September 2016 • Volume XXII • Issue 1

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LQ Birdcage

Check out how the LQ Birdcage is making a revival on pg. 3

Club Rush

Did you miss out on all the awesome clubs at lunch? Read pg. 8 for more information.

Fa l l S p o r t s

Have you missed anyLQ sporting events? Flip to pgs. 10 & 11 for a recap!

La Quinta High School and the Hawkview do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender or disability.

September Volume XXII Issue 1

Hawkview La Quinta High School


Lindsey Freiberg Advertisement Editor

Now that our lackadaisical summer days of trying to avoid the desert sun by binge- watching Netflix and periodically escaping to the beach are over, we must come back to school and return to the academic lives that we took a muchneeded hiatus from. Over the summer, while we were all busy getting a tan, our school was going through a transformation of its own. After saying goodbyes to some of our beloved teachers, La Quinta High School welcomed new staff members to take their place. With seven new teache r s a n d f o u r new staff members, the Blackhawk family has a full nest. To see a more in-depth introduction of the newest members of LQ, see our “New Teachers” story on page 4. In addition to new staff members, La Quinta High

School has a completely new and redesigned tutoring program. The program has been divided into two different systems: Stride and AVID. Stride is an online program that helps students struggling with math by having them take an assessment to see which skills they need to improve on by providing targeted assistance. AVID, on the other hand, takes on a Socratic style of learning by having students work together to solve problems. The program is set up so that students in the same course gather around a table while one stud e n t writes a question that they

are having trouble answering on a whiteboard. They then show the other students where they had difficulty and their peers assist them by asking them questions until they draw a conclusion on their own. LQ’s Associative Student Body went through a change as well by taking Ms. Stephanie Smith from junior class advisor

to ASB director. Smith stated she looks forward to her new position in ASB. “I plan to fix what has been broken and make what already works better,” she added. H e r biggest goal is to amp u p school spirit this year a n d s a y s she’s already seen a positive shift in students through the birdcage at sporting events and participation in school activities. This year, La Quinta High School has gone through some significant changes in order to improve the home away from home we all know and love. Thanks to these new additions in our curriculum and advisors, Blackhawks can be assured that this will be the best school year yet.

S e n i o r s a r e Wa l k i n g on Sunshine

Genaya Hollis Reporter

The Class of 2017 kicked off their last year at LQHS with the annual Senior Sunrise early in the morning of August 30. Students arrived around 6 a.m. and made their way to the visitors side of the field while munching on breakfast goodies and socializing with friends. The ceremony began with ASB President, Matthew RomToribio (12), and Vice President, Omar Flores (12), introducing the speakers of the morning. Senior Class Advisor Mrs. Hirsch was the first to speak, getting the seniors spirited despite the exhaustion from waking up at the crack of dawn. She was followed by Assistant Principal Mr. Delgado and IB English Teacher Mrs. Bickford, who both gave speeches that motivated the crowd to make this the best year of their lives by being bold. Next, U.S. and

World History Teacher Mrs. Becker added that students should make senior year one to remember by spending time with fellow classmates they may never see again after graduation. Then, Rom-Toribio made a touching speech about making the Class of 2017 one LQHS will remember 10 to 15 years from now. He also declared that seniors should make this the best year of high school by participating in every school event and every spirit day. When the speeches concluded, the mic was open to the seniors. The first courageous volunteer was Grant Garcia and was then followed by Zev Lund,who hyped up the crowd. Afterwards, Lund stated, “I felt a little nervous and I totally improvised, but what motivated me to go up there was my love for my senior class.” The event left the seniors looking forward to a great final year.

Photo Credit: Madison Ivy


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Helloooo, Can You Hear Us?

Evelyn Sarabia Kayleen Sullivan Co-Editors-in-Chief

Hey LQHS students, I hope the 2016-2017 school year got off to a great start for all of you. I know it’s even better now that you have the first issue of the Hawkview! This is your Co-Editor-in-Chief Kayleen Sullivan, wishing you a year full of success and happiness. Since this year is all about bringing the spirit back to LQ, let’s include reading the school newspaper in addition to attending sporting events and participating in spirit weeks. We fill the paper with current events and information that affect YOU, the student body, and we hope you get to see yourself featured in at least one issue! I will be assisting Evelyn, our dedicated leader and co-editor, and our efforts, combined with the hard work of the incredible editors and staff, should result in a great year for the 2016-2017 Hawkview! -KS. WHAT IS UP, BLACKHAWKS?!?! This is your new CoEditor-in-Chief, E v e l y n Sarabia, here to welcome you to t h e 20162 0 1 7 school y e a r a n d o u r n e w volu m e of the school news-

paper, the Hawkview (yes, we have a school newspaper; yes, we’ve had one for a long time already). Some of you are avid readers of our awesome newspaper (we love you guys!), while others are picking up an issue for the first time in your high school career (shame on you; but it’s okay, we don’t judge… only sometimes). My dedicated staff and I, along with my amazing co-editor Kayleen Sullivan, vow to make this newspaper all about events and topics that interest you (although we will have to cover the occasional story that, for some unspecified reason, we just can’t leave out). I hope many of you actually take the time this school year to open a newspaper -- not just look at the pictures and then toss it -- and actually read the content that your fellow Blackhawk peers have put so much effort in for you! Since this year we are already succeeding in bringing back the Blackhawk spirit, let’s start up a new wave of enthusiasm for our beloved Hawkview. -ES.

Principal Cook Gives Blackhawks a Bold Welcome

Rebecca Cook LQHS Principal

Blackhawks! We are one month into the school year and what a month it has been! This year our school theme is to Be Bold and to and Redefine Excellence. What does this mean? On the first day of school, for the first time in many years, if ever, 99% of the faculty and staff were wearing the same tshirts, bearing those goals. The idea was to convey the message to you, our students, and to each other that we are building a community at LQHS. We are working to redefine the excellent school that we are. While we are on top with test scores and graduation rates, we want to ensure our graduates are college and career ready. In order to do this, we are re-

defining ourselves and our excellence. I asked staff to Be Bold! I asked them to try new lessons, new approaches to student learning. Together, staff, faculty and students, will continue to build a community

of thoughtful, successful scholars. We support each other not only academically, but in and around campus too. LQ Pride is on the rise. Keep the momentum. Have a fabulous and productive year!

A Salutation from the President

Matthew Rom-Toribio

ASB Executive President

I would like to begin by saying hello and welcome to all of our new and returning Blackhawks! The wisest decision you have made in your high school career is choosing to attend La Quinta High School. Our beautiful campus presents the most hard-working, involved and bold teachers and staff, while also containing the always prideful Blackhawk students! One of the most amazing things about La Quinta High School thus far has been our perfect blend of studious, athletic, and charismatic people. Throughout the begin-

ning of this school year, La Quinta High School has been generating an unparalleled amount of SPIRIT and #LQPride! As your ASB Executive President, I am continuously working to bolster the spirit of this school, while ensuring that just about all of your voices are heard. My one promise to you all is that I will leave this school better than it was when I first arrived; but, I cannot do this alone. Fellow Blackhawks, we all need to come together as one giant family because united we are stronger! Let’s make this one heck of a year, Blackhawks! (If any of you need me, contact me through Twitter: @matthew_toribio)

Photo Credit: Mariana Escatell

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LQ Hosts Appreciation Lunch LQ Wind Symphony Performs at 9/11 Vigil Sahara Garcia for First Responders Art Editor/Illustrator

Christian Mesa Sports Editor

On Tuesday, September 15, during Patriot Week, La Quinta High School hosted an

department and to the entire school. Deputy Fire Chief Dorian Cooley commented, “We appreciate being acknowledged for what we do, but be-

The City of La Quinta held a candlelight vigil on September 11 in remembrance of the survivors and heroes of the terrorist attack. The memorial was held from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the La Quinta Civic Park near the La Quinta Library. LQHS Wind Symphony performed at the ceremony and were accompanied by speakers and survivors. A memorial tree was also planted in

memory of the fateful day. Gracie Montaño (12) said, “I was glad to have performed at the Candlelight Vigil in memory of all the brave and courageous people who put their life on the line for us, and in memory of those who passed in the incident.” Many lives were devastated directly and indirectly through trauma and despair on 9/11. The devastation will forever live in the history of the United States and the Hawkview sends condolences to all who were affected.

Photo Credit: The Desert Sun

We’re Bringing Spirit Back!!

The 2016-2017 school year kicked off in full swing with a pep rally on the first day. Many of the underclassmen did not seem too excited, but the class of 2017 was ready. After the lack of spirit last year, the seniors are determined to go out with a bang and lead the

Assistant Editor: Mariana Escatell Advertisement Editor: Lindsey Freiberg Copy Editor: Madison Ivy Karis Johnson

Sports Editor: Christian Mesa

yond that, we see this as a way of connecting with the community.”

Madison O’Barr Reporter

Editors-in-Chief: Evelyn Sarabia Kayleen Sullivan

Photo Editor: Mariana Escatell

Photo Credit: Mariana Escatell

appreciation lunch in the Blackhawk Kitchen for all of the valley’s heroes. The event was planned by the culinary department, the administration staff, and the entire community as a thank you to first responders, police officers, firefighters, EMTs and nurses. Culinary Instructor, Ms. Tucker stated, “This is an opportunity to give back. They feel honored to be remembered and are so appreciative. It is a real treat to serve them.” During the lunch, Assistant Principal Mr. Webb shared, “I have a lot of friends from high school and college who became first responders and I am grateful for what they do; they are the first ones to run towards trouble, and I think that is amazing.” The local heroes in attendance expressed their gratitude towards the culinary


rest of the school in its wake. Between ASB´s effort towards the class spirit competition and endless activities, it is difficult not to get involved. Senior class president, Matthew Rom-Toribio, is leading the student body into a new level of Blackhawk Pride. In regards to our improvement, Miss Smith commented, “We have a tremendous amount of

Photo From: @LQBirdcage Twitter

spirit this year. The birdcage is way more hyped up and according to KESQ, we have one of the best student sections in the valley. I haven't seen a birdcage like this in years! We have returned it to its former glory.” If you haven't seen or heard the Birdcage in action yet, you must have blinked. The legendary student section, of years past, is back in action. Taking over every sporting event and spirit day, they refuse to let their energy go unseen. Even this early in the year, it is contagious. Let's all get involved and make a year that goes down in LQHS history. Make sure to follow @LQBlackhawks and @LQ_Birdcage!

Art Editor/ Illustrator: Sahara Garcia Reporters: Mariana Escatell Lindsey Freiberg Sahara Garcia Genaya Hollis Madison Ivy Karis Johnson Christian Mesa Madison O’Barr Evelyn Sarabia Kayleen Sullivan Advisor: Ms. Cortez


Issue 1 2016_Layout 1 9/28/16 9:54 PM Page 4

Hawkview Gives a Warm Welcome to LQ’s Newest Staff Members

Each year, La Quinta High School welcomes new staff members to the Blackhawk family. This year, LQ has nine new staff members (one was not available for interviewing for this editorial). Read about our new staff’s history and hobbies and make the time to give them a warm Blackhawk welcome if you see them around! Interviews by Sahara Garcia & Karis Johnson

Aerospace science instructor, MSgt. Murray, teaches the leadership education class. His job is to inform students on what it means to join the airforce. Murray received his associate’s degree from College of the Air Force and his bachelor’s degree from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. MSgt. Murray’s favorite part of his new job is “the energy and enthusiasm of the freshmen.” He added that the Blackhawk staff has also been extremely welcoming. In his free time, Murray enjoys playing softball, golfing, riding his motorcycle, and hiking.

Ms. Cortez, English II and III teacher, is new at LQ and is also taking on the journalism class this year. This being her first year teaching, Cortez has a lot on her plate. She attended UC Santa Barbara and earned her bachelor's degree in film and media. Beforehand, she attended College of the Desert, where she received her associate’s degree in communication. This past spring, she also received her teaching credential in English at CSUSB. Cortez being an LQHS alum, says that she feels “extremely fortunate” to be at LQHS again as “LQ staff and students are simply the best and have been so lovely and helpful.”

LQ has a new assistant principal, Mr. Magnera. He grew up in Long Beach, California and received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in political science at Cal State Long Beach. He last taught at Bellflower Unified School District for 10 years. For fun, Magnera loves to spend time with his four-year-old daughter. “One thing I love about LQHS [is that] I feel like the school offers something for everyone. Whether it’s activities, athletics, the academies, or the arts,” Magnera added.

Ms. Garrott is a new Math I CP, Compacted Year I, and Applied Mathematics teacher at LQ. She last taught at Shadow Hills High School, and previously taught here at LQHS. “I’m coming home!” she happily stated. She has an eightyear-old daughter with whom she spends most of her time. Her philosophy of education is “to take students where they are and help them build on the prior knowledge that they come with into class, so that all students can be successful.”

Mr. Noh is the new addition to the LQ counseling team. He last worked at Yuba City High School, an hour north of Sacramento. He attended Cal State Fullerton to receive his bachelor’s degree in child and adolescent studies and went on to Azusa Pacific University to get his master’s degree in education, as well as his counseling credential. Mr. Noh wants to help kids the best way he can. He stated, “Whatever they need, whether it’s academic, social or emotional guidance, I just try to help them whatever way I can.”

Biology enthusiast, Ms. Alcantar is new here at LQHS. After graduating high school in Orange County, she attended Houston Community College for two years and then transferred to Cal Poly Pomona for her bachelor’s degree. Alcantar said she knew straight into college that biology was going to be her favorite class which inspired her to teach the subject. Although her weekends now include “lesson planning and grading,” when she does have free time, she enjoys watching shows on Netflix, going to the beach, spending time with her dog, hiking, and visiting aquariums.

The new special education teacher is Ms. Glenn. She grew up in Fontana, California and has lived in the desert for 20 years. Ms. Glenn attained her master’s degree at Grand Canyon University and her bachelor’s at Brandham University. Students in her class describe her as eccentric and unusual. Glenn said, “Every child wants to learn and it’s my job to bring it out in them so that they develop that desire to learn.”

Ms. Barrera is the new Math Lab and Math I teacher at LQ. She grew up in Mexicali and then moved to the valley. As a high school student, she describes herself as a quiet student who would ask very few questions. “I would still make sure that I would turn in my homework every single day,” she added. After high school, she received her degree at UC Riverside and began teaching at Hope Academy Charter School. “All students can learn and it takes motivation, effort, and being consistent,” Barrera said.

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foreign friends & Legends 5 Congratulations to LQ’s 20 Year Legends!

Mr. Wallace started doing his student teaching at LQHS and other schools in Desert Sands. Over the years he has taught a variety of classes such as Algebra I and II, Geometry, and AP Calculus. Wallace recalls the changes that the high school went through. He recalls, “I remember one of our early principals telling me that the first year the school was opened, he would process expulsion applications for three or four people a semester.” One of his fondest memories at LQHS was three years ago when his 6th period class decided to sign a large card with his face on it to tell him how much they liked his class. Interview by Sahara Garcia

Ms. Shulby has been an English teacher at LQHS for 20 years now and has observed many changes, notably developments in technology. One of Shulby’s fondest memories from working at LQ is a recent one: being voted Teacher of the Year the last two years. She enjoys all of the appreciation she receives from her students in the form of cards, letters, and mementos. She shared, “I am proud of the diversity of La Quinta High School and how our student population is inclusive of one another.” Interview by Kayleen Sullivan

Ms. Aguilar is a paraeducator who came to La Quinta High School in 1996. She remembers the school was new when she first arrived and a lot smaller. She has particularly noticed the resource department has expanded through the years. Her favorite role as a teacher is “working with the seniors to make sure they got the help they needed to get their diplomas.” Aguilar added that when she runs into past students in public and they thank her for her guidance, it is one of the coolest aspects of her job. Interview by Kayleen Sullivan

LQ Welcomes this Year’s Foreign Exchange Students

Francesco Pipitone, a junior Raquel Ramos is visiting the Mohamad Hammad is a juNiklas Schuknecht, a sophofrom Italy, also described the relationBlackhawk campus as a senior from niorfrom Sharkia, Egypt. The biggest more from Germany, compared the ship between teachers and students, difference for him isn’t the academics comparing it to the school system in differences between the American Arujá, Brazil, a small town without as much as it is the culture. However, the U.S. school system and the one back many stores. She stated, “What I love here is the diversity of students, something he has the opportunity to Francesco compared his host home by noting, “In Germany there do in both Sharkia and La Quinta is family here to the one he stayed with is more of a distance between the which is very important in my opin“hang out with friends and go to the in Ireland by stating, “I wasn’t as close student and the teacher. Here teach- ion.” Another thing that stood out to movies,” despite all the friends he is to them [the Irish family] as I am with ers are more of a friend. They care her was the fact that La Quinta’s stumissing back home. This is the first my host family now.” Since Francesco about the students and their personal dents aren’t required to wear uniexchange program Mohamed has and Niklas live with the same host lives. We also don’t do warm-ups.” forms. She does not appreciate the done, and although it is hard to un- family, they both visited and enjoyed He doesn’t mind the heat, and ad- heat as much, but enjoys the time to exploring Salvation Mountain. mits to liking it better here than the practice any sport she wants as she derstand, he is learning more and boarding school he visited in Eng- is more focused on academics in more slang as the year goes on. Brazil. Interviews by Madison Ivy land.

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6 In case you This Years Newest Summer 2016 Recap! Power Couple?!?!

Kayleen Sullivan Co-Editor-in-Chief

The summer of 2016 will go down in political infamy as one of the most interesting and unusual presidential campaigns in history. The primary elections resulted in Donald Trump winning the presidential nominee from the Republican Party and Hillary Clinton securing the nomination for the Democratic Party. People have responded with praise, but mainly outrage from both sides as some voters are refusing to choose either candidate and in-

stead are putting their support behind independent party candidates, ensuring a fascinating race for the White House. On Wednesday, August 25, Italy was hit by a 6.2-magnitude earthquake just 65 miles northeast of Rome. There were at least 296 casualties and hundreds of aftershocks that resulted in hampered relief efforts, which left cities, like Amatrice crumbling to the ground. There was tremendous backlash after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in an event known as the Brexit vote. Opinions are divided on the effect this will have on the world economy, but so far the value of the British pound is at a 30-year low. The departure from the EU will begin in early 2017. Brock Turner’s release

from prison three months earlier than his lenient six-month sentence sparked outrage, after being convicted of raping an unconscious woman. The former Stanford swimmer’s shortened sentence was justified by Judge Aaron Persky claiming, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him.” This case has become a symbol for white entitlement and rape culture because it doesn’t punish the crime accordingly, giving criminals cause to continue their behavior. Politicians and advocates alike are requesting Judge Persky be removed from his position due to his decision. This summer the world suffered from massacres because of increased racial tensions, an issue that divides the United States. Some of the most prominent terrorist attacks occurred in Turkey, between Europe and Asia, after three terrorists killed and wounded over 50 people. In Baghdad, Iraq the deadliest attack in eight years took place during Ramadan when a minivan filled with explosives caused a total of 330 casualties. Tensions grew in the U.S. after another black man, Philando Castile, was shot and killed by a police officer. Activists r e -

sponded violently against law enforcement, specifically one black veteran, Kenneth Chamberlain, who shot and killed five officers and wounding others as well. In less serious news, Taylor Swift was finally exposed by

Kim K on National Snake Day for playing the victim, after Swift claimed she never gave Kanye West permission for the lyric about her in his song “Famous.” Kardashian-West defended her husband by releasing the video she took of Swift confirming her excitement for the song, ending her reign as America’s innocent sweetheart.

This summer, everyone’s two favorite people, Drake and Rihanna, became an official couple! Drake and Rihanna had been dating on-and-off for a few years now, but it wasn’t until Drake confessed his love for Rihanna at the MTV VMA’s that they went public about their relationship. Since then, the couple have been the topic of discussion all over social media. Drake and Rihanna are now everyone's newest #relationshipgoals. Be sure to watch this good- looking couple continue to be the center of attention, and to look cute together without even trying!

This Summer’s Blockbuster Hits By Mariana Escatell

Christian Mesa Sports Editor

Following Marvel’s recent success with superhero movies, DC decided to match them. In Suicide Squad, the U.S. government creates a project that takes the worst villains and sends them on suicide missions in exchange for a shorter prison sentence. The movie puts Deadshot (Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), and other DC supervillains, up against the supernatural villain, Enchantress (Cara Delevigne). All the while, Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), organizer of the team, pulls the

strings of the squad in an explosive manner. Suicide Squad became the eighth biggest blockbuster this year earning $700.1 million worldwide.

agent, is also looking for the former agent in an attempt to expose the CIA. Matt Damon’s return as Jason Bourne earned $395 million worldwide.

Matt Damon reprises his role as Jason Bourne in The Bourne Legacy after being away from the role. After walking away from his life as a weapon, Bourne was in hiding for ten years. In response, CIA director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) assigns counterinsurgency expert Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander) to find Bourne. However, Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles), former CIA

Disney fans have been waiting for the sequel to Finding Nemo for 13 years and finally Finding Dory appeared and did not disappoint. The animated feature follows Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) on an adventure to reunite with her parents, leading her to the Marine Life Institute in California. Finding Dory became one of the biggest blockbusters of the summer, earning $951 million worldwide.

Issue 1 2016_Layout 1 9/28/16 9:54 PM Page 7

Missed IT 7 st ?! Summer Albums Highlights from the 2016 Rio Olympics

g ars until ve for VMA’s about e then, e topic social nna est e

Mariana Escatell Asst./Photo Editor Blond- Frank Ocean Most Popular Song: “Ivy”

Skin- Flume Most Popular Song: “Never Be Like You”

Wild World- Bastille Most Popular Song: “Good Grief”

Madison O’Barr Reporter

As Americans, loving Michael Phelps has essentially been added to the first amendment because he is all we talk about every four years during Olympic season. Phelps left Rio with five new gold medals and one silver from the historic three-way tie. In another

The Altar- Banks Most Popular Song: “To The Hilt”

Big Mess- Grouplove Most Popular Song: “Welcome To Your Life”

Photo credit:

end of the games she had two gold and two silver medals. Kayla Harrison became an American legend as the first to take gold in Judo and make it a two-time title in Rio. Winning the 78k Olympic judo medal, she defeated France’s Audrey Tcheumeo, reaffirming her name as the best in the world.

Harry Potter Puts a Spell on Readers Photo credit:

Still Brazy- YG Most Popular Song: “Please Tell Me Why You Always Hatin”

shocking string of events, his 200m butterfly matches a twothousand year old record that has yet to be beat. He now holds 23 medals and believes that he is retired. See you in Japan, Michael. Simone Biles made Olympic history with the Final Five, taking four gold medals and a bronze as well. Considered as one of the biggest honors for a gymnast, Biles took gold in the women's individual all-around event. Her floor routine even trumped Aly Raisman’s, the reigning champion and USA team captain. Simone Manuel changed the swimming world in Rio, becoming the first African American woman to win an individual swimming event in the 100m freestyle. Manuel left the pool in tears of joy, touching the wall at 52.7 seconds, the new Olympic record. By the

Once readers get past the script format of Harry Potter: the Cursed Child, they are entertained by the story of Albus Potter and his next generation companion, Voldemort’s rumored child. J.K. Rowling led a team of playwrights consisting of Jack Thorne and John Tiffany to create a work of literature that not only lived up to the expectations of lifelong Harry Potter fans, but amped up their excitement for prequels such as Rowling’s take on the original Marauders. “There are mixed reactions coming from the fan base,” Thao Nguyen (11) states. “On one end, the majority is happy to have a continuation that follows the same wizarding families. However, some people think it was just made for commercial success to enlarge the franchise.” Still, loopholes in the story give a number of dedicated readers more material for fanfictions.

By Madison Ivy

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8 club rush

Mock Trial

“In Mock Trial we have the opportunity to interact with attorneys and get their help on how to prepare a court case that we bring to competition against other schools. The open-ended cases we use teach students to think on their feet The theatre teacher, Ms. Weiss, will host one night meeting a week in room 203. The day will be announced after Club Rush.” -President Madison Ivy (12)

Knots for Tots Interact Club

“Knots for Tots is an organization in which members crochet and/or knit blankets and other items. These blankets are going to be donated to a homeless shelter. We meet every Thursday in Ms. Nort o n ’ s r o o m , 256. ” -Club Member Anna Yan (12)

¨Interact Club is a service organization that is a part of La Quinta Rotary. We participate in community service events throughout the year. Rotary gives you the ability to attend RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) and also provides scholarship opportunities. We meet in Mr. Scholz's room, 512, on Tuesdays.¨ President Kayleen Sullivan (12)

Key Club

“Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. ‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.’ This is what Key Club teaches students year-around. We meet Mondays during lunch in Mrs. Finch’s class, room 205.” -President Annie Hoang (12)

Creative Writing Club Make sure to check out and consider these other awesome clubs at LQ!

“Creative Writing Club isn't about one thing, it's about everything. We have big plans to create the best group of writers and humans that we possibly can by fostering creativity, compassion, and courage. We meet Wednesdays and Thursdays during lunch in room 409. Students are encouraged to come see me anytime outside of class so that we can workshop, discuss, and compose.” -English I & II teacher, Mr. Bowman

Improv Club

“In Improv Club, we plan live improv games and have a lot of fun throughout the year by creating memories with friends that we all love and cherish. Our club meets in the theatre room every Wednesday at lunch.” -President Benjamin Ingle(11)

Actors Anonymous Club Art Club


Operation Smile Student Club Sports Debate

Ping Pong Club

Fitness Club FX Club

Blackhawk Forensics

Inland Empire Future Leaders

MEChA Club

Future Teachers Club

Interviews by Genaya Hollis Fellowship of Christian Athletes

“FCA is for athletes and all that want to know more about Jesus Christ, their relationship with Him and with other students. We have pizza, games, and guest speakers/ athletes in the gym every Friday during lunch! EVERYONE is welcome!” -President Hannah Durkee (11)

Future Teacher Club

Illustrations by Sahara Garcia & Madelynn Silva

Dreams Come True Leo Club

“Dreams Come True is a club based on bringing a smile upon a student or a faculty member in our Blackhawk community. We plan to make as many wishes as possible to help individuals through difficult times in their lives. We meet every Tuesday in the dance room. Follow us on Twitter @LQD r e a m sComeTru to submit a wish!” -Hope Flores (12)

“Leo Club is a community service based organization that provides members with the opportunity to give back to the community through a variety of events. We meet in Mr. Valdovinos’s classroom, room 202, every o t h e r Wednesday!” -Kristel Milan (12)

Varsity Club

“Varsity Club is for student athletes who are looking to continue their sport in college. We started the club to help J make sure these individuals 68 the know the rules and regulations that go along with recruitingEmmy and how to reach their goal ofpast ye playing at the collegiate level.sion. K Our goal is to fundraise enoughvideo d for a day trip to different cam-to the puses. We meet once a week inshowe room 355.” -Presi-throug dent Alexishows Mejia (12) Jeb Bu as a lim K his op knowle “GSA is one of the mostgroup unique clubs on campus as it ishistory open to everyone! LQ’s Gay-concer Straight-Alliance is a club thatpresid unites the LGBTQ+ commu-eral au nity, along with the straightagreem community, to form a strong P family on our campus. We arewon b an anti-bullying club as wellgories. and we strive to make a differedy du ence in all students’ lives. We meet in room 408 every Thurs-Poehle day and attend local pride andGuest ries. K LGBT events all year!” -President Zoey Hamensthe big won O (11) Actres Aziz A up co Outsta edy Se origina “Young Entrepreneurs is a M new club on campus. Students tinued will be inviting speakers to staple come in and speak about start- celebr ing and running their own were p businesses. It should be fun. up at They'll be meeting in room 205 Past h every other Ellen a Thursday.” pizza a -IB French spectiv teacher, twist o Ms. Finch out p sandw

The Gay Straight Alliance

Young Entrepreneurs Club

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Entertainment 9

Kimmel Hosts Television’s Biggest Night Kayleen Sullivan Co-Editor-in-Chief

Jimmy Kimmel hosted the 68th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards to celebrate the past year of outstanding television. Kimmel opened with a video documenting his journey to the award show, which showed him making his way through several spoofs of TV shows nominated that night. Jeb Bush even made a cameo as a limo driver! Kimmel proceeded with his opening monologue, acknowledging the most diverse group of nominees in Emmy history, as well as the growing concern of a Donald Trump presidency, which left the liberal audience in laughter and agreement. comedians Prominent won big in the smaller categories. America’s favorite comedy duo, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, won Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series. Kate McKinnon, currently the biggest female face of SNL, won Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Aziz Ansari represented standup comedians by receiving Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series for his woke Netflix original Master of None. Mid-show, Kimmel continued a modern award show staple by providing food for celebrities in the audience who were probably going to throw it up at the after-party anyway. Past hosts of the Oscars, like Ellen and Chris Rock, provided pizza and girl scout cookies, respectively. Kimmel put his own twist on the tradition by giving out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches made by his actual

mother. The night continued with predictable winners as Julia Louis-Dreyfus took home her fourth consecutive Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series, but the surprise came when she heartbreakingly revealed to the audience that her dad had just passed away. Jeffrey Tambor received his second consecutive Emmy for his work in Transparent. The People vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story stole Emmys in nine out of the nineteen categories for a Limited Series or Movie, including Outstanding Lead Actor

and Actress, Writing, and Outstanding Limited Series. The night ended by announcing the most prestigious awards: the Outstanding Comedy and Drama Series. The outcome was quite familiar as both Veep and Game of Thrones took home their second consecutive Emmys for their categories. As the glamour of the award show came to a close, the TV buffs at home are left to wait another year for the next Primetime Emmys. Until then, they await a new fantasy or political spoof show to pop up in order to mix up the next award season.

What’s Up With?!?!?!?

Mariana Escatell Asst./Photo Editor

What’s up with the new iPhone 7 having wireless earphones?!?! We want a longer battery life, not earphones that will be lost in five minutes!!!!

What’s up with Grease Live winning an Emmy over Beyonce????? Who votes for the winners anyway... ? What’s up with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt filing for divorce?!?!?! If they can’t stay together, then no one can!! Also, I want to know how they are

going to spilt all those kids up… What’s up with Colin Kaepernick’s hair? That’s all I have to say. What’s up with with Blake Griffin’s meditative promo commercial for Red Bull?? I mean, I am a Griffin girl, but that video was just a tinsy bit weird. What’s up with Kellogg recalling waffles due to listeria concerns?!?! Who knows how many packs I’ve eaten my entire 16 years on earth!!? What’s up with Tower of Terror in California Adventure being removed and being replaced for a Guardians of the Galaxy ride?!?! Guardians of the Galaxy who? I don’t know her. What’s up with the Hydration Station water filter not being changed since my freshman year during swim season? I’m a junior now…

Comic CONned Into Seeing 8000 Harley Quinns

Lindsey Freiberg Advertisement Editor

On the weekend of August 26-28, the Palm Springs Convention Center kicked off its first annual Comic Con. Lucky for me, I was able to attend. While I’ve never had the pleasure of attending a comic convention before, I’ve been an avid comic book consumer for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, I was sick on Friday so I missed out on the first day of festivities, but when I arrived on Saturday the onslaught of Harley Quinns and Jokers was enough to send me into a fit of laughter almost as condescending as Jared

Leto’s laugh. I went as Rogue, the mysterious mutant from the X-Men with life absorbing powers. My original plan was to be the Vanessa (human Ursula) to my best friend’s Ariel, but she accidentally bought tickets to a different convention going on in November. Instead I went with my family and even though we looked like a band of misfits in our uncoordinated costumes, we fit in with the other guests there. The convention featured an array of artists presenting their work at booths lined up one after another. Following the booths was a food court with intergalactic delicacies

such as potato chips and hot dogs. In addition to the illustrators attempting to sell their pieces, there were different panels where authors and other people tied to the industry could speak and conduct Q&As. The panel that really stood out to me was Andrew Neiderman’s, where he spoke about his history as a horror novelist and gave tips to the eager audience (mostly eager if you exclude my little sister who fell asleep). Following his onehour seminar I got to speak and take a photo with him. He offered me a token of advice by saying, “Write every day. Even if it’s not good or it’s not a part

Freiberg and Andrew Niderman

of a story, just write.” Overall, my experience was one that I won’t soon forget, and I look forward to attending again next year. Perhaps next year I’ll even attend with my best friend.

Issue 1 2016_Layout 1 9/28/16 9:54 PM Page 10

10 Sports

Girls’ Tennis are Determined to Make it to Playoffs

Genaya Hollis Reporter

Girls’ tennis started their season with a majority of their team returning as they only lost former senior, Yvonne Carrillo. The girls had a rough beginning as they lost their first game against Murrieta Valley, 2-16, on August 31. On September 1, the Lady Blackhawks came back by winning against Coachella Valley with a staggering score of 12-6. Then they played the Palm Desert Aztecs on Sept. 6 and lost 6-12. The team is learning how to play as one, as all the players are getting comfortable on the court and are determined to do great this DVL season. Coach Erick stated, “The season is going well. The team is coming together as a unit. The doubles players are working together and the singles

players are hitting their peak. We are looking forward to making the playoffs and testing ourselves.” On Sept. 8, the girls then won 13-5 against Shadow Hills, but lost 4-14 against Rancho Mirage on Sept. 13 and 6-12 against Xavier Prep on Sept. 15. However, they bounced back as they won their match against Cathedral City on Sept. 20. They played a great game against Indio on Sept 22 as they won 12-6. Team Captain Abby Allmon (12) stated, “There were some mistakes we could have cut down; but overall, the match went well and it’s exciting to see the team improving as the season goes on.” The next home game will be against Hemet on October 3. Be sure to go support your Lady Blackhawks!

Claire Jones (10) Photo Credit: Mariana Escatell 8/31 9/1 9/6 9/8 9/13 9/15 9/22 9/22

Girls’ Tennis

Murrieta Valley Coachella Valley Palm Desert Shadow Hills Rancho Mirage Xavier Cathedral City Indio

2-16 11-7 6-12 4-14 6-12 12-6 12-6

Loss Win Loss Loss Loss Win Win

Girls’ Golf has a Solid Start to Season

Kayleen Sullivan Co-Editor-in-Chief

LQ girls’ golf team is ready to get back into the swing of things with a more mature and experienced team for the 2016 season. With eight returning players, the Blackhawks are set up for success as they hope to improve from last year’s third place ranking. The girls suffered an unfortunate loss versus Palm Desert, LQ’s toughest competition, as the final score was 270-213. However, two players qualified for DVL due to this match by shooting in the 40s twice. Senior Captain Mariah Moon qualified, as well as up-and-coming freshman, Avalon Woodward, who consistently has low scores, making her a player to watch. The Lady Blackhawks bounced back immediately with a definitive victory of 269-323 in the match against Shadow Hills on September 1. LQ faced two tough matches against Vista Murrieta that resulted in two losses. However, they came back and

Laila Khan (11)

Photo Credit: Kayleen Sullivan

dominated the Desert League by defeating Cathedral City, Elsinore, and Indio High School. “This year we are back with experience. We have two seniors, but all of the other girls are experienced from playing in all of the tournaments last year. Our goal is 230 as a total score and that means we’ll make it to CIF as a team,” explained Captain Moon, on her expectation for this season. La Quinta faced the Aztecs once again on Sept. 21, in a match that the girls persevered through despite the rain. Although the finishing score was 256-202 resulting in an LQ loss, the Blackhawks still improved their game since the last PD match.

La Quinta Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country Hit the Ground Running at DVL

Evelyn Sarabia Co-Editor-in-Chief

Girls: Last season, the Lady Blackhawks ended their 2015 season as the undefeated DVL champions, holding on to the title for the third consecutive year. Last year, their season came to an end in round one of CIF; but they hope to make it to CIF State Championships as a team this year, just as they did three years ago. The team has since welcomed Akemi Von Sherr (9), Itzel Chavez (10), Brandie Lopez (12), and Ashley Waters (9). On September 10, the girls attended the Laguna Hills Invitational, where Von Sherr placed first overall in the Division I Frosh race with a time of

17:47. She broke the Div. I meet record set in 2012. The Woodbridge Cross Country Classic took place on Sept. 17. The girls faced competition from all over the state and the nation, which fueled the Blackhawk runners to come home with many new seasonal records (SR) and personal records (PR). The girls participated in the Div. I Varsity Rated race where Francine Ansley (10) landed a new PR of 18:30. Chavez finished in 19.29 (PR), and Waters in 20:29-PR. Von Sherr competed in the Sweepstakes Race where she placed 17 out of 164 runners, claiming a new PR of 16:54 and earning the top freshman time in the state. The first DVL meet of the

Akemi Von Scherr (9) Photo Credit: Sal Lopez

season was hosted by Xavier College Prep on Sept. 21. The Blackhawk runners knew they

had their work cut out for them this season after losing two of their top seniors. That didn’t hold them back from sweeping the race. Von Scherr took the lead early on in the race as she came in first at 17:12, more than 90 seconds ahead of the next competitor. Ansley finished third (19:06), Lopez in fourth (19:58), and Chavez in fifth (20:14), placing four of the Blackhawk runners in the top five. The rest of the runners came in as follows: Waters (21:20), Alejandra Guerrero (11): 21:40, and Maddy Silva (12): 21:59. Boys: The LQ boys completed their 2015 season at CIF Prelims. The team is made up of new members, with the excep-

tion of two returners. The boys´ team consists of David Hernandez (12), Jairo Verduzco (11), Jonathan Montalvo (10), Edward Quintero (10), Luis Rayray (12), Marcos Rosales (10), and Sergio Mancilla (10). At the DVL meet, the boys placed fifth overall with 135 points. Hernandez, their top runner, faced hefty competitors and finished 17th overall with a time of 16:54. The team finished as follows: Verduzco (17:07), Montalvo (17:27), Quintero (17:37), Rayray (17:46), Rosales (18:21), and junior Cooper Mello (18:31). Though the boys are off to a rocky start, they aim to improve their times and rank in the DVL as the season advances.

Issue 1 2016_Layout 1 9/28/16 9:54 PM Page 11

sports 11 LQ Football Powers Through Tough Games During Preseason

Christian Mesa Sports Editor

The La Quinta football season kicked off on September 2 against the Villa Park Spartans. It started off bleak for the Blackhawks, despite Andrew Garcia (12) throwing three touchdown passes in the second half to Justin Anderson (12) and Alex Leon (12), resulting in an LQ loss of 23-28. On Sept. 9, the Blackhawks were in for a fight against Rancho Mirage. Benji Cordova (12) ran in the only touchdown in the first half. La Quinta needed something big and Cordova delivered, running for a 86 yard touchdown. Garcia threw two touchdown passes to Adam Kastin (12). This resulted in a

La Quinta victory of 28-21. Coming off of a win, the Blackhawks traveled to Ventura to face the St. Bonaventure Seraphs on Sept. 16. After a four-hour bus ride, the first half of the game proved to be slow for the Blackhawks, as they went into halftime with a score of 0-14. In the second half, the Blackhawks fought to a 21-14 deficit after two rushing touchdowns by Cordova, proving not to be enough as La Quinta left Ventura with a 1435 loss. La Quinta traveled to Corona on Sept. 23, to take on the Roosevelt Mustangs. The first half ended with a 14-7 lead for the Blackhawks after a touchdown pass from Garcia to An-

overtime, ending in a La Quinta loss, with a score of 2127. Cordova stated, “Going into DVL I think we’re going to be okay; we won’t face a team like we’ve been facing. I feel like if we play to our potential no one is going to touch us.”


Ricky Vargas (12) Photo Courtesy: The Desert Sun

derson and a rushing touchdown by Cordova. However, the second half was less fruitful for the Blackhawks as a touchdown pass from Garcia to Josh Cabrera (12) was the only score. The game went into

Volleyball Starts off Strong in DVL

Madison Ivy Copy Editor

The 2016 season started off strong for the La Quinta girls’ volleyball team. The team consists largely of returners, including Karime Meza (11), Jada Lopez (11), and six out of the eight seniors: Jolie Samuelson, Lexi Christmas, Baylie Dashner, Morgan Menne, Camryne Sommaripa, and Nicole Svoboda. The Blackhawks showed their true colors with the first home victory over Coachella Valley, the score being 25-7 in the last game. Samuelson commented on the success this far and the win over Desert Mirage (25-11) by stating, “As of now, I’m proud of all the new players that have stepped up. My goals for this season, other

than winning DVL, is for the team to find a sense of family, which is already showing.” This sense of family was also felt by the Birdcage, who followed the team to their rival school, Palm Desert. The chant battles carried the team into high spirits. Despite the Aztec Army dwelling on where the football flag rests, September 13, marked the day that the Blackhawk volleyball girls overcame the pressure and brought home a win. After five straight battles, strong runs from the outside hitters and much practiced, perfect passes, a final score of 15-8 set the tone for the rest of season. On Sept. 15, La Quinta took a hard fought loss against Shadow Hills 11-15 in the fifth game. Then, a week later the Blackhawks made up for it by

9/2 Villa Park 9/9 Rancho Mirage 9/16 St. Bonaventure 9/23 Roosevelt

23-38 28-21 14-35 21-27

Loss Win Loss Loss

Water Polo Shoots for a Winning Season

Madison O’Barr Reporter

The LQ boys’ water polo team began this season after losing the majority of seniors last year. This year the team has three returning seniors and only one new player to the school’s team. Though they expected to factor in extra time to rebuild the team, Coach Calvin Lowell is successfully bringing back the boys’ reign of the pool. Captain Billy Catton (12) was not at all surprised by their ability to build as a team. Cat-

ton said, “We started off a bit rough this year but we can achieve great things. I am feeling confident as a team we will achieve our goal.” In the match against Shadow Hills on Tuesday, Sept. 28, the boys regained their dominance against Shadow Hills with a final score of 16-4. Spencer Lowell (11) helped pull the team to victory, scoring a total of five goals over the course of the game. 9/12 9/28

Boys’ Water Polo

Yucaipa Shadow Hills

10-11 16-4

Loss Win

Sommaripa (12) & Christmas (12) Photo Credit: Mariana Escatell

beating Xavier (25-20). 8/31 9/8 9/13 9/15 9/22

Girls’ Volleyball

Coachella Valley Desert Mirage Palm Desert Shadow Hills Xavier

25-7 25-11 15-8 11-15 25-20

Win Win Win Loss Win

Photo Credit: Mariana Escatell

Issue 1 2016_Layout 1 9/28/16 9:54 PM Page 12

12 Kennedy’s Kingdom Ms. Suzannah Kennedy Ms. Kennedy was a government and economics teacher, as well as the journalism advisor at La Quinta High School, for 19 years. She single-handedly built up the journalism program and touched the lives of all of her students. The 2016-2017 Hawkview staff loves and misses you, Ms. K! Wishing you a happy and restful retirement, you schmoe!

“ Bi d

opy o P e l t it !” L ou Head Y “

“Having spent so much time with Ms. K, it's hard for me to distill my feelings into just one memory. Kennedy's room was my second home at LQHS, and I know she was like extended family for many of us. She was also an incredibly trusting and dedicated advisor to the Hawkview, always giving us the tools, a little guidance, and then letting us loose to make our own paper; it really belonged to the students. I'll always cherish those times in which we worked on a project outside of regular school hours with Ms. K.” -Aaron Riggs

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“I would not be the person I am today without Ms. Kennedy. She was the first person to truly see potential in me and serve as a teacher, mentor and friend throughout my life. Not only did she teach me how to write but also sparked my love of government, the field I work in today. There aren't enough words to express my lifelong gratitude to this amazing woman and I count my blessings that our paths crossed. Cheers to a muchdeserved retirement!” -Jessica Heck

“Some teachers have the ability to motivate students, but Kennedy is “I’ve been blessed with many amazing men- “At age 14, I remember meeting you for the tors, both at LQHS and in college, so when first time and being slightly terrified of you. one of the very few teachers I say that Susan Kennedy is the best teacher How lucky I am to have cultivated a really who can inspire students. She I’ve ever had, I don’t say it lightly. No doubt, her confidence and encouragement have in- remarkable relationship with you since inspired us to create interesting spired many students to reach for their then. Thank you for your creative encour- work, but most importantly she dreams, and I am a better person because agement, for pushing me and supporting me inspired us to become better peoof her. Her influence has been great and the under your watchful eye. As a teacher, you ple and her influence has made an mark she’s made is big. Whether it’s via the passionately loved what you taught and you impact on our lives today.” Here’s stellar journalism class she built from nothing, the political aspirations of her activated provided an atmosphere of inspiration and a poem they wrote for Mrs, students, or through the wonderful young openness. So here we are, 10 years later, Kennedy: “Roses are red, vioteachers who were first inspired in Ms. and I’m starting my first year of teaching in lets are blue, even though Kennedy’s classroom, her presence remains your old classroom. Here’s to you, Ms. K: a you’re crazy, we still love larger than life. Ms. K: I love you, and thank woman we love with all of our hearts.” you!” you for everything.” xo forever, Jen Cortez -Faith Dye & Sarah -Demi Anter Enoki (a.k.a Farah) “In 2009 I joined those who have had the honor and privilege of having the queen schmoe herself, Suzannah Kennedy,

“Stop Being Weirdy!”

“Ms. Kennedy has created a classroom where students are allowed to develop through write and wrong (haha, get it?) The relationship I have with Ms. Kennedy is one I know I am beyond lucky to have. Ms. Kennedy has taught me how to carry myself, not as a journalist, but as an ambitious woman, and I consider her the most influential person in my life.” -Frida Escatell

NO O O N O!!!” N “ N NO


teach them how to write and write well. I was just a reporter then and had no idea that under her guidance and motivation I would go on to become the editor-in-chief for my senior year. She always saw something in her students that we didn’t see ourselves and had a talent for helping us realize our strengths. The impression she made on my writing capabilities and conduct as a student and human being will continue to last. You are so loved Ms. Kennedy, I am truly a better person for having known you and I wish you all the happiness in the world and more.” -Danielle Price

“We had a special bond, the bond of the dyslexic. Her room was 504. My room is 405. Every time the announcements came on for a GSA event, I had students come asking for her. She would also get people asking about the Poet Laureate contest. I will miss her.” -Ms. Chesebrough

“I have really enjoyed working with you. You have given tirelessly to the benefit of all students. I met some men that work with you in the GSA and we talked about how supportive and helpful you’ve been. You will be missed. Enjoy a bit of R and R!!!” -Ms. Gordon

“It was great having you as the journalism teacher. Each of your publications was so nicely put together to reflect Blackhawk pride. You sure are missed. Wishing you an enjoyable earned retirement.” -Ms. Puente

“It was a pleasure to work with you all these years! From backward cakes to Usserian jokes...all of us are going to miss you at the lunch table! With warm affection, Cheryl” -Ms. Schuler


a Schm


“I was Ms. Kennedy’s Italian Int’l student and I remember being so frustrated the first weeks because of the language; but after a while, her class was one of my favorites. She’s the reason I decided to study business. I’m happy she gets to relax now.” -Martina Viale

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