30 | SPRING 2016 |
Business Focus
❖ Building business boost There is still time for construction firms in Havering to sign up to receive free business support. A few places remain available on the BUILD Havering programme, which will provide a range of services, including planning for growth, a skills audit, a one-to-one review and a business health check, as well as guidance on branding, marketing, sales and tendering. Havering Council has appointed East London Business Place (ELBP) to deliver the fast-track, one-year initiative. Construction is a key sector of the local economy, representing 20 per cent of businesses in the borough. Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Robert Benham, said: “We have had a lot of interest in the BUILD Havering initiative, but there is still time to sign up. This is a great opportunity for businesses to receive invaluable, tailored guidance and I would encourage construction firms in the area not to miss out.”
More information: www.elbp.co.uk
£1m boost for Romford Market
Romford Market Plans to revitalise Romford Market have been given a major boost by news that the Greater London Authority has approved Havering Council’s bid for £1m in funding towards the project.
released, the signing of the grant agreement and the building of a robust business case.
Councillor Robert Benham, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “This is fantastic news for Efforts will focus on the historic Havering. Securing this funding end of the Market Place with ideas represents a major step forward in including a public our efforts to breathe open space for events new life into our hisand activities outside toric market. Securing this St Edward the Confes“We want to attract funding sor Church, new stalls new traders, increase represents a and semi-permanent cu tom for our existing catering units. major step stallholders and make The Council will be forward in our the Market Place a working with GLA more attractive desti-approved architects efforts to breathe nation for local shopDK-CM and stakehold- new life into our pers and visitors alike.” ers, including memhistoric market. Tony Geary, chairman bers, traders and visiof Romford Market tors to the market, to Traders Forum, said: consider where the money is need“The committee and traders are ed most and what to spend it on. very happy that Havering Council The money will come from the new has been able to secure this fundLondon Regeneration Fund and is ing to help make the market a betsubject to match funding being ter place to shop and trade.”
More information: www.havering.gov.uk/RomfordMarket
www.havering.gov.uk/living | SPRING 2016 | 31
Proving healthy eating is fun and enjoyable Upminster twins Alex and John Hoggett are on a crusade to persuade Havering residents that eating healthily is fun and enjoyable. One visit to their recently opened restaurant – The Healthy Chef at 38 Corbets Tey Road, Upminster – and you will see them in action, alongside Michelin starred chef Marco Rispoli. John explained: “We both went to Coopers Company and Coborn School, which is ranked fourth nationally for sport and where health and fitness is integral in what the school does. “We decided we wanted to share that with our community and The Healthy Chef is the result.” Locally grown All the meat used in the restaurant comes from farms in Essex and Kent, while four visits a week to the New Spitalfields market means the fruit and vegetables are always fresh.
John Hoggett with some of the fresh fruit and vegetables
38 covers
John said: “The restaurant doesn’t use anything that is frozen, except ice in the drinks.” The commitment to having food that's in season and fresh means the smoothies on offer prove extremely popular. But from this year, the journey time for veg to go from where grown to the restaurant will literally be minutes, as much of it will be grown on nearby allotments, specifically for the restaurant. John added: “Most of our dishes are suitable for vegans, vegetarians and anyone with allergies so if you enjoy meat you just add that to the vegan dish to suit your own taste buds. “We only use coconut oil when cooking, we grill rather than fry with sauces available as optional extras rather than smothering the fresh flavours of each dish.” Breakfast Club Last December The Healthy Chef Weekend Breakfast Club was launched with an exciting menu of gluten-free pancakes, multi-grain waffles, bagels, burritos and popular choices cacao crepes with banana and eggs royale with smoked salmon. Add to that free papers and free juices to enjoy with your meal and it’s not surprising the restaurants 38 seats have been full each week. With Michelin starred chef Marco Rispoli in the kitchen the menus are exciting and tantalise the taste buds, while not hitting the wallet – an average meal is £5 - £10 during the day and £12 - £15 per person in the evening. More information: www.thehealthychef.london
The Healthy Chef has 5 staff can seat 38 people is open 9am – 2pm Sunday for breakfast only; 8.30am – 5pm on Monday and Tuesday and 8.30am – 11.30pm Wednesday to Saturday inclusive
Chef Marco Rispoli at work
Unique activities It isn’t just the food philosophy that makes The Healthy Chef different. Entertainment on Fridays and Saturdays is provided by some of central London’s top buskers and at Christmas sleeping bags and blankets were collected for distribution to homeless people in Essex and London. John concluded: “We’re part of the Upminster community and are committed to that community. We want our customers to be local people who come to our restaurant to relax and enjoy a meal with friends as if they were in their own home so we can then set their taste buds alight and make them go ‘WOW’.”
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Romford at the heart of clinical research
DXA scanner in use
summer 2015 one of the leading clinical research organisations, Medinova, was looking to expand the number of centres it operated with Romford and Madrid being the two places they wanted. Founded in 1997 Medinova already had the North London Clinical Studies Centre at Mount Vernon Hospital and the South London Clinical Studies Centre at Queen Mary’s Hospital, so the logical step was to approach The Queen’s Hospital. Sadly there was no available suitable space on the hospital campus but a tour of the Borough with Havering Council’s economic development team soon identified premises at Blackburn House in Eastern Road, Romford. The firm moved in during August 2015 and since then has launched four clinical research studies from its Romford base.
level, which is after the medicines have been tested and shown to be safe for human use and where we are working to see how effective they are in helping different conditions. “All our studies are nationally approved by the regulators and are approved by the relevant ethics committee. “We work closely with local GPs and pharmacists who make referrals to us of patients they think may benefit from taking part in the trial and who are willing to volunteer. “Throughout the trial we provide regular reports to each patient’s GP so they are fully aware of what is happening.
Three studies “We are currently looking for patients to participate in a number of studies at the East London Clinical Studies Centre, including: 1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) treatment which aims to reduce the symptoms, especially exacerbations. UK Chief Executive Officer, Kumar Muthalagappan OBE
2. A diabetes treatment to help control the disease and assist with weight loss
GP links
3. An Osteoarthritis treatment to help with managing pain from the disease
UK Chief Executive Officer, Kumar Muthalagappan OBE, explained how the research works: “Medinova only organises research at Phase Three
“We are currently looking for volunteers to take part in trials, which can be done by applying via our website or asking your GP to refer you. On average
we screen around 30 people to find one patient suitable for the trial.”
Big investment Medinova has already invested more than half a million pounds in the Romford centre, where 15 staff will be employed, and is looking to invest another £250,000 on the installation of a new DXA scanner which identifies the bone mineral density (brittleness of bones) together with the appointment of two technicians. As well as being used by Medinova the new machine will also be available through the National Health Service, so local hospitals and GPs can refer patients for scans. Mr Muthalagappan added: “Our aim is to be part of the Havering community, we took part in the Macmillan World’s Largest Coffee Morning when we opened our doors to our neighbouring businesses so they could come in and see what we do, and we wish to do other events so residents understand the work we do and the benefits it brings the NHS as well as individual patients.” More information www.medinovaresearch.com
www.havering.gov.uk/living | SPRING 2016 | 33
Networking group dates Networking is a proven way to build good relations with other businesses which can lead to referrals and new contracts. There are a number of networking groups in Havering including those listed below. 4N meets every fortnight at Liberty Bell,
Forum of Private Business meets on the second Friday of
BNI Valour Chapter meets each Tuesday morning
Havering Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI) and Essex FSB hold joint networking events on the first
Mercury Gardens, Romford, RM1 3EN on Thursdays from 8am -10am. More information www.4networking.biz/Events
each month at YMCA, Roneo Corner, Rush Green Road, Romford, RM7 OPH, from 7.30am. More information www.fpb.org/events
at David Lloyd Centre, Squirrels Heath Lane, Romford, RM11 2DY from 7am - 8.30am. More information www.bni.eu/chapter.php?chapter=2200
Friday of each month from 7.30am - 9am. More information www.haveringbusiness.org.uk/events
The ebn (Effective Business Networking) Hornchurch group
meets at Manor Hotel, Berwick Pond Road, Rainham, RM13 9EL from 8am - 10am on alternate Tuesdays. More information www.effectivebusinessnetwork.co.uk
Diary dates Havering Council Business Network Events Thursdays, 5.30pm, venues to be confirmed ■■ Thursday 9 June ■■ Thursday 22 September ■■ Thursday 8 December
Women in Business (WIB) Wednesdays, 5.30pm at Havering College, Ardleigh Green Road, Hornchurch, RM11 2LL ■■ Wednesday 20 April ■■ Wednesday 19 October ■■ Wednesday 13 July, 7.30am at NatWest,
NELE (Networking in East London and Essex) meets
at the CEME Conference Centre in Rainham from 12.30pm - 2.30pm on Tuesdays. More information www.networking-in-east-london-and-essex.co.uk
Business news to your inbox More than 7,300 subscribers receive Havering Council’s monthly Business Briefing email newsletter, which includes details of forthcoming events, awards, changes in legislation and how to access funding to boost their business. If you and your staff are not getting a copy, log on to the website below and choose Business Briefing from the list. Don’t miss out, sign up today.
Blackburn House, Eastern Road, Romford
More information www.havering.gov.uk/businessevents
More information www.havering.gov.uk/enews
The Retailery: searching for the next best entrepreneurs Have you ever dreamed of having your own business? Are you a fashionista looking for a fabulous outlet, a bold barista in need of a cultured coffee shop or just an amazing animator brimming with ideas, The Retailery could be your answer. The Mayor of London’s High Street Fund, Made Public and Havering Council have joined forces to create a business hub for 20 creative entrepreneurs.
You’ll be provided with office or retail space, meeting rooms, hot desk areas and access to business support to help bring your vision to life. The Retailery also offers essentials like high speed internet access, phone connection and a meeting room. More information www.retailery.co.uk/retailery