Paranormal Press Issue 13

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Paranormal Press Issue 13 September 2012

The Grey Ghost. RMS Queen Mary

Plus Psychic Detective Keith Charles writes for the Press The Southampton Ghost Walks

EVENT NEWS WITH HAUNTED SOUTHAMPTON. Haunted Southampton arranges and hosts paranormal investigations across the South of England. Working with experienced and knowledgeable psychic practioners and using our scientific equipment we hope to establish if indeed these venues are as haunted as they claim to be Join us for the night , all tickets for our event investigations are available at the website

EVENT DIARY Friday 26th October . 10.30pm - 06am. We investigate Salisbury Guildhall. With it’s 17th century court rooms, underground cells and stately rooms , just who is wandering around the premises when the staff go home ? Reported to haunted by an old hanging judge , we hope to find out more answers during the night , can you undertake a lone vigil in the cells to try and establish who is

Saturday 24th November . Haunted Southampton takes a trip to Priddy’s Hard , Gosport . For some two hundred years it was a restricted-access site; first becoming a fort and then an armaments depot for Royal Navy and British Army weapons, explosives and other stores. With various reports of ghosts, un explained sightings we hope to find out just who is haunting the current buildings now known as the Explosions Museum. 9.30pm - 04am Underneath the streets of Southampton is a labyrinth of vaults, tunnels and secret passages, built within the Medieval period . Working once again with Official Southampton Tourist Guide Derek Challaghan , we have established a series of mini paranormal investigations with access to six of these underworld areas. Not suitable for any person with mobility difficulties as entrance to several vaults descends down long narrow spiral staircases. Investigations start October; Cost is £10pp and the first two dates will be announced very soon

Inside This Issue Features

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A look at our investigation of Gods House Tower, Southampton

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Issue 13

The Southampton Ghost Walks with Haunted Southampton and tourist guide Derek Challaghan.

EDITORIAL GUEST CONTRIBUTOR Movie producer Lura Ketchledge writes for The Paranormal Press

Content Peter Collins _____

THIS MONTHS ARTICLES We take a closer look at RMS Queen Mary with paranormal researcher Erika Frost. Paranormal Press talks to Spiritual Medium, psychic detective and author Keith Charles.

Contributing Articles Tracy Collins Keith Charles

Readers interest in the paranormal - We asked for your input about the paranormal and your thoughts - here is what Paranormal Press reader, Margaret Bartlett had to say..

Margaret Bartlett

Paranormal Press talks - A second interview by journalist Tracy Collins with Ron Fabiani from TV’s Paranormal Cops.

Juliet Collins

Ron Fabiani

James Lysadrides

Lura Ketchledge Erika Frost

Contact The Paranormal Press

Paranormal Press Talks To ….. Spiritual Medium & Psychic Detective Keith Charles - Into the beyond There is no escaping the fact that death will affect each and every one of us at some time. Social standing, financial wealth, education or upbringing makes no difference. Death is not the end, but a portal allowing progress along our spiritual pathway to the place I term Heaven. Whatever your personal or religious beliefs they are yours! I know that spiritual paradise exists where families are reunited, disabilities discarded, jealousy’s abandoned, and health restored and problems resolved. The 16th November 1994 was the day my son Mathew was killed in a road traffic accident. Contrary to what some people think, as a medium, I had no pre-warning or sense of what was to happen, and I was not spared the trauma that affects us all. I know I will never forget my feelings that day, some everlasting unwanted memories. I have learned from these, and the experiences of others who have suffered loss. I have shared in the trauma of so many similar experiences with other parents and family members during my time as a police officer and spiritual medium. A death, and passing of a loved one, can generate a multitude of emotions including sadness, grief, shock, guilt, denial, resentment, apathy, forgetfulness and anger. None of us are immune, and there is no magic remedy.

Keith Charles

Our ‘spirit’ is housed within our physical bodily overcoat; some refer to it as the ‘soul’. This spirit is the real you and retains our life experiences, knowledge, and personality. It is an invisible and real spiritual energy. When the time arrives our spirit leaves the physical body, journeying on its way home to Heaven unhindered. At the point just mille-seconds before the impact of physical death, no matter how tragic, the spirit leaves the physical world. As our spirit journeys to Heaven, we are normally accompanied by a ‘deceased’ relative. My spirit guide Tobias, and other communicators who have undergone the transition period, have all said there is no pain in death. When arriving in ‘Heaven’ our spirit is rested for as long as our acknowledgement of death takes. Once this acceptance of the separation of our physical and spiritual ‘bodies’ has taken place, our spiritual pathway is open. Many people that have undergone near death experiences (commonly referred to as N.D.E.’s) recall this journey; likening it to passing through a dark tunnel and coming out into light. None of them have pain, some of them feel like they are flying, or just travelling along a moving escalator or belt. A friend of mine who had a similar experience when nearly drowning described his experience as initial panic when trying to swim, then a transcendental journey through sleep. Some scientists and non-believers would try and explain these N.D.E’s as the mind creating illusions brought about by physical and chemical changes at or near the time of death. Medical research into this theory by Doctors at Southampton has probably established that this not so, they suggest that the alleged chemicals responsible for those illusions are not physically present at or near death! The spirit world is all around us, we cannot see it, it is in a different dimension but it is there. Having taken that step into the beyond, to our new spiritual paradise, our initial phase is the ‘recovery’ area. This is where we are met by loved ones, and adjust to the realisation that we have crossed over. There are many facets in your spiritual progression, and each is an amazing step. The initial concept of being aware that we have no physical body, that now we are almost a transparent energy with the ability to reform ourselves to whatever physical age in memory we prefer, is some what mind blowing.

Your spirit refreshed and restored to full spiritual health with a new freedom to take advantage of.

have the opportunity to converse with a great composer, artist or world leader?

Do not be misled that we have some free licence to paradise without structure. There is help, discipline and a process for educating you in this new home. This help is given freely and lovingly by your own predeceased family, and newly acquired spiritual teachers. They nurture and care for you and offer important help, in the creation of your new spiritual progression. Of course there is plenty of time to meet and reminisce with loved ones and friends, and Heaven is a pretty active place.

Should our loved ones wish to communicate to us that they are in Heaven and chose to do this through a medium, there is no time requirement or restrictions preventing them from doing so, it largely depends on how long their personal recovery process takes.

Once you have exhausted the pleasures of friends and family you may wish to explore the many halls of learning available to you. Remember there are no clocks or time to restrict you. Some choose to help with new ‘spirit’ arrivals, or to work with babies, children, animals or any task they wish, including the development of spiritual skills and knowledge. The ‘spirit’ of miscarriages and terminations also progress to the spirit world. Here they too grow and progress spiritually. When our time comes to pass over, those younger spirits we knew as babies or children, will be there to meet us and we do recognise them. Progression and a place in Heaven is there also for those who sadly take their own life; they also progress in the spirit world. Physical and mental disabilities are as I mentioned discarded, and it is important to know that all life forms in the spirit world have the ability to communicate with us hear on earth. Animals often show themselves to mediums from their lofty position in Heaven, and in doing bring much comfort and reassurance to those whose physical life they once shared. Superb healing pools, wonderful gardens, spiritual teachers and Masters are available for your revitalisation and advancement. Maybe you might

It is often dependant or affected by many things, including the nature of the passing, the beliefs of the individual, their acceptance of death, and the speed of their spiritual recovery. Contrary to some beliefs, we do not disturb them, for Heaven is a very active place, we cannot halt their progression, nor can we hinder their recovery. The tranquillity, love and deep sense of being and belonging is what touches the new spirit. Communication is their choice; it is our wish and their ‘doing’. The process is neither harmful nor evil, but occurs because of an invisible tie of love and spirituality. It is because ‘spirit’ have the ability to re-create themselves to their preferred age, that when communicating and showing themselves to mediums that sometimes they are not initially recognisable to the recipient of the message. For example, my own father was restricted to a wheelchair for the last few years of his life, and lost his speech, yet when linking with me he was standing upright and speaking. The whole process I consider another of God’s Gifts a minor miracle that we may continue to have contact, whether it be by messages, thoughts, sense or the visitation in spirit form of our departed loved ones.

Keith Charles

Keith Charles is often called upon by organisations and individuals to utilise his psychic skills in an attempt to help solve many unanswered questions when loved ones are suddenly taken from us in mysterious circumstances. Keith says, “Having suffered personal tragedy I know the devastating effects physically and emotionally, this may have. I never promise results, but when asked I will do my best to obtain spiritual information as accurately and honestly as possible, in an effort to bring closure.” Keith was featured on Granada Television in the film entitled 'The Real Life of the Psychic Detective', which followed Keith to Buffalo, in the USA, where he assisted the police department. He has featured on many British television programmes, including 'Esther', 'Kilroy', 'Richard & Judy' and 'Sky Sports'. Interviews with top radio personalities such as Steve Wright, Nicky Campbell, Johnnie Walker and David Hamilton have been well received. Keith and David shared hosting the extremely popular ‘Healing Hour’ on Liberty Radio. Other regular radio slots included Mercury with Kevin Spector. During one appearance on Talk Radio, London, with Russell Grant, Keith's accuracy was so stunning the switchboard was jammed with callers! We really appreciate Keith offering us an insight into his work and if you would like to read more about his events and appearances please visit his website

Health & Holistic Fayre

James Marsh was born during the first year of the Second World War and many of his infant years were spent in air-raid shelters outside his home. Bombs rained down from the German Luftwaffe as they tried to destroy the city of Southampton,.

Salisbury Playhouse Malthouse Lane Salisbury SP2 7RA Saturday 3rd November 2012 10am - 5pm Gifts, treatments and therapies, readings and aura photography

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Free talks and demonstrations. ÂŁ3 entry fee Haunted Southampton,

A spine tingling glimpse of things that go bump in the night in the port town. This in-depth look at the city features interviews with mediums and investigators, first hand stories and photographs.

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The Queen Mary

By Pete Collins

Psychic & Paranormal Researcher Erika Frost gives The Paranormal Press an insight to … RMS Queen Mary , Long Beach California

Launched upon 26th September 1934 by her majesty Queen Mary , the liner was Cunards express transatlantic passenger ship - with regular crossings from Southampton to New York. During her long service the liner carried over two million passengers, acted as a troop carrier during world war two until she was sold in 1967 to the city of Long Beach, California , where she has remained to this day. The liner has always had stories of paranormal activity, passengers reporting ghostly sightings and unexplained sounds , so who best to ask for more information about these reports that the resident paranormal researcher for the Queen Mary; Erika Frost for the last seven years has guided visitors through the liner for paranormal investigations, so I asked Erika about her journey upon the Queen Mary. Erika explained that her involvement was through a series of events, from losing her mom when she was a girl to an near death experience from a car accident. “I've always had an innate "knowing" of something bigger out there” So, how does someone manage to secure a job on board the ship leading paranormal investigations? Well Erika explained to me that it was an unusual route to employment “I think it was through a series of Divinely guided events, lol! I accidentally ran into the CFO back in 2005 when a friend of mine and I were exploring the ship at 3am. Through explaining why we were in places we weren't supposed to be we started conversation and next thing I know I'm the ships resident paranormal investigator.” Having such a unique venue to investigate for the last seven years I wanted to know what the best experiences Erika has witnessed, “Being there as long as I have has given me opportunity to experience, as well as, witness others experience all kinds of things, from minor noises to having physical altercations with things unseen so it's hard to pick out just one thing - All I can say is that strange and unusual things happen there all the time.

Thinking about the amount of reported activity on board I was keen to know Erika’s thoughts about the actual people behind the ghostly tales. “There are a lot of reported ghosts, however my experience has led me to John (an 18 yr old crew member that got caught in door 13 down in the Engine Room). He's a playful "person in transition" and can be a lot of fun to have around. There are others but he is the one that I have gotten to know and understand the most” Erika does not only rely upon her ability as a psychic but during her investigations uses scientific equipment to try and make contact with the ghostly residents on board. I was interested in her reasons for adopting this approach, “well it helps me realize I'm not going crazy, she laughed “it confirms the voices that I hear are out side of me.

RMS Queen Mary - at her home in California Asking if she could give me an example of using the approach of psychic and Scientifics . “I had an experience where I heard a little girl calling for her mom in spirit form so I asked her to show me where she was and at the same time a friend of mine was working with a Thermal cam. While I was talking with her his camera caught visual shoes of hers (little Mary Jane shoes from her time period) in red, toe to toe, with mine. And then I felt her pass through me (which was also captured on his camera). It was the first time I had ever worked with equipment and up until that time I had always wondered if the voices I heard were real.”

It really changed my life being able to see on a scientific piece of equipment what I heard and felt. It also changed the perspective of my friend. I was no longer the crazy lady that heard voices”,

You can book your paranormal Investigation with Erika Frost via The Queen Mary Website.

Queen Mary Tours So what about the future for Erika, after working on TV shows as the Sci Fi Channel’s “Ghost Hunters,” the Travel Channel’s “Most Haunted,” KCAL Channel 9’s “Lisa’s It List,” “Tyra Banks,” National Geographic and Discovery’s “Haunted Ships.” She has also been heard on international radio on “Coast to Coast AM With George Norry,” Beyond Investigations KBIM Talk Radio and has been featured in various newspaper and magazine articles around the world. Erika talked about her thoughts on this by saying; “Professionally I have been working on a book about my ghost hunting adventures and helping the Queen Mary to re open the Paranormal Research Centre so that others have a place learn, explore and share what haunts the dark depths! Personally, My plans are to continue living in the present for as long as I can because it truly is a gift to be here and to try and share that thought with as many people as I can.” It was a real pleasure to chat with Erika about her role as The Queen Mary’s resident paranormal investigator. The investigation tours aboard the liner run every Friday from midnight. My final thought was a quote from Erika about her investigation format was the use of both a psychic and scientific approach. When discussing her work with those who are scientifically minded she says, "Together we can learn from each other and come to a more meaningful and deeper understanding, one that benefits not only the intellect, but the soul. Maybe we will then marvel at our own energy, the energy that may one day be left behind by us all"

RMS Queen Mary. Reported Paranormal Activity

For many years numerous reports of ghosts and unusual, unexplained activity has been reported , here is just some of the onboard sightings and personal experiences. It has been reported that the old former playroom on board has the spirits of children , however whether this a general perception no one has really established if this is just a rumour or indeed a source of activity from another sighting. The original first class swimming pool area has been noted for noted for many sightings one in particular is that of a little girl holding a teddy bear, when any form of interaction is attempted she disappears - maybe back to the playroom? Other sightings within the swimming pool complex on board are those of wet footprints seen around the pool side, some thing you expect in an area of water , but the pool has been drained of water for many years, other people have witnessed the ghosts of two females in this area and the sounds of someone splashing in water. The documented death of a teenager named John Pedder has led to other stories of ghosts and hauntings. According to the stories, the boy died on the ship during the 1960's and is still believed to haunt the ship. He is often spotted wearing his old coveralls, and walking in the engine room. The engine room of the Queen Mary is also rumoured to be haunted. A story suggests that two men were killed in this area when a door abruptly came down on them. The ghost of John Pedder is one of those two men. A ghostly woman in a white dress is often spotted in the Queen's Salon. And, finally a man from the 1930's who sometimes appears in the first-class staterooms. This man is believed to be responsible for wreaking some havoc on guests. He causes the phone to ring at odd hours, turns taps on and lights on and off.

The empty first class swimming pool


God’s House Tower. Investigation Date. 30/10/2010

God’s House Tower, Southampton

Mystery, un explained noises and sightings of ghostly figures witnessed within the old Medieval cells - got us thinking about holding an overnight paranormal investigations of a unique building owned by Southampton City Council - God’s House Tower. Built in 1417 God’s House Tower once formed part of the defensive walls around the city , it’s chequered history and numerous different roles over the years gave our two researches plenty to get their teeth into for what was to become a night not to forget. The building is divided up into various different rooms and not much structural change has really occurred . Our two mediums for the night were Kathy Bavister and Andy Ford , some of the information they picked up was quite relevant to the research we had undertaken . It was of interest that an impression they had was the building being used as a hospital or people inside the building receiving treatment, although there are no specific records of this the building next door St Julian's Church built in the same era was indeed used as a place known in the olden days as a hospital. During the time when the Tower was used a the city goal, housed within small six feet by six feet cells was up to four or five prisoners, conditions were so bad that various reports criticised the running of the goal , but this area where the cells are seemed to be one the most active parts of the building . During one experiment and vigil , some thing happened to which this day causes great debate with the team and our guests who helped us undertake the nights vigil.

Time 10pm - 06am

Numerous experiments were undertaken during the night , using night vision cameras, thermal image cameras , séances just to name a few. Different reports of people hearing a dragging noise , to footsteps being heard in rooms was all leading us to the old cell areas.

Haunted Southampton Team plus 20 guests. Psychic Team Andy Ford & Kathy Bavister

God’s House Tower Having complete un-restricted access to the building enabled us to undertake some experiments upon the roof. The actual spiral steps leading to the outdoor areas , numerous people felt quite un easy upon one particular step , feelings of being sick and dizzy being reported , it was an area several hours ago when the two mediums walked around on their own that was noted for potential activity. There was an impression of a person falling to their death from the roof, this was from Kathy and during the night the roof area seemed to be an area where people felt quite un easy - whether this was an association to the person falling or the fact that it is quite high is always for debate. However , for most of the people feeling cold and un-easy upon the third step is of note and interest , yet no explanation can be offered for this.

The Old Cells; Myself and a few others decided to start a vigil in the area where the old cells are located , this was about 3-15am. At first it seem quite steady going as we were asking out for any movement or interaction with us , having set up a few temperature and hygrometers within the room we were surprised to notice a very quick environmental change in this area. Research suggests that when any ghosts or spirits are within close proximity the temperature will drop and humidity will increase , this is what was starting to occure.

As with all things related to the paranormal explanations can be offered to what is occurring as natural occurrence , the image is taken in real time and only uploaded through Flukes thermal software - is it the image of a person in the cells well who knows , taking into consideration of all the other things occurring at the same time it is a picture of interest .

Read The Full Report You Can read the full investigation report on line and see more pictures and outcomes of the investigation at Gods House Tower

Read Here

Within the corner of the room where two old cells were used during the Victorian times we could all hear tapping noises in response to questions being asked , the tapping seemed responsive , non rhythmic which should rule out any machinery noise. Within a time frame of about fifteen minutes the temperature had dropped by ten degrees the sound of what seemed to be shuffling feet was heard from the cell areas and temperature was swinging from hot to cold as if some thing was moving around us. Using the thermal image camera we were able to track the movement of the cold areas and noting the different swings in temperature. Asking the person who was holding the thermal camera to take pictures of where we could all hear the shuffling I think we were all a bit taken aback at what was being revealed to us. The thermal showed what looked like the outline of a person crouched down in the cell area.

Front Entrance to God’s House Tower The God’s House Tower investigation was one of those venues that offered more questions than answers. The audible sounds heard during the night by many different people was of real interest . The upstairs corridor that was just wide enough for one person to walk through was an area of note. Loud thumbing noises were recorded at least twice during the night - the council staff who volunteered to stay with us all night had not heard these in the past , but there again no people have really stayed overnight in the tower for many many years most probably last time was during the second world war. We are still researching the possibility of people falling from the roof and the Celine , which seemed to come up several times during the night either through the use of séance boards and a name mentioned by one of the psychic mediums when the building was empty prior to everyone turning up. The time was right for investigating God’s House, the building is now being used for storage and no longer open to the public. All of it’s artefacts have been moved to the new Sea City Museum and the future of the building remains unclear. I guess one thing that can’t be moved to the new city museums is the old built into the walls prison cells and maybe the ghosts of those who were locked up inside and like to re visit now and again .

Editors Thoughts Since the last issue of the Paranormal Press I have been surprised who has contacted me offering to write articles for the journal. I think it is really good to network with different people within the industry and to find out different peoples points of view , different paranormal experiments they are currently developing and various ways to investigate. I was recently asked to join a local group of very enthusiastic investigators who were undertaking an evening vigil in Winchester. I was made very welcome and enjoyed the opportunity to meet like minded people. From the very early days of Haunted Southampton time has always been an issue so, it was nice to have an evening of being able to relax , my appreciation to Mike & Hayley for their hospitality. It has been great fun talking with Erika about the Queen Mary, some time ago it was suggested that the liner be towed back to Southampton as a tourist attraction, however the fortunes of The Queen Mary have turned a corner and the amount of events on board is just amazing, just shows what you can do with a bit of thought. The investigations of Season four start on Saturday 8th September. Myself and the team have been working it seems non stop visiting venues, following up on stories of ghostly activity and planning the next ten events. On top of that, the arranging of The Southampton Ghost Walks with Derek has really paid off and I hope it is some thing together we can plan to look at different events to host, the idea of investigating the vaults is really quite exciting for us, as Southampton has a network of medieval underground areas , reading one publication recently, it aligned the vaults to the wonderful underground areas of York. A few thanks to several people over the last few months, to James and Becky whose house is the focal point for all of our team meetings, sometimes a quick hour meeting leads into us realising the time and it is 1am in the morning , the agenda seems to get longer and longer so I think I owe them a few pints of milk and a box of tea bags. I know we are all looking forward to season four , I wonder what paranormal activity can be witnessed , photographed, recorded and discussed over the next nine months , thank you for your continued support and we all hope to see you soon for the night in some venue that the owners are reporting ghosts well as always together we can offer them a very experienced opinion.

News Local author James Marsh has a new book due out soon Not a Guide to Southampton . There are a number of ghost stories within James’s look at the city of Southampton. Hopefully we can have another interview soon with James to discuss what his new book looks like and its content. Ghosts in the papers‌ Is there any truth in the Chinese folklore that during the Zhong Yuan festival the gates of hell are opened allowing all wandering and suffering spirits to enter the earthy realm? I found this interesting article within the Malaysian press Read the full article here Notre Dame, ghost breeding ground ? Some interesting thoughts about universities and alleged hauntings around the world ‌ Full article here The Willard Library Ghost Cams were inspired by the question "Is Willard Library Haunted? One of my favourite ghost cam viewing sites -


Penny Legg

Andy Ford

Writer, Editor, Photographer, Tutor.

Psychic Medium

I am a British author, journalist and writing tutor. I also take the photographs to illustrate my books and articles. I am the editor of Bulletin magazine and I tutor nonfiction students for the University of the third Age. I am the founder of Writing Buddies, the group for writers in Southampton. I run workshops and give talks on aspects of writing , my life and work.

I am an experienced psychic medium and Tarot reader. I undertake paranormal investigations and work as an individual running workshops and public demonstrations. I also take personal booking for 1-1 readings.

Erika Frost

Erika Frost is a paranormal media personality and psychic. She spent several years working on various projects aboard the Queen Mary. Keith Charles James Lysandrides Juliet Collins

As well as being a former Metropolitan Police CID officer, I have continued to blend both my Spiritual and material worlds helping Law Enforcement Officers and Investigators worldwide. I love demonstrating my Spiritual gifts at venues all over the world. I look forward to meeting you at one of my events

Location Manager - working for Haunted Southampton Ltd . Company director at Haunted Southampton. Researcher and article writer of paranormal investigation reports. Ron Fabiani

Taking the role to source new venues for the undertaking of various events and paranormal investigations. Contact via E mail to discuss venue location E Mail Here Lura Ketchledge

Margaret Bartlett Paranormal Investigator based in Australia . Writer of paranormal articles and investigates with ; West Australian Paranormal Researcers

Ron has been intrigued by the Paranormal for many years. Since 1987, Ron has enjoyed tours of many notoriously haunted areas around Chicago-land. Investigator with Chicago Paranormal Detectives.

Paranormal author and movie producer based in Kentucky, USA Follow on Twitter

Readers Thoughts Hi , my name is Margaret Bartlett , I go on regular ghost hunts with a wonderful West Australian paranormal team and like to do write ups on as many of them as I can. I do write slightly tongue in cheek but I find that is a nice alternative to what can be an in-depth topic. I have written previously and submitted articles for a paranormal magazine.

Now it isn’t every day you can drive past a suburban cemetery and witness a car park full of black clad, giggling girls and boys. Of the adult variety of course, we would never condone having your young children out in the cold, dark night to go looking for ghosties and ghoulies. And to those that may offer their little darlings for the purpose of scaring off any unwanted entities (either of the deceased or living kind) we wish to thank you in advance and kindly point out that our own little darlings are on call for such a purpose. For those that have had the opportunity to tread the late night board walks with WAPR you would be well versed in the traditional welcome committee that usually greets you as you arrive at the night’s location. (For those that haven’t yet had the experience I would recommend jotting your name down when you see that familiar hunt roll call, unless of course you’re out of area. WAPR loves all of their members but waiting for your plane to arrive at the airport may cause serious hunt delays and to be honest I don’t think the “hunt, hunt, hunt” chant can be carried on that long without serious voice and throat damage). But back to the story! Imagine if you will, pulling into the cemetery car park (with the obligatory RRR! Bang noise…. Yes the jerking forward motion must accompany the sound effect), opening the car door and finding yourself face to face with team WAPR! (Remember guys not to approach strange people in dark car parks unless you are familiar with them, WAPR are recognisable by the shirts they wear which bear the team name). For this particular outing core members Mr Gary Anderson, Miss Monique Pitchford, Mrs Ally Slade, Mrs Amanda Moloney, Mr Brad Stoneman , Mr Jay Nowicki and the ghosts and spirits of Rockingham were our hosts. While Rockingham isn’t our biggest cemetery it can certainly pack a paranormal punch. Stories of giggling girls, shadow people and a general uneasiness have accompanied almost all trips to this site.

Photographs have revealed the unseen and voice recorders have carried the words of the departed to the ears of the living. But would the ghosts of ‘Rocko’ step through the veil once more for this visit? After gathering for pre-hunt introductions and instructions it was time to step over the small linked chain that ran across the entrance path. Jokes of having to make a dash back out of the cemetery and forgetting the chain was there resulting in a firm face plant were passed around . Either side of the main path sat decades worth of headstones. To the right headlights from a passing car lit up the darkened headstones, leaving the rest of the grounds in an eerie shadow that seemed to creep around those further in. Following the brick path the reality of where we were standing became apparent when a neatly mounded plot of Earth glimmered into view under the torch lights. To view headstones that have stood for decades can be awe striking but here before us was freshly moved earth. Thoughts and images of a mourning family walking the same path we had just walked were not hard to conjure. The dried wreathe that would have been placed so lovingly had fallen to the side. Footprints in the surrounding sand showed the last and very final walk taken to carry home a loved one. A second paved path intersected the first, pine trees lined either side. With the waxing moon sitting high in the sky the shadows skipped from between each tree. Camera flashes broke up the remaining darkness, the occasional gasp could be heard as something not seen was captured. Floating mists across the corner of photographs (for those interested Amanda captured a very interesting one and I am sure would be more than willing to share) were scrutinized. Shots of random exhales were taken over and over again in an attempt to rule out any natural cause. A ghost hunters best friend can be an analytical mind! Standing just beyond the intersection point of the two paths two members had bobbed down into the excited ‘Did you see that?’ pose.

(For those that wish to assume this position on future hunts it is best achieved by placing legs shoulder width apart, bending both knees and leaning forward as if trying to look underneath a table from a standing position. If a demonstration is required I am sure that one of our lovely core members would be more than willing to oblige). “Did you see that?” “You mean that shadow that looked like someone walking?” “Yeah that’s the one” As if a war cry had been sounded they jumped forward quickly looking for the source of what they had seen. Nothing. Only the sound of laboured breathing caused by a mixture of heavy damp air and excitement could be heard. The only moving shadows were those caused by the flickering light of the torches as those close by lit up the area. Now to be fair if I was a shadow person and I saw ghost hunters leap at me I would promptly disappear to. With that in mind perhaps our first ghostly presence of the night was shy. The first sightings of the night caused a ripple of excitement, instinctively falling into small groups each headed off in different directions. Further along the main path a gazebo stood with an almost unwelcoming air. How many broken hearts and tear stained faces had stood under its shelter could have been anyone’s guess. The wooden beams seemed to curl and gnarl under the darkness as if something foreboding and unforgivable had taken place to leave a scarring on it. The far right hand corner of the cemetery sat further back than any other point. Bordered by a wire fence strung between pine poles it was by far the loneliest spot. Just beyond the fence bushes and trees looked as though they had many secrets to hide. Somewhere out of sight just beyond the edges of the bush and trees a railway line lay, only detectable by the grinding and groans it made when the large freight trains passed over top of it. In the far opposite corner to the left of the cemetery a small group had gathered. It is in this corner that numerous people have reported the giggling of a small child. Something that I would personally attest to having heard on a previous hunt.

Sitting with hands linked Ally Slade lead the conversation. To the left of them a small child’s grave sat. K2 meters sat either side of the small grave in an attempt to gain any kind of visual proof. Voice recorders were switched on, waiting for the illusive, silent interruption in the conversation. “She wants to know where her Mummy is” Speaking softly as if to her own child Ally explained she didn’t. For any Mother to listen to the heartbreak in a child’s voice as she looks for her Mummy , it can be an emotionally draining experience. The urge to want to hold her and cuddle her would have to be pushed aside, knowing the only comfort that could be offered were kind words. Chitter chatter of children singing, a young boy coming to comfort the small wee girl when she became sad and wanted her Mummy, ghostly footsteps and phantom pinches on the bottom (yes the other side can have a sense of humour) were passed around the small group. Ally’s voice wavering under the emotion as the little girl would once more asked where her Mummy was. “She says her Mummy is very sick” “She wants her Mummy”. With her repeated requests for her Mummy going unanswered our little visitor fell silent. With the rest of the chatter finally falling silent Ally made her way to another area to work with another group, leaving the small group still seated next to the small grave in awe of her talent. The K2 meters that had sat silently suddenly burst into life. For a minute or two the group became excited that perhaps there was still something or someone trying to make contact. Falling silent again our hopes had been dashed. (For the record Ally made her way back to the group and reported that the little girl had followed her and she had sent her back to our group. The time, could be matched to the moments the K2 had sprung to life). After an emotionally challenging, cheeks hurting from laughter, nose chillingly two hours it was time to pack up the equipment and gather together for pictures and goodbyes (for anyone that has been before this can take a minimum of at least another hour. Miss Neeks we are looking at your giggling ways !). Final cuddles and kisses goodbye and we were locked safely back into our cars ready for the trip home where we could curl up into our warm beds and have dreams of ghostly visitations.

Current Project Spotlight The Southampton Ghost Walks Part 2 James Lysandrides

When the opportunity came along to work with Derek Challaghan for our Southampton Ghost Walk it was always a thought of the team to consider other options for people to explore the city. Our second set of walks and mini investigations takes a different look into the ghost stories of the city’s underground vaults The Subterranean Mini Paranormal Investigations We have put together a unique opportunity to explore the medieval vaults underneath the city streets. Many stories about the vaults have always interested us as a team so we would like to undertake a few mini experiments to find out who is haunting these underground areas.

Starting in October we will be offering two dates for these events. These evenings are not for those who have any mobility difficulty as entrance to several of the vaults involves deep spiral staircases down underground , or those of a nervous disposition or suffer from any forms of claustrophobia. During the evening we will be visiting three vaults , each having their own historic tales and ghost stories. Undertaking a few experiments in each vault we hope to make contact with these ghostly figures and try to find out more . Numbers are extremely limited for each event - cost per person ÂŁ10. Tickets can be booked on line or by e mail . To book online visit the Haunted Southampton Ghost Walk page here Haunted Southampton Ghost Walks or E mail Cost ÂŁ10 pp. You can Please remember to wear comfortable shoes and bring your cameras , camcorders and a torch, you never know what you may capture during the investigations.

The walk is led by Derek Callaghan, a professional Green Badge Tourist Guide and member of the Institute of Tourist Guiding.

Guest Contributor Writer & Movie Producer Lura Ketchledge writes for The Paranormal Press

Lifeline from Beyond the Grave

Is there a place between the living and dead a sort of vantage point where your loved ones watch over you after they have died? Before 1994 that kind of question never crossed my mind. Back then I knew there was life after death .I knew ghosts were real and the physical world was a school with mandatory attendance. How I knew these truths is a long story, a story best told in another article. I was sick really sick and tired of paying medical bills with money I didn’t have. My sense of humor was just as shot as my nerves and part of me wished the process of kicking the bucket would hurry up. Like a bad novel I was allergic to the only drug prescribed for the auto immune disease that had taken my youth. I quit my immune suppressing medication and opted out of chemo drugs all together. The details of my decline aren’t important. I will tell you I did all the right things, went to the hospital when I should and kept my doctors up dated on the dreary, miserable symptoms of my illness. So far I was miserable but not dying. When I didn’t think it could get any worse it did. One day like a light switch being turned on my stomach was hot to the touch and all I wanted to do was lay on a cold floor on my stomach. After an expensive round of tests I was told I wasn’t in any danger and other than an enlarged liver and a bad attitude. So medically speaking I was treading water just fine.

the part where I received a burst of emotion from the ghost. He quietly wrote me a physicians order for the operation .Something told me inside he had heard stories like mine before. He was more open to the supernatural then any doctor I had ever met. Waking up after the deed had been done I wondered if the ghost had done me a favor. I felt like I had been gutted like a fish and stitched together bailing wire. I was in hellish pain and unable to take any pain killers .To make matters worse my room mate had pneumonia and guess what I got double pneumonia too.

Two months later I woke up and he was in my room. Not to be too mysterious the person that came to my room was a relative that I loved and knew well .A relative that had died a long time ago. He looked the same as when he was alive down to the plaid flannel shirt he wore and his neatly pressed paints. I couldn’t move or talk as he walked toward me, my only reaction was surprise laced with gratitude. More than anything I was grateful he hadn’t forgotten me. Like a bolt of lightening running through me I felt his concern for me. Then he put his hand on my belly and said your spleen, your spleen. Just as he finished those words he was gone and I was alone in my bedroom with tears streaming down my face.

After the operation I learned just how close I had come to dying. My spleen had been bleeding for months and formed a large blood clot. There is no medical reason that my spleen did not bleed out considering I was taking blood thinning medication for the pain. I was thirty four years old then and would never have seen thirty five if I hadn’t had my spleen removed.

Part of me didn’t care what he said only that he had come back to see me. The logical part of me wondered where in my body was my spleen? Several days later as I was waking up I heard someone whisper spleen, spleen. A few days later the same thing happened again.

My doctors had missed what a ghost did not miss. A ghost that loves me reached out from beyond the grave to save my life.

Now I was worried. I could no longer ignore the message, I knew instinctively it was time to act or I would die. I chose a doctor who knew that I wasn’t a cry baby about my illness. I flat out told him that I was going to die if I didn’t have my spleen surgically removed .I joked that it was a shame that I couldn’t cut it out my self and skip the expensive hospital bill! Sometimes a little gallows humor injected into a tense, dark subject doesn’t hurt. I told my doctor in a round about way what had transpired. I was careful not to mention more than the message. I was quick to cut out

Lura ketchledge

Paranormal Press Talks To…………….. Star of the smash U.S television series Paranormal Cops.

Ron Fabiani Interview by Journalist Tracy Collins

Journalist Tracy Collins asked Ron about his journal into the paranormal In 2003, Ron responded to a 911 call from the owner of a local bar who was complaining to the police about some strange goings on in his premises. Ron attended the call out, and listened as the bar owner explained he was sick and tired of the ghostly apparitions that were frightening his customers away. “I thought it was all a bit over the top,” says Ron, “but I decided to return to the scene in my own time with a couple of friends and a Sony camcorder and just sat there with it. I was completely convinced nothing would happen.”

All the staff quit because they were so scared of the paranormal. He told us to go away and not come back”. Not deterred by the embarrassment of being one of the cops thrown out and barred from the local pub, Ron was still perplexed by the encounter he had experienced at the Tapas bar. He says: “I could not stop thinking if things like this are happening here, they could be happening anywhere.”

But not even the hard-core, tough, but sassy, Chicago land police sergeant was prepared for what happened in the bar that night. “I ended up filming a 3D figure, much like what was reported,” recalls Ron. “ “I ended up filming a 3D figure, much like what was reported,” recalls Ron. “ A three dimensional object that actually interacted with me. It had the density of black nylon - transparent, but not transparent, if you know what I mean. None of us could find the point of origin, explain it or recreate it. We tried, a lot, returning many times to the bar, constantly reviewing the video, showing it to everyone to see who could come up with an answer, but nobody could figure it out” In the end, the bar owner barred Ron from the premises- stating that most of his customers were of Hispanic descent, naturally superstitious, and it was in fact Ron and his investigators that were now causing the problem. “He said we were freaking the customers out” laughs Ron, “that our presence was causing more trouble than the ghost because the Hispanics are a deeply superstitious bunch of people, and they thought we were making the situation worse.

And it was then that the Chicago Paranormal Detectives materialised; a team of fully trained investigators who would by day be cops, and by night investigate reports of paranormal activity on the streets of Chicago. “We are all sceptical, but we do all believe in the paranormal,” says Ron. “There is proof of the paranormal and that is something that in itself can’t be explained. Since I have been involved in this job, I have been forced to rethink everything I ever thought I knew. This entire field is based on speculation. I cannot reasonably or realistically tell you what can or cannot happen. We don’t know the limits, we push the limits. That’s why and how we investigate. I am by instinct a policeman. I need evidence. I don’t care what people say, I want them to show me.”

Despite the locker room humour dished out by their fellow officers, in 2008 Tom Froelich, another member of the investigating team, telephoned Ron about creating a TV show about the Chicago Paranormal Detectives. Initially Ron refused: “I was convinced it would never go anywhere,” he laughs “but I was wrong.” Tom persisted with the idea and Fabs finally agreed-and the hit TV series, Paranormal Cops, became a reality.

Today the team consists of investigators Ron, Tom Froelich, Austin Weinstock, Pete Schleich, investigative assistant, Scot Ziarko and medium Cindi Muntz. The team only investigates paranormal activity on request, and even then all applications must meet a certain threshold. And it is one big threshold. “We don’t just take on anything”, explains Ron. “We have a strict set of criteria- for example we won’t carrying out an investigation in a busy hotel room because there would be electrical interference from modern day appliances. It would affect the equipment we use so there is no point. Our investigations are treated like crime scenes. Anything that could contaminate evidence has to be eliminated, and if it can’t be, then we don’t investigate it.”

“Sure,” he says in his slow American drawl,” I’ve been frightened on the inside but I don’t show it. It’s a police thing- we disconnect from emotion. You don’t have the luxury of being able to cry, be sick or run away screaming like some little girl. I have been intrigued, unsettled- but I keep it on the inside. When you are in the moment you just accept what’s going on- it’s beyond comprehension. But, yeah. I’ve been frightened, sure I have.” Despite dealing with hardened criminals and paranormal activity on a daily basis, it is not being shot or coming face to face with a demon that really frightens Ron. “My biggest fear is how I can juggle everything, my children are my main priority and I don’t see them enough as it is.” A father of four, Ron likes to spend what spare time he does have with his children. He has also formed a band called Open Key with Austin Weinstock and performs original rock acoustics. Ron really hopes the band will take off, and the Chicago Paranormal Detectives are currently in negotiations with a production company about another TV venture. “The band is what we hope will really work,” he says “that or TV. We are geographically limited because we are policemen. We are tied to the job. I am a policeman and a father. I can’t abandon my life and have stars in my eyes. I’ll just see what the future holds: I don’t know. If it all takes off then that’s great, but if it all falls flat, then, hey, that’s ok too.”

And Ron, infamous for always having a cigar hanging from his bottom lip, is not afraid to admit that he has himself been spooked by some of the things he has seen. The Paranormal Press - A huge thanks to Tracy Collins for undertaking the interview , Much more information about the team , current news and more can be found via their website

Ways To Contact The Dead The appliance of science within paranormal investigations By Peter Collins Tips for using Thermal Camera

During any paranormal investigation it would make good practice to look at the various pieces of equipment used to try and establish or even discount if any paranormal activity is occurring. So often I see or am made aware of some thing new coming onto the market that is supposed to enhance the toolbox of any paranormal investigator and often I am quite surprised when items are for sale, the strange price when some thing is labelled for ghost detection. In my experience often the eyes and ears are the best pieces of equipment , however I do enjoy using equipment as I nor the Haunted Southampton team claim any psychic ability. Here is some of our thoughts about the specific equipment we use during investigations.

Thermal Image Camera Owning a Fluke thermal camera has enabled us and our guests an opportunity to investigate venues at a different level. The camera we use has three different pallet settings which enable you to scan and record images of areas with potential paranormal activity. Thermal cameras enable you to view an area in a spectrum that is beyond our own eyes, even recording in zero lux environments. The main focus is to establish heat residue or examine potential cold areas , some times for a natural explanation for example if people felt an area was becoming colder - the camera can establish cold air sources or scan a person to examine exactly if this is a form of psychological thought of coldness or if indeed temperature is dropping in a specific area. Capturing heat residue is also an area you can examine - if for example is noted for the footsteps of ghosts then any heat / or indeed cold imprints can be easily recorded. Often during investigations people have felt they have been touched - again the thermal camera can establish exactly if this phenomena is occurring. Although the cameras are extremely expensive , the benefits to record real time activity during an investigation saves time and resources as the on the spot ability to discount paranormal activity is crucial. There again , the opportunity to capture evidence is for us fascinating, the cameras are extremely popular for our guests to use during our events.

Make sure you focus the lens using the adjustable dials. The Fluke camera can scan an area in three different palettes easily selected to suit your likes. Try and keep the camera still or move slowly if sweeping an area for any activity. When taking pictures of any potential activity try and take two images for future reference.

The software that comes with all Fluke thermal cameras is the extra addition to the expense. Post investigation analysis using the software is of such high quality, we are often amazed at the pictures we have captured , are they paranormal activity ? Well have a look and see what you think for yourself.

Are these the footsteps of a ghost ? Taken during our investigation of Northwood Manor. The picture was taken during a vigil within the old caretakers flat - no one was walking around the room , so who or what was causing this heat residue on the floor?

In The Next Issue October , the time for Halloween, Paranormal Press looks at the myths and legends surrounding this time of year and the different ways it is celebrated around the world.

Psychic Medium

The Edinburgh Vaults

Investigation Spotlight

Tony Stockwell

An insiders view into the ghost stories and reports of ghostly sightings deep underground the city of Edinburgh

We report upon a recent investigation of ;

Talks to the Press

Northwood Manor House

Do you have a story? If you would like to write an article for the Paranormal Press about your experiences of the paranormal please contact via e mail. If you own a venue that has any ghostly activity occurring then maybe you would like to share with us or if you are involved in mediumship , develop different paranormal experiments or just interested in investigating the world of paranormal experiences we would love to hear about it. Articles can be sent in “ Microsoft Word Format” and contain about 300 words , any pictures you have or may want to share then send us a line. Pictures can be sent in either Jpeg or Png format.

Contact here via E Mail

© Paranormal Press is the journal for Haunted Southampton Ltd.

JulietWrites It Down Thinking inside the box.

The other day I found myself with some free time (a rare occurrence round here) and decided to catch up on some of the more spooky shows I have recently recorded. Settling upon an American offering that claimed it followed a panel of experts attempting to debunk various local legends, I snuggled down under the blanket with a cuppa and a couple of Pete’s legendary bourbons (don’t tell him) to enjoy the show. Unfortunately at the end of half an hour I was stood on the sofa yelling at the TV – practically jumping up and down with frustration. The story goes that a local legend in a small town somewhere in the USA tells of a terrible accident – a school bus full of children broke down on a level crossing and was hit by a high speed train, killing all inside including the driver. But now it seemed that if your car broke down or indeed stopped on the approach to the lines, it would mysteriously roll up the incline and across the tracks, ending up well out of harm’s way, with no visible means of propulsion. If you left the hand brake off. For the entire second half off the show ( the first half was about eerie lights that appeared in the sky at certain times in another out of the way town) I watched, increasingly irritated, as they proceeded to roll the car without and then with occupants across the lines, then cleaned it, did it again and dusted it for fingerprints. Then they rustled up a large yellow school bus and repeated the whole procedure, with a large advert break in the middle (thank God for fast forward). Endless repeats of the previous clips followed, and then they dug up the geological reports of the area in case there was a large deposit of magnetically charged natural material in the vicinity, and then the area was photographed and checked for EMF readings, and the entire time I was yelling “GET A B****Y SPRIT LEVEL!!!!” Low and behold they finally get a theodolite and proclaimed that the reason the vehicles magic themselves across was because the road was actually on a slope downwards, not an incline as it appeared to be and that the only mysterious force involved was in fact gravity. Wow. It took a panel of ‘experts’ trained in paranormal investigation to get to the root of that weirdness. This brings me to the main issue of my annoyance. Not the way that they dragged it out when the solution was obvious, or that it was a blatant way of filling airtime and making something mundane seem incredible. It was the way that they assumed that we would sit, mouths open, dazzled by their ‘professionalism’, as if we did not have a brain in our skulls that made me madder than anything else. There they were checking geological reports and finger print dusting, thinking themselves right out of their boxes. Taking it for granted that we would sit in awe of their ‘expertise’. As far as I am aware there are no legitimate university courses, no recognised qualifications and no governing bodies that allow someone to call themselves a ‘professional’ paranormal investigator. There are no experts in this field – which actually is not even recognised as a field. Most centres of academia usually laugh someone out the door if they claim to be a ‘ghost hunter’. What we are and what we do is as an amateur. You can be experienced, casual or just do it for fun, but we are all trying to make our own conclusions and discover our own proof. Thinking ‘out of the box’ is a modern buzz phrase for making choices and decisions that are not in the usual frame of reference. Looking for solutions that would not normally be considered. Being daringly different, quirkily unusual. And that is what this show was trying to do – make the self professed ‘experts’ seem like incredibly clever professionals, thinking out of their boxes. When all they had to do was be normal and look for the simplest answer – the one inside the box. After all – when you think about it, who are they trying to convince? Us? Or themselves? Look forward to seeing you soon on an investigation


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