Newsletter 157:15 27 Sep 2017

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VOLUME 157 NUMBER 15 ~ TERM 3 WEEK 10 WEDNESDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 2017 Published every even week during school terms. Posted to school families, the wider community, on the web and emailed by request. Copy and casual advertising for 157:16 published Wednesday 25 Oct 2017 closes Thursday 19 Oct 2017.

Keep smiling… It makes people wonder what you’ve been up to.

CALENDAR Wed 27 Sep Thu 28 Sep Fri 29 Sep Mon 16 Oct Tue

17 Oct

Wed 18 Oct Mon 23 Oct Wed 25 Oct Mon 30 Oct

* Further information elsewhere in the newsletter.

Music Festival ASB Theatre Spring Festival/Pet Day entries (forms) close End of Term 3 First day Term 4 BoT Charter workshop – 19:00 Indoor Spring Festival/Pet Day entries to hall before 15:30 Spring Festival/Pet Day Community Charter Hui 17:30 – Hall * Labour Day Holiday Taiopenga – Marlborough Clubs * Marlborough Anniversary Click item for status and/or info. See also our smart phone PTC app.

KIA ORA TATOU, NGA MIHI NUI The reach of the internet was illustrated clearly last week when the article in edition 157:14 relating to cannabis was itself an item published locally by the Marlborough Express. From there it Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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moved to Stuff ( School newsletter reminds parents term 3 is cannabis season ) and then the BBC picked it up ( New Zealand police enlist school in cannabis crackdown BBC News ) and even the Irish Legal News ( And finally… primary concern? Irish Legal News ). Clearly the newsletter gets around. From the beginning of Term 4 sunsmart hats and clothing will again be expected to be worn when outside. Sunsmart means… • A hat to protect the ears, nose and neck areas and of sufficiently dense material to achieve this • No singlets/string tops ie shoulders, back and upper arms at least are protected by suitably dense clothing Likewise, from the beginning of Term 4 pupils using wheels under their feet at or to/from school, will be expected to wear an approved bicycle helmet. Whilst an expectation and strongly encouraged, compulsory it will not be. Through understanding, education and the habit of wearing a helmet, it is hoped any accidents will have less serious consequences, particularly relating to brain injuries. During Term 4 the Board of Trustees, along with many others in the country will we running its mid-term election which for our school, is two of the five parent-elected trustee positions. The board last week resolved to go with the common NZSTA timetable and date of 1 Dec. Mandy McQuarrie will be the Returning Officer although use will be made of the new NZSTA Votex system. If you’re interested, keep an eye out for the preliminary material coming out next term. There are two further casual vacancies likely to occur in 2018. Welkom to Damon(Y6) and Dean (Y5) Metrovich and their family, recently arrived from South Africa. We look forward to getting to know you and wish you a great start in Aotearoa. Aleera Powell started this week also and from the beginning of Term 4, Stella-Grace Johnson and AnneMarie Illsley-Slape will be joining Kaituna as well. Best wishes all of you for a great start. With the above enrolments, the roll stands at 69. This total falls below the threshold required to maintain the fourth classroom into 2018. At this point 2018 will open with three classes/teachers with .7 provided under entitlement staffing for principal release. This latter position will be advertised in due course. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Thank you to our hard-working teachers and support staff who spend countless hours and huge effort weaving together the curriculum for our youngsters. We wish them a great break before the end of year busy-ness of camps, assessment and reports etc. As notified last week via pupils’ Boomerang Books, for personal reasons I am taking leave from the school for Term 4. Hereunder, our Limited Statutory Manager, Janet Kelly outlines the work she has been doing and introduces our relieving principal. Best wishes for a great term as summer swings around again and Christmas looms. Congratulations to our four students who received a Dolphin Award last week. Ka kite ano

MatuaB FROM OUR LIMITED STATUTORY MANAGER Kia ora tatou As we approach the end of the term, it’s time for me to update you on the areas of employment and curriculum for which I have governance responsibility as LSM. Our principal Ernie Buutveld will be on leave for Term 4 for personal reasons and in his absence Tony Draaijer will be relieving principal. Tony is looking forward to working with staff, the board and parents while he is leading Havelock School. Early in Term 3 an independent person was brought in to review curriculum. The outcome from this review is that the school has been fortunate to have a student achievement facilitator working with the school to help build evaluative capability. Since May we have been progressing through the Outcomes Plan that I developed when first appointed as LSM. The board has reviewed their policies and adopted a new policy framework, an HR Audit has been carried out and trustees have participated in professional development provided by NZSTA. As part of the three-yearly charter review, the board has also been looking at the school’s strategic goals for 2018 – 2020 and as part of this process will be consulting with the community on Wed 18 Oct from 17:30 – 19:00 in the hall during the first week back next term – this is the day of the Spring Festival/Pet Day so easy to remember. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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At the beginning of Term 3 I reviewed progress against the Action Plan and I would like to thank all those who met with me and for their full and frank feedback which was much appreciated. In Term 4 I look forward to working with you all, the board and our relieving principal Tony, to continue building relationships and communications. Throughout, our focus should always be on the students, their progress and achievement. Enjoy the school holidays and if you are going away for a break, have a great time. Nga mihi nui


PELORUS CLUSTER SPEECH COMPETITION On Friday the 15th of September, Grace, Anika, Lafai, Skye and their team of supporters went on a journey in the school van to the Canvastown Hall for the Pelorus Cluster Speech Competition. Once settled in, the speaking order had to be figured for the Y5/6 comp. Out of the hat came first Lafai’s name and so he opened the day. After a nervous walk up on to the stage with butterflies in his tummy, Lafai quickly let us know that his speech was about "Why kids should play sports." Convinced or not, everyone clapped and cheered as he walked off. He said later that he’d done better than he’d expected. Following another five or so presentations, there was a break in which we did a New Zealand quiz of ten questions. The Havelock team names for this were Perfect Pelorus and Havelock Heroes. After that we got straight back into the speeches. Next was Skye’s turn, she slowly stood up feeling pretty shaky. Her speech was about "Not littering." Once again we clapped and cheered our hearts out as she walked off stage. Lots more Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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people from around the region took their turn in due course and soon we had another break for ten more questions. This allowed the judges to do all their marking, which is not an easy job. Next it was the Y7/8 section and Grace went up 5th with her topic “Could hemp save the world." She knew she’d done well because we all clapped really hard. The final speech was Anika’s and her speech was about ''Why 12 year olds should get ponies.” After a bit more waiting, the judges commented on each speaker, noting pace, content, delivery, standing still and giving the listeners time to absorb material. Awards were given and placegetters applauded. Congratulations to all who prepared braving the nerves and crowd. Like all things, the hard work paid off and the experience will be one on which you can build. Well done to Grace who came third in the Y7/8 section. Thanks Mrs Williams and Mrs Wearing for helping all the senior school pupils get a speech together. Students spoke persuasively on a wide range of topics around they felt confident and passionate. Thank you to the Havelock Lions who provided the judges and the monetary prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placings in each section. Source material – Aroha Ward

STORYLINES ~ NZ Authors on tour… On Friday 15 Sep the school hosted two kiwi authors for two simultaneous sessions of 45 min each. While the rain poured and the wind swirled, pupils were spellbound by Juliette MacIver and Gareth Ward. A touch of magic along with the stories behind the stories underlining the effort required, were well told and perhaps for some, provided just enough inspiration to view creative writing as a worthy future. Juliette MacIver is a children’s book author, cupcake chef, amateur cardio-thoracic surgeon, and mother of 14. She holds down three husbands, one of whom is her own, and is considering adding guinea pigs into the mix. In her spare time, she runs a successful online smuggling business, and is a keen anthropomorphisist. She can speak with the creatures of the sea and air, and has had some success in dispersing clouds. On windy days she can cause lighter objects to Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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move with the power of her mind (when not dispersing clouds), and has addressed international audiences on the importance of staying local. A strong advocate for taking it easy, she believes that a person’s worth should not be measured by external achievements. She has twice been nominated for the Orange Nobel Laureate Academy Award. A fierce activist, she has fought for Peace on Earth all over the earth. If she could have any super-power, it would be the ability to kill with a look. She lives in a shoe in a quiet corner of a nursery rhyme. Gareth Ward, a.k.a. The Great Wardini is a magician, hypnotist, storyteller, bookseller and author. He has worked as a Royal Marine Commando, Police Officer, Evil Magician and Zombie. He basically likes jobs where you get to wear really cool hats – as writer and compere of Napier City’s inaugural Steampunk murder mystery evening he wore a rather splendid bowler. Born in the town of Banbury in the UK, he attended the University of York where he gained a joint honours degree in Biology and Computer Science. If you want your cat reprogrammed, he’s your man. He currently resides in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand where he runs two independent bookshops, Wardini Books and Wardini Books Napier with his wife Louise and son Max. With his daughter Alex he has developed a zombie apocalypse survival plan and is regularly disappointed when power cuts prove not to foreshadow the end of the world. He has a goldfish called Luna, a dog called Tonks and is certain his letter from Hogwarts has been lost in the post. His first novel ,The Traitor and the Thief, a rip-roaring young adult Steampunk adventure, won the 2016 Storylines Tessa Duder Award. The national tour is funded by Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust as part of the Storylines Festival. Storylines has run their national festival since 1993 with the aim of bringing together children's writers, illustrators, poets and storytellers with their readers and audiences, to enjoy books and reading, and to encourage literacy.

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DOUBLE DOLPHIN AWARDS The following were congratulated last week during our assembly for their integrity with a DOUBLE DOLPHIN Award.

Congratulations to…

Grace Probert Ayla McPhee Courtney Brownlee Azza Powell

ORAL HEALTH MOBLIE UNIT… All dental appointments have been attended after the mobile unit has been in its Havelock location over the last three weeks. No wasted appointments! Thanks for caring about oral health and for sharing reminders in your newsletters. 0800 833 849 to make/change appointments. Best Regards Heidi Owers Oral Health Educator: Marlborough

TAIOPENGA ~ WED 25 OCTOBER Rehearsals continue and in only the second week of Term 4 the school will be on stage at The Clubs around mid-day. With Labour Day being a holiday on the Monday, time will be precious. In the first week back, a transport slip will seek help moving pupils to Blenheim and back. Coupled with the Spring Festival/Pet Day and Community Consultation Hui on the charter, the first week back will be very busy. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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COMMUNITY CONSULTATION HUI – SCHOOL CHARTER AIMS 2018 – 2020 Wed 18 October 17:30 – 19:00 School Hall

School charters’ long term aims usually look three to four years ahead and as 2017 draws to a close, it is time again to view the direction in which the school needs to be headed. The Board of Trustees has been quite reflective over the last few months and has begun drafting a number of broad aims in preparation for wider discussion with the community of Havelock School’s current and future parent community. The school’s mission, vision and values no doubt will also be aired. The following are draft suggestions and trustees would value your input before a draft 2018 charter is pulled together. The charter needs to be submitted with the Ministry of Education by 1 March 2018. • Lifting achievement - improve outcomes for all students, particularly those at risk of not achieving (Reading, Writing & Maths Targets and Building evaluative capability) • Prepare students as life-long learners for 21st Century (learner agency and thinking) • Recognise and participate in a positive way in Havelock’s unique environment” • Strengthen the school profile (meaningful and sustainable partnerships with our community) Vulnerable Children’s Act… this was discussed a number of times recently by trustees and in particular, the implications around non-core school staff. More and more schools are realising that non-core people such as volunteers who work with and around pupils whilst at school or off-site, must remain under the visual supervision of vetted staff members. In most cases this is entirely possible but beyond a classroom, this becomes problematic. Regular volunteers who work in the school already are Police vetted (3 yearly) as are core staff. Volunteers on overnight camps have in the past completed a signed agreement showing they understand and will abide by the duty of care required. However, under the new law, and by way of best practice, the board now requires parents staying overnight on camps to also be Police vetted. Wakamarina, Kenepuru and Pelorus parents will be happy to know this process is well underway for the Term 4 camps. The board is looking also at the times when children are transported by volunteers/parents/friends when helping take pupils to/from school events ie Taiopenga, CrossCountry, camps, etc. Trustees would value discussion about extending the vetting requirement for all adults who put their hand up to volunteer taking transport. This hui will allow some time for this discussion. The school, as a crown entity, submits a request to vet an individual to the Police once the form and consent are received. Information comes back to the principal only. Should any concerns be flagged then discussion will follow with the individual. More info… Police Vetting Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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READING NIGHTS 75 nights 100 nights 150 nights 175 nights 200 nights 225 nights

Chloe Hackett, Jayden Wilson-Steele Olivia Hayter,Georgia Illsley-Slape, Hamiora Wilson-Steele, Ben Robbins Falcon Pope, William King, Alex Garland, Ollie Foote, Abbey Lawrence, Alfie Foote, Phynix Lagden Bailey McLean-Waltho, Lauree Foote Emily Lawrence, Curtis Mckay, Courtney Brownlee, Ayla McPhee Jack Mckay, Josh Steele, Emma McCauley, Ellie Gatjens, Conor Clark, Skye Gatjens

FRIENDS OF HAVELOCK SCHOOL Fundraising, every school needs it!! Friends of Havelock School would like to become a parent-driven fundraising “ball of fire” for Havelock School. We will be responsible for fundraising and social activities within the School Community. With co-operation and support from us, the Board of Trustees and teachers, we will endeavour to achieve the best possible outcomes for the School. Our school needs you!! To get Friends of Havelock School up and running we need membership numbers up (automatic membership if students currently enrolled), we then establish a committee. If you would like to be part of the committee, please let us know. Friends of Havelock School welcomes members of the community and extended family so if you know of anyone, please spread the word. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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If you feel you’ve skills, talents or ideas to share or would like to help in some way please let us know we are open to all suggestions and support. Come and be part of Friends of Havelock School. We will all work together, to support and achieve whatever needs and resources the teachers and children require to make Havelock School a better learning and social environment for our children. Every bit of help, whether it’s big or small, will be appreciated!! Next step! Fundraise, Fundraise and Fundraise some more!!! Search Facebook “Te hapori whanui” to join today or alternatively contact Jeanette on 574 2076 or

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Can you be convinced?


Speech prepared by Grace Probert

Imagine if there was a plant that could save the world, that could house us, feed us, clothe us, build bridges and roads and the cars that drive upon them, produce the fuel our cars run on. A fireproof house even! Imagine that! A plant that could produce biodegradable plastic that won't clog up the oceans and take years or lifetimes to break down in landfills. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well there is... it's called hemp. A plant that can do all of that and more. Hemp has been and can be made into many things. In the 1940’s Henry Ford made a car out of hemp fibre. It ran on biofuel fuel made from hemp oil and the car shell was so strong you could whack it with a sledge hammer and it wouldn't even dent! Houses can be made from a substance called hempcrete, which has no need for insulation, because it breathes! When the air is cold outside it actually tightens, releasing moisture and loosens when it's hot, keeping an even temperature throughout the house. Hempcrete can not only breathe, but won't catch fire! Most people think hemp is just cannabis, but they’re actually cousins. They look alike, but hemp does not have the THC that gets you high. No matter how much you smoke, it won't get you high, just a big headache. Hemp is 95% more sun protective than cotton and did you know that in 1873 the first Levi jeans were made from hemp fibre, no wonder they lasted so long! The Chinese are currently making astronaut suits out of hemp fibre and they are bulletproof! Also the U.S military uniforms were made of hemp during world war ll. Speaking of World War ll they used to fly the Spitfire planes on hemp bio fuel. How incredible is that? Also hemp rejuvenates toxic and contaminated soil and cleans the air we breathe. Blenheim is known for its grape vines, but wouldn’t it be better if it was known for its hemp farms, that are breathing life back into the earth? Why can’t we stop planting grapes that are being sprayed with chemicals that are leeching into the ground and into the cows and sheep eating the grass that we then eat? Hemp grows to its full maturity in just 4 months, whereas pine trees take up to 20 years. Hemp also uses half the amount to grow. I bet you’re wondering why don't we know this? Could it be because it would put a lot of companies out of business? The government are supposed to be doing all they can to make this world better, but in my opinion it's not getting any better for the actual earth. So let's help this world we are damaging, because we can use this plant for anything and everything, and I have to say if you don't believe in hemp, then you must be a bit dopey. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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MESSAGE TO CONTRIBUTING SCHOOL FAMILIES AND WHĀNAU From Jo Chamberlain and Michael Heath - Marlborough Girls’ and Boys’ Colleges It’s not too late to have your say on how we deliver secondary education in Marlborough in the future… Community consultation We’ve had a great response from the public on our co-location vision and aspirations this term, both at our drop-in sessions and via our online survey. Our community consultation closes at 5pm Friday 29 September, and we urge you all to participate in the online survey. This is your chance to have your say on the future of how and what we deliver in secondary education in Marlborough, and will directly inform the planning for the new colleges’ campus. Just follow this link: Our next step is to collate all the feedback that we have received from the community and develop Education Briefs for the Ministry of Education and co-location architects before the end of the year. This briefs will be based on the aspirations that our community holds for our colocated colleges, from the learning spaces and facilities to the schools’ values and cultures, and will inform the design and features of the co-located campus. Public information evening The colleges will be holding a final public information drop-in session to provide more information and gain feedback on the co-location vision and aspirations on Wednesday 27 September, from 6pm to 7pm at Marlborough Girls’ College (follow the signs from reception) Stay in touch with the latest co-location news and announcements Stay in touch with the latest news and announcements on the colleges’ co-location by subscribing to our co-location newsletter at Co-location website For more information on the co-location planning and progress, visit our website Thank you to all those who are engaging in the co-location consultation process. This is a rare and exciting opportunity for Marlborough to create a co-located campus that best suits the needs and aspirations of our future learners - your children. MOVE’n’GROOVE 10am - 11am every Friday at St Peter's Church Hall, 30 Lawrence Street. Music and movement for pre-schoolers. $2 donation per family. Morning tea provided.

Check out our Facebook page.

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Havelock Lions and Havelock Vision 2020 Charitable Trust are working together to bring Havelock’s first Health Expo to the Havelock Town Hall. Councillor Trevor Hook, substituting for Mayor John Leggett, will officially open the Expo at 10:00am on Saturday 30th September. Expo will also be open Monday 2nd October and both days the doors open 10:00am until 3:00pm. There are displays and health promoters from 23 organisations covering a wide variety of health issues, ranging from children’s health to Age Concern. A flyer will be delivered to every household listing the exhibitors. Lions Clubs around the world have been active in promoting eye health and preventing blindness since 1917 and this year have adopted diabetes as a long-term commitment by raising awareness of diabetes and expanding access to care through screening and treatment programs. We are delighted that Diabetes Marlborough and the other organisations have accepted the invitation to come to the Expo. Diabetes Marlborough invite you to complete their “Are you at Risk” survey form and go into the draw to win a Fitbit. Did you know that Lions collect unused hearing aids to be recycled for those in need? Please bring any you may have lying around to the Expo where they will be gratefully received. Also, they will be collecting used spectacles and sun-glasses for sending to areas in the Pacific. Of course, no Expo would be complete without a sausage sizzle and the Lions will be running their trusty barbecue outside the Town Hall while the Expo is open. Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Vacancy: Course development. The position would suit a recent retiree from IT or a person with an interest therein. Job description: To develop and maintain courses for adults interested in technology. Salary: Nil. A small travelling allowance is available. Job satisfaction: Huge. You will have access to nationwide resources. Appointees will be working with an enthusiastic and supportive committee. Applications and enquiries to Secretary: Chairman: Bryan Strong 574 1311

NOTICE OF AGM The Havelock Menzshed will hold its AGM at our Shed ( No 67 Havelock Marina) on Wednesday 25th October 2017 at 9:00pm.

AGENDA • • • • • • • • •

Welcome by Michael Harbord (Chairman) Apologies Minutes of previous AGM Chairman’s report Correspondence Presentation of audited accounts Setting annual subscriptions Election of officers* General business * Nominations for Committee members close at 5pm on Friday 20th October 2017. Forms are available from Secretary or from the Shed. I.C.Cameron Secretary Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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Blenheim Indoor Sports Holiday Programme Weekdays 8.30am – 4pm (you specify hours within this) $4 per child per hour Booking essential, call 5784851 to book now.

Junior Indoor Netball Get a team of 6 or 7 together for some fun. No uniforms required and pay just $5 each per game Both Mondays and Tuesday options available as well as 6 or 7 a side. Taking registrations now, for the season to start 18th & 19th Sep NOTE: Not running through the holidays Register now at or pop in for a registration form.

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PEA STRAW Spray-free Pea Straw for sale at just $10 per bale. Phone 574 2323

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Captain’s Daughter Bar & Bistro

72 Main Rd Havelock Ph 574 2440

Bookings Recommended

September Events at the Captain’s Daughter Friday 29th September “Brian Shone” 7pm You’d swear you were listening to Neil Young Wednesday 18th October Wine Night Fromm Winery Sunday 22nd October “Pizazz Jazz” Blenheim Trio – piano, bass & saxophone Friday 27th October “The Ahern Brothers” 7pm Touring Australian Duo Mauri Ora nā Akoranga ~ Learning for Life… since 1861

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