The Haverford School Admissions Viewbook

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Genome sequencing

“The Haverford School prepares boys for life – in academics, athletics, the arts, and most importantly, in character development. It is the school Susanne and I chose for our son, and I hope it will be the school you choose for yours!” – John A. Nagl, D.Phil. P’20, Headmaster

Learn for life

Haverford’s success in this mission depends on adults who have committed themselves to working with boys and understanding how they learn. Our teachers are experts not only in their fields of study, but also in the best teaching practices for boys, both as a group and as individual learners. Teachers also appreciate the unique issues facing boys at every stage in their development – from tying their shoelaces and learning the alphabet to grappling with complex calculus problems and writing comprehensive analytical essays. Classes at Haverford are not just about the subject at hand, but about learning how to collaborate, to listen and reflect, to request and give help, to tackle problems with creativity and sensitivity. We free our students from any preconceived notions about how boys should act, and we offer them a broader definition of what it means to be a successful male. Because Haverford can target the needs of boys, it offers them a richer, more balanced educational experience. Boys develop the kind of intelligence that goes far beyond just reading the textbook or getting the right answer. As learners, they figure out how to capitalize on their strengths and build on their weaknesses. As citizens, they tackle bigger questions about the kinds of men they want to become, the goals they want to accomplish, and the communities they want to inhabit. They leave Haverford prepared for life and all of its complex challenges.


From pre-kindergarten through the upper grades, The Haverford School works toward a single vision: preparing boys to lead purposeful lives. We value academic excellence, and our curriculum challenges boys to reach for the highest possible standard in their work. At the same time, our program is about more than readying boys for the next unit or test, the next grade level, or even for admission to the nation’s top colleges. It is about building lasting qualities such as character and understanding, courage and integrity, and the ability to see an issue from many different points of view.

Young boys’ natural energy and exuberance can get them into trouble in some classrooms, but our Lower School program capitalizes on these qualities through its atmosphere of active learning, exploration, and fun. We realize young boys master skills at different rates and develop differently than girls, and we are intentional about teaching them in the ways they learn best. In our classrooms you’ll see an ever-changing mix of activities, from whole-group and small-group instruction to problem solving in teams and pairs to independent project work. “Boys have a natural eagerness to learn and explore,” says fourth-grade teacher Michael Kearney. “I try to encourage the boys to ask questions and think critically about everything, and instead of answering those questions directly, I try to guide the boys as they seek the truths and answers themselves.”

– Dr. Ron Duska Jr., Head of Lower School


“What we know about teaching boys is that it is the relationship that teachers build with their students that has the greatest impact on their learning. A boy needs three things to be successful: love, discipline, and encouragement. If you give him those three elements, you will develop a thriving child. Our teachers know this, and they are able to unlock each boy’s creativity, interests, and passions.”

“I really love it when the kids get to see the

practical application of the concepts we’re

learning,” says Middle School science teacher Andrew Grossman ’96. “My favorite thing about teaching our boys science is how accessible it is to them. In the example of the squid lesson, my students discuss topics like form and function, adaptation, commercial fishing, and food preparation; then they jump right in and tackle those things with both hands. When exploring thermal conduction or insulation, we compare the properties of various containers full of hot or cold water, or examine the insulation of our building seconds after taking notes or having a class discussion about it. Learning on a campus located near woods and open space is ideal for lessons about ecology and environmental science because it’s so easy for the boys to make the connections between concepts and their applications in the real world.”

“"Boys really do learn differently. It is so important to have a school that can know those differences, and teach to those differences, and even embrace those differences," says Upper

Through the Center for the Study of Boys’ and Girls’ Lives, a consortium of local schools working toward a better understanding of boys’ and girls’ development, Haverford’s teachers have access to foremost experts on boys’ education and their latest research.

School teacher and counselor Janet Heed.

Our Enrichment Learning Center guides boys in figuring out how they learn best, making learning specialists available in all three divisions. Our rich and challenging curriculum stretches boys to reach for the highest possible standard, but we also help them develop the tools they need to meet those expectations.

“Watching and experiencing the development of relationships between students and faculty members are two of the most fulfilling aspects of being at Haverford. The incredibly close bonds that we form help create an atmosphere of mutual support and camaraderie, the magnitude of which I have not seen in any other school. I am energized by the boys, and the opportunity to develop close and meaningful relationships with them gives me a sense that I can significantly contribute to their development as men, and as life long learners.” – Thomas Trocano, Science Department Chair, Upper School Science Teacher

As a community, we have defined the

Essential Qualities of a Haverford School Graduate, Possess intellectual curiosity

Demonstrate strong character, a sound

and legal behavior

moral compass, and the courage to uphold the highest standards of ethical Be a compassionate person who takes joy in the

difficult challenges

accomplishments of others and supports those struggling to surmount life’s Strive to maintain a healthy mind and body – exercising

Be resilient, committed to hard work and perseverance, and Be a positive leader and understand the

Collaborate and compete with grace

responsive to constructive criticism importance of serving others

alcohol use

self-discipline and moderation, and avoiding illegal or abusive drug and


and understand people of different genders and backgrounds, and live as a cooperative and engaged citizen of the global community.


Think critically and communicate effectively

and a passion for lifelong learning

and we use them as the foundation for our work with boys. We believe that, with the background of a superior liberal arts education, a Haverford School graduate should:

Enthralled by stories


Haverford offers a wide range of age-appropriate community service activities, from canned food collections and penny drives in Lower and Middle School to tutoring projects and Habitat for Humanity in Upper School.

Every Middle Schooler belongs to a House, a small team of sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders headed by a faculty member. Houses accumulate points in their quest for the year-end House Cup. “This helps us build a sense of our own community within the larger Haverford community,” says Jay Greytok, Head of Middle School.

“There is a real sense of community at Haverford, and friendships transcend grade levels. I think that’s because we all spend so much time here – not just going to class, but for clubs and sports too.” – Upper School student

Connect with others The Haverford School teaches boys to take responsibility not just for their own success, but for the good of those around them. On campus, they have many opportunities to contribute to the life of this community. Whether Lower Schoolers help younger students in a buddy classroom, Middle Schoolers plan activities as part of our leadership programs, or Upper Schoolers train to become peer leaders, they learn critical lessons about their obligations to others. And these lessons extend far beyond the boundaries of this campus.

Boys come from more than 20 school districts and 90 ZIP codes to attend Haverford – many by bus or the SEPTA train lines located close to campus. And more than one out of four students receive some form of tuition assistance.

“At The Haverford School, we develop young men of character who live their lives for the betterment of others.”

“It is the boys who are the soul and stewards of the school. Whether it is through the Honor Council, Student Service Board, Student Council, Signet Society, Community Awareness, or the Character Mentorship Program, we look to the boys to enact their vision for Haverford.” – Matt Green, Head of Upper School

Director of Service Learning Jini Loos helps teachers tie service to the curriculum, so boys can study problems such as hunger and discrimination even as they work to alleviate them. A group of students attended the National Service Learning Conference to speak about Haverford’s work on the Empty Bowls Hunger Awareness Program, a project shared with The Agnes Irwin School, in which students examine the causes of hunger and raise money for local hunger organizations. In these and other ways, we teach boys to see themselves as individuals with the power to make a difference.


– John A. Nagl, D.Phil. P’20, Headmaster

Ideas take form

“Our program isn’t just about ‘doing art projects,’ it’s about getting boys to think of themselves as young artists. There is perhaps nothing more challenging than facing a blank piece of paper and asking yourself, ‘How do I get from nothing to something?’”

Express your vision The Haverford School believes the arts teach boys a kind of self-knowledge they could not get in any other way. When they master a challenging choral piece, play a complex dramatic character, or paint a selfportrait, they learn what it means to take a creative risk, to express themselves in new ways, and to present their work before an audience. These are some of the most important experiences a boy will have during his time at Haverford, and that is why the arts are so central to our curriculum in all three divisions. We offer boys an exceptional environment in which to explore their talents in art, music, and drama. Research has shown that, in a coeducational school, boys are more likely to leave these activities to girls. But at Haverford, it is the norm for boys to be the artists, musicians, singers, and actors. A younger boy sees an older boy who sings in our select a cappella group, The Notables, or performs a lead in the fall play, and thinks, “I want to be like him.” And all Haverford students have outstanding role models in their teachers, who sing, play, act, and paint right alongside them. Most teachers perform or exhibit their work professionally, providing students with a valuable window into the world of the working artist. Perhaps the best symbols of The Haverford School’s commitment to the arts are the Upper School arts wing and Centennial Hall – professional-quality facilities with large art studios, multimedia labs, classrooms, rehearsal spaces, a woodworking shop, a darkroom, and a 650-seat theater with a full-time stage manager. Centennial Hall draws local, regional, and national music and theater groups to campus, and Haverford’s gallery spaces and art studios provide a wealth of opportunities for students to showcase their work. The School regularly hosts professional artists who exhibit their work and conduct workshops with classes.

ARTS / 10-11

– Chris Fox, Art Department Chair

“The art classroom is a place for students to be themselves, to explore different media and other cultures, to be exposed to new thoughts and new ideas,” says Jenny Waring, Lower School art teacher. In Lower and Middle School, visual arts courses are an integral part of the core curriculum. Middle School students have six semester-long courses in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, traditional and digital photography, and videography. Upper School students can choose among nine fine arts courses, including 2-Dimensional Art, 3-Dimensional Art, Multimedia Design, and three Honors Studio Art classes.

Chamber Music

Beginning and Advanced Chamber Ensembles Lower School class plays

Upper School drama productions staged with local girls’ schools

Haverford School Conservatory (private two Middle School and two

Haverford School Jazz Ensemble

lessons with instrumental teachers)

Centennial Singers (grades 4-8)

Haverford Glee Club (Middle and Upper School)

The Notables (Upper School) 

Haverford School Celebrantes (grades 5-8)

Chime Choir (Lower School)

Treble Choir (grades 2-3)

Great performances: a sampling of music and drama opportunities

and much more.

"I tell boys that performing with an ensemble is like being in a race, but everyone has to tie. They have to watch and listen so carefully to everything that is going on around them, and maintain continual focus. They don't realize how hard they're working, because to them, it's fun ." – Duane Case, Music Department Chair and Lower School music teacher

ARTS / 12-13

“The art teachers at Haverford are phenomenal. Because they are artists themselves, they can really relate when you are having a problem with a painting or other piece of creative work. They’ve helped me develop a vocabulary of ways to use all different kinds of media.” ­– Upper School student

ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE ARTS Student artwork is displayed throughout campus buildings, and some projects are installed permanently. Students have exhibited their work in professional galleries in Old City, Philadelphia’s art district, and won awards in regional exhibits. The Haverford School Celebrantes have performed at the White House, Carnegie Hall, and at the State Capitol Rotunda. The Notables sing nearly 40 concerts each year, some as close by as The Kimmel Center and others as far away as Paris, Vienna, and Rome. The American High School Theater Festival has recognized Haverford’s theater department as the most outstanding program in Pennsylvania. A group of students traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland, to participate in the Fringe, the largest performing arts festival in the world. Haverford artists have gone on to top art and film schools, such as the Rhode Island School of Design and New York University’s Tisch School.

Fostering creativity

ARTS / 14-15

“The scholar, the athlete, the artist, the leader, the community servant ... each has a place at Haverford, often within the mind and heart of the same remarkable young man.” – Matt Green, Head of Upper School

Strive for excellence The playing field is an extension of the classroom at The Haverford School. We have designed our athletic program so that most of our coaches are also classroom teachers, and this builds a meaningful sense of continuity into the school day. For teacher-coaches and their student-athletes, lessons learned in the classroom blend seamlessly with lessons learned on the court, track, or field. This is the best way to help boys develop qualities such as self-confidence, perseverance, discipline, leadership, and cooperation. In all three divisions, Haverford’s program encourages students to try, to do their best, and to commit themselves to the greater good of whatever teams they join. While we realize some students will become star athletes and others will not, we want all of them to encounter the values and learning experiences that are part of athletics. Lower School physical education classes focus not on competition, but on building the skills boys will need when they are ready to play competitively. Middle School boys are required to participate in sports for all three seasons and Upper School boys for two seasons, in addition to fulfilling a physical education requirement. As varsity athletes, some Haverford students will aspire to play at the next level, and our coaches can guide them as they figure out how sports might fit into their futures – whether that means playing in college or even at the professional level. With all athletes, our coaches teach the importance of striking a balance among sports and equally important pursuits such as academics, the arts, and other activities. Coaches expect boys to give their all and work to a high standard, but not to view themselves as athletes exclusively. Instead, our program teaches them to see athletics as one part of a much larger whole, and to develop their talents in many different areas.

Friends for life ATHLETICS / 16-17

“It is a

tremendous advantage to coach almost all my students before I have

them in class, because they already know me as a mentor and a friend. We’ve worked hard together, and won and lost together, and that builds a sense of respect and cooperation that carries over into the classroom. What I teach them on the field has so many parallels with what I’m teaching in class,” says Chris Avery, Former Director of Community, teacher, and coach.

“Athletics teaches some of the most important life lessons. How are you going to work together as a team? What is your own role? How do you deal with disappointment? What do you need to do to be as successful as you can be? What we do in athletics is interwoven with the School's overall mission .” – John Nostrant, Director of Athletics

Competition 

The Haverford School is a member of the prestigious Inter-Academic Athletic League (Inter-Ac), the oldest interscholastic athletic league in the country. We field 16 varsity teams in Upper School, and both our varsity and sub-varsity teams have opportunities to compete with other schools locally and regionally.

Spirit  EA Day, a fall tradition that dates back to 1889, celebrates

our long-standing athletic rivalry with Episcopal Academy. Students, parents, alumni, and friends come out to support our cross-country, football, golf, soccer, and water polo teams. The winner gains bragging rights for the year and possession of the coveted Haverford/EA “split sweater.”

Commitment 

First-rate facilities demonstrate Haverford’s commitment to the importance of sport and physical education. Our athletic Field House features four international squash courts with a viewing pavilion, a six-lane swimming pool with diving platform and balcony seating, a wellness center with strength and cardiovascular training equipment, and a wrestling room with flexible staging area and spectator stands. Outdoor facilities include three artificial turf fields used for football, soccer, lacrosse, and baseball; an all-weather track; and tennis courts.


“As a team we share the dedication and the commitment to go out every day and work toward the same goal. Our senior leadership really pulled us together, made us comfortable with each other, and helped us win the Inter-Ac League. I’ve learned from their example and I hope to do the same some day for the younger players.” ­– Upper School Student

MIDDLE SCHOOL SPORTS Baseball • Basketball Cross-Country • Football • Golf Hockey • Lacrosse • Soccer Squash • Swimming & Diving Tennis • Track & Field Water Polo • Wrestling UPPER SCHOOL SPORTS Baseball • Basketball Crew • Cross-Country Football • Golf • Hockey Lacrosse • Soccer • Squash Swimming & Diving • Tennis Track & Field • Ultimate Water Polo • Winter Track Wrestling


The Haverford School has made a commitment to building a community in which younger boys ďŹ nd exceptional

role models

in their older peers, and older boys rise to the challenge

of playing that role. Character education is a main building block of the curriculum, and the boys are taught to be mindful of the younger students who look up to them. Haverford boys support each other and learn from each other.

The Haverford School, a nonsectarian college preparatory

school for pre-kindergarten through grade 12, provides a

superior liberal arts education for qualified boys of differing backgrounds. We are committed

to developing the full intellectual, artistic, athletic, and moral

young men with strong character who possess a passion for learning and the necessary

problem-solving skills to make a difference in the world.

The Haverford School

prepares boys for life.


potential in each boy, and we aim to graduate

450 Lancaster Ave. Haverford, PA 19041 610-642-3020

Learn more and apply online!


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