P04 – P07
P08 – P09 P10 – P11
Financial Help & Advice
Maintenance, Repair & Improvement
Contents Insurance
Consideration for Your Neighbours
Useful Contact Numbers
Connecting your Gas & Electric
How to keep a clean home
Tenants Check List
Useful Information
Settling In Visit
Customer Care
Customer Complaints
Equal Opportunities
Directory of Support
SIV/Property Inspection Checklist
Welcome to your new home
Please Keep This Booklet Safe as you will be asked to produce it
This handbook contains useful information about your home and the services we provide, your rights and responsibilities. This handbook should be read in conjunction with the full terms and conditions of your Non-Secure Tenancy Agreement/License Agreement.
In addition to this handbook, your Temporary Accommodation Management Officer, will visit all new tenants within three weeks to make sure you have settled into your new home, complete a support plan and provide any advice or assistance you may need. Your Temporary Accommodation Management Officer is [insert name] they can be contacted on 01708 434000 or by email at PSH@havering.gov.uk
The council does not own your home. It has leased it from a private owner, to provide temporary housing accommodation. Therefore, Havering Council is your landlord and any rental payments made are paid to The London Borough of Havering.
These terms and conditions form part of your tenancy/licence agreement, which is a legally binding contract between the Council (London Borough of Havering) and you, the occupant.
The tenancy has been granted in pursuance of the Council’s homelessness functions under Part VII Housing Act 1996. If the private owner decides they no longer wish to lease the property to the Council (London Borough of Havering), we will serve you with a notice requiring you to vacate your home.
Provided you remain entitled to temporary accommodation from the Council and you are not in breach of the terms of this agreement, the Council will offer you one suitable alternative offer of accommodation.
The Council may also terminate this agreement before the lease expires if you are in breach of this agreement or refuse an offer of suitable alternative accommodation. If you refuse an offer of suitable alternative accommodation your housing duty may be discharged.
Non-Secure Tenancies/License Agreement are intended as temporary housing accommodation and you must apply to join the Housing Register if you wish to be considered for an offer of permanent social housing with the Council or a Housing Association or other provider of social
As long as you keep to the terms of your tenancy/license agreement, you have the right to occupy the premises for as long as your tenancy lasts. You do not have the right to transfer or assign your tenancy any other person.
You must use the premises only as a home for yourself and your family.
You must not allow the premises to become overcrowded (not withstanding births, child parental orders).
You must not use the premises for business purposes.
You must not use the property for criminal activity.
You must inform the Council if there are any changes in your current housing situation, if anybody moves in or out of the premises.
You must also make sure you notify Housing Benefit/Universal Credit of any such changes.
You can end your Non-Secure Tenancy/License Agreement by giving at least four weeks written notice of termination ending on a Monday and sent to the Homeless Placement & Move On Team either via email to MoveOn@havering.gov.uk or via post to Move-On Team, Town Hall, Main Road, RM1 3BB
When ending your Non-Secure Tenancy/licence agreement, you must give the Council vacant possession, this mean you must not allow anyone to remain in the property when your return your keys to the Council.
When you move out, housing staff will check the premises. You must not leave anyone else living there and you must remove all your belongings, clear any rubbish and leave the place in good order. The Council’s fixtures and fittings must be left in place and in as good as a condition, as they were when you moved in, taking into account fair wear and tear. You will be re-charged for any damage you have caused during the term of your tenancy.
If you become successful bidding on a property on the Council housing register, any rechargeable repair debt and former tenant arrears will prevent the offer being made to you.
The Council can terminate your Non-Secure Tenancy/License Agreement by serving you with a Notice to Quit. If you remain in occupation of the premises following the expiry of that Notice to Quit (usually 28 days after it is served on you) the Council can apply to the Court for a Possession Order.
If you are served with a Notice to Quit and are not sure why, contact your Temporary Accommodation Management Officer for advice on 01708 434000, or contact your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau.
In extreme cases, the Council may apply to the court for leave to dispense with the service of the notice altogether and proceed immediately for an Order for Possession.
The Council can end your Non-Secure Tenancy/License Agreement by serving a Notice to Quit to you and applying to the Court for a Possession Order if you have not given up possession of the home by the date of expiry of the Notice to Quit. The following are an indication only of the sort of thing we may take into account in deciding whether to take steps to end your non-secure tenancy:
1. You are behind with the rent, or you do not pay rent as and when it becomes due.
2. You have failed to observe an obligation of the tenancy.
3. You (or another person living in or visiting the premises) (i) have been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to a person living, visiting or otherwise engaged in a lawful activity in the locality of the premises; or (ii)have been convicted of:
(a) using the premises or allowing them to be used for immoral or illegal purposes or (b) an arrestable offence committed in or in the locality of the premises
4. You have committed or threatened to commit any violence against a member of the household such as to give reasonable cause to that person to cease to live in the premises.
5. You (or another person living in or visiting the premises) have damaged the premises, common parts or furniture provided by the Council/Owner.
6. The Council is required to give vacant possession of the property to the owner from whom the Council leases the property and the council offers you suitable alternative accommodation.
7. You refuse an offer of suitable alternative accommodation made by the Council at any time.
8. The Council was induced to grant the tenancy to you by a false statement made, knowingly or recklessly, by you or a person who acted at your instigation.
9. The tenancy was granted for a temporary period while work was carried out in your own home which is now ready for you to return to.
10. The property is overcrowded, according to standards laid down by law.
11. The Council wishes to demolish or carry out work to the property, which cannot reasonably be done with you in occupation.
12. The property was designed for letting to a physically handicapped or disabled person or a person with special needs. Such a person no longer lives there and the Council requires the property for another such person.
13. The tenancy was granted as a result of your employment, which has come to an end.
14. The Non-Secure Tenancy/License Agreement was granted while the Council carried out a homelessness investigation and the Council has decided that it does not have a duty to provide you with accommodation.
The Council reserves the right to remove and/or destroy any articles left in the dwelling after vacation, and to recover from you the cost of doing so including the cost of storing any items prior to disposal or collection by you. We may also seek compensation from you for any damage caused to the premises while you were occupying them, including the costs of putting right the damage
Please note if the Council has to seek possession of your home due to reasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 or 8 this may be assessed as having made yourself intentionally homeless. If you are considered to be intentionally homeless, the Council will have no further duty to find you accommodation and you will have to make your own arrangements.
Also, the council has the power to remove people from the Housing Register if their behaviour makes them unsuitable to be a tenant. This means if the Council has to seek possession of your home for reasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 or 8 not only will our duty to house you end, but you may not be able to rent a Council Property in the future.
The terms and conditions of a Non-Secure Tenancy/License Agreement can be changed by service upon you of a Notice to Quit, terminating your existing tenancy, accompanied by the offer of a fresh tenancy on new terms. If you accept the offer of a fresh tenancy on the new terms the new tenancy will be effective from the expiry of the Notice to Quit.
Your rent is due in advance on Monday of each week and its amount may be varied from time to time. You can pay using the following methods.
Direct Debit – online at www.havering.gov.uk /directdebit, or email housingrents@havering.gov.uk Monday - Friday between 9am and 5pm. You can phone 01708 434000, or visit the Housing Services Office at Farnham Rd, Harold Hill, RM3 8DX or visit the PASC in Romford, RM1 3RL
24 hour Express Payment Line – Call us on 0300 456 0630 and you will need to know the amount you want to pay, your debit card details and your 14 digit rent reference number.
Pay online – You can pay your rent on the Havering Council website at www.havering.gov.uk/payments and you will need your 14-digit rent reference number.
Standing Orders can be set up weekly, fortnightly, four weekly or monthly. You need to contact your bank or set this up by telephone or internet banking - You will need our bank details which are:
SORT CODE 62-00-44
ACCOUNT 14871734 (please quote your rent account number)
Please use the methods above until you have received confirmation that your standing order/direct debit request has been actioned.
If you know you are about to get into rent arrears or if you are having problems paying your rent, please contact the Financial Inclusion & Welfare Benefits Team directly on 01708 432537 or email them at welfare.reforms@havering.gov.uk
If you do not pay your rent when it is due, we can end your non-secure tenancy/licence agreement by serving a Notice to Quit on you. If you do not vacate in accordance with the Notice we can apply to the Court for a Possession Order. If granted this will lead to you (and anyone living with you) being evicted from the premises.
If you are 8 weeks or more in arrears with your rent the Court will have no discretion as to whether or not to make a possession order - it must make an order.
We will, however, only end your tenancy as a last resort. We will always ensure that you have all the help that the Council can offer you through your Temporary Accommodation Management Officer. Please contact your rents officer for further advice on 01708 434000. You may also contact your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau.
Remember failing to pay your rent could lead to the Council assessing that you are intentionally homeless. This would mean the Council would no longer have a duty to house you.
You must pay the Council any outstanding debt including but not limited to current and former tenant rent arrears across all social housing, rechargeable repairs, court costs. Failure to do so may prevent your chances of being successful for secure accommodation in the future.
If you have a low income, or no income, you may be entitled to benefit or universal credit to help you pay your rent. They can be contacted on 01708 433996 or online at www.havering.gov.uk. You can also contact the Financial Inclusion & Welfare Benefits Team directly on 01708 432537 or email them at welfare.reforms@havering.gov.uk
You have a statutory right to an explanation of how your rent assessment entitlement is worked out.
We have introduced more Council Tax and Housing Benefit services online, so you can access information and apply at your own convenience, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Council Tax:
• Make a general enquiry
• Check your balance
• Order a replacement bill
• Tell us about changes to your name or address
• Request Council Tax e-billing
• Apply for single resident or student discount
• Apply for disabled person’s reduction
• Apply for Council Tax Support.
If you are unable to use our online services because your enquiry is complex or difficult, you can call us on 01708 434 343 for help and if necessary, we will arrange an appointment for you to come to see us.
Citizens Advice Havering runs drop-in sessions providing free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on a wide range of subjects including debt, employment and benefits to people living or working in London Borough of Havering.
Harold Hill Library, 19a Farnham Rd, RM3 8ED Monday: 10am - 2pm
Hornchurch Library, North Street, RM11 1TB Monday & Thursday: 10am - 2pm
Mardyke Community Centre, Lowen Rd, Rainham, RM13 8QD Monday: 10am – noon
Romford Library, St Edwards Way, Romford, RM1 3AR Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 9am – 2pm
You can also get advice online at www.haveringcab.org.uk and www.adviceguide.org.uk
Financial help & advice
If you are in debt or struggling financially, the best advice is to seek help, do not just ignore it. There are many different organisations that offer free, independent, impartial and confidential advice. They can help you deal with your debts, maximise your income, minimise your expenditure and offer reassurance.
The Income Team can tell you what help is available and refer you for specialist support if you need it. You can contact the team online at www.havering.gov.uk/askhousing or by phone on 01708 434000
Universal credit – If you claim money for your rent from universal credit, they will pay it directly to you, if you qualify. You are responsible for paying your full property rent when claiming housing costs from universal credit. If you are struggling to manage your money and need help dealing with debts and budgeting, our Financial Inclusion and Welfare Benefits Team may be able to help, you can contact the Financial Inclusion & Welfare Benefits Team directly on 01708 432537 or email them at welfare.reforms@havering.gov.uk
You can find out more about universal credit on www.havering.gov.uk/uc.
The amount of housing costs that housing benefit or universal credit pay may be reduced because of one or more of the following reasons:
• Spare Bedroom(s): your housing costs can be reduced by 14% of your eligible rent if you have one spare bedroom and 25% if you have two or more spare bedrooms. Find out more on www.havering.gov.uk/spareroom
• Benefit Cap: if you are getting more than £442.31 (for a family) or £296.35 (single person) a week in benefits then your benefits can be reduced to stay under the capped amount. Find out more on www. havering.gov.uk/bencap
• Non-dependent deduction: your housing costs can be reduced if there is an adult who is not your partner, living in your home. This is because adults are expected to pay for where they live. There can be a reduction for each adult who is not your partner, who is living in your home. You must ask the adult(s) to contribute to the rent but the full property rent remains your responsibility even if they don’t give you any money.
Some of the organisations offering free help and advice include:
Step Change Debt Charity: They provide free debt advice to help deal with debt and set up a solution. Phone: 0800 138 1111 or visit www.stepchange.org
Money Advice Service: Set up by the government to provide free, impartial advice about how to budget, deal with debt and manage your money. Phone 0300 500 5000 or visit www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en
National Debtline: A charity providing free, confidential debt advice. Phone 0808 808 4000 or visit www.nationaldebtline.co.uk
GOV.UK: The best place to find government services and information, including universal credit, benefits, tax credits, pension credits, Community Legal Advice (CLA), jobs and pensions is www.gov.uk
Turn2us: Provides free services that can help people in financial need to access welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help. www.turn2us.org.uk
There are 3 things to look at when looking
for help
1. Boost your income
Are you claiming what you are entitled? For help and support please Email costoflivingresponse@havering.gov.uk, or call the Cost of Living helpline on 01708 432280
The Emergency Assistance Scheme has been able to support many residents throughout the pandemic, putting food on the table, heating homes over winter and replacing broken washers, fridges and cookers thanks to the substantial investment provided by Havering Council. It will continue to support residents (pensioners, working age, including households with disabilities) through the increased cost of living where there is an urgent financial need. There are social tariffs available and if eligible you can receive discounts for broadband, mobile phone packages and your water bill.
https://www.ofcom.org.uk/phones-and-broadband/saving-money/social-tariffs#full-list-of-available-tariffs https://www.eswater.co.uk/supportplus
There are discounts available for people living with a disability that may be able to reduce costs such as car tax. https://www.gov.uk/financial-help-disabled
Be aware of your spending and plan your budget. A useful tool to help you budget can be found on the Councils website or go directly to the link below; https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/everyday-money/budgeting/beginners-guide-to-managing-your-money
To apply and for further information please go to www.londonborougofhavering.gov.uk
2. Reduce your energy and water use and cost
• Book a free appointment with an Energy Doctor and get professional advice on energy efficiency by making small changes and repairs to your homes.
• Bleeding your radiators each year helps to maximise efficiency and cost
• Turn heating down 1 degree – heating should be between 17 – 20 degrees
• Your hot water cylinder thermostat should be set at 60ºC/140ºF
• Light bulbs should be LED, they last longer and energy efficient
• Don’t leave appliances on standby and remember not to leave laptops and mobile phones on charge unnecessarily
• Leaving plugs switched on still uses energy even if the device is not attached
• Save money and energy with water saving tips for your home, visit www.eswater.co.uk/help/saving-water/at-home/
3. Understand your spending
Don’t bury your head instead tackle your bills, be aware of your spending and plan your budget. A useful tool to help you budget can be found on the Councils website or go directly to the link below; https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/everyday-money/budgeting/beginners-guide-to-managing-your-money
Warm Spaces
are heated, safe and friendly places and are free to use for anyone struggling to heat their home. Alongside voluntary, community and local organisations, we have set up a network of Warm Spaces across the borough These include libraries, leisure centres, community centres and community hubs. Some venues also offer hot drinks, activities, and other services such as free Wi-Fi. For a full list of warm spaces https://www.havering.gov.uk/info/20096/community/883/warm_spaces
Climate Change - what can we do to help?
Saving energy and producing less waste less and recycle more are key ways we can all help in the fight to slow down climate change.
• Clothes
Every year Brits chuck out 300,000 tonnes of old clothes in their household rubbish bins, an estimated £140m. Think about repairing or upcycling your clothes, sell them on sites such as Vinted or E-bay, give your old clothes to charity shops to re-sell or simply put them in the many recycling bins throughout the borough.
• Food
WRAP estimated that in 2021, total food waste in the UK amounted to 10.7 million tonnes of food was thrown away, of which 60% was from households. Go to lovefoodhatewaste.com to get helpful tips in which we can reduce our food waste.
The home in the summer
• Keep your blinds or curtains closed
Keep your blinds or curtains closed, especially on north and west-facing windows, to significantly cool your home. Better yet, invest in some black-out curtains to shield your home from that harsh summer sun.
• Close doors and seal gaps
Close doors to rooms you aren’t using to keep cool air where you need it most. Seal gaps around doors and windows, and use draught excluders to ensure the cool air can’t escape.
• Hang out in the evening
Closing your windows and staying inside may be a great idea during the day, but when it gets cooler in the evening you may want to open your home up to cool your home naturally – just make sure you lock up overnight.
• Hack a fan
No air-con? No worries. A cleverly-positioned bowl of ice is all you need to turn a fan into a cold mist machine. Place a shallow bowl or pan of ice in front of a fan for an icy-cool breeze that won’t break the bank.
• Choose cotton
Cotton fabrics are super breathable and help cool your body. Wear light, loose clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton, and fit your bed with cotton sheets.
• Change your light bulbs
If you’re having trouble cooling your home and can’t work out why, light bulbs might be to blame. They produce a lot of heat, so switching to energy-saving bulbs can help cool your home and save heaps on energy costs. That’s a win-win.
The home in the winter
• Bleed your radiators
As temperatures start to drop, don’t forget to check that water is flowing through your radiators properly. When the heating is on, touch to check the heat of the top and bottom of your radiator. If the top is cool and the bottom is warm, you may need to bleed your radiator. You can find out how to do this on Google.
• Check out the Christmas lights
No Christmas tree is complete without all the decorations and lights, but remember LED lights use 90 per cent less energy than conventional ones. Remember to turn the lights off before you go to bed or even set them on timers.
• Turn it down
Set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature, typically between 17 and 20º C. Even if it’s cold outside you do not need to turn your thermostat up, the house will heat up to the temperature set. Is your water too hot? Your cylinder thermostat should be set at 60ºC/140ºF
• Change your lights
Use energy saving light-bulbs, they last up to 10 times longer than ordinary bulbs and using one can save you around £55 over the lifetime of the bulb. Remember to always turn off the lights when you leave a room.
• Keep an eye on your appliances
Don’t leave appliances on standby and remember not to leave laptops and mobile phones on charge unnecessarily. Leaving plugs switched on still uses energy even if the phone is not attached.
Using a plug timer is a smart way to be energy efficient, if not in use turn it off!
• Be water efficient
Only boil as much water as you need, don’t overfill your kettle.
A dripping hot water tap wastes energy and in one week wastes enough hot water to fill half a bath, so report any leaking taps to 01708 434000 and make sure they are fully turned off.
Hard water causes damage to irons, kettles and washing machines, make them last by emptying water from your iron and kettle after use so lime scale does not build up. Pour the water into a mug and let it cool, use it for the plants or reuse for the iron.
Drying a full clothes racks can place as much as 6 pints of water in the home, the moisture will find its way to the coldest part of the room where if not wiped or open windows for the moisture to escape will lead to mould. Close doors, open windows and wipe down to prevent mould in the home.
Maintenance, repair & improvement
You are responsible for maintaining certain items within your home.
If you need a repair to your home, FIRST CHECK whether you the Council or the owner should do it.
Please see below for responsibilities: COUNCIL/OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY
The Council/Owner will ensure the following are kept in repair (and where applicable, also in proper working order):
• The structure and exterior of the premises (including drains, gutters and external pipes, exterior decoration)
• The installations for the supply of water, gas and electricity and for sanitation (including basins, sinks, baths and sanitary convenience, but not other fixtures and fittings or appliances for the use of water, gas and electricity)
• Heating and hot water installations (but not any appliances belonging to you).
This statutory duty starts to run from the time we are told about a need for a repair. You must therefore tell us of any of the above items needing repair as soon as reasonably possible.
As a tenant your responsibilities are list below, these include but are not limited to the following: TENANTS RESPONSIBILITY
• All sink and basin plugs and chains
• Toilet pull chains/handles/push buttons
• The bleeding and venting of radiators.
• Toilet seats.
• Door furniture, locks, handles and bolts, wardrobe doors, picture rails, airing cupboard shelves, larder shelves
• Window glass - other than glass broken through rusting
• Draught excluders
• All hinges and bolts
• Curtains rails and pelmet boards
• Flooring through out property
• Doors sticking which need adjusting and easing.
• Cultivating the garden, this includes the planting and maintenance of grassed areas, shrubs and trees.
• Gates - hinges and catches.
• Washing lines and fitting
• Changing of fuses in electrical plugs. For replacement of fuses (or miniature circuit breakers) in the main Consumer Unit contact the Repairs Call Centre (or the Council’s Emergency Service outside normal office hours).
• Supply of electrical plugs.
• Smoke detectors.
• (i) All fittings which have been fixed and supplied by you or by your visitors or lodgers. and
• (ii) Any repairs which are necessary due to any wilful or negligent act or omission of you or of your visitors or lodgers.
• Pests & Infestations are tenant’s responsibility and should be dealt with using the appropriate resources available.
If your home has a private garden, you must look after it and keep it tidy and free of rubbish. The same applies if you have a balcony or window box.
If your home has a private garden, you must look after it and keep it tidy and free of rubbish. The same applies if you have a balcony or window box. The Council has no obligation or right to maintain the garden area. For structural reasons, you must not plant or remove any trees or shrubs without our express written agreement.
You are also responsible for maintaining the internal decoration to the condition and appearance at the time of letting.
If you lock yourself out of your property, and the Council have to force entry to gain access, you will be recharged for this.
You may have to pay the Council for repairing anything damaged by you, or by visitors to the premises, or requiring repair or replacement due to neglect or unreasonable treatment.
You may also be liable to meet any cost we incur in making good any alteration you carry out without our consent.
We will carry out repairs that are our responsibility within target times that we will tell you. These will be reviewed regularly for each type of repair.
We will ensure that all works of repair or improvement to the premises carried out by us or on our behalf by contractors are done in a reasonable manner and to a good standard.
We have no obligation to repair damage caused by you, members of your family or your visitors, nor will we repair your own fittings.
You can ask us to carry out repairs that are identified as your responsibility, but if we agree to do so the cost will be recharged to you. You will have to pay the whole cost or agree an arrangement for payment by instalments before the work begins.
If you want the Council to remove any items from the premises, you must first confirm legal ownership of them.
In the case of emergencies, tenants may not be informed of the price of the recharge repair being carried out.
For all recharges the Council will work with tenants to recover costs in reasonable instalments. You can find the Rechargeable Repair Policy on the Councils website.
If you live in a block of flats or any where with communal areas you must ensure that you do not take any action or leave any item in the common areas such as access halls, stairways, landings, footpaths and dustbin compounds such as to cause an obstruction or nuisance. Any items left in such areas will be removed and you will be re-charged for the cost of removing them. The Council may where necessary also take appropriate enforcement action against you if you fail to adhere to this, and this would be deemed a breach of the terms of your tenancy agreement. Leaving items in communal areas is also a fire risk.
All tenants in a block have a shared responsibility to look after their communal environment. We will tell you the areas that we expect you to help look after.
You must allow officers, workers, contractors or agents of the Council, or property owners into the premises at any reasonable hour of the day to carry out an inspection or to do any repairs, whether for the benefit of the premises or any other property of the Council.
All Council employees and contractors’ staff carry identification which they will show you. Do not hesitate to refuse entry to your home to anyone you are suspicious about while you check that person’s identity. Please note the property owner is not, under any circumstances, allowed to enter the property without prior consent from you. Please inform us immediately if this is not the case.
We are responsible for carrying out an annual gas safety inspection of the property in accordance with Gas Safety Regulations 1998. We will give you at least 24 hours written notice unless it is an emergency. You must keep any appointments made and must allow access to our contractors to all parts of your home. Please ensure you have sufficient credit on any pre-pay gas or electric meters to enable the safety check to be carried out.
It is your responsibility to report repairs both inside the property and outside such as garage, fencing, guttering to the Councils Call Centre. Any defects or damage in the property (including those you are responsible for) must be reported as soon as possible after they occur or come to your notice. The phone number for the Call Centre is 01708 434000, and after 5pm 01708 756699
You must tell the call centre operator that you are a tenant of a Council’s PSH property.
We reserve the right to carry out repairs in case of your default and to recover the cost of doing so from you.
During winter months and cold snaps, condensation arises on the coldest part of your home, typically windows and external walls. To prevent condensation and growth of mould you can follow these handy tips:
• Keep a constant temperature of above 18 degrees in your home
• Treat existing areas of mould growth with fungicidal washes – Mould does not grow on dry surfaces so it is really important that you wipe off any condensation from your windows or surfaces every morning to stop mould growing
• Keep doors closed while cooking or taking a bath/shower - After taking a bath or shower there will be excess moisture in the air. To stop condensation forming, keep the bathroom windows open and extractor fans turned on.
• Reduce moisture in your home by avoiding drying clothes inside - Dry clothes outside if you can. If you cannot, put them in a closed room and keep the window open. If you use a tumble dryer make sure that the ventilation pipe runs to the outside your home.
• Air your home by using extractor fans and trickle vents if your home has them- Keep your home well ventilated by opening windows every day to ensure regular air changes. You should also make sure that trickle vents in your windows are open to allow additional airflow. If you have condensation on your window, it is likely that it will be elsewhere in your property.
There is the strong likelihood of Asbestos materials being hidden in properties, but generally, if asbestos is found in your home it poses very low risk to health as long as it is in good condition and not disturbed.
In line with HSE guidance, Havering advises all residents to follow the advice below:
• Do NOT disturb the fabric of your home by unauthorised refurbishment, drilling, cutting or scraping unless you contact Havering Asbestos team for advice and information.
• Don’t try to remove textured wall or ceiling coatings;
Don’t try to remove old floor tiles. Leave them in place, put new coverings over the top and secure them with double
Don’t vacuum or sweep any pieces of material you suspect to contain asbestos. If you find any broken pieces of material, keep the area wet by covering it with a damp cloth & contact the Asbestos Team;
If you suspect Asbestos in your home to be damaged or disturb e.g. splitting, cracked, peeling or flaking, it is best to leave it alone, cordon off the area and contact us immediately by phoning the Call Centre 01708 434000, and after 5pm 01708 756699
The following good housekeeping advice will keep your family safe:
• Keep all shower-heads and taps clean and free from buildup of lime scale, mould or algae growth.
• Regular cleaning with bleach or an anti-bacterial cleanser every three months will help sterilise and kill any bacteria.
• Report any rust or any unusual matter flowing from your water outlets to the Council or your local water authority.
• Heat the water in your hot water tank and use it immediately at least two to three times a week.
• Ensure that you turn on taps (including any in your garden) each week for at least two minutes.
• Drain hosepipes after use and keep out of direct sunlight. Flush through for a couple of minutes before filling paddling pools etc.
The biggest risk is if your home has been empty for more than one week without running water and these simple steps can reduce that risk:
• Run the taps for at least three minutes
• Hold the shower head over the drain, to reduce the risk of inhaling water droplets and run the water for a few minutes
• Flush the toilet twice with the lid down.
Contents insurance
We strongly advise all tenants take out household contents insurance.
This insurance should cover you in the event of flood, fire or theft of your personal belongings.
The Council cannot be held responsible for any uninsured loss where we are not shown to have been negligent. You should also ensure that, as occupier of the property, you have adequate insurance to meet claims against you by other people.
Consideration for your neighbours
Your failure to observe any of the conditions set out in this section will be treated as a breach of the obligations of your Non-Secure Tenancy/Licence Agreement and may lead to proceedings for the termination of your tenancy or agreement.
In this section, reference to “you” also includes any other person living on the premises. Where you need the Council’s permission under any of these conditions you should apply in writing to the PHS Team at: London Borough of Havering - PSH Team
Town Hall
Main Road
Romford, RM1 3BD
Your Temporary Accommodation Management Officer will tell you in writing if permission granted. This will be done as soon as possible but please bear in mind that we will need to liaise with the owner before deciding whether or not to give permission.
Our consent as landlord does not remove the need for you to obtain any other statutory consent or permission.
You must not keep an animal of any kind on the premises unless you have our prior written permission to do so. Permission may be granted subject to conditions at the Owners discretion.
You should not keep any kind of reptile in your dwelling without first getting our written permission.
You must not display on the premises any sign, advertisement, flyer or placard relating to any business.
You must not park any vehicle indiscriminately upon estate roads, parking areas or green areas; carry out vehicle repairs so as to cause nuisance to any neighbour or resident of the estate, or leave dilapidated or derelict vehicles on any part of the estate. If your property does not come with any parking please make sure the necessary parking permit is purchased from the Council.
We will give consideration to anyone needing to use gas bottles for medical purposes in blocks of flats. 5 6 7 8
You must not place in any toilet, drain or sink any cloths, cotton, bottles or any other matter likely to cause a blockage or place in any refuse bin or chute anything other than household refuse. If you have a saniflow system you must not flush any wipes whatsoever down the toilet, even if they say they are flushable.
Neither you nor anyone living with you may keep any illegal explosive substance in the dwelling. If you live in a block of flats you must not take paraffin, bottled gas of any description or any explosive substance (including petrol) into the block.
Neither you nor anyone living with you or visiting your premises must commit any acts of discrimination, intimidation or harassment so as to cause annoyance, nuisance or offence to any other tenant or member of that tenant’s household, any sub-tenant, lodger and/or visitor to the premises. Nor may you do, or permit to be done, anything that may in the Council’s opinion be a nuisance or be likely to cause annoyance or inconvenience to any of your neighbours.
We will expect you and those who live with you or visit you to be as considerate for your neighbours as you would expect them to be considerate towards you.
Excessive noise or anti-social behaviour will be dealt with as a serious breach of the obligations under your tenancy/agreement.
In particular, we will treat loud music played late at night or for long periods during the day as a serious breach of this obligation of tenancy/licence agreement.
Persistent disregard for the amenity of others will also be regarded as a serious breach of this obligation of tenancy/licence agreement.
You must not harass any person because of their race, colour, creed, faith or sexuality. You will also be held responsible for any racial harassment caused by members of your household or your visitors. The Council will take action to end a tenancy where it is reasonably believed that the tenant, family member, lodger, sub-tenant or visitor is an offender.
Racial and homophobic harassment damages communities and the Council will not tolerate it. Harassment is an activity that has the intention or effect of depriving anyone of the peaceful enjoyment of their home, or of access to local facilities on the grounds of their race, colour, creed, faith or sexuality. As well as a breach of tenancy/licence conditions, it is a crime.
You must not harass any person because of their sexual orientation.
Neither you nor anyone residing with you or visiting your premises shall commit any act of violence or intimidation, whether physical, verbal or written, against any person, including Council employees, engaged in a lawful activity in the area.
Equally, you have a right to expect our staff to deal with you in a courteous manner. Any complaint about a member of staff should first be raised with the Team Manager.
The Council will actively pursue the provisions of its Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy as it is committed to eliminating neighbour nuisance and all other types of anti-social behaviour. This type of activity will not be tolerated and the Council can apply to the court for an injunction to prohibit anti-social behaviour committed by you, anyone living with you or visiting the premises. If an injunction is granted, the court may attach the power of arrest, which means that the person subject to the injunction could be arrested immediately if the injunction is broken.
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is any act that causes, or is likely to cause, alarm, harassment or distress to anyone living in a different household to the person responsible.
Examples of ASB include:
• noise nuisance
• drug taking and dealing
• threatening or rowdy behaviour
• violence and disorder
• vandalism
If you feel you are a victim of antisocial behaviour you can contact us either via the Havering Web site or by calling our call centre on 01708 434000.
Serious ASB issues involving violence, domestic violence or hate crime can also be reported on our emergency contact number 01708 434000 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
After 5pm and Saturdays phone 01708 726685.
Your call will then either be passed to your Temporary Accommodation Management Officer or direct to our ASB Team depending on the nature of the complaint.
You can find more information relating to the Councils Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, Hate
The owner can terminate his contract with the Council at anytime by giving the Council 3 months notice in writing.
On receipt of the notice, your Temporary Accommodation Management Officer will write to you advising you that the owner wants his property back. You will also be served with a Notice to Quit. This will be valid for 28-days.
You will not have to vacate the property on expiry of the notice; instead you will remain at your property until the Homeless Placement & Move on Team contact you with a suitable offer of alternative accommodation.
We are only required to make you one offer of suitable alternative accommodation. If you refuse our offer, you will have to find your own accommodation unless you successfully challenge our decision (see below). Therefore, we suggest you discuss any issues with us first before refusing this offer.
We also strongly advise that you accept the offer of accommodation, and where necessary move into the accommodation that has been offered to you at the same time as requesting a suitability of accommodation review. We cannot hold properties whilst reviews are being processed, so there is a risk that you will loose the property offered to you if you do not accept and move in whist submitting your review.
Any costs incurred from having to move home due your property being a handback will be down to you as a tenant. The Council will not be liable to pay for any removal costs incurred.
Requesting a review of our decision
If you do not agree with the Council’s decision that the accommodation you have been offered was reasonable and suitable for your needs, you can ask us to review our decision.
You should submit your review request within 21 days of receiving an offer. The review will be conducted by an officer who is not involved in the original decision. If you wish to request a review of suitability you can complete the online form which is available at: https://www.havering. gov.uk/Pages/OnlineForms/Review-of-suitability-ofaccommodation-offered.aspx providing your reasons in writing. You can also send us any other information that you would like us to consider as part of the review. If you ask for a review and we change our view and agree with you that the property is unsuitable, our housing duty will be reinstated, and we will make you another offer.
Useful contact numbers
COUNCIL CALL CENTRE – all enquires
FREEPHONE (contactus@homesinhavering.org)
REPAIR EMERGENCIES (after 5pm & weekends)
HOUSING REGISTER TEAM (bidding enquiries)
HOMELESSNESS ENQUIRIES Public Advice & Service Centre, Romford 9am-5pm
PSH Team
01708 434000
0800 151 3444
01708 431289
01708 433996
01708 756699
01708 434130
01708 432824
01708 434066
01708 432563
How to set up gas & electricity supply
Step 1 – Find where the meters are located and take a meter reading. In most homes the meters are either in the kitchen cupboard, a cupboard in the hall way or in a meter box on an outside wall. Do this for both Gas & Electric.
Step 2 – Find out who supplies the Gas & Electric to the property. To find out who provides the supply of Electricity– please call 0845 601 5467 To find out who supplies the Gas – please call 0870 608 1524 you will need your new address and postcode.
Step 3 – Once you have found out who supplies your energy call them and give them the meter readings you took in step 1 and tell them the date you are moving in.
Step 4 – The Energy Company will set up an account with you and advise you on ways to pay.
Pre-payment meters are common in a lot of our properties – these are generally called the Pay As You go option. You operate the meter using a special card or key provided by the supplier, which you top up with money beforehand at a local shop or post office. You will have to request a new key or card at the start of your tenancy - under no circumstances would you have to pay for a previous tenant’s debt.
Some properties will have Smart Meters installed. A smart meter is a type of gas and electricity meter that can digitally send meter readings to your energy supplier for more accurate energy bills. Smart meters come with in-home displays so you can better understand your energy usage.
Step 5 – Once you have both energy supplies up and running in your name with at least £5 credit on both meters you need to call Havering Council on 01708 43000 and request to have your gas uncapped. Please advise you are a PSH tenant.
Step 6 – Once you are all set up shop around for the best energy deals available.
Step 7 – When you vacate the property you MUST make sure any Electric Keys or Gas Cards are returned with your keys.
Example of meter reading
Example of a Pay As You Go Meter
Examples of Smart Meters Gas Water
How to keep a clean home
Checklist for tenants
I have been advised and understand my obligations to the following Council policies as set out in my Tenants Handbook.
1) I have been provided a copy of my Tenants Handbook and have been advised of the content therein.
2) I understand I must keep up with payment of my rent and that I must notify Housing Benefit if there are any changes in my circumstances. I have also been made aware of how I can pay my rent.
3) I understand I am not allowed any pets without prior written consent if granted by the owner.
4) I must keep the property in a good state of repair through-out the term of my tenancy and I am responsible for the cultivation of the front and back gardens.
5) I must obtain permission if I wish to install a satellite dish or similar to the property.
6) I must only park vehicles in designated areas and obtain the relevant permits where required.
7) I must give 4 weeks notice in writing to the Homeless Placement & Move On Team to terminate my tenancy and discharge my housing duty.
8) I must report all repairs to the Councils contact centre 01708 434000 and understand I will be recharged for damaged I have caused.
9) I am responsible to pay for Water, Electricity and Gas where applicable and all bills need to be put into my name from the start of my tenancy.
10) I understand that all electric or gas cookers are installed by a qualified engineer.
Tenants Signature Signed on behalf of the Council
Useful information
Tenant Start Date
Temporary Accommodation Management Officer
If you are moving from another PSH property please return your keys to our Farnham Road Office no later than 12:00pm on the agreed date. You are anyone returning the keys must sign a disclaimer.
Once you have moved into the property you will be contacted by your Temporary Accommodation Management Officer to arrange a settling in visit. They will be able to assist you with any issues you may have and will complete a support plan with you to identify any areas where you may require further help.
Customer care statement
Housing Services is committed to providing a good quality, professional housing service and in this connection we promise to continue to improve the way in which we deal with your enquiries.
• Our aim is to provide clear information on services available.
• Staff will be friendly, polite and well trained and will always wear a name badge when they are talking to you.
• Letters will be answered or acknowledged, politely, helpfully and in plain English within 5 working days. If an acknowledgement is sent, a full response will follow within 15 working days.
• A translation will be provided if you ask for one.
• Staff will answer the telephone and will be polite, helpful and give their names.
• We will take a message and return your call within 1 working day if the person requested is not available.
• If an officer is 15 minutes late on a planned appointment, they will
Pre-arranged appointments will be kept or you will be told beforehand if this is not possible.
You should leave the office knowing what action will be taken. If you want, you will get written confirmation of any decision.
If you are reporting a repair, staff will let you know either the preinspection arrangements or when the repair will be done. You will also be given a personal reference number relating to your report.
• Private rooms will be provided for interviews whenever possible.
• Tenants will be consulted and their views considered on proposed changes to the services provided for them.
• Anyone who is not happy with the service they receive can discuss the matter with staff. If you are still not satisfied, you will be told about the Council’s Complaints Procedure. Please see page 31 of this handbook for details of the Council’s Complaints Procedure.
If you’ve received really good service from a member of our team, then please do take your time to let us know. Please email the Team Manager either at Move-on@havering.gov.uk or PSH@havering.gov.uk
We would love to hear your feedback!
If you are dissatisfied with a decision or action taken about your non-secure tenancy, you have the right to make a complaint through the Corporate Complaints Procedure.
We would advise that all complaints be first sent to the Team Manager for consideration. Please email the Team Manager at move-on@havering.gov.uk or PSH@havering.gov.uk. If your complaint cannot be resolved then you can go through the Councils Corporate Complaints Procedure outlined below.
There are three stages to the Council’s complaints procedure
The Council encourages any customer who has a problem with a service they receive, due to a failure in the service, to report it.
The Council will seek to resolve complaints at the earliest opportunity. Where possible, every attempt will be made to deal with the issues quickly.
Full details can be found in our Corporate complaints policy document.
Some complaints received by the Council have to be dealt with under a statutory process and will not follow the Corporate Complaints Procedure set out below.
Stage one
The Council will nominate an appropriate officer to respond to the complaint. All Stage 1 complaints should be acknowledged within three working days and a full written reply sent within ten working days.
Stage two
If you, as the Customer, are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Stage 1 investigation, you can request the Council arrange for the complaint to be reviewed by the Chief Executive, who will decide whether the matter is to be escalated to Stage 2
A request should be made through the online form stating clearly why you are unhappy with the Stage 1 response received.
The request should be acknowledged within three working days and a full written reply sent within 25 working days.
Stage three
If you, as the Customer, are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Stage 2 investigation, you can request the Council arrange for the complaint to be reviewed by Members of the Adjudication and Review Committee. A Stage 3 form should be completed, which you can request from your Stage 2 complaint investigator. If your complaint progresses to Stage 3, a Member Review Panel will be convened to consider your case. The matter will be dealt with informally initially. You will not be required to attend the meeting unless the complaint progresses to a formal hearing.
You will learn the outcome of your Stage 3 complaint within 30 working days. You will be told when you have exhausted the Council’s complaints procedure. If you are still unhappy with the response received, you may want to ask either the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, or the Housing Ombudsman to consider your complaint.
If you want to get involved and be apart of the Councils participation panel, contact getinvolved@havering.gov.uk
Equal opportunities
We have a legal obligation to comply with all current Equal Opportunities legislation.
Havering Council are committed to achieving equal opportunities, respects and values diversity, and is committed to applying equality of opportunity in all its practices and objective/service delivery with regard to ethnic origin, age, gender, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital status and disability or any other criterion not relevant to the point at issue.
We are committed to equality of opportunity and will:
• Monitor the effectiveness of housing policies, procedures and systems to ensure fairness and equality of opportunity in the provision of housing services.
• collect information which will help us monitor our progress towards improving equal opportunities
• regularly review policies and procedures to ensure we continue to treat everyone equally
• Deal quickly and in a firm yet sensitive way with all forms of harassment of or by tenants, employees or agents of the Council. The Council will not take action without consulting the person being harassed.
• Take positive action to meet identified needs in relation to housing.
• Comply with legal obligations and actively promote best practice in equal opportunities.
Directory of support
Foodbank – Collier Row
The Wykeham Ccentre & Church House, Market Place, Romford, RM3 8FD
Foodbank – Harold Hill
Kingdom Hall Food Bank, Unit 1, Faringdon Avenue, Harold Hill, Romford, RM3 8FD
Foodbank – Rainham 35A New Road, Rainham, RM13 8DR
Havering Citizens Advice Bureau
Central Library, St Edwards Way, Romford, RM1 3AR
Havering Emergency Assistance Scheme DABD (Financial Support)
T: 07548 674958
E: info@collierrowromford.foodbank.org.uk
W: www.collierrowromford.foodbank.org.uk
T: 01708 386323
M: 07825 758028
E: mark@haroldhill.foodbank.org.uk
W: www.haroldhill.foodbank.org.uk
T: 01708 397484
M: 07428 187545
T: 01708 763531
W: www.haveringcab.org.uk
T: 0208 507 9404
E: info.eas@dabd.org
Hope4Havering (Night Shelter) 2nd Floor, Stirling House, 21-25 Station Lane, Hornchurch, RM12 6JL
Lighthouse Furniture Project Ltd (Second Hand Furniture) 27 Tallon Road, Hutton, Brentwood, CM13 1TE
T: 01708 475534
E: contact@hope4havering.org
T: 01277 222050
E: info@lighthousefurniture.org
W: www.lighthousefurniture.org
Directory of support
Integration Support Services
(Supporting Migrants, Refugees & BME Community Members in Essex & Hertfordshire)
Latton Bush Centre, Office 37, Southern Way, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL Shelter (Housing Advice)
88 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HU
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Havering Women’s Aid
Havering Islamic Cultural Centre
91 Waterloo Road, Romford, RM7 0AA
(Supporting Children & Families dealing with ADHD) 59 Billet Lane, Hornchurch, RM11 1AX
Mental Health Direct – Havering
PANDAS – Postnatal Mental Heath
T: 01279 639442
E: info@iss.org.uk W: www.iss.org.uk
(Support for Families who have children with Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Taunton Hall, Romford, RM3 7SU
T: 0800 800 4444
E: info@shelter.org.uk
W: england.shelter.org.uk
T: 0800 2000 247
T: 01708 728759 W: www.womensaid.org.uk
T: 01708 741333
E: enquiry@haveringislamiccentre.org.uk W: www.haveringislamiccentre.org.uk
T: 0208 952 2800
E: addup@addup.co.uk W: www.addup.co.uk
T: 0300 555 1000 W: www.nelft.nhs.uk/services-mental-health-direct
T: 0843 28 98 401 W: www.pandasfoundation.org.uk
T: 01708 564 871
M: 07760 169 187
E: info@rags-havering.org.uk
W: www.rags-havering.org.uk
Directory of support
Havering Learning Disability Society
Victoria Road, Romford, RM1 2LT
Romford Salvation Army
High Street, Romford, RM1 1JJ
Sycamore Trust – Havering Autism Hub
27-29 Woodward Road, Dagenham, RM9 4SJ
Tapestry (Older People Support Services)
Tapestry Care UK, 1st Floor Scottish Mutual House, 27-29 North Street, Hornchurch, RM11 1RS
Home-Start Havering (support & friendship for parents with young children between 0-5 years) Unit B Melville Court, Spilsby Road, Harold Hill, RM3 8SB
Havering WDP
(Westminster Drug Project – Drug & Alcohol Charity) Ballard Chambers, 26 High Street, Romford, RM1 1HR.
H.A.D – Havering Association for People with Disabilities
1a Woodhall Crescent, Hornchurch, RM11 3NN
M: 07504 016837
E: hids1948@gmail.com
T: 01708 380280
E: romford@salvationarmy.org.uk
W: www.salvationarmy.org.uk/romford
T: 0208 517 9317
E: enquiries@sycamoretrust.org.uk
W: www.sycamoretrust.org.uk
T: 01708 796600
E: hello@tapestry-uk.org
W: www.tapestry-uk.org
T: 01708 455551
E: Info@homestarthaving.co.uk
W: www.homestarthaving.co.uk
T: 01708 747614
Out of Hours: 0808 168 1116
E: Havering@wdp.org.uk
W: www.wdp.org.uk/havering
T: 01708 476554
M: 07599 998103
E: admin@hadhavering.co.uk
W: www.hadhavering.co.uk
3 Month Setting in Visit (SIV)
6 Month Setting in Visit (SIV)
9 Month Setting in Visit (SIV)
Date of inspection Signed by TAMO