Introduction Welcome to the public consultation for the regeneration of the Farnham and Hilldene Estate. Havering Council have been consulting with residents about the future of the Farnham & Hilldene Estate since 2016. The Farnham and Hilldene shopping area is a key place for Harold Hill's residents and businesses. The area needs investment to help continue to make it a beacon for the neighbourhood and the whole community to continue to enjoy. The Council have begun to explore what change the investment in the area could deliver and the benefits it can bring residents, business and the wider community. This event has been designed to provide an update on progress, introduced the architects and their initial thoughts, and understand your priorities for the area. The team are still very much in the early stages of the design process and need your feedback to help build a shared vision for the future of Farnham and Hilldene Estate.
Your feedback We welcome your feedback on the material presented at this event. If you could complete a feedback form, it would be greatly appreciated. Please also visit the comments board and share your thoughts.
Keep in touch Please let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list. You can keep up to date with how the project is progressing and find details of other consultation events on our website.
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Family Welcome Centre and Medical Centre Farnham and Hilldene Chippenham Road
July 2021
Meet the architects Hawkins\Brown is an internationally renowned practice of architects, designers and researchers. People are at the centre of everything they do and they put dialogue, engagement and consultation at the heart of making successful homes that contribute to neighbourhoods and reflect the history and heritage of the local area. Their expertise covers a range of residential building types and mixed-use schemes, across new developments and regeneration programmes. They were shortlisted for the RIBA Stirling Prize for the redevelopment of the Park Hill Estate in Sheffield, and most recently, were winners of the 2020 AJ100 Best Use of Technology Award for their in-house carbon emission reduction tool. Selected projects: Agar Grove The largest of Camden Council's community investment projects, Agar Grove will provide 493 affordable homes.
Burridge Gardens (Phase 1), Wandsworth
Agar Grove (Phase 1a), Camden
Burridge Gardens A phased redevelopment of Burridge Gardens to double the number of homes, increasing home sizes, as well as creating high quality retail, commercial, community and public space that reconnects the estate to its surroundings. Tiger Way, Hackney A mixed-use development that delivers a high quality new primary school and nursery, funded through the sale of 89 apartments on the site. Plumstead Centre A Grade II listed public library refurbished, extended and transformed into a new civic anchor for Plumstead's local community.
Plumstead Centre, Greenwich
Tiger Way, Hackney July 2021
How and when? We are very much in the early stages and look forward to working with residents, businesses and the wider community to shape the design proposals for the site. One of the first steps will be to submit a planning application in spring/summer 2022.
A key aim of the project team is to keep disruption to residents and business to a minimum, and ensure that Harold Hill can continue to be a thriving part of the local community throughout these changes. To achieve this, redevelopment will be phased to allow for business continuity. This means only emptying one section of the estate at a time, demolishing it and then building new homes and business units.
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We will then work with tenants in the next demolition phase to move them into the new buildings or alternative locations, before starting to demolish that phase. Overall, we expect the full redevelopment to take around nine years from when we start in 2025.
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Phase 01 NB
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IIL--- Site
Start Date'
Family Welcome Centre and Medical Centre
02 2022
Chippenham Road
Farnham and Hilldene
01 2025
Farnham and Hilldene
01 2027
Farnham and Hilldene
01 2029
Farnham and Hilldene
01 2031
Farnham and Hilldene
01 2033
Farnham and Hilldene
01 2035
'Please note that all dates are indicative and subject to change.
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First thoughts about design Our overarching vision for Farnham and Hilldene Estate is to deliver high-quality new homes alongside a vibrant town centre. The new shops will be highly visible, accessible and have sufficient visitor parking. Deliveries and servicing will take place from the rear, beneath the first floor resident courtyard. New streets will help connect the district centre into the wider area making it easier for people to walk or cycle. A linear park will connect to Newbury Gardens and provide places to sit and relax and a public play area. Harold Hill Library will be retained and have a new public space as its forecourt. The library, along with other non retail uses such as the Community Hub, will help keep Harold Hill at the centre of the local community. The new homes surround a communal resident only courtyard garden at first floor, with servicing deliveries, bins, parking, etc., beneath. Drawing key:
0 Generous pedestrian area G Harold Hill Library public space E) Enhanced pedestrian crossings
8 0
Active high street with integrated visitor car parking and new landscaping Park street (pedestrian only)
C, New connecting street
G Residential street with front doors and gardens 0 Resident only courtyard (at first floor) with servicing below
July 2021
New homes The new homes on the estate will: •
be well designed, energy efficient, built to modern standards and meet or exceed space standards
be safe, with fire safety and security as a priority
have good sized, well-proportioned rooms and generous built-in storage
have a private outdoor space; a balcony or terrace
have modern kitchens and bathrooms
be well insulated so it is warm in the winter and cool in the summer
achieve good sound insulation
have good ventilation so there is no damp or condensation
be adapted to meet the accessibility needs of residents, if required
share secure cycle parking.
Good sized living spaces
Private outdoor space (balcony or terrace)
The new homes will be a mix of 1 , 2 and 3 bedroom homes, all with their own private outdoor space. They will include homes for sale, shared ownership and affordable rent.
Modern bathrooms
Accessible circulation
Modern kitchens July 2021
New shops and businesses The business and retail units on the Farnham and Hilldene Estate play an important role for the local community. Our proposals will provide a high quality retail environment. This will include: •
An active high street with a range of services to attract people
Well managed and sufficient visitor car parking
Highly visible and attractive shopfronts
Safe and accessible access for everyone including Shop Mobility service
A better pedestrian environment and public space
Places to sit to encourage people to spend more time
New street trees and landscaping
Better designed service areas for deliveries, staff welfare and refuse
Good street lighting
An evening economy and activity throughout the day
A phased delivery approach so that only 2530% of retail space is under construction at any
An active high street
Places to sit
An evening economy
Mixture of chain and independent businesses July 2021
Better streets and public space The redevelopment provides an opportunity to improve the streets and spaces in the district centre so they better serve the community. Our initial site masterplan includes a public space in front of the existing Harold Hill Library, more generous pedestrian footways, better managed parking areas for visitors, a park street, and streets that are more residential in character. These new spaces will be well lit, safe, and attractive to visitors who will want to spend time in the area. This will help to create a place that attracts customers and will be more appealing for businesses.
Hilldene Avenue
Pedestrian friendly high street
The architects have already started to think about what is needed to make Harold Hill a better place to live, work, shop and visit, and have the following design principles: •
Pocket parks
Design streets that feel safe and secure for everyone
Provide enough, convenient visitor parking
Create plenty of places for people to sit and spend time including places for children to play
Maximise landscaping and street trees
Ensure shops are highly visible and not obscured
Integrate street furniture including benches, cycle parking, litter bins and street lighting
Create spaces that have no hidden corners that might attract criminal behaviour
Visible shop frontages
Residential streets and seating
Chippenham Road
Defined residential entrances
Pedestrian priority surfaces July 2021
A strong community Harold Hill district centre plays a big role in community life which this project and neighbouring developments will seek to enhance, with a range of existing and new facilities placed at the heart of the community Community facilities that will be retained in their current locations:
0 8
Harold Hill Library St George's Church
Community facilities that will be moved to new locations in the district centre*:
0 8 8
Harold Hill Post Office Chippenham Road Children's Centre Harold Hill Community Hub
New community facilities*:
G 0
Public toilets Family Welcome Centre and Medical Centre Pocket park with play facility
* New locations shown indicatively and are subject to further design development Harold Hill district centre is within approximately 500m from a range of community facilities on Gooshays Drive including:
MyPlace Central Park Leisure Centre and Swimming Pool Central Park Surgery Harold Hill Community Centre
July 2021
Other changes The Farnham and Hilldene Estate is part of a wider project to regenerate the Harold Hill area. Other projects include the recently opened Community Hub, the redevelopment of Chippenham Road (1) and the Family Welcome Centre (2) on the site of the Abercrombie Hostel. The Family Welcome Centre will provide new hostel accommodation and a medical centre. We hope to submit a planning application for the Welcome Centre later this year and anticipate demolition to begin in spring 2022, with the new centre open in 2024. The development at Chippenham Road site (see aerial view) will retain the Church, Vicarage and Undertaker, and will provide over 200 new for sale and affordable homes. We have begun initial design work for this site and will have more information about this site and the proposed design at future consultation events.
Chippenham Road site
Family Welcome Centre and Medical Centre site
Initial design testing through concept models
Concept collage for external courtyard
We hope to start on site with this project in early 2023, with target completion in late 2025.
July 2021
Planning for the future The regeneration of Farnham and Hilldene offers the opportunity to future proof the estate, integrating some of the latest design ideas and technologies to make the area cleaner, greener and safer. Some of the ideas we are exploring include: •
All parking spaces future proofed as electric charging points for vehicles
Car club parking spaces
Extensive secure cycle storage for residents
New planting and landscaping to help improve air quality and biodiversity
High speed broadband infrastructure
Energy efficient heating and cooling
Flood management with integrated landscape features SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) with opportunities for play
Increase in biodiversity
Opportunities for flexible working
Electric vehicle charging points July 2021