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SWOT Analysis
Some allegations still persist that this loose group of youths are occasionally ‘high on drugs’ but evidence does not support this to any great extent. Of course, the Parks Protection Service cannot prevent consumption of drugs and alcohol, before they arrive in the park, only the unacceptable behaviour resulting from the same. However, complaints, mainly deriving from nearby adjacent street residents raising issues of excess litter and loud music from ‘gangs of teenagers’ were very much absent this year. This was achieved by the intervention of the PPS who spent considerable time engaging with the group, persuading them that their poor behaviour in our park had to change, should they wish to remain as regular parks users.
In 2016 the team patrolled the park 153 times with 9 prompted by calls. Only low level enforcement was required with 1 verbal warning, 3 written warnings and 1 FPN (littering) issued.
3.3 Parks Locking
Park gates and barriers that are closed in the evening are also managed by the Parks Protection Service. They have a Park Gates Supervisor who to manages a further small security team of Gate Operatives. Parks Constables will assist in the locking and unlocking of gates and barriers, where it is required to reduce crime or antisocial behaviour. As part of this duty they use marked council vehicles with flashing warning lights and on locking enter the park ringing a bell to announce closing time.
Lodge Farm Park is fully fenced and except for the car park at Main Road the gates are secured each evening half an hour after dusk and opened each morning by 8am. As the car park serves the restaurant in Raphael Park (opposite) the entrance gates are closed at 11pm by the restaurant managers. There is internal fencing and gates which is locked at the same time as the others.
Internal fencing and gate in the Main Road car park