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Havering School Improvement Services Early Years Annual Conference 2018
LEARNING HOW TO LEARN – GETTING TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER Havering Learning and Development Centre, CEME Conference Centre, Marsh Way, Rainham RM13 8EU Friday 30th November 2018, 9.00am to 3.15pm Registration and refreshments from 9.00am. Lunch will be provided.
“The ways in which the child engages with other people and their environment – playing and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically – underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner.” (Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage, 2012) This stimulating and thought provoking Early Years Conference will give you advice, practical strategies and inspirational ideas to motivate and promote deep learning experiences for all children. We will also be exploring the best ways to achieve this, without the huge price tag!
*Free to Havering School Improvement Package 1 and 3 subscriber schools and academies. Havering Early Years PVI Settings – 1 free place, additional place £65 + VAT. Non-Havering Early Years Settings, £65 +VAT. Book your place via the Havering Education Services Online Portal. www.hes.org.uk Course Code: Hsis-1118-T021 For more details contact Courtney Silver: Tel: 01708 431790 Email: courtney.silver@havering.gov.uk
Programme 9.00am - 9.30am
Registration and Refreshments
9.30am - 9.45am
Welcome and Introductions – Celia Freeth, Early Years Quality Improvement Manager, Havering Education Services
9.45am - 11.00am
‘With you, I can do it!’ – Julie Fisher, Early Years Adviser & Visiting Professor of Early Childhood Education at Oxford Brookes University
11.00am - 11.30am
Refreshments, networking and exhibitions
11.30am - 12.45pm
‘In here, I can do it!’ – Judith Twani, Regional Development Manager for Early Excellence
12.45pm – 1.45pm
Lunch and Networking
1.45pm – 3.00pm
‘Early Years, on a Shoestring!’ – Kirstine Beeley – Independent Early Years Training Consultant and Author
3.00pm – 3.15pm
Closing remarks, evaluations and departure – Celia Freeth, Early Years Quality Improvement Manager, Havering Education Services
Sessions Session title
1. ‘With you, I can do it!’ The role of the adult in facilitating the characteristics of effective teaching and learning.
Julie Fisher
In the early years, the way in which children learn and their attitudes towards their learning will lay the foundations for their future learning lives. Skilled early years’ practitioners know how to plan for and open up possibilities for play and exploration, experiences that extend creative and critical thinking and develop confident, positive attitudes to learning and being a learner. Julie’s keynote will examine the role of the practitioner in depth to ensure that every opportunity is offered to children to learn in these ways that suit them best.
2. ‘In here, I can do it!’ The role of the environment in facilitating the characteristics of effective teaching and learning.
Judith Twani
3. ‘ Early Years, on a Shoestring!’ Exploring the world of upcycling, recycling and repurposing.
Kirstine Beeley
Early Years Adviser & Visiting Professor of Early Childhood Education at Oxford Brookes University
Regional Development Manager for Early Excellence
Independent Early Years Training Consultant and Author
The environment is often described as ‘The Third Teacher’ as it provides the context in which learning and development flourishes. It is not simply setting up activities and providing things to play with; knowledgeable early years’ practitioners know how to plan an environment that enables children to play and explore, be active learners and develop their creativity and critical thinking.
With ever increasing pressures on budgets the need to be able to create affordable yet exciting and engaging early years’ environments becomes harder and harder. As chair of a charity preschool, Kirstine has had nearly 10 years of seeking out the best way to offer high quality learning for little or no money. Nicknamed ‘The Poundland Queen’ by her many social media followers, Kirstine will share some of her secrets and aim to enthuse you to explore the world of upcycling, recycling and repurposing. Break out the buttons, bottle tops and bangles and be prepared to be inspired.
Speakers: Julie Fisher Julie Fisher is an independent Early Years Adviser and Visiting Professor of Early Childhood Education at Oxford Brookes University. She held the post of Early Years Adviser in Oxfordshire for 11 years, before which she was lecturer in early childhood education at the University of Reading. She has taught children from 3 to 12 years of age and has been Head Teacher of two urban, multi-cultural schools. In her work, Julie draws on her own research projects which engage her in constant contact with practitioners and children in both schools and settings. She is author of a number of articles on early childhood education as well as her books ‘Starting from the Child’ (4th edition 2013); ‘The Foundations of Learning’ (2002); ‘Moving On to Key Stage One’ (2010) and ‘Interacting or Interfering?’ (2016). Julie has recently received the prestigious Nursery World Lifetime Achievement Award for her contribution to early childhood education.
Judith Twani Jude is a talented and passionate trainer with a background in teaching in the UK and in South Africa. She has held a range of roles within the Local Authority as a Children’s Centre Teacher and Consultant, a trainer and NVQ assessor. She also trained as an Ofsted inspector and has delivered a range of training nationally. She is co-author of ‘Let’s Talk about Maths’. Currently she works as a consultant/trainer and regional manager for the national training and resource organisation, Early Excellence.
Kirstine Beeley Kirstine is an experienced teacher with a special interest in early years and special education. For 12 years Kirstine has worked as an independent early years’ consultant and founded the Empathy Dolls Approach to emotional development. She is a successful author with titles published through Bloomsbury and independently and is a regular contributor to Teach Early Years magazine. Kirstine has a reputation for ideas based training and a passion for affordable child led resourcing. Her book ‘This is How We Do It - Characteristics of Effective Learning in Early Years’, was a finalist in the Education Book of the Year Awards 2018. A single parent with a passion for putting children at the centre of their own learning, her enthusiasm is infectious and often messy!