Temporary Accommodation - What happens now?

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What happens now?

Temporary Accommodation

Havering Council has provided you with emergency temporary accommodation to help with your homelessness. Due to extremely high demand for temporary accommodation, the accommodation offered to you is likely to be a hotel, nightly let or hostel which may be situated either inside or outside of the borough.

We will:-

• treat you with respect

• keep you up to date with your accommodation booking and contact you 3 days before the ‘hotel’ booking is due to end

• provide you with information on how to claim housing benefit www.havering.gov.uk/benefitclaim

• encourage you to join the housing register visit havering.gov.uk and search for ‘apply for council housing’

• work with you to complete a housing needs assessment

• contact you about moving to longer term temporary accommodation

• investigate any concerns you may have about your emergency accommodation.

We expect you to:-

• keep us updated with any changes to your personal details or situation. Please contact us at – hotels@havering.gov.uk and housing. solutions@havering.gov.uk to advise us of any changes

• claim housing benefit (if you do not complete your housing benefit claim within 28 days your accommodation is at risk)

• stay at the accommodation we have arranged for you as your main and principal home: not to sub-let your accommodation or to invite anyone else who has not been authorised by the council to occupy your home

• Be respectful to staff and other guests in the hotel at all times

• your hotel booking will be ended within 24 hours of alternative available accommodation being provided.

What if?

You refuse an offer of accommodation without valid reasons

We will only make one offer of emergency accommodation. If you refuse any emergency accommodation provided to you or you do not move into the accommodation, we expect you to provide clear reasons why in writing by requesting a review.

If you wish to request a review you are strongly advised to move in to the accommodation offered to you and request a review of suitability to HousingApplicationAppeal@havering.gov.uk

If you do not move in, do not make an appeal, or the review is not found in your favour, you will NOT receive any further offers. The Council’s duty to assist you may end and your homelessness application will be closed; you will have to make your own arrangements.

You engage in unreasonable behaviour and/or cause damage to your property

You are expected to keep to the terms and conditions of occupation and not to engage in any behaviour in breach of in breach of the rules given to you during first placement into emergency accommodation.

Breach the terms of your licence agreement

If a hotel/nightly let provider advises that they are ending your accommodation due to any breach of their rules, no further accommodation will be provided for you. Please note that the Council has zero tolerance regarding unacceptable behaviour.

What happens next?

We expect you to be making every effort to find and secure accommodation.

We will move you on within a 60 mile radius of Havering

• Please be aware that no move-on placement will be made until all hostel rent arrears are paid.

• The accommodation is likely to be unfurnished (please see overleaf)

• You should note that you will receive one suitable property offer only.

Temporary Accommodation – What happens now?

What can you do?

Find your own

The council may support you with one month’s deposit and the first months’ rent if you are able to find a property and a landlord who accepts you as a tenant, and it is affordable.

We strongly encourage you to also look for a property yourself. This will give you greater choice on area and property type.

Contact us

Havering Council Housing Solutions

Town Hall, Main Road, Romford RM1 3BB

T: 01708 432824

E: housing.solutions@havering.gov.uk

W: www.havering.gov.uk/homelessness

Havering Council Homeless Placement and Move On

Town Hall, Main Road, Romford RM1 3BB

T: 01708 434000

E: moveon@havering.gov.uk

W: www.havering.gov.uk/homelessness

Help and advice

Lighthouse Furniture Project Ltd (second hand furniture)

Tel: 01277 222050

E: info@lighthousefurniture.org

W: www.lighthousefurniture.org

We can also make referrals to Peabody and your Local Area Co-ordinator who can provide additional support. We will continue to review your housing needs assessment throughout your time in temporary accommodation.

Havering Emergency Assistance Scheme DABD (Financial Support)

T: 0208 507 9404

E: info.eas@dabd.org

Foodbank – Harold Hill

Kingdom Hall Food Bank, Unit 1, Faringdon Avenue, Harold Hill, Romford, RM3 8FD

T: 01708 386323 M: 07825 758028

E: mark@haroldhill.foodbank.org.uk

W: www.haroldhill.foodbank.org.uk

Foodbank – Rainham

35A New Road, Rainham, RM13 8DR

T: 01708 397484 M: 07428 187545

Beam Up Ltd

W: https://beam.org/ Link to referral: https://beam.org/refer

E: hello@beam.org

M: 0203 819 3509


Havering Citizens Advice Bureau

Central Library, St Edwards Way, Romford, RM1 3AR

T: 01708 763531

W: www.haveringcab.org.uk

Further financial advice can be found at: https://www.havering.gov.uk/financialadviceandcol

Temporary Accommodation – What happens now?

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