than us and so are able to quickly be able to use words that have been broadcast – it seems a little strange, but sometimes produces startling results.
A tale of unrequited love… Taken from a copy of the Parish notes of St Julien‟s – found in the archives in the Civic Centre in Southampton.
In 1554 Prince Phillip of Spain travelled to England to marry Queen Mary. He arrived in Southampton on board his ship as part of the Armada a few days before on a Sunday and was stopped in Southampton water as a precaution – the sight of a fleet of Spanish ships was quite unsettling to the English soldiers who were on guard at the Tower. They heave to in the channel, but Phillip, bored of the journey and wanting to see the sights enlisted the Captain‟s son - a lower ranking officer - to row a long boat ashore and sneak into the city. He spent the afternoon perusing the streets until, as it drew late, he decided he had better pay a visit to the Church before returning to the ship. Philip and the Captain‟s son secreted themselves in the back of the church, where upon he spied a maiden so fair he instantly fell for her. After the service he and his friend followed the maiden into the garden that then stood behind the church and set upon her – singing her praises and asking for a dalliance. Guessing who the gentleman was she pleaded for him to leave her alone – a dalliance with the future King of England could cost her head. In fear for her life she ran out of the gate from the garden that used to face the front door to God‟s House Tower. As he followed her to his surprise she immediately came running back in – someone else had recognised the Spanish Prince for who he was – there were two ruffians waiting outside the gates to waylay him. Drawing his sword, he bounded through the gate and henceforth they fought, Prince Philip being the victor, transfixing one of the ruffians through the heart. The other ran away, and Philip returned to his ship, before his wedding a few days hence, none the worse for wear. The young lady with whom Prince Philip was so enamoured with was the daughter of a local wealthy merchant – her name being Charlotte Tyrell. If she had run away with the Prince – how different would Southampton have been now?
Halloween – why is it so significant? Halloween, and this time of year, has always held a great significance to those who follow or practise ancient beliefs such as Paganism or Wicca. Modern times have seen a rise in its popularity, as a time for celebrating the darker side of life, or death, and an excuse for dressing up and partying. Its seemingly strange rituals and symbolism however are based upon time honoured traditions that – to man in antiquity – meant safety and peace of mind in times when much as we understand it today was unexplained and therefore terrifying.
Andy Ford – one of the Mediums that guided us for the night, gave a talk before we started about Halloween and the meaning behind the celebration, which he has kindly given me permission to reproduce here.
Halloween - 31st October “Known as Sambaine, All souls, All Hallows Eve but mainly known as Samhain and most usually pronounced as 'Sow-ain' and is the most important in the year. Samhain marks the beginning and the end of the Wheel of the year [in pagan religions] in the same way that New Year does in the conventional calendar, which makes the 1st November the first day of the New Year. The festival marks the point in the year when the winter months are on their way and when people took stock of their supplies. The festival has a reputation with being linked with death and the spirits of the dead, when the veil between the two worlds would be at its thinnest. So this was the time of the year when the spirits of the dead would return to their loved ones and a place would be set at the festivities to welcome them. It is traditional to light a candle in the window to guide the welcome spirits home and to deter any unwanted spirits, which is the origin of the Halloween pumpkins, especially as sometimes the candle would be placed within a hollowed out turnip to stop it being blown out. To the Celts darkness was as important to them as the light. The darkness and death had power which they did not fear; here the seeds of germination in the dark would once again bring life when the sun returned. They communicated with their ancestors believing deceased family members could visit their loved ones at this time of year. Samhain became the Christian All Souls Night and the 1st November the All Souls day.
At this time others could also slip through the gap in space-time, the Faerie, the Sidhe, Hobgoblins, Elves and other mischief makers. This is the root of Halloween's mischief night and only those in disguise could venture out and became the source for 'Trick or Treat'.” Other meanings that I have found in research suggest that to prevent harm coming to those who gladly anticipated the return of their loved ones, the candle in the turnip, or pumpkin, would act as both guide and guardian, welcoming ancestors and warding against those spirits who would do harm. Holly was also sometimes placed above entrances to the house – doorways, windows and chimney breasts were all swathed in it – to prevent the entrance of negative spirits – a practice now adopted at Christmas time. Nowadays the traditional meaning of many of these rituals has been lost – the humble pumpkin being a sign that children can visit to be given gifts of sweets, and dressing up has become a competition rather than a means of protection. But for those who still practise the ancient rites Halloween is a time of year to be both celebrated and warded against – for in welcoming spirits into your home you may well get more than you bargained for.