We magazine vol 1

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Vol. 1 Prince of Persia VS Assassin´s Creed Pages 5-6

Made by: Hector Giovanny Alexander Uribe Mojica Written Engish 4 Teacher: Clara Onata Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2015

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Greek Myths

Source: http://www.talesbeyondbelief.com/images/names-of-greek-gods-2.jpg

Since the beginning of history, mankind has tried to explain their origin, being Greek myths one of the most complex stories told about our origins. Greek myths included gods in their stories. These gods have a lot in common with humans, such as being good or bad; this made gods able to make mistakes. In addition, their stories involve human feelings like love, hate, deceive; and above all, they are shown as angry gods, that can vaporize human beings if they wanted to. To add more confusion, some people, especially philosophers, used the myths as a basis supporting their own ideas about mankind, and how people had to behave if they did not want to make the gods angry with them. F o r a l l t h e s e r e a s o n s , historians are not able to show us a coherent story that involves all Greek myths and their vision of mankind.

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Future Plans That I Want To Do A stable job in Colombia is being an English teacher in a public school. That is the reason because I am studying to be a good teacher. However, it is not an easy task, so I have to follow some steps if I want to be teaching in the near future. First, I have to study very hard to learn all that I need for teaching. Next, I need to do some practice to polish my teaching skills and learn how to teach to a big group of people. After that, I want to travel abroad and acquire fluent English and some experiences to share with my students. Finally, I will return to Colombia and teach in a public school.

Image: Male teacher Andy Bell. Photograph: David Sillitoe David Sillitoe/Guardian Source: http://www.theguardian.com/education/2009/jul/14/crib-sheet-email

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Complaint Letter


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Response Letter

Raisa´s Beauty Salon

Sent by: Melisa Triano & Stephanie Jimenez

Prince of Persia & Assassin's Creed: too much similar or too much different? Assassin´s Creed III: Connor Kenway

Prince of Persia III: Light/Dark Prince

Left. Source: Gamespot.com http://static.gamespot.com/uploads/original/123/1239113/2520830-assassin's+creed.jpg Right. Source: Prince of Persia Wiki http://es.princeofpersia.wikia.com/wiki/Prince_of_persia_wiki

Video Games usually are portrayed by people who do not use them as “that jumping guy who smashes turtles”. But that is very far from reality, because there are a lot of video games who are very different between them. Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed are very famous video games. They are very popular among players because of their easy controls, which permit to control the character in a fluent way. Both of them were created by Ubisoft, a big videogame company; for some people they look the same when the player is using them. But that makes them very good for players who want consistency in their games. Both games are also played in a third person camera that allows to watch what is happening around them, being useful in cases that enemies are around the player trying to attack him, instead of a first person camera, which show us only what the character in the videogame is seeing.

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Prince of Persia & Assassin's Creed: too much similar or too much different?

But similarities end there, because they are very different, including their story, graphics, how we handle the main character, and above all, Prince of Persia games are more elaborated and planned; but Assassin's Creed games have more glitches, because of people pushing the producers to have a new game as soon as they end the last one. People need to wait for a better game instead of being impatient and stay quiet









different that other games that they have played before.

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