March 7, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of Saint Joseph’s University

Volume XCVII | Est. 1929 |

March 7, 2018

Ensuring employee rights JILLIAN BUCKEY ’20 Hawk Staff A 2-year-old student campus organization created to address workers’ rights is ramping up its efforts this semester to ensure that workers on campus are treated fairly. Just Employment, which meets weekly in Wolfington Center, was inspired by Georgetown University’s Just Employment policy. “Just Employment at St. Joe’s is part of a larger initiative that started at Georgetown,” said Amanda Scanameo, a campus ministry associate in Campus Ministry. “It seeks to make sure that university employees and subcontracted workers are treated with respect and dignity in a way that’s consistent Reza Ali, a sophomore at Saint Joseph’s Prepatory School. Ali is one of many students across the country who has become active in the fight against gun violence with our Jesuit values,” The Just Employment Policy is a national (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20). initiative, supported by colleges and universities across the country, who advocate for campus employment policies that address living wages and workers rights. Georgetown’s initiative also includes connecting other Jesuit colleges and universities that have adopted policies that protect workers. LUKE MALANGA ’20 CASSANDRA MURATORE ’18 St. Joe’s currently does not have a Just Photo Editor Special to The Hawk Employment policy, but its Just Employment organization would like to see that changed. Reza Ali, a sophomore at Saint Joseph’s “These kids aren’t going to stop,” Ali said. not be revoked if their high schools discipline Ryan Devore ’20, a member of the group, Preparatory School in Philadelphia, is work- “This kind of movement is starting, which them for participating in peaceful protests. said that it is essential for workers to have ing to take a stand against gun violence after you can see from the walkouts, which you can St. Joe’s and the 27 other institutions wages that cover basic necessities like food living through the murder of a fellow class- see from the marches. These kids actually feel in the Association of Jesuit Colleges and and residence, and a “safe, harassment-free, mate and friend. the need to make a change.” Universities (AJCU) all issued statements non-discriminatory workplace.” Salvatore DiNubile, a junior at the Prep, Ali, co-president of the Prep Young in the last two weeks that they would not “Working inside with the school, we can was shot in the chest and back in South Phila- Democrats, is garnering support for a walk- penalize applicants. hopefully achieve and advocate for a policy to delphia last October, along with Caleer Miller, out at 10 a.m on March 14 at the Prep in uniOn Feb. 27, Saint Joseph’s University’s be instituted into St Joe’s laws,” Devore said. a student from the Mastery Charter school. A son with other schools across the country. Office of Admissions posted a tweet citing the Just Employment members are planning to 16-year-old boy was charged with the crime. The goal of the walkouts is to call attention university’s institutional values as the reason eventually meet with campus administration, DiNubile and Miller were two of 265 individ- to violence in schools as well as honor the 17 behind its decision. employee representatives and campus workers uals whose murders were caused by guns in victims of the Parkland shooting. “Engaged citizenship, along with care to discuss the adoption of a Just Employment Philadelphia in 2017. Ali and high schoolers across the coun- and concern for the global community, are policy here, according to Claudia Plaza Barnils Ali said the death of DiNubile shocked try are weighing the consequences of their values central to a Saint Joseph’s University ’18, one of the group’s student leaders. him and his classmates at the Prep. participation in these peaceful protests. Sev- education. To that end, acceptance to SJU For now, the group is trying to raise “When we lost Sal, that hit hard,” Ali eral Prep students said they were hesitant to will not be withheld from students who awareness about workers’ rights and provide said. “It finally got to some kids that we have participate in the March 14 protest for fear of exercise their right to peaceful protest,” the assistance to workers on campus. a problem here. Gun violence is prevalent in being reprimanded. Others said they would office tweeted. Last semester, Just Employment began our city. This effects everyone.” participate if they knew they would not get Ali said the reasons to participate in this hosting appreciation events to acknowledge For Ali, the Feb. 14 shooting of 17 stu- detention or, as the Prep calls it, JUG, which protest outweigh the obligation to attend class employees from the dining halls to the residents at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High stands for Justice Under God. – or the fear of getting JUG. dence halls. One event that the organization school in Parkland, Florida, further proves no Many colleges have assured high school CONTINUED ON PG. 3 set up included a trick-or-treating night for city is safe from gun violence and it is up to students that their college acceptances will the desk attendants. The group also created students to make their voices heard. a weekly service opportunity last semester, “When we heard about the Parkland which gave students the chance to assist shooting, it was at first grief,” Ali said. “We campus workers with learning English. were confused. How can we keep letting The Hawk reached out to about 10 emthis happen? And then I kind of hit my tipployees regarding Just Employment’s appreping point, like, ok, can we make a change ciation events. The employees were either for once?” hesitant to speak without permission or did Ali, like many other students across the not know about the events. country, said he has been inspired by classThis semester, the organization is planmates of victims of the shooting at Stoneman. ning another appreciation event with coffee Survivors of the shooting have been acand donuts for workers. The weekly service tively speaking out against the National Rifle group is also still looking for volunteers. Association (NRA) and advocating for safer Plaza Barnils said she thinks the most schools. They’re getting their message across important objective is to get to know the over social media, in town hall meetings and workers on campus and to make sure that through the organization of the March for they feel like they are treated correctly. Our Lives protest, set to take place March 24 “If that’s not the case,” Plaza Barnils in Washington D.C. Sister marches will also said, “Then try to ask, ‘What can we do betbe hosted that day in Philadelphia and 455 ter as a school?’ other cities across the world. Students walk on campus at St. Joe’s (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

Surge in youth activism

Gun deaths spur action by Jesuit school students



March 7, 2018

Department of Public Safety reports (Feb. 23 – Mar. 3) ALCOHOL RELATED INCIDENTS

Feb. 23

Feb. 26

Public Safety confiscated a quantity of alcohol from a St. Joe’s student inside the lobby of Lannon Hall. Residence Life notified.Community Standards notified.

Public Safety was notified by a St. Joe’s student regarding person(s) unknown removing his sweatshirt from an unsecured locker in the O’Pake Recreation Center. No police report at this time. Incident under investigation.

Feb. 24 Public Safety was notified by Residence Life regarding an odor of marijuana coming from a fifth floor room in Lannon Hall. Public Safety Officers responded to the room with Residence Life. A search of the room revealed no signs of drugs or drug paraphernalia present. Community Standards notified.

Feb. 27 Public Safety was notified by Facilities Management regarding to person(s) unknown damaging a wall inside Quirk Hall. Residence Life notified. Community Standards notified.


On campus


Off campus



On campus


Off campus

Call Public Safety:


ELECTION 2018 Court case about political clothing goes to Supreme Court JULIA SNYDER, M.A. ’19 Copy Editor A new case before the Supreme Court is challenging the presence of campaigning apparel at polling locations. In Minnesota, voters may have to actively plan out what they will be wearing to the polls in order to ensure that their voices will be heard. According to Ballotpedia, the case of Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky began as a lawsuit in October 2017 to challenge a statute in the state of Minnesota that prohibits voters from wearing articles of clothing that bear political messages

or campaign logos at polling centers. The plaintiffs in the case are the Minnesota Northstar Tea Party Patriots and the Election Integrity Watch (known as the Minnesota Voters Alliance or MVA). The MVA’s executive director, Andrew Cilek, is the driving force behind the suit. In 2010, Cilek was restricted from voting due to his shirt, which featured the Tea Party movement logo and said “Don’t Tread On Me.” Although Cilek was eventually allowed to cast his vote, he was required to leave his name and address with the workers at the polling location. This issue arose because the state of Minnesota, Statute 211B.11 “prohibits wearing a ‘political badge, political button, or

A student supports Donald Trump during the 2016 election (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

other political or about the polling place on primary or election day.” The plaintiffs in Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky have filed the suit because they believe that the statute violates the voter’s First Amendment rights in active polling places. Using clothing to express political beliefs is seen as a right that is protected by a citizen’s freedom to political speech, according to Ballotpedia. In 2008, the Pennsylvania secretary of state responded to a request from the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania that voters are allowed to wear clothing, buttons or hats that may show who they are voting for. However, they are not allowed to campaign while they are at the polling place. Local election officials as well as poll watchers are not allowed to wear accessories and clothing that may show a partisan bias because they are at the polling place all day and may be confused as voters. No signs or other campaign materials are allowed at the polling place either. Banned messages include anything that could be considered advocating for candidates, materials that are meant to influence voters and materials that support organizations with overtly political ties. The clothing in question does not need to specifically list a candidate or a political party to be considered inappropriate or in violation of Statute 211B.11; for example, Cilek’s “Don’t Tread On Me” shirt didn’t advocate for or against a candidate, but it clearly bore a political message. The case of Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky argues that the statute “violates the First Amendment because it is overbroad and it defers to the discretion of election workers to determine which

(Photo by Charley Rekstis ’20).

messages are political.” This case is significant because it will make the court decide how to protect citizens first amendment rights while making sure that elections are orderly and voters aren’t confused or pressured to vote for a specific person at the polling place. So far, both a federal district court and the United States Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit have found Statute 211B.11 to be constitutional. According to the court papers, “The law prohibits and potentially criminally punishes every variety of political speech on clothing from that which simply names a political group, to messages supporting political causes, to ideological or party references to messages about current issues.” The plaintiffs have now brought their case to the Supreme Court. A ruling by the court regarding the case is not expected until the spring of 2018.

March 7, 2018

Waivers Cover: •Community based homes



•Day services

Tax cuts and jobs act impact Kinney Center •Home health aides

Medicaid waivers for people with •Transportation disabilities facing funding cuts services “The state has a waiver for individuals•Medical with disabilities and will paysuch for them equipment as to get services once they have aged out of high braces,walkers, and school at 21,” said Abigayle Jayroe, the Kinney wheelchairs Center’s director of operations. According to Jayroe, the Kinney Center adult learner program grew from one client •Assistive technology such two years ago, to now serving nine clients, speech withas a waiting list devices of approximately nineteen people. Once funding from the school district ends at age 21, they can then receive funding

LAURA HANEY ’19 Special to The Hawk The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December 2017, part of the government’s plans for budget reduction, will likely result in cuts to Medicaid funds which pay for services for many of the adult clients in the Kinney Center for Autism Education and Support. The ten-year deficit of the budget around this tax plan is capped at $1.5 trillion, as per the House and Senate budget resolutions. The Congressional Budget Office is concerned about the cancellation of budgetary resources that is aligned with 2010 law that was passed to avoid deficit growth. This provision within the tax law means that spending must be cut back so the deficit does not increase past $1.5 trillion. With such a high a price tag, according to Anne Yanikov, director of advocacy and government affairs with the Arc of Pennsylvania, the government is likely to cut funding for welfare programs in order to make room in the federal budget, which is creating stress among citizens with disabilities. “Our biggest concern with the taxation bill is that it would increase deficit to $1.5 trillion," Yanikov said. “So historically speaking, it is likely that Medicaid will face cuts.” With the new tax plan, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that funding cuts are slated to be even higher than they were in the American Health Care Act that did not pass through the Senate. Most concerning for the disability community are potential cuts to Medicaid and Medicare. The Kinney Center is a provider of services based on waivers that adults receiving services apply for independently through the state’s Department of Human Services.

What is at stake if Medicaid is cut? •Money that can be allocated to waivers will be cut •More competitive application processes

What is a Medicaid waiver? Medicaid waivers fund community based care for people with disabilities Different waivers provide specific amounts of money that can be allocated to spe cific services Graphic by Kaitlyn Patterson ’20.

•Longer waiting lists •Services will become less affordable for families through Medicaid waivers that allow the center to continue services without financially draining parents. Alexa Musumeci, the Kinney Center’s Assistant Director of Program Support, said two different waivers provide Medicaid funding for the adults receiving autism support services, the Person/Family Directed Support

(P/FDS), which is capped at $30,000, and the Consolidated waiver. “If they cut back, both of those could be scaled down,” Musumeci said. “The $30,000 could decrease and the Consolidated could go away.” Since the Kinney Center is not a state-run agency, cuts to Medicaid will not shut down the Kinney Center. However, cuts to the P/ FDS and Consolidated waivers would mean that adults benefiting from Kinney programming would lose some of the services they receive or be forced to pay out of pocket to keep the same level of services. People across the state and the nation with disabilities will face a similar problem if Medicaid is cut to the extent laid out in the tax plan. The Arc of Pennsylvania, an organization that serves and organizes advocacy for people with disabilities, has also expressed concerns about the potential implications of the Tax Act. As was seen during protests of the American Health Care Act organized by ADAPT (a disability rights organization) outside of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) office over the summer, people with disabilities are willing to fight for their access to healthcare. “Throughout our membership, we have been sought out about concerns,” Yanikov said. “People have contacted us asking how it will affect them and how to take action.” For many people with disabilities, Medicaid is the reason healthcare and assistive services are affordable. In addition to medical care, Medicaid funds community care organizations and day programs, cuts the cost of assistive technology, and supports state initiatives to shut down institutions in favor of community care.

Waivers Cover:

Students take action against gun violence CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 “We lost 17 students in Florida, and the fact of the matter is, me missing one period or 17 minutes of class that will help to start a conversation, which will make a change, is worth it,” Ali said. Ronan Egan, a senior at the Prep and member of the Prep Young Republicans, said people tend to make the issue partisan, but it is one everyone needs to help solve. “I support and applaud those who plan to march,” Egan said. “Gun violence in schools is a national issue that needs to be solved, regardless of political affiliation. This issue impacts all people, and we need to figure out a solution, together, to the problem.” Ali said the goal of the protests–to help others by preventing instances of gun violence from continuing to occur–goes hand in hand with the Jesuit ideals of his school. Michael Sheeran, S.J., president of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU), issued an online letter on Feb. 28 directed to President Donald Trump and members of the United States Congress. “We adults have repeatedly failed to fix this singularly American phenomenon,” Sheeran wrote in his letter. “Now we must listen to our youth.” At St. Joe’s, students are listening to the high school students leading protests

•Community based homes

as •Day well asservices making their own voices heard. About 20 students met in Wolfington Hall on 28 to discuss •Home aidestheir reactions to the Parkland shooting and what they could do to help make a change. Paul Ammons ’20, one of the students •Transportation services in charge of the meeting, said the goal was to create an honest and open dialogue •Medical equipment such as about gun violence. braces,walkers, and anything on “Why are we not doing our wheelchairs campus about gun violence, and why are we saying nothing while these students in Florida are running an entire move•Assistive technology ment?” Ammons said. “The timesuch is ripe for students to take action and create change.” as speech devices Tess Hill ’18 said the group discussed why they think the shooting in Parkland has ignited action amongst youth. “I think there is a shift in feelings throughout America because the victims and survivors are speaking for themselves and acting for themselves, and I think the rest of us can learn so much from them,” Hill said, adding Joe’s should •Money thatSt. can bestudents allocated follow the lead of the activism of high to waivers schools students.will be cut Ashley Wilson ’12, communications manager NETWORK Lobby for Cath•Moreatcompetitive applicatolic Social Justice, said her St. Joe’s eduion processes cation inspired her to take up a career in

What is at stake if Medicaid is cut?

•Longer waiting lists •Services will become less

Catholic social justice. She said she thinks that institutions should publicly affirm leadership by students, and that it’s a part of St. Joe’s mission to do so. “Why wouldn’t St. Joe’s want engaged, passionate students who are concerned about social justice issues, who are taking matters into their own hands as part of their student body?” Wilson asked. Hill said she believes that St. Joe’s students are not always engaged in activism and they should use this an opportunity to take action. “St. Joe’s students, as wonderful as they are, have a tendency to be complacent with the current society and system,” Hill said. “We should take a note from the Parkland students, and take the situation into our own hands. The Jesuits have always been politically engaged and active. There’s no reason that St. Joe’s students shouldn't be too.” Dan Joyce, S.J. said the university has a duty to advocate for change. “We have an obligation to contribute to the conversation and to help the conversation lead to something that is true,” Joyce said. “We’re responsible.” That is also true for the Prep according to Mark Dushel, associate campus

minister at the Prep. “Jesuit schools have the reputation of being more politically active and there are great examples of Jesuits themselves that have been politically active,” Dushel said. “So I think that certainly finds its way into how we engage with these things as a school.” Frank Bernt, Ph.D., chair of teacher education at St. Joe’s, said he hopes that adults will stand “shoulder to shoulder” with the students advocating for change. “I think the fact that the students are taking a stand rather than waiting for the adults to do it gives hope to the community,” Bernt said. “This can’t be a single generational thing. It’s everybody. It’s really a national problem, and we should respond to it that way.” At the Prep, Ali knows that change may come slowly, but he said he is confident peaceful protests from students will create momentum. “Us walking down Girard isn’t going to lead to the president signing an executive order for gun control or congressional approval,” Ali said, “But I think it’s really focused on just starting the conversation. That’s the goal.”



March 7, 2018

Pi Kappa Phi status delayed

Fraternity not officially recognized until further notice BRIANNA GENELLO ’19 Special to The Hawk The decision to grant Pi Kappa Phi fullfledged status as a fraternity on campus has been delayed, with no new date offered. Fraternity members were originally told they would find out March 3 whether or not the university would grant them a charter. Pi Kappa Phi currently has colony status, which means they are not officially recognized as a fraternity on campus and their probationary status could be revoked at any time. Stacey Sottung, director of Greek Life and associate director of the Office of Student Leadership and Activities, did not specify a date when the fraternity would

be notified. “They should find out soon,” Sottung said, noting the decision to grant Pi Kappa Phi a charter is based on a review of the fraternity’s presence on campus in the past year and that review is still ongoing. Jeff Maziarz ’19, a member of Pi Kappa Phi, said the fraternity has been active on St. Joe’s campus, fulfilling all Greek Life requirements in hopes of receiving a charter. “We want a bunch of guys who are well-rounded,” Maziarz said. “We want to have a presence where everywhere you go, you’ll run into a Pi Kapp member. That’s how we want to be known.” Pi Kappa Phi was once a fraternity on the St. Joe’s campus, but left in 2011 due to low membership. Since its return to campus

Pi Kappa Phi Brothers on retreat.

Pi Kappa Phi brothers pose with their fraternity flag while on retreat (Photos courtesy of James Arcenas ’20).

in 2017, fraternity members said they have been working hard to prove they deserve to be a chartered chapter. The fraternity currently has 66 members. Robby Manis ’20, president of Pi Kappa Phi, said the chapter has the highest collective GPA for fraternities on campus and has been successful in its fundraising efforts. St. Joe’s Pi Kappa Phi chapter was the top new chapter for Pi Kappa Phi in the country last year for its fundraising efforts during philanthropy events, according to Maziarz. The fraternity also accepted 28 new members during spring recruitment, more than each of the other three fraternities on campus, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Pi. “It’s something I’m proud of,” Manis said. “People are interested in what we’re

doing, and hopefully there’s more to come.” In order to receive a charter at St. Joe’s, a fraternity must receive approval from both the national chapters and St. Joe’s division of Student Life. It also must be approved by St. Joe’s Interfraternity Council, with a majority vote by delegates from the three other fraternities on campus. Bailey Ramirez ’20, president of the St. Joe’s chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha, said he was excited to see the new fraternity on campus. “We’re very excited to have them,” Ramirez said. “They’re really exciting and have a core group of guys who are really motivated. In the discussion of expanding the Greek community as a whole, I think it’s a great thing for St. Joe's in expanding the fraternities.”

Victory at Bloomsburg

Villiger Speech and Debate's third consecutive championship win BRENDAN KILEY ’19 Special to The Hawk For the third year in a row, the Villiger Speech and Debate Team has won the Pennsylvania Forensics Association (PFA) state championship. In addition to the team’s win on Feb.19 at Bloomsburg University, William Oxenford ’21 and Julian Lutz ’19 won in the two person parliamentary debate, and Lutz won the informative speaking competition. “I could not be more proud of the team,” Villiger president Tom Hauk ’20 said, “especially of the walk-ons, who did not really know much about speech and debate and have really shown us what they can do.” The team is made up of three walk-ons and six members on scholarship, who are either recruited or awarded scholarships after sustained excellence as a walk-on. One of the walk-ons is Maura Flynn ’21, a biology major with no experience in speech and debate prior to her freshman year at St. Joe’s. She joined the team after talking to members at the Activities Fair in the fall. “They really described it as a family and something that was very welcoming,” Flynn said. “It was also such a good skill for any profession that I would have in the future.” Flynn has already achieved individual success, coming in first place in persuasive speaking at the PFA state championships. The speech and debate team does

The Villiger Speech and Debate team after their PFA championship victory (Photo courtesy of Tom Hauk ’20).

not have a full-time faculty member who serves as the moderator. The members of the team mostly rely on each other for support, with the upperclassmen lending support to the new members. “Other schools normally have at least one coach if not more,” Flynn said. “The upperclassmen are really good at managing it all, but I think it would be easier if we had a coach. There have been times

where I have wanted to practice with someone but they have to practice their own events.” Hauk also thinks the university recruiting an advisor would be an asset to the team. “It would make our lives a whole lot easier not having to deal with the administrative work as much,” Hauk said. Without a coach, the team mentors

each other. Flynn credits Christopher Pendleton ’19 in particular with helping her performance. “At first I was just memorizing my speech and reciting it, but it is so much more than that,” Flynn said. “You have to show people passion and show that you care.” Pendleton said he really enjoys working with the walk-ons. “It’s not easy learning speech basics, but all of the walk-ons are a blast to work with and should serve as role models as not only speech competitors but ambitious SJU students,” Pendleton said. Alumni mentors also serve as an asset to the team. “Alumni do Skype in or sometimes come to campus and help coach and tell us what we can work on on pieces” Hauk said. David Tuason ’03 is one of the alumni coaches and a past president of the team. While he has a full-time job as an attorney, he helps out the team when he can. Tuason has coached the team through a significant transition period. In 2014, there were only three people left on the team, all juniors, and there was a worry the team would die out. Tuason attributes the class of 2019; Lutz, Pendleton and Jessica Olszyk ’19; for reviving the team and changing the culture. “They have an inner desire to win and compete nationally,” Tuason said. “You cannot teach that.”


March 7, 2018


Emergency preparedness on campus Steps to keep our campus safe

Editor in Chief Ana Faguy ’19 Managing Editor Nick Mandarano ’18 Copy Chief Rose Weldon ’19 Faculty Adviser Shenid Bhayroo Contributing Adviser Jenny Spinner Copy Editor Hayley Burns ’20 Copy Editor Annie Clark ’19 Copy Editor Kaila Mundell-Hill ’20 Copy Editor Julia Snyder, M.A. ’20 News Editor Charley Rekstis ’20 Assistant News Editor Alex Karpinski ’20 Assistant News Editor Alex Mark ’20 Editorial Page Editor Ann Marie Maloney ’18 Assistant Opinions Editor Dominique Joe ’19 Lifestyle Editor Amber Denham ’18 Assistant Lifestyle Editor Emily Graham ’20 Sports Editor Alex Hargrave ’20 Assistant Sports Editor Nick Karpinski ’21 Photo Editor Luke Malanga ’20 Assistant Photo Editor Matt Barrett ’21 Creative Director Kaitlyn Patterson ’20 Social Media Manager Kelly Smith ’19 Assistant Social Media Manager Erin Castellano ’20 Business Manager Jarrett Hurms ’18 Advertising Manager Richard Bell ’18 Distribution Manager Addie Guyer ’19

In response to the violence at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, colleges and universities have been reassessing their level of preparedness for active shooter incidents. The most recent university-wide active shooter drill at St. Joe’s was in 2016; since then, however, new students, faculty and staff have joined our community and have not participated in any similar exercise. As students, we want the administration to lead our university community in helping our campus prepare to minimize harm from violence. Students, faculty, and staff are already having conversations about how to protect themselves and their spaces on campus from violence, but it is the school’s responsibility to orchestrate steps to prepare our community. Providing our campus with information about how to respond to violence might be both the simplest and the most effective way to help us feel safer on campus and more prepared to respond if we are victimized by violence. The university ought to provide students with information about how to best protect ourselves from both individual experiences of violence and active shooter situations. Perhaps the simplest step the university could take is to formally present the Emergency Preparedness materials on the Nest during freshman orientation, or as one of the policies that students have to review annually. At present, most students aren’t aware that those materials exist, or that they can be found on the Nest.

Beyond these steps, the university can take a more proactive role to protect our community from violence. Holding an active shooter drill every year would ensure that each student population knows what to do if we ever need to respond to an active shooter situation on campus. The university could also provide more in-depth active shooter trainings open to faculty, staff and students so that, if they choose to, our community members can be more knowledgeable about the best ways to respond to an active shooter situation. Lastly, as the university did in 2016 when we last had an active shooter drill, we should have a yearly review of our campus infrastructure to ensure that our buildings and campus are as secure as possible. We should regularly assess each room’s communications capacity and security— for example a working phone and a door that can lock from the inside. Additionally, we should use the data we collected from 2016 and should continue to collect to lend our support for measures that can address weaknesses in campus safety that align with our university’s mission. We should regularly assess each room’s communications capacity and security— for example a working phone and a door that can lock from the inside. We should use the data we collected from 2016 to support these aforementioned measures that can address weaknesses in campus safety that align with our university’s mission. At the very least, taking these steps can help students, faculty and staff feel

more secure, because we would know that the university has taken due diligence to ensure that our campus is safe and our community is prepared. Unfortunately, there is always a chance that our campus, students, faculty and staff could be victimized by violence. Knowing what to do enables us to better protect ourselves if we ever need to. Ultimately, the university is responsible for ensuring the safety of every person on our campus. That community is wide in its reach and scope, including everyone from undergraduate, graduate and night school students, faculty, staff and contracted employees to prospective students and their families who might visit campus and other guests or residents from the communities that surround us. Taking these steps obviously can’t make our campus invulnerable, but it can help us feel more prepared. In order to protect such a large community, the university has to act now to ensure that as many of our community members know how to keep themselves and others safe on our campus.

—The Hawk Staff

The Hawk welcomes Letters to the Editor, typically no more than 300 words. They can be emailed to

Letter to Editor To the Editor: I was gratified to read in the Feb. 28 edition of The Hawk that St. Joe’s is committed to providing additional gender-inclusive facilities. However, I thought there was something missing in your coverage, and I would like to supplement it if I can. Providing facilities that are gender-inclusive does not imply that transgender people

need to use them. Transgender people have every right to use existing facilities that correspond with their gender identity. Transgender men are men. Transgender women are women. All men have every right to use existing men’s bathrooms. All women have the right to use existing women’s bathrooms. I fear that some readers might have inferred that transgender men and women

OSCARS SO FEMALE March 4 saw the 90th Academy Awards, and as Hollywood royalty gave each other golden statues, there was an undeniable aura of feminism in the air. The most prominent moment came when Frances McDormand accepted the Oscar for Best Actress for “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.” Halfway through her speech, McDormand placed her statue on the floor and encouraged all the female nominees in the audience to stand up and be recognized. The nominated producers, designers, writers, actresses, cinematographer and director all stood to raucous applause. Hopefully, this is a sign of a greater future for women in film. HEADED TO THE QUARTER FINALS The men’s basketball team was ranked as the fourth seed in the Atlantic-10 Conference Tournament, which means we have a double-bye and are headed straight to the quarterfinals. After an amazing game against La Salle University on Sunday and a strong end to the season, we have high hopes for the tournament

are expected to use gender-inclusive facilities. Of course they can if they choose. And what is equally obvious, to require them to do so would be a violation of their civil rights Best wishes, Daniel Touey, Adjunct Instructor Dept. of Philosophy

LIBRARY DOORS DOWN FOR REPAIR It seems that one of the doors to the library has been broken almost every week for at least a month. Every Monday we seem to start out with a newly repaired door and by Friday we’re again maneuvering two lanes of traffic through one door. To whoever is tasked with the never-ending job of repairing the library door: we thank you and we’ll try to be more gentle with the doors. RILEY WREAKS HAVOC Winter storm Riley pummeled the Northeast on Friday, meeting the definition for what meteorologists call a “bomb cyclone” and making all of our commutes home a total nightmare. Whether you had to navigate on foot or were stuck in the interminable traffic on the road, navigating around fallen trees, accidents, and ice was, to say the least, a stressful start to the weekend.



March 7, 2018

Genuine effort or utter hypocrisy? AT&T calls for "Internet Bill of Rights"

CARTER TODD ’19 Columnist In recent months, AT&T, one of the most powerful communications companies in the world, has made some rather interesting statements regarding their stance on the controversial issue of net neutrality. The company released a statement in January which called for consumers to have an “Internet Bill of Rights.” In this statement, they noted that although they remain committed to net neutrality, “the commitment of one company is not enough.” AT&T’s statement is their effort to be on the right side of history and remind everyday citizens that, although the powers in our government may be fighting to eliminate net neutrality, they are committed to stand in the way of such actions. AT&T doubled down on this statement just last week when senior executive vice president of external and legislative affairs,

Bob Quinn, wrote on AT&T’s Public Policy website in support of the net neutrality Day of Action. In his detailed writing, Quinn was unequivocal about his support, writing on behalf of the company. “We want it to be clear that AT&T supports a Federal Consumer Bill of Rights that offers consumers protections across all Internet platforms.” What may come as a surprise to some is that not everyone is so thrilled with AT&T

lack of commitment to this issue in the past and the sudden misalignment between their statements and actions. Evan Greer, the campaign director for “Fight for the Future,” doesn’t intend to forget AT&T’s past transgressions. “We had an Internet Bill of Rights,” Greer said. “It was called Title II and AT&T’s army of lobbyists did everything in their power to burn it down.” Greer went on to say that among many

Perhaps it is better to negotiate a proper deal and avoid settling for what was initially on the table, but if that is the case, we must in fact see legitimate strides made by major ISPs to cut a deal that benefits net neutrality. these days, and I’m not merely referring to the folks at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Many are calling out AT&T for their

other Internet Service Providers (ISPs), it was AT&T’s plan all along to squash net neutrality and subsequently make self-righteous statements in response in order to maintain

a positive public image. The CEO of Comcast, Brian Roberts, predictably sided with AT&T, stating that “we just thought Title II was unnecessary… we believe Congress will hopefully now act to put some enduring set of enforceable Internet protections that can no longer get revisited and reversed with different administrations.” Optimists would believe that the internet service providers (ISPs) are genuine in their effort to preserve net neutrality. It is easy to demand a quick reaction from the ISPs to immediately combat the actions of the FCC. Perhaps it is better to negotiate a proper deal and avoid settling for what was initially on the table, but if that is the case, we must in fact see legitimate strides made by major ISPs to cut a deal that benefits net neutrality. It’s easy to let focus on these topics slip, which would be a fateful mistake. In this uphill battle to preserve net neutrality, it is important to hold each and every party involved responsible. Our role in advocating for ourselves and each other is vital if we are going to do so.

Teachers with guns

Arming teachers invites more problems than solutions KAITLYN PATTERSON ’20 Columnist In modern America, it seems as if mass shootings have become routine. An alert pops up on our phone, we read the gruesome headline explaining where it happened and how many are dead, we talk about what a tragedy it is, and we move on within a couple days. With the most recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the routine has been broken and real conversation has started. Since the shooting, many students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have taken on roles of activists by fighting for stricter gun laws. They are calling on the government to take their “thoughts and prayers” and exchange them for changes in gun laws. It seems that the American people are following the young students’ lead, as 68 percent of registered voters now support stricter gun laws, the highest percentage in 25 years. While the majority of Americans are coming around to the idea that gun laws must become stricter, there are still republi-

can government officials who do not see this as a gun problem, rather a mental health problem. Their solution? Arming teachers. According to a poll conducted by National Public Radio (NPR), 59 percent of Americans do not support this idea. Adding more guns to the mix seems like it invites more problems than solutions. For one thing, arming America’s teachers will be a costly operation. Data from the Department of Education estimates there are about 3.6 million teachers in the United States. The act of arming them would not only include having access to a gun, but knowing how and when to use it. While not every teacher at every school in the country may be responsible for protecting and handling a gun, a responsible school supporting this idea would put every teacher through this training. Depending on the extent of the training, the cost could be in the millions to hundred millions. In addition to the training, paying for guns is a whole other ball game. Arming teachers also has the potential to be deadly for students of color. School is supposed to be safe and welcoming to all students. In the media, people of color can be portrayed as dangerous. There have been

countless accounts of trained police officers, whose job it is to protect citizens, who have fatally shot people of color based on misunderstandings and bad judgement. What would happen if guns are put into the hands of high school, middle school and elementary school teachers? Arming teachers invites opportunities for this same type

is neither practical nor smart. While many teachers would gladly make sacrifices for their students, putting a gun in their hands puts an expectation that they must make potentially life-threatening decisions to protect their students. While there could definitely be safe ways to carry out the idea of arming teach-

While many teachers would gladly make sacrifices for their students, putting a gun in their hands puts an expectation that they must make potentially life-threatening decisions to protect their students. of misunderstanding and bad judgement, but this time in the classroom. With all the stresses teachers already deal with, guns should not be added to the list. Often times, teachers’ jobs go way beyond standing in front of a classroom talking about math or science. It involves grading papers into the night, counseling students, breaking up fights, providing school supplies, advising clubs; the list goes on and on. Adding gun handling to the list

ers, there are so many ways it could go south. Other solutions include an increase in counseling services, mental health and bullying prevention education, as well as more metal detectors and security. Arming teachers should be at the bottom of the list of ways to fix this, as I don’t see how a teacher with a gun could prevent a shooting from occurring, rather it could simply lower the death toll. It is not worth the risk.

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March 7, 2018

"The Vagina Monologues"

A discussion of womanhood at Catholic schools KELLY GARRIGAN ’18 Guest Columnist

On Feb. 26, St. Joe’s presented the second annual “underground” reading of “The Vagina Monologues.” The presentation was not a performance, rather a protest in the form of a play. The intention was to bring awareness to the sexism that still surrounds female and gender non-binary experiences and to empower women and people with vaginas to love and value their bodies and their experiences, despite the pervading patriarchal perspectives held surrounding the viewing, displaying, and regulating of the assigned-female body. Over $200 was raised at this event, showing the St. Joe’s community’s dedication to supporting and empowering women and gender non-binary people, as well as the Jesuit ideal of cura personalis - the care of the whole body, including the vagina. 100 percent of the donated proceeds went towards Women Against Abuse ( and The Women’s Resource Center ( “The Vagina Monologues” was written by Eve Ensler after she conducted a series of 200 interviews with women regarding their views on sex, relationships and violence against women. These interviews were transformed into "The Vagina Monologues," which capture themes of sex, sex work, body image, love, orgasms, female genital mutilation, rape, incest and birth. Groups of people that put on a performance or reading stay true to the monologues, but always ensure that the facts about vaginas have been updated since the play was written in 1996. During the month of February, the price for the rights of the show is waived, in order

KAYLA EVANGELISTO ’19 Guest Columnist

to encourage activists, especially college students, to put on readings and productions of the show and raise awareness and proceeds for organizations against sexual abuse and women’s empowerment centers. The reading and performance of “The Vagina Monologues” has been a long battle with the Catholic Church. The Cardinal

and impotence...if Catholic universities are to bring the Gospel to the contemporary world, we cannot avoid such raw pain and the outrage it provokes.We must study it, wrestle with it, make sense of it, find where God is in it.” If higher education is truly part of the Jesuit mission, then we need to hear these

If higher education is truly part of the Jesuit mission, then we need to hear these raw stories about the struggle of womanhood and gender non-binary people. Dialogue cannot be shut down purely because it is not 'Catholic' enough. Newman Society (CNS) criticized the performance of “The Vagina Monologues” at Catholic universities. They started a campaign in 2006 to stop the performances and public readings of the play on Catholic campuses. In 2006, only 22 Catholic colleges hosted the show, which was a significant decline from 27 performances in 2005, 29 in 2004, and 32 in 2003. In 2017, CNS starting actively recruiting students on Catholic campuses to host alternative programs when promoting love and sexual ethics. In 2011, 11 of the 14 Catholic colleges reading or performing the play were Jesuit institutions. Overall, 20 of the 28 Jesuit universities in the U.S. have performed the play. Tim Clancy, S.J., responded to Gonzaga University’s sponsorship of the performance, saying, “They are not arguments-they are stories... stories of pain and suffering, stories of shame, violation

raw stories about the struggle of womanhood and gender non-binary people. Dialogue cannot be shut down purely because it is not “Catholic” enough. For we as an institution to truly claim cura personalis as an ideal, we cannot be one-dimensional in how we approach sexuality and women’s issues. We ask that St. Joe’s keep an open mind to support students in continuing this tradition on campus, and to give support to students who have opinions that are not exactly what the Catholic Church believes. To be men and women with and for others, we must be able to break down barriers and engage in dialogue with those who do not share our beliefs. “The Vagina Monologues” is a first step in creating a healthy dialogue on campus for various gender non-binary and women’s issues.

The product of a strict household It can be miserable, but it might be worth it

MARLY RENÉ ’19 Guest Columnist Growing up as a kid, you would watch shows on Disney Channel, Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon and see kids on the block playing outside past 6 p.m., or teens going to the mall on their own. In reality, some kids had that advantage, while others didn’t. For those who did, it was great and nothing serious; a typical day. For those who never had that chance, it was like a dream waiting to come true. Living in a strict household could be constraining, but was it all worth it? Strict parents like to believe that raising their child in a firm manner will result in nothing but success and respect. Is this necessarily true? There have been some circumstances where teens rebel against strict parents, go out into the streets and experience life in his or her own way. This desire to know more is what attracts kids, pushes them to run out and rebel. Although the unknown may seem pleasant, it may not always be great. Drugs and sex are heavy-duty topics strict parents either avoid or ban from conversation in their entirety. Now, imagine a scenario where a curious teen discovers these two things with little to no knowledge; the end result can be detrimental.

Maybe it is time for strict parents to loosen up their strings and be more personal with their children. Or is there some truth and success to living under such stern conditions? Of course, not all kids rebel. Personally, most of my friends and I have lived with strict family members, and to be hon-

say in my culture consisted only of, “lakay, lekol, leglise” which means, “home, school, and church.” That’s it. As odd as it sounds, I am grateful for having such a childhood. It made me the person I am today: respectful, strong, knowledgeable and determined. The question that I pose now is this:

Strict parents like to believe that raising their child in a firm manner will result in nothing but success and respect. Is this necessarily true? est, I think we came out all right. Yes, there were some limitations – we couldn’t go to the mall by ourselves without an adult, no sleeping over at friends’ houses, we couldn’t borrow our friends’ things. We would cry and ask why, and our parents’ response was: “It’s not safe. Did you not see what happened to this child on the news?” Being Haitian, my family strongly believed in dreams becoming a reality, so another response they would provide was, “I saw something happen to you in my dream. You’re going nowhere.” I felt like I was missing out on fun and life. However, since I couldn’t do these things, I focused on school, probably did some extracurricular activities or remained in the library filling my mind with knowledge. My life, as we

is living in a strict household really worth it? The answer is up to you. Personally, I think it was worth it, but I believe a mix of strict and personal parental relationship works best. In a strict house, there’s lots about the world that one may never know until his or her first day of college. In a less strict house, there is a lot of freedom that can sometimes lead one to the wrong path or bad habits and manners. Each situation contains flaws, while having benefits as well, so why not just mix them together and create a perfect recipe? Fellow young adults, let’s do things better. Soon enough, we will be parents. Do you want to see your child happy and successful in all aspects or miserable living with no ambition? The choice is yours.


"Lady Bird" was robbed ETHAN FLANAGAN ’18 Columnist Although “The Shape of Water” won Best Picture at the Academy Awards on March 4, “Lady Bird,” to myself and many others, was the true Best Picture this year. While there were certainly more conceptual movies or movies that were more dramatic or more historical, none matched the quiet power that “Lady Bird” provided. So rarely are stories by women and about women presented on our movie screens, and Lady Bird was a perfect example of the need for those stories. Written and directed by Greta Gerwig, “Lady Bird" tells the story of Christine “Lady Bird” McPherson’s senior year of high school in Sacramento, California as she struggles with many aspects of her life: the school play, college applications, her love life and most importantly her relationship with her mother. Seeing Lady Bird mature in front of your eyes, watching her as she realizes important things about herself and her life is one of the many innate joys of the movie. Lady Bird’s family struggles economically, and she is unsure of how she will afford college. This is complicated by the fact that she doesn’t want to stay in Sacramento, where she grew up, and would rather attend school on the East Coast, far away from in-state tuition. The scenes where Lady Bird stresses about affording school while also wanting to leave hit home. I would not be at St. Joe’s without a very generous scholarship, and I desperately wanted to leave the Midwest. I cannot remember the last time I saw a character in a relatively light-hearted movie openly think about not being able to afford college, which is a reality for many high school students in this country. The film’s focus on women and female relationships that many movies so often ignore is equally important. The main relationships in this movie are between Lady Bird and her mother Marion, and Lady Bird and her best friend Julie. Without spoiling too much of the plot, the final scene, where Lady Bird addresses her mom and apologizes, was one of the most impactful few minutes of cinema that I have ever witnessed. I saw “Lady Bird” with my mother and it was an emotional experience for both of us, resonating on a level that no movie nominated for Best Picture did. We both cried in the movie theater, and it was a beautiful bonding experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. While other movies this year had bigger budgets and more action sequences, none grabbed me as much as Lady Bird. It was introspective, relatable to a painful degree, and overall the movie was just honest, human, and good. Lady Bird’s ability to resonate with everyone from my mom to me, her son, shows how powerful it can be to tell stories that aren’t told so often. “Lady Bird” was a treat to experience because it depicted a life that people live, with characters we know and dialogue we might actually speak ourselves. Especially for women who saw “Lady Bird,” this movie spoke to the intricacies of their lives that don’t often appear in films. It might not have won Best Picture on March 4, but I know for a fact that “Lady Bird” will be remembered far beyond the 90th Academy Awards.



March 7, 2018

The King comes to Philly?

Breaking down rumors about LeBron James joining the Sixers JOSEPH PANICHELLI ’20 Columnist It is every professional sports team’s dream to bring in a generational player like LeBron James. With six NBA Finals appearances, 13 consecutive NBA All-Star nominations and inexplicable genetics and athleticism, LeBron brings much more than talent to a team. He brings success, championships and a winning culture. After departing his home team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, James had one of the most publicized interviews in sports history, in which he sat down with Jim Gray of ESPN, in a televised special titled “The Decision.” He dramatized his choice to move to South Beach to join Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh as the Miami Heat looked to build a dynasty. After spending four years in Miami, making it to four NBA Finals and winning two of them, James announced that he was ready to go back to Cleveland. Next season, James will once again become a free agent. Some of the top analysts and NBA insiders have made speculations that James will be looking to opt-out with the Cavaliers. A favorable potential landing spot for

James might include the Los Angeles Lakers. James has stated that he will not be accepting anything less than a max-contract buyout. That being said, the Lakers have almost unlimited cap room to sign not only James, but

part of the Philadelphia 76ers. The connection makes sense, and regardless of how pessimistic the majority of Philly fans are in situations like this, the logistics of this move would work out perfectly.

He has an impeccably clean record and is a key figure in social justice movements such as Black Lives Matter. James is the ideal mold of how a professional athlete should be on and off the court. another big name talent like Paul George. Along with that, the Lakers have young talent in the form of Lonzo Ball, Kyle Kuzma and Brandon Ingram. For these reasons, Los Angeles. is more alluring for a big star than Cleveland. Other possibilities include teams that are already stacked with talent, and ready to win now. The Houston Rockets and even the Golden State Warriors have expressed interest in the 6’8” forward who can play and defend any position on the court. There isn’t a team in the league that doesn’t have interest in James. One of the more interesting options for James would be to join the electric young core of Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons as

The Sixers are among the most affluent teams in the league in terms of cap space, as their locker room consists almost entirely of young, developing talent. James would get the opportunity to work with some of the NBA’s most promising young athletes. Rookie of the Year candidate Ben Simmons also shares the same agent as James, which is interesting when one considers that many have compared Simmons’ size and mobility to that of the King. This past week, there were reports that James’ representation visited Malvern Preparatory School, an all-boys high school located in Chester County, which happens to be my alma mater. Sources claimed LeBron

was looking at Malvern for his son Bronny to attend. This rumor somehow made national media, and appeared on ESPN’s “The Herd,” starring Colin Cowherd. Unfortunately for Philly fans, and Malvern grads like myself, that’s all that these claims were: rumors. Head basketball coach and my former “Technology in Society” teacher, John Harmatuk, dismissed all of the hype in the Malvern school paper, The Friar’s Lantern. “As of right now,” Harmatuk said, “there’s been no contact with the Lebron camp with me personally.” Surely, I would love to see James in a Sixers uniform. I believe he’s the best athlete to ever live, and beyond that, he has an impeccably clean record and is a key figure in social justice movements such as Black Lives Matter. James is the ideal mold of how a professional athlete should be on and off the court. It also doesn’t hurt that he became the first player to ever average a triple-double this past February. Nobody knows where exactly LeBron will end up next year, but it is always interesting to imagine him in different schemes around the league. If we’re lucky, he could feed off of the championship energy in Philadelphia, and hopefully bring us a title for our historic basketball franchise.

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March 7, 2018


Sophomore wins prestigious national award Recognizing minorities in STEM fields

EMILY HERBEIN ’19 Special to The Hawk When Raven Moses ’20 attended the 2018 Black Engineer of the Year Awards and STEM conference at the beginning of February, she didn’t expect to leave with an award. Moses, an information technology (IT) major and economics minor, traveled to Washington D.C. to share her experiences about working and learning in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) field, with a group of diverse students and professionals from technology-related concentrations. “I won the Leadership Community award for my involvement with the [St. Joe's] A.I.D. (Advancement of Inclusion and Diversity) STEM club, establishing it, and finding speakers,” Moses said. “I didn’t have a teacher to help me with that, I just went out to events and networked, and they were really impressed.” Moses said her number one goal is to spread awareness about STEM, because she feels that women and minorities in these fields are underrepresented in both high schools and colleges. According to the National Girls Collaborative Project, women are awarded just over half of bachelor’s degrees in the biological sciences, but they receive far fewer in the computer sciences, at almost 18 percent, engineering at almost 20 percent, physical sciences at 39 percent, and mathematics at 43 percent. Women in STEM jobs, make up only 29 percent of the science and engineering workforce. Moses developed a passion for science in high school, after she attended a youth leadership forum for science and technology. “The activity I enjoyed the most was the one where, in a team, we had to come up with a new technology that would be beneficial for people,” Moses said. “I got to see how an idea in my mind could be developed. After my experience there and hearing about how

STEM is a field that is growing, I decided that I wanted to learn more about it.” Elaine Terry Ph.D, assistant professor in the mathematics department and A.I.D. STEM faculty advisor, said Moses showed her interest in the A.I.D. STEM organization when she stopped by her office to get help with homework assignments. “It was during one those meetings that she told me about the organization and some of the difficulties that she encountered trying to make it a viable student led organization,” Terry said in an email. Mary Krueger, computer science professor and Moses’ academic advisor in 2017, said she is proud of Moses’s progress. “She is very enthusiastic about STEM opportunities, now and in the future,” Krueger said. “She seems to want to share all of this with others and open the doors she has found for others.” Moses said she is passionate about engineering and participating in the STEM field through her club and St. Joe’s Career Development Center (CDC). “They [CDC] know that a lot of students feel like the career fair isn’t for them,” Moses said. “So I’m trying to get the club to the point where if you can’t get information from the career fair, you can always get it from us.” Moses said she hopes A.I.D. STEM will help educate people so they understand that fields of technology and science are welcoming to everyone, especially to women, who are underrepresented in these areas. Krueger experienced the alienation of pursuing a career in a STEM field as a woman. “Back in my day at Villanova, I was the only girl in many classes,” Krueger said. “I do think I had to work harder and often felt overlooked. I think this year the numbers in my beginning [computer] programming classes are 35 percent female.” Delaney McCann ’19, a chemical biology major, said she also sees the lack of diversity of students in the science department, but she

Raven Moses ’20 receives an award at the 2018 Black Engineer of the Year Awards (Photo courtesy of Moses).

is pleased about her professors. “My professors are all very diverse, which contributes to why it’s so intriguing to learn from people who come from all different backgrounds,” McCann said. Terry said she sees the lack of diversity of students in the STEM fields. “Unfortunately STEM education in the U.S. does not rank very well when compared to other countries with advanced economies,” Terry said. “To help change this, STEM education must be prioritized in the

U.S. by improving K-12 education, increasing and sustaining interest in STEM among youth, improving the STEM experience at the college/university level, and by being more inclusive of students from groups that are underrepresented.” Moses says that heading A.I.D. STEM has given her great firsthand leadership and project management experience, which is the direction she’d like her future to go. She also hopes one day that A.I.D. STEM can make it to the BEYA conference as a team.

Wonders of water

Philadelphia hosts annual Flower Show LAUREN BOURQUE ’19 Hawk Staff The Philadelphia Flower Show, the largest flower show in the world, is being held this week from March 3 to March 11 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. It’s exactly as it sounds: an enormous convention hall full of beautiful flowers from all over the world, art made out of

flowers and plenty of opportunities for one to purchase some. Though tickets were $22 for students and $33 for adults, the irreplaceable sights seen throughout the show seem to balance out the heavy weighted price. In addition, for those over 21, a free wine tasting was included in the price of the ticket. This year’s theme is “Wonders of Water,” which is a heavy influence on the decor of the

A display of tulips demonstrates the beauty of the Philadelphia Flower Show (Photo by Lauren Bourque ’19).

room as well as the different art work throughout. When I first walked into Convention Hall A, I was stepping into the rainforest equipped with beautiful flowers all different shades of blues, reds, pinks and greens. To make the experience feel even more authentic, audio was playing as we walked through the forest of different birds and bugs chirping as well as the sound of steam and mist in the background. As I moved through the rest of the convention center, I came across various water themed areas depending on the type of flowers that were showcased. One area was an Asian garden equipped with Buddha statues and a tranquil pond. Another scene was a huge garden of tulips, all different shades with a pool running down the middle. Each scene stuck with the theme of water by incorporating some type of pond or stream, some even had water wheels that were used to generate electricity. Becca Halfpenny ’20 also appreciated the variety of floral arrangements, especially the wedding displays. "I thought it [the show] was beautiful, with

a diverse range of displays," Halfpenny said. The flower show also provided many different stands for entrepreneurs and gardeners to sell their flowers or ceramics to the general public. “We get over $1000 in sales over the course of 10 days” said Tyson M. Weiss, the owner of Fish in the Garden, a ceramics store in Maine that makes ceramic fish that can be placed in one’s garden for decoration. “We have been coming for eight years…a lot of these things that are selling I actually made back in October, that’s how much we have to prepare for this.” On top of flowers, the convention also hosted a special butterfly experience. For an extra $5, one could go into a sanctuary full of all different types of butterflies. They even gave us cotton swabs with nectar on them so that we could feed the butterflies and try to lead them to land on our noses. The Philadelphia Flower show gave me an afternoon full of color, beauty and excitement for those March and April showers to bring May flowers.



March 7, 2018

The artistry in horror

Why “Ash vs. Evil Dead” is one of the best shows on TV ROSE WELDON ’19 Copy Chief Horror is something that most audiences approach with a “love it or leave it” attitude. Either viewers embrace their chosen franchises, from “Halloween” in the 1970s to “The Walking Dead” in the 2010s, or those without a taste for it reject it altogether. To put it plainly, horror isn’t often looked upon as a prestigious genre. It’s not

likely to be nominated for Oscars, with films like “The Silence of the Lambs” and “Get Out” being rare exceptions. Blood and gore don’t exactly lend themselves to winning gold. As a fan of movies like “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” “Re-Animator” and “Slither,” it’s disheartening to see a genre I like get overlooked so often. Even in the rare instances that a truly gory horror movie gets mainstream attention, like last year’s “It,” it usually takes itself too seriously, unwilling to have fun or keep a distinct personality.

Graphic by Kaitlyn Patterson ’20.

It’s for these reasons that I’m so glad there’s “Ash vs. Evil Dead.” The Starz series, which just premiered its third season, is based on the “Evil Dead” film trilogy. It even features its original star, B-movie sensation Bruce Campbell, as his signature character Ash Williams, an immature renegade with a chainsaw for a hand. Campbell first played the character in 1982’s “The Evil Dead,” as a scared college student who witnesses the demons of the Necronomicon (Book of the Dead) destroy his friends, girlfriend and sister. His heroics only increased in “Evil Dead II,” where he acquired the chainsaw hand, and “Army of Darkness,” where he saved the past from the so-called “Deadites” of the book. Thirty-five years later, the writers of “AVED” have followed this trajectory to make Ash a pathetic, washed-up and egotistical middle-aged man, whose only marketable skill is “demon fighter.” When he unwittingly reads the Necronomicon and unleashes further evil, Ash is back in the game. He's joined in his quest by loyal sidekick Pablo (Ray Santiago) and sardonic fighter Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo). Also present in the series is Lucy Lawless, the once and future “Xena, Warrior Princess,” who plays a multitude of characters. The interactions between Ash, his allies and the foulmouthed demons from the Necronomicon are both scary and funny,

proving effective in intense situations. In addition to clever writing, “AVED” reflects its source material in elaborate and bloody action scenes against the Deadites. It’s in these moments where the show revels in the original films’ grimy and gory roots, while still keeping a fun and lighthearted tone. The March 4 episode, for example, saw Ash fight a demon in a doctor’s office, with the whole clash set to “Take On Me” by a-ha. It all sounds very silly. And it is, in the best way possible. “AVED” has its tongue planted firmly in its cheek, but it succeeds because it knows how to keep balance between its horror and comedy elements. Campbell, also an executive producer on the show, conceived the series with Sam Raimi, director of the film trilogy and the filmmaker behind the first three “Spider-Man” movies, and this expertise and care is clear in each episode. Call it lowbrow, but “AVED” is one of the most entertaining works in modern horror, and modern television as well. It hasn’t been nominated for a single Emmy for either of its two full seasons, and that’s a true shame. In any case, even if the show never receives awards attention, its fans, including me, will still watch and cheer the heroes on through every episode. How’s that for prestigious?

From "Rags" to "Royalty"

EarthGang steers towards “Mirrorland” ALEX KARPINSKI ’20 Assistant News Editor “Royalty” is the final installment of the promised trilogy of EPs released by Atlanta rappers Doctur Dot and Johnny Venus, collectively known as EarthGang. The releases of “Rags,” “Robots” and now “Royalty,” proves that lyricism and eloquent production can still come out of an Atlanta hip-hop scene that is currently oversaturated with overproduced and lyricly mundane trap music. “Royalty” is infused with jazzy instrumentals and hard hitting 808’s that perfectly compliment the duo’s eclectic flow and delivery. The EP is once again accompanied by a number of skits voiced by comedian DC Young Fly, who continued his role of narrator and uber driver. “I'm the latest phenomenon you should be hip to/Bandwagon seats goin’ extinct,” is the opening line of Dot’s first verse on the track Cocktail, which begins the EP. As EarthGang continues to garner recognition, Dot says you should hop on their bandwagon now before it is too late. After signing to J. Cole’s recording imprint Dreamville Records in late 2017, it is only a matter of time before the duo begins to receive the critical and general claim that their music deserves. There hasn’t been a better duo to come out of Atlanta since OutKast began its reign in 1994, with the release of their critically acclaimed album “Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik.” EarthGang’s unique sound and lyrical depth lends itself to OutKast comparisons, and their body of work proves

these connections are not far fetched. The second track, “Build,” opens with a crooning hook sung by Dot, who reminisces on coming from nothing, but feeling like he had everything. Dot reflects on the poverty and violence of his youth, and how he persevered to achieve his present success. Venus’ delivers a hopeful message on the second verse, saying that anything is possible, and “nobody believed in his dreams, but look where [he] is now.” “Nothing But the Best” is a funkily produced collaboration with fellow Dreamville signee Ari Lennox, who gracefully floats over the instrumental and provides the hook on the track. This reflection on wealth and the come-up is filled with intricate word play that has become a staple of Dot and Venus. But more than anything this song is a vibe that you just want to keep listening too. “Off the Lot” is a materialistic reflection of coming from nothing and now having the opportunity to use their newfound wealth. While listening to the duo harmonize on the chorus, you can invision Dot and Venus driving through the streets of Atlanta in a new sports car, fresh off the lot, trying to show their neighborhood that they made it. Venus reflects on not being unable to rely on God, who seemingly left him to fend for himself. He asks why God would help make evil people rich, and watch as numerous people are killed in his neighborhood. The second verse features Dot rapping about having a junker car, and wanting more. He finishes his verse contemplating what to do with the check he got from Dreamville: “Should I buy a car or a crib.” But through his success, Dot will never for-

get where he came from. He may have hated “the struggle,” but it will forever shape the person he is today. Venus and Dot seamlessly spit over the mellow beat. The production is minimalistic and light, which blends effortlessly with the duo’s laid-back delivery On the final track of the EP, “LOLSMH,” Dot reflects on his experiences while becoming increasingly famous. He holds a mirror up to himself, and evaluates his ego and takes a closer look at what is truly im-

portant in life. Venus provides a beautiful outro to the track that serves as a perfect ending before the final skit. His layered vocals intermingle perfectly with the instrumental, as he continues to show the vocal flexibility that makes him such a unique artist. The duo’s ever evolving sound and dynamic energy make this EP a unique listen, and is yet another impressive output in there ever growing discography. The conclusion of “Royalty” will leave fans waiting for the duo’s

Graphic by Kaitlyn Patterson ’20.


March 7, 2018

Celebrating diversity with food

SID organizations host Taste of the World event EMILY GRAHAM ’20 Assistant Lifestyle Editor During Mission Week, student association Bridging the Gap collaborated with other campus organizations to host the Taste of the World event on March 1. The event was sponsored by Student Inclusion and Diversity (SID) and Adult Student Life (ASL) to celebrate the diversity on the St. Joe’s campus. Other participating student groups included the Black Student Union (BSU), the Asian Student Association (ASA), the Latino Student Association (LSA) and other organizations within SID and ASL. “The purpose of the event is really to give individuals a chance to share a piece of their culture,” said Natalie Walker Brown, director for SID. “I think food is one of those things that brings people together and is the easiest way to open that dialogue.” Taste of the World allowed students of different backgrounds to come together to appreciate the other cultures that are represented on campus. The night involved student performances and raffle prizes, but the buffet of food served by members of the SID and ASL organizations was the main part of the event. “It’s important to have Taste of the World and events like this on campus because so often people feel like diversity is being shoved down their throat,” said Alim Young ’19, vice president of Bridging the Gap and coordinator of the event. “I feel like this is a way to say it’s important to shove diversity down your throat in a very literal sense.” Young said the event’s main purpose was to encourage students to experience other cultures one step at a time. “Trying different cuisines is a very small part of exposing yourself to different parts of

Members of Student Inclusion and Diversity organizations serve cultural food (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

the world,” Young said. “[But] it’s a segway into something greater. If you’re willing to try the food, how much more are you willing to then meet the people? If you’re willing to meet the people, how much more are you willing to then understand those people?” Brown also said Taste of the World has been effective in fostering interactions between members of the St. Joe’s community that may not typically happen. “My favorite part about this evening version of Taste of the World is looking around and seeing so many different kinds of students coming together,” Brown said. “This is really the personification of living with and for others and showing the level of diversity that we have on campus.” For Sofia Fallas ’18, the event not only helped her learn about other cultures, but it also allowed her to connect with her own Costa Rican background. Although Fallas is not a member of any of the organizations, being able to eat food that her family makes made her feel more at

home on campus. “This is the first time I’ve been in a room with so many different people from so many different backgrounds at Saint Joseph’s,” Fallas said. “This was the first time I almost felt at home sincerely. It was a beautiful feeling to have.” During the second part of the event, some of the SID organizations gave performances, including poetry readings, singing and a preview of the Caribbean Student Association’s upcoming fashion show. This provided another opportunity for the organizations to express their cultural identities. To Young, this event is both an important and fun way to celebrate the diversity on campus and expose students to the different cultures that are around them. “From there, we realize there are fewer differences than we think and more similarities,” Young said. “We’re all human, and we all walk. We just walk through life in a different way.”

Get up and move

St. Joe’s places third in “Go Move” challenge VICTORIA GOTTLIEB ’20 Hawk Staff St. Joe’s placed third against 22 other schools in the sixth annual “Go Move” challenge for the number of average workout minutes per participant. The Go Move challenge is a competition among faculty, staff and administrators of Jesuit universities to see who can accumulate the most number of exercise minutes within a given month. The competition began Feb. 1 and ended Feb. 28. This is the second year St. Joe’s has participated in the event. Eighty-four members of the university community logged a total of 89,825 total minutes, with

Graphic by Kaitlyn Patterson ’20.

an average of 1,070 minutes per person. Participants track on the Go Move website the number of minutes of movement they achieved. Movement is defined as “anything that is going to raise your heart rate,” explained Rebecca Gushue, manager for employee benefits and wellness in Human Resources and one of the program administrators for the Go Move challenge at St. Joe’s. Movement includes everything from active stretching to walking, jogging, games, yoga, tai chi and more. Mary Ann McMenamin, academic compliance officer in Academic Technology and Distributed Learning, won the challenge at St. Joe’s for the second year in a row with 6,775 minutes (approximately 112 hours). McMenamin’s main forms of exercise included crossfit training, running, strength training, and biking. “Running has been my one main thing that I always do for myself,” McMenamin said. “I think it’s important for people to get out there and move, even if it's just for a few minutes everyday. It’s good for the body, mind, and spirit.” The same people tend to rank high in the challenge every year, said Matthew Pettit, director of compensation, benefits and HRIS in Human Resources, and another program administrator for the challenge.

“The highest ranked people are typically the people you see year after year,” Pettit said. “They’re the people you see walking around campus, at the gym at lunch, and actively participating in some of the open sessions that we’ve had.” Conor Lesch, assistant director of campus recreation ranked fifth in the challenge and logged about 3,640 minutes (approximately 60 hours) of exercise in the competition. “I mainly do resistance training,” Lesch said. “I’m not a big cardio person.” For Lesch, being a part of the Go Move challenge has not altered his workout routine, but for others, the challenge has become a motivation to exercise, he said. “I think there are two types of people that participate in the challenge,” Lesch said. “There's the people that want to start exercising and use the challenge as motivation. Then there are some people that see the challenge as a celebration of doing what they’re already doing.” Although Go Move does not give away prizes to the winning university, St. Joe’s gives gifts to its top participants. As the winner, McMenamin will receive a healthy snack buffet organized for her department. The top five finishers receive Fitbits, and the top 10 are awarded insulated mugs.




March 7, 2018


The kings and queens of Philly St. Joe’s will host second annual Drag Show

AMBER DENHAM ’18 Lifestyle Editor Back by popular demand, St. Joe’s will host its second annual Drag Show on April 28 in The Perch from 8:30 to 11 p.m. John Aydin ’20, a leader and treasurer of SJUPride, explained that a drag show is a way of showcasing a part of queer culture through the fluidity of gender identity and giving people a creative outlet for expressing and exploring their gender and sexuality. Last spring, the conversation about bringing a drag show to campus began due to a great amount of student interest from SJUPride, Student Union Board, Student Inclusion and Diversity (SID) and Gender Studies. As with any new event, a lot of research and planning was required to start moving in the right direction, beginning with bi-weekly to monthly meetings. Securing talent, placing food orders and distributing posters were just a few of the many things the planning committee set up for the show. Ethan Flanagan ’18, former president of SJUPride, described this process as a labor of love and a lot of learning. Despite living in Washington D.C. last semester, Flanagan was still involved in the behind-the-scenes work of planning the drag show and is currently looking to incorporate additional educational aspects to the event from the gen-

der studies perspective. While this year’s drag show will contain much of the same content as last year, such as student performances and a Q&A portion of the night, it will also have a different, more inclusive approach. “This year we’re making it more about the community, not just St. Joe’s, but the Philly gay community in general,” Flanagan said. “So we’re also looking for local talent among the Philly queens and getting more student performers.” However, one of the most notable changes to the show will be added collaborations with other organizations and individuals on campus to create a more dynamic feeling in the space. Some of these possible collaborations include DJs from Radio 1851 and people in fashion and beauty organizations coming to help the performers with makeup. Aydin also explained the desire to get to know the performers a bit better during the course of the show, in addition to the overall entertainment and educational aspect of it. “Last year we did have an amazing show, and we had a really great turnout for it, and that’s been so motivating for us this year to bring even more dynamic aspects to the show this year to include as many talents as we possibly can,” Aydin said. “Any organization that’s interested in providing their support- it could range from Greek life, to

Red Shirts, to performance groups.” As the drag show committee is looking forward to the upcoming show, the thought of the show’s future at St. Joe’s is often a recurring, positive thought. Rachel Cox ’19, a planning committee member and work study student representative of SID, has had these thoughts. “For this year, I really want to cement it [the Drag Show] as an annual event on SJU’s campus,” Cox said. “This show is meant to help others better understand the drag community and its culture by inviting them to participate. No one needs to have prior experience to participate, just a desire to learn more about drag.”

The student committee hopes to have the evening filled with positive energy and a safe space for everyone attending, as well as those performing. “Don’t be hesitant to audition," Flanagan said. "There’s no one way to do drag. Maybe you’re solely comedy, maybe you’re solely look, maybe you can dance your butt offwhatever it is, no one is going to judge you, because that’s not what we’re here for.” Auditions to participate in the drag show are open now until the end of March. Students who want to audition should send a video submission lip syncing to a song of their choice, preferably in drag, to

“Peppermint from RuPaul’s Drag Race”performed at the 2017 Drag Show (Photo by KC E. Collins ’20).


March 7, 2018


Open season in the A-10

St. Joe's finishes the regular season off strong NICK KARPINSKI ’21 Assistant Sports Editor The St. Joe’s men’s basketball team capped off Senior Day with a 78-70 victory over La Salle University on March 3. With this final home game victory, the Hawks secured the fourth seed in the Atlantic 10 Tournament. Senior guard Michael Booth, senior forward James Demery, senior guard Shavar Newkirk, senior guard Kyle Thompson, senior guard Christian Vega and senior forward Jai Williams were all honored at the Senior Day celebration. In a post-game ceremony, St. Joe’s inducted athletics director Don DiJulia into the Athletics Hall of Fame in acknowledgement of his services to the university. “It takes a team, the St. Joe’s community

team,” DiJulia said. “The committed, passionate, dedicated and spirited St. Joe’s community has inspired me on many occasions.” The Hawks got off to a rough start in the first half of play. Within the first seven minutes, La Salle’s redshirt junior guard Pookie Powell scored three straight threes to put the Explorers up 13-7. “We were most concerned with Powell on the fast break where he came at us," head coach Phil Martelli said. “In the second half, we paid a little more attention to where he was.” Freshman forward Anthony Longpre delivered a quality shooting performance in the first half. This allowed the Hawks to fight back and gain control of the game with a score of 39-33. He finished the half 4-5 from the field and 3-3 from three with 11 points. Demery said that better communication allowed them to fight back toward the end of the first half.

Don DiJulia addresses Hagan Arena during his retirement celebtation (Photos by Luke Malanga ’20).

The St. Joe’s bench celebrates after Demery’s dunk.

“It was our defense and communication that gave us that spark,” Demery said. “When we picked our defense up, it started to get better.” St. Joe’s didn’t give up their lead throughout the entire second half. However, La Salle kept it close and even tied it up around the eleven minute mark. The Hawks maintained a five point lead for the next seven minutes. However, with three minutes left, Demery threw down a monstrous dunk, posterizing La Salle’s 6’10” center Tony Washington. The St. Joe’s bench was left to uncontrollably hold each other back from the floor. “It was a momentum dunk,” Demery said. “I went up strong. He’s a seven footer so I had to finish.” From this point on, the Hawks rallied to finish the game 78-70. Demery led St. Joe’s with 18 points. Newkirk finished with 16.

We haven't won the Senior Day game since my freshman year,” Newkirk said. “It was good to break that losing streak and get the win.” Martelli said that Rhode Island is the team to beat headed into the A-10 Tournament. “It’ll be fantastic and I hope it’s a great atmosphere,” Martelli said. “But this league goes through Rhode Island right now.” Demery said the Hawks need to build off their current momentum headed into the A-10 Tournament. “We need to play off our confidence,” Demery said. “If we work hard and practice hard, sky’s the limit.” Thanks to a double bye secured by their fourth seeding, St. Joe’s won’t have to take the court again until March 9. They kick off tournament play against the winner of game four, which will be between George Mason University and the winner of game one.

One game short

The Hawks stumble in the A-10 Championship game SAM BRITT ’20 Hawk Staff The St. Joe’s women’s basketball team’s quest for an Atlantic 10 title fell just short on March 4 when they lost in the championship game to George Washington University, 65-49. The loss capped off an exciting tournament that saw the sixth

seeded Hawks string together some key wins to even get to the title game. Their journey began with a 72-63 win against Virginia Commonwealth University in the first round. St. Joe’s was led by senior Chelsea Woods 33 points. No win was as impactful as their victory over Fordham University in the quarterfinals. St. Joe’s upset the third seeded Rams on a last second game winning bas-

ket by junior Sarah Veilleux. The game ended with a final score of 52-49. The Hawks were able to ride the momentum and beat Saint Louis University in the semifinals. Woods and junior Alyssa Monaghan accounted for 28 of the teams 58 points. Saint Louis finished with 49. Their next opponent was George Washington University, who was coming off of an upset of their own. They had just defeated

the number one seeded Dayton University Flyers in the other semifinal game. George Washington’s offense was too much for St. Joe’s. Every time the Hawks battled back they were met with another George Washington run. Woods was rewarded for her phenomenal tournament with a spot on the All-Tournament Team.

Left: The Hawks convene before a game in the regular season (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20); middle: The Hawks tip-off against George Washington University (Photos courtesy of Mitchell Layton/Atlantic 10); right: Chelsea Woods goes up for an uncontested lay-up.


March 7, 2018


Saving the game

Mike Adler leads men's lacrosse defensive effort ALEX HARGRAVE ’20 Sports Editor Redshirt freshman Mike Adler may be a rookie goalkeeper on the men’s lacrosse team, but he definitely doesn’t play like it. Others clearly recognize his superior play, as he was voted onto the United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association Division I Team of the Week on Feb. 27 after his performance in his second collegiate game against Providence College on Feb. 24. Adler made 16 saves on 20 shots in the Hawks’ 4-3 loss. The same game also earned him Northeast Conference honors as defensive player of the week and rookie of the week. To Adler, the accomplishment does not overshadow the fact that the team still lost their game against Providence. “It’s about winning games and unfortunately, we didn’t win,” Adler said. “Whatever accolades I get, it doesn’t matter unless we win; even if that means getting a bunch of saves, it’s about wins. It’s something my parents like to see, but to me, the team and coaching staff, it doesn’t mean much.” As a redshirt last season, Adler was able to practice with the team and learn the game at the Division I level, but he did not play in games. According to men’s lacrosse head coach Taylor Wray, practicing without the pressure of games allowed Adler to build his skills in the net. “When you’re redshirting, you get to see as many shots as you can,” Wray said.

“Mike is an eager guy; he likes getting shots, and he likes being between the pipes.” Adler shares the goal with senior Pat Dallon and freshman Tucker Almany. According to Adler, Dallon’s guidance last season helped him become competitive enough to earn the starting goalkeeper position. The team lost goalkeeper T.J. Jones ’17 to graduation this season, who was also pivotal in Adler’s success this season. The mentorship from two older players in this position aided in the improvement he made in his redshirt season. “It was a huge jump from high school to college lacrosse, so having that teaching

each and every day and not having to worry about games really helped me,” Adler said. Adler is used to having a role model. He got into playing lacrosse in fifth grade after his older brother, Max played. Max Adler played on the field, so Adler decided to try his hand in goal. “I showed up to practice my first day of lacrosse and didn’t want to wear elbow pads, so I decided to play goalie,” Adler said. “I think it’s worked out so far.” Max Adler played Division II lacrosse at Bentley University, and he now plays professionally for the Denver Outlaws. The brothers’ relationship is extremely competi-

tive, and has helped the younger Adler grow in his game. Working with older players has given him confidence in the goal, which gives his team confidence in him, according to senior defender Brendan McNicholas. “You can see the confidence he has in himself in the way he carries himself in the goal,” McNicholas said. “For being such a young player, he’s been really great. When you have Mike back there that gives you all the confidence as a defense to play well in front of him.” Adler, on the other hand, attributes his success to his teammates. “My team’s been great, especially the defense who has allowed me to do everything I’ve been doing since I’ve been here,” Adler said. “The captains, [graduate student] Mike [Rastivo] and [senior] Chris [Blewitt] have done a phenomenal job leading the team and getting us in the right mindset before games.” The Hawks will look to win the Northeast Conference [NEC] Championships, and Adler said anything less than that would be a failure. With him in the net, anything is possible. “He [Adler] could be a great college goalie; he can be an all-conference caliber goaltender,” Wray said. “He’s a worker and guys who work really hard at it tend to improve. If he keeps playing the way that he has, he’s going to have a very bright future.”

Adler is leading his team in the net as a rookie (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

Stepping up his game

Nick Robinson plays his best basketball heading into playoffs RYAN MULLIGAN ’21 Hawk Staff Sophomore guard Nick Robinson has stepped into a starting role for St. Joe’s in the last seven games, creating a spark and helping propel the Hawks to the fourth seed in the upcoming Atlantic 10 Championships. In the last seven games that Robinson has started, the Hawks have won six, including an incredible 30 point upset of nationally ranked Rhode Island University. Their only loss in these games came on a heartbreaking buzzer beater loss to George Mason University. “We’ve flipped the script here by winning,” head coach Phil Martelli said. “They

all deserve credit. Nick’s in the lineup, so he has a different role and he’s accepted it and played it very well.” Robinson has averaged 13.8 points per game and 7.4 rebounds per game over the last five games, while shooting 59.5 percent from the field. He has scored in double figures each of the last five games. The sophomore has also set career highs in both points and rebounds, as well as recording his first double-double in the span of his last seven starts. In terms of his starting role impacting his individual performance, Robinson recognizes that “statistically it has made a big impact.” He elaborated on the physical difference between starting and coming off the

Robinson walks out to start against George Mason University (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

bench, as he had previously done throughout the season. “It’s a bit different,” Robinson said. “When you get going in warmups and then you go to the bench, you get a little stiff. You come off the bench and then it’s like you have to get warm again. So it is a difference and it’s shown in my play that starting has helped my numbers.” Whether he starts or not, Robinson says his mindset is always on doing whatever he can to help his team win. Martelli further emphasized this philosophy, saying “you have to be able to make plays for other people the way we run our offense.” After getting through his freshman season, his maturity in the offense has grown. He is becoming more acclimated to taking control as a point guard in his sophomore year and even more so over the last two weeks. “I’ve gotten more comfortable with pushing the ball and playing the one,” Robinson said. “It’s getting easier for me to know my queues and when to do certain things as a point guard.” Martelli sees only potential for improvement for the sophomore moving forward. “We want to make great use of these experiences and building a gameplan for Nick in the spring and the summer so that he is a better player next September,” Martelli said. While Robinson started the majority of the season his freshman year, he was relied on more as a defensive presence, often assigned to shutting down the other team’s best player. While his defense has continued to be formidable this year, his offense has simultaneously seen increased numbers.

“You can’t have offense without defense,” Robinson said. “When I’m out there and I see one of their best players and get a stop, it gets the crowd going. The crowd is one of the biggest assets, because once they get going, it helps everybody on the offensive end get going.” Although the Hawks played their final game in front of their home crowd at Hagan Arena on March 3, they showed their gratitude with a win against cross town rival La Salle, setting them up with a double bye in the Atlantic 10 tournament. Robinson pointed out the importance of staying level headed, especially through the emotional ups and downs that conference tournament play can bring. “You just can’t get too high off of any win,” Robinson said. “With that being said, we’re playing really well right now, and we just have to keep it up.” The way the A-10 bracket is situated, in their first game the fourth seeded Hawks will rematch against one of three opponents they have faced in the previous two weeks in University of Massachussetts, La Salle University, or George Mason. The last two times St. Joe’s won the conference tournament, they were the fourth seed. “It’s basketball, anything is possible,” Robinson said. “If you would’ve told anybody in the country that we would upset a team by 30 points that’s ranked nationally, they’d have laughed. Our team believes that our record has nothing to do with our talent, so we have a lot to prove in this tournament and hopefully we can get that done.”


March 7, 2018


Hawks baseball goes 1-2 Brennan shines on the mound

DAN MATRANGA ’21 Hawk Staff The St. Joe’s baseball team finished up their second weekend of spring competition in Greenville, North Carolina on March 4. The Hawks’ record is currently 2-5 after falling to Pepperdine University and East Carolina University at the Keith LeClair Classic. The Hawks totaled nine hits from junior Charlie Concannon, sophomore James McConnon, senior Dominic Cuoci, senior Matt Maul, freshman Liam Bendo, and freshman Cole Stetzar against Missouri State while capturing a 6-3 victory. Junior right handerd pitcher Tim Brennan started on the hill against Missouri State on March 2. Brennan picked up the win which improved his record to 1-1. He then threw for six innings striking out nine, walking two and giving up one hit and two runs. “I felt prepared and it was a good day to pitch,” Brennan said. “I was well rested and my arm felt really solid. The big thing for me was commanding my three pitches and keeping the hitters off balance.” After his performance, Breennan was named the Philadelphia Big 5 baseball Pitcher of the Week on March 5. The team endured a losing weekend in Portland, Oregon on Feb. 24 where they

went 1-3. The guys knew they had a tough week of practice ahead of them. Head coach Fritz Hamburg discussed his mentality on the nature of preparation for a game. “Preparation for baseball is different than football or basketball, when you are writing up plays,” Hamburg said. “You’re just working on trying to get your swing on point, bullpens working on command, and

everyone getting into rhythm.” Hamburg emphasized the significance of Brennan’s performance on March 2. He threw the ball terrifically and commanded the zone well. This has definitely been one of the more dominant performances of Brennan’s career. “Tim carried us and we needed someone to step up,” Hamburg said. “Tim is a

Junior Lucas Rollins pitches in a game last season (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

hard working player on this team and he has a bright future ahead of him.” Hamburg also highlighted the big sixth inning against Missouri State. The Hawks gathered five runs off four hits. “We need to have more innings like this,” Hamburg said. While the Missouri State game brought a positive outcome for the team, the Saturday and Sunday matchups did not turn out as well. The Hawks fell 11-2 to Pepperdine and 9-0 to East Carolina, who were solid hitting teams. For Hamburg, the talent and potential is there; the team is just young and inexperienced. “We need the older guys to get it going,” Hamburg said. “We have a long way to go before regionals, and we need to give the younger guys a feel for what they are going up against. It’s much different than last year. The lineup was set before the season even started.” Besides the two big losses this weekend, there were some positives for the Hawks. Maul and Cuoci totaled seven hits on the weekend, along with Brennan’s performance on March 1. The Hawks will head to Port Charlotte, Florida over the break from March 9-14. The team will face Florida International University (FIU), Georgetown University, Western Michigan University and the University of Notre Dame.

Beasts of the east

Track and field shines at Eastern Conference Championships DREW RHOADES ’20 Hawk Staff The St. Joe’s men’s and women’s track and field squads capped off their indoor seasons at the IC4A and Eastern Conference Athletic Conference [ECAC] championships held on March 2-4 at Boston University’s Track and Tennis Center. Senior Claudine Andre nabbed the title for the high jump, marking only the fifth ECAC title win for any indoor track and field event for St. Joe's with a jump at 5’ 8 3/4”. “I was satisfied with my win at A-10s [Atlantic 10 Championships], so I wasn’t

Sophomore Caroline Duffy runs a relay (Photos by Dylan Eddinger ’19).

expecting much,” Andre said. The senior also said she wants to pick up where she left off once her outdoor season begins, showing no signs of slowing down. Elsewhere, the distance medley relay foursome comprising of junior Lucy Harmon, sophomore Emily Bracken, junior Lindsey Oremus and sophomore Caroline Duffy clocked in a time of 11:47.43, earning them a seventh place finish in a field of twenty-three teams. Senior Cassidy Weimer placed ninth in the mile finals. Weimer had previously ran the fastest mile for any Hawk runner in over a decade in the preliminaries, putting in a time of 4:52.27. For the women’s 4x400m relay, sophomore Karley Hess, junior Kelly Liebl, senior Steph Toland and Duffy ran a time of 3:49.00, good for an eighth place finish. Hess filled in for junior Nathaniela Bourdeau, who previously ran with Liebl, Toland and Duffy in the preliminaries for the 4x400. Bourdeau was out for the finals due to an injury. She had also qualified for the 200m final, as well as just falling short of qualifying for the 60m semi-finals. On the men’s side, the trio of senior Steve Thompson, senior Kenny Evely and sophomore Zach Michon shined brightly, as all three earned IC4A All-East Honors for their performances at the championship. Thompson had a sixth place finish in the 800m final with a time of 1:52.64. It was Thompson’s first IC4A All-East honors for an individual event, and it netted the Hawks

three points on the day. Evely had an eighth place finish in the 500m finals, clocking in at 1:04.07. Evely also had a collegiate best time of 1:03.94, earned during the preliminaries. “It was awesome,” Evely said of his firsttime IC4A All-East honors. “It’s been a long time coming.” Evely was calm during such a high pressure event. “I just tried to treat it like every other race,” Evely said. “I was a little more nervous before it, but I knew with my training and fitness level where it is right now, [I would] be able to do some damage.” In the spring for outdoor track season, Evely will tackle a new challenge - the 400m hurdles. “This is the fastest I’ve been my entire career, so I should just carry the momentum,” Evely said. Michon had an eighth place finish in the mile final with a time of 4:08.32. Michon had a time of 4:07.78 in the preliminaries, which was his collegiate best. The 4x800m relay group of senior Dan Ferraiolo, senior Dave Garton, junior Dylan Eddinger and junior Rory Houston secured All-East honors for their efforts. The squad crossed at 7:31.63, good for a fifth place finish. It was the fastest relay time of the season and fell short of the school’s record for fastest relay time. The group improved on their preliminary time of 7:36.57. Senior Collin Crilly had a tenth place finish in the mile, crossing at 4:09.35, while freshman Stephen McClellan placed ninth in the 500m finals at 1:04.78.

As for the total standings, the women finished the championships with 13 points, earning them a 23rd place finish in a field of 44 teams. The men earned nine points, resulting in a tie for 20th place out of thirty-six scoring teams. With the indoor season behind them, both squads will have time to recuperate. The outdoor track and field season kicks off for the crimson and grey on March 24 at the Monmouth Season Opener, held in West Long Branch, New Jersey.

Senior Collin Crilly runs in the A-10 Championships.



March 7, 2018

Winging it with the Hawk Dom Godshall on his time as the women's basketball mascot

ALEX HARGRAVE ’20 Sports Editor No one can be in two places at once, thus how junior Dom Godshall earned his position as the Hawk mascot for the women’s basketball team. While the other hawk is travelling with the men’s basketball team and making appearances, Godshall steps up. Godshall recently finished up his junior season as the Hawk mascot after the women’s basketball team fell in the Atlantic 10 championships on March 4. Alex Hargrave: How long have you been the Hawk? Dom Godshall: “I started the spring of my freshman year, and I’m a junior now. I started filling in at appearances in the community for the men’s mascot back then, Timmy Parks. In the fall of my sophomore year, a position opened up with the women’s team to be mascot for that season. I jumped in and got on board with the team then and I’ve been with them since. This is my second full season with the team.” AH: How did you start filling in for Parks? DG: “I was a manager with the men’s team my freshman year and became really good friends with Timmy. When spring rolled around, he had appearances that he couldn’t do and he asked me if I’d be interested in trying it out to see if I’d like it or not. I wasn’t sure if I was going to. Going into college, being a mascot wasn’t on my radar. I figured I’d give it a try and see how it goes, and I remember right away I was loving it and I wanted to do more of it. Through the summer, I continued with it and picked up more appearances. My love for the job grew from there.” AH: What are the best parts of cheering on the women’s basketball team? DG: “Being a mascot is like being on the team without the basketball playing ability, so I’m there on the sidelines for every game and I get to jump around, dance, give high fives and interact with the fans, and it’s just a cool experience. Obviously, the women’s team doesn’t get the glitz and glamor that the men’s team does, and I don’t either. Compared

to the men’s mascot, I don’t get as much attention, but it’s fun because it’s your family out there. It’s 15 sisters that I’ve gained throughout these two years, so I’m out there watching them and wanting to see them succeed, cheering them on and living and dying by every possession. It’s a cool family atmosphere to be part of and it’s exciting. I’m proud to be part of that community and being able to be in that St. Joe’s dynamic.” AH: You said there are some differences between your position and the Hawk for the men’s team. What are some of those? DG: “It’s a lot less recognition. We don’t draw the type of crowds the men’s games do. The women’s mascot, me and the other 15 or 16 that have gone before me, don’t get as much recognition either. Casual fans will say ‘the Hawk gets free tuition’ and that’s partially true; the men’s

Godshall runs onto the court with the team.

Godshall poses in the mascot uniform (Photos by Luke Malanga ’20).

mascot gets a full ride. The women’s mascot gets free books and that’s my only guaranteed compensation. We get cool swag and gear which is great, and we get meal money when we’re on the road, but it’s not free tuition. There’s a stark difference between the two in regards to money, but also recognition. The men’s mascot gets their name on this long list of past mascots. The best way I describe being the women’s mascot is being like a superhero, like a Peter Parker or something. You put the suit on at game time and everyone’s face lights up, and everyone is excited that the Hawk is there and then you take it off after the game and walk on the court to meet up with your family and you’re yourself again. At first it sort of bothered me, because I thought it would be nice to get some recognition, but now I enjoy it because it’s like this anonymous persona I get to put on.” AH: What is your favorite memory from your time as the Hawk? DG: “Probably my first game I got to flap in with the women in the fall of 2016. I was so nervous before the game feeling like I was going to throw up. The previous Hawk before me, Bobby Lattanzi, was encouraging and supportive. He sat right behind the bench to make sure I was okay and everything. There was the anxious anticipation leading up to it. Once I made my first figure 8 on the court with the team, I just had this calming feeling. I knew I was ok and I could do it, and then I was a lot more relaxed and I sort of settled into the groove of things. By the end of the game, I knew I was meant to do this and it was a realization of how awesome it was and the great opportunity it was. It’s a great memory and something I’ll take with me even after I’m done flapping.”

AH: About how many times would you say you flap per game? DG: “ESPN did a ‘flap counter’ a few years ago at a St. Joe’s game and they tallied approximately 3,500 times per game. Personally, I’ve never counted myself, because when I’m in game mode, I’m not keeping track of that. I will tell you, though, all of the girls and the guys wear heart rate monitor clips to measure your workload and stuff like that. I wore one two weeks ago during one of our home games to see what kind of a workout I got. Throughout the course of the game, I ran two and a half miles and burned 1,800 calories. I still need to weigh myself before and after a game to see how much water weight I lose in sweat, because I sweat a lot in my costume.” AH: What advice do you have for anyone who’s interested in trying out to be a mascot? DG: “Be yourself. At first, I wasn’t sure what I could and couldn’t do besides the flapping. After a little while, I put more of my personality into it and my own flavor into it. This is for the hawk or any other mascot. What makes the Philly Phanatic so great is that he puts his personality into it. You have to be able to make fun of yourself; I’m a horrible dancer, but I still dance in the suit because no one knows who I am and I can make a fool of myself. Break out some dance moves, high five people, interact with the other mascot if they’re there at the game. Really, just having fun with it is a big thing for me, because obviously I won’t be doing this forever, so just making the most of it and being myself has helped me do my thing and be confident.”

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