Summer Training Please find below an overview of some of the training on offer in the summer term 2015 to Hsis Package one and three buyers. Date
Course Title
14 April 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis Assessment Leaders’ Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Bower Park School
Mary Jones
Hsis Computing - Scratch for Beginners
16 April 2015
1- 4pm
Amanda Jackson
22 April 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis - Provision for More Able Students Primary Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Ann Nelson
01 May 2015
9am - 3pm
Hsis Early Years New to Leading in the Early Years
Susie Williams
06 May 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis English Primary English Subject Leaders’ Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Peter Ellison
20 May 2015
1 - 4pm
Hsis Maths - Fun with Geometry
Kairen Raper
09 June 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis - History Primary Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Gidea Park Primary
Pat Fitzpatrick
17 June 2015
1.30 - 3.30pm
Hsis Deputy/ CEME Assistant Headteacher Forum (Summer Term 2015)
24 June 2015
9am - 4pm
Hsis English CEME Refresh your Grammar Parts 1 and 2 - For Teachers
Peter Ellison
01 July 2015
9am - 12 noon
Hsis Headteacher CEME Forum (summer term 2015)
09 July 2015
1.45 - 3.30pm
Hsis NQT Career Paths in Teaching
Amanda Jackson
For schools buying into the Havering School Improvement Services’ packages one and three, please book via the online Havering Education Services website For any assistance please contact the training coordinator Lizzy Shrimpton on 01708 431645 or by email at
Introducing new members of the team
Susie Williams BA (Hons), PGCE (Early Years) MSc (Psychology)
Celia Freeth BEd (Hons)
Inspector, Early Years
Senior Education Advisor, Early Years
Over 20 years experience working across the early years sector in a variety of roles. This has included nine years working as a teacher within an infant school and nine years work within nursery settings in a leadership role. I have lectured in childcare and education in FE and have spent the last four years as Programme Leader for Early Childhood Studies at the University of Chester.
Eighteen years’ experience as a teacher at KS1, KS2 and within the Early Years. As a Local Authority Early Years advisor with an area of expertise in developing a challenging environment where learning opportunities are promoted in the outdoor area. E T 01708 433802
E T 01708 431659
Focusing on outstanding teaching, complementing the Hsis Offer As part of a groundbreaking partnership between the TES and Havering School Improvement Services we are looking to complement our offer to Hsis schools by signposting a range of online courses that we think schools might find of use. We were approached by the TES to be one of the first organisations in the country to offer the courses. As a result we offered every Hsis package school one funded place on the TES Outstanding Teaching course. The response was very positive with a cohort of 50 teachers from 23 primary schools participating. We are now liaising with the TES to negotiate access to a range of online courses to allow school staff the opportunity to access cost-effective, continuing professional development opportunities. Hsis will continue to seek new opportunities for schools purchasing school improvement packages, using our extensive links with commercial partners and other organisations.
Discount for Rising Stars products WordBlaze, from Rising Stars, is a brand new fast-paced spelling and reading programme for Key Stage 2 pupils who need extra help. WordBlaze offers a multi-sensory approach that makes learning to read and spell motivating, fun and memorable. Rising Stars is delighted to offer Havering schools a very special 20 per cent discount off all WordBlaze school packs until the end of 1st term. To find out more about WordBlaze please visit wordblaze and remember to use promotional code: WBHAVERING to receive your 20 per cent discount.
Welcome to the first issue of School Improvement Update – Havering School Improvement Services’ termly newsletter to keep you informed of current and future events, practical support and advice, articles celebrating success stories from local schools with whom we work, and exclusive offers for Hsis schools. 2014-15 was a very successful year for Hsis with more Havering schools than ever purchasing our services. We are once again offering an extensive selection of over 100 courses and Subject/Aspect Leader Networks run by our very experienced team of inspectors and advisers. We’ve also added courses for teaching assistants for 2015-16. In addition, we are supplementing the offer through brokering support for Hsis schools through a groundbreaking partnership with the TES to offer online courses too. If you have a success story you would like considered for inclusion in a future edition or an idea for a course that you would like us to consider running, please email We look forward to hearing from you.
School Improvement Update from Havering School Improvement Services Hsis offer 2015 – 16 The 2015-16 Hsis School Improvement offer is now available for schools to purchase via the Havering education services portal. We will once again be offering three packages of support for schools to choose from. Please visit www. Services to access a bespoke quote for your school. During 2015-16 we will be adding additional services to further enhance the offer
Considering upgrading your package? Did you know that 100 per cent of Havering maintained and convertor academies purchased support packages from Hsis during 201415. A number of schools chose to upgrade their packages too. Package three offers schools the opportunity to buy into the CPD and school improvement package together at a heavily discounted rate, as well as accessing a comprehensive package to support your school improvement needs.
Booking support for 2015 – 16 Once you have checked your chosen support package please contact us to book in your
subject/aspect support visits for the summer term 2015 onwards. We are able to provide any of the courses that we offer centrally as in-school courses, as well as an array of other support options using bespoke days. Our team of very experienced inspectors and advisers would be very happy to discuss your in-school support needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your individual support needs via hsis@havering. or 01708-433813.
Adding value We have recently brokered support from Dan Alliot the very popular Foreign Language Adviser. This has included Dan offering termly primary foreign language subject leader meetings to local schools at CEME, quality assured by Hsis. A teacher from the James Oglethorpe Primary School who attended the autumn term course commented, “The course included lots of practical and easy to implement suggestions to help enhance provision for primary foreign languages. It was very useful indeed to have a Hsis quality assured course held locally without the need to travel up to Central London.” Please contact Dan Alliot directly for any in-school primary foreign language support via dma@
Grammar for teaching assistants
Pupil Premium
SMSC/British values
With the implementation of the new national curriculum and the revised 2016 KS1 and 2 tests, teachers are under more pressure than ever to teach their pupils grammatical knowledge but, depending on how old you are and where you grew up, you may never have had any formal grammar teaching at school. Not only that, but many teachers and support staff are understandably nervous about the knowledge that they have, concerned that they may be giving children the wrong advice.
The Pupil Premium Healthcheck begins with scrutiny of the school’s website and continues with a visit to the school to meet with the Pupil Premium Co-ordinator and to scrutinise further evidence. The healthcheck is a half day process, but a fuller Pupil Premium Review is also available.
As part of the pre-visit process, we send an SMSC audit based on the new descriptors from the inspection handbook – this contains prompts to help schools selfevaluate provision in preparation for the visit.
Hsis has responded to these challenges by developing a range of courses, both central and in-school, to enable teachers and support staff to develop their grammatical knowledge. The courses, devised in collaboration with the EAL team, are engaging and
enjoyable (yes, we think we’ve made grammar fun), and they have proved enormously popular. We intend to offer the full range again in the summer and autumn terms. They are available for members free of charge as part of the CPD offer, or as part of your English allocation. The TA training is also available for a fee if you don’t want to use your allocation. We can also offer shorter sessions for staff meetings (these only cover a small section of the content but enable staff to become familiar with the new tests) and in-school sessions for teachers on INSET days (this tends to be the most effective way to share grammatical knowledge). So, hopefully there’s a grammar course to suit you. ‘Made learning fun, but also educational.’ Peter Ellison Inspector Standards and Effectiveness - English
Healthchecks Exploration would be through the following, where appropriate:
Hsis Subject and Aspect Healthchecks are designed to provide schools with an audit of current provision in the following areas. A summary report will be provided highlighting the strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for improvement. For more information please contact us via
• Interview with the headteacher and/or assessment co-ordinator/data manager • Documents e.g. appropriate policies, school improvement plan, annual reports, INSET log • The school’s tracking systems • Children’s books • Governor minutes • Reports to governors e.g. headteacher’s report • Evidence gathered through moderation processes • Discussions with pupils and teachers.
Early Years Review practice in line with current Ofsted and national curriculum guidance.
The following aspects of provision will be examined:
Review the robustness of the school’s processes for formative and summative assessment, pupil tracking and interventions, use of data to drive improvement, including improving the quality of teaching and reporting arrangements. This will support the school in preparing for inspection under the new framework and in the new context. This is not a review of standards and achievement.
• The environment, both indoors and outdoors • Planning • Continuous provision • Data • Early Years Leadership • Interactions between adults and children • Challenge within the early years • Engagement with parents.
The following aspects of the impact of Pupil Premium spending are examined: Raiseonline What does the data say about the performance of PP pupils? School Website Is this clear, up-to-date and compliant? School Policy Is this fit for purpose and its implementation evident within the school? Governor Accountability Are governors discharging their responsibility regarding PP? School Budget Does this clearly identify PP funding, and is this funding separate from the rest of the budget? School Data systems Are PP pupils clearly identified on the school’s tracking sheets, and is their performance analysed? Impact Analysis What is the impact of PP spending, and how does the school know? The safeguarding audits available are: 1 Section 175 statutory compliance audit (Section 11 Children Act 2004, Section 175 Education Act 2002) – this is a supported self-review. Two hour meeting with child protection lead/HT, and an SCR check with the staff member that manages this area. 2 Safeguarding Health Check – this covers wider areas of safety around the school and includes some aspects of S175, but takes a practical look at safeguarding in your school. One-and-a-half-hour meeting with HT, child protection lead, safeguarding governor. Plus a site walk with site manager and an SCR check with the staff member that manages this area. 3 Single Central record check – this looks in detail at the SCR, samples personnel files to check accuracy of info recorded in SCR. It also looks at where the SCR is stored, who has access to it and how it is backed up etc. One-and-a-half-hour meeting with the staff member that manages this area. It is recommended that this is the first audit for a school then number 1, a section 175 audit, be undertaken.
Bett Award Need support for Switched on Computing? Please contact the Hsis Computing and E-Safety Team for advice and support on how to make the most effective use of the Switched on Computing resources or for any other Computing and E-Safety needs. Dave Smith E T 01708-433824 Amanda Jackson E T 01708 431662
The following is included in the visit: • meeting with HT to review summary SMSC audits • learning environment walk with an SMSC & British values focus with a member of SLT • meeting with small group of pupils • work scrutiny of books/folders from range of lower/ middle/high attainers • across the school’s age range and/or lesson plans • meeting with middle/subject leads to review how/ where SMSC & British values can be evidenced in curriculum planning, school systems & procedures and ethos • feedback of ‘headlines’ with HT.
More free switched on computing resources for iPads and coding Hsis schools will receive a free copy of Switched on iPad Science during the Spring Term to add to the free English and Maths versions sent last term. Learn to Code Practice Books for Key Stage Two are an exciting new addition to the Switched on Computing family, providing step-by-step guidance to give all teachers the confidence to teach coding. Linked to Switched on Computing, the fun and engaging units provide additional coding practice, as well as open-ended activities to stretch and challenge more able pupils. Each Hsis school will receive a copy of Learn to Code Books one to four. These will be shipped to schools as soon as they are available. Hsis schools can purchase class sets at a discount of 20 per cent off of the RRP by quoting SOCHAV when ordering.
Switched on Computing wins a Bett Award Switched on Computing (provided free to all Hsis schools) won the Bett Award for Primary Digital Content at the recent Bett show in London. Created by publishers Rising Stars in partnership with Havering School Improvement Services, with support from Havering schools the resource has proved to be an invaluable source of support for primary
teachers across the country with over 4,000 schools having adopted the materials. The judges were very impressed with its full inclusivity and accessibility. They commented, “Switched on Computing provides teachers with the step-by-step, unit-by-unit support that they need. It engages learners, reminds them of e-safety and is excellent value for money.”
RJ Mitchell twins with Polish school, as part of partnership with British Council On Thursday 2 October, our twinning project with a school in Poland finally got underway, as myself and Jim Morton, our Chair of Governors, travelled to Ostrow Wielkopolski to visit our partner school. We found out about each other through the renaming event of rooms in RJ Mitchell. Our library is named Feric, after Miroslaw Feric, a Polish pilot in the Second World War. His son attended the event and told us he was soon to visit a school in Poland named after his father and would we be interested in working together? We were treated fabulously throughout our short stay, attended the opening ceremony for the school’s new gym, took part in First Grade pledges and then were guests of honour the following day for the school’s 30th anniversary
celebrations. We also met the mayor, who was very interested in our partnership plans and we all agreed that we wanted our partnership to a long and fruitful one. The next stage is to use eTwinning through the British Council to build up regular contact and then apply for funding through the European Union’s Erasmus+ project for a sustained partnership based around sharing good practice and developing learning opportunities for our pupils. Kevin Lee Deputy Headteacher, The RJ Mitchell Primary
Grammar for teaching assistants
Pupil Premium
SMSC/British values
With the implementation of the new national curriculum and the revised 2016 KS1 and 2 tests, teachers are under more pressure than ever to teach their pupils grammatical knowledge but, depending on how old you are and where you grew up, you may never have had any formal grammar teaching at school. Not only that, but many teachers and support staff are understandably nervous about the knowledge that they have, concerned that they may be giving children the wrong advice.
The Pupil Premium Healthcheck begins with scrutiny of the school’s website and continues with a visit to the school to meet with the Pupil Premium Co-ordinator and to scrutinise further evidence. The healthcheck is a half day process, but a fuller Pupil Premium Review is also available.
As part of the pre-visit process, we send an SMSC audit based on the new descriptors from the inspection handbook – this contains prompts to help schools selfevaluate provision in preparation for the visit.
Hsis has responded to these challenges by developing a range of courses, both central and in-school, to enable teachers and support staff to develop their grammatical knowledge. The courses, devised in collaboration with the EAL team, are engaging and
enjoyable (yes, we think we’ve made grammar fun), and they have proved enormously popular. We intend to offer the full range again in the summer and autumn terms. They are available for members free of charge as part of the CPD offer, or as part of your English allocation. The TA training is also available for a fee if you don’t want to use your allocation. We can also offer shorter sessions for staff meetings (these only cover a small section of the content but enable staff to become familiar with the new tests) and in-school sessions for teachers on INSET days (this tends to be the most effective way to share grammatical knowledge). So, hopefully there’s a grammar course to suit you. ‘Made learning fun, but also educational.’ Peter Ellison Inspector Standards and Effectiveness - English
Healthchecks Exploration would be through the following, where appropriate:
Hsis Subject and Aspect Healthchecks are designed to provide schools with an audit of current provision in the following areas. A summary report will be provided highlighting the strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for improvement. For more information please contact us via
• Interview with the headteacher and/or assessment co-ordinator/data manager • Documents e.g. appropriate policies, school improvement plan, annual reports, INSET log • The school’s tracking systems • Children’s books • Governor minutes • Reports to governors e.g. headteacher’s report • Evidence gathered through moderation processes • Discussions with pupils and teachers.
Early Years Review practice in line with current Ofsted and national curriculum guidance.
The following aspects of provision will be examined:
Review the robustness of the school’s processes for formative and summative assessment, pupil tracking and interventions, use of data to drive improvement, including improving the quality of teaching and reporting arrangements. This will support the school in preparing for inspection under the new framework and in the new context. This is not a review of standards and achievement.
• The environment, both indoors and outdoors • Planning • Continuous provision • Data • Early Years Leadership • Interactions between adults and children • Challenge within the early years • Engagement with parents.
The following aspects of the impact of Pupil Premium spending are examined: Raiseonline What does the data say about the performance of PP pupils? School Website Is this clear, up-to-date and compliant? School Policy Is this fit for purpose and its implementation evident within the school? Governor Accountability Are governors discharging their responsibility regarding PP? School Budget Does this clearly identify PP funding, and is this funding separate from the rest of the budget? School Data systems Are PP pupils clearly identified on the school’s tracking sheets, and is their performance analysed? Impact Analysis What is the impact of PP spending, and how does the school know? The safeguarding audits available are: 1 Section 175 statutory compliance audit (Section 11 Children Act 2004, Section 175 Education Act 2002) – this is a supported self-review. Two hour meeting with child protection lead/HT, and an SCR check with the staff member that manages this area. 2 Safeguarding Health Check – this covers wider areas of safety around the school and includes some aspects of S175, but takes a practical look at safeguarding in your school. One-and-a-half-hour meeting with HT, child protection lead, safeguarding governor. Plus a site walk with site manager and an SCR check with the staff member that manages this area. 3 Single Central record check – this looks in detail at the SCR, samples personnel files to check accuracy of info recorded in SCR. It also looks at where the SCR is stored, who has access to it and how it is backed up etc. One-and-a-half-hour meeting with the staff member that manages this area. It is recommended that this is the first audit for a school then number 1, a section 175 audit, be undertaken.
Bett Award Need support for Switched on Computing? Please contact the Hsis Computing and E-Safety Team for advice and support on how to make the most effective use of the Switched on Computing resources or for any other Computing and E-Safety needs. Dave Smith E T 01708-433824 Amanda Jackson E T 01708 431662
The following is included in the visit: • meeting with HT to review summary SMSC audits • learning environment walk with an SMSC & British values focus with a member of SLT • meeting with small group of pupils • work scrutiny of books/folders from range of lower/ middle/high attainers • across the school’s age range and/or lesson plans • meeting with middle/subject leads to review how/ where SMSC & British values can be evidenced in curriculum planning, school systems & procedures and ethos • feedback of ‘headlines’ with HT.
More free switched on computing resources for iPads and coding Hsis schools will receive a free copy of Switched on iPad Science during the Spring Term to add to the free English and Maths versions sent last term. Learn to Code Practice Books for Key Stage Two are an exciting new addition to the Switched on Computing family, providing step-by-step guidance to give all teachers the confidence to teach coding. Linked to Switched on Computing, the fun and engaging units provide additional coding practice, as well as open-ended activities to stretch and challenge more able pupils. Each Hsis school will receive a copy of Learn to Code Books one to four. These will be shipped to schools as soon as they are available. Hsis schools can purchase class sets at a discount of 20 per cent off of the RRP by quoting SOCHAV when ordering.
Switched on Computing wins a Bett Award Switched on Computing (provided free to all Hsis schools) won the Bett Award for Primary Digital Content at the recent Bett show in London. Created by publishers Rising Stars in partnership with Havering School Improvement Services, with support from Havering schools the resource has proved to be an invaluable source of support for primary
teachers across the country with over 4,000 schools having adopted the materials. The judges were very impressed with its full inclusivity and accessibility. They commented, “Switched on Computing provides teachers with the step-by-step, unit-by-unit support that they need. It engages learners, reminds them of e-safety and is excellent value for money.”
RJ Mitchell twins with Polish school, as part of partnership with British Council On Thursday 2 October, our twinning project with a school in Poland finally got underway, as myself and Jim Morton, our Chair of Governors, travelled to Ostrow Wielkopolski to visit our partner school. We found out about each other through the renaming event of rooms in RJ Mitchell. Our library is named Feric, after Miroslaw Feric, a Polish pilot in the Second World War. His son attended the event and told us he was soon to visit a school in Poland named after his father and would we be interested in working together? We were treated fabulously throughout our short stay, attended the opening ceremony for the school’s new gym, took part in First Grade pledges and then were guests of honour the following day for the school’s 30th anniversary
celebrations. We also met the mayor, who was very interested in our partnership plans and we all agreed that we wanted our partnership to a long and fruitful one. The next stage is to use eTwinning through the British Council to build up regular contact and then apply for funding through the European Union’s Erasmus+ project for a sustained partnership based around sharing good practice and developing learning opportunities for our pupils. Kevin Lee Deputy Headteacher, The RJ Mitchell Primary
Grammar for teaching assistants
Pupil Premium
SMSC/British values
With the implementation of the new national curriculum and the revised 2016 KS1 and 2 tests, teachers are under more pressure than ever to teach their pupils grammatical knowledge but, depending on how old you are and where you grew up, you may never have had any formal grammar teaching at school. Not only that, but many teachers and support staff are understandably nervous about the knowledge that they have, concerned that they may be giving children the wrong advice.
The Pupil Premium Healthcheck begins with scrutiny of the school’s website and continues with a visit to the school to meet with the Pupil Premium Co-ordinator and to scrutinise further evidence. The healthcheck is a half day process, but a fuller Pupil Premium Review is also available.
As part of the pre-visit process, we send an SMSC audit based on the new descriptors from the inspection handbook – this contains prompts to help schools selfevaluate provision in preparation for the visit.
Hsis has responded to these challenges by developing a range of courses, both central and in-school, to enable teachers and support staff to develop their grammatical knowledge. The courses, devised in collaboration with the EAL team, are engaging and
enjoyable (yes, we think we’ve made grammar fun), and they have proved enormously popular. We intend to offer the full range again in the summer and autumn terms. They are available for members free of charge as part of the CPD offer, or as part of your English allocation. The TA training is also available for a fee if you don’t want to use your allocation. We can also offer shorter sessions for staff meetings (these only cover a small section of the content but enable staff to become familiar with the new tests) and in-school sessions for teachers on INSET days (this tends to be the most effective way to share grammatical knowledge). So, hopefully there’s a grammar course to suit you. ‘Made learning fun, but also educational.’ Peter Ellison Inspector Standards and Effectiveness - English
Healthchecks Exploration would be through the following, where appropriate:
Hsis Subject and Aspect Healthchecks are designed to provide schools with an audit of current provision in the following areas. A summary report will be provided highlighting the strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for improvement. For more information please contact us via
• Interview with the headteacher and/or assessment co-ordinator/data manager • Documents e.g. appropriate policies, school improvement plan, annual reports, INSET log • The school’s tracking systems • Children’s books • Governor minutes • Reports to governors e.g. headteacher’s report • Evidence gathered through moderation processes • Discussions with pupils and teachers.
Early Years Review practice in line with current Ofsted and national curriculum guidance.
The following aspects of provision will be examined:
Review the robustness of the school’s processes for formative and summative assessment, pupil tracking and interventions, use of data to drive improvement, including improving the quality of teaching and reporting arrangements. This will support the school in preparing for inspection under the new framework and in the new context. This is not a review of standards and achievement.
• The environment, both indoors and outdoors • Planning • Continuous provision • Data • Early Years Leadership • Interactions between adults and children • Challenge within the early years • Engagement with parents.
The following aspects of the impact of Pupil Premium spending are examined: Raiseonline What does the data say about the performance of PP pupils? School Website Is this clear, up-to-date and compliant? School Policy Is this fit for purpose and its implementation evident within the school? Governor Accountability Are governors discharging their responsibility regarding PP? School Budget Does this clearly identify PP funding, and is this funding separate from the rest of the budget? School Data systems Are PP pupils clearly identified on the school’s tracking sheets, and is their performance analysed? Impact Analysis What is the impact of PP spending, and how does the school know? The safeguarding audits available are: 1 Section 175 statutory compliance audit (Section 11 Children Act 2004, Section 175 Education Act 2002) – this is a supported self-review. Two hour meeting with child protection lead/HT, and an SCR check with the staff member that manages this area. 2 Safeguarding Health Check – this covers wider areas of safety around the school and includes some aspects of S175, but takes a practical look at safeguarding in your school. One-and-a-half-hour meeting with HT, child protection lead, safeguarding governor. Plus a site walk with site manager and an SCR check with the staff member that manages this area. 3 Single Central record check – this looks in detail at the SCR, samples personnel files to check accuracy of info recorded in SCR. It also looks at where the SCR is stored, who has access to it and how it is backed up etc. One-and-a-half-hour meeting with the staff member that manages this area. It is recommended that this is the first audit for a school then number 1, a section 175 audit, be undertaken.
Bett Award Need support for Switched on Computing? Please contact the Hsis Computing and E-Safety Team for advice and support on how to make the most effective use of the Switched on Computing resources or for any other Computing and E-Safety needs. Dave Smith E T 01708-433824 Amanda Jackson E T 01708 431662
The following is included in the visit: • meeting with HT to review summary SMSC audits • learning environment walk with an SMSC & British values focus with a member of SLT • meeting with small group of pupils • work scrutiny of books/folders from range of lower/ middle/high attainers • across the school’s age range and/or lesson plans • meeting with middle/subject leads to review how/ where SMSC & British values can be evidenced in curriculum planning, school systems & procedures and ethos • feedback of ‘headlines’ with HT.
More free switched on computing resources for iPads and coding Hsis schools will receive a free copy of Switched on iPad Science during the Spring Term to add to the free English and Maths versions sent last term. Learn to Code Practice Books for Key Stage Two are an exciting new addition to the Switched on Computing family, providing step-by-step guidance to give all teachers the confidence to teach coding. Linked to Switched on Computing, the fun and engaging units provide additional coding practice, as well as open-ended activities to stretch and challenge more able pupils. Each Hsis school will receive a copy of Learn to Code Books one to four. These will be shipped to schools as soon as they are available. Hsis schools can purchase class sets at a discount of 20 per cent off of the RRP by quoting SOCHAV when ordering.
Switched on Computing wins a Bett Award Switched on Computing (provided free to all Hsis schools) won the Bett Award for Primary Digital Content at the recent Bett show in London. Created by publishers Rising Stars in partnership with Havering School Improvement Services, with support from Havering schools the resource has proved to be an invaluable source of support for primary
teachers across the country with over 4,000 schools having adopted the materials. The judges were very impressed with its full inclusivity and accessibility. They commented, “Switched on Computing provides teachers with the step-by-step, unit-by-unit support that they need. It engages learners, reminds them of e-safety and is excellent value for money.”
RJ Mitchell twins with Polish school, as part of partnership with British Council On Thursday 2 October, our twinning project with a school in Poland finally got underway, as myself and Jim Morton, our Chair of Governors, travelled to Ostrow Wielkopolski to visit our partner school. We found out about each other through the renaming event of rooms in RJ Mitchell. Our library is named Feric, after Miroslaw Feric, a Polish pilot in the Second World War. His son attended the event and told us he was soon to visit a school in Poland named after his father and would we be interested in working together? We were treated fabulously throughout our short stay, attended the opening ceremony for the school’s new gym, took part in First Grade pledges and then were guests of honour the following day for the school’s 30th anniversary
celebrations. We also met the mayor, who was very interested in our partnership plans and we all agreed that we wanted our partnership to a long and fruitful one. The next stage is to use eTwinning through the British Council to build up regular contact and then apply for funding through the European Union’s Erasmus+ project for a sustained partnership based around sharing good practice and developing learning opportunities for our pupils. Kevin Lee Deputy Headteacher, The RJ Mitchell Primary
Summer Training Please find below an overview of some of the training on offer in the summer term 2015 to Hsis Package one and three buyers. Date
Course Title
14 April 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis Assessment Leaders’ Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Bower Park School
Mary Jones
Hsis Computing - Scratch for Beginners
16 April 2015
1- 4pm
Amanda Jackson
22 April 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis - Provision for More Able Students Primary Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Ann Nelson
01 May 2015
9am - 3pm
Hsis Early Years New to Leading in the Early Years
Susie Williams
06 May 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis English Primary English Subject Leaders’ Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Peter Ellison
20 May 2015
1 - 4pm
Hsis Maths - Fun with Geometry
Kairen Raper
09 June 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis - History Primary Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Gidea Park Primary
Pat Fitzpatrick
17 June 2015
1.30 - 3.30pm
Hsis Deputy/ CEME Assistant Headteacher Forum (Summer Term 2015)
24 June 2015
9am - 4pm
Hsis English CEME Refresh your Grammar Parts 1 and 2 - For Teachers
Peter Ellison
01 July 2015
9am - 12 noon
Hsis Headteacher CEME Forum (summer term 2015)
09 July 2015
1.45 - 3.30pm
Hsis NQT Career Paths in Teaching
Amanda Jackson
For schools buying into the Havering School Improvement Services’ packages one and three, please book via the online Havering Education Services website For any assistance please contact the training coordinator Lizzy Shrimpton on 01708 431645 or by email at
Introducing new members of the team
Susie Williams BA (Hons), PGCE (Early Years) MSc (Psychology)
Celia Freeth BEd (Hons)
Inspector, Early Years
Senior Education Advisor, Early Years
Over 20 years experience working across the early years sector in a variety of roles. This has included nine years working as a teacher within an infant school and nine years work within nursery settings in a leadership role. I have lectured in childcare and education in FE and have spent the last four years as Programme Leader for Early Childhood Studies at the University of Chester.
Eighteen years’ experience as a teacher at KS1, KS2 and within the Early Years. As a Local Authority Early Years advisor with an area of expertise in developing a challenging environment where learning opportunities are promoted in the outdoor area. E T 01708 433802
E T 01708 431659
Focusing on outstanding teaching, complementing the Hsis Offer As part of a groundbreaking partnership between the TES and Havering School Improvement Services we are looking to complement our offer to Hsis schools by signposting a range of online courses that we think schools might find of use. We were approached by the TES to be one of the first organisations in the country to offer the courses. As a result we offered every Hsis package school one funded place on the TES Outstanding Teaching course. The response was very positive with a cohort of 50 teachers from 23 primary schools participating. We are now liaising with the TES to negotiate access to a range of online courses to allow school staff the opportunity to access cost-effective, continuing professional development opportunities. Hsis will continue to seek new opportunities for schools purchasing school improvement packages, using our extensive links with commercial partners and other organisations.
Discount for Rising Stars products WordBlaze, from Rising Stars, is a brand new fast-paced spelling and reading programme for Key Stage 2 pupils who need extra help. WordBlaze offers a multi-sensory approach that makes learning to read and spell motivating, fun and memorable. Rising Stars is delighted to offer Havering schools a very special 20 per cent discount off all WordBlaze school packs until the end of 1st term. To find out more about WordBlaze please visit wordblaze and remember to use promotional code: WBHAVERING to receive your 20 per cent discount.
Welcome to the first issue of School Improvement Update – Havering School Improvement Services’ termly newsletter to keep you informed of current and future events, practical support and advice, articles celebrating success stories from local schools with whom we work, and exclusive offers for Hsis schools. 2014-15 was a very successful year for Hsis with more Havering schools than ever purchasing our services. We are once again offering an extensive selection of over 100 courses and Subject/Aspect Leader Networks run by our very experienced team of inspectors and advisers. We’ve also added courses for teaching assistants for 2015-16. In addition, we are supplementing the offer through brokering support for Hsis schools through a groundbreaking partnership with the TES to offer online courses too. If you have a success story you would like considered for inclusion in a future edition or an idea for a course that you would like us to consider running, please email We look forward to hearing from you.
School Improvement Update from Havering School Improvement Services Hsis offer 2015 – 16 The 2015-16 Hsis School Improvement offer is now available for schools to purchase via the Havering education services portal. We will once again be offering three packages of support for schools to choose from. Please visit www. Services to access a bespoke quote for your school. During 2015-16 we will be adding additional services to further enhance the offer
Considering upgrading your package? Did you know that 100 per cent of Havering maintained and convertor academies purchased support packages from Hsis during 201415. A number of schools chose to upgrade their packages too. Package three offers schools the opportunity to buy into the CPD and school improvement package together at a heavily discounted rate, as well as accessing a comprehensive package to support your school improvement needs.
Booking support for 2015 – 16 Once you have checked your chosen support package please contact us to book in your
subject/aspect support visits for the summer term 2015 onwards. We are able to provide any of the courses that we offer centrally as in-school courses, as well as an array of other support options using bespoke days. Our team of very experienced inspectors and advisers would be very happy to discuss your in-school support needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your individual support needs via hsis@havering. or 01708-433813.
Adding value We have recently brokered support from Dan Alliot the very popular Foreign Language Adviser. This has included Dan offering termly primary foreign language subject leader meetings to local schools at CEME, quality assured by Hsis. A teacher from the James Oglethorpe Primary School who attended the autumn term course commented, “The course included lots of practical and easy to implement suggestions to help enhance provision for primary foreign languages. It was very useful indeed to have a Hsis quality assured course held locally without the need to travel up to Central London.” Please contact Dan Alliot directly for any in-school primary foreign language support via dma@
Summer Training Please find below an overview of some of the training on offer in the summer term 2015 to Hsis Package one and three buyers. Date
Course Title
14 April 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis Assessment Leaders’ Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Bower Park School
Mary Jones
Hsis Computing - Scratch for Beginners
16 April 2015
1- 4pm
Amanda Jackson
22 April 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis - Provision for More Able Students Primary Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Ann Nelson
01 May 2015
9am - 3pm
Hsis Early Years New to Leading in the Early Years
Susie Williams
06 May 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis English Primary English Subject Leaders’ Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Peter Ellison
20 May 2015
1 - 4pm
Hsis Maths - Fun with Geometry
Kairen Raper
09 June 2015
4.15 - 5.45pm
Hsis - History Primary Network Meeting (summer term 2015)
Gidea Park Primary
Pat Fitzpatrick
17 June 2015
1.30 - 3.30pm
Hsis Deputy/ CEME Assistant Headteacher Forum (Summer Term 2015)
24 June 2015
9am - 4pm
Hsis English CEME Refresh your Grammar Parts 1 and 2 - For Teachers
Peter Ellison
01 July 2015
9am - 12 noon
Hsis Headteacher CEME Forum (summer term 2015)
09 July 2015
1.45 - 3.30pm
Hsis NQT Career Paths in Teaching
Amanda Jackson
For schools buying into the Havering School Improvement Services’ packages one and three, please book via the online Havering Education Services website For any assistance please contact the training coordinator Lizzy Shrimpton on 01708 431645 or by email at
Introducing new members of the team
Susie Williams BA (Hons), PGCE (Early Years) MSc (Psychology)
Celia Freeth BEd (Hons)
Inspector, Early Years
Senior Education Advisor, Early Years
Over 20 years experience working across the early years sector in a variety of roles. This has included nine years working as a teacher within an infant school and nine years work within nursery settings in a leadership role. I have lectured in childcare and education in FE and have spent the last four years as Programme Leader for Early Childhood Studies at the University of Chester.
Eighteen years’ experience as a teacher at KS1, KS2 and within the Early Years. As a Local Authority Early Years advisor with an area of expertise in developing a challenging environment where learning opportunities are promoted in the outdoor area. E T 01708 433802
E T 01708 431659
Focusing on outstanding teaching, complementing the Hsis Offer As part of a groundbreaking partnership between the TES and Havering School Improvement Services we are looking to complement our offer to Hsis schools by signposting a range of online courses that we think schools might find of use. We were approached by the TES to be one of the first organisations in the country to offer the courses. As a result we offered every Hsis package school one funded place on the TES Outstanding Teaching course. The response was very positive with a cohort of 50 teachers from 23 primary schools participating. We are now liaising with the TES to negotiate access to a range of online courses to allow school staff the opportunity to access cost-effective, continuing professional development opportunities. Hsis will continue to seek new opportunities for schools purchasing school improvement packages, using our extensive links with commercial partners and other organisations.
Discount for Rising Stars products WordBlaze, from Rising Stars, is a brand new fast-paced spelling and reading programme for Key Stage 2 pupils who need extra help. WordBlaze offers a multi-sensory approach that makes learning to read and spell motivating, fun and memorable. Rising Stars is delighted to offer Havering schools a very special 20 per cent discount off all WordBlaze school packs until the end of 1st term. To find out more about WordBlaze please visit wordblaze and remember to use promotional code: WBHAVERING to receive your 20 per cent discount.
Welcome to the first issue of School Improvement Update – Havering School Improvement Services’ termly newsletter to keep you informed of current and future events, practical support and advice, articles celebrating success stories from local schools with whom we work, and exclusive offers for Hsis schools. 2014-15 was a very successful year for Hsis with more Havering schools than ever purchasing our services. We are once again offering an extensive selection of over 100 courses and Subject/Aspect Leader Networks run by our very experienced team of inspectors and advisers. We’ve also added courses for teaching assistants for 2015-16. In addition, we are supplementing the offer through brokering support for Hsis schools through a groundbreaking partnership with the TES to offer online courses too. If you have a success story you would like considered for inclusion in a future edition or an idea for a course that you would like us to consider running, please email We look forward to hearing from you.
School Improvement Update from Havering School Improvement Services Hsis offer 2015 – 16 The 2015-16 Hsis School Improvement offer is now available for schools to purchase via the Havering education services portal. We will once again be offering three packages of support for schools to choose from. Please visit www. Services to access a bespoke quote for your school. During 2015-16 we will be adding additional services to further enhance the offer
Considering upgrading your package? Did you know that 100 per cent of Havering maintained and convertor academies purchased support packages from Hsis during 201415. A number of schools chose to upgrade their packages too. Package three offers schools the opportunity to buy into the CPD and school improvement package together at a heavily discounted rate, as well as accessing a comprehensive package to support your school improvement needs.
Booking support for 2015 – 16 Once you have checked your chosen support package please contact us to book in your
subject/aspect support visits for the summer term 2015 onwards. We are able to provide any of the courses that we offer centrally as in-school courses, as well as an array of other support options using bespoke days. Our team of very experienced inspectors and advisers would be very happy to discuss your in-school support needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your individual support needs via hsis@havering. or 01708-433813.
Adding value We have recently brokered support from Dan Alliot the very popular Foreign Language Adviser. This has included Dan offering termly primary foreign language subject leader meetings to local schools at CEME, quality assured by Hsis. A teacher from the James Oglethorpe Primary School who attended the autumn term course commented, “The course included lots of practical and easy to implement suggestions to help enhance provision for primary foreign languages. It was very useful indeed to have a Hsis quality assured course held locally without the need to travel up to Central London.” Please contact Dan Alliot directly for any in-school primary foreign language support via dma@