The architectural project gets involved by modifying and modelling places, interpreting and proposing strategy in an intricate relationship between new and existing components. The challenge is to understand how to redesign a natural territory and settlement, which has been destroyed by seismic events under the theme of he theme of resilience and architectural and u. The question concerns how original identities and characters stratified over the centuries, but which have suffered a split due to unexpected events, can be safeguarded. Following this concept, the memory becomes an active element for designing the existing matter, since the design solutions arise from the reinterpretation of the building fabric in a dynamic dialogue with the cultural and formal heritage of the city. The rebuilding of economy/identity/memory moved through the re-use and re-activation of existing fragments.
Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Professors: Landi Angelo Giuseppe , Tognon Alisia