Nov. 20, 2019

Page 1

Nov. 20, 2019


Volume C


Est. 1929



The Student Newspaper of Saint Joseph’s University

Delaney Watson ’22 checks the blood pressure of a parish member at Victory Harvest Fellowship in West Philadelphia during a health screening on Nov. 17. PHOTO: LUKE MALANGA ’20/THE HAWK

Institute of Clinical Bioethics provides healthcare for immigrants JACKIE COLLINS ’21 Copy Editor Every third Sunday of the month, African immigrants head to the church hall of Victory Harvest Fellowship in West Philadelphia for health screenings. Members of the Hispanic immigrant community do the same on the fourth Sunday of every month at St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church in West Philadelphia. The “Mercy Health Promoter Program” provides health screenings for Philadelphia’s immigrant communities. The screenings are part of a collaboration between St. Joe’s Institute of Clinical Bioethics (ICB), Mercy Catholic Medical Center (MCMC) and local church communities. Attendees of the promoter program are then encouraged to visit medical professionals at MCMC if their health screenings indicate they need proper medical attention. Peter Clark, Ph.D., S.J., director of the ICB, said due to the generosity of Joseph DiAngelo ’70, Ed.D., dean of the Haub School of Business (HSB), the program now has an account at MCMC, which covers bloodwork, diabetes and hypertension medicine, and one X-ray for each immigrant who visits. “We beg, borrow and steal to be quite honest with you,” Clark said. “We literally go out and seek donors. And the hospital provides all the free medical care if they are referred to the hospital.” The promoter program is intended to be self-sustainable, Aloysius Ochasi, Ph.D., assistant director of academics and consultations of ICB, said. Members of Victory Harvest Fellowship apply and are trained to be community health promoters, so that FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA


around every two years the ICB can move on to implement the model at another church in the Philadelphia area. “We pick members of the community, who [immigrants] are very comfortable with, to be part of the program,” Ochasi said. Community health promoters are educated on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which protects health data integrity, confidentiality and availability. “It gives [immigrants] a sense of assurance that whatever they tell [the community health promoters] doesn’t get out into

the streets,” Ochasi said. “We want to make sure the community health promoters have some sense of dignity to respect them.” Clark said it is necessary for this healthcare program to be based in a church setting because the majority of parishioners that they treat are undocumented, and they are worried that if they visit a hospital, they will be identified and ultimately deported. “They feel more comfortable and safe in a church,” Clark said. “But also the problem is, who’s paying [for them to visit the hospitals]? They don’t have the money.” MCMC found a need to kickstart this

program with the ICB in 2010, when they saw that uninsured, undocumented African immigrants were frequently visiting their emergency rooms with end-stage renal diseases, more commonly known as chronic kidney failure. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-profit organization that focuses on national health issues, in 2017 more than 45% of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. were uninsured. CONTINUED ON PG. 3

A medical student from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine checks the glucose levels of a parish member. PHOTO: LUKE MALANGA ’20/THE HAWK




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