Havering Local Plan

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6 Strategic Development Areas 6 Strategic Development Areas 6.1 Romford Strategic Development Area 6.1.1

Romford Strategic Development Area encompasses Havering's largest town centre and is one of Outer London's major growth and regeneration areas. The area offers exciting development and regeneration opportunities and over the next 15 years it will accommodate a significant level of housing and economic growth alongside new and enhanced supporting infrastructure. The Council will work with its partners to realise the opportunities in Romford and to ensure it retains its strategic role within Havering and north east London.


High quality, contemporary urban living will be integrated with a diverse and vibrant day-time and evening retail, leisure and cultural offer, modern office development and new employment opportunities. Improvements to transport and public realm will help ensure that Romford is a well connected and attractive place to live, work and visit. Growth and development in Romford should strengthen its role as a metropolitan centre and deliver a step-change in the quality of environment and buildings.

Policy 1 Romford Strategic Development Area Residential Development (2)

Over the plan period the Council will support the delivery of over 6,000 new high quality homes within the Romford Strategic Development Area in well managed residential and mixed use schemes that provide attractive places to live and which are well integrated with the existing community. Commercial Development To strengthen Romford's role as a metropolitan centre and to realise its potential as one of Outer London's largest and most successful town centres, the Council will support development proposals within the town centre boundary that: i. ii.

Reinforces South Street as the main shopping street and spine of activity in the town centre Diversifies and improves the quality of the retail, cultural and leisure offer that contribute to the daytime and evening economies; iii. Provides new modern retail units or refurbishment of existing retail units; iv. Positively transforms the Market Place into a high quality civic space, accommodating a reconfigured, successful and vibrant market with a re-imagined public space and an enhanced retail and restaurant offer; v. Creates a vibrant mix of commercial uses adjacent to the station; vi. Accommodates mixed uses, with residential and commercial space provided above ground floor level where this does not prejudice the operation of the ground floor for retail and town centre activity; vii. Provides new, fit for purpose office development as part of mixed use schemes; and viii. Provides affordable office accommodation within or funded by new commercial and mixed use developments. Connectivity Romford is the most accessible and well connected area within the borough and has an important role as a transport hub. The Council will support proposals that further enhance connectivity and will: ix. x. xi.

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Continue to work with partners to secure significant improvements to Romford station; Support the delivery of Crossrail services to Romford and improvements to the public realm in the vicinity of the station; Support the delivery of a new east-west shared use link from the railway station across the River Rom to the existing and new residential areas to the west;

at least 5,000 homes will be built over the first 10 years of the plan period

London Borough of Havering Local Plan 2016-2031 Adopted 2021

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