Services for Education Providers
Welcome to the services brochure for 2018/19 which provides you with an overview of our range of support services and consultancy. ‘HES’ is the London Borough of Havering’s umbrella brand for trading services to the education sector. Over the years, we have acquired a wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise which stands us in good stead to respond to the specific needs of education providers. As a public sector provider, we have a vested interest in ensuring that our services deliver value for money and lead to good outcomes for your pupils, staff and wider communities. We are fully committed to a sustainable traded services model for the foreseeable future and that is why we focus resources on maximising the opportunity to maintain and strengthen the quality of services provided to education settings. Working alongside you, we will use intelligence to re-define and refresh our service offer in order to ensure that we are best placed to respond flexibly and professionally to the evolving needs of our education community. Throughout this brochure you will find testimonials from service users recommending our services. We hope you will find these useful in giving you real examples of how we have made a difference and delivered positive outcomes through our work. If you have any queries or want to purchase any of our services, you can contact the service team directly (details on provider pages) or you can contact our Central Business Development Team on 01708 431561 or support@hes.org.uk We look forward to working with you and wish you success in the great work you do for your pupils, staff and the wider community. Best wishes HES Team
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Key – how to use this directory For your ease of use, we have used colour coded symbols to specify the relevance of services to your type of school/sector. If in doubt, please contact either the relevant service provider or our central team for clarification. t: 01708 431561 e: support@hes.org.uk
P Primary
M Maintained
S Secondary
A Academy
Sp Special
C College
Service Quality Standards Central Business Development Team (Customer Support) Publications – Our partnership with Rising Stars
pg 4-5 pg 6-7 pg 8-9
Our Services Alternative Provision Service (APS) Attendance, Behaviour & Traveller Education Service Brokerage Service Building Alarm Monitoring (Custodian) Catering Services Communications Education Buildings, Design & Maintenance Services Education Human Resources Educational Computer Centre – Computing Support English as an Additional Language (EAL) Europa Centre Finance Support Service – Pooled funding opportunities Finance Support Service Free School Meals Eligibility Checking Service General Insurance & Risk Management Governor Services Grounds Maintenance Havering Adult College Havering Music School Health & Safety Advisory Service Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Hornchurch Stadium Athletics Track oneSource Assurance Services (Internal Audit) Passenger Travel Services Payroll Service Printing Services School Improvement Services Security Response & Patrol Service SIMS Support Service Strategic Procurement Unit Swimming Instructions Swimming Pool Services
pg 10-11 pg 12-13 pg 14-15 pg 16 pg 17 pg 18-19 pg 20-21 pg 22-25 pg 26-29 pg 30-33 pg 34-35 pg 36-37 pg 38-39 pg 40-41 pg 42-43 pg 44-45 pg 46-47 pg 48-49 pg 50-51 pg 52-55 pg 56-57 pg 58-59 pg 60-61 pg 62-63 pg 64-65 pg 66-67 pg 68-71 pg 72-73 pg 74-75 pg 76-77 pg 78 pg 79
E Early Years
Sp M A
3 5
Service Quality Standards
Introduction The quality standards set out in this section are concise statements designed to provide a basis on which customers can assess and provide feedback on the quality of our service delivery. These standards have been co-developed with our service providers, taking into account feedback received from service users. We monitor these standards throughout the year through a series of continuous improvement forums involving all our stakeholders.
Aspect A - Competencies and Professional Conduct Standards
Performance Indicators
We will ensure that:
Measurable benchmarks of our performance.
Suitably qualified and experienced staff will be deployed to deliver our services.
All staff are recruited in accordance with corporate recruitment and safeguarding guidelines.
Staff offering advice have in-depth knowledge and understanding of your school and local context.
100% of schools and academy customers satisfied with the level of knowledge and understanding of staff.
Senior Managers and Advisers will have expert knowledge in their field of work.
100% of customers procuring services requiring senior managers and advisers satisfied with ‘expert’ input.
All staff deal with customers in a courteous and professional manner, treating all our customers with respect and dignity.
100% of customers rate our staff professional behaviour as good or excellent.
Aspect B - Customer Feedback and Complaints Handling Standards
Performance Indicators
We conduct a customer satisfaction evaluation annually. The result will be published on our website and the feedback used to improve service delivery and quality.
At least 50% of schools participate in annual survey.
We will publish an annual report that presents the effectiveness of the traded services in terms of levels of procurement, customer satisfaction and value for money. This will highlight key areas for improvement with clear milestones.
Traded Services Report made available to all customers in a suitable format and media.
All complaints are dealt with in line with the traded services complaints procedure linked with the corporate procedure. We will strive to resolve any problems before they escalate to a formal complaint.
100% of customer complaints acknowledged within 1 working day. 100% of complaints resolved within 10 working days. Where outstanding issues remain, 100% of affected customers kept up to date on progress towards resolution.
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Aspect C - Contract and Communications Standards
Performance Indicators
You will be able to contact an appropriate member of our staff via telephone from 8.30 - 16.30 Monday to Friday. Variations may occur regarding specific services and this will be publicised by individual services.
All calls answered from 8.30 - 16.30 Monday to Friday.
All schools will be offered a contract review meeting.
100% of schools offered an annual contract review meeting. 100% of participants rate the meetings as being of value to them.
Meetings planned to negotiate new contracts, review existing contracts or resolve contractual issues will be minuted using standardised HES proforma. These will be circulated to clients for approval within 5 working days.
All contract-related meetings recorded on a standardised format. 100% of customers taking part in contract meetings acknowledge receipt of minutes within 5 working days time frame.
All traded services deliver the advertised service package in the time frame agreed and to the expected standard.
100% fulfilment of Service Specifications to advertised standards.
All services clearly identify the outcomes that the receiving school or academy will derive from their service provision. These will be communicated to the customer prior to service delivery.
100% of customers made aware of the outcomes of services procured.
Any unexpected interruptions or delays to the delivery of a service will be communicated, explained and discussed with the affected customer.
100% of affected schools’ customers kept informed about interruptions or delays in service delivery.
All traded service teams follow an after sales review protocol to assess customer satisfaction post purchase.
100% of customers contacted within 5 working days of purchasing services. 100% of customers contacted within 2 weeks of delivery of a service provision.
Telephone and email enquiries are acknowledged within 24hrs of receipt and an appropriate response sent no later than 3 working days.
100% of customers satisfied that enquiries are acknowledged within published time frame.
Traded services staff comply with agreed ‘cross selling’ protocols and are sufficiently aware of the collective offer to enable the effective signposting of customers to other services within the HES to schools portfolio.
100% of customers signposted to additional ‘cross service’ buying opportunities.
All services advertise an emergency contact arrangement during working hours.
Contact number clearly and visibly available on service online page.
Our online trading Portal and online resources will be regularly maintained, and updated as required to ensure that all information, including prices, is accurate and timely to empower and inform customer choice.
Services information reviewed and updated no later than 3 months before the procurement window opens for school purchases.
All information is presented clearly, free from jargon, and without ambiguity. All direct communication with customers will be tailored to suit the individual need, and the most appropriate medium is agreed and used.
All customer-bound information presented consistently and reflects the HES branding and house style.
Central Business Development Team (Customer Support)
About the team At HES, we take great pride in our work and also our customer service. The Central Business Development Team is the primary point of contact for service providers and customers. In providing excellent customer care, the team ensures there is a coordinated approach to the development, delivery and relationship management for the LA’s education traded services.
What we do: • Provide a central help desk function thereby ensuring effective on-going support and troubleshooting for all users of the HES Portal – www.hes.org.uk • Contract management • Purchase order management • Brokerage Service • Business Development • Operational oversight and coordination of CPD Programmes and the Learning and Development Centre in Rainham, Essex • Customer relationship management • Complaint management • Coordination of communication to Havering schools and early years providers via the HES Portal and weekly newsletter • Marketing and Promotion • Charging and processing of invoices.
How we may be able to assist you • Do you require further information about services or training? • Do you have queries about a past or recent payment? • Do you have difficulties accessing the HES Portal? • Are you unsure how to contact a particular service provider? • Have you tried to contact a service provider and not received an acknowledgement or response? • Do you need help with anything else relating to Education Traded Services?
Contact us: 01708 431561 • support@hes.org.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Our partnership with Rising Stars Our partnership with Rising Stars
Switched on ICT in the Early Years
HES works in partnership with educational publisher Rising Stars to produce high-quality classroom resources which deliver results. Each resource is scoped and trialled with our schools to ensure it is accessible for teachers and impacts positively on teaching and learning. Over the last six years we have developed an award-winning suite of resources which has enabled over 6,000 schools across the country to implement a robust and effective computing curriculum.
This bank of high-quality, creative activities are designed specifically for Early Years settings. Young children develop ICT skills through meaningful experiences that cover all the prime and specific areas of learning and development.
Switched on Computing
Learn to Code
Switched on Computing enables teachers to implement a comprehensive computing curriculum through activities and creative projects from the Early Years to Year 6, combining high-quality CPD videos and clear teacher guidance. Recently updated with the latest app suggestions to use with your projects and new CPD video links integrated into each unit.
These activity books provide a bank of creative, step-bystep coding activities for independent practice, extension or homework. Learn to Code has been written specifically to address the coding and programming elements of the new national curriculum. These activities are fully scaffolded making them easy to follow in class or at home.
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Switched on iPad
Switched on Online Safety
This series was developed to help our schools use their tablets in a meaningful way. Each Teacher’s Guide includes 18 creative ideas for using iPads and tablets to enhance teaching of English, Maths and Science, with guidance for the best education apps available.
Our most recent collaboration, Switched on Online Safety will embed a robust online safety curriculum across the whole school. With activities and resources for Year 1–6, it will help teachers plan and deliver online safety lessons and assemblies, help parents engage in key online safety issues and empower children to become positive and responsible digital citizens.
Switched on Minecraft
Inspire and engage children with cross-curricular Minecraft projects that deepen understanding of English, Maths, Science, History and Geography. Switched on Minecraft demystifies the exciting world of Minecraft and gives teachers clear, step-by-step guidance on setting up a safe Minecraft environment in your classroom and short video tutorials for every unit enable every teacher to deliver the activities with confidence.
If you are interested in training to help you with your computing curriculum then we can help. We have a range of courses on offer, including: • Getting started with Switched on Computing and the national curriculum for computing • An introduction to Scratch • Creating an educational game using Scratch • Making movies with iMovie on the iPad • Making movies with Microsoft Movie Maker (formerly known as Windows Live Movie Maker) • An introduction to blogging using WordPress • Editing and Writing HTML • Creating a virtual space using SketchUp • Creating Apps using AppShed.
Training Costs
• Twilight session (2 hours) – choose any one session: £350 + VAT • 1/2 day training session (3 hours) – choose up to two sessions: £425 + VAT • Full day training session (6 hours) – choose up to three sessions: £595 + VAT All sessions are run by our experienced training associates who are qualified teachers, specialising in computing support for schools and academies. For more information, please contact us at hsis@havering.gov.uk
Alternative Provision Service (APS) P
Sp M A
Service Description The Alternative Provision Service is a long established and professional service that not only maintains a list of approved alternative education and pastoral providers, but also ensures that all students are matched sensitively to the most appropriate alternative options. This supports pupils’ engagement, success and progression. By securing a register of approved provisions, the service can ensure that schools, academies, PRUs and LA departments have assurance that they are accessing the highest quality provision and complying with statutory guidance, as all providers on the list are approved and quality assured by the AP Commissioner.
What the Service can offer • Approval and Quality Assurance of Alternative Provision • Pupil matching service • Alternative provision legislative guidance • Brokering service between school and provider • Continuous Professional Development & training • Alternative Provision Partnership membership • ICT web based attendance tracking system. The standards that are applied have been set out by the Department for Education and Ofsted and are in response to Charlie Taylor’s recommendations (2012) and ‘Alternative Provision, statutory guidance for local authorities’ (January 2013).
Benefits to your establishment By the local authority holding an approved provider list that contains a range of Approved and Quality Assured alternative options it: • Gives all schools/academies & PRUs assurance that AP meets clearly defined Ofsted and DfE standards • Supports better educational options for children of compulsory school age who, for reasons of illness, exclusion from school or otherwise, may not receive suitable education or pastoral support unless such arrangements are made for them • Enables schools/academies & PRUs to use alternative options as an early intervention to dis-engagement at the point of need and reduce the risk of school exclusion • Allows the AP Commissioner to use their experience and utilise resources and expertise within the Local Authority when approving and quality assuring alternative provision • Ensures AP settings are safe and compliant with health & safety and Safeguarding legislation • Ensures schools/academies and PRUs are compliant with Ofsted/DfE guidelines when planning education for pupils offsite • Ensures the communication between school and AP Provider is robust and instant using the ICT web based platform • Ensures AP providers follow Quality Improvement Plans to raise their standards • Enables partnership working offering targeted solutions and support • Enables APs to contribute with schools towards narrowing the gap between lowest performing children, giving them the best life chances. What the school/academy & PRUs will be asked to do • Sign up to the Alternative Provision Service using HES Portal • Nominate an SLT member of staff as the Alternative Provision Co-ordinator • Attend termly partnership meetings • Work in collaboration with Alternative Provision Commissioner when placing pupils onto Alternative Provision • Provide feedback on provision used to ensure quality is maintained • Provide information and data on the pupils who are placed on alternative provision.
Contacts: 10
Lee Clegg (Alternative Provision Service Manager) • 01708 431251 • lee.clegg@havering.gov.uk Janet James (Admissions Manager) • 01708 433531 • janet.james@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Service Quality Standards • On-going access to the up to date list of Alternative Provision providers who have been approved • Notification when new providers are included on the approved provider list • Notification if a provider is removed from the approved provider list • Quality Assurance results report • Response to communications and referrals within 3 working days • Termly partnership meeting.
Additional Information Publications related to this service: • Charlie Taylor Review – https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/.../DFE-00035-2012.pdf • Ofsted Inspection Handbook 2014 – www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/school-inspection-handbook • London Councils Framework – http://londonprus.co.uk/ • Alternative Provision – Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities 2013 – https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/alternative-provision • Education Excellence Everywhere – March 2016 https://www.gov.uk/government/.../educational-excellence-everywhere
Price of the services Price and package details are available to schools, academies and PRU on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk
How to purchase and timescales Purchases should be completed on the services for schools Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Contract duration and notice period Contract duration is typically 1 year: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, for LA maintained schools. and September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019, for academies.
Attendance, Behaviour & Traveller Education Service P
Sp M A
Service Description The Attendance, Behaviour and Traveller Education Service is a multi-disciplinary team with a variety of skill base and expertise in supporting schools, vulnerable families and students. The overall aim of the service is to promote student inclusion in the broadest sense. We aim to improve the attainment of all children and young people by working in partnership with schools to build capacity for better outcomes for children who have attendance, behavioural, emotional and social communication difficulties, which can often be a barrier to learning. Academies can purchase our services as a whole package of attendance, inclusion support and training or you can purchase them as separate bespoke packages as listed below.
What the service can offer
Traded offer of inclusion support for pupils with challenging behaviour. You will receive regular support from a linked Attendance and Behaviour Support Officer (including absence cover). Support for individual students comes via a referral form and an information sharing meeting with staff within the school. Key observations will be noted, leading to specialised and practical plans to address that child’s needs. A Pastoral Support Plan may be called, including the parents and other key professionals involved. SMART targets will be set with meaningful and individualised rewards offered. We are able to provide some in-class support and progress is closely reviewed. Some students will be offered a programme of group-work to promote and enhance learning behaviours in the classroom or specific tailored programmes that promote emotional regulation. In order to work as preventatively as possible we work on a classroom coaching model for students and school staff. We find that this improves outcomes for a focus child and also benefits the rest of the pupils in any given classroom. School professionals can also be supported through our comprehensive professional development training programme.
Traded offer for attendance support You will receive regular support from a linked Attendance and Behaviour Support Officer (including absence cover) to assist you with advice and guidance on promoting early intervention for pupils with poor attendance and strategies for managing pupils with persistent absence. The Attendance Officer will take responsibility for the preparation of cases that meet the threshold for legal action including: • Issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices • Support for children on safeguarding plans and children missing from education (CME) • Provision of advice and guidance on child protection issues • Detailed casework for pupils with low attendance and who have reached the threshold for legal intervention • Outreach work with pupils and families, including home visits and attendance at multi-agency meetings and case conferences for pupils causing serious concern • Meetings at school with staff, outside agencies and parents • Cross border liaison in relation to out of Borough pupils • Advice and guidance when a parent wants to educate their child at home • We are also able to offer you a pre-Ofsted ‘health check’ with data analysis.
Attendance Guidance and Support Training
½ day training at your convenience On-site training in School with your School Attendance Officer. Access to School SIMS system, School Procedure regarding non-attendance, School Attendance Policy and school based letters.
Duty advice line
To cover any kind of query related to attendance, behaviour, traveller support, IYFAP and exclusion we offer a dedicated Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm duty telephone system, where a member of our team will be here to answer questions and provide follow-up.
Service Feedback
“Our school was privileged to join in with Team Teach and Restorative training. We found their training to be dynamic and interactive. All staff members were trained as well as peer mentors, we are ready to give our children the voice and opportunity to become active partners in finding solutions for their own child-related problems. In order to develop children to become the best British citizens that they can be we consider problem solving, within a social environment, to be one of the key factors. The trainers were knowledgeable and approachable. Thank you for impacting on the future of children.” Deputy Head, Havering Special School
Penelope Denny • 01708 432667 • penelope.denny@havering.gov.uk Contacts: Tracy Bowden • 01708 433741 • tracy.bowden@havering.gov.uk Team contact number • 01708 431777
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Service Feedback
“The team were very efficient at helping us to identify trends, highlight target families and then supported us with taking the appropriate action. This included monitoring letters, formal warnings, home visits and fines. As a consequence persistent absenteeism was reduced and poor attenders improved.” Malcolm Drakes, Headteacher, Broadford Primary
CPD offer to all schools We offer a wide training menu to schools depending on the needs of the school in consultation and partnership with the Headteacher. We will deliver training packages that improve the implementation of policy into practice and enhances the confidence of teaching staff. Our packages are approved and recommended by the DfE, NICE and Ofsted. We are able to train whole school staff teams or smaller targeted groups of staff; teachers, NQTs, TAs and SMSAs. Our training offer is flexible in terms of venue, full day/half day and twilight options. Details can be found in our dedicated training brochure or on the HES Portal.
Service Quality Standards • You will be able to contact a member of our staff via telephone from 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday • Telephone and email enquiries are acknowledged within 24hrs of receipt and an appropriate response sent no later than 3 working days • Attendance and behaviour support officers have in-depth knowledge and understanding of your school and also the local context.
Benefits • A service provided by staff with considerable experience and a variety of skills who are already supporting primary and secondary academies in Havering • We work closely alongside colleagues within the local authority so any multi agency discussions are accessible, timely and productive • We can offer you a flexible needs led service that aims to deliver alternatives to exclusion.
What you will be asked to do For support for individual students we will ask you to complete a referral form and provide us with as much information as possible. Any training needs or service related questions please call and discuss further with Penelope Denny (contact details on the footer of page 12).
Service Feedback
“The support we receive from the Attendance and Behaviour Service is invaluable. We have developed an excellent working relationship with our officer and are always impressed with the professionalism, efficiency and the knowledge she provides when dealing with cases that have proved, at times, to be complex and challenging.” Elutec
Brokerage Service P
Sp M A
Service Description The Brokerage Service was established in 2013. The core purpose of the service is to support schools and settings in their efforts to achieve good value for money and to minimise procurement risks when purchasing goods and services. The Brokerage Service has developed into a competitive multi-supplier procurement framework comprising a portfolio of publicly tendered, market tested and quality assured suppliers of goods and services that can be used with confidence. Table A (opposite) shows the 16 service categories currently available to schools and settings with access to 32 vetted suppliers. Subscribers are able to cherry pick and use any number of suppliers from the frameworks depending on their individual needs. The Brokerage Service is unique in that it is co-developed with schools. Active participation of School Business Managers and Finance Leads in the end to end process of brokerage, from producing service specifications through to the appointment of suppliers, ensures that the services brokered and suppliers selected are suitable for schools and settings to use. In addition, any number of new services can be tendered and added to the framework depending on the needs of schools and settings.
Table A Service Category
Number of suppliers
Cleaning Contractors
Cleaning Supplies
Counselling Services
Educational Supplies (Paper, Office and Classroom Stationery and Equipment)
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
First Aid Training
Occupational Health Services
Online Cashless Payment Systems
Photocopier (Multi-Functional Devices)
Security Systems Installation & Maintenance
Sports Equipment Maintenance
Telephone Systems
Virtual Learning Platforms (VLE)
Waste Management (General and Recycled waste)
Waste Management (Confidential Waste)
Service Feedback “The brokerage service offers tremendous potential for buyers to save time finding and evaluating suppliers, and to benefit from economies of scale. The brokerage suppliers index is always one of my reference points when looking to procure goods and services” Steve Adams – School Business Manager, Rise Park Academy Trust
Contacts: Shola Omogbehin, Henny Acheampong, Michelle Tarten • 01708 431561 • support@hes.org.uk 14
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
What the brokerage process involves • I dentification of gap and demand for particular goods and services •D evelopment of service specifications and framework agreements •P ublic/OJEU tender • Vetting of shortlisted suppliers, including taking references from their education based customers •A series of supplier interviews and presentations with representation from a cross section of schools •A ward of brokerage framework status •O ngoing supplier performance monitoring throughout the contract period.
Benefits of the service •C ost savings due to collaborative buying model and economies of scale •P rices fixed for 3 years (protection from year on year price inflation) • S ave time in finding vetted and approved suppliers •P ublic tender and OJEU compliant contracts •R ights protected by overarching brokerage master agreement signed by all suppliers • S uppliers held to account and scrutinised extensively throughout the contract duration.
Brokerage Suppliers Directory The approved suppliers’ directory is the comprehensive overview of all suppliers approved and recommended to schools and settings under the Brokerage Scheme. The hard copy brochure is made available to all subscribers of the brokerage service and provides you with the necessary information to be able to quickly find and contact suppliers. The directory is your handy quick reference guide.
Service Feedback “I have been involved with the Brokerage Service since it first started and we have saved a great deal of time and money using this service and have total reassurance due to the rigorous application procedure. Schools will only benefit further as the service grows” Chris O’Connor - School Business Manager, Warley Primary School
What the school or setting will be asked to do •H avering schools should sign up for the annual membership on the HES Portal – www.hes.org.uk •A ll other schools and settings should contact the Brokerage Team and provide an up to date pupil number on roll in order for the correct subscription package to be created on the Portal.
Service Quality Standards • I f asked to facilitate a quote request, we will aim to ensure the supplier provides a response within 5 working days •W e will aim to respond to general enquiries from schools and settings within 48 hrs*. *Please be aware that some types of enquiries may require more time if we need to liaise with suppliers. Should a delay be expected, we will keep you up to date with the status of the enquiry.
Building Alarm Monitoring (Custodian) P
Sp M A
Service Description
Service Quality Standards
The service monitors intruder and fire alarm systems using BT Redcare equipment.
Event History Reports can be provided as necessary as well as guides and advice to help with set up.
What the Service can offer We can provide the monitoring of your building alarm systems based on your requirements. We currently use Custodian for our Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC). We are able to connect your existing alarm system panel to the ARC using BT Redcare equipment. This allows the panel to communicate threats to the ARC who will phone your nominated key holder, who can be a site manager, other site official or a security company. In the event of a fire alarm activation the ARC will call the fire brigade.
Benefits to your school • Added protection for staff, pupils and visitors • Added protection for property and resources • Deterrent to intruders • Permanent record of incidents and events • Potential for lower insurance premiums • Peace of mind for the school.
What the school will be asked to do
Additional Information Please remember to keep us updated with keyholder details! Contact telecaremanagement@havering.gov.uk regarding any changes.
Price of the Services £316.46 per year for monitoring.
How to purchase and timescales To be discussed upon request of sign up.
Contract duration and notice period Contract duration is for 12 months and is typically April 1 - March 31 for Maintained schools and September 1 - August 31 for academies. We can also offer extended contract lengths from 12 months to 36 months depending on specific client requirements. We can also offer various contract start and finish dates depending on when you sign up. Please contact us for details.
Please purchase the annual package via the HES Portal. If you do not use our service through the Council contract but would like to, then please contact telecaremanagement@havering.gov.uk in the first instance. An analogue phone line will be required for most services. If this is unavailable, for example an external building, then please ask for information on the use of mobile technology through BT Secure or SOLO products.
Contacts: Neil Bartle & Linda Gibson (Telecare & Out of Hours) • 01708 724143 • telecaremanagement@havering.gov.uk
Catering Services P
Sp M A
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Service Description Havering Catering Services is London’s foremost Local Authority Caterer. We provide a wide range of services founded on quality of service, quality of food and quality and sustainability of ingredients. As well as working in partnership with local schools and academies to provide award winning meals and services we are highly active in the local community with our committed team. Hospitality catering is another key element of our business and we can provide advice, support and training in any of the above.
Service Quality Standards • We will provide a lunch service offering a choice of 3 main meals following our 3 week menu cycle • We operate to Silver Standard of Food For Life • Our food is free from additives, hydrogenated fats and undesirable E numbers • Over 80% of our meals are cooked from scratch using fresh, local, seasonal ingredients • Over 20% of our ingredients are sourced from London and the Home Counties • Over 25% of our menu is certified Organic or MSC-certified • We will respond to complaints within 24 hours or sooner.
Additional Information What the service can offer • Nursery Meals • Primary Meals • Secondary Meals – with our specialised Delish brand • Hospitality Plus Service • Managed Service • We offer a full Consultancy service, to help you get the best for your school catering • Cashless Solutions. With our cashless solution partner we can provide a free of charge full cashless solution for your school, which can be used for your school trips, uniforms and school clubs or anything else that may require payment. This will be provided alongside the school dinner money for easy payment of school meals to make your school totally cash free.
We can also provide a Managed Service or a “Cost-Plus” operation.
Price of the Service We operate various contracts, from a nil-cost option to the school, through Cost-Plus, to a fully managed service. Contact us to discuss the operation required and how we can benefit each other.
Contract duration and notice period This will vary according to the type of school and the length of the contract negotiated. www.haveringcatering.co.uk
Benefits to your school • The School Food Plan states that the vast majority of Headteachers already believe that good food is vital to children’s health and academic achievement, and to the broader life of the school • Eating school dinners is better for children. It is also better for the school’s finances • Only 1% of packed lunches meet the nutritional standards that currently apply to school food • Almost 20% of children are already obese by the time they leave primary school at eleven.
What the school will be asked to do The school will provide the kitchen and dining room facilities and be responsible for the amenities such as gas, electric and water. The school will be expected to work with the Catering Staff to ensure the smooth running of the service, including supplying numbers in good time for the service and providing feedback.
Dennis Brewin (Catering Services Manager) • 01708 433211 • dennis.brewin@havering.gov.uk Dennis McKenzie (Business Manager) • 01708 434739 • dennis.mcKenzie@havering.gov.uk
Communications P
Sp M A
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Contacts: 01708 434771 • Communications@havering.gov.uk
What the service can offer Communications also provides a graphic design service to support any design work required, for either an internal or external audience. Advertising in the Council’s publications can be for one-off events or promotion of on-going of services via the magazine or email bulletins. Advertising is available for varying budgets from quarter page adverts at £380 + VAT, to full page advertorials.
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Benefits to your school
Service Quality Standards
Schools can contact the Communications team for support for media and crisis management advice. By promoting your school via Council publications, your message will reach every household in the borough.
Havering Council’s Communications team was commissioned to promote the annual education transitions ‘Moving on’ event in October 2017. The six-week campaign increased visitors to the event by 25 per cent against previous year’s attendees.
What the school will be asked to do Our experienced Design team are able to provide eyecatching copy and visuals for any print or online material. The team offers a speedy service and charge only £50 per hour.
Price of the Services Reach every household in the borough for only £975 – Education receive a special discounted rate; included in this one-off fee your school will receive one half-page advert and free editorial in Living in Havering magazine, delivered to 110,000 households and 3,000 businesses, and one advert in the Havering email news to 138,000 subscribers. All design costs are charged at an additional fee.
Education Buildings, Design & Maintenance Services P
Sp M A
Service Description Technical Services is a multi-disciplinary service made up of professional architects, engineers and surveyors overseeing a wide range of projects from minor works, such as small scale refurbishment projects, to large scale construction developments. This also provides a comprehensive service that covers both planned and reactive maintenance as well as a diverse range of Mechanical and Electrical engineering projects.
What the service can offer 1. Statutory Compliance Package Gives you access to a range of maintenance contracts for both statutory and non-statutory servicing/testing/ inspections/monitoring of systems. The package includes an 8am - 5pm Helpdesk service for planned and responsive repairs and a 24-hour/365-day call-out cover for all emergency works. 2. Technical Advice Package Offers in-house technical expertise to design, procure, manage and supervise all building and engineering related works.
Benefits to your school • Access to a multi-disciplinary service to deliver a wide range of projects • Professionals familiar with your buildings and systems • Expert advice in dealing with asbestos management and removal • Access to corporate maintenance contracts procured by Technical Services (subject to subscription to the Statutory Compliance Package) • Design, procurement and supervision of works • All works managed around your operational requirements • Assurance of compliance with all building and engineering related statutory legislation • Diagnosis and resolution of general building, mechanical and electrical defects • 24 hour Helpdesk • In-house Maintenance Unit provision for planned and reactive maintenance.
What the school will be asked to do • Consult at an early stage to enable proper planning and timely delivery of building projects • Visit the Education Buildings, Design and Maintenance Services page on the HES Online Portal to see the full range and costs of services offered.
Andy Skeggs (RIBA) • 01708 433600 • andy.skeggs@oneSource.co.uk Contacts: Helpdesk 01708 433275 fmhelpdesk@havering.gov.uk • •
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Service Quality Standards
How to purchase and timescales
We aim to: • Action all Helpdesk calls within 15 minutes • Issue invoices for works within 1 month of completion/sign-off • Deliver all projects on programme and on budget We take Customer satisfaction seriously and appreciate your feedback. This is possible via the HES Portal customer satisfaction survey.
All packages can be purchased at any time within the contract period. Timescales and deadlines for projects will be determined by individual negotiation around the package and services procured.
Contract duration Contract period is typically 1 year: April 2018 – March 2019 for LA maintained schools September 2018 – August 2019 for academies & free schools
Additional Information For 24-Hour Emergency Call Outs ring the Helpdesk on 01708 433275 For Repairs and Maintenance ring the Helpdesk 8am - 5pm.
Price of the Services
Package 1. Statutory Compliance There is an annual fee for this package. Servicing and inspections contracts are priced individually according to your building needs. See HES Portal for individual costs and details. Quotations are available on request. Package 2. Technical Design Service Professional advice and/or management of school funded projects will be charged as either an agreed percentage of the works or on a time charge basis. The value of the works will govern how the fee is charged.
Education Human Resources P
Sp M A
What the Service Can Offer Our Human Resources Service provides complete cover both on Employee Relations and Conditions of Employment as follows: Employee Relations This provides a dedicated HR Adviser to provide unlimited support to Schools on resolving individual employee relations issues. Schools will also have support from the wider HR Team in terms of provision of on-site training and coaching, as well as a HR Advisor being available during the day to provide HR advice that is not related to a specific case.
Service Description Havering Education Human Resources (Education HR) has over 20 years’ experience in providing comprehensive and high quality HR services to schools and educational settings within the framework of nationally and locally agreed terms and conditions. We work in partnership by providing professional advice, support and guidance across a broad spectrum of employee relations issues and procedures. Our service is friendly, responsive and accessible and provides you with named contacts who will know you and your school’s specific needs. We draw on in-depth local knowledge of your school and close working relationships with other HES to find pragmatic solutions that are right for your school in what can be very challenging situations. Our services are also designed to add value by: • Helping Governors and Headteachers to improve people performance within schools • Supporting Governors, Headteachers and the School’s SMT to resolve issues which arise as a result from employing people • Developing and improving quality of HR practice for the benefit of schools • Working with the School Business/Office Manager to ensure the efficient pay and conditions related to administration within schools.
Contacts: 22
Conditions of Employment This provides a named HR Officer who will be your point of contact on contracts and variation letters as well as on the administration of terms and conditions of employment. The HR Officer is also available to make two school visits a year on request. These visits allow us to clearly identify any issues which we can help schools to resolve, as well as being an opportunity to directly brief relevant staff on any new or forthcoming developments of which they will need to be aware. Top Up Services In addition to the Human Resource service we also offer the following additional services: Recruitment Assistance Schools who sign up for this service will benefit from discounted advertising rates through our preferential agreement with Jobs Go Public. This will give you access to unlimited recruitment advertising for a single fixed price. Additional assistance is also available by providing a 35% discount on recruitment training, and offering a free initial school recruitment review. Additional HR Support Should Schools require any support that is in addition to the Employee Relations and Terms & Conditions Service then this can be obtained from this package. Examples of this are conducting fact finding investigations and presenting any reports to Hearing Panels and taking notes/minutes at meetings. HR Consultancy This service can be purchased independently and we work together to find flexible and practical solutions to meet the needs of your school at a price that suits you. This service includes managing and delivering projects in relation to Benefits and Rewards, Learning & Development and Organisational Performance.
Peter Whitelock (Head of Education HR) • 01708 433087 • Peter.Whitelock@havering.gov.uk Education HR Team • 01708 431713 • EducationHR@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Benefits to Your School • Employee relations issues are appropriately risk managed • Assurance that jobs are evaluated in accordance with the and are compliant with legislation and ACAS code of practice school’s evaluation scheme and the outcomes are both consistent and objective. • Employee relations issues are resolved in the school’s best interest.
• You have access to relevant policies and also comprehensive management toolkits • An available HR Adviser to respond to urgent issues/queries at short notice
• You are kept up to date on terms and conditions of staff for your school • You can be assured that all documentation sent to payroll is both accurate and on time.
Packages on Offer Human Resources Service - Employee Relations To have a dedicated HR Adviser to support Governors, Headteachers and the School’s SMT on individual employee relations issues, i.e. Disciplinary, Grievance, Performance Management & Capability, Absence Management, Redundancy & Organisational Change, TUPE Provide on-site training and coaching for Governors, Headteachers and the School’s SMT on the above employee relations issues Attendance at any formal or investigatory meetings, including LADO meetings Access to model policies and management toolkits on HES Portal To have direct access to a HR Adviser to respond to queries from Governors, Headteachers and the School’s SMT from 9.00 to 4.30 during term time Advise on and undertake Job Evaluation
Human Resources Service - Conditions of Employment To have a named HR Administrator to be the first point of contact Additional school visits as required to provide induction to any new office staff within the school Unlimited processing of New Starter, Variation and Leaver payroll notification forms to payroll provider for payment Review and issue contracts of employment Support and advise Schools on implementing terms and conditions of employment Administer maternity leave schemes for both teaching and support staff Access to terms and conditions, rates of pay and model job descriptions on HES Portal
Education Human Resources (continued) P
Sp M A
Packages on Offer (continued) Recruitment Assistance Unlimited number of School vacancies to be advertised by Jobs Go Public Rebates payable if less than three job adverts are placed in the year All job adverts to also be advertised on the HES Portal and to be incorporated and circulated as a weekly bulletin to all Havering schools and libraries during term time Discounted recruitment training A free initial school recruitment review
Additional HR Support Taking notes/minutes at meetings Conducting fact finding investigations and presenting any reports to Hearing Panels To support Investigation Manager at a Hearing Panel or Panel Chair at an appeal hearing Application for work permits and further leave to remain for non-Havering employees
What the School will be asked to do
Service Quality Standards
• Provide the background details and any specific information of any issue on which assistance is required
• Dedicated HR Adviser to support schools in individual employee relations cases and will work to agreed outcomes and timescales upholding our quality of practice standards as set out in the Management Toolkits.
• Provide the School’s relevant adopted HR policy where this applies to an employee relations case • Provide details, including rates of pay, that differ from either National or Havering terms and conditions • Ensure appropriate Occupational Health referral forms are completed accurately and promptly for submission • To send complete and accurate new starter, variations and leavers instructions.
• Schools will have telephone access to a HR Advisor to respond to and advise on employee relations issues on the same day. • Schools will be notified of the outcome of job descriptions agreed for evaluation within 5 working days. • Completed and accurate new starter, variations and leaver instructions will be forwarded to payroll within 1 working day of receipt from September to June and within 3 working days during July and August. • Contract and variation letters will be issued to schools by 5 working days from receipt of complete and accurate instruction from September to June and within 15 working days during July and August. • Job adverts will be processed within 1 working day of receipt of the completed advert.
Contacts: 24
Peter Whitelock (Head of Education HR) • 01708 433087 • Peter.Whitelock@havering.gov.uk Education HR Team • 01708 431713 • EducationHR@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
How to purchase and timescales Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Service Feedback
“We have found HR to be an excellent service; they are able to guide and advise and quickly respond to our school’s needs.” Primary School Headteacher
Contract duration and notice period Contract period is typically 1 year: April 2018 – March 2019 for LA maintained schools September 2018 – August 2019 for academies & MATs.
Educational Computer Centre – Computing Support P
Sp M A
Main Services A set of services and add-ons providing additional support for schools during Havering term time and are provided through the London Borough of Havering Educational Computer Centre. Main services: CRS1: Computer Repairs APP1: Apple/Android/Raspberry Pi®/Arduino® PHS1: Primary, Hosted SIMS Server PTOS1: Primary, Technician On-Site (18 Visits in Term Time) PTOS2: Primary, Technician On-Site (36 Visits in Term Time) RBAY1: Admin Remote Backup Year 1 RBAY2: Admin Remote Backup Year 2+ RBCY1: Primary, Curriculum Remote Backup Year 1 RBCY2: Primary, Curriculum Remote Backup Year 2+ SRSA1: Admin Server Replacement Service (48hr Response Time, excluding weekends).
What the service can offer Computer repairs: The repair of school owned computer equipment that is currently supported by the Educational Computer Centre is described below: •R M or ECC supplied Administration and Curriculum Servers less than 4 years old • RM Computers under 3 years old • RM Notebooks under 3 years old • Toshiba/HP/Lenovo Laptops under 3 years old • Other Notebooks/Laptops (Best endeavour) • Hewlett Packard LaserJet printers under 3yrs old • Hewlett Packard Deskjet printers under 3yrs old • Hewlett Packard Business Inkjet printers under 3yrs • Hewlett Packard Officejet printers under 3yrs old. Additional support offered for: • Remote Backup • Admin Server Repair • Apple products • Android products • Windows Tablet • Raspberry Pi® • Arduino® • Lego® Dacta/NXT/EV3/WeDo • Hosted SIMS Server.
Benefits to your school You are subscribing to: • An “insurance” service for when things go wrong for both your administration and curriculum computer systems •A knowledgeable approach which provides “expert” advice • Time allocation used directly on your problems •A solution sought for any problems you have delivering next gen Curriculum for Computing •A llocated Technicians assigned to your individual needs • Secure Storage of Data (RBS service). Premier Partners and Commissioning Agents for
Contacts: Gary Bedding • 01708 432515 (option 2) • Fax 01708 433974 • gary.bedding@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Other Support Services
Service Quality Standards
APP1: Apple/Android Support A top up service that can be added to existing technical services to allow the management and integration of “Apple” and “Android” devices on your network. Also supplies help with using Lego®, Raspberry Pi®, Arduino® and Windows Tablet integration with your RM Products.
• Suitably qualified and experienced staff are used to deliver our services • Contact can be made with an appropriate member of staff via telephone/email, Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm (Term Time Only) • All Personnel are Enhanced DBS Checked.
PHS1: Primary, Hosted SIMS Server A service to allow small numbers of Admin personnel to have access to a hosted SIMS server at ECC’s Data Centre (Up to 10 users and includes backup of your SIMS Data). Conditions apply. PTOS1: Primary, Technician On-Site (18 Visits in Term Time) A regular fortnightly service to allow problems to be dealt with on-site in a swift manner. PTOS2: Primary, Technician On-Site (36 Visits in Term Time) A regular weekly service to allow problems to be dealt with on-site in a swift manner. RBAY1: Admin Remote Backup Year 1 Designed for purchasers of PTS1 or PNTS1 and is included in the PNTS2 product. This enables the data on your administration server to be encrypted and compressed before being stored off-site. RBAY2: Admin Remote Backup Annually Extension of the above to annually. NB: Not available for Secondaries. RBCY1: Curriculum Remote Backup Year 1 Designed for purchasers of PTS1 or PNTS1 and is included in the PNTS2 product. This term time service enables the data on your curriculum server to be weekly encrypted and compressed before being stored on-site (extra charges and conditions apply for off-site Storage of Data). NB: Not available for Secondaries. RBCY2: Curriculum Remote Backup Annually Extension of the above to annually. NB: Not available for Secondaries. SRSA1: Admin Server Replacement Service (48hr Response Time, Excluding Weekends) An insurance type service that allows an RM or ECC supplied Administration server to be temporarily replaced with similar server while repairs take place on faulty server at ECC Headquarters.
Additional Information Schools that buy into the PNTS2 (Managed Service for RM Curriculum networks and ECC Supplied admin networks) will also receive: •R BAY1/2, PTOS2 (6 hours weekly) and APP1 at no extra charge • S chools that purchase PTOS1/2 + PNTS1 + RBCY1/2 will also receive APP1 at no extra charge •R equest for additional visits outside Technician On Site regular visits will be actioned swiftly and agreed by both parties (Term Time Only).
How to purchase and timescales Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Contract duration and notice period Contract duration is typically 1 year: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, for LA maintained schools and September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019, for academies.
Price Prices will be banded based on pupil numbers and the type of computer resource to be supported. Prices for Havering schools can be found at: www.hes.org.uk
Educational Computer – Centre Computing Support P
Sp M A
Service Description Support for Computing in schools offers remote/on-site technical support for RM CC4 networks and ECC supplied Administration networks. This service provides a time allocation of technical support for all your computing needs delivered between 9am and 5pm. Use of time outside of these ’core hours’ will be consumed at a rate of 1½ hours for every hour delivered (Excludes technician on-site). The service is for an RM Community Connect network in partnership with RM Plc. The implementation and use of “Windows, Apple and Android and Integration onto RM networks”. Control and Data acquisition work in line with the new 2014 Curriculum (Raspberry Pi® and Arduino®). The service supports the use of Computing in schools on supported hardware and software. (This excludes SIMS software which is covered by the LMS team).
What the service can offer • Technical support and advice on your standalone systems, network(s), network cabling and Internet access including broadband connections • Resolution of LGfL provided services (broadband and mobile devices) • Support and advice in the purchase and use of peripherals including data acquisition • Installation of virus checking software for your ECC computer systems • Advice to schools contemplating purchase of software and software licensing • Guidance as to the compatibility of software with supported machines • Installation of licensed software including MS OVS Agreements • Advice on new software/hardware developments • One-to-one advanced high level consultancy for developing your ICT resources and making best use of them • Schools with RM curriculum networks will have additional access to RM Technical Support Resources.
Benefits to your school You are subscribing to: • An “insurance” service for when things go wrong for both your administration and curriculum computer systems • A knowledgeable approach which provides “expert” advice • Time allocation used directly on your problems.
Premier Partners and Commissioning Agents for
Contacts: Gary Bedding • 01708 432515 (option 2) • Fax 01708 433974 • gary.bedding@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Core Support Services
Service Quality Standards
There are currently 3 core services available: PTS1: Fifteen hours of support for schools without an RM Curriculum based network. This service is for schools that have a “Third Party” supplied curriculum network but an ECC supplied Administration network. NB: Conditions apply.
• Suitably qualified and experienced staff will be deployed to deliver our services • Managers and Advisers will have expert knowledge in their field of work • You will be able to contact an appropriate member of our staff via telephone or via email from 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday • All information used is presented clearly, free from jargon, and without ambiguity. All direct communication with customers will be tailored to suit the individual need.
PNTS1: Thirty hours of support for schools with an RM Curriculum based network This service is for schools that have an RM supplied curriculum network and ECC supplied Administration network. Includes access to the RM Technical Support resource for escalating the resolution of any problems you may have. A number of network management functions will be delivered by the Educational Computer Centre staff remotely through your LGFL broadband Internet connection. The System admin password will be changed and not disclosed unless the nominated contact on-site has attended an RM CC4 Management course. PNTS2: Managed Service for RM Curriculum networks and ECC Supplied admin networks This service includes all the features of PNTS1 plus a twice weekly Technician visit and inclusion of RBY1/2 and RBYC1/2 for RM/ECC supplied servers. It will be necessary to survey your network and advise on changes to be carried out before this facility is implemented. The System admin password will be changed and not disclosed unless the nominated contact on-site has attended an RM CC4 Management course.
Additional Information Additional blocks of 15 hours support may be purchased to ‘top up’ this initial provision. Unused hours from the ‘top up’ days may be carried over to the next financial year.
How to purchase and timescales Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Contract duration and notice period Contract duration is typically 1 year: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, for LA maintained schools and September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019, for academies.
Price Prices will be banded based on pupil numbers and the type of computer resource to be supported. Prices for Havering schools can be found at: www.hes.org.uk
English as an Additional Language Team (EAL) P
Sp M A
Service Description A long-established professional service providing schools and academies with support around the inclusion, progress and attainment of pupils learning English as an Additional Language (EAL). The service is delivered by dedicated EAL Advisers with recent and relevant school improvement experience.
What the service can offer
What the school will be asked to do
We provide • A named professional as the ‘link’ for each school •R esponsive telephone and email support regarding English as an Additional Language • S trategic consultancy support for Headteachers and Senior Leadership Teams •O perational support for Inclusions Managers, EAL Co-ordinators, Teachers and TAs •A ccess to high quality EAL CPD courses and network meetings • F ocused work around admission, induction and second language acquisition • F acilitation of accurate assessment of EAL learners working below age related expectations •A dvice around tracking progress for vulnerable individuals and groups • E AL health checks to support self evaluation of provision and outcomes •A ccess to a comprehensive range of online resources •C onsultation around Equality & Diversity, SMSC & British Values and Character Education •W ritten report for Headteachers following each visit detailing key findings and recommendations.
• F ollow recommendations detailed in visit reports in order to accelerate progress and meet learners’ needs •B ook places on central CPD courses as early as possible •B ook dates for school delivered CPD as early as possible or a minimum of one term in advance.
Service Quality Standards • S uitably qualified and experienced staff are deployed to deliver our services • The focus, nature, timescale and intended outcome for all school based work is established in consultation with the appropriate member of staff prior to the visit/s •W ritten visit reports – where appropriate – are processed within 10 working days of each school visit and clearly outline recommended actions for schools and any agreed further actions for the named EAL Adviser.
Additional Information Please contact a member of the team to discuss your school’s specific in-house consultancy and/or CPD needs.
Benefits to your school •A ccess to very experienced advisers who have a thorough understanding of the local and national context around English as an Additional Language • E AL Advisers with a proven track record of supporting schools effectively across every key stage and who are approachable, reliable and readily available by phone or email •A n offer which ensures an appropriate match to the needs of your staff and pupils.
Contacts: 30
Carol Rockey • Tel: 01708 431651 • carol.rockey@havering.gov.uk Michelle Wain • Tel: 01708 431650 • michelle.wain@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
English as an Additional Language Team (EAL) (continued) P
Sp M A
Price of the services Primary and Secondary Sector Offers: Service Charges – please note that all services are available to both primary and secondary schools and academies, unless otherwise stated. Subscriptions are also available to out of Havering schools and academies, quote on request. Havering LA maintained Primary schools: • Responsive school visits as required • Access to all standard CPD courses • Access to 6 x network meetings • Unlimited telephone & email support • Access to online EAL resources Following de-delegation of DSG
Annual Subscription – Basic: • 1 x EAL Health Check • 3 x 2 hour visits/onsite consultancy • Access to 6 x network meetings • Access to telephone/email support & online resources • 10% discount on additional visits and all CPD courses £1,060 Annual Subscription – Enhanced: • 1 x EAL Health Check • 6 x 2 hour visits/onsite consultancy • Access to 6 x network meetings • Access to telephone/email support & online resources • 10% discount on additional visits and all CPD courses £1,699 Annual Subscription - All-Inclusive consultancy & CPD: • Access for 2 delegates to all standard CPD courses • 1 x EAL Health Check • 3 x 2 hour visits/onsite consultancy • Access to 6 x network meetings • Access to telephone/email support & online resources • 10% discount on additional visits •1 0% discount on access to centrally-held Talking Partners/ Talking Maths CPD (Primary schools and academies) •1 0% discount on access to centrally-held Talking Partners @ Secondary CPD (Secondary schools and academies) £1,950 EAL Consultancy visits (10% discount for subscribers): 1 hour staff briefing/training (EAL focus) Half day £363 Full day £570 Out of Havering schools and academies (Quote on request)
Enhanced CPD Offer – Primary Schools (delivered in your school, 10% discount to subscribers, quote on request for out of Havering schools and academies): 2 day Talking Partners intervention training: up to 10 delegates + 1 set of resources: Havering LA maintained Primary £1,010 All other Havering primary schools and academies £1,310 1 day Talking Maths intervention training: up to 10 delegates + 1 set of resources: Havering LA maintained Primary All other Havering primary schools and academies
3 part TA EAL training: 3x2 hours (max 20 delegates) Havering LA maintained Primary £405 All other Havering primary schools and academies £518
CPD delivered in your school (10% discount for subscribers): 1 hour EAL focus staff briefing Havering LA maintained Primary ‘Free’ All other schools £311 Out of Havering schools and academies (Quote on request)
Contacts: 32
£442 £575
Carol Rockey • Tel: 01708 431651 • carol.rockey@havering.gov.uk Michelle Wain • Tel: 01708 431650 • michelle.wain@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Enhanced CPD Offer – Secondary Schools (delivered in your school 10% discount for subscribers, quote on request for out of Havering schools and academies): 1 day Talking Partners @ Secondary Intervention Training (max 10 delegates) Can also be taken as 2 x 0.5 days £850 3 part TA EAL training: 3x1 hour (max 20 delegates) £363 Central CPD courses A wide range of centrally-held EAL and SMSC courses are available. Please see the HES Training and Development Programme brochure for further details.
Contract duration and notice period
Contract duration is typically 1 year: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, for LA maintained schools and September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019, for academies.
Spiritual Moral Social Cultural & British Values/Character Education (10% discount for subscribers, quote on request for out of Havering schools and academies) SMSC & British Values ½ day school based Health Check: Havering LA maintained Primary £405 All other Havering primary schools and academies £518 SMSC & British Values Staff twilight: Havering LA maintained Primary All other Havering primary schools and academies
£155 £311
SMSC & British Values ½ day Health Check + staff twilight bundle: Havering LA maintained Primary £480 All other Havering primary schools and academies £745
Timescales and Deadlines
Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Europa Centre P
Sp M A
Service Description The Europa Centre, based in Upminster, has been providing a unique and exciting language service since 1986, supporting primary and secondary students to learn and practise their language skills. We have established an excellent reputation for our fully interactive and immersive linguistic experience for students and visitors alike. The Europa Centre boasts its own indoor European town setting without ever getting on a plane! Walk through our doors and step into a world of language learning.
What the Service can offer During the school visits, the students will work alongside highly experienced and trained language assistants. Students will have the chance to develop, practise and improve their language skills with native speakers. We offer different school visit packages for primary and secondary aged children. For Key Stage 2: Primary Year 4-5-6 (maximum 30 students per visit) Package A2 Puppet Show Theft – Town & people Package B2 Missing Animal – animals & colours For Key Stage 3: Secondary Year 7-8-9 (maximum 30 students per visit) Package A3 Theft – Town & people Package B3 Missing Person – Town & people For Key Stage 4: Secondary Year 10-11 (maximum 30 students per visit) Package A4 Theft - Town & people Package B4 Missing Person - Town & people
Benefits to your school • France, Germany and Spain all on your door steps: No need to organise expensive and time consuming trip abroad. The Europa Centre is based in the London Borough of Havering • Students can benefit from the experience of interacting with native speakers in a real way • Target language used at all time • Speaking practice for GCSE exams • Make it an annual event during your European Language Week for your language department and their students • Boost beginners’ interest and confidence in language learning • An end of a year trip for students to show their new acquired language skills • Revision opportunities before a trip abroad.
What the school will be asked to do To receive full information about our language school visits, please email enquiries-adultcollege@havering.gov.uk or call 01708 434955. Let us know of any requirement to tailor the visit to your school’s needs.
Service Quality Standards • All delivery staff are native or near-native speakers • The Europa Centre subscribes to the Quality Standards of the HES • All staff are fully DBS checked and cleared • All staff are expected to attend essential training including on Safeguarding • All staff are experienced in teaching and dealing with children • All enquiries will be acknowledged within 3 working days.
For Year 9-10-11 Package C Missing Person (maximum 25 students per visit) Package SEN Puppet Show – Town & people Contacts: 34
Carole Vuarrier, Schools Provision Coordinator (Languages) • 01708 431681 • carole.vuarrier@havering.gov.uk enquiries-adultcollege@havering.gov.uk • 01708 434955
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Service Feedback
”Good role-plays practice and spontaneous speaking practice” Mrs Griffiths – Ysgol Gyfun cwm Rhymni School
Additional Information The language school visits will provide your students with a real immersive language experience from the start. Each visit is for a maximum of 30 students. • Our visits time slots are: 2 hours for Primary School (10.00 to 12.00 & 12.30 to 14.30) 3 hours for Secondary School (9.00 to 12.00 & 12.15 to 15.15) • French visits take place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, Spanish visits on Wednesdays and German visits on Thursdays • We also provide GCSE session practices within the KS4 visit packages.
Price of the Services Our fees are • Primary School visit £325 • Secondary School visit £395 • Radio Broadcast visit £425 • Book 3 or more visits and a 10% discount applies • More than 30 students: £35 per extra child.
Timescales and Deadlines A minimum of 2 months is necessary to organise language visits at the Europa Centre. For annual events possibility to book a year ahead.
Contract duration and notice period Once a preferred date is provisionally agreed we require a completed, dated and signed booking form within 7 days to start the process of planning a visit. After which an invoice for a £100 deposit per visit booked will be raised. A full payment is required 14 days before the start of the first visit. For visit(s) booked within 10 weeks of the date of the first visit(s), a full invoice will be raised at point of booking.
Service Feedback
Service Feedback
”Very engaging activities and enthusiastic approach. Spanish was spoken at all times”
“Students had a really good time. A very productive learning environment”
Ms N Redondo and Ms N Dhande – Wanstead high School
Mrs F Frost and Mrs D Callington – Parmiter’s School
Finance Support Service – Pooled funding opportunities Sp
Service description As part of the 2013 -14 school funding reforms, additional funding was delegated for services that were previously provided centrally. For maintained primary and secondary schools the Schools Funding Forum makes decisions on de-delegating the budgets but for academies, special schools and pupil referral units de-delegation is not permitted. The following services enable schools and academies to contribute towards pooled arrangements to continue to benefit from economies of scale and shared risk.
What the Service can offer Trade Union Facility Time – For Academies, Special Schools, Special Academies and AP Academies In support of an employer’s legal obligations to allow reasonable facility time for trade union representatives to carry out trade union duties and training, Havering funds facility time for branch secretaries based on the membership of the union. This ensures broad representation of staff in Havering’s schools and academies who are members of trade unions. The following trade unions receive facility time as below: Teaching Staff NUT NASUWT ATL VOICE NAHT ASCL
Support Staff UNISON GMB
The funding for facility time for maintained primary and secondary schools has been de-delegated in agreement with the Schools Funding Forum De-delegation is not permitted for academies or special schools, so to maintain the current arrangements charges are made at a price per pupil or a price per place, as contributions to a central pool administered by the LA. The pooled trade union facility time arrangements provide consultation, negotiation and representation, for TU members on matters connected with terms and conditions. Attendance and representation at meetings with and on behalf of union members in relation to grievances, disciplinaries, restructuring and/or redundancy, pay & grading appeals, TUPE transfers, health and safety and any other industrial relations issues where school based employees have a statutory right to representation.
Representation for members at management meetings on matters of local and joint interest i.e. introduction of new policies, notification about organisation change and/or redundancy, avoiding or resolving disagreement about working arrangements between management and employees at an early stage. Branch Secretaries, who are funded through the pooled arrangements, are senior and experienced trade union representatives with a good level of knowledge and expertise on employment matters.
Benefits to your School
Any academy or school not contributing to these pooled arrangements will need to ensure there are adequate arrangements in place for trade union facilities. The handling of any industrial relations matters will revert to a school based official or regional representatives and has the potential to lengthen a process. Academies and schools not contributing will be responsible for making their own arrangements for covering work areas/tasks etc. and costs associated with release of officials for representation or training. Maternity Leave Insurance - for LA Maintained Special Schools only The LA administers a maternity insurance scheme for maintained schools. This provides cover for the full costs to the school for a member of staff who is absent on maternity leave. This insurance scheme is not available to academies and is paid for by maintained primary and secondary schools through a decision to de-delegate the budget from schools. De-delegation is not permitted for special schools so this service is offered at a price per place. General Insurance - for LA Maintained Special Schools only Budgets for insurance are delegated to special schools and the pupil referral service so they must make arrangements for sufficient insurance cover for buildings/contents and staff/pupils and visitors to their schools. The service available from the Council is outlined in pages 62 - 63 of this brochure called “General Insurance & Risk Management” and provides economies of scale through the Council insurers. LA maintained special schools need to purchase Service A and it is recommended Service B is also purchased to provide additional cover for contents, water damage etc.
Contacts: Hany Moussa (Senior Finance Officer - Schools Funding) • 01708 433895 • hany.moussa@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Price of the Services
How to purchase and timescales:
A. Trade Union Facility Time Academies: a price per pupil LA maintained special schools, special and AP academies: a price per place B. Maternity Special schools a price per place C. General Insurance Charges are school specific.
Please completed all purchases on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018. For any variations to the above timescales, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Finance Support Service P
Sp M A
Service Description This service provides advice and support on the management of finances including the planning, construction and monitoring of the school’s or academy’s budget.
Additionally for Academies • Liaison with the academy’s external auditors. Additional Support available on a consultancy basis may include: • Budget preparation, monitoring and forecasting • Multi year budget planning and projection • Assistance with bank reconciliation • Costing of staffing options for example in restructure planning • Preparation of statements for finance committees with attendance at meetings if desired • Training for Headteachers, senior managers and finance staff on budget management • Support with the use of Excel for financial reporting • Support with the detailed set up of electronic processes such as BACS payments. Additionally for LA Maintained schools: • Support for the completion of the Schools Financial Value Standard • In depth analysis of benchmarking data • Support with the establishment of operating leases.
What the service can offer The Standard Service • Provision of the annual Budget Planning Pack personalised for your school • Provision of salary calculators which can be pre-populated from current payroll reports • Provision of Excel spreadsheets for multi-year budget planning and projection. These include the ability to link the budget to the School Development Plan and to plan for the effective use of the Pupil Premium • Telephone support on all matters relating to the budget and financial and accounting procedures. Remote support for FMS is available • Written guidance on financial administration procedures such as year end and accruals • Support and guidance on the introduction of electronic financial processes • Liaison with other service providers on issues affecting the school budget. Additionally for LA Maintained schools: • Completion of the Consistent Financial Reporting return required by the DfE • Final close of the accounting year in FMS • Provision of local financial benchmarking and guidance on DfE benchmarking data • Guidance on the Schools Financial Value Standard • Spreadsheets for High Needs and Pupil Premium Funding.
Additionally for Academies: • Checking of ESFA funding schedules to ensure accuracy • Support with the completion of budget and other financial returns to ESFA • Developing FMS User Defined Reports in line with ESFA returns • Developing spreadsheets and consolidating FMS accounts for MATs • Assistance with the preparation of year end accounts • Compliance checking of leases to ensure they adhere to DfE/ESFA regulations. Budget Support Packages for LA Maintained schools: We offer maintained schools the opportunity to purchase a programme of pre-booked visits at a set price. These include: • Termly budget review with or without the production of a report for the school’s Resources Committee • Half termly budget review (5 visits) with or without the production of a report for the school’s Resources Committee • Three year budget planning.
Service Feedback
“The Education Finance Team are excellent and always on hand to help us.”
Contacts: Nick Carter – Principal Finance Officer (schools) • 01708 433884 • nick.carter@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Benefits to your school or academy
Price of the Services
• We have staff with considerable experience in school financial management in schools and academies • Easy to use budget and salary tools • A Budget Planning Pack that provides a comprehensive guide to budget construction • We have an in-depth knowledge of SIMS financial software used in schools and most academies • We are conversant with the financial reporting requirements of the LA, DfE and ESFA.
• An annual subscription for the Standard Service • A set price for the Budget Support Packages • An hourly charge for consultancy.
What the school or academy will be asked to do
For any variations to the above timescales, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
• Provide access to financial information and the accounting system.
How to purchase and timescales
Please complete all purchases on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Service Quality Standards • A response to general telephone and email queries within three days • Request for on-site visits for consultancy met within ten days • The annual Budget Planning Pack will be issued to LA Maintained schools no later than February 28 and to Academies no later than April 30 • Havering produced benchmarking data will be issued to LA Maintained schools before the end of the summer term • Final close of old year accounts in LA Maintained schools will be completed by December 31 each year.
Free School Meals Eligibility Checking Service Sp
Service Description Provides a service that checks the eligibility of claimants for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium on behalf of academies, Special & AP Academy and LA Maintained Special Schools.
What the service can offer • The Local Authority operates an Eligibility Checking Service through a central Government hub. Only LAs have access to the hub • Online application for new claimants is available through the Council’s website • No need to see evidence of eligibility as the parent/ guardian will have already been assessed as eligible for other benefits that qualifies them for free meals for their child(ren) • Eligibility is recorded as continuous so does not require annual renewal by the parent/guardian
• A regular monthly checking of all claimants through the hub determines if the claimants are still eligible. If no longer recorded on the hub the parent/guardian is contacted to determine if their circumstances have changed. If no response is received within 10 days, free meals will cease • The school will receive immediate advice by telephone and confirmation by email of children that are newly eligible and advice of those where eligibility has ceased. Parents/ guardians also receive written confirmation of eligibility • A check against other Councils’ records to see if the school/ academy has pupils eligible for free school meals who are not currently registered. We then contact the parent/ guardian and the school/academy to advise them of the pupil’s eligibility • Regular data checks with academy/school records for funding purposes.
Contacts: David Allen (Finance Manager) • 01708 433851 • david.allen@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Benefits to your school
Price of the Service
• A single point of reference for families and schools to check their eligibility for free school meals and Pupil Premium • A monthly check of continued eligibility • Early notification to academies/schools when pupils should start their free school meals provision and when eligibility ceases • Reconciliation of academies’/schools’ data with central data on eligibility for funding purposes • Without this service academies/schools would need to determine eligibility by regularly checking evidence of the qualifying benefits from each family.
A price per pupil eligible for FSM based on the previous October data.
What the school will be asked to do
How to purchase and timescales Academies are asked to sign up for this service on the HES Portal by July 20 as eligibility applications tend to be received prior to the academic year in which they take effect. If not subscribing all applications received from parents/guardians will be referred on to the academy/ school that the children attend.
Contract duration and notice period September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019. Special schools and LA maintained April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019.
Once confirmed as eligible, provide the pupil with a free school meal (if required) and update the pupil’s record on SIMS to show eligibility. Check the returns received from the LA and advise of any discrepancies.
General Insurance & Risk Management P
Sp M
Service description Our aim is to provide a comprehensive insurance service for schools. The core service is available to schools where insurance budgets are held centrally from de-delegated budgets. The comprehensive insurance service is also provided to special schools and the pupil referral service. Optional extras are available to all maintained schools and the special schools at an additional cost.
What the Service can offer
What the Service can offer
Service A – Main Insurance The provision of a comprehensive insurance service to support you in management of risk for your school. With the ever increasing awareness of society of their legal rights and with compensation claims being pursued for allegations of failure to educate, bullying, stress etc, it is imperative that proper insurance cover is provided for your school and governors. Our service, provided by a professional team who understand your educational needs, offers the following: Arranging and updating the essential insurance covering buildings/contents and staff/pupils and visitors to your school. Utilising the economies of scale to purchase from insurers and by the use of the Council’s insurance fund the following cover: Fire: Buildings and contents (Excludes accidental damage, malicious damage etc.) Employers’ Liability Public Liability Officials’ Indemnity Libel and Slander Insurance of Money Engineering: • Boilers • Pressure Vessels • Lifts (including devices for the disabled) • Multi gyms • Machines. Computers Motor/hired vehicles (not employees’ cars) Fidelity Guarantee Personal Accident: • Out of school activities • Assault • Work Experience Hirers’ indemnity.
Service B – Optional Extras Available to all maintained schools as optional extras. Balance of Perils (accidental damage, malicious damage etc.) for buildings (up to £50,000) and contents. Schools activities scheme (includes cover for on and off-site activities). Due to the usual 100% take up of the optional extras, and in agreement with the Heads’ Forum schools will be automatically included and prices circulated with an opt out option, this negates the need for individual declarations.
What the school will be asked to do Provide access for surveys etc undertaken by insurers from time to time and implement any recommendations. Take reasonable precautions in preventing incidents and losses arising and mitigating the effects. Report incidents and potential claims promptly. Cooperate and provide assistance for claims investigations including witnesses. Advise the insurance team of significant change in activity. Consult the team/insurers in respect of new build or refurbishments. Provide details of contract works where works in progress cover is required. Meet relevant policy excesses.
Service Quality Standards The service is open to telephone and personal callers from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. In addition the Insurance team is available via email and the section provides a fax service. We aim to answer telephone calls within five rings and where possible correspondence answered in full in 15 days.
Contacts: Paula McLoughlin, Deborah Brophy, Angela Farmer • 01708 432369 • Fax 01708 432552 • insurance@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Additional Information Benefits In the event of a claim arising, a claims service is provided liaising with the insurers, their appointed solicitors, loss adjusters and your school – if necessary attending court with your witnesses. Monitoring the claims statistics to provide risk management advice. Long Term Agreements To obtain some stability of premiums for the insurance portfolio the Council entered into a long term agreement with the insurance company for a period of five years. The current agreements allow a discount of some 10% + 5% in return for a guarantee that the Council will renew its policies. The contract with the insurers is retendered on a regular cycle with an extension option to ensure competitive rates and value for money is obtained. The contract was entered into on January 1, 2008, and a new contract will be entered into from July 1, 2018. • Market inflationary increases are accepted but any increase above this releases the Council from the agreement should we wish to do so • By purchasing insurance cover on a bulk basis the rates are very competitive and therefore it would be advantageous if the Council could indicate that your school wishes to continue to be included in the blanket Council wide contract for the next three years • Your participation confirms your continued agreement to entering into such a partnership with the Council.
Alternatives • Should you decide not to take advantage of the Borough scheme you must ensure that your insurance portfolio is placed with a reputable insurer in the joint names of the Council and the school, and that your policies have adequate sums insured and limits of indemnity to protect your governors, the school and the Council • Your arrangements will need to be verified by the Council prior to entering into a contract • Please also bear in mind that whilst our current insurers are satisfied with the existing levels of security in schools, another insurer may offer you a lower premium but require considerable improvements in both physical and alarm protection to your buildings and indeed many schools with non-standard structures may well experience difficulty in obtaining cover at all (e.g. buildings of timber construction).
Price of the Services For maintained primary and secondary schools, budgets for the main insurance cover have been de-delegated so the cost of the core service at “Service A” above is met centrally. Schools will be advised separately of the cost of buying in the optional extras at “Service B”. The optional insurance prices, whilst on an opt out basis, are advised in advance of renewal when terms are received from insurers.
Governor Services P
Sp M A
Service description HGS provides a range of services to support community schools, academies and multi academy trusts to meet the ever increasing demands and expectations they face. We aim to: • Ensure Governing Boards, trust boards and local governing committees operate in accordance with statutory requirements, articles of association and locally agreed schemes of delegation • Assist with the self-evaluation of GB effectiveness • Support the development of GB effectiveness and capacity • Manage and promote governor recruitment and retention • Promote governor training opportunities • Encourage and support governor networks • Provide termly updates on local and national initiatives.
What the Service can offer Clerking • A named Governor Development Officer will work with you to produce bespoke GB meeting agendas, a clerk will attend your meetings to offer procedural advice and produce accurate minutes • All meeting documents will be circulated via email
Training and development • Face to face training sessions are offered on a variety of topics each term. These sessions provide an opportunity to meet governors from other schools and be updated on local and national initiatives • Bespoke training for Governing Boards either individually or in clusters on request • Details of nationally available training opportunities, for example from the National College, are also circulated to governors • An online training module is available • Advice and guidance can be sought on all governance issues • Customised support, for example, in responding to national initiatives or specific school issues, for example complaints, can be offered.
Advice and guidance • GBs can seek advice and guidance on all governance issues via email, the helpline or by appointment.
Clerking of Hearings • Clerking available for HR hearings or pupil exclusion hearing subject to clerks’ availability (quote on request) • Clerking of meetings related to investigation of parental complaints (quote on request).
Contacts: 44
Benefits to your school • Professional support from Officers • A named Governor Development Officer to support the Board • Up to date information about statutory requirements • Support to develop your Board • Induction training for new governors/trustees • Network meetings for Chairs & Vice Chairs and Development & Liaison governors.
What the school will be asked to do • Provide HGS with up to date, agreed terms of reference • Notify HGS of changes of membership as early as possible • Notify HGS, as early as possible, of the dates of committee meetings, preferably for the whole academic year • Respond promptly to requests for agreeing draft agendas (at least 10 days in advance of meetings) • Notify HGS of any observers or others to receive papers at least 10 days in advance of the meeting • Return draft minutes with an indication of any amendments or additions within 15 working days of receipt.
Maureen Smith (Havering Governor Services Manager) • 01708 433665 • maureen.smith@havering.gov.uk Michelle Morgan (Principal Governor Development Officer ) • 01708 433879 • michelle.morgan@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Service Quality Standards
How to purchase and timescales
• Agendas agreed with Chair and Headteacher and distributed in line with legal requirements (7 days for maintained schools and in line with academy Articles of Association) • Minutes prepared and sent via email to Chair and Headteacher within 15 working days of the meeting. Where a shorter timescale is required, this can be negotiated.
Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchases should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Additional Information
Contract duration and notice period
We do our best to respond positively to all requests for training or additional services; please do contact us if you have a specific issue that you would like to discuss.
Schools wishing to purchase outside of the normal contract period are invited to contact HGS to check for availability Contract period is typically 1 year: April 2018 – March 2019 for LA maintained schools September 2018 – August 2019 for academies & MATs.
Price of the Services For Havering maintained schools and academies, full details of our prices are available on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Non Havering schools and MATs are advised to contact us in the first instance so we can set up relevant prices depending on your requirements.
Grounds Maintenance P
Sp M A
Service Description The London Borough of Havering’s Grounds Maintenance Services team can provide your school with specialised grounds maintenance and gardening services whatever the weather. We operate a ‘year planner’ style bespoke scheduling system that lists work to be carried out on a week by week basis, and you will only be invoiced each month for the work carried out.
What the service can offer • Grass cutting • Hedge cutting • Sports pitch maintenance • Pitch marking • Running tracks • Weed treatment to hard standings • Specialist turf treatments • Jump pit maintenance • Seasonal bedding • Bulb planting with students • Shrub and tree maintenance • Turfing • Landscaping projects.
Benefits to your school • All 70 full time staff have ID badges, uniforms and are DBS checked • All resources are based at 9 depots within the Borough • Flexibility afforded by extensive local resources • Skilled grounds staff with up to 49 years’ experience • Wide range of available equipment including tractors and gang mowers, ride on cylinder and rotary mowers, line marking equipment, fine turf machinery, rollers, excavators and an 18 tonne grab lorry • Minimal travelling time from depots to your school • Competitive rates – no company cars, shareholders or profit targets • Fully registered waste carriers, composting and disposal facilities • Local authority organisation means stability and reliability • GPS mapping and accurate estimating/quantity surveying available for all sites within the borough • Internal local authority ICT and audited financial systems.
Mark Jones (Operations Manager Grounds) • 01708 431588 • mark.jones@havering.gov.uk Contacts: Andrew Hull (Contract Management Officer) 01708 433858 andrew.hull@havering.gov.uk • •
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
What the school will be asked to do
Service Quality Standards
• Work in partnership with us to provide the most effective and efficient specification to suit your needs • Sign staff worksheets indicating satisfaction with works carried out • Attend scheduled progress meetings • Inform us of events and special occasions giving plenty of notice • Inform us of any changes of layout at your school • Inform us of any service issues in a timely fashion • Maintain effective communications.
• Expectation that staff will attend weekly and carry out works in line with the bespoke schedule, weather permitting • Schools and academies will only be invoiced for scheduled works carried out to the satisfaction of the client • Schedules of work will be designed in line with the client’s expectations • All queries or issues will be resolved quickly and professionally • All machines, vehicles and equipment are to be maintained and operated to the highest safety standards • Full risk assessments for all activities available on request • All herbicides will be applied by staff qualified to National Proficiency Tests Council standards • Sports pitches and tracks will be marked in accordance with I.A.A.F., the Football Association, The Rugby Football Union and the Marylebone Cricket Club guidelines.
Prices of the Services Task (all prices need to include travel to and from the depot) Rate 2 staff & a van (include all tools & machinery) per hour
Tractor & gang mowers per hour
Ride on mower & driver per hour
Initial mark football pitch per pitch per occasion £93.66
Additional Information
Re-mark football pitch per occasion
Initial mark six lane 400 metre running track per occasion
Re-mark six lane 400 metre running track per occasion
Initial mark hockey pitch per occasion
Our close proximity to your school enables us to programme works to suit local weather conditions, for example herbicide spraying, which needs to be done during fine weather. We have locally based resources enabling us to expand team numbers if and when required, and we will always make an effort to work with you to prepare for special events and important dates. Works can if required be carried out outside of school hours or term times.
Re-mark hockey pitch per occasion
Timescales and Deadlines
Preparation of new or renovation of shrub beds per m2
Shrub bed planting (five 3 litre container grown shrubs) per m2
We can mobilise teams for new sites and partnerships within a relatively short period of time. We have a wide range of resources and a flexible approach to new business.
Shrub bed mulching (using composted whole tree mulch) per m2
Hedge cutting per linear metre
Prepare ground, supply & lay turf per m2
Prepare ground, supply and sow grass seed per m2
Garden design by experienced & qualified staff per hour
Tree survey/tree works
Contract duration and notice period Contracts are generally for a year at a time, although this can be extended indefinitely. We would always request at least three months’ notice for significant changes or cancellations. Please note that where large quantities or areas are involved costs can sometimes be reduced due to bulk purchasing discounts or reduced travel costs.
Havering Adult College P
Sp M A
Havering Adult College Havering Adult College has a proven history of supporting over 1,000 Teaching Assistants and LSAs in improving their performance through a range of tailored CPD courses that have led to continuous and sustained improvement in: • Teaching and Learning • Standards and Achievement • Primary & Secondary School contexts. The team has been consistently graded highly by Ofsted, and comprises highly experienced, dedicated and well-regarded professionals within all educational sectors, and led by a current Ofsted inspector. The direct delivery team includes qualified school professionals as well as subject specialists at both primary, secondary and tertiary level. Our INSET for TA packages provide contributory evidence to meet HLTA standards – contact us for more information on 01708 554016. Package One: Full Induction Programme for Teaching Assistants & LSAs • One day induction that can be tailored for individual schools, and is the one-stop shop for post-recruitment (or annual refresher) needs • Dynamic delivery that covers core legislation (Safeguarding, DPA) • Expectations of the Professional Role (linked to National Occupational Standards and local demands) • Health & Safety regulations • Interaction with other professionals (including explaining local roles and functions) • The programme content can be negotiated to reflect school priorities if notified in advance. Cost for full day package: £550 Package Two: Effective Behaviour Management for Teaching Assistants • A standalone one day variation of our popular part-time CPD course • Behaviour and Teaching/Learning – Two sides of the same coin? • Covering the causes of inappropriate behaviour • The relative values of rewards and sanctions • Developing a positive approach to behaviour management • Tailored for primary or secondary schools • Strong relationships and how they promote positive behaviour. The programme content can be negotiated to reflect school priorities if notified in advance. Cost for full day package: £350 Contacts: 48
Package Three: Supporting Dyslexia in the Classroom • INSET For Teaching Assistants • A standalone one day variation of our popular part-time CPD course • Developing an understanding of the emotional impact of dyslexia • Exploring effective strategies for supporting pupils to manage their dyslexia • Experiencing the impact of dyslexia – seeing life through a child’s eyes. This interactive programme has been over subscribed for four years as part of our evening provision, and is an essential toolkit for both new and experienced teaching assistants. Cost for full day package: £350 Package Four: Supporting Pupils With ADHD • INSET for Teaching Assistants • A standalone one day variation of our popular part-time CPD course • Understanding the implications of being a pupil with ADHD • Developing effective strategies for working with and supporting pupils with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder • Activity based learning experiences. A part of the wider Havering Adult College professional Education and Training range of CPD courses for school support staff, this course contributes to the HLTA standards. Cost for full day package: £350 Package Five: An Introduction to Supporting SEN in the Classroom • INSET for Teaching Assistants • A standalone one day variation of our popular part-time CPD course • An experience-based learning toolkit exploring a range of most commonly encountered conditions that can affect pupils and their learning • The exploration and development of meaningful proactive, TA friendly strategies to be applied in the classroom. The programme content can be negotiated to reflect school priorities if notified in advance. This course can be followed up by an optional, deeper professional practice surgery, looking at specific scenarios if required (at an additional cost). Cost for full day package: £350
Darren Purdie (Quality and Curriculum Manager) • 01708 554016 • darren.purdie@havering.gov.uk Joanne Mead (Specialist Teacher/Assessor) • 01708 554016 • joanne.mead@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
What the school will be asked to do • Notify the Adult College of any specific local priorities to be incorporated within the training session 5 working days before the programme is delivered at your school • Ensure that TAs/LSAs are identified in advance of CPD events so that appropriate support can be provided by the College if required • Provide appropriate space for training to be delivered, or delivery can be undertaken at our dedicated training site in Rainham.
Package Six: Supporting Pupils with Autism - INSET for Teaching Assistants • A standalone variation of our popular part-time CPD course • Discovering the implications for pupils living with autism • Developing an appreciation of the range of autistic characteristics • Exploring a range of engaging strategies to effectively manage and support pupils with autism whilst in class.
Service Quality Standards • All Adult College provision is subject to Ofsted inspection and conforms to the principles of the Common Inspection Framework • All delivery staff have a proven track record of providing Grade 2 or better sessions • All enquiries made during normal business hours will be addressed within 3 working days • The Adult College subscribes to the Quality Standards of the HES • All staff are fully DBS checked and cleared • All staff maintain practitioner status to sustain credibility.
One of the most popular of our standalone CPD units, this course provides an excellent awareness raising opportunity for those supporting pupils. Cost for full day package: £350 Package Seven: The Sex Factor How Gender Impacts upon Learning Support - INSET for TAs • A standalone variation of our new CPD course • Suitable for TAs currently supporting teaching and learning in Key Stages 1 and 2 • We study emerging evidence that there are differences in how boys and girls learn • We consider the perceived difference between boys’ and girls’ attitudes to learning and how this may impact on the support provided • Aim of the course is for TAs to reflect on their own attitudes towards boys and girls and the support they provide. Cost for full day package: £350 Package Eight: Understanding Mental Health in Young People - INSET for TAs • A standalone variation of our new CPD course • Aims to extend TAs’ knowledge of young people’s mental health. Cost for full day package: £350
How to purchase and timescales Adult College traded provision is responsive to need, so can be booked to suit demand with a minimum of 7 days notice. If specific content needs to be negotiated (e.g. Induction Package), then this needs to be raised at least 5 days before delivery is due. Contract duration and notice period The individual contract for each aspect of CPD training lasts for the duration of the training. 72 hours cancellation time is required. Prices of the Services: Induction Packages – £550 CPD One Day Courses – £350 each Other CPD may be available or could be designed to meet need, just ask!
Havering Music School P
Sp M A
Service Description Havering Music School offers high quality instrumental and vocal tuition, ensemble work and concerts to schools in the Borough. Contracts can be varied with half a term’s notice, to enable you to make best use of your budgets. Services to schools are complemented by a full range of progressive ensembles across many musical styles/ genres at our Saturday and Weekday Music Centres. Special projects are undertaken in conjunction with our Music Education Hub partners including the London Symphony Orchestra, London Chamber Orchestra, Wigmore Hall, Sound Connections and Queen’s Theatre.
What the Service can offer • Individual and small-group tuition in all orchestral, band and contemporary instruments and voice • Whole-class Ensemble Teaching, usually in Y4, taught either as a general musicianship or instrumental programme • Large-group tuition on recorder and percussion • Direction of choirs and ensembles in schools • Classroom support • Short-term loan of music sets and larger instruments (e.g. percussion) subject to availability • Piano accompaniment for examinations, competitions and concerts • Instrument Hire Scheme offering very low cost instruments to our students • Practical examination sessions for our students at the Music Centre for Associated Board and Trinity College London graded exams • Regular small-scale concerts and Havering Young and Junior Musician competitions.
Benefits to your school High quality teaching team of well-qualified, experienced staff. Close-working team of teachers who know and understand the needs of Havering schools. Levels of service agreed to meet schools’ individual needs . Monitoring by senior staff ensures quality is maintained. Assistance available for GCSE and A level practical elements. Active interest in students’ progress, with encouragement to achieve their personal best.
What the school will be asked to do Existing customers will be contacted in the last week of February 2018 to confirm their weekly requirements for each instrument for the new financial year. Any Contacts: 50
further changes during the year will require half a term’s written notice. New customers will be offered our new scheme, which offers reduced administration for all schools and free ensembles and theory classes for schools with over twenty paying students. Parents will have a choice of three service levels and will pay HMS by Direct Debit. We will continue to offer the new scheme to all schools during 2018/19.
Service Quality Standards • Expectation that staff teach every week of the academic year and deliver a minimum of 37 sessions • Every student receives an annual written report detailing their progress and achievements • Where a parent requires a specialist’s response, this is provided within five days, by a manager if appropriate • Enquiries for instrument hire will be assessed for eligibility and feedback provided within three working days • Subject to availability of a suitable instrument, hires will commence within a week of the initial request and instruments will work “out of the box”.
Gary Griffiths (Head of Havering Music School) • 01708 450313 • gary.griffiths@havering.gov.uk Ellen Jones (Senior Administration Assistant) • 01708 450313 • ellen.jones@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Timescales and Deadlines March 16, 2018 return of weekly teaching requirements to HMS: Form 1: instrumental/vocal tuition Form 2: Wider Opportunities tuition (if applicable).
Service Feedback
”This is really fun! It’s much better than learning!” Secondary Pupil
Contract duration and notice period Tuition contracts are usually for the financial year but can be increased at any time, subject to tutor availability. Half a term’s notice is required for any decrease.
Prices of the Services Tuition and ensembles delivered in school: LA maintained schools: £42.25ph Academies and out of Borough: £42.95ph
Service Feedback
”The workshops were a great success and full credit to you and your team for such an inspiring initiative” Head of Music
Discounts: Schools booking over 15h weekly: £1 ph Schools booking over 25h weekly: £2 ph (discount applied to whole contract) Further details on this scheme www.haveringmusicschool.org.uk
Health & Safety Advisory Service P
Sp M A
Service Description The oneSource Health & Safety Advisory Service provides clients with access to a range of competent fire and health & safety services to enable them to fulfil their statutory duties relating to occupational safety and health.
What the Service can offer The Service provides access to a competent advisory service. It includes access to the Schools’ Health & Safety Manual, guidance and Health & Safety Bulletins developed by the schools’ Health & Safety Team (provided to the lead site for internal distribution within MATs). Three half days of on-site support (per school in MATs) per year. The visits include a core monitoring element and a support element. The monitoring element is designed to ensure that establishments continuously improve their health & safety management systems. This includes audits of the establishment’s health & safety management system, the frequency of these is decided by the establishment’s risk rating. The support element is flexible to enable best use of the advisory support time. The options available to include training workshops, assistance in developing policy and supporting documents (including risk assessments). Access to telephone & email advice throughout the contract period. Optional discounted subscriptions to the Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision of School Science (CLEAPSS) service* (for secondary schools this includes access to the Radiation Protection Adviser Service), Evolve educational visits approval* and Smartlog record keeping systems. Standard advisory service packages are available on either a single or three yearly basis (service price maintained during the contract period – see pricing for full details). Subscribers are able to access the health & safety training courses offered by the Team at discounted rates. *These services are included as part of the standard service to Havering community schools
Fire Services Fire equipment servicing service provides annual servicing and five yearly extended servicing of portable fire extinguishers, hose reels and blankets. The Service can be undertaken on both cartridge and stored pressure extinguishers. The servicing is undertaken to BS5306 (Fire Extinguishing Installations and Equipment on Premises) by BAFE approved service engineers. The pricing schedule (located in the price area) includes the costs for servicing the various equipment types. In some instances (CO2 & dry powder) it is more cost effective to replace the extinguisher rather than replenish the existing unit as the labour/equipment/parts involved make the service cost close to the new unit cost. Likewise on-site extended servicing of stored pressure extinguishers is not cost effective. A service exchange scheme is offered for these types. Where replacement fire extinguisher parts are required which are not included in the annual or five yearly extended service (e.g. extinguisher hoses, CO2 horns etc.) These will be provided at cost and fitted during the servicing. Due to variables such as need to replace extinguishers or other non-service parts (e.g. hoses etc.) it is not possible to provide a quote prior to commencing works. No work other than normal annual/extended servicing will be undertaken without our technician seeking your agreement. Our service is based on high ethical standards and as such the engineers are fully salaried and not paid on commission (as is common in the fire equipment servicing industry). Therefore the establishment can be assured that any recommendations made by the service engineer are in the best interests of the client. Fire risk Assessment service will produce a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment for the establishment. To conduct the fire risk assessment, a fire risk assessor will visit your premises and undertake a comprehensive evaluation of all areas of the property looking at all areas of fire safety and risk in detail.
CLEAPSS & CLEAPSS Radiation Protection Adviser Services can be purchased as separate standalone packages.
Contacts: Stephen Catley (Health & Safety Team Manager) • 01708 431707 • stephen.catley@oneSource.co.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
The process will involve a consultation period with the premises manager, to determine the existing outline standard of fire risk management in the workplace. A pre-inspection letter will be sent before the visit date to enable you to gather the necessary information required by the assessor. On completion of the audit, the physical inspection will look at and identify all of the points below. The physical inspection is normally a non-intrusive survey of the premises, but will also consider a more detailed intrusive survey if the assessor feels that this is necessary. Though this will be discussed with you, and will be determined by the age of the property, and construction methods. 1. Property age & condition 2. Persons at risk 3. Potential fire safety hazards and risk, ignition sources & combustible materials 4. Fire prevention & management 5. Fire safety signage 6. Fire safety equipment & maintenance 7. Fire safety training & drills 8. Means of escape in the event of fire 9. Deficiencies in existing fire safety & risk precautions 10. An evaluation of your existing emergency fire procedures, training & drills
The Fire Safety Assessment Report will be emailed to you upon completion in the form of a PDF. There will then be an opportunity to discuss the findings with the assessor in detail if required. The price of the assessment includes four hours on-site collecting data and inspecting the site. If the assessor feels that further investigation is required in order to make the assessment suitable and sufficient they will discuss this with the site. Any such work will be an additional charge. Fire Training Services – The service is able to provide on-site training for fire marshals, Evac Chair operators and fire extinguisher training. Further information on the fire training service can be obtained from the Health & Safety Advisory Service’s page on the HES Portal.
Health & Safety Advisory Service (continued) P
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Benefits to your school
Service Quality Standards
Health & safety legislation requires employers to have access to competent advice on health & safety. The Team’s advisers, support officers and technicians understand the activities undertaken by education establishments and other public sector organisations and have extensive experience of providing solutions suitable for clients’ specific needs.
Health & Safety Advisory Service On-site support • Contracted days delivered within contract period (standard contract 3 half days in 12 month period). Remote support • Telephone support available from 9am - 5pm on working days. Calls answered in 5 rings. Written/email queries • Answered or holding response* within 5 working days *Holding response will indicate the anticipated time required to research answer to query.
What the school will be asked to do Health & Safety Advisory Service Ensure access to appropriate members of staff and information; Ensure that a work location is available which is suitable for the task(s) being undertaken; Respond in a timely manner to requests to set the dates of support visits. Fire Services Fire Extinguisher Servicing – ensure access to the appliances which need servicing and access to a member of staff with the authority to make decisions on whether or not the establishment wishes to implement recommendations of the extinguisher technician which are beyond normal/5 yearly extended servicing. Fire risk assessment – ensure access to appropriate members of staff in order to complete the data collection and inspection elements of the assessment. Fire Marshal/Fire extinguisher training – provide a room suitable for the theory section of the training and an outside area (minimum equivalent to 3 parking spaces) for the practical elements. Evac Chair training - provide a room suitable for the theory section of the training, a serviceable Evac Chair and stairwell where the practical element can be undertaken without other building users being present.
Fire Service Fire Extinguisher Servicing • Extinguishers will be serviced in line BS5306 by BAFE approved service engineers • No work beyond annual/extended serving will be undertaken without approval from the establishment. Fire Risk Assessment Reports will be issued with 10 working days of the audit visit.
Additional Information Establishments are able to procure additional support from the team. These can be either ad hoc arrangements or permanent extensions to the contract agreement.
Prices of Services Health & Safety Advisory Service Prices vary by School type & sector. Establishment specific prices/quotation services are available to registered users via the HES Portal.
Contacts: Stephen Catley (Health & Safety Team Manager) • 01708 431707 • stephen.catley@oneSource.co.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Service Site Attendance Fee
Annual Service Fee - cartridge extinguishers Water/AFFF (Chubb type)
Annual Service Fee - cartridge extinguishers Water/AFFF (Moyne Roberts)
Annual Service Fee – stored pressure extinguishers Water/AFFF
Annual Service Fee – CO2 extinguishers
Annual Service Fee – stored pressure – Dry Powder
Annual Service Fee – stored pressure extinguishers – Wet chemical (Class F)
Extended Service/Discharged extinguishers – cartridge (Chubb type) Water/AFFF
Extended Service/Discharged extinguishers – cartridge (Moyne Roberts) Water/AFFF
Extended Service/Discharged extinguishers – stored pressure extinguishers Water/AFFF – SERVICE EXCHANGE*
Extended Service/Discharged extinguishers – CO2
Not Serviced
Extended Service/Discharged extinguishers – Dry Powder
Not Serviced
Extended Service/Discharged extinguishers – Wet chemical (Class F)
Fire blanket annual service
Hose reel annual service
New extinguisher commissioning fee
Installation of wall brackets (up to two brackets)
*Service exchange reliant on extinguisher being exchanged being in a re-issuable condition. ** Price varies depending on make and model of extinguisher. Fire Risk Assessment (Small sites £535 large sites £750) The price of the assessment includes four hours (small site) seven hours (large site) on site collecting data and inspecting the site. If the assessor feels that further investigation is required in order to make the assessment suitable and sufficient they will discuss this with the site. Any such work will be an additional charge.
Timescales and Deadlines Dependent on service purchase/renewal date.
Contract duration and notice period Health & safety advisory packages – 1 or 3 year packages are available; Fire extinguisher servicing – annual contract; Ad hoc services – duration of agreed work.
Fire Training Fire extinguisher training on site Multiple sessions can be delivered on the same day. Each session can have up to 15 delegates. Prices are as follows: 1 session (15 delegates) £420 2 sessions (30 delegates) £690 3 sessions (45 delegates) £965 4 sessions (60 delegates) £1,234 Fire Marshal training on site (Up to 15 delegates) £515 Evac Chair Training on site (Up to 6 delegates) £196
Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service P
Sp M A
Service Description
What the Service can offer
The Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service supports schools to improve pupil health, and to develop widelyrecognised links between wellbeing and attainment. It enables schools to effectively identify and meet pupil needs and provide clear evidence of this in line with Ofsted criteria and National Curriculum objectives. The service provides training to support delivery of high quality teaching and learning in curriculum subjects, including Emotional Health and Wellbeing, PSHE and Relationships and Sex Education. In doing so, it helps schools to demonstrate their commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum. The service supports the achievement of Healthy Schools London awards which embody a whole school approach to the promotion of health and wellbeing. Through this approach, pupils are empowered to take control of their own health and are able to confidently explain how to keep themselves healthy and make healthy choices in relation to food, fitness, and their emotional and mental wellbeing.
The service uses the Healthy Schools London awards process to review provision for health and wellbeing, and develop and implement action plans to improve outcomes in identified areas of need. By purchasing this package, schools are able to attend: • Healthy Schools London Bronze/ Silver/ Gold Award Workshops • Termly networking events, incorporating sharing of good practice and latest developments and guidance in relevant areas of the curriculum • Staff training courses at a central venue on various topics throughout the school year, for example: • KS1– 4 Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Primary / Secondary Classroom • KS1 – 4 Quality Teaching and Learning in PSHE • KS1 – 4 Relationships (and Sex) Education • Policy development workshops. In addition to central training events, schools buying into this service are also able to benefit from more personalised support, which can be tailored to the specific needs of their staff and pupils, such as: • In-school mentoring/support (e.g. curriculum audits, planning support, policy development) • Workshops to promote the Health and Wellbeing of staff.
Contacts: 56
Tracey Wraight • 01708 434488 • tracey.wraight@havering.gov.uk Claire Alp • 01708 431365 • claire.alp@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Benefits to your school
Service Quality Standards
• A means of evidencing provision for health and wellbeing of pupils in order to meet Ofsted judgements on ‘Personal development, behaviour and welfare’, ‘Effectiveness of Leadership and management’ and ‘Quality of learning and teaching’ • Effective delivery of curriculum objectives in subject areas including Emotional Health and Wellbeing, PSHE, Cooking and Nutrition in Design and Technology, and other subjects linked closely with spiritual, moral, social and cultural development • Achievement of Healthy Schools London Awards including receipt of award plaques • Engagement in Healthy Schools London Silver and Gold awards incorporate a robust system for school improvement and provide a mechanism to evidence the positive impact of health-related interventions • Structured opportunities to network and share good practice with other schools in the Borough.
• Suitably qualified and experienced staff are deployed to deliver our services • Feedback on draft Healthy Schools London award applications submitted by email is provided within 10 working days • A Quality Assurance Group will assess award applications submitted by schools to the Healthy Schools London website. This group is coordinated by the appointed Borough Lead and formed of representatives from Public Health and other Council teams or associated organisations as appropriate.
What the school will be asked to do • Purchase the service package prior to attendance at workshops or events offered as part of the service package • Book places on training, workshops and events as early as possible • Identify a named member of staff who will be responsible for coordinating this area within the school.
Price of the Services Purchases should be completed via the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk The total cost of the service is £595 per school per year (This price is the same for primary/secondary/special/ maintained/academies).
Timescales and Deadlines Purchases should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 2018. Academies – August 2018.
Contract duration and notice period Contract duration is typically 1 year: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, for LA maintained schools and September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019, for academies.
Hornchurch Stadium Athletics Track P
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Timescales and Deadlines Bookings can be taken from January 2018 for the spring and summer terms.
How to Book To book the stadium for school use please contact: Rhys Lewis, Culture and Community Access, The Stableblock, Langtons House, Billet Lane, Hornchurch, RM11 1XJ Tel: 01708 431 618
Price of the Service 1 Hour booking – £38.10 Half Day – £101 Full Day/Sports Day – £208
Service Description Hornchurch Stadium has a six lane 400m running track together with two jumping pits available for school use. The facility also has high jump, pole vault, shot, discus and hammer facilities; however use of these is restricted to Havering Athletics Club.
What the service can offer The athletics track and jumping pits are available for hire by local schools/colleges between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday for curriculum use or for your annual sports day. Facilities can be booked by the hour, half day or full day.
Benefits to your school Delivery of the PE national curriculum. Pupils have the opportunity to run on a 400m athletics track, just like British athletes like Jessica Ennis-Hill, Christine Ohuruogu and Adam Gemili. The stadium can be used to host your annual school sports day. There is spectator seating available so that parents can also enjoy the day watching their son/daughter compete.
Contacts: Rhys Lewis, Culture and Community Access • 01708 431618 or 07816 465 493
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
oneSource Assurance Services (Internal Audit) P
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Service Description oneSource Assurance Services brings together the Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Teams. Internal Audit is defined as “an Independent, objective assurance and consultancy activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations”. The service provides assurances to Headteachers and Governing Bodies with regards to the system of internal control in key risk areas within the school. All Havering maintained schools are currently audited on a risk based approach by the LA and in addition can purchase a health check from oneSource Assurance Services in the interim years.
What the Service can offer • An on-site review of the key systems and processes in the school with verbal feedback • A written report, including a judgement on the level of assurance • Follow up of prior recommendations to provide assurance to the Governing Body that weaknesses have been addressed • A tailored health check (maintained schools only) focused on specific areas of risk • A specific assurance report relating to a particular area of risk for the school, as a one off piece of work • Academy assurance audits • Fraud workshops / awareness Training • Bespoke consultancy • Bulletins • Change Assurance.
Why buy our service? Headteachers and Governing Bodies require assurances to support them in fulfilling their roles within schools. The demands and challenges on all public sector organisations are increasing and ensuring that there are robust arrangements in place for audit and risk management is critical in ensuring the School has the best chance of achieving its strategic and operational objectives. Packages Include: • A review of key systems and processes in operation within the school • An opportunity to meet with experienced auditors that understand risk and control and will provide honest feedback and practical recommendations • Verbal feedback at the end of the day and a written report, including an audit opinion on the level of assurance. Benefits: • Support in assessing compliance with relevant financial standards and legislative requirements • Advice and support on efficient and effective mitigation of risks • Impartial auditors with experience of school financial management, who understand the challenges a school environment can pose and who can offer advice as to best practice • A value for money service that is sufficiently flexible to adapt to the changing assurance needs of the school.
Sarah Hughes • Principal Auditor (Systems and Schools) • 01708 432977 • sarah.hughes@oneSource.co.uk Contacts: Jamie Bailey • Principal Auditor • 01708 432607 • jamie.bailey@oneSource.co.uk Melanie Norwood • Principal Auditor • 01708 432613 • melanie.norwood@oneSource.co.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
What the school will be asked to do
Service Quality Standards
• Agree a convenient date for the visit • Complete a short pre-visit questionnaire to assist in the development of the visit that is tailored to your needs • Ensure key staff are available during the visit to meet with the Auditor • Make key documentation, set out in the planning stage, available to the Auditor • Provide timely responses to draft reports so that a final report can be produced. Packages Internal Audit Health Checks We will provide assurances to Headteachers and Governing Bodies with regards to the system of internal control in key risk areas within the school. The health check will include: • A tailored audit programme focused on specific areas of risk agreed in advance of the visit • Follow up of existing recommendations to provide assurance that previous weaknesses identified have been addressed • Annual rather than triennial assurance on the control environment.
Audit reports will be issued within three weeks of the audit visit. Academy Assurance Audits This service provides assurances to Headteachers and Governing Bodies with regards to the system of internal control in key risk areas within the Academy. The audit services provided will enable governors of Academy trusts to demonstrate that the assurance criteria, detailed within the Academies Financial Handbook, have been satisfied. Bespoke Consultancy We can provide one off pieces of work that focus on specific risk areas or areas of concern for Headteachers and/or Governing Bodies. Any school requiring this type of work should contact oneSource Assurance Services directly for a quote. Regular Bulletins Bulletins and newsletters will be issued via the Portal throughout the year, as required. This will include national guidance and local examples of best practice to better equip schools to minimise the risks associated with the school environment. Fraud Workshops / Awareness Training • I nvestigations into possible fraudulent activity both internal and external •O nline or Face to Face bespoke Fraud Awareness Training either ad hoc or on a rolling basis • All at an agreed fee, either daily or a set price dependent on requirements.
Price of the Service A set price for the audit/health check will be charged. Costs of all further packages will be agreed with the client in advance of any work being undertaken. Any additional advice or support would be agreed up front and charged at a daily rate based on the work required.
Contract duration and notice period Our services can be purchased a year at a time, so a notice period is not required.
Passenger Travel Services P
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Service Description The London Borough of Havering’s Passenger Travel Service team can provide your school with specialised transport to meet the majority of your requirements. Transport is available seven days a week & trips to destinations in England, Scotland, Wales & the near continent can be quoted for. What the service can offer
What the school will be asked to do
• Transport by the following vehicles: - 7 seat Galaxy people carriers - 15 seat wheelchair accessible van conversion buses - 17 seat Minibuses - 16, 24, 32, 34 & 40 seat wheelchair accessible coach-built buses - 77 seater double decker buses (with lap belts) • Transport can be arranged for almost any type of trip including Swimming, Sports days, Museums & Educational visits.
• Work in partnership with us in order to provide the most effective and efficient service • Inform us of any service issues as soon as possible • Maintain effective communications.
Benefits to your school Staff • All staff have ID badges, uniforms and have been Enhanced DBS checked • All driving staff have been trained to the level of Certificate of Professional Competence • All staff have received training in Basic First Aid, Disability Awareness, Diversity & Customer Care • Some staff have also been trained in Use of Oxygen, Challenging Behavior, Dementia & Epilepsy etc. Vehicles All vehicles are: • PCV Licensed for Hire & Reward • Fitted with 3 point adjustable Lap & Diagonal Seat belts (apart from 77 seaters, which have lap belts) • Climate Controlled and have Sensory (Mood) Lighting • Borough based • Inspected every 8 weeks by our own in-house workshop • Regular Servicing & Lola inspections on Tail-lifts • 24 hour breakdown cover • Tail-lift accessible.
Contacts: 62
Prices of the Services The standard price for all trips within the Borough is dependent upon the size of vehicle required. The price of trips out of Borough are available from the Admin team on 01708 433230 / 433232 / 433188 Or alternatively you can email us at: pts@havering.gov.uk If you wish to be included on the courier service run, please let us know.
How to purchase and timescales Enquiries are invited between 8.30am and 5.30pm on Monday to Friday. Whilst early bookings are most likely to be accommodated transport can often be provided at short notice.
Contract duration Contracts can be either ad-hoc or regular in nature. Contracts can be arranged to cover your regular requirements over any period.
Stan Brewster (Administration Manager) • 01708 433107 • Stanley.Brewster@oneSource.co.uk Simon Blake (Fleet Manager) • 01708 433202 • Simon.Blake@oneSource.co.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Payroll Service P
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Service Description oneSource Transactional Services provides a professional, comprehensive and automated payroll service which processes a gross payroll of £277.8 million per annum. What the Service can offer oneSource Transactional Services will either: i) Provide a payroll bureaux service with the provision of reports to allow the employer to discharge its statutory functions with Government and other external agencies; or ii) It will provide a comprehensive payroll service that deals with all aspects and requirements associated with payroll, including liaising on behalf of a School, College or an external organisation employer with Government and other external agencies. The comprehensive payroll service provided comprises: • Monthly payments undertaken by credit transfer (BACS) directly to employee accounts • Full enquiry and advice service for staff • Multiple terms & conditions of service • Calculation and confirmation of gross and net pay for all staff including the calculation and reporting of all statutory and occupational payments, including PAYE, NI, sickness, maternity, paternity, shared parental and adoption leave • Gross to net processing • Full implementation of: - income tax, national insurance administration and working families’ tax credits - the calculation and payment of the Apprenticeship Levy - payment of statutory and contractual sick and maternity pay - attachment of earnings orders and charitable donations - Pension contributions and other voluntary deductions.
• Implementation of pay awards including calculation and payment of arrears • Application of step progression and pay awards as instructed by the school and Schools HR • Full reconciliation of payments made • Payslip printing and distribution to the organisation • Support with monthly Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) administration, Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) returns and NHS pension scheme returns • Production and submission of MDC to Teachers Pensions • Monthly payments to appropriate organisations in respect of statutory and voluntary deductions, including the Local Government Pension Scheme, Teachers’ Pension Scheme and NHS Pension Scheme • Manual payment of urgent salaries or wages adjustments as requested (at additional charge) • End of year reconciliation and online returns for income tax, NI, Teachers’ Pensions etc. and completion of a range of statutory returns • Calculation and payment of redundancy payments and gratuities to non-pensionable employees • Production of P45s, P60s, P11s • Liaison with HM Revenue & Customs, Teachers’ Pensions, and external auditors • Fully compliant with RTI and Automatic Enrolment • Dedicated team delivering telephone support • Access to a named payroll officer, Payroll Management and Head of Transactional People Services as the named account manager for payroll • Provision of monthly reports.
Contacts: Tara Philpott (Head of Transactional People Services) • 01708 432179 • tara.philpott@oneSource.co.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Benefits to your school
Price of the Services
If your organisation offers Havering’s Local Government Pension Scheme to your support staff the monthly and annual data required by the Pensions Team will be interfaced and the organisation will not be required to complete new starter, leaver and contract amendment forms.
The annual charge for the service is based on the number of active assignments as at:
What the school will be asked to do The delivery of S.L.A. KPIs is based on mutual dependencies between oneSource Transactional Services and its customers. The customer responsibilities relating to this S.L.A. are outlined below, with detailed requirements listed in Annex 2 of the full SLA. In order to enable the proper provision of a fully comprehensive shared service it is necessary for external organisations to: • Access oneSource Transactional Services using the defined contact channels and access points. First time queries of a routine nature should be directed through Customer Support • Provide oneSource Transactional Services with the necessary (accurate) information and within the defined set time limits to enable a request to be resolved in line with the S.L.A. KPIs • Inform oneSource Transactional Services in advance if there is any delay or problem in providing information to support the customer request • Inform oneSource Transactional Services immediately if there is a change to the customer query they have raised • Attend meetings with the Payroll Manager or Head of Transactional People • Support the Payroll Manager with demand planning and (where possible) provide accurate information on future customer demand • Support Continuous Improvement activities and projects.
• February 1 (Academies, Colleges & External clients) • October 1 (Maintained Schools) The charging year is: • September 1 – August 31 (Academies and Colleges) • April 1 – March 31 (Maintained Schools) • Contract start date (other employers) New payroll set up charges are dependent on the length of contract you initially sign: • 3 year contract – £20 per assignment created • 1 year contract – £40 per assignment created. Details of all additional charges can be found in the full SLA brochure.
How to purchase and timescales Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk
Contract duration and notice period Renewed annually once initial agreed contract period has expired. An exit fee of 10% of the full annual contract value will be charged to cover the cost of data transfer to another payroll provider.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Collection Quarterly or Annual
Target Level
• Service error
Number of late payments of employee salaries
Reports issues as per timetable
Payroll errors that impact on timesheet data accuracy, impacting salary by 25% or more
Payslip distribution by the last working day of the month (or relevant pay date)
Number of late third party payments
Key Performance Indicator Number of under payments • Payroll error
Printing Services P
Sp M A
Service Description We offer you a full range of Services including artwork creation, logistics, storage facilities, Variable data printing, mailing and more. ICT Printing Services department has a team of experienced print staff that are able to take care of your print requirements in a speedy and cost effective way. The aim of the department is to obtain best value for the supply and production of print, for the Council and its partner organisations and to free up client time, to allow clients to perform their core duties.
What the service can offer • A full range of Print material, letter headed paper posters of any size, banners, pull up banners, leaflets, booklets and much more • Create artwork ready design • Print Management and Procurement facilities • Printed matter • Print consultation service • Mailing and Bulk mailing • Variable data printing • Bank Giros • Numbering • Excel & Word Mail Merges • Duplicate Receipt Books • Official Order Pads • Delivery Service.
Benefits to your school • Fast turnaround & Delivery • Team of experienced staff to help with your requirements • Competitive Prices • Full printing and mailing solution.
Paul Gower (Print Services Manager) • 01708 432109 • paul.gower@oneSource.co.uk Contacts: Paul Dickinson • 0203 373 1780 • paul.dickinson@oneSource.co.uk ICT-printingservices@newham.gov.uk • copyshop@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
What the school will be asked to do • Email through job information • Confirm quotation • Receipt job.
Service Quality Standards • A 100% fulfilment of Service Specifications to advertised standards • 100% of customers satisfied that enquiries are acknowledged within 24 hrs • Where outstanding issues remain, 100% of affected customers kept up to date on progress towards resolution.
Timescales and Deadlines • 2 – 3 working days depending on the job in hand.
Price of the Services For instant prices go to https://onesourceprintroom.newham.gov.uk or please call to discuss your requirements.
School Improvement Services P
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Service Description This service has a long and proud history of supporting schools to bring about continuous and sustained improvement in: • Teaching and Learning • Standards and Achievement • Leadership and Management • Curriculum and Assessment. The team comprises highly experienced, dedicated and well-regarded former headteachers and Ofsted inspectors, qualified School Improvement Professionals and subject and aspect specialists at both primary and secondary level. The following packages are open to primary phase, special schools and academies: Package 1 – CPD For Primary Schools and Primary Academies This comprehensive package covers many of the ongoing training and development needs of staff in schools and academies including: • Unlimited access to HSIS courses • Termly Subject/Aspect Leader Networks for English, Maths, Science, Computing and Online Safety, Early Years and Assessment • Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher forums • Senior & Middle Leader Development training • NQT Training Programme • LGfL management and support • Telephone and email support.
Package 2 – School-Based Consultancy and Support for Primary Schools and Primary Academies. This package contains a wide range of bespoke school improvement days at whole school level and for curriculum subjects and aspects. • 3 days of subject support from: English, Maths, Science, Computing and Online Safety • 1 day of bespoke support • Any 1 day on-site health check from: Pupil Premium, Early Years, Assessment, Safeguarding,(S175) Online Safety, SMSC/British Values, Middle Leadership, Data & Information Security, Website Audit, More Able (includes disadvantaged) • Telephone and email advice for Online Safety • LGfL management and support • Telephone and email support. Package 3 – CPD and School-Based Consultancy and Support for Primary Schools and Primary Academies This service enables schools to buy in to the “CPD” package and the “School-Based Consultancy and Support” package combined, at a heavily discounted rate. • Option to buy additional days for tailored School Improvement:
Service Feedback
“We appreciate the vital support and advice we receive from our ongoing dialogue with HSIS. As we develop as a school, HSIS team members encourage and facilitate the development of positive and mutually beneficial links and relationships between schools, businesses and suppliers that enhance the positive opportunities that we can offer our pupils. “ Havering Headteacher
Contacts: 68
Dave Smith • 01708 433813 • dsmith1.311@lgflmail.org Grahame Smith • 01708 433813 • grahame.smith@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
SIP Package • A dedicated School Improvement Professional for you and your team offering support with any school-related issues including the following: • Ofsted preparation and support • Lesson observations • Headteacher Performance Management • External verification of progress against priorities • Target-setting and data analysis support. Service Charges Packages 1, 2 and 3 Charges for Packages 1, 2 and 3 are available to schools and academies through SLA online. Services Option to buy additional days for tailored school improvement. These are available to buyers of Package 2 or 3 at a discounted rate: • 1-3 additional days from £518 per day • 4+ additional days from £467 per day.
SIP Package 0.5 days per term support from a School Improvement Professional is priced at £1,122 for schools and academies purchasing package 1, 2 or 3 (total 1.5 days). 1 day per term support from a School Improvement Professional is priced at £1,684 for schools and academies purchasing package 1, 2 or 3 (total 3 days). NB. All prices quoted exclude VAT.
Service Quality Standards
All Inspectors, Advisers and Associates have appropriate professional qualifications and current knowledge of national issues/policies and Ofsted regulations to enable them to facilitate strategic, subject or aspect school improvement. The focus, nature, timescale and intended outcome for all school/academy based work is established in consultation with the appropriate member of staff at least one week prior to the visit/s. Enquiries made by email and telephone are acknowledged within 3 working days with a full response or further action or clarification within 5 working days. Written visit reports – where appropriate – are processed within 10 working days of school/academy visit and clearly outline recommended actions for schools and any agreed further actions for Inspectors, Advisers and Associates.
School Improvement Services (continued) P
Sp M A
The following services are open to Secondary Schools and Academies: Option 1 – School Improvement Professional (SIP) for Secondary Schools and Secondary Academies On-going, bespoke school improvement work – someone who will know your school, support you, and represent your school’s interests. All our SIPs are highly experienced. • Negotiated preferred use of focus and time, across the year – eg: - Standards and Progress Meetings - On-going external verification of progress against priorities - Joint lesson observations - Preparation for Ofsted - Target-setting support - Support for SEF writing or equivalent - Headteacher Performance Management. 0.5 days per term support from a School Improvement Professional (1.5 days total) – £1,122 1 day per term support from a School Improvement Professional (3 days total) – £1,836
Option 2 – In-School Consultancy for Secondary Schools and Secondary Academies Our in-school consultancy can be arranged to meet your school’s specific requirements and could cover a range of subjects and whole school aspects. These include: Subject • English, Maths, Computing and Online Safety. £570 per day, £363 per half day Whole School (for example) • Effectiveness of Leadership and Management • Quality of Teaching, Learning, Assessment • Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare • Outcomes for Pupils. £570 per day, £363 per half day • Buy 5 days whole school support for a discount price of £2,565
Contacts: 70
Option 3 – NQT Statutory Quality Assurance Purchase of Havering School Improvement Services as the Appropriate Body (AB) for NQT induction. Please note that all schools and academies with NQTs must make arrangements with an AB. Cost is £414 per Academy (free to LA schools).
Service Charges SIP Package • 0.5 days per term support from a School Improvement Professional (1.5 days total) – £1,122 • 1 day per term support from a School Improvement Professional (3 days total) – £1,836
In-School Consultancy Subject • £570 per day, £363 per 0.5 day Whole School • £570 per day, £363 per 0.5 day NQT Statutory Quality Assurance • Free to LA maintained schools, £414 to academies.
What the school will be asked to do
Indicate preferences for use of In-School consultancy days as early as possible. Sign up for CPD courses and networks using the course booking system as early as possible. Use all support days within the contract duration.
How to purchase and timescales
Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Contract duration and notice period
Contract duration is typically 1 year: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, for LA maintained schools and September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019, for academies.
Dave Smith • 01708 433813 • dsmith1.311@lgflmail.org Grahame Smith • 01708 433813 • grahame.smith@havering.gov.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Security Response & Patrol Service P
Sp M A
Service Description The Security Response & Patrol Service provides the following: • Out of hours response to alarm activations • Regular preventative patrols • Secure key holding for emergency access • Static Guarding (Costs can be provided on request) • Response to emergency situations • Maintaining and updating the Keyholder database. During Term Time Monday to Friday: 5.30pm - 7.30am. Saturday & Sunday: 24 hour operations During School Holidays Monday to Sunday: 24 hour operations.
Benefits to your school • Economies of scale give you more value for money • Local knowledge and experience backed up by the Local Authority’s emergency services • A timely response to call outs • Patrols are local and Borough based.
What the school will be asked to do • Ensure keyholder details are current • Ensure keys are provided to enable operatives to access the premises (when you change your locks please remember to get an extra set cut for the security patrols) • Agree with the Security Provider any areas that are out of bounds • Promptly address any installation issues.
Service Quality Standards What the service can offer • An immediate risk assessment by the operative removes the inconvenience of unnecessary call outs to you or your staff • An immediate response to any alarm activation. The operative will investigate the cause of the alarm and reset it if it is a fault on the system and report it for repairs to be carried out • On the rare occasion that the alarm has been triggered by fire, flood or unauthorised entrance the operative will contact the relevant emergency service and the named premises keyholder • All security staff are SIA licensed and have continuous access to local contract management and immediate access to their own company’s 24 hour control centre.
• 100% of all alarm activations attended within 30 minutes • 100% of staff provided will be skilled, honest, experienced and suitably qualified in the work that they are to perform • 100% reports will be made available to the Local Authority Officer on a daily basis Monday to Friday.
Additional Information The service is managed by the Local Authority Asset Management Service and is provided by their contracted security provider working with the Authority’s alarm monitoring contractor, Custodian. Call outs are arranged through the Local Authority’s emergency call centre provider and the in-house Maintenance Unit.
Contacts: Terry Yallop (Asset Manager) • 01708 432878 • terry.yallop@oneSource.co.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Prices of the Services
Contract duration and notice periods
Security Response and Patrol Service: Please see the HES Portal for up to date prices.
Contract period is typically 1 year: April 2018 – March 2019 for LA maintained schools September 2018 – August 2019 for academies & free schools.
How to purchase and timescales The service may be purchased at any time within the contract period.
SIMS Support Service P
Sp M A
Service Description We provide a professional service delivering pro-active advice, training and support to enable schools to realise the full potential of their Management Information Systems. This is fundamental for the smooth running of the organisation and whole school improvement. The service is delivered by experienced staff, dedicated to the success of your school. The team has been awarded full accreditation by Capita Education Services for the support services provided to schools.
What the service can offer • Telephone, remote and on-site support for the full SIMS software suite including FMS • Telephone helpdesk operated by SIMS experts for fault resolution, service requests, support and advice • The upgrade service delivers installation of all SIMS and FMS upgrades and patches outside school hours, other than in exceptional circumstances • Full training programme is published on the HES Portal • Regular user group meetings and software updates • Advice and support on statutory data collections using SIMS eg School Census, Post 16 and end of Key Stage assessments • Consultancy service for on-site support and training for individuals, groups of staff, staff meetings, inset days, SMT meetings etc • Technical support for the SIMS infrastructure and databases • Development and maintenance of assessment processes to support the new national curriculum.
Benefits to your school • The service is delivered by an experienced team, with a firm commitment to customer satisfaction • Team members have in-depth knowledge of schools and schools and their financial management systems • Support covers the full software suite offering a successful and holistic service • SIMS and FMS upgrades and software patches are installed outside school hours, except in exceptional circumstances • Access to high quality, local, SIMS and FMS training courses and workshops • Training courses are led by suitably experienced trainers, working with other providers if necessary • Regular consultation with users and clear, impartial advice on MIS software • Helpdesk is operated by SIMS experts • Swift response, on-site if necessary, is made to critical SIMS software failures • Free training is provided for any major rewrites to the core modules including FMS • The team has strong links with other departments within the LA and also outside agencies. Contacts: 74
Monica Franks • 01708 433882 • monica.franks@havering.gov.uk Verity Brome • 01708 432251 • verity.brome@havering.gov.uk
Service Feedback
“All members of the SIMS support team are knowledgeable and efficient in their service delivery. As a business manager it is reassuring to know that whatever problem the school encounters, a member of the team will very quickly work to resolve the problem. The support they give is invaluable.” Primary Business Manager
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
What the school will be asked to do • Schools must hold a SIMS licence: Havering Maintained schools can operate under the LA SIMS licence, by purchasing their portion of the LA annual maintenance charge Academies require a single site licence/s purchased from Capita • The SIMS server and workstations should meet minimum Capita SIMS hardware requirements • The team requires remote access the school’s SIMS server via CentraStage • Microsoft Office is required on the SIMS server with relevant updates.
Prices of the Services The annual subscription charge is banded by school phase and prices will be available on the HES Portal. The SIMS LA Licence Fee, for Havering maintained schools only, is a separate charge calculated on a per pupil basis. The consultancy service, for on-site support and training, is available on an ad hoc basis charged hourly, or pre-arranged half day or full day sessions. Prices on request. Training courses and prices are published on the Portal.
Service Quality Standards • Install new software, updates and patches into schools before use of the software becomes critical • Calls to the helpdesk will be actioned within one working day and 90% will be resolved within one working day • Request for on-site consultancy visits will be met within 10 working days most of the time • In the event of critical software failure an on-site visit will be made within 24 hours if it cannot be resolved using remote support.
Service Feedback
“An outstanding service! Excellent value for money.” Primary Headteacher
Additional Information Finance Assistant Insurance Scheme is available for Havering primary and special schools using FMS. This provides sickness absence cover for the finance assistant (after two weeks) to maintain ordering, invoice and payment procedures in FMS. Maximum half day per week for up to 8 weeks.
How to purchase and timescales Service Feedback
“The Havering LMS Team is very supportive to members of staff who use SIMS in our school. They offer a prompt response to queries. We find their help invaluable.” Secondary IT System Manager
Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchase should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Contract duration and notice period Contract duration is typically 1 year: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, for LA maintained schools and September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019, for academies.
Strategic Procurement Unit P
Sp M A
Service Description This service provides advice and support on all Procurement related issues that will help you achieve more from your expenditure, as well as ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation, collaborative opportunities, guidance on contractual terms and conditions and access to a range of value for money contracts.
Contacts: 76
What the service can offer The Standard Service • Awareness of existing Council and other collaborative contracts • Guidance on accessing all corporate contracts • Professional guidance for supply and contract procurement • Ensure that appropriate advice is given on the compliance of all prevailing government procurement legislation namely - Havering contract procurement rules - EU procurement regulations - Adherence to British, European and International standards (as and where applicable) - Advice on staffing issues in relation to outsourcing and TUPE regulations - Advice on Contract Law, Indemnities, Warranties, Terms and Conditions of contracts • The Strategic Procurement Unit will act as a liaison with other specialists and departments (i.e. legal, finance and HR), concerning all procurement matters • Guidance and assistance on the management of contractors, performance monitoring, annual price reviews, disputes and determinations • The procurement service includes the opportunity to buy goods and services from a wide range of corporate contracts and suppliers. All of these have been professionally procured and offer substantial savings within the context of ‘best value’.
Jean Coleman (Contract Management Specialist) • 0203 373 8485 • jean.coleman@oneSource.co.uk enquiries mailbox • eprocurement@oneSource.co.uk
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Procurement Training • Additional support available on a consultancy basis • Strategic Procurement Team • Contract Management • Request for quote (capital Esourcing www.capitalesourcing.com – Council’s eTendering system) The Strategic Procurement Team can as required • Support specific contractual requirements • Undertake reviews of existing contracts to establish if best value is being achieved • Lead on behalf of the school the award of specific contract requirements. Audit Healthcheck Why not let us schedule you for a procurement audit health check. This will ensure probity of the procurement process being followed by you and that best value is being achieved. The school will receive: • An on-site review of your contracts • Advice on best practice and guidance for the award of similar contracts in the future • A benchmarking exercise to ensure best value is being achieved • Guidance and support in how the contact should be managed to ensure compliance with the terms and best value continues to be achieved going forward • A written report of the outcomes and action plan to ensure ongoing compliance.
Benefits to your school • All services are provided by qualified and experienced staff with a long history of awarding and supporting contracts on behalf of Havering Council and schools • Easy to follow guidance • Comprehensive contract documents • Understand if best value has been achieved • Innovative solutions to achieve improvements to supplier performance • Ensuring you are fully conversant with all relevant legislation.
How to purchase and timescales Purchases should be completed on the HES Portal. www.hes.org.uk Purchases should be completed by: Maintained schools – April 27, 2018. Academies – July 20, 2018.
Contract duration and notice period Contract duration is typically 1 year: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, for LA maintained schools and September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019, for academies.
Swimming Instructions P
Sp M A
Service Description The Council’s external leisure operator provides swimming tuition to many schools within the Borough using the swimming pools at Central Park Leisure Centre and Hornchurch Sports Centre.
All swimming instructors are Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) qualified and are recruited in accordance with SLM’s recruitment and safeguarding guidelines. 100% of schools and academy customers satisfied with the level of swimming instruction that the Council’s external leisure operator provides.
What the service can offer
Prices of the Services
Provision of a range of water skills in a group situation: • Basic water confidence • Correct stroke technique • Fundamental life saving skills.
Please contact the leisure facilities directly for further details and availability.
Benefits to your school High quality professional swimming tuition by qualified and dedicated swimming teachers.
What the school will be asked to do Contact the General Manager at Central Park Leisure Centre or Hornchurch Sports Centre.
Service Quality Standards
Additional information As well as school swimming lessons the Council’s external leisure operator can also organise Sports Activity Days for schools. Contact the managers for more information.
Contract duration Maintained Schools: April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019. Academies and free schools: September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2019.
Chris Kemsley (General Manager, Central Park LC) • 01708 382820 • chriskemsley@everyoneactive.co.uk Contacts: Hasan Romel (Hornchurch Sports Centre) • 01708 454135 • hasanromel@everyoneactive.co.uk Rhys Lewis (Leisure Management Partnerships Coordinator) • 01708 431618
Swimming Pool Services P
Sp M A
Services For Education Providers 2018–2019
Service Description Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (SLM) provide a pool maintenance service to local schools within Havering who operate swimming pools.
What the school will be asked to do Contact the Pool Engineer Kevin Matty (based at Hornchurch Sports Centre) on 01708 454135.
Service Quality Standards What the service can offer Professional maintenance of your swimming pool: • Water treatment (chemical dosing, backwashing) • Quality of the water • Water testing • Advice on any pool related issues including health and safety for pools.
Benefits to your school Knowledge that your swimming pool plant is being overseen by an experienced and qualified pool engineer.
• 100% of schools rate the pool service provided as good or excellent • All service requests (initial visit or phone consultation) carried out within 48 hours of taking the call.
Price of the Services Please contact the Pool Engineer at Hornchurch Sports Centre for further information.
Timescales and Deadlines As soon as your school experiences a problem with your pool please contact Kevin as quickly as possible so that he can schedule a visit into his working day.
Rhys Lewis (Leisure Management Partnerships Coordinator) • 01708 431618 Kevin Matty, (Pool Engineer) • 01708 454135
Contact us: Telephone: 01708 431 561 Email: support@HES.org.uk Twitter: @HES_orguk
Designed and printed by London Borough of Havering. Job 5137 February 2018.