New Green Residents Update - June 2023

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Thanks to everyone who came to the meet and greet recently, it was great to meet you all!

We got to hear about all the nice things you had to say about your new homes, as well as some of the teething issues some of you have also experienced.

Here's the summary we’ve put together on the main themes discussed (continued overleaf):

You said

Why isn’t there a trade button on the blocks?

We said/we did/more information

This was the design of the building Royal mail has access to the ground floor flats in order to deliver letters into the post boxes inside the lobby Residents wishing to have parcels delivered or other services, can allow access via the intercom and allow access to their floor level This also helps to keep the block more secure and safer for residents

Can the park/play equipment be fenced off?

What can and can’t we keep on our balconies?

This is part of an ‘open concept’ park but we will continue to monitor

We cannot allow plastic, wooden or other coverings on balconies as the majority of such coverings pose a fire risk

Any covering deemed fire resistant would require professional testing to prove it does not pose a risk Any request to install a balcony covering would need to be sent to your Housing Officer

Barbecues are not permitted on balconies The balcony should not have combustible items stored on them or be heavily cluttered

f you would like to store a bike in the bike stores located on the ground floor, please call 01708 434000

June 2023

You said We said/we did/more information

We’re concerned about antisocial behaviour What can we do?

Please report incidents of Anti-social behaviour to the contact centre who will request that your Housing officer makes contact with you You can report this via the contact centre on 01708 43400 or by completing a housing contact form, online We have CCTV cameras covering the estate, and will use these to monitor any anti-social behaviour and take appropriate action

If the behaviour is of a criminal nature, please report this directly to the police

Where can I access advice on cost of living?

Please visit www havering gov uk/costofliving to see what help is available

Concern about dogs

on the estate

How can we work together better?

We encourage responsible dog ownership and want everyone to be able to enjoy the public park areas. We will take all action necessary to ensure tenants are responsible pet owners. The fine currently issued for dog fouling is £150 with early payment option of £100

If you would like to discuss concerns around a pet owner or nuisance animal, please contact your Housing officer and provide the detail of your concern.

Please consider joining the Resident Participation Panel to share your views with us and help shape the Housing service

Email getinvolved@havering gov uk or call 01708 433420 for more information

How can I find out more about what’s going on in the borough?

Sign up for the Living in Havering enewsletter, which comes out once a week and includes news, announcements and a summary of what’s happening in the borough Search ‘enewsletter’ on the council website www havering gov uk and select ‘Living in Havering’ You just need to enter an email address to register

Please remember your New Green home user guide can be viewed at on the New Green webpage under ‘Information for New Green residents’ and has a lot of the information you need for your new home. If not, please contact your housing officer, Vanessa Dillimore. You can contact her via the contact centre on 01708434000 or by completing a housing contact form at

Useful contact numbers:

Havering Council General Enquiries

- 01708 434343

Havering Council Out of Hours

- 01708 433999

Havering Streetcare

- 01708 432563

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support

- 01708 443996

Housing Services

- 01708 434000

Housing Allocations

- 01708 434130

Housing Solutions

- 01708 432834

Welfare Reform Team - 01708 432537

Housing Resident Engagement Team

- 01708 433420

Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)

- 01708 434000 Mon - Fri, 9am-5pm

Age UK - 0208 2206000

Crime Stoppers - 0800 555 111

Police and Fire (non-emergencies) - 101 NHS (non-emergencies) - 111

Your local Beam Park councillors:

Councillor Trevor McKeever

Councillor Matthew Stanton

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