Hawk 11/13/13

Page 1

The Hawk Pursuing a passion

Tea time at Random

Freshman Piper Bateman sings, releases music video

The Random Tea Room promotes wellness through tea

Features, Pg. 12

Features, Pg. 13

Saint Joseph’s University


Est. 1929

Volume XCI

Education department fails to stack up

Pedestrian severely injured in hit and run on City Ave. Katherine Grygo ’16 Hawk Staff

Karen Funaro ’16


Assistant News Editor

egistration time is always stressful for college students, regardless of their major, but this semester education majors at Saint Joseph’s University are feeling exceptionally frustrated while trying to get a seat in some of their required classes. Their irritation is due the vast requirements they need to fulfill for their major and the fact that certain classes are only offered during specific semesters, forcing many students to fight for spots in classes with limited availability. Education majors are unable to student teach without having taken certain classes as prerequisites, and with such a limited number of spots in these classes, this can become problematic. “There are some issues with this one special ed class that everyone needs to take this spring, because they’re not going to have it in the fall,” said Caroline Fearnley, ’15. “If you want to student teach next year, you have to take it before you go, so everyone was fighting for spots in this class and space is limited.” With certain classes only being offered during specific semesters, the fear of not being able to fulfill all the necessary requirements in time

for graduation is common for many education majors. “It’s always a fear in my mind that if I can’t get a class I might not be able to graduate on time,” said Victoria Evans, ’16. This year especially, scheduling has been overwhelmingly difficult for education majors. The department has decided to require all junior education majors to participate in full-day field placement. Field placement is when education majors are sent to different schools in the Philadelphia area to observe and gain hands-on exposure to the classroom setting. John J. Vacca, Ph.D. associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for education and associate professor of teacher education, commented that he felt the transition to full-day field was beneficial. “It really allows the students to see an entire day, and the flow of subjects, and transition across the day that students go through,” said Vacca. “The observations that they get are richer in terms of their content versus going out for a couple hours in the morning where they may or may not see what they are scheduled to see. So requiring a whole day also gets them ready for student teaching, which is what they’ll do in the year after.”

Around 2:15 p.m. on Nov. 8, a man attempting to cross the street at the corner of City Avenue and Cardinal Avenue was struck by a moving vehicle. Emergency services were called and an ambulance came to the scene to aid the victim. John Gallagher, director of Public Safety and Security at Saint Joseph’s University, arrived at the scene shortly after the victim had been taken by ambulance to the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. Gallagher approximates that the victim is 45 years old. “It looks like we have a pedestrian who is non-SJU affiliated got hit by a car, or maybe two cars, and suffered a compound fracture and some other injuries, and some internal bleeding,” stated Gallagher. “He was transported to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania from this location, and the Accident Investigation Division of the Philadelphia Police [is] going to be investigating the nature of the incident. Right now, we’re supporting that effort in Public Safety and hopefully we’ll get [a] good word from the hospital about the person who was struck. The 19th District of the Philadelphia Police Department is on scene and we’re providing assistance.”

Continued EDUCATION, Pg. 3

Continued HIT & RUN, Pg. 5

Communication begins University provost responds to faculty censure Amanda Murphy ’14 Managing Editor

Brice R. Wachterhauser, Ph.D., provost and professor of philosophy, met with the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate on Nov. 5 in response to the Faculty Senate Resolution to begin communication and rebuild trust between faculty and administration. Wachterhauser’s response follows the Senate’s move to censure the university’s senior leadership team on Sept. 24. The censure, or written expression of disapproval, discusses the disparity in pay increases between faculty and administration, as well as the faculty’s frustration concerning health benefits. Wachterhauser responded in writing regarding the

censure vote in September and said that he wanted an opportunity to come to the full Senate meeting at the end of the November. On Nov. 5, he met with the Executive Committee of Faculty Senate, the group of leading individuals in the Faculty Senate, to both acknowledge that the vote to censure is a strong statement of disapproval and to understand how each side calculated salary increases. Robert Moore, Ph.D., assistant professor of Africana Studies, criminal justice, and sociology and president of Faculty Senate, reacted to the meeting with Wachterhauser. “At the Executive Committee meeting, we talked about what would be the best way for [Wachterhauser] to respond in person to the full Senate,” Moore said. “There is some disagreement on the numbers, there’s some disagreement on methodology, and I recognize that, others

recognize that.” Moore believes that many of the disagreements between the groups stem from the different methodology of how the numbers were calculated. If both Faculty Senate and administration understand how the other computed the numbers, it would be one step closer to better communication. “I think there’s some hope that between now and the Faculty Senate meeting [at the end of the month] we can, if not reconcile those differences, come up with the same numbers,” said Moore. “[And] at least understand how each party went about doing their calculations in terms of methodology.” Continued CENSURE, Pg. 4



11 13 13

The Hawk

Department of Public Safety Reports (Oct. 28-Nov. 3) October 28

November 1


Public Safety was notified of person(s) unknown damaging the face plate of the ATM machine located at the Hawks Landing Garage. The machine was still operational.

Public Safety was notified by an SJU student that she had been verbally threatened from another student. Incident under investigation.

Public Safety confiscated alcohol from an SJU student entering Lannon Hall.

Public Safety was notified of a lamp post on fire outside of St. Albert’s Hall. Narberth Fire Department responded and extinguished the fire. No injuries to report.

Public Safety was notified of an odor of marijuana coming from a hallway in the Villiger Residence Hall. A search of the hallway by Public Safety and Residence Life revealed no signs of drugs or drug paraphernalia. Public Safety was notified of an odor of gas coming from the basement of Bellarmine Hall. Facilities Management and PGW were notified.

October 29 Public Safety was notified by an SJU student that near the area of 54th & Gainor Road, person(s) unknown assaulted him, forced him into a vehicle, driven to an ATM machine and forced to remove currency from his account. The student suffered facial injuries. The incident is under investigation.

October 30 Public Safety was notified by an SJU shuttle bus driver that person(s) unknown threw an object at his shuttle shattering the passenger’s side mirror near the area of the 5600 block of N. 57th Street. No injuries to

Residence Life notified Public Safety regarding confiscation of alcohol from a student’s room inside of the McShain Residence Center. Public Safety responded to the SJU bookstore in regards to an attempted theft of clothing. The suspect fled the store prior to officer’s arrival.

Public Safety responded to a fire alarm in Ashwood Apartments. Investigation revealed steam from the shower had activated the alarm.

Public Safety responded to an alarm in Landmark Restaurant. Investigation revealed the building to be intact.

October 31

November 2

Public Safety was notified in regards to a group of SJU students throwing eggs at the shuttle bus near the area of Mandeville Hall. Public Safety Officers responded and located two of the students.

Public Safety confiscated alcohol from a student entering the LaFarge Residence Center.

Facilities Management notified Public Safety that person(s) unknown ripped the emergency phones from the wall on floors 3, 4, and 5 of the Villiger Residence Hall. Public Safety was notified of a found wallet near the area of Mandeville Hall. The student was contacted and wallet returned. Pennsylvania State Police cited (2) SJU students for underage consumption.

Public Safety responded to a fire alarm in Merion Gardens Apartments. Investigation revealed cooking food activated the alarm. Public Safety responded to a fire alarm in the Sourin Residence Center. Investigation revealed the alarm was activated accidentally.

person near the Rashford Hall parking lot. Public Safety along with Philadelphia Police responded to the area, but was unable to locate the person. Facilities Management notified Public Safety of person(s) unknown damaging a lock to a room inside of Sullivan Hall. Public Safety was notified by an SJU student that a person unknown was making obscene phone calls. Incident under investigation.


Alcohol Related Incidents

On Campus

Off Campus


Drug Related Incidents

On Campus

Off Campus

November 3 Public Safety was notified of an altercation inside of the Villiger Residence Hall. Public Safety and Residence Life responded. Public Safety was notified of a suspicious

Call Public Safety:


NEWS The Hawk


11 13 13

Technology staff responds to student website complaints Rob Schuster ’16 Hawk Staff


aint Joseph’s University launched the redesigned sju.edu website in tandem with the “Live Greater: That’s the Magis” campaign on July 26, 2012. Since the implementation of these changes, the Office of Marketing and Communications and the Office of Information Technology have heard both positive and negative feedback from students. Cary Foster, director of web communications, is a relatively new addition to the staff of St. Joe’s, having started working at the university in July of 2013. His job as director of web communications did not exist at St. Joe’s until his arrival, and it requires him “to take charge of the institution’s web marketing and communication strategies,” said Foster via email. According to Foster and Jeffrey Bachovchin, ’89, assistant vice president of information services, most of the feedback about sju.edu comes from the faculty and staff of St. Joe’s. Based upon the staff and faculty feedback they have received, Foster and Bachovchin said that making the navigation of sju.edu easier for users seems the biggest task for the web team in charge of improving the website. In an email statement, Foster and Bachovchin said that “information architecture [the way information and

resources are organized for intuitive navigation] is the biggest challenge for any higher education website, including sju.edu.” Faculty and staff are not the only ones having issues navigating the website. Students also cited the difficulty of navigation as a problem with sju.edu. Joe Lacitignola, ’14, who is currently taking a course in web design and development, noted that the website is very overwhelming at first glance. “[Sju.edu] is really all over the place,” said Lacitignola. Lisa Aquino, ’16, also said that difficulty of navigation is the biggest problem she has with the website. “If I need to find when classes start for next semester, I just type ‘SJU academic calendar’ on Google,” said Aquino. According to Aquino, it’s easier to turn to external search engines than to try to find the academic calendar through sju.edu. Aquino mentioned that she does like the website aesthetics; however, she said she would rather have a website that is easy to use than one that looks nice. User problems also persist because sju.edu is constantly being altered. “The website is ever-changing, and we go through cycles of evaluation and improvements to make small but significant changes to the way information is presented online,” said Foster via email. Besides navigation, the web team also works on branding, maintenance, user interface, and cross-plat-

form compatibility, according to Foster and Bachovchin. The Office of Marketing and Communications and the Office of Information Technology have set a few plans in motion to help with the process of improving sju.edu. Efforts are currently underway to try to create an advisory committee composed of academic affairs staff, faculty members, and students that will oversee web content strategy. The committee will be composed of employees in academic affairs, faculty, and students, according to Foster and Bachovchin. Foster said he hopes for the committee to be ready in January. The web team is also in the process of establishing a timeline for the development of templates that will make sju.edu more accessible through mobile devices. According to Foster, the hope is that these templates will be ready for the fall semester of 2014. “[The templates] will be the first step in making the entire sju.edu mobile-friendly over the next several years,” said Foster via email. Foster and Bachovchin also mentioned that the new student web portal, called “The Nest,” is expected to launch soon and will be a noticeable upgrade from the current MySJU portal. “The Nest will make it easier for current students, faculty, and employees to get at the relevant, up-to-date information and resources,” said Foster and Bachovchin via email.

Photo courtesy of Sylvia DeSantis

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Welcome St. Joe’s Students WE HAVE PASSED THE TEST OF TIME!

Education students face specific scheduling challenges Continued EDUCATION, from Pg. 1 In the past, education majors were only required to partake in half-day field placement. The change to full-day field placement has caused many students to have a harder time with class selection, further limiting their class time options as well as their chance at getting a seat in an already limited class. Many education majors find themselves taking four or five classes in one day due to the limited number of choices. “Say you want to go to field on a Monday, you can but you can’t take Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes because you’ll be in the field,” said Fearnley. “So you have to build your schedule around that, which can be frustrating. A lot of education majors have four classes Tuesday [and] Thursday, and night class on Wednesday, so you have Monday, Wednesday, Friday off to fit in your field. But it’s so hard to go from a full day of field to a full day of classes.” Evans explained that the complexity of scheduling could be eased by more options for class times, as this is a main struggle for education students. “We have a great education department, but at times I feel it is disorganized when it comes to scheduling because it is so difficult,” said Evans. “I just wish there were more options for class times, because you either start eight in the morning or you’re done at five or eight o’clock at night.” This is the first year that St. Joe’s education majors have this full-day field requirement, but already, students are voicing their negative opinions. Many say that they wish the department would change its new policy. “A lot of people are having issues with it just because it messes up your whole schedule, because there are more people fighting for the same classes on the same days,” said Fearnley. “I just think that it would make more sense if they just let us go for half days. You can do two half days in a week but that’s still a lot. The whole full day is messing everyone up.” Students have also brought their frustrations with the field placement change to their professors, who they say have been great at listening and supporting students, as well as trying to work with them to fix the flaws within the new requirement. “We have voiced our opinions, and our professors love when we voice our opinions, and they always are trying to work at making it better for us,” said Evans. “They are always curious as to what works and what doesn’t work because they can tell when we get frustrated. It’s a constant process of fixing it.” Vacca agreed with students’ claims, stating that the education department is fully aware of the students’ frustrations in regards to field placement and is working towards fixing them. “They’re already working on and looking at the trend in which general ed courses are offered, and then trying to figure out when would be the best day for field for students … I know everyone is trying to work on this,” said Vacca.



11 13 13

Plans for St. Joe’s Women’s Center move forward Katryna Perera ’16 Special to The Hawk


omen of the university community will soon be given a special spot of their own on campus. The initial announcement of a new Women’s Center to be located on campus occurred at the Saint Joseph’s University SheUnited conference on March 24, but a few weeks ago, the plans to create a center were finalized. A task force for the project submitted a proposal for the center to the University Council, a decision-making committee comprised of faculty, students, and administrators, where it was approved by senior administration. According to project leaders, the Women’s Center will be a place for female students to receive information about various aspects and issues of female student life. “The three main areas that we’re looking at for the Women’s Center is health and safety … leadership development, and also coordinating [the center] with some of our academic programs,” said Eric Patton, associate professor of management, who is a member of the task force. More generally, project leaders are looking at the center to be an exclusive space for women—one where students will be able to gather and have a support base. “It will be a sort of safe haven for women students,” said Vana Zervanos, associate dean of the Ervian K. Haub School of Business. Zervanos added that the center will hold various workshops and presentations to further educate female students about issues of women’s health, safety, and leadership. She went on to explain that the initiative for the establishment of a women’s center began after a campus survey was conducted several years ago in which students were asked what additional services they would like to be offered on campus. “It was apparent that students did express a need for something like this,” said Zervanos.

“I think it’s actually a good idea,” said Sydney Flemister, ’17, when asked about her thoughts on the center. “I don’t know if the older girls would do it, but definitely freshmen … I think it would be good especially because of the [urban] area we’re in.” The project for the Women’s Center was spearheaded by the St. Joe’s Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) and has received support from faculty, students, community members, and high university officials, including University President C. Kevin Gillespie, S.J., ’72. Patton explained that one of the main goals behind the establishment of the Women’s Center is to bring all existing and future projects for female development together. He explained that many times the COSW were not aware of the actions taking place on campus for women’s development, and that the idea behind the center was “to have a central location where [COSW] could publicize and coordinate all the events happening on campus.” When asked about the next phase in the execution process of the center, Patton said that the upcoming plans for the Women’s Center were unclear. He went on to explain that task force members and project leaders are currently attempting to find vital resources such as funding, staffing, and other logistics—all of which are needed before the project can move forward. At this time, various possible locations to house the Women’s Center have been identified by the task force, with the list including Saint Albert’s Annex. There is also an ongoing search for a full-time director to manage the center and the various programs and workshops that the center will hold. When asked when the center will be up and running, Zervanos said she has hopes for next year. “Theoretically [the space] could be renovated next summer and then be in full operation by September 2014,” she said, “but nothing is in stone yet.”

The Hawk

Faculty, administration meet to discuss censure tensions Continued CENSURE from Pg. 1 Moore said that the basis of frustration for faculty members is the wish to enable a system of shared sacrifice at the university. “I recognize, and I think that that the faculty recognizes, these are challenging times,” said Moore. “What I sense from the faculty is that they are looking for shared sacrifice in all of this, and that’s why the preliminary review of the numbers by Advisory Board for Faculty Compensation [ABFC] provided a very strong impression that it didn’t look like shared sacrifice … It’s one thing if we have to sacrifice and everybody sacrifices, it’s another thing if we have to sacrifice and other people

don’t.” In an Oct. 17 emailed response to the Faculty Senate Resolution of Sept. 24, Wachterhauser wrote: “While it’s important to set the record straight with reliable information, it is even more important to promote open communication based on mutual trust. We are acutely aware that the censure represents a breakdown in that trust. In the hope that we can better strengthen the relationship, we are respectfully requesting an opportunity to speak with the Faculty Senate about salaries and benefits, as well as the censure and the conditions and assumptions that led to it. With the

many challenges still ahead for higher education and SJU, maintaining and enhancing this communication between the faculty and senior administration is critical to the greater good of Saint Joseph’s University.” Moore is hopeful that the faculty and administration can bridge current misunderstandings and try to move forward. “If we cannot reconcile the numbers, so that we both come out with the same numbers, that at least we can respect how each side came up with its numbers,” Moore said. Wachterhauser was unavailable to be reached for comment for this article by press time.

News Briefs

SEPTA’s green garage achieves environmental certification

Arrow removed from deer’s head New Jersey wildlife officials have successfully removed a hunter’s arrow from a young deer’s head and released the animal back into the wild. A spokesman for the Department of Environmental Protection says biologists were able to tranquilize the five-month-old male deer on Nov. 9 in Rockaway Township. They removed an arrow that had pierced completely through the animal’s head, which had not damaged any major arteries or organs. The deer’s prognosis for survival is excellent. The animal was treated with preventive antibiotics and released back into the woods. (Philly.com)

This week the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) announced that its Environmental and Sustainability Management System (ESMS) at Berridge Bus Overhaul Facility and Print Shop (SEPTA’s former headquarters at 2nd and Wyoming Avenues in North Philadelphia) achieved an International Organization of Standardization (IOS) certification. This certification makes SEPTA one of eight transit agencies in the country to reach environmental standards set by the IOS. (Philly.com)

U.S.P.S. to deliver Amazon packages on Sundays Gearing up for the holiday season, the United States Postal Service will deliver Amazon packages on Sundays in the Los Angeles and New York metropolitan areas at no extra charge starting this week. The service is planned to expand to Dallas, New Orleans, Phoenix, and other cities. (LA Times)

IRAN does not accept nuclear deal U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has said Iran backed out of a deal on its nuclear program during talks with world powers in Geneva on Nov. 9. Iran said that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, but world powers suspect otherwise. Six specific information issues will be addressed over the next three months, offering a clear test of Iran’s willingness to provide greater clarity about its activities, says the BBC’s diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus. (BBC)

500,000 Refugees

Refugees to return to Somalia

More than 500,000 Somali refugees living in Kenya are to be returned to their home country after the United Nations refugee agency signed a tripartite agreement with the two governments. Over the next three years, the Somalis will be returned home. (BBC)

Typhoon aftermath in the Philippines The authorities in the Philippines are struggling to bring relief to some of the areas worst affected by Typhoon Haiyan, one of the deadliest storms ever to hit the country. The typhoon, which made landfall on Nov. 8, is reported to have killed up to 10,000 in Tacloban city and hundreds elsewhere (as of press time). Hundreds of thousands are displaced due to the storm, which blew winds up to 195 mph. (BBC)

NEWS The Hawk


11 13 13

Student robbed at knifepoint Manayunk mugging leaves student injured Cat Coyle ’16 News Editor

A male Saint Joseph’s University student was threatened by several weapons during a robbery on the intersection of 52nd Street and Overbrook Avenue in the early morning on Nov. 9. As the student was walking down Overbrook Avenue at around 1:55 a.m., he saw a white van parked with three black men sitting inside. “Two of them exited [the vehicle], and one approached him with a knife. The other approached him from the rear, and put something to his back,” said Mark Lemon, Public Safety investigator. “The victim believed it was a gun.” The men then took the student’s cell phone and his St. Joe’s identification card before leaving the

scene. The student was not at all injured. Lemon said that the student contacted Public Safety immediately. The two police detail teams, each made up of four Philadelphia police officers, that patrol the campus and accompany Public Safety officers every night were also called to aid in the investigation. The Philadelphia Police were notified as well. The first perpetrator was wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt and gray sweatpants, and the second man was wearing gray sweatpants and a black skullcap. The student could not provide a description of the third perpetrator because he did not leave the driver’s seat of the car. A notification of the incident was sent via email to the St. Joe’s community at 2:02 p.m. on Nov. 9 from John Gallagher, director of Public Safety.

Continued from HIT AND RUN, pg. 1

Photo from wikimedia.org

Cat Coyle ’16 News Editor Early in the morning on Nov. 3, a male Saint Joseph’s University student was mugged and beaten in Manayunk by four men. The student, a resident of Manayunk, was walking alone by the intersection of Cresson Street and Shurs Lane around 3:15 a.m. when he was approached by four men wearing dark clothing. “They were sitting on the porch and he was walking by,” said Mark Lemon, Public Safety investigator. “He knew that they were going to probably try to stop him. He started running, and one of the members of the group ran after him, caught him, struck him a few times, and removed some of his property.” Among the stolen property was the student’s iPhone 3. After the men fled the scene, the student called 911, according to Lemon. “He told me that he actually called the Philadelphia Police, but they didn’t respond right away,” said Lemon. “He said they could have came, but he fell asleep [in his house].” The student suffered bruising on his facial area but did not seek medical treatment. According to Lemon, the student reported the crime as soon as he arrived back on campus Monday morning. On Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m., the St. Joe’s community was notified of the incident via an email alert from Public Safety director John Gallagher. According to Lemon, students sometimes do not report incidents that occur in Man-

ayunk, but St. Joe’s Public Safety ends up receiving word of these incidents from the police of neighboring areas. Public Safety officers receive weekly reports of incidents in a certain radius of the campus and wade through them until they find mention of St. Joe’s students. When they find reports of St. Joe’s students as victims of crimes, they contact the students and ask if they would like to come in and file a further report with the university. Some accept this offer while others decline. “In essence, if a student calls the police about something that happens in Manayunk, I’ll find out at some point,” said Lemon. “Probably sooner than later, because we get weekly copies of reports from [police] districts that are closest to campus.” W h e n asked if there had been an increase in recent crime because of the increase in frequency of email alerts, Lemon said that there has not been an increase in crime, but in the desire to alert students of the dangers of the area. “It’s an increase of awareness; we want to make you all aware,” said Lemon. “It’s definitely not an increase in crime … It’s not to scare people, it’s just alerting you of what happens.” Gallagher and Lemon both warned students not to walk alone late at night, and reminded students of the 24/7 escort service that Public Safety offers for transportation on and around the St. Joe’s campus. “If you’re going to be out at that time, you want to be sure you’re with someone,” said Lemon. “ We’d be glad to give you a ride.”

“If you’re going to be out at that time, you want to be sure you’re with someone.”

“Currently, it is speculated that the victim was hit by two cars. One vehicle that may have been involved in the accident may have left the scene,” said Gallagher. “We only have one of the two striking vehicles at the location. We’re going to talk to the 19th [District of the Philadelphia Police Department] and find out.” As of now, Public Safety has no concrete information regarding the vehicles involved. Julianna Leite, ’15, was on her way to class when she was stopped at the intersection and saw the incident occur. “I saw the [man] try to cross when the light was green, and then I

heard honking and as soon as I head that, the [man] tried to run across the street, and a black car came and hit him on his left side, and he landed face down on the pavement,” said Leite. “I saw a lot of blood.” Elizabeth Richard, ’16, also witnessed the incident. “The car was going very fast and he went into the air,” said Richard. “There’s a dent in the woman’s windshield now and her mirror is off. He was lying flat in the intersection and I didn’t know what to do.” An off-duty Pennsylvania police officer stopped and got out to aid the victim. “A car on the street stopped in the middle

and tried to help with the traffic,” said Leite. “I guess the cop was over here, because he was here very quickly and got out … and then 911 was called.” On Friday at 6:42 p.m., Public Safety sent an email to the St. Joe’s community about the traffic accident. In the email, Gallagher urged caution when crossing intersections in light of the incident. Gallagher noted that this is not the first time an incident like this has occurred on or near the St. Joe’s campus. This semester alone, two pedestrians were hit in separate events by vehicles at the intersection of City Avenue and 54th Street.

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11 13 13

The Hawk



University must improve registration process for students Editor in Chief Marissa Marzano ’14 MANAGING EDITOR Amanda Murphy ’14 COPY CHIEF Abby Riviello ’14 Business Director Hannah Lynn ’14 Faculty Adviser Dan Reimold News editor Cat Coyle ’16 ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Karen Funaro ’16 OPINIONS EDITOR Joseph Cerrone ’14 FEATURES EDITOR Shelby Miller ’14 SPORTS EDITOR Garrett Miley ’15 ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Frank Flores ’15 LAYOUT EDITOR Weiyi (Dawn) Cai ’15 PHOTO EDITOR Shannon Adams ’16 ONLINE EDITOR Robbie Cusella ’14 SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Jillian Gardner ’16

All too often, students are left confused by our inefficient registration system Although registration for the spring 2014 semester is over, the frustrations of this process for students of Saint Joseph’s University continue to linger. While complaints about the confusion of the registration process are not new, the perpetuation of these issues year after year is a serious problem for the entire university community. Many programs illustrate the ineffectiveness of our current system, but one of the most wellknown cases is the education department. A change in students’ field placement requirements has caused a scramble for the necessary prerequisites, which are not offered every semester. This situation is unacceptable, as each academic program should ensure that it provides students with the classes and resources needed to complete their degree in a normal four-year period. However, this issue is much larger than the troubles of the education department. Over the past four years, St. Joe’s has struggled to fully implement the General Education Program (GEP). In many cases, there are simply not enough courses to allow all students to fulfill a particular requirement. In an effort to improve the program, the administration has granted some exceptions that allow certain classes to bypass specific requirements. While this is a much-needed improvement, there must be a greater effort made to ensure that professors in all departments teach courses that correspond with the standards set by the GEP. The effort to improve our registration system must also address serious deficiencies in our advising program. While one-on-one interaction

with our professor is a hallmark of the Jesuit education offered at St. Joe’s, the advising process can become a burden for students. Many students feel that their advisers are not clear about the requirements they must fulfill, with different professors offering contradicting advice. A simple way to improve this situation would be to implement a mandatory, formal training system for advisers. Nevertheless, our advisers are not to blame for the faults of our advising system, as they also experience the frustrations of its ineffectiveness. Many professors are tasked with advising an unreasonably high number students, forcing them to spread thin their time and resources. Due to this situation, many students must turn to the helpful resources offered by the CAS and HSB Advising Centers. Additionally, many others contact department chairs and the deans’ offices for responses to their queries. However, the fact that many students feel they need to seek further advice from administrators indicates an intrinsic flaw in our advising system. For example, it is puzzling why only department chairs, and not individual professors and advisers, have the power to override students into required courses. Administrators delegating more responsibility to advisers would allow the advisers to provide definitive answers and flexible solutions to our problems. Problems regarding registration and advising are not limited to one week each semester. The frustration and confusion created by our inefficient system affect the academic lives of students and professors throughout the year. While it may be easy to forget about these issues, it is irresponsible to neglect them until they become immediately timely next semester. By soliciting the perspectives of students and advisers and acting in a pragmatic way, St. Joe’s can confront this issue now and make an important improvement to our university. —The Hawk Staff

on Hawk Hill


Hawks soar to victory Last week, the St. Joe’s men’s and women’s basketball teams both won their season openers. The women defeated Mount St. Mary’s on Nov. 8 and the men followed suit on Nov. 9 with their win against the University of Vermont. With the women currently reigning as the A-10 Conference Champions, this year looks to be a promising one for Hawk basketball. St. Joe’s women’s soccer received multiple accolades for their performance during the 2013 season. Emily Gingrich, ’17, received the Atlantic 10 Rookie of the Year award. Additionally, Mo Hawkins, ’14, was named to the Atlantic 10 All-Conference First Team.


Crime wave continues Unfortunately, the past week witnessed an unusually high number of violent incidents both on- and off-campus. Several St. Joe’s students were mugged, both in Manayunk and a few blocks away from campus. Additionally, an accident on the corner of City Ave. and Cardinal Ave. on Friday, Nov. 8 sent a man unaffiliated with the university to the hospital. The reason for the increase in incidents is unknown, but students should be sure to remain alert and take common sense measures to stay safe.

How to survive Cuffing Season and the Turkey Drop Casey McBride ’16 Hawk Staff


uffing Season and Turkey Drop: weird terminology, right? I had no idea what those terms meant until I looked them up. Apparently, fall is a time of great fluctuation in relationships. After some research, I tried to determine if there were ways to avoid being “cuffed” or “turkey dropped.” The results are as follows:

Cuffing Season

When singles who usually do not want to be tied down by a long-term relationship begin looking for relationships during the fall and winter seasons. Fall and winter, in the minds of people who are trying to get “cuffed,” is the perfect time to start a relationship! Spring and summer are all about promiscuity, so fall and winter are left for holding hands and cuddling. People start to realize that they don’t want to go through the winter months alone, so the logical thing to do is find someone to fill that spot for them until the weather warms up again. Consensus: Cuffing season can definitely be avoided! Well, that’s if you’re single. If you’re not, then I hate to break it to you, but you’ve already been cuffed. If you acknowledge that it’s happening and put yourself in the right state of mind, you can avoid the people just trying to get cuffed. If your ex is suddenly texting you again or people suddenly go right into “talking” to you, you might be a potential target. It’s okay to start dating someone during this season, but take it slow, make sure the other person is in it for all the right reasons, and don’t be afraid to turn people down.

Turkey Drop

When students who decided to stay in a long-distance relationship with a partner from home break up over Thanksgiving break. The main reason people become victims of the Turkey Drop is because their long-distance relationships are not working out. Most of the people who do the “turkey dropping” are freshmen, but it can still happen to upperclassmen too. It mainly happens to freshmen because they are living a completely new life away at college. They have new friends, new classes to attend, and new extracurricular activities with which to get involved. With a new life track, sometimes people want to start over fresh with their relationships, too. Thanksgiving is the first big holiday when everyone goes home, so it seems like the perfect opportunity to make the big break. Consensus: I don’t think there’s a way to avoid it! If a relationship isn’t working out, then no matter when it occurs, the couple is going to break up. Thanksgiving seems easier than other times because no one wants to break up around Christmas or Valentine’s Day. “Sooner rather than later” is probably the best justification for it, but unfortunately, if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen. Whether you are looking to start a new relationship or get out of an old one, the fall and winter seasons are popular times to make a change to your love life.



11 13 13

{womanifesto} She’s just being Miley Patriarchy and female sexuality


We asked, Hawks responded Do you think the St. Joe’s website is easy to use? How could it be improved?

What I think we need to realize is that sexual expression is highly personal and varies between individuals. Though we love boxes in our society, the truth is that everyone will have a different relationship with their body and with their sexuality.” Marissa Karomfily, ’17 Carina Ensminger ’14


Hawk Staff

will readily admit that I am about as in touch with popular music as a caveman is. Seriously. On a scale of one to living under a rock, I probably fall around scarf-knitting grandmother. So I was late to watch not only Miley Cyrus’s performance at the VMA’s, but also her music video “Wrecking Ball.” Upon watching these performances, I was immediately shocked and perturbed. My kneejerk reaction was to ask, “What is she doing? Why is she acting this way? Does she think this attractive?” And then I realized something: those exact questions get asked of any woman who deviates from patriarchal standards of behavior. The more I reflected, the more my questions became about me rather than her. Eventually, I got to what I think is the heart of the issue: am I uncomfortable simply because her sexual expression seems to go against normative patriarchal constructions of female sexuality? Why should modesty drive everything in female sexuality? Why can’t a woman sleep with as many people as she wants? What can’t she express her sexuality in a way that empowers her? Answer: She totally can. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, patriarchy refers to social systems and structures in which males are the primary authority figures. In patriarchal societies like the United States, males predominantly hold political, moral, and fiduciary power; women and nonbinary individuals hold little power within this hierarchy and are thus excluded from shaping the discourse of society. Because the U.S. is and always has been a patriarchal society, female sexuality has been constructed by men and was, and to an extent still is, regarded as the property of men. In 18th century society, marriage was virtually the only respectable profession for upper-class women, and securing a husband was contingent upon modesty. If a woman engaged in pre-marital sex, then she was immoral, worthless, and ultimately unmarriageable. Thus, a woman’s sexuality was never entirely hers to command as it was inextricably tied to virginity and monogamy.

When we talk of race, gender, sex, and sexuality, there is one absolutely imperative lesson to be learned: history just doesn’t go away. Our society’s historical emphasis on mo desty has shaped the way in which we construct female sexuality today. This effect can be seen in the ways in which women are devalued when they do not conform to sexual standards. She has sex with multiple partners? She’s a slut. She has sex with other women? She’s a dyke. She doesn’t have sex? She’s a prude. These dehumanizing insults are used to reinforce standards of heternormative female sexual behavior. By correlating subversive behavior with derogatory insults, patriarchal standards for female modesty, monogamy, and heterosexuality are maintained. This ultimately curtails female sexual freedom. Need an example? Exhibit A: Miley Cyrus. Her sexual expression is the ultimate antithesis to modesty; she is unapologetic, visceral, and in-your-face. And because she does not prescribe to our society’s ingrained standards of modesty, she’s labeled disgusting, gross, crazy, and slutty. What I think we need to realize is that sexual expression is highly personal and varies between individuals. Though we love boxes in our society, the truth is that everyone will have a different relationship with their body and with their sexuality. Some people will have sex with a lot of people. Some people will have sex with only a few people. Some people won’t have sex at all. And as long as it’s consensual, all of it is perfectly okay. No single relationship is more moral or worthy than any other relationship, and no one should be made to feel less human simply because their relationship with their body is unlike yours. So now that I’ve watched her performances again, I’m inclined to disagree with many of what my peers have said and continue to say: she’s not a slut. She’s just being Miley. And you know what? More power to her.

Jack Slinkman, ’17

“I think it’s pretty straightforward. There is consistent updating of the website.”

“I hate the website. It’s not very user-friendly.”

Jazzmen Crafton, ’16

Emily Houston, ’16

“It’s fine. Navigating is pretty hard because you must put in exactly what you want to find, if not the result won’t come out.”

Kiara Lugo, ’14 “It’s easy to use, but you have to click on a lot of links to find what you’re looking for.”

“The website can definitely be improved to make it more efficient. The calendar is confusing.”

Cheng Wang, GS

“It is better than before, especially the home page. But it is hard to use on a smartphone.”

What do you think? Share your answer to this week’s Unfiltered question on Twitter! Tweet us @sjuhawknews



11 13 13

The Hawk

Halloween costume horror How far is too far? Gabi Soreth ’14

Special to The Hawk Halloween, that magical ending to October when college students channel their creativity into crafting clever costumes, is now behind us. However, as we surge forward into the month of November, some truly horrifying costumes will inevitably leave a negative impact upon this beloved holiday. Sure, fake blood and other frightening aesthetic choices are staples in creating an effective Halloween costume. But when does a costume cross that fine line between distasteful and downright irreverent? Alicia Ann Lynch, a 22-year-old Michigan woman, has recently skyrocketed to national ignominy after posting a picture of her Halloween costume on popular social media outlets, including Twitter and Instagram. She appears to be posing in front of a cubicle, possibly at a work-related Halloween party, as a Boston Marathon runner. Donning a light blue “5K” t-shirt with a pinned registration ticket, black running shorts, lime-green sneakers, and fake blood strewn across her face and legs, Lynch is all smiles. The April 15 Boston Marathon bombing, arguably one of the most tragic events to occur in the United States in 2013, unjustly took the lives of many individuals and seriously wounded countless other runners and innocent bystanders. According to an interview with Lynch published on BuzzFeed, she defended her actions and indicated that she meant no offense in her costume choice. Nonetheless, social media users were outraged over Lynch’s disrespect and lack of empathy, and they immediately took to Twitter in order to voice their opinions: “People at the Boston Marathon died in terror and agony…and you looked at the images and thought ‘lol’ funny costume idea?” “You should be ashamed, my mother has lost both of her legs and I almost died in the marathon. You need a filter.” Social media outlets were not the only mechanism of inflicting punishment upon the young woman; the response has leaked outside of the cyber world and now includes death threats, phone calls, and packages mailed directly to her home address and family members. Lynch has since deleted her social media accounts and has lost her job over the poor costume choice. But just how has social media impacted this situation? Has it dealt with it justly or blown it up to an equally disrespectful and horrifying level? Yes, the costume is horrific in its trivialization of such a senselessly tragic event, but can this cruel backlash against Lynch be considered at all justified? Is it not a malevolent and dangerous form of cyberbullying ? Popular outlets, like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, can be volatile in the sense that users willingly open themselves to scathing judgment and harsh criticism from others. Lynch’s costume was not the only appalling costume choice this Halloween. Other horrifying Halloween costumes of 2013 included George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Additionally, two college students from the U.K. dressed up as the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center, burning with paper planes lodged into their sides. Certainly these costumes are horrific as well. But why did this Boston Marathon costume, in particular, produce such a strong emotional reaction from observers? Are perhaps the wounds from this terrorist attack still fresh in American citizens’ minds? The backlash could also possibly stem from the fact that the day before Halloween, the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, an important event in Boston’s process of regaining a sense of victory and pride after the tragedy. Although Lynch’s costume was in poor taste, did both this young woman and her family members deserve the magnitude and intensity of threats to which she was subjected? Ultimately, certain actions, no matter how one may justify them, are just simply not permissible. Situations like these remind Americans how we must represent ourselves collectively as a nation. We must band together to check disrespect, but certainly not through cyberbullying and continual harassment. If we do so, the vicious cycle of hate simply perpetuates itself, breaking the solidarity and unity upon which America is founded.

Photo from Flickr

For freshman eyes only

Having a social life without regrets

Whether or not you are going to go out and drink, be responsible and be smart. It can be the difference between a positive college experience and one that you eventually regret.” Catharine Gaylord ’16 Hawk Staff

Due to movies and crazy stories that we hear from older friends, most of us feel like we already have a good idea about what college will be like before we ever arrive. I’m willing to bet that in most of those preconceived images, alcohol plays a rather large role. So how can you live up to the idea of the “college experience” without having it become something that you’ll regret? First, it’s important to realize that you don’t have to drink. It sounds simple, I know, but when all your friends are going out drinking every weekend, it may seem hard to say no. What else would you do instead? Who would you hang out with? You actually have several options. If you want to be with your friends but you don’t want to drink, you always have the option of going out with them and sipping soda instead. Who knows, they might do some crazy things that you can laugh about in the morning! If that isn’t your deal, then just don’t go. About 25 percent of college freshmen actually don’t drink at all. Odds are they aren’t just sitting in their rooms sleeping every Friday and Saturday night. If you know one or two of those non-drinkers (and I would bet that you do), hang out with them one night instead. Just because you don’t go drinking with your main group of friends every weekend doesn’t mean that they’ll suddenly start hating you. And remember, you can always help them get ready beforehand! Doing things that don’t revolve around alcohol might even help you make some new friends. Contrary to popular belief, there are fun things you can do sober. Our campus is right next to the city, so go take advantage of it! Whether you’re attending a concert or a play, going to get something to eat, or just walking around, there is plenty to do in Philadelphia that can replace a night of partying. Don’t be afraid to suggest that you do something in the city rather than partying one weekend. If you don’t want to drink, there really are plenty of other alternatives. Now let’s say that you do want to drink. How can you go out and have fun without regretting it the next day? It all starts with a plan. Make sure that before you go out, you have all the important details worked out. How are you going to get home? How much are you able to drink? What are you going to do to make sure you don’t make bad decisions? These things only take a minute to figure out, but they can mean the

difference between a safe night of partying and one that goes wrong. Nobody wants to end up stranded in Center City while drunk because they didn’t realize the train stops running at midnight and they don’t have money for a cab. An important part of your plan should always be to use the buddy system. Yes, it sounds childish, but it can really be one of the most important parts of staying safe. If you have to walk home alone after a night of drinking, you will easily become a target for robbery, or worse. However, the chances of something bad happening decrease if you’re with at least one other person. The buddy system works during the party, too. If you’re afraid that you’ll make bad decisions, tell your friend beforehand and they can look out for you. If you’re afraid that you’ll drunk dial, your friend can take your phone. If you’re afraid that creepy guy that’s been staring at you all night is going to make a move, your friend can intervene. Being drunk and alone is a bad idea; make sure you’re with somebody else, and make sure the person you’re with is someone you can trust. Remember that awful math class you had to take in high school where they talked about the point of diminishing returns? Well, it turns out that principle applies to partying too. I’m sure everybody knows that at some point during the night, they’ll reach a point when they know that they’ve had too much. Sometimes people ignore the realization that they are at that point and keep drinking. It is when you make this decision to keep drinking past your limits that the night starts to take a bad turn. This is the point when you start throwing up, making poor decisions, and passing out. So do yourself a favor and when you feel like you’ve had too much, stop. Even if it’s just for a little while, listening to your instincts about your limits can help save the night. Nobody likes throwing up, and I’m sure your friends will appreciate not having to witness you at that point. On the more serious side of things, being blackout drunk, or even stumbling drunk, can put you in really dangerous situations. Be responsible and don’t go past that point of diminishing returns. Whether or not you’re going to go out and drink, be responsible and be smart. It can be the difference between a positive college experience and one that you eventually regret.



11 13 13

The Hawk

When is it time to defriend? Managing your social media connections Joseph Cerrone ’14 Opinions Editor


ow many friends do you have? If your reaction to this question is to immediately check your phone for an up-to-date number of Facebook friends, there is a problem. Although your social media profiles may boast several hundred connections, only a fraction of them are actually your friends. Take a closer look at your Facebook profile or Twitter feed: do you regularly contact your supposed ‘friends?’ Can you name them all? Do you really enjoy scrolling past photos of their family vacations or lyrics of their favorite songs? If your answer to any of these questions is ‘no,’ there is a simple truth you must face: it’s time to defriend. Reviewing the status of our social media connections should be a common practice, resulting in a slimmer, yet more realistic network of friends. This doesn’t mean you should blindly tear away at your carefully built-up connections, but maintaining a perpetually expanding friend network is unreasonable. Over time our newsfeeds become cluttered with past classmates, random acquaintances, and a wide variety of people who were once considered friends but who no longer merit that distinction. Once the initial feelings of guilt and unease are set aside, this process can be liberating. In order to make it easier, here are five categories of people found in our social networks and suggestions on the best way to deal with each of them. College friends This is the easiest category for college students to address, as it includes our roommates, friends from extracurricular activities, and people we see on an almost daily basis. As we maintain an active relationship with all of these people, there is no reason why they should fall victim to the friend purge. However, if a downward spiral in your personal relationship convinces you that someone in this category must be let go, proceed with caution and be prepared for the possibility of an awkward encounter when they realize they’ve been defriended. High school friends Determining the fate of your high school friends is a bit more difficult. People whom you still contact and

spend time with, even if only over the summer, should continue to be counted among the core of your social network. On the other hand, friends whom you no longer plan on contacting can be considered for removal. Since this category is so delicate, it is best to examine your connections on a case-by-case basis to avoid making a regrettable mistake. Acquaintances Although we don’t often admit it, the majority of our ‘friends’ are acquaintances whom we know from work, school, or another social environment. Although we may be friendly with these people, they do not constitute our core friends. Due to the diversity found in this group, there are several different options for dealing with its members. Friendly acquaintances whom we see regularly should be maintained, as removing them would be unwarranted. On the other hand, don’t hesitate to defriend the acquaintances from your past who no longer play a role in your life. As the largest group of your social network, this is where the largest reduction in ‘friends’ will come from. Family This is by far the most difficult category to assess, as its members are too personally close to dismiss but also tend to be some of the worst offenders of social networking norms. Instead of defriending members of this category, the best way to respond is to utilize security features that allow you to limit their impact on your social sphere. For example, limiting their ability to tag you in posts or see some of your photos can placate their desire to friend you and save you the embarrassment of being tagged in your awkward middle school class photo. Random people By far the most troublesome group is the randoms— people whom you do not really know and should never have been friends with in the first place. These include family acquaintances you see once a year, friends of friends you met once at a party, and people in your social circles whom you know of, but with whom you were never even acquaintances. It is often these randoms who spam your newsfeed with unsolicited commentary on the latest political debate or photos of their family reunions. Make no exceptions in sending them packing; their absence will not be missed.

Taking a critical look at your social networks can be a difficult process to complete. It will involve weighing the costs and benefits of your relationships with specific people and examining whether the friendships you thought you had even still exist. Although it may be a challenge, the reward of a more organized social network and more interesting newsfeeds with updates from friends you actually care about will be worth your efforts. And don’t worry if a former ‘friend’ takes to the web to decry your ruthless actions. You won’t be able to see it.

Second half slump: Ways to succeed past the halfway point Casey McBride ’16 Hawk Staff

You got your midterm grades back, they’re not what you expected, and you want to do better. What do you do now? If your grades aren’t past the point of no return, but you want to improve, there are a few steps you can take that will send you in the right direction.

Check the syllabus

If you have been slacking on homework all semester and you find out it’s worth 20 percent of your grade, you might be able to pinpoint why your grades are not where you want them to be! Take into consideration the categories your professor is grading you on. If you’re slacking in participation, it could really bring your grade down. Weigh how much each category affects your final grade and see where there’s room for improvement.

Study based on previous material

If you know your professor is going to give you a test that is formatted in a certain way, especially if the format will be similar to a previous test, don’t waste your time studying improperly. If your test will consist only of short answer and essay questions, don’t practice multiple-choice problems. Look over the last test (if you have it) to see where the professor got their questions. Some base them directly on the homework, while others make up completely new questions for exams. Take this into account when you’re putting in hours at the library, because you want those hours to count!

Go to class

Another important aspect to consider is the attendance policy. If you skip too many classes, your grade could start to drop, not only because you’re missing out on material, but also because some professors start lowering your grade after a certain number of absences. If they count, you also run the risk of Failure by Absence, which would show up as an FA on your transcript rather than an actual grade, no matter how well you do in the class.

Form study groups

If you know other people in your classes (or even if you don’t), form study groups to collaborate before a big test or quiz. You can study from what each person knows to become knowledgeable in every area of the subject you’re studying. Making a collaborative study guide is helpful, too, because you’ll have all the information by only doing one or two parts. This does not mean you shouldn’t study on your own, but the collaboration aspect of study groups can be a helpful additional resource.

Talk to your professor

Take the time to talk to your professors about your grades and what you can do to improve them. Professors are the ones who decide your final grades, so they’re the best people to ask about how to boost them. Professors have designated office hours, so find out when they are and go to see them during those times. Professors may take into account that you are trying to improve your grade when they are determining subjective parts of your grade. They might also suggest what you can do to succeed in the class. If you’re frequently absent and don’t hand assignments in, asking your professor what you should do is probably not the best idea. However, if you have been trying and are still not succeeding, they may have the answers that will help you survive the second half of the semester.



11 13 13

The Hawk

Photo by Mike Yap ’14


11 13 13

The Hawk


Life from behind the lens

Student photographer Ben Lackey captures stories, not pictures


Shelby Miller ’14 Features Editor

here are moments in life that are too powerful for words to express. These fleeting moments of overwhelming emotion and remarkable action compose the unforgettable stories that define our lives—stories that can only be told from behind the lens of a camera. “So much emotion and feeling can be told through something as simple as a smile,” said Ben Lackey, ’15. As a wedding photographer, Lackey has the power of unwritten preservation through photographic narratives. He tells a couple’s story by capturing the moments that speak for them—the looks, the touches, and the raw emotions. “I love shooting people because I get to capture their story and emotion, and show others how I see their lives … my perspective on the story,” explained Lackey. Lackey has been passionate about photography since the very first time he heard the snap of a camera’s shutter. As he immersed himself in the art of photography—experimenting with various styles, developing a keen eye for powerful shots, and growing as a photographer—Lackey realized that he had a passion for shooting human emotions, specifically romance and love. Not long after, Lackey co-founded a photography and graphic design company with Mike Yap, ’14, and Kati Polaski, ’15. Their company, Two Suits and a Dress, specializes in proposals and weddings, and has so far seen a great deal of success. Lackey has not only developed a passion for photographing couples and weddings, but he has also developed a proclivity for a photojournalistic style. With this approach, Lackey captures moments as they happen—telling stories through his own eyes, as an observer. Looking to expand both his portfolio and style, he began looking into landscape photography. Lackey soon realized that there are stories outside of human emotion that are waiting to be told—he realized that equally powerful stories exist in nature. “While I learn through photographing people, like any artist, nature has a huge influence on how I see the world and beauty,” said Lackey.

With this new insight, Lackey and business partner Yap took a spontaneous photography-based trip to Oregon. Lackey continued, “I saw this as an opportunity to capture what inspires how I tell my stories.” Lackey and Yap researched and scouted for the best locations, planned out their routes and travel times, and then set out to capture nature’s story on the West Coast. The pair visited various locations in Oregon, including Ecola State Park, Timothy State Park, Sparks Lake, Crater Lake, and the partially abandoned town of Kent. “I wanted to shoot Kent to show people the high desert and a part of Oregon that few people know exist,” said Lackey. He continued, “As we left Kent, I photographed what the rest of our travels would look like—a long, almost unending road surrounded by mountains and fields.” Whether he was walking along stretches of shoreline shooting rocky and stone-covered beaches, or standing on the bank of a lake capturing the bright silence of a star-filled sky, Lackey began to understand how different landscape photography was from human photography. The most profound difference, Lackey found, was the inability to manipulate a shot. “Landscape photography doesn’t allow me to give any directions or move things where I want them,” he explained. At times, not being able to manipulate their surroundings proved difficult for Lackey and Yap. In order to capture the perfect shot, they had to brave below-freezing temperatures, climb over rocks, and jump through streams. Lackey remarked, “[At one point] we ended up having to use our tripods as picks to climb up the side of a muddy embankment. It took about a half hour to climb 30 feet.” Regardless of the obstacles they faced, Lackey and Yap learned a lot about photography and the intrinsic stories that wildlife offers. Lackey remarked, “It’s an organic form of photography.” For Lackey, despite the differences between photographing people and photographing nature, when it comes to capturing stories, beauty cannot be properly conveyed through words—it can only be experienced through a lens.



11 13 13

The Hawk

Turning heartache to harmony Freshman Piper Bateman pursues musical talent Photo Courtesy of Piper Bateman

Gillian Murphy ’14 Special to The Hawk


or most girls, a high school breakup means spiraling into despair, incessantly venting to friends, and trusting no men other Ben and Jerry. But Piper Bateman, ’17, isn’t like most girls. Bateman used her past experiences as fuel for her passion of creating music and turned the ugliness of heartbreak into something of aesthetic worth. After terminating a relationship with her high school sweetheart, an artistic venture was soon borne of her residual grief. Bateman put her pen to paper and channeled the raw emotion of fresh wounds to craft an authentic, revelatory song that served as an outlet for her thoughts and feelings. She found solace in the lyrics she wrote, and her sadness quickly turned into empowerment, which is reflected in her song titled “(Finally) A Refugee.” “It’s not a typical, sad breakup song,” Bateman said. “It’s more about empowerment and learning from relationships and what they teach you about yourself, and the value you should place on yourself.” After creating and recording this song, Bateman got in contact with Baltimore-based filmmaker Jane Hollon to create a music video for “(Finally) A Refugee.” Hollon eagerly took on this project

as an opportunity to express her creativity, and together Bateman and Hollon created a fundraiser on Kickstarter, an online funding platform for creative projects. The pair quickly received press from local newspapers and achieved their goal of $2,000 in 23 days to partially fund the project. Spending two 13-hour days on set, Bateman and Hollon shot the music video in four separate locations, including a bar scene at Pure Wine Cafe in Ellicott City, a wooded scene in Harford County, a barn at Edgeley Grove Farm, and several studio shots at Amy Jones Photography Studio in Abingdon, Md. Bateman described being on set as a “crazy experience,” and loved the behindthe-scenes aspects of filming, including her wardrobe selection. Her favorite part was the scene in which “it was raining outside and there were people holding umbrellas over my head, but you can’t see that because the camera’s not capturing that.” Although the long days and nonstop filming were tiring, Bateman is extremely proud of the finished product and feels that it is perfectly representative of the true meaning of the song. Bateman and Hollon plan to send the video to film festivals, music producers and record companies. Bateman discovered her obsession with music at the age of six and started playing violin before beginning to take

voice lessons at 11 years old. Although she’s “never been a choir girl,” she performed recitals once a month at the Maryland Conservatory of Music. It was through this music school that she met the four other members that would make up her first band, Cryin’ Out Loud, which formed when she was 13. When she was 14, she recorded her first song in the home studio of her guitar teacher Jim Bowley, whom she accredits for being her music mentor. “He taught me everything I know about music,” Bateman said. After recording Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift, the pair felt they were onto something good. After four years of performing in “more mature venues for our age, like bars, restaurants and at fairs,” as the lead singer of Cryin’ Out Loud, Bateman’s classic rock cover band that met and formed through her music school, began to dissolve as most of the members left for college. Bateman was still in high school and was the youngest member of the band. She is still passionate about creating and performing music, and thus she made the decision to launch a solo career. “It was a great experience and I loved it,” Bateman said of performing with her band, “but it’s really hard to write [music and lyrics] with other people.” She was thrilled about going solo because it gave

her “so much more room for opportunity.” Bateman has since crafted over 10 original songs and can often be found practicing in her dorm room, performing in front of her roommate. At St. Joe’s, Bateman aspires to audition and perform with the City Belles, an all-female acappella group, this spring. She has also entered the Battle of the Bands competition and hopes secure the opening spot in a benefit concert, A Rock to Remember, for the non-profit organization Music and Memory. Bateman chose St. Joe’s primarily because of its proximity to Philadelphia, where she seeks to promote herself as a performing artist and eventually secure local gigs. Bateman describes her sound as “not in one specific genre, but a mix of pop and country, with a little bit of rock, soul and blues.” She draws inspiration artists including Sheryl Crow, Carrie Underwood, and The Dixie Chicks, although her alltime favorite band “is and always will be The Dave Matthews Band.” While she is busy with a full course load and adapting to college life, Bateman is determined to make more time for songwriting and performing. She is returning to her hometown on November 16 to perform at Riverside Pub and Grill in Bel Air, Md., and hopes to continue to secure performing gigs in the future.

It’s not a typical, sad breakup song. It’s more about empowerment and learning from relationships.”


11 13 13


Place of the Week

The Random Tea Room and Curiosity Shop Amanda Murphy ’14 Managing Editor

The dark side of chocolate Kristen Pilkington ’14 Hawk Staff Remember those childhood days at the grocery store when you would beg your mother to buy candy, but she always refused because it was unhealthy? While your mom’s answer was justified for most of the candy on the shelf, not all sweets are unhealthy. Research has shown that “superfoods,” or healthy foods, are not only found in the produce aisle, they are also found right next to the register. Those bars of dark chocolate are actually good for more than a broken heart. Six reasons to eat dark chocolate 1. Dark chocolate promotes heart health. The results from a nine-year study reveal that consuming one to two servings of dark chocolate per week can reduce the risk of heart disease by about 33 percent. 2. Because dark chocolate can decrease cravings for sweet, salty, and fatty foods, it can help with weight management and weight loss. 3. By regulating the body’s insulin sensitivity, dark chocolate can help to prevent diabetes. 4. Dark chocolate can aid in stress management. By reducing stress hormone levels, this chocolate treat ultimately depletes the negative metabolic effects of stress. 5. As dark chocolate is full of antioxidants, it can help protect against and rid your body of damaged cells. This strengthens the immune system, reduces risks of cancer, and fights signs of aging. Try these quick recipes for homemade plain dark chocolate fudge, fruit and nut fudge, and Almond Joy fudge. The plain dark chocolate fudge requires only three ingredients; both of the specialty fudge recipes require additional ingredients. Ingredients - One 14-ounce can of condensed milk, sweetened - 3 cups of dark chocolate chips - ¼ cup of butter For fruit and nut fudge, you will also need: - 1 cup of whole almonds - ¾ cup of dried fruit (cherries and cranberries work best) For Almond Joy fudge, include: - 1 cup of shredded coconut - 1 cup of almonds - 1 teaspoon of coconut extract Directions 1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. For fruit and nut fudge, cut the almonds into pieces before adding into mixture. For Almond Joy fudge, add only ¾ cup of almonds. 2. Microwave in one-minute increments until ingredients are melted together. Stir mixture in between increments. This usually takes about three minutes depending on the strength of your microwave. 3. Spread on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil for thin fudge or in an 8x10 pan lined with aluminum foil for thicker fudge. For Almond Joy fudge, use the remaining ¼ cup of almonds to garnish the top of the fudge. Slice almonds and press gently into surface of the fudge. 4. Refrigerate for at least two hours.

Nestled in between Old City Philadelphia and Fishtown in the heart of Northern Liberties is the Random Tea Room and Curiosity Shop—a café dedicated to spreading wellness through tea. Customers are invited into the cozy café, reminiscent of a living room, to sit and enjoy tea, dabble with the menu, and discover the café’s antiques and art. The disturbance of rushing customers and loud music is seemingly nonexistent at the Random Tea Room and Curiosity Shop. For customers in need of serious stress relief, the Random Tea Room offers massage therapy, truly promoting wellness of the whole being. Their massage therapists offer deep tissue, sports injury, and Swedish massages. The Random Tea Room is a melting pot of character and personality, right down to each individual teacup and mug. The mismatched, eclectic furniture and warm lighting give the café an intimate and homey vibe. The ambiance alone may tempt customers to curl up with a book and a cup of chai to escape the cold weather. In the warmer months, however, the Random Tea Room provides restful outdoor seating for various events. Regardless of the season, free Wi-Fi access enables visitors to bring along their laptops and tablets for work or leisure, as well as to easily Instagram a picture of their fresh cup of tea and unique surroundings. But have no fear if you go sans reading or writing material; the Random Tea Room has plenty to keep customers’ curiosity peaked. Shelves of antiques, books, tea paraphernalia, and canisters of tea for sale span one side of the café waiting to be explored, while the other side displays a wall of art. Patrons can relax with a pot or cup of tea or choose to order a tea to go. The Random Tea Room’s international loose tea collection includes black teas of Sri Lanka and Assam, caffeine-free tisanes, Chinese red and white teas, Darjeeling, herbal infusions, house blends, Japanese teas, Oolong, and many more. Customers are welcomed to smell each tea and absorb the various aromas before they place their order, as well as request blends of their favorite teas. Among the multitude of teas available is the Hangover Tamer, a blend of yerba mate, peppermint, lapacho, licorice, nettle, and fresh ginger. But do not be misled by its name—this tea is designed to reduce inflammation in the body and contains caffeine, which can help cure headaches. However, a hangover is not necessarily required to enjoy this tea. For customers feeling a bit under the weather, the For the Defense tea could be a useful remedy. Some ingredients include cinnamon, chamomile (good for stomach aches and before bed), ginger, and lemon. For the student seeking some stress relief, Simmer Down tea is an available option that contains soothing ingredients such as chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender. The Random Tea Room also offers a wide variety of food items. Chai Oats, a popular choice among customers, is an oatmeal-like cereal surrounded by chai and topped with chocolate shavings. Other menu options range from gluten-free muffins and parfaits made with organic yogurt to a Pelion plate consisting of olives, dolmas (stuffed vegetables common in Greece and Turkey), feta, almonds, flatbread, dried figs, dates, and tzatziki (a Greek appetizer made from yogurt, garlic, and cucumbers). The Pelion plate is also available without dairy products. Though the Random Tea Room and Curiosity Shop is off the beaten path, it is only a five minute walk from the Spring Garden stop on the Market Frankfort Line and is easily accessible to Saint Joseph’s University students from the Overbrook train station.

Photos by Matthew Haubenstein, ’15


FEATURES 11 13 13

The Hawk

SJU Theatre Company presents: Seven Minutes in Heaven

Photo courtesy of Laura Pattillo/SJU Theatre Company Denise Sciasci ’15 Hawk Staff Friday night. Margot’s basement. 1995. Ninth grade. The Saint Joseph’s University Theatre Company is proud to present Steven Levenson’s “Seven Minutes in Heaven.” The recently written play, first performed as an off-Broadway show, profiles six “over-stimulated and under supervised” 14-year-olds as they journey through the trials and tribulations of teenage life at a high school party on a Friday night in 1995. Because of its plot, context, and themes, “Seven Minutes in Heaven” can resonate with all audiences, and is a story that many St. Joe’s students can appreciate and relate to their own lives. Even faculty and staff can identify with the play. “Everyone loves the ’90s,” added stage manager Ryan Masserano, ’15. Director Laura Pattillo explains the relevance and significance of the play in relation to how the world of technology has changed and developed since 1995. She

remarked, “Some of what is in the play is timeless, but we really did experience the world differently then … no YouTube, Myspace, Instagram. The Internet was still pretty new, and it was all dial-up—Google didn’t exist yet.” “Seven Minutes in Heaven” makes references to car phones, pagers, and mix tapes, which effectively shows how much our social media-centered world has evolved since 1995. Channeling the mentality of a teenager in the mid-90s is something that came surprisingly easy for Catherine McParland, ’14, who portrays the character of Ballard in the play. McParland said, “Listening to music from ’93-’95 bands, like Nirvana, really helped to put me in the ’90s kid mindset. It was definitely easier than I thought it would be to channel my character.” Many of the central themes in “Seven Minutes in Heaven” are universal to all generations and relatable to people of all ages. Patrick Meaney, ’16, who plays Hunter, said, “The play definitely centers on the dynamics of relationships in the teenage years and the fragility of friendships, especially as

a 14-year-old.” Justin Russell, ’17, who plays Derek, noted that the 14-year-old characters are very “naïve to the wider world.” Katie Jordan, ’15, who plays Phoebe, remarked, “We think the little fights seem so monumental, then we look back and none of it really matters.” The central conflicts and character interactions may bring much of the audience back to a time when the events of their own lives may have seemed insurmountable and overwhelming. “Everything changes. Things happen, conflicts happen. But we realize that in the end all of that is very silly,” added Russell. “Seven Minutes in Heaven” opens on Nov. 14 at 8 p.m. at the Bluett Theatre in Post Hall. Additional performances are on Nov. 15, 16, 22, and 23 at 8 p.m. and Nov. 24 at 2 p.m. General admission tickets are available for $18, while student and faculty tickets are available for $10. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or can be reserved online at www.sju.edu/theatre.



11 13 13

EPIMENIDES PARADOX: This is a well known paradox written by the great stoical logician Chrysippos. The poet, grammarian and critic Philetus of Cos was said to have died of exhaustion attempting to resolve it. A Cretan sails to Greece and says to some Greek men who are standing upon the shore: “All Cretans are liars.” Did he speak the truth, or did he lie?

Latches Lane Lapsley Lane City Avenue Lincoln Highway Overbrook Avenue Wynnefield Avenue Woodbune Avenue Cardinal Avenue Old lancaster Road

Orchard Road Berwick Road Woodcrest Avenue Drexel Road Gainor Road Lancaster Avenue Merion Road Sherwood Road Raynham Road

Fiftyfourth Street Sixtythrid Street Fiftysecond Street Fiftysixth Street Fiftyninth Street

A week later, the Cretan sailed to Greece again and said: “All Cretans are liars and all I say is the truth.” Although the Greeks on the shore weren’t aware of what he had said the first time, they were truly puzzled. If someone says, “I always lie”, are they telling the truth? Or are they lying? http://brainden.com/

Riddles: What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die?

11 13 13

Who makes it, has no need of it, Who buys it, has no use for it, Who uses it, can neither see nor feel it, What is it?


Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man’s father is my father’s son. Who is the man? Nothing. A coffin. The man is my son.





11 13 13

Encountering the brute in the cave

Alexander Houpert ’14 Hawk Staff

Photo by Alexander Houpert, ‘14


arbarians and thugs have begun their invasion; warriors and savages, bone-crunchers and bullies. Leg breakers and tendon snappers. Crack concussion shooters. Crowned missiles flying at pinnacle speed on the gridiron. The game makes men bleed, and some of those men lick their own blood like wolves. They snap at each other in the pack, the men who play the game of football. Professional gladiators. Weapons for bodies. Mouths like sharks in cut and bite. Taloned talents. Thugs, and some of them, murderers. Others are men of sensibility. Men with diplomas. Intelligent men, cunning. Like Odysseus, smart and brave, loyal and steadfast; like active minds, aware of the status of their surroundings. The brains of the more intelligent of us, and there are football players, undergraduates, and people in life who are smarter than the herd. They are the intelligent men. Men with diplomas from Stanford. These are the men who are pioneers and painters. These men, as when they were boys, encounter the savage and find themselves in its grasp. Those of weaker convictions cannot escape and the darkness of the abuse, the racial slurs in some cases, the threats, some of the worst combinations of words our language can vomit come assailing from every angle. In text message and voicemail form. Intelligent men, cunning men, ultimately, when encountered by the savage, will find a way out of the cave, either by poking out eyes with burning log-spears or by fleeing, gripping the underbellies of sheep. Call him a coward, call him Jonathan Martin. Call him a thug, call him Richie Incognito. Call them both at fault in this situation unfortunate, but call to mind the big question? I can’t even think of one. A story like this is such prickly business. Thorns. There are legitimate claims to blame on both members of this tragic story, Incognito and Martin. The savage and the soft-spoken one. It’s a rare time, when locker room stories break like this to the general public, to get a fleeting glimpse into the cave, the barbarous dwelling of the giants and the killers known to us as ‘football players.’ When we hear them speak on TV, we may only hear them grunt and bellow. The ones we revere, the good ones, the elite, we may hear talk post-game in a suit and in a hurry.

For several hours each Sunday, all men in the NFL must transform themselves into wolves, bloodthirsty and vicious. They snap and duel and fight and bleed and bark horrible things. They do, and then off the field, once the spell of football has transformed wolves back to men, they must act as men. Deal with things as men. Lingering wounds may be licked, but hold your pain inside, says the culture. So says the locker-room. The cave is sacred. Flashlights and spotlights expose the demons of privacy’s walls. Clearly, the Miami Dolphins locker-room has been slammed by Hurricane Incognito, the gigantic bully, tatted up to his neck in thorns and black ink fused with hate up his arms. A cigarette butt of its former austere, the Miami Dolphins organization turned to Incognito to be a vocal leader in their clubhouse. His egregiously sadistic and bullish behavior raged and bellowed in the cave, creating the echoes of savagery that we are only now hearing in the media jungle. The mess. An oil spill on the Miami coast. A gluey black stain on those white new unis. Picture a beached Dolphin choked by pitch sludge, the tar that which fills Incognito’s heart. There are dark, mean people in this world. There are those out there that want to hurt, and, if given the opportunity, will do just that. “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” The brutes are cruel. The savages, merciless. It is their nature. The cowards are often silent. The weak flee more than they fight. Martin may have been severely bullied and abused by the language and actions of Incognito, but how should we understand his actions? Primarily, laud him like a winner; he escaped Hurricane Incognito. He escaped to a sort of salvation, though it may cost him what it will. It may cost his premature NFL career (he is, after all, just a rookie). The price of Martin’s decision to leave the Dolphins will in time be determined, and so too the price of the fine Incognito will no doubt receive from Roger Goodell in the coming weeks. This story is unfolding daily, and already today the conversation may have changed. The blame is distributed, shared, and that is disconcerting because by not wholly blaming Incognito, what dare we condone of our fellow humans’ actions? By perhaps, for once, not siding with the victim, do we steel our skins?


11 13 13



Men’s soccer win final conference games The men’s soccer team won their two games over the weekend and secured a place in the Atlantic 10 Tournament for the first time in 19 years. The team won their first game on Nov. 8, coming out victorious with a 3-1 victory over George Washington. The next game came on Nov. 10 in another must-win against Fordham. The Hawks beat Fordham 1-0, with the lone goal scored by Tim Lazorko, ’16, and were able to secure a place in the A-10 Tournament. Lazorko was named both A-10 Men’s Soccer Player of the Week and Philadelphia Soccer Six Player of the Week. Redshirt senior goalkeeper Andrew D’Ottavi was named Philadelphia Soccer Six Defender of the Week. The team will begin their tournament play on Nov. 14 in Dayton, Ohio against George Mason at 11 a.m.

Women’s Basketball

Women’s hoops open with win The women’s basketball opened their season with an 85-57 victory over Mount St. Mary’s at home. Sarah Fairbanks, ’16, rose to the occasion and finished with a career high 17 points in the victory. Two days later, the team lost to No. 15 LSU by a final score of 80-64 in the Preseason WNIT quarterfinals. Erin Shields, ’14, led the team with a game high of 23 points and Sarah Fairbanks, ’16, chipped in with nine. The team plays next in the WNIT on Nov. 15. The opponent had not been announced at time of press.

Women’s Soccer

Gingrich, Hawkins win conference honors

Mo Hawkins, ’14, was named to the Atlantic 10 All-Conference First Team for the third straight time. Hawkins finishes her career with 33 goals, 78 points, 216 shots, and 12 assists. Emily Gingrich, ’17, was named the Atlantic 10 Women’s Soccer Rookie of the Year. She was also named to the A-10 All-Conference Second Team and All-Rookie Team. Gingrich is the third Hawk in history to win the title of Rookie of the Year. She finishes the year with seven goals and two assists.

Men’s Basketball

Galloway, Roberts lead Hawks to victory The men’s basketball team opened up their season with a win at Vermont on Nov 9. The team was led in scoring by Langston Galloway, ’14, and Ronald Roberts, Jr., ’14, who each had 21 points apiece. DeAndre Bembry, ’17, started his first collegiate game and contributed 11 points, including two from behind the three-point line. The Hawks have their home opener on Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. at Hagan Arena against Marist.

Photo by Shannon Adams ’16

Hawks headed to A-10’s Frank Flores ’15 Assistant Sports Editor After a nearly two-decade drought, the Saint Joseph’s University men’s soccer team is making a triumphant return to the Atlantic 10 Tournament. With an overall record of 5-8-5 and a 3-5-0 record for conference play, the Hawks tied for seventh in the A-10 regular season standings and will play in Dayton, Ohio against second seeded George Mason in the first round of the tournament. The team needed to win their last two regular season contests on the road in order to qualify for their first A-10 Tournament since 1994. The Hawks first disposed of George Washington on Nov. 8 with a final score of 3-1. The team had a balanced scoring attack that was started off by midfielder Jimmy Reilly, ’14, who scored in the seventh minute. Alex Critzos, ’15, started the scoring again when he put home a shot in early in the second half in the 51st minute, giving St. Joe’s a 2-0 lead. The scoring was concluded when Tim Lazorko, ’16, netted a goal in the 57th minute to give the Hawks a 3-0 lead. St. Joe’s went on to win with a final score of 3-1, keeping their hopes of making the tournament alive. However, they still had to secure a win against Fordham to fulfill their A-10 hopes. With an immense amount of pressure to deliver, the team did not disappoint. Lazorko scored in the 23rd minute to secure their 1-0 win over Fordham. When asked what it means to make the tournament for the first time in his career and the first time in nearly two decades for the school, Reilly was nothing but excited. “It’s honestly unbelievable,” Reilly said. “Just to look back at where this program was when I came in as a freshman to where it is now, I never would have guessed that we would have the opportunity to be playing in the Atlantic 10 Tournament. Any time you can break an almost 20-year drought like we did is great, and it’s a great honor to be able to say that I was a member of the team that broke the dry spell.” Qualifying for the tournament obviously means a great deal to this team, especially to the seniors like Reilly who get to extend their competitive soccer careers for a little while longer. Head coach Don D’Ambra was excited for his players who had worked hard all year and finally were able to break through and end the 19-year tournament drought. “Seeing them have some success is the best part,” D’Ambra said. “The program hasn’t been there in a long time. They’re excited to be a part of the group that got there for the first time in a long time.” The Hawks are preparing to face a George Mason squad that finished second overall in the conference, going undefeated in conference play with a record of 5-0-3. When asked about their prospects for beating George Mason in their first game, Tommy Brooks, ’15, said, “We just have to work hard at practice like we have all year and keep fighting, and I think we can make a run in the tournament.”

Photos by Shannon Adams ’16


11 13 13


Hawk Hill hardware Two Hawks reel in A-10 honors Garrett Miley ’15 Sports Editor


wo Saint Joseph’s University women’s soccer players took home some honorable Atlantic 10 conference hardware at the conclusion of their season. Emily Gingrich, ’17, a promising freshman who put together one of the best rookie seasons in Hawk history, and Mo Hawkins, ’14, a senior who has already left quite a mark on Hawk Hill throughout her career, were both rewarded for their efforts this season. Gingrich was named the A-10 Rookie of the Year on Nov. 6 following a phenomenal first year at St. Joe’s. She started in all 18 games this season and finished second

only to Hawkins in total goals with seven. For Gingrich, the award says more about going forward than it does about her success this season. “I guess it’s just a great start and it gives me something to set goals for next year,” Gingrich said. “It makes me happy because I really worked hard for it. But just looking on the wall in the locker room and knowing that only two other people got it means a lot.” After starring in high school, Gingrich had no hiccups in adapting her play to the collegiate level and attributes this transition to the welcoming nature of the rest of her Hawk teammates.

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Photos courtesy of SJU Athletics “The entire team, playing with all of the girls, I feel like we kind of connected off the field which helped,” Gingrich said. “I didn’t feel distant from anyone and it was a lot easier anyway.” Her teammate, Hawkins, benefitted greatly from the freshman’s high level of play, and the two clicked on the offensive end to combine for 33 of the Hawks’ 52 points on the season. Despite only playing with Gingrich for one season, Hawkins valued the time spent on the field with the A-10 Rookie of the Year. “When Emily came in, I think it helped not only me as an offensive player, but I think the team in general,” Hawkins said. “I think her hard work in practice, her dedication in the game, the goals that she pulled out in the last minutes of the game, I think really benefits the team. It’s all we could ask for and it’s all I could ask for as a senior to have a freshman come in and make that kind of impact. I was really lucky to play with her.” Hawkins, who was named to the A-10 All Conference first team, made a major impact on Gingrich during her first season with the Hawks. Their offensive mentalities meshed immediately, and Gingrich respected Hawkins’ leadership qualities. “I love playing with players like Mo that are really fast and look to score because with me playing behind her, it was a lot easier for me to look up and find the slots through to play for her speed to get through,” Gingrich said. “Her leadership really helped.” Hawkins is no stranger to the A-10 All Conference team, as she’s been graced with the honor all four seasons of her collegiate career. While you may think the award might lose its shine after a few seasons, Hawkins still appreciates the accolade and understands its significance. “It’s kind of awesome,” Hawkins said. “You put a lot of dedication into it, so when you get an award like that, you feel really accomplished. It makes the hard work worth it ... Not only for myself, but I think more for the coaches, my teammates, and the athletic department, it reflects the hard work that they put into it as well. I think it’s in my own way giving back.” Hawkins will leave St. Joe’s tied for the alltime lead in goals, second in total points, and third in assists. The reality of her accomplishments has yet to set in. “I don’t know if maybe it hasn’t yet because this is usually the week we have off after the season, so I think maybe in the next two weeks, I’m not going to know what to do with myself so then maybe [it will],” Hawkins said. “I think the amount of goals I scored and tying the record just feels so unrealistic that it’s just all over. The reality of it is just not sinking in. I don’t know when or how it’s going to happen. I’m a little scared of it.”



11 13 13

A Men’s basketball preview

vs. Marist Garrett Miley ’15 Sports Editor

fter hanging on to a 74-64 victory in their I’m glad to finally be playing season opener against again. It’s been a long summer Vermont on Nov. 9, the Saint Joseph’s Universiand we’ve been doing a lot ty men’s basketball team (1-0, of work, so it’s good to 0-0) is set to take on Marist in be out there playing again. the friendly confines of Michael J. Hagan Arena in their home opener on Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. - Langston Galloway Marist, who enters the game sporting an 0-2 record with losses to Stony Brook and Elon, is shooting just 30.2 percent from the field this season and has yet to crack 60 points scored in a game. Defensively, the Red Foxes have struggled just as much. They’ve allowed an average of 73 points to their opponents at this point in the still young seaWe just have to get ready for son, but the Hawks know that they cannot lose focus by looking that and prepare ourselves. ahead to a rematch with CreighWe can’t overlook them just ton on Nov 16. because they’re 0-2. “It’s got to be brought to their attention because everyone wants Creighton is a big game, but to talk to them about Saturday,” we have to worry about this Hawks’ head coach Phil Martelli said. “We also have to talk about game right now. ” playing at home because all of a sudden you’re comfortable, be- Ronald Roberts Jr. cause you think, ‘We’ve got this,’ but there’s a different dynamic. You go to school all day, Wednesday is a heavy academic day for us so I’m not going to let them off the mat ... We have one game and that’s the Marist game. That’s not just coach talk—that’s exactly the way that they’ll be prepared.” Taking their normal steps for preparation is key for the Hawks to not fall susceptible to the infamous trap game. Keeping their focus on taking care of business at home is necessary to avoid a letdown against a weaker opponent, but peeking ahead to Creighton may be tempting for some players after being blown out by the Bluejays last season, 80-51. “We need to scout Marist and see what they do, but it’s really about us,” redshirt senior Halil Kanacevic, ’13, said. “We’ve let games like that affect us during the past couple years where we kind of looked past an opponent. Not saying anything about Marist, but we’ve got Creighton on Saturday. They gave it to us a little bit last year, but we’ve got Marist this Wednesday and you can’t look past them ... We’ve gotta make some corrections from the Vermont game and take it from there.” The Hawks demonstrated something on the road against Vermont that could be key for them during the rest of the season. The ability to play with a lead and avoid a letdown could come into play once again against Marist, and the Hawks believe they learned a valuable lesson in their season opener. “When Vermont made their run and it was noisy, the positive comments that they made to each other [were great],” Martelli said. “You learn about how you play with a lead now. That’s something that we didn’t know going in and now we’re aware of it.” Ronald Roberts Jr., ’14, added, “In previous years we had trouble fighting back and coming out on top so we were able to do that and get the win [against Vermont.” If the Hawks do in fact jump out to an early advantage against the Red Foxes on Wednesday evening, keeping Kanacevic on the court and out of foul trouble is necessary for the Hawks to maintain their advantage and not allow Marist the opportunity the chance to mount a comeback. Kanacevic’s passing ability and size to match up with bigger players in the post is imperative to the Hawks’ scheme. “He’s the most indispensable player that we have,” Martelli said. “Somebody else might have stats that are different and accolades, but in terms of playing the game he’s the most indispensable player. [Playing with Kanacevic on the bench] was a good lesson learned, and I think if you talked to him, he would be delighted that we won with him playing 20 minutes. And when he went back in the game at the eight-minute mark, he stayed in the game until the final minute.” While Marist has struggled in the early part of the season, they do have players the Hawks need to plan for. Swingman Chavaughn Lewis has been the most consistent scorer for the Red Foxes this season, scoring 14 and 13 points in their first two games this season. His size, at 6-foot-5, would have created greater matchup problems for the Hawks in recent years, but both DeAndre Bembry, ’17, and Daryus Quarles, ’14, have the size and athleticism to match most opposing wing players. The Hawks tip-off against Marist at 7 p.m. on Nov. 13 in Hagan Arena as they look to improve to 2-0 on the season.

Photos courtesy of Mark Jordan

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