Havering education services – training and development programme 18-19

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Training and Development Programme

For Education Providers

Sept 2018 - Aug 2019


Welcome to our 2018/19 training and development directory that sets out an extensive and varied range of continuing professional development and training courses and events designed with educators in mind. At HES, we are completely focused on developing your knowledge, skills and self confidence and equipping you with the right tools and resources to deliver positive outcomes for children and young people, staff and your wider stakeholders.

What we offer • A comprehensive CPD programme for teaching and non teaching staff, school leaders and early years practitioners. The programme includes subject specific training and briefings on the latest policy, legislative and regulatory initiatives. • Workshops and Conferences on current educational issues and developments. • Brokerage of specialist training. • Bespoke on-site training and consultancy to suit the needs of individual schools, school groups and settings. • A local dedicated team with excellent regional and national knowledge, experience and a long history of developing people. • The majority of our courses run at the Centre for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence (CEME) in Rainham, Essex. It is a world class training venue with flexible, modern conference and training facilities with excellent transport links. Whatever type of professional development you are looking for, please do not hesitate to talk to us. We have a dedicated team who are able to work with you to organise, develop and commission additional training to suit your needs. If you’d like to speak to a member of our central team about what we can offer, please give us a call on 01708 43 1133 or email support@hes.org.uk


Key – Please look out for these icons as you go through the course pages PERSONALISE We will work with you to understand your local needs and tailor the course accordingly

ON-SITE These courses can be delivered in your school or setting for training groups of staff.

ON DEMAND We can deliver these courses at any time throughout the year if there is sufficient level of interest. Please have a look on the Education Services Portal – www.HES.org.uk for course details.

SUBJECT MATTER TO BE CONFIRMED These courses are designed to address topical policy, legislative or regulatory changes. Please have a look on the Education Services Portal – www.HES.org.uk for updates near the advertised date of the course.


pg 2


pg 3

Leadership & Management

pg 4

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

pg 16


pg 32


pg 50

Administration and Finance

pg 66

Safety and Wellbeing

pg 82

Development for TAs and HLTAs

pg 102

Early Years

pg 108

Events and Networking

pg 124

Publications – Our partnership with rising stars

pg 128


pg 130

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Leadership and Management


For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Accredited Online Safety This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Designated Safeguarding Leads and Teachers.


Aspiring to Deputy Headship – Meetings 1 and 2 This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Assessment Co-ordinators, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and SENCo/ Early Years Practitioners.

Training for professionals to provide them with an improved understanding of the risks children face online as well as guidance on strengthening policies and procedures to protect and support children. It is recommended that someone from each school has greater knowledge of online safety – this session provides this and includes CEOP accreditation for delegates.




The course trainers will explore the key features of effective online safety practice in this course. They will discuss how forms of harm and abuse, whether radicalisation, sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation, gang membership, all start with a grooming process. They will consider what a planned and progressive online safety curriculum might include and suggest resources to help further enhance provision. Delegates will explore the CEOP Thinkuknow resources.


The programme will be examining the skills, practice and qualities required to be an effective DHT. The programme will provide guidance and opportunities to share good practice through using a variety of case studies, guidance and tasks to develop an understanding of the requirements of the role. Sessions will cover: • Teaching Standards, including Performance Management • Key roles and functions • Using data • Developing working relationships and team building • The deputy as a leader • Dealing with parents, governors, external relations • Chairing skills

You will be able to: • Report back to colleagues on the implications of new initiatives, policy and practice • Improve the quality of your online safety curriculum • Have an understanding of good practice • Return to school to further enhance practice.

Accreditations: CEOP Certification.

• Mentoring and coaching • Managing time • Learning and teaching accountabilities • Monitoring and evaluating strategies • Filling in of application forms • Interview techniques – including the do’s and don’ts of presentations at interview.


Participants will have a clear understanding of the knowledge, skills and competencies required to be an effective Deputy Headteacher in a primary school.

Date: 30/11/18 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T009

Dates: 17/01/19 & 24/01/19

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Times: 09.00 – 16.00

Duration: 6 Hrs

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T005 Duration: 6 Hrs (1day x 2)

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME

Trainers: Amanda Jackson & Dave Smith

Trainer: Gill Stocker

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). This course is available for out of borough schools cost TBC. £200.00 for non-package schools.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). This course is available for out of borough schools. £500.00 for non-package schools (covers both sessions). 5

Leadership and Management

Building and Protecting your School’s Online Reputation This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers and Bursars & Business Managers.


The internet and social media provide excellent opportunities for schools to share news about events, activities, learning and much more with parents and the wider community. However, it also allows everyone else to offer their opinions about the school – good and bad. This workshop will introduce tips and advice for building and protecting your school’s reputation online.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Engage parents and the wider community using social media • Learn from examples of best practice in other schools • Explore potential risks and pitfalls when using social media and how to avoid them.


You will be able to: • Report back to colleagues on the implications of new initiatives, policy and practice • Improve the quality of your online safety curriculum • Have an understanding of good practice

Leaders of the Future – Meetings 1 and 2 This course is recommended for: Teachers.


Do you think you could be a good leader? Do you think you can handle difficult situations? Do you have a good understanding of your data? Do you work well with all stakeholders? If you feel you are ambitious and ready to take on a leadership role in school, this programme can help in your preparation.


This programme is designed for effective teachers who are aspiring to a middle leadership role in the near future. The programme will use an enjoyable and thought-provoking mix of activity, reflection and discussion and focus on key leadership knowledge, skills and competencies for a first middle leadership role.


Participants will learn how they can contribute to a leadership team, what their natural leadership style is, and some of the challenges of being a school leader.

“This course really made up my mind – I wanted to be a school leader and I could do it!”

• Return to school to further enhance practice.

Dates: 13/11/18 & 22/11/18

Date: 26/02/19 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0219-T007 Times: 09.00 – 12.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233) Trainer: Dave Smith Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). £150.00 for out of borough schools. 6

Times: 09.00 – 16.00

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T003 Duration: 6 Hrs (1 Day x 2)

Venue: CEME Trainer: Gill Stocker Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). This course is available for out of borough schools. £500.00 for non-package schools (covers both sessions).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Leadership Development Programme – Meetings 1 to 6

Online Safety in your School Part One

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and SENCo/ Early Years Practitioners.


Senior Leaders, Designated Safeguarding Leaders and Teachers.

This 6 part programme is designed for current middle and senior leaders in primary schools/academies and will focus on the key core skills and attributes of school leadership. Delegates are expected to attend all sessions in order to receive the Havering Accreditation Certificate. Delegates will also be expected to undertake some gap tasks back in school between sessions.

Part one of a two-part course to assist your school in reviewing existing Online Safety practice and provision. The first session will include an exploration of a range of issues facing pupils, staff and parents through the use of new technologies – including social media, Sexting, online grooming and more. It will evaluate and benchmark your school’s Online Safety practice. It will also signpost a range of online resources to support online safety provision.




The programme will focus on the key skills of school leadership, including: • Using data to improve provision and outcomes • School Self-Evaluation • Lesson Observations and feedback • Undertaking an effective work scrutiny • Effective Action Planning • Preparing for Ofsted and being ‘Ofsted Ready’ • The role of staff development and CPD.


• The programme will help to strengthen the knowledge and know-how of delegates and equip middle and senior leaders with the skills to fulfil their roles and have a real impact in their areas of responsibility • The programme will strengthen the impact of middle and senior leaders across the borough.

• Consider a range of Online Safety Issues • Benchmark existing practice using a variety of tools • Develop an Online Safety provision map and action plan (to complete back in school).


• Report back to colleagues on the implications of new initiatives, policy and practice • Review your online safety policies and practice • Have an understanding of good practice • Return to school to further enhance practice.


Participants who attend all sessions and complete gap tasks to the required standard will be accredited with a ‘Havering Certificate in School Leadership and Management’ (middle or senior leadership level). Dates: 27/09/18 22/11/18 31/01/19 28/03/19 16/05/19 27/06/19 Times: 13.30 – 16.00

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0918-T004

Date: 15/03/19 Duration: 2.5 Hrs x 6

Venue: CEME (233+234) Trainer: Grahame Smith Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). This course is available for out of borough schools. £750.00 for non-package schools (covers all 6 sessions).

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0319-T006 Times: 09.00 – 12.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233) Trainer: Dave Smith Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 7

Leadership and Management

Online Safety in your School Part Two

Planning an Engaging Reading Curriculum

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Designated Safeguarding Leaders and Teachers. The second session of this two-part course, to assist your school in reviewing the existing Online Safety practice and provision. This session will focus on the resources to assist you with ensuring that you have a robust curriculum and how to engage with families regarding online safety issues to help ensure that this is strength of your school. During the session we will be using the Switched on Online Safety units and exploring how they can be used in your school. We will look at the key areas for development within the primary age range, and explore some of the resources that can be used to ensure a progressive online safety curriculum.


Senior Leaders and Subject Leaders.

This course is aimed at Senior and Subject Leaders to support their curriculum planning of the teaching of reading across the school.


The course will include: • A coherent approach to shared reading • Integrating independent reading into the curriculum • Reading in the foundation subjects • Reading interventions.


Senior leaders will be able to implement coherent reading curricula.

• Explore the full range of progressive materials within the Switched On Online Safety resource • Review how this can be used in your school • Consider how to engage parents/carers in the Online Safety practice • Develop an action plan for implementation.


• Report back to colleagues on the implications of new initiatives, policy and practice • Review your Online Safety curriculum • Have an understanding of good practice • Return to school to further enhance practice.


Date: 21/05/19

Date: 18/06/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T008

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T001

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Dave Smith

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Safer Recruitment Refresher

Safer Recruitment Training

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Governors, Designated Safeguarding Leads and Bursars & Business Managers. This course is for staff who have already attended the Accredited Safer Recruitment Course. The accreditation does not need to be renewed, it does not have an expiry date, but good practice is to undertake a refresher to ensure changing risks and issues are reflected in your school recruitment practice and staff conduct and behaviour. This course will provider reminders of, and updates to, the safer recruitment process. It will look at recent risks and issues and how school recruitment can best protect the pupils and the workforce.


Recent case examples used throughout • Planning a recruitment exercise • Decision making – selecting the right candidate • Ongoing processes – holding staff to account; whistleblowing.


Delegates will be able to apply up to date recruitment procedures to ensure checks are made about the safety and suitability of new post holders; this includes promotions within the school.


This is a refresher of an accredited course. This session does not provide accreditation.

Dates: 22/11/18 15/05/19 Times: 09.00 – 12.00

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-1118-T007 Hsis-0519-T007 Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233 + 234)

Senior Leaders, Governors, Designated Safeguarding Leads and Bursars & Business Managers. It is important for organisations that provide services to children to incorporate into their recruitment and selection procedures, measures that help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children, or who are otherwise unsuited to work with them. Making safeguarding and promotion of the welfare of children an integral part of HR management in organisations that work with children is an essential part of creating safe environments for children. It aims to: • Give participants an awareness and understanding of offender behaviour • Identify the key features of safe recruitment • Consider policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse and embed reporting • Help participants begin to review their own and their organisation’s policies and practice with a view to making them safer.


Session 1 looks at how safer recruitment fits with the wider context of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, the scale of abuse, a model of offender behaviour, some aspects of the characteristics of abusers and of how child sex abusers typically operate within organisations. Session 2 illustrates the importance of planning a recruitment exercise, sending the right messages to potential applicants, following a consistent and thorough process to obtain relevant information about each applicant, and short-listing candidates for interview. Session 3 considers the importance of making the right decisions and using structured interviews to help do that, as well as preemployment checks on the candidate selected for appointment. Session 4 examines the need for ongoing awareness and vigilance and considers how organisations can develop and maintain a safe environment. Date: 16/01/19 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T008 Times: 09.00 – 16.00

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Penny Patterson

Trainer: Penny Patterson

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). £165.00 for out of borough schools.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). £200.00 for out of borough schools. 9

Leadership and Management

The Role of the English Subject Leader

SIMS – SIMS for School Leaders

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:




• Using SIMS in the classroom e.g. take register, behaviour management and assessment

• Developing teaching approaches

• Configuring the home page – attendance analysis, favourite reports, diary etc.

• Working with staff to effect change.

• Exploring the teacher view of pupil data


• Using the links menu

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

Senior Leaders, Administrative Staff and Pastoral Officers.

The course is aimed at current and aspiring English Subject Leaders and will explore the different aspects of subject leadership. • Understanding data and standards

Subject leaders will be more effective in their roles and aspiring subject leaders will have a greater understanding of what the role entails.

Within this session you will experience:

• Making use of SIMS.net reporting, including analysis reports presented in grid format • The use of SIMS to record assessments for the new National Curriculum • The benefits of using Discover to show graphically pastoral, attendance and assessment data.


This course is designed as an introduction to Head Teachers and members of school senior management team. Delegates will be shown what can be achieved within SIMS to support the smooth running of the school and whole school improvement. It will cover behaviour management, assessment, reporting, attendance and SIMS in the classroom.


After attending the course you will: • Have a greater understanding of the potential of using SIMS to support whole school improvement.

Dates: 08/11/18 06/02/19

Date: 16/10/19


Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-1118-T001 SIMS-0219-T001

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T003

Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Times: 13.00 – 16.00 Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Trainer: Jason Blair

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 6 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Contract Management This course is recommended for:

Bursars & Business Managers and Finance Officers.


Experience shows that sometimes the tender documents, method statements and other documents submitted by the company awarded the contract, are forgotten once the operation of the contract begins, or it is difficult to identify and summarise all the commitments made by the supplier. This course will cover: • Introduction to contract management • Contract management toolkits to effectively manage your contracts • Supplier negotiation • How to secure improvements throughout the life of the contract.


This session will: • Provide an opportunity for delegates to obtain a practical understanding of contract management strategies and methods used to monitor performance • Demonstrate how to ensure a smooth and timely progress of contractual obligations, including compliance within contract conditions

EU Regulations This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Governors, Bursars & Business Managers and Finance Officers.


This session will cover: • Basic overview of EU Procurement • The impact of the Public Procurement Regulations 2015 • Procurement not subject to EU Regulations • Access to Contracts • New rules for selection • Tender Assessment and Contract Award.


This session will give you the opportunity to learn about EU Regulations in light of the new EU Public Procurement Regulations. It will assist those involved in the procurement of Goods, Works and Services to comply with the legal requirement of procurement, as it is affected by EU Regulations.


This session will enable you to: • Apply EU principles to your procurement

• Show delegates how to manage risk of supplier failure.

• Consider the changes that affect the various stages of the procurement process


• Be confident in undertaking a procurement exercise.

• Establish a contract management strategy for effectively managing contract

“EU Regulations was the most useful . part of the event for me.”

By the end of this session delegates will be able to:

• Manage risk of supplier failure • Build and improve effective supplier relationships • Apply the contract management toolkits to effectively manage contracts • Realise the full benefits of achieving value for money from contracts. This course will take place three times throughout the academic year; delegates can select their preferred session. Dates: 13/09/18 10/01/19 09/05/19 Times: 9.30 – 12.30

Course Codes (from portal): SPU-0918-T001 SPU-0119-T001 SPU-0519-T001 Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: Havering Town Hall Trainer: Jean Coleman Price excluding VAT: £125.00 for Havering schools. £150.00 for out of borough schools.

Dates: 26/09/18 06/02/19 06/06/19

Course Codes (from portal): SPU-0918-T002 SPU-0218-T001 SPU-0619-T001

Times: 9.30 – 12.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: Havering Town Hall Trainer: David Pridmore Price excluding VAT: £125.00 for Havering schools. £150.00 for out of borough schools. 11

Leadership and Management

Introduction to Procurement This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers and Bursars & Business Managers.


FMS – Analysing your School Budget This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Bursars & Business Managers.


This session will provide an overview of procurement to ensure those involved in the process, have a basic level of understanding of procurement in Havering and why it is important to get it right.

This course is aimed at school staff with budget responsibilities, i.e. new Head Teachers/Deputies, school Bursars and senior finance staff whose budget responsibilities begin during the financial year. This is a “hands-on” course.



• The procurement regulatory and compliance framework

• Learn about the Budgeting process undertaken in April

• The procurement cycle

• Know which reports from FMS will be of most use to understand the financial performance of the school

This session will cover:

This session will give you the opportunity to:

• Procurement within the context of LB Havering and various roles and responsibilities within the process • Procurement mechanisms and when they are used.

• Know how to obtain information from FMS to effectively monitor the budget.



By the end of this session you will: • Have a clear understanding of how Procurement works in Havering

At the end of the session delegates will have a basic knowledge of the budget setting and adjustment procedure and be able to use FMS to produce budget management reports.

• Be confident about how to obtain Goods, Works and Services • Understand the process for dealing with issues when they arise.

Date: 15/11/18 Dates: 04/10/18 07/03/19 10/07/19

Course Codes (from portal): SPU-1018-T001 SPU-0319-T001 SPU-0719-T001

Times: 9.30 – 12.30

Times: 9.30 – 12.00

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: Havering Town Hall

Trainer: Nick Carter

Trainer: Mike Parrott

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for Finance support).

Price excluding VAT: £125.00 12

Duration: 3 Hrs

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1118-T005

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

FMS – Finance Workshop for School Managers This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders and Bursars & Business Managers.


FMS – Introduction to Financial Benchmarking This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers.

This workshop is aimed at new and existing Head Teachers, senior staff and finance staff who have responsibility for monitoring the school budget. Delegates will log on to their FMS software to investigate their own school’s budget and financial position.




Delegates will gain: • An understanding of budget profiling and its importance • A greater understanding of your school’s financial position • Increased confidence in producing and analysing reports.

This course is aimed at Head Teachers, Deputies and senior staff in school with the responsibility for budget development, financial planning and reporting. This session gives you the opportunity to compare your school’s expenditure and income with other similar schools both within Havering and other LAs. It will also enable you: • To access the DfE Benchmarking database


• To interpret benchmarking statistics

• Check FMS budget reports for accuracy

• To draw conclusions about expenditure and income patterns to inform future budget development.

• Analyse FMS report contents


At the end of this session delegates will have the ability to:

• Amend FMS accounts where necessary.


Dates: 20/11/18 21/07/19 Times: 9.30 – 12.00

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-1118-T006 SIMS-0719-T002 Duration: 2.5 Hrs

At the end of this session delegates will be able to analyse and interpret schools’ benchmarking data produced by the LA and the DfE and to understand how your school’s CFR outturn and census returns are used to populate the data.

Date 07/02/19 Course Code (from portal): SIMS-0219-T004 Times: 13.30 – 16.00

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Nick Carter

Trainer Nick Carter

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for Finance support).

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for Finance support). 13

Leadership and Management

FMS – Principles of Budgeting This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders and Bursars & Business Managers.


This course introduces the principles of budget management and is suitable for new Head Teachers and other staff involved with budget setting. This is a Business Manager’s course using training data.


This course will give you the opportunity to understand the following: • Budgeting terminology • Fundamental issues of budgeting • The HES Finance Support budget pro-forma • The HES Finance Support Budget Pack • School Financial Regulations.


At the end of this course delegates will be familiar with: • School budgeting terminology • The important issues for budget setting • The Havering LA budget setting documentation and timetable.

“A fantastic introduction for me about budgeting for schools. Lots of useful resources.”

Date: 12/03/18 Course Code (from portal): SIMS-0319-T003 Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY Trainer: Nick Carter Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for Finance support). 14

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk


Teaching, Learning and Assessment


For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

A Practical, Pictorial and Abstract Approach to Mathematics

Celebration of Good Practice in Computing

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders and Teachers.

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

This course will provide an opportunity to consider the Practical, Pictorial, Abstract/Concrete Pictorial, Abstract approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics and define the meaning of each aspect of this approach. We will use a variety of tasks designed to challenge and engage learners. There will be time to discuss how the use of manipulatives can support the development of mathematical reasoning. We will work, collaboratively, to develop examples of this approach for use in the classroom.


This session will provide opportunities to:

This will be a chance for primary schools to explore good practice in primary computing. Come and see what others are doing and get tips for adoption in your own school.


This course will give you: • The opportunity to hear how others are teaching computing, the successes and pitfalls for adoption along the way • The chance to get advice about the use of technology in computing education and explore how new tools could enhance provision in your school.

• Consider the Practical, Pictorial and Abstract approach to mathematics.


• Explore the use of manipulatives to support mathematical learning and teaching

• Improve your understanding of how technology can transform learning

• Use mathematical tasks to raise standards.

• Explore ways that computing can be taught in the primary phase


• Gain an understanding of new and innovative ways to teach computing as a discrete subject or across the curriculum

• Gain an insight into the Practical, Pictorial and Abstract approach to teaching and learning

• Return to school to further enhance practice.

You will be able to:

You will be able to:

• Include the use of manipulatives in maths planning • Evaluate the impact of a Practical, Pictorial and Abstract approach.

Date: 12/02/19

Date: 26/06/19,

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0219-T008

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T011

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Trainer: Amanda Jackson

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 17

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Computing Project – Part One & Part Two This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders and Computing Teachers.

This is a two-part course which will focus on developing an aspect of the computing curriculum. It includes a classroom-based action research element between the two sessions. It is aimed at teachers who would like to become more confident with their use of technology.


• The opportunity to hear expert advice about the use of technology in education and explore how this could be best used in your school.


You will be able to: • Improve your understanding of how technology can transform learning • Develop your knowledge of difficult aspects of the computing curriculum, considering the best ways to teach in your school • Return to school to further enhance practice.

Dates: 09/10/18 & 22/01/19 Times: 1 3.00 – 16.00 16.15 – 17.45

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

This course will look at planning that will foster the development of effective assessment techniques to extend the learning of primary science. The course will enable subject leaders to develop skills to encourage engaging and independent learning, as well as tackle underachievement in more able students through working scientifically.


This course will give you:


Developing and Supporting More Able Scientists

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T009 Duration: 3 Hrs 1.5 Hrs

Through using the CREST awards scheme this course will show subject leaders how to promote an increased interest in continuing in STEM education and careers for the more able in science. We will use hands on real-life experiences of ‘being’ a scientist and working on STEM projects. The CREST Award projects help to develop students’ skills in creativity, teamwork and time management.


• Subject leaders will be confident in supporting high ability learning through effective practical science • Subject leaders will develop effective strategies to encourage creative and independent thinking skills through the CREST awards lesson plans.

Date: 21/05/19 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T011 Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Amanda Jackson

Trainer: Mina Patel

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Developing Comprehension at KS1 and KS2

Developing Independent Scientific Thinking

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders, Teachers and HLTAs.

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

The course will introduce teachers to a variety of teaching approaches designed to develop pupils’ comprehension of written and spoken language.


• Comprehension during shared and independent reading • Teacher instruction • Whole class discussion to develop comprehension • Comprehension across the curriculum • Assessment of comprehension.


Teachers will be able to plan effective lessons to develop pupils’ comprehension across the curriculum.

This course will highlight examples of good practice for developing pupils working scientifically (WS) skills in science through using the PLAN-ASE moderation materials. We will look at ideas for measuring progression across KS1 and KS2 in science with hands on practical ideas aimed at developing children’s thinking and independence during practical science.


This course will highlight examples of good practice for developing WS skills in science. We will look at ideas for measuring progression across KS1 and KS2 in science with hands on practical ideas.


• Subject leaders will become confident about teaching and assessing progression of science across the curriculum for WS skills • Subject leaders will take away ideas to develop new strategies on how practical science should be impacting and developing independent thinking and practical skills • Subject leaders will try out new ideas for practical science to support numeracy skills through practical science.

Date: 15/01/19

Date: 13/11/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T001

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T015

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Trainer: Mina Patel

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 19

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Developing Mathematical Talk This course is recommended for:

Developing more Effective Talk in the Classroom This course is recommended for:

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

Subject Leaders, Teachers and HLTAs.


This session will consider the value of mathematical talk to support learning. We will explore paired and small group-talk and questioning. We will also explore the role of mathematical talk in developing reasoning. We will evaluate the mathematical vocabulary and language needed to enhance understanding. The session will also provide opportunities for teachers to plan for action research in their own classrooms.


This session will provide opportunities to: • Consider the role of mathematical talk in the classroom


An introduction to effective teaching approaches to developing pupils’ spoken language at KS1 and KS2.


• A variety of teaching approaches to encourage more sophisticated talk in the classroom • Developing spoken vocabulary.


Teachers will be able to plan more effectively to develop pupils’ talk.

• Evaluate mathematical language and vocabulary • Explore how the use of mathematical talk can improve reasoning.


You will be able to make use of Mathematical Talk to raise standards and support pupils to develop reasoning.


Date: 06/03/19

Date: 21/05/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0319-T001

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T002

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Times: 16:15 – 17:45

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer Kairen Raper

Trainer Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Developing Thinking Skills in Mathematics Lessons

Exploring Poetry at KS2

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders and Teachers.

Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.

This session will explore ways to develop children’s thinking skills. We will consider how to make links across maths strands and to prior learning. We will discuss how transferable skills enable pupils to tackle a range of tasks and investigate unfamiliar problems. We will look at the type of task we offer pupils and how these can limit or enhance learning.


An opportunity to encounter a range of poems that have proved successful in the classroom, and develop ways to explore them with pupils.


The course will include: • Engaging and challenging poems

This session will provide opportunities to:

• Approaches to discussion and writing to develop pupils’ understanding of poetry.

• Consider ways to develop children’s thinking skills


• Explore the use of strategies which enhance thinking skills

You will be able to:

• Share good practice and develop activities to use in the classroom.

• Report back to colleagues on the implications of new initiatives, policy and practice


• Improve the quality of your online safety curriculum

Teachers will feel confident to enhance pupils’ thinking skills through their planning and teaching. They will be able to identify the benefit to pupils to develop them as mathematical thinkers.

• Have an understanding of good practice • Return to school to further enhance practice.

Date: 16/01/19

Date: 20/11/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T002

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T003

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 21

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Increasing Pupils’ Vocabulary

KS1 Mathematics Moderation

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders, Teachers and HLTAs.

Senior Leaders and Teachers.

An introduction to a variety of approaches to developing pupils’ vocabulary across the curriculum.


• Developing vocabulary in context – shared reading and foundation subjects • Use of display and classroom systems.


Teachers will leave with a number of effective approaches to use in their classroom.

This session will provide an opportunity to work with colleagues from other Havering schools to moderate pupils’ Key Stage 1 Mathematics work against national expectations and the Teacher Assessment Framework. We will consider how to evidence judgements and develop effective strategies for in-school and statutory LA moderation. There will be time to share good practice and discuss how to support colleagues back in school.


This session will provide opportunities to: • Consider end of key stage assessment judgements from colleagues • Share good practice • Review evidence required in the Teacher Assessment Guidance • See a variety of examples of pupils’ work.


You will be • More secure in your assessment of mathematics • Have an opportunity to explore a variety of moderation strategies • Be familiar with the national curriculum expected standards for working towards, working at and working at greater depth.


Date: 14/11/18

Date 14/05/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T002

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T003

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

KS2 Writing Moderation

Mastery Teaching in Mathematics

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders, Teachers and HLTAs.

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

An opportunity for teachers to moderate assessed KS2 writing samples with colleagues from other schools across the authority.


• Standardisation against national standards • Table discussion to reach agreed standards.

Outcome: Teachers will be more confident in their assessment of writing.

The focus of this course will be teaching for Mastery in Mathematics. We will consider what is meant by maths mastery and what it looks like in the class room. It will link to the new National Curriculum for Primary Mathematics and explore resources available to support this approach. We will consider how to engage and challenge all pupils. Challenge is provided by going deeper into mathematical concepts rather that accelerating into new content.


This session will provide opportunities to: • Consider teaching for mastery in mathematics • Explore the use of strategies to go deeper into maths strands • Share good practice and teachers’ experiences of the mastery approach.


Teachers will have an insight into teaching for mastery in mathematics and will be able to apply this approach in their own teaching.

Date: 07/05/19

Date: 20/11/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T001

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T004

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer Peter Ellison

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 23

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Mathematical Challenge Through Problem Solving This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

Subject Leaders and Teachers.



This course will help teachers develop activities to support their pupils as they investigate, make conjectures, use problem-solving strategies, apply their mathematical understanding, verify solutions and use mathematical language. We will consider the use of rich mathematical tasks to support pupils’ reasoning skills and increase engagement. We will have the opportunity to design “low threshold high ceiling” tasks to support all pupils and share good practice.


This session will provide opportunities to: • Consider how problem solving can increase challenge and engagement • Design mathematical rich tasks

The ‘outdoor classroom’ provides a meaningful way to engage learners in practical science. The wider educational benefits of teaching and learning science in the natural and built school environments include motivation to learn and the potential to influence positively the choice of science as a future subject of study.


The course will provide subject leaders with the confidence to deliver outdoor learning across the whole school through Working Scientifically. We will discuss strategies for schools to engage more pupils in outdoor learning and in turn positively impact science teaching and learning. We will review and consider wider opportunities for assessment through Working Scientifically skills.


• Investigate problem solving activities.


Teachers will be able to identify and design effective problem solving tasks as a means of increasing challenge for all.

“It was fantastic that lots of practical tasks were demonstrated and then we discussed how to differentiate them.”


Outdoor Learning and Working Scientifically

• Subject leaders will take away lesson ideas and resources to engage pupils and staff in outdoor learning and impact on science learning. • Subject leaders will become more confident in applying Working Scientifically skills to engage learning with the outdoors at KS1 and KS2. • Subject leaders will be shown how focused assessment strategies can be used for Working Scientifically.

Date: 31/10/18

Date: 14/01/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T002

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T011

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Trainer: Mina Patel

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Outdoor Maths Activities

Preparing for KS2 English Assessment

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

Subject Leaders and Teachers.



This session will give you the opportunity to explore a variety of tasks and activities designed to enhance mathematical learning outside the classroom. We will consider tasks that complement the teaching and learning of the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Key Stages 1 and 2. There will be time to network with colleagues and share good practice around this aspect of mathematics. We will consider how using the outdoor environment can benefit pupils’ mathematical understanding. You will try several suggested tasks and discuss how these could be adapted to suit pupils of all ages and abilities. We will evaluate how ‘outdoor’ mathematical tasks can increase challenge and engagement.

This course will help Y6 teachers to prepare for the assessment of their classes in reading and writing at the end of the Key Stage. It will be informed by the experiences of the writing moderating team over the last two years and will be particularly useful for teachers new to Y6.


The course will focus on the following: • Effective ways to prepare pupils for the reading test • Designing effective writing tasks


• Approaches to writing which will support pupils who are currently unlikely to reach the expected standard or greater depth.

• An exploration of activities designed for the outdoors


This session will include: • Consideration of how to use such activities to enhance teaching and learning • Opportunities to share good practice.

Year 6 teachers will be able to plan effective reading and writing lessons which give pupils the best opportunities to reach the expected standard or reach greater depth.

Outcome: You will be able to • Plan for the teaching and learning outside the classroom • Have an understanding of how ‘outdoor maths’ can be used to raise standards • Enhance existing practice.

Date: 21/05/19

Date: 13/03/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T004

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0319-T004

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (235)

Trainer Kairen Raper

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 25

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Preparing for KS2 Science Assessment This course is recommended for:

Teaching Writing at Greater Depth at KS2 This course is recommended for:

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

Subject Leaders, HLTAs and Teachers.



The Association for Science Education (ASE)-PLAN is a set of resources produced to enable teachers to have a clearer understanding of National Curriculum (England) expectations for meeting the standard in science. Annotated collections of children’s work provide examples of what working at the expected standard for primary science might look like for the knowledge and conceptual understanding statements of the programmes of study (POS).

This course will introduce teachers to a range of teaching approaches designed to move pupils to the higher standards of attainment.



This course will highlight examples of good practice for assessment in science at KS2. We will also look at effective ways of assessing children’s work and measuring progression between year groups across the whole school.


• What writing at greater depth looks like at KS2 • Approaches to teaching most likely to increase progress towards the higher standards. Teachers will understand the qualities of able writers and how to develop the highest writing standards in pupils already at the expected standard.


This session will give opportunities to: • Find out about the ASE-PLAN moderation material • Learn how practical science should be impacting on assessment at KS2 • Feel confident about assessing science at the end of KS2.


Date: 11/03/19

Date: 12/02/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0319-T007

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0219-T002

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Mina Patel

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

The Role of the Mathematics Subject Leader

The Role of the Science Subject Leader

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders and Teachers.

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

This session will explore the role of the Mathematics Subject Leader. You will consider the responsibilities linked to the role, including data analysis, creating a mathematics development plan, monitoring and evaluating impact, curriculum design and supporting CPD. You will have the opportunity to consider planning for intervention, liaising with parents, raising the profile of mathematics, creating challenge for pupils of all abilities, and supporting vulnerable groups.

This course will aim to support new subject leaders with their roles and responsibilities as a science subject leader. It will also look at strategies on how to raise standards and the profile of science across the school.


This session will include:

New Science subject leaders will be given a whole school audit to complete and through discussion, use set criteria to complete a self-assessment. Subject leaders will be able to review and plan their next steps to improve science teaching and learning across their schools.

• An overview of the role of the Mathematics Subject Leader



• Ideas to support curriculum and lesson design • Discussion around raising standards and increasing engagement • Strategies to support Learning Walks, Work Scrutinies / Book Looks and subject leadership.


• New Science subject leaders will feel more confident about their roles and responsibilities • New Science subject leaders will take away ideas and strategies to develop science understanding across the school and to raise the subject profile.

• Gain an understanding of the role of the Subject Leader • Develop effective approaches to monitoring and leadership • Enhance existing practice.

Date: 16/10/18

Date: 16/10/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T001

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T015

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Trainer: Mina Patel

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 27

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Using LGfL Content and Resources This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders,Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

This course will provide an opportunity to get an overview of the vast array of learning resources available to LGfL connected schools and consider ways in which to embed these into teaching and learning.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Explore the learning resources by subject or key stage


Using the Bar Method in Mathematics

The bar model is used in Singapore and other countries to support pupils’ mathematical calculation and problem solving. It allows children to consider tasks in a visual way and can be used to represent real life problems and problems around the four operations, ratio/proportion and algebra. This course will consider how to use the bar model to support the maths curriculum and we will discuss how it may be seen as a bridge between the concrete and abstract.

• Consider how to map LGfL resources to your school’s curriculum using the ‘Programme of Study’ tool.



• Explore the use of the bar model

This session will provide opportunities to:

You will be able to:

• Identify areas where its use can enhance pupils’ understanding

• Identify ways that LGfL resources can be embedded into teaching and learning and can enhance the wider curriculum

• Develop tasks to make use of this method.

• Map LGfL resources to your school’s curriculum.

Teachers will have an understanding of the bar model and its use in the mathematics classroom.


Date: 30/04/19

Date: 26/06/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0419-T002

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T002

Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Times: 13.00 – 16.00

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Dave Smith

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS – Analysis of Statutory Assessments for Primary Schools

SIMS – Assessment for New Users This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Administrative Staff and Assessment Co-ordinators.

Assessment Co-ordinators.



Capita SIMS has developed a series of reports to assist primary school leaders, governors and any other relevant stakeholders with the analysis of statutory Key Stage data including EYFS, Phonics, KS1 and KS2 using SIMS Assessment Manager and SIMS reports. The analysis is in line with the DfE Accountability Measures 2016 updated on 2nd September 2016 and the new ASP.

This course is suitable for new users of SIMS Assessment, either administrative staff in support or the assessment lead.


Delegates will be shown how to: • Import resources provided by the LA or Capita • Create marksheets from the pre-defined templates

This course will give delegates the opportunity to analyse their own statutory end of key stage data; accessing their system from our training room.

• Create and update user defined groups and teaching groups


• Access the Key to Success website to obtain missing Key Stage results

The key objectives of the course are that delegates will be shown how to: • Import/update the resource packs, which comprise templates, tracking grids and reports • Create and calculate basic marksheets

• Access any statutory results imported via a Common Transfer File (CTF)

• Use the review marksheets to filter the outcomes by vulnerable or other groups.


At the end of the course delegates will:

• Run and view the reports; EYFS/Phonics/KS1/KS2 with key groups

• Understand the assessment process and terminology

• Use the Discover graphs.

• Have a good understanding of the processes needed to use SIMS to record ongoing assessments using resources provided by the LMS team and Capita.


Delegates will be able to use Assessment Manager and the new resources to analyse the statutory assessment data recorded in SIMS.

“Very informative and useful will save a lot of time.”

Date: 21/09/18

Date: 09/10/18

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-0918-T009

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1018-T007

Times: 9.30 – 12.00

Times: 9.30 – 12.00

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainesr: James Patient/Verity Brome

Trainer: James Patient

Price excluding VAT: (For all Primary; Schools and Academies) £70.00 Subscribers £95.00 Non-Subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: (For all Primary; Schools and Academies) £70.00 Subscribers £95.00 Non-Subscribers. 29

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

SIMS – Assessment Analysis – Schools using LMS Supplied Resources

SIMS – Assessment New Academic Year Procedures (Housekeeping)

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





Senior Leaders, Designated Safeguarding Leads and Teachers. This course will give delegates the opportunity to analyse the assessment data recorded via marksheets created by the LMS Team for the .POS, .HSYM and .SYM assessment systems. Delegates will work with their own data accessing this from our training room. Delegates will be shown how to:

Administrative Staff and Assessment Coordinators. This course will cover the procedures required to set up Assessment Manager in SIMS for the new academic year to include some housekeeping and an overview of simple analysis and filtering. • Bulk deletion of old marksheets

• Display their data for reading, writing and maths as a count or percentage for all groups for a particular term – aspect analysis • Use a results set analysis to display the data over time • Use tracking grids to show the pupils’ progress by name • Use the summary information in the assessment marksheets and how to filter the data by vulnerable groups • Explore any new developments in the SIMS Assessment report.

• Importing templates • Creating marksheets • Using and locking results sets • Creating user defined groups • Using Key to Success site to obtain historical data • Editing user defined groups to add new pupils or end membership as necessary


• Finding your way around the SIMS marksheets, including using the filters and simple analyses of data

• Have a good understanding of the resources available to them to better analyse their data.

• Mapping in data from Excel spreadsheets.

At the end of the course delegates will:

Outcome: Delegates will be able to: • Delete unwanted marksheets • Delete or archive unused templates • Create new class marksheets • Create, edit and update user defined groups • Understand simple analysis and filtering.

“As always, brilliant – thanks Verity!”


Date: 06/11/18

Date: 17/10/18

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1118-T004

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1018-T008

Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainers: James Patient/Verity Brome

Trainers: James Patient/Verity Brome

Price excluding VAT: (For all Primary; Schools and Academies) £70.00 with SLA £95.00 for providers without an SLA.

Price excluding VAT: (For all Primary; Schools and Academies) £70.00 Subscribers £95.00 Non-Subscribers.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk




For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Welcome Session for KS1 and KS2

Early Years Foundation Stage – Assessment KS1

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:




This course, aimed at NQTs, will cover the overarching themes concerned with making effective assessment.



This is for all primary NQTs (KS1 and KS2) who did not attend an introductory session in July. The focus of the session will be to review the roles and responsibilities of the school, the Appropriate Body and the NQT. This is a welcome session for all primary NQTs who are registered with London Borough of Havering.

‘Assessment is the process of analysing and reviewing what we know about children’s development and learning, for example, what we have observed.’



• Provide an overview of the principles of good practice for on entry, and ongoing assessment

Delegates will cover:

• Explore the principles of the Baseline Assessment

• Key People involved in your induction

• Discuss ideas about how to put these principles in to practice

• What to expect from your school – Statutory Requirements

• Consider the different aspects of assessment within the EYFS

• What to expect from the Appropriate Body – Statutory Requirements

• Develop a clearer understanding of making EYFSP judgements.

• It is your induction – Your role • What if you have concerns – Statutory Requirements

• Explore a variety of methods used to make appropriate assessments

• Teacher Standards and Assessment of your progress – Statutory Requirements

• Understand how these methods link to the EYFS Early Learning Goals.


• Evidence needed • Extension and Reduction of your induction (Terms and conditions) • When things don’t go well – Unsatisfactory Progress – Statutory Requirements • What if you don’t pass • Support available during the Induction Year / Period and beyond • Testimonials from recently qualified teachers (RQTs).

Date: 11/09/18

Date: 02/04/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0918-T014

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0419-T007

Times: 13:30 – 15:30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Amanda Jackson

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 33


Effective Time Management and Classroom Organisation at KS1

KS1 Race, Culture and Diversity

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





This course offers clear strategies on how to minimise the stress that comes with a challenging workload, and how to maximise non-teaching time, work quickly, easily and effectively.

This course explores key issues around cultural inclusivity and the promotion of British Values with a focus on how to make your classroom inclusive for a range of learners.


We will consider practical classroom strategies that teachers can employ to help pupils question and reflect on what they see and hear in the media. There will also be opportunities to consider how to deal with racist incidents and to handle discussions with respect and tolerance, including those concerning controversial issues.

This session will help you take control of your teaching life and manage your NQT induction year.


Strategies shared in the session include: • How to gain control of your time and identify the strengths and weaknesses of your time management as an NQT • How to use time, resources and adults working with you effectively and be clear about what you are aiming to achieve so you work better and not harder.


You will have opportunities to: • Consider Race, Culture and Diversity in the context of an inclusive curriculum and the responsibility to promote British Values within our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision for pupils • Reflect on actions needed to implement inclusive learning and teaching in your classroom • Consider procedures for dealing with, reporting and recording racial incidents.


By the end of the session you will: • Know what constitutes an inclusive classroom • Know how to include British Values routinely within your planning and classroom practice.


Date: 18/09/18

Date: 09/10/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0918-T015

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T019

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Amanda Jackson

Trainer: Carol Rockey

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

KS1 Behaviour Management – Part 1

KS1 Literacy – Reading

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:







An opportunity for new Teachers to come together in an open and reflective learning atmosphere to explore strategies that support a positive classroom environment for effective student learning. • Ideas around securing a good standard of pupil behaviour in the classrooms by establishing good relationships and appropriate high expectations of behaviour for learning (which are fair and which which pupils can understand) • Exploring and pre-empting how to deal with behaviour challenges in the context of the behaviour policy of the school • Establishing a learning environment that is safe, purposeful and promotes learners’ self-control • Working in co-operation with parents and carers to build more effective learning partnerships.


To foster co-operation through the effective management of behaviour and the ability to adapt to individual pupil learning styles.

A half day course aimed at newly qualified Key Stage 1 teachers which will focus on sharing the best practice in the teaching of reading from phonics to comprehension. • To explore effective practice in shared and guided reading • To know strategies for assessing reading and selecting targets • To consider how to plan for shared and guided reading • To know different methods for organising and structuring the sessions.


• Teachers are able to use shared and guided reading effectively in the classroom • Teachers can use assessment to target teaching in order to make the most impact on learning • Planning will focus more effectively on the needs of the pupils and include effective pedagogy • Lessons will be organised and structured more effectively based on the learning objectives.

Date: 25/09/18

Date: 06/11/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0918-T016

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T020

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233+234)

Trainer: Penelope Denny

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 35


KS1 Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage

KS1 Literacy – Writing

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the curriculum for children from birth to five. All settings and schools that educate young children must implement the EYFS. To do this effectively all staff must have knowledge and understanding of the EYFS and their responsibilities when working with young children. This course will give an overview of the EYFS. You will have the opportunity to look at the prime areas of learning and think about how you would plan activities that support development. You will consider what observation means and how you can become an effective observer of young children. You will have the opportunity to consider how you may effectively link planning to observations. This course will provide an overview of the EYFS.

A half day course aimed at newly qualified Key Stage 1 teachers, which will focus on sharing the best practice in the teaching of writing, including transcription and composition.


You will learn to: • Be clear about national developments in relation to literacy • Explore effective practice in shared and independent writing • Examine interactive teaching styles to support children’s literacy.


You will be able to:


• Confidently use innovative approaches to teaching to make an impact on children’s writing

• Explore the EYFS

• Be able to use shared writing and editing effectively in the classroom

This session will give you opportunities to: • Become familiar with the prime areas of learning within the EYFS • Consider observation and planning within the EYFS.

• Use a range of interactive teaching styles to engage all pupils and impact on learning.


You will be able to: • Carry out observations of young children • Be familiar with the planning cycle • Contribute to next steps for young children.


Date: 20/11/18

Date: 15/01/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T018

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T016

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233+234)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

KS1 Safeguarding and Child Protection

KS1 EYFS – Quality Environment and Adult Interactions

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





• Reporting mechanism for staff – concerns about a child

• Consider how the environment can be adapted to maximise learning potential

• Whistleblowing – the role of the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)

• Develop an understanding of the Early Years visions and values of outdoor play

• Contact details for the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) and the LADO.

• Create a fully resourced, purposeful and accessible environment can promote learning.





This session covers the statutory annual safeguarding and child protection elements, and includes local context and current issues. It will give advice to those new to teaching as to their responsibilities in passing information to the Designated Safeguarding Lead in their school . • Signs and symptoms of abuse including neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse including sexual exploitation

Teachers will be confident in knowing the safeguarding processes in their school and their role in identifying concerns and escalating to the Safeguarding team.

This course will examine the value of outdoor play and the role of the adult in promoting learning. You will learn about what makes effective teaching in the Early Years, what ‘the environment’ is and the unique opportunities that the outdoor environment has to offer. You will learn to:

A clearer understanding of the role that the physical environment has on how young children learn.


This can fulfil the requirement for required annual safeguarding training.

Date: 22/01/19

Date: 05/02/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T014

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0219-T013

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Penny Patterson

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 37


KS1 Behaviour Management – Part 2 This course is recommended for:

KS1 Computing and Online Safety This course is recommended for:




The aims of this session are to learn about the skills used by effective classroom managers, including: • Understanding pupils with BESD – A range of strategies for handling challenging situations to support Inclusivity in the classroom • How effective classroom management impacts on learning and why restorative relationships are important • Reflection for professional development.


A further opportunity to implement continued learning from training session one. Attendees will have the opportunity to understand what primary and secondary behaviours are and how to respond.


The aim of this session is to provide a brief overview of the computing curriculum and ways in which Computing can be used to support teaching and learning across the curriculum.


The aim of this session is to provide a brief overview of the ways in which Computing can be used to support teaching and learning across the curriculum. There will also be a chance to explore the Switched On Computing materials currently in use in Havering schools and an opportunity for ‘hands on’ experience.


Understand the fundamentals of the Computing curriculum and how it is assessed.


Peer to Peer support plus some practical and strategic ideas around creative and positive lesson delivery that facilitate better student engagement.


Date: 26/02/19

Date: 05/03/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0219-T014

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0319-T009

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Penelope Denny

Trainer: Dave Smith

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

KS1 Science

KS1 Meeting the Needs of Pupils with EAL

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:




This session will provide an opportunity to explore the practical nature of the subject within the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science and teaching scientific principles through independent investigations.


This session will provide an opportunity to explore the practical nature of the subject within the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science and teaching scientific principles through independent investigations and free resources available from the Primary Science Teaching Trust.


Teachers will feel confident with using lesson plans and resources and assessing working scientifically skills through focused assessment.


EAL learners learn best when they spend most of their time in class accessing the curriculum alongside their English-speaking peers. This course will help you consider how children learn English as an additional language and to therefore reflect on how best to support their language-learning needs within the classroom. We will also consider how best to assess children in order to show progress.


There will be opportunities to: • Consider some of the main factors affecting second language acquisition • Develop awareness of systems for assessing pupils’ language development • Consider some practical strategies for supporting pupils.


By the end of the course you will: • Be aware of how to address the needs of EAL learners • Be able to reflect on your own practice in order to consider what is most effective for children learning EAL.

Date: 19/03/19

Date: 07/05/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0319-T011

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T016

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Mina Patel

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 39


KS1 All Children Matter


This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





SEND for classroom practitioners.

This school-based session will focus on effective teaching of PE in the Primary Curriculum and the many safety issues that are present in Primary school PE.


The session will cover: • The code of practice for SEN and the implications for class teachers


• The importance of Inclusion.

The need for safe practice is an important element in physical education. Please come prepared for practical PE as well as teaching small groups of children. The session will be delivered by a very experienced PE teacher.



• Recent initiatives relating to SEN

Participants will be aware of their responsibilities in relation to the Code of Practice for SEND, 2015. They will have had the opportunity to discuss their own practice and reflect on individual cases raised by the group.

Delegates will: • Observe examples of challenging and developmental movement • Look at behaviour management strategies, use of space and equipment (health and safety), body positioning for coaching, planning an effective lesson and skill progression • Gain a more confident approach to delivering PE in the curriculum.


Date: 21/05/19

Date: 11/06/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T017

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T018

Times: : 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: Broadford Primary School

Trainer: Lisa Harvey

Trainer: Amanda Jackson

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

KS1 Provision for More-Able and Talented

KS1 Mathematics/Numeracy

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





Where are we now? Provision for More-Able Pupils.


• Identification • Challenging Able Learners • Able Underachievers.


A greater understanding of the needs of, and identification of More-Able and Talented learners.

This course will provide an opportunity to explore mathematics Teaching and Learning in Key Stage 1. We will consider the National Curriculum, mathematical pedagogy, assessment, intervention and recent developments in maths education. We will evaluate ways to improve pupils’ reasoning and application of skills. We will use a variety of tasks to explore strategies for supporting learning in Key Stage 1.


This session will provide opportunities to consider: • The Key Stage 1 programmes of study • The use of rich mathematical tasks and manipulatives to raise standards • Engagement and challenge in mathematics lessons.


You will be able to: • Use the National Curriculum effectively to develop children as mathematicians • Evaluate and design rich mathematical tasks to support mathematical learning • Develop lesson planning to enhance mathematical reasoning.

Date: 25/06/19

Date: 04/12/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T020

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1218-T004

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233+234)

Trainer: Ann Nelson

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 41


KS2 Getting started with the teaching of Primary Languages This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





This is an interactive session where delegates will be introduced to the various ways in which they can plan, deliver and/or support the teaching of languages in the primary classroom, depending upon which model of implementation their school currently adopts. The session is packed with teaching ideas and useful resources, as well as guidance for non-specialists and linguists that will help them to gain in confidence.

A half day course aimed at newly qualified Key Stage 2 teachers which will focus on sharing the best practice in the teaching of reading comprehension.


• To explore effective practice in shared and guided reading • To know strategies for assessing reading and selecting targets • To consider how to plan for shared and guided reading


This course looks at planning and progression for young language learners, and how non-specialist teachers can facilitate highquality learning opportunities for their classes. We will look at statutory requirements, what constitutes substantial progress (as specified in the Programme of Study), and how to motivate learners through engaging activities.


• Delegates will be fully aware of the national frameworks and Programme of Study underpinning statutory languages at KS2 • Delegates will develop strategies to ensure learner progression through their teaching and support of language learning • Teachers will gain confidence in and enthusiasm for the learning of languages, equipping them with the ability to support learners in their own classes.


KS1 Literacy – Reading

• To know different methods for organising and structuring the sessions.


• Teachers are able to use shared and guided reading effectively in the classroom • Teachers can use assessment to target teaching in order to make the most impact on learning • Planning will focus more effectively on the needs of the pupils and include effective pedagogy • Lessons will be organised and structured more effectively based on the learning objectives.

Date: 22/11/18

Date: 04/10/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T022

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T018

Times: 13:30 – 15:30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233+234)

Trainer: Dan Alliot

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

KS2 Race, Culture and Diversity This course is recommended for:

KS2 Behaviour Management – Part 1 This course is recommended for:




This course explores key issues around cultural inclusivity and the promotion of British Values with a focus on how to make your classroom inclusive for a range of learners.


An opportunity for new Teachers to come together in an open and reflective learning atmosphere to explore strategies that support a positive classroom environment for effective student learning.

We will consider practical classroom strategies that teachers can employ to help pupils question and reflect on what they see and hear in the media. There will also be opportunities to consider how to deal with racist incidents and to handle discussions with respect and tolerance, including those concerning controversial issues.



• Exploring and pre-empting how to deal with behaviour challenges in the context of the behaviour policy of the school

• Consider Race, Culture and Diversity in the context of an inclusive curriculum and the responsibility to promote British Values within our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision for pupils

• Establishing a learning environment that is safe, purposeful and promotes learners’ self-control

You will have opportunities to:

• Reflect on actions needed to implement inclusive learning and teaching in your classroom • Consider procedures for dealing with, reporting and recording racial incidents.


• Ideas around securing a good standard of pupil behaviour in the classrooms by establishing good relationships and appropriate high expectations of behaviour for learning (which are fair and pupils can understand)

• Working in co-operation with parents and carers to build more effective learning partnerships.


To foster co-operation through the effective management of behaviour and the ability to adapt to individual pupil learning styles.

By the end of the session you will: • Know what constitutes an inclusive classroom • Know how to include British Values routinely within your planning and classroom practice.

Date: 18/10/18

Date: 20/09/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T020

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0918-T017

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Carol Rockey

Trainer: Penelope Denny

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 43


KS2 Mathematics/Numeracy This course is recommended for:

KS2 Literacy – Writing This course is recommended for:




This course will provide an opportunity to explore mathematics Teaching and Learning in Key Stage 2. We will consider the National Curriculum, mathematical pedagogy, assessment, intervention and recent developments in maths education. We will evaluate ways to improve pupils’ reasoning and application of skills. We will use a variety of tasks to explore strategies for supporting learning in Key Stage 2.


A half day course aimed at newly qualified Key Stage 2 teachers which will focus on sharing the best practice in the teaching of writing.


• To be clear about national developments in relation to literacy • To explore effective practice in shared and independent writing


• To examine interactive teaching styles to support children’s literacy.

• The Key Stage 2 programmes of study


This session will provide opportunities to consider: • The use of rich mathematical tasks and manipulatives to raise standards • Engagement and challenge in mathematics lessons.


You will be able to: • Use the National Curriculum effectively to develop children as mathematicians

• Teachers will confidently use innovative approaches to teaching to make an impact on children’s writing • Teachers are able to use shared writing and editing effectively in the classroom • Teachers will use a range of interactive teaching styles to engage all pupils and impact on learning.


• Evaluate and design rich mathematical tasks to support mathematical learning • Develop lesson planning to enhance mathematical reasoning.


Date: 08/11/18

Date: 06/12/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T019

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1218-T005

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233+234)

Venue: CEME (233+234)

Trainer: Kairen Raper

Trainer: Peter Ellison

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

KS2 Safeguarding and Child Protection

KS2 Behaviour Management – Part 2

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





This session covers the statutory annual safeguarding and child protection elements, and includes local context and current issues. It will give advice to those new to teaching as to their responsibilities in passing information to the Designated Safeguarding Lead in their school .

• The aims of this session are to learn about the skills used by effective classroom managers, including:


• How effective classroom management impacts on learning and why restorative relationships are important

• Signs and symptoms of abuse including neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse including sexual exploitation • Reporting mechanism for staff – concerns about a child • Whistleblowing – the role of the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)

• Understanding pupils with BESD – A range of strategies for handling challenging situations to support Inclusivity in the classroom

• Reflection for professional development.


• Contact details for the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) and the LADO.

A further opportunity to implement continued learning from training session one. Attendees will have the opportunity to understand what primary and secondary behaviours are and how to respond appropriately.



Teachers will be confident in knowing the safeguarding processes in their school and their role in identifying concerns and escalating to the Safeguarding team.

Peer to Peer support plus some practical and strategic ideas around creative and positive lesson delivery that facilitate better student engagement.


This can fulfil the requirement for required annual safeguarding training.

Date: 17/01/19

Date: 31/01/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T015

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0119-T018

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Penny Patterson

Trainer: Penelope Denny

rice excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 45


KS2 Computing and Online Safety This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





The aim of this session is to provide a brief overview of the Computing curriculum and ways in which Computing can be used to support teaching and learning across the curriculum.


The aim of this session is to provide a brief overview of the ways in which Computing can be used to support teaching and learning across the curriculum. There will also be a chance to explore the Switched on Computing materials currently in use in Havering schools and an opportunity for ‘hands on’ experience.


Understand the fundamentals of the Computing curriculum and how it is assessed.


KS2 Science

This session will provide an opportunity to explore the practical nature of the subject within the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science and teaching scientific principles through independent investigations.


This session will provide an opportunity to explore the practical nature of the subject within the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science and teaching scientific principles through independent investigations and free resources available from the Primary Science Teaching Trust.


Teachers will feel confident with using lesson plans and resources and assessing Working Scientifically skills through focused assessment.

Date: 14/02/19

Date: 07/03/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0219-T012

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0319-T012

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Dave Smith

Trainer: Mina Patel

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

KS2 All Children Matter

KS2 Provision for More-Able and Talented

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:







SEND and the classroom practitioner.

Where are we now? Provision for More-Able Learners.

The session will cover the code of practice for SEN and the implications for class teachers, recent initiatives relating to SEN and the importance of Inclusion.


Participants will be aware of their responsibilities in relation to the Code of Practice for SEND, 2015. They will have had the opportunity to discuss their own practice and reflect on individual cases raised by the group.

• Identification • Challenging Able Learners • Able Underachievers.


Greater understanding of the needs of and provision for More-Able and Talented pupils.

Date: 21/03/19

Date: 04/04/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0319-T013

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0419-T009

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Lisa Harvey

Trainer: Ann Nelson

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 47



KS2 Meeting the Needs of Pupils with EAL

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





This school-based session will focus on effective teaching of PE in the Primary Curriculum and the many safety issues that are present in Primary school PE.


The need for safe practice is an important element in physical education. Please come prepared for practical PE as well as teaching small groups of children. The session will be delivered by a very experienced PE teacher.

EAL learners learn best when they spend most of their time in class accessing the curriculum alongside their English-speaking peers. This course will help you consider how children learn English as an additional language and to therefore reflect on how best to support their language-learning needs within the classroom. We will also consider how best to assess children in order to show progress.


There will be opportunities to:


Delegates will: • Observe examples of challenging and developmental movement

• Consider some of the main factors affecting second language acquisition

• Look at behaviour management strategies, use of space and equipment (health and safety), body positioning for coaching, planning an effective lesson and skill progression

• Develop awareness of systems for assessing pupils’ language development

• Gain a more confident approach to delivering PE in the curriculum.


• Consider some practical strategies for supporting pupils. By the end of the course you will: • Be aware of how to address the needs of EAL learners • Be able to reflect on your own practice in order to consider what is most effective for children learning EAL.


Date: 11/04/19

Date: 13/06/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0419-T008

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T019

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: Broadford Primary School

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Amanda Jackson

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Career Paths in Teaching for KS1 and KS2 This course is recommended for: NQTs.


This session is for all primary NQTs (KS1 and KS2) and will explore life after the NQT year.


ession will focus on evaluating your induction year; opportunities for your continuing professional development and celebrating achievements.


Delegates will have: • Evaluated their own progress in their NQT induction • Developed a greater understanding of opportunities beyond the NQT year • Raised their awareness of the Teachers’ Standards and how they support career development.

Date: 04/07/19 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0719-T005 Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME Trainer: Amanda Jackson Price excluding VAT: This course is available for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 49



For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Admission and Induction of newly-arrived EAL Learners

Assessing and improving the writing of EAL Learners

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators. It is vital to ensure that EAL learners, and their families, have the best possible start when they are admitted to a new school in the UK. This is a process that centres around two-way informationsharing to ensure that appropriate pastoral and academic support can be put in place. This course offers an opportunity to review best practice guidance in relation to both strategic and operational induction processes for newly-arrived EAL learners.


• What practice is already in place at your school in relation to ensuring new families feel safe, settled and valued; • How admissions meetings can be used to best effect to share important information

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and SENCo/ Inclusion Managers. Research, commissioned by Ofsted, revealed that there are some consistent areas in which EAL learners often encounter difficulties in relation to writing. This applies to children from a range of backgrounds and different ages. The Teaching units to support guided sessions for writing in English as an additional language are an archived, downloadable National Strategy resource aimed at addressing specific grammar and vocabulary-extension needs of advanced EAL learners in developing writing (Y2-6). This session is aimed at helping EAL co-ordinators, teachers and TAs to become familiar with the teaching units and to trial the use of some of the resources.


This session will give you opportunities to:

• What further systems can be put in place to meet the needs of new arrivals

• Consider the difficulties that EAL learners face in relation to writing

• How induction teaching can be set up to meet the languagelearning needs of early-stage EAL learners.

• Develop awareness of strategies for supporting EAL pupils in writing


• Trial the use of some of the Teaching units.

• Review existing practice at your school in relation to the admissions and induction of new EAL learners


• Return to your school able to plan the next steps in this area.

• Personalise your teaching or support to meet the needs of EAL learners

You will be able to:

“Thank you for the course - it was great • Use the units as an intervention for meeting the needs of small groups of learners, if desired. to reconnect with EAL and have the time to think about it properly again!” “My attendance at the course has given me an insight as to the problems EAL children experience, in particular the more advanced learners.” Date: 27/06/19

Date: 21/03/19

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0619-T004

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0319-T003

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (235)

Trainer: Carol Rockey

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Duration: 3 Hrs



Co-ordinating SMSC and British Values within the Curriculum This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators.


The Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) dimension of the curriculum is not a new area of provision having always been a core aspect of the work schools do to ensure that their pupils develop into well-rounded individuals; however, the requirement to actively promote fundamental British Values has placed a responsibility on schools to ensure that this good work, which may be implicit across the curriculum, should become explicit so that pupils and visitors to the school know what skills are being developed to encourage respect for democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. This course for SMSC co-ordinators will help you to audit your practice in this area in order to help you evidence SMSC across the curriculum and to consider how British Values are actively promoted and celebrated at your school.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Explore the key issues in developing the SMSC dimension with reference to British Values • Reflect upon your school’s current provision • Consider appropriate strategies and planning in order to further develop inclusive practice.


• Identify your school’s successes in this area • Know what steps your school can take in further developing the SMSC dimension.


Cultural Inclusivity and British Values in your Everyday Teaching This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders and Teachers.


The demographic of Havering, and neighbouring boroughs, is changing rapidly. Schools need to ensure that their curricula are fully inclusive of children from a range of backgrounds and that all children are taught to respect and tolerate different viewpoints and perspectives. This has become particularly important within the context of the Prevent duty whereby schools must have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. Schools can help children learn to question what they see and hear and to handle discussions with respect and tolerance. This course will focus on how to make your classroom inclusive for a range of learners; there will also be a focus on practical classroom strategies that teachers can employ to help pupils question and reflect on what they see and hear in the media.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Explore the key issues surrounding cultural inclusivity and the promotion of British values • Reflect upon your current classroom practice • Develop awareness of how to enable pupils to understand and value diversity.

Outcome: You will:

• Know what constitutes an inclusive classroom • Know how to include British values routinely within your planning and classroom practice.

“Thank you, it was a very interesting and worthwhile course.”

Date: 22/05/19

Date: 05/12/18

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0519-T002

Course Code (from portal): EAL-1218-T001

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Carol Rockey

Trainer: Carol Rockey

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Duration: 3 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Developing the writing of EAL Learners in Secondary schools This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.


Differentiating Learning Objectives for early-stage EAL Learners This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators.

EAL learners that enter into UK education for the first time in the secondary phase, and also those that enter mid-phase in primary schools, face particular challenges in the area of writing. A consistent approach to developing writing across a secondary school can ensure that children are clear about teacher expectations and better able to cope with the increasing demands and challenges of the curriculum.


This session will explore the difficulties intermediate-phase learners of EAL encounter in secondary schools with regard to the features of academic writing and will draw out strategies for addressing these difficulties in order to facilitate academic success.

This course – through its hands on workshop approach will provide teaching staff with the opportunity to analyse real learning objectives and gain invaluable experience at differentiating these to meet a range of needs. On their return to school, staff will be able to: differentiate Learning Objectives more successfully in order to provide the right level of support and challenge for early-stage EAL learners in their own classes; and cascade this approach to their colleagues.


There will be opportunities to: • Consider the challenges of writing at KS3/4 • Assess the learning needs of intermediate-phase EAL learners in order to identify the next steps • Consider effective strategies for developing writing skills.


Early-stage EAL learners learn best when they spend most of the time in class accessing the curriculum alongside their English speaking peers. This approach, however, can present challenges for teaching staff that are aware that early-stage EAL learners may not be able to access the lesson the way it has been planned for the rest of the class.


We will consider: • The purpose of learning objectives

By the end of the course you will:

• The difference between differentiation and simplification of learning objectives

• Be familiar with a range of strategies for addressing learners’ needs

• The benefits for pupils and staff of differentiating Learning Objectives.

• Be more confident in assessing the needs of EAL learners and planning learning activities to ensure progression.


You will be able to: • Differentiate a range of Learning Objectives according to the needs of early-stage EAL learners • Be more confident that early-stage EAL learners are receiving their entitlement to access to the same curriculum as their peers, with appropriate support and challenge.

Date: 26/06/19

Date: 13/02/19

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0619-T003

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0219-T001

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Trainer: Carol Rockey

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Duration: 3 Hrs



Differentiation through questioning for EAL learners This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators.


Children with EAL need specific support and challenge to develop their grammar, vocabulary and reasoning skills. This is particularly apparent when they have mastered the basics of English but are still struggling to access more complex ideas in text and to relate these in their speech and writing. This course will provide a chance to consider how questioning can be used as a form of differentiation in the classroom to help children explore and develop their ideas. We will then contextualise this by considering how this can be applied to help them interact with texts in order to develop comprehension.


This course is recommended for: HLTAs and TAs.


Teaching Assistants often have a crucial role to play in providing support for both early-stage and more advanced EAL learners. This is a developmental course with gap-tasks which will allow you to develop expertise in this area. As the course takes place over three sessions, you will have opportunities to reflect on and develop your practice over time and to network with colleagues in order to share good ideas.


There will be opportunities to: • Consider how a second language is acquired and begin to assess pupils (session 1) • Consider some practical strategies for supporting pupils (session 2)

We will consider: • The purpose of asking questions

• Be able to put what you have learnt into practice (session 3).

• What makes an effective question • How to use questioning to develop children’s thinking.



By the end of the course you will: • Know how children acquire an additional language

You will be able to:

• Be aware of how pupils with little or no English can be assessed

• Be aware of how effective questioning can impact on children’s language development

• Be aware of best practice for meeting the needs of both earlystage and advanced learners of EAL.

• Be more confident in using questioning skills effectively in the classroom.

“Course was very informative. Well structured with time to discuss and ask questions along the way.”


How to support pupils learning EAL – TA course

“Lots of different practical ideas. Varied way of presenting the information.”

Date: 10/10/18

Dates: 09/01/19, 16/01/19 & 23/01/19

Course Code (from portal): EAL-1018-T001

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0119-T001

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Times: 09.30 – 11.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £179.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Duration: 6 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Learning EAL in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Managing EAL support and provision – EAL Co-ordinator Training

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



This course will provide a chance to explore specific issues relating to the acquisition of EAL in the Foundation Stage including the importance of developing children’s first languages. There will be opportunities to consider strategies for facilitating language development and how to build positive partnerships with parents and carers. There will also be opportunities to discuss issues relating to the assessment of EAL learners.

This two-part course will focus on the roles and responsibilities of the EAL Co-ordinator. There will be opportunities to review systems and procedures in your school for the induction of new arrivals and the ongoing tracking of EAL learners. There will be a short gap-task to complete before part 2 of the course.

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs and TAs. An increasing number of children are entering UK nurseries and YR classes with little or no English; many of these children have a good level of development in their first languages whilst others have limited first-language development.


SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators. The EAL Co-ordinator has a vital role in ensuring that, on a day-to-day basis, children with EAL feel safe and settled at school and their language-learning needs are met. However, the operational aspects of the role will only be fully successful if strategic action has been taken to ensure that relevant systems and procedures are in place.


We will consider the role of the EAL Co-ordinator in relation to:

We will consider: • How children learn first and additional languages • Strategies for facilitating language acquisition • Partnerships with parents and carers.

• Management and provision for new arrivals • Assessment and target setting • Support for class teachers • Partnership working


• Distinguishing between EAL and SEN.

By the end of the course, you will: • Be familiar with strategies for addressing learners’ needs • Be more confident in assessing the needs of EAL learners and planning learning activities to ensure progression.

“Strategies for supporting learning of EAL pupils have been put in place and followed by the school which has been very effective.”


• By the end of the session you will: • Have an overview of the role and responsibilities of the EAL Co-ordinator • Have reviewed the management of provision for new arrivals (including Ofsted expectations) • Have awareness of how to assess pupils with EAL and set suitable targets • Be more confident to identify appropriate interventions and track progress.

“l came away from training eager to put into practice what I had learned.”

Date: 21/11/18

Dates: 19/09/18 & 09/01/19

Course Code (from portal): EAL-1118-T004

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0918-T001

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Trainer: Carol Rockey

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: Free All other schools: £217.00 10% discount for subscribers

Duration: 3 Hrs



Meeting the demands of writing for EAL learners at KS1

Talking Maths – an intervention programme for EAL Learners

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators. As they move from FS into KS1, some EAL learners may begin to struggle with the demands of the curriculum and, in particular, with expressing their ideas in writing. In some cases this may be linked to knowledge of phonics but, more frequently, this is linked to lack of vocabulary and/or grammatical knowledge, in addition to understanding the content of the topic and the relevant genre. This course will provide a chance to analyse the areas of difficulty that children encounter with regard to writing. We will then explore a range of strategies for helping children write successfully and independently.


We will consider: • The difficulties that EAL learners face in relation to writing • Strategies for supporting EAL pupils in writing.


Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators. Success in mathematics depends on the ability to think creatively. Speaking & listening activities, geared around the use of academic vocabulary and language for thinking, can help children use language to process their mathematical ideas. Talking Maths is a 10-week intervention programme, based on the Talking Partners programme, targeting speaking & listening skills in the context of mathematical language for children in Y1 - Y7. The programme typically benefits pupils who show mathematical competence but who need to develop their use and understanding of mathematical language. It is particularly effective for learners in the intermediate phase of learning EAL who need help to process difficult word problems and to articulate their ideas.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Consider the challenges of mathematical language

You will be able to: • Identify the areas of writing that your learners struggle with most

• Become familiar with the structure of the Talking Maths programme

• Personalise your teaching or support to meet the needs of EAL learners.

• Try out the range of activities within the programme; and • Be equipped with the tools and resources to run the Talking Maths programme in your school.


By the end of this session, you will: • Understand the importance of speaking and listening in enabling learners to access the mathematics curriculum and achieve their full potential • Be able to run the Talking Maths programme in your school.

“I was excited about this intervention and am very keen to get going as soon as possible.


Date: 26/09/18

Date: 14/11/18

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0918-T002

Course Code (from portal): EAL-1118-T003

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (234)

Venue: CEME (235)

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: no charge All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: £198.00 All other schools: £311.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Duration: 6 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Talking Partners

The Language of Maths – Challenges for EAL Learners

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Exam Officers, SENCo/Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators. Academic success is closely linked to both vocabulary knowledge and fluency, in the use of grammatical structures. Many children need enhanced opportunities to develop these through structured speaking and listening activities. Talking Partners @Primary, is the latest version of the Talking Partners oral language programme which has proven effectiveness in raising levels of achievement in writing for speakers of English as an additional language, as well as, other groups of learners whose spoken English restricts their academic potential. This 2-day course will provide you with all the materials and strategies required to set up and run this intervention. Please note that it is recommended that two delegates from each school attend: one senior/middle leader to co-ordinate the intervention and one TA to deliver it.


Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, SENCo/ Inclusion Managers and EAL Co-ordinators. Although mathematics may appear to be a universal language, mathematical problem-solving requires children to use very precise language in order to clarify their thinking. EAL learners may often have good arithmetic ability but may struggle with other areas of the curriculum and, in particular, with access to word problems. This session will focus on the difficulties learners of EAL encounter when coping with the linguistic demands of maths at KS1/2. We will particularly consider how guided talk in maths lessons can be used to reinforce key vocabulary and help children develop their thought processes.


There will be opportunities to: • Explore the language demands of different mathematical concepts

There will be opportunities to:

• Discuss strategies for addressing learners’ needs.

• Reflect on what effective speaking and listening development consists of as part of quality-first teaching


• Review and try out the strategies that make up the intervention

• Understand the challenges faced by EAL learners in relation to the language of maths

• Consider the organisation of Talking Partners @ Primary as an intervention.


By the end of the course you will:

• Know how to begin to address these challenges; and • Recognise the opportunities to teach language through the medium of maths.

By the end of the course you will: • Be familiar with the structure of Talking Partners @ Primary • Be able to run this as an intervention in your school.

“I found the whole course useful.”

“I find training sessions with the EMA team very interesting, they make you feel comfortable to ask questions and get involved.” Dates: 07/03/19 & 14/03/19

Date: 01/05/19

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0319-T002

Course Code (from portal): EAL-0519-T001

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Times: 13.30 – 16.30

Duration: 12 Hrs in total

Venue: CEME (234)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Trainer: Michelle Wain

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: £264.00 All other schools: £502.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: Havering LA-maintained: no charge All other schools: £109.00 10% discount for subscribers.

Duration: 3 Hrs



SIMS – Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Budgets, Provision Management and the use of TAs

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders and Administrative Staff.

This full day course is suitable for the school SENCo, senior staff responsible for overseeing special needs provision and/or administrative staff responsible for the day to day maintenance of the SEN register in the SIMS Database.


SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.

This course is an introduction to Provision Management in schools. This will include the SEN audit, management programme, intervention and use of Teaching Assistants.


This session will cover:

This session will give you the opportunity to: • Maintain look ups

• Provision Management – this will help participants to understand the funding arrangements that underpin the work of SEN within schools

• Link adults, agents and agencies to student

• SEN audit

• Add/Edit Reviews, Needs, Events and Provisions

• Management programme

• Add Notes/Documents to SEN

• Intervention and use of Teaching Assistants.

• Add a statement referral


• Edit the SEN Defaults

• Set up Quick Letters

Following the session, you will:

• Produce SEN Reports

• Understand the SEN audit management programme

• Send SEN messages

• Be able to implement interventions

• Record Gifted and Talented.

• Be able to fully utilise the skills of your Teaching Assistants.


At the end of the course you will be able to make the most of the SEN section of SIMS to assist with the management and administration of SEN provision in school.

“Thank you! I feel much more confident.”

Dates: 28/09/18 25/01/19 Times: 0 9.30 – 15.30

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0918-T008 SIMS-0119-T009 Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY


Date: 13/03/19 Course Code (from portal): SEN-0319-T001 Times: 13.00 - 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Trainer: Lisa Harvey

Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS Support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS Support).

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Introduction to Procedures

Meet the Professionals

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.

SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.

The training is an introduction to procedures, processes and services around Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). This session will offer an introduction to Havering SEND procedures and will provide participants with an understanding of processes and services for SEND. Participants will be provided with up-to-date information on recent legislation and guidelines. The training will include guidance on managing pupils with medical conditions in schools.


This is an opportunity for school staff to meet with various Professionals within the CAD teams. This session will offer an opportunity to meet with the following Professionals who will clearly define their roles within the Children and Adults with Disabilities team: 1. Manager(s) 2. Advisory Teacher(s) 3. Educational Psychologist(s) 4. Case Officer(s).

Participants will: • Gain a better understanding of Havering SEND processes, procedures and services • Be aware of the most up-to-date information on recent legislation and guidelines for SEND


Participants will: • Be better informed of the roles of staff within the CAD team.

• Have an understanding for managing pupils with medical conditions.


Date: 12/09/18

Date: 19/09/18

Course Code (from portal): SEN-0918-T001

Course Code (from portal): SEN-0918-T002

Times: 13.00 - 16.00

Times: 13.00 - 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME

Venue: CEME

Trainer: Lisa Harvey

Trainer: Elizabeth Dunnett

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools.

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools. 59


Meeting Speech and Language Needs

Modelling Literacy Interventions

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:


SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.

SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.

This training is an introduction to ‘The Role of the SENCo in Meeting Speech and Language Needs in Mainstream Settings ’ (supporting speech and language difficulties, planning interventions and monitoring progress).


This session will give you the opportunities to: • Develop understanding of speech and language difficulties in general, including key terminology • Identify children with speech and language needs in your school • Prepare for the SLCN caseload meeting in school (Sept /Jan) • Maximise impact of Speech and Language Therapist reports • Identify interventions suitable for your school (needs of children/ staff available/ pace available) • Develop a summary of interventions and resources available • Track progress of pupils (within interventions and via National Curriculum descriptors).

Description: This is a 3 hour session full of activities and information about interventions that will support students with literacy difficulties. It is an interactive session, where you can discover what other interventions schools are currently using, share some good practice, and hear about some other interventions that could be used.

Outline: The course looks at a variety of interventions that can address literacy needs for all age groups – the interventions being discussed will depend on the person doing the training.

Outcome: • You will leave the course learning/having had a refresher on literacy interventions.


You will be able to: • Fully support pupils in the classroom with Speech and Language difficulties • Be able to plan interventions confidently • Monitor pupil’s progress.


Date: 17/10/18

Date: 12/06/19

Course Code (from portal): SEN-1018-T001

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T001

Times: 13.00 - 16.00

Times: 13.00 - 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME

Venue: CEME

Trainer: Elizabeth Dunnett

Trainer: TBA

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools.

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Preparing for Ofsted and Permanent Exclusion – Impact on the Young Person

Screening New Pupils This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.

SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.



Screening New Pupils. Impact – Assessment of Interventions and Measuring Progress.

This training covers two key topics for SENCos. The session will provide advice for preparing for Ofsted inspections with particular reference to SEND and also Exclusions and the Impact on the Young Person

Outline: The session will provide participants with opportunities to reflect on Ofsted expectations based on the Ofsted handbook and have the opportunity to talk to SENCos who have recently experienced Ofsted. There will also be the opportunity to look at guidance with regard to exclusions and the impact it will have on the Young Person.

Outline: In a world without levels it is important to be able to describe pupils’ progress using other tools.

Outcome: You will be able to: • Feel confident to use a range of assessment tools to screen a new pupil or monitor an existing pupil.

Outcome: By the end of the session you will: • Be organised and prepared for any potential Ofsted inspection. • You will be able to understand what guidance is required with regard to any planned exclusions.

Date: 14/11/18

Date: 10/04/19

Course Code (from portal): SEN-1118-T001

Course Code (from portal): SEN-0419-T002

Times: 13.00 - 16.00

Times: 13.00 - 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME

Venue: CEME

Trainer: Lisa Harvey

Trainer: Lisa Harvey

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools.

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools. 61


Tracking Progress for Complex Needs

Person Centred Approaches This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.

SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.


Description: This course is an introduction to SEND Pupil Tracking and Progress and will look at outcome setting, tracking and evaluation of pupil progress. There will be an opportunity to look in depth at tracking systems in use within London Borough of Havering.

Outline: This session will cover: • SEND Pupil Tracking and Progress.

This course is an introduction to using Person Centred Approaches to support key transition processes. This will cover both Pre-school into Primary and Primary into Secondary transitions.


This session will give you the opportunity to: • Understand the role that Person Centred Approaches played in supporting and planning for the transition of vulnerable pupils over main key stages.


Once attending the training you will:

Outcome: You will: • Be better informed of the SEND Pupil Tracking and Progress system • Be able to implement the skills you have learnt from the training to track SEND pupils in your schools/setting • Monitor the progress of these pupils confidently • Gain an understanding of the tracking systems currently in use within the Borough.

• Develop a clear picture of what a Person Centred Review looks like. • Practise using key Person Centred tools such as the one page profile. • Understand your role in preparation for the review, and if appropriate, as Facilitator.

Date: 16/01/19


Course Code (from portal): SEN-0118-T003

Date: 13/03/19

Times: 13.00 - 15.30

Course Code (from portal): SEN-0219-T001

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: Corbets Tey School, Harwood Hall Lane, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2YQ

Times: 13.00 - 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Trainer: Emma Allen

Trainer: Emma James

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools.

Price excluding VAT: Free: Havering schools/colleges/settings. Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools.

Venue: CEME

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

The 5P Approach Social Communication Difficulties & Behaviour – Level 1 Introductory Course

SENCo Day This course is recommended for: SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.


The day enables staff from all schools to network with other school SENCos and support staff while gaining up to date advice and support.

This course is recommended for:

Teachers, HTLAs, TAs and SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.



This introductory one day certified course outlines the 5P Approach. It begins by exploring the nature of behaviour issues in children and young people with autism/social communication difficulties and introduces the 5P stages. This practical workshop describes the 5P materials and provides opportunities for attendees to practise each stage of the 5P Approach.

Up to date advice and support on current legislation

To maximise the benefits of this training we would recommend the TA and SENCo or TA and Class Teacher attend.

• Enabling SENCos to network with other colleagues and professionals


The day will consist of presentations and talks from members of the CAD 5-19 team or an external presenter. A varied and relevant agenda will be on offer. Refreshments and Lunch will be provided (included in the price). This session will cover:

• A variety of talks from internal/external presenters • An opportunity to raise current issues and concerns.

This course is aimed at school staff currently working with children with autism/social communication difficulties and/or challenging behaviour.


The aims of this course are:

You will be able to:

• To explore how social communication difficulties affect behaviour

• Return to your school with the ability to plan the next steps

• To explore how behaviour problems can be avoided

• Review existing practice at your school in relation to SEN

• To identify what is required to build the foundations of best practice

• Acquire new contacts and information to support your role as SENCo.

• To introduce the principles of the 5P Approach to behaviour intervention • To introduce and have experience of each stage of the 5P Approach • To gain practical experience of using the 5P Approach in behaviour intervention.


By the end of this course delegates will have acquired all the knowledge and skills needed to use the 5P Approach in their work.

Date: 19/06/19

Date: On demand

Course Code (from portal): SEN-0619-T002

Course Code (from portal): SEN-TAILORED-T001

Times: 9.00 - 16.00

Times: 9.30 – 15.30

Duration: 7 Hrs

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME

Venue: TBC

Trainer: TBC

Trainer: TBC

Price excluding VAT: £60 (Havering schools/colleges/settings) Not Available: (Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools).

Price excluding VAT: £60 TBC: Havering schools/colleges/settings Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools. 63


The 5P Approach Social Communication Difficulties & Behaviour – (Whole School) This course is recommended for:

Teachers, HTLAs, TAs and SENCo/ Inclusion Managers.


This introductory one day certified course outlines the 5P Approach. It begins by exploring the nature of behaviour issues in children and young people with autism/social communication difficulties and introduces the 5P stages. This practical workshop describes the 5P materials and provides opportunities for attendees to practise each stage of the 5P Approach. To maximise the benefits of this training we would recommend the TA and SENCo or TA and Class Teacher attend.


This course is aimed at school staff currently working with children with autism/social communication difficulties and/or challenging behaviour. The aims of this course are: • To explore how social communication difficulties affect behaviour • To explore how behaviour problems can be avoided • To identify what is required to build the foundations of best practice • To introduce the principles of the 5P Approach to behaviour intervention • To introduce and have experience of each stage of the 5P Approach • To gain practical experience of using the 5P Approach in behaviour intervention.


By the end of this course delegates will have acquired all the knowledge and skills needed to use the 5P Approach in their work.

Date: On demand Course Code (from portal): SEN-TAILORED-T002 Times: 9.30 – 15.30

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: TBC Trainer: TBC Price excluding VAT: £1,100 TBC: Havering schools/colleges/settings Not Available: Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools. 64

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk


Administration and Finance


For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS – Cover Workshop (Secondary Schools)

SIMS – Curriculum Management Student Options (Secondary Schools)

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Teachers and Administrative Staff. This course is suitable for staff with who will be taking on the management of arranging staff cover or as a refresher for existing members of staff. The course includes implementing SIMS Cover to manage all aspects of classroom staff absence and explore the dynamic links of the software to other areas of SIMS, e.g. Personnel.


Timetablers and Administrative Staff.

This course is suitable for the person who will undertake the Options process. Delegates are required to have a basic knowledge of academic year end processes and an understanding of the Options process in schools and its relationship to the timetable.


This session will give you the opportunity to: • Create the new academic year

This session will cover: • Global settings available to customise the module • Links to Personnel

• Set up promotion paths • Place students into the appropriate band in SIMS.net • Create an implementation

• Managing supply cover • Declaring teaching absence and arranging cover

• Import the curriculum into Options from NOVA T6 and importing students from SIMS.net into Options

• Managing room closures due to examinations

• Update the curriculum structure in SIMS.net

• Printing the cover arrangements

• Enter and analyse student choices

• Statistics and impact summaries.

• Create classes and place students into a blocking structure


• Allocate students to classes

By the end of this session delegates will be able to:

• Modify the structure

• Deal appropriately with supply staff in respect of personnel records

• Transfer the final solution to Nova T6 and to SIMS.net

• Create and modify reasons for absence and closure • Maintain optional rotas • Define classes that do not require cover or should be suspended • Manage the expectations that certain staff should be required to more cover than others • Add absences and room closures and provide appropriate cover/ invigilation • Book and use supply staff and agencies • Publish arrangements.

“Trainer very helpful, friendly and approachable”

• Print the final solution.


At the end of this course you will be able to: • Prepare for the new academic year in SIMS.net including student promotions • Prepare Options for the new academic year • Prepare Nova T6 for the new academic year including transferring the curriculum • Carry out the exporting and importing from the appropriate modules in order to produce a final solution for Options choices in the new academic year.

Date: 19/07/19

Date: 29/011/18

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-0719-T001

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1118-T002

Times: 9:30 – 12:00

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support) £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support) £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). 67

Administration and Finance

SIMS 1 – Introduction to the SIMS Pupil Database

SIMS 2 – Additional pupil data including SEN and exclusions

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Administrative Staff.

This course is for new office staff with responsibility for the management and day to day operation of the SIMS pupil database. It is an introduction to pupil data and will cover entering and amending basic details into SIMS and relevant background information including data protection and health and safety.

Administrative Staff.

• Navigate the menus in SIMS.net

This course is for new staff with responsibility for the management and day to day operation of the pupil database, including updating data for the termly School Census. This session is also suitable for existing users who would benefit from a refresher. It follows on from SIMS 1 - Introduction to the SIMS Pupil Database course and can be combined with the SIMS 3 - Preparing data and completing School Census course in the afternoon, which includes preparing and completing the statutory, termly School Census. .

• Edit pupil’s parent/contact details



This course will give you the opportunity to:

• Edit home address data – move pupil, and enter additional address • Edit basic pupil details from data collection sheet .e.g. Free School Meals, ethnic and medical information • Enter leaving details

This session will give you the opportunity to: • Manage exclusions • Add special educational needs • Identify the data items that are statutory for the Census returns • Use the bulk update facility to edit data

• Re-admit a pupil • Gain background knowledge on the operation of the pupil database including statutory Common Transfer Files (see separate training course on CTF)

• Link documents • Add photographs • View history.

• Receive a summary of Data Protection and Health & Safety issues relating to use of computers/pupil database.



At the end of this session delegates will have learned:

• Enter/edit the additional pupil data required for the termly School Census

• How to add and edit basic pupil details in SIMS

• Use the Links menu.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

• Some background information relating to computer equipment, data protection and health and safety.

“Very well explained and planned. Excellent, and well informed training materials provided, especially as I have very little knowledge of SIMS.” Dates: 06/09/18 09/01/19 09/05/19 Times: 9.30 – 15.30


Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0918-T002 SIMS1 SIMS-0519-T003 Duration: 6 Hrs

Dates: 20/09/18 15/01/19 08/05/19 Times: 9.30 – 12.00

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0918-T003 SIMS-0119-T003 SIMS-0519-T004 Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Andrea Stephenson

Trainer: Andrea Stephenson

Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS 3 – Preparing data and completing termly School Census This course is recommended for: Administrative Staff.

SIMS 4 – Common Transfer Files (CTFs) including new intake This course is recommended for: Administrative Staff.


This course is for new school office staff with responsibility for preparing pupil data and completing the statutory termly School Census. It is also suitable for existing users who would benefit from a refresher. Delegates will log on to their school’s network and work on ‘live data’. This session can be combined with the morning course SIMS 2 - Additional pupil data including SEN and exclusions.


Delegates will log on to their school’s SIMS data to:


A Common Transfer File (CTF) allows the electronic transfer of pupil data from one school establishment to another. It is a statutory requirement that a CTF is sent to the receiving school within 15 days of a pupil leaving. Pupils’ statutory end of key stage assessments are sent via CTFs to the local authority and/or National Assessment Agency. CTFs are also used for many other data transfer processes.

• Run reports to check that the data to be submitted is up to date

This course is suitable for new staff with responsibility for the day to day management of the pupil database and as a refresher to existing users.

• Look at the bulk update facility to edit pupil data


• Establish what data is required for the census

• Complete a dry run of their school’s census

This course will give you the opportunity to:

• Investigate and resolve any errors generated.

• Access the Edubase website to search for school details


• Add additional destination schools

At the end of this session you will understand what data is required for the census and you will have logged on to your school’s network to:

• Set up admission groups for the new intake • Export and import single and multi-pupil CTFs

• Produce reports to check the accuracy of your census data

• Upload and download CTFs using AnyComms (Havering) or the Secure Access/S2S website

• Run AnyComms and import the latest fileset

• Use the export and import logs

• Enter and edit pupil data as required

• Tidy CTF folders.

• Create a ‘dry run’ of the School.


At the end of this session delegates will have learned how to: • Set up a new intake • Record school and other destinations • Import and export CTFs • Transfer CTFs using S2S.

“Invaluable information – extremely useful and relevant and a life saver.” Dates: 20/09/18 15/01/19 08/05/19 Times: 13:00 - 15:30

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0918-T004 SIMS-0119-T004 SIMS-0519-T005 Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Dates: 11/09/18 30/01/19 21/05/19 Times: 09:30 – 15:30

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0918-T005 SIMS-0119-T005 SIMS-0519-T006 Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Andrea Stephenson

Trainer: Andrea Stephenson

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support)

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support)

£95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

£190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). 69

Administration and Finance

SIMS 5 – Basic Reporting Using Existing Reports This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





• Import and export reports

• Modify an existing report

• Run existing reports

• Create a new report using the report design wizard

• Run general student list reports

• Format reports in Excel including using page breaks

• Understand basic filtering

• Use mail merge to produce labels or letters

• Organise favourite reports

• Customise the look of your reports using user defined templates

• Preview reports using exclude

• Understand sub reports and add to the report design

• Output reports to Word or Excel.

• Produce basic analysis reports


• Organise and back up your reports.

Administrative Staff.

This full day course is a basic introduction to SIMS.net reporting. Delegates will learn how to run, preview and filter existing reports. A follow up course for users who wish to learn how to edit existing reports and design their own report is also available. In this session delegates will learn how to:

At the end of the course you will be able to: • Preview and run reports in SIMS.net

Administrative Staff.

This is a follow up course for users who have attended the Basic Reporting course and wish to edit existing reports and design their own from scratch. It is also suitable for existing users who have experience of running and previewing reports in SIMS. • Revise how to run reports and use filters


At the end of the course you will have learned how to:

• Understand how filtering affects the output

• Modify existing reports

• Change the output as required to Word or Excel.

• Create reports to use for labels and mail merge letters

“Excellent session, taking away lots of information which will help me. Very hands on trainer who makes training fun and interesting.”

Dates: 16/10/18 05/02/19 12/06/19 Times: 09:30 - 15:30


SIMS 6 – Intermediate Reporting – Designing Reports

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-1018-T002 SIMS-0219-T002 SIMS-0619-T001 Duration: 6 Hrs

• Create reports with sub reports from scratch.

“Thank you very much – very useful and thought provoking.”

Dates: 14/11/18 12/02/19 27/06/19 Times: 09:30 - 15:30

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-1118-T003 SIMS-0219-T003 SIMS-0619-T002 Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Andrea Stephenson

Trainer: Verity Brome

Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS 7 – School Census Workshop for Existing Users

SIMS 8 – End of Year Procedures Workshop

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Administrative Staff.

This workshop is for existing users who will prepare and produce the statutory termly school census. Delegates will log on to their school’s SIMS database to identify any missing/incorrect data and complete a dry run of the census.


Delegates will log on to their school’s SIMS data to: • Establish what data is required for the census • Run reports to check that the data to be submitted is up to date • Complete a dry run of their school’s census • Investigate and resolve any errors generated.


At the end of this session you will understand what data is required for the census and you will have logged on to your school’s network to:

Administrative Staff.

This course is for new users and will cover the procedures required to set up the new academic year in SIMS. These processes are extremely important to ensure that the pastoral structure and student data is accurate and ready for the start of the new academic year. Delegates will log on to their school’s SIMS database and undertake the end of year procedures from the training room.


Delegates will log on to their school’s SIMS data to: • Add/edit the new academic year and pastoral structure • Add/edit the new intake • Set up promotion mappings for moving students to their new registration groups • Process leavers

• Produce reports to check the accuracy of your census data

• Admit new pupils

• Run AnyComms and import the latest fileset

• Set up attendance

• Enter and edit pupil data as required

• Set up housekeeping routines.

• Create a ‘dry run’ of the school census.


“It is great to be able to have time out of the office to concentrate on census details prior to the day.”

Delegates attending this session will: • Understand the processes required to successfully set up the new academic year in SIMS ready for the new academic year • Have logged on and set up their school’s SIMS data for the new year.

“Very grateful of support as new in role and have no knowledge of SIMS.”

Dates: 02/10/17 16/01/19 14/05/19 Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-1018-T003 SIMS-0119-T007 SIMS-0519-T007 Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Dates: 19/06/19 02/07/19 Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0619-T003 SIMS-0619-T004 Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Andrea Stephenson

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). This course is not available to out of borough schools.

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). This course is not available to out of borough schools. 71

Administration and Finance

SIMS Attendance 1 – The Basics This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

Administrative Staff.

Administrative Staff.



This half day course is for new and existing users with responsibility for the day to day operation of the Attendance module (electronic pupil registration). There is a follow up course, SIMS Attendance 2 – Beyond the Basics.


This course will cover the following areas:

This half day course is for existing users with the responsibility for day to day operation of the Attendance module (electronic pupil registration). Delegates will have the opportunity to design and produce attendance letters and certificates, set up groups and investigate the various attendance reports and analyses.


• Information regarding the statutory use of attendance codes

This course will give you the opportunity to be able to:

• Entering data into a register

• Set up attendance groups

• Entering comments and minutes late

• Edit and produce new and existing letter templates

• Block manual entry

• Produce letters

• Entering codes over a date range

• Produce certificates

• Adding Exceptional circumstances

• Report and analyse pupil attendance.

• Processing part time pupils


At the end of the course the delegate will be able to undertake all the routines in Attendance/SIMS.net to record, report and monitor pupil attendance; and understand the statutory responsibility and regulations relating to pupils’ attendance.

• Editing Reason for change of mark • Printing official registers • Adding Training and Bank holidays • Producing basic attendance reports.


At the end of the course the delegate will be able to undertake the essential routines in Attendance/SIMS to record and report on the statutory attendance marks for pupils.

“Great content, best practices and shortcuts.”

Dates: 05/09/18 08/01/19 01/05/19 Times: 13.30 – 16.00


SIMS Attendance 2 – Beyond the Basics

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0918-T001 SIMS-0119-T001 SIMS-0519-T001 Duration: 2.5 Hrs

“Extremely useful, learning so much about SIMS, it would be nice to have the time in school now to use the knowledge gained at the training sessions.”

Dates: 09/10/18 24/01/19 04/06/19 Times: 13.30 – 16.00

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-1018-T001 SIMS-0119-T002 SIMS-0519-T002 Duration: 5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Jason Blair

Trainer: Jason Blair

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS FMS 1 – Introduction, Orders, Invoice & Payments

SIMS FMS 2 – Petty Cash and Non-Invoiced Income

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





• The background to the budget structure

• Deal with petty cash expenditure and reimbursements

• Introduction to school financial regulations

• Record non-invoiced income receipts

• Raising, editing and printing orders/pdf orders

• Record the paying slip to match the amount paid into the bank

• Adding suppliers

• Run relevant reports.

• Processing standard invoices and non-order invoices


Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers. This full day course is for newly appointed Finance Officers and office staff who will undertake some or all of the computerised financial tasks. It is also appropriate for staff who will provide backup cover for, or assistance to, the Finance Officer. This course will give you an insight into:

Senior Staff, Finance Officers and Bursars & Business Managers. This is the second session of the induction course for new Finance Officers, Bursars and Business Managers, it is also suitable for staff that will provide backup cover for, or assistance to, the Finance Officer. This course will give delegates the knowledge to:

• Processing credit notes

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

• Processing cheques /BACS payments

• Understand how to record petty cash expenditure and reimbursements

• Running relevant reports.


• Understand how to record non invoiced income receipts and paying in slips on SIMS FMS.

• The terminology used in school finance

“This course reflected the reality of handling school finance. The trainer is experienced and was able to understand what I needed to know and tailor delivery to be truly relevant.”

Delegates will gain an understanding of: • Processing orders, invoices, cheque runs/BACS payments.

“Have found info very helpful and insightful and looking forward to the next course.”

Date: TBC

Date: TBC,

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-TAILORED-T001

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-TAILORED-T002

Times: 09.30 – 15.00

Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Duration: 2.5Hrs

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). 73

Administration and Finance

SIMS FMS 3 – Journals

SIMS FMS 4 – Personnel Links, Payroll & Salary Calculators

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Staff, Finance Officers and Bursars & Business Managers. This half day course follows on from the morning session on Petty Cash and Non-invoiced Income. It is a component of the Finance Officers Induction Course and is also suitable as a reminder to existing finance staff on the various types of journals and how and when to use them.


This full day course is suitable for newly appointed Finance Officers (or a reminder for existing FMS users) on how to set up and use FMS/Personnel Links, apply the payroll in FMS and use the Havering Salary Calculators to explore staff costs.


This session will enable you to:

This course will cover:

• Prepare data for FMS/Personnel links in SIMS.net

• How and when to add cash book journals, normal journals and VAT Reimbursements

• Prepare data for FMS/Personnel links in FMS

• Processing fund to bank journals

• Define salary apportionments • Apply the payroll using personnel links in FMS

• Setting up and using journal templates

• Use the Havering Salary Calculators.

• Setting up and using recurring journals.



Delegates will learn how to:

Delegates will learn how to:• Raise journals and understand the difference between the various types of journals and when it is appropriate to use them • Set up and use templates and recurring journals.

“The hands-on aspect of the training to get a proper feel of the role is what I found most useful.”


Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers.

• Set up and use FMS/Personnel Links • Apply the payroll to FMS • Use the Havering Salary Calculators to explore staff costs.

“Thank you this session was very helpful.” ‘’This has helped me a great deal. Looking forward to the next session.’’

Date: TBC

Date: TBC

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-TAILORED-T003

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-TAILORED-T004

Times: 13.00 – 15.30

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). This course is not available to out of borough schools.

Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). This course is not available to out of borough schools.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS FMS 5 –Monthly Reconciliation and Budget Adjustments

SIMS FMS 6 – Finance Termly Reconciliation

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



This course is only suitable for Havering maintained schools. No previous knowledge of FMS is required but an understanding of school budgets would be desirable.


Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers. This full day course is for newly appointed Finance Officers or existing FMS users who need to understand the importance of regular reconciliation, monitoring of the budget and reporting to the Headteacher and Governors. The termly reconciliation process undertaken in July/September, December/January and March are covered in a separate course.

Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers. This session is aimed at new finance staff with responsibility for undertaking the termly finance cheque book reconciliation process. It is also suitable for existing staff that require a refresher. On the course delegates will work through and complete a termly ‘Havering’ cheque book reconciliation using their school’s financial data. Delegates should be familiar with the monthly reconciliation procedures or have attended the Monthly Reconciliation training course. This session will give you the opportunity to:


• Reconcile bank statements to FMS

This session will cover the following: • Adding bank statements and reconciling them to the system • Producing all reports to complete the reconciliation process • Completing the monthly return to the LA • Using the outputs from FMS and the Salary Calculator to effectively monitor the profiled budget • Design school specific profile models

• Prepare and complete a termly cheque book reconciliation • Produce finance reports from SIMS FMS • Reconcile cash received from the LA with FMS • Complete the termly reconciliation spread sheet and submit to the LA with the relevant reports.


By the end of this course delegates will:

• Budget adjustments

• Understand the cheque book reconciliation process

• Using the Audit Trail.

• Be able to prepare and complete the monthly and termly cheque book reconciliation.


By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

“The whole course was very beneficial and the trainer is a star!”

• Complete a monthly reconciliation of FMS • Run reports for monitoring the budget • Use the salary calculator.

“I found the monthly reconciliation course most useful.”

Date: TBC

Date: TBC

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-TAILORED-T005

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-TAILORED-T006

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Duration: 6 Hrs

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Andrea Stephenson

Trainer: Sue Dungate

PPrice excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). This course is not available to out of borough schools.

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). This course is not available to out of borough schools. 75

Administration and Finance

SIMS FMS 7 – Equipment Register This course is recommended for:

Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers.


Equipment Register assists in keeping a complete inventory of all equipment in school. This includes records of equipment details, inspections, stock takes and disposals. It enables you to maintain a record of where your school’s valuables and resources are located and who is responsible for them. To aid in this process equipment can be divided into different categories and insurance information recorded.


This course will give you the opportunity to: • Create and Maintain a comprehensive record of all equipment in your school • Keep track of who is responsible for valuable resources • Import Equipment From FMS • Keep track of where the equipment should be • Carry out stock checks • Allocate insurance policy details automatically.


At the end of the course the delegate will be able to undertake the processes within Equipment Register to enable the school to monitor the equipment within the school and to be able to do a yearly stock take to keep in line with audit requirements.

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1017-T016 Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY Trainer: Jason Blair Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). 76

This course is recommended for:

Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers.


This course is for new finance staff who have completed the FMS finance induction course and as a refresher for established finance staff. The aim is to reinforce the previous training and give delegates the opportunity to revise and improve their knowledge.


This session will cover: • Hints and tips in the day to day use of FMS • Additional budget monitoring, including user defined reports and Personnel links to FMS • Chart of Accounts Review and other reports in FMS • Quarterly reports required by LMS • Capital Expenditure • Journals, Funding, Income, Profiling, Budget Adjustments and Virements • Closing periods • The use of the Havering Salary Calculators.


Delegates attending this course will have: • Reinforced and built on their knowledge gained in previous finance courses • Become more confident in the use of FMS • Explored areas previously causing them concern.

Date: TBC

Date: 11/10/18

Times: 9.30 – 12.00

SIMS FMS 8 – Consolidation of FMS Finance Induction

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-TAILORED-T007 Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY Trainer: Sue Dungate Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIM support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). This course is not available to out of borough schools.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS FMS 9 – End of Year Procedures

SIMS FMS 10 – Inputting the Budget

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Finance Officers and Bursars & Business Managers. This “hands-on” course is aimed at new users who will undertake the end of year processes in FMS, or existing staff who require a refresher. The end of year procedures include the closing down of the 2018/2019 accounts and the creation of the new financial year FMS.


The course will cover: • The preparation for closedown • The setting up of the new financial year • The preliminary closedown • A brief overview of accruals (there is a separate overview course for accruals).


At the end of the session delegates will: • Be able to carry out all the procedures required to preliminary close down the financial year and create a new financial year.

Finance Officers and Bursars & Business Managers. This session is aimed at users who will input the budget into SIMS FMS for the first time, or existing users who require a refresher.


This course will cover: • The structure of the finance chart of accounts • How to add and edit ledger codes and cost centres • How to input the new year budget into FMS from the Havering budget statement • How to make cost centre allocations from the budget proforma • How to add, edit and allocate budget profiles.


By the end of the session the delegates will be able to: • Input the school funding into FMS and allocate to the cost centres • Use budget profiles.

“So grateful to the trainers for the valuable time and support in getting the budget keyed”

Date: 14/03/19

Date: 04/4/19

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-0319-T001

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-0419-T001

Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: ELMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). 77

Administration and Finance

SIMS Nova T6 – Maintaining the Timetable (Secondary Schools)

SIMS Nova T6 – For New Users (Secondary Schools) This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:


Timetablers and Administrative Staff.



Nova T6 is a timetable program for constructing and maintaining the school timetable. This course is suitable for the timetabler and for other members of staff who will be responsible for maintaining the timetable on a regular basis. A working knowledge of the Academic Management area of SIMS and a very basic knowledge of timetabling and Nova T6 is a requirement.

Nova T6 is a timetable program for constructing and maintaining the school timetable. Delegates should have some prior knowledge of timetable principles but prior knowledge of Nova T6 is not required. The course will be delivered over four days (one day a week) followed by a half day workshop in the Summer term – date to be arranged. It is expected that delegates will work on their own school timetable between training days as much as possible. Delegates will have to attend all four sessions.


This course will give you the opportunity to:

This course will give you the opportunity to: • Change the room and teacher of a timetabled class • Add additional staff to classes • Manage the carousel process for teachers and/or rooms for classes in a block • Deal with the arrival of new staff • Maintain the integrity of data between NOVA T6 and Sims.net


By the end of this course delegates will be able to: • Edit teachers and rooms on a completed timetable • Establish student carousels • Implement communication between Nova T6 and SIMS.net • Understand the use of non-class codes.


• Define a Timetable Cycle. • Manage Base Data – Teachers, Subjects, Rooms, Sites and Automatic Rooming requirements. • Create the Curriculum Model – Bands, Blocks and Transferring the Curriculum. • Resource Classes • Define Sessions • Create Non Class Codes • Prepare for Scheduling • Scheduling • Edit the Timetable – rooming and staffing • Create links between T6 and SQL • Generate a range of reports.


At the end of this course delegates will have learned how to: • Make effective use of Nova T6 to construct a school timetable • Edit and maintain the school timetable easily and efficiently.

“Very useful/informative.”

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1218-T001

Dates: 31/01/19, 08/02/19, 13/02/19 & 26/02/19

Times: 09.30 – 12.00

Times: 9.30 – 15.30

Date: 05/12/18


Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-0119-T006 Duration: 6 Hrs x 4 Days

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £560.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £800.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support)..

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS Nova T6 – Alternative Curriculum for Secondary Schools

SIMS Personnel 1 – The Basics

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Timetablers and Administrative Staff.

Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers.

This session will give delegates the ability to withdraw students from ‘normal’ lessons and assign them to alternative provision, using the functionality in SIMS and the Nova Timetable (NovaT) module. A working knowledge of the Academic Management area of SIMS and a very basic knowledge of timetabling and NovaT is required.


This course will give you the opportunity to: • Create alternative activities in NovaT • Allocate staff and rooms to the activities

This half day course is for new users with responsibility for the management of the personnel section of the SIMS database. It is also suitable for existing users who need a refresher. There is a statutory annual School Workforce Census (SWC) in November. It is important that data recorded in the Personnel module is accurate and up to date. This course will give you the ability to manage staff data. Recording absences is extremely important for schools using Havering payroll because absences recorded in SIMS are automatically extracted and uploaded to Havering Oracle Payroll system each month.


• Export to SIMS • Assign students on a period by period basis • Use additional SIMS reports • Appreciate the possible issues with attendance and assessment.


By the end of this course delegates will be able to: • Create, staff and room new activities in NovaT • Place students in alternative provision at particular periods for a specific date range • Be aware of possible issues in other SIMS modules • Use relevant SIMS reports.

This session will give you the opportunity to: • Add/edit staff details • Add, modify and move addresses • Record staff qualifications • Record staff absences and review procedures for the Havering Payroll Absence extract • Record INSET • Record checks e.g. DBS • Understand data required for SWC • Understand links between personnel, cover and manage classroom staff (Secondary). There is a follow on session, which will cover adding contracts and other employment details to members of staff.


At the end of the course you will be able to: • Enter and edit the basic and professional staff details in the personnel section of SIMS.net • Prepare for the monthly absence return for schools using Havering Payroll.

Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1218-T002

Dates: 13/09/18 22/01/19 22/05/19

Times: 9.30 – 12.00

Times: 9.30 – 12.00

Date: 11/12/18

Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0918-T007 SIMS-0119-T008 SIMS-0519-T008 Duration: 2.5 Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIM support) £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIM support) £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). 79

Administration and Finance

SIMS Personnel 2 – Employment Details and Contracts This course is recommended for:

Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers.


This full day course is for users with responsibility for adding personnel contract and employment details into SIMS. This session follows on from the Basic Personnel course. All employment details held for staff will be included in the training, in particular the entering and amending of staff contracts. Accurate details are very important for the School Workforce Census and personnel/finance Links. It is suitable for new users who have attended the SIMS Personnel 1 – The Basics course or existing users who would benefit from a refresher.

SIMS Personnel 3 – School Workforce Census Workshop (new users) This course is recommended for:

Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers.


This session is for new users who will be responsible for preparing, completing and submitting the statutory School Workforce Census (SWC) to DfE for the first time. There is a separate session for existing users who require a refresher. Delegates will log on to their school’s SIMS data to prepare and create their school’s census with an expert on hand for support and assistance.



On this workshop delegates will be able to:

This session will give you the opportunity to:

• Log on to their school’s SIMS personnel database

• Import pay related definitions

• Understand the scope of the School Workforce Census (SWC)

• Review service terms

• Identify what personnel data is required for SWC

• Add employment information

• Add and edit personnel records including contract details

• Add contract details

• Create and prepare a SWC and deal with any failures/errors

• Amend allowances

• Understand how to submit SWC to the DfE COLLECT website.

• Add posts


• Apply annual increments globally

This course will enable delegates to:

• Run Personnel Reports

• Understand the scope of SWC

• Transfer contract reports from SIMS to HR.

• Prepare personnel data in SIMS for the SWC


• Create and complete a SWC

At the end of the course you will be able to:

• Correct any census errors

• Enter and edit employment details for all staff

• Submit the SWC to DfE using COLLECT website.

• Enter and edit contract details for all staff • Have an understanding of the pay related definitions.

“Brilliant course, helped answer a lot of questions!” Dates: 25/09/18 06/03/19 11/06/19 Times: 09.30 – 15.30


Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-0918-T006 SIMS-0319-T002 SIMS-0619-T005 Duration: 6 Hrs

Date: 10/10/18, Course Code (from portal): SIMS-1018-T004 Times: 13.30 – 16.00

Duration: 2.5Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Trainer: Sue Dungate

Price excluding VAT: £140.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £190.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

SIMS Personnel 4 – School Workforce Census Workshop (existing users) This course is recommended for:

Administrative Staff and Bursars & Business Managers.


This session is for users who have previously completed a School Workforce Census (SWC). Delegates will log on to prepare and create a SWC on their own school’s data with an expert on hand for support and assistance. There is a separate session for new users who will be completing a SWC for the first time.


On this workshop delegates will be able to: • Log on to their school’s SIMS personnel database • Understand the scope of the SWC • Identify what personnel data is required for SWC • Add and edit personnel records including contract details • Create and prepare their SWC and deal with any failures/errors • Understand how to submit to the DfE COLLECT website.


This course will enable delegates to: • Review the scope of the SWC • Prepare personnel data in SIMS for the SWC • Create and complete a SWC • Correct any census errors • Submit the SWC to DfE using COLLECT website.

“Great to do some hands on as well as ‘theory’ and to work through queries.”

Dates: 17/10/18 30/10/18 Times: 13.30 – 16.00

Course Codes (from portal): SIMS-1018-T005 SIMS-1018-T006 Duration: 2.5Hrs

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY Trainer: Sue Dungate Price excluding VAT: £70.00 (All schools with annual subscription for SIMS support). £95.00 (All schools without annual subscription for SIMS support). 81

Safety and Wellbeing


For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Attendance Guidance and Support This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

Attendance Officers.

TAs and Mid-day Assistants.


Attendance Advice and Support Training is delivered by one of our experienced Officers, who will ensure that school staff are able to follow a set procedure regarding pupil non-attendance, offering a suggested step by step process of contact with parents, advise on when to issue letters and how to make effective phone-calls to parents. We can ensure that School Attendance Officers are fully aware of the meaning of Dfe Attendance Coding and Guidelines, including supporting information and guidance from Havering Education Services on the Persistent Absence Threshold, Term Time Leave and preparation for Ofsted. The trainer will also discuss and advise the school maximising their use of the SIMS Software, and encourage further LMS Training where necessary. We can supply the school with model attendance letter templates, and review/update letters currently in use by the school. Your trainer will offer a hands on and practical advice to the School Attendance Officer on a continuous basis if required.


This practical and interactive on-site training is delivered to you in your school with your School Attendance Officer. The half day will cover: • Access to School SIMS system • School procedure regarding non attendance • School procedures regarding the School Attendance Policy • The use of school based letters and early intervention guidance.


This course will provide you with: • A greater understanding of the demanding role and responsibility that a School Attendance Officer undertakes in their everyday work • An increased confidence and to feel supported in the knowledge that their decisions are made in accordance with both Dfe and Borough Guidelines • A clear set of school and attendance guidelines that actively contribute to the schools’ Attendance Policy.


The school lunch-time experience can make or break how ready for learning pupils are for the afternoon session. An interactive presentation is delivered in a relaxed, fun and morale building manner that enhances team work and fosters good working relationships between staff. Following this we will join the Mid-Day Assistants on duty in both the dinner hall and playground, observing and guiding lunchtime staff to identifying any potential risks or identify new learning objectives. Trainees are then asked to join the two facilitators for a ‘working lunch’ (we ask that the school provide lunch which could be as simple as a platter of sandwiches). During this time we offer feedback, guidance and support as a result of lunchtime observations.


The school lunch-time experience can make or break how ready for learning pupils are for the afternoon session. Our two trainers will focus on the areas such as: • Roles and responsibilities in the playground and staffs’ duty of care • Communication, how effective is our communication in school? • De-escalating difficult behaviour • Playground tips, strategies, creative play and games • Enabling staff to feel more confident and competent in their leadership and management of pupils. In addition to the above we will consult you on the main issues within the school setting and areas you would like us to cover and develop with staff.


• Know the importance of actively working within the guidelines of school policies and procedures • Understand the lines of communication when reporting incidents and concerns • Increased understanding of the importance of positive communication with pupils whether verbal or non-verbal • Develop skills to encourage and initiate play amongst pupils.

Date: On request

Date: On request Course Code (from portal): 35-TAILORED-T006 Times: On request

Mid-day Assistant Training – Positive Lunchtimes

Duration: 4 Hrs

Venue: On-site training

Course Code (from portal): 35-TAILORED-T006 Times: 9.30 – 14.00

Duration: 4.5 Hrs

Venue: In a participating school

Trainer: Kerry Gallagher

Trainers: Two specialist Attendance and Behaviour Team members

Price excluding VAT: Free to schools who subscribe to Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Core Package. £260.00 (Havering schools / colleges / settings). £360.00 (Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools).

Price excluding VAT: Free to schools who subscribe to Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Core Package. £299.00 (Havering schools / colleges / settings). £399.00 (Non-Havering and Non-DSG funded schools). 83

Safety and Wellbeing

Whole School Restorative Approaches Training This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Pastoral Officers and TAs.

Senior Leaders, Pastoral Officers and Teachers.

Restorative Approaches have been found to be effective in improving behaviour and learning in both primary and secondary schools. Havering has launched a Restorative Approach Partnership, which supports schools in using restorative approaches to manage behaviour, relationships and problem solving. This interactive training explores the positive impact to relationship building and addressing harmful behaviour and its effects on the whole school community.


This training will provide a platform to develop the skills required for effective practice and explore the merits in enabling students to own their problems and find their own solutions. This whole school training strongly accompanies any in-school citizenship programmes and self-led learning interventions. The course will cover the following: • Facilitators training for key staff • 1 Inset day • Parents’ meeting • Governors’ meeting • School assemblies • Peer mediators’ training • Mid-day assistant half day.


Evidence effective skills for to facilitating of restorative meetings in the moment, during class discussions and between groups. • Understand the significance of this practice and the impact upon emotional literacy • See first-hand the amazing contribution restorative practice makes to self-discipline and resilience within a school community • Rationalise issues such as the use of exclusions/punishments • There is good evidence to show increased school attendance.

Course Code (from portal): 35-TAILORED-T005 Times: 09.30 – 16.00

All Team Teach techniques have undergone a thorough legal, medical and tactical risk assessment review, carried out by three independent, medical and legal experts. Course participants will receive a course workbook and certificate. Certification for this course is valid for 36 months, although a refresher is recommended after 24 months. The course can be delivered as one full days training or as twilight sessions by negotiation first. The cost includes a pre visit by tutor to establish training needs, discuss documentation and carry out a risk assessment of the training venue, for up to 24 participants.


Team Teach is BILD accredited training for children and adult services in positive handling strategies through a whole school approach, which supports your behaviour policy and keeps staff and children safe. It is aimed at low risk service settings such as Primary and Secondary Schools and Academies, Nurseries and Early Years Settings. The course covers personal safety, risk reduction strategies, positive handling, documentation and legal advice.


• Whole school approach to positive handling and behaviour management • Increase staff confidence in managing challenging classroom behaviour • Team Teach approaches can positively contribute to the school behaviour policy and school development plan • Continued support from the Attendance and Behaviour Service telephone Duty Line operating Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Date: On Request

Date: On Request

Duration: Tailored

Course Codes (from portal): 35-TAILORED-T001 (in-house 24 maximum participants) Times: 08.30 – 16.00

Duration: Tailored

Venue: Romford Town Hall or we provide an in-house option

Venue: Romford Town Hall or we provide an in-house option

Trainers: Two Specialist Attendance and Behaviour Team members in partnership with outside providers plus resources.

Trainers: All of our Team Teach Trainers are accredited tutors.

Price excluding VAT: Price on application dependent on school size and on-going support. 84

Team Teach Positive Handling Training

Price excluding VAT: £980.00 (in-house 24 maximum participants). Free to Havering Schools who subscribe to the Behaviour and Attendance Core DSG Package.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Healthy Schools London Bronze Award Workshop

Healthy Schools London Silver Award Workshop

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Subject Leaders and Teachers.

This course is for staff leading their school’s work to achieve the Healthy Schools London (HSL) Bronze Award. The HSL programme enables schools to effectively identify and meet the health and wellbeing needs of the pupils in their care. This robust self-evaluation process will assist schools in providing clear evidence in line with Ofsted criteria that they are supporting the personal development, behaviour and welfare of their pupils.


Part 1 will: • Introduce the HSL programme and explain Bronze, Silver and Gold Award progression • Provide detailed guidance on completing each section of the Bronze Award Review Tool • Support delegates in identifying relevant evidence to complete the Bronze Award Review Tool. Part 2 will: • Provide feedback on draft applications • Offer an opportunity to network and share progress with other schools • Provide examples of best practice in promoting health and wellbeing of pupils in school. Delegates will also receive email, telephone calls and visits to school to support them through the process of gaining their HSL Bronze Award in addition to these two central training sessions.


You will complete your school’s HSL Bronze Award Review Tool in preparation for online submission to the Healthy Schools London Team in order to gain Bronze Award accreditation.

“The workshop helped us to identify our strengths, and focus on the areas that we needed to develop in order to gain our Bronze Award.” Dates: 09/10/18 & 05/12/18 29/01/19 & 20/03/19 14/05/19 & 26/06/19 Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Course Codes (from portal): HS-1018-T001 HS-0119-T001 HS-0519-T001 Duration: 2 Hrs

Subject Leaders and Teachers.

This course is for staff leading their school’s work to achieve the Healthy Schools London (HSL) Silver Award. The HSL programme enables schools to effectively identify and meet the health and wellbeing needs of the pupils in their care. The Silver Award supports schools to develop action plans which address the health priorities of their pupils and offers a robust system for measuring the impact of health-related interventions over time.


There are two parts to this course. Part 1 will: • Provide an overview of the health priorities relating to children and young people both nationally and locally • Provide guidance on carrying out a needs analysis to identify the health priorities within their own school • Support delegates in planning their project ideas including identifying outcomes, suggesting how to measure these and developing interventions that ensure positive impact. Part 2 will: • Provide feedback on draft applications • Offer an opportunity to network and share progress with other schools • Provide examples of best practice in promoting health and wellbeing of pupils in school. Delegates will also receive email, telephone calls and visits to school to support them through the process of gaining their HSL Silver Award in addition to these two central training sessions.


You will complete your school’s HSL Silver Award Action Plan in preparation for online submission to the Healthy Schools London Team in order to gain Silver Award accreditation.

Dates: 10/10/18 & 05/12/18 30/01/19 & 20/03/19 15/05/19 & 26/06/19 Times: 13.30 – 15.30

Course Codes (from portal): HS-1018-T002 HS-0119-T002 HS-0518-T003 Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: Town Hall

Venue: Town Hall

Trainer: Tracey Wraight

Trainer: Tracey Wraight

Price excluding VAT: Free to schools who subscribe to Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Core Package.

Price excluding VAT: Free to schools who subscribe to Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Core Package. 85

Safety and Wellbeing

Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Primary Classroom This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





Pastoral Officers, Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.

This course is for staff who are interested in developing strategies to promote positive mental health in the mainstream classroom. The course considers the strategies that can be used within the mainstream classroom to create a positive learning environment and promote the positive mental health and wellbeing of all pupils. The emphasis of the course is on the importance of a whole school approach to providing teaching and learning opportunities which allow children and young people to develop resilience and positive coping strategies which will support their mental health both now and in the future. This course will encourage participants to: • Explore the importance of positive mental health for all pupils • Consider some of the risk factors that could contribute to poor mental health in pupils • Explore the importance of a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing • Review a range of teaching and learning strategies and resources which may be of practical use to support positive mental health in the mainstream classroom.


Course participants will have a greater understanding of the possible barriers to positive mental health in the mainstream classroom, and be equipped with some resources and teaching and learning strategies to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for the pupils in their class.

“It was useful to have time to look through resources and have time to reflect on strategies that could help pupils develop positive coping strategies.” Dates: 30/10/18 12/03/19 18/06/19 Times: 09.30 – 15.30


Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Secondary Classroom

Course Codes (from portal): HS-1118-T001 HS-0319-T001 HS-0619-T001 Duration: Full day (Repeated each term)

Pastoral Officers, Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.

This course is for staff who are interested in developing strategies to promote positive mental health in the mainstream classroom. The course considers the strategies that can be used within the mainstream classroom to create a positive learning environment and promote the positive mental health and wellbeing of all pupils. The emphasis of the course is on the importance of a whole school approach to providing teaching and learning opportunities which allow children and young people to develop resilience and positive coping strategies which will support their mental health both now and in the future. This course will encourage participants to: • Explore the importance of positive mental health for all pupils • Consider some of the risk factors that could contribute to poor mental health in pupils • Explore the importance of a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing • Review a range of teaching and learning strategies and resources which may be of practical use to support positive mental health in the mainstream classroom.


Course participants will have a greater understanding of the possible barriers to positive mental health in the mainstream classroom, and be equipped with some resources and teaching and learning strategies to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for the pupils in their class.

“It was really helpful to receive resources and have time to discuss how they could be used to support pupils’ mental health.” Dates: 16/11/18 19/03/19 25/06/19 Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Course Codes (from portal): HS-1118-T002 HS-0319-T002 HS-0619-T002 Duration: Full day (Repeated each term)

Venue: CEME

Venue: CEME

Trainer: Tracey Wraight

Trainer: Tracey Wraight

Price excluding VAT: Free to schools who subscribe to Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Core Package. £100.00 to Havering Schools not purchasing Core Package.

Price excluding VAT: Free to schools who subscribe to Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Core Package. £100.00 to Havering Schools not purchasing Core Package.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Relationships and Sex Education (Secondary)

Relationships Education (Primary)

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





• Review and develop their current policy

• Review and develop their current policy

• Consider the best teaching strategies to deliver this area of the curriculum effectively

• Consider the best teaching strategies to deliver this area of the curriculum effectively

• Begin to develop a Programme of Study for RSE

• Begin to develop a Programme of Study for Relationships Education

Pastoral Officers, Subject Leaders, Teachers and HLTAs. This half day course considers best practice in the delivery of Relationships and Sex Education in the Secondary Classroom. With Relationships and Sex Education becoming statutory in September 2019, this course aims to provide support in developing effective policy and practice in this area of the curriculum. This course will encourage and support participants to:

• Consider how external services may enhance the RSE curriculum in school.


Course participants will leave with a draft Relationships and Sex Education Policy and a greater awareness of appropriate content, and the most effective strategies for the delivery of this subject.

Dates: 06/02/19 08/05/19 Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Course Codes (from portal): HS-0219-T002 HS-0519-T003 Duration: 3 Hrs (Repeated Spring and Summer terms)

Pastoral Officers, Subject Leaders, Teachers and HLTAs. This half day course considers best practice in the delivery of Relationships Education in the Primary Classroom. With Relationships and Sex Education becoming statutory in September 2019, this course aims to provide support in developing effective policy and practice in this area of the curriculum. This course will encourage and support participants to:

• Consider how external services may enhance the RSE curriculum in school.


Course participants will leave with a draft Relationships Education Policy and a greater awareness of appropriate content, and the most effective strategies for delivering this subject.

Dates: 05/02/19 07/05/19 Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Course Codes (from portal): HS-0219-T001 HS-0519-T002 Duration: 3 Hrs (Repeated Spring and Summer terms)

Venue: CEME

Venue: CEME

Trainer: Tracey Wraight

Trainer: Tracey Wraight

Price excluding VAT: Free to schools who subscribe to Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Core Package. £50.00 to Havering Schools not purchasing Core Package.

Price excluding VAT: Free to schools who subscribe to Health and Wellbeing in Schools Service Core Package. £50.00 to Havering Schools not purchasing Core Package. 87

Safety and Wellbeing

Asbestos Awareness This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Bursars & Business Managers, Health & Safety Co-ordinators, Site/Maintenance Staff and PVI Managers/Owners.


This course will give delegates a greater awareness of the health risks associated with Asbestos within educational establishments.


By the end of the course participants will have an understanding of: • The risks associated with asbestos • The duties under the Regulations • The purpose & difference between, surveys, material assessments, risk assessment & Management plan • How to record condition inspections • The importance of managing contractors.


Delegates will understand the risks posed by asbestos and responsibilities of employers to manage asbestos in the workplace.

Building Personal Resilience This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Governors, Pastoral Officers, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Exam officers, Mid-day Assistants, Bursars & Business Managers, Finance Officers, Assessment Co-ordinators, Exam Officers, Timetablers, Pastoral officers, Administrative Staff, Attendance, Health & Safety Co-ordinators, Site/Maintenance Staff, SENCo/ Inclusion Manager, SENCo/Early Year Practitioners, EAL Co-ordinators, PVI Setting Staff and PVI Managers/Owners.


Personal resilience is the capacity to maintain wellbeing and work performance under pressure, including being able to bounce-back from setbacks effectively. Resilience is a combination of personal characteristics and learned skills. This course utilises the approach & systems developed by Robertson Cooper (one of the UK’s leaders in stress management) to help delegates understand, build and develop their resilience in order to be able to respond effectively to the challenges of their roles. Prior to the course, delegates must complete a confidential online questionnaire.


This course will assist individual employees to: • Understand the relationship between work pressure, performance, morale (wellbeing) and resilience • Learn how to build and maintain high levels of personal resilience • Identify specific actions to take forward for your development and to improve morale, resilience and performance.


You will be able to: • Have a greater understanding of the areas where you can draw personal strength from • Learn a number of techniques to improve your personal resilience. As part of the course each delegate will receive their own personalised i-resilience report, which will highlight areas of their personality/response to situations which will either help or hinder their ability to cope. Dates: 16/01/19 12/06/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0119-T007 HSAS-0619-T012

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Dates: 03/12/18 04/02/19 13/05/19

Trainer: Stephen Catley

Times: 09.00 -12.30

Price excluding VAT: £42 subscribers. £50 non-subscribers. Related booking discount: Discount applied when both Asbestos Awareness and Legionella Awareness are purchased for the same date.

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Times: 09.00 -10.30


Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Trainer: Robert Train Price excluding VAT: £116.00 subscribers. £145.00 non-subscribers.

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1218-T003 HSAS-0219-T005 HSAS-0519-T008 Duration: 3.5 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Emergency First Aid

Emergency Paediatric First Aid

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Pastoral Officers, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Exam officers, Mid-day Assistants, Site/Maintenance Staff, SENCo/ Inclusion Manager, SENCo/Early Year Practitioners, PVI Setting Staff and PVI Managers/ Owners. 1 day first response emergency first aid. The course focuses on basic life support and minor injuries.


Course Summary: • First Aid Priorities • The Unconscious Casualty • Airway & Breathing disorders • Circulation Disorders • Wounds/Bleeding • Health & Safety.

Senior Leaders, Pastoral Officers, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Exam officers, Mid-day Assistants, Site/Maintenance Staff, SENCo/ Inclusion Manager, SENCo/Early Year Practitioners, PVI Setting Staff and PVI Managers/ Owners. 1 day first response emergency paediatric first aid. The course focuses on basic life support and minor injuries for children and infants


Course Summary: • First Aid Priorities • The Unconscious Casualty • Airway & Breathing disorders • Circulation Disorders • Wounds/Bleeding


By the end of this course, delegates should be capable of assessing an emergency situation, taking effective action including informing the emergency services. Doing all of this with no risk to yourself, or others. Successful delegates will be issued with an Emergency First Aid Certificate (valid for 3 years).


• Health & Safety.


By the end of this course, delegates should be capable of assessing an emergency situation, taking effective action including informing the emergency services. Doing all of this with no risk to yourself, or others. Successful delegates will be issued with an Emergency Paediatric First Aid Certificate (valid for 3 years).

F.A.I.B (First Aid Industry Board).


F.A.I.B (First Aid Industry Board). Dates: Romford: 2 1/09/18 09/10/18 13/12/18 01/02/19 01/03/19 23/05/19 12/07/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0918-T003, HSAS-1018-T001 HSAS-1218-T002 HSAS-0219-T001 HSAS-0319-T001 HSAS-0519-T002, HSAS-0719-T002

Dockside: 1 3/09/18, 01/11/18, 17/12/18, 27/02/19, 16/05/19, 11/07/19

HSAS-0918-T015 HSAS-1118-T007 HSAS-1218-T006 HSAS-0219-T008 HSAS-0519-T011 HSAS-0719-T006

Times: 09.00 –16.30

Duration: 1 Day

Dates: Romford: 0 9/11/18 25/01/19 29/04/19 25/06/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1118-T002 HSAS-0119-T002 HSAS-0419-T002 HSAS-0619-T002

Dockside: 0 3/10/18 11/02/19

HSAS-1018-T009 HSAS-0219-T007

Times: 09.00 –16.30

Duration: 1 Day

Venue: oneSource Training Centre/Dockside

Venue: oneSource Training Centre/Dockside

Trainer: David Brown

Trainer: David Brown

Price excluding VAT: £ 66.90

Price excluding VAT: £ 66.90 89

Safety and Wellbeing

Evac Chair Training

Fire Extinguisher

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Mid-day Assistants, Administrative Staff, Health & Safety Co-ordinators, Site/ Maintenance Staff, PVI Setting Staff and PVI Managers/Owners. The course content consists of a short theory session, covering key areas such as legislation and risk assessment, followed by a practical session which covers the use of the equipment. The objective is for all delegates to gain confidence in their ability to operate the equipment. Terms and Conditions (Please see documents for full terms and conditions).


Practical training course for employees who need to use Evac chairs in the event of an emergency.


After completing the course the delegate will be able to: • Have a basic understanding of the regulations affecting the mobility impaired • Prepare the equipment ready for use for use • Manoeuver the equipment to the escape route and down the stairs • Use the equipment and its restrictions • Return the equipment to its storage position • Have confidence in the equipment and the ability to operate it.

Dates: 05/11/18 28/01/19 20/05/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1119-T001 HSAS-0119-T005 HSAS-0519-T007

Times: 13.00 – 16.30


Duration: 3.5 Hrs

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Mid-day Assistants, Administrative Staff, Health & Safety Co-ordinators, Site/ Maintenance Staff, PVI Setting Staff and PVI Managers/Owners. Participants of this course will develop an understanding of when it is safe to tackle fires and learn the properties of various different types of extinguishers. This course is divided into a theory and a practical element. The practical element will allow delegates to have hands on experience of using different types of equipment (foam & CO2) on real fires in a controlled situation (delegates tackling the fire will be instructed 1:1, whilst the gas-fuelled fire simulators are controlled by our fire technician).


This course has been designed to develop the delegate’s competence in the use of portable fire fighting equipment and will cover the following topics: • Fire awareness • Classes of fire • Extinguishers (theory of, types, jet & spray extinguishers, siting, maintenance requirements, safe use of) • The speed of fire and smoke spread.


Delegates will be assessed during the practical element of the course. Delegates who demonstrate appropriate knowledge and skill will be provided with a certificate of competence

Dates: C1: 17/09/18

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0918-T007 HSAS-0918-T008 HSAS-0918-T001 HSAS-0918-T009

C2: 09/04/19

HSAS-0419-T004 HSAS-0419-T005 HSAS-0419-T006 HSAS-0419-T007

C3: 17/06/19

HSAS-0619-T006 HSAS-0619-T007 HSAS-0619-T008 HSAS-0619-T009

Times: 09.00, 11.00, 13.00 or 15.30

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Trainer: Simon Maher

Trainer: Simon Maher

Price excluding VAT: £62.00 subscribers. £78.00 non-subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: £42.00 subscribers. £47.00 non-subscribers.

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

First Aid at Work

Fire Marshal Training

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Health & Safety Co-ordinators, Site/Maintenance Staff, PVI Setting Staff and PVI Managers/Owners.


This course has been designed to develop the delegate’s competence in the role and responsibilities of a fire warden and in the use of portable fire fighting equipment. The course is divided into a theory and a practical element. The practical element will allow delegates to have hands on experience of using different types of equipment on real fires in a controlled situation. Delegates tackling the fire will be instructed 1:1, whilst the gas-fuelled fire simulators are controlled by our fire technician.

All School and PVI Employees.


This course meets the HSE’s criteria for a first aid at work qualification. The qualification lasts for three years.


• Have hands-on experience of operating fire extinguishers

This course provides the practical skills required in most workplaces to become a confident first aider. It will develop both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies Please note: A paediatric ‘add on’ course is available alongside this course and runs for a couple of hours on the final afternoon of the course giving delegates the full paediatric qualification (please see Paediatric First Aid Course details). Course Summary: • First Aid Priorities • The Unconscious Casualty • Head Injuries • Airway & Breathing Disorders • Circulation Disorders • Heart problems • Wounds/Bleeding & Bandaging • Poisoning • Burns & Scalds • Fractures & Dislocations • Strains & Sprains • Spinal injuries • Diabetes • Epilepsy • Health & Safety.




This session will give you the opportunities to: • Gain a greater knowledge of fire safety awareness and the role of a fire warden in the event of a fire

You will be able to: • Increase your understanding of the fire warden’s role • Learn how fires start and spread

Learners will be able to demonstrate to independent assessors, that they can provide first aid to the sick and injured – safely, promptly and effectively, according to F.A.I.B. standards. A First Aid at Work certificate will be issued to successful delegates.

• Know when it is safe to tackle a fire with a portable extinguisher


• Know the classes of different fire extinguishers and the class of fire it is suitable for

F.A.I.B (First Aid Industry Board).

• Gain practical experience of handling extinguishers. Delegates will be assessed during the practical element of the course and will complete a short multiple-choice paper. Successful delegates will be provided with a competence certificate.

Dates: C1: 24/09/18 C2: 18/03/19 C3: 09/07/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0918-T010 HSAS-0918-T011 HSAS-0319-T006 HSAS-0319-T007 HSAS-0719-T005 HSAS-0719-T006

Times: 09.00 – 12.00 or 13.00 – 16.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Dates: Romford: 0 5 – 07/09/18 10 – 12/10/18 10 – 12/12/18 29 – 31/01/19 04 – 06/03/19 01 – 03/05/19 26 – 28/06/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0918-T002 HSAS-1018-T002 HSAS-1218-T001 HSAS-0119-T003 HSAS-0319-T002 HSAS-0519-T001 HSAS-0619-T003

Dockside: 1 0 – 12/09/18 29 – 31/10/18 03 – 05/12/18 14 – 16/01/19 04 – 06/02/19 18 – 20/03/19 01 – 03/04/19 13 – 15/05/19 10 – 12/06/19 08 – 10/07/19

HSAS-0918-T014 HSAS-1018-T010 HSAS-1218-T005 HSAS-0119-T011 HSAS-0219-T006 HSAS-0319-T009 HSAS-0419-T009 HSAS-0519-T010 HSAS-0619-T014 HSAS-0719-T007

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Times: 09.00 –16.30

Trainer: Simon Maher

Venue: oneSource Training Centre/Dockside

Price excluding VAT: £74.00 subscribers. £93.00 non-subscribers.

Trainer: David Brown

Duration: 3 Days

Price excluding VAT: £ 169.95 91

Safety and Wellbeing

First Aid at Work Refresher

Food Hygiene Level 2

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





Please note: A Paediatric First Aid ‘add on’ course is available alongside this course and runs for a couple of hours on the final afternoon of course. (Please see Paediatric First Aid course for details).

The Design and Technology Association’s (DATA) accreditation scheme requires Food Technology Teachers to hold this qualification.

Course Summary: • First Aid Priorities • The Unconscious Casualty • Head Injuries • Airway & Breathing Disorders • Circulation Disorders • Heart problems • Wounds/Bleeding & Bandaging • Poisoning • Burns & Scalds • Fractures & Dislocations • Strains & Sprains • Spinal injuries • Diabetes • Epilepsy • Health & Safety


For all School and PVI Employees.

This course is for those individuals who already hold a valid, in date first aid at work certificate who need to renew their certificates and refresh their knowledge. This course refreshes the practical skills required to be a confident first aider. It will develop both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies.

Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff. Training suitable for those whose job role involves handling food, whether it is being produced, prepared, cooked, served, stored or distributed. Training compliant with the recommendations of The Food Safety Act 1991 which requires that anyone handling food must receive food safety training that is relevant to their role.

Successful delegates will receive a Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate.

• New first aid regulations/procedures.


Learners will be able to demonstrate to independent assessors that they can provide first aid to the sick and injured - safely, promptly and effectively, according to F.A.I.B. standards. Successful delegates will be issued with a First Aid at Work Certificate.

A ccreditations:

F.A.I.B (First Aid Industry Board). Dates: Romford: 2 7 – 28/09/18 22 – 23/11/18 23 – 24/01/19 01 – 02/04/19 03 – 04/06/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0918-T004 HSAS-1118-T003 HSAS-0119-T001 HSAS-0419-T001 HSAS-0619-T001

Dockside: 1 7 – 18/09/18 05 – 06/11/18 21 – 22/01/19 27 – 28/03/19 17 – 18/06/19

HSAS-0918-T016 HSAS-1118-T008 HSAS-0119-T012 HSAS-0319-T010 HSAS-0619-T015

Times: 09.00 –16.30


Duration: 2 Days

Dates: Romford: 0 1/11/18 08/03/19 05/06/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1118-T001 HSAS-0319-T003 HSAS-0719-T001

Dockside: 1 2/11/18 28/02/19

HSAS-1118-T009 HSAS-0219-T009

Times: 09.00 –14.00

Venue: oneSource Training Centre/Dockside

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Trainer: David Brown

Trainer: David Brown

Price excluding VAT: £ 133.90

Price excluding VAT: £ 56.65

Duration: 5 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Health and Safety Awareness for Managers

IOSH Managing Safely

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Governors, Bursars & Business Managers, Health & Safety Co-ordinators and PVI Setting Staff. This course is an introduction to the subject and will make managers & supervisors aware of their responsibilities in relation to managing health & safety in the workplace.


This session will give you the opportunities to: • Have an understanding of the Council’s/School’s Health & Safety Management System • Know about the general health & safety responsibilities of managers • Know how to ascertain what their job’s specific health & safety duties are.

Outcome: You will:

• Understand the role of the manager in ensuring effective health & safety management • Review recent case law • Develop hazard and unsafe act & omission identification skills • Gain an insight into accident causation & investigation. There is a short written test at the end of this course. Successful delegates will be issued with a certificate

Senior Leaders, Governors, Bursars & Business Managers, Health & Safety Co-ordinators and PVI Setting Staff. IOSH Managing Safely is a nationally recognised course for managers and supervisors. It develops the basic skills which are required to effectively manage health and safety. As the course is designed for all industries the presentation itself is not school specific, so the trainers will provide supplementary examples which are school-based where practicable. Delegates sit a written Assessment (multiple choice and short answer) and submit a project within two weeks of the course finish. LBH offer the condensed 4-day version of the course. Delegates are required to attend a minimum number of teaching hours, which means they must attend all of the sessions in order to sit the assessment. The course is normally run in two blocks of two days on consecutive weeks. Note: LBH requires all Headteachers to attend this course as the minimum standard.


This is a nationally recognised health & safety management course for managers and supervisors to gain the skills they need to tackle safety and health issues in the workplace.


You will: • Understand the criminal and civil implications for both the organisation and for the individual • Develop hazard identification and risk assessment skills • Be aware of the benefits and disadvantages of proactive and reactive monitoring • Have an insight into environmental management.


IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) Managing Safely Certificate.

Dates: 12/09/18 06/02/19 22/05/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0918-T001 HSAS-0219-T002 HSAS-0519-T004

Times: 09.00 – 12.30

Duration: 3.5 Hrs

Dates: C1: 2 9/11/18, 30/11/18, 06/12/18, 07/12/18

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1118-T004

C2: 2 1/03/19, 22/03/19, 28/03/19 29/03/19


C3: 09/05/19, 10/05/19, 16/05/19 17/05/19


Times: 09.00-17.00

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Trainer: Kerry Judge

Trainer: Stephen Catley

Price excluding VAT: £62.00 subscribers. £78.00 non-subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: £482.00 subscribers. £536.00 non-subscribers.

Duration: 4 Days


Safety and Wellbeing

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Governors, Subject Leaders, Bursars & Business Managers and Health & Safety Co-ordinators.


A practical and engaging one-day course that keeps employees up to date with IOSH Managing Safely Training.


This course is recommended for: Teachers and Site/Maintenance Staff.


This course will enable delegates to appreciate if they should be using extension ladders and stepladders for the tasks they perform. They will understand how to safety use stepladders and extension ladders.

Not only will delegates get to refresh their knowledge on the key parts of the full Managing safely course, there’s also a much greater emphasis on monitoring, auditing and reviewing, which is learned through two practical case studies.


For delegates to be eligible to take the Refresher course, they must do so within three years of completing their Managing Safely course.

• When it is appropriate to use a ladder or stepladder

Assessment on the course is via an interactive quiz, discussions and completion of a practical exercise based on the operations of a real business.

The course includes a practical element and therefore a reasonable level of fitness is required.


Successful delegates will receive an IOSH Managing Safely Certificate.

Dates: 15/11/18 07/02/19 04/07/19 Times: 09.00 – 17.00


Ladder and Stepladder Safety

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1118-T005 HSAS-0219-T004 HSAS-0719-T004 Duration: 1 Day

By the end of the course participants will understand: • The main causes of ladder & stepladder accidents • How to conduct a pre-use inspection of a ladder or stepladder • How to erect and work from ladders & stepladders.


Delegates who successfully complete the practical and short assessment paper will receive a certificate.

Dates: 04/10/18 10/04/19 19/06/19 Times: 13.00 – 16.30

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1018-T006 HSAS-0419-T003 HSAS-0619-T005 Duration: 3.5 Hrs

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Trainer: Stephen Catley

Trainer: Stephen Catley

Price excluding VAT: £167.00 subscribers. £186.00 non-subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: £62.00 subscribers. £78.00 non-subscribers.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Legionella Awareness

Manual Handling

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Bursars & Business a and Health & Safety Co-ordinators. This course will give delegates a greater awareness of the health risks associated with Legionella within educational establishments.


Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Exam officers, Mid-day Assistants, Administrative Staff, Site/Maintenance Staff and PVI Setting Staff. This assessed course is aimed at employees who have to undertake manual handling tasks. This course includes large practical elements.


This course will cover: • The health risks associated with Legionella bacteria

This session will give you opportunities to:

• The conditions required for the bacteria to breed

• Develop the understanding of what the term “manual handling” means

• The key elements in an effective water hygiene management programme.


Delegates will understand the risks posed by Legionella and responsibilities of employers to manage Legionella in the workplace.

• Learn about the health risks associated with manual handling operations • Learn about the actions to be avoided to prevent injury • Know various safe handling techniques and have the opportunity to practise these.

Outcome: You will:

• Be aware of your and your employers’ duties under the legislation pertaining to manual handling • Understand the types of injury which manual handling tasks present • Be aware of the factors which increase the risk of injury • Know the actions which must be avoided to minimise the risk.

Dates: 16/01/19 12/06/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0119-T010 HSAS-0619-T013

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Dates: 25/09/18 19/03/19 11/06/19

Trainer: Stephen Catley

Times: 09.00 – 12.30

Price excluding VAT: £42.00 subscriber. £50.00 nonsubscriber. Related booking discount: Discount applied when both Asbestos Awareness and Legionella Awareness are purchased for the same date.

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Times: 11.00 – 12.30

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0918-T005 HSAS-0319-T005 HSAS-0619-T004 Duration: 3.5 Hrs

Trainer: Robert Train Price excluding VAT: £62.00 subscribers. £78.00 non-subscribers. 95

Safety and Wellbeing

Manual Handling Assessor This course is recommended for:

Subject Leaders, Bursars & Business Managers, Health & Safety Co-ordinators, Site/Maintenance Staff and PVI Managers/Owners.


This course will enable participants to understand their role in managing the risks associated with manual handling activities undertaken by the staff they manage. This also includes undertaking risk assessments.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Develop an understanding of your legal duties in relation to the manual handling activities undertaken by your Team • Understand what constitutes safe and unsafe handling practice • Develop manual handling risk assessment skills. The course includes practical elements on safe handling technique and manual handling risk assessment. Delegates must therefore be in reasonable health. Delegates will be assessed during the manual handling skills practical and there is a written test at the end of this course. Successful delegates will be issued with a certificate.

Outcome: You will:

• Understand the risk factors which manual handling tasks pose to your staff • Be able to use safe handling techniques • Be aware of the legislative requirements in relation to manual handling activities • Be able to undertake simple manual handling assessments.

Paediatric First Aid This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Pastoral Officers, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Exam officers, Mid-day Assistants, Site/Maintenance Staff, SENCo/Early Year Practitioners and PVI Setting Staff.


This course is for anyone keen to learn lifesaving First Aid skills specific to children and infants. It meets the standards for compulsory Child Care Register with Ofsted and the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.


Course Summary: • Planning for and dealing with first aid emergencies • Age appropriate resuscitation procedures • Recognising and dealing with shock • Anaphylactic shock • Electric shock • Bleeding • Cases of poisoning • Foreign bodies in eyes, ears and noses • Burns and scalds • Choking • Suspected fractures • Head, neck, back injuries • Eye injuries • Bites and stings • The effects of extreme heat and cold • Febrile convulsions • Recognising and responding appropriately to the emergency needs of children with chronic medical conditions (e.g. epilepsy, asthma, sickle cell anaemia, diabetes) • Recognising and responding appropriately to meningitis and other serious sudden illnesses.


Learners will be able to assess an emergency situation and provide safe, prompt and effective first aid to sick and injured children/ infants. Successful delegates will be issued with a Paediatric First Aid certificate.

Accreditations: F.A.I.B (First Aid Industry Board). Dates: 03/10/18 13/02/19 10/07/19 Times: 09.00 – 17.00

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1018-T005 HSAS-0219-T003 HSAS-0719-T003 Duration: Full day

Venue: LMS Training Room, Bower Park Academy, Romford, RM1 4YY


Dates: Romford: 1 8 – 19/10/18 04 – 05/04/19

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-1018-T003 HSAS-0419-T010

Dockside: 2 4 – 25/09/18 01 – 02/07/19

HSAS-0918-T017 HSAS-0718-T005

Times: 09.00 – 16.30

Duration: 2 Days

Trainer: Stephen Catley

Venue: oneSource Training Centre/Dockside

Price excluding VAT: £124.00 subscribers. £155.00 non-subscribers.

Trainer: David Brown Price excluding VAT: £ 103.00

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Risk Assessment

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018 – Briefing

This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Bursars & Business Managers, Health & Safety Co-ordinators, Site/Maintenance Staff and PVI Managers/Owners.


This course is designed to enable employees to develop the skills necessary to be able to undertake basic risk assessments. The course includes practical sessions where delegates can gain hands-on experience of the risk assessment process.


Employers are legally required to undertake risk assessments covering their work activities. This course will give delegates the knowledge and skills to be able to undertake basic risk assessments and, importantly, to understand the limitations of their competence. There is a short written test at the end of the course. Successful delegates will be issued with a certificate

This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Governors and Designated Safeguarding Leads.


Note: This course may also be run earlier in the year. This will be dictated by the DfE publication date. This is a briefing for school leaders and designated safeguarding leads on this key statutory document. (Publication date not known).


This course will cover the key changes and updates in the KCSIE 2018 document and will advise schools on how to embed these changes in their in school policies and processes.


Schools will understand how to meet the changes to the statutory safeguarding requirements.


By the end of the course participants will: • Be familiar with the legislation that requires risk assessments to be undertaken • Know and understand the meaning of hazard and risk as used in risk assessment • Be able to undertake general risk assessments • Be aware of their limitations and be able to identify where additional training or specialist help may be required.

“It has changed my view on how I approached health & safety. I now see it as a more supportive part of my work rather than an inconvenience.” Dates: 11/09/18 15/01/19 14/05/19 Times: 13.00 – 16.30

Course Codes (from portal): HSAS-0918-T006 HSAS-0119-T004 HSAS-0519-T006 Duration: 3.5 Hrs

Date: 12/09/18 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0918-T007 Times: 09.00 – 12.00

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: oneSource Training Centre

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Kerry Judge

Trainer: Penny Patterson

Price excluding VAT: £62.00 subscribers. £78.00 non-subscribers.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 97

Safety and Wellbeing

Safeguarding and Child Protection – Top up session This course is recommended for:

Senior Leaders, Governors, Pastoral Officers, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Subject Leaders, Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, Exam officers, Mid-day Assistants, Bursars & Business Managers, Finance Officers, Assessment Co-ordinators, Exam Officers, Timetablers, Pastoral Officers, Administrative Staff, Attendance, Health & Safety Co-ordinators, Site/Maintenance Staff, SENCo/ Inclusion Manager, SENCo/Early Year Practitioners, EAL Co-ordinators.


You will be able to recognise and know the: • Signs and symptoms of abuse including neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse • Considerations of hidden harm and cultural practices • Reporting mechanism for staff and concerns about a child • Whistleblowing protocol and the role of the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) • Contact details for the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) and the LADO.


A key priority for Hsis Safeguarding team is to have a workforce that is competent and appropriately skilled to carry out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This session will give you the opportunity to learn and understand the importance of safeguarding and to feel competent to carry out your responsibilities for safeguarding and creating an environment where you will feel able to raise concerns and feel supported in your role. This session will enable all staff to appropriately fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities.


• You will be able to recognise a range of safeguarding concerns. • You will know the actions to take in school. • You will know what your legal safeguarding duties are.

Dates: 26/09/18 23/01/19 06/06/19 Times: 16.15 – 17.45

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-0918-T006 Hsis-0119-T007 Hsis-0619-T007 Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233) Trainer: Penny Patterson Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of School Improvement package of courses, 1&3. Please contact us. (See details above). 98

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk


Green Cross Training

Green Cross Training has been servicing the needs of businesses and the education sector throughout the UK for over 20 years. The company is a registered training centre, offering (QCF & RQF) nationally recognised qualifications in First Aid. Green Cross provides a full range of statutory First Aid courses for workplace compliance, Paediatric First Aid courses for the safety and wellbeing of younger and Early Years learners, Schools First Aid courses covering emergency situations typical in the school environment and pick & mix First Aid Inset Training to meet the specific requirements of a school. We have developed GEMS, an Online Management system, where you will be able to manage all your training needs through our easy to use portal. You can manage all training, expirys, candidates and pass/fail with one simple interface. With 3 levels of user access for your learner management system, you are in complete control of information and ensuring that those who need it, have it. All your training, learner feedback, pass/fail outcomes and training expiry. All in one easy to use interface with dashboard control with the ability to download certificates.



Cost per person (on site)

Cost per person (off site)

Cost per full course

Emergency First Aid at Work

1 Day

HSE approved course suitable for nominated emergency first aiders in smaller workplaces that present few health and safety risks, or anyone wanting a comprehensive one day first aid course.




First Aid at Work

3 Days

HSE approved course for nominated workplace first aiders, or anyone wanting a comprehensive introduction to first aid.




First Aid at Work Requalification

2 Days

HSE approved course for nominated workplace first aiders, or anyone wanting a comprehensive introduction to first aid.




1 Day

A course which meets the requirements of the Early Years foundation stage statutory framework and Ofsted requirements for registered childminders. The course focuses on emergency scenarios that are faced by professionals looking after young children up to the age of eight.




Paediatric First Aid

2 Days

A course which meets the requirements of the Early Years foundation stage statutory framework and Ofsted requirements for registered childminders. The course focuses on emergency scenarios that are faced by professionals looking after young children up to the age of eight.





3 Hrs

Covers emergency situations common in the school environment.




CPR & AED Annual refresher

3 Hrs

A course for anyone who needs training in how and when to use an auto injector in the treatment of anaphylaxis.




Anaphylaxis First Aid

3 Hrs

A course for anyone who needs training in how and when to use an auto injector in the treatment of anaphylaxis.





Emergency Paediatric First Aid


Book direct with Green Cross Training at: 0330 120 + option 0 + (ext) 221 or email infor@greencrosstraining.co.uk

Green Cross Training offers bespoke online learning training courses which mean schools and education settings can update their skillset and development across a whole range of different business areas. By working in a totally online environment it makes it easier than ever to access training for staff with busy schedules and manage their careers and career goals with relative ease. Online learning comes with benefits such as lower training costs, convenience and flexibility 24/7 to do selected courses from any geographical location or sector. The wide range of courses and qualifications applicable to schools and education settings include: • Allergen Awareness

• Fire Warden/ Marshal

• Moving and Handling of People

• Anaphylaxis

• First Aid

• Riddor

• Basic Life Support

• Food Safety – Level 1

• Safeguarding Children

• Data Protection

• Food Safety – Level 2

• Safeguarding of Vulnerable People (SOVA)

• Display Screen Equipment

• Health and Safety

• Stress Awareness

• Equality and Diversity

• Infection Prevention and Control

• Stroke Awareness

• Fire Safety

• Manual and Handling of Objects 101

Development for TAs and HLTAs


For booking and information: 01708 554 016 or email: brittonsadultcollege@havering.gov.uk

An Introduction to Supporting Dyslexia for Teaching Assistants

Behaviour Management – An introduction for Teaching Assistants

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





TAs are often assigned as support for children with dyslexia and feel they have little or no knowledge of how to do this effectively. This course will be of benefit to those who are interested in learning about supporting children with dyslexia.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Learn some of the signs that may indicate dyslexic tendencies • Consider strategies to help you to support children with dyslexia • Experience what dyslexia might feel like • Recognise the importance of viewing dyslexia as a difference and not a disability.


Teaching Assistants who want to develop their skills in behaviour management and become more confident in their classroom practice will find this course a useful introduction. The course will consider how our own behaviour can impact positively and negatively on the behaviour of children and young people and how the use of positive behaviour management techniques can lead to calmer, more purposeful learning environments.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Learn how children’s behaviour can be managed through positive approaches • Consider the principles of using rewards and sanctions as tools for behaviour management

You will be able to:

• Discuss some of the causes of inappropriate behaviour in school.

• Support children and young people with dyslexia more confidently


• Understand how the experience of dyslexia is different for individuals

• Approach Behaviour Management more positively

• Use strategies that will make support of children and young people with dyslexia more effective.

You will be able to: • Use rewards and sanctions consistently and fairly • Recognise how your own attitudes and behaviours can contribute to negative behavioural responses.

Date: To be arranged with school

Date: To be arranged with school

Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T004

Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T003

Times: To be arranged with school

Times: To be arranged with school

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: Participating school

Venue: Participating school

Trainer: Joanne Mead

Trainer: Joanne Mead

Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for in Havering schools £350.00 for out of borough schools.

Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for Havering schools £350.00 for out of borough schools.

Duration: 3 Hrs


Development for TAs and HLTAs

Introduction to Phonics for TAs

Supporting ADHD in the Classroom

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:




TAs and LSAs.

Many Teaching Assistants feel ill-prepared to support children to develop their early reading and writing and this course aims to provide TAs and LSAs with essential facts about phonics. This single INSET CPD session will be of benefit to both new and experienced Teaching Assistants who want to feel better equipped to support children effectively in the classroom. Where schools do not have sufficient numbers to warrant booking on-site training, we may be able to accommodate TAs in our existing programme of evening and weekend classes. Dates for our college courses are advertised in the college prospectus and website.


Teaching Assistants sometimes feel ill-equipped to support children with ADHD and this course aims to provide them with essential strategies as well as a deeper appreciation of ADHD as a learning difficulty. This single INSET CPD session will be of benefit to both new and experienced Teaching Assistants. Where schools do not have sufficient numbers to warrant booking on-site training, we may be able to accommodate TAs in our existing programme of evening and weekend classes. Dates for our college courses are advertised in the college prospectus and website.


This session will give you opportunities to:

This session will give you opportunities to:

• Develop support strategies for working with children with ADHD

• Understand the principles of synthetic phonics

• Appreciate the impact of ADHD on children’s learning.

• Learn about practical approaches to use when supporting phonics learning, including ideas for games.



• Approach ADHD support more confidently

You will be able to: • Approach phonics support more confidently

You will be able to: • Apply strategies that help to support children with ADHD to reach their educational potential.

• Apply strategies that help to support development of early reading and writing skills.


Date: To be arranged with school

Date: To be arranged with school

Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T008

Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T001

Times: To be arranged with school

Times: To be arranged with school

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: Participating school

Venue: Participating school

Trainer: Joanne Mead

Trainer: Brenda Hunt

Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for Havering schools. £350.00 for out of borough schools.

Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for Havering schools. £350.00 for out of borough schools.

Duration: 3 Hrs

For booking and information: 01708 554 016 or email: brittonsadultcollege@havering.gov.uk

Supporting Autism in the Classroom

Supporting EAL – A Toolkit Approach for Teaching Assistants

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



TAs and LSAs.


This course is targeted at those working alongside pupils living with autism and provides an essential toolkit to support staff. It will provide TAs/LSAs with a greater awareness of autism and participants will work together to identify strategies for providing meaningful support. This single INSET CPD session will be of benefit to both new and experienced Teaching Assistants. Where schools do not have sufficient numbers to warrant booking on-site training, we may be able to accommodate TAs in our existing programme of evening and weekend classes. Dates for our college courses are advertised in the college prospectus and website.


Many Teaching Assistants feel ill-prepared to support EAL pupils. This single INSET CPD session will be of benefit to both new and experienced Teaching Assistants who want to feel better equipped to support effectively children whose first language is not English. Where schools do not have sufficient numbers to warrant booking on-site training, we may be able to accommodate TAs in our existing programme of evening and weekend classes. Dates for our college courses are advertised in the college prospectus and website.


This session will give you opportunities to:

This session will give you opportunities to: • Develop your understanding of autism as a spectrum disorder

• Consider a range of strategies that can be used to scaffold language and learning

• Identify strategies for providing meaningful support to children on the autistic spectrum.

• Explore how best you can support children whose first language is not English


• Understand the importance of promoting the idea that all languages and cultures are seen to make a positive contribution to the life of the school, enhancing and enriching the school community.

You will be able to: • Approach supporting children and young people with autism more confidently • Use specific strategies to provide meaningful support in school.


You will be able to: • Approach EAL support more positively • Apply strategies that help to support second language acquisition.

Date: To be arranged with school

Date: To be arranged with school

Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T002

Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T005

Times: To be arranged with school

Times: To be arranged with school

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: Participating school

Venue: Participating school

Trainer: Brenda Hunt

Trainer: Joanne Mead

Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for Havering schools. £350.00 for out of borough schools.

Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for Havering schools. £350.00 for out of borough schools.

Duration: 3 Hrs


Development for TAs and HLTAs

Supporting English at Key Stage 2

The Sex Factor – Gender and Learning Support

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





Teaching Assistants can feel that their own lack of confidence in English impacts on the support that they can provide to children in Key Stage 2. This course sets out to equip TAs/LSAs with some of the essential skills that are required to effectively support children from 7 to 11 years old to develop their spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary.

• Develop some of the skills needed to provide effective support.

There is very little difference in what girls and boys can learn, but there is emerging evidence that there are differences in how they learn. This course is suitable for Teaching Assistants currently supporting teaching and learning in Key Stages 1 and 2 and will look at the perceived difference between boys’ and girls’ attitudes to learning and how this might impact on the support provided. The course also considers gender identity as a wider social debate and the impact that this might have on supporting teaching and learning. This single INSET CPD session will be of benefit to both new and experienced Teaching Assistants. Where schools do not have sufficient numbers to warrant booking on-site training, we may be able to accommodate TAs in our existing programme of evening and weekend classes. Dates for our college courses are advertised in the college prospectus and website.



• Use new skills, knowledge and understanding to support children’s acquisition in Key Stage 2

• Reflect upon your own attitudes towards supporting boys and girls


This session will give you opportunities to: • Consider the demands of the Primary English curriculum in KS2 English and how English language skills impact on a child’s ability to access to the whole curriculum • Identify own gaps in knowledge in relation to the curriculum

This session will give you opportunities to:

You will be able to:

• Recognise where further training is needed to develop own skills further • Understand how fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all subjects.

• Consider whether different approaches are needed when supporting boys and girls • Think about the impact that the current gender debate may have on supporting teaching and learning.


You will be able to: • Apply good practice principles relating to gender identity in the classroom • Apply strategies that help to support children, regardless of gender, to reach their educational potential.


Date: To be arranged with school

Date: To be arranged with school

Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T006

Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T007

Times: To be arranged with school

Times: To be arranged with school

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: Participating school

Venue: Participating school

Trainer: Joanne Mead

Trainer: Brenda Hunt

Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for Havering schools. £350.00 for out of borough schools.

Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for Havering schools. £350.00 for out of borough schools.

Duration: 3 Hrs

For booking and information: 01708 554 016 or email: brittonsadultcollege@havering.gov.uk

Understanding Mental Health in Young People This course is recommended for: TAs.


This course will be of benefit to anyone working in a support role in school who wants to extend their knowledge of child and adolescent mental health. This single INSET CPD session will be of benefit to both new and experienced Teaching Assistants. Where schools do not have sufficient numbers to warrant booking on-site training, we may be able to accommodate TAs in our existing programme of evening and weekend classes. Dates for our college courses are advertised in the college prospectus and website.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Become aware of the psychological and emotional needs of children and young people who are experiencing mental and emotional distress • Understand the importance of promoting emotional wellbeing and the factors that help to safeguard children and young people from harm in relation to their mental health.


You will be able to: • Approach supporting children and young people with mental health issues more confidently • Promote emotional wellbeing • Recognise the role that support staff play in addressing the mental health needs of pupils.

Date: To be arranged with school Course Code (from portal): AC-TAILORED-T009 Times: To be arranged with school

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: Participating school Trainer: Brenda Hunt Price excluding VAT: £350.00 for Havering schools. £350.00 for out of borough schools. 107

Early Years


For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Attachment and the Role of the Key Person

Childminder Safeguarding Training

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Teachers, HLTAs, TAs, SENCo/Early Year Practitioners and PVI Setting


Children benefit from forming strong bonds with those that care for and educate them. Emotional attachment is embodied in the role of the Key Person in which a professional caring for children is encouraged, to form a strong emotional bond with children in their care. This course will explore the meaning of attachment and theories behind it, the difference between a Key Person and a key worker and the role of the Key Person.


This training will cover the broad aspects of safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of children with the main focus being on the role and responsibilities of the childminder. It will support the development of a consistent approach to child safeguarding and provide you with the knowledge and understanding to embed child safeguarding in to your day to day practice.



You will gain a deeper understanding of:

You will be able to:

• Your role in keeping children within your setting safe from harm

• Consider the role of the Key Person

• An overview of the 4 categories of abuse; their signs and indicators; particularly non verbal

• Gain practical strategies for managing this emotionally charged role

• What actions to take when you have a concern

• Understand how the Key Person supports learning and development

• Any recent changes in legislation and guidance affecting this role

• Gain practical strategies to support the Key Person role

• The implications of these changes for your provision

• Appreciate the links between parents and the Key Person.

• Current issues in safeguarding.



• Be able to describe some of the key features of attachment theory • Identify the role of the Key Person • Implement strategies to promote attachment relationships in an Early Years setting.

Date: 21/11/18 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T013 Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233) Trainer: Celia Freeth Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

This course will give you opportunities to: • Update your knowledge and understanding of current safeguarding requirements • Reflect on your role and responsibilities • Consider how your policies and procedures are effectively implemented in your provision.

Dates: 08/12/18 16/03/19 22/06/19 Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-1218-T006 Hsis-0319-T010 Hsis-0619-T017 Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233+234) Trainer: Celia Freeth Price excluding VAT: Free for Havering Childminders. £65.00 for out of borough Childminders. 109

Early Years

Come into the Garden – Raising Achievement Outdoors

Concepts Count! Extending Children’s Mathematical Thinking

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.

Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.

Delivered by Early Education this full day course is for those who are passionate about offering exciting opportunities outdoors for all children. Participants are encouraged to bring with them examples of good practice within their setting. There will be opportunities for these to be shared and for discussion of particularly successful strategies employed by participants. The outdoors offers the potential for rich learning opportunities for all children. This course will consider the value of first hand experiences and how practitioners can ensure that the outdoor environment offers these. There will be discussion about the importance of children being immersed in nature and how loose parts play can encourage all children to be creative outdoors. Whilst considering the role of the practitioner there will be an exploration of the meaning of child led learning and how this can be encouraged and supported.


During the day the following will be explored: • The importance of real, first hand experiences

Children’s development of a range of mathematical concepts is rooted firmly in the rich and varied experiences that they encounter. Children need opportunities to revisit and build upon concepts and ideas; they need to encounter problems and be able to apply their own systems and strategies in solving them. During this training day practitioners will gain a greater understanding of how to plan for and sustain opportunity filled provision. They will develop the confidence and skills to be responsive to and supportive of, children’s interests whilst igniting deep levels of mathematical thinking.


This session will give you the opportunity to consider: • The importance of problem solving and how continuous provision can provide opportunities for children to solve problems • Planning systems that support the development of early mathematical skills

• The benefits of free flow and child-led learning

• How children’s interests can be a starting point for mathematical exploration

• Loose parts, nature and creativity.

• The role of the adult in supporting mathematical thinking.



• Assess your current practice and consider how you may enhance your environment

• Reflect upon the quality of existing provision and consider how this may be enhanced

• Be confident in your ability to offer first hand experiences outdoors that allow children to explore their creativity.

• Consider how children’s mathematical development can be supported through continuous provision

Following this course you will be able to:

Following this session you will be able to:

• Embed problem solving experiences within continuous provision.

Date: 09/11/18

Date: 15/10/18

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T011

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T012

Times: 09.30 – 15.30


Duration: 6 Hrs

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above) One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above) One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Conversations Matter – The Role of the Adult in Extracting Children’s Language and Communication in the Early Years (Schools)

Developing an Effective Learning Environment This course is recommended for: Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.


This course is recommended for: Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.


In her role as leader of the Early Years team in Lewisham, it was Kym’s consistent experience that the best Early Years practitioners are those who understand the importance of supporting children’s language development through play and practical experience, and by engaging in high quality conversations with them.


This session will draw upon key research and evidence based practice around children’s communication and language and implications for practice. Effective strategies will be provided for supporting children who are operating below typical levels, as well as ways of challenging and extending children who have a strong foundation in this area.


We know it is essential that the continuous provision we provide for our children needs to be inviting, age appropriate and well organised. This practical course will dig deeper looking at how already established continuous provision can be enhanced to provoke and develop more independent thinking, learning and questioning. We will look at how much key learning can be introduced and reinforced through well planned provision. This course is designed for teachers and practitioners who are continually striving for ways to improve their practice and provide rich experiences in their classroom. It will also look briefly at the role that adults play in this process.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Explore how continuous provision supports learning and development • Discover how to enhance continuous provision

Delegates will: • Be clear of the key elements that make for high quality interactions with children • Receive a supportive structure to enable practitioners to plan appropriately for these elements • Be more confident to tune into and build upon children’s thinking • Understand the importance of scaffolding children’s language through challenging play and practical experiences which incorporate the passions of young children.

• Consider how children’s independence can be developed through continuous provision • Explore the role of the adult in developing continuous provision.


You will be able to: • Review existing practice at your setting • Return to your setting and be able to plan the next steps in this area.

Date: 04/10/18 Date: 02/05/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T010

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T014

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 6 Hrs

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235)

Venue: CEME (234)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above) One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).


Early Years

Diversity – Understanding Equality and Diversity Issues in the Early Years

EYFS Meet the Moderator This course is recommended for: Teachers.


Only attend if you will be receiving an EYFSP Moderation visit from the Local Authority. You will be informed by the end of the Spring Term.

This course is recommended for: Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.


Meet your moderators and set a date for your moderation visit.


This course explores issues relating to Diversity and Equality in the Early Years, including the Equality Act and Prevent Duty.


Outcome: Dates for LA Moderation visit agreed.

Delegates will have opportunities to: • Understand terms relating to equalities and diversity • Become aware of the Equality Act and Prevent Duty, and further explore issues that directly relate to us within Early Years in relation to these areas • Reflect on the impact of discrimination and how we can develop our own practice in the light of this.


By the end of this course practitioners will feel more confident to challenge discrimination, support diversity and promote equality in their setting.

Date: 09/07/19 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0719-T004 Times: 09.30 – 12.30


Date: 02/05/19 Duration: 3 Hrs

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T009

Venue: CEME (233)

Times: 16.00 – 18.00

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Venue: CEME (233+234+235)

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Duration: 2 Hrs

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

EYFSP Moderation

First Aid for Childminders

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:





EYFSP Moderation This training session will provide an overview of current good practice in relation to moderation processes and principles

This 12 hour face-to-face course held over 2 days is delivered by Swift First Aid Training. The course is accredited by reputable awarding bodies.



EYFS profile purposes, principles and processes • How to assess for the EYFSP • Quality assurance of assessments • Completion of the EYFSP • Exemplification materials.



A professional discussion with other teachers, LA advisors and colleagues focusing on the EYFSP. There will also be an element of agreement trialling.

Dates: 12/12/18 23/01/19 28/02/19 04/04/19 Times: 1 3:00 – 15:00 16:00 – 18:00

You will learn about: Being Safe, Vital Signs, Incident Handling, Unconsciousness, CPR & Choking, Wounds & Bleeding, Minor Injuries, Major Injuries, Eye, Ears & Nose, Common Medical Issues, Sudden Illness, Extreme Heat & Cold, Burns & Scalds, Bites, Stings & Poisons, Record Keeping and First Aid Regulations.

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1218-T001

Duration: 2 Hrs

Venue: CEME (234+235) CEME (233+234)

This course is in line with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and meets the needs of Ofsted. It will provide learners with the skills and confidence to deal with life-threatening situations; they will also receive knowledge in how to deal with illnesses and injuries which can occur with children, including bleeding, asthma, burns, choking, fractures, soft tissue injuries, head injuries and more.

Dates: Session 1: 13/10/18 Session 2: 20/10/18

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-1018-T017

Session 1: 02/02/19 Session 2: 09/02/19


Session 1: 18/05/19 Session 2: 25/05/19


Times: 9.00 – 15.30

Duration: 6.5 Hrs

Venue: C EME (234+235), CEME (235), CEME (234+235)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).

Price excluding VAT: Free for Havering Childminders. £65.00 for out of borough Childminders. 113

Early Years

From Vision to Provision – Early Years Leadership Programme This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Senior Leaders and Teachers.

Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.

The EYFS leadership programme has been designed to facilitate further continuing professional development for Early Years Leaders focusing specifically on the establishment of a vision for everyday practice, the practical application of leadership strategies and the ensuring of a great start to school for all Havering Reception aged pupils.


• School/Havering/London/National overviews. Trends and Headlines – questions for your setting • 2017 Moderation feedback – Quality of observations and assessments • Moderating writing – identifying exceeding • Establishing a vision for EYFS • Key aspects of Child Led, Adult Initiated and Adult Led • Effective use of the outdoor.


The programme will provide: • Inspiration to help shape and then deliver a clear vision for your setting • Opportunities to reflect upon your own leadership within your current setting • An enhanced understanding of leadership and management strategies and styles • Peer learning • Credible, valid and reliable professional development provided by expert EYFS professionals.


Delegates will have opportunities to: • Explore the meaning and purpose of values in relation to young children and the EYFS • Explore the role of the adult in developing children’s understanding of values in everyday situations and throughout their relationships with others • Consider how practitioners can develop systems to support sustained shared thinking through the organisation of the day, routines and how practitioners can support the development of sustained shared thinking • Explore how these values can be developed in relation to different ages and stages within their settings • Consider how practitioners and parents can work together to promote positive values with children.


• Practitioners develop an understanding of how to promote positive values throughout their setting in an age/stage appropriate way

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T014 Times: S ession 1: 9.00 – 16.00 Sessions 2,3,4, 6: repeated on the same days – 9.00 – 16.00 Session 5: 9.00 – 17.00

This training course will: • Clarify the meaning and purpose of values • Encourage practitioners to reflect on their value base • Share some desirable universal values to promote with young children and how these are matched to different stages of development • Provide information on the government mandate to promote British Values and ways to meet Ofsted requirements in this aspect of work • Consider how to deal with sensitive topics relating to values • Suggest how to work closely with parents.

The sessions will be delivered through trainer input, group and paired discussions, practical activities and film clips.

Dates: Session 1: 19/10/18 Session 2: 03/12/18 Session 3: 11/02/19 Session 4: 02/04/19 Session 5: 09/05/19 Session 6: 02/07/19 Must attend all 6 sessions

Duration: 1 & 5: Full day 2/3/4/6: 3 hrs (run twice daily)

Venue: C EME (233+234+235) Session 1 and 5 (POD and 233+234+235)


Growing and Nurturing Young Children’s Universal Values

• Practitioners consider ways to work in partnership with parents regarding positive values. Date: 31/10/18 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1018-T016 Times: 09.30 – 12.30 Venue: CEME (233+234+235)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only.

Price excluding VAT: £65.00 for in borough schools £65.00 for out of borough schools.

Duration: 3 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

How to Ensure Challenge and Progression through Play and Practical Experience

Introduction to Safeguarding This course is recommended for: Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.

This course is recommended for:


Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.


Children need and deserve to learn through rich, varied and imaginative experiences, which extend their thinking, encourage the highest levels of motivation and engagement, and enable them to consistently demonstrate and develop characteristics of effective learning. Child initiated learning provides a wellresearched and highly effective way of doing this. However, in order to ensure challenge and progression, the role of the adult is crucial in providing an enabling environment and appropriate support for children as they access this.


The course will highlight numerous ways of supporting progress in all areas of learning and development, through tuning into how children learn best, their passions and preoccupations and providing resources and adult interactions that support this. Examples of inspiring practice from early years classrooms and settings will be used to illustrate rich and challenging play based experiences, indoors and out.


This training is designed for all staff working in pre-school or nursery settings. It will support the development of a consistent approach to child safeguarding within a setting and give all staff the knowledge and understanding to embed child safeguarding in their day to day practice. Delegates will only need to attend one session.


This session will provide knowledge and understanding of: • Your role in keeping children within your setting safe from harm • The 4 categories of abuse, their signs and indicators; particularly non verbal • What actions to take when you have a concern • How effective communication can help you gather appropriate information • Your own perceptions and beliefs and their impact on your actions • Keeping the child in focus whilst dealing with the challenges of speaking to parents/carers/DSL when you have a concern.


The course will: • Share research around the characteristics of learning and the key role of play within these • Consider the key role of the adult in sensitively supporting children’s self-initiated play • Give delegates numerous ideas to take away for exciting and challenging play based experiences that can be cheaply and easily implemented in practice • Explore how to develop the learning environment indoors and outdoors so that it maximises the potential for learning at the highest levels.

You will be able to: • Recognise signs of potential child abuse and be able to escalate your concern • Communicate appropriately and confidently with the child and their parents/carers to establish facts to support the need for further action by the setting • Raise a concern with your DSL using your settings policy and procedures • Understand how decisions are made by Children’s Services • Seek advice from the Early Help Team or Havering’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub.

Date: 28/03/19 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0419-T005

Venue: CEME (233)

Dates: 09/10/18 (Autumn 2018) 14/01/19 (Spring 2019)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). For Havering Early Years Settings, one free place is available per course. £65.00 for out of borough schools.

Venue: CEME (234)

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 6 Hrs

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-1018-T011 Hsis-0119-T010 Duration: 3 Hrs

Trainer: Celia Freeth Price excluding VAT: £65.00 for in borough schools £65.00.00 for out of borough schools. 115

Early Years

Introduction to the EYFS This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the curriculum for children from birth to five. All settings and schools that educate young children must implement the EYFS. To do this effectively all staff must have knowledge and understanding of the EYFS and their responsibilities when working with young children. This course is aimed at those who are new to the EYFS. It is specifically aimed at practitioners working in PVI settings. This course will give an overview of the EYFS. You will have the opportunity to look at the Prime Areas of learning and think about how you would plan activities that support development. You will consider what observation means and how you can become an effective observer of young children. You will have the opportunity to consider how you may effectively link planning to observations.

Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.

This session will empower practitioners to use positive behaviour strategies when managing children’s behaviour. It will consider why we need to support children in resolving conflicts, think about the characteristics of and sources of conflict for young children and introduce the problem-solving approach to conflict resolution. We will also investigate ways of promoting positive behaviour through policy and practice, linking with the Prime Area of PSED in the EYFS.


Delegates will have opportunities to: • Consider why we need to support children in resolving conflicts and manage their behaviour


• Think about the characteristics of and sources of conflict for young children

• Explore the EYFS

• Find out about the problem-solving approach to conflict resolution

This session will give you opportunities to: • Become familiar with the Prime Areas of learning within the EYFS • Consider observation and planning within the EYFS.


You will be able to: • Carry out observations of young children • Be familiar with the planning cycle • Contribute to setting next steps for young children.

Dates: 11/01/19 10/06/19 Times: 09.30 – 12.30

• Investigate ways of promoting positive behaviour through policy and practice • Make links with the Prime Area of PSED in the EYFS.



It’s Not Fair – Promoting Positive Behaviour

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-0119-T013 Hsis-0619-T013 Duration: 3 Hrs

Practitioners will feel more able to accept behavioural differences, have realistic expectations for behaviour and have a variety of strategies to use which promote positive behaviour in their setting.

“I liked the delivery of this training and enjoyed the tasks which really got us involved. I’ve learnt many different strategies of behaviour management.” Dates: 17/09/18 13/05/19 Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-0918-T011 Hsis-0519-T018 Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME (234)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Leading in the Early Years for PVIs

Leading in the Early Years for Schools

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



The quality of teaching in the Early Years is significantly enhanced by confident, knowledgeable and inspiring leaders who are able to support and challenge best practice. The particular focus of this day is empowering young children as learners. The Early Years Foundation Stage highlights the importance of the balance between adult-led and child-initiated learning, delivered through a range of indoor and outdoor play experiences. This course offers participants the opportunity to investigate how to develop contexts which promote high quality learning, to explore children’s predictable interests, and how we can understand, tune in and respond to these. Practitioners will review their current provision and practice, and also consider how we can empower children as independent learners tapping into their natural curiosity. The day will also explore the benefits of coaching and mentoring techniques.

The quality of teaching in the Early Years is significantly enhanced by confident, knowledgeable and inspiring leaders who are able to support and challenge best practice. The particular focus of this day is empowering young children as learners. The Early Years Foundation Stage highlights the importance of the balance between adult-led and child-initiated learning, delivered through a range of indoor and outdoor play experiences. This course offers participants the opportunity to investigate how to develop contexts which promote high quality learning, and how this can be organised and monitored. Practitioners will review their current provision and practice, and also consider how we can empower children as independent learners tapping into their natural curiosity. The day will also explore the benefits of coaching and mentoring techniques.

PVI Setting Staff.

Leadership in the EYFS: Empowering Young Children as Learners


This session will give leaders opportunities to: • Reflect on practice within their setting • Consider how to encourage staff to empower children as learners • Consider how coaching, mentoring and appraisal can be embedded in practice • Explore how you can be an effective supervisor • Investigate a range of strategies to be able to deal with difficult situations.


You will be able to: • Review existing practice at your setting • Return to your school/setting able to plan the next steps in this area • Understand how to carry out coaching, mentoring and appraisals • Be confident when dealing with difficult situations.


Leadership in the EYFS: Empowering Young Children as Learners


This session will give leaders opportunities to: • Reflect on practice within their school • Consider how to encourage staff to empower children as learners • Consider how coaching, mentoring and appraisal can be embedded in practice • Explore how you can be an effective supervisor • Investigate a range of strategies to be able to deal with difficult situations.


You will be able to: • Review existing practice at your school • Return to your school/setting able to plan the next steps in this area • Understand how to carry out coaching, mentoring and appraisals • Be confident when dealing with difficult situations.

Date: 20/09/18 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0918-T012

Date: 21/09/18

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0918-T013

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233+234)

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Venue: CEME (234)

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Duration: 6 Hrs

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). 117

Early Years

Managing Effective Transitions from Nursery to Reception

Maths Matters (PVI)

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and PVI Setting Staff.

Transitions are key moments in children’s lives. Children who are settled and happy in Nursery face upheaval when they move to school and this transition should be carefully managed. The manner in which adults manage children’s transitions is crucial in ensuring that children are well prepared for the next phase in their education. This course will consider SMART planning for transition, information sharing and how to support children and parents through transition. It will also consider which children may be particularly vulnerable at a time of transition and how these children can be supported. A third element that will be discussed is child protection requirements for sharing of information between professionals at the time of transition.

PVI Setting Staff.

This course will provide practical opportunities to review how mathematically rich the learning environment is and your routines. The interests of your current cohort will be used to ensure you provide meaningful and motivating mathematical experiences. Progression in mathematical thinking will be explored.


This course will: • Share examples of mathematically rich provision for participants to get ideas from or to confirm their current practice • Look at making the most of routine opportunities to ensure they are mathematically rich


• Look at interests children currently have in their settings and explore how the mathematical richness could be enhanced

• How PVI staff can support children’s transitions to school • How Reception staff can support children’s transitions from Nursery

• Look at some mathematical concepts and chart the opportunities/steps children may go through to reach mastery of that concept or skill

• How to carry out a home visit

• The role of the adult will feature in all of the above.

• Parents’ meetings


This session will increase knowledge and understanding of:

• SMART planning for transition

You will:

• How to support children and parents

• How you can better develop children’s conceptual understanding

• Safeguarding requirements

• Reflect upon the quality of existing provisions and how this may be enhanced


Following this course you will be able to: • Review your settings’ policy and procedures

• Embed problem solving experiences within continuous provisions.

• Formulate a SMART plan for managing transitions • Confidently support children and parents through transition.


Date: 20/05/19

Date: 09/04/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0519-T010

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0419-T004

Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Times: 09.30 – 13.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Duration: 4 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (235)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

NQT Moderation

Observation, Assessment and Planning in the Early Years

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:


Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.



• Best practices

We know that high quality observational assessment is at the heart of Early Years practice and is the only way to truly create a picture of children’s learning. This course will focus on ways of observing young children’s play and the skills needed to recognise significant moments of learning in order to plan for next steps. By looking at real examples of learning in action, participants will deepen their understanding of how to use the information acquired through observation to assess and respond to children’s interests, ideas and fascinations. How this informs planning to meet the needs of each and every child will also be a key focus.

• Match evidence to the content of the ELG.


Guidance, information and discussion about the assessment of children in the Reception year. Must attend both days.


This session will give you opportunities to: • Completing the EYFSP • Evidence base

You will be able to:


Gain a greater understanding of the EYFSP Moderation process and associated expectations.

• Explain the key elements of planning in the EYFS • Identify effective observation and assessment procedures • Plan practical ways to use observations and assessments to inform planning for children’s next steps.


• Plan effectively based on your assessments • Become more confident with the continuous cycle of observation, assessment and planning • Ensure that planning meets the needs of all children in your care.

Date: 23/11/18 Dates: 15/01/19 14/02/19 Times: 16:00 – 18:00

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-0119-T017 Duration: 2 Hrs

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T014 Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (234+235)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above).


Early Years

On the Road to Outstanding – For Childminders

Packaway Settings

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:




This course considers what constitutes outstanding provision and provides an opportunity for practitioners to reflect on their practice in the light of this.

PVI Setting Staff.

Delegates will have opportunities to:

The session will provide opportunities to share experiences and examine: • The environment indoors and outside • Planning • Continuous provision • Challenges within the Early Years

• Consider an overview of effective practice and what constitutes outstanding provision



• Consider the statutory framework of the EYFS, both in terms of learning and development and welfare requirements

Getting the most from your packaway setting can be a testing time, but with creative thinking and careful planning these challenges can be overcome. The session will focus on how to improve your setting for children and the staff.

• Consider what to include in their Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) for Ofsted.



• Maximise the use of space in your setting

• Review their policy and practice in the light of this

In attending this course practitioners will feel more able to recognise effective practice and will feel confident to complete and review their SEF for Ofsted.

You will be able to: • Consider a range of strategies to ensure the delivery of high quality provision • Share best practice from other highly successful packaway settings.

Date: 15/11/18 Date: 08/06/19

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T012

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T016

Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Venue: CEME (234)

Venue: CEME (233+234)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Price excluding VAT: Free for Havering Childminders. £65.00 for out of borough Childminders. 120

Duration: 6 Hrs

Duration: 3 Hrs

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Phonics in the EYFS – Phase Two to Five

Safeguarding for DSL – Hempsalls

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:

Teachers, HLTAs and TAs.

PVI Setting Staff.



This course will consider how practitioners may teach young children phase two to five of the Letters and Sounds programme. During the morning there will be a recap of what is covered in phase one and you will be taught how to identify those children that need to consolidate phase one before moving to phase two. The trainer will discuss how each phase links with the next, what is taught in each phase and best practice in how the session should be delivered.

This course is designed for all DSLs who lead on safeguarding children in their setting. It will provide the knowledge and skills to embed a consistent approach to the development and implementation of policy and procedures within the setting. It will focus on keeping staff ‘up to date’ and ensuring that the key message that ‘child safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility’ is understood by all staff. Delegates will only need to attend one session.

Direction will be given to best practice in relation to the organisation and structure of effective daily phonics sessions. This will include a discussion about effective resources and how they can be used by the children. The trainer will also discuss the assessment and tracking of children. During the morning participants will be asked to share examples of good practice within their school and classrooms.

This session will increase knowledge and understanding of: • What constitutes an environment that provides the best opportunity to keep children safe • The role of the DSL in developing and maintaining this safe environment • Policies & Procedures – the existence of, and implementation in the setting • Where to go if you need help or support • Effective communication and how it can support you in a variety of situations • Keeping staff knowledge and skills up to date • How to present key messages to staff, parents and carers.


Key questions explored during the course: • What constitutes a successful and engaging daily phonic session? • What resources could be made or purchased for use in class? • How can progress be assessed and tracked?


Following this session you will be able to understand: • The content of phase two to five • How to plan an engaging daily phonic session • How to assess and track children’s progress.



You will be able to: • Review your settings’ policy and procedures and ensure they are being understood and implemented by all staff • Access a variety of areas of support within the Borough when needed • Share appropriate information when necessary • Develop staff appropriately – know how to present the settings’ policy and procedures and how/when to access external development • Communicate effectively and make informal presentations to achieve positive outcomes.

Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1118-T010

Dates: 16/11/18 10/01/19 02/05/19

Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Date: 05/11/18

Duration: 3 Hrs

Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-1118-T016 Hsis-0119-T012 Hsis-0519-T015 Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places 121

Early Years

Safeguarding Refresher for DSL

SST and the Role of the Practitioner

This course is recommended for:

This course is recommended for:



PVI Setting Staff.

In light of Ofsted guidance on inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, the DSL must complete appropriate safeguarding training every two years, and to refresh their knowledge and skills at least annually. This course will cover the broad aspects of safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of children with the main focus on the role and responsibilities of the designated person. There will be updates on all changes to guidance and legislation around safeguarding.


You will gain a deeper understanding of: • The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and key areas of responsibility • Any recent changes in legislation and guidance affecting this role • The implications of these changes for your setting • Current issues in safeguarding.


This course will give you opportunities to: • Update your knowledge and understanding of current safeguarding requirements • Reflect on your role and responsibilities • Consider how your policies and procedures are effectively implemented in the setting.

Teachers, HLTAs and TAs and PVI Setting Staff. This is a half day course. It will focus on what sustained shared thinking is and how it can be developed throughout the setting. This will include the role of the adult and their practice, the environment, the importance of giving choices and the use of open ended resources. The session will be delivered through trainer input, group and paired discussions, practical activities and film clips.


Delegates will have opportunities to: • Explore sustained shared thinking and the Early Education framework • Explore the role of the adult in developing children’s play and their sustained shared thinking skills, including their observation and interaction skills • Consider how practitioners can develop systems to support sustained shared thinking through the organisation of the day, routines and practitioners can support the development of sustained shared thinking • Explore different environments that will offer opportunities for children and adults to enter into sustained shared thinking.

Outcome: • Practitioners have an understanding of how to develop sustained shared thinking within their setting • They will understand the adults’ role in developing thinking skills through interactions, giving real choices and open-ended resources • Practitioners have an understanding of how to plan effectively to develop these skills.

Dates: 29/09/18 20/06/199 Times: 09.30 – 12.30


Course Codes (from portal): Hsis-0918-T010 Hsis-0619-T012 Duration: 3 Hrs

Date: 03/06/19 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-0619-T015 Times: 09.30 – 12.30

Duration: 3 Hrs

Venue: CEME (233)

Venue: CEME (233)

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Trainer: Celia Freeth

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places.

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Working with Two Year Olds This course is recommended for:

Teachers, HLTAs and TAs and PVI Setting Staff.


This course is focused on achieving a deeper understanding of ways to promote all round development for 2 year olds. It aims to recognise the many aspects of developmental journeys of 2 year olds and responding to their needs. It will focus on understanding the varying influences on a child’s earliest developmental stages within the family context and beyond. It looks to enhance the impact of the role of the key person for 2 year olds and their families through building positive relationships and understanding the importance of attachment, transitions and settling in for 2 year olds.


This is a one day course. The course focuses how practitioners can support 2 year olds through best practice including the building of relationships through the key person system, providing enabling physical, communication and emotional environments and reducing anxiety through transitions and support strategies. Within the course the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning in relation to 2 year olds is explored. This will also link to the Integrated Review at age 2 and how to provide early identification and intervention. The session will be delivered through trainer input, group and paired discussions, practical activities and film clips.


• Explore the dynamic nature of 2 year olds and what 2 year olds need us to understand • Consider the role of the key person in supporting 2 year olds and their families, including transitions and settling in • Enhance understanding of the Characteristics of Effective Teaching Learning in relation to 2 year olds • Promote good practice in relation to transitions, early identification and interaction. Date: 06/12/18 Course Code (from portal): Hsis-1218-T002 Times: 09.30 – 15.30

Duration: 6 Hrs

Venue: CEME (235) Trainer: Celia Freeth Price excluding VAT: Free for subscribers of the School Improvement package of courses, 1&3 only. Please contact us. (See details above). One free place for Havering PVI Settings. £65.00 for additional and out of borough places. 123

Events and Networking


For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Headteacher Forum Description:

The purpose of the forum is to provide primary Headteacher colleagues with the opportunity to meet on a regular basis, receive school improvement updates and keynote inputs, followed by discussions, the sharing of practice and opportunities to network. To this end, please come along prepared to discuss your own opinions and practice. Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services Audience: Primary Headteachers Date: Autumn 2018 – 10/10/18 Spring 2019 – 13/03/19 Summer 2019 – 13/06/19 Time: 13.30 – 16.00 Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU Available to: Havering Schools

Modern Foreign Languages – Primary MFL Network Meeting Description:

Effective subject leadership is fundamental in ensuring continued school improvement. This termly, twilight, meeting will give Foreign Language subject leaders an opportunity to network and share good practice. This meeting will provide information on recent developments in language teaching and learning and national and local updates. A selection of language activities will be shared. Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services Audience: MFL Subject Leaders Date: Autumn 2018 – 09/10/18 Spring 2019 – 15/01/19 Summer 2019 – 14/05/19 Time: 16.15 – 17.45 Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU Available to: Havering Schools

Deputy/Assistant Headteacher Forum Description:

This is an opportunity for primary Deputy and Assistant Headteachers to meet on a regular basis to receive school improvement updates and keynote inputs, followed by discussions, the sharing of practice and networking. The content of each meeting will be determined by national and local developments and by the wishes of the group itself. Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services

Primary Music Network Meeting Description:

The Primary Music Network is for teachers (and teaching assistants) with responsibility for leading the music curriculum in primary schools. Its purpose is to provide training opportunities and peer support, with the aim of increasing skills and confidence throughout the primary workforce. Havering Music Education Hub will gather information about the musical skills which exist in our primary schools and will create a training plan to build on these skills. We anticipate that engaging with the network will feed into members’ own performance management.

Audience: Primary Deputy/Assistant Headteachers

Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services

Date: Autumn 2018 – 17/10/18 Spring 2019 – 20/03/19 Summer 2019 – 20/06/19

Audience: Music Subject Leaders

Time: 13.30 – 16.00

Date: Autumn 2018 – 18/10/18 Spring 2019 – 14/02/19 Summer 2019 – 23/05/19

Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU

Time: 16.15 – 17.45

Available to: Havering Schools

Venue/Location: Havering Music Centre, The Walk, Hornchurch RM11 3TL Available to: Havering Schools

Primary Maths Network Meeting Description:

The purpose of the forum is to provide primary Headteacher Effective subject leadership is fundamental in ensuring continued school improvement. This termly, twilight, meeting will give Mathematics subject leaders an opportunity to network and share good practice. This meeting will provide information on recent developments in Maths teaching and learning and national and local updates. A selection of mathematical activities will be shared.

Primary RE Network Meeting Description:

Effective subject leadership is fundamental in ensuring continued school improvement. This termly, twilight, meeting will give RE subject leaders an opportunity to network and share good practice. This meeting will provide information on recent developments in RE teaching and learning and national and local updates. A selection of RE activities will be shared.

Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services

Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services

Audience: Maths Subject Leaders

Audience: RE Subject Leaders

Date: Autumn 2018 – 26/09/18 Spring 2019 – 05/02/19 Summer 2019 – 03/07/19

Date: Autumn 2018 – 26/09/18 Spring 2019 – 29/01/19 Summer 2019 – 25/04/19

Time: 16.15 – 17.45

Time: 16.15 – 17.45

Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU

Venue/Location: Havering Schools

Available to: Havering Schools

Available to: Havering Schools 125

Events and Networking Primary HLTA Network Meeting Description:

Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) fulfil a vital role in schools; supporting learning and helping to raise standards. This meeting will provide an opportunity to network with HLTA colleagues from other Havering schools, share good practice, consider recent developments in education and address identified development needs. Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services Audience: HLTAs Date: Autumn 2018 – 17/10/18 Spring 2019 – 26/02/19 Summer 2019 – 18/06/19

Primary English Network Meeting Description:

Effective subject leadership is fundamental in ensuring continued school improvement. This termly, twilight, meeting will give English subject leaders an opportunity to network and share good practice. This meeting will provide information on recent developments in English teaching and learning and national and local updates. A selection of English activities will be shared. Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services Audience: English Subject Leaders

Time: 13.00 – 15.00

Date: Autumn 2018 – 25/09/18 Spring 2019 – 05/02/19 Summer 2019 – 09/07/19

Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU

Time: 16.15 – 17.45

Available to: Havering Schools

Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU Available to: Havering Schools

Primary TA Network and CPD Meeting Description:

This meeting will provide an opportunity to network with TA colleagues from other Havering schools, share good practice, consider recent developments in education and address identified development needs. It will provide a range of CPD to support the role of the TA in the Primary classroom.

EAL TA forum network meeting Description:

A chance for those supporting EAL learners to network with colleagues and share the latest updates with regard to provision in this area. Please note that this course is only bookable for Havering LA-maintained primary schools and schools/academies that subscribe to EMA team services.

Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services

Service Team: EAL Team

Audience: TAs

Audience: TAs and LSAs for EAL pupils

Date: Autumn 2018 – 05/11/18 Spring 2019 – 21/01/19 Summer 2019 – 10/06/19

Date: Autumn 2018 – 07/11/18 Spring 2019 – 06/03/19 Summer 2019 – 12/06/19

Time: 13.00 – 15.00

Time: 09.30 – 11.30

Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU

Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU

Available to: Havering Schools

Available to: Havering Schools and out of borough schools with EAL subscription

EAL co-ordinators’ network meeting Description:

A chance for those in a co-ordinating role for EAL to network with colleagues and share the latest updates with regard to provision in this area. Please note that this course is only bookable for Havering LA-maintained primary schools and schools/academies that subscribe to EAL team services. Service Team: EAL Team Audience: EAL co-ordinators, Inclusion Managers and SENCos Date: Autumn 2018 – 07/11/18 Spring 2019 – 27/02/19 Summer 2019 – 05/06/19 Time: 16.15 – 17.45 Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU Available to: Havering Schools and out of borough schools with EAL subscription 126

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Termly Update for Designated Safeguarding Lead Description:

This session will enable those within the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead to appropriately fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities and have the opportunity to obtain professional development and support. Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services Audience: DSL Date: Autumn 2018 – 26/09/18 Spring 2019 – 23/01/19 Summer 2019 – 06/06/19 Time: 09.00 – 12.00 Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU Available to: Havering Schools

Primary Computing Network Meeting Description:

Effective subject leadership is fundamental in ensuring continued school improvement. This termly, twilight, meeting will give Computing subject leaders an opportunity to network and share good practice. This meeting will provide information on recent developments in computing teaching and learning and national and local updates. A selection of computing activities will be shared. Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services Audience: Computing Subject Leaders Date: Autumn 2018 – 14/11/18 Spring 2019 – 06/03/19 Summer 2019 – 12/06/19 Time: 16.15 – 17.45 Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU Available to: Havering Schools

Primary Science Network Meeting Description:

Effective subject leadership is fundamental in ensuring continued school improvement. This termly, twilight, meeting will give science subject leaders an opportunity to network and share good practice. This meeting will provide information on recent developments in science teaching and learning and national and local updates. A selection of science activities will be shared. Service Team: Havering School Improvement Services Audience: Science Subject Leaders Date: Autumn 2018 – 26/09/18 Spring 2019 – 04/03/19 Summer 2019 – 17/06/19 Time: 16.15 – 17.45 Venue/Location: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU Available to: Havering Schools 127

Our partnership with Rising Stars Our partnership with Rising Stars

Switched on ICT in the Early Years

HES works in partnership with educational publisher Rising Stars to produce high-quality classroom resources which deliver results. Each resource is scoped and trialled with our schools to ensure it is accessible for teachers and impacts positively on teaching and learning. Over the last six years we have developed an award-winning suite of resources which has enabled over 6,000 schools across the country to implement a robust and effective computing curriculum.

This bank of high-quality, creative activities are designed specifically for Early Years settings. Young children develop ICT skills through meaningful experiences that cover all the prime and specific areas of learning and development.


Switched on Computing

Learn to Code

Switched on Computing enables teachers to implement a comprehensive computing curriculum through activities and creative projects from the Early Years to Year 6, combining high-quality CPD videos and clear teacher guidance. Recently updated with the latest app suggestions to use with your projects and new CPD video links integrated into each unit.

These activity books provide a bank of creative, step-bystep coding activities for independent practice, extension or homework. Learn to Code has been written specifically to address the coding and programming elements of the new national curriculum. These activities are fully scaffolded making them easy to follow in class or at home.




For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk

Switched on iPad

Switched on Online Safety

This series was developed to help our schools use their tablets in a meaningful way. Each Teacher’s Guide includes 18 creative ideas for using iPads and tablets to enhance teaching of English, Maths and Science, with guidance for the best education apps available.

Our most recent collaboration, Switched on Online Safety will embed a robust online safety curriculum across the whole school. With activities and resources for Year 1–6, it will help teachers plan and deliver online safety lessons and assemblies, help parents engage in key online safety issues and empower children to become positive and responsible digital citizens.



Switched on Minecraft


Inspire and engage children with cross-curricular Minecraft projects that deepen understanding of English, Maths, Science, History and Geography. Switched on Minecraft demystifies the exciting world of Minecraft and gives teachers clear, step-by-step guidance on setting up a safe Minecraft environment in your classroom and short video tutorials for every unit enable every teacher to deliver the activities with confidence.

If you are interested in training to help you with your computing curriculum then we can help. We have a range of courses on offer, including: • Getting started with Switched on Computing and the national curriculum for computing • An introduction to Scratch • Creating an educational game using Scratch • Making movies with iMovie on the iPad • Making movies with Microsoft Movie Maker (formerly known as Windows Live Movie Maker) • An introduction to blogging using WordPress • Editing and Writing HTML • Creating a virtual space using SketchUp • Creating Apps using AppShed.

Training Costs


• Twilight session (2 hours) – choose any one session: £350 + VAT • 1/2 day training session (3 hours) – choose up to two sessions: £425 + VAT • Full day training session (6 hours) – choose up to three sessions: £595 + VAT All sessions are run by our experienced training associates who are qualified teachers, specialising in computing support for schools and academies. For more information, please contact us at hsis@havering.gov.uk


Courses Index A – Z


Administration and Finance


SIMS - Cover Workshop (Secondary Schools)

pg 67

SIMS - Curriculum Management Student Options (Secondary Schools)

pg 67

SIMS 1 - Introduction to the SIMS Pupil Database

pg 68

SIMS 2- Additional pupil data including SEN and exclusions

pg 68

SIMS 3 - Preparing data and completing termly School Census

pg 69

SIMS 4 - Common Transfer Files (CTFs) including new intake

pg 69

SIMS 5 – Basic Reporting Using Existing Reports

pg 70

SIMS 6 - Intermediate Reporting – Designing Reports

pg 70

SIMS 7 – School Census Workshop for Existing Users

pg 71

SIMS 8 - End of Year Procedures Workshop

pg 71

SIMS Attendance 1 – The Basics

pg 72

SIMS Attendance 2 – Beyond the Basics

pg 72

SIMS FMS 1 - Introduction, Orders, Invoice & Payments

pg 73

SIMS FMS 10 - Inputting the Budget

pg 77

SIMS FMS 2 - Petty Cash and Non-Invoiced Income

pg 73

SIMS FMS 3 - Journals

pg 74

SIMS FMS 4 - Personnel Links, Payroll & Salary Calculators

pg 74

SIMS FMS 5 - Monthly Reconciliation and Budget Adjustments

pg 75

SIMS FMS 6 - Finance Termly Reconciliation

pg 75

SIMS FMS 7 - Equipment Register

pg 76

SIMS FMS 8 - Consolidation of FMS Finance Induction

pg 76

SIMS FMS 9 - End of Year Procedures

pg 77

SIMS Nova T6 – Alternative Curriculum for Secondary Schools

pg 79

SIMS Nova T6 -For New Users (Secondary Schools) x 4 days

pg 78

SIMS NovaT6 - Maintaining the Timetable (Secondary Schools)

pg 78

SIMS Personnel 1 -The Basics

pg 79

SIMS Personnel 2 - Employment Details and Contracts

pg 80

SIMS Personnel 3 - School Workforce Census Workshop (new users)

pg 80

SIMS Personnel 4 - School Workforce Census Workshop (existing users)

pg 81

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk Development for TAs and HLTAs


An Introduction to Supporting Dyslexia for Teaching Assistants

pg 103

Behaviour Management – An Introduction for Teaching Assistants

pg 103

Introduction to Phonics for TAs

pg 104

Supporting ADHD in the Classroom

pg 104

Supporting Autism s

pg 105

Supporting EAL: A Toolkit Approach for Teaching Assistants

pg 105

Supporting English at Key Stage 2

pg 106

The Sex Factor – Gender and learning support

pg 106

Understanding Mental Health in Young Peopl

pg 107


Courses Index A – Z


Early Years


Attachment and the Role of the Key Person

pg 109

Childminder Safeguarding Training

pg 109

Come into the Garden - Raising Achievement Outdoors

pg 110

Concepts Count! Extending Children’s Mathematical Thinking

pg 110

Conversations Matter – The Role of the Adult in Extracting Children’s Language and Communication in the Early Years (Schools)

pg 111

Developing an Effective Learning Environment

pg 111

Diversity – Understanding Equality and Diversity Issues in the Early Years

pg 112

EYFS Meet the Moderator

pg 112

EYFSP Moderation (4 days x 2 sessions)

pg 113

First Aid for Childminders (2 sessions each)

pg 113

From Vision to Provision - Early Years Leadership Program

pg 114

Growing and Nurturing Young Children’s Universal Values

pg 114

How to Ensure Challenge and Progression through Play and Practical Experience

pg 115

Introduction to Safeguarding

pg 115

Introduction to the EYFS

pg 116

It’s Not Fair – Promoting Positive Behaviour

pg 116

Leading in the Early Years for PVIs

pg 117

Leading in the Early Years for Schools

pg 117

Managing Effective Transitions from Nursery to Reception

pg 118

Maths Matters (PVI)

pg 118

NQT Moderation

pg 119

Observation, Assessment and Planning in the Early Years

pg 119

On the Road to Outstanding – For Childminders

pg 120

Packaway Settings

pg 120

Phonics in the EYFS - Phase Two to Five

pg 121

Safeguarding for DSL

pg 121

Safeguarding Refresher

pg 122

SST and the Role of the Practitioner

pg 122

Working with Two Year Olds

pg 123

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk Inclusion


Admission and Induction of newly-arrived EAL pupils

pg 51

Assessing and improving the writing of EAL Learners

pg 51

Budgets, Provision Management

pg 58

Co-ordinating SMSC and British Values within the Curriculum

pg 52

Cultural inclusivity and British Values in your Everyday Teaching

pg 52

Developing the writing of EAL Learners in Secondary schools

pg 53

Differentiating learning objectives for early-stage EAL learners

pg 53

Differentiation through questioning for EAL Learners

pg 54

How to support pupils learning EAL: TA course x 3 days

pg 54

Introduction to Procedures

pg 59

Learning EAL in the Early Years Foundation Stage

pg 55

Managing EAL support and provision – EAL Co-ordinator Training

pg 55

Meet the Professionals

pg 59

Meeting Speech & Language Needs

pg 60

Meeting the demands of writing for EAL learners at KS1

pg 56

Modelling Literacy Interventions

pg 60

Person Centred Approaches

pg 62

Preparing for Ofsted

pg 61

Screening New Pupils

pg 61


pg 63

SIMS – Special Educational Needs (SEN)

pg 58

Talking Maths – an intervention programme for EAL learners

pg 56

Talking Partners

pg 57

The 5P Approach Social Communication Difficulties & Behaviour - Level 1 Introductory Course

pg 63

The 5P Approach Social Communication Difficulties & Behaviour (Whole School)

pg 64

The Language of Maths – Challenges for EAL Learners

pg 57

Tracking Progress for Complex Needs

pg 62


Courses Index A – Z


Leadership and Management


Accredited Online Safety

pg 5

Aspiring to Deputy Headship – Meetings 1 and 2

pg 5

Building and Protecting your school’s Online Reputation

pg 6

Contract Management

pg 11

EU Regulations

pg 11

FMS - Analysing Your School Budget

pg 12

FMS - Finance Workshop for School Managers

pg 13

FMS - Introduction to Financial Benchmarking

pg 13

FMS - Principles of Budgeting

pg 14

Introduction to Procurement

pg 12

Leaders of the Future – Meetings 1 and 2

pg 6

Leadership Development Programme – Meetings 1 to 6

pg 7

Online Safety in your school Part One

pg 7

Online Safety in your school Part Two

pg 8

Planning an Engaging Reading Curriculum

pg 8

Safer Recruitment Refresher

pg 9

Safer Recruitment Training

pg 9

SIMS – SIMS for School Leaders

pg 10

The Role of the English Subject Leader

pg 10

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk NQT


Career Paths in Teaching for KS1 and KS2

pg 49

Early Years Foundation Stage - Assessment KS1

pg 33

Effective Time Management and Classroom Organisation at KS1

pg 34

KS1 All Children Matter

pg 40

KS1 Behaviour Management – Part 1 *

pg 35

KS1 Behaviour Management – Part 2 *

pg 38

KS1 Computing and Online Safety

pg 38

KS1 EYFS - Quality Environment and Adult Interactions

pg 37

KS1 Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage

pg 36

KS1 Literacy – Reading

pg 35

KS1 Literacy – Writing

pg 36

KS1 Mathematics/Numeracy

pg 41

KS1 Meeting the Needs of Pupils with EAL

pg 39


pg 40

KS1 Provision for More Able and Talented

pg 41

KS1 Race, Culture and Diversity

pg 34

KS1 Safeguarding and Child Protection

pg 37

KS1 Science

pg 39

KS2 All Children Matter

pg 47

KS2 Behaviour Management – Part 1 *

pg 43

KS2 Behaviour Management – Part 2 *

pg 45

KS2 Computing and Online Safety

pg 46

KS2 Getting started with the teaching of Primary Languages

pg 42

KS2 Literacy – Reading

pg 42

KS2 Literacy – Writing

pg 44

KS2 Mathematics/Numeracy

pg 44

KS2 Meeting the needs of pupils with EAL

pg 48


pg 48

KS2 Provision for More-Able and Talented

pg 47

KS2 Race, Culture and Diversity

pg 43

KS2 Safeguarding and Child Protection

pg 45

KS2 Science

pg 46

Welcome Session for KS1 and KS2

pg 33 135

Courses Index A – Z


Safety and Wellbeing


Asbestos Awareness

pg 88

Attendance Guidance and Support

pg 83

Building Personal Resilience

pg 88

Emergency First Aid

pg 89

Emergency Paediatric First Aid

pg 89

Evac Chair Training

pg 90

Fire Extinguisher

pg 90

Fire Marshal Training

pg 91

First Aid at Work

pg 91

First Aid at Work Refresher

pg 92

Food Hygiene Level 2

pg 92

Green Cross Training

pg 100

Health and Safety Awareness for Managers

pg 93

Healthy Schools London Bronze Award Workshop

pg 85

Healthy Schools London Silver Award Workshop

pg 85

IOSH Managing Safely

pg 93

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher

pg 94

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018 – Briefing

pg 97

Ladder and Stepladder Safety

pg 94

Legionella Awareness

pg 95

Manual Handling

pg 95

Manual Handling Assessor

pg 96

Mid-day Assistant Training – Positive Lunchtimes

pg 83

Paediatric First Aid

pg 96

Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Primary Classroom

pg 86

Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Secondary Classroom

pg 86

Relationships and Sex Education (Secondary)

pg 87

Relationships Education (Primary)

pg 87

Whole School Restorative Approaches Training

pg 84

Risk Assessment

pg 97

Safeguarding and Child Protection – Top up session

pg 98

Team Teach Positive Handling Training (in-house 24 maximum participants)

pg 84

For bookings, visit our website: www.HES.org.uk For more information, email: support@hes.org.uk Teaching, Learning & Assessment


A Practical, Pictorial and Abstract Approach to Mathematics

pg 17

Celebration of Good Practice in Computing

pg 17

Computing Project – Part One & Part Two (2 days)

pg 18

Developing and supporting More Able Scientists

pg 18

Developing Comprehension at KS1 and KS2

pg 19

Developing Independent Scientific Thinking

pg 19

Developing Mathematical Talk

pg 20

Developing more Effective talk in the Classroom

pg 20

Developing Thinking Skills in Mathematics Lessons

pg 21

Exploring Poetry at KS2

pg 21

Increasing Pupils’ Vocabulary

pg 22

KS1 Mathematics Moderation

pg 22

KS2 Writing Moderation

pg 23

Mastery Teaching in Mathematics

pg 23

Mathematical Challenge through Problem Solving

pg 24

Outdoor Learning and Working Scientifically

pg 24

Outdoor Maths Activities

pg 25

Preparing for KS2 English Assessment

pg 25

Preparing for KS2 Science Assessment

pg 26

SIMS - Analysis of Statutory Assessments for Primary Schools*

pg 29

SIMS - Assessment for New Users

pg 29

SIMS - Assessment Analysis – Schools using LMS Supplied Resources

pg 30

SIMS - Assessment New Academic Year Procedures

pg 30

Teaching Writing at Greater Depth at KS2

pg 26

The Role of the Mathematics Subject Leader

pg 27

The Role of the Science Subject Leader

pg 27

Using LGfL Content and Resources

pg 28

Using the Bar Method in Mathematics

pg 28


Book courses with us online at: www.hes.org.uk Telephone: 01708 431 133* *Available to schools that don’t already have a registered customer account on our website *Please check course pages for providers with different booking details.

Contact us: Email: support@hes.org.uk Twitter: @hes_orguk

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