Newsletter 157:06 10 May 2017_

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Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for 157:07 published Wednesday 24 May 2017 closes Thursday 18 May 2017.

“Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.” Jim Henson

CALENDAR Mon 1 May Tue 2 May Mon 15 May Wed 17 May Wed 24 May Tue 30 May Wed 31 May Thu 1 Jun Mon 5 Jun Wed 14 Jun Fri Mon Tue Wed Fri Wed Fri

16 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 23 Jun 28 Jun 7 Jul

* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.

Pelorus Cluster Teacher Only Day Term 2 begins May Board of Trustees Meeting Assembly 14:15 Maud Is Overnighter National Youth Leaders’ Day – Chch Assembly 14:15 Te Hora Marae visit * Queen’s Birthday Kiwi Can Estuary Clean-up Assembly 14:15 Mid-Year Student Reports June Board of Trustees Meeting Reading Together Pro 1/4 Longest Night – Winter solstice Cluster Tech/Math Challenge - Waitaria Assembly 14:15 End of Term 2 Click item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

Welcome to Term 2. Although the calendar above suggests a more measured pace this term, there are also several activities being quietly prepared for later in the year ie choral singing (Y5-8) and Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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kapa haka (whole school). Three activities are planned which involve small groups; Maud Island overnighter, National Youth Leaders’ Day (Chch) and the Cluster’s Tech/Math Challenge at Waitaria Bay. For all classes the Life Education Mobile Classroom will also form part of the curriculum towards the middle of the term. Last term, on request, we hosted three teachers from Tasman who were interested in how Feuerstein Instrument Enrichment is used with a whole class. They spent virtually a whole day meeting with teachers and spending some time in classes observing the mediation in action. Teaching systematic thinking and learning skills is not a simple or short-term task, but a very important one in the context of helping children make meaning from the waves of information that confront them. Sometimes it’s just thinking about thinking. The following comments were received back from the teachers just before the holidays, We came home so inspired and enthused it was incredible! You gave us so much insight… I love how naturally your staff are mediating and how engaged the children are, it is exciting to see. I really appreciated the time you personally gave to us and wish to thank you… We are now entering the second term of our two-term theme Te Hoiere and Me which aims to develop an awareness of what goes on in our community, how we fit into it as responsible and contributing citizens and the collective impact on our environment. Our theme fits well with the Marlborough District Council's Small Township Programme 'Love Where You Live.' The purpose of this programme is to: • Design a liveable town with an attractive central space • Allow freedom of movement, connectivity and accessibility • Strengthen a sense of place and unique identity • Enhance the use of, enjoyment and pride in outdoor public spaces Our students will be included in the plan for our community to create a kind of place where people want to live, work and play. Having students involved in this process will help them to be informed participants who are able to work cooperatively, take ownership and respect their community. In 2016 the Pelorus Cluster of schools worked collectively to explore Learner Agency and how this supports students in the modern digital context. Although highlighted as a trend in education in 2014, learner agency is well embedded in the NZ Curriculum. Three key elements of learner agency are: • self-regulation of the learner - a belief that their behaviour/approach is going to make a difference • agency is interdependent - learners develop an awareness that there are consequences for their decisions and actions and to take account of that • awareness of the impact of their actions on others’ thinking, behaviour or decisions and therefore a responsibility Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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As we think about how our schools are going to be places that prepare children for life and work in the 21st Century with the skills and knowledge and innovative approaches etc, we need to be encouraging them to be agentic in their learning, because that’s what they are going to need to be able to do beyond school - in work, and as citizens. The Teacher Only Day last week again brought the cluster together to look at this work and how our classrooms promote agency amongst students. Towards the middle of the term we will be inviting parents to explore this further. Mid-year reporting will also occur towards the end of this term with triangular learning conferences discussing goals, progress and support.

MatuaB Kia ora everyone I trust all the children have had a good break over the holidays and some quality family time has been had by all. Thank you to all those who completed the parent survey sent out in Term 1. The response was pretty good with 37% of completed surveys returned. We really appreciated the time taken to respond and for the feedback you provided. At the same time as the parents were being surveyed all staff and the senior students were also surveyed for their feedback. Overall the parent feedback was positive with effective communication, playground equipment, knowing how well students are achieving at Havelock School in comparison with other schools, decision-making processes and leadership opportunities for students, identified as areas for development. All the feedback has been collated and has informed plans to bring about change going forward. Progress against the plans will be monitored every month and at the beginning of Term 3 a review will be carried out to ensure we are on track to bring about the changes identified in the plan. I look forward to continuing to work with the board and staff and meeting parents / caregivers when I’m at the school. Nga mihi

Janet Kelly LSM ANZAC SHOW & AVIATION MUSEUM Tuesday 4 April saw Pelorus students travel to Blenheim for a full day to gain a better understanding of the heritage and history of ANZAC Day and a closer look at what it meant for New Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Zealand to be at war. John Orchard runs a particularly good programme and captivated students very quickly, quietly underlining the more sobering realities our nation faced in the earlier part of the 20th Century. Both the Marlborough Museum and the Aviation Heritage Centre are excellent venues and provided many insights for the senior students. Thanks to Viv and Selena for helping out with wheels on the day. We could easily have spent much longer at both venues. ANZAC Day will have held a new understanding for those attending ceremonies. Thanks George and Ashelyn for laying the school’s wreath on ANZAC Day at the Havelock ceremony. Only a few days later our Year 5/6 students joined Sergeant Paul Schultz from the RNZAF and placed white crosses adjacent to the Havelock Cenotaph in preparation for ANZAC Day. Each city and virtually every small town lost sons, fathers, uncles and brothers at war and it is fitting that they are remembered. It was great to see so many of our students attend the ANZAC service a few days ago in Havelock. STRIDE’n’RIDE SUCCESS During our Week 10 Kiwi Can sessions we learned that per capita, Havelock students walked, scootered or biked to school more often than other students in Marlborough. This initiative took place from 20 February to 5 March. Certificates and frisbees were distributed by Jordy and Di and a voucher to purchase $500 of sports gear was gratefully received.

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ACRYLICS ART PROGRAMME WITH VICKI PARKER A generous grant from The Gallery was realised in the last two weeks of Term 1 with Vicki Parker spending at least 8 hrs working with all classes to produce some fine work. Over successive sessions, shapes and then colours were applied to canvas and some terrific flowers, fruit and waves appeared. Students and teachers were surprised at the quality produced. Following carefully each successive step, made it look easier than expected and every student achieved success. A number of lessons can be taken from this context and applied elsewhere. Very special thanks to Vicki Parker for her preparation, expertise and patience in working with our students – a rather neat way to round off the term and great way for the school to partner with the community in the form of The Gallery and its supporters. Thank you all so much. FRIENDS ART SCHEME At left, seniors receiving their friendship packs from Jon Lawrence who travelled from Norfolk schools to work with Canvastown and Havelock students to prepare packs to return to students in England. The faces of the happy recipients were delightful. Accomplished as an author, contemporary musician (ethnomusicologist), composer and poet, Jon spent three days working with Pelorus students sharing a great variety of the arts from Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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the UK perspective. A friendship song to the melody of Greensleeves had lyrics written and recorded to take back and share. Perhaps Jon’s most obvious link locally is his first book Playing Beneath the Havelock House. In September last year Matua B visited a couple of the schools in which Jon has worked. As ethnomusicologist Jon has a huge interest in waiata and tikanga Māori. Packs were finished in the nick of time and are already in England being enjoyed by other youngsters who now have a small but tangible link from the other side of the world.

COMINGS AND GOINGS Last term we farewelled Kaleb Lawrence from Wakamarina who has moved to Nelson over the holidays. Also Charlie Samuels who headed away to the Coast over the holidays. Best wishes to you both in your new adventures. Conversely we also welcomed Summer Packer-Takarangi from Nelson into Pelorus. Keira Grenfell and Olivia Hayter have also started recently and joined Kaituna. These girls have settled quickly and of course already know many friends from pre-school. Haere mai, nau mai. NO HATS REQUIRED TERMS 2 & 3 The slip, slop, slap and wrap message applies during Terms 1 and 4 so at this time of year this means brimmed hats are not required when playing outside and the play in the shade message is relaxed. Thanks for the support in ensuring the SunSmart message becomes habit. THANKS, CANNODALE CONTRACTING Thanks to Scotty for coming to our aid last term and solving our drainage problem. Once discovered the prompt response had it sorted in about 80 minutes – must be some sort of record. Thanks Scott, much appreciated. See the ad further down. CROSSING VOLUNTEERS As part of discussions with Kenepuru children and some parents, the idea of having adult volunteers helping manage children crossing SH 6 at the school from 08:30 to 08:55 has been mooted. This crossing is not a pedestrian crossing in terms of the road code. As such, pedestrians cannot expect the traffic to stop just because they are waiting to cross. At all times, pedestrians cross at their own risk. After school, given the numbers of children crossing in a single movement means teachers make the call when to cross – managing children, not the traffic. To help widen the margin of safety before school, there may be sufficient interest by adults/parents in the community to set up a roster for the 25 min before school ie 8:30 – 8:55. Should you wish to volunteer for a month-long pilot, please contact the school office. If there is sufficient interest some training can be arranged with Police. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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WILD WEST MUFTI DAY – 13 APRIL This event in support of the Nelson/Marlborough Rescue Chopper was very well supported with some fantastic efforts going into the outfits. This gathering secured the prizes but it was a difficult job making the call. Just under $70 was raised for the chopper and the games during morning break took on a very distinctive western flavour. The line dancing proved popular and

a short time later these characters were seen sneaking through the playground as well. A great way to end the term. HI-VIS All students either own or have been issued with a Hi-Vis vest (yellow or orange) with the expectation that wearing these to and from school, regardless of mode of transport or proximity to school, will become the new norm. This is an obvious response to the concern around safety especially when travelling on the main road which now has higher volumes of traffic, much of which is commercial and large. Bus students invariably include open road stops. Even the school car park is hazardous so we ask that all students wear their Hi-Vis vests whenever travelling to or from school, regardless of who they might be with or how they are travelling. PLAYGROUND WORKING BEE Sunday 9 April saw about fifteen members from both the parent and wider community come to donate about three and a half hours of labour to progress the playground which is now taking some definite shape. The Lawrence crew have done much work also in shaping the “Sounds” and ensuring the substrate drains as planned. Thanks to those who came out on what was a beautiful autumn morning. Like pretty much all jobs, they are easier when Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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done as a team. Thanks so much for making the effort. Clearly there is more work to be done so watch this space and the school’s Facebook page for the next opportunity to help. READING NIGHTS (to 11 April) 25 nights Azza Powell, Hamiora Wilson-Steele, Conrad McGhie, Gareth Foote, Ben Robbins 50 nights Curtis Mckay, Cushla Brownlee, Bailey McLean-Waltho, Lauree Foote, Ellie Gatjens, William King, Josh Steele, Phynix Lagden, Anika McPhee 75 nights Max Skehan, Skye Gatjens, Isla Baillie, Liddy Horton-Smith 100 nights Hannah Roborgh POOL KEYS PLEASE There are now only just a few pool keys still out and about. Please get these back as per the terms of the Pool Key-holder season agreement. The pool has been winterised. The shade frame destroyed in the January wind storm is being rebuilt in readiness for the 2017-18 summer swimming season. COMMUNICATIONS In this day and age there are many ways available to stay in the loop. In fact, there are so many loops we feel quite overwhelmed sometimes at what information is literally at our fingertips. Despite all this modern media, often the reason for a coffee is simply to create space and time for face to face conversation to catch up on the small stuff. So too with much that goes on at school. Very often the slice in time before school dropping off children or conversely at the end of the day is a good time for a brief “on the hoof” update on small but important items. Whilst very welcome, teachers can be caught between being a good listener and having to do their playground, classroom or after-school road duties. Bearing this in mind, should the catch-up warrant a bit more time than first thought, arranging some “coffee” time as soon as possible is probably the best option. Another option is of course a phone call after school when teachers are generally more available and less likely to be committed. Teachers are in classes usually from 8:30 and throughout the day, could be on duty, involved in a meeting, taking a break, preparing the next session, marking or having lunch. The same general rule of thumb applies to Matua B who teaches first thing each day but is happy to take calls or indeed stop for some “coffee” at other times but is best arranged with Mrs McQuarrie. Should an issue or concern need more time and perhaps formality then the procedure for Complaints, Concerns or Issues (3.10) is best followed. In this way there is a greater likelihood the issue will receive the attention it deserves and resolution more likely and quickly reached. This procedure is available in hard copy from the foyer/office and is also on line here on the school’s website under Quick Links - Documents.

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Staying in the loop in both directions for the small stuff is very easy when using the PTC (Parent Teacher Calendar) smart phone app. Havelock School has this available courtesy of generous local businesses. It has recently been used to send out messages – but you must of course have it loaded and connect to the right school and group as messages can be filtered as desired. There is a Bus Group, and one for each class currently. Others can be set up as necessary ie a travelling group. There are also a number of quick useful links. To download the app just search for ptc in your app store and once downloaded, locate Havelock School. This app is free. TE HORA MARAE VISIT This has only very recently been confirmed and a special flyer will be coming home in due course. Essentially all pupils will visit on Thursday 1 June with Wakamarina and Pelorus students staying overnight on the marae. Preparatory work is already underway.

Havelock Volunteer Fire Brigade Needs more Members

We are in desperate need of new members who are over 16 and live and/or work in Havelock. Our numbers are getting low and we are getting close to not being able to respond to calls at certain times of the day. So if you want to help your community and have a bit of fun along the way please come and see us. If you’re interested, come along to a Thursday training night between 6:00 and 6:30pm or ring Ryan on 021 190 5991 if you have any questions. JUNIOR BADMINTON Junior Badminton for 7-15 year olds is on Mondays from 5:30 – 6:30pm at St Mary's Hall, cnr Hodson & Francis Streets. Come along to learn about badminton and have fun. $30 per term or $5 a night. Please wear non-marking shoes and bring a drink bottle. For more info ph Anna or Mike 579 1954 or see our website Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Kiwi Can

in Term 2 is all about… Respect for School representing our school with pride

Respect for Community learning to contribute to our community

Respect for the Environment making a positive impact on the environment Every week over 1700 Marlborough children are learning the importance of Respect at Kiwi Can - made possible by the support of our amazing local sponsors

Eckford Engineering Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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MAINLY MUSIC 10am - 11am every Friday at St Peter's Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. Music and movement for pre-schoolers. $2 donation per family. Morning tea provided.

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The Flu Vaccines are in at the Havelock Medical Centre Please phone 574 2233 for an appointment

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ENSURING TEENAGERS AND OLDER CHILDREN ARE IMMUNISED Immunisation week was last week (1-7 May) but every week is important when it comes to insuring teenagers and older children are immunised. Those born during the 1990s and early 2000s may have missed out on measles and other important immunisations because they were born before the National Immunisation Register reminded health professionals and parents when immunisations were due. The Ministry of Health’s overarching key messages are below. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Make sure your teen is up-to-date with all their immunisations. Immunisation at age 11–12 provides ongoing protection against tetanus, HPV and other serious diseases. Many teenagers missed out on measles immunisation as young children and need protection now against outbreaks. The National Immunisation Schedule is changing to include the chickenpox immunisation for some children. Talk to your family doctor or practice nurse for more information.

• For more information on Immunisation, go to:, or phone 0800 IMMUNE (466 863) • For more information specifically about immunisation for older children, visit: JUNIOR TABLE TENNIS The Marlborough table tennis Association is again running junior table tennis starting Tuesday 2nd May 2017 which will run during Terms 2 and 3. 4pm – 5pm Beginners and developing players. 5pm - Two player teams competition, any gender, A and B grades. Blenheim Indoor Sports Centre 50 Batty’s Road. To register phone Debbie 578 6822, cell 021 163 2140 or e-mail HAVELOCK THEATRE “THE PELORUS JACK-UP” Our next show will be a full-length comedy based in the Marlborough Sounds. Written and directed by Rick Edmonds, it will have its World Premiere on Wednesday 13th September 2017. The season will run until 23rd September (8 performances including one matinee). There are parts for a full age range. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Ian or phone 574 2558 by 8th April. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Captain’s Daughter Bar & Bistro

72 Main Rd Havelock Ph 574 2440

Bookings Recommended

“May” A busy month at the Captain’s Daughter 12th May 7:30pm “Steve Mitchell” Acoustic Blues 14th May Mother’s Day Lunch Free glass of bubbles for mum 17th May 6:30pm Wine Night with Dry Hills rsvp 19th May 7:30pm “Sam” Acoustic Rock Guitarist 26th May 7:30pm Our Resident Bluesman “Denny Jude” Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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