P03 Introduction
P04-06 Your tenancy
P06 Right to improve your council property
P07 Rent and service charges
P07 Financial help & advice
P08 Benefts
P09 Home contents insurance
P09 Your new home
P10 How to set up gas & electric supply
P11-13 Repairs
P13 Chargeable repairs
P13 Modernising our homes
P14-17 Consideration for your neighbours
P17 Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour, Domestic abuse or hate crime
P18 Fire safety in your home
P18-19 Your environment
P20 Community engagement
P21 Running your own estate
P21 Leaseholders
P22 Right to buy
P22 Supported housing
P23 Customer care statement
P24 Compliments and complaints
P25 Equal opportunities
P25 Data protection statement
P26 Useful contacts
P27 Checklist for tenants
P27 Havering telecare centre
P28 Feedback form
P29 Translations and other formats
02 | Housing Services – Tenant Handbook
Welcome to your new home
Welcome to your new home.
We aim to give you the highest possible level of service. We have produced this handbook to help you. It contains useful information about us, the services we provide and your rights and responsibilities.
Housing Services manage around 9,800 Council properties and 2,500 leasehold properties across the borough of Havering.
We hope you fnd the information in this handbook to be useful, but please let us know if you have any suggestions to help us improve this document.
In addition to this handbook, we will visit all new tenants to make sure you have settled into your new home and to provide any advice or assistance you may need.
The residents’ voice is at the heart of everything we do. We want residents to be proud of where they live, to be safe in their home and community, to enjoy clean environments, and to feel a sense of togetherness in their local community. We encourage all residents to get involved and help shape the service we deliver.
We hope you will be happy in your new home.
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Your tenancy
The Council grants three main types of tenancy:
An Introductory tenancy is used to make sure the tenancy is successful before a longer term tenancy is granted. They usually run for a year but can be extended. The full range of rights and security are not available during the introductory term.
On successful completion of the introductory term the tenancy will automatically revert to a fxed term tenancy unless we have started to end your tenancy.
We will explain your own situation to you in full. We are always here to help with any questions you may have.
Flexible fxed term tenancies are the main type of tenancy offered to other new tenants, including tenants who have completed an Introductory Tenancy. The fxed term will be for either 3 or 5 years depending on your personal circumstances and will be subject to review 9 months before the end of the tenancy.
At the review, we will discuss how the tenancy has been conducted. We will let you know before the end of the tenancy if it will be renewed for another fxed period.
These are for people moving from another Council home and people over 60 moving into housing for older people.
If you wish to change your tenancy from joint to sole/sole to joint, change your name or add occupants or remove occupants, please contact your housing offcer.
Secure fxed term tenancies have the right to pass on their tenancy to a surviving spouse or cohabitating partner in the event of their death (succession).
Secure lifetime tenancies should consult the terms of their individual tenancy conditions for succession rights. There is also the right to assign a secure fxed or lifetime tenancy over to their spouse, cohabiting partner who would normally have the right to succeed to the remainder of the tenancy.
We will deal with any questions about succession to your tenancy promptly and sympathetically.
You have the right to mutually exchange your home with another Council tenant or another social housing provider. A mutual exchange can take place between Council and housing association tenants who hold a secure, assured or introductory tenancy.
For further information and to complete an application for a mutual exchange please see online at www.havering.gov.uk.
You must not sub-let the whole of your home. Part of our responsibility as the landlord is to ensure that those living in a property are the ones on the tenancy agreement. It is a criminal offence to sublet and/or not use the home as your main and principle home. This crime is punishable by up to two years imprisonment and an unlimited fne.
04 | Housing Service – Tenants Handbook
LODGERS (Secure/Fixed term tenancy only)
You have the right to take in lodgers, provided that you do not cause your home to become overcrowded. You must notify us of the name and date of birth of anyone residing in your home. Please note that taking in lodgers may affect any entitlement you have to Housing Beneft.
If you live in a house, bungalow or fat with direct access to an individual garden you may keep up to two pets such as a dog or cat but you must obtain our prior written permission if you wish to keep a dog. Dogs will be required to have an identifcation ‘chip’ inserted.
You are not allowed to keep reptiles (including lizards or snakes) requiring live food, farm animals (including ferrets, hens, chickens, cockerels, ducks, geese, horses, pigs, cows and goats), pigeons or dogs as defned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or any endangered species.
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Your tenancy (continued)
You must keep your garden (including any detached garden) well maintained at all times. You are responsible for maintaining all parts of your garden including grass, plants, bushes, hedges and trees.
You must not leave rubbish or large items such as unwanted furniture in your garden for a long period of time.
You must not park a vehicle in your garden without our permission, not park on any green areas, carry out vehicle repairs so as to cause a nuisance to your neighbours, or leave dilapidated or derelict vehicles in your garden, or on the estate.
Parking should be in the designated area and not cause blockage or disruption to emergency service vehicles or other key services or your neighbours. Please park considerately and legally.
Havering Council have several sites across the borough where garages can be rented weekly. Anyone can apply to rent a Council garage, not just council tenants and leaseholders, though tenants must make sure their rent is upto-date and not in arrears to apply.
Garages will only be offered for the purpose of storing a vehicle, you must provide proof of address, a current MOT, SORN, or insurance certifcate. There may be a waiting list for popular locations.
Garage charges vary across the borough. We will let you know the exact charge should a garage become available to let. Private residents will be charged 20% VAT on their garage account. Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay for your garage charges. If your application is successful, you will be required to sign a licence agreement. We will ask you to complete a Direct Debit form when you sign up for the garage. You will be requested to pay in advance to ensure your account does not fall into arrears. If you are a tenant or leaseholder with rent arrears, service charge and or major works arrears, the council reserves the right to terminate your garage licence. For more information, please contact garages@havering.gov.uk
Right to improve your council property
Under your tenancy agreement you have the right to carry out improvements to your council property, such as ftting a new bathroom, kitchen or windows. This right does not apply to Introductory or fexible fxed term tenants.
Before carrying out any improvements or alterations to your property, you must apply to Housing Services for permission (which, if granted, will be given in writing).
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Rent and service charges
As a council tenant, it is your responsibility to ensure you pay your rent on time each week. Not only does the money you pay go towards vital services such as repairs, maintenance and keeping your estates clean and tidy, but missing payments can lead to serious fnancial issues, and the possibility of losing your home. Your rent and service charges are due in advance on the Monday of each week and the amount may be changed from time to time provided that we give you 28 days’ notice. The weekly amount that you must pay may include service charges like grounds maintenance, CCTV, caretaking charges, communal electricity, communal lighting. It may also include other voluntary payments such as insurance.
By Direct Debit or Standing Order. Telephone 01708 434000 to arrange this. Paying your rent by monthly Direct Debit is our preferred payment method and it is a very convenient way for you to pay as it takes away the burden of having to remember to pay your rent.
By debit or credit card over the phone on 01708 433993 at any time, you will need your 14 digit rent reference number to do this.
Online at www.havering.gov.uk/payments , you will need your 14 digit rent reference number to do this
By internet banking using the following details:
Sort Code – 62 29 17
Account Number – 14871890
Account Name – London Borough of Havering. You will also need to quote your 14 digit rent reference number
If you have any queries about paying your rent, please contact the income management team.
Tel - 01708 434000
Email - incomemgtteam@havering.gov.uk
They can discuss an agreeable repayment plan for your debt and relieve the stress that comes with such problems. They can also refer you for specialist support if you need it. If you do not pay your rent when it is due, we can apply to the Court for an order to end your tenancy and for you (and anyone living with you) to be evicted from the premises. We will, however, only do that as a last resort and will always try to ensure that you have all the help you need to meet your obligations. You may also contact your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or a Solicitor for independent advice.
Financial help & advice
If you are struggling fnancially and are concerned about not being able to afford your rent, we can help. Our fnancial inclusion team are here to identify available help for our tenants and in many cases can increase your income and will provide budgeting and debt advice. They can also refer to local agencies who can assist you with fnding employment.
Please get in touch with them if you are having fnancial diffculties as soon as possible.
Tel - 01708 432537
Email – welfare.reforms@havering.gov.uk
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You will need to claim help with your housing costs through Housing Beneft if:
• you are living in a PSL property or hostel
• you and your partner are pensionable age
• you are a single person and are of pension age
• you are entitled to the severe disability premium (If you receive a disability beneft such as Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance and are unsure to whether you are entitled to the severe disability premium, please contact our fnancial inclusion team to fnd out if you qualify before completing any applications)
If you do not have an existing claim for Housing Beneft and none of the above applies, you can no longer claim Housing Beneft and have to claim Universal Credit for help with your housing costs instead.
For further advice, please contact our Financial Inclusion Team on:
Tel - 01708 432537
Email – welfare.reforms@havering.gov.uk
To claim Housing Beneft from the start of your tenancy you must complete a Housing Beneft application form online as soon as possible after signing your tenancy. Delay will mean a loss of beneft.
The date of your claim is the date you complete your application. If you need to provide supporting documents with your claim you can send these later. You should not delay submitting your application.
You will lose Housing Beneft and have to pay the full rent:
• If you do not fll in the application on line and provide the necessary documentation or
• If you do not move into your home straight away
For further advice, please contact our Financial Inclusion Team on:
Telephone on 01708 433996
Text phone 01708 4333175 (for deaf or hard of hearing people)
Email benefts@havering.gov.uk
Universal Credit combines six working-age benefts into one monthly payment – including Job Seekers’ Allowance (income based), Employment and Support Allowance (income based), Income Support, Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits and Housing Beneft.
Council Tax Support is NOT included in Universal Credit. You therefore need to apply for this in addition to Universal Credit by visiting https://haveringclaims.teamnetsol.com/
You can apply for Universal Credit online by visiting https://www.universal-credit.service.gov.uk/postcode-checker
Delay in submitting your application for Universal Credit will result in a loss of beneft.
If you are unable to complete the online application you can apply over the phone by calling the DWP directly.
Universal Credit helpline
Telephone: 0800 328 5644
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 328 5644
Textphone: 0800 328 1344
08 | Housing Services – Tenant Handbook
Home contents insurance
The Council insures the building you live in, but it does not insure the contents.
This means your furniture and other belongings are not insured against things like theft, fre or food unless you get your own insurance.
We offer all our tenants a special low-cost insurance scheme, which is available to anyone who rents a home from us. You pay for the insurance with your rent.
Here are some of the key benefts:
• Your belongings insured for as little as 90p a week (for £10,000 of cover)
• Even lower rates are available for elderly people
• Quick and friendly service run by Housing staff
• Insurance available to ALL tenants regardless of status
• No excess – so if you need to make a claim you get the whole amount you need
• Rates fxed for three years
• “New for Old” cover
We strongly advise you to take up this excellent offer. Telephone the Contact Centre on 01708
Your new home
When one of our homes is empty there are certain things we always do before a new tenant moves in. If we don’t do the work while the home is empty, we will do it after you move in.
When a home is empty we always:
• Check the electrics and do any necessary repairs to make sure they are safe
• Check the gas supply and do any necessary repairs to make sure they are safe
• Make sure the home is in good structural condition
• Clear out any rubbish
• Check for asbestos and remove any which is dangerous
• Provide an Energy Performance Certifcate
• Change the front door lock
• Anything else which needs doing to make the home safe
Work we may do:
• Repairs which do not affect safety
• Improvements such as new kitchens and bathrooms
We do not normally deal with:
• Garden maintenance, trees, shrubs or grass cutting
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How to set up gas & electricity supply
Step 1 – Find where the meters are located and take a meter reading, and the meter number (MPAN). In most homes the meters are either in the kitchen cupboard, a cupboard in the hall way or in a meter box on an outside wall. Do this for both Gas & Electric.
Step 2 – If you need to fnd out who supplies gas and electric to the property; To fnd the electric supplier call UK Power on 0845 601 5467 or go on-line to www.ukpower.co.uk To fnd out the gas supplier call 0845 608 1524 or go on-line to www.fndmysupplier.energy You will need your post code and meter numbers if you have them.
Step 3 – Once you have found out who supplies your energy call them and give them the meter readings you took in step 1 and tell them the date you are moving in.
Step 4 – The energy supplier will set up an account with you and advise you on ways to pay;
Pre Payment Meters
Pre-payment meters are common in a lot of our properties – these are generally called the ‘Pay As You Go’ option. You operate the meter using a special card or key provided by the supplier, which you top up with money beforehand at a local shop or post offce, or on-line. You will have to request a new key or card at the start of your tenancy - under no circumstances would you have to pay for a previous tenant’s debt.
Example of a Pay As You Go Meter
Some properties will have Smart Meters installed. A smart meter is a type of gas and electricity meter that can digitally send meter readings to your energy supplier for more accurate energy bills. Smart meters come with in-home displays so you can better understand your energy usage.
Examples of Smart Meters
Step 5 – Once you have both energy supplies up and running in your name with at least £5 credit on both meters you need to call Havering Council on 01708 43 4343 and request to have your gas uncapped.
Step 6 – Once you are all set up shop around for the best energy deals available.
Step 7 – When you vacate the property you MUST make sure any Electric Keys or Gas Cards are returned with your keys. You must ensure that your account has been paid in full or transfered to your new property.
10 | Housing Services – Tenant Handbook
Example of meter reading
Smart Meters
Gas Water
We are generally responsible for maintaining the structure homes, the services and some fttings. This includes looking after areas such as:
• Walls, foors and ceilings.
• Window frames and external doors.
• Main entrance doors and communal doors to blocks.
• Roofs, drain pipes and gutters.
• Toilets, baths, sinks, gas pipes and water pipes.
• Boilers, radiators, storage heaters and immersion heaters.
• Light switches, light fttings, sockets and wiring.
• Communal areas including stairs, landings, drying areas, pavements and rubbish chutes.
• Lifts and other mechanical and electrical equipment.
• Communal fre alarms, in fat fre detection and emergency lighting
Residents are responsible for maintaining;
• Fittings installed or accepted by residents at the start of the tenancy. These can include shelves, wardrobes and laminate fooring.
• Fitting additional locks.
• Bleeding air from radiators.
• Resetting tripped switches in fuseboards.
• Replacing light bulbs.
• Make reasonable attempts to clearing waste pipe blockages up to the main drainage system.
• Repairing minor cracks and holes in walls and ceilings.
• Television aerials and internal reception equipment.
• Fences and gates that do not form a boundary with a public road or footpath.
• All internal decoration.
• Take steps to stop further damage once a fault has been identifed and reported.
• Gardens.
You can report a repair online at www.havering.gov.uk/askhousing Or
• By Free phone on 0800 151 3444 (this number is free from landlines but mobile operators may charge) or general phone 01708 43 4343
• Text phone 01708 433399
For out of hours please refer to the useful contacts section.
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Repairs service – what can you expect
We will...
• Provide an online reporting service and free phone telephone service for you to report repairs
• Provide you with a repairs policy detailing repair priorities and targets
• Offer you an appointment at the frst point of contact for non-emergency repairs
• Provide an emergency repairs service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
• Attend and make safe all emergency repairs within 4 hours of being reported and complete any follow-up work as soon as possible
• Complete emergency repairs within 24 hours
• Complete all urgent repairs within 3 working days
• Complete all routine repairs within 28 working days
Aim to complete all repairs on the frst visit or where this is not possible make an appointment while we are on-site for any follow-up work
Leave your home in a clean and tidy condition where repairs have been carried out Service your main heating appliance each year
Provide a handyperson service to complete minor repairs for vulnerable tenants Charge for repairs that are considered your responsibility
We will prioritise repairs for customers who are vulnerable or have special needs. Please make the advisors aware when reporting the repair.
The repair priorities will be based on the information provided by the resident reporting the repair and information available. Emergency works are to make safe only with follow on works to be completed within a reasonable time frame.
One day
• Total loss of water supply
• Total loss of electricity
• A power socket, lighting socket or electrical ftting that is not safe
• A blocked fue to an open fre or boiler
• Attempt to unblock a foul drain, soil stack or toilet pan (if there is no other working toilet in the home) with follow on works completed within reasonable timeframe
A leaking water pipe, tank or cistern where the leak can’t be contained
An outside window, door or lock that is not secure
Three days
Partial loss of electricity
• Partial loss of water supply
• Partial loss of heating or water heating
• A toilet that won’t fush (if there is no other working toilet in the home)
• A blocked sink, bath, basin or shower
• A loose or detached banister or handrail
• A broken door-entry phone
28 days
• A broken mechanical extractor fan in the kitchen or bathroom
• General carpentry repairs
• Repairs to fencing
• Plastering
12 | Housing Services Housing – Tenant Handbook
Chargeable repairs
If you ask us to carry out a repair that you are responsible for or you have caused, for example if you lose your front door key and we have to force entry, we will need to recharge you for the work. Before we start work, we will require a signature from you, to agree that you will pay the cost of the work. The cost will also include an administration charge.
If you have caused damage to your home, then it is your responsibility to carry out the repair.
We will also charge you for the clearance of items left behind in your home or garden if you move to another property.
Your current home may be inspected by a member of the Repairs team at any time on being notifed in writing. The team will identify whether there is any damage within the property that you should be charged for, or whether any alterations have taken place without written permission as set out in your tenancy agreement. Failure to allow the inspection or to rectify identifed defects will result in your application being suspended if you apply for a transfer from your current home or if you have to be moved, you will be recharged for the cost to repair any damage you have caused to the property. Please refer to the ‘Housing Services Factsheet - how to avoid recharges’ included with your ‘Welcome Pack’ information issued when you signed your tenancy agreement.
Modernising our homes
We continue to invest in improvements to Council properties each year.
If your home is one where we are planning to carry out improvements, we will contact you in advance. Where possible we will consult you about colours and fnishes.
More Information
If you would like further information on improvement works to your property, you can contact Housing Services: Tel 01708 43 4343 or Freephone 0800 151 3444
For general information on improvement works and resident guidance packs, please see www.havering.gov.uk/CapitalProjects
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14 | Housing Services – Tenant Handbook
Consideration for your neighbours
We expect you and those who live with you or visit you to be as considerate for your neighbours as you would expect them to be considerate towards you. Your failure to observe any of the conditions set out in this section will be treated as a breach of your tenancy agreement and may lead to proceedings for the termination of your tenancy. In this section, reference to “you” also includes any other person living on the premises. Our consent as landlord does not remove the need for you to obtain any other statutory consent or permission.
You must not keep an animal of any kind on the premises unless you have our prior written permission to do so. Permission may be granted subject to conditions at the Owners discretion.
You should not keep any kind of reptile in your dwelling without frst getting our written permission.
You must not display on the premises any sign, advertisement, fyer or placard relating to any business.
You must not park any vehicle indiscriminately upon estate roads, parking areas or green areas; carry out vehicle repairs so as to cause nuisance to any neighbour or resident of the estate, or leave dilapidated or derelict vehicles on any part of the estate. If your property does not come with any parking please make sure the necessary parking permit is purchased from the Council.
You must not place in any toilet, drain or sink any sanitary items, baby wipes, nappies, cloths/material, oil/fats, or any other matter likely to cause a blockage. If you have a sanifow system you must not fush any wipes whatsoever down the toilet, even if they say they are fushable. Instead place in a refuse/household/recycle bin.
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Consideration for your neighbours (Continued)
Neither you nor anyone living with you may keep any illegal explosive substance in the dwelling. If you live in a block of fats you must not take paraffn, bottled gas of any description or any explosive substance (including petrol) into the block.
We will give consideration to anyone needing to use gas bottles for medical purposes in blocks of fats.
Neither you nor anyone living with you or visiting your premises must commit any acts of discrimination, intimidation or harassment so as to cause annoyance, nuisance or offence to any other tenant or member of that tenant’s household, any sub-tenant, lodger and/or visitor to the premises. Nor may you do, or permit to be done, anything that may in the Council’s opinion be a nuisance or be likely to cause annoyance or inconvenience to any of your neighbours.
We will expect you and those who live with you or visit you to be as considerate for your neighbours as you would expect them to be considerate towards you.
Excessive noise or anti-social behaviour will be dealt with as a serious breach of the obligations under your tenancy/agreement.
In particular, we will treat loud music played late at night or for long periods during the day as a serious breach of this obligation of tenancy/licence agreement.
Persistent disregard for the amenity of others will also be regarded as a serious breach of this obligation of tenancy/licence agreement.
You must not harass any person because of their race, colour, creed, faith or sexuality. You will also be held responsible for any harassment caused by members of your household or your visitors. The Council will take action to end a tenancy where it is reasonably believed that the tenant, family member, lodger, sub-tenant or visitor is an offender.
Racial and homophobic harassment damages communities and the Council will not tolerate it. Harassment is an activity that has the intention or effect of depriving anyone of the peaceful enjoyment of their home, or of access to local facilities on the grounds of their race, colour, creed, faith or sexuality. As well as a breach of tenancy/licence conditions, it is a crime.
You must not harass any person because of their sexual orientation.
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Neither you nor anyone residing with you or visiting your premises shall commit any act of violence or intimidation, whether physical, verbal or written, against any person, including Council employees, engaged in a lawful activity in the area.
Equally, you have a right to expect our staff to deal with you in a courteous manner. Any complaint about a member of staff should frst be raised with the Team Manager.
The Council will actively pursue the provisions of its Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy as it is committed to eliminating neighbour nuisance and all other types of Anti-Social Behaviour. This type of activity will not be tolerated and the Council can apply to the court for an injunction to prohibit anti-social behaviour committed by you, anyone living with you or visiting the premises. If an injunction is granted, the court may attach the power of arrest, which means that the person subject to the injunction could be arrested immediately if the injunction is broken.
Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour, Domestic abuse or hate crime
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is any act that causes, or is likely to cause, alarm, harassment or distress to anyone living in a different household to the person responsible.
Examples of ASB include:
• noise nuisance
• drug taking and dealing
• threatening or rowdy behaviour
• violence and disorder
• vandalism
If you feel you are a victim of anti-social behaviour you can contact us either via the Havering Web site or by calling our call centre on 01708 434000.
Serious ASB issues involving violence, domestic violence or hate crime can also be reported on our emergency contact number 01708 434000 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
After 5pm and Saturdays phone 01708 726685.
Your call will then either be passed to your Housing Offcer or direct to our ASB Team depending on the nature of the complaint.
You can fnd more information relating to the Councils Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, Hate Crime Policy and Domestic Violence Policy online at www.Havering.gov.uk
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Fire safety at home
Housing Services takes your safety very seriously and carries out regular fre safety checks on its properties.
Details of how you can help keep yourself, your family and your neighbours safe from fre can be found in the “Housing Services factsheet – fre safety in your home” which is included in your Welcome Pack information. If you live in sheltered housing there is an additional “Housing Services factsheet – fre safety in sheltered housing” which your Scheme Offcer will discuss with you.
More information is available at www.havering.gov.uk/FireSafety.
As a council, we are doing all that we can to keep our residents safe from fre, but you can help too by following this advice:
• make sure you have at least one working smoke alarm per foor in your home
• keep balconies free from clutter - don’t leave rubbish or bikes in communal areas or obstruct escape routes
• make sure you know where your nearest fre exit is
• do not smoke in common areas of the block
• always fully extinguish cigarettes smoked in your home and dispose of them carefully and safely
• close internal doors at night to prevent fre from spreading
• make sure to have gas appliances safety checked
• residents should not make changes to the property which could be a fre risk
• not to tamper with frefghting equipment & alarms.
Remember, if there is a fre in your home:
• never use a lift
• do not try to fght the fre yourself
• call 999 from any phone
Your environment
Residents can dispose of rubbish and bulky waste items in the following ways:
Black rubbish bags and orange recycling sacks should be stored within the boundary of your property. These then should be presented for collection by 7am at the boundary nearest the pavement on your weekly scheduled collection day. Please visit www.havering.gov.uk/collections
Do not store waste in corridors or any other communal areas apart from the designated waste storage area. Waste should be placed into the bins provided and any lids shut where possible. Waste should not block any doorways or access routes including within and outside of the waste storage areas. If you have concerns that there is not enough waste storage please contact your Housing Estates Offcer.
Bulky waste
Large/bulky waste items are not collected as part of the regular household waste collection service therefore alternative arrangements for removal must be made. The Council offers a chargeable bulky waste collection service, full details can be found at www.havering.gov.uk/bulkywaste.
Alternatively, large waste items along with any excess waste can be taken to the Gerpins Lane Recycling Centre, further details can be found at www.eastlondonwaste.gov.uk/gerpins-lane
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Garden waste
With our garden waste service you can order one or more 240-litre wheeled green bins to put your garden waste into.
Garden waste is collected every other week (except two weeks over Christmas) and disposed of for a fee per year. You sign up to the service with an annual contract and we send contract renewal letters and emails with your contract details (reference number and charges) normally from the frst week of March, over a several week period, each year.
The garden waste contract runs from 1 April to 31 March the following year, further details of the services offered can be found at www.havering.gov.uk/info/20003/rubbish_and_recycling or you can call us on 01708 431717 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm).
Compostable sack services
We provide a sack service with 50 compostable sacks to put your garden waste into. Contracts are for one calendar year from the date of subscription. We collect the garden waste sacks every other week and dispose of it for an annual fee. To subscribe or renew for this service please call 01708 432563 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).
Orange recycling bags
Havering Council provide orange sacks for general weekly recycling collection.
If you live in a fat with a sack collection, then your sacks will be collected together at the same time, but placed into separate compartments on the waste collection vehicle.
If you live in a fat with communal rubbish and recycling bins, these will be collected separately. Please ensure that recycling (orange) and rubbish (black) are placed into the correct bins, which are clearly marked. If you live in a house, please leave your orange sacks on the foor, just inside your property boundary nearest the pavement before 7am on your refuse collection day.
It is important that sacks are placed on the boundary of your property and not grouped together with other residents’ waste and/or on grass verges, by a post or on the public highway (including footpaths).
Please do not leave sacks on top of walls or bins as this can lead to them snagging and spilling during collection and pose a safety hazard to our crew.
If your waste is not disposed of correctly – for example, by being left in the wrong place at the wrong time – you can receive a fxed penalty fne. In a Magistrates Court the fne can be increased to a maximum of £5,000.
Fly-tippers who dump waste, can face fnes of up to £50,000 in a Magistrates Court or an unlimited fne at a Crown Court.
Don’t risk these penalties – please dispose of your waste properly!
If you are reporting dumped rubbish that poses an immediate danger between 5pm and 9am on weekdays, or at weekends, please report vai the Havering website or call our ‘out of hours’ emergency line01708 433999.
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Community engagement
In Havering your Housing Service is a partnership between residents and staff. We strongly encourage all our residents to get involved. This can mean helping shape services and/or using our community development services.
What are the aims of community engagement?
The Housing Community Engagement team aims to enable residents to actively participate in and infuence the development of high quality housing services, build good community spirit and get life changing skills through:
• Scrutinising homes and housing performance
• Consulting on new ideas
• Structured meaningful consultation
• Encouraging volunteering in the community
• Arranging seasonal activities for residents in the borough
• Bespoke activities for sheltered schemes and hostel accommodation
Here are some of the ways you can get involved:
Service specifc focus groups
These groups are formed when there is a specifc service that needs to be reviewed or monitored. These include the Participation Panel, Community Representatives Panel, Sheltered Housing Group, and ad hoc sub-groups. Meetings are also held in regeneration areas for residents.
Housing Services hold various events across the borough throughout the year. Check in our newsletter, At the Heart, to fnd out what is going on.
Community estate days
The Community Engagement team plan and put on fun days and other activities in areas across the borough. Why don’t you go along to an event and support them?
Youth activities
Housing Services is keen to put on activities for our younger residents especially during the school holidays. Previous projects have included football coaching, netball, music, drama and a healthy food project.
Befriender service
Age UK to recruit volunteers to become befrienders and befriender pushers. The basic befriender will meet with residents and help tackle isolation by either running light errands, speaking to the resident and signposting extra services. Age UK will offer a support network and training.
Partnership working
We work closely with Age UK, Havering Volunteer Centre, Peabody, Regeneration Partners - among others - to organise additional activities for residents in the borough.
Employment and training programme
Havering Works is an innovative employment and skills service, provided by London Borough of Havering. It offers free support for local residents looking to get back to work or explore future career opportunities. Want some more information about how we can help you? Please get in touch with us via email at havering.works@havering.gov.uk or call the team on 01708 434456.
If you wish to fnd out more please contact the Community Engagement Team please call the customer contact centre on 01708-434343 or email getinvolved@havering.gov.uk or visit the website www.havering.gov.uk
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Running your own estate
Some of Havering Council’s estates are managed by residents under what is known as Tenant Management Organisations (TMO).
Currently, there are three TMOs in Havering;
• PETRA covering Parkhill and Sunrise Estate in Hornchurch
• BETRA covering Barnstaple Estate in Harold Hill
• DELTA covering Durham and Elvet Avenue in Gidea Park.
Tenant Management Organisations involve tenants in an area taking responsibility for day-to-day management and repairs. The Council still owns the property and tenants keep their secure tenancy.
Establishing a TMO is completed with full consultation and support from residents in the area, working with offcers, external support agencies and training. To take over management, the tenants must set up a properly constituted organisation – a TMO. The responsibilities of the Council and the TMO are negotiated and set out in a management agreement.
Each TMO must have a committee, elected by members that oversee the management of the estate. People with specialist skills may be co-opted onto the board to offer particular knowledge or experience.
For more information or are interested in a TMO for your estate, please contact the Community Engagement Team on 01708 434343 or email getinvolved@havering.gov.uk.
Council Leaseholders receive many of the same services as tenants. However, some are different:
• The Home Ownership team will issue your annual service charge estimate in March of each year
• They will also issue your annual statement of actual expenditure by the end of September each year
• The team will continuously seek the views of Leaseholders across the borough to improve the services provided
• Home Ownership will consult you before any major works are carried out in your block.
For more information, please contact the Homeownership team on email homeownership@havering.gov.uk or telephone 01708 434343
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Right to buy
Right to Buy allows council tenants to buy their council home at a discount.You can apply to buy your council home if:
• it’s your only home
• it’s self-contained
• you’re a secure tenant
• you’ve had a public sector landlord (e.g. a council, housing association or NHS trust or been a member of the armed forces) for three years - it doesn’t have to be three years in a row.
You can make a joint application with:
• someone who shares your tenancy
• up to three family members who’ve lived with you for the past 12 months (even if they don’t share your tenancy).
You can get a discount on the market value of your home when you buy it if you qualify for Right to Buy. Please refer to the website for the current maximum discount available. The discount is based on:
• how long you’ve been a tenant with a public sector landlord
• the type of property you’re buying - a fat or house
• the value of your home.
If you’re buying with someone else, you count the years of whoever’s been a public sector tenant the longest. You’ll usually have to repay some or all your discount if you sell your home within fve years. You might get a smaller discount if you’ve used Right to Buy in the past.
For further information or to download an application form go to: www.havering.gov.uk/RightToBuy Or email righttobuy@havering.gov.uk
Supported housing
Havering Council offer a variety of housing options to residents based on their needs, which include: SHELTERED HOUSING
Havering Council currently have 14 Sheltered Schemes located across Havering. This type of accommodation helps older people to live independently and safely while providing the opportunity to socialise with other likeminded people. You can apply for Sheltered Housing via the Havering website at www.havering.gov.uk. You will need to complete an application and a medical form to register.
HMOs are properties in which rooms are allocated on an individual basis. Tenants share bathroom and kitchen facilities with the other occupants of the property. Rooms are provided with a bed, wardrobe and chest of drawers; rooms are freshly decorated and re-furnished when tenants leave.
All tenants in HMOs are given the opportunity to have key work sessions with HMO Offcers and Support Plans put in place and Risk Assessments are completed.
For further information, please visit the Council website at www.havering.gov.uk.
There are two hostels managed by Havering Council in the borough to support residents in emergency need of accommodation. All rooms are furnished with beds, a fridge, a cupboard and a chest of drawers. Hostel offcers will complete a support plan with all new hostel residents and will continually offer support to residents to meet their needs where possible.
For further information, please visit the Council website at www.havering.gov.uk
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Customer care statement
Housing Services is committed to providing a good quality, professional service and we promise to continue to improve the way in which we deal with your enquiries.
• Our aim is to provide clear information on services available
• Staff will be friendly, polite and well trained and will always wear a name badge when they are talking to you
• Letters will be answered, or acknowledged, politely, helpfully and in plain English within fve working days. If an acknowledgement is sent, a full response will follow within 15 working days
• A translation will be provided if you ask for one
• Staff will answer the telephone and will be polite, helpful and give their names
• We will take a message and return your call within one working day if the person requested is not available
• If an offcer is 15 minutes late on a planned appointment, they will contact you to inform you
• Pre-arranged appointments will be kept or you will be told beforehand if this is not possible
• You should leave your appointment knowing what action will be taken. You will receive written confrmation of any decision upon request
• If you are reporting a repair, staff will let you know either the pre-inspection arrangements or when the repair will be done. You will also be given a personal reference number relating to your report
• Private rooms will be provided for interviews whenever possible
• Tenants will be consulted and their
views considered on proposed changes to the services provided for them
• Tenants who are not happy with the service they receive can discuss the matter with staff. If you are still not satisfed, you will be told about the Council’s Complaints Procedure. Please see the complaints section of this handbook for details of the Council’s Complaints Procedure.
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Compliments and complaints
Like everyone, we like to be told what we’re doing well. We would like to hear from you if you are happy with the service you’ve received from us. We appreciate your comments and can use them to see what areas we are performing well in. We can then repeat this performance elsewhere in our services and continue to improve the services provided.
If you are happy with our service you can complete the online compliment form at www.havering.gov.uk/compliments
We always try to get things right frst time but we realise this doesn’t always happen. We take all complaints seriously and believe that we can learn from our mistakes to improve our service in the future.
Please talk to us if you are unhappy with any of our services. You should frst contact the staff member who provided the service. They may be able to sort out the problem straight away.
If you are still not happy, you can complete the online complaints form at www.havering.gov.uk/complaints
There are three stages to the Council’s complaints procedure.
The Council encourages any customer who has a problem with a service they receive, due to a failure in the service, to report it.
The Council will seek to resolve complaints at the earliest opportunity. Where possible, every attempt will be made to deal with the issues quickly.
Full details can be found in our Corporate complaints policy document on our website www.havering.gov.uk
Some complaints received by the Council have to be dealt with under a statutory process and will not follow the Corporate Complaints Procedure set out below.
The Council will nominate an appropriate offcer to respond to the complaint. All Stage 1 complaints should be acknowledged within 3 working days and a full written reply sent within 10 working days.
If you, as the Customer, are dissatisfed with the outcome of the Stage 1 investigation, you can request the Council to arrange for the complaint to be reviewed by the Chief Executive, who will decide whether the matter is to be escalated to Stage 2. A request should be made through the online form stating clearly why you are unhappy with the Stage 1 response received.
The request should be acknowledged within 3 working days and a full written reply sent within 25 working days.
If you, as the Customer, are dissatisfed with the outcome of the Stage 2 investigation, you can request the Council to arrange for the complaint to be reviewed by Members of the Adjudication and Review Committee. A Stage 3 form should be completed, which you can request from your Stage 2 complaint investigator.
If your complaint progresses to Stage 3, a Member Review Panel will be convened to consider your case. The matter will be dealt with informally initially. You will not be required to attend the meeting unless the complaint progresses to a formal hearing. You will learn the outcome of your Stage 3 complaint within 30 working days.
You will be told when you have exhausted the Council’s complaints procedure. If you are still unhappy with the response received, you may want to ask either the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, or the Housing Ombudsman to consider your complaint.
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Equal opportunities
We have a legal obligation to comply with all current equal opportunities legislation.
Havering Council is committed to achieving equal opportunities. We respect and value diversity and are committed to applying equality of opportunity in all our practices and service delivery with regard to: ethnic origin, age, gender, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital status and disability or any other criterion not relevant to the point at issue.
We are committed to equality of opportunity and will:
• Monitor the effectiveness of housing policies, procedures and systems to ensure fairness and equality of opportunity in the provision of housing services
• Collect information which will help us monitor our progress towards improving equal opportunities
• Regularly review policies and procedures to ensure we continue to treat everyone equally
• Deal quickly and in a frm yet sensitive way with all forms of harassment of or by tenants, employees or agents of the Council. The Council will not take action without consulting the person being harassed
• Take positive action to meet identifed needs in relation to housing
• Comply with legal obligations and actively promote best practice in equal opportunities.
Data protection statement
Havering Council takes personal privacy matters very seriously and will never share the individual’s personal data without their prior knowledge, unless required to do so by law.
All information given by residents in relation to this policy will be treated as strictly confdential and will not be discussed with third parties without their permission with the exception of agencies with which the Council has an information sharing protocol.
The Council will comply with the requirements of the data protection act and ensure that all personal information will be kept confdential and treated with respect at all times.
For full details about how the Council protects personal data, please visit www.havering.gov.uk/gdpr
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Useful contacts
Contact Centre 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
T. 01708 434000 or Freephone 0800 151 3444
Text phone 01708 433399 (for deaf or hard of hearing people) www.havering.gov.uk/askhousing
Repairs T: 01708 43 4343
Housing Emergency Repairs Outside normal offce hours
T: 01708 43 4343
Resident Services (Housing Offcers) E: residentservices@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4343
Income Management Team E: incomemgtteam@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4343
Housing & Council Tax Benefts E: benefts@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 3996
Universal Credit (DWP) T: 0800 328 5644
Welfare Reform E: welfare.reforms@havering.gov.uk
Community Engagement
T: 01708 43 2537
E: getinvolved@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4343
Home Ownership Team E: homeownership@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4343
Shared Ownership E: sharedownership@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4343
Right To Buy E: righttobuy@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4343
Garages E: garages@havering.gov.uk
Capital Projects
T: 01708 43 4343
E: capitalprojects@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4343
Anti-social Behaviour T: 01708 43 4000 01708 726685 (after 5pm weekdays and weekends)
Electoral Registration E: elections@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 434000
Gerpin’s Lane Recycling Centre T: 01708 432777
Insurance Section T: 0800 3899918
Social Services Call Centre T: 01708 432369
Telecare E: telecare@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 432843
Havering Streetcare T: 01708 432000
Housing Register and Transfers T: 01708 432563
Housing Needs E: housingneeds@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4130
Rehousing Team E: rehousingteam@havering.gov.uk
T: 01708 43 4066
T: 01708 432563
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Homelessness Enquiries
Checklist for tenants
I have been advised and understand my obligations to the following Council policies as set out in my Tenant Handbook.
1) I have been provided a copy of my Tenant Handbook and have been advised of the content therein.
2) I understand I must keep up with payment of my rent and that I must notify Housing Beneft if there are any changes in my circumstances. I have also been made aware of how I can pay my rent.
3) I understand I am not allowed any pets without prior written consent.
4) I must keep the property in a good state of repair through-out the term of my tenancy and I am responsible for the cultivation of the front and back garden, where applicable.
5) I must obtain permission if I wish to install a satellite dish or similar to the property.
6) I must only park vehicles in designated areas and obtain the relevant permits where required.
7) I must give 4 weeks’ Notice to Quit in writing to the Council if I wish to end my tenancy.
8) I must report all repairs to the Councils contact centre 01708 434000 and understand I will be recharged for damaged I have caused.
9) I am responsible to pay for Water, Electricity and Gas where applicable and all bills need to be put into my name from the start of my tenancy.
10) I understand that all electric or gas cookers are installed by a qualifed engineer.
Havering telecare centre
If you want to be more independent in your own home, or are you worried about someone who lives on their own and is vulnerable? then the Havering Telecare Centre may be able to help you.
We provide assistive technology in your own home and could also attend to your property 24 hours a day in case of an emergency, all at a low weekly cost.
Assistive Technology includes but not limited to:
• Pendants that can be worn in the garden and bath,
• Smoke & Carbon Monoxide detectors monitored 24 hours a day (we call Emergency Services if you are unavailable i.e. in hospital),
• Bed sensors that can switch on lamps when you get out of bed. please contact the telecare centre on:
Web: www.havering.gov.uk/telecare
Email: telecare@havering.gov.uk or phone 01708 432843.
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Feedback form
We always welcome feedback from our tenants and would like to know if you found the information in this pack useful.
Please tick the relevant boxes below;
I found the information in this pack useful
Everything I need to know about being a tenant is included
I shall keep a copy in a safe place to refer to at a later date
If you have any comments you would like to make about this Tenant Handbook, please tell us in the space below
Your name
Contact number
Email address
Once completed, please return by email to getinvolved@havering.gov.uk or by post to: London Borough of Havering, Housing Services, Town Hall, Main Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 3BB
28 | Housing Services – Tenant Handbook
Agree Disagree Comments
Translations and other formats
Please tick the relevant box/boxes to inform us of which language and/or format you require. Please also inform us of your name, address, postcode and telephone number in the section below. Return this form to the freepost address at the bottom of this page.
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Return this form to:
London Borough of Havering, Housing Services, Town Hall, Romford, RM1 3BB or email to: getinvolved@havering.gov.uk
Housing Services – Tenant Handbook | 29
আপনার �কান ভাষায় এবং/অথবা ফরম�ােট �েয়াজন তা আমােদরেক জানােনার জন� অনু�হ কের সংি�� বে�/ব��েলােত �টকিচ� িদন৷ এছাড়াও অনুগরহ কের আমােদরেক িনেচর অংেশ আপনার নাম, �ঠকানা, �পা�েকাড ও �টিলেফান নমব্ র জানান৷ এই প�ার িনেচ �দয়া ি�েপা� �ঠকানায় এই ফরম�ট �ফরত পাঠান
وک پآ نابز سک لکش اي / روا ترورض یک ہ ک هاگآ ےس سا ے ےنر ےئل هارب ہسکاقلعتمب خ /نارپ ںو نائا۔ںيشنگل مرک هارب لاو ےچين ےصح ے ںيمہميں امان انپ ، ہتپ ، ٹسوپ روا يٹفيلنو هب ربمنی اتبئ۔ںي وک ےحفص سا ف ےچينیر ڈيا ٹسوپيرس سپاو رپ हम कौन सी भाषा और / या �ा�प की आव�कता है , यह बताने के िलए कृ पया संबंिधत बॉ� / ब�े पर िटक कर। कृ पया नीचे िदए गए अनुभाग म हम अपना नाम, पता, पो�कोड और टेलीफोन नंबर भी सूिचत कर�। इस फॉम को इस पेज के नीचे िदए गए �ीपो� पते पर लौटा द। Punjabi ਸਾਨੰ ਦੱਸੋ ਿਕ ਤੁਹਾਨੰ ਿਕਹੜੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਅਤੇ / ਜਾਂ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਦੀ ਜ਼ਰੂ 'ਤੇ ਰਤ ਹੈ ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ ਸੂਚਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੰਬੰਿਧਤ ਬਾਕਸ / ਬਕਸੇ ਕਿਲੱਕ ਕਰੋ ਿਕਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਹੇਠ ਿਦੱਤੇ ਭਾਗ ਿਵੱਚ ਸਾਨੰ ਆਪਣਾ ਨਾਮ, ਪਤਾ, ਪੋਸਟਕੋਡ ਅਤੇ ਟੈਲੀਫੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ ਵੀ ਦੱਸੋ ਇਸ ਪੰਨੇ ਦੇ ਹੇਠਾਂ ਇਸ ਫਾਰਮ ਨੰ ਫੀਪੋਸਟ ਪਤੇ ਤੇ ਵਾਪਸ ਭੇਜੋ.
Housing Services – Tenants Handbook
V9_June 2022