LB Havering Greater London Authority Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan

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We are proud to work in partnership with the Greater London Authority (GLA) to deliver affordable homes for Havering.

As part of the contract requirements for the 2021-26 Affordable Homes Programme, we have produced an Equality Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.


Current Position Action

Theme 1: Organisational equality, diversity and fairness

1. Improve knowledge and understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion within the Council’s workforce

Training and development programme is newly established, EDI training has been made mandatory for staff and further mandatory training has been rolled out for managers

Mandatory training courses are completed as part of annual Performance Development Review.

Timescale Measure of Success

Ongoing –12 months

Successful completion of mandatory online training

2. The Council will develop opportunities for staff from all backgrounds to share lived experiences in a safe and inclusive environment

Staff forums and Unions support the Council by creating EDI guiding principles, awareness raising, diversity tailored provision and impact and practice reviews –influencing evolving EDI priorities . Each forum is sponsored by a member of SLT

As staff forum memberships grow and groups become more established, progress is monitored to ensure that voices are heard and learning is incorporated into working practices

Ongoing –12 months

Staff forums are well-attended and facilitate open and honest discussions around EDI and lived experiences.

Learning and feedback from staff forums influences future development plans. Improved knowledge that delivers positive outcomes, accessible and continuous improvement opportunities for all our staff and residents

3. The 2022 Workforce Strategy delivers on its pledges for staff

The Workforce Strategy was approved by Cabinet in November 2022, it makes a number of pledges to staff to provide a positive work experience for all

Initiatives like the 10 Days of Training and Choose Havering continue to improve staff experience and increase development opportunities

Commissioned services with Skill Boosters provide opportunities to enhance learning on specific EDI issues and signpost to weekly and monthly inclusion calendar events

Theme 2 – Sustainable & Diverse Supply Chains

1. We will provide training and development opportunities for local people

Large council works contracts deliver opportunities for local people through apprenticeships, paid work experience and workforce qualifications. Opportunities will be provided for those typically furthest from the workforce, e.g. exoffenders

Job opportunities will be provided through our regeneration programme for all protected characteristic groups with specific

The policy in place will continue, the new Council target operating model will provide opportunities for a more collaborative approach to social value delivery and training and development opportunities across the borough

Ongoing –24 months

Staff feedback around training, development and career opportunities continue to be incorporated into development plans

Collaboration with all locality based providers to widen participation, improving access and opportunities for all our residents, learners and employees.

Ongoing –24 months Increase in opportunities reported through social value and employment and skills KPIs

Evidence of supporting individuals into work, with required provision that addresses specific needs.

2. Improve skills and knowledge of local supply chain to access contract opportunities from Regeneration

efforts to develop capacity for residents from diverse backgrounds, disabled residents and women

We will maintain our membership of the Women’s Trade Network

The council has an equalities commissioning and procurement questionnaire that seeks to align our partnership working and council funded organisations to demonstrate a commitment to our equality objectives.

20% of regeneration contract spend is earmarked for local suppliers. There are further opportunities to involve local suppliers and advertise opportunities

Partnership employer and community engagement that enhances our approaches to improving access to opportunities for all, and injecting EDI into business and corporate planning aligned to the council’s vision on inclusivity

Evidence of approved EDI provider base

The 20% local spend threshold is regularly exceeded. Havering’s regeneration joint ventures will continue to run Meet the Buyer events and increase attendance wherever possible

Ongoing –24 months

Increased collaboration with local supply chain through Meet the Buyer events, increased advertising of opportunities for local companies

Evidence of reaching a more diversified business and provider base

Theme 3 – Working Together with Londoners

1. We will provide supporting infrastructure for communities to support new housing. Our facilities will be accessible and available to all

Plans are in place to deliver new medical centres on two development sites, a new Family Welcome Centre (emergency family accommodation) and a new primary school, as well as significant public realm improvements and environmental improvements for the River Rom

Protect the delivery of supporting infrastructure as identified and lobby for further funding to improve transport infrastructure in Havering to improve transport options for residents

Delivering the most accessible services that meet the needs for all our communities. Knowing our communities, and applying data information to target actions that respond to local conditions and social and cultural factors.

Learning will be taken from Equality Impact Assessments.

Ongoing –36 months Infrastructure projects are funded and delivered

2. We will support community needs through regeneration where possible.

Targeted work around health issues like obesity in lower-earning wards is underway, we aim to facilitate change through our community cohesion and regeneration work

Targeted work will continue, the Council will develop an Obesity Strategy that includes action in the physical environment, e.g. active travel, regeneration and community infrastructure projects

Ongoing –36 months

Evidence of sustained collaboration sharing good practice and learning from each other.

3. New housing is designed to be tenure blind to promote community cohesion. Housing design reflects the different housing needs of our residents.

Regeneration schemes are designed to be tenure blind, plans are underway to provide over 600 supported housing units through

Continue to design tenureblind schemes that promote community cohesion. Design and deliver supported housing to accommodate vulnerable residents including

Ongoing –36 months

Place-shaping projects will be underway, incorporating work from partners like the NHS

New housing stock includes a varied tenure mix wherever possible, with a strong focus on affordable housing delivery.

4. Residents have a say in regeneration plans and scheme designs

our regeneration programme

care-leavers, older people and adults with learning disabilities.

New supported housing is delivered by the Council, designed with vulnerable client groups in mind.

We are committed to ensuring that residents’ voices are heard when designing regeneration schemes

We stay in regular contact throughout the regeneration process, provide online and inperson updates in a variety of ways including WhatsApp

Meetings are arranged in advance to maximise attendance; updates are circulated to residents after each meeting

Accessible community consultation events will continue to seek feedback throughout the design process.

Resident estate ballots will be held on housing estates earmarked for regeneration, where 150 or more homes will be built.

We will continue to update residents regularly and provide a dedicated Regeneration Community Liaison Officer for queries and support

Our website is maintained including a well-developed ‘Story So Far’ section for each project that provides the history of updates for each scheme

Ongoing –36 months

Resident consultation events remain regular and accessible, residents have the opportunity to provide feedback, queries are responded to efficiently

Reporting on collaboration, local community presence, knowledge sharing, involvement and codesign into strategies and specific issues

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