February 2022
Welcome to the update on the proposed regeneration of Mawney Close and Mowbrays Close garage sites. Following the consultation in November 2021, and our update in early January, we’re writing to update you on the planning application for the Mawneys and Mowbrays Garage site proposed developments. The Planning applications are now live on the planning portal, on the following links: • Mawney Close (8 dwellings), Application reference - P0048.22:
When planning applications are submitted, the planning office will consult neighbouring residents and businesses, so it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the proposals. You can write in support or objection to a scheme. It’s very straightforward, all you need to do is: • Access the application via the links supplied above for Mawney Close and for Mowbrays Close
https://development.havering.gov.uk/OcellaWeb/ planningDetails?reference=P0048.22&from= planningSearch
• Write down why you support or object in the ‘Enter Comment’ section so that planning can consider this while making a decision on the application.
• Mowbrays Close (6 dwellings), Application reference - P0049.22:
The consultation period will run up until 14th March 2022 after which point the Planning Authority will make a decision on the application.
https://development.havering.gov.uk/OcellaWeb/ planningDetails?reference=P0049.22&from= planningSearch
1. Do not scale this drawing. 2. Work to figured dimensions where shown. 3. Confirm dimensions on site before fabricat report any discrepancies to the Architect a 4. Distribution, copying or disclosure of this d prohibited by copyright except for use in co project.
For more information on how to do that, please check the FAQs section overleaf.
Mawney Close RM7 8EJ Eight, 1-bedroom studio flats, office space, car parking and other amenities such as landscaping and open space for local Havering young people aged 18-24 leaving care, to support them to lead independent lives. The maximum stay is expected to be 18 months whilst these skills are developed to try and give these young people a positive start to their adult lives. They will be helped to do this by an experienced social care provider organisation, on site 24 hours per day.
Issued for Planning
Roof updated, issued to LB Havering Pre-Plann
Updated and Issued for Pre-Planning 03 Notes: General Updates
1. Do not scale this drawing. 2. Work to figured dimensions where sh Issued for Consultation 3. Confirm dimensions on site before fa report any discrepancies to the Arch description: 4. Distribution, copying or disclosure of prohibited by copyright except for us drawing amendments project.
18 Chesterton Te
London E1
t: +44 (0)208 548
e: info@ga-architect
Mowbrays Close RM5 3HJ Six, 1-bedroom studio flats, office space, car parking and other amenities such as landscaping and open space for young adults with learning disabilities. They are likely to have been in care as children and need further support to become as independent as possible. For some this might mean moving on as their independence is developed, but for others it may be that a longer-term residence is required. An experienced social care provider will be commissioned to ensure that support is available 24-hours a day.
w: www.ga-architect
LB Havering Council
P4: Semi Independent Mawney Close Romford RM7 8EJ
Bird's Eye View 01
Bird's Eye View: Looking South-East
scale @A1:
project no:
drawing no:
Issued for Planning Submission
Issued to Havering Planning Dept. Pre-P
Updated and Issued for Pre-Planning 03
General Updates
Issued for Consultation
drawing amendm
18 Ch
t: +44
e: info@g
w: www.g
LB Havering Council
P3 Supported Living Mowbrays Close Romford RM5 3HJ
Bird's Eye View 01
Mowbrays and Mawneys Garage sites Newsletter February 2022
Frequently asked questions – updated We’ve updated the FAQs to reflect some of the questions we’ve been asked. We hope this will help to provide some further context and reassurance to residents. Q: Who are these homes for? A: These buildings will be the home for young adults likely to have been in care as children and need further support to become independent and will have varying levels of needs, keeping them close to existing support networks and avoiding out of borough placements. There will be a team of professional, dedicated staff on site seven days a week providing cover 24-hour per-day, including sleep-in staff overnight. The scheme provides a vital opportunity for the young residents to live independently but in a fully supported environment. This is not a hostel facility like Abercrombie House, which supports homeless people. Q: Do the planning proposals mean residents will lose the green? A: No. The original suggestion to make use of a proportion of the green to create more parking bays came from one of the residents at the consultation in November. It wasn’t something the Council was proposing as part of the plans, but we have been working with colleagues in the Highways team to explore options. Any proposals we subsequently put forward will not include the full removal of the existing green but it may lead to a redesign. Q: Can I object to the planning applications? A: Yes. And the timeframe for you to submit this is set out in the letter from the Planning Authority. First, take a look at the plans, as it’s important to look at what the proposals are, rather than relying on what someone else’s interpretation might be. If you don’t like what you see, you can object. You should also write in if you are
in favour of the proposals too. It is important to understand that the Council can only take into account planning issues when deciding an application. Your comments should only be about relevant planning issues. Although there isn’t an exhaustive list of planning considerations, the following issues are likely to be relevant in most cases: • Havering local development plan • Government planning policy guidance • Case law and precedent • Considerations of highway safety • Residential amenity • Noise, disturbance and smells • Design, appearance and layout • Impact on trees, listed buildings and conservation areas • Human Rights
What happens next? Consultation letters have been sent out by the Havering Council Planning Authority to provide an opportunity for further comments before the application is determined. The planning decision will likely be made by 14th March 2022 and will be available online, but we will also plan to send another newsletter update letting everyone know afterwards. In the meantime, we are also exploring whether we can organise the earlier demolition of the garages at both sites, to help prevent them attracting any antisocial behaviour. If you would like more information, please visit: www.havering.gov.uk/mawneyandmowbrays or you can contact Regeneration@havering.gov.uk