Hawk 11/20/13

Page 1

The Hawk Hawks fall to Creighton

Justice is brewing Breath of fresh air

Men’s basketball loses to Creighton in heartbreaking fashion

Sports, pg.

The11.20.13 Hawk Newspaper


Saint Joseph’s University Volume XCI

Students advocate for social justice and consumer responsibility with fair trade products on campus News, pg. 4

Pope Francis brings welcome change to image of Catholicism

The Issue, pg.


Est. 1929


-$1,700,000 University expects cutbacks due to budget deficit

Cat Coyle ’16


News Editor

t a recent Presidential Cabinet meeting, members were informed that due to budgeting issues, the university is now at a $1.7 million budget deficit, according to Robert Moore, Ph.D., assistant professor of sociology and faculty senate president. On Nov. 12, cabinet members learned that a number of budgeting issues have required all schools and administrative divisions to make cutbacks to cover a series of university revenue and enrollment shortfalls. “There is no single reason, but my impression from what was said is that the latest shortfall, which caused the needle to go over into the red, was due to funds that were assumed to be unrestricted turned out to be restricted,” said Moore. When donors make gifts to Saint Joseph’s University, they can deem them restricted or unrestricted. Monies donated and designated for certain projects cannot be found or budgeted into the general university budget. However, according to information given at the cabinet meeting, somewhere in the process funds that were unrestricted and put into the general university budget were instead supposed to be designated for a specific purpose as restricted funds. “My understanding is that there was a working assumption that monies that the university has were unrestricted, and so it was assumed that they could be utilized in the current year budget,” said Moore. “For whatever reason, that has turned out to not be the case.” In addition to an incorrect allotment of donor

gifts, the actual enrollment for the class of 2017 did not reach target numbers. According to enrollment statistics, the fall 2013 enrollment was projected to be 1,300 students, but only 1,275 enrolled. Additionally, the budget was built for 80 transfer students, but only 70 students enrolled this year as transfer students. The university is built around the projected number of students, so a smaller number of students and tuition revenue have impacted the budget. Moore said that the problem was explained as a series of budget shortfalls that eventually set the budget into the red. In the beginning of the year, the university was scheduled to have between a $6-$7 million surplus. Partway into the year when the budget was reviewed, the expected surplus was greatly diminished due to multiple unexpected budgeting “variances,” according to a statement from the Office of the President. According to Peter Norberg, Ph.D., professor and department chair of English, last week a further review of the budget has called for a 4.3 percent expense cutback to all university divisions. Continued DEFICIT, Pg. 3



11 20 13

The Hawk

Department of Public Safety Reports (Nov. 4 - Nov. 11) November 4 Public Safety was notified of a motor vehicle accident involving University President C. Kevin Gillespie, ‘72, S.J., and non-St. Joe’s individual at the intersection of 63rd & City Avenue. No injuries to report, and there was only minor damage to both vehicles.

November 5 Public Safety was notified of a suspicious person in the Rashford Hall parking lot. Public Safety and the Philadelphia Police responded, but were unable to locate the individual.

November 6 A St. Joe’s student notified Public Safety that he was a victim of a robbery that occurred while he was walking in the 5400 block of Wynnefield Avenue. The suspect displayed a handgun and forced the student to give over his wallet and a bottle of liquor he had just purchased. The student was uninjured. Public Safety responded to a fire alarm in Quirk Hall. Investigation revealed no signs of smoke or fire. Public Safety responded to a fire alarm in Villiger Hall. Investigation revealed students had overcooked some food.

Area residents reported disorderly students having loud parties in the 5400 block of Woodbine Avenue. The Philadelphia Police were notified.

November 7 A St. Joe’s student informed Public Safety that he was a victim of a robbery that occurred while he was walking near the area of Cresson Street in Manayunk. The suspect assaulted the student and then forced him to give over his iPhone. The student sustained minor injuries. Public Safety was notified of an odor of marijuana coming from a room in the LaFarge Residence Center. A search of the room by Public Safety and Residence Life revealed no signs of drugs or drug paraphernalia. A St. Joe’s student notified Public Safety that a person unknown was sending unwanted text messages. The incident is still under investigation. Public Safety confiscated alcohol from a St. Joe’s student entering Lannon Hall. Public Safety was notified of an odor of marijuana coming from a hallway in the Villiger Residence Hall. A search of the hallway by Public Safety and Residence Life revealed no signs of drugs or drug paraphernalia. Public Safety responded to a fire alarm in Quirk Hall. Investigation revealed no signs

of smoke or fire. Public Safety was notified of an odor of sewage coming from the basement of Sullivan Hall. Facilities Management was notified.

November 8 Public Safety confiscated alcohol from a student entering the Rashford Hall. Public Safety was notified of a found wallet on City Avenue. The wallet was taken to Headquarters and the owner was notified. Public Safety was notified of a gas odor on the 6300 block of City Avenue. PECO and PGC were notified.

November 11 Public Safety was notified by unknown people throwing eggs inside of Villiger Hall. Public Safety responded but was unable to locate the individuals. Public Safety was notified by a St. Joe’s student that he was a victim of an assault that occurred in Manayunk Pennsylvania on Nov. 8. The student sustained a laceration to the head.


Alcohol Related Incidents

On Campus

November 9 Public Safety was notified by a student that he was a victim of a robbery that occurred while he was walking near the area of 52nd and Overbrook Avenue. The suspects, one armed with a handgun and the other with a knife, then forced the student to give over his cell phone. The student was not injured. Public Safety was notified of a found wallet in the 5300 block of Overbrook Avenue. The wallet was taken to Headquarters and the was owner notified.

Off Campus


Drug Related Incidents

On Campus

Off Campus

Call Public Safety:




11 20 13

The Hawk

Travel troubles Education, science majors have difficulties studying abroad Karen Funaro ’16


Assistant News Editor

f you ask any student who has studied abroad about the time they spent in another country, they will almost all tell you the same thing—that it was a life changing experience. So when certain students feel that they are unable to go abroad due to the restrictions of their major, this dream of gaining exposure to another culture and part of the world is retracted. Certain students at Saint Joseph’s University, specifically those in programs with very rigid and inflexible curricula, find themselves having a particularly difficult time while trying to plan a semester abroad. However, Courtney Tomlinson, study abroad advisor, and Kelly Horning, assistant director for semester abroad and health and safety, both think that it is truly possible for all students go abroad. “We really do believe that all majors can have an abroad experience,” said Tomlinson. “That experience might differ based on major, but with early planning, any major can go abroad.” St. Joe’s has 34 semester abroad options available to students, some of which are avail-

able for a full-year experience if a student chooses to do so. These options, along with study tours and summer programs, provide students with an array of ways to attain a study abroad experience, especially if their major deems going abroad for a full semester problematic. “Our study tours and summer programs are great because [they] allow the student to still get St. Joe’s credit for a course, or courses, that are already St. Joe’s courses,” said Horning. “So it’s not like trying to find a science course or an education course somewhere else, because it’s a St. Joe’s course.” Part of the problem for students who are education and science majors is that many of the courses required for their major are very specific. Students are required to find an equivalent course to take while abroad, which can prove to be difficult. “What we’ve seen on our end with students is just those programs are rigorous and it can be difficult to find their major courses, like education major courses and science major courses abroad on the same level that they are at St. Joe’s,” said Horning. Tomlinson feels that a solution that education and science majors should take more advan-

tage of is taking courses from the General Education Program (GEP) while abroad, instead of more complex major classes that sometimes cannot be found while abroad. “We realize that with some majors there are some requirements that just have classes that can’t be taken overseas, but part of the General Education Program here at St. Joe’s does make it possible for all majors to go abroad because those GEP classes can be found at most of our semester abroad programs,” said Tomlinson. Tomlinson also feels that students in these difficult majors should establish that studying abroad is a priority from the beginning of their college career and work to figure out a way in which they can make it possible. “They have to know early on that they want to do it, I think, to make it possible,” said Tomlinson. “We try to connect students who think they are going to have difficulty going abroad to students who have done it, and say, ‘You know, it is a myth, [but] here’s a student who has done it in this program.’” Lexie Ladd, ’14, an early childhood/elementary pre-K-4 education major, felt that studying abroad was imperative to her

Administrative divisions face cutbacks in face of budget deficit

overall college career. Intending to double major in special education, she knew that this would cause her chances of being able to study abroad to decrease. In the end, she decided to drop her double major in order to go abroad. “It was challenging because with the education department, there are a lot of requirements with education classes that you have to take,” said Ladd. “The challenge for that was I had to kind of get rid of special ed[ucation] to go abroad, because I knew going abroad was going to be an opportunity that I didn’t want to pass up, and wouldn’t have. ” Another student, Heidi Kurn, ’16, who is planning on studying abroad next fall, finds she has needed to take summer classes in order to make studying abroad a possibility. “I’m a chemistry major and I’m also pre-med, so I have to take a lot of courses before I take the MCAT, so I have to take a summer class this year in order to be able to take the MCAT and study abroad,” said Kurn. A common problem for many students across campus, specifically in majors deemed more difficult to go abroad, is that they have not decided from

the beginning of their time in college that they want to go abroad. Once they realize that going abroad is something they truly want to do, sometimes it has become too late and is difficult to fit in their requirements, making them unable to go. “You have to plan ahead being a science major—you want to do this starting freshman year, otherwise it’s harder to figure it out and make it all work,” said Kurn. “I think that’s where most of the problems come from, because people don’t realize until sophomore, even junior year that they want to study abroad and it’s too late.” Both Horning and Tomlinson are aware of the challenges that students face when trying to plan time abroad, and the Center for International Programs has been working with students who find themselves with these difficulties as well as finding new programs that better meet the needs of these students. “Once a year, we try to add two or three new programs to the approved list,” said Horning. “We would definitely consider collaborating with different departments and identifying programs that would work for their majors.”

News Briefs

Continued DEFICIT, from Pg. 1 “I think we’re at the point where we need to ask the senior administrators to do a better, more realistic job at setting the university budget,” said Norberg. Provost Brice Wachterhauser, Ph.D., and Louis Mayer, vice president for financial affairs, declined to comment, but the Office of the President provided The Hawk a statement concerning the university budget, maintaining that cutbacks will be made to the budget to rectify the issue: “As communicated at last month’s Town Hall, the annual process of reviewing budget variances resulted in a large portion of the university’s designated surplus for FY14 (Fiscal Year 2014) being absorbed by the combination of a modest enrollment/revenue shortfall along with a number of unbudgeted expenses, including increased financial aid. The conclusion of that review has identified additional variances in both revenue and expenses, requiring further budget adjustments in order to maintain the planned three percent operating margin for the year. It should be emphasized that at no point will the university be operating at a deficit. Each school and administrative division has been asked to recommend cutbacks in their respective areas as needed, with a final review by the president, provost, and senior vice president to ensure that no essential services or academic programs are compromised. Although this year’s variances are larger than usual, the process of making annual budget adjustments is a common practice.

Additional details will be communicated to the entire university community as soon as they are available.” To ensure the university’s A/Abond rating, budget changes must be made. According to Moore, these may have to come in the form of serious cost reductions throughout the university. “The question is now how it can be dealt with,” said Moore. “Barring an angel coming in to the financial rescue at the last minute, it’s going to involve cost reductions, and my sense is that those will come across the board. All areas, all sectors of the university will be asked for ways that they can reduce costs.” Nicholas Paolizzi, ’14, student body president, explained that he had still not received official word of the budgeting issues, but made a statement on behalf of University Student Senate: “It is my understanding that the university has been faced with challenges to the budget. Being that this is a relatively new issue (within the last week), Financial Affairs has not yet released any specific information to the university community, nor has the Office of Student Life revealed any details to me or my cabinet.” Following the October faculty censure of the university senior leadership team and the critical Shared Governance Review published in March, some university community members have concerns as to what this will mean for the social and academic climate of the university. “I would use the word ‘sobering,’” said Moore.

PA students facing increasing suspensions According to a report released on Nov. 14 by the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, most students who are in need of “academic intervention” do not spend enough time in school. The report found that Pennsylvania’s 500 public school districts have increased disciplinary practices like out-of-school suspensions and expulsions. In the 2011-12 academic year alone, Pennsylvania school districts issued over 166,000 out-of-school suspensions. This equates to 10 suspensions per 100 students. In addition, 1,808 students were expelled, while police arrested 5,261 students. (Philly.com)

Midwest storm

Over the weekend a massive storm consumed six states across the Midwest, produced more than 80 reported tornadoes, and killed at least eight people. The mayor of Washington, Ill., Gary Manier, said the devastation there was “unbelievable.” He said that 250 to 500 houses were destroyed in Washington, a city of about 15,000 people. (NBC10)


in Russian plane crash

A passenger plane crashed at an airport in the Russian city of Kazan, killing all 50 people on board on Nov. 17. (BBC)

Blind man, guide dog kicked off plane Blind passenger Albert Rizzi says he and his service dog, Doxy, were kicked off a plane at Philadelphia International Airport after his dog left his seat. After being delayed for more than an hour on the tarmac, Rizzi said that the passenger next to him volunteered her space so that Doxy could spread out. However, U.S. Airways said that the dog became restless and began walking the aisle. At that point, according to the airline, a flight attendant told Rizzi that he needed to control his guide dog. (NBC10)



11 20 13

The Hawk

Handicap inaccessible Fair trade comes to Hawk Hill Students with disabilities struggle navigating Hawk Hill

Students work toward global consumer consciousness

Photo by Shannon Adams, ’16

Emily Marussich ’15 Hawk Staff While walking to and from class, the average Saint Joseph’s University student most likely doesn’t pay attention to the number of crosswalks, stairs, and hills it takes to get across campus. For physically handicapped students, these abundant features on our campus pose a serious problem. Services for Students with Physical Disabilities works alongside the Administrative Services to help bring light to these concerns and develop solutions to make this campus more handicap accessible. A meeting is held once each semester with both faculty and students to discuss problems students may be running into on campus that the university isn’t aware of and plan out future initiatives to solve such issues. All together, St. Joe’s has 64 handicap accessible entrances and 21 accessible elevators across the entire campus. The only academic building on campus that is completely non-handicap accessible is Barbelin Hall. To work around this, if the university is made aware that there is a student with a physical disability that would inhibit them from getting to a class all semester in Barbelin, the class is moved to another building. Campus houses, including Quirk Hall, Tara Hall, Xavier Hall, Hogan Hall, and Sullivan Hall are non-handicap accessible as well. As far as parking goes, there are 79 handicap spots spread out across campus. Accessibility improvements that have been completed so far include campus-wide wireless swipe upgrades, allowing accessible lock access, the addition of a handicap parking spot at Claver House, construction of three fully accessible laboratories in Connelly Hall, and the addition of more handicap seating in Hagan Arena. Other completed improvements include handicap accessible laboratories in the Science Center, a fully accessible entrance for the library, and an ADA (American with Disabilities Act) compliant crosswalk at the corner of Cardinal and City avenues that provides both verbal and visual signals for students and faculty crossing. These handicap additions not

only concern academic buildings, but also athletic fields. St. Joe’s has added handicap accessible seating for baseball, softball, and field hockey games as well as a handicap ramp to get to Smithson Field. Renovations under consideration include handicap accessible bathrooms in Barbelin and Lonergan as well as an ADA upgrade to the Science Center elevator. Thomas Heleniak, ’14, has osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer, which causes him to rely on canes and crutches due to a great loss of strength in his left leg. “Most of all of my experiences of handicap accessibility on campus have been positive because of Jim Scott,” said Heleniak. Jim Scott is the director of Services for Students with Disabilities, whom Heleniak credits to his favorable time spent at St. Joe’s. Heleniak says that the only negative part of his experience has been the difference in distance and time that students with disabilities must travel for handicap accessibility. “For example, to get from Bellarmine to the library,” he explained. “While there is a way to get there without using stairs, it is not easy.” In her sophomore year at St. Joe’s, Nicole Hoffman, ’14, had to wear a boot on her foot due to an injury and experienced this struggle getting around campus on crutches. Nicole was put on Public Safety’s call list, which is a list of students with physical disabilities that have been approved by the university for priority transportation service. Hoffman said that Public Safety was helpful and timely whenever she needed a ride, but added, “The biggest flaw in being on their call list was they were really strict about not letting anyone else come with me.” If Hoffman was ever traveling with a friend, especially in the evening hours, she said that there was tension regarding that other person’s acceptance into the Public Safety van. St. Joe’s has made and continues to try to make the campus more handicap accessible. Both the progress made and the obstacles the school has yet to overcome show St. Joe’s still has some work to do to ease the lives of students with permanent and temporary physical handicaps.

Students in Nicaragua on a social justice study tour

Cat Coyle ’16


News Editor

n many developing countries, thousands of small farmers work on minimal wages, struggling to make ends meet everyday. Low wages, poor working conditions, and the inability to keep up with the technology and wealth of large corporations doing the same job has been a struggle for these workers for decades. The fair trade movement, a social market-based system for easing this global poverty, is now gaining support on the Saint Joseph’s University campus. After a St. Joe’s study tour to Nicaragua with Keith Brown, Ph.D., assistant professor of sociology, in the spring of 2012, two students made it their personal mission to make a difference for these farmers, starting on our own campus. Adriana Zegarelli, ’14, and Holly Polakiewicz, ’15, say that their experiences were vital in opening their eyes to how they could affect the global consumer economy. “I had known a lot about fair trade, but didn’t know how it influenced the farmers until we went there and learned,” said Polakiewicz. “We came back and realized that people should know this is important. People should know that other people are struggling and that this really is helping people.” Upon arriving home, the pair (who hadn’t known each other before going on the trip) started working with other interested students to start turning St. Joe’s into a fair trade university. Many requirements are necessary for this process, such as the presence of at least two fair trade products at every shop or food store on campus, the availability of fair trade educational programs, and the support of other student organizations and university ad-

ministrators. Some of these changes have already been enacted, such as the availability of the fair trade Green Mountain Coffee in addition to Wawa coffee products and the university bookstore now stocking clothes from Alta Gracia, a fair trade clothing organization. Last week, University Student Senate passed a resolution outlining the importance of committing to the availability of fair trade products and the changes that will be seen on campus. “We want it to be an option for student leaders,” Zegarelli. “So if you’re the president of a club and you’re having a brunch, you can have the opportunity to buy Green Mountain Coffee instead of Wawa coffee for your group.” E. Springs Steele, Ph.D., vice president for mission, describes himself as one of the advocates of the mission to acquire fair trade products for the university, along with University President C. Kevin Gillespie, ’72, S.J. “From my standpoint, it is so consistent with our mission,” said Steele. “It is concerned for poverty, economic equality, and trying to be sustainable. To me, why wouldn’t we support it?” For students who were unable to take part in the study tour to Nicaragua, academic programs such as Poverty Awareness Week, fair trade speakers, a fair trade fair, and classes about food and social justice, like those taught by Julie McDonald, Ph.D., assistant professor of philosophy, are all opportunities that have been available to take advantage of to learn more about fair trade. Ally Thomson, ’15, joined the group of students after being a member of McDonald’s food and social justice class. In the class, a main project is to trace a food from production to growth. “I researched bananas,” said Thomson. “They’re grown mostly in South America, and I saw

Photo courtesy of Adriana Zegarelli, ’14

all of the working conditions that people were exposed to, like dangerous chemicals, machines, dangerous harvesting, and other issues, and that just didn’t sit well with me. I thought, ‘How could I, as a consumer in America, impact other people through the small purchase of a banana?’” Brown said that his support of the students and the mission not only coincides with university values of social justice, but also is easy for consumers. Many people argue that fair trade products are more expensive than the products of large corporations, but Brown explained the fallacy of that statement. “Many of these products cost the same amount as their competitors, and some cost a little more,” said Brown. “Oftentimes, that difference is negligible. We’re not looking for fair trade everywhere; we’re looking for fair trade options everywhere. The students involved want to make clear that this is a choice for students—no one is forced to take part or buy these products. “The big thing is, we’ve not trying to get rid of other things,” said Zegarelli. “We’re not trying to get rid of Wawa, we’re not trying to get rid of anything. We just want these options also.” St. Joe’s students can look out for new fair trade products like chocolate, tea, bananas, sweatshop-free t-shirts, and sugar appearing on campus in the future. Brown is also offering the Nicaragua study tour course again this spring. Polakiewicz and other students said that they have been surprised by the support of students uninvolved with the movement. “Everyone’s like, ‘Yeah, I don’t understand why that isn’t already an option,’” said Polakiewicz. “It’s so easy, just throw on additional pot [of coffee] on there. It’s not too hard.”



11 20 13

Connecting our faith

St. Joe’s bridges Jesuit ideals with pope’s reforms Connie Lunanuova ’16 Hawk Staff

The talk of reform by Pope Francis within the Catholic Church has caused university community members to recognize the Jesuit values underlying within Francis’ service. Francis has instituted methods for reform within the Vatican Curia that have influenced the image of Catholicism. Traditionalists fear that the pope’s embrace of modern perspectives, while maintaining the doctrine of the Catholic Church could muddle the message behind Church teachings. His declaration that Catholics should not be “obsessed” by mandates of the Catholic doctrine has allowed for an open interpretation of Catholic teachings and has caused concern for conservative members of the Church. Francis has made known his reluctance to judge homosexuals and atheists and has made efforts to detach from the norm of Vatican practices. He had offered to silently bless atheists and non-Catholic journalists at a press conference after his election as pope and mandated that people should fight against evil and follow good as they “conceive” of it. These actions are a direct deviation from the Catholic ideals that assert homosexuality as a passing phase of sexual preference and that atheists or non-Catholics are not worthy to receive blessings or partake in Church practices. While the pope has adopted this modern perspective regarding Church doctrine, he has still accepted the doctrine, which has deemed homosexuality and abortion to be sinful. “The truth is that there is nothing that Pope Francis has done by way of changing any teachings on these major issues,” said Thomas Sheibley, director of Campus Ministry at Saint Joseph’s University. “What he has done is brought an emphasis and attitude on where he is more focused on compassion and pastoral concern for people than on ideology, and I think personally that that is very reflective on the mystery of Jesus himself.” Despite this formal acceptance of Church teaching, Francis has still made an effort to modernize the attitudes taken towards homosexuality, non-believers, and abortion. His efforts to modernize has caused some conservatives to become skeptical, feeling that the pope has

ratified an approach to these issues that is too accepting and could compromise the values that have formed the Church’s history. However, not all Catholics, even those here at St. Joe’s, feel that that the argument made by the conservatives holds much ground. “Traditionalists will typically say that a kinder, more compassionate tone runs the risk of confusing everybody. I think that’s wrong,” said Thomas Brennan, S.J., associate professor of English. “Being kind to a person doesn’t cause confusion. I think it’s bogus to say that anybody is confused about the Church teaching and I don’t think that Francis is confused about it.” While a debate has risen between conservatives and other members of the Church regarding Francis’ conception of Church doctrine, a consensus has been made that he has utilized his leadership skills to introduce new reforms against widespread corruption. These reforms to decrease corruption in poverty-stricken areas have been applauded and attributed to his humility that has been evident in his service. “I think people see a kind of authentic Christian leadership in him and can recognize there’s something genuine about this person,” said Sheibley. “He wants to be a pastor of the Church for the whole world and I think that’s really refreshing.” On a tour through Rio de Janeiro this past June, Francis urged the crowd to “not grow accustomed to evil, but [to] defeat it” in an area that has witnessed heavy drug and gun trafficking. His service in Rio de Janeiro exemplified the pope’s efforts to focus on those societies that are impoverished and resuscitate them from within the foundations of their society. The pope has also supported the Catholic ideal of living modestly by foregoing the papal apartment for a communal

guesthouse, adorning a cross made of iron as opposed to gold, and taking commercial transportation. This example of incorporating the Catholic value of poverty into his lifestyle has attributed to Francis’ papacy to be regarded as more modern. As demonstrated by his visit to Brazil, Francis has embarked on a papacy that some describe as speaking to the public rather than just to the Church. The informality in his deliverance of speeches and his willingness to speak with journalists has added to this controversy among those who wish to maintain a traditional view of the Church. However, as the pope is embracing a more modernist attitude, he is effectively helping to transform the image of Catholic identity so that it becomes cohesive with this progressive era. Because Catholic doctrine has become open to interpretation, young Catholics are able to take a stance on certain issues and not feel as though they have to compromise their religious values.

“I am very happy with what Pope Francis has done and am evermore inspired to live out my own Catholic faith as a young man in a time where it is hard to be a practicing Catholic,” said Gabriel Solorzano, ’16. Students like Solorzano insist that as a Jesuit pope, Francis is embracing the Jesuit ideals and applying them in his actions. Referring to an interaction in which Francis had embraced a man with severe skin disfigurements, Solorzano commented, “This shows that he will use his authority to move evil from the Church and shine the light of love by embracing those most forgotten in society.” These and other actions made by the pope have caused students to believe that the Jesuit values, such as acceptance and tolerance, taught at this university are effective tools in building a better community of young people striving for improvement.



11 20 13

The Hawk

Pope Francis makes waves with off-the-cuff comments


n his short time as leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has become known worldwide for his frank statements concerning global issues such as hunger, gay marriage, and war. Some of his most significant quotes are displayed below.



– June 2, 2013: St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City)




The Lord all of us WHO has redeemed All of Us


not just Catholics.

Even atheists,


– During a press conference on July 29, 2013

– Homily during Mass on May 22, 2013

We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage, and the use of contraceptive methods... The teaching of the church [on these issues] is


it is not necessary to talk about [them] all the time. — September 19, 2013; America Magazine




How I would like a Church that


it from the poor and hungry. is for the poor – June 7, 2013; Twitter @Pontifex

– March 16, 2013; Papal audience for journalists Designed by Weiyi (Dawn) Cai, ’15



11 20 13

The Hawk

Same-sex marriage



Right-wing resentment of Francis is unfounded Joseph Cerrone ’14






Very favorable of Pope Francis







Women’s ordination

Catholic state of mind American Catholics’ opinions shifting



Favorable of Pope Francis

n an unprecedented move, the Vatican recently announced its intention to poll Catholics worldwide to gauge their opinons of a variety of hot-button issues. Topics from same-sex marriage and the use of contraception to the place of divorced and remarried Catholics in the Church will be included in the survey, which will provide valuable perspectives before next year’s synod on marriage and the family. This move does not in any way indicate that the Church is planning to change its teachings on these issues, but rather is an effort to collaborate with all members of the Church to develop more effective pastoral strategies. Although the survey is still being introduced across the United States, a recent Quinnipiac University poll reveals general Catholic responses to these issues and the new leadership style of Pope Francis.

Abortion 16% Should be legal in all cases 36% Should be legal in most cases 21% Should be illegal in most cases 21% Should be illegal in all cases 6% Other response

4% Unfavorable eofofPope PopeFrancis Francis

9% Other

7% Other


Disagree with Pope Francis


Agree with Pope Francis that the Church has become too focused on these issues

Church’s focus on same-sex marriage, abortion, and contraception Designed by Weiyi (Dawn) Cai, ’15

Opinions Editor

What do you think about Pope Francis? While the vast majority of the world has embraced the new pontiff with open arms, his welcome has been less than enthusiastic by members of the right wing of the Church. As Francis enters his eighth month as leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, an ever-increasing number of traditionalist Catholics are voicing their criticisms of the pope’s new style and focus. These complaints are not limited to irate bloggers; in fact, in July Archbishop of Philadelphia Charles Chaput said, “The right wing of the church generally has not been really happy about his election.” This right-wing resentment of Francis is entirely unacceptable. Instead of supporting the pope’s outreach to traditionally marginalized sectors of the Church, conservatives are bemoaning his refusal to be yet another culture warrior. Their bitterness may arise from the fact that despite their decades of obedience to the conservative tendencies of previous popes, they are given no special treatment in the age of Francis. Their unease over the pope’s new style of leadership resembles the bitterness of the elder brother of the prodigal son, whom Jesus criticized for his hardness of heart. Furthermore, their objections also lead to a mischaracterization of the pope and his priorities. Francis truly cannot be defined as either a liberal or a conservative. Instead, he has made a sincere effort to present the Church’s teachings in a positive light, with an emphasis on God’s mercy. Therefore, traditionalists’ discontent cannot be seen as a product of Francis’ actions, but of their unreasonable expectations of the pope. Many of these critics are the same doctrinally rigid culture warriors who grew too comfortable and self-assured during the papacies of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Preferring a faith based on doctrinal conformity, the prospect of being challenged by Francis’ words is frightening and unthinkable. However, another root of the problem may be the significant differences in the visions of the Church held by Francis and traditionalists. While conservatives identify with Benedict’s desire for a “smaller, purer Church,” Francis has set out a vision of the Church as “the home of all, not a small chapel that can only hold a small group of select people.” He has described the Church as a “field hospital” meant to bring healing to the wounded and sinful and insists that “we must not reduce the … Church to a nest protecting our mediocrity.” Through both his words and actions Francis has challenged all Catholics to reassess their faith and how they express it. This may not be an easy process, but it is absolutely necessary. Instead of begrudging the new pope and his early success, traditionalist Catholics should appreciate the positive impact he has had on both the Church and the world. Doing so will require them to come to terms with the fact that they will not be placed on a pedestal by Francis. However, once this initial change is processed, they may realize that resentment of Francis is ridiculous and that he is offering an amazing opportunity for the entire Church.



11 20 13

More surprises in store? How Francis could reform the Church Joseph Cerrone ’14 Opinions Editor

So far, Pope Francis’ papacy has been a whirlwind of symbolic gestures, conciliatory remarks, and pastoral leadership. While his outreach to the poor, marginalized, and forgotten has shifted the Catholic dialogue to issues of social justice, there is still a long way to go in the process of reforming the institutional Church. Despite the importance of Francis’ changes in tone and attention, at this point it is appropriate to ask what concrete, tangible reforms the Argentine pontiff may have in store. A great variety of changes would go on my ideal wish list, many of which are implausible for the time being, but here are three concrete reforms that the pope could make over the next several months to begin the process of bringing the structure and mentality of the Church into the 21st century. Develop collegiality A vision of the Church developed during the Second Vatican Council was that of a collegial community in which the pope and bishops shared certain leadership roles. This structure has struggled to develop in the 50 years since the council; however, early signs show that Francis is moving toward an embrace of collegiality. After taking office, Francis formed an advisory council of eight cardinals to help him develop much needed reforms. He recently issued a worldwide poll to gauge the views of Catholics on issues such as contraception and same-sex marriage. Additionally, a synod of bishops is planned for next year to discuss similar topics. In order to strengthen this shift towards a collegial understanding of Church leadership, Francis must convene synods more regularly to address issues of importance to the Church and allow their decisions to play a stronger role in the development of Church teaching. Furthermore, efforts should be made both worldwide and on the regional level to consult all members of the Church on pastoral responses to contentious issues. By allowing all Catholics to participate in the leadership of the Church, Francis will renew the spirit of collegiality established by Vatican II. Reprimand negligent bishops While collegiality is an important aspect of pastoral leadership, the pope is ultimately responsible for overseeing all bishops. Nevertheless, all too often bishops have gotten away with acting irresponsibly and immorally, as has been seen specifically in the handling of the clergy child sex abuse crisis. Although much more must be done to bring an end to this crisis, the pope should make an example out of bishops who knowingly covered up or did not do all they could do in response to allegations of the abuse of children by priests. A good place to start would be to remove Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, who in 2012 was convicted of a criminal misdemeanor for failing to report suspected child abuse. It is a scandal to the entire Church to have men such as Finn still leading our dioceses, when they have clearly demonstrated that their primary concern is not the protection of the members of the Church, but to maintain the status quo and their own power. By removing or disciplining several negligent bishops, Francis could quickly send the message that he will not tolerate clericalism and the “old boys” network common among the hierarchy of the Church.

Expand the role of women One of the longest overdue reforms that Francis could initiate is an expansive overhaul of the role of women in the Church. The pope has already made general comments about raising the status of women and placing greater value on female perspectives; however, the time to change these words into actions is now. A good first step would be to place women in charge of various offices in the Roman Curia, which would give them greater influence over the central administration of the Vatican. Another topic that has gained steam since the election of Francis is the prospect of ordaining women as deacons. Although focusing exclusively on the ordination of women priests may seem attractive, the push for women deacons is accepted by an ever-increasing number of theologians and prelates and has a higher chance of occurring under the papacy of Francis. While still not granting women complete equality, this change would allow women to proclaim the Gospel at Mass, preach homilies, officiate at baptisms and marriages, and would be a positive step forward for women in the Church. A final proposal that is also gaining popularity is to appoint women to the College of Cardinals, the body that has the unique power to elect the pope. Although recent tradition has dictated that cardinals be bishops, throughout history the Church has seen both consecrated religious and lay people serve as cardinals. A simple change to the code of canon law would allow Francis to name female cardinals, who could be chosen from among prominent female theologians, leaders of women’s religious orders, and other women of prominence in the Church. Although these suggestions do not provide complete equality for women in the Church, they are realistic proposals that could actually occur under Francis. Francis has injected a breath of fresh air in a Church that many feel has become to stale and closed in on itself. While many reforms are much needed, these are a few that will not only help move the Church forward, but are also potentially possible, given what we know about Francis and his knack for surprises.

The Hawk

More must be done for women, LGBTQ in the Church

As a young woman raised Roman Catholic, I am concerned about my role in the Church.” Amanda Murphy ’14 Managing Editor

I’ll be honest; I have been severely estranged from the Catholic Church for the past two years. This is somewhat ironic, because I’m very proud that I go to a Jesuit university. However, my concern for social justice does not extend to Church politics for me. I came to this position after the unfortunate realization that I could never fully participate in the life of the Church and that when my cousin gets married the Church will not recognize his union. Nevertheless, several potential openings have emerged during the papacy of Pope Francis. In a press conference aboard the papal airplane on the way back from his trip to Brazil in July, Francis said, “If someone is gay and searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” It is refreshing to hear the leader of the Catholic Church publically speak on this subject and use the English word “gay” instead of “homosexual.” Pope Francis is right: Who is anyone to judge? But here is the problem: homoerotic is very different from homosexual. Homoerotic indicates feeling attracted to members of the same sex, while homosexual is acting on those attractions by being sexually active with members of the same sex. Francis was referring to those who are homoerotic; it is still considered sinful to act on those attractions. In an interview published by America Magazine, a Jesuit weekly based in New York, Francis said, “The Church cannot be herself without the woman and her role. The woman is essential for the church. Mary, a woman, is more important than the bishops. I say this because we must not confuse the function with the dignity. We must therefore investigate further the role of women in the church. We have to work harder to develop a profound theology of the woman. [...] The feminine genius is needed wherever we make important decisions.” What does he mean by “investigate?” Investigate a woman’s ability to understand the Gospel? That she has abilities beyond bearing children? That maybe, quite possibly, a woman may wish to devote her life to serving the Church as an ordained minister? As a young woman raised Roman Catholic, I am concerned about my role in the Church. Even if I felt called to become a priest, I simply do not have that option. To me, the calling to be a nun or a religious sister is very separate from the calling to be a priest. I also believe that both vocations should have the option to marry, as is the case with many other Christian denominations. While extensive efforts have been made to explain the Church’s ban on women priests, I do not see the reasoning behind preventing women from entering the priesthood. Despite attempts to silence dissent on this issue, I invite those who disagree to begin a dialogue with me. While this may sound radical to some Catholic ears, I am also reasonable. While I do not expect women to be allowed to enter the priesthood anytime soon, the door should be opened to women becoming deacons or cardinals. Interestingly enough, ordination is not an absolute requirement to be named a cardinal, as the Code of Canon Law has changed its mandates on this issue throughout history. Furthermore, many theologians have argued that the Church could theoretically ordain women deacons, which would be a significant step forward.



11 20 13

The Hawk



Enough is enough: Budget woes destroy administration’s credibility Editor in Chief Marissa Marzano ’14 MANAGING EDITOR Amanda Murphy ’14 COPY CHIEF Abby Riviello ’14 Business Director Hannah Lynn ’14 Faculty Adviser Dan Reimold News editor Cat Coyle ’16 ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Karen Funaro ’16 OPINIONS EDITOR Joseph Cerrone ’14 FEATURES EDITOR Shelby Miller ’14 SPORTS EDITOR Garrett Miley ’15 ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Frank Flores ’15 LAYOUT EDITOR Weiyi (Dawn) Cai ’15 PHOTO EDITOR Shannon Adams ’16 ONLINE EDITOR Robbie Cusella ’14 SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Jillian Gardner ’16

Once again, budget woes and leadership failure have created negative impacts on Hawk Hill When does a situation reach such intolerable levels that the status quo can no longer stand? Is there a point at which we can simply say, “Enough is enough”? This is a question every member of the Saint Joseph’s University community should contemplate as we process the news that our university has incurred a budget deficit. Due to a discrepancy between estimated and actual enrollment levels and the misallocation of financial gifts to the university, the FY14 budget has fallen into the red with a $1.7 million deficit. In an effort to recoup the lost funds before the end of the fiscal year, a 4.3 percent budget cut is being recommended across the board. Although students and professors are in no way responsible for this situation, we will be forced to bear the negative consequences of it. Each department may be required to decide where to make the requested budget cuts, with some undoubtedly being forced to withdraw funds from programs, activities, and other offerings utilized by students. At a time when we should be expanding our academic offerings, this blunder will inhibit our growth as a university. With potential consequences including an increase in class caps and a freeze on planned faculty hires, the strength of our academic profile will likely suffer. One of the most inexcusable aspects of this situation is that it is not the first time a budgeting error has caused widespread effects on the university. The $8 million shortfall incurred last year,

Friends with benefits The pros and cons of having no strings attached Casey McBride ’16 Hawk Staff

When you are considering a “friends with benefits” relationship, there are some things you have to consider before going to the next level. Will this destroy our friend group if it falls through? Am I going to end up getting hurt in the end? These are just two of the many questions that must be asked before entering this type of relationship. In order to bring some clarity to this complicated issue, here are some of the pros and cons of hooking up with no strings attached.

several years of inaccurate enrollment predictions, and recent changes in the budget for faculty health care have all caused undesirable impacts on students and faculty. Furthermore, the fact that the university has delayed making an official announcement to the community illustrates a serious lack of communication on their part, which causes a further deterioration of trust in the administration. While the administration hopes budgeting changes will help recover the losses by the end of the year, this does not negate the fact that our numbers are currently in the red. Attempting to mitigate the situation by using ambiguous terminology and refusing to speak frankly to the community is misleading and unacceptable. Nevertheless, the most worrisome aspect of this situation is the serious lack of leadership it illustrates on the part of the senior administrators. Time and again they have failed to hold themselves accountable for mistakes that have occurred on their watch. At this point it is fair to ask: Where does the buck stop? Although it may be difficult to pinpoint blame on one individual, after repeated instances of fiscal mismanagement it is time that they either step up or step down. While we understand that it is impossible to prevent all mistakes from occurring, the gravity and frequency of the errors in our university’s finances cause grave concern. There is no reasonable explanation for why these preventable problems keep occurring and why it is students and faculty, instead of administrators, who are forced to pay the price. Although we are hopeful that the university will recover its losses, this pattern of mismanagement is unjust and inexcusable. Enough is enough. —The Hawk Staff

on Hawk Hill


St. Joe’s moves towards fair trade As part of its commitment to promote social justice, Saint Joseph’s University has continued to expand the number of fair trade products offered on campus. Ranging from food to clothing, fair trade items are produced in manners that are just for workers, by ensuring them a living wage and maintaining safe working conditions. This effort will not only make students on Hawk Hill aware of the impact of their actions, but will improve the lives of wokers in developing regions of the world.


Students still threatened by crime The recent increase in muggings in the community surrounding Hawk Hill continues, with several students reporting being held up over the past weekend. Students reported losing their St. Joe’s IDs and cell phones while being cornered at gunpoint in the Wynnefield section of Philadelphia.

University officials dodge questions Top members of the university administration declined to comment in The Hawk’s reporting about the university budget deficit. In particular, Provost Brice Wachterhauser, Ph.D., and Louis Mayer, vice president for financial affairs, both neglected to offer an explanation for the university’s current budget woes.



It’s easy

Someone might get hurt

Since there are no expectations for the relationship beyond being friends with benefits, there’s less pressure overall. Since you and your partner define what your expectations are from the beginning, it’s easier because you’re both on the same page and know where the other person stands. Ultimately, you will be able to have fun while also maintaining the friendship you had in the first place.

Unfortunately, when you start becoming closer to someone, especially when a friendship turns into something physical, there’s always the risk that one person will begin to develop feelings for the other. If that happens and the feelings aren’t reciprocated, it could cause the person who has feelings to get hurt and ultimately damage the friendship.

You know the person

Not knowing where you stand

If you know the other person, it will be less awkward from the start! Since you were friends with your friend with benefits beforehand, you don’t have to worry about feeling uncomfortable or getting to know someone new. Since you guys were friends before the relationship reached a physical level, the other person will know what you like and do not like and how you react to things.

You may think having no commitment is great— until you’re out in public and there’s an awkward encounter. While you may go into the friends with benefits relationship thinking there is less pressure, things could get awkward at the drop of a hat. Since you are solely friends with benefits, you can’t expect that there will also be the aspects of a committed relationship. If you aren’t on the same page when it comes to the status of your friends with benefits relationship, it may not turn out well.

No commitment

Can ruin a friendship

If you defined the relationship and you both agree that you will be nothing more than friends with benefits (and actually stick to it), it could turn out to be a lot of fun! You don’t have to worry what the other person is doing, you have the freedom to do whatever you want, and there are no expectations so your choices are solely yours. You may be missing out on aspects of a committed relationship this way, but if that’s not what you’re looking for, you’re getting the best of both worlds as friends with benefits!

If being friends with benefits doesn’t work out, the friendship could be irreparable. Since you took your relationship to the next level, there might be some things that happened that you can’t take back. If you’re in the same friend group, you could create an extremely awkward situation that causes your friends to choose sides and splits the group in half.



11 20 13

The Hawk

Unfiltered: {womanifesto} We asked, Hawks responded

Let’s lose ‘virginity’ Rethinking our view of sex

What do you think about Pope Francis?

Instead of constructing sex as something that is essentially negative, let’s construct sex as something that is positive.” Carina Ensminger ’14 Hawk Staff

I cannot express how much I hate the phrase “losing your virginity.” Actually. Scratch that. That’s exactly what I plan to do, so please allow me to rephrase: in this article I will express and explicate my supreme distaste for the phrase “losing you virginity.” (That’s the first time one of these has had a clear thesis statement—you’re welcome, English department.) One of the many problems I have with this phrase is the word ‘losing.’ Since losing is a negative term, it stigmatizes acting upon sexual impulses by implying that engaging in sexual intercourse somehow makes you less whole. It suggests that your virginity is an essential part of who you are and that once it’s lost, it is lost forever. You have to guard it, hoard it, protect it. I am not trying to diminish how important your first sexual experiences can be, but the idea that you lose an irretrievable and essential part of who you are when you have sex for the first time is just bogus. You may be a different person after engaging in physical intimacy, but you sure as hell haven’t lost an essential part of yourself because of it. The phrase “losing your virginity” is problematic for me not just because of the negative stigma it places upon sex, but also because the term virginity is very loaded. Virginity is a socially constructed concept that has historically placed restraints on sexual freedom, measured the inherent worth of people, and perpetuated a heteronormative paradigm. Last week I discussed how female sexuality is dictated by modesty. Women are devalued if they sleep with many people; they’re called sluts, whores, and are made to feel ashamed. Why? Because a woman’s worth has historically been tied to her virginity. In every century up until the 20th, the only role deemed suitable for women was that of a wife. Any acts of sexual deviance, adultery, and premarital sex would render her unmarriageable and would banish her from polite society or possibly even result in her death. Thus, her virginity dictated her worth, and to a large degree it still does today. Men too are impacted by the correlation between worth and virginity. Masculinity and man-

hood are concepts often tied to heterosexual sexual conquests. In many constructions, to be a man is to have sex with women. Thus, if men are not attracted to women or simply do not wish to engage in sexual intercourse, their worth as a man is diminished. One more problem with the term virginity: it perpetuates a heteronormative paradigm by diminishing the worth of any sexual activity other than penile-vaginal intercourse. Here’s a question: If Suzy has oral sex with 20 people but does not engage in penile-vaginal intercourse, is she still a virgin? Many would resolutely say yes, that losing your virginity is strictly defined as engaging in penile-vaginal intercourse for the very first time. This is problematic because not everyone engages in penile-vaginal intercourse. Gays, lesbians, bisexual, and queer individuals may have their first intimacies with someone of the same sex. Proposing that these individuals are virgins, despite their sexual activity, ignores the truth of their sexuality. It implies that penile-vaginal intercourse is the only kind of sex that actually matters, which is silly and demeaning. Instead of constructing sex as something that is essentially negative, let’s construct sex as something that is positive. Because it is. I mean it. Desiring to physically manifest your sexual impulses is a natural part of human existence. As long as it’s consensual and you’re being safe, there is nothing wrong with acting upon your desires. So let’s lose “losing your virginity” and replace it with something much more positive and inclusive. I like to think about first-times as sexual debuts. This phrase is courtesy of the wonderful Laci Green who manages the popular Sex+ channel on YouTube. Whatever activities the term sex encompasses for you, the first time you do them is your sexual awakening, your sexual debut. It’s not a loss, but rather a curtain rising up on a new time in your life. It’s not a reflection of your worth, but rather a testament to your development. It’s not a derogatory statement on the validity of what you do to feel good, but rather a celebration of your relationship with your body. And that, my dears, is how I think we should look at sex.

Greg Carroll, ’16

Kasey McKenna, ’14

“I like him. I think he’s good. Jesuits are pretty cool and he’s a Jesuit.”

“I like that he is a Jesuit.”

Nathan L’etoile, ’16

Andrew Taylor, ’17

“He’s awesome. I think he’s really cool. I think he actually tries to be in touch with people and I think that hopefully that will stick around.”

Genevieve Philbin, ’17 “He is a breath of fresh air in the Catholic Church and I really think he is turning things around for the better. He is turning away from the conservativeness and exclusiveness that the reputation that the Catholic Church had.”

“I think it’s a change for the Church and he’s defiantly more liberal than past popes.”

Conrad Simmons, ’14

“I like Pope Francis just because he seems to have a personality. I think that’s probably what I like the most. I feel like you didn’t get much from all the other popes because they were a bit older and things of that nature, so I can relate more to this pope.”

What do you think? Share your answer to this week’s Unfiltered question on Twitter! Tweet us @sjuhawknews



11 20 13

The Hawk

Finding more magis in less

It’s time to get rid of the debt ceiling

Making time for yourself Aly Bartolomei ’15 Hawk Staff

Last week, I scowled at my hands in disgust at the sight of splotches of violet, blue, and lime dyes. I had attempted to relieve stress for a group of underclassmen that I work with by reverting back to the childish hobby of tie-dying. The visible proof that lingered on my skin frustrated me. I did not want my hands to look like I was a kindergartner for days. This fear led to me tirelessly scrubbing my hands with soap, and I even opted to pour nail polish remover over my hands as an attempt to regain my once-clean fingers. Nothing was working. So I gave up. I was working ridiculously hard to rid myself of the remnants of a creative attempt at a stress reliever, and, of course, I became stressed. Go figure. When I accepted my stained hands, I wondered why I worked so hard to cover up this sign of a fun bonding activity in the first place. Oftentimes, I forget that I am a 20-year-old college student. Within professional settings, I find myself taking things far too seriously. I make small talk that should only be found around a water cooler. If I am not wearing tights and a dress, my peers ask how I am feeling. This need to continually push toward the future often backfires on me. I get so caught up in planning my future that I actually lose sight of the present moment. I know I am not the only one who feels this way. As part of the millennial generation, I realize that we have a reputation for being those go-getters who are obsessed at bettering ourselves. But at what point do we step back from this continual push towards the future, and just embody the here and now? When did college life suddenly become only a platform for our next venture? Isn’t this the only time in our lives to be selfish, not selfless? Now, I understand that as college kids, we must take time to plan for our futures by making smart choices. We must sacrifice those late night hours in the library to prepare for the exam that is worth 30 percent of our grade. We may have to tackle time management in order to truly dedicate ourselves to those extracurricular activities we love to involve ourselves in. Yes, we may even have to give up our weekends, especially in the next few weeks, to be truly productive towards final exams. But lately, I have found myself working to open up my schedule to invest time in myself. Weird to think about, isn’t it? Honestly, since doing so, I have gained a better appreciation for making decisions to make yourself happy today, rather than improving your chances at a happier tomorrow. To be honest with you, I am a creative individual at my core. I have painted for most of my life, and for the majority of my time in college I cut out little to no time in my schedule to dedicate to the studio. I love to lose myself in the simple pleasure of reading, which is one of the reasons why I declared an English major. Oftentimes, I find myself struggling to stay awake through my required readings, working to earn respectable grades for my courses. Being a witness to live music is also something that I enjoy investing in. But, I have found myself declining invitations to go to concerts in an effort to save money. Thankfully, after much reflection and a few guiding hands this past semester, I am beginning to remember to include my own interests when I think of my schedule. I have set aside more time for myself to explore and grow in learning more about my interests. Reading for pleasure a little bit each night before I go to bed. Going into Philadelphia with friends or even by myself, whenever my schedule permits it, to soak in the sights and the sounds of the city I love. Waking up early on Saturday morning to go to a yoga class. Walking down to Starbucks to grab a coffee because I want to catch up with a friend, not just because I need to rely on the caffeine to do work. Even when I was registering for classes for next semester, I found myself thoughtfully asking if I was truly interested in the subject material. I believe that I am not the only student on this campus who is willing to give up their own time for others. I mean, after all, isn’t that the magis? Striving day in and day out to better yourself through your involvement in the community? Well, I’m here to tell you that you should not feel guilty for taking care of yourself, too. I am certain that our futures are uncertain. You cannot truly plan out your life in your planner. So I ask for you to take a break from scribbling to-do lists. Invest in the precious time you have left at this university by only doing everything you love. Even if there are a few colorful stains left behind on your hands, I’m sure you’ll better appreciate reminiscing on those happy memories in the future.

Joseph Wutkowski ’16 Special to The Hawk

Developing policies to deal with the national debt has become a partisan political issue, bringing business in Washington, D.C. to a halt on numerous occasions. Many politicians and citizens hold extreme views of this issue, which often fail to acknowledge basic facts about the situation. However, before you can develop an opinion on the debt ceiling, it is of utmost importance to know why the United States has a national debt to begin with. Could you imagine starting a new business after you were already in a massive amount of debt? The Founding Fathers knew they could, which is why the United States was in debt when it was first founded in 1776. The Founding Fathers needed money to finance the Revolutionary War, leading them to borrow money from France and the Netherlands. To help pay off the national debt, Congress at the time raised taxes, but failed to bring in enough money. If the United States wanted to prosper and grow, it needed to add to the national debt. The U.S. would not be the global world leader that it is today if it hadn’t taken on massive amounts of debt throughout its history. Unfortunately, many people seem to forget that due to the power given to the federal government by the 14th Amendment, the United States is not ever able to default on its debt. This amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that “the validity of the public debt of the United States … shall not be questioned,” and goes on to give Congress the power to enforce the provision by any means. In order to exert control over the debt of the federal government, Congress established the national debt ceiling as a limit on the amount of money the government could legally borrow. Although this measure was meant to limit the amount of debt incurred by the country, it has not worked this way. The debt ceiling has been raised over 70 times since March 1962. If the debt ceiling was taken seriously, the government should have stopped overspending many years ago. The ineffectiveness of the debt ceiling is why I believe we don’t need this financial mechanism anymore. What’s the point of having a system of checks and balances in our government if there is an easy way around it? Our great country has evolved over the years and has done just fine by raising the ceiling every time we are about to reach it. Keeping ev250%

erything else constant, the United States will never, ever, default on its debts. In fact, former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan said, “The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.” So if we will never default on our debt, why have a limit of how much we can spend? This can actually hurt the economy rather than the assumed notion of making it better. John Maynard Keynes, the leader of the theory of ‘deficit spending,’ argued that in a recession or depression, the best way to keep the economy thriving and healthy is to spend. Government spending is a factor of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that plays a vital role in growing our economy. In times of national distress, it is important to spend, and if that requires incurring debt, it still must be done for benefit of our economy and everyone living in the United States. It is also valuable to analyze the U.S.’s national debt in comparison to that of other nations. The Central Intelligence Agency uses a debt-to-GDP ratio to determine a ratio between a nation’s national debt and its gross domestic product. The United States doesn’t even break the top 30 of countries with the highest ratio. Japan has a ratio of 214.3 percent and is ranked number one. Other countries include Italy with 127 percent, France with 90.2 percent, the United Kingdom with 90 percent, and Germany with 81.9 percent. The United States came in ranked at 35, with 72.5 percent debt-GDP ratio. Although we have the most debt, our country is able to function efficiently because our GDP is so high. Without a high GDP, we would never be able to have so much debt. So in fact, our debt isn’t that high compared to the debt that 34 other countries have taken on. In essence, the United States has a lot of debt, but it isn’t as big of a problem as the media makes it out to be. Our debt-to-GDP ratio is below average to what other developed countries currently have. Does the United States have a spending problem? Absolutely. But we are not at the point yet where we need to check into a rehab center. Having a debt ceiling causes more problems in Washington, D.C. than we need right now. Instead of debating for weeks about raising the debt ceiling, which we know in the end Congress will do, we should focus our time and energy on more major problems our country faces.

Debt-GDP Ratio of Selected OECD* Countries





0 Canada






*Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development





Graphic by Weiyi (Dawn) Cai ’15, Layout Editor


11 20 13

Place of the Week: Amanda Murphy ’14 Managing Editor Joseph Cerrone ’14 Opinions Editor With countless storefronts lining the bustling streets of Rittenhouse Square, it is easy to pass by without investigating the unique culinary offerings of this popular district of Center City Philadelphia. But for those looking for a quick, but healthy, alternative to traditional fast food outlets, Hip City Veg, located on 18th Street between Chestnut and Walnut streets, is certainly worth exploring. Crafting palates with colors, creative recipes, and organic ingredients, Hip City Veg appeals to all types of customers. Inspired by vegan fast food, the menu consists of burgers, fries, salads, wraps, desserts, drinks, and shakes. Even the non-vegan patrons have a wide variety of mouth-watering options from which to choose. The classic burger, which is made of soy and topped with fresh organic tomatoes, onions, pickles, ketchup, and Dijon mustard, is a good place for plant-based-food newbies to start. The nutrient-packed Groothies (green smoothies) are a famous blend of organic apples, leafy greens, bananas, and seasonal fruit like pineapples. These specialty drinks are a staple to the Hip City Veg image, with over 48,500 sold. In addition to the classics, the restaurant offers numerous seasonal dishes that feature recently harvested fruits and vegetables. A popular autumn dish is quinoa and chili, made with organic quinoa, fire-roasted tomatoes, kidney, pinto, and black beans, and topped with corn tortilla strips. Upon first glance, Hip City Veg is an aesthetic pleasure, displaying a fresh, bright, and modern design. From the post-modern light fixtures on the ceiling to the iPad register at


Hip City Veg

the counter, Hip City Veg boasts a unique and hip atmosphere. As customers walk through the doors, they are greeted by a friendly staff ready to offer guidance about seasonal menu options and ingredients used in all dishes. While Hip City Veg doesn’t have a ton of dine-in space, it is only one block away from Rittenhouse Square Park, which offers plenty of scenic park space for people to sit, relax, and enjoy their food. And although the restaurant is often packed with customers, the service is fast and the food is well prepared. As an eco-friendly restaurant, Hip City Veg extends its environmental consciousness beyond the plate. From the food to the actual menu, all aspects of the restaurant are entirely plant-based. In fact, the packaging, containers, cups, straws, forks, and knives are all made of corn—a compost material that breaks down naturally. In order to provide ultimate convenience, the Rittenhouse Square Hip City Veg offers delivery service from 4th Street to 24th Street between Washington Avenue and Spring Garden Street. But don’t expect a traditional delivery person—Hip City Veg deliveries are made by bicycle. The success of the original location led the owner to open a second location in University City in October 2013. This new restaurant has plenty of space to accommodate customers, particularly college students in search of a fast, healthy meal. Nevertheless, this new location still maintains the original Hip City Veg dedication to providing healthy, quick, and environmentally friendly options to its patrons. Fast, convenient, and environmentally friendly, Hip City Veg stands out as a truly unique restaurant experience. It is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and is easily accessible to Saint Joseph’s University students via train from the Overbrook Station to Suburban Station. For more information visit www.hipcityveg.com.

Photos by Weiyi (Dawn) Cai, ’15



11 20 13

How about that hummus? Kristen Pilkington ’14 Hawk Staff Whether it is used as a dip or a spread, hummus makes for a unique and versatile snack that is perfect for topping off an omelet or serving as an appetizer at your next gathering. While basic, plain hummus is made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and garlic, you can change it to cater to your particular tastes. You can spice it up with carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, or peppers. When it’s enjoyed as a dip, hummus goes well with pita, crackers, pretzels, and vegetables. And it doesn’t just taste good—it’s good for you. The nutritional benefits of hummus are rooted in its primary ingredients. Four healthy reasons to eat hummus 1. Chickpeas Chickpeas contain no cholesterol or saturated fats, but are rich in protein, making them a great option for vegetarians. They also help to prevent the build up of cholesterol in the blood vessels. 2. Tahini Tahini may have fats and fat calories, but they are not the unhealthy saturated fats. Tahini is also high in protein and a great source of calcium to support bone health. 3. Olive oil Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat—a healthy fat that is used to regulate cholesterol and help protect the heart from cardiovascular disease. 4. Garlic and lemon juice Garlic and lemon juice are both full of antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress in the body, improve the immune system, and fight bacteria and viruses. While there are a variety of store brands to choose from, making your own hummus is fun, healthy, and easy to personalize. Try this simple recipe adapted from Rachael Ray, which will make enough hummus for about five people. Ingredients - One 14.5 ounce can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained - 2 rounded tablespoons tahini sesame paste - A drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil - 1 teaspoon ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon ground cumin - 1 teaspoon ground coriander - 1 clove fresh garlic - ½ teaspoon sea salt - ½ lemon, juiced Directions 1. Combine chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, pepper, cumin, coriander, garlic, sea salt, and lemon juice in food processor. 2. Grind into a smooth paste. 3. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Photos courtesy of Kristen Chiocchi, ’16

On a different track

St. Joe’s Equestrian Club advocates against horse slaughter


Shelby Miller ’14 Features Editor

t has only been one month since the Saint Joseph’s University Equestrian Club was approved as an official student organization, and it already has 25 members, five board executives, and an upcoming fundraiser. President Kristen Chiocchi, ’16, and Vice President Jordan Junqua, ’15, wasted no time turning their visions of university-wide recognition into an inspirational reality. “We tried for a club sport last year, but we couldn’t get it approved,” said Chiocchi. “[And] this year we decided we still want to do something with horses … and we wanted to be recognized as a regular club.” That’s when Junqua pitched Chiocchi an idea for a fundraising and community service-based club that would help save horses from being abused and slaughtered. “[Junqua] worked with [Xanthus Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation] over the summer and we decided it would be a good cause,” Chiocchi continued. “We went to [the Office of Student Leadership and Activities], explained our objective, and got approved.” Xanthus Equine Rescue, the club’s primary beneficiary, is a non-profit organization in Boonton Township, N.J. that rescues, rehabilitates, and trains horses that would have otherwise been slaughtered. Owner and founder Christy Lee Sami started the organization just under two years ago using her own savings. Since then, she has been relying on donations, volunteers, and fundraisers, with all of the proceeds and funding invested solely in the organization and its horses. The horses that the rescue, Chiocchi, Junqua, and the other 23 club members are advocating to save come from equine auctions—a place for both regular buyers and kill buyers to purchase inexpensive horses. At these auctions, horses and ponies are bought and sold for $500 to $800,

while professional and private sales are made in the thousands. Additionally, Junqua explained, “Ninety-two percent of horses that go to slaughter are in perfect condition— they have no health issues. Many of [the horses] are stolen from barns, stables, peoples’ backyards, and horse shows.” Horses that are bought by kill buyers are jammed into double decker cattle trailers and shipped off to slaughter houses in Mexico and Canada where they are brutally killed—not even pregnant mares are an exception to this fate. “They take anything that looks like they can make a buck,” stated Junqua. “The industry is about how fast, how cheap … There’s nothing friendly about it.” She continued, “There’s always going to be a market for [horse meat], it’s a huge delicacy in Europe and Japan. So obviously we can’t change what’s happening in other countries, but we can change how they are being [treated] in [North America].” Xanthus Equine Rescue works to save as many auction horses as possible. Sami believes that she can help save America’s horses, one horse at a time, according to her organization’s website. “One of the horses she saved is a small little pony,” said Junqua. “His feet never had maintenance and he had horseshoes still on, but they were on backwards … He was walking on his ankles, so he was in insane pain, his mane and tail were matted, he was in horrific condition. And now he’s a healthy, happy pony who runs around and thinks he’s the shit.” But despite being inexpensive to buy at auction, horses are extremely costly to keep, especially if they are sick. This is where the St. Joe’s Equestrian Club aims to make a difference. “Right now [Sami] is working with [four] horses, which is really expensive,” noted Junqua. The club is having their first fundraising event—a bake sale—for Xanthus Equine Rescue on Nov. 25 in

Xanthus owner and founder, Christy Lee Sami

Mandeville Hall. Chiocchi remarked, “We’re aiming to make $150 to $250 from the bake sale … I’d consider that an accomplishment.” In regards to future fundraisers, Chiocchi said, “We want to have bake sales, T-shirt sales, raffles, a coupon event with Landmark, and candy sales. And we want to do community service.” “All donations and fundraising we get will go automatically to [Xanthus],” added Junqua. And while many of the 25 members have backgrounds in the equine world, not all do. “People are confused about us,” Junqua remarked. “They think we’re an equestrian team, but we’re not— you don’t have to ride, you don’t have to have experience of any kind.” Chiocchi added, “You can be someone who really advocates for animal rights. The club is open to anyone—anyone with an interest. We’re just trying to make a difference.” For more information on the St. Joe’s Equestrian Club, visit their official Facebook page: www.facebook. com/sjuequestrianclub.



11 20 13

‘Day of the Doctor’

The Hawk

BBC celebrates 50 years of Dr. Who

Angela Christaldi ’17 Hawk Staff “Vworp, vworp!” On Nov. 23, 1963, this sound was heard for the first time as a British police telephone box appeared on numerous televisions across the United Kingdom. It was the first episode of a new science fiction show, “Doctor Who,” which would eventually take the world by storm. Now, 50 years later, that strange sound is recognized by millions of people around the world. “Doctor Who” chronicles the story of the Doctor, a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey that travels the universes in his time machine—called the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space)—and battles various creatures to save planets from destruction. The Doctor’s most formidable enemies, the Daleks, can be identified by their distinctive cry of, “Exterminate!” Over the years, the Doctor has also faced off against terrifying monsters such as the Cybermen, the Zygons, and the Vashta Nerada. “‘Doctor Who’ is the example of the perfect science fiction show. It has aliens and monsters, but it can scare you to death, make you laugh until you cry, or make you cry like a baby. It may be about aliens, but the show is nothing, if not human,” said Brendan Szefinski, ’17.

Picture from Creative Commons

The show and its strange, worldly protagonist are the brainchildren of Sydney Newman, former Head of Drama at the

# Tim Fitz @11beneFITZ

BBC. Newman, along with script head Donald Wilson and producer Verity Lambert, developed the idea in early 1963. Originally

intended as a family-friendly show aimed at exploring science and famous moments in history, “Doctor Who” was picked up on July 31, 1963 with William Hartnelll cast as the eponymous Doctor. However, after three seasons of great success, Hartnell left the show due to health reasons. Since the show was still wildly popular, the writers were faced with a dilemma: How do you continue a show without the main character? That’s when using an alien as the protagonist came to fruition. The writers devised the concept of “regereration,” in which the Doctor acquired the power to completely change his body, allowing several different actors to play the Doctor. With this ability, “Doctor Who” ran successfully for 26 seasons until losing its popularity and entering an indefinite hiatus in 1989. A television film starring Paul McGann, the eighth actor to play the Doctor, was released in 1996, along with several audio dramas, before finally returning as a regular series in 2005. Executive producers Russell T. Davies and Julie Gardner were responsible for the revival of the series, which has maintained its success ever since. To celebrate its 50 years of success and fan support, “Doctor Who” will air an anniversary episode on Nov. 23 at 2:50 p.m. on BBCAmerica.

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11 20 13

A few sentences from life: funny paradox quotes Nobody goes to that restaurant; it’s too crowded. Don’t go near the water ‘til you have learned how to swim. The man who wrote such a stupid sentence can not write at all. If you get this message, call me, and if you don’t get it, don’t call. ADVERTISEMENT: Are you an analphabet? Write a letter and we will send you free of charge instructions how to undo it.

Paradoxes from http://brainden.com/paradoxes.htm



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Riddles James ordered a fishing rod, priced at You are lost and alone in the woods. You $3.56. Unfortunately, James is an Eskimo stumble across an old cabin, and decide who lives in a very remote part of to stay there for the night. You want some Greenland and the import rules there heat and light, but the only things you find in the cabin are a candle, an oil lamp and forbid any package longer than 4 feet to be imported. a wood burning stove. You look in your pocket but you only have one match left. The fishing rod was 4 feet and 1 inch, just What do you light first? a little too long, so how can the fishing rod be mailed to James without breaking the rules? Ideally James would like the fishing A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose rod to arrive in one piece! and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself and one other - the There is a man lying dead in his office. He fox, the goose, or the corn - at a time. is all alone and the doors and windows are If he could not leave the fox alone with locked from the inside. There are no marks the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How does he get all safely over the on him. There is no blood. There is a sealed envelope on his desk. How did he die? stream? The match

Insert the fishing rod into a box which measures 4 feet on all sides, the fishing rod will fit within the diagonal of the box with room to spare. The envelope was poisoned. Riddles from http://www.riddlers.org/

Take the goose over first and come back. Then take the fox over and bring the goose back. Now take the corn over and come back alone to get the goose. Take the goose over and the job is done!



11 20 13

The Hawk

Creighton downs St. Joe’s

Frank Flores ’15


Assistant Sports Editor

oming off of a solid win against a reeling Marist team, the Saint Joseph’s University men’s basketball team could not win their third game in a row against the Creighton Bluejays, losing 83-79 on Nov. 16 at Hagan Arena. The loss dropped the Hawks’ record to 2-1 for the second consecutive season. The Hawks got out to a fast start, going up by 12 points in the first half, largely due to a 6-13 team effort from behind the arc and 9-10 shooting from the free throw line in the first half. The team was paced by nine points apiece in the first half from Langston Galloway, ’14, Ronald Roberts Jr., ’14, and Chris Wilson, ’15, and took a 45-40 lead into halftime. Tough individual defensive efforts from Roberts, redshirt senior Halil Kanacevic, ’13, and DeAndre Bembry, ’17, combined with defensive help from teammates allowed the Hawks to hold Naismith College Player of the Year candidate Doug McDermott to eight points on 2-5 shooting in the first half. McDermott’s struggles may also be attributed to the rambunctious student section, which was deafening from start to finish. McDermott gave high praise to the atmosphere in Hagan Arena after the game. “This is the toughest place to play we’ve ever played at,” McDermott said.

The second half was a back-and-forth affair, with neither team ever leading by more than seven points and the hot shooting from deep continuing for each team. Bembry rose to the occasion and showed no freshman jitters, scoring 14 points in the second half, including a few big three pointers when the Hawks needed them. “He is what we thought he’d [be]. That’s not a game for an 18-year-old,” Martelli said. “He doesn’t think and play like an 18-year-old.” Wilson also had a monstrous game from behind the arc hitting 6-11 shots overall for 18 points, including going 3-5 in the second half. The game came down to the final few possessions, with each team trying desperately to put the other one away. With about 30 seconds left, Galloway took a pull-up jumper that just missed. Luckily, Roberts was there for the rebound but got fouled as he put up a shot. Roberts calmly hit both free throws and gave Creighton the ball with 27.5 seconds left. With the clock winding down, the Hawks had a miscommunication on defense and McDermott was left wide open for a three pointer. Kanacevic tried to rush out to contest, but ended up fouling McDermott in the process. McDermott hit the shot and the free throw which put the Hawks down three points with 4.7 seconds left. The Hawks turned the ball over on an inbound play, and Creighton went on to hit free throws to win by a final score of 83-79. The high point man for the Hawks was Bembry, who

Photos by Weiyi (Dawn) Cai, ’15

finished with 20 points on 8-14 shooting, including 4-8 from three. It was a hard fight and tough loss for the Hawks as they had the game slip away from them in the final few seconds over one defensive miscue. “We ended up playing as a team,” Bembry said. “It came down to the last shot and I messed up on an assignment, or a switch. It just came down to the last shot and we didn’t make it.” The Hawks look to rebound from this tough loss on Nov. 28 at the Old Spice Classic in Orlando, Fla. as they take on Louisiana State University.

SPORTS BRIEFS DeAndre Bembry, ’17, was named Atlantic 10 Rookie of the Week for averaging 14 points, Men’s 3.5 rebounds, and three assists. The Hawks also signed four players to National Letters of Intent: James Demery, Markell Lodge, BasketbalL Shavar Newkirk, and Obi Romeo will all be part of the men’s basketball program starting next season.

Women’s basketball fought back from a 16-point deficit and were able to pull WOMen’s the win against Wichita State, 81-73 on Nov. 15. Ciara Andrews, ’16, made a layup with 1.5 seconds left BasketbalL off to push the game to overtime. Sarah Fairbanks, ’16, led the team in scoring with 18 points, including 6-10 from the free throw line. Natasha Cloud, ’15, also had a solid game with 15 points.

Men’s Crosscountry

Aaron Leskow, ’14, was named to the Atlantic 10 men’s cross-country AllAcademic Team. Leskow also took 31st at the Mid-Atlantic Regionals with a time of 30:58. The men’s team took 11th

overall with a time of 2:38:26 and 301 points. Michael Rankin, ’14, John Mascioli, ’17, and Logan Mohn, ’15, all finished 65th, 66th, and 67th for St. Joe’s, respectively.



11 20 13

Photo by Mike Yap, ’14

The Hawk

Hawks fail to meet personal expectations Garrett Miley ’15 Sports Editor


he Saint Joseph’s University men’s cross-country team took home an 11th place finish at the NCAA Mid-Atlantic Regional on Nov. 15, while the women’s team took home 13th place. The men finished with a total time of 2:38:26 and 301 points in the race, but did not finish where they had hoped. “I’m sure if you talk to any of the guys, they would tell you the same thing,” said head coach Mike Glavin regarding the finish. “That 11th finish was not a strong finish for us, unfortunately. A great race would have put us in the four, five, six range and a strong race for us would have put us in the seven-eight range, and a disappointing race would have had us in the nine-ten range. We went in ranked eighth and came out 11th. We under-raced our position ... For whatever reason it is, we just didn’t put that particular race together.” Villanova University (34 points) came away victorious out of the 26 teams at the meet, which was hosted by Lehigh University. Aaron Leskow, ’14, led the team at regionals, finishing in 31st place with a time of 30:58. While the 10k race is less common to run, Leskow set a personal record by over a minute at regionals from his previous 10k’s. “We had talked going into it about where we could be

given past experience with those seniors and Leskow’s race in 31st was okay,” Glavin said. “It was an improvement over his race last year. He looked going in like he was a 1520 guy [this year].” While the race was disappointing based on the team’s high expectations for themselves, the season as a whole has been a major success for Glavin’s team. “They’ve been phenomenal this year,” he said. “We’ve had a very good year. I think we were fourth up at the Iona Meet of Champions, 12th out of 47 up at Lehigh, and fourth at Princeton and second in the conference.” In their first collegiate 10k races, Jimmy Daniels, ’17, and John Mascioli, ’17, crossed the finish line in 32:09 and 31:48, respectively. The strong finish by Mascioli in his first collegiate 10k was a silver lining for the Hawks at Lehigh. The 13th place finish for the women, according to head coach Kevin Quinn, did not meet their pre-race team goal of a top-10 finish. “They went into the meet ranked 13th in the district,” Quinn said. Their goal, I think, was to be in the top-10. If you look at the results you might say to yourself, ‘well gee they didn’t run that well.’ That’s not the case.” A team captain and the hawks lead runner for the 2013 season, Lizzy Barrett, ’14. Finished in 43rd place overall for the meet, but according to her coach she ran a great race despite what appears to be a finish below her abilities.

“That’s not the case,” Quinn said. “Her goal was to qualify for the NCAA meet…She went out and tried to do that and I saw her at about two and a quarter miles. She was a contender to make that trip…She had a goal and she had a purpose and she took a shot at it. I am tremendously proud even thought she finished 43rd and all that business, she ran really well.” The men finally close out the 2013 cross-country season at the IC4A Championship on Nov. 23 at Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx, N.Y. Once again, while the women will compete at the ECAC meet in the same location. The Hawks have high expectations for their finish in the race. “What we want to see is the team that ran at the [Atlantic 10] Conference meet,” Glavin said. “That team can go up to the IC4A’s and be in the top five, maybe even the top four. The way that we ran at the regionals, that could be a team that gets seventh or eighth. If you look at the team the whole season, the team that ran this [past] weekend was an aberration compared to the way that we handled most of the meets.” “The ECAC meet is really hard to predict what is going to happen there,” Quinn said. “Many of the top easter teams are not there if they’ve qualified for the NCAA meet. They may just send a b-team and there are some teams that shut down after the regional meet. We’ve always taken this meet pretty seriously and I would think that a goal would be in the top-10 and continue racing well.” Start time for the races are both scheduled for 9:30 a.m.

Hawks’ run stopped by Patriots Garrett Miley ’15 Sports Editor

The Saint Joseph’s University men’s soccer team lost a hard-fought battle to a second seeded George Mason team in the quarterfinals of the Atlantic 10 Conference Tournament on Nov. 14. The Hawks and the Patriots played to a 0-0 draw at the end of extra time, with George Mason edging St. Joe’s out on penalty kicks to advance to the semifinals of the tournament. Both the Hawks and the Patriots connected on their first two penalty kicks to keep things tied, but George Mason goalkeeper Steffan Kraus came up with two big saves on the final kicks for the Hawks to propel the Patriots to the next round of the tournament. “It’s tough,” said Hawks’ head coach Don D’Ambra. “In some ways I was proud of the guys. If you’re going to lose, at least we knew we went to the very end. It’s like a boxing match where we went to the final round and it comes down to a decision. They didn’t beat us—it just came to PKs and we were proud of our guys for that, but at the end of the day, it is what it is, and to their credit they scored all of their PKs and executed on the shooting side of it. That’s the way soccer is decided, the way big matches are decided. We just didn’t convert. Our kids battled until the end and did everything they could, so I was proud of their effort.” This was the second time this season that St. Joe’s dropped a close match to George Mason. Back on Oct. 25, the Hawks fell to George Mason in overtime by a final score of 1-0 on Sweeney Field in the first physical matchup between the teams. Against the Patriots this time, however, the Hawks were focused on creating more chances on offense and trying to penetrate the elite defense of George Mason. “The biggest difference, even though it was kind of the same result where we went to overtime … [was] this time we kept the scoreless draw going into PKs,” D’Ambra said. “The first time we played them, we really didn’t

create too many opportunities. They are an exceptionally good defensive team so I thought that if we were going to win this game, we need to create more chances. We focused a lot on trying to be aggressive and to exploit any mistakes they made. We wanted to go after it and not play too conservatively. Our team defense was outstanding to keep them scoreless. We outshot them for most of the game and it ended up being an even shot ratio for both teams. We definitely were aggressive and created some decent chances this time.” Redshirt senior Andrew D’Ottavi, ’13, the Hawks’ goalkeeper, made four saves (all after halftime) and was solid in net for the Hawks in his final game. D’Ambra is proud of his team and the effort they put forth all season long. Being the first team in 19 seasons to qualify for the A-10 Tournament, this was the one of the best seasons for men’s soccer in recent memory. While things started out looking bleak for the Hawks early on in conference play, a late season run and a huge win over a ranked VCU team propelled the team into the tournament. “We’re maximizing out of what we can get out of the group of players that we have,” D’Ambra said. “We were 0-4 in conference play heading into the games against VCU and Saint Louis. For these guys to knock off a ranked team and win the last two games of the A-10 schedule on the road, I was really proud of their character. They knew they had an outside chance and they played their best when their backs were against the wall so you couldn’t be more proud for that. I think we could’ve won some games that we let slip by this year in the front half of the non-conference schedule. At the end of the day, they had a good season and they did what we expected this year. That was the team goal—to make the playoffs. We set a lot of different goals, and didn’t reach a lot of the goals. But, we did achieve our ultimate goal and I do think we can continue to move forward and build off of those things. It was an excellent season.” Photos courtesy of Sideline Photos, LLC


11 20 13




11 20 13

Officiating instruction: Strict enforcement

Alexander Houpert ’14 Hawk Staff

Illustration by Alexander Houpert, ‘14

Stark rule reinterpretations are being enacted this 2013-14 NCAA season that are set to soften the traditional grit of college hoops. A softening of the game’s physicality is in the wash, a theme commonly ubiquitous across sports in the 21st century. Already bubbling up are cries of protest concerning the consequences of the NCAA’s new rulebook darling; remarks from major college coaches in favor of the rule’s added stringency are (sensibly) popping those bubbles. Whichever side the casual fan finds himself on is, unfortunately, inconsequential. The basketball ballet must go on, and, as decided by the NCAA, the fouls shall mount, so the scoring should soar, and then the game will be graceful again. Logical. Gone will be the physical play. Mark Emmert will shout from his luxury box, “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?” and the fans below will resound, “BOO!—No we’re not!...Free throws are laaame!” I watched the entire video. It was truly scintillating. WHAT? You haven’t seen it yet? The 2013-14 NCAA Men’s Basketball Officiating Instructional Video? Oh man, let me tell you, after the 17 second long opening montage and the sputterings of John W. Adams’s (NCAA National Coordinator of Men’s Basketball Officiating) opening remarks, I was hooked. I couldn’t look away. Bringing a cheesy rock guitar riff with him, Art Hyland, Secretary-Rules Editor, came on next, clarifying slowly and deliberately how the new rule is to be interpreted. The whole video is a treat, if you’re into watching half-hour long instructional videos. WHAT? You’re not? Laaame. I mean, the rule is lame, not you! It actually makes pretty good sense when you begin to understand its wording and intent; that’s what’s so frustrating about its emphasis in 2013. The revised ‘Handchecking Rule,’ has found a new home under Rule 10, ‘Fouls and Penalties,’ of the 2013-14 NCAA Men’s Basketball Rulebook. Previously a mere appendix, the promoted ‘Handchecking Rule’ concerning ‘handchecking’ (lame name) isn’t a new rule at all; what’s new is how the NCAA’s 838 officials across the country have been told to prepare to enforce it during this season. In short, they are getting ready to call more fouls. Way more fouls. NCAA officials insist the crackdown contact is supposed to do two things for the game: increase scoring and increase safety. Ok... how exactly? For those of you who have read this far, I direct you to Rule 10, Article 4: Art. 4 The following acts constitute a foul when committed against a player with the ball: a. Keeping a hand or forearm on an opponent. b. Putting two hands on an opponent. c. Continually jabbing an opponent by extending an arm(s) and placing a hand or forearm on the opponent; d. Using an arm bar to impede the progress of a dribbler.

On paper, I wholly agree with enforcing these rules. If you’ve played pickup basketball with guys who play dirty like this, then you know that getting bumped around like a pinball sucks. The reinterpretation of this rule does make sense because of the uncharacteristic roughness that was so prevalent last season. In a game that was never about physicality, there was a serious concern that college ball had become too physical. The enforcement of the handchecking rule in past years has been lax, so the NCAA’s ruling oligarchy decided that stricter enforcement was necessary in order to restore a lost brand of basketball that few remember: a game with acrobatic athleticism, ‘flow,’ and a plethora of points. In order to realize that vision, NCAA officials decided that there should be exaggerated attention placed upon contact that impedes a player’s “rhythm, speed, balance, or quickness.” Makes sense... But what’s frustrating about the new importance of the officials’ now go-to whistle tune is that, as a result of all this hullabaloo, “there will be a significant difference in the way the game is officiated this year,” according to Hyland. How a game is officiated explicitly determines how a game is played. Simple as that. What is and what isn’t a foul has always been discerned by the ref ’s subjective interpretation of players’ actions. However, a referee’s judgment is constantly inconsistent, varying from official to official. If the NCAA’s officials are able to maintain consistency in enforcing the rule throughout all of college basketball, then you won’t have to read another 1,000 word column from me (I promise). But I am highly skeptical; is contact in the Patriot League the same as in the Big Ten? Or in the A-10? Clearly, no. Different conferences have a different level of play; expect more physicality in a team like Michigan State than in a team like Jacksonville State. So far this season, whistle-happy refs, trying to please their paycheck-penners, have plagued college courts across the country like locusts. Their cousins, umpires and line-judges, have already descended onto diamonds and gridirons, leaving those once-pristine games viciously chewed and withered, eroded and irreparably damaged by excessive officiating. So does the integrity of our nation’s games ride solely upon the broken backs of zebras? I caught up with guard Langston Galloway, ’14, and asked him about how the new rule interpretation might impact the Hawks’ physical big men late in the game (redshirt senior Halil Kanacevic, ’13, fouled out late against Creighton). “It helps the offense and hurts the defense. It’s just an adjustment,” Galloway casually dismissed. “Hopefully four to five games from now, things will be back to normal.” But what was normal is not normal anymore. College basketball has changed significantly and forever; unfortunately for its fans, players, and coaches, this season will show how the NCAA’s egregious disparity will undermine any attempts at officiating consistency. And that is lame.

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