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3.3 Current Business Social Responsibility Programmes

This section highlights examples of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes from businesses in the top high emitting sectors identified in previous sectionsTable 3-1: Havering’s Top 10 Highest Emitting Sectors (SIC Section)

SIC Section Number of Businesses (2019) Total Emissions (ktCO2e)

Transportation and storage

Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activitiesManufacturing


535 40 405 2475

Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

1325 Human health and social work activities 415 Administrative and support service activities 860

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

10 Accommodation and food service activities 475


150 143 71 70 58 49 19 17 10 7 7

Source: Business counts data from NOMIS (https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/query/select/getdatasetbytheme.asp?theme=49) and EMSI Labour market data.

Based on the above, at the highest SIC Section level (i.e. largest sector grouping based on standard UK industrial classifications), ‘Transportation and storage’, followed by ‘Water & Waste’ and ‘Manufacturing’ are the highest emitting sectors in Havering.

Breaking these down further into subsectors (i.e. SIC 2-digit division) highlights the specific activities driving most of the emissions:

4. Division 49 – ‘land transport’ (subsector of ‘transportation and storage’); 5. Division 38 – ‘Waste collection, treatment and disposal; materials recovery’ (subsector of ‘Water & Waste’); and 6. Division 23 – ‘Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products’ (subsector of ‘Manufacturing’) Table 3-2 below shows the Top 10 emitting sub-sectors. This shows that ‘land transport’ is the single largest emitting sub-sector by a substantial amount, being more than double the next most emitting sub-sector. This demonstrates that it will be vital to address this sector to be effective at decarbonising commercial activities in the Borough.

Other notable sectors include water transport (which covers transporting passengers or freight over water, including sightseeing cruises, boats, ferries, water taxies, etc.), which has a higher value than it would for many boroughs and is challenging to decarbonise due to the fuel used in this sector. Specialised construction activities are also of note as these will involve diverse activities that will be harder to target for decarbonisation than for many of the other sectors.

Table 3-2: Havering’s Top 10 Highest Emitting Sectors (2-digit Division). It is worth noting that the majority of businesses in Havering are relatively small and hence do not offer a CSR programme. However, the below offer a starting point and their positive impact and possible multiplier effect on smaller businesses should not be under-estimated. It is important that progressive business practices are highlighted to serve as inspiration for other businesses working in similar sectors. Table 3-4 below showcases a select number of examples of CSR practices from businesses in Havering.

Please refer to the Glossary for key terms.

Table 3-4. Example CSR Programmes of Businesses in Havering

Example CSR Programmes - Continued

Sector Business Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme example

Transportation and storage

Argo Limited Argo established a Sustainability Working Group that coordinates sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) activities and plans across the company. The Sustainability Working Group is sponsored at the board level and led by senior executives. The group has committed to a 33% reduction in scope 3 GHG emissions and a 20% reduction in scope 2 GHG emissions in 2021. These targets aim to be achieved through sustainable employee commuting (including the introduction of a hybrid working model which mitigates the need for staff to commute) and a sustainable building programme (which includes utilising digital technology such as video conferencing to reduce transport for meetings).

Geo. Copsey & Co., Copsey states that they recognise they have an obligation to carry out activities in a responsible and sustainable manner and state that their social performance provides a positive impact on the environment, clients, employees, communities and stakeholders. They have partnered with St Francis Hospice and pass on furniture that their clients no longer wish to keep free of charge.

Sector Business Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme example

Transportation and storage

Waste supply; sewerage, waste

Uniserve Limited Uniserve promotes policy statements outlining their environmental and ethical aims. They state that they are committed to the principles of good corporate governance and ensure that their business is properly directed and managed for the benefit of its stakeholders, including its managers, employees and customers.

Reuse Technology Group Ltd Reuse Technology Group is ISO14001 Environmental Management Certified and committed to promoting Environmental Sustainability. They have developed a Sustainability Policy which all staff are committed to implementing, they also make their clients and suppliers aware of their Sustainability Policy and encourage them to adopt sustainable management practices.

management and remediation

Manufacturing Tilda Tilda state that they are committed to safeguarding the long-term sustainability of Basmati rice farming. Tilda have developed an Impact Report which outlines what they are doing as a business to tackle climate change, including: • Working with packaging supplier to ensure all their packaging is recyclable in the countries where it is sold • Carrying out ethical audits of suppliers Supporting community causes such as The Felix Project and Mary’s Meals


Chisholm & Winch Chisholm & Winch state that they recognise that they must integrate their business values and operations to meet the expectations of stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, the community and the environment. In order to do so, they have developed environmental policies and objectives as part of the business planning cycle.

Example CSR Programmes - Continued


Construction Business Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme example

Breyer Group Breyer Group have a CSR Legacy Statement which sets out their aims, those that are most likely to benefit and how they intend to reach their goals. • The Breyer Group set up the Breyer Foundation which raises funds to support those most in need and boost employment and economic development

Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles


Specsavers • Implemented the Place of Change approach which brings together expert partners to provide a range of courses and opportunities for young people and the community Developed a carbon reduction plan

Roomes is a furniture store who are working to improve their sustainability and minimise the impact of their business. This has included, but not limited to: • Reducing packaging where possible • Installing LED store lights • Installing 150 roof mounted solar panels for renewable energy Mattress recycling and the removal and recycling of packaging Specsavers state that they work with local communities. They state that they employ local staff (all of which have access to regular training and development) and raise funds for a range of local charities.

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