Waterloo and Queen Street local resident letter June 2022

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June 2022

Thanks to all of you that were able to attend the meeting on Thursday 16 th June at the Salvation Army, Romford. The meeting gave an update on progress and, as always, provided an opportunity to raise any questions or concerns to the joint venture team from Havering Council and Wates Residential. Below is a summary of the questions raised and the actions taken. Residents said Vibration and piling and transparency of comms Light outside 18 Cotleigh Road still to be addressed Controlled Parking Zone

Question about any planned noisy works and how residents will be notified about the next stages of planned works Question about installing dummy cameras on the church hoarding to help with antisocial behaviour Question about the ‘mound’ on site Continued monitoring of dust and noise

Agreed actions/update/details

Other notes

The Wates Construction Team confirmed there were no machines working adjacent to the Cotleigh Road back gardens at the time in question. Any further issues, please do let Neil Shaftain know immediately. This issue will be resolved within the next three weeks with the installation of shields fitted to the lights

Neil’s details are at the bottom of the newsletter

The estate currently falls within the ROST permit area, however the current thinking is that the redeveloped estate will have its own CPZ area. This will ensure future residents are not able to park on surrounding roads. We will continue to notify residents about any excessively noisy work that is planned to take place. This will be done by Paul Dwyer via the WhatsApp chat.

New signage has been ordered along with several other antisocial behavior deterrents to that location Paul Dwyer will speak to the Community Safety team to see what other options might be available

The surplus material has now been removed, so the mound has gone. The crushed concrete used for the piling mat has been treated with an environmentally friendly silicone-like material and will be monitored and reapplied as necessary Environmental Health (EH) have apparently posted a dust sensor on lamppost according to residents and Paul Walker will speak with the EH team

Please flag any ongoing issues with Neil Shaftain or Paul Dwyer.

Continued overleaf… Residents

Agreed actions/update/details

Other notes

said Security

Security contact details for noticeboard - Wates will make sure more of these signs are put up across the perimeter of the site.

Security call centre numbers: 07464 499004 and 07887 472588 Higher security for area was requested including more patrols and preference for gate to be installed is put on residents’ side so they can monitor The security guards job is to maintain the security of the site. They have no powers to approach members of the public in the street. They undertake regular patrols of the external site perimeter with a dog 24/7 by means of a guard tour patrol system which logs the round at various locations.

Copy of the PPT

The PPT is available on Havering Council’s website: https://www.havering.gov.uk/info/20201/12_sites_regeneration_programme/ 846/12_sites_regeneration_-_waterloo_and_queen_street

Mean while use

The meeting endorsed the proposals for meanwhile use that were discussed. We have already contacted a landscape designer to look at possible designs for the garden and we expect to have some options for the community garden in the next few weeks.

Any instances of suspected criminal activity should be reported directly to the Police by calling 999. If residents report issues/crimes to the Police it will help to build a case for more support/patrols in the area. Alternatively go to: https://www.havering.gov.uk /12sites Scroll down and select blue button called ‘waterloo estate and queen street’ Scroll down to ‘The story so far’ section and click on the plus (+) sign to the left to expand Scroll down to the June 2022 entry ‘Update for Cotleigh Road Residents (presentation)’ It would be great if we could have a small working group of residents who are interested in the design and the running of the garden. Please let Paul Dwyer know if this is of interest to you

Next event

Please make a note that the next resident meeting is scheduled for September. Further details regarding date, time and location will be shared shortly.

General information and contact details: Our site working hours are Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm, Saturday: 8am to 1pm These hours have been set by Havering Council. If we do need to work outside of these hours, we will always write to you and let you know. Thank you for your patience and understanding. How you can reach us: Neil Shaftain, Wates Residential WQS Project Manager, 07729 105019, or mail: neil.shaftain@wates.co.uk Tessa Dugmore, Wates Residential Community Investment Manager, 07783 829230 Paul Dwyer, Havering Council Regeneration and Community Liaison Officer 01708 431154, 07976 539160 or email paul.dwyer@havering.gov.uk. You can also reach Paul via the WhatsApp group.

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