Sheltered Times News and Views for Sheltered Housing residents ISSUE 13: Summer 2017
Find out about Dementia During Dementia Awareness Week (Monday 15 to Sunday 21 May) Havering Council will be raising awareness about the symptoms associated with Dementia, with the aim that more people will be diagnosed earlier. In the UK, there are approximately 800,000 people with Dementia. To promote awareness surrounding this condition, Dementia Week was launched as a national campaign supported by The Alzheimer’s Society. Havering Dementia Action Alliance wants everyone to come together and take action. By uniting as a community, we can raise awareness, offer help and understanding, and improve care. Come and join us in our celebration of Dementia Awareness Week on Wednesday 17 May, 10am to 4pm, at the Romford Care Centre in Neave Crescent, Harold Hill, Romford, RM3 8HW. You can learn about the work the Havering Dementia Action Alliance is doing in your area to help make life easier to manage for people living with dementia and their carers. This event is open to everyone in Havering who would like to learn more about dementia. Find out how you can become involved, and how Havering residents can develop a dementia friendly community. There will be various activities throughout the day, including chair exercises hosted by YMCA, Dementia Information sessions, Bollywood dancing, Singing for the Brain and sharing of a carer’s personal experience of living with dementia. Lunch and refreshments will be served on the day.
More information There was no dragon in sight to burn the burgers when Beehive Court held a BBQ on St George's Day. Instead cook Emma Broad was at the griddle. She is pictured serving a burger to Peter Green while Graham Broad and Gwen Green wave the flag of St George. Full story on page 14.
Use your vote A General Election has been called for Thursday 8 June 2017. To vote in that election you must be on the electoral register. The deadline to apply to be on the register is Monday 22 May 2017 and this should be done online. If you are registered already you don’t need to register again. More information Polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm. You don’t need your Polling Card to vote but taking it with you speeds up the process. If you wish to vote by post the deadline for applications is 5pm on Tuesday 23 May 2017 If you wish someone else to vote for you (a proxy) because you are not able to vote yourself the deadline for applications is 5pm on Wednesday 31 May 2017. You can apply for postal or proxy votes on line. More information
Contact details Looking back If you want to check out a previous issue of Sheltered Times, they are now online at Housing Services Customer Contact Service The easiest way to contact us is at Anti-social Behaviour Email For rent queries
Ideas for this magazine If you have ideas for future articles please contact Denise Kelly, from the Housing Services Community Engagement Team (pictured) by emailing
Social media Follow us on Twitter@LBofHavering Facebook: log in and in the search box type Get involved – Havering Council tenants and leaseholders Out of hours If you have a problem outside normal office hours that can’t wait ring 01708 756699.
How to contact your scheme officer
Sharon is the Team Leader Sheltered Housing and is in charge of the scheme officers. Email
Ashley looks after Cockabourne Court Maygreen Crescent and Park Lane. Email
Kelly looks after Thomas Sims Court Serena Court, Solar Court and Sunrise Court. Email
Emma looks after Charlbury Crescent and Cole Court. Email
Nadine looks after Beehive Court and Holsworthy House. Email
Carol looks after Bards Court and Brunswick Court. Email
Andra looks after Dell Court and Garrick House. Email
Stephanie looks after Royal Jubilee Court Poplar Street and Delderfield House Email
Denise looks after Cottons Court, Fambridge Court and Queen Street in a job share with Lisa. Email
Lisa looks after Cottons Court Fambridge Court and Queen Street. Email
Lade Dairo (temporary member of staff) looks after Ravenscourt Grove and William Tansley Smith. Email
Investing in the future In February 2017 Havering Council agreed an investment programme of around £4.8 million over two financial years in the 12 sheltered housing schemes which are not being regenerated. That total includes all the suggestions made at the consultation meetings held in all the schemes over the last nine months. Planning meetings are now taking place to prioritise and schedule the work and when dates are agreed we will be sharing details with residents in each scheme. Inevitably there will be some disruption while work takes place and we will do everything we
Meeting the neighbours
New lifts will be installed at Ravenscourt Grove
CCTV will be installed across all schemes
can to minimise its impact. The first work likely to be done is the CCTV installation and the lift improvements.
Meeting the needs of each scheme Each scheme needs different types of work done to bring it to the standard that is being set for sheltered housing in the future. The budget set aside for work over the next two years on each scheme is:
Community Engagement Manager, Keith Brown, talks to neighbours about proposals for Dell Court
Meetings are being held for residents living around each of the schemes which are being regenerated to brief them on the Council’s proposals. Neighbour meetings have already been held for people living around Brunswick Court, Delderfield House, Dell Court, Maygreen Crescent and Park Lane and Royal Jubilee Court. The meeting for residents living near Serena, Solar and Sunrise sheltered housing scheme will take place on Tuesday 16 May from 6pm in the communal lounge. More information
Bards Court
Beehive Court
Charlbury Court
Cockabourne Court
Cole Court
Cottons Court and Fambridge Court
Garrick House
Holsworthy House
Poplar Street
Ravenscourt Grove
Thomas Sims Court
William Tansley Smith House
£153,000 Sheltered Times, Issue 13
News Round Up•••News Round Up•••News Round Up•••N Brighten up with bulbs On Friday 27 October, we’re having a Community Clean and Green Day, when we will be planting bulbs in the gardens of sheltered housing schemes across the borough with the aim of making next Spring look blooming lovely. We all enjoy the first flowers of a new Spring so come along and join us for this mass bulb planting. If you want to get involved in planting bulbs at your scheme please let Community Engagement Officer Chelsea Potts (E: Chelsea.Potts@ or your Scheme Officer know.
Get on line
More and more sheltered housing residents are now using smartphones, laptops or the communal computers to access Council services such as checking their rent or Council Tax accounts, reporting repairs or booking for events. Many are using them to order their weekly shopping, renewing their prescriptions and sharing photographs with family and friends. During the next year, there will be even more Council services best accessed on line and many Government services, such as making benefit claims, will also be on line.
Len Male uses the Brunswick Court computers
Computers are easy to use and we can give you a helping hand to set up a free email account which is what you will need for most services. If you want to be shown how to use the computers at your scheme please let Community Engagement Officer Chelsea Potts (E: Chelsea.Potts@ or your Scheme Officer know.
Computer paper and ink
Management changes Marina Crofts, who had responsibility for sheltered housing and often attended the SHOUT Forum meetings, has retired from April this year and her post is not being replaced as part of the cost saving programme in Housing Services. The Sheltered Housing Team, managed by Sharon Nunn, will now be reporting to Tenancy Sustainment Manager, Peter Doherty 4
Sadly it seems that in some sheltered housing schemes there are some residents who are taking the ink cartridges from the printers in the communal lounges and/or the paper provided for those printers back to their flats for personal use. Not only is this theft but it often means that neighbours wanting to use the facilities in the communal lounge can’t do so. Please don’t use the ink and paper for anything other than with the printers. If there is a genuine need for more ink or paper for the communal printers, please ask your Scheme Officer who has a supply for each scheme.
Broadband in your lounge The contract to provide broadband services in the communal lounge at each sheltered housing scheme is due for renewal in May and tenders are being sought for the new service, including technical support.
Computers at Beehive Court that link residents to the world wide web
News Round Up•••News Round Up•••News Round Up••• Weeding out the weeds The fish pond in the garden at Brunswick Court in Cranham has had a spring clean with weeds and rushes that were clogging the water removed along with routine maintenance.
Brunswick Court’s fish pond
The pond is home to around 100 fish which are looked after by residents and which provide many hours of pleasure for people enjoying the sunshine on the patio near the pond.
Gardening Clubs As part of the investment programme in sheltered housing we’re looking to launch gardening clubs in each of the 12 sheltered housing schemes which will remain open. The clubs will be provided with tools and support for their activities which could include growing fruit, vegetables or herbs along with flowers and shrubs. Raised planting beds will be installed in each scheme during the next 12 months and we are hoping that local horticultural societies will get involved to provide support and advice for each club. If you want to get involved in a gardening club at your scheme please let Community Engagement Officer Chelsea Potts (E: Chelsea.Potts@ or your Scheme Officer know – and remember no green fingers are needed!
Your views wanted In the next few weeks you should receive through the post a survey asking for your views on a whole range of Housing Services. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete but please take the time to answer the questions and post it back to us so we know your views and can use them to help further improve the services we offer. More information Sheltered Times, Issue 13
Regeneration Programme Update The Housing Regeneration Programme is continuing to move forward with many residents from sheltered housing now having moved to new homes. Currently discussions are taking place with major development companies which are interested in working with Havering Council to deliver the £1 billion programme to build around 3,500 new homes across the borough. In December this year a decision will be made by Havering Council’s Cabinet on which development company will be chosen to form a Joint Venture Company to deliver the developments. That Joint Venture Company will be set up during the first half of 2018. From June 2018 onwards discussions will take place with residents about designs and layout of each site before formal planning applications are submitted. The first demolition work is expected to begin in late 2018. More information:
Queen Street Most of the 28 residents from the Queen Street sheltered housing scheme have now moved to their new homes as the Waterloo Estate is likely to be the first to be demolished as part of the Housing Regeneration Programme. The empty flats will be used as short term temporary accommodation for homeless families until shortly before the demolition work begins.
Maygreen Crescent and Park Lane There are 32 residents in sheltered housing on this scheme and some have already moved to new homes, including some to general needs properties. Residents decided that they didn’t wish to form a Residents' Group to be involved in the plans for the future design of the estate as there will be no sheltered housing on the site in the future. The empty flats will be used as short term temporary accommodation for homeless families until shortly before the demolition work
Serena, Solar and Sunrise
This is one of the largest sheltered housing schemes to be regenerated with 34 residents currently living there, although many of the properties on the site are empty as they are bedsits. The intention is to develop the site as an Older Persons’ Village and for the work to be in the early part of the Housing Regeneration Programme. Work is likely to start in late 2018 or early 2019. Fifteen residents have agreed to form a Residents' Group to comment on proposals and designs for the Older Persons’ Village. If you want to be a member of the Residents' Group, please contact Community Engagement Officer Chelsea Potts (E: Chelsea.Potts@ or your Scheme Officer.
Dell Court
Delderfield House
There are 29 homes in Dell Court and the scheme will be redeveloped to provide flats for people over the age of 55. Although there will not be any sheltered housing on the site residents have said they would like to have an input on the design of the new flats so a Residents' Group is being formed. If you want to be a member of the Residents' Group, please contact Community Engagement Officer Chelsea Potts (E: Chelsea.Potts@ or your Scheme Officer. There are 10 residents of Delderfield House in Romford and several of these have already been matched, with arrangements underway for them to move to their new properties. This site is going to be developed for general needs housing and residents decided not to form a Residents' Group as there will be no sheltered housing on the site.
Royal Jubilee Court This is one of the largest sheltered housing schemes to be regenerated with 52 homes, although many of the properties on the site are empty as they are bedsits, which are not popular with older people. The intention is to develop the site as an Older Persons’ Village and for the work to be in the later part of the Housing Regeneration Programme. Work is likely to start in 2020. Residents have agreed to form a Residents' Group to comment on proposals and designs for the Older Persons’ Village. If you want to be a member of the Residents' Group, please contact Community Engagement Officer Chelsea Potts (E: or your Scheme Officer.
Brunswick Court Brunswick Court will be regenerated towards the end of the programme and on the site will be sheltered housing, extra care sheltered housing and provision for dementia care housing. Currently there is one person who has volunteered to be on the Residents' Group to help plan the new scheme. If you want to be a member of the Residents' Group, please contact Community Engagement Officer Chelsea Potts (E: or your Scheme Officer. Sheltered Times, Issue 13
SHOUT for your representative Each sheltered housing scheme can have up to two representatives attend the SHOUT (Sheltered Housing Users Team) forum. If you have a question or issue you wish them to raise please contact your representative. The current representatives are: 14 Bards Court
Steve Davies
Bards Court vacant 40 Beehive Court
Jeff Haimov
44 Beehive Court
Graham Broad
15 Brunswick Court
Ann Christian
45 Brunswick Court
Paul Clark
94 Charlbury Court
Rosie George
126 Charlbury Court
Sandra Bristow
6 Cockabourne Court
Pam Lever
17 Cockabourne Court Joan Dowling 10 Cole Court
Doreen Richardson
13 Cole Court
Patricia Payne
82 Delderfield House
Shirley Fletcher
Delderfield House vacant 7 Dell Court
Maureen Marsh
14 Dell Court
Maureen Piller
4 Fambridge Court
Fred Diston
4 Fambridge Court
Sheila Diston
7 Garrick House
Malcolm Hales
3 Vaudeville Close, Garrick House
Maureen Goodey
35 Holsworthy House
Stan Tackley
87 Neave Crescent
Margaret Boyd
29 Maygreen Crescent Sue Hutton Maygreen Crescent vacant 41 Poplar Street
John Clifford
59 Poplar Street
Ted Jones
Ravenscourt Grove vacant 109 Ravenscourt Grove Jean Garbett 13 Solar Court
Frances Rowntree
3 Sunrise Court
Brian Laws
6 Thomas Sims Court
Peter Cox
Thomas Sims Court vacant 5 William Tansley Smith House
Lucy Proctor
11 William Tansley Smith House
Adrienne Bell
SHOUT Forum dates The SHOUT Forum is scheduled to meet on: »» Tuesday 25 July 2017 10am at Thomas Sims Court, Wood Lane, Elm Park RM12 5NN »» Tuesday 31 October 2017 10am at Garrick House, Adephi Crescent, Hornchurch RM12 4LB »» Tuesday 23 January 2018 10.00am Dell Court, Ravenscourt Grove, Hornchurch RM12 6JH »» Tuesday 24 April 2018 10.00am Holsworthy House, Neave Crescent, Harold Hill, RM3 8PP These meetings are only open to your elected SHOUT Forum Representatives. If you have something you wish to be raised at one of these meetings please let your representative know. 8
Heard at the SHOUT Forum
New constitution The Annual General Meeting of the SHOUT Forum took place on Tuesday 25 April and members agreed to update the constitution. The original constitution had been agreed in 2014 and contained reference to a lot of titles that no longer exist. A copy of the new constitution is available from your SHOUT Forum representative or from
New officers
Nominations had been sought for the four officers of the SHOUT Forum and as only one nomination had been received for each role, all those nominated were elected unopposed
Elected were: • Chair – Paul Clark of Brunswick Court • Vice Chair – Jeff Haimov of Beehive Court • Secretary – Rosie George of Charlbury Court • Treasurer – Graham Broad of Beehive Court
Chairman Paul Clark Brunswick Court
Vice Chairman Jeff Haimov Beehive Court
More information
will be publicised when confirmed If money is collected for activities in so look out for the special posters on scheme noticeboards. the scheme, such as coffee mornings, national lottery, bingo or fish and chip lunches, then each month a statement MUST be put on the scheme noticeboard showing the starting balance in the fund, how much income each activity brought in, what expenditure was involved for that activity and the closing balance.
Service charges
Communal broadband
Communal equipment currently at sheltered housing schemes, which are closing through the Housing Regeneration Programme, is being redistributed to places that need that equipment. If your scheme has a particular need please let Sheltered Housing Manager, Sharon Nunn, know.
The three-year contract for providing broadband in communal areas ends on 19 May 2017 and tenders are being sought to provide a new contract to keep this service available.
Surgeries Sheltered Housing Manager, Sharon Nunn, and Scheme Officers will be organising a programme of surgeries in each scheme – dates
Representatives have asked for explanations regarding various items on the service charges that were in the recent bill and details will be given at a future meeting.
Equipment at closing schemes
Barbecues and Cream Teas Keep an eye out for the posters giving details of the four schemes hosting barbecues and four
Secretary Rosie George Charlbury Court
Treasurer Graham Broad Beehive Court
schemes hosting cream teas. All events are open to any sheltered scheme resident but you MUST book beforehand for catering purposes. More information
Armchair exercises These are taking place in all schemes over the next 12 months and each six week programme is open to anyone over the age of 55 years. More information Exercises
Befriending Tapestry has another year left on the befriending contract and if anyone knows an older person who could use a helping hand please let your Scheme Officer know so that a referral can be made. Sheltered Times, Issue 13
Election time for scheme committees It’s election time in sheltered housing schemes as we launch new committees to organise social events and work with us to introduce the community hubs. Each scheme will be holding a general meeting during June or July where there will be elections by secret ballot to elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and at least two committee members. At the same meeting residents will be able to elect their two representatives to the SHOUT Forum to serve for the next 12 months.
Every resident will receive a letter during May giving details of their scheme’s meeting and including a nomination form for them to use to put forward people to serve on the committee. This is a great opportunity to get involved in improving the social activities in your scheme so do volunteer to help out. . More information
General meetings The dates for electing the new committees are: Bards Court Monday 3 July, 10am Beehive Court Thursday 6 July, 11.30am Brunswick Court Friday 30 June, 3pm Charlbury Court Monday 3 July, 1pm Cockabourne Court Thursday 6 July, 10am
Cole Court Monday 3 July, 11.30am Cottons Court and Fambridge Court Friday 7 July, 3.15pm Dell Court Tuesday 27 June, 11.30am Garrick House Friday 30 June, 11am
Holsworthy House Monday 3 July, 2.15pm Poplar Street Friday 7 July, 2pm Ravenscourt Grove Friday 7 July, 11.15am Royal Jubilee Court Tuesday 27 June, 1.30pm
Serena, Solar and Sunrise Tuesday 27 June, 10am Thomas Sims Court Friday 30 June, 12.30pm William Tansley Smith House Friday 7 July, 10am
Historic public houses of London
Hidden histories of Havering
A 10 week course starting on Friday 12 May, 10am to 1pm. Some of London’s public houses were around before Shakespeare; others are comparatively recent Victorian additions, but all have fascinating stories and tales to tell. Venture down back streets and alleyways to discover the historic facts about the buildings: and their famous patrons included Dickens amongst others. The course will include five trips to London to view historic sites including the Docklands, the Southbank, Fleet Street and the City of London. The costs of travel and any beverages purchased are not included within the course fees and are payable by the learners. Classroom sessions 10am - 1pm. Times for trips 10am - 2pm.
A six week course starting on Wednesday 7 June, 11am to 2pm. The borough’s history stretches back to Roman times, Discover some of the hidden gems around the borough, the Norman Church, and Victorian Buildings. Look into the history of the old market place and how Henry III granted Romford the right to hold a market. Discover interesting facts about Hornchurch, Upminster and the surrounding areas.
More information
Love blossoms in a sidecar understand why my dad had been worried and dad was right. “After that, whenever we went to a dance, my dad took us and collected us on his motorbike and sidecar.” John commented: “That sidecar was very cosy so I didn’t object to that at all. “We got engaged shortly before I went to Germany with the army on National Service and I then spent 19 months in North Africa. “We didn’t have a lot of money and were planning a register office wedding but her dad insisted it would be a white wedding so we got married at St James the Less Church in Bethnal Green – Daphne looked absolutely beautiful alongside her five bridesmaids.”
Missing the last bus home was the first challenge for John and Daphne Clifford as it meant she didn’t get home from a firm’s dance until 10.45pm making her father an angry man. But the couple survived and on 20 April this year celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Speaking from their home in Poplar Street, Romford, John said: “We both worked for Waterlows printers. I worked in the stores and Daphne cut the bank notes after they’d been printed. “We lived some distance apart, she was in Bethnal Green and I was in Oxton, but we went to a
Valentine's Dance at the firm’s social club in Chingford and I asked her to dance. “Our first dance was to Answer Me by Frankie Lane and her answer was yes! “We were dancing so much we missed the last bus home so Daphne was 45 minutes after the 10pm curfew set by her father. “We’d arranged to go to the pictures the following day and when I turned up at her flat her dad gave me a right rollicking for keeping her out so late but that didn’t put me off.” Daphne added: “I thought that my Dad having a go at him would be a problem but my dad said that if he really cared then he‘d
Staying together When asked what has kept them together for 64 years the couple didn’t hesitate both said “being together”. John explained: “We’ve always shared everything and still do. We have always worked together so that meant we went home together at the end of each day and always had plenty of shared experiences to talk about.” The couple celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary with a party at Thomas Sims Court. They have three sons and a daughter; 10 grand-children and seven great grand-children so family is important to them Sheltered Times, Issue 13
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b g a n i c e c k n m i t i n Da Holsworthy House residents join in the dancing
Following the six highly successful Reminiscence Events, run in partnership with Eastside Community Heritage, March saw three tea dances being held to complete the programme. Music for the 1940s and 1950s was played and residents joined in the dancing at Holsworthy House, Serena, Solar and Sunrise and William Tansley Smith House sheltered schemes.
Residents at Thomas Sims enjoy their fish and chips lunch. Wednesday is spend time with your neighbours at Thomas Sims Court. Every week there is a coffee morning in the communal lounge and every other Wednesday you can enjoy a fish and chip lunch and a chat with other residents.
Poetry please
Brian Weston
Brian Weston’s latest poem is The Small Boy. Poetry please is looking for poetic contributions, short or long, for future editions. Just email them to including your name and address. 12
THE SMALL BOY by Brian Weston
Special days If you are celebrating a special birthday or anniversary then do send Sheltered Times an invite to the party! We know that this year there are some residents who will be 100 or 90 years old and others celebrating Diamond or Ruby Wedding Anniversaries and we’d like to come along and interview you about your lifetime experiences. If you want to let us know please email shelteredtimes@ or ask your Scheme Officer to let us know.
et The small boy crossed the stre feet his on In ragged clothes and nothing and free d wil g nin run ld chi A vagabond likes of you and me Begging and stealing from the t place hunger in his tum Wandering around the marke ms getting goodies from their mu Well-fed children everywhere ad bre of ls e morse All he was looking for was som somebody said! git le litt y uff scr t Watch out for tha anybody's guess Where did he come from? It's such a mess Such a young person to be in there People passing by see him sitting y care? bod Such a sorry sight but does any me A runaway child from a bad ho ne alo all is he is, Whoever he ng child ed by his parents as a very you on and Ab forever running wild Forced to roam the streets alone, a young man As he grows up and becomes nce if he can ere diff a Deter mined to make sets up a home he nts Hardened by life's tor me called Doctor Barnardo He is now a respected citizen
Activities Armchair Exercises
Armchair exercise class at Serena, Solar and Sunrise
Every sheltered housing scheme will have a course of six armchair exercise classes run in the communal lounge during the current financial year. These classes will run each week with instructor Sally Guise and if you want to carry on at the end of the six weeks using the video please let Chelsea Potts know and that can be arranged. The classes are open to anyone over the age of 55 who wants to take part and places should be booked at
Barbecues‌ There are four chances to enjoy burgers, bangers, salads and more with barbecues being held in August at Cottons Court and Fambridge Court, Garrick House, Holsworthy House and William Tansley Smith House. Places must be pre-booked so that we can get the catering right so please book your place at
‌ and Cream Teas There are four opportunities to sit in the sun and enjoy a cream tea this July at Charlbury Court, Dell Court, Royal Jubilee Court and Serena, Solar and Sunrise sheltered housing scheme Places must be pre-booked so that we can get the catering right so please book your place at Sheltered Times, Issue 13
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Beehive BBQ is sweet victory for St George
Cheers to St George! Joyce Rafis, Eileen Muller, Iris Wheeler, Ella Powell, Sylvia Jaggs and Wyn Leighton enjoy the sunshine and give a toast to England’s Patron Saint while Graham and Frances Broad and Jeff Haimov wave his flag.
There was no fiery dragon cooking the burgers and sausages at Beehive Court’s St George’s Day celebration – just cook Emma Broad but the end results were a sweet success for England’s Patron Saint. More than 60 people attended the event in the gardens of Beehive Court sheltered housing scheme in Gubbins Lane, Harold Wood, which had been decked out in Union Flags and the flag of St George for the event. The brains behind the event was SHOUT Forum Katie and Tom Powell are tempted by the raffle prizes on representative Graham Broad and his wife offer as Graham Broad sells the tickets. Frances who had massive support not just from drink and raffle prizes as well as coming along to residents of the sheltered housing scheme but support the event. from the wider community who donated food,
Pets on leads Please remember that if you have a dog it MUST be on a lead at all times when it is outside your own front door and on the scheme site. Letting your pet off the lead in communal areas is a breach of tenancy conditions and can result in action being taken including removal of your right to have a dog.
Communal lounges are for everyone Please remember that communal lounges and kitchens in sheltered housing schemes are for everyone in that scheme to use. Please don’t make them an extension of your own flat by entertaining family members every day. If you’re having a family celebration or special event you can book the communal lounge through your Scheme Officer. Also the communal kitchens are there to be used when an event is being held in the lounge and shouldn’t be used when cooking meals for individual residents or family members. The communal kitchen can be reserved with a booking for the communal lounge.
Tapestry offers range of events Tapestry is a charity which offers a range of support for older residents in Havering including:
Befriending Either through personal visits or on the telephone a volunteer will chat with you about any topic you want. They may also join you for a shopping trip or just a walk to the park which is an excellent way to meet a new friend.
Coach Trips Enjoy getting out of the area and exploring new locations? Why not try one of their many Coach Trips. Daytrippers travel to many regional locations, such as seaside resorts, museums, events and historic attractions.
Social Groups
Pub Clubs These are a good place to meet people over a nice wholesome lunch. The clubs meet once a month and guarantee you a warm, friendly welcome.
Wellbeing Centres Would you like to remain independent despite a condition or disability? You may be interested in attending one of the Wellbeing Centres, which host a range of activities, quizzes and games throughout the whole week. A fleet of fully-accessible minibuses can pick you up from your home and take you to and from the Centre. They are also open on Saturdays.
Would you like the opportunity to meet with similar people? Tapestry runs a range of clubs and groups across the local area, all of which offer a variety of fun, stimulating activities and have lunch and refreshments available. The clubs and groups meet on either a weekly or monthly basis and everyone is always made to feel welcome.
Sports and Fitness Looking for ways to keep yourself fit and active in later life? From Walking Football clubs, Snooker, ‘Zumba Gold’ and Table Tennis; Tapestry organises multiple sports clubs about the area for people of all sporting abilities.
More information: Sheltered Times, Issue 13
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Got a door that is sticking? Do your smoke alarm batteries need replacing?
Has your toilet seat fallen off? Is that tap still dripping?
Perhaps we can help?
HANDYMAN SCHEME Meet our Handyman Paul Call 01708 434087 or 0800 1513444 to arrange for one of our Handymen to visit your home Do you need somebody to do those little jobs around your home? Our Handyman Scheme is a free service to Havering tenants to help people over 60, vulnerable or disabled residents who need minor repairs and maintenance to their home. Through the scheme many repairs can be carried out for you including: • Door security such as fitting extra locks, • Fixing or replacing toilet seats security chains and spy holes on your • Minor repairs to taps front door • Securing carpets • Putting together flat pack furniture • Fixing curtain rails or blinds • Changing light bulbs • Hanging curtains • Moving small items of furniture • Putting up shelves, pictures or mirrors • Fixing a sticky door or window • Fitting smoke alarms or changing • Fixing or replacing doorbells the batteries.
How can you find out more or request a repair? For more information or to ask for help from the Handyman, call us on 01708 434087. Our administrators can discuss your needs and assess whether our Handyman can assist you.
What the Handyman Scheme cannot do: • Electrical or gas work • Ladder work • Major works • Decorating • Gardening
• Fencing • Roofing • Cosmetic jobs • Emergency repairs • Private residents or leaseholders
Who can use this service? This service is open to all Havering Council tenants who are: • Elderly or frail • Have a learning disability • Have a physical disability • Have a mental health problem 16
Activities for you to enjoy Scheme
Bards Court
Coffee morning From 12.30pm Coffee morning 9.30am-12 noon subs collected for 9.30am – 12.00 social club, then noon tea, cake and games in the afternoon with volunteer Richard from 2pm -5pm
Beehive Court Fitness Club morning Brunswick Court
Age Concern morning Bingo evening
Bingo 2 – 4pm
Charlbury Court Cockabourne Court
Bacon sandwiches morning
Bingo Club 1.30pm – 5pm
Coffee morning 9.30am – 12 noon quiz afternoon
First Saturday of every month club dinner 12 noon – 5pm
Afternoon tea
Lunch Bingo evening
Lunch Dinner/ Entertainment Evenings
Perky Pensioners 10am – 3pm
Bible studies Lunch Club morning, hairdresser 12 noon – 2pm visits afternoon, Crafts 2 – 4pm darts evening
Bingo evening
Alternate weeks brunch
Bingo evening
Coffee morning,
Cole Court
Tombola afternoon
Cards afternoon Darts evening
Cottons Court Activities Club afternoon, Bingo evening
Pool afternoon
Breakfast morning, Pool Bingo evening
Tombola evening
Dell Court
Afternoon bingo Afternoon keep from 2pm fit from 1.30pm
Darts evening
Fambridge Court
Activities Club afternoon Bingo evening
Breakfast morning Pool Bingo evening
Pool afternoon
Garrick House Bingo afternoon Line dancing afternoon Holsworthy House
Coffee morning Coffee morning, Bingo afternoon Armchair exercise Film Evening
Maygreen Crescent
Snooker evening
Coffee morning
Afternoon cards from 2pm
Tea and Cake afternoon
Bingo afternoon
Coffee morning Bingo evening
Coffee morning
Coffee and games
Park Lane Poplar Street
Bingo afternoon
Breakfast morning Knitting afternoon
Queen Street
Mobile support workers surgery
Ravenscourt Grove
Darts evening
Fish and chips in the afternoon, once a fortnight
Royal Jubilee Court
Coffee morning
Computer Games Coffee morning Computer Games
Thomas Sims Court
Tea and coffee morning
Fish and chips once a fortnight
William Coffee morning Tansley Smith House
Knitting /craft afternoon
Darts evening
Brunch once a fortnight
Bingo evening
Computer Games
Coffee morning Computer games
Pool night Entertainment evening
Sheltered Times, Issue 13
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Listings Coffee Mornings Every Tuesday, 10am – noon Ingrebourne Community Housing Group hosts a Coffee Morning at Hitchin Close Hall, Hitchin Close, Harold Hill, RM3 7EG. Every Thursday, 10.00am11.00am Romford Shopping Hall, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB First Tuesday of every month, 11am -1pm., Namco, The Brewery, Waterloo Road, Romford RM1 1AU Third Monday of every month 10am – noon, The Queen’s Theatre, Billet Lane, London RM11 1QT, Coffee, chat and knitting. 10% discount for Di’s Diamonds members. Fourth Thursday of every month 10am – 12noon, Bravo Café, 4 High Street, Romford, RM1 1HR Coffee/tea and cake for £2.95 for Di’s Diamond members. SHOUT Forum dates The SHOUT Forum is scheduled to meet on: Tuesday 25 July 2017 10am – 1pm Thomas Sims Court, Wood Lane, Elm Park, RM12 5NNTuesday 31 October 2017 10am – 1pm Garrick House, Adelphi Crescent, Hornchurch, RM12 4LB Tuesday 30 January 2018 10am – 1pm Dell Court, Ravenscourt Grove, Hornchurch, RM12 6JH Tuesday 24 April 2018 10am – 1pm Holsworthy House, Neave Crescent, Harold Hill, RM3 8PP These meetings are only open to your elected SHOUT Forum representatives. If you have something you wish to be raised at one of these meetings please let your representative know. 18
LGBT Group Meeting first Tuesday of each month, 3 – 5pm at Tapestry, Stanton Gate Mawney Road, Romford RM7 7HL Sheltered Housing Summer BBQs To book for these events please log onto SummersBBQS Tuesday 15 August 2017, 12 noon-1pm Holsworthy House, Neave Crescent, Harold Hill RM3 8PP Thursday 17 August 2017, 12 noon -1pm Garrick House, Adelphi Crescent, Hornchurch RM12 4LB Thursday 22 August 2017 12 noon – 1pm William Tansley Smith House, Hacton Lane, Hornchurch RM12 6PE Thursday 24 August 2017 12 noon – 1pm Cottons and Fambridge Court Marks Road, Romford RM7 7AN Afternoon Cream Teas To book for these events please log onto AfternoonCreamTeas Tuesday 11 July 2017, 12 noon Serena, Solar & Sunrise, Sunrise Avenue, Hornchurch RM12 4SX Thursday 13 July 2017, 12 noon Dell Court, Ravenscourt Grove, Hornchurch, RM12 6JH Tuesday 18 July 2017, 12 noon Charlbury Court, Charlbury Crescent, Harold Hill, RM3 8YE Thursday 20 July 2017 12 noon Royal Jubilee Court, Main Road, Romford, RM2 5AN Christmas Roadshows To book for these events please log onto ChristmasRoadshows Wednesday 15 November 2017, 12 noon -2pm Holsworthy House, Neave Crescent, Harold Hill RM3 8PP
Wednesday 22 November 2017, 12 noon -2pm William Tansey Smith House, Hacton Lane, Hornchurch RM12 6PE Wednesday 29 November 2017 12 noon -2pm Cottons and Fambridge Court, Marks Road, Romford, RM7 7AN Armchair Exercises Please book using the online form below or just come along on the day. ArmchairExercises Thursday 1 June 2017, 1pm, Dell Court, Ravenscourt Grove, Hornchurch, RM12 6JH Thursday 8 June 2017, 1pm Thomas Sims Court, Wood Lane, Elm Park, RM12 5NN Tuesday 18 July 2017, 1pm, Brunswick Court, Brunswick Avenue, Cranham, RM14 1ND Monday 4 September 2017, 12.30pm, Charlbury Crescent,Harold Hill, RM3 8YE Thursday 7 September 2017, 11am, William Tansley Smith House. Hacton Lane, Hornchurch RM12 6PE Monday 23 October 2017 12.30pm Cole Court, Dorking Road, Harold Hill, RM3 9YD Wednesday 23 October 2017 12.30pm Bards Court, Heaton Avenue, Harold Hill, RM3 7HU Thursday 16 November 2017 11am, Cottons Court, Marks Road, Romford, RM7 7AW Monday 8 January 2018 12.30pm Cockabourne Court, Archibald Road, Harold Hill, RM3 0RR Thursday 11 January 2018 11am Beehive Court, Gubbins Lane, Harold Hill, RM3 0RS Monday 19 February 2018 12.30pm
Garrick House, Adelphi Crescent, Hornchurch, RM12 4LB Tuesday 20 February 2018 1pm Royal Jubilee Court, Main Road, Romford, RM2 5AN Fun Quizzes To book onto this event please log onto. HousingFunQuizzes Friday 23 June 2017 1.30pm Holsworthy House, Neave Crescent, Harold Hill RM3 8PP Friday 25 August 2017 1.30pm William Tansley Smith House, Hacton Lane, Hornchurch RM12 6PE Friday 20 October 2017 1.30pm Dell Court, Ravenscourt Grove, Hornchurch RM12 6JH Friday 15 December 2017 1.30pm Charlbury Court, Charlbury Crescent, Harold Hill, RM3 8YE Councillor White Surgeries Councillor Damian White, Lead Councillor for Housing holds surgeries once a month. If you have any housing issues you wish to discuss with Councillor White, please come along, you will be seen on a first come first seen basis. 26 May 2017 Town Hall, Main Road, Romford. Room number CR3B 23 June 2017 Macon Way Council Office, Macon Way, Upminster, RM14 1NY 28 July 2017 Hitchin Close Council Office, Hitchin Close, Harold Hill, RM3 7EQ 25 August 2017 Hacton Hall Haydock Close, Hornchurch, RM12 6EA Councillor White all day surgeries Councillor White is holding two additional surgery days in addition to his monthly evening surgeries. You will be able to book a 10 minute appointment to see him or Councillor Jason Frost. Wednesday 14 June Thursday 22 June
The surgeries will be from 9am to 6pm, at The Salvation Army, 50 High Street, Romford Town Centre, RM1 1JJ. Pre-booking is essential – please log on to HousingSurgeries and follow the link to book your appointment on a date and at a time of your choice. If your preferred date and time has already been taken you will be asked to choose an alternative, and when your booking is completed, you will be sent an email confirmation for your appointment. Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering Bowling First Tuesday of every month, 10.15am, Namco, The Brewery, Waterloo Road, Romford RM1 1AU. Bowling tea/coffee £5.
General Meetings The dates for electing the new committees are: More information: ShelteredHousingCommittees Bards Court Monday 3 July, Beehive Court Thursday 6 July, 11.30am Brunswick Court Friday 30 June, 3pm Charlbury Court Monday 3 July, 1pm Cockabourne Court Thursday 6 July, 10am Cole Court Monday 3 July, 11.30am Cottons Court and Fambridge Court Friday 7 July, 3.15pm Dell Court Tuesday 27 June, 11.30am Garrick House Friday 30 June, 11am Holsworthy House Monday 3 July, 2.15pm
Poplar Street Friday 7 July, 2pm Ravenscourt Grove Friday 7 July, 11.15am Royal Jubilee Court Tuesday 27 June, 1.30pm Serena, Solar and Sunrise Tuesday 27 June, 10am Thomas Sims Court Friday 30 June, 12.30pm William Tansley Smith House Friday 7 July, 10am Regeneration sites: Consultation dates for sites not closing Friday 30 June Garrick House 11am Thomas Sims Court 12.30am Monday 3 July Bards Court 10am Cole Court 11.30am Charlbury Court 1pm Holsworthy House 2.15pm Thursday 6 July Cockabourne Court 10am Beehive Court 11.30am Friday 7 July William Tansley Smith House 10am Ravenscourt Grove 11.15am at Dell Court Lounge Poplar Street 2pm (at Cottons Court and Fambridge Court) Cottons and Fambridge Court 3.15pm Consultation meetings for residents in sheltered housing schemes being regenerated Monday 4 September Serena, Solar and Sunrise 10am Dell Court 11.30am Thursday 7 September Brunswick Court 9.30am Friday 8 September Royal Jubilee Court 10am Delderfield House (at Cottons Court and Fambridge Court) 11.30am Sheltered Times, Issue 13
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Housing in Bloom competition launched
Eve Ndiweni shows her award winning sunflowers to Director of Housing and Regeneration, Neil Stubbings
Cole Court won best Communal Garden 2016
sunflower to getting a team together to beautify your communal areas. The five categories are: • Best back garden • Best front garden • Best communal garden • Best hanging basket or planter • Tallest sunflower So have a chat with your friends and neighbours and get started today. More information
Key dates
Entry details
• Monday 1 May Entries open
1. D igital photo entered is saved with your first and last name and the category it is entering.
• Thursday 31 August Entries close • Thursday 7 September Judging takes place • Friday 29 September Awards ceremony
2. P rinted photograph entered has your first and last name, your address and the category it is entering written on the reverse.
31 Thursd
T 2017
If these conditions are not followed the entry may be rejected.
You can enter in three ways: 1. Complete the online form at the Housing in Bloom webpage 2. Email to 3. W rite to Housing in Bloom 2017, Housing Community Engagement Team, Havering Council Housing Services, Chippenham Road, Harold Hill, Romford, RM3 8YQ Don’t forget to include your name, address, contact details and which category you are entering. Closing date for entries is midnight on Thursday 31 August 2017. 20
Design & Print by London Borough of Havering. Job No: D5034
Last year the Housing in Bloom competition attracted lots of entries as tenants and leaseholders worked hard to make their little patch of Havering look blooming beautiful. And we want the 2017 competition to be even better so, even if all you have is a planter or window box, do enter the competition. It isn’t size that matters, but how you have used the space you have available to brighten up the area and help bees, butterflies and other insects. This year there are five categories you can enter, with something for everyone to do from planting a small hanging basket or growing a single