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Belize’ss small size, aaccessibility, e ease of travel within the co ountry and seaamless comm munication witth locals (the official language is English) make it a perrfect getawayy for U.S. trave elers who want to explore a diverse Carribbean destin nation. Belize is urism, creatin ng unspoiled tterrain for visitors to exploore—from thee barrier reef to the also deeeply committted to eco‐tou extensive network o of caves to the e lush rainforest. And the rrich culture th hat has characcterized Belizze since the daays of the Ma aya o its distinctivve allure. adds to Encompassing almost 9,000 squaare miles (roughly the size of Massachusettts), Belize offfers a diverse landscape of majeestic mountaiins, lush rainforests and magical archaeological wond ders tucked away in perfecctly d reserves. preservved parks and City is the eco onomic epicen nter of this sm mall but Belize C dynam mic nation, and d is alive with all types of activity. onal travelerss and It's thee transfer hub for internatio though h most are en route to othe er Belizian destinations the cityy itself has excellent zoos aand museumss, and day trips arre available to o nearby Mayyan ruins, rain nforests, and beeautiful offsho ore cayes. e this mesmerizing There aare myriad waays to explore masterrpiece of natu ure and man, one more exh hilarating than th he next ‐ zip‐LLining, spelunking, horsebaack riding, hiking, watersports, cruising, fishing, natural spas, olfing! Golfer’ss dream locale, Belize waterfalls… even go offers sseveral scenicc options ‐ imagine sinking a putt on a private island surrrounded by th he most amazing water hazard: the Caribbean.
BELIZE REGIONS CENTR RAL COAST: CITY, SEA + WILLDERNESS A p perfect blend of experiencees, the Centraal Coast is ideal for travelerrs who enjoy a dose of culture with h their adventture. This region encompassses the Belizee District and part of the C Cayo District aand offers hing from unique architectture and fine dining to junggle trips and M Maya mysteri es to spelunkking. everyth NORTH H ISLANDS: REELAX + UNWIND Picture‐pe erfect beache es, turquoise w waters and thhe laidback ch harms of the C Caribbean bring traveleers to the North Islands, wh here quaint boutique hotels accommodate travelers of all budgetss. It’s a place where hip bars, funky rrestaurants an nd plenty of o outdoor activiities add to th he barefoot blliss—an ideal locale for soaaking up the ssun and ambian nce. NORTH HERN BELIZE: MAYA MARV VELS With a bllend of Mayan n, Spanish and Mennonite influences, aall complemen nting the al breathtaking terrain n, Northern Be elize is ideal ffor travelers in n search of history and nattural beauty. It encompassses the Coroza egion’s New R River once traansported thee Maya and tooday takes mo odern‐day visitors past and Orrange Walk Diistricts. The re ancientt temples, suggarcane fieldss and farms— —an unforgettable way to eexperience Beelize. SOUTH HEAST COAST: SEASIDE SEN NSATIONS Kno own for its un nspoiled beaches and relaxxed atmospheere, the South heast Coast is a water llover’s dream m, whether you prefer swim mming, snorke eling, diving, ffishing or kay aking. The reggion in the Stann Creek Districtt is rimmed byy the Maya M Mountains and d features som me of the mosst magnificennt beaches in Belize, as welll as access to dive sp pots along the e reef. And the e local Garifuna people add their uniquee cultural chaarms to the exxperience. n SOUTH HERN BELIZE: CULTURAL M MELTING POT A A convergencce of Maya, Eaast Indian, Ch inese and Garifuna traditio ons, Southern Belize p packs a lot of interesting siights and activities in its prristine Toledo o District localle. Mountainss, rivers, deep p waters and Maya m magic bring in ntrepid travele ers back time e and again. WESTEERN BELIZE: R RAINFOREST R RAMBLES Deep in n the Belizean n rainforests, you will enco ounter manmaade and natural wonders i n Western Beelize, which iss situated in part off the Orange W Walk and Cayo Districts. Frrom mesmerizzing archaeolo ogical sites too rambling rivers to impresssive caves, there’ss something fo or every trave eler.
Marub ba Spa Maruba Spa is one o of the best Sp pas in the Caribbean & Centtral America. Maruba’s Spaa features natural productts inspired by Our full body SSpa offers a vaariety of exottic treatmentss which revitaalize, detoxifyy, firm and the surrrounding Maayan Jungle. O reestab blish the skin’’s natural pH balance leaving your skin ssilky smooth. Treatments i nclude our Siggnature Mood Mud Massagge, Mud Packk, Aromatheraapy Massage, African Hone eybee Scrubs,, Seaweed Wraps, Cleansin ng Facials, Spaa Manicure an nd Spa Pedicure. ment rooms arre individuallyy designed and remains tru ue to its Treatm jungle settings. Treaatment rooms such as: Botttled Art, Ston ne, hatched roofs,, intricate Elephant, Sand, Faciial, Mani/Pedi – all have th ork, and furnitture and carvings from locaal wood in stone aand bottle wo the areea. Our spa m music collectio on is extensive e and fills the air. Neeighboring birrds adds to the ambience w with their swe eet calls as your th herapist focusses on you and your individ dual treatmen nt. 1 Day SSpa Escape - W Welcome Marubian drink - C Choice of 2 bo ody Treatmen nts - TTropical lunch h in Garden P Patio or Jungle Tree House e - U Use of Jungle Waterfall Poo ol aand Japanese Mineral Bath h - TTransfers not included. - R RECOMMEND DED: o Swimw wear, Sun block, Insect rrepellent, and d cameraa
Beach C Cabanas at Caaptain Morgaan’s Retreat (Days 4 – 6) Full-Serv vice Beach Resort in Belize - W With a private 1,,100-ft. white saand beach, first-class acccommodations, unforgettable u toours, activities, aand amenities.
Locatedd just a short bo oat ride north of San Pedro Tow wn on the island oof Ambergris Caaye, also known n as “La Isla Bon nita,” Captainn Morgan’s Retrreat is famous fo or its cozy thatched-roof beach ccabanas, spaciou us villas, and lux xurious condos, combinning comfort witth beach paradisse. Enjoy A Activities, tours, and excursionss to any of Belizze’s spectaccular dive sites or o exotic inland destinations witth help from hootel’s tour desk. Try a private spa s treatment at our Sundarii Spa, dine at Mama M Caribe resttaurant, or simp ply relax by one of tthe three beachffront swimming pools. Don’t fo orget the nightliffe and shopping in San Pedro Town T and
all the uunique attraction ns throughout Ambergris A Caye.. Beach C Cabanas are the perfect combinaation of rustic
ambiancce and modern ccomfort, with thaatched roofs thaat really addd to that a feelinng of intimacy yyou want in a romanticc getaway. y The openn floor design oof the cabanas coonsists of a cozy living arrea with a loveseeat and hardwoood mini side tables. T The living room opens into a com mfortable sleeping area withh a king-sized bbed.
Native issland motif and soothing tropiccal colors adorn the ge living sppace, while brighht sunlight radiaates through larg has breezy w windows. Each ccabana is air-connditioned, and h its own pprivate veranda to enjoy the beaachfront view.
BELIZE BARRIER REEEF With 185 miles of re eef extending along the coaastline—seco ond only to Au ustralia’s Greaat Barrier Reeef in size—thee Belize Barrie er world’s most p popular sites ffor diving and snorkeling. M More than 70 types of hard d coral and neearly 500 Reef is one of the w waters, which are easily acccessible from the coast or tthe idyllic islaands anchored d speciess of fish awaitt travelers in tthe pristine w offshorre. Boat excurrsions to the rreef and its w wonders are re eadily available. ouse Reef Ato oll + the Blue Hole Lightho This atoll is home to o the famous Blue Hole, a ccircular sinkho ole that has attracted undeerwater enthu usiasts for decades. You will unter the tow wering stalactittes and Caribbean reef shaarks, barracuddas, angelfish and some of f the largest be amaazed to encou midnigght parrot fish h in the world,, to name a fe ew. Intrepid d divers will also o discover Ha lf Moon Cayee in this atoll, known for its swim‐tthrough tunne els featuring h huge barrel and tube sponges, yellowtail snappers annd eagle rays.. All levels of d divers and snorkelers are accom mmodated an nd underwate er explorers w will encounterr nurse and reeef sharks, haw wksbill and lo oggerhead nd endangere ed elkhorn and staghorn co oral. turtles,, parrotfish an R ATOLLS OTHER Glover’’s Reef Atoll ons The ato oll’s shallow lagoon with amazing coral patches is a b big draw, as w well as its imprressive coral ridge interseccted by canyo and tun nnels. And jusst beyond the e atoll, shipwrrecks await exxperienced divers. Turnefffe Islands Atoll Ju ust 25 miles frrom Belize Citty, this atoll iss characterize ed by its beauttiful cayes, m mangrove forests and shallo ow lagoon featuring a maze of channels. Are ea currents pu ull in schools of fish and th he Elbow wall is ideal for seeeing turtles, eagle rays and hammeerhead sharkss.
HOWLEER MONKEY B BELIZE ADVEN NTURE ou to the Blacck Howler Mo onkey Sanctuaary that is locaated about 355 miles northw west of Belizee City! This is an This tour will take yo hat has been sset aside to protect the Blaack Howler Monkey populaation in Belizee. The area off this sanctuarry covers about area th 20 square miles of ju ungle, forest, and some farrmland. ur begins with h a drive through Belize Citty, passing maain streets, m monuments annd important buildings whiich will be The tou shown to you by the e tour guide. From there, yyou'll head on n to the Phillip p Goldson Higghway, formerrly known as tthe Northern Highwayy, to the villagge of Bermuda an Landing.. be where the scen nic tour will b This is w held. The areas here aare perfect pportunities tto spot photo op monkeys in the trees and also an o opportunity to hear them calling to her. each oth The hikee goes through the trails where th he monkeys aare most likelyy to be fou und, happy an nd in their natural h habitat. Includess Belizean n lunch of ricee and beans, stewed cchicken, potato salad or coleslaw w, water, sodaa, and beers
ALTUN N HA Famou us Mayan Ruinn (where the largest Jade H Head was found) plazas and th irteen structu ures mark thee epicenter of Three p this very important ceremonial site of the anccient Mayan civilizattion. Ha also servedd as a trade center, located d only seven Altun H miles from the sea aand surrounded by a primaary broadleaf rainforrest. world attentio on when Profeessor David This site captured w Royal Ontario Museum disccovered the 9½ Penderrgast of the R of a pound jade head of the Sun God Kinich Ahau iin the tomb o Priest, locatedd within the m main temple o of the masonrry Royal P altars. e ors to climb attop one of the Preparred stone stepps allow visito main teemples on thee site to capture the beauttiful views of the surrrounding couuntryside.
e, Orange Walk Lamanai Archaeologgical Reserve Lamanai Archaeologiccal Reserve is easily one of the best day on in Belize, p particularly if trips you can do duringg your vacatio Mayan site before. you’ve neever been a M wo hours from m Belize City. Lamanai ruins are locaated about tw It is nestled within a d ense lush forest so, you caan only get to the ruins by boat.
eel like an As you ride along the river you fe er glimpsing aat all kinds adventturous explore of wildlife such as crrocs, birds and monkeeys. be able to Once yyou reach the ruins, you’ll b exploree the groundss and climb th he temples for amazing views o of the jungle.
Caye C Caulker: Full‐D Day Hol Chan Marine Rese erve Snorkelin ng -
Explore the ench hanting Hol‐Ch han Marine Reserve Swim with sharkss and sting rays while snorrkeling the Me eso America B Barrier Reef Enjo oy a beach fro ont lunch San Pedro on Am mbergris Caye Visit San Pedro to own, La Isla B Bonita
Full deescription Hol Chaan, one of Belize's most be eautiful and o oldest marine reservees, is located off the southe ern tip of Ambergis Caye. TThe name m means "little cchannel" in M Mayan, and the area is hom me to many interesting spots, includingg an enchantin ng coral reef, sea grass b beds, and a mangrove foresst. On a full‐day tour, enjoyy exploriing the reservve, and go sno orkeling amon ng sharks and string rays. This tour includes 4 epic snorkel sstops, Hol‐Chan Channel, SShark Ray Alley, Ship Wrecck, and the No orth Channel.. In between sstops, guests are treated to a visit San P Pedro town, A Ambergris Cayye to enjoy aa tasty beach front lunch. Includees - Park k fees - Gea ar - Purified water - Fruiit salad - Lunch in San Ped dro
DIIVING, SNORK KELING & WA ATER SPORTS Ho ome to the seecond‐largest barrier reef in the world, th he 185‐mile‐loong Belize Barrrier Reef beckons to diving g an nd snorkeling enthusiasts aalike with prisstine waters and exxotic marine l ife. he importancee of this undeerwater ecosyystem was Th reecognized by U UNESCO, whicch named sevven areas with hin th he reef World Heritage sitees. quipment are Diive boats, traiining, certificaations and eq reeadily availabl e.
elize For divvers and snorkkelers, the waaters off of Be are a m mesmerizing ccoral landscap pe of floating stingrays, frolicking turtles and aw we‐inspiring ssharks. dary oceanogrrapher Jacque es Cousteau n named Legend Belize ““one of the fo our must‐dive e locations on this blue planet,”
Belize ZZoo, Belize Ciity al Belize ZZoo is withoutt a doubt, onee of the best zzoos in Centra America and one of Belize top tou urist attractio ons. Belize Zoo o is an exxcellent place to see Belize’s native wildlife up‐close withoutt having to veenture out too o far. The varriety of animaals on display is amazing an nd you’ll be ab ble to do plenty of birdliife viewing fro om the bird vviewing deck a at the zoo o. You’ll also bbe able to enjoy half‐day caanoe trips dow wn the Sibu urn River, andd night tours at the zoo.
Cocksscomb Basin W Wildlife Sancttuary This 128,000‐acre jungle habitatt is home to an array of animals an nd birds, but tthe real draw is the jagguars—which h are best see en on an evening guided d tour. The saanctuary plus surrounding area offerss the jaguars lots of space tto roam and thrivee.
Know b before you go o
A vaalid passport is required fo or entry into B Belize. Inseect repellent, antihistamine e, cortisone cream & any o other necessary medicationn Watterproof sunsscreen, aloe vera gel & sunglasses Cam mera, film, exttra batteries & & binoculars Sno orkel and/or d dive gear Onee pair wet sho oes — reef waalkers, tennis shoes or sand dals Onee pair dry shoes — tennis sshoes with soccks or comforrtable walkingg/hiking shoe s Resort wear — light‐weight clothing, one sweater or ligh htweight jacket & rain jackket Onee long pair pants or jeans & & one long sle eeve shirt Tipp ping is apprecciated (15‐20% % is appropriaate
Cards Moneyy and Credit C Exchan nge Rate is USSD$1.00=BZD$ $2.00. Credit cards are limiited to Visa an nd Master Caard only; Be sure to notify your bank provideer of your inte ernational traavel arrangem ments
Climatee Offering a subtropical climate ave erage temperature of 80°F, the dry seasson from Deceember to Mayy. Time ZZone Belize is on GMT‐6, o or U.S. Centraal Standard Time. Daylight saving time iss not practiceed. Electricc The eleectrical system m in Belize is tthe same as in n the U.S.: 11 10 volts AC po ower is providded throughou ut the countryy. In most parrts of the ccountry, the p power supplyy is fairly stable and reliable e. Hotels delivvering luxury class service install backup p generators. Continuity of electricity is betwee en 90% and 95%. Water Quality o Belize ttap water is treated in citie es and towns.. Tap water an nd ice in beveerages are verry safe to consume. Bottled d water is also availab ble throughou ut the countryy.
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