Yu-Cheng Lin Portfolio: Opposition (Draft)

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OPPOSITION Yu Cheng Lin, 2018

An optimist of optimists

1 Artificial Underland Academic Practice

2013, Chung Yuan Christian University Undergrad thesis, individual

2 For Unnamed

2017, EDS International Public competition, teamwork

3 Suqian Development

2017, EDS International Commission, teamwork

Supplement: Uncertain Texture

2015, Synchronic Composing Architects Public competition, teamwork

Investigate, Interrogate, Interfere In crime investigation, we search for “leads� from the scene. In urban landscape, we observe events, analyze systems and data, and interpret phenomenons. Then, we piece together a story and rise questions. With the story close enough to reality, we are able to deliver an idea, a solution, or a concept to interfere the world we live, in order to better it. For this goal, sometimes we have to be the opposition.

1 Artificial Underland Central Subterranean Bath House

A Wonderland Beneath the City In Taiwan, a new type of district emerges and seems to be radically disconnected from the daily local landscape. The working density of which is 3 times higher than other normal districts, creating adverse urban phenomenons. "Artificial Underland", an underground bath house, reveals the inability of urban strategies, challenging to deliver a thought-provoking project, as well as an exit for the insipid urban scene.

2013, Academic, Thesis Design Individual, Chung Yuan Christian University Advisor: Yu-chin Chen Location: Zhouzi Park No. 2, Taipei City Program: Public Bath House

Why does urban strategy fail to vitalize human mentality and city landscape? In 1981, the government of Taiwan planned to set up a 149.72-hectare industrial district to boost economy. It was later called “Neihu Technology park�, where the vitality of streets started to fade away.

A corner in new district

A corner in native district

District Line

The forming of modern internment camp — Technology Park Past & Present Neihu Technology park grew up fast in 90s, and due to the urban land-use regulation, this area is crowded with offices and headquarters, making itself the densest district while working, however, empty off work. The transportation system of which also exhausts employees here that they easily spend over one hour on commuting. As the result of land-use regulation, these constructions created tasteless street view in this area failing to vitalize the urban spaces. Zoning , the urban strategy, had generated detrimental effects on human mind and on physical world.

Population Density While Working Selected Area Neihu Tech Park Dist. Commuting Bus Line Commuting Bus Stop

Regional Development Analysis Transition of Commercial Center

The Eastern Gateway & Technological Corridor

1860 1920 1970

Western Gateway

Taipei City

Eastern Gateway

From Kilns to Headquarters The Northern part of Neihu Technology park was constructed on alluvial soil, where was covered by brick kilns. Products manufactured by these kilns were once the best bricks and dominated the market, yet these precious memories and resources were wiped out, leaving no traces but offices and technology headquarters.

District Development Analysis 1940~1980: Kilns & Alluvial Soil

1980~1990: Development

1990~ : Offices & Headquarters

Selection of Site

[Zhouzi Park No. 2] The central point of the district

Site Planning Environment

With 20m street on the sound, 12m street on the north, the lot was surrounded by technology offices and originally planned as another insignificant park in the district.






For pedestrian, there were 8m setback on front and back, and 6m setback on sides.

The volume was set a 30m multiplied by 30m, with 12m high. It was basically a cube which was also a intuitive representation.

Orientation of the volume was adjusted from aligning urban structure to geographic north.

Unlike the surrounding buildings growing upward, the entire volume was pushed downward to underground.

A path crossing the park was created in order to enter the volume. A triangle sunken staircase reconciled the inconsistency of geometry.

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Public bath house: For civilized ablution and submerged meditation

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Offi Pl an All in one type above ground The Primitive Gesture: Bathing Rather than importing commercial activities, the role of bathing was reintroduced here. With the evolution of city environment, bathing should not be mere a hygienic routine, but should be retrieved as its social function and personal ritual, a redemption of barren urban landscape. 5 types of brick wall were applied to form a series of chamber, shaping various spacial sensation. The whole structure lies beneath Neihu Tech. Park to establish a symbolic meaning — The opposite of current city.

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6 cm

24 cm

60 cm

120 cm

One for all types beneath ground

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Retrieving vitality: Subterranean landscape unfold +


+ Brick Kiln



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B1 Plan: Chambers for Bathing

B2 Plan: Entrance Hall + Brick Kiln

Heating Point Located at the entrance hall, the brick kiln is now the engine to heat water for bathing. Rooted on the deviated position of diagonal line, the kiln not only generates the air of an archaeological site, making visitors trace back to the history of Neihu Technology Park, also creates a gradual change of water temperature in the water plate above, bringing various micro-climate for each chamber on the plate.


SITE 1/200

Curtain Wall: Glass, metal cladding, and frame are uniform materials forming the urban space of technology park.

Typical Office Ceiling: Concealed grid ceiling, also “T-bar” in Taiwan, is unchanged element of office view.

“Nowhere” As the first stage entering bath house, the archaeological-site-like room washouts all the mud. “The Brick Kiln” With an unignorable domal kiln at corner, the space evokes echo from the elapsed past.

Suspended Water Plate Hung by 12 steel columns, the water plate plays the role as base for chambers and water within, and forms various landscape with different heights.

Chambers: The gradual change of water temperature identifies the use to each brick-made chamber.



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Collage of Experiences Each chamber contains unique spacial sensation from the size of the room, light, water temperature, and pattern of the wall. Comparing to the everyday interior ordinary vista, the chambers bring out a series of dynamic awareness to space.

Daily scene & Non-daily scene

Plan of Water Plate Scene of Each Chamber

Drinking Fountain

Drinking Fountain

Steam RM.


Cave Bath

An interior scene in Neihu Technology Park




Cold Bath, 80 cm


Hot Bath, 60 cm

Hot Bath, 80 cm

Warm Bath, 80 cm

Cold Bath, 80 cm

Cold Bath, 60 cm

Main Bath

Warm Air RM.

Foot Bath, 30 cm

Warm Bath, 60cm

Steam RM.

Main Bath

Main Bath

Lounge RM.



An stacked scene of chambers in the bath house

Construction process as scenario of urban festival





For chambers


For ceiling

Script for construction

The Bath House & Urban Space All the features of the underground bath house contrast with features of urban spaces on the ground: above or under the ground, advanced metal cladding or earthy bricks, and suit or nude. The process of bathing is almost like an ablution of washing oneself clean - from the triangle staircase at entrance to the main bath in the bath house. One goes deeper, the air becomes mistier. At the end point of the journey, the vista on the ceiling of the main bath captures part of buildings on the ground making a surreal scene, which makes up the missing part that urban strategy fails to pay attention to.

Views of Main Bath

2 For Unnamed Rural Animal Shelter

Not In My Back Yard This public competition aims to respond the policy ,“Zero Stray Dogs”, by the Tainan City Government. The site of which situates in the rural Tainan City where is abundant of natural scenes. The plot was previously a military camp, however all the buildings were removed. The animal shelter has been one of “NIMBY” buildings because of smell and noise. To overturn the stereotype, the tasks are to connect to the larger system of Wushantou Scenic Area, to construct a new image of an animal shelter, and, last but not least, to create a decent environment for dogs, cats, and their future parents. Geology and Fault

Wind and Sun

Topography and Catchment

2017, Practice, Public Competition, 2nd Teamwork, EDS International Position: Architectural Designer My work: Scheme Design, 3D model, Render, Diagram, Animation, Part of tender documents Location: Tainan City Program: Animal Shelter, Educational Facility

The site is located on alluvial soil and 490 The monsoon here comes from Northeast m (>100m) away from the fault which in winter, southwest in summer, and plenty means no prohibited activities. of sunshine all day.

The hill, also the highest point, stretches downward to south side of the site, where collects the water flow to drain to larger system.

Site planning phase 1 Integrating Regional Resources Planning Scale: L

Cycling Path Camping Area

Natural Trail

Parking Lot


Pets Goods & Style Cafe

Sunday Plaza

Forest Area


Featured Spot

Pond & Trail

Parking Lot

Animal Shelter

2 Connecting Neighbor Resources Planning Scale: M Overall Park Plan 3 Planning Process Planning Scale: S

Existing Features

Environmental Condition

Site Planning

Architectural design phase

[Observe] Physical Environment

[Place] Spatial Volume

[Cut] Environmental Response

[Shape] Spatial Forming

[Drain] Topology & Hydrology

[Circulate] Parking & Connection

The Unusual Polygon All the spaces in the animal shelter are stretched into a polygon with unique outline. On the one hand, it embraces the nature as well as formed a natural shield for dogs and cats. On the other hand, the opening and holes between spaces helps ventilation and noise reduction, which are both crucial qualities that a decent animal shelter owned. Detention Pond

Central Lawn

Animal Playground

Canine Pavilion

Natural Trail Stone Seats

Detention Pond

Ecological Pool Staff Parking

Entry Plaza Parking Lot Parking for Bike

Parking for Bus

Bus Stop

Collaboration with colleague

Spatial system analysis Pedestrian Circulation

Vehicle Circulation

Overview of Spaces Skylight Ventilation

Observatory & MEP

Open Circular Roof Deck

Open Spaces

Management & Control

Kennel Quarantine Treatment Kennel

Cafe & Pavilion

Sewage & Drainage


Wind Simulation

Kennel for puppies Cat House Lobby & Office Central Courtyard Education Area

Interaction Area

Axis & Function

Collaboration with colleague

Collaboration with interns

Changing stereotype

New Type of Animal Shelter Previously, animal shelter in Taiwan owned an infamous reputation: smells of dogs spreading all the way to neighborhood and barks bombarding all day. A primary reason for that is they didn’t have a nice environment with ventilation, light, and access to nature. We want to transform a past animal shelter into a place where people can hang out, almost a park or even a museum. Putting light into the kennel and improving ventilation can elevate the quality of animal shelter. Also, we make animals and people able to see greens every corner in this building.

Kennel Unit

3 Suqian Development

Urban Axis

The Harbor Between Blue And Green Belt The Connection This project is located in the middle west of Suqian City, China. The site positions as a joint between Luoma Lake and the starting point of green belt toward Three Forest Park in Taishan. We were commissioned to design the section, commercial zone in the master plan, containing harbor, museum, office, mall, and high-end hotel. The entire project is in collaboration with design institute in China.


2017, Practice, Commissioned project Teamwork, EDS International Position: Architectural Designer My work: Schematic Design, 3D model Render(initially), Diagram, Documents Location: Suqian City, China Type: Urban Design

Planning Range

Contextual Analysis Developed Area

Blue-green Axis

Institute Distribution

Connection Points

Undeveloped Area

Green Net

LRT System

Connecting Activities

Strategic concept and design concept

Strategic Concept Land Use Planning The urban skyline suitably reflects the strength and density of activities.

Museum 2F

Residence 8F Market 2F

Library 2F

Office 12F

High-end Business Office 38F

Residence 10F

Landmark Buildings

1 Green Axis

Commercial Spaces Offices Residential Spaces Auditorium (Observatory at 3F)

2 Accessibility

Hotel with Waterscape 16F Commercial 4F

Office 16F Commercial 4F

High-end Business Office 14F

Cultural Spaces Hotels

Design Concept

4 Urban Axis

Key Points

Blocks of Small Scale

Urban Development System

Commercial Activity Continuity

Landmark Primary Route

Core Area


Commercial Area

LRT Stop

Harbor Axis

3 Commercial Activity

5 Open Spaces

Landmark Cultural Commercial Commercial

Water System



LRT Stop


District design & overall view





LRT Stop

Main Street




Collaboration with design institute in China

Supplement: Uncertain Texture All Topography In Paper For Calligraphy

The Annual Competition [ X-site ] X-site is an annual architectural competition held by Taipei Fine Art Museum (TFAM) aiming to deliver an opportunity for young talented architects. Uncertain Texture Nude or pepper? Ambiguity makes connections. We collects vistas from downtown of Taipei all the way to the suburban area, and compresses them into the installation made by rice paper, a type of paper for Chinese calligraphy. The diverse textures, scales, colors, and patterns of ink all express manifold spatial experiences: The experiences of Taipei City. It is time to ramble in folded spaces, and to experience unfold spaces.

2015, Practice, Competition, 1st Teamwork, Synchronic Composing Architects Position: Architectural Designer My work: Drawings, Construction Location: Taipei City Type: Architectural Installation

Design Concept

Folded Spaces

Spaces Unfold

Scale: L [Mountain]

Scale: M [City]

Scale: S [Room]

Rural Police Station To identify a new type of police station, the rural public construction aims to challenge the boundary between security and local bondage. The front is open to connect the local hydrology and goes gradually private backward.

Fashion Flagship in Historical Site The project connects the fading local business and fashion industry. Located in a protected district, the new store tries to conserve the precious facade and to construct a new glass studio above in the air.

Museum at an Abandoned Fort Carrying memories of warfare, the museum submerges into the ground of the fort, leaving several openings. Tunnels connecting batteries are transformed as corridors connecting art spaces.

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