1 minute read
Policy Context
The Lodge Farm Park Management Plan has been prepared by the London Borough of Havering Public Realm (Parks and Open Spaces) department and represents a five year plan for the Park. The plan was completed in 2016 and will be revised annually until a full update in 2021.
It was recognised that the park given its importance locally required improvements to facilities and standards. As part of this process the plan was produced to reflect these improvements and how the park is managed.
The format of this plan follows the Green Flag Award criteria as this is recognised as the nationally accepted standard of excellence for parks and open spaces. The criteria also reflect a comprehensive and logical breakdown on the complements of how a park is managed. The plan also includes an action plan which is achievable within the remit of current budgets.
The plan has been produced to give the reader a ‘virtual’ tour of the park and a practical management guide. The key information is in the main body of the plan with more detailed information including policies and examples in the appendix. It is intended for a broad audience interested in the development of the park namely:
• Public Ream staff - Parks and Open Spaces Officers, Grounds Maintenance • Other services and departments within the London Borough of
Havering • Elected members, ward councillors and portfolio holders • The community and its representative organisations
Early morning view through the park from the Main Road entrance