Tips on buying your first car.
Hayley Miller
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Index Buying A Good Used Car Choosing A Reliable Certified Used Car For Your First Car Deciding On Which Car Is The One For You Finding The Best Car Dealer For Your First Car Purchase Get A Loan For Buying Your First Car How To Deal Successfully With The Car Salesperson How To Get A Good Deal On Your First Car
Buying A Good Used Car In an attempt to have the exciting experience of purchasing your first car, you may end up considering a good used car. There is no reason that your first car should be a brand new one, but it is important that it should be a reliable car. Since your budget determines what you can buy, if it is not adequate enough to go for a new car, you will find yourself shopping for a decent used car. But one has to exercise great caution in buying a car in order to ensure that one does not waste their money on a clunker. A lot of research is required to be done on your part before shopping for a good used car. You do not want to end up buying a car if you know nothing about it. Getting all necessary information enables you to get the right car and strike the best possible deal. One of the factors that you are required to consider before buying a sound used car is the reason you are needing the car. What purpose is the car going to serve? Will you be commuting to your place of work or school everyday? Or will you be just using it on weekends? Knowing about the frequency of usage of the car would assist making a decision on the mileage of the car you are purchasing. In case the car is going to be used regularly then you would want to make sure that the car is in very sound condition and doesn’t want have a whole lot of miles on it. Another factor you will be required to consider is making the choice of the right dealer. Dealers are very important when it comes to used cars. Many crooks are out there posing themselves as good businessmen but they are there to rip you off. So you must exercise great caution while selecting used car dealers. Several dealers in an attempt to sell their cars might lie about the cars being sold to you. Ensure you deal only with dealers of repute, accept recommendations from friends who have successfully purchased good used cars. Do not have dealings with dealers who do not have a good track record and good word of mouth recommendation. You should also not get carried away by cheap prices and not make sure that the car will serve your purpose. Do not make the error of compromising on quality for the price when it comes to purchasing used cars since it would only end up costing you more in maintenance. You must also consider the quality of what you are buying before judging the prices fairness when buying a used car. Buying a reliable used car can be suitable for you if you are purchasing your first car, since it will cost you less. But you ensure that you deal with the right car dealer with a good reputation who is more eager to have continued business relationship than one sale. You should also ensure that you have an excellent understanding about the functioning of the car and if it will meet your requirements. There is no compulsion that your first car is a new one but it is important it is a good sound one. You can go for a good sound used car depending on your affordability but you must ensure that you choose the right dealer and do not make any compromises on quality for cheaper price.
Choosing A Reliable Certified Used Car For Your First Car So you have finally made up your mind to buy your first car. You may be perhaps heading to college or require improved transportation to and from work, whatever the reason, you will want a car that you can depend on to get you where you want to go. Many people are going for certified used cars in place of new models. Lot of benefits are there; one is they are normally cheaper than a new car. They undergo rigorous testing which will check up different parts of the car ranging from engine wear to original parts or whether there has been any replacement parts added. One thing about certified used cars is they are usually more expensive than a used car you have inspected yourself, but unless you know a lot about cars, the expense is probably worth it. Certified cars also carry warrantees and many other used cars do not. Easier financing is also available and lenders are used to dealing with persons whose credit may not be all that sound. Another factor to be considered for buying a certified used car is that it provides you with an opportunity to purchase the car or truck that you couldn’t afford to buy brand new. Certified does not mean the same thing to all dealerships and you have to exercise care about who you buy from. So how can you find out if a true certified car is really being offered or if the dealer is just using the term loosely? To be considered a truly certified used car, it should go through the following procedures. First the car passes through an inspection, the vehicle has to be under a certain age such as 10 years, it must have less than 75,000 miles, the car must be with the same owner for at least one year, and it has to pass a examination performed by a professional mechanic. Several dealers offer at least a 100 point inspection on their cars. Once it has passed these required norms it is said to be ready to become certified. Honda is one such certified dealer and they have a 150-point inspection, 7 year 100,000 mile power train warranty along with assistance on the roadside and the vehicle’s complete history. With all these perquisites perhaps buying certified is not a bad idea. A comparison of the price between buying new and buying certified could run tens of thousands of dollars. If you have made up your mind that you want a new car and not a used one, remember that a certified used car also comes with a guarantee and you don’t lose money as soon as you drive it off the lot like happens with new cars. So when you are on the look out for your first car, perhaps you should check out the offers of the Certified Used Car Dealers.
Deciding On Which Car Is The One For You You are shopping for your first car and have been analyzing all the options. You are trying to decide what is best for you; a car, minivan, SUV, or pickup truck. While cars normally have better gas mileage, the other types of vehicles are also quite popular. Several truck, SUV, and minivan manufacturers have carried out research on gas economy issues and are attempting to make newer models that are more fuel efficient. The automakers are shifting to a new gas formula such as an ethanol-gasoline mixture; the newer vehicles are adhering to Flexible-Fuel-Vehicle guidelines. These guidelines are focused towards achieving better fuel economy and low levels of vehicle emissions. On the other hand the larger vehicle manufacturers are making sure that if their vehicles are not fully equipped with proper parts, they can add on conversion parts which make the change easier. Another thing that the auto manufacturers are offering is the option to opt for a greater fuel economy engine but not including features such as 4 wheel-drive on their vehicles. When you talk about minivans, you can observe the difference in the aero dynamic design being manufactured today in comparison to five year ago. So, how can you tell if a minivan is aerodynamically designed? When the front portion of it has a sweep and the rear portion does not stop but bends downwards. If you are looking for a vehicle based on gas mileage alone, the car has been in the lead in the race for a considerable time, however with improvisation, the other vehicle types are making progress in this area as well. However if the parts required to convert your vehicle for using a gas and ethanol mix becomes unaffordable you can make improvements in its mileage and even its performance. A simple way of improving gas mileage is by avoiding big accessories like tires designed too huge or extra roll bars. Maintaining your vehicle properly and keeping the maintenance schedule up to date also helps the gas mileage. If you have decided on purchasing a truck as your first vehicle and the interior size is not an issue, then a small truck would perhaps be suitable for you. A small truck will get good gas mileage if proper care is taken and it is driven responsibly. Do not punch it to show off how fast it is, and also maintain a fixed speed limit while driving on the open road. No matter what vehicle you select, you can always improve your gas mileage. If you are buying your car used, check and make sure that the previous owner took good care of it and adhered to the preventative maintenance schedule. At the very least, you can buy a Carfax report to see what the car has been through in the past.
Finding The Best Car Dealer For Your First Car Purchase Purchasing your very first car can be a difficult job since there are several details that must be considered, but if you can identify the best car dealer then buying your first car will be a memorable experience. There are several car dealerships out there and there also lots of con artists among them. So if you want to be successful in buying your first car, then you will have to look not for just a good dealer but the one that is right for you. So what are some of the things to consider when choosing a car dealer to work with when buying your first car? The Dealer’s Track Record When buying your first car, especially when it is a used car, you require a good dealer with proven track record. That is, one who has been in the business for a considerable time and has a long list of satisfied customers. Track record is very vital in selecting the right dealer for you, as a good track record shows that dealer has been in business for quite some time and is expected to stay in business and values his reputation in the community. When you are dealing with somebody who values his reputation, you can be rest assured that you are very much in safe hands. Such people will go to any extent to ensure your needs are met and you are satisfied with their services. Check The Warranty Ensure that when you shop for a used car, that you get at least 30 days warranty. If a dealer does not offer you a warranty, refrain from doing business with them and go elsewhere because reputable car lots will offer a warranty even on used cars. Is The Dealer Committed To Getting You In The Car You Want? The fact is that for effecting sales, most dealerships have sales persons who are more eager to sell you what they have than what you want. The right dealer does not impose what they intend to dispose of, but rather they work towards getting you the car you want. They should make recommendations based on your lead. That is the right kind of dealer you are looking for. One who is particular about satisfying your wants and your needs, not theirs. Recommendations From Friends Sometimes you can take recommendations from friends and family in finding the right dealer for you, who can tell you about their successful business relationships with the dealer. When you rely on a recommendation from a friend you can be pretty sure that the dealer can be trusted for keeping his commitment. Compare Rates And Terms
You must be prepared to carry out a little research and make comparisons of rates and terms in order to identify the right dealer for you. Compare warranty policies and perks the dealerships offer. Finding the right car dealer can make your first car purchase a very pleasant experience but to accomplish this you must locate a dealer who has an excellent track record and is eager to satisfy your requirements and comes to you through high recommendations.
Get A Loan For Buying Your First Car Getting a loan to buy your first car should not pose a problem. Gone are those days when loans were offered to only those with good credit worthiness. Now, many loan companies have come forward to offer loans even to those who have bad credit ratings. So getting a loan to buy your first car should not be really be a big problem. Below are a couple of tips which might help you to find a company willing to give you a loan for your first car. Search on the internet for car loans The internet is ideal for finding a car loan provider. Do a search and look for companies that are close to you, or that might be located elsewhere but will allow you to apply for a loan online. You will find many such sites, just be careful you are dealing with an authentic site if you divulge any private information. Even if you don’t apply online, you will still be able to compare rates and get offline contact information. Know Your Credit Rating It is a good idea to have knowledge of one’s own credit worthiness as this becomes handy for you to get financed easier and obtain better interest rates. You could get loans easily if you have reasonably a good credit rating. Knowing one’s own credit worthiness would be helpful so you know where you stand and if you qualify for low rates due to your credit score. You Can Still Get A Car Loan With Bad Credit You should know that a bad credit history does not necessarily mean that loans will not be extended to you. Bad credit should not be a limiting factor for getting the finances for your car. It would mean payment of higher interest since your loan would pose a greater risk to the lender to lend to somebody with bad credit than to somebody with good credit, but you still can manage to get the required loan with comfortable payments if you have a down payment. Find a Good Dealer Dealers are very eager to make profits and they want to put you in a car and get you a loan. They have contacts with many different lenders and know which ones work with bad credit and no credit situations. If you work with a reputable dealer, they will do what they can to find financing for you because they want to make the car sale. Compare Rates and Terms Do not try to grab the first deal that comes your way. You always have a choice, do not forget that, no matter what your credit worthiness is. There are several money lenders and dealers out there. There is so much competition that each one is trying to out smart the other. You can exercise this to your advantage. Make a comparison of rates and terms and go for the one that is the most suitable to your financial position.
Read That Fine Print Make sure that you fully read the fine print of the document before signing for the loan. Make sure you understand the contents therein, the rate of interest, payment terms and all. You do not want to accept something you did not bother to read. Ask questions if there is anything that you do not comprehend. Raising the finances for purchase of your first car should not really be a problem if you can find the right lending company or dealer. This can be done by using the internet, evaluating your credit worthiness, comparison of rates and terms, making a good choice of the dealer amongst all things.
How To Deal Successfully With The Car Salesperson In order to make the purchase of your first car an exciting experience and obtain the best deal possible, you must know how to deal with a car sales person successfully. Normally, all sales persons, be it in the automobile industry elsewhere, are well trained to be good negotiators and induce purchase whether they require the car or not. So to deal with a Herculean task sometimes, but if you to know what to do you great deals with them.
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Sales persons normally target unsatisfied wants. So identify what it is that you need in a car. Do not allow the sales people to push you to buy something you do not need or even really want. Leave home with a well defined budget in your mind. Do not be persuaded to extend beyond your limits. The sales person should be forced to work within your budget. If this can be achieved then you will succeed in clinching a great deal on your car purchase. If you haven’t made up your mind before you reach the showroom, the sales person will be in a better position to make up your mind for you. This could result in you buying a car you don’t really like, even though you may not realize it for several days after you have it. Make sure you are able to resist the high pressure tactics of the sales person by having your mind made up as far as what it is you want, and how much you are going to pay for it. Doing some research on the car you want as far as prices go is critical in order to deal with a car sales person successfully. If you are negotiating price then you should be on a level playing field. If you do not know what the going price is for the type of car you want, you have no idea if the sales person is being honest with you or not. The internet enables you to carry out quality research in a very short time; you can access a whole lot of information on the cars, their features and their market price. To deal successfully with a car sales person you really need to be a good negotiator. A good negotiator is not fearful of or intimidated by the person with whom he or she is negotiating. Do not allow the salesperson to persuade you by developing good negotiating skills. If you are able to utilize the above tips effectively you will be in a position to deal with any sales person successfully especially a car sales person and strike a great deal on your new car. Dealing with a car sales person successfully is really not a difficult job if you learn to identify what you want and do not yield to high pressure sales tactics. Just be firm in your mind before leaving home, have a budget on hand and stick to it.
How To Get A Good Deal On Your First Car Purchasing anything the first time not really knowing its worth may cause you to pay too much for it. The same thing applies to purchasing your first car. You are expected to familiarize yourself with certain facts to be in a formidable position to negotiate, in order for you to buy your first car and get a good deal. Have An Idea Of What The Car Is Really Worth Finding the worth of a car is not always easy. But one can come up with an estimate that is close. If you are very much interested in buying your first car economically you must approach the dealer’s showroom equipped with the correct information about the worth of the car. This can be achieved by comparison of prices from different sources, asking them how much they bought the cars for and the place of purchase etc. In order to strike a good bargain, you need to be equipped with a rough estimation of how much the car is really worth. This will enable you to be in a commanding position to negotiate. Having A Budget Helps A budget in mind will enable you to buy a car economically, when you have fixed the limits of expenditure. This enables you to focus and overcome a hard bargain since you are aware that your budget on hand cannot accommodate this increased expenditure so you won’t succumb as easily to high pressure sales tactics. Cheap Does not Necessarily Mean Low Quality If you succeed in striking a great deal on the purchase of your first car, you should know that cheap does not mean poor quality. Purchasing a car economically does not mean that you purchase a junker. The underlying meaning of cheap means availability of a car at a lower value. Never, ever, compromise on quality for a cheaper price; because the costs are going to mount for repairs in the long run. Do Your Homework Well If your homework is done well, by carrying out research on the features and prevailing market prices of the cars you are interested in buying, you will be in a good position to negotiate. The sales person will not be able to take you for a ride. Make Up Your Mind First, Before You Go To The Showroom Be sure about what you want to get before leaving home and getting to the showroom. Do not end up buying something which you do not need because of an impulse decision. Don’t Appear Desperate Desperation leads to desperate purchases, which is no way related to the need Sales persons only play on your desperation. Never appear desperate when you are attempting to buy a car, as it affects your power of bargaining.
You will be able to purchase the car economically, if you remain calm, cool and collected and do not yield to the salesperson’s persuasive tactics. Do not forget, it’s all about your skill to negotiate. Purchasing a good cheap car is possible. If you going for a used car, ensure that the mileage served your requirements, take a test drive and confirm that it runs well. Purchasing your first car economically does not mean spending very little money; it is about obtaining a quality vehicle at a lower price.