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Improvement Plan
3.3 Parks Locking
Park gates and barriers that are closed in the evening are also managed by the Parks Protection Service. They have a Park Gates Supervisor who to manages a further small security team of Gate Operatives. Parks Constables will assist in the locking and unlocking of gates and barriers, where it is required to reduce crime or antisocial behaviour.
Harrow Lodge Park is not on the schedule within the byelaws of sites to be closed in the evening. Therefore pedestrian access in unrestricted. However vehicles are prevented from accessing the car park at Warren Drive. This is due to relatively secluded nature of the car park, proximity to local residents, the lake and café. The barrier is locked approximately half an hour after dusk and opened each morning by 8am.
3.4 Infrastructure
Repairs needed to the pathways, fencing, gates, signs and other items are carried out either by the in-house Parks Maintenance team (Supervisor and Assistant) in the first instance or if a more specialist repair or replacement is required a contractor is arranged through the Parks Development Team.
The majority of work is undertaken by the Parks Maintenance team who are trained to weld, cut and work in play areas. Job sheets are allocated on the following priorities and an example can be found in Appendix 6.
Emergency (will be phoned through then followed up with job sheet) – same day High – within one week Medium – one month Low – as soon as possible (these are usually carried out when the team are next in that area and have the time to complete the work)
The team’s workload is then managed by having quarterly meetings with the Parks Development team to assess the outstanding job sheets and help further prioritise them. In most cases it will be ranking the medium and low priority jobs.
Parks Maintenance Supervisor removing damaged fencing
3.5 Parks Monitoring
There is a parks monitoring system that is carried out by Parks Development Officers and covers both the grounds maintenance standards and condition of infrastructure. This includes regularly checking paths, furniture, fencing and gates. Items or work are assessed on an A to D score, with the following actions:
A (Good Standard) No action
B (Satisfactory standard) Low risk Monitor
C (Unsatisfactory Standard - minor concerns) Medium Risk
Appropriate action within available resources and individual site assessment D (Poor standard - major concerns) High Risk Immediate action to bring to a satisfactory standard and/or make the area safe
Standards are assessed using a manual which has photos and descriptions for each area. This was produced using examples from within the borough and the London Parks Benchmarking Group’s ‘Quality Manual’. It is a ‘live’ document and will be updated with new photos when necessary.
Any required actions are recorded and either dealt with by the Parks Officer or reported to the relevant officer or contractor.
The frequency of monitoring is dictated by a hierarchy of Parks. This list saw Parks and Open Spaces categorised according to use, facilities and location. The frequencies were agreed by the Council’s Insurance and Health and Safety departments and are listed below.
Top 20 Parks – Monitored monthly. Top 25 open spaces monitored a minimum of six monthly. Others monitored a minimum of once a year.
Harrow Lodge Park is categorised as a top 20 park and has a full inspection monthly. A copy of a parks monitoring form can be found in the Appendix 7.