Sept 12, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of Saint Joseph’s University

Volume XCVIII | Est. 1929 |

Sept. 12, 2018

Search on hold for OID NATALIE DRUM ’20 Assistant News Editor

Mac Miller performs at the 2017 SJU Spring Concert. The 26-year-old rapper died at his Los Angeles home on Sept. 7 (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20). SEE PG. 9

Grant opens new position

Christopher Morrin joins St. Joe’s Title IX Office BRENDAN KILEY ’19 Hawk Staff

When Christopher Morrin, St. Joe’s first sexual misconduct prevention specialist, was in college himself at Lehigh University, he joined a sexual violence peer education group. “I am not a survivor, but it is a social justice and human rights issue,” said Morrin, who graduated in 2008 with a degree in political science and German. “It is not okay that this happens and it needs addressing.” A native of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Morrin will have a chance to do just that in his new position at St. Joe’s, created in the Office of Student Outreach and Support under Director Marci Berney after St. Joe’s was awarded a grant by the Department of Justice’s Office of Violence Against Women. The three-year, $300,000 grant will allow St. Joe’s to have a more comprehensive education and prevention apparatus in conjunction with the Title IX office, student organizations such as Rape Education and Prevention Program (REPP) and the Office of Student Life. “Marci and Chris are guiding us through a strategic plan for the grant, operationalizing all of our plans,” said Mary-Elaine Perry, Ed.D, Title IX and Bias coordinator. Gabby Southworth ’19, student activist and member of REPP, said she thinks there are “pros and cons” to having a male in Morrin’s position. Ultimately, she said she was won over by Morrin’s enthusiasm. “Chris’ passion in this issue is evident and I think we can really get through to men,” Southworth said.

Sexual misconduct is a form of violence predominantly, though not exclusively, perpetrated by men against women, Morrin said, which is why he feels it is so important for men to step up and “fulfill our humanity by getting involved and stopping this.” On Oct. 11, Jackson Katz, Ph.D, will deliver a lecture on campus about men’s role in ending violence against women. The speech is part of a statewide It’s On Us campaign, focusing on men’s role in preventing misconduct as well as a concerted effort on campus to bring men and women together against sexual violence. Morrin comes into this role on Hawk Hill with experience. He previously held a similar position at Saint Lawrence University in Canton, New York. Following

his tenure at Saint Lawrence, Morrin went downstate to get involved in national politics, working for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney. While Morrin said he enjoyed working in politics, so much emphasis on fundraising led him to make a change to a career more directly oriented to the social change he said he hopes to see. “There is a lot of pressure to get a job, make money, stuff like that, but I couldn’t deny anymore that is not who I am,” Morrin said. With St. Joe’s, Morrin said he has found a place where people are working to live up to their ideals. CONTINUED ON PG. 4

Christopher Morrin at his office in the Women’s Center (Photo by Matt Barrett ’21).

St. Joe’s will not have a top permanent leadership position for the Center for Inclusion and Diversity until at least the fall 2019 semester. The university will conduct a national search for a new chief diversity officer over the course of this academic year, University Provost Jeanne Brady, Ph.D., said in a statement to The Hawk. Details about how that search will be conducted have not been decided, said Kim Allen-Stuck, Ph.D., assistant vice president of Student Success and Educational Support. Until a hire has been made, Allen-Stuck and Janée Burkhalter, Ph.D., associate professor of marketing, will share the position’s responsibilities, along with other faculty, students and staff. “I do think it is important for this area to be staffed full time by a person who has more professional experience, professional training in this area and [who is] able to lead the university on a permanent basis,” Allen-Stuck said. The position was previously held by Monica Nixon, Ph.D., who left in July to become assistant vice president for equality, inclusion and social justice at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. As the program coordinator for the Center of Inclusion and Diversity, Imani Briscoe ’17 is confident with the leadership figures that are currently in place. Briscoe was hired in August. “I think with her [Allen-Stuck] as the head of that, we are in a good space because she is such a great advocate and resource on this campus,” Briscoe said. “So, if anything, we do have a good person in place at the time until we get that new provost for the role.” Briscoe herself is a temporary hire and will be in her role until January, when Director for Inclusion and Diversity Natalie Walker Brown, and International Student Advisor Maggie Oliver, both on maternity leave, return to campus. “If I could continue my time here, that would be awesome and I wouldn’t complain about it,” Briscoe said. Despite the efforts of others to step in and fill Nixon’s role, students like Alexis Wilson ’19, co-president of Black Student Union, said they feel the loss of permanent leadership in an office at a crucial time when it is needed. “With Dr. Nixon, she was just very available and super present,” Wilson said. “With a lot of things happening in the office, I knew at any given day I could go into the Center of Inclusion and Diversity and she would be there.” Being present and available for students was an important quality that Nixon brought to the role, Wilson said. “Sometimes I think with administrators on campus it’s hard to reach them or to feel like they are actually hearing what you are saying,” Wilson said. “You kind of have to go through a lot of people to get to them.” Wilson said her position on the Black Student Union and involvement with inclusion and diversity has helped her grow at St. Joe’s. Although the absence of a full-time diversity officer will not have a personal effect on her, it will have a lasting effect on others, she said. “I worry about them not having that person who’s higher up and really feel like they can go to if something were to happen or they need guidance in some shape or form,” Wilson said.



Sept. 12, 2018

Department of Public Safety reports (Aug. 31 – Sept. 6) Aug. 31

Sept. 4

Public Safety was notified by St. Joe's student regarding person(s) Public Safety was contacted by Residence Life in regards to an alcohol confiscation in the Villiger Residence Center. Public Safety responded and unknown vandalizing his personal vehicle by drawing on it while parked in the Rashford Hall parking lot. Community Standards noticonfiscated the alcohol. Community Standards notified. fied. Incident under investigation. Public Safety was notified by an area resident of a large party in the 5600 Sept. 5 block of Woodcrest Avenue. Public Safety Officers and Philadelphia Police were notified and responded. The crowd was disbursed without incident. Public Safety was notified by a St. Joe's student regarding person(s) unknown removing his wallet which was left unattended in the Post Sept. 1 Learning Commons. Philadelphia Police were notified and responded. Public Safety was notified by an area resident of a large party in Incident under investigation. the 2200 block of North 52nd Street. Public Safety Officers and PhilaSept. 6 delphia Police were notified and responded. The crowd was disbursed without incident. Public Safety was notified of a fire alarm at Hagan Arena. Public Public Safety was notified by an area resident of a large party in the Safety Officer responded. Preliminary investigation revealed the alarm 5000 block of Woodbine Avenue. Public Safety Officers and Philadelphia was activated accidentally by an employee working in the building. Facilities Management was notified. Police were notified and responded.



On campus


Off campus



On campus


Off campus

Call Public Safety:


Sept. 3 Public Safety was notified by an area resident of a large party in the 5300 block of Wynnefield Avenue. Public Safety Officers and Philadelphia Police were notified and responded.

ELECTION 2018 Push for voter engagement on campus ERIN BREEN ’19 Assistant Copy Editor Across the U.S., 35 Senate seats are up for election on Nov. 6. If the Republican party gains eight seats this November, reaching a total of 60 in the Senate, it would leave the Democrats unable to filibuster potential legislature. With temperatures still hovering in and around ninety degrees, midterm elections seem far off. Regardless, news and media coverage around this year’s elections reflect a growing realization of the ability this particular November could have in politically shaping the next two years in the U.S. Along with the 36 gubernatorial elections to be held in 2018 and the entirety of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives to be decided on Nov. 6, midterm elections could mean major shifts to the political landscape for the next two years. For voters who are unhappy with the decisions being made in Washington since the 2016 elections, this comes as a welcome opportunity for change. “I don’t think we are a super politically involved campus in general,” Meghan Quinlan ’19 said. “When it gets closer to the election, I’ll probably start paying attention but for now it’s not on my radar.” Lack of political involvement in college-aged citizens is not unique to St. Joe’s or even the Philadelphia area. According to a census study, only around 23 percent of 18-34 year-olds voted in the 2014 Congressional Elections.

Some students, who understand the impacts the results of this election could have on the country, seek to bring awareness and encourage engagement among young citizens, particularly their peers on campus. One vessel St. Joe’s community members are using to do this is POWER U, a Philadelphia interfaith coalition of four universities, LaSalle, Cabrini, St. Joe’s and Villanova, that focuses on different social justice issues including climate change and educational equity. This fall, they are taking special interest in voter engagement efforts. “I think a lot of people are unaware of the fact that there are midterm elections to begin with and are also unaware of their importance,” said Katie Sellar ’21, a student leader for the St. Joe’s branch of the organization. “I think these elections hold so much more value than people who are just ‘casual citizens’ pay attention to. It can seem like it doesn’t matter when really it affects every one of us.” Susan Clampet-Lundquist, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology and a campus facilitator for POWER U, sees reason to be hopeful that along with student awareness will come engagement. “In order to try to facilitate change, we need to have the right people in office,” Clampet-Lundquist said. “I feel really optimistic though because once St. Joe’s students, who maybe don’t know a lot about these issues, learn about them, they tend to become really passionate about it.”

Data courtesy of United Sates Census Bureau (Graphic by Kelly Smith ’19).


Sept. 12, 2018


Healing as a community

Ubuntu Philadelphia returns to St. Joe's ALEX MARK ’20 News Editor Ubuntu Philadelphia hosted its second public forum on community violence in the Cardinal Foley Center on Sept. 8. The event, founded by Rosalind Pichardo, founder of Operation Save Our City and Kempis “Ghani” Songster, a recently released “juvenile lifer,” was organized by J. Michael Lyons, Ph.D. and Susan Clampet-Lundquist, Ph.D., to promote the message of healing from violence through community and love. “To be able to partner up is something that’s about finding common cause and building community,” Songster said. “That’s something that you don’t see too often in this society and I think that kind of relationship, this kind of conversation we had today, is what’s going to be important to our society moving forward.” Although it cannot be completely translated into English, the Bantu word “ubuntu” essentially means “humanity” or “I am because you are.” This word is reflected in the forum’s mission: to change a culture which breeds violence by creating a space for open discussion Songster said. “The reason why this conversation is important to me is that I don’t think it’s a conversation that’s being had,” Songster said. Throughout the event, volunteers called “Care Bears” were stationed around the edges of the room in order to provide emotional support and resources for people who might be affected by the material being discussed. The name “Care Bear” was chosen to

convey openness and comfort, according to Fernando Sterling, a Care Bear and victim advocate for the city of Philadelphia. “It’s just something we agreed on,” Sterling said. “It exemplifies what we’re here for, we’re here to care for anybody that needs any type of help or emotional support.” The forum, which began at 12:30 p.m. and ran until 6:00 p.m., opened with a brief skit performed by the T.U.F.F. Girls and El Centro High School. After a reflection on the popular image of Lady Justice, Songster held a panel discussion with radio producer Samantha Broun on her podcast “Living With Murder.” Broun, whose mother survived a horrific attack by a man who had been released from a life sentence he had received as a juvenile, explained that she “was full of anger and fear” afterward. After seeing the perpetrator, Reginald McFadden, in court, Broun considered her intense feelings of anger. “I have that violence and fear in me, too,” Broun said during the panel. “If I could feel those feelings of violence, could he come away from those feelings of violence?” During the discussion, Songster said that one of the reasons he believes young people commit such horrific crimes is their poor self-image. “The majority of people that [are] overly represented in prison systems are people of color,” Songster said. “I’ve met so many people of color that just don’t feel good about themselves because they’ve never been taught in schools to feel proud of themselves. They’re referred to in society as thugs, as super-predators, all kinds of things that are so debasing.”

Mari Morales-Williams, who mediated the panel, said the belief and investment in restorative justice she shares with Songster has been a significant part of her own healing. “It’s been my commitment to more fully realize what that can look like in our society where there’s a dominant narrative that the only way we can arrive at justice is through police and prisons,” Morales-Williams said. Following the panel, Songster and a group of other “juvenile-lifers” delivered a public apology, with each man stating his crime and his remorse. Harry King, one of the men giving an apology, said that the aftereffects of violent crime were like a crumpled piece of paper.

“No matter how long you smooth that paper out,” King said, “it will never be the same.” To Pichardo, the forum was “perfect.” “It was perfect in a sense that I finally got to hear what I needed to hear from people who’ve committed the ultimate crime,” Pichardo said Joshua Glenn, co-founder of the Youth Art and Self-Empowerment Project, attended the event to learn about different ways to heal from violence. “I think that we rely on our oppressor to change our conditions,” Glenn said. “And so, for me, learning how to heal and how to heal our communities, that’s key to making change.”

Mari Morales-Williams speaks at the Ubuntu Philadelphia event in the Cardinal Foley Center on Sept. 8 (Photo by Rose Barrett '20).

Connecting to careers

Career Development Center launches Handshake REBECCA BARUS ’19 Hawk Staff St. Joe’s officially switched to Handshake as the new online career resource platform, replacing SJU Careers, on May 14. Handshake, used by over 500 colleges across the country, is a resource for students with the capability to connect them with employers for opportunities such as on-campus jobs, volunteer work, internships and full-time opportunities. Scott Rappaport, associate director of the Career Development Center, said that the response to Handshake has been promising and the user-friendly platform makes it easy for students to connect. “Every student automatically has an account,” Rappaport said.“We encourage students to go on and use it and fill out their profile and connect in the various ways that Handshake brings students and employers together. Handshake will try to get to know you just like Facebook or LinkedIn and will make recommendations based on things you’ve preferenced in the past.” The biggest benefit of Handshake is that students will be able to connect more easily

Handshake gives students the opportunity to connect with future employers (Photo by Matt Barrett ’21).

with the Career Development Center. “It will provide more opportunities than our old system,” Rappaport said. “It’s also more of a one-stop-shop. It handles all of our appointments and also events. Anything that we have coming up, stu-

dents will be able to see under the events tab and that includes events that employers are holding.” Since the launch of Handshake, 1,200 students have completed their profile, 4,202 employers have connected to St.

Joe’s and 7,250 jobs have been posted, according to Rappaport. Among St. Joe’s students who have completed their profile, Isabella Pavlou ’19 made the switch from SJU Careers to Handshake about a month ago after receiving emails from St. Joe’s promoting the new platform. Pavlou said she’s happy she made the switch to Handshake. “I like how it is easy access to see jobs that are available and future interviews on campus,” Pavlou said. “I definitely will be applying for jobs using Handshake.” Arianna Flynn ’19 said the process of getting started on Handshake is very intuitive. “It's single sign on, so you just use your SJU login to sign in,” Flynn said. “They ask the basic questions, like name, major, school, work experience, resume, GPA and extracurriculars. I can tell in the future this will be extremely useful in my job search.” Rappaport said the goal of the Career Development Center is to connect students with their careers and teach them how to network. He is confident that Handshake will help them in doing so.



Sept. 12, 2018

A festival for all Pinn Memorial Baptist Church celebrates anniversary NATALIE DRUM ’20 Assistant News Editor A section of 54th Street was closed for the annual Pinn Memorial Baptist Church homecoming event on Sept. 8. The celebratory event was held outside in hopes of attracting surrounding community members. “This is a homecoming of when this church first got here,” said Wanda Pate-Dennis, one of the 13 associate ministers at the church.“It is also about the evangelistic effort of going out into the community. We want people to embrace us and join us.” In addition to food and live music, there were a multitude of free services offered to festival goers, regardless of if they were parishioners or not. “We wish we could get more people to come from across the street,” Pate-Dennis said, in reference to the newly constructed townhomes directly facing the church. Inside the church, there was an area allotted to people who wanted their blood pressure taken and an opportunity to get a flu shot administered. Other services inside included haircuts and manicures, while outside, vendors lined the street in front of the church. A representative working within the community connected Chris Dixon, an

Oak Street Health associate to the event. “Oak Street Health, along with a lot of other companies are here to provide information for services that they [the community], could possibly use,” Dixon said. The church, which Pate-Dennis said generally consists of anywhere from 600800 members, receives its funding for the homecoming celebration through the church’s different ministries. In addition, people and companies in the community donate money and/or items. “Now this is something St. Joe’s may think about for next year,” Pate-Dennis said, while pointing to a table with a few white plastic bags on it. “Donating backpacks to us because we did not get enough this year.” Etty A. Chatman spearheads the school supplies donation and distribution program within the church. As the wife of Dr. Jacob L. Chatman, senior pastor at Pinn, Etty Chatman is referred to as the first lady and helps out wherever needed. “I taught school for about thirty years and so I have an idea of who needs what,” Chatman said. The former school teacher emphasized the community’s role in the homecoming event. Many attendees welcomed the idea of neighbors in any direction, particularly St. Joe’s students. “The only way that you could help us is

Minister Wanda Pate-Dennis (left) with First Lady Etty A. Chatman (right) at the Pinn Memorial Baptist Church Homecoming event.

Community members celebrate outside the Pinn Memorial Baptist Church (Photos by Natalie Drum '20).

to come and participate,” said Chatman. At the end of the event, the remaining school supplies are brought to the Samuel Gompers Elementary School by one of the ministers from the church. Chatman said she receives thank-you notes from Gompers students every year. “It is very sad,” Chatman said. “The students need a lot of stuff there.”

Chatman said that, ultimately, the church aims to include all people at the festival. “We do this as a community so everybody participates,” Chatman said. “So wherever you are, wherever you come from, you know that you can come here and get something.”

Signage for the homecoming event hangs in the front of the Pinn Memorial Baptist Church.

Grant opens new position CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 “While many colleges say they care about inclusion and helping people, St. Joe’s actually does it,” Morrin said. Now that Morrin is here, he said he hopes to see a stronger culture against sexual misconduct in the future, utilizing bystander prevention programs such as

the Green Dot prevention program, which he plans to roll out on campus next year. “We’re focused on changing behaviors, not just beliefs and then it just becomes something that we do,” Morrin said. “This is just what we do at St. Joe’s. Look out for your fellow Hawks.”

Southworth said she believes campus culture is improving, but there is still a long way to go. “These survivors and perpetrators are our peers and our classmates,” Southworth said. “We should all care.” Morrin said he hopes many more ini-

tiatives will soon be underway on campus and is optimistic the grant will afford St. Joe’s further opportunities moving forward. “I want everyone in the St. Joe’s community to know that we care about this and we are working 24/7 to tackle these things,” Morrin said.


Sept. 12, 2018


Backlash to grief

Blame culture’s role in the opioid epidemic Editor in Chief Ana Faguy ’19 Managing Editor Luke Malanga ’20 Copy Chief Paige Santiago ’19 Faculty Adviser Shenid Bhayroo Contributing Adviser Jenny Spinner Copy Editor Erin Breen ’19 Copy Editor Kaila Mundell-Hill ’20 Copy Editor Megan Bevilacqua ’19 Online Copy Editor Leslie Briggs ’17, M.A. ’18 News Editor Alex Mark ’20 Assistant News Editor Natalie Drum ’20 Editorial Page Editor Annie Clark ’19 Opinions Editor Dominique Joe ’19 Assistant Opinions Editor Taicha Morin ’20 Lifestyle Editor Emily Graham ’20 Assistant Lifestyle Editor Rose Weldon ’19 Sports Editor Nick Karpinski ’21 Assistant Sports Editor Sam Britt ’20 Assistant Sports Editor Ryan Mulligan ’21 Creative Director Kelly Smith ’20 Page Designer Kaitlyn Patterson ’20 Staff Photographer Rose Barrett ’20 Staff Photographer Matt Barrett ’21 Social Media Manager Erin Castellano ’19 Assistant Social Media Manager Alyssa Lamont ’20 Business Manager Jordan Grossbaum ’21 Distribution Manager Addie Guyer ’19

With the apparent overdose death of rapper Mac Miller on Sept. 7, the ongoing opioid crisis in America continues to be illuminated. Miller, an artist whose music spoke to youth and who was the headlining act for the St. Joe’s spring concert in 2017, was only 26 when he died— one among tens of thousands of young people who die of overdoses each year in the U.S. The wind tunnel that is the Internet has allowed blame culture to develop in our country surrounding these tragic losses due to the opoid epidemic. The death of a beloved public figure inevitably affects the world at large and Miller was no exception. Fans mourned him on social media, fellow musicians paid tribute in song and obituaries recalled his playful nature and poignant lyrics. Amongst the recognition, though, existed an accusatory narrative, in which observers began to point fingers at a possible motive for his overdose. The scapegoat became Miller’s ex-girlfriend, pop singer Ariana Grande, who broke up with him earlier this year. Grande faced a wave of backlash in April after their breakup and responded by calling their connection “a toxic relationship.” Acknowledging that she had been trying to help him with his issues, Grande, in a tweet, called for people to stop of blam-

ing women for their significant other's substance abuse problems. Upon Miller’s passing, flames of online bullying against Grande were reignited. The original TMZ article that broke the news subtly hinted their breakup was a factor in his return to drug use and commenters on Instagram blamed her outright, causing Grande to disable comments on her posts. This seems to be a recurring response from people, not just the commenters on celebrities’ social media pages. Every time someone speaks about substance use and the subsequent loss of a life, people point fingers at those they feel are responsible rather than looking to the actual cause, the substance use itself. Substance abuse disorder isn't a situational habit, it is a disease. Blame culture can, in a lot of ways, be attributed to the underlying stigma around substance abuse in general. When a loved one is struggling with substance abuse disorder, there is an overwhelming need to preserve the appearance of normalcy, but substance use disorder isn’t pretty. It takes a serious toll on everyone affected by it, not only the user, as familial relationships and friendships are often tested and exploited. Keeping their substance abuse under wraps seems to be the only way to both

honor who the loved one once was, as well as protect them from the stigma. In our third edition of the Opioid Crisis special issue series, the story “Sister recalls the loss of her brother,” detailed one woman’s struggle to reconcile the person her brother became at the height of his addiction with the person she knew growing up. While explaining how her brother Zack first became exposed to drugs, Peters placed blame with Zack’s social circle as a teenager, saying he “fell in with the wrong crowd.” The inherent tragedy of Miller’s death doesn’t give anyone the right to blame his loved ones. The fact that Miller was a beloved figure doesn’t warrant an inquisitional crusade against anyone who was close to him. Neither families of those who've lost someone to substance abuse nor victims of substance abuse deserve to have their pain made worse.

—The Hawk Staff

The Hawk welcomes Letters to the Editor, typically no more than 300 words. They can be emailed to hawk.

Correction: In the Sept. 5 issue of the Hawk, the News piece titled "Preparing for the midterm elections" stated that the last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania is Sun., Oct. 7. The deadline to register to vote by is Tues., Oct. 9. Correction: In the Sept. 5 issue of the Hawk, the Sports piece about the freshmen on St. Joe's women's soccer team incorrectly labeled Jenna Leonzi's bio. Leonzi is an undecided business major from Allentown, Pa., she has two sisters and knows how to surf. The article correctly identified that she is a midfielder but left out that she is also a forward.

EAGLES VS. FALCONS Continuing a victory streak that began with their historic Super Bowl win last February, the Eagles beat the Atlanta Falcons 18-2 on Sept. 6. We won’t stop repping our Eagles merch from last year’s Super Bowl any time soon. STUBBY THE SQUIRREL It’s hard to pin down why we are so fascinated by the tailless squirrel so many of us have seen running around campus. He’s an enigma; at first glance, a rabbit, but upon closer inspection, ends up being the most interesting member of our campus’ sizeable squirrel population. We hope you stick around, Stubby. SUB PROGRAMMING This past weekend, St. Joe’s students were treated to two well-planned, well-attended, engaging events hosted by the Student Union Board (SUB). Whether we were illustrating sunsets at Painting with a Twist or ziplining at Treetop Quest Philly, there was never a dull moment thanks to SUB. Did we mention both of these events were under $10?

WHEN IS THE MASS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? At the beginning of each fall semester, students, faculty and staff gather in the chapel to ask for blessings during the new academic year. Sparse communication about this semester’s Mass of the Holy Spirit led to a disappointing turnout for one of our favorite events of the year. A tradition this important (at least) deserves its own reminder email. SAXBY'S CONSTRUCTION IN CAMPION Construction has begun on a new, student-run Saxby’s Experiential Learning Cafe that cuts into our space in the fishbowl. Aside from the construction being disruptive to the already hectic hallway outside of Campion, we want our coffee. O'PAKE IS A SWAMP The largest gym on campus is in desperate need of air conditioning. If you rely on O’Pake for a daily workout, you may be better off exercising in the good old outdoors. We recommend the Cynwyd Heritage Trail.



Sept. 12, 2018

The Wonder Woman of St. Joe's

Dr. Monica Nixon’s impact on our community TAICHA MORIN ’20 Assistant Opinions Editor My freshman year of college, I remember sitting at my scholarship reception, excited but anxious about everything as I began my college journey. I had no clue as to who I would grow to be in this space, nor did I imagine the great people and relationships I would form. I especially didn’t know that day, I would meet someone who would become a mentor and one of my greatest supporters at St. Joe’s. That someone was Dr. Monica Nixon, Ed.D. Nixon began her position as the Assistant Provost of Inclusion and Diversity my freshman year and like me, she was adjusting to a new city, a new school and many new people. Over the span of two years at St. Joe’s, she worked diligently to cultivate safe spaces through the opening of the Center for Inclusion for Diversity, initiating the Campus Climate Study, organizing

the commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as various other initiatives. She is more than equipped for the transition to her new career as the Assistant Vice President for Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice at NASPA. I’ve thought long and hard about what I wanted to say about Dr. Nixon. It is hard to put into words what an amazing individual she is, not only to me, but to others on our campus. I learned many things about Dr. Nixon while working closely with her, such as her

Woman Dr. Nixon has been for us at St. Joe’s. In the movie, the main character, Diana of Themyscira (aka Wonder Woman), is a warrior princess. The Amazons, the group which Diana hails from, are depicted as super strong warriors whose duty is to protect mankind. To summarize: all hell breaks loose when an American pilot discovers the hidden island of Themyscira while escaping Nazis, forcing the Amazons, Diana in particular, to confront the outside warring world. Wonder Woman, unable to look

Over the span of two years at St. Joe’s, she worked diligently to cultivate safe spaces through the opening of the Center for Inclusion and Diversity. love for octopi, standing up in her office while typing or on a conference call and above all, her love for Wonder Woman. When the Student Union Board screened Wonder Woman on Villiger Lawn last semester, I went to see it for the first time. Looking back, I realized the movie serves as a metaphor of the Wonder

away from the savagery of World War II, tasks herself with saving the world. Diana’s bravery reminds me of Nixon because of her selflessness and advocacy. Throughout her time at St. Joe’s, she was a champion of addressing diversity on our campus and emphasizing and educating others on inclusion.

Higher education is a very male dominated sphere and it has been inspiring to work beside her in this environment. She has showed me how to be assertive and to not be afraid to make my presence known in a room. Beyond her strength and her courage, Dr. Nixon is also much like Wonder Woman in her emotional support. Even in her Wonder Woman-ness, I was able to see her compassion, sincerity and realness. She taught me to embrace my feelings and exemplified that being strong and experiencing other emotions are not mutually exclusive. As much as I am sad and miss having Nixon on campus, she came here and turned it upside down for the better. Now, she’s onto her next chapter in life, conquering the new challenges the world has to offer her. After all, if no one will defend the world, we can count on Wonder Woman to do it. We love you and miss you, Dr. Nixon. Continue to conquer the world and kick systemic oppression in the butt, one day and career at a time.

Mad black woman

Respectability politics cost Serena Williams at U.S. Open KAILA MUNDELL-HILL ’20 Columnist Imagine being the very best at tennis, beating your sister who’s also the very best and playing while pregnant and still maintaining your title as the best. Now imagine being the very best at tennis, a white-washed elitist sport, as a black woman. Imagine being Serena Williams. Last month during the French Open, the French Tennis Federation (FFT) banned Williams from wearing her black cat suit, as they claimed to be enforcing a more strict dress code for tournaments. Williams wears the black compression bodysuit to promote blood circulation and prevent blood clots after the birth of her daughter, which almost cost Williams her life. She suffered many health complications, including a pulmonary embolism, a ruptured C-section wound and a large abdominal hematoma. Williams is lucky to be alive and attributes this to her fame and the power it held in allowing her to receive the proper medical care that is not always afforded to black women. The FFT president claimed, “one must

respect the game and the place” in response to the ban; yet, where is the respect for Serena Williams? The FFT’s ban is a blatant expression of misogynoir aimed to police Williams’ black body. The FFT singled Williams out, only finding issue with her attire specifically. What Williams wears as she plays in her first Grand Slam appearance since the birth of her daughter a year ago should not concern the FFT, especially because her outfit was not inappropriate. As a black woman in a white dominat-

During her final match against Naomi Osaka, the chair umpire, Carlos Ramos, charged Williams with three code violations: receiving coaching (a Grand Slam rule violation), a docked point for smashing her racket and another docked point for “verbal abuse” which ended up costing Williams the game and $17,000 in fines. Osaka was crowned as the first Haitian-Japanese woman in history to win a Grand Slam. Osaka’s historic win, however, was overshadowed by a sexist call that made her feel as if she didn’t rightfully earn it.

The FFT’s ban is a blatant expression of misogynoir aimed to police Williams’ black body. ed sport/space, Williams already stands out. The cat suit only made her stand out more. The following day, Williams sported an all-white ensemble, complete with a flouncy white tutu and an all-black outfit accompanied with a black tutu just days later. Although Serena Williams is undeniably the greatest, she is too often treated as mediocre, as if she hasn’t made a name for herself as a tennis champion. On Sept. 8, during the final match of the U.S. Open, Serena Williams was cheated of a game which could have cemented her 24th Grand Slam win.

Regardless of the technicalities of Ramos’ calls, it’s obvious that his rulings were sexist. Men are allowed to express anger and exasperation without penalty or the stereotype for their valid emotions. Williams refuted the allegations of cheating, rightfully so, as she has lost before and clearly does not need to cheat to win. Additionally, Williams’ frustration at the situation resulted in her expressing her emotions, which were viewed as abuse by Ramos. Despite the technicalities of Ramos’ calls, his decision to charge Wil-

liams with multiple code violations is not new to her, as she is often criticized for expressing emotions that don’t sit well with the elitist tennis community. Her frustration with the match, or with the sport that continues to treat its female players vastly different than the male, is valid. I am equally as irritated by the obstacles Williams has had to face and the treatment she has endured simply for being the best. Her frustration with a sport that continues to treat her as “other,” despite being the best, is valid. The events of this weekend’s U.S. Open has again sparked debates about double standards within tennis and even a racist cartoon depicting Williams as a large, angry black baby throwing a temper tantrum and Osaka as a blonde white woman. The cartoon is another glaring indication of how some people perceived Williams’ behavior during the game and how, as a black woman, any expression of emotion is automatically assumed to be undeserving of anger. I am tired of Serena Williams having to bear the brunt of the tennis world’s disdain for her black body, for her success and for her unwavering determination to continue to fight for women’s rights.


Sept.12, 2018


You deserve to be paid Why all unpaid internships are exploitative ANNIE CLARK ’19 Columnist Any college student who has completed or applied for an unpaid internship has probably attempted to justify the notion of working for free with the promise of gaining professional experience and valuable contacts. For some self-supporting students, however, unpaid internships are outside the realm of possibility. Although the overall number of unpaid internships is declining, according to a 2017 report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), new standards set by the Department of Labor in January 2018 made it easier for employers to legally hire unpaid interns. According to guidelines set by the department, there are seven standards employers must meet for unpaid internships to be classified as legal. These regulations stipulate that unpaid interns cannot replace paid employees and the work they do on site must relate to what they would learn “in an educational environment.”

While these are indeed sensible guidelines, as of last January, employers no longer need to meet a certain number of them to be considered in compliance with the law. This setback will hopefully be rendered moot by the trend of unpaid internships becoming rarer. Only 43 percent of all internships in 2017 were unpaid, according to the NACE

ny for free has an inherent advantage over a student whose family cannot. This automatically places many students from marginalized groups including low-income students, students of color and first-generation students out of the running, regardless of their qualifications. Given that students who complete internships are more likely to be offered full-

The economic burden that they place on students and families who are unable to subsidize an unpaid intern’s living expenses is undeniable. report. The overall decline in unpaid internships may be due to new conversations surrounding the ethics of hiring college students to work for free. While some unpaid internships may indeed offer valuable experience and professional networking opportunities, the economic burden that they place on students and families who are unable to subsidize an unpaid intern’s living expenses is undeniable. A student whose family can afford to support them while they work at a compa-

time, salaried jobs after graduation, unpaid internships also exacerbate hiring inequity in the workforce. Some argue that any hypothetical law which would require all companies to compensate their interns would negatively impact smaller businesses. I do not believe it is outside of a professional organization’s capability to reconfigure budgets in order to pay a small number of interns the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

The immediate concern ought to be for students who are looking to gain professional experience, but need to be paid while they do it. Solely offering course credit to interns who are otherwise unpaid does not count as “compensation,” as students must pay their college for those credit hours. Depending on the type of work and the hours required, companies could compensate their interns in a variety of ways in addition to course credit, from a transportation stipend to hourly wages. Offering commuter benefits to interns could serve as an interim step for smaller companies who are transitioning to paying their interns an hourly wage. Internships benefit students who to want to try out a prospective career as well as companies looking to recruit directly from a pool of candidates who already know the ins and outs of their organizations. But they are jobs and therefore must come with some form of compensation. You are valuable and your time is valuable. You shouldn’t have to give it away for free.

Would Nike sacrifice everything

The dubious nature of Nike’s deal with Colin Kaepernick JOSEPH PANICHELLI ’19 Columnist What has made the actions of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, much more important to civil rights movements than any other celebrity’s activism in recent years, is that he’s been true to his stance despite losing everything and ruffling some feathers. Kaepernick, a free agent even the most progressive of NFL franchises wouldn’t touch since he took a knee in protest during the national anthem, has just been named the face of Nike’s, ‘Just Do It’ campaign for their 30 year anniversary. “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” the official campaign poster reads. As if the debate over the actions of Kaepernick’s and countless other NFL players who have joined him in protest weren't polarizing enough for our nation, here enters the biggest sports apparel conglomerate in the world picking sides. To criticize this movement is to be hypocritical in your own thought and speech. The anthem represents free speech and free speech is a pivotal part of what makes

our country what it is today. Simiraly, I don’t buy the narrative that it disrespects the military and those who’ve fought for our country. Minimal research proves that Kaepernick was influenced by U.S Army veteran, Nate Boyer, to kneel in protest to police brutality, in contrast to sitting.

scale of brand recognition has been created that will be all over the news and in discussion between potential consumers. For big brands or personalities, controversy sells. What sells almost as much as controversy is Nike, whose income last year rose 6 percent to 34.4 billion dollars.

Nike, however, has decided to make this issue about them, rather than the cause itself. Despite that, what I do believe is that Nike may have ulterior motives to supporting Kaepernick and those players who have followed his action. At the end of the day, Nike is a business. And what is a business without marketing tactics? In this case, Nike, either intentionally or not, has chosen sides and therefore has targeted the probable larger majority of Kaepernick supporters to support their brand. Of course with this decision came those yearning to spread their stance and hate for the brand’s choice: ripping the logo off of socks and even burning their collections of Nike shoes. They may have lost some customers, but with this, a larger

They can afford to lose some customers over their headlines and for as many as they lose, I'm sure they’ll gain even more willing to participate in their hijacking of Kaepernick’s social movement. To show support is one thing: as many athletes and celebrities have voiced their opinions on the debate. It seems as though Nike, however, has decided to make this issue about them, rather than the cause itself. After all, this is an ad campaign and advertisements are typically directed solely for revenue. What will come next? Will Adidas decide to use a soldier as the face of their new sneakers to combat Nike’s revenue? President Trump expressed his qualms about the decision, which, in today’s polit-

ical climate, often is an unintentional endorsement rather than a defamation. “As much as I disagree with the Colin Kaepernick endorsement, in another way - I mean, I wouldn’t have done it,” Trump said. “In another way, it is what this country is all about, that you have certain freedoms to do things that other people think you shouldn’t do, but I personally am on a different side of it.” According to Business Insider, so far, the ad is succesful, despite its risk. It was trending on Twitter for millions to see and they report that “Nike has already seen more than $43 million worth of media exposure, nearly $19 million worth of which was positive.” It is entirely possible that Nike is fully invested in the cause and the heroism that Kaepernick portrayed thus far and is continuing to portray. To me, it is equally plausible that they simply saw an opportunity of polarization throughout the nation and viewed it as a potential marketing tool. Kaepernick was willing to risk millions of dollars and ultimately the security of his job over something that matters to him. If Nike fell under the same scrutiny and economic loss, I doubt that they’d be willing to “sacrifice everything.”



Sept. 12, 2018

American political stagnation None of us are reaching across the aisle DOMINIQUE JOE ’19 Opinions Editor As we get closer to the midterm elections, it seems that politicians are getting more volatile in their actions. From lower-level campaigning to serious confirmation hearings, we have witnessed countless attacks against every facet of public officials’ lives. We have seen attacks on the person, the family, the beliefs and the motivation of those who seek leadership positions in our government. These actions are promoting a kind of political stagnation which undermines whatever greater political unity we could and should have. The very recent leak by Senator Cory Booker is a very concrete example of the divisiveness politicians are feeling. Booker deliberately broke Senate rules, leaking confidential documents important to the Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearings through his Twitter. It is somewhat regrettable that Congressman Booker’s frustration caused him to ignore the normal procedures, but one can imagine that Booker’s reaction is born from the fact that the Republican led Congress

would not even deign to consider meeting with Merrick Garland, President Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court nomination. There is a level of obstinacy on both sides of the aisle that can’t be ignored and it is the strict partisanship between the parties that is creating an era where no one wants to cross the aisle and extend a hand. This is turning into an era of intransigent partisanship and political stagnancy

are unwilling to have any kind of political conversation. No one wants to debate or have a meaningful discussion about politics. If someone isn’t echoing our sociopolitical sentiment, we see no point in speaking up. How beneficial or helpful could this be to the educational process? We are living in these echo chambers, ranting about our political allegiances to people who will simply parrot our diatribes

This is turning into an era of intransigent partisanship and political stagnancy that I don’t think America has ever dealt with before. that I don’t think America has ever dealt with before. One could blame this trend towards acrimony and divisiveness on a sitting president or a congressional leader. But as former President Obama suggested recently, focusing on one person is merely looking at the symptom rather than investigating the root causes. The toxic environment created by politicians themselves has bled into the sociopolitical bubbles of civilians across the country, making them just as blind to the other side’s perspective as their party leaders seem to be. In classes it seems that as students we

back at us. We sit on our computers and never break from our own political sentiments. We never have to confront different political opinions if we don’t want to. We curate our Twitter feeds. We friend certain people on Facebook. We like and share certain content on Instagram. Even outside of social media, we pick and choose which news broadcast to watch. I can sit down and watch CNN for 16 hours and see a mostly liberal political panel. Fox News, on the other hand, can spend hours trumpeting conservative conspiracies that

have no basis in fact or reality. As a nation, we will continue to walk along the edge of this precipice, where there is a potential to fall into the vast, dark and divisive abyss. If we stop shouting at each other from our respective corners, we can really start to listen to one another, celebrate and focus on all of those things that make us a truly great nation, an adherence to democratic principles being chief among those characteristics. I’m not saying that we have to always agree, but as the late Senator John McCain wrote in his farewell letter, “We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries.” Political divisiveness, on the outset, is not even necessarily a bad thing. Complex issues breed complex and differing answers and politicians move to the side they agree with the most. It is an incredibly American thing to have this kind of discourse. We have the freedom to speak honestly and think independently. But when we start shouting at people’s well constructed walls, we don’t move forward. Our politicians are doing exactly this. They are stooping to a level where they shouldn’t go. Who exactly is being served by this? I don’t think the American people are.

Kavanaugh on Capitol Hill Takeaways from Judge Kavanaugh’s Hearing CARTER TODD ’19 Columnist Over the past week, Judge Brett Kavanaugh faced a series of tough questions from U.S. Senators regarding his Supreme Court nomination and the controversy surrounding it. Most of the resistance, coming particularly from Democrats, has to do with the lack of information released regarding Kavanaugh’s past. For reasons unbeknownst to most, an alarming amount of documents have been marked as classified and been made unavailable to Senators and the American people. Many of the documents that have been made available to the Senators were done so with extremely short notice and in very close proximity to the date of his hearing. This is not unlike the strategy the GOP has used before to quickly get other legislation passed in a timely manner. As we have seen before, Democrats have

not had enough time to gather the right information to get a proper hold on a given situation and before they know it, the bill has been passed. When it comes to other situations, like a tax bill, it is an issue, but doesn’t have consequences as severe as giving a lifetime appointment to a judge in the highest court.

The rest of the first day consisted of several protests and lots of back and forth between Republicans and Democrats in discourse that was not as civil as many had hoped. The day came to an end with little common ground and it seemed as if the Democrats were no closer to getting the information about Kavanaugh which they

Although the American people do not get to vote on Supreme Court justices, they elect the people who do. Democrats began Kavanaugh’s hearing on Tuesday with an attempt to postpone the vote to a later date, in order to have the proper time to not only review the documents they currently have their hands on, but also to request access to the documents that have mysteriously been made unavailable to them. Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) did not support this motion and ruled that the Democrats who requested to postpone the vote were out of order.

desired. On Sept. 6, Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) opened up by demanding certain documents be released to the public. Documents that had been marked confidential for no apparent reason in the eyes of Booker, titled “Racial Profiling,” seemed like they would be of great interest to anyone reviewing Kavanaugh as a candidate for the Supreme Court. Even more curious about those documents is the fact that Republicans have

made them confidential when there is no matter of national security at hand or serious personal information at risk if the documents were released. Despite pushback from Republicans, Booker went ahead and put these documents on Twitter for anyone to go ahead and view at their leisure. Once this is all said and done, it is likely that Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice. More than anything, the confirmation of Kavanaugh will be due to the fact that Congress is currently controlled by the GOP with a Republican president in office. The importance of voting in any election, big or small, cannot be overlooked. In a world where Democrats controlled the House and the Senate, their pleas would mean a whole lot more and would likely end up being the difference between confirming a judge or not. Although the American people do not get to vote on Supreme Court justices, they elect the people who do.


Sept. 12, 2018


Previous Spring Concert performer dies Students mourn rapper Mac Miller

REBECCA BARUS ’19 Hawk Staff St. Joe’s students showed up to Michael J. Hagan Arena in droves on the night of the 2017 Spring Concert. They waited outside for hours in the late April heat and as the doors opened, crowds funnelled into the arena and gathered around the concert stage. A low buzz of excitement and chatter began, continuing through the opening act, until the headliner made his entrance. Suddenly, the lights dimmed. The stage lit up, the buzz grew to a massive roar and rapper Mac Miller took the stage, delivering an electric performance of his major hits. Miller, a noted presence in underground rap who was best known for his songwriting and producing work, died on Sept. 7 at age 26. Born Malcolm McCormick in Pittsburgh, Pa., Miller has been near and dear in the hearts of young people, including many St. Joe’s students since his performance at the 2017 Spring Concert. Sabrina Schielein ’18, who served as cochair for the Spring Concert Committee that year, said having Miller perform was a big turning point for the program. “I had never seen such a positive response from students after revealing the artist,” Schielein said. “I think our generation

Mac Miller performs in Hagan Arena for the 2017 Spring Concert (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

really grew up with Mac’s music.” The energy from the students during Miller’s performance was among the best responses to a Spring Concert event that Schielein had seen in her four years on the executive board. Ticket sales doubled from the year before, allowing the committee to restore the event’s popularity. “The year before my co-chair term, ticket sales at SJU had been the lowest they had seen in over 10 years,” Schielein said. “We were under pressure from the school with

a chance to lose the show completely if students weren’t showing interest.” Tim Krupski ’19, a fan of Miller, said he regretted not being able to see him perform on Hawk Hill. “I didn’t know that would be one of the last chances I had to see him perform,” Krupski said. “That’s what I think hits home most for me about his death: you never know what people are actually going through until something tragic like this happens.” While Miller’s sudden death is unsettling

for his audience, the legacy of his rap career will live on. Pat Dolan ’19 said that he listened to Miller when he was younger and although he has passed away, will always listen to his music. “I remember sitting in my room with my friends watching his music videos on YouTube when I was in eighth grade,” Dolan said. “I grew up listening to Mac. It feels like a piece of my adolescence died when he died.” Dolan said what he admires most about Miller’s music is how he always wrote personal, relatable lyrics in songs like “Senior Skip Day” and “What’s the Use,” the latter being a track off his last album, the critically acclaimed “Swimming.” “He rapped about everything from skipping class in high school to his struggles with mental illness and addiction,” Dolan said. “His music is relatable to everyone.” Schielein said she has never seen so many reactions from her generation over a celebrity’s death. She added that she will continue to admire Miller for his strength as a person, as well as his music career. “Mac left a good example that being vulnerable about how you’re feeling doesn’t make you weak,” Schielein said. “It takes someone strong to open up and verbalize what they are going through.” Rose Weldon '19 contributed to this story.

The best five hours in Philly CollegeFest offers a cost free day in the city

EMILY GRAHAM ’20 Lifestyle Editor Campus Philly ran its annual CollegeFest in Center City on Sept. 8. This event combined everything a college student could ever want: free admission, free prizes and free transportation. During CollegeFest, students registered for free access to 16 of Philadelphia’s major museums from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The day began with check-in at Dilworth Park, where a variety of companies set up information tents and offered games and giveaways. This ranged from snacks and drinks to products from stores like IKEA and A.C. Moore. Emily Fordham ’21 said that the event was exciting right from the start. “Campus Philly was there and they were all very friendly and lively,” Fordham said. “There was lots of music, jumping around and hanging out.” Fordham said that the giveaways and live music created a fun atmosphere, but free admission to the museums was the main selling point. Attendees received red bracelets that gave them access to the participating museums, such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Franklin Institute and Eastern State Penitentiary.

Some sites offered more deals when students arrived, including a discounted yearly membership to the Philadelphia Museum of Art as a one-time special. Fordham went to the event as part of the Arts Residential Learning Community (RLC) on campus. The group chose to visit the Museum of the American Revolution, which Fordham had never been to before. “I’m a bit of a history nerd, so I thought it was very cool and informative,” Fordham said. Brendan McGill ’21, another member of the Arts RLC, also enjoyed the museum, as it was different from typical history museums. “This one was definitely more interactive, which I thought was very interesting,” McGill said. “There were a lot of exhibits where you could sit and watch a video, or there were displays you could touch or go on.” While McGill said he was glad he went to the Museum of the American Revolution, he would have liked to visit other sites on the list, such as the Rodin Museum. McGill intends to go to CollegeFest again next year to take full advantage of the event. “I would try and see some other museums so I could mix things up,” McGill said. Austin Harple ’20 agreed that attending CollegeFest again would be worthwhile. “It would be nice to get there earlier, before everyone is coming in masses,” Harple said.

Not only is there a lot to see in a short timeframe, but crowds of college students posed another problem. This was especially difficult when trying to take the Philly Phlash bus, which is usually $2 per ride but was offered to students to travel for free between the various museums. The special offer attracted many CollegeFest patrons, making the buses packed all day, according to Harple. Despite this, Harple still appreciated the opportunity to see the city for no cost. “I’ve never been to downtown, so for someone who’s not from around here, that was a fun experience,” Harple said. “I would

recommend CollegeFest for learning new spots to hang out.” CollegeFest is a unique experience for students to spend a day in Center City without worrying about the cost. Although many locations offer regular student discounts, it is rare to have so many free options at your disposal at once. “It was definitely a cool experience, getting free shuttle rides everywhere and all the giveaways and admission,” Fordham said. “It definitely saves a lot. I mean, we’re all crunched for money, so any little bit helps.”

Students walk through Dilworth Park at the start of CollegeFest (Photo by Emily Graham ’20).


Sept. 12, 2018


Everyone’s neighbor

Documentary explores the life and career of Mr. Rogers ROSE WELDON ’19 Assistant Lifestyle Editor Few figures garner such massive and dedicated audiences as those of children’s television performers. From hosts like Steve Burns, who presented “Blue’s Clues” for most of its run, to the innumerable voice actors behind animated characters like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, these entertainers dedicate most of their careers and some, their whole lives, to engaging generation after generation of children through television. It’s easy to forget that behind the character lies a person who may not believe in what they’re saying or doing on screen. Viewers may confuse their favorite on-camera personality with that off-camera one. One of the most famous children’s TV performers of all time, however, had no such problem. Fred Rogers, the creator and star of the PBS program “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” is the subject of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” This bio-documentary was released this summer from filmmaker Morgan Neville. Known to millions of families as “Mr. Rogers,” he hosted, wrote, puppeteered and composed music for every episode in the 33 years the show ran, developing a warm reputation for his affable nature and creative storytelling. Since his death in 2003, Rogers has transcended his TV personality, with rumors circulating about his life: he was in the army and hid tattoos under his famous cardigan sweaters (not true), he had a violent past as a criminal (also not true), he worked with a horror movie director (true, but before the director made horror movies).

His life has even inspired an upcoming feature film, with the current America’s Nicest Guy titleholder, Tom Hanks, set to play him. It’s almost impossible to look at Rogers objectively now, but director Neville seeks to find the man behind the legend. In interviews with cast and crew members from the show, frequent guests like Yo-Yo Ma and Rogers’ wife, Joanne Rogers, Neville details how Rogers was aware of children’s tendencies to conflate the real and the pretend and so set about to firmly but gently incorporate both into his own show. Pulling back the curtain later became a beloved pastime on the show, as Rogers toured Hollywood studios and interviewed actors in an effort to tell his young viewers that what they saw on TV and in movies was make-believe, but the real world was equally important. Similarly, Rogers himself was the real deal. According to all those involved in the making of the documentary, he was the rare case of “what you see is what you get.” He was, according to his sister and brother, a compassionate man who just wanted to make the world a better place through the then-new medium of television. He still had moments where he was unsure of himself and doubted his abilities when children’s programming took a more energetic and violent turn in the 1980s, so recalls Joanne Rogers. This is heartbreaking to hear, but to his friends and family, Rogers remained optimistic. Neville, who won an Oscar several years ago for “20 Feet From Stardom,” doesn’t treat this information as shocking, but as a natural progression. He makes sure to show every facet of Rogers’ personality that led to that point: a father, a husband, an ordained minister, a

Fred Rogers created and starred in "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" from 1968 to 2001 (Photo courtesy of Creative Commons).

music lover and a humanitarian. One of Rogers’ famous quotes is continually circulated in times of crisis: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” In his era, Neville suggests, Rogers was one such helper – always ready to inquire, to

lend an ear or helping hand, to broadcast a message of positivity. The film that bears his mantra is a fully-fleshed portrait of a modern folk hero, open to viewers familiar and unfamiliar, welcoming and neighborly – like Rogers himself.

What's on the menu?

Go-to restaurants for campus delivery EMILY GRAHAM ’20 Lifestyle Editor On a college campus, ordering food for delivery is typical of a student’s weekly routine. By Friday, we’re often dying for a break from Campion dining hall and look to the nearest restaurants to feed us, even when they aren’t within walking distance. With apps like Grubhub and Uber Eats, there are plenty of options right at your fingertips, but it can still be hard to choose. Some students, however, have their goto restaurants in mind when they’re seeking an off-campus meal. Chinese food is a popular choice among students, with countless restaurants within delivery distance from campus. For Robert Martin ’21, once he ordered from Queen’s Chinese Restaurant, he didn’t feel the need to try anywhere else. “I like their selection, like lo mein,” Martin said. “That’s the go-to. It’s amazing.” Queen’s Chinese is available for order on the restaurant’s website, as well as Grubhub, DoorDash and Seamless. It is open until midnight, making it a great option for late-night hunger. Madison Card ’21, on the other hand, takes advantage of the many Chinese options available on the different food ser-

Menus from local restaurants are provided in the lobbies of some residence halls (Photo by Emily Graham ’20).

vice platforms. “I tend to just get Chinese food, but I get it from a different place every time,” Card said. “I just search Chinese food places and the first one that comes up with the cheapest delivery is the one I pick.” Card's recent favorite is Szechuan Express because of the large quantity for a low price. The restaurant uses the service DoorDash, which offers free delivery. Another popular Chinese restaurant is Shee Yuan, which is near the West Campus

apartments on 63rd Street. For Lilly Walsh ’20, however, the brick and mortar location isn’t what’s important, but rather their reliable delivery to campus. “I am a big chinese fan girl and I think they have a great selection,” Walsh said. “They’re always able to deliver wherever I am, whether it was freshman year in Sourin, sophomore year at Rashford and junior year now.” Walsh now lives off-campus in Lower Merion, so the ease of delivery from her fa-

vorite Chinese place is even more important. Shee Yuan is present on Seamless and Grubhub, as well as by phone and website. Students who aren’t fans of Chinese food have plenty of other selections, including familiar, American style dishes. Natalia Velazquez ’21 frequently orders from Checkers for their hearty and consistent helpings. You can choose to order through Grubhub, DoorDash or Uber Eats. “The hamburgers are amazing,” Velazquez said. “They’re really good and greasy. And for the sodas, the medium one is like a large.” A healthier alternative to the classic American fast food is Panera, which recently started a delivery service. “My go-to take-out place would be Panera, just because it’s a healthy option and it’s really good,” Harrison Dalsass ’21 said. Dalsass usually orders mac and cheese or a steak and white cheddar panini, but Panera has a wide variety of meals for reasonable prices. While there is an overwhelming amount of restaurants to choose from, the common themes among students for finding a good delivery place are affordability and reliability. With several delivery apps available for download, you’ll never be lacking for that sudden, late-night craving.


Sept. 12, 2018


A slice of tradition

St. Joe’s alumni run family pizza business REBECCA BARUS ’19 Hawk Staff Two St. Joe’s alumni are carrying on the legacy of their family’s pizza business with a new location they opened in spring 2018 in Roxborough. Santucci’s Original Square Pizza has a following so loyal, some of its customers won’t eat pizza from anywhere else. Alicia Santucci ’08 and Frank Santucci Jr. ’13 are counting on that loyalty to boost their family’s third venture at 6164 Ridge Ave. The original Santucci’s dates back to 1959 when the late Joseph and Philomena Santucci opened a pizza joint in Juniata Park. In 1976, their son, Frank Santucci Sr., took over the business so his parents could retire. Eventually, the original storefront closed and two more locations opened over the years in Philadelphia. Frank Santucci Sr.’s three children, Alicia, Anthony and Frank Jr., are all involved in the family business. Santucci’s Original Square Pizza is famous for its twist on the classic slice. The signature style is a square pie with cheese on the bottom and the sauce on the top. The Santucci family believes that when it comes to making pizza, people come back for consistency, which is why their secret family recipe has stayed exactly the same since Joseph Santucci created it. A marketing major at St. Joe’s, Alicia Santucci worked after graduating from col-

Santucci's Original Square Pizza sits just four miles from Hawk Hill (Photo by Emily Graham ’20).

lege as an event coordinator for a company in Center City before deciding she wanted to jump into the family business. Santucci said despite changing her career path, the student loans and the college experience were worth it. “Some people mock that I went to college and then ended up in the family business,” Santucci said. Santucci attributes a lot of her success as a business owner to her time at St. Joe’s. She said one of the the most valuable lessons she learned is that you never know how the people you meet will play a role in your future. “I’ve met people who have happened

to sit next to me on the first day of history class and those people have formulated into people who I do business with 10 years later,” Santucci said. “There are still professors who reach out to me who are good customers of ours.” The decision behind opening the Roxborough location came from Alicia Santucci’s past experiences at St. Joe’s and from living as a college student in the area. “I lived around here when I moved off campus,” Santucci said. “I knew this was a working class community and we would be able to find good help out here. I didn’t think the pizza in this area was competitive.

I felt like there weren’t enough options. So, I knew it would be a good fit.” For the St. Joe’s students living off campus in the Manayunk area, the convenience of the Roxborough location has made Santucci’s a go-to pizza place. “When I found out about Santucci’s coming to Roxborough I was extremely happy,” Vince Luciano ’20 said. “Instead of going all the way to Broad Street, where I usually go, now I can easily walk to Santucci’s right up the road. It’s so much more convenient and now I’m able to get Santucci’s once a week.” In fact, for Luciano, a northeast Philadelphia native, Santucci’s has always been a household name. “Ever since I was little I remember my mom would always pick up Santucci’s on her way home from work and we would have it almost every Friday,” Luciano said. “I love how the cheese is on the bottom and the sauce is on the top, but the crispy crust is my favorite.” Kate Branson ’19, a relative newcomer to Santucci’s, said that their style of pizza is unlike anything she has ever had before. “Ever since my roommates brought me home a slice when the Roxborough location opened, we have it once every two weeks,” Branson said. “It’s basically its own food group in our house now.” Santucci said her family intends to expand further, heading to the Jersey Shore some time in 2018.

Word Search: Philly Edition The numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of letters in the word. 1. This art foundation was moved to the Benjamin Franklin Parkway from its original location next to St. Joe’s (6). 2. On a Philadelphia cheesesteak, one may order American, provolone or this gooey cheese option (2 words, 9). 3. This now abandoned penitentiary was once home to the infamous Al Capone (2 words, 12). 4. The ___ Institute is a popular Philadelphia museum first established in 1824 (8). 5. Philadelphia is known as the city of ____, as it has 3,600 painted all around the city (6). 6. This museum features medical oddities, including Albert Einstein’s brain (6). 7. This furry, green bird-like creature is the mascot for the Philadelphia Phillies (8). 8. The steps leading up to the Philadelphia Museum of Art were made famous by this movie franchise (5). 9. This river’s hard-to-spell name comes from the Dutch words for “hidden river” (10). 10. A popular waterfront park located on this street features hammocks, paddle boats and other warm weather activities (6). 11. Italian ice, a popular summertime treat, goes by this name in Philadelphia (2 words, 8).



Sept. 12, 2018


Spay and save

Students foster cat from non-profit TIFFANY LEVINE ’18 Hawk Staff The soft meows from the house grew louder as Lauren Opdyke ’19 approached the front door to her off-campus house. Behind the door, a cat with brown striped fur and green eyes waited, ready to reward her with affection. After a long day of classes, Opdyke and her housemates Sarah Dattilo ’19, Ali Kloiber ’19, Marlaina Hahn ’19, Kennedy Sanders ’19, Emily Cento ’19 and Abby Hegarty ’19 come home to Ivy the cat. “Animals are definitely a de-stressor,” Opdyke said. “Going home after an exam and having her be there is nice.” At the beginning of the fall 2017 semester, the women decided to foster a cat in their off-campus house to ward off mice they’d been warned about. They went to the Philadelphia-based nonprofit charity, Spay and Save and found Treasure, whom they later named Ivy. “She was rescued from the streets of Philadelphia,” Opdyke said. “She was involved in a building collapse very shortly after she was hit by a car right after giving birth to her kittens.”

Spay and Save, which was founded by Peg Banes in the late 70s, helps cats and dogs like Ivy find homes and caretakers. Spay and Save President Christine Daniels said generally the organization asks people to foster cats, but they do have a small dog division too. The nonprofit provides all supplies and veterinary care to people who foster their animals. “Our founder was very much against charging for animals, but we do accept donations of any amount,” Daniels said. “She would rescue a lot of strays that were near the school she taught in. Eventually she and a few friends were rescuing so many that they decided to start a nonprofit organization.” Spay and Save has nine adoption sites in the area and partners with Petco, Pet Valu, Perk Valley Pet Eatery and Pet Supplies Plus. “We’re very proud of our organization and the fact that we still are all-volunteer,” Daniels said. The nonprofit says they need more people to foster and adopt cats and dogs. Generally, Spay and Save does not get a lot of college students willing to foster, Daniels said. “We would like more college students to get involved,” Daniels said. Ivy was about nine months old when

Opdyke and her housemates got her. “She would just run and hide under our couch,” Opdyke said. “People scared her and there was seven people living in my house.” After several months, Ivy eventually adjusted to the large household. “She went from hiding under anything she could get under to being at your feet,” Opdyke said. “She’s funny. She’ll jump on the couch and sit next to you until you pet her.” The process of taking care of Ivy and making her feel comfortable was a difficult adjustment for the household. “Half of the house had pets growing up and the other half didn’t,” Opdyke said. “So, it was weird having our roommates teach us how take care of a pet. It was definitely an adjustment to get used to, but a cool one.” When their foster contract came to an end, Sarah Dattilo ’19 and her housemates set up appointments for other people to foster Ivy. “It was definitely weird fostering because at one point we had a couple come meet her and it was a strange feeling to think that she may not be in our house any longer,” Dattilo said in an email. Shortly after, Dattilo reached out to the nonprofit and requested the adoption information for Ivy.

“I have three cats at home,” Dattilo said in an email. “Adopting her was like adding another one to the family.”

Ivy sleeps in her foster home (Photo by Tiffany Levine ’18).

Kitchen disaster to minute-made chef Tips to make meal prep easy

ELANA VALENTIN ’19 Hawk Staff Three years ago as a bright-eyed freshman on the unlimited meal plan, I never imagined myself laboring over a week’s worth of meals to save a few bucks. But meal-prepping on Sunday nights is easier than I expected. Many students, however, are still terrified by the suggestion of following suit. Meal prep items can be repetitive and bland, with the worst-case scenario being a soggy bowl of lettuce tossed in a lunch box at the last second. But many people forget the benefits: a customized menu with your favorite foods, no long lines in Campion and eating creatively without breaking the bank. Put the caesar salad mix away. Don’t reach for that bulk-sized bag of chicken nuggets. Here are some tips for meal prep newbies that will cut your prep time in half and keep your tastebuds (and wallet) happy.

1. Instead of making five meals, prepare individual side dishes and entrees. This can be as simple as mixing and matching two kinds of vegetables with chicken, or replacing a bag of chips with chopped apples and homemade peanut butter-honey dip. You can decide what you want to eat the night before or on the fly as you rush to catch the morning shuttle. It doesn’t even take up any extra room in the fridge. I always like to bake some chicken as a main course because it goes well with diced vegetables, pastas and other side dishes. It’s also easy to portion if you are on a diet or want to make your groceries last longer. My go-to side dishes are pasta aglio olio (Italian for “pasta with oil and parmesan”) and peanut butter energy bites. The energy bites are made of peanut butter, chia seeds, oats, honey and miniature chocolate chips. Mix the ingredients, refrigerate the “dough” for 15 minutes and roll into balls. It’s a sweet treat that

Pasta and vegetables are one example of an easy meal prep idea (Photos by Elana Valentin ’19).

Onions and different spices can be useful items to have on-hand.

keeps you full when you’re running from class to class. 2. Make yourself a master list of meal prep ideas. Take a day to explore the treacherous Pinterest jungle and pin all of the recipes that appeal to you and your budget. This way, if you are running behind on homework or want to go out Sunday night, you will have ideas ready for a timely meal prep session. Bonus tip: focus on recipes that use the same ingredients to save money. I always have onions, minced garlic and soy sauce on hand to make any bland meal a little more hearty. 3. Pick recipes that are good hot or cold. You won’t always have a microwave where you are studying, so picking a cold pasta over temperamental soup can save you a headache or two. Not to mention, if your bag isn’t insulated on an especially hot day, your chocolate treat might melt. Perfecting your meal prep will take a little trial

and error, so do not be discouraged. 4. Think back to mom’s packed lunches. They’re great for nostalgic meals packed with nutrition. Who says meal prep has to be harder than a couple of PB&Js? This is definitely a great foundation for making sure you maintain a balanced diet full of vegetables, fruits and protein. 5. Broaden your horizons. There are lots of variations of meal prep around the world to help draw inspiration. Ever heard of Bento Boxes from Japan? Tiffin tins from South Asia? BuzzFeed has great tips for one pan meals that can easily cut your baking and dishwashing time in half. Bonus tip: YouTube also has a great selection of meal prep hacks and healthy recipes. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to find deals at the grocery store and make the best of your hectic schedule. Final piece of advice: write your name on your food. We don’t need sleepy roommates stealing your hard-earned meals.


Sept. 12, 2018


The game changer

Alvin Dahn to have a breakout year SARAH JOSEPH ’20 Hawk Staff Sophomore midfielder Alvin Dahn scored his first two career goals during St. Joe’s 4-2 victory over Quinnipiac University on Sept. 1. He took advantage of the opportunity to showcase his game on the collegiate level and was able to maintain his streak with a follow up performance, scoring a goal against Sacred Hear Universityt on Sept. 8. “I have been wishing to score a goal and trying really hard to find that opportunity,” Dahn said. “In high school I would score many goals but when I got to college the goals hadn’t been coming, so I was just looking for that opportunity to finally happen.” In high school Dahn played defensive-mid, but at St. Joe’s he became more of an attack player. He had to adjust to playing differently than he had before. His coaches helped him understand where he needed to be on the field and how to work on his defensive skills. “His defensive awareness, that was one thing we had to teach him,” Head Coach

Sophomore midfielder Alvin Dahn jogs down Sweeney Field (Photo courtesy of SJU Athletics).

Don D’Ambra said. “Coming from Liberia and even high school, he wasn’t taught a lot of the structure that was needed to better compete at this level. A lot of defensive concepts he learned and he improved a lot.

We also were working on different ways for him to shoot goals.” Dahn said the Hawk's coaching staff helped him to understand new playing positions. Assistant Coach, Pat Morris, who works

with Dahn after practices, made learning easier because of the fact that he is a lefty as well. Dahn has since been able to change his style of play and find new opportunities to score. “I think the biggest thing is that Alvin is unpredictable,” sophomore midfielder Ritchie Barry said. “He is taking his game to the next level and that defense is really hard to read. He is a confident player who doesn’t back down from any situation and he has the ability to make a play that can win us a game.” Along with the rest of the team, Dahn knows that confidence is a critical mindset in order to be successful this season. D’Ambra said that Dahn has a team mentality and is selfless on and off the field. “He is one of the guys on the team that brings everyone together,” D’Ambra said. “His knowledge and desire to play the game and his drive to be successful is really high. He is a good student of the game and is eager to learn.” Dahn will look to continue his streak of scoring outbursts as the Hawks take on Manhattan University away on Sept. 15.

Women’s soccer storms past Bucknell 5-1 Hawk’s offense proves too much for Bison’s defense

SAM BRITT ’20 Assistant Sports Editor Puddles formed as the rain poured down onto Sweeney Field. The sound of water droplets striking the steel bleachers almost drowned out the sound of the game being played. If one thing was for certain, there weren’t any fair-weather fans in attendance. The St. Joe’s women’s soccer team rewarded the home crowd by unleashing a downpour of goals on Bucknell University, giving them a 5-1 win. The Hawks seemingly thrived in the rain and junior forward Gabrielle Vagnozzi credits that to their preparation earlier in the week. “The weather had been like this all week,” Vagnozzi said. “During our last game the weather was bad, so we treated this game the same way.” Coming into this game, Bucknell was one of the top defensive teams in the country. The Bisons had only given up seven goals through their first seven games. This didn’t stop the Hawks from getting off to a hot start though. They broke through in just the fourth minute. “We knew that we needed to start with intensity,” senior forward Hannah Racis said. “I think we did a good job at the start of both halves coming out with energy.” The scoring started when Racis sprinted down the wing and sent a shot on net from around the goal line. It surprised Bucknell’s

Senior forward Dakota Mills battles for the ball against a Bucknell defender (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

goalkeeper and snuck past her into the back of the net and gave the Hawks the early lead. “Getting the first goal led into the rest of our offense,” Racis said. “Once you get one goal, the rest will follow. I think that it kept our intensity up and that energy drove the rest of our offense.” The single goal stood for most of the first half before Bucknell was able to formulate an answer. Bucknell junior Gabby Blair cut into the middle of the field and beat senior goalkeeper Grace Bendon with

a shot to even the score going into halftime. The score was even through the first half. but St. Joe’s remained confident. They had faith in their ability to get the lead back. “I think we are good at that,” Vagnozzi said. “Since I have been here we have always been a team that doesn’t put their heads down ever. We knew there was plenty of time left and we could push past it.” Just like the clouds overhead, the Hawk’s offense opened up in the second half. Racis scored her second of the game to get the

lead back in the 46th minute before Vagnozzi added on an insurance goal 12 minutes later. Head coach Jess Mannella knew it was about time the team got rewarded on the scoresheet. “We’ve had plenty of chances all season long,” Mannella said. “In soccer it can be a crazy sport sometimes. We knew that if we had patience that eventually the goals will come. So I wasn’t surprised that we had this type of game. We are very threatening in our attack, we just needed some patience.” When it rains, it pours. Freshman Aleksa Peev and junior Kylie D’Ambra joined in and added on a few goals of their own to round out the Hawk’s dominating the second half. Coach Mannella credits this to the team’s ability to control the ball despite the poor weather conditions. “We have been working all week on trying to keep the ball,” Melena said. “It has been huge for us and game to game we have gotten better. Today was the best though and to be able to keep the ball in these conditions is great.” This victory improved the Hawk’s record to 4-1-2 on the year. St. Joe’s continues their home stand on Sept. 13 against rival Villanova University and on Sept. 16 against Cornell University.


Sept. 12, 2018


Relying on experience

St. Joe’s men’s tennis prepares for individual fall competitions RYAN MULLIGAN ’21 Assistant Sports Editor The St. Joe’s men’s tennis team will participate in a number of individual invitationals and tournaments this fall to hone their skills in preparation for conference play this spring. Lead by senior captain Daniel Tan and head coach Ian Crookenden, the team opens their slate of fall tournaments at the Villanova Invitational from Sept. 14-16. A week later, the Hawks will welcome athletes from a number of schools in the Philadelphia area to the St. Joe’s Tennis Complex for the 10th Annual St. Jo’s Invitational. “Looking at the fall season, I’m really looking forward to the St. Joe’s Invitational,” Tan said. “As a team, I think it would be really great if the guys won the majority of their matches

and got really deep in some of these invitationals.” The fall season gives the team a chance to prepare for Atlantic 10 play. “The whole fall semester is preseason,” Crookenden said. “We’re getting to the point where the boys are starting to get some individual competition. We’re working on getting the boys back into shape and see where they stand with growth and maturity over the summer.” With tennis being one of the few sports that plays a schedule in both the fall and spring semesters, the length of the season becomes a factor that Crookenden and his team try to take advantage of. “It takes time,” Crookenden said. “Right now it’s still early for us. It boils down to being ready for conference play and the conference championship.” Tan agreed, saying he tries to not look too

Senior captain Daniel Tan returns a shot at the St. Joe's Tennis Complex (Photo by Luke Malanga '20).

far ahead to the spring “There’s so much time now to get better and see what works and what doesn’t,” Tan said. This team however is no stranger to the marathon that is the tennis season. They will rely on the experience that their core of returning players provide. In fact, each member of the team contributed last year, as the group came to a consensus decision that they would stick with the team they had and do without any additional freshman recruits. “We didn’t desperately need to fill any spots,” Tan said. “I think that shows that the group we have currently, everyone is older and more experienced with college tennis and I’m really looking forward to working with everybody again this year.” While the team will have experience on their side, Crookenden noted that they will still rely on the upperclassmen to lead the rest of the group. “If they’re healthy, they should be ready to step up and show the maturity to their game, that’s what they keep working on and senior year is their last chance to prove that,” Crookenden said. Tan said that it has been an adjustment as team captain. “It’s a big transition, going from someone who was just following to now leading everybody else,” Tan said. While conference play may not be in the team’s immediate future, it is something that will serve as a constant motivator throughout the fall. “The conference champion goes to the

Head coach Ian Crookenden congratulates players during a match.

NCAA [tournament] so that is an underlying motivation,” Crookenden said. “But we want to take it a step at a time and not set goals that are too high where if something happens along the way there’s a feeling of despair. We don’t want that.” Tan had a similar mindset in outlining his goals for the spring. “I’d love it if we could get in the top six seeds in the A-10 this year,” Tan said. “We definitely have a chance and I’m confident that with the players right now, that would be possible.” Overall, both Crookenden and Tan pointed out that the main goal was to improve on the foundation they built last year. “I have confidence that they will be able to do it,” Crookenden said. “We have the talent, it’s just a matter of staying healthy and putting their minds to it.”


Sept. 12, 2018


A young and motivated squad

St. Joe's men's club soccer looks to have an impressive season DREW RHOADES ’20 Hawk Staff As the leaves begin to change, the excitement of collegiate fall sports fills the air. While St. Joe’s has many great club squads, one that should not be overlooked is the men’s club soccer team. Led by senior captain Andrew Backman and junior Chris Theis, the team is expecting a strong season. “We have a lot of returning starters,” Backman said. Backman also said that the improvement of last year’s freshmen players will be key for this season’s success. “Last year we probably had 15 freshmen,” Backman said. “Showing that development and growth will play a big role in determining where this team finishes.” Backman mentioned players at tryouts also demonstrated talent that could help the Hawks win. “Last year wasn’t too good, but this year should be pretty solid,” Backman said. Backman’s role as captain does not come without experience. He captained teams all throughout high school. “I bring leadership of course," Backman said. "I like bringing the team together and work towards a common goal and make the

Senior captain Andrew Backman poses for a photo in his club soccer apparel (Photo by Luke Malanga ’20).

younger guys better so when I’m gone, someone can also step up and step into that role and continue a winning program.” The other captain, Theis, talked about what it means to be in that position. He said that he’s fulfilled a pretty important role. “I feel like I’ve made a lot of players better,” Theis said. “Everyone who comes back out to play the year after, they’re always excited. It’s

like relationship building.” Junior Simon Janusz, one of the players on the team, said they’ve been great leaders on and off the field. “Both of our captains push us in practices and in games,” Janusz said. “They’re constantly motivating the team no matter what the conditions may be.” Theis said that his role has been difficult

but thinks that it will pay off in the end. “Having the role of captain and manager, it’s difficult leading everybody, but I feel as like everyone will benefit off of it,” Theis said. A potential advantage this year could be the Hawks’ quickness. “We have a lot of fast kids on our team,” Theis said. “We have a couple of really skillful players. We have kids who have won national championships, state championships, I’ve won state championships as well.” Theis also mentioned that fans should look out for sophomore Christian Viera this season. “He [Viera] is an absolutely amazing center-mid, I can’t even take the ball from him,” Theis said. “He is not a big kid, he’s pretty short, but he’s really fast and he has amazing foot skills. No one can touch him.” Backman said that playing at the club level gives the team a taste for what being a fulltime student athlete would look like “Club soccer is very competitive and it’s not as big of a time commitment as Division I, but people still enjoy playing because you get that team atmosphere, you make new friends and it’s a lot of fun to continue playing," Backman said. The Hawks are currently gearing up to play their biggest game of the year against Villanova on Sept. 15.

Hawks land record TV exposure

St. Joe's men's basketball announces broadcasting schedule ALEX KARPINSKI ’20 Hawk Staff The St. Joe's men’s basketball team will enter their 2018-19 campaign with a schedule that, according to head coach Phil Martelli, will expose the program to a level of national attention that rivals any schedule during his tenure at St. Joe’s. The Hawks will have 13 of their 18 Atlantic 10 games televised nationally this season. They will also be featured on the ESPN Atlantic 10 Friday Night Showcase four times. This is in addition to the previously-announced non-conference schedule, in which St. Joe's will have a minimum of five nationally-televised contests. “I’m delighted for the program, I’m delighted for the school and I’m anxious for this challenge for all of us,” Martelli said. “This is a challenge to the student body, this is a challenge to our fans. When we get these opportunities on national TV, to highlight Hagan arena, we have to make sure that the viewing public gets the idea that this is a very special university, with a very special program.” Senior Lamarr Kimble echoed a similar sentiment, saying that this is an exciting opportunity for the program. "It’s a good thing that people are look-

ing at us that highly that we’ve gotten so many TV games," Kimble said. “It’s a good feeling. I know the guys love it and we can’t wait to get on the court. We’d like to have all of our games on TV.” Martelli also addressed the supposed distractions that come along with many televised games. “We won't change the way we prepare," Martelli said. “We won't put that added

pressure on our players, but we have the right players, both as basketball players and as people, to handle the added distractions that come with being on television. I think anytime you take a young player, and say something is bigger than life, has a tendency to become crippling and overwhelming. I will not allow that to happen to our players.” Director of Athletics Jill Bodensteiner further illustrated how the increased media

attention will have a positive impact on the university as a whole. “I think one of the prime reasons that athletics exists at St. Joe’s and every other university is to create community and school pride and raise brand awareness if you will,” Bodensteiner said. “For the university just to have prospective students, alumni and others getting a little glimpse into what St. Joe’s is all about is really good for the University. I couldn't be more pleased.” With the fluid playmaking and scoring of Kimble, as well as junior sharpshooter Charlie Brown both returning from injury, the Hawks are set to compete for an A-10 title. “Expectations, I don't put a number on it, but obviously we should compete for an A-10 championship,” Bodensteiner said. “I expect them to have great chemistry, and the dynamics on the team are really good, so I think the sky is the limit for this group. And I know that coach Martelli is embracing that.” The Hawks will open up their season at home Nov. 9 against Old Dominion University. Their first nationally televized game is scheduled for Dec. 1 against Temple University.


Sept. 12, 2018


Tiger Woods headlines the BMW Championship in Philadelphia NICK KARPINSKI ’21 Sports Editor Thousands of fans swarmed the area, all of them crammed together, boxing each other out to get a glimpse of one of the most transcendent athletes of all time. The crowd sprinted from hole to hole, refusing to miss a single moment. They know more than anyone that flashes of greatness could strike at any moment. Electricity filled the air. All of the spectators understand the magnitude of what they were witnessing. This phenomenon is known as The Tiger Woods Effect, caused by Woods’ presence at any given PGA Tournament. It was in full effect during the BMW Championship, held from Sept. 6-11, at Aronimink Golf Club located in Newtown Square, Pa., just a 30 minute drive outside of Philadelphia. This is the third stop of the Fedex Cup Playoffs, where the top 70 point leaders compete to move on to Atlanta for the Tour Championship. Anthony Casta ’20, who worked at Aronimink over the summer and attended the event over the weekend, said you had to see it to believe. “The crowd is like what it was in his early career,” Casta said. “Everybody was on their feet. It has that LeBron James effect.” While Philadelphia has many beautiful golf courses, the city is not necessarily known for golf on a professional level. Casta said the ability for Philadelphians to experience this event is huge. “There are a lot of people in the Philadelphia area that are passionate

Tiger Woods (left), Rory McIlroy (right) in good spirits at the BMW Championship (Photos by Luke Malanga '20).

Spectators watch Jordan Speith participate in the BMW Championship.

about the game and would definitely watch Tiger Woods,” Casta said. “Not only Tiger, but also Jordan Spieth and Dustin Johnson. They’re awesome com-

petitors too. To have a tournament here is special. Francis Griffin ’20, who was also spectating the event said Philly fans added to

the overall atmosphere. “Philly fans are die hard,” Griffin said. “They bring a strong personality. People may think Philly fans aren’t suited for golf but I think it can bring a different element. It’ll be good for the players to be in a fun environment like that.” Jordan Spieth, the 10th ranked player in the world, said that he has mixed feelings from the fans in Philadelphia. “People don’t like me being from Dallas,” said Jordan Spieth at his Sept. 5 press conference. “My parents grew up in Lehigh Valley, Bethlehem area. My uncle lives here in Philly, he's a huge Eagle's fan." Casta commented that the course itself is an ideal hosting location for a tournament like this. He said that its authentic 1800’s design provides historical value. “Aronimink really is beautiful,” Casta said. “All the credit goes to the groundskeepers. They do a tremendous job.” Taking in the course’s aesthetics is something that Griffin said he looked forward to prior to the event. “I love seeing new courses,” Griffin said. “It’s absolutely beautiful there. I’m really looking forward to walking it myself. I also always love going to tournaments. Seeing the players and walking along the ropes is awesome.” Not only is this tournament beneficial for Philadelphia golf fans, Casta believes that it will expose people to golf that may not have otherwise paid attention. “The top 70 players being here is huge,” Casta said. "For kids to see that, it definitely has an impact on them. I know it did on me. It brings that excitement into Philadelphia.”

Field Hockey rebounds against Penn Hawks dominate Quakers in 4-0 win SAM BRITT ’20 Assistant Sports Editor The St. Joe’s field hockey team had a lot to cheer about last week as they were ranked 15th in the latest Penn Monto/National Field Hockey Coaches Association Division I coaches poll, despite their loss to Rutgers on Sept. 2. “It was a tough loss against Rutgers,” said senior forward Anna Willocks. “We just made sure to take positives from the game. We wanted to use it as a moment to improve off of.” The Hawk’s had some added motivation as they headed across town to face-off against one of their Philadelphia based rivals, University of Pennsylvania. “We love playing City 6 teams,” said head coach Lynn Farquhar. “There is always some history between the teams. Philly is just an awesome area for sports.” St. Joe’s made sure to set the tone early. Willocks scored just seven minutes into the game giving the Hawks their lead. The play was a result of a team effort to stretch the Penn defense and create scoring opportunities. “I got the ball from one of my mid-

Freshman Tonya Botherway earned the team two goals against Penn (Photo courtesy of Greg Carroccio '02/Sideline Photos, LLC).

fielders,” Willocks said. “It was actually a lot of work from my team. The two strikers opened up the middle of the field and I just ran in and got a shot on goal. Thankfully, it went in.” This type of teamwork is what Farquhar looks for from her team. “This is just a glimpse of how good we are when we move the ball,” Farquhar said.

“When our team works together, the hard work pays off. It is really rewarding to see it all come together.” The attack continued as freshman forward Tonya Botherway added two goals to extend the lead. Botherway has been St. Joe’s leading goal scorer this season and she too credits the team’s selfless play for her success.

“I think it is just the players around me setting me up for the goals,” Botherway said. “A lot of my goals come off of corners and set plays, so it feels good to finish off the whole team’s execution.” Farquhar credits Botherway’s success to her tenacity and work ethic. “She is a competitor,” Farquhar said. “She has come in and worked hard. She works really hard off of the ball as well. The group is working to create offense for her as well so that has contributed to her solid performances.” Sophomore forward Jordan Olenginski’s first goal of the season was the final tally of the game. The Hawks cruised to a convincing 4-0 road victory and improved their record to 5-1-0. “It is always awesome to get a win where you dominate,” Willocks said. “We played really good team hockey. So I think as a team we are going to keep it going and continue to improve each week.” The Hawk’s will take a road trip down to North Carolina for a pair of games against Davidson University and fourth ranked Duke University on Sept. 14 and Sept. 16.

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