Estate Jewelry Auction

SUNDAY-NOV. 17-11:00

SUNDAY-NOV. 17-11:00
Park Clubhouse | 501 South East Street | Corydon, Iowa 50060
TRACT 1 - 152.95 acres m/l with an estimated 141.36 FSA cropland acres; CSR2 rating of 51.4.
TRACT 2 - 161.50 acres m/l with an estimated 158.64 FSA cropland acres; CSR2 rating of 56.3.
Bear | 515.745.3192 | IA LIC S67986000 The highly tillable farm will be offered as two individual tracts through the “Buyer Choice” Auction Method with a combined total of 300 FSA tillable acres carrying an overall CSR2 rating of 53.7, above the Wayne County, Iowa average of 50.7. Final acres subject to change pending in-progress survey. Located in Section 11, Warren Township, Wayne County, Iowa.
Curran | 641.203.2931 | IA LIC S56876000
7820 MFWD, 2988hrs, power quad-16 spd, triple hyd outlets, QH, GreenStar ready, 380-85R-30, front fenders, 18.4R-42 Good Year & duals; 8 JD frt wts; ‘99 JD 9410 Maximizer combine, 2WD, 2779 eng hrs/ 1863 sep. hrs, Ag Leader 2000 monitor, Yield/ moister wht, Straw chopr, Vittetoe chaff sprdr, folding tank auger, after-market wagon hitch, 24.5-32 Firestones; ‘99 JD 693-6R-30” CH w/hyd deck plates, ear savers, center throat shield, poly snouts, safety light pkg, JD single point hookup; ‘99 JD 920-20’ flex GT w/3” sickle, fore/aft, after-market poly auger fingers, poly skids, safety light package; 2000 Harvest Hand 20’ head trailer; 3pt head mover; FARM & LIVESTOCK
EQUIPMENT: 2006 JD 1770 No-till CCS 12Row-30” vac planter, 2pt w/pneumatic down pressure, rubber closing wheels, row cleaners, 50bu seed tanks, corn/bean meters & JD computer Trak 350 monitor; 2009 JD 1590-15’, NT bean drill, 10”x18, 2pt, w/sensors-no monitor; 21’ Glencoe 4500 soil finisher w/spike harrow; 2013 UnverferthParker & 2010 Parker 505/ 550bu green gravity wagons w/roll tarp, 60” unload door, site windows, crimped frames, 2 wheel surge brakes & light package, 425/65R-22.5 tires; Ag Chem 500 gal sprayer w/18x30” rows, foam marker & rinse tank w/pto pump; Raven width monitor; DMI 13’6”-12 shank chisel w/coults & Glencoe leveler; JD 400-12R hyd fold rotary hoe; 4 sect harrow w/hyd cart & JD sectionsexcel cond; JD 5-18” 1350-1450 semi-mtd plow; JD 350-3pt sickle mower; Killbros 375 gravity on JD 740 & JD 1065A gears; Killbros 350 on JD 1065 gear; Killbros 300 on 1065 gr w/hyd driven seed auger; 2-10”x62’ Mayrath augers w/mech swing hopps; 8”x52’ Mayrath auger; 10’ JD Van Brunt drill w/grass seed-single disc; 13’ Kew wheel disc w/6” spacings; Loader mt Westendorf dual changer max; 7’x14’ hayrack; JD 3pt post digger w/13” & 9” augers; 5’x7½‘-2 wheel trailer; 200 gal 3pt sprayer; Grain tube aerator; 200 gal & 300 gal barrels w/stands; 8’x10’ port feed shed w/galvanized siding & metal floor; 70 gal hog water; 30 gal poly pig water; Pipe hog gates; Wire panels; 36” woven wire; Fence braces; Steel & wooden posts; Barbed wire; Corn crib tunnels; 20’ antenna tower; SHOP TOOLS - LAWN / GARDEN: 2 Hayracks full of hand tools & misc; 12” Craftsman band & radial arm saws; 5” bench planer; Curtis 60gal horiz air compressor; 2T chain hoist; 24” shop fan; Hyd shop press; Hand barrel pump; Fence stretchers; Animal traps; Garden push tillers; Bushel baskets; Huffy Maxx boy’s Mountain bike; Wheel barrow; Lawn rocking bench; Picnic table; Dog house; Concrete bird bath; COLLECTIBLES: Lawn ornament windmill; Schwinn Frontier girls bike w/ Banana Seat; Old Boys Schwinn bike; Child’s 2-seater push/pull Merry-go-round; Child’s sled & trikes; Cast iron floor registers; Hay fork; Scythes; Outdoor Christmas tree decorations. OPEN HOUSE: Wed–Dec 4th – Noon-5pm. ORDER OF SALE: Hayrack tools. 12:00 noon-Online w/ & live w/Tractor, Combine & farm equipment.
likely more items by sale date. No preview for this sale.
FOR SALE: 760 Roto Grind Hay Grinder, $7,000, Mike Weigert. 319-931-1312 11-22
FOR SALE: OCIA Certified Organic Yellow Corn. OCIA Certified Organic Alfalfa/ Grass Hay In Large Square Or Round Bales. 641-751-8382 TFN FOR SALE: M-M Motor Parts G-1000 UP-G Parts Tractor 5 Star U Standard, Come Look Have More. 660-341-6318 ETFN
FOR SALE: 1st, 2nd And 3rd Cut Hay Bales, Grass, Alfalfa And Clover, Asking $60 To $70, Depending On Which Bales You Want. Also, Cattle Oil Back Rubs, $400 Each; 8 Ft. L X 4 Ft. W Concrete Feed Bunks, $100 Each. 660-868-1924 11-15
FOR SALE: Mixed Grass Hay Big Round Bales, Twine Tied, 1450lbs. $65 Each. Load Out Sat/Sun Only. Call.
660-341-1296 11-15
• Final Drives IH 1460 & 1660, $350
• Transmissions for 1460 Through 1680, $350-$450
• (2) 28L-26 Firestone Field & Road Tires on 8 Bolt JD Wheels, $1600 Pair
• Straw Choppers, Will Fit 1480-2388, $1,000-$1,500
• (2) 18.4-38 9 Bolt Dual Tires & Rims, $300
• Wide Front End, Factory, Will Fit JD 3010-4020
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: Estate Car 2007 Buick Lucerne, Always Maintained, Heat And Air Work, Good Tires, Beautiful Car, No Issues, 134K, $3,500. 641-895-7982 11-15
FOR SALE: Firewood
$100 Pickup Load Or $300 A Cord. Hardwood Mix, Delivery And Stacking Available. 660-342-9582 11-22
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The Hawkeye Trader does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an ad beyond the amount paid for the space occupied by the advertisement in which the error occurred.
FOR SALE: 2005 Kia Spectra, Everything Works, Runs And Drives Perfect, Good Tires, Great Mileage 141K, $2,500. 641-895-7982 11-15
• JD 6.8 Liter Power Unit Engine w/260 Actual Hrs, 150HP @ 1700 RPM, $12,000 OBO
FOR SALE: SNAP-ON 3 Ft. Racing Tree Light Bar And Game $150. Latham, MO. 660-791-1033 11-15
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease, $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN
WANTED: Standing Timber And Cut Logs. Walnut, Oak, Soft Maple And Other Species. Paid In Full Before Trees Are Cut. Bonded And Insured. Call Cole. 641-895-8209 2-28-25
ATTENTION: Are You Needing Someone To Install Continuous Fencing? Call Today. 641-504-8125 11-29
The Hawkeye Trader cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. There will be a $10 check return fee for any NSF check. We are not responsible for illegible copy received in mail. If your item in the paper is sold before your ad runs out or after we receive it we will issue you credit for further advertising. Any pictures for display ads received become the property of The HawkeyeTrader unless accompanied with a self addressed stamped envelope.
HUGE Online Only Timed Farm and Construction Toy Auction
Lots being closing Sunday November 17th at 3pm. Monroe, IA local pickup Monday November 18th from 9am to 6pm. Go to to register and bid
This will be a LARGE online only timed auction featuring the complete farm toy dispersal from John Van Ryswyk of Monroe, IA. Heavier focus on IH, but all brands and scales represented. Including over 20 pedals, several 1/8th scales, along with a nearly complete set of Iowa FFA tractors and implements!! Lots will begin closing at 3pm CST on Sunday November 17th. LOCAL MONROE, IA PICKUP WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM 9AM TO 6PM ON MONDAY NOVEMBER 18TH. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY!! ITEMS CAN ALSO BE BROUGHT BACK TO OUR OFFICE, OR DELIVERED TO DYERSVILLE, IA. 10% buyer’s premium, 3.5% credit card fee. Shipping available worldwide! PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR THE COMPLETE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Auction conducted and clerked by Mason Auctions LLC Auctioneer-Justin Mason 712-660-6050
39.44 Acr es m/l
Jef fer son County, IA
• Recreational Farm in Jefferson County
• Located 6½ Miles Northeast of Fairfield
• Additional Income from CRP Contracts
Washington 319-382-3343
FOR SALE: Mixed Grass Hay Big Round Bales, Twine Tied, 1450lbs. $65 Each. Load Out Sat/Sun Only. Call. 660-341-1296 11-15
FOR SALE: 24 Ft x 5 Ft Free-Standing Cattle Panels, Weighing 600 Lbs Each, Fastener Chains Included. Located in Troy, IA. 641-680-0892 TFN
FOR SALE: 2005 Kia Spectra, Everything Works, Runs And Drives Perfect, Good Tires, Great Mileage 141K, $2,500. 641-895-7982 11-15
Five Star Auction Building - 2530 Hwy 22 • Riverside, IA
Winchester Collection: 8 Wood Planes; 9 Chisels; 3 Scissors; 6 Wood Bits; 32 Screwdrivers; 2 Hammers; 4 Belt Buckles; Brass Plaque; 2 Ice Picks; 14 Double End Wrenches; 2 Pipe Wrenches; Monkey Wrench; Steel Knife; Pliers; 8 Ammo Reloading Tools; 2 Locks; 3 Meat Saws; Handsaw; Arabian Shell Strap; 2 Kitchen Scales; Spurs; Headlight; Ice Skates; 2 Pr Roller Skates; 2 Hand Drills; 2 Fishing Reels; Clay Thrower; 7 Wooden Levels; 5 Posters; Carving Set; Asst Knives; Asst Ammo Boxes; 41 Wooden Ammo Boxes Including .22, .38 S&W, 12 Ga, .30-30, .32, Primer, 16 Ga, 9mm Luger, 303 Brit, 38-55, 25-20, .45 Colt, Tobacco Leaf, .410, 30-40 Krag, .30 Win, 20 Ga, Air Rifle Shot, 2-12 Ga Cardboard Boxes; 6 Western Wood Ammo Boxes Including 30-06, 16 Ga, 12, Ga, 20 Ga, .22 & Air Rifle Shot; Gold Metal Explosives Wooden Box; Peters 30-30 Wooden Box. Kent Feed Toy Collection: First Gear 1/54 Scale Vision Tractor w/Auger Trailer, By Mack; 1/34 International K-B 10 Tractor Trailer; 1/34 Dry Goods Van; 1/34 Ford 1951 F-6 Grain Truck; 1/25 1979 International Scout; 1/25 1953 International Panel Van; 1/25 1956 Ford F-100 Truck; 1/34 Ford Super Duty F250 w/Horse Trailer; 1/54 Vision Tractor w/Auger Trailer, By Mack, Evergreen Feeds; 1/25 Chevy 1968 C-10 Pickup; 1/25 1938 International D-2 Pickup Truck; 1/25 1973 Ford F-100 Styleside Pickup; 3-1/25 Ford Model A Pickup, 70th Anniv; 1937 Ford Pickup, Feed Sacks, 2 Wheeler, Shovel; 1/34 Ford Super Duty F250 w/Stock Trailer; 1/64 International 8600 Series Day Cab Tractor Trailer; 1/34 Mack R-Model Bulk Feed Truck, Auger; 3-1927 Mack AC Stake Trucks, Metal Case; 1998 Limited Edition 1957 International R-190 Full Rack Stake Truck w/Bags; 1/34 Ford F250 Replica Truck, First Rate Show Feed; 1/25 1940 Ford Pickup w/Pallet Load of Kent Feed Bags; Kent Feed Semis without Box; Casey Jones Locomotive Beam Decanter; Ertl Pickups; Nylint Wayne Feeds Silver Knight 18-Wheeler Semi; Nylint BP Feeds Silver Knight 18-Wheeler Semi; Nylint Green Giant Semi; Heavy Machine US Army Semi w/Cannon; Heavy Machine Semi w/End Loader; Asst Holiday Trucks, Ornaments; Asst Texaco & Ford 1/64 Trucks & Toys. Farm Toy Collection: 1/16 Ertl John Deere: 1956 7020 w/Blade; 1934 Model A; Louisiana Model 830; 200th Birthday 830; 80 Diesel; Model R; Model 80; Model 40 & 70 Series 50th Anniv Collector Set; 2007 Edition Model D 1937 Heritage Series; Model G Precision Key; 1956 Model 720 Prestige; Model 70 Diesel, Precision Classic; 1956 Model 720, Blade; 1953 Model D; Model 70 Precision Classic; Model 750 Standard Prototype 2 Cyl Club Edition; 1956 Model 720 Prestige Collection; Model 850 2 Cyl; Summer Farm Toy Model 620; Model 80; 1923 Model D; JD A. 1/16 Ertl International: IH 600; Case IH 3388; Case IH 600; Spec Cast IH 1206; Farmall F-20 Tractor; IH 4786 2015 Farm Toy Show; 3588 2 Plus 2; TD-25 Crawler, Side Boom; Farmall Super M; IH Harvester x4 TD-24 Crawler/Blade; 560 Tractor; IH Bulldozer; McCormick WD-9 Tractor; Komatsu Motor Grader; M Farmall. Construction Caterpillar JD: Caterpillar D9 Series 1/25 Scale x2; JD 620, 555 Plow 1/16; CAT D9E Track Tractor, 95 Blade, AC MOC 1/25; First Gear Casting AC HD21 Crawler w/Ejector Scraper 1/50 Scale x2; Ertl Model TJ 480-TJ 530 New Holland Prestig 1/16. Asst Farm Toys: Versatile 4WD 500; Berg Built 10-12-1989 Oliver 995; Berg Built By Gene Custom 995 Oliver; AC HD-21 Crawler, Offset Disc; CAT 769C Dump Truck; LE Tourneau Super C LP Scraper Carryall; Greenlight 2017 IH Const Dump Truck; Greenlight 2017 IH Platform Stake Truck; IH TD-24 Crawler; Matchbox CAT D&H Model; More Misc Toys without Boxes; Asst Wooden Vintage Toys; Texaco Firetruck; Army Commander Car; Vintage Semi; Tonka Firetrucks; JD 9200 4WD; Asst JD Toys without Boxes, Asst Sizes; AC D-14; Bobcat T-650.
Toy Trains: Ribarossi Union Pacific Big Boy Trains Model 1528, 1524, 1527; Bachman Texas Chuggar 2-10-4 & Tender x2; AHN 4-6-6-4 Steam Lined & Challenger Locomotives; Walthers Proto 85 Budd Dome Coaches x3; Bachman SP-WP-4-8-4 Daylight Locomotives x3; Bachman New York Central Steam Locomotives x2; Athearn Miniature Model 30-22, 3221, 1001, 1910, 1830, 1790, 1780 Train Cars; Wood Train Toy Whistle, Metal Train Toy Whistle.
Airplanes: Vintage 660 Army; Monogram Model C47 Skytrain, Paratrooper; Airfix Model B-25 Mitchell; Stearman Model PT-17; IMC F-105D Thunder Chief; Hawk North Drop F-5A; MRC Model Wildcat; Gemini 250 United x2; Witty Wings Seaboard Boeing 707; Musical Camo; Cessna Skyhawk; Bellanca Sky Rocket; Skymark Delta Airlines DC-3 Replica; Aurrora Lock Head F-104 Starfighter; Hasegawa F-104 Starfighter; Western Air Express; Hobby Master Airbus A310; Travel Air Mystery 1-48 Scale; Gemini 200 Delta Boehing 767-200; Hobby Master Boeing 377 Strator, Stearman x5; Lufthansa 707 Replica; Aurora United Boeing 737.
Semi Trucks Collection: Diecast Golf Fuel Tractor Trailer; Cargil Vegetable Oil Tractor Trailer; Texaco Tractor Trailer; Trailer Lee Way Motor Frt; Mack B61 Log Truck Tractor Trailer; Peterbilt Western Distribution 1/64 Scale; Texaco 1958 B Mack; IH Goodyear Box Truck; Amana Truck & Trailer; Kenworth W-900 Tractor Trailer Grain Hauler; 1953 Model D-61 Tractor, Trailer; Smith-Miller Auto Transport Carhauler Semi, Smitty Toys; Mack Smith-Miller Semi Tractor, Pacific Intermountain Express Trailer; Smith-Miller No. 3 S.M.F.D. Fire Ladder Semi Truck; 1st Gear Stamped Steel Transporter Semi, Working Lights & Sounds; Cities Service 17 Towing Truck; BH Trailer; Asst Vintage Semis, Graders & Trucks.
Car & Truck Collection: 1/18 Scale: Arnie the Farmer Beswick w/Boxes, ‘64, ‘69, ‘66 Pontiac x4; ‘62 Catalina; Ford: ‘57, ‘58 Fairlane 500 & Skyliner x3; ‘53 F-100 Texaco Delivery Van. ‘56 Thunderbird American Grafitti; Corvette Hotwheels x11; Chevrolet: ‘53 Cadillac Eldorado; ‘66 GTO Tiger Pontiac x2; ‘72, ‘70, ‘71 Oldsmobile W-30 x4; ‘70 Plymouth Superbird; ‘70 Oldsmobile Rallye 350; ‘55 Oldsmobile Super 88; ‘69 Oldsmobile Hurst; ‘14 Corvette Stingray; ‘67 Corvette Stingray; ‘09 Corvette ZR1; ‘69 Corvette Stingray; 5-’57 BelAir; ‘68 Camaro; ‘58 Impala American Grafitti x2; ‘57 Cameo Pickup; 2-’58 Corvette; 2 Corvette Radio Controlled Cars w/Box; 2-1/24 Scale Dragsters; Corvette 327 Engine. 1/18 Scale Cars & Trucks without Boxes: 7-’57 Bel Air; ‘55 Bel Air; 3-’09 Corvette; 2 Corvette ‘08 Compuware; ‘55 Chevy & ‘53 Pickups; 2 Corvette Hotwheels; 3-’63 Corvette Cars; ‘67 Olds Car; ‘50 GMC Pickup; ‘37 Studebaker; ‘58 Edsel; Chevy Dupont Racecar; ‘49 Mercury; ‘51 Mercury; ‘51 Volkswagen; ‘59 Police Car; Ford ‘57 Fairlane; ‘38 Buick; ‘37 Car; ‘40 Police Car; ‘56 GT 40 Car; ‘50 F-100 Truck; Ford Car. Chevrolet Singage & Prints: Lighted Chevy Sign; Chevy 57 Sign; Barrett Jackson Posters; Roadkill Cafe Post; Chevrolet Mirror; Corvette Posters; Camaro Posters; Nickey Muscle Car Posters; Cadillac Posters; Lots of Wall Plaques & Posters of Various Descriptions, Most Posters are Framed; Camaro Banners; Nascar Whelen Banner; Telstar Banner; Asst Banners; Chevy Wood Frame Wall Decor; Rolls-Royce Framed 1907 Silver Ghost Wall Plaque & Many More. Sings & Prints: Hot Rod Garage; ASE Certified; Do Not Enter; Chevy Signs; Good Enamel Sign; Service Parts; No Parking; No Hunting; Pennzoil; Large DX Sign; Various Steel Signs; Various Repop Signage of Gas & Oils; Used Cars, Kendall, Gulf, No Parking; Garage; Mecum Auctions; Many More Repop Signs. Lighted Beer Signs: Stroh’s Beer; Budweiser Draft; Pabst Blue Ribbon; Anheuser Busch Wall Plaque. Beer Can Display Cabinet; Terry Redlin Prints, Signed & Framed; Numerous Tractor & Car Repop Signs. Petroleum Collectible Items: Oil Cans; Oil Barrel; Asst Petroleum Collectible Items Including Gas Pumps, Hub Caps & More; 1957 Car & Truck Parts; Asst Books & Magazines; Racecar Track & Memorabilia, Corvette Memorabilia & More; License Plates of Various Years, ‘57, ‘65, ‘56 & ‘78; and More Collectibles.
Auctioneers Note: This is a Large Multi Collection Variety of Winchester Tools, Farm Toys, Const Toys, Cars & Semi Toys, Petroleum Signage & Prints, Posters, Lots of Collectibles. Don’t Miss This Opportunity!! 1 Ring All Day! 600+ Lots! Online Bidding Available Through Proxibid!! Open House All Day Friday, November 29, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM. Catalogs & Seating Available. Watch Website for Pictures! Terms: Cash or Check w/proper ID. Not Responsible for accidents or theft. All announcements day of auction supersede previous advertising. Auctioneers: Delmar Yoder 319-430-2711 • Lonnie Miller 319-461-0019
FOR SALE: SNAP-ON 3 Ft. Racing Tree Light Bar And Game $150. Latham, MO. 660-791-1033 11-15
SALE: Estate Car 2007 Buick Lucerne, Always Maintained, Heat And Air Work, Good Tires, Beautiful Car, No Issues, 134K, $3,500. 641-895-7982 11-15
BULLS FOR LEASE: Over 70 Registered Angus & Hereford To Choose From. 90 Day Lease, $900. Trucking Available At Extra Charge. Kingdom City, MO. 573-999-3197 TFN
SALE: Firewood $100 Pickup Load Or $300 A Cord. Hardwood Mix, Delivery And Stacking Available. 660-342-9582 11-22
WANTED: Standing Timber And Cut Logs. Walnut, Oak, Soft Maple And Other Species. Paid In Full Before Trees Are Cut. Bonded And Insured. Call Cole. 641-895-8209 2-28-25
ATTENTION: Are You Needing Someone To Install Continuous Fencing? Call Today. 641-504-8125 11-29
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2024, 10:30 A.M. Clover Hall – Greene County Fairgrounds • 601 E. Lincoln Way, Jefferson, IA 50129
Location: Approximately 1 mile West of Jefferson, IA on 220th St. and ¼ South on Oakland Ave.
Legal Description: South Half of the West Half of the Northwest Fractional Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, EXCEPT Lot 1, ALL IN Section 4, Township 83 North, Range 30 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa
Parcel One consists of 62.94 Cropland Acres according to the FSA. According to Surety Mapping a CSR2 of 86.5. This Parcel contains 62.80 net taxable acres according to Greene County. The primary soil types are Nicollet Loam, Webster Clay Loam, Canisteo Loam, and Clarion Loam. Parcel Numbers: 1104100002 and 1104300012
2023 Net Taxes: $2634.00 Multiplier: 64
Location: Approximately 1 mile West of Jefferson, IA on 220th St. and ¼ mile South on Oakland Ave. Directly South of Parcel One
Legal Description: Lot 4, EXCEPT Lots A, B, & C of Lot 4, ALL IN Section 4, Township 83 North, Range 30 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa
Parcel Two consists of 16.44 Cropland Acres, classified as HEL according to FSA. According to Surety Mapping the CSR2 is 84.4. The primary soil types for this parcel are Clarion Loam, Nicollet Loam, and Webster Clay Loam. Parcel includes two 77x80 Steel Buildings. This parcel is 16.86 net taxable acres according to Greene County Iowa. Parcel Number: 1104300010
2023 Net Taxes: $746 Multiplier: 18
Location: From Churdan, IA Approximately 3 miles West on E19 and ¼ mile North on F Ave
Legal Description: Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 85 North, Range 32 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa (Jerry Kelley Estate) and Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 85 North, Range 32 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa (Jerry Kelley Inc.)
Parcel Three consists of 78.20 Cropland Acres according to FSA. According to Surety Mapping the CSR2 is 78.2. This parcel has a corn base of 39.31 acres and Soybean Base of 38.89 acres. The primary soil types for this parcel are Webster Clay Loam, Okaboji Mucky Silt Loam, Nicollet Clay Loam, Clarion Clay Loam. This parcel is 79.00 net taxable acres according to Greene County. Parcel Number: 124300002 and 124300001
2023 Net Taxes: $2732 Multiplier: 80
Location: Approximately 2 miles North and 4 ½ miles west of Jefferson, IA on 200th Street
Legal Description: East Half of the Southwest Quarter, EXCEPT Lot 11 of the SE 1/3 SW ¼, of Section 21, Township 84 North, Range 31 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa
This parcel consists of 72.52 Cropland acres with 3.6 of those acres classified as HEL according to FSA. This parcel is currently under a CRP Contract that expires 9/30/27. According to Surety Mapping the CSR2 is 83.1 for this parcel. The primary soil types for this parcel are Clarion Clay Loam and Nicollet Clay Loam. This parcel is 74.36 net taxable acres according to Greene County. Parcel Numbers: 0621300002, 0621300005
2023 Net Taxes: $2948 Multiplier: 75
Location: Approximately 2 miles North and 4 ½ miles west of Jefferson, IA on 200th Street. Directly to the south of Parcel Four.
Legal Description: Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, EXCEPT Lot 3, of Section 28, Township 84 North, Range 31 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa.
This parcel consists of 22.87 Cropland Acres according to FSA. This parcel is currently under a CRP Contract that expires 9/30/27. According to Surety Mapping the CSR2 is 73.5 for this parcel. The primary soil types are Webster Clay Loam, Clarion Loam, Dickman Sand Loam, and Okoboji Silty Loam. This parcel is 23.51 net taxable acres according to Greene County. Parcel Number: 0628100003. 2023 Net Taxes: $834.00 Multiplier: 24
Location: Approximately ½ mile South of Jefferson, IA on Hwy 4 (west side of road)
Legal Description: The East Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and Lot 1 of Lot C and Lot C, and Lot B of Lot 7 of the NE ¼ SW ¼ NW ¼ and Lots 8,0 &10 of the NW ¼, ALL IN Section 20, Township 83 North, Range 30 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County IA. Parcel Five consists of 67.75 Cropland Acres according to FSA. According to Surety Mapping the CSR2 is 42.5. The primary soil types for this parcel are Dickman Sandy Loam and Cylinder Loam. This parcel is 79.72 net taxable acres according to Greene County
This parcel will be offered the buyer’s choice of individual tracts. The bid amount will be times the multiplier for the tract taken.
Tract 5A: This parcel ID is 1120100002 according to the Greene County Assessor. The Assessor lists it as 14.14 Gross Acres and 13.50 Net Acres.
The 2023 Taxes are $196.00. Multiplier: 14
Tract 5 B: The Parcel IDs are: 1120100018; 1120100019; 1120100007; 1120100016.
The assessor lists these as 28.78 Gross Acres and 28.33 Net Acres.
The Combined Taxes are $434.00. Multiplier: 28
Tract 5C: This Parcel ID is 1120100017.
The assessor lists these as 39.40 Gross Acres and 37.44 Net Acres.
The 2023 Taxes are $822.00. Multiplier: 39
See online sales packet for more information.
Method of Sale: Purchase Price of each parcel will be the bid amount times the multiplier. The multiplier is based upon the Gross Acres but is not to be considered a guarantee of acreage. All purchases are for a lump sum on the property with more/less acres. Hallberg Auction LLC acts only as agent of the sellers.
Terms of Auction: Buyer will
Davis Co, Iowa - 111 ± acres, This diverse farm along the Fox River has high quality tillable, excellent income, a great hunting composition, and a building site. It’s located in central Davis County, west of Bloomfield. $710,000 - Call Ben Harshyne
Henry Co, Iowa - 5 ± acres, This property is an ideal retreat, blending the coziness of a log home with the convenience of a nearby town that sits on beautiful acreage in the scenic landscapes of southeast Iowa. $725,000 - Call Ben Harshyne
Henry Co, Iowa - 40 ± acres, This property is an ideal retreat, blending the coziness of a log home with the convenience of a nearby town that sits on beautiful rolling timber property in the scenic landscapes of southeast Iowa. $878,000 - Call Ben Harshyne
Henry Co, Iowa - 50 ± acres, Here is a textbook “50/50” property that has half of the land in income producing CRP acres, and the other half in expansive timber. It also has a great building site! $347,500 - Call Ben Harshyne
Henry Co, Iowa - 220 ± acres, This income producing hunting farm along the Skunk River near Mount Pleasant generates an attractive return across a diverse landscape where deer, turkey, quail, ducks, geese, and pheasants thrive. PENDING
Louisa Co, Iowa - 77 ± acres, This land and farmstead in Louisa County is ideal for quiet country living, a hobby farm, and a great hunting property. $450,000 - Call Ben Harshyne
Louisa Co, Iowa - 337 ± acres, This historic hunting club, established in 1896, offers an exceptional opportunity to become a member of an exclusive group dedicated to high-quality duck hunting. $242,325 - Call Ben Harshyne
Monroe Co, Iowa - 956 ± acres, This listing offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to own the iconic farm of former owner and renowned whitetail hunter, Bill Winke. PENDING
Van Buren Co, Iowa - 11 ± acres, This immaculate country acreage has a very well kept home, heated shop, and a gorgeous three acre pond. It’s a retreat and vacation rental for buyers that either want a residence or an investment. $499,900 - Call Ben Harshyne
Van Buren Co, Iowa - 13 ± acres, This acreage between Libertyville and Douds in northern Van Buren County is the perfect combination of rural charm and practical value. $130,000 - Call Ben Harshyne
Van Buren Co, Iowa - 180 ± acres, Nestled among the rolling hills of Van Buren County stands this amazing “American classic” barndominium on a top-shelf southern Iowa hunting farm that has been under the same ownership for 41 years. $2,222,222 - Call Ben Harshyne
Wapello Co, Iowa - 78 ± acres, Located in the hills along the Des Moines River, this 78-acre hunting property is ideal for serious whitetail hunters who want to be in a proven deer management area. $479,700 - Call Ben Harshyne
Washington Co, Iowa - 113.51 ± acres, This exceptional Skunk River hunting property is located in a prime area of southwest Washington County, close to Brinton Timber, Lake Darling, Rubio, and Brighton. $360,000 - Call Ben Harshyne
Appanoose Co, IA - 20 ± acres, This secluded timber tract offers great hunting opportunities, a newly built pond and borders Lake Rathbun, giving you access to 1000s of public hunting acres. SOLD
Clarke Co, IA - 26.41 +/- acres, This is a rare opportunity at a property that has endless opportunities for use. SOLD
Clarke Co, Iowa - 50 ± acres, Well-maintained turnkey recreational tract with mowed trails, established food plots, hunting blinds, and hunting cabin. SOLD
Decatur Co, Iowa - 64 ± acres, This property includes a shop building, mature oak timber, established food plots and multiple pond building spots. It’s the right farm in the right location! SOLD
Decatur Co, Iowa - 284 ± acres, The farm sits directly across the road from a 1,000acre SANCTUARY, it has the PERFECT house/cabin set up, it is surrounded by large tracts of timber, it’s loaded with food plots.
Decatur Co, Iowa/Harrison Co, Missouri - 283 ± acres, This property comes with everything a serious outdoors person would want and more! This farm has been documented and proven for well over a decade, and it offers the best of the best.
Decatur Co, Iowa - 474 ± acres, Property is located in an area that is surrounded by extremely large landowner tracts that are being managed to the highest level. PENDING
Decatur Co, Iowa – 515± acres, The property is located in a high-level management area and is extremely secluded. It features exiting food plots throughout the entire tract, big timber and great cover for wildlife. SOLD
Marion Co, Iowa – 51 ± acres, On top of the great ROI opportunity the farm also has great opportunity for any hunting season that southern Iowa has to offer. SOLD
Ringgold Co, IA - 40 +/- acres, This 40-acre property is the perfect mix of tillable acres and cover to make for a great hunting property. SOLD
Taylor Co, IA – 325+/- acres, This property offers a high-income producing CRP contract, a beautiful 10-acre pond, and recreational opportunities with hunting and fishing! SOLD
Union Co, IA - 277.68 +/- acres, Located in a high management area, is a diverse property with great ROI. SOLD
Warren Co, IA – 32.39 ± acres, This small property has it all from income, rec opportunities, build site and is located in a highly sought after area of Warren County. SOLD
Adair Co, Iowa - 116.93 ± acres, Outstanding upland bird hunting on this farm with nearly 120 acres of cover and habitat and excellent ROI. Surrounded by ag fields, this farm is the bedroom for wildlife. PENDING
Cass Co, Iowa - 120.26 ± acres, Whitetail Properties Real Estate is pleased to offer a dynamic combination farm with the best of both worlds: income and hunting. $775,675 - Call Garret Armstrong
Fremont Co, Iowa - 3.5 ± acres, Look no further than this timber acreage, with a cabin, included camper, camper hookups, and a storage pole building. A great property for a recreational getaway with Airbnb opportunity! $106,500 - Call Garret Armstrong
Guthrie Co, Iowa - 0.37 ± acres, This offshore lot is located on the east side of Lake Panorama near the main channel and the mouth of Birchfield Cove. $29,000 - Call Garret Armstrong
Guthrie Co, Iowa - 0.43 ± acres, Don’t miss your opportunity to own one of the last waterfront building sites on the east side of Lake Panorama. $348,500 - Call Garret Armstrong
Guthrie Co, Iowa - 0.6 ± acres, This is one of the last waterfront building sites in Birchfield Cove on the east side of Lake Panorama. $320,000 - Call Garret Armstrong
Guthrie Co, Iowa - 57.67 ± acres, Whitetail Properties Real Estate proudly presents this amazing combination farm for sale along the South Raccoon River. $490,000Call Garret Armstrong
Harrison Co, Iowa - 14.39 ± acres, Welcome to your paradise in the stunning Loess Hills near Pisgah, IA. This tract features a ranch home with 4 beds, 2 baths and large windows to take in the beautiful views. $475,000 - Call Garret Armstrong
Harrison Co, Iowa - 24.85 ± acres, Beautiful home and Loess Hills acreage in a private location of northern Harrison County. The 3/2 home provides all amenities and there’s a heated workshop for all your crafting needs. PENDING
Jasper Co, Iowa - 54.1 ± acres, Combination farm with income, hunting and building site close to Newton. The 60/40 radio of cropland to rec land s a highly sought after combination. $469,000 - Call Garret Armstrong
Mills Co, Iowa - 40 ± acres, Affordable WRP recreational property near the Omaha and Council Bluffs Metro. This property has easy access from I-29 with pavement road frontage. $84,900 - Call Garret Armstrong
Monona Co, Iowa - 8.35 ± acres, Check out this partial timber and partial open acreage and building site within a half hour of Sioux City, Iowa. A perfect acreage to build, with plenty of space for all activities of rural living. $95,000 - Call Garret Armstrong
Woodbury Co, Iowa - 79.3 ± acres, Whitetail Properties is honored to present this diverse recreational property with ample opportunities for any outdoor fanatic. $425,000 - Call Garret Armstrong